Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Burl ftnd Washington counties are gnlng
in for big premiums at the next slate fair.
They propose to put up a building for
themselves nnd make their exhibit therein.
At Central City on Ihe 2 > lh , Jo . WbllVs
little boy had a narrow escape from death ,
The little fellow got hold of a bottle of car
bolic acid. And before he was noticed had
swallowed A part ot the content * .
iltisitld that Uncle lillly hni
j > ne'to > MI < qutito gtt him a wife , Mid
some of Ihnyoune Isdlci fcho hare liein
ridloR In Uncle lillly' * iirtni { w gen \&lll
have to pedestrian ! ? " , or tecnro fttiothor
suitor. 11 ehron Journal.
A pleasant company assembled nt the
residence of Mn. lr. Hunt , Monday even
Ing , toIew ths specimen * she and lur lute
husband brought with them from China
and Japan. Their three yeari residences
IH missionaries to those countrlosgnvo them
good bpportunltlei for collecting the curl-
oua In nature and art. Among n great
\aricty of specimens In Mrs. Ilunt'i cabi
net nro Image * , bottles , cups , etc. , carvei !
from minerals known aft jido hnd agahnn-
tolltc. FMU City Ob rver.
A couple of men werq In town Tuesday
1. 1 working off * otno shoddy goods by the cu-
pot scheme , which.ln becoming qultd popu
Jar with travdllrig eirimllere. 'ihey open
up their sample H of carpet * , representing
that thcywtre token from An Irnmcnio
slock , damt ( .red by fire , nnii cellffj | ? them At
very low figures three-ply fturalns nl
twenty-five tents n yH , JlmnftU nt GO ,
nnd velvet UIIWOIK At DO , ( Thli noon be-
comet polled nbron'l , and crouds flock In
and order carpets , which Is to bo delivered
In a wee ) : or BO. They curry with thun
also n ptock of silks , tntlne , etc , which
they sell nnd deliver on the spot. Thcoo
nro Inferior goods , of course , and they
make a big pntfit on them , Their carpet
Rcheme la simply to draw , nnd they will
deliver the carpet ( old when the plus begin
to fly. They tnko no mono/ , however ,
and ca.n not bo.punlshedf Wo < .ro sorry
for the largo number ot our prominent *
cltlzdjn who hndplanbd to , cnrjlet their
vViidcncea with Drutsols , nnd will be
doomed to dlsiipohitmtntw Centra } City
Courier , fc |
" ? "biiyler had n red hot lime1 dndng Ui
lair , ftart of. which llio Hun thus describes ]
"Oh trfe ncU/ftfterA6rthr bcontr'ed Wio < o <
those street riots wllch { ha\o disgracefully
OuracteHzed Schuyler nt times In tbe
past. oTobn nnd Al. Jenkins got Into
dltputo when Al. , M utnal , soon became
belligerent. Deputy , Sheriff , , .
Bteorled Al.Uol.Ttule ( : Kentaioycr'o olfii * .
JlereJMdUflco WUIinmn appeared on .the
scene rftld Induced Al. to'lonve tho'cmnt
nnd ulilcsrs , wHholijiayljig / ; nny line.jCJet -
ting n lively rig they started todtlVe avtay
but wcro InflrcciUl' | ( liy Dcgmnn.f iwh )
attempted to arrest lotb mou. Williams
resisted by U-hlni ; Dttgmnnoor tholhoiul
with the whip. DeRinnu drew his revolver -
ver nn Williams and called nn the gather
ing crowd for ails'.nncc. After a terrible
Hceno of loud cicitchicnti and I surglpj ;
hjimantty Al. was ttfcurtd , but * Wlllfnms
escape urreat , A few hours afterward
leginan , > nccomiuinlcd by several citizen *
went tb William * ' boirdfnt' t 'place nnd nil
vlned lilm to Burreiuler bhnsolf up. Hesi l
tating for tlmo.bel , . filially consented , nnd
a little later inarchod to jail and xvis
, locked tip. About 0 o'clock Al ijald i
, fine/and waa released .fiom imjiiHsonincnl.
, During the evening John McDonnell was
nrrestcd for nlillrlg the men in tho'r renfet-
' i nnce , nnd was bound over for hcarinii utitd
I'.Mondiiy. 1 Shcriir Smith having gpno to
North Ziend pn that day to make nn arrest
was absent during the trouble. At ft hear
ing Monday1 niorulng Wllllnnis plead
, guilty and wn fined $50 and costu and coh-
ligned , to Cvo days' impritohment. In
McConncJl's chjfa a Jury waa ' called , who
' held him gullby fts charged , tbe judge Im
posing n line/of 310 mid costs and thred
days' InifyrKipuinentj. On Monday nivht
Al. JenkluH got fnto another row with Jim
i Ileha'and ' StowarC Kdgar , In , which Al.
flrcdyhls pistol at Ixlgar. mlsqing , him only
. t "boaaiso | J dgar diverted the direction of
tUr weapon with his hand. Al , left town
thai night 'and bos since been intiulni : .
< /Upon the appeal of n p'etltion signed by ! n
/ number of cltircns Williams waa released
in irom impTlBorunent'Monday , " '
' " "HAYESVJLLE , 6. , Fet. 11 , 1880
I am very glad to say I have tried
Hop Bittord , and novar took any thing
, that 'did mo as much good , X only
. ' took two bottloH and 1 would not take
i i $100 foe- the good they did mo , I
recommend them to my patients , and
got the beat results' from their ueo.
- ' - > Salllvon Spuot . '
\ Special < H iiaU.h to Tim Hex. i
/ i CiiiCAfio , October 3. A. M. Bulli-
< ! ' /van , ox-mombor of parliament for
t 'Me'atli , apoko to a packed house jn
' 'Control Music hall lost' night. Mayor
' "Harrison and a largo roproauntatiou 'of '
' the Catholic clergy had auala on tha
platform , Sullivan reviewed the flitu :
ation in , Irolau4 , moderate utterances
f , beng | i coldly roco ' vod , ' , but ( radical
j tojcjieg hero a\d' ( \ there woro' loudly
' applau'dod. ' Ho spokd of Qladatoni's
high personali character ) but reminded
his hearers ho was tbe administrator
j of ] a despotiq ovornuion | as sucli { of
t ; tyranny. The T r isli , government
, never conceded a point tillit wan dan-
; , aerous to ref use if. , Ho dqclarod the
1 Jri li wpuld not disband 'p' ° lHicaj
t ; orKauir-ationa , ' America pxercisinc
/ iniluoncoion Ijurppo "which 119 liu :
J-f poan could gaugo. The mooting cloajd
( jt .witti a aofioa ot rpsolution * for uie
Apolitical Boparaltpi | of Irolmid , re id1 '
* At Ino'rrfood Park , a * northwn ,
i suburb of the city , this morning , l q. .
' dolnh Krich , ufeod eight yearn , killed
" "a domchflo in K nojijhbor'a fauiily with
au .Enfield nil ; londtd with1 alu ; s.
The killing rysu out of , a ( { Uarrol , bu-
cause * hu fiirl drew watur from ila
t)1' 3i oaie con < i"uo.or , H6p Bitters. It
' " ' ' dtao'iiBO
'roptiira'tlioiaVngbBof byi
r'verlifag ' tho'fobtl into rich bloda , iud ,
1 - V U'Klves'noV ' Hfo and vigor to'tho ' o ; od
1 * ' ' 1
* - ,
( Tlin Jennnotte Inquiry.
NEW YCUK , Octobsr 3 , AHarali
W | ) inuton | special Bays the court o !
t ihqtiiry ttaproU By tv rcHoJatio o
navy dopartmbiit oil 'Thiirsduy n < xt
when it will bo determined in wha'
order tliainquiry elmll urocood. Tin
procoedinyn will probably bo opndact
; ed with cloe d oors for the reason
the iiiquiry is Juado by resolution
v , of ppngr sa , aiidlo \ tcatunoiiy kn
( ctmcluMofla of tlie court > vjll b9 trins.
mittod by the eecrttary of thu navy io
, that bo y fof iti Action'when jt mcots
npxt Je98inber. ' [
, ' oybral inombera of the boarft of in-
" , iipoctiot ) which ozaininod the Joat&ttu
at San Francisco before she Bailed for
.tho Arctic'soa are in or near Waslijng-
, tou and will bo examined at length as
' , to the fitting out of the ahlri at Mare
, . Island navy yard , Engineer Melville ;
' , Iiieutenant Dannenhower , prof. New-
"coral ) an4 Beamen Nindennan aud
.Noro * are also within lummoni ofj the
\ i
court and will bo examined. Tong
Slnft the atownrdj is Mw irlWafihinR-
ton fttjd' 'ready ti give Ink story. If
wanted , bther [ iurvivorsj now in
Europe arc' erpectod hero before
court closes its investigation.
KnRineor MolviUo says that if nothing
otso WRS shown by the voyftRorof the
Jcannetlc , at lca t KVasI diecovcrcd
tliat an Arctic vo > ao cm bo made for
o\or two years wltlumt ono of the
ofliocra of crow being hffocted , with
scurvyl finch n thing HM niver before
fore been known ih nil the expeditions
aunt out by Austria , Krauci , Dan-
mark or England. Thb fact that
thitty-thro'j men lof Iho ship nfter
over two years' conltncmcnt in the
Arctic regions in Ihoery beat physi
cal health is something that ncoms to
Suva been lost sfcht of in the shadow
ot the sorrow which the loss of so
many of the men cast upon the history
> f the expedition. .
DoXonn's Burial.
fipocUl Dlipatih to Tim Uir :
NBW YonK , October 3. Mr. Wnl-
on , with his daughter , Mrs. Do
[ long returned to New York to-day.
ft has been arranged that all priv/vto
japcrs and the diary of Cant. Lo Long
shall bo copied for the archives of the
nuvy department and the originals
given to Mrs. Do Long.Vhilo hero
hero was some com creation as to
whore the remains of Capt. Do Lone
would bo buried ) and it was BUgRcstefl
hay should bo taken to AnnopoliH for
inal interment , where congrots wpuld
> o asked to crcot a monument to , the
neiuorj of the commander , oflicors
and ( teaman of the expedition who
perished iu Uic Siberian reg\on. \ Such
Itpbsitiug Of the romaina will probably - (
bly "depend on the actlpil of congress ,
ithorwiio the burial will bo near Now
TlcMonnut D/nenhoWdr , who
s to 'dulivon ' a numbdr of lee-
tuyes this fall and winter pn the
coni-so' tfio-Arc\ { < cxpldringlsteamor ,
.loannottq has had prepared to Illus
trate his lecture , ail elaborate and
beautifully executed chart of the late ,
pyiloua Arctic exploration.
i k Xrno to l or ' mii .
'Ton ' 6 nnht b'4 ifaU 'of aliaT o\fcr
faithful ) i wlfd and liiqther , ( constantly
wMihinirsjnd' ' 'cnVing 'firr ' her 'dent ones , '
- - " - ' - -
JiBvorliotrlf'Ctlngn Jiinglo.dnty In f
\viienthoyaroasanlled by
nnd thif/nyH'tonl nhnnliLMuve n thoruugU' ;
cleinslng , lhqptoumchand bowels rogU'
latcd , blood tnirilicl ( | 'nnd ' umlrvrlKl pqinoU'
exterminated , nho must know the that
r.lcctripliiUcnTfiroJtllo ofiiy gifro rtimSilt- . ,
THiry aro' tfio best' and 'purtiit jnodlbldo in
Llio world and only coat fifty centi. Bold
i > y O. I * " , Cinodmnn.
( ' i - ' ' 'f
i i r >
lootlonn in Counootiout.
bi > cclalDUiutci , )
.Hoiimmu , Conn. . October , 3.
&Ioat ipwns of ( ho alalo.held elections (
for lowu oljicors ypsterdoy/ The v6to
generally waa very light. In' Haiti-
lord the democrats olfcct all town
oflicors. The republican's of W6st
Hartford , Wothorsfleld , Berlin ,
Andover , Mofidan , "NVindsor , Glaston-
horry. Bdfliold. elect 'town oflicors.
[ Iartford , < Middlot6wn , Naw Britaiti ,
MoHdon , 'and ' moat of thoilarger towns
vote for license. Some of the smaller ,
towiis'voto ' no license.- ( The republi
cans of Hartford last year elected a
majority of the town.oljicora. T
WATBiiuniiY , .Conn. , October 3 ,
Thd republicans elected the town
iokot by an average majority of 200.
The municipal election resulted in the
choice of a democratic city clerk and
short ! ! ' , and republican treasurer.
Moion'i Ooo- , <
Io the Fdltor.oJ Tin Sin.
UTIVA , N. , Y. , October 3. The ap-
) licatiou for a writ of habeas corpus
n the oasp of Soraoaut Mason waa'.do-
liod. t
The Cannon Ball Collision. I
ipoclal Dispatch to .Tun UBS. , I
Hurcnisox , Ks , ' , October 3. The
tannon Ball train hero f | > r
ho west at 0:20 : last night ran in o
lasaonger'train ' NorT atSalem witc i ,
i station nine miles distant , No. 0
van on the side track waiting for the
Junnon J3all to pass , but 'tho switi h
) oinfmtsplacqU the Cannon Ball n n
ntb corapletoly / demolishing bo h
nginos'and both bagcag'o cars. Soy-
iral persons wore seriously injure 1.
'ho Cannon' Ball was running for y
niilos per hour , < i / I , i j ,
' ' . . ' i * - I
Mftrrylnp Rich. ,
You need not bo poor ani | dopondi'
lit on your wpddiug day , ( for every >
person raalo tor jemalo-noan , got U
jood round sum of money at maurin o
f thoy'liold ' a certiQcato 'df , jnombur-
) l Cedar Rapids , Jojva. . $10,000 has
Urefdyboeiiipaid\ | \ in its
WW * > th > i ] 4o wpn'UM if the
waocmtlonu orgaui u oii nd'tjiurojis
i goldpn opportunity . for thousands '
nore to reap oven lartfer benefits.
To hinct like it waa over' knpwn.
79 not i ostnonb sending in your
foquost for'circulars giving full and
complete informgtiuu regarding the
ilana nnd opporations of , the .iissocla- ,
ion , Agents can ranko bigger money
: han in any other business. It s
strictly honorable , pleasant and pro
fitable. Thlr Audit or of State hoUW
a deposit from the association M pro ,
scribp < \ ) > y law ' , , for the protection j 6 (
llitj'u1 meutb'orH. Tlu ) only assooiatu t
) f : Uip kind ) in oxUtouce prga i'zod ( to-
oprding to law , Wnto , at pnco for
circulars , Say lyJiuro , jrou " saw tjiU
' ' Siitinded ! .
ill > l ] iatfhtoTiiKllHS. . /
iWsros. O tobi-r c. The ailsn
biori is annouhood of Nelson 'W.'WI ' ' it-
oy1 , pf Millbury , lMasa. ' , ono Of itHO
hldcst manu'f&oturers in the country :
Indebtedness about S90.000.1 '
I l | J IMI M ) - -
jTho Heavenly
, , ,
. tto finq phi
werp pbtaji d at Harvard
obseryAtary of tjia oomut , which al
most ; dutjiulcly establish U us 9110 < > f
a 'brief period , According Jo the
prutunt data it must have made a
somt-re\olution around the auu in
twM or tljroo hours , or aj iho rate of
JOG fulles u second. Tle ) ac ( that tbo
euu'a atiupsphoro olTer up oheok to
its progress proves it uncombu ttUe ,
juutilfo uotooritoa. .
Expurloutia Docpt
Vi e mutt tell seine inen a fetcftte l to
teath them a httle , but the kuufrled e of
thy curative i > rdpertl < * ot Si KING tto spu
In < iaBO of tick headaohs , luJlttxt/on , and
Ulioiune w U beiwht by experleins , 1'rlce
trial bo tloj teu cents.
. , ' Aplaritts.
8j > ecUl DliJuUh to Tds bii
' OiMcunun , October 3. The"third
anneal convention of the North Am-
oritwn , bcokoopor spcioty bogarr its
sessionliero thi morning \ Si
Kidney Complalnt/Cnrml. " .
H. Turner , Rochester , N . Y. , writes : "I
hove been for over aycar subject to rerious
disorder of the kidneys , and often nnible
to attend to bttflneKisIiirfipuredyourJli -
Oc'x ltxo6'WTT ! ) ; - < , andVas relloVed be
fore half a bottle w M used. I Intend t <
continue , as I feel confident that they will
entirely cure me < " Price.S1.00 <
Vo'ora'tno ' Villain. ' v
Oriful l nod T mt . ' ' '
' A inoit shdc'ktng ' outrage * was per-
pptratod in the city luoedny morning ,
in tlid abduction of Mrs. Veers , who ,
for SDmo time , hai kept a boarding
houao here , Thu lady > previous to
coming hero had. lived ill Omaha Vith
hec husband , whb , itwould , acorn ) is A
hcartUss wretch. For reasons better
known W himself than anybody else ,
Veers wanted to get rid of his wife ,
and in ordpr to accomplish liispurpos
put up an insane job on her. Ho on-
tjrcd complaint in the regular way
ht aho was innaiie , and by trumped
up troofr ) sought to have her taken to
thox asylam , She escaped , from
liim , taxing her children with
her , and vo y. naturally canjo to tin's
cityj bftcaUldBno had two brotlioro liv [
ing here. Her brothers did all ( hey
: ould for her , and she ongagefl in
keeping boarding houao as a means of
supporting herself hud children , She
ivAs goltii/K on vwy nicely , whoa her
jruto of a husbanvd tried to steal the
children away frojn her , and dtherwlso
nado her unnecessary trouble. Foiled
n his cflort to get the children ho kept
n the dark for a time. Mrs. Veers
> oganUo breathe uasior , nnd had de
ceived herself into believing that .ho
wcmld lot her aloiio. C But this poac5
> f mind waa not to bo or long dura-
; ion , > TacB ay mbrnihg , an oiQc'cr
rom Omkha cam6 hofo1 VT'.thrall im-
porfedtly dr/awn wfllTant. ,
nrtj Iho ( rain pulled out arrested MraV
Veera on the charge of assault and
lattery , committed over two ' years
ago upon the person of Mr. 'Veers , in
) mahi , and oefprosho could be res-
sudd7 with n writ'W ' 'llabea ' corpusl
.oak herr iirit.ird.tho' and' ' atnrtdd
with , hgCffor Qmaia. | Judge Platt
jblained a nnc hiiU in company'wjtl/ /
; ho'sheriff got 16 tholtrain Iby dintiof'
iprJj rufiiiint ; jps aajit waa pulling
iut but failed to 'rcacdo tllo woman ,
Tlio ju'djJo't'Qlcf.'rtip'lidd ' to Gen. Cowan
.o..inoot Mrc. Veers at the train and
alco the , nccuauury steps to procure her
It is to bj hoped that the hard-
icartcd'inixh tohh calls hirnsolf thu
husband of Mrs * . Vicfawlll bo thwart-
id in hlo purposes , and that ho may1
bo shown up to the community
through tho'courto and nowepaporsUn
lu's real character. - " i
' Wb are credibly informed thd real
cause of Voora' conduct towards hid
wife in her rufuaaj to deed over to him
: ortain real estate which aho holds 'ill '
icr name. ,
Nervous debility , the curse the
American people , immediately yields
: o the action of Brown's Iron Bittera.
'lattsmouth Journal.
Conductor Forman , ono of the main
inors , has boon Iut out and his run
ou Nos. 1 and 2 tjivon to Conductor
i t . .J V
Conductor Koagy has been changed
from the B. it M. main line , where ho
has been running 3 and 4 botwonn
this city and Lincoln , ihas boon , transferred -
forrod to i the Ai & JN. division , an'd
F. D. Granger takes hi run , , . '
Conductor Ballin'por has the run be- '
twceh Omaha and 'PiAttsraouth , > for
merly under Erigfislu j ,
Conductor1 W. H. Fleming has just
returned from n trip over the road
with the pay < car.
Ladies and sickly Girls requiring a
non-alcoholic , gontlo.timulunt , will
find Brown's Iron Bitters beneficial.
APolltloal Riot.
Special UU | tch to Tnr Brr.
1 RioiiMokn , Va.'October13. ' Private -
vato information has been received
d the effect that the political riot at
[ /ancaator , S. C. , Thursday lost , .was
nuoh nioVo aoribus than represented ,
[ t now turna put that there were
seven persons killed 'nnd twcnty-ono
wounded. ' ' ' ' ' '
l l , 1 . I ; _
1 A'Gefaerftl Stampede.
Never was such a * rush made for any
) nitf store as la now at C. V. CJoddman's ,
or a Trial ItotUc/of Dr. King's New Dfa-
cov rv fur Cpiisumntion , Cougha and
Jold.3. .All persons allUctsd w1th5Vslhinu ,
llcfiucbltis , Ifodreeneaa. 3a\ero Coughs , far
my'alledtlimtof the 'I'JiroU and LilnJs
can g t A 'frlai Uottlo of this greatremojy
fat , by calling at aboyo paropd prug
jtore \ r
If you are sick Hop .Bitters. wU )
surely aid.Naturo making yqu'wol (
when all also ; f nib , , ,
If you i are ooatiyo or dyapentip , br
are aullnringifrom any of the numar
bus duoosos uf the etoiuaoh pr bowp. '
it/is / yqur own fault if you remain"
for1- Hop I3ittord are U | _ sovereign
rom.ody tu all ouch complainta.
i If you are wasting away with
form of Kidne } ' djeciuo , atop tern ]
Death this jnomuutj and turn lor ; n
curu toilopliittfiu : , u ( '
S Ifyou4 re a fciok with tliattvrrjble
aiakiUDj NlrviniijiiocJ , y.ou , will find a'
I" ] Uilnad" iu thci usa 'of { lop
, If j ou are a frequenter or a ruai-
duiit of a irlnujistiy ) | district , tf > jrrcnda |
your ayatemmx.viu ( the scourge of , ull
oountxieatf umlitri.d , epidemic. bUipiis ,
aud intcrmittwit fuvera by Uiq usoi of
Hop Bittern. .
If yea havoirough , pimple , or tfat-
qw fUUjibai } broatl ) , pjuns and.aclus ,
aud fed maera lo genbrally , IJop
BU | " 'ill give you fair elfin , r ch
bloqd , and sweetest breath , health t nd
cymfort ,
la short huy ' ciiro all diseases ' df
the stomach , Boyvols , Blood , LWer ,
Ncrtcs , Kidnoya , Bright'a Disease.
1 'no Hua4rod ( iolara | viU bo paid for
a case they will not cure or help , j
That , poor , bedr\ddn. \ ji aUd wffe ,
sister , mother or dauL'htor , , canibo
made the jiiQturo of health , by 'a ( ew
bottles of Hop Bittorsi coitin ; * but a
trifle. Will you let them suffer ?
HORWIOJ ! & OQ , ,
P per Stookj Woolen Rags , Iron
Hlghent Trie * * Paldl ShlumenU from the
country soltclteX Jiemittancee
v | 4 Proiifptly made. | '
< I
, no longer from Dyspep-
ppetltQfo'ssof Strength
i Jackdf Energy , Malaria ,
Intormlttent Fevers , SLc.
TERS never fails to euro
all th&so diseases. ' -
n , No\ ember cG. i 3tj
Gentlemen' tor jears I have
< pep Ia ,
j 7 ami could get no relief ( having tried
everthins which v > a recommend
ed ) until , acting on the advice of a
friend/who toft been betefmed by
Hitowfl's /IRON JlirTKlis , I .Iried a
l j lx > tlle , With mo tMirprlslng teMilts. I <
L ' I'revlotit to taking Ilno N t'lluoH ' *
UirjEn4cvcrj thine I ao distressed I
me , andul suffered greAtly from a '
burning sensation In the stomach ,
I which wu unbearable. Since talc-
f f'"S Jiif VN- ' ! lo | > ( lliTTRRS , allmy
' trculiMthrciitrt < nuCincatany
time without any dnigreeable re
sults. I am practically another
person. Mrs. W J. Ft > Nv ,
jo Maverick St. L. Ifoston ,
) r U /I'f' '
T ftS dca ) lkoabhdV-mJ ,
on tho'cligostiyo proans ,
removing all dyspeptic
. symptoms , such as tast-
* ilngUhoi6b0 $ ; > (13eldhing ( ,
Hcdt1 iA the' Stomach ,
Heartburn , etc. The
< only I bn Preparation
that will nrtt bjackon.the
lf Ydetri o lgJlto Hphdaclie.
' v
Sold by ollDrugglsts.
Bro-wn Chemical Co.
L " ' .ffi'&W , ! & . " *
' ; fi t f.iyuc fn.M
iSeel th ell lroh-Ilitiers , are made by
* UrowtVChcmfchf Cbr , nJiltmoVe/and |
i ' . i have crossed red HneiaDd trade-
* * ' " ' * . j mark onTwrajVir7
. I ifitr ? ' ' < ft\
The AROnlos of Bllllous Colic , the ln >
IcKcrlbalilo pan iot Cbranb fiidlgcstlon , tbo dc-
Mllty arid mental ntupor rfeultiofr Irom a cost \
mbl ( , may , bo ccrtalalyolUid by rifuUttng
thoejjtcni with that agrccatle and rrfrofhiDZ
Standard rrciiara.tlon.larrant's Selttcr Apealcnt *
/ 3
' CH1OAX3O ,
Embody now 1882 Improvements. Mor ,
practical foa-urwi ; Cost losi to keep In
urdci , UBalom faell wil | give moro ocit
and a larger volume ° ' pure air tnan auy
'urn co inaje. , . ( I. u
Sold by riKUCEY A DBADFOBD.Omina , Neb
_ JySl-dSm
0. SPROUT , , - ' - Propriotor.
1 12 Barney. . St.0mrliafrrl , , , } ) .
, t
n , Irrfd and Slate Hoofing , |
Spocht'a' Patent "Mbtalto Skyligh
rPatenfAtljuatfad Ratchdt. Bar
artd Bracket Shelving.1 I am ' '
' „ Jhugeneralngenbfo'nthe " | .
above Uric of goods , f i
, l , TUOr ? ITKtfQIfla. , I
OreillnKt , IUIu tr det , Varandat.tOfne * n4
Dunk Rlllnr ; . Window and 0 ll rl
Guard : I
1 ' '
Murray , & lanmhh' !
* * *
tfnd i ANnK'ERCHIEFl
Intol.riA.iuia lh' ' I
Train * lca\o Omiba 3.10 p.m.and 7:10a
For lull Infoiiuitloacalkaa H.P. DbUEL , Tl
Au-entKQj ud | ' rpata UJ. UKLL , U
lUUway Dvpot , or l JAME3T.CLAUK , Oen
Tht tuott eaatraUr lcc t < dty ,
in. u ; ; sc , flux ) , tt.Mkud , T.
Flr t Clu * Rctkurant' connected yritb tt
Locuri MtMti.
J'JntuIcrtt cm Djfrifr * ! * , UBU . ,
If y6u Me afflicts \ wllh Jlllloumc , use
If you r prostratal lh ( fck Headache , take
nunuocK crxOD iirrEns
< } our Con cla are illaorilcrctl , rceuUto them with
Ifvf > arBloodls mpure , purify Hjrlth
If joubi Jo Iddif6etlon , you will findun antidote
II you ire troubled with Sprlnp ComjilalnU ,
odlcato thcm.wllh BURDOCK BLOOD B1TTKUS.
If J-onr U' Jtl torpid , rtntoro It to healthy action
LI > or la affected , jou < ( ll | flnd a sure r -
If jouhacany tpcclcs of Humor or Pimple , fall
f you have any sjiuptoma of TJlcow or Scrofulous
Seres , a curitlvo remedy will bo found Ir.
or Imparting strength and \ltoltty tothcuj-s-
tcm , nothing can equal ' ,
Per Kcrioui and General Doblllty , tone up the
'rlco , 01,00 per Doltloi Til * Dottles 10 Cta
. , , ,
BKJlTAiO. H. "X" .
Hold it wholciMe by loh t Mellahon'und 0. T.
Ooodrmn Jo ST cod-tnt
To Nervous Sufterers
Dr. J. B. Siinpaoii'a Specific
II la a loartlrocura fflr Mponmtoirhea , Beicluu
PiTcokcio * ' , ImpoUacy , aud all dlsoasat raiultlm ?
roai ? cl-Abme ( , M Mental Anxiety , LOHI
deciorj , ? alns Inttie Biclt or Hide , and dl'tMug
Insanity an.
bar ly grave
Tlio SpeclHc
b\.lag \
( ul nnccei ; .
_ Pamphlets
ent irco ta all. Wiltclor tiem tud ret roll pir.
r p
Price , EpocJab , 51.00 pui pitligo , or six ptck
go for la.OD. Addroea all orders to
rtos. 104 and 103 Main St. Cudalo , .N. r.
Sold In Omaha by 0 F. Qcadra&a , J. W. Boil ,
and all
Bt. Louis , is ( till treatIng -
Ing all i'KIVATK. NEH-
Special Diseases , Sperma
torrhoea , Impottncy ( Sex.
nal Incapacity ) , Female
Dlnascs , Irregularities ,
Difficulties , etc.
X3 Ladles , ecnil 25 cents
( In etamps ) to p y express
chnfirn < i nn & valuable
T work"
p ( Women , etc. " Work
on CnBOitlo Dt KASSS , one stamp.
ofSellamiso 01 PrU-nta Dlscano/eend 2 tam |
or.C .EBn > i D Wotiu on > tivous ; and fcxual
llscues. . Consultation pononaJly or. by letter ,
FREE Consult the old Doctor. THOUSANDS
OUIIEJ. JOdlce In ) quiet , private , respectable
place. You Bee no ( one but the doctor , Dr.
, lar 6 la ( ho only phjslclan In the city who nir
nts curra or no pay , Medicines tent over
where. Iloura ; 8 X M , IA P P. X.
to rsi
slfl. uiHop B ,
o SwpaJBtluni K Tpnarojiftr
rlcilior nlkcli' . Dili Qrajjoiuip. utrerlLK f'cp
iio rl eaUUorlwiKHlphMliiff oa M DCO c * R-c-
nr c , nly on HOPl Olttorf. .
n'iinY r"I ou" iif I ,1 , Bt 11 " > . ' r o tn . . .
Hint yofur "J'leni'JUUH' "ap ° r ( J l.ur\eii \
O. I. O
It an l olutk
nd lrre&i tr
Uod. Me cure
* r\ttl
Youwlll ti
Hop Blttortj
, ltyou 7nlro-
w l * nd
t may
i your
life. It hn
savetf 'hun- '
Greqt ! bglif h Eomedy '
Kcver ( alls ta cu'le
Nervous D tlllty , VI-
Ul ExtiaUBtlon , Emit-
.i Seminal Wc k-
tlHOOD , and all tha
J' ' \ II cfTccta ol ) outb
jllul ( ollici bud ticoa-
Heat. It etopt pennn.
fluently nil c keuinK ,
Ilinoluntsry lotwiaad
Kdr&loi upon tha tyv
tcm , the Inevitable ro-
eult of these OMlpraC'
Ico. Men ar& w > deetruetU e to mind and body
nd maVe Ilia miserable , ottcn leading to Insanl.
y and Juath. It ttrcngthena thu Nf rves.Uralp ,
niemorrf Jllooi MusclesPlBetl e and lUpro-
uctlro Orv-ins , ' It restored to all the organic
unctlfJis their former Tiger and vltolit ) , ma
lm , " Ufa theeiful n.d ooj9)ttbe. ) l'tlce3a
ottle , or four times the quantity ? 10 , Sent by
xiiresa. B curu from obaiiratlon. to anjraddrcM.
nrctelptol l > rle . J > 0COi B , sent , xcep {
H receipt o ! l. a a KiiaranU-e. Lettoia le-
uehtlnir anincn must IccloJe Ump.
Dr."MlntIe'B DandeUon Pills
re lh belt andeh > apci djrirer iln and bllUoua
uro la tbt inaikf t. , Bold by all drugglsK. 1'rlix
0 cents.
Pji Mrsmii'i KiuMr BMBDT , NErfiimotnj.
Oureslll Wndol Kldnerld bladder oomnUluto.
ouorrbta , cleet aud luucorthca. Vet sale 0) JI
. , 6t. Loub.Mo ,
rhea , luipot
BE ! tBITAII B.i iSc..cV . * AFTW TAI1HB.
lel'Ar ( i cj j LoMOtMeinorj , Unlvcnal Lassl
ud , rtln Ih tha Back Dimnesn at Vhlon , Pra
onturt OM ARO , and mauy other Ds | < aaui thai
od to | nsaclty or Cou um | > tlon and a Prfma-
ure Orate.
ASrKull paitlealan In oar pamphlet , which
e dolre to lend free I r mill to everyone.
BpecUl c UcdldM la old by
at tlp r lockage , or S | < acktie ; tor l& , or Mill
M sent free by tnall on reel Ipt'ot tha mon r. by
addr.uioj TflK OIUX JKDIOJNE CO. ,
Buffalo , N. T.
ocTme aod
, John ( j. Jacoos ,
' ( Formerly Olah A Jioot * )
j I , | - , VHOLESALE
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
u2flt'm8 I. OBEEPELDEE & CO.
' 'Every Tub Must Stand Upon its
Own Bottom. "
And Every Wagon Upou its Own Merits.
Wo appreciate the above and mnko our wagons accordingly.
IRoapectfullr , ' WINONA WAGON CC
PARKER & BOWERS General Agents. OmnJm , Nob.
! 1
is only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.
For sale by )
The Oldest "Wholbsale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here INTI1K WEST I
General for the
find all noveliiep in SILVER Agents
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WAES. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured ,
Ricji and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
the Latest 1 Most Artistic c , any Eastern Manufacturer
> U and Dealer.
and Choicest ' -Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PREOIOUS'STONES and for cash * or installments at
1 2 Bottom Prices.
all of/PINIS
descriptions i4SjPLENDIp | stock oi
WATCHES Low Prices
a as Steinway Cnickering ,
ces ad is compatible with Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi
"aonprable dealers. Call anbs , and other makes.
and see our KlegantNew Also Clough & Warren ,
Store , ' Tower , , 'BuiIding , Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
cornerllth and Farnham
not fail to see us before pur'
A Large Stock always on Hand.
Window Shades1 and Ourfcaius ,
Paints , Oils & Brushes.
107 South | 14tU Street *
Taught by gentlemen of buainoaa experience aud broad scholarship at the
A new inatitutton based on the hlgheat atandard 'Ji 'excollenoej fDay and
and evening sessions are now in Buccessful operation , , i - ,
BFoplr < ; ular orBi > cciallufonnatIoa pvlyt6 iraddreia ( J ' ' . " '