Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1882, Image 1

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A I ' I V ( Kir ' 1
X3" "
: ' * -
Just opened ONE HUNDRED
casoa of Boots and Shoes , comprising
the very latest ftylos , nnd nil of the
most celebrated makers.
ia extended to all to come and exam
ine our immense stock , as wo will make
prices lower than have over been of
fered iu this citv.
a complete stock of
Ladies' Shoca ,
Gonto' Boote.
Gents' Shoca.
Boys' Boole ,
Boys' Shoos ,
Misses' Shoca , \
Babica * Shocu ,
Every pair going out of our estab
lishment is warranted to suit. You
can also save-
10 to 25 Per Cent
by buying of us , both iu pries and
Helm rod
& Dormann
( Saccesaors to F. L ig ) '
Leading Supply House-of tlie'ffest
As wd receive daily fresh nnpplies
Groceries & Pro
Wo can asauro the public that we
do not handle any other but
I Oar businaea being very extensive ,
our sales quick , wo can afford to offer
goods at living prioaa to all. Wo
Which wo always warrant to bo ex
cellent , and to give satisfaction , Wo
have proofs that there is no bettor
flour iu the market.
Oomo and * Order a Sack ,
Wo constantly keep on hand a largo
stock of
And all other varieties which wo sell
at bed rock prices.
California Sugar
Wo handle in large quantities and
wo can recommend it all to be the
purest sugar in the market
Flavoring Extracts ,
Limburger Cheese ,
Swiss Cheese ,
Royal Baking Powder ,
Fresh Fruits
' / and Vegetables ,
Wo constantly keep on hand in largo
. & Dormann ,
8. W , Corner 13th and Jackaon Sta
The Anti-Monopolists of Kow York
Eiiteo the Democratic
Hoket ,
The HaohiueB of Both Partieu
to Grind in
Qeorgo William Curtis Writes
on Folger and Reform.
Now York Fnporr , 'With Few Ex
ception * , Oppoied to Folgor.
Conventions , Nominations and Elec
Now Yorfe Antl-Monopollsid.
Special Dttpatch to THE BKK.
ALBANY , October 4 , Tlio atato
committee of the anti-uionopoly party
ondoiscdunreservedly , Mr. Hepburn ,
republican , for congresamon-at-large.
Go baring declined , the entire demo
cratic ticket was endorsed. In the
address to the people , it ia claimed :
"Tho anti-monopolists roeoijnizo the
rightu of capital as well BS labor. Wu
appreciate thiTbeueGts which corporate
organization has conferred upon the
huiimn race. Wo will labor ao a lead
fastly to maintain the rights of cor-
porntiona as to enforce observance uf
their dutief , but the time has come
when the people must organize and
work to counteract the malign infiu-
enco which has become so potent in all
political parties , and oblige thoao par-
tics to live up to their professions and
restrain the power for evil wielded bv
a few unocrupulaus men , who have ob
tained control of the great forces of
the century , and who , in their use ,
recognize no principles of notion but
parsorfal or corporate aggrandize
Samuel F. C.\ry waa ran on a the
speakers at the mass meeting to-night.
Chicago Politics
Spi'dal Dispatch to THE HKK.
CIIICAOO , October 3. The demo
cratic state comtral committco is in
session hero thia afternoon , and has
decided to make n push for the control
of the next state legislature by nomi
nating two out of every three repre
sentatives in districto where hereto
fore , under the minority representa
tion , they had been content to cloot
one , Hiid in democratic district. ! to
nominate a full representation.
The republican primaries of the
First district , South Diviaion of Chicago
cage , and adjoining towns , were hold
thia afternoon , and indicate the re-
nomination of Win. Aldrich.
Curtis oit rnlgwr.
Spocl&l Dltpatch toTUKlBix ,
NEW YORK , October 3. George
William Curtis , in a letter to the sec
retary of the New York civil service
association , says : Judge Folger'a
ability and character are not in ques
tion , but hie nomination is. That
nomination was procured by the com
bined power of fraud and patronage ,
and to support it at the polls would bo
to acquiesao in fraud and patronage as
legitimate forces in a nominating con
vention. Every good citizen is bound
resist to the utmost such wrong to free
institutions and the only effectual way
in which voters can emancipate them
selves from the corrupt and debasing
rule of the machine ia to
defeat Ita candidates. I bolluvo it
will bo done decisively by the re
publican voters of Now York and
Pennsylvania at the election this
autumn. They would see their party
defeated rather than fraud and cor
ruption of patronage triumphant.
Events in both states show no graver
political peril now confronts the coun
try than complete subjugation of the
party by unscrupulous cabals which
bribe with public employment and
pay their way by filching from the
public treasury. This is an evil which
will end in violence unless conclusively
rebuked by the people at the polls ,
Cnmmonta Upon Folger'a Iiottor.
U [ > rchl DI iuUli to TIIK UKK.
NEW YOIIK , October 4. The Times
aaya : Unfortunately not oven his
( Folger's ) great ability , high character ,
good intentions nor oven reason
able assurance to make an excellent
governor , in spite of the influences
that have been enlisted in his behalf ,
hia cnndiducy cannot sufllco to
meet the one chief objection
of.thcmo who are dissatisfied , That is
fixed bayond recall in the records of
the paat. It is not in 1m power to
wipe it out. The republicans of this
State were not permitted by untram
melled choice , by free oxorcian of aol-
ogatod power , honestly and fairly executed -
cuted , to nominate their own candi
date for governor , and many of them
fool the- principle they vindicate oven
inoro important for the time being
than the excellent ideas of State and
national policy which uro urged in the
letter of acceptance.
The Evening Poet says ; Judgn
Folger'a loiter of acceptance is not a
cheerful or inspiring documei t It
could not well be under existing cir
cumstances. A man who feels him
self obliged to make an elaborate
apology to the people for being a can
didate , and who virtually asks them
for suspension of judgment as to the
conscientiousness of his conduct in
accpting the nomination , cannot bo
expected to bo quite free from certain
depression of spirits when speaking to
the public. It is the men , circum
stances and influences surrounding
him that make hu election unaccepta
ble to a largo clement in the republi
can party. The confession of his per
sonal feelings with regard to hla can
didacy , therefore , are rather calcu
lated to strengthen than weaken their
objections to him.
The Commercial Advertiser says ;
Nothing can be said hero that would
add to the strength of Mr. Folgor'a
statement. Hia dignity , frankness ,
sincerity and devotion to republican
principles speak for themselves. The
duly of republicans ia plain. Elect
the ticket , and elect it for reason *
which hixvo botn so forcibly stated in
the letter of acceptance. Thrro can bo
no turning bick or aside. The field is
before the republicans , and they wijl
bo untrue to thomsolvea and to their
great party if they do not win it.
The Evening Telegram soy : Fol-
Her is probably wrong in his estimate
of the darnago which the party would
incur by rightful declination of thia
nomination. Ho is evidently wiong
iu imagining hia pirty can bo bone-
fitted by hia nascnting to the conauin-
nmtionof an acknowledged wrong.
The Mail and Wxprcra snya : Aa
might have b on expected of so bravo
and honest a man , ho faces without
fear and handles withoiu gloves the
convention frauds that hnvo boon ao
dishonestly manipulated and mlsrop
resented in the interests of general
calumny and chaos. In the torao and
masculine- style that no fitly cornea
from a man utterly devoid of the
cowardices thnt always belong to the
weak and inaincoro pretenders , ho re
views calmly the hiotory of the frnuJp
that only affected n single matter , the
recommendation of the atato com
mittee as to the temporary chairman ,
and that did not nll'oct a einglo vote
in the convention , oven on the prelim-
i-ary nkirmish in its proceedings.
The Brooklyn Eaijlo says : Mr. Fol-
gor's letter accepting the so-calledjro-
publican nomination ia one of the
most extraordinary documents in our
political literature. Never before hai
it , to The Eaglo'n ' kuowledi/o , been
deemed necessary by a. candidate for a
great uflico to present himself an an
Apologist for acknowledged fraud in
the convention which submitted hia
name to the people , audbog the voters
to believe that , while forced by atross
of circumstances to figure an a repre
sentative of such a body , ho hud no
hand in debauching ita character.
The turn of affairs imposes upon dem
ocrats exceptional responsibility. It
is their highest duty now to BO behave
in their nominating conventiona , and
later on in the management of the
state , aa to give no republican caiuo
to regret the spirit with which ho
atruck down wrong-doora in hia own
The Brooklyn UnionArgua suyn :
The letter in which Judge Folger
accepts the republican nomination for
governor iaa manly , honcatand plainspoken -
spoken declaration of hia position in
relation to the republican party and
to the convention by which ho was
nominated and to the principles as
embodied in the platform of the con
vention. Republicans nnd all who
desire au economical , honest and vig
orous administration will find in Judge
Folgor'a letter muny reasons to make
thnm satisfied with his nomitiationand
promote hia election.
The Brooklyn Times says : Judge
Folgor occupied a column or
more which , devoted to an
apology for not declining , Is
a sorry and discouraging pro-
ludp to his statement of princlplpc. Ac
companying , the letter of declination
from Mr. Hepburn puts an additional
plaintive strain into the sad dirge over
stalwart method and mismanagement
and the fatal policy of an administra
tion that will live in history aa having
marked the "rule and ruin" era on
the records of the republican party.
Hopbnru'a JJottor.
NEW YNHK , Octobers. A. B. Hop-
burn nominated by the recent repub
lican convention , hold at Saratoga ,
for the oflico of congrossman-at-largo ,
writes aa follows :
NEW YOUK. October 2. Hon. John
F. Smyth , Chairman Republican State
Central Committco : DEAU Siu
Having recoiv.od no formal notice of
my nomination for the office of con-
grossman-at-largo by the recent re
publican convention , I address this
communication to you. It is quite
apparent that owing to unfortunate
circumstances that have come to light
since the adjournment of the conven
tion a very largo portion of the re
publicans of the atato are not disposed
to accept its conclusions as the author
itative utterance of the party. Noth
ing should bo loft undone to secure
unity and harmony in the party , and
1 do not think it right to enter upon
the canvass without an earnest cll'jrt
in that direction. It seems to mo
that for the purpose attaining such
result all questions should bo submit
ted anew to representatives of the
party , assembled for such purpose
and in the furtherance of that object.
While fully appreciating the very high
compliment paid mo by the conven
tion , and returning my sincere thanks
for the same , L Jdoom it my duty to
acquaint you with my declination of
said nomination.
Very respectfully yours ,
A. B.
Robaklng the Forcer * .
Kpeclil Dispatch to Till U .
ELUIIIA , October 3 The Havana
ftomizer , the republican newspaper of
Schuyler county started by friends of
Outfield two years ago , refutes to sup
port the republican utato ticket.
Nomination * for Ooncrr.ii >
Sj > Mal Dlqutch to Tint UKK.
NKW OIILKANH , October 'I The
( 'wnocrts of the Second district noin-
ii.urud K. John Ellis for congress ,
GiiKKNKiEU ) , Mass. , October ! 5
The republicans of the Eleventh con
gressional district nominated Win.
BAI/TIMOIIE , October 3 , Andrew
0. Chapman was ronomlnatod for con
gress by the democrat ! of the Fifth
A. Motet in Politic *
8Nlat | Diluted to Till Ilex.
UAKTFOUD , Ootobor 3 Luzon B.
Moaes expects to receive to-morrow
the democratio nomination for gover
nor. _
A Democratic Victory-
h'jHxIil Dbpatch to THE Dr. * .
WILMINGTON , Del. , October 3 ,
The state is regarded democratic by
4500 majority.
Croat Reiornxi Favored.
Ujwclal tlUiutcb to TUE lift.
JSTnw You ? , Octobor.y'Qi'e ' Ameri
can Chamber of Commerce "adopted
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
[ fl % ufl
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
The Brightest Lighted , Best Appointed .Tobbitu ; Uniiso in America , containing the
arcest Stock of Dry Goo da and Notions went of the Mi&aisaippi. Solo manufacturers
of the celebrated ; FSt |
icBonald's Overalls , Buck , Denim and Cottonade Pants ,
In all stylet now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guarantqed , Remember
: R. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
resolutions favoring the poatul tele-1
; rnph , postal savings bank , Urill'coinI I
ulsaton , bureau ' of labor statistics ,
md permanent exhibition.
Spocli.1 Dispatch to TIIK ORB.
WASHINGTON , .October 3 Professor
ser Tildon submitted to District At
torney Oorkh\ll \ ropotta uf the chemi
cal examination just concluded , of
the poisoned jboiKjuet given to Uuiteuu
by Ilia Bistef , Mrs. Hoovilk , the day
before the .execution. Tno report
saya a largo bud of a luilf-opon
flower contained over Cvo yraiua of
white uraonlo , nut only nuffieiont to
cause death'had ' it been nwallowed ,
but solargolf in excess of u fntai doao
that the [ intent of the per-
aon who 'prepared ' the lloworn
would have 'baon defeated by
euietlw.faT / 'fifiinn ! A'oount of
arsenic waa greater than found , as the
potala failed to retain In their dry
atate , some of which adhered when
Oorkhill aaya ho ia trying to dis
cover who poisoned the flowers and if
found will bo held to answer. *
The American taxidermists' abcioty
will hold their annual exhibition in
Now York , from Dae. 4th to 10th.
5 The postoflico department ia endeav
oring to atop the practice of postmast
ers using money from sales of atamps
in their own buninots , while reporting
to the department they have alampa
on band. One poatmaater ordered
$300 in stamps and oold almost imme
diately $000 worth , but he reported
to the department ho had only sold
about S200.
The coinage of the various mints
during ( September is § 8,009,252 , of
which $2,300,100 are standard dollars
lars ,
It is estimated there will bo a sur
plus of abput $2,000,000 In the appro
priations made for star route service
the lost fucal year.
The Jfloas of Importer * .
Rjietiil DUimkli to Tun UKK.
Nuw YOIIK , October 3. The
tariff commitsion mot at Windsor ho
tel to-day. Goo. W. Deano road the
paper on the defects of the pretont
tariff system and remedy therefor.
Joseph Lyon , representing A , A. Low
& Bros , , importers nf jute , sugar and
sundries , read an argument against
the proposed increase of duty on jute.
Win. D. Marvel ! , importer , read n
long argument in favor of nbjlition of
the duty on raw materials ,
Adjourned ,
Bancroft , the Hlitoriau ,
Special Dei ! > aUli toTtiu lite.
NEW YOUK. October 3. George
Bancroft , the historian , celebrated hia
B3d birthday , and an entertainment
waa given in his honor by Attorney-
General Browater , who returns to
Philadelphia Thursday.
Improving Calumet Rlvor.
SpocUl Pltpatch to Till llm.
OmoAfio , October 3 , The board of
United HUtoi engini t ra mot hero for
the purpoftu of dotcniiining the loca
tion of the channel and lUmg on a
plan for general improvement of Calu
met river at south aOicago.
Foroluti Mltsloni.
Hpeilal Dlspntih to Tin Jinn.
POUTLANB , Me. , Ootobor 3. The
aovouty-third annual mcetini ; of the
American Board of Foreign Miesioris
opened session this afternoon , Presi
dent Mark JJopkina in the chair.
Throe thousand from outside are in
A Carmelite ! Sitter.
S ] > c < .lal DUjutth to Tine Iltr. .
BAUIMOHK , Md. October 3. Helen
paulineMcMattorayoungest daughter
of the James A. MoMaatera , editor of
The Oatholio Freeman , New York , waa
received this morning Into the Car
melite convent , Archbishop Gibbous
addreawd the young lady on the duties
of hor'tttito of life. Many clergymen
assisted iu the ceremonies ,
BladBtouo Tliaiifcs Gail and tlio
Troops for Success in Egypt.
The Eliedive'H Influence Below
Par With the JVnssea of
The CJrrat. lined ol'mi laiorcinr in
Iroltiud Henry
Tallin la Cork.
General Items From Other Klnfidomu.
Bpeclnl llnutch ) ] toTilK DEK.
OAIIKI , Ootober 3. Biker Tasha
thinks the European inhnbitnnta , who
now contribute nothing In municipal
tuxca , should piy their aharo of local
Qonoral Wolsely will probably ar
rive in London on the 23d Inst. The
khedive will decorate the colonel and
throe other oflicora of each British
regiment that aided in the suppression
of the rebellion.
C\uio , October 3. A aoporate
building is loing llttod up for
the reception of prisonera to bo
tried by the court-martial , including
Arabi Kiaha mid Toulba 1'auha. TJie
court will nit on the same premises aa
that in which the priaonors are con-
Until in order to obviate the necessity
of conveying ( hem to and fro. The
lower cluBaea tail to realize the defeat
of Arabi I'aalm and the national causi > .
Among the commercial Kcction and
middle elaaocs bettor feeling prevails.
In inlluential native circles it ia not
expected thnt reaped for the khedive
can bo restored.
OAIUO , October 3. The khedive
conferred the tr ; < uid cordon of the
Order of Modjidet on General Ady.
Two buUoriea of artillery have start
ed for Kuropo
Five hundred refugees , moutly
Greeks , have returned to Alexandria.
LONIION , Ootobor 3. Qladstono , re
plying to an address at a railway sta
tion to-day , referred to the question
of rracoduro in the commons. Ho
said tlio house could not meet the
tremendous calls on its energies utlcaH
it could fthako oil' all timidity and fear
of cant phrases , and sot itself reso
lutely to the task of bringing proced
ure into harmony with the calls on it.
Referring to Kgypltan affairs , he said
he thanked God for the aucceia
of the British in Egypt ; he
thanked the army there and its skil
ful general. The war had been pro
voked , The army waa composed of
men aa brave as their forefathers
everywhere. The war had been car *
ricil on' from love of peace and the
principles of peace , Gladstone trust
ed Kgypt would again bu prosperous
and happy. His remarks were re
ceived with prolonged clieora.
OAIUO , October 3. B&ker Paehn
has presented to the khedive 11 echumo
for the reorganization of the Egyptian
army , a portion of which shall coneist
of gun d' armie , which will probably
bo recruited from Albanians. Thu
scheme provides for the formation of
a municipal police for towns , to bo
drawn from the most trustworthy ni-
tivo olomentH.
OAIIIO , Octobor3. The khedive will
give a banquet to-night to the Britiah
ollicera here ,
The Duke of Tcck haa received the
decoration of the order of Osmanich.
Two courts are to bu constituted to
try Arabi J'aelia and other spoclul tri
bunals to deliver judgment. A private
examination of Arabi 1'aatio. was held
to-day. The regular trial bogina to
Au\ANimiA , October 3. While the
arrival of the khedive at Cairo was
being celebrated by illuminations
at Ansioot n thousand Muasolmen at
tacked the Oopta and threatened to
kill all Uhnotiitmj in the town. The
mudir interfered nnd quelled the rlota.
TUVINU Tin : 111:111 if ,
Ai.EXA.NiniiA. October 3 , A num
ber of prinonero , including Nirot ,
Arabi I'iinliu'H I uropean adviser ,
arrived hero from Oitiro for trial.
LONDON , October 3 - It has boon
decided to bruit ; u number of non-
cominlBoioned ollicera of the Indian
rcgitnonlB from Egypt to England ao
that the queen inuy present them with
war medals.
PAIUH , Ootobar 'i Tlio Figaro pub
lishes ii report that the pope while
walking in the gardens of the Vatican ,
was llrcd at by n soldier , but not hit.
The report has not been confirmed ,
and ia discredited at the Italian em
bassy in London.
LONDON , October 3 Gladstone ia
bettor. 11 o drove yesterday , notwith
standing the wet weather , and visited
the quarries in the neighborhood of
Ponnmon Muwr.
Uunux , October 3. Ton men wore
arrested near Cross Maaglon for trea
son and felony , and committed for
HAMKAX , October 2. Friends of
Conley any he will not row Hosa in
St. John. Ho is willing to row in
any neutral water.
DUIIUN , Octobur 3. A farmer was
murdered lust night near Boyne
county , RoBoonilion. The crime un
doubtedly ia agrarian , Several arrests
have bojn made.
TIM : HAOOH , Ootobor 3. Cholera
is epidemic in ICatU Iladja , Borneo ,
and in Atchin , Sumatra.
LONDON , October 3 , The fire in
the castle at the military barracks at
Knniskillen haa been extinguished.
ATIIKNH , October 3. The govern
ment , in anticipation of possible re
newal uf complications with Turkey
in regard to the frontier , haa ordered
Greek troopn on the Theasalian border
reinforced ,
A TKIlSKCUTi : ! ! 1-KOrLK ,
PKKHHIIUIIO , October 3. Six hun
dred Jewish familcs left this city on
account of riots.
HAMMKNPKHTOctober 3 , The
steamer Louise returned from the
Karo sea. She reports hard frost and
accumulated ice prevent passage. She
loft the Danish exploring vessel Sep
tember 22 , ice bound , 80 miles cast of
Va atis Island. All well. They
hoped fhortly to bo free.
PANAMA , September 2-1. Long-
continued drought has ruined the
governments and rebels of Central
America , and now a dangerous fever
ragrs along the coast , which adds to
the sull'orin nnd terror of the peopjo.
Cholutccay , Honduras , ia being
decimated. Izar Imlo , the San Salva-
tor volcano , continues to erupt , but no
other outbreak is known at present ,
At 3:35 : a. in. a blight earthquake
shock waa felt in Lima and other.parta
of Peru.
The Chilian government haa com
pleted arrangement for sellinc the
Peruvian , nitruto .deposits at public
NOWB comes from Peru of the death
of Dr , Goorgu A. Ward , at Corrode
Paste. Dr , Ward served aa Burgeon
duritg the American war , and for
many years hold a professorship at
Yule ollcge. When the late Henry
Mcigs U'gan couatructiou of Peruvian
railways Dr. Ward waa called to Pent
and given medical superintendence of
Mulondo , and [ Ari Quipa , and other
Logan , United States minister to >
Chili , and family , arrived at Valparaiso
raise August 30th. Gen. Manoy , late
United Statco minister to Bogota , ia
in Panama on hia way to Lipos , Boli
via , to release General Adams.
ST. Pr/rniiHiiuuo , OstobcrS. The
Russian Courier saya Tian Chu , , the
lender in the Dungiin rnbcllion against
the Ohinoae , ia dead.
COIIK , October 3 Henry George ,
in a cpecch hem to-day , urged tbejna-
tionalization of land as the only'volu
tion of the land question , not only4 in
Ireland but In the United States ,
where ho said ho saw the land ques
tion coming to the front. George haa
not latterly been subjected to espionage
age *
AflltAltlAN C'ltlMi ; .
DUIILIN , October 3. Thoa. Browne ,
a farmer residing in Oastloisland ,
County Kerry , waa ahot dead near hia
own house to-day. Agrarian crime.
DUBLIN , October 4 The police ) be
lieve the murderers of Lord Frederick
Cavendish and Under Secretary
Burke numbered ton , and uro still in
Ireland , but that unless the aid
of an informer can bo secured the
crime cannot bo brought homo to the
guilty parsons. The weapon ? used in
commission of the murders wore found
some weeks ago.
A n i' A n Annum ,
PAIIIS , October 3. Cloud Antoine
Jules Noviao , French writer , ia dead.
Railroad Accident.
HpoclM I > itutctic9 ) to Tin Him.
Nr.w OKUIANB , October 3. A
Picayune Chattanooga apodal Bays
concerning the accident on the Memphis -
phis > t Charleston road near Dccatur :
The train wiis moving at u rapid rate
when the sleeper and a first-clans coach
wore thrown from the track by a
broken rail and sent rolling down the
embankment fifty feet high. The
olecper rolled over twice nnd the coach
throe times. There wore twenty-two
passengers in the two cars. All except
live wore more or leas seriously in
jured , The sleeping car conductor ,
Bingham , waa taken through the city
to-night en route to Lynchburg , His
death is inevitable.
iXho Tariff iGoiunmsion.
Specialdlniutili to Till HIE.
NKW YOUK , Ootobor 2. The tariff
commission resumed its labors in thia
city , J , 8. Moore road a long review
of tarill' legislation and then quoted
and commented upon sis distinct prin
ciples laid down by Robert J. Walker
when secretary of the treasury. Moore
in concluding his statement submit
ted u proposed revision of the tariff ,
James Wolfendnn , a Jersey City
machinist and engineer , road a state
ment in relation to the tariff on tin
plate nnd ill ingredients , urging in
crease of duty. Adjourned till to
AiioOier Line of Ocean Steamer * .
i > lH > clal DUjutcb to Tut Hex.
BALTIMOHK , Ootobor 3. The Gen
eral Transatlantic company of Franco
start Wednesday the first ship to ply
regularly between Iluvro and Balti
Blaluo Sick.
t'liccUl Dispatch to THE UK * .
PORTSMOUTH , Neb. , Ootober 3.
James G. Blaiuo , stopping at York
Beach , ia reported very ill yesterday
and day before , but more comfortable
last night ,
PonTsiiouTii , N. II. , Ootobor-I. 1 V
1:40 a. m. Ex-Secretary Blaiuo waa
taken down with fever , which ho
ntcribos to malaria , upon his return to
the city , Friday last. Saturday a
physician waa summoned , and Sun
day another was called in , Sunday
night the crisis waa passed and he haa
been steadily improving ainco. To
night ho telegraphed Mrs. Blaiue ho
expects to reaoh home thb week.