\ OMAHA DAIL E'l E. TWELFTH YEAJI NEB. TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 3 188 > 91 1 FOLCER'S ACCEPTANCE. The MaoMne-Maflp. Candidate Decides to Face the Music , "Come , Lot Us Reason To gether" on the Fatal Ef fect of Disunion. A Comprehensive Review of the Situation in the Hin- piro State , Together With an OutHn rf the Policy Ho Would Car 7 Out , if Elected. The Impossibility c f Choosing Another Man Compels- Him to Acccp1 : . Hepburn DooHnr-s to 33o torod Far Conrc98iuiin- ( A Gloomy Prospect For the Bosses. Folder's Ziotor nf Acceptance. Special Dispatch to Tut UEK. NEW YOHK , October 2. Judge Fol- cer , the nominee of the recent repub lican convention for governor of this atate , has written a letter accepting the nomination. Ho says : The canvass In the party for dele- Bates to that convention has seldom been equalled in earnestness and ac tivity and in fullness , freedom nnd publicity of preparatory discussion , The attention of republicans every where was fully aroused. Their prim ary nicotines were hold in accord with long established usages , aavo in an ex ceptional locality or two where modern have for some time existed which , if not acquiesced , have never been reso lutely rebelled against and changed , These primaries wer.i attended in un exampled numbers and justly ex pressed the sentiments of those who attended them , The delegates chosen to the atato convention represented the views and opinions of their respec- / tiv ? constituencies as fairly and fully < fas those of conventions which preceded it. The methods of the convention t when assembled , were in accordance with precedent , free from violence and clamor , soiatu and deliberate. There is naught ON THE FACE OF T11EM that will warrant the assertion that all done in Us meotingu was hnneAt and above board , and that the results did not flow from conscientious and duti ful convictiomi nnd actions of mem bers. This is plain from the fact that when a decisive vote was reached , though there had been deej , fooling and there was great disappointment , there was no hesitation in yielding unanimous acquiescence , and a motion . to that end was made by ono and sec- V ended by another of the prominent members , who had hoped and labored for a different end. Their pirty and public rank , and their character and qualities forbid the idea that they would have submitted to or winked at vicious or even irregular practices in their opponents. It would seem , ns thus considered , that the conclusions reached by the convention were enti tled to the sanction and support of the republican party and the approbation of the public. Yet it would bu idlu to affect not to know that the public mind-is stirred by reports of doings in which the convention os a body had no part doings of a quality which honest and high minded men cannot appsovo , and WILL NOT TAMELY TOLKUATK. No ono claims , no ono believes , I had lot or part therein or previous hint or suspicion thereof. I scorn an end to bo got by * ny such moans. I will not undertake to measure the truth of all these reports , that of one is beyond dispute , nor will I argue whether or not the results reached by the convention , or any of the pro cesses toward them , were shaped or . .affected thereby. The facts are pub lic and every ono may form his owii judgment. But there is growing thereout a practical question and it is brought to me for answer. Persons , aomo holding official rela tions with the republican party , and all in good standing in the community , have asked me to DECLINE THE NOMINATION , They express confidence in me , and fully acquit me of participation in a knowledge with that which they hold will justify the action they de sire acts conceded or alleged to have boon done upon which they base their request. They also concede they were wholly acts of others than mo. I have deliberated and anxiously considered the matter , have weighed the reasons which they present , and forecast the consequences. The matter has two aspects , personal and public. As to that personal , I raado no indication of willingness to be a candidate until after I had been named in the press and talked by men in that connection , and it is apparent that I should bo brought before the convention. I tJun said if there was a fair degree of concurrence in my nomination , ' I WOULD ACCEIT but that if another was named I should nut bo sorry and if I waj named I would not bo glad , I have eyor been of that miu'f. I am of that mind now. There arc those who were members of that convention who know that in the week of its sitting I rnado an effort to have the nomination of another Vrought about , as I sought not the I lamination. I was not glad when it r. umo to me , as I could have always o win and could now see it go to another si ilthout ono twinge of rogrot. I have w > peraonarroasou why I should not nt fata it with alacrity , but the matter rei is not solely or chiefly personal. It has a wider and vastly MOUE IMPORTANT SCOPE. In my judgment , for any ono placet as I am at this time to decline the nomination , would produce an utter colhpso ot the republican party. . Those who urj > mo have not , I conceive ceivo , run out that net to do certain consequences. It would bo to leave the patty on the eve of a highly Itn portant election withotn a candidate for the chief ofllco in the atato. It is so far impracticable as to be almost impassible to name another person for thooflico who would bo lilioly to meet with pirty acceptance. What man of Hullicicnt state repute to bo an accept nblo and strong candidate , and of the f.ciiBibililies that go with self-respect , would bo nillini ; in such circunv nUticcj to accept a late nomination r.iul .ako . THE IIAZUU ) OF A OANVASS \ No niAii of another kind would tnoet the demands of the party or cauld hope for popular fuvor or enter the Held with a reasonable prospect of succosa. Moreover it is phjsically impracticable to put up another candt date , I say to the men who propose this thing to mo "Come , let us reason together. " Suppose thatlluve do cliuod , how will you have ix now nominee ineo selected ) The convention has adjourned sino die ; its powers have been spent ; it has dissolved into its elements. Can it reassemble with any prerogative that will insure regard to itsiloingff Iti the state of Pennayl vania that wns ono of the questions in the turmoil of the repubhcpn party. It had no solution. If it should reai- somblo would you abide by what it would do ? You say that you would not. It empowered the state committee - too to fill any vacancy on the ticket. Would you have that committee , NAME THE URN ] "No , " you say , "for that committee is the outcome of the same convention which brought ycu forth , and which convention you repudiate. " There is then but ono other mode that is , a convention of delegates freshly chosen according to the usages of the party. The tirau left for that is at moat but about a month. Moat persons are Familiar with the processes to compre hend that to gel together from differ ent parts of the state , members of the state committee must mnko a call for such state convention , to semi abroad the fact of the call to counties and as sembly districts , to convene the com- mittcss thereof from the homes of many which the telegraph does not reach , to send abroad a call for dis trict conventions to weekly nowspa- papers , usually the only alternative in the rural parts of the state , to call the town caucuses in those partly by the same mode , would require so much time that election day in early No voniber next would dawn with most of the voters without any knowledge of what man wus the candidate { < f the republican publican party , and without ballots in their hands with his name upon them. IIEAU IN MIND that declination by mo is not to utterly allay factional jealousy , distrust and strife ; that it will not do to give or leave ground for the allegations or be liefs of an ill advertised convention , or "snap caucus ; " that for ultimate harmony or oven sullen acquiescence there must be orderly and decorous and well proclaimed proceedings , and then figure out the lapse of time the different processes above stated will take , nnd see if it is practicable by i now convention to sot a now cindl data before the people. It Is my honest and sottlou condition that it is not. For mo to decline then is to leave the republican party without a candidate , and the practical result of that is not only the certain election of a democratic governor , but it is complete DISOUOANI/.ATION AND DISINT OHATION of the republican party with all tbo adverse consequences , state and na tional to flow thorctrom. The responsibility sponsibility for such u result is too great to put upon ono man. I have naught to say for myself. I make no plea for myself. If I am defeated and it bo n disappointment , ic will not bo the first that has mot mo. If I am po litically ruined , as cyiupathizingly said to mo , and it works u narrow , it will not bo the first that has entered ray soul and left ita fangs there. Be result what it may to mo. It will not take the responsibility of breaking up the orgunizition und destroying the republican party of the state of Now York. IK IT IS TO BE DEFEAT at the coining election it must be an act of omission of the republican voters , I can go down bravely with the party that has favored mo and which I love , aorono in the conscious ness that no act of mine has wrought rueful ruin. Circumstances have forced mo so far , it would gladden me now to bo a candidate of a united and coaloua republican party. It would be my aim , if elected , to be a repre sentative of the whole party , sub servient only to my duty to bo chief magistrate of the whole people , un moved by appeals of faction , unans wered by appliances of private In- : eresta , acknowledging no claim of nero partisanship , looking supremely for the good of the commonwealth. Thus far I have assumed that the predictions of my interlocutors of dis aster are well founded , I do not con cede that thorn is no need of doleful apprehension , The issuoi are of too ; rave consequences , too serious for present disappointment and even righteous indignation to lead to per sistence in ILL-AnVJHED AND FATAL AOrjON , Republican will reflect , and reflection t > y allowing what will come of demo cratic success will turn aside disaster by prompting to united and vigorous action. I therefore accept the nomi nation and await the result of the can vas without perturbation. " Mr. Folger then announces that ho is in full accord with the resolutions } f the convention , Of civil service 10 saye : "There is no reason why the nlnor offices of the government should x > given to relatives or friends , or de pendents or objects of sympathy of * . . . those who hold positions of iniluonc near the appointing power or hnvi friendly relations therewith ; no re a son why the privilege should not besought sought by merit on equal terms. There is need of legislation to romovn some obstacles in the way , and some revisIon Ion of the rules already adopted to render them loss scholastic and more practical. " junar. KOUJKII INSTANCES that in the treasury department at Washington promotions has been made from merit nlono , _ as shown by the records ot the service and evidence ol head bureaus , nnfi no ono has been taken from without nnd put in place within it over the lands of those nl- ready in the government employ , save in a few confidential positions. Tlio judge pronounced for the right of municipalities to direct their own affairs , that it is local self-government and for economy In expenditures of public money. The judge adds , "There can bo no question that the artificial water ways of the state should bo preserved. They are the means of competition with other bidders for the carrying trade of the nountruud must be kept up therefor , nut in the hands of private puMuiis or corpora tions , winch are apt to act chiefly for their own benefit , but IX TUB HANDS 01" 1'KOl'LK where they cm bo managed for the public interest , to prevent , to protect and to abito the rigcr of private ac tion. The tendency of business af fairs nowadays ia to aggravation of capital and in ita use of repressing in dividual or weaker enterprises. It is well therefore that the state with its aggregate power should retain and maintain a means so patent as the canal regulating the carrying trade through the state , so that individuals and companies ot slender means may enter into competition with those of greater power and enforce , as far as nay be , equal and reasonable facilities of carriage. Judge Folgor in closing his letter , says , "I believe that my principles of iction will bo commended to good tense. I stand upon them , and on ; hem ulono , as the roneon ' why I am Before the people of 'the state ns a candidate for the chief magistracy. If : hey are approved if my public lite of twenty years nnd over gives cause : o believe that I will honestly keep on their furtherance I do confidently expect that disappointments will be forgotten , that the causes of rcpul aion will not lead to abandonment of political tics , and that united and liar monious action will bring about the result that will keep the state of Now York in accord with the majority ol ber sister states on the great quoa tions of national policy. " Hopbnrn Declines Special Dltpntcli to TliE Krr NEW YOKK , October 2. A. B. Hepburn writes declining the nomi nation for congressman at largo. COMMENTS upon the letters of Folgor and Hop- burn ; The Tribune says : "Tho man on the Saratoga ticket whom nobody ob jected to and with whoso nomination everybody was satisfied , finds the scan dals of the convention too heavy burden and refuses to stand under them. Hepburn's letter is modest , manly and consistent. Ho makes nc reflections upon the convention tion that nominated him for congressman at largo , but frankly says circumstances have como to lighl since which prevent republicans from regarding its action us authoritative , lie is unwilling to hold the nomina tion under such circumstances , and so withdraws. Ho stands all the stronger gor for this with a great majority ol republicans , Mr , Folgor is not un willing to hold the nomination under such circumstances Ho accepts , and writes two or thrco columns to tel why. A case entirely clear could have been stated in shorter space. The Herald says : The letter woulc have been shorter If Mr. Folgor had not felt it necessary to attempt to justify to himself and to his friends , as well as ho could , his acceptance ol the nomination , which ho admits , per sons of "good standing" in the com munity and some "holding official re lations with the republican party , ' urged him to decline. Instead ol taking their sound and hnncsl advice , Mr. Folger has chosen to ac cept thu nomination , and a largo par ) of his present letter is naturally taken up with a discussion of the question whether the receiver is really as bad as the thief. Wo w ish for his own otiko ho had taken their advice and declined the nomination , which , as they saw and as ho sees , and as every 3110 in the state sees , was procured for liim by the most contemptible fraud and forgery. One wrong necessitates another , and the men who compassed Mr. Folgor'a nomination against the will of the convention will not stoop at trifles to secure his election against the voters , The World says ; Mr , Folger invites republicans of New York to move on to battle under his banner to the in- ipiring strains of the Dead March in ijiul. Three points of atato policy on which Folger dwells most earnestly and intelligently in his remarkable .otter are the nucossity of local self government In our cities , towns and tillages , the importance of remitting x ) primary meetings of the people the choice of dek-gatos who are .0 represent the people in : ho organization of political parties and the duty of economy in idminlatration of our ulato and local affairs. As those throe points happen to be the cardinal features of demo cratic policy , which Orqver Cleveland stands pledged to carry into effect , respectable republicans may contem plate with equanimity the gloomy nrty prospects which their candidate infolds to them. _ _ Nonrly u Miracle K. AnenitU Hall , JJinghamton. N. Y. , writes : ' 'I guttered fur neveral month * with a dull pain through left luiig and thouldera. I hut iny i > trita , appetite and color , and could with difficulty keep up all d y. ily mother procured some liuu. JOCK lii.oon liirmu ; I took them an dl- ected , and have felt no pain uloce first week after usinK them , and am now quite well. Merchants arid Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned and Occupied by R.LM'DONALD&GO. . . , WHOLESALE DS ; % Notions and Furnishing Goods , * AT , , flpW ST. TOSZEIFIH : , HVEO. , yf The Brightest Lighted , Best Appointed Jobbing House in Americi , containing the ) fi-fi rcoat Slock of Dry Oooda and Nations west of the Mississippi. Solo manufacturers * w * j f thn cnlnbrntnil ? ! cDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottoaade Paats , " * ) * . & A . CYCLONE ULSTERS , LINED SUITS AND CHEVIOT SKIRTS , In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at Western Merchants an more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be fore buying their all Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write for samples.1 The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac- t tion guaranteed , Remember \ K. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO. CAPITAL NOTES SpecUl Disputehcs to Tim Dr.r f OOLI ) CEUTIFIOATES. f VASlHNaTON , October 2. Four mil lion four hundred thousand dollars , now gold certificates , were sent to Now York. They were of the denomi nation of $100. LEVEE COUTUACTS. The secretary of war awarded con tracts for levee work on the lower Mississippi river , to cost $1,143,824. A MINING DECISION. Secretary Teller to-day rendered a decision respecting the right of mill owners and residents upon minunl lands of the United Status to cut w"0'i and timber from such lands withlr. the lines of mining claims regukrly located and possessed under 'OCA ! laws and customs aud lawa oi'"tho United States governing such claims. The secretary holds that locators of mining claims , so long as they comply with the law governing their posses- siciii are invested by congress with the exclusive right of possession and engagement of nil surface included within the lines of their location. This right amounts to property cap able of being enjoyed or transferred , subject to all ordinary rules govern ing the enjoyment of all other prop er ly , separate and separable from the fee of land. It may consequently bo protected in the courts , and it is the duty of the possessor to care for hia own If trespass bo attempted by stran gers. DEI1T STATENENT. Interest bearing debt , principal , 81-121,341,350 ; interest , 812,21,7J2 ! ) : debt on which interest had ceased since matured , principal , $15,050,020 ; interest , $515,030 ; debt bearing no interest , principal , $410,015,220 ; un claimed 1'acifio railway interest , $5- 330 ; total debt , principal , $1,878- 210.205 ; interest , $12,740,083 ; total , $1,890,050,285. Total cash in treasury , $240,830- 001 ; debt less cash in treasury , Octo ber 1 , 1882 , $1,044,120,223 ; Septom- tombor 1 , 1882 , $1,058,020,171 ; do- crosse of debt during the month , $14 , * 805,018 ; decrease of debt since Juno 30 , 1882 , $44,703,237. Current liabilities , total. $210,830- 004 ; available assets , caih in troas. ury , $240.830,001 ; bonds issued to Pacific railway company , interest pay able in lawful money , $04,5t3,512 ; principal outstanding interest accrued and not yet pnid , $000,3u2 ; interest paid by tin ) United Scutes , $ . " > 5,3i4- 082 ; interest repaid by companies by tranupor ation service , $15,280,407 by cash payments , G pur cunt of net earnings , $055,108 ; balance of inter est paid by the United States , $304 , . M5. UIIANOE OF SITE. The Garfield Memorial hospital board held ilc regular mooting to night. The deed of valuable real es tate of the national soldiers' and Bail ors' orphans' home was received from the trustees , pureuunt to the act of congress , This property U not re garded as a suitable el to for the pro posed hospital and it will be sold and : ho proceeds applied to the purchase uf a site elsewhere. Secretary Lincoln was at his desk at the war department to-day. First Assistant Postmaster General Tlatton leaven for Ohio to-morrow , FEVEK KAVAOES. The number of yellow fever cases at iirowiiBvillo since the boiunninj , ' of the epidemic was 1,000 ; number of deaths , 107. The expense incurred by the dp- lartmentin maintaining quarantine in 1'exaa in August and September , is estimated , at Corpus Ohriatl , $13,000 ; at Brownsville , $15,000 ; at I'ensacola here has baon 725 cases of yellow fovoi' during the epidemic ; deaths , 70. AII Important Capture. l.jutch to Tint lire. UV , October 2. Captain Lues , chief of defectives of Ban Francisco , was In the city yesterday , accompa- ' tied by Capt. Aull and usiistant shief of the WelU-Fargo police , in oarch of Charles Doreoy , alias More , irho was charged with murdering an express moBsongor in Eldorado , Cal. , and with stealing a largo amount of money. The visiting detectives sup posed the criminal to bo in jail in this city. B. M. W. A. Pinkerton took them through that place yesterday , and not finding him there concluded to take up the trail at Union City , Ind. They loft hero at 8 o'clock last niuht , and this morninc Pinkerton re ceived a telegram that they had ar rested their man almost immediately after their arrival. Dorsey has served throp terras in the San Quinton peni tentiary. This man has boon regard ed with the most intense dread ns being - ing ono of the most daring stage and express robbers on the Pacific coast. His capture will bo hailed with ex pressions of delight by the express companies and the police ot the Pa cific coast. Plnkortdn tound that ho had been engaged in robbery in Ken tucky , Indiana and Ohio with a party of safe blowers , and had also engaged there in masked burglaries , compelling ing people to give him whatever they had that ho asked for. Tbo Xiiberal League. flpecUl Plep&tchu ) to Till H . ST. Louis , October 2 The Nation al Liberal league to-day elected the following officers for the ensuing year ; President , J. A.Wakoman , Now York ; secretary , T. 0. Leland , Now York ; treasurer , Courtland Palmer , Now York ; chairman executive committee , E , A. Stevens , Chicago ; chairman financial committee , Mrs. II. G. Lake , California. Secretary Luland road > B annual report and detailed the progress of the liberal movement , touched upon the difficulties in break- n g away the human mind from super stition , described the Christian church as a retreating host and stated that the league had doubled its membership The only other busincas done was changing the Christian calendar or era to the liberal era by adopting the year 1000 us the starting point and by substituting for A , I ) . , E. M. moan ing Era of Man. The night so sion was devoted to speeches , after which the league adjourned to meet at Mil waukee , September 15 , 1883. Suooeuor i'lKJClal I > J | > atcJi to The Deo. NEW YOIIK , October 2. The Sun says the name of the coming man who is to succeed Judge Folgor us secre tary of the treasury will probably read ns follows : "John P , Jones , of Ne vada. " How small and unmeaning the News , the Frenchs , the Crowloys and the whole of them will appear in comparison with this man of original and fertile genius. A Wifo'K Fatal Folly. BpfClal DIfl.aUli | to TilK II IK. WiiA'iuiiEKU , la , , October 2 , This morning Mra. Jiunj , Williams ahot and killed a man named Allison , then put a ball through her own brain. It seems Allison had been boarding at Williams' houio and his attentions to her caused Williams to leave her and go to the mountains. She loft a tear ful letter of regret for her wrong-doing and commending her child to the care of relatives. HAYESVILLB , 0. , Feb. 11 , 1880 I am very glad to say I have tried Hop Bitters , and never took anything that did mo as much good , I only took two bottled and 1 would not take $100 for the good they did mo , I recommend them to my patients , and got the best results from their uso. 0. II. Mf.ULT.il , M. D. A Wonm'ii Writer. Special Dispatch to Tine lltK. TIIOY , N. Y. , October 2. Hov. George H. Simons , the lUptist minis ter at Grcenbush charged with writ ing love letters to u young lady of his congregation , has resigned , The res ignation was accepted. During the farewell sermon many women in the congregation wept , "Tho Commodore. " Joa. L. Koote , tlio Coiutnudort ) , Kliu. ; 111. , Baya TnosiAH1 Ku.Et riuu OIL cured dui of sciatica with ono application , thor oughly applied. It also cured him of u tevere cold and tough. Ho thluku it a very valuable remedy , uud will uuver be without it. FOREIGN NEWS. Special Dlnpntclicatt Till linn. Hl'ENUKU AND HIS 1'HOVINUE. LONDON , October 2. Eirl Spencer , lord lieutenant of Ireland arrived to day , his first visit since the Phoenix park murders. A Galway landlord writes The Glebe ho bclinvos the body of Puddist has boon exhumed by the peasantry and again thrown in Liugh marsh. DYNAMITE IK UUSSIA , ST. PETKIISIIUKO , October 2. A largo quantity ot dynamite wan discov ered in the railway trucks at Keif , be lieved to have boon shipped by ni hilists. THE TirraiAHY'lLEADBK. DUIILIN , October 2. Arch-Bishop Oroko writes The Freeman's Journa ho is authorized to state that Dillon will not press his resignation of n seal in parliament just now , but will con tinuo to represent Tlpporary until his constituency had ample time to select oct his successor , in event of continu unco of his.illneus. In order to shon his accord with Parnoll , Dillon will attend the conference of Parnollitos on the 18th. THE ANTI-.IBWIHlf OUTUAdES. PEHTJI , October 2. Dorr Loszi flugarian prime minister , has ad dressed a letter to the municipal coun cil in which ho exprcHses hia convic tion that every council feels indigimn at the anti-Jewish excesses in Press burg. lie says n renewal of outrages must bo prevented. The whole power of the stale , ho sivys , will support the councils in their efforts to Hupproaa thoagita.ion , m'ANlHII APKAIltH. MADUID , October 2. A telegram from Granada reports u great fire ii the suburb ofXieutin. Nine persons wore injured. Tlio loss of property is immense , The ministerial journals positively deny the persistent rumor nf impend in ; ; ministerial crbio , which , it was suggested , wogld load to rcconatruo * tion of the cabinet under Marshal Ser ratio. Tlio liorio bhoori anil Litter Carrier * , Hpetlal DUpattli to TIIK lilt. Niw : YOHIC , October 2. The horse uhoora wont on a strike to-day against the use by employers of niaohinu-made . The pD tdlio | authorities are about to iiiukrt iiuj ury into the carriers' sya- turn hero , CD nee if the udditioiml sov'iit-tiinoii men called for lire BTATE JOTTINGS. lllooinlni'ton luouia up with an 11 pound turnip. Young dncka are Kettliif ; thick along the Klkhom , Cimtor county bteim up with a I'JJ poundti watermelon , A new elevator bcgini butlnens at Fairfield - field tliU week , A hra H band was organized at Weenlnc Water cm the 20th. iSewnrd county mined a 5 pound Bwtet potato this teiisou , Jleutrlco ; > ay a little more for fraln and thua geU nil the trade , , A union hlr will be held at Aranahoe on the 13th and 11th. William Stoliey , of Hall county , has Ji8 colonies of lieea at work , Judge JJimdy has been laid up * it home in Fall * City hy a few bollu , The riinlps County News ia to be inib. Ilshed at Trucyvllle , Giupei county. JJvery fanner In Nebraska ha * the best coin In the county fills year. Joe Swan took clur u of the Itcil Cloud ruUrcud eating houno lust week. Ncbraikn hai 1,500 Sunday Bchoolu , with U.800 teacher * and 7VM ccholun. An fnttrprWuy firailnltlctmrdioucouu- ty tnkeatun copies of u local weekly , Woik haa commenced < m the urecliuu tf an hvangellcal chinch at MudUou , A new paper li to l > o ktarted ftt Loup City , an the Time * defiantly xUtea. \Vindolph , ono of tlio earlieat Hall county , died im the Ii3d , Ou the 23J n republican campaign club WBJ being org uUed at Albion wueu cm alarm of lire wan given. The meeting took n Tcc3 , put out the fire and returned bus- Clav county oilers a 1.1-Incli onion an her contribution to the bljf vugctabo collection. The Oakdale 1'en and I'low mnn nays Rorghum molaws in very good food for bnhifit. Sol. Males , the well known Lincoln oir- pentT , received $1 000 pension money on the lflth. ! W. II. IJargor , of Hebron , ban radiahcH 2fi Inclien in length nnd 15 in circumfer- ence. ence.P P , S. Gilmorr , tliu fntnnm band man , nd wife , nrc vhltini ; relatives in 1'htts- nionth , J. II. Vnlentiuc , of Armstrong , Knox county , mined n llubbard iquai-h that weighed fill pounds. Tbo T.illo Hick Argus hni clungod hands. Win. H. Harrison and A. T. Jouoi assume charge. W. J , ICInRiburg , of Saunders county , k 'm About forty acr < B ( f broom corn that will Mug him ? 3OCO. Neighborhood papers state a man died latt wrck at Grand Inland who bad email p x , Tlio TinicH doilies It. CliailcH IClatte , a tailor of Kearney , was fo nd dead In bed on hid hnmontend on the Hand on the 21st. Heart disc/mo. / At Ilia DufTnlo county fair them were exhibited watermelons , Bmiashei and inniipkltH nearly three feet long. Tim brldnl clumber In a Fremont hotel is loiated In tlio tower. Let'n eee. Tower , . tou > - , to scr oh , jo < . Catch OD ? Hiillls k Co. took lli.OOO ihtcp to tlielr Kennohec ranch in Paweon county on the until. The nnlmala will be wintered there , Mrs. 0. D , Martin , wife of thn editor of tbo Dakota City Arjjvf , I slowly r cjver- hit ; from n long and very Berluui lilnees , C , A , Ll'idblonm , a Htromnhur ? tailor , wns futiiid di-iul In hh room on the 25tb. 1'aralyeU of tbe heart , cmstd by diuilpa- tion , Win. ( Sill , of Scward , who took fint proiiiliini at the dta'o ' Inlr on potatoes , Iliinku bin crop Mill ( , 'ci SDJ liUbholn to the ncru. ncru.W. . J , l''l iuln ( ; , of Dnwiinn couoty. sued the Unl in I'ncilic for ifainuKcv caused bv a Incninotlvo Ullllng ehofprtnilgotu vordlctof Mr. and Mr . Kd. Dowlnnd , of Nclunn , celebrated their Urn wcddlrif ; on th 2th. ( ! The lirum baud w s prencnt and enlivened the ulfulr. Her. H. 1 , . UndimUt , pastor of the IMethodlit church nt Oakland , wan married ntGalva , III , , on the lath tilt , to Minu Helen AnderHou , nun Illnkley , aged H , of Aaltland , lied tlio lariat around hlH wnlut on tlio li.'ith. The cow ran away , with tbo usual result death of tlio boy. The homosteadera un the lieavor are orgnnlzhifr n vltilanco eommlttee for the jitnpoKa of piinUhlnt ; thoiie wlio purp.i cly or uaiolosily act out nralrlo firm. John Hunt , of Antelope county , dug a a well on hU farm n nhoit time ago , and found H much K H that ho was obliged to mini it In order to tinfah the work , Mrn. 9 , M. Coleman , of Chioigo , baa iiiuli.ibed a half fineieHt in the Tuknniab JSCWB nnd will run the concern , lirewater filing buvk ti > thu Oakland Independent. AKcntlsman from Illinois , named Che- nor , has purchased a .section of land in Uraut prrcinct , ( Jago county , which he will divide Into farms f jr a numbir of his i. children. . TlK-re was a mealing of the principal grain buyers along the Xebraaka divisions of the St. V. & O. and the H. C , & 1 , roads at liliir on the 27th , for the purpose of oitfaniziog u groin buyers' osboclation , Martin ICremton , t.f Herman , who w a ulluded and ha lly used un In a shot gun Accidunt a couple of mouths ago , ban sur- liiUed everyholy by not dying. He will be well ugaln , except for tbe losi of sl bt. Uuokim'o Armc& rialve The Bear SALVK la the world for uw , Urulsoa , Hores , Ulcorr , i.nlt Ilheuui , Fe. ver Sores , Tetter , Chewed llanda , Chll blulns , Corn : ' , and all Ma eruptions , and positively euros pllts It is guaranteed to g ive e-ttiefWtfon i ir < aoy refunded , 1' 'riee , 25 cents per cr. ifrr tnl < > l > y 0 , K. Goodman HAS BEEN PROVED 1 he fc'JRESI CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. IJooii laiuo back orn disordered urin Indicate , lmt you un a vl'tlciP THEN IX ) NOTHEHITATiJiur Mt/NEY-WOUTnt oiicodlruKUUircooiuru tdlt ) anil pecdlly overoomo tlotUtcaioautlrcttorv lualtliy notion t toyour or. uoli paio [ andwcaknc < M.KJUKEY.WOaTUuu ur. | p < U3odultwill not promptly mdMfiOy , Either Bex. Incontinence , rctontlon ol irtoc , brick dust or roprdepotiu , anddull drogelni ; paUu.oU ipcodlly yield to 1U our- -tlvapauer. ( i ) SOLI ) UY ALL EHUaGISm Frlooll.