Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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"With Which the Ozar of Eussi
rcas Scoretly Invested
Recently ,
Datailu of tbe Grant Moscow
Oeremony of Auti-Ni-
bilisfc Daye.
Tlio Czar un Czar nt nil Uiitll ho
linn Been Crowned
Fommtlon of the Procession find the
Words Hpoken nt the Crownlnif.
N. V. Times.
The ceremony of the coronation o :
the czua of Russia may in oomo ru
epccts bo cilled tliu greatest ceremony
in the world. It in inipoBsiblo to con
ceive of anything that Burpassca it in
grandeur , rplendor and richnoca. Nor
is its political itnporlalico to bo over-
looked. The czar is utterly powerless
as n monarch previous to being crown
ed ; ho cannot proclaim war or sign a
treaty of peace , nor can ho confer
decorations of a higher order than the
rladunir , nor can ho enter the throne
room , lie is not styled by his sixteen
titles , but is simply addressed as
Alexander , son of Alexander , and , by
courtesy only , ompcror of all the llus-
ias. Any document hu might
would bo disregarded
his seal _ to
regarded if not countersigned
by two of the ministers of state. Ho
is in every respect considered n minor
or heir presumptive to the empire , in
which ho has no authority , and which
is governed by a regency of ministers
and hereditary .noblemen. It can ,
therefore , bo easily understood that
the czars have always hastened their
coronation , not wishing to bo under
tutelage , and in the majority of cases
the coronation has occurred within
two months of the death of
the czir'a predactssor. Where
there hi ; been a duputo abnut the
throne , or oven where the throne has
boon uuirped , as in the e.iao uf Ci-
thorino the Great , the coronation has
taken place immediately. Catherine
eft St. Petersburg eccrolly on the
very day of the death ot 1'otor , and
hastened to Moecow , where she wna
crowned within a week. The ilm-
niana do not believe the Czar to bo
"tho most powerful by the grace of
God" until ho has been anointed at
Moscow. Peter III. was buried in
the common burial ground of the little
Church of St. Athnnasius , instead of
being laid among the Czara inside the
the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul ,
in the St. Petersburg citadel , because ,
although lu w ? emperor , ho had not
"beon crowned.
Long before the day fixed for the
coronation oflicial invitations are ser > l
to all friendly imperial and royal
courts , and to presidents of .republics ,
also to the diplomatic body. Com
mands , however , and not invitations ,
are sent to all members of the im
perial family , the ministers , clergy ,
the nobles , commanding o Ulcers , gov
ernors of districts , the head of all the
guilds , the judgoH , and other notables.
At Moscow , from this immemorial ,
have boqn crowned the czara. The
ceremony has boon performed in the
church of the Holy Assumption , with
in the Kremlin walls.\ Although some
of the late emperors have wished their
toronntion to toke place in St.
Petersburg , the advisois of the crown ,
and especially the clergy , have de
clared that such a coronation would bo
illegal. For many days previous to
this ceremony Moscow is inholidny attire -
tire and by an old law every house in
"Moecow .must have received three coats
of white paint. Such a low is now un.
ncceisary , as the inhabitants not only
willingly paint their house , but com
pete with each other In decorating
them externally , Invited monarchs ,
princes , and diplomats are the guests
of th Kremlin palace , but any Rus
sian nobleman coming for the occa-
nion goes straight to the house of a
MOECOW noble of his own rank , who ,
though not acquainted with him , is
bound to give him accomodation ,
while other ollicinls go as the guests of
the cily of Moscow , to the various
hotels and other establishments , where
their expenses are paid by the muni
The Kremlin is not ono building ,
but an tnorinoua octagon plat of land ,
surrounded by high walla and fort
ress , containing four crown palacoi ,
the cathedrals of the Assumption , the
Archangel , and the Annunciation ; the
governor's palace , the headquarters of
the Guards regiment , and a number
of monasteries and nunneries. All the
walls are snow white , the fortresses
emerald green , the principal entrances
roue color , and-tho roofs of the cathe
drals glided , the whole forming a beau
tiful conibination , the effect of which ia
very striking. With the exception of
the cathedrals and their pretty
boll towers , which nro built
in a cluster , there are largo npiccs be
tween the other buildings , and with
aoldicra inarching , carriages driving ,
priests , nuna and othura walking
about , the Kremlin has the appearance -
anco of a beautiful city. The proces
sion does not form in the Kremlin ,
but at the cavalry barraskg , four miles
diitant , to the north of thu city. Hero
eixty heralds , mounted on cruanvool-
area horses , form twenty abreast , and ,
commanded by Ihe chief master ol
ceremonies , blow a salvo , and the
oflicor commanding the cavalry ap
pears with his stall'und demands what
they require of him , to which the
master of ceremonies replies : "Tho
czar commands thee follow mo. " The
'gates are then opened , and the regi
ment , which has been expecting the
summons , marches out and follows the
heralds. The next place visited la I ho
university , where the same thine takes
place ; then the cathedral of Kazan ,
where all the clergy are congre
gated ; then the law courts , where thu
judges join the procession ; then the
headquarters of thojnoblos ; then the
staff uilicera ; then the various pro.
/cations ; then the governora ; then the
deputations from every quarter of the
empire ; then the trade guilds , and in
every case the heralds blow the salvo.
The chief of the clergy , of the nobles ,
of the guilds , or of any other body
appears , as if lie was surprised , end
asks what ia wanted of him , where
upon the muter of ceremonies replies -
plies : "Tito czar command * thee fol
low mo. " Thus the procession goes
en swelling. Arriving at the princi
pal gate * of the Kremlin and finding
them cloacd , the heralds blow the !
trumpets , the commander of the tlM
neon appears and asks what the
want ; the crowd replies : "Tho czar.
"What for ? " Bays the officer. "T
crown him the most powerful of povt
orful ! " replies the crowd , and th
gates are then opened.
Hero the procession is hciuloJ b ;
the Metropolitans of Moscow , Kmn
Novgorod , and KtelT , and they proceed
coed to the front of the palace , wher
deputations from every part of th
empire , consisting of llmsmni , Mon
goliaiu , Koiim.iniiuip , Calmucke , Af
ghan * , Kirghcce , Eiquimatuc , lurcu
man ? , Bulgarians , Cftincsn , Tartars
Armenian * , Mingrolians , Laplanders
Persians , Finn * , Circassians , Baakhir1
Bonkarrnii , Georgians , Coutzovlaki
and Poles , all in their national COR
tumor , leave the procession , and will
the bishops advance to bclox * th <
imperial balcony and call upon the
czar to como forward. The omporoi
then appears at I ho entrance of the
palnco in the uniform of a colonel o !
thu imperial guards , with the cm
> resn dressed ai a Russian peasant or
: iin arm , and followed by their suites
upon which the deputation kneels. lit
.hen asks of them what they require ol
lim , and the Metropolitan of Moscow
replies that they have boon sent from
ovcry part of his majesty's dominion !
o sue the crown put upon hia head , sc
hat they can assure these who sent
hem that the czar ia verily the Lord'c
anointed , that they may obey none
other than him. Prom hero they all
micocd to the Oithrodal of the lloly
Assumption , the ground being cov-
arcd with bay leaves , vhoro high
imsa ia read. The emperor and
empress occupy seats on the
right hand side , near the bishops ,
where they remain until 'bo second
OBBOU , when they are conducted by
ho Metropolitans to the center of the
church , trhcro stands a largo canopy
sf scarlet velvet embroidered in gold
ind surmounted by the Russian doti-
) lo-he.vdcd oaglo. On a platform un-
Icr this canopy ia the famous histori
cal throne of thu Gzir Vladimir
tlonomaquc , beside which is an ordi
nary throne for the empress , and on a
able facing the emperor's throne arc c
nantle of ennino and the ancient
srnvrn and sccptro of Gonstantinus
MonomacUua. As soon na ho mounta
he platform all the noblea surround
lim , and drawing their swords plpca
them nt'hia fout. The metropolitan
low asks thu emperor if ho in a true
loltovcr , to which ho replies by read-
ng aloud the Apostles' creed , after
vhich the Bishop ot Kazan Bays : "If
.hero bo any of you hero present
knowing any impediment for which
Vlexander Aloxandrovich ( or ai the
MSO may bo ) should not bo crowned
umporor of nil the Russiaa , Grand
Julco of Wuldumar , Grand Duke of
ilo cow , Lord and Great Duke of
Novgorod , King of Kazan and As-
rachan , commander of all Siberia ,
ord of Plonk , Smolensk , Ivor , Krym ,
Novorosaick and Armeniaand emperor
f Finland and its dependencies , lot
lim como forward now , in
ho name of the Holy Trinity , and
how what the impediment is. " This
10 repeats thrco times , and upon no
nswor being made ho puts hia hands
jpon the czar'a head , upon which the
attor'knooln , und while in this posi-
ion the metropolitan of Moscow takes
lie mantle of ermine with which
o robes him , saying , "Cover and pro-
ect thy people as this robe covers
nd protects thco , " thoomporor reply-
ng , "I will , I will , I will , " cachtiuju
Using the prolato'a hand. Then the
lotropolitan of Novuorod places the
coptro in hia band , and the Metro-
plitan of Kiell' puts the crown upon
is hoad. The empress then kneels
esldo the emperor , who holds the
rown above her head without placing
, upon the head , and they both re-
nain in prayer for a few minutca.
Suddenly the heralds8oundguna are
red , the czar and czarina rise , and
vcrybody present knoola to them and
houts , "Long live the czar. " The
loblea approach nnd awonr allegiance ,
pan which each receives his sword
ack irom the imperial hands. The
naas continues , and after the emperor
ias boon conducted to" the altar of
olid fiilvor , where ho partakes of the
loly communion , the golden gates of
lie iconostasion are closed , and
nd ho remains in the sane.
uary , where the Metropolitan of
loscow anouuta hia head , temples ,
yolidi , lips , ears , nostrils , breast ,
nd hands , saying , "Behold the seal
f thu Iloly Ghost ; may it keep they
ver holy. " The gates of the iconos-
uaion are reopened , and 'upon thu
zar appearing at the entrance , the
> ooplo hail liim , snyinc , "Thou irt
only the Lord's anointed. " The em-
icror now joins the czarina , whu hat
jeon wnitini ; for her lord i\t the en-
ranee to ilio sanetuary , and thuy
eave the cathedral arm in arm , en.
ortod by n guard of all the
loblus with drawn swords , Tiioy
o lint to thu of thu
fVrchnngol , then to the "cathedral of
hu Annunciation , where they
oninin in prayer for a fuw
uinutos , and on emerging from tliero
hey enter a gilded chariot drawn by
wolyo white horses , Other gilded
ihariota contain the members of tljt
niporial fuuiily , and gala cnrriagca
> ulongiig to thu imperial stables are
illed with foreign princes , prelates ,
mnUtora mid the diplomatic corpx.
riio procession then forms , us it did on
approaching the Kremlin , and goes
through thu stroota of Koscow , which lined with troopa. The imperial
carriage , instead of being escorted by
ho nobles or by troops , is , according
to an old custom , gturdod by 100
naidons belonging to the beat Ru -
sian families , who hold largo , fragrant
jpurjuuU inntoad of awards. Imme
diately on his return to the palace the
ez r signs decrees , confirming thoao
already in existence , which had be-
oomo invalid by the coronation , and
then confers a largo number of deco
rations on ( hose uf the officials who
look prominent paitu in thu ceremony ,
True to her Trunt.
Too much caunut bo gatd uf the em
faithful wife niul mother , constantly
.vuUhhii ; ami carUK' ! fur lier dour uiieo ,
lever iiealectliiB a Mugle duty lu their bo-
lalf. When they are availed by dlscabe ,
ind the nyntem rhould have a tliorougli
: leaublnk' , the utouiach anil bowels reyii-
a ted , blood mui Red , und malarial | > olsou
; xtennluated , the mutt know the that
Electric liitterii are the only sure remedy ,
I'hey ore tliu t > t t niul purest moJIclue In
lis world and only coit lifty ceuti , Sold
iy O. 1' ' , Goodman.
Nervous debility , the cureo the
American people , immediately yields
o the action of Brown's Iron Bitten.
An Initiation Ordenl Among the In
dopocdent Rangers.
New York Times.
The Independent Order of Rangtn
is the title berne by a beneficiary or
ganiz&tion an oflahot or split frorr
the Ancient Order of Forcstereson <
Onod as yet to the state of New Yorli
and numbering about -15,000 members.
The practical side of it , or reason foi
its existence , is that it is a sort of life
insurance ) , thu death of a member en
titling the widow < ir other surviving
heirs to thu sum of 81,000. Beyond
this , individual lodges or "camps , "
they are technically termed have
nick benefit systems of their own , In
valids , persons over fifty years of ago ,
and ; nen addicted to habits likely to
shorten life , arc not admitted as rang
ers , and all candidates for membership
are required to pass n medical exami
nation as rigid as is demanded by
any Ufa insurance company. Beyond
this general requirement n common in
terest in the fundcreatod for mutual in
surance and subordination to a state
organization controlled by a board of
Jirectort , tliero is a wide latitude of
independence allowed to thoindividual
camps in matters of odicea , local laws
and ritual. The loading camp at the
[ > roaont time is understood to bo
"Camp Theatrical , No. 10 , " of thin
city , which aomo 200 members , among
whom are , as might bo inferred from
la name , _ a largo proportion of apors ,
Bconic artists , and stage tnacliiniits
oersons skilled In the art of produc
ing novel and startling realistic unreal
oHccts , On the third Sunday of ovcry
month thin camp meola in the Law
rence building , corner of Second avenue -
onuo and First street. Some months
ago this particular camp determined
, o have n now ritua' ' , worthy of its name
and membership , ono which would
; ivo the widest possible acope to the
nvontivo ingenuity and histrionic tal-
nit of its inunbcra , and Chief Ringer
Sullivan appointed n committee to
jroparo biich a "work.1 The chair-
nin of thu committee of construction
was Grand Marshal Ilonry II. Iladloy ,
.ho , who is nUo 01:0 of
: he .Rangers' atato Hirecturs. With
liui'm the taik wcro nssocialeil Cant.
William Fowler , of the "Thirteen"
club , ar.d a ? core of secret uociotiea ;
John F. Collins , master of Howard
edge , 1 ( . and A. M ; Tom 1'ixton ,
who wrote tnoat of the Mcmphian
rite ; Dr. Walter M. Fleming , illuv
: rous grand potentate of the Nobloi
of the Mystic Shrine ; Capt. Joe Aikon
nnd Daniel Sickula , of thu Masonic
Guild , all high Masons nnd noted
ritualists , each of whom belongs to nt
east a dozjn different orders. The
osull of their labors ia said by the
nitiatod to bo something natounding ,
overwhelming , far boyound the wild
cat endeavors of the Sons of Malta ,
Egyptian Monks , or the famous
clan of Guinea Witches. It includes
tot only masks , costumes-coflins , real
corpses , gallowa tree , headsman's
jlock , elaborate.mechanical trick ) , and
scenic dfoctu of the moat startling
character , but a great deal of theatri
cal work , in ornate and highrlown
.anguago for the chief rauger , vice-
chief ranger , grand marshal , heralds ,
warders , gulden , nnd cohorts. Alter
.ho committee had planned fully heir
.ho candidates should bo obligated ,
dllcd , buried , nnd resurrected , and
low by the sharpest toatH his secrecy ,
brtitudo , fidelity nnd staying powers
; onerally should bo tried , Capt.
j"owlor exclaimed : "There , there ,
) OJB , lot's stop. If n candidate lives
o got thus far consider him in , for to
nit him through more would kill him. "
'Yes , or loavn him a pensioner on the
order for life , " aaid Sicklen , with a
augh. "Woll , nt any rate , ho would
> o pretty dry , " suggested Pixton , and
upon that hint the committee called
oil' from labor to refreshment for a
> nef time. The exorcises in which
hey then indulged suggested to Mod-
rationist Ilaaloy the happy thought
of laying out for the candidate ono
morp agonizing ordeal in the shape of
a brief temperance lecture , with trim-
nings. It was accepted , and , with
ho rest of the ritual , put in practice.
Jp to the last meeting of "Camp The
atrical1' it waa worked regularly to the
nfinito dismay of thu candidate and
amusement of his tormentors , but
hey do not intend to play it on any-
> ody any more. Their last experience
; ave thorn such a sot-back that they
iromptly excised it from the ritual.
L'his ia the way the committee had it
fixed up
After the weary candidate had gone
hrough all thu other ordeals , the
; rand iniir.shal an awful being at-
irud. iu Hawing robes pf tiery rod ,
vith maroon whUkem , turban , battle-
axe , dirk nnd aword acting as his
conductor , would say to him :
"My brother , I congratulate you
upon having passed the testa of un-
duranuo , secrecy , bravery , the inspec-
ion of the ourgtionund that you hnvu
nivoii satisfactory oviuYnces ot confi
dence , fortitude , nnd heroism , nnd
that now the lnuri.1 crown of our
ordur ruataupun jour brow. Before
jeiiifj instructed , however , in thn
jripa and passwords , let us turn aside
: or rnfrcehmonta. "
Hero the grand marshal would tnku
'roiu behind nn altar and hand to thu
candidntu n glass Cllod apparently
with port \\inu , but really with a hor-
iblo and fiendish compound of ( { ill ,
litter aloes , brlno , and other aborain-
able tilings , ono teaspoonful of which
would make the toughest candidate
ehiver , turn pale , and swunr that ho
would rather diu than take any more
of it. Thu refusal would be reported
o the chief rungor , who would appear
o taste the contents of thu giata , re-
> ort the baverago correct , and order
mporatively that the candidate must
Irink whtithur ho would or not. Often
orco would have to be employed to
> ot another drou into the victim's
noutli. but \ > hon that vraa accom-
) lshed ! u smile of gratification would
> lay upon his face , and without any
nero difliculty ho would empty thu
glnss , which was really now ono filled
vith good port wine , deftly substi
tuted for the other containing the
awful mixture. Then the grand mar-
ahr.l would get in hia little moral
work , exclaiming :
"Ah ! you appear to relish it. Anil
yet thu adder's tooth in this last is
harper than in the first The first
you could eatily resist because it waa
iffoniivo , but this , with subtle power
o charm , is often man's strongest
oo. "
That all worked very well in prac-
ice up to a recent meeting , but an In-
ident occurring then knocked the
noral lesson higher than Gilderoy's
cite. A scene-painter , familiarly
cnowu among hia friends M "Windy"
Murray , was being initiated. Thi
euccees with which ho had passec
through all the preceding ordeals hac
given him nn ill-advised confidence
and when the seductive look
ing bevcrago was offeree
him , ho , being very tired
hov nnd thirsty , and eagerly seized the
qlasa and vrith ono greedy gulp swal
lofred ita contents. Not until thpj
were in his h'tomach did the flavoi
reach his palate. Then ho shuddered ,
paled , nnd astonishment , liorror , dis
gust and Indignation weto vividly do
pictcd ii hia countenance , while he
gasped , struggled nnd tore his laural
crown to shreds , clutching nt his hair.
The grand marshal stood before him
speechless with amazement nnd com
pletely non-plussod , while n howl oi
laughter from the brethren sounding
unearthly na it came from beneath
their masks fairly shook thu building.
But the camp physician a doctor
of high standing , under whoso super
vision the treacherous mixture had
bori prepared did not lough. Spring
ing to hia fool , hn shouted to the
senior Ilorald : "Run to my ollicc
for n stomach-pump na hard as you
can go. The man has swallowed
enough to kill n horse. " Merriment
instantly gave place to panic. POOJ
Murray's fright may bo imagined. lie
could hardly breathe , but could hear ,
and gave himself up for lost. Mnske
and robes were instantly thrown otT ,
fooling abandoned , the camp-firo pui
out , ntid all buiied themselves doinc
what they could to relieve thu suf
ferer. Before the man sent for the
stomach pump could return with it n
atrdng emetic was procured nnd ad
ministered with good remits. At !
hour later Murray was oent homo in o
carriage in a wretched plight , and the
doctor had to remain with him all
night , no has mifliciontly recovered
to bo upland about , but unless hie
appreciation of the Independent Ordet
of R-uigors ia greatly increased from
what it waa nt List accounts it is
hardly probable that ho will over go
back to get the passwords , grips nnd
aigno , wliioh'thoro ' w&a no opportunity
to give him thut night.
If you are sick Hop TJittora will
surely aid Nature i" making you well
wlmn all oho fails.
If you are costive or dyspeptic , or
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If you are wasting away with any
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If you nro a sick with that terrible
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If you are a frequenter or a resi
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If you have rough , pimple , or enl-
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Five Hundred dollars will bo paid for
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That poor , bedridden , invalid wife ,
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The Agonies of Billions Uolic. the in-
JfHcrltiililo pan 'jd ! Chranh Indignation , tbe de-
jlllty nJ mcni&l tupor rrtultliu : Irom cntt ve
i bl | , may be tcrutlnly a\oiiltil by rrKuhting
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Embody now 1883 Imprn omen's. Mor.In
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Utulos fuolj * l ! uioro hu t
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The mo t centrillr locaUd hotel In the city.
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Hr t CUas Hvt aur ut connected wltn the
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Corner Fo rib nod Locust SUecU.
} onsiStrfr om Dyspepsia , use .
IIJ Oil are BfHlctcJ wltli TJIllounncm , use
If you are prostrated with lick Headache , UVo
f your Eonils arc dlwrdcrcd , regulate them will
If vur Blood Is mpure , purify It with
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It ou are troubled lth Sprlnp Complaints , ci
adloato them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS
If your Llrerla torplJ , restore It to hoalthyactlo
If your Li\cr Is affected , you will find a sure r <
If } ouhacany species of Humor or Pimple , fa !
If j ou hao any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrof ulou
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For Imparting strength and \ltality tothosji
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For Ncrxouaand General Debility , tone up th
Prlco , 91,00 pet Dottle ; Trts DoltloilOQti
POSTEli , HILBUM , & Co , , I'rops '
Ecld at wholesale by Jeh & Mcilahon and C. B
fioodman. le 27 cod-mo
To Nervous Sufferers
f.h , J. E. Simpeon'a Spooific
I l * postlvoeuro ; -porrnatoj-U. . . . ,
w jauru , ImpoUncy , ltd all dli'iscf jcss'l
Iicic B If-Ab - ,
STcu.n.-j , t' ! .ijn tkn I or Stuo , nd
'Ittmt Iced t !
lOocsiir-iptli :
in inlly an ,
cirlygr n
The bpor'ti :
Mo'.Ulac L
Mtb ivoador
ful bucc g ,
aorit ( roc to all. Wxlte rcr > ihon nd ( el Ml pi
Trice , Epeolflc , O.OO r P ck Be ,
H < tor Ji.OC..Uroea H order ] to
Xon. 101 and 10:1 : lf ln St. BuEalc , II. Y
Sold In Omaha by 0. 1. Goodman , J. W. UtU ,
und &U drngirliiiereiynbtie. ,
I I .rf&w
St. Louis , is still treat
Ing all 1'UIVATE. NEK
Special Diseases , Sperma
tonhrca. Impotency ( Sex
ual Incafacltj ) , Femali
DlEcasen Jrrejtularltles ,
Dllllcultlcs , etc.
/3TLadles , send 25 cent !
( in stamps ) t ) piyexprcs'
charges on a \
work" entitled "Oisoisc ;
ot Women , etc. " Work
on CIIROXIO Di XASKR , ono stamp. < 2TVictlmi
oEcII-abuao ! oi I'rhato DUca e , send 2 stamp !
for CriEBRATSD WORKB on henoui and texual
ni9c.ncs. Consultation personally or by letter ,
FREE C'oniu t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS
CURED. OtUci ) In quiet , irhatc , respectable
place. You tee no ono but the doctor. Dr.
Uarko Ij the only physician in the city ho war
rants curffl or na puy Medicines sent e\cr >
whcro. Hours. 8 A.M. In 8 r M.
Hop Eittere
if j < , vii > r , " .v , - nile
or.iltu 'rl iijiil nfcIiiK | o'i n b !
icw. t , Iv ou H o p H Bitter * .
. ur form ut Y ij i n o i
nit M ) thai
nitrr | tavtiliis-nirci | < n' ii
It liuut in by \ tlmt-l > tw it
I Uf Hop
FU tci
Or I
it an .
nd IrreiUii
romnrt ,
: th
. bio e u r a ta ,
Niirrlk. llooit. Jrurikej.ncr j ,
inirotnrrvi u o' otJjc
fou wlH be th aoco , v-
rtirtillrsouuK atrcotl"t.
Hop Bitter * :
If your Iin ! ,
Iow > l-l > 'll < d.tl7 Circular
id It 11 n >
u f v/our
ih' . It hn to. ,
envud hun * Ucitu.U-
cirnclH A T'rcnto. OE | ,
f r
The Great hnglish Remedy
( alls Is cine
N'erous Debility , VI-
Ul Kxhaustion , Kmlg.
ilonj , Seminal Wcak-
UOOD. and all the
eillrfleitd ol jouth-
; ( ul tollies and cxcua.
its. It stops perma <
licntly all wct.Vniln.r.
iin oluntary loss ? a and
Jralns uiwn the BJD-
teru , the Ine\ liable re-
„ , „ 'eultol ' these eMlprao-
tices , uhlchareeodestruettte to mind and body
and make llfo miserable , often loadlni ; to Insanl-
: y and death. U strengthens the Ner\e , llrain ,
oicmorj ( Uloo > l , Musloi ) , Dlzouthu and Hepro.
ductlteUrirrns , U restores to all the organic
unctlcm their former \\got and vitality , ma-
Unir llfo cheerful and enjojablo. Price , W a
lottle , or four tluies the quantity * 10 , bent by
txprcts , secure from obsvnatlou , to any address.
oa receipt of price. No. 0 , O. I ) , sent , cicepl
ou receipt of II as a guarantee. Letter ! n <
cuoctlUK answers must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintle'o Dandelion Pills
are tin best and cheapest djtpcpsU and billloul
euro In the market , bold by all drujirUts. 1'rlcc
10 cents.
Cures til klndol Kidney and bladder couiplalnte.
Kouorrhea , elect ar.J leucuabca. For sale by all
daUi'irUU : il a bottle.
718 Olive 81 , St. Louis , Mo ,
For bale ID Omaha by
loo. * uurt.ti , lions scalar
Vice Prei'l
W. 9. Duruia , Bee. andTreas.
ffliPf JLOTDMHr ] CO
Lincoln , Neb
Oorn PlBntera , Hrrrowa.FBrm Rollere
Mulky He. ? Kuliod , Bucnot Ulevatlng
Wlndrallld , in
We art pr > | ured U do Job work and uunufao
utlfg for other partlo * .
AJjrii l otters
Llncolu. N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
& Christian Family School for BayF
or College , Sdentlflo School or BuIntM. Sena
kiorrgu- Park , Cock Co. , 111. atalojdie.
' A romlnnnttonoj Ji.
torblt of Iron , l'm iT i
a palatable form , T <
Unit telll not Vlarltcn t
tfrthi > o churaeirrltttr
pthrr tronitrrnarattott
f HAnTrn'ii'iiuiNToNiadrra , lnwiw of NrmnH PrnrtrMlon , IVmala IhsMw . Dr lw. and In
ml condition of Ihc blood , til Li rTl't * * rrmodf liaff fn tny hand * . mMe home wotMlon alt uroA. ( JaAeAtlu
DuUlixl Horns ot nor mmt eminent i > hj ulciim h to yti-UlcJ to tills crdt nd IncomjuiMhlo rtmwlr I r > n
It In nrrforrnco to MIT ironvnturotinn mvlc In furl , uncli a romnnnml ai DIL lUnTfn'R Iniiv Tosir I * a I
ffimity In mT practice. Pit. HOHKUTSAMI1I.I.S.alMSVn hi * . St. lrm { , Mn , Nor.l'Mh. 1" ! . .
lttilrrcnlorJai1irliln < xl\
naturn ! Itrallliful tone to I
thedtgcst Ire organ * .mil I
it annllfabln to
flrblltltl , 7x > of stt > pF-\ \
tllr,2trmtraHfin of i'ltat ]
J'oirrrs atxl J nnolrnrrf
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
M1rSOl"ne ! 1 OBERlTELDSa & CO.
' 'Every I ub Must Stand Upon its
Own Bottom. "
And Every Wagon Upon its Own Merits , \
We appreciate the above and make our wagons accordingly ,
Respectfully , WINONA WAGON CC
PARKER & BOWERS General Acunts. Omaha , Nob.
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Ifcanges.
For sale by
Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad scholarship at the
A now institution based on the highest standard [ of excellence. Day and
and evening sessions are now iu successful operation.
JFo ; < circulars or special iufojmatiounpply to or address „ _ „ , . _ „ , .
A. L. w YMAN.
Sinplo Breooli Loading Shot Rims , from 85 to 818 ,
Double Broo oh Loading Shot Gnus , 818 from to S75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from SG to S26 ,
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Gootts ,
Full Stook of Show Oasas Always nn
Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
irst-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store.
3igars fi'om $15,00 per 1,000 iipwards. Send for Price
and Samples , .
edy. Anuu
lor S.mlnil
Weakueia ,
el.Ami > : ai Loti ol Memory , Unhcnul L sl
uJ , rln In the Buck , pliciicu ot Vl < loa , Pie
nurture Old Acs , nd m ny other UtwmN tb l
d to IiiuoUy or Caanauptlgn nj > Prem-
fjryull pJirtlcnUn to car ptmchltt , which
we dclr to lend Irco Irratll to curyoue.
ASTTbe EiwdflcMcr' 'D U told bjr M dru 'i.-UU
t II iw f" k 4e ; , or 6p < * kt * lc ( ii , or will
> * cat Iris ) by null on r e < tut ol the money , by
ddrcMlng Tilt : OKAY JKDIC1KECO. ,
lo , N. T.
- ' -
'Murray & Lanman's