TH E DAILY BEE : tfATUKDAY SfiPTJBMBBJR 30 The Daily Bee. Saturday Morning Sept. SO.i i \Venthor Koport , ll'tie following ob'ervftllon * nre lakcn fit ' * amo moment of time ftt Ml tha st lloiu -1. ) , n UnpAnTMHfT , U. S. SioNALSicn. J vies , UMAHA. BcpU 29 , ISM. ( Il5p.m. : f Blrer6f < * t2 Inchci abe > elo wilcr mark at Omaha , S feet 0 Inchei M YanVton. UUtlsrir-pl 3 l t o Inchei at U Crosix , and 4 feet 2 Inches at LOCAL BttBVITIBS , There was a dcn o fof ? yeslcrday up to 8 o'clock. There Is nn Immenio amount of fmo grapes In the market , nnd they are down i : to five cents a pound. Tbo colored man Travli , who was fir- rested for cruelty to his wife was dlFcharg- d M she refuted to proiecuto , The treasuror'a department In the conrt house la qnlto busy making Hit ol delinquent personalities , which under the new law mutt bo finished by the lint ol October. The treasurer after that date Is compelled to collect taxes by levy. The charming and ropular Fay Tomploton has ngaln Hung her binner on the outer walh , The paper put up yesterday U among the prettlott of Iho season , nml the forthcoming appearnnco of the Joung ladywljl bo hailed with delight by all. The county judcofor Douglaa county. Hon. A. M. Chndwlclr , ha ju t completed nn elegant llttla house on Park avenue and loft yesterday for St. Johruburp , Vt. , on n thirty dnjM leave of nbicnco. Judginj ; fn > m nppoaranceH ho will after li la return be "ft man of innny bundle * . " The republican Btato cnmmlt- tee hold a tccond Fornlon nt their .head quarters In the Mlllanl hotel nt ! ) o'clock ycsUrday und fixed up n list of appoint- mcntx for various speakers in tha Second and Third congressional dlatrlctH for the campaign. They then adjourned. A.V. . Shenardson , who wan brought up from Wymoro on the charRO of having robbed a friend of nbotit $700 In jewelry and monov lu the Kmmett houee. tbl.i city , waived examination and hlii bond for ap- pcaranco nt the next term of court WAX fixed nt J3CO. Ho thought ho could road I- ly nccura this ball , but up to latest acoountu had not doiio eo. In the police court yesterday two plain drunlis were arraigned. One pa'J and ona was dlicbargcd , O. Hull , who Las th * racket nt the Bellot uo house last I' } ll night w&s fined (20 nnd costs nnd talks ol an appeal. Mary Pertholas , was lined $1 and costa f jr diachargeug n shot gun with in city limits. Bho shot at a dog. I * . Murtln was arrested for leaving exposed the carcam of n dead horno. He will bods- ! ( charged upon pajiuent of $ (5 ( , tbo price charged the city for having the dead ani mal hauled away. The party given by the Omaha Miuu- nerohor at the hall Thursday waa a very delightful one. About fifty ouiiplex were present and dnnclnc ; lasted until 1 ! o'clock , refrohmcnts bclmt enjoyed during tha nvening. The Hinging of this popular oclety was unusually fine , especially the pfoeo entitled "Dio Welt 1st HC > Sohocn. " The playing of Prof. Hohr , ono of the finest masters of the violin in the west elicited the greatest admiration and n , > . pUubO. It waj a charming party In every reaped. An adjourned special mealing of Iho board of education was hold nt the Union Pacific ticket cflicc , In the Millard hotel , at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mesn < , Connoycr , FergMnon , McHhniic , PolntH null Prualilent Long were present. The special building aommltteo reported in favor ol giving the contract fur two new school hoasea to Hoc & Hal' ' , carpenter work * ITurtwell & Co , , brickwork and plastering H. Lehman , pointing nnd glazlug ; A Burmelaler , tin work. Tiio president am ntcrctaty were authorized to make the cou tract. The building * arti to bo complotoi November 15 , ono to be an nddltlou to thr West school , and the other an addition tc the Harttnnn Hohool. JOH PKINTINC5. ScnJ f or printed ) > ricc Hit nnd xnnptci o Jt kinds .f Job work to the ALLKN PUINTINC ; CO , , job printers , and pub llnhers " 11UKAL NKUUASICA. " The American Cattle Journal. LIVK STOClv piintlng K ipcclalty. Nos. 218 and 20 , S 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. nopSOine-eodi'w There was n row among the "cats' who Hvo e it of the Metropolitan hole but night , and three of them , all of whose names nre familiar In pallce records , wen arrested nnd lodged In jail. The roa ctlenders , howoNer , are said , ua nau&l , U have etcapod , A prominent delegate ta the rapubl ! can ttite convention took n wnlk ilowt Twelfth tticvt the other night , and meet ing one of the "nc rlet" women wa honeyed over with words and career until hit pocket-book , containing ? 175 , wa worked out.of his pocket. He refuted t queal on the woman for fear of his nam being made public. A Dumber of our soldier buys wh went to Council Bluff * yesterday to a < tend the veteraub1 reunion , will now arr.v themiiclvM on the Anti-monopoly side o the house. They purchased ttcketi , whic ! bad coupons attached , to carry them eve tha street car Una to the fair ground * . 0 arriving nt the tramfer , they found on ttreet car to transport about 301 of thei uo town , ftLd the result was moil of thai hid to Loaf it. The money was paid ft t.o ticket * all the name , aud as tbo ral read company only pay * for coupon * take up , the gieat monopoly pockela the caul And laughs in Its slerye at the losers. directions for ever use are given with the Diamond For dyolng Mosses , Gratsu , Ivory , Hair , etc , jm I FANCIFUL FEMALES Who Follow the Ignns Faluns of Woman Suffrage , Ileotlonof Ofilcora for the Nntlonnl XVomnn EnlTrnRe Con vention. Anunnl Eleotiou- At the cloto of the reception at the 'ax ton last night a meeting of the xccutivo committee was held , which looted thn following ofliccrs for the nsuinq year : omcnin or IIIR N. w , , A. Cady SUnton. Vice 1'iesltlentn t I.nrgc MnllliU Jo - vn ( iflKc , Plxubo W , Con ? in ? , Mtatourl ; Ulvmpin Ilrown , Wlrconsln. VICE I'liMWr.NTrt Helen Martin , Ar > kanuM ! I/anri DcForco ( iordon , Caltfur- U ; Audit 0. Avrry , Colorado ; IMlierA , ewott , Connecticut ; Mary A. .Stewart , Delaware ; Belva A , I/ockrrood. D. C. ; .tarlattn . V. Hone" , Dakota Territory ; Elizabeth lioyntjn Hnrbvrt , Illlnou ; telcn M , fJoiiRar. Indiana ; Jana C , Me- Cloney , Iowa ; Sarah A Brown , Kan- an ; Halllo Clay Bennett , Kentucky ; Jllzilictli Ii uaxon , houlnlana ; ] Cllcn ' Foster , Maine ; Kebecca Wlllam ! % ndlana ; Hartietto Hliattuclf , Man . ; fnnnio Holdcn Fowler , Mich , ; Harah iurRCrH teams , Minn. ; Virginia lj Minor , tttisouri ; Clara llewlck Colby. NebraKkn , lannah It Olapp , Nevndu ; Kllra J C Oil * icrt Now Ilompshtre ; Cornelia C Hut- r , Now Jcrney ; LUHo D Ulakc , Now Yoik ; Harha K. Willlame , Ohio ; Abigail 3c lt Uunway , Oregon ; Matilda Hind- man , IVn sylvauln ; Anna K Aldrlch , Uhode Inland ; Kliztbeth Arcoy Mirl- wotlicr , TenneMce ; .lounlo licauchamn , exa. ; Kmmollne 11 WclliUtalu Lyrtla l Putn .in , Vcnnont ; Sally liolly , VlrKinia ; Ablilo II Sttmrt , Wn hlnRton Territory ; , \UTA Hjwi Wotcott , Wisconsin ; Mary B . 'o t , Wyoming Territory. , KxKOtTivu COMHIITKChairman , May Wrlclit S < wall , Ind ; liucl 1) McCIuntr , Mi. ; Tnuleo M Oliver , Ark. ; Surah Ji Cnox-ioodrcli ( ! , Cal. ; Isabella 1'eecber looker , Conn. ; Harriet 1'nrvl" , I ) . O ; reline B WInjW , I ) . C. ; Louho Uago 3an > cnter , Dakota ; Jtov. Ullz * V Wllkec , ) akota ; Harah K Lute" , Kanta * ; Annlo O Walt. Kanaan ; Mary 11 Clay , Ky. ; liar- let I1) KeallDK M , D Louiiana ; Clmrlotto V. Thomax. Me. ; Harriet II lloblxon , | In . ; Cordelia A Bite" , Mich ; Annlo rvlnc. Mo. ; Jonnlo J liolmcn , Neb : Mrn , I'ocum , Neb. ; Manilla M lllckcra. N. II. ; ilary 1'owcrs Killoy , N. II , ; Kcv. I'hoebo A funllfo d , N. S. ; Clemenca Lozlcr , M J N. Y. ; Clara Nlomnn , N. Y. ; Ausuuli Mllrnthal , N. Y. ; Helen M hoder , N. iT. ; Martha M Brown , O. ; M. Adeline I'fiompnon. ! ' . ; Mm , Julia Konfi-r. 1'a ; Elizabeth Ii llinckloy. U. I. ; Oina Iiugh- inie. Vn. : Mrs. A. J. I'aiUIock , Utah ; jnrah A Hicbunls , Mia' . lUiooitniNii SKOIIETAUIKH lUlcii H Shel don , D C ; Julia T Foster , IV K I'carl Adamn , 111 , Coninwro.NDiNii SKCiiLTAnv llachel ( J t'oator , I'onn. KOIIKION COIIUXHI'ONDINO SKOHUTAIIV /arollne A lilpg" . Knibnd ; Iydia K .eckcr , Kng'and ; Mine Do llaran , L'ari ; iillrn Clark Sar ont , Germany. TliKASuiuiii Jane I1' Si Ifiird , D C UUITOIIS lluthaml W F Dcnnuon , I ) The Phantom Pnnooaf * . Miss Annie Eva Fay , who roligiovs illustrated lecture on & pi ritu alism on Sunday evening , at Boyd'o opura house , should draw a largo and appreciative audience. An exchange says of the lady : "Mirs Fay has been Uio theme of column after column of flattering edi- oriala from the English preen , and ioth English and American critics agree that she stands unrivaled in her loculiar line , us Iho best exponent of ihonomoiml opiritualism now before ho world , Mian F y is a protege ? rof. Cook's , the great English scion- 1st , oho ranks nmonn her most inti- nato friends many of the great writers md thinkers ot the world , su-Ji an iradlaugh , John Bright , the Duke of Sdinburjala and others , who nil acknowledge her wonderful and nmr- rolous power. Miss Fay will iircsont ior Boanoo that rhe gave before the loyal society of England , and under ho same strong crucial teat conditions as when for throe months she filled the [ uoon's concert rooms nnd the crystal lalaco , Sydonhnm , with thn elite of ashionablo London. Wo bespeak a crowded house and a well pleased .udionco of our best citizens to Rroot Fay , aa undoubtedly will bo the Uooro-Trucy. Mr. Jamoa Tracy , omployo of the Union Pacific local froluht depart- nont of thii city , was married lo Misa Annie Moore , of Davenport , Iowa , on .ho 20th inst. , at the brido'u home. They arrived in Omaha at 7:20 : p. in Thursday , and were mot at the U. P. depot by u few of their many friends , who greeted them with hearty hand shakes and tunny well wishes. James * wedding has been look d for lo ! this many months , but sly Jim has ut laot broken the ice and proven to Inn com * [ > anions liia indomittiblu will and rico-liko resolution tint hu would no longer refrain from the plcimirc ? ol married life , though ho should be bound by Hymen's ' chains nnd thrown into the diamal stvampa of matrimony. "May lunlth mid wealth upon them nblne , May the frulU ( Invo around them twlnu. ' Supromu Oonrt Djinia Vr , Dtvis. Appeal from Douglas county , AHirmod. Opinion In 1804 , certain real cstato in the eity of Omaha * as purchaaod by the wife of T. , the coneidoration therofoi paid with her own money and tin title thereto taken in her name. Shi afterwards convoyed to U. in trus for her children. In 1870 one 1 } commenced an action by nttachmen against T , , and caused < no real estati in question to bo levied upon as be longing to him. Afterwards judgmen was rendered against T. , thu property sold as hi , and a shcriirs deed there for made to 1) . , who thereupon com menoed an action against D , to quid the title , and for a decree that the property upon which the attachment was levied in fact belonged to T Hold , that T. had no Interest in the property liable for his debts , and the action was properly dismissed. Motions for rehearing were over ruled in the following case/ ; DoraDlotrick vs. Railroad company , Hansom vs. Kihmela. School district No. 0 vs. school dis trict No. II , Hamilton county. Bonordiu vs. Dresser , 1'ottit vs. Black ; Like Oh. S. dis aontinu , Atkins vs. Atkins ; appeal from Lan caster county ; decree modified. Opiu ion : 1. After a cause is submitted to tb court on the merits , it ii too Into to raise the objection that the b'll ' of ex ceptions was not prenptited tt < thu nd- verso party for correction nnd atnuiid- mcnt , bcforo being signed by the udgo. 2. Dccrf o for alimony modified by educing Iho snmo from 5,600 to 3,000 , nnd an allowancn for attor neys' fcoa and expenses from $2,000 o § 1,000. Homford'i Aolil Phofiphntft AH A NRKK FOOD. Dr. J. W. Smith , Wellington , 0. , ays : "I have used it ndvantnpoouily n impaired norvou supply. PERSONAL. K. V. Momirmn went eait Thursday. JuJga Thurstnu and wife have gone to Minneapolis. Col , .1 , M , Wolfe returned from Djnver Thursdry. Col. Clmrlcs G. Van Horn , of Now York , ts at the Paxlon. Tlmberlino Jonen wa ! an east-bound passenger Thursday , K. 11. Balllman has returned from a two weeks' visit lo Chicago , H. M. Horseman , of Iho U. 1' . freight auditor' . ) oflice , Imi gone to St. Joseph on a vhit. vhit.Tom Tom Orr , private secretary in Iho office of the general manager of the Union PA- cillc , relumed from the east Thursday. Mlsi Mtggto J. Truland reluraod homo yeiterday after a two months' recrea tion at the principal numnier resorts of the west. west.Mips Mips Lizzie Ke.V.hloy , an accomplished young belle iof Mt. Vernon , Iowa , who has been visiting her sister In lhl city , Miss .Nellie , returned home yesterday Mr. Scolt Brown , a [ well-known IOWA fanner , residing at lied Oak , was in Ihe cily Thursday , accompanied by Mrs. Irown , and honored THE BEE with a call. 1) . S. Wngnor , npcchl agent for the Im- iciial Insurance company , of London , for Cobraakn , Kaneos and Iowa , ifl in the cily in btiiincBB , and bin friend * are trying lo lersuado htm la locale here. Mr. Julius Keatner , Ihe enterprising irinlcr , book binder and musician , has ; ono on a trip to St. Lou ! ? , to ceo Ihe 'Veiled I'rophcts. " Ho will , alio , during M3 nbscnco vWt hia old home , St. Geneva , Mr. I' , J , Ai.der8on , a ( successful r.ud. voll-to-do fanner of La I'orte , Ind , , is in hu city , making a short slay , eu roulo to Colorado. ] Io In an old friend and play- nato of our well-known nnd highly esteemed citizen , ] Judge Anderson , whoce inert ho li duringhlastay iuthoGate Cily , Horiy Hlhbard , Iho well-knpwn allacho of Patoroon Bros. ' Fifteenth street store , reciivcd a letter counselling himHto hereafter "conduct himself with Iho dig- lily becoming the uncle of u fine boy. " tfcxt lo being the father of a fine boy , ) eing uncle in Ibo best , and Harry besw iin new honor with becoming modesty. Charles G. Treat , U. S. A. , h al the . 'nxlon , Simon Khan , of Chicago , h at Iho 'uxlon , Wm. Liddell. of Belfast , Ireland , is at ho Paxion. J. C. Post , of Colummis , la at [ the Met- opolttan , James It. Smith , Blair , Neb. , h at the Metropolitan. Hon. T. M. Marquett , of Lincoln , is at he Millard. Colonel K. V. Simmer , U. S. A , , ii at he Millard. W. II. Mallory , of Ft. McKIimey , W. T. , is at Iho Metropolitan. W. L. Whlltemoro , Long Tine , Neb. , U t Iho Metropolitan. Mr. Charles J , Mayer , of Chicago , In falling frlenda in this city. 0. W. Crabbs , of Fremont , and V. Moody of Florence , are at the Metropol- tan , M. B. Leavitt and Tony Pastor's united combination , twenty-four neople , are stap ling at Iho Millard. C. M. Shedd and wife , Beatrice ; Gco. W. Best , D. D. Miner , Lincoln ; W. A. lornutt , Nebraska City , are at the MIL ard. ard.T. T. M. Mouslck , Kearney ; C. U. Orahba andlL S. Putly , Fremont ; JOH , Slither- and , Sidney ; C. S. Stewart , II. P. FCH- ter , Lincoln ; J , W , Haa * and wife , Sid ney , are at Iho Paxlcn from interior No- Leu Mead , the brilliant yimng jaur- nallot aud author from "tho Ilub , " ln n- ; agcd In writing a romance , to bo published in Kurial form , thu msene f which U l.ild In Omaha , and which will tmbody much uf till * city's early history. Mr. W , N , JumUun , of the Burlington Mluouil , who has played first base fi r their nluo fur u lon time , nnd mib o. "luently played In the field , owing lo an accident by which ho was partially disa bled , did not accompany the nine on Its Culorail ) tilp , anil fur very good reamn. He is as clllclenl In tha ticktt departu cnt us on i ha diamond Held , aud just before the B. k M , nine left Omaha WAS tendered a position which wai eo complimentary and to much of a promotion that he could not dc cllne it. Mr. Jarniaon will irmko hi * mark yet in the railroad world , or wo are much mistaken In the man , Nervous debility , the curse the American people , immediately yields to the notion of IJrown'a Iron Bitters. SLAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE M do froir the wild flowera of th KAH * AMKD YOSEMITE VALLEY , it is the moat fragrant oi perfumes , Manufactured by II. U. Blaven , San Francisco. For sslo in Omaha byf , J. Whltohouso and Komiaia iiros , , &Qo. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA- 1IA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best tha market aitords. The traveling public claim they got bettor accommodations and moru general satisfaction here than at any other houto lu Omaha. Uato , % ' ,4 per day. aug21tfm - Buoklm'u 'Arnica Balve. The Bust BALVX In the world for Out ; , Bruises , Bore * , Ulcerr , talt Kheum , Fe var Boroa , Tetter , Chipped Hands , Chll bl&lns , Corns , una all kln eniptioru , and p-jditlvely euros Ilea , It Ii guaranteed tc give aatlsfftctfou I oaey nlundod , Prioo , 25 cant * per ex , if or solo .br.vQ , V , Goodman CITY COUNCIL Action on the Complaints for Equalization of Taxes , Mason find Dixon'a Line of Oinabt ; . The Electric Unlit Company Arc Authorized to Go Ahoutl. An adjourned inciting of the city council was hold last evening at which nil the members \vcro present except , President Slull. Oa motion the council reiolved Uclfinlo a UJUMITTEI : ov TIIK WHOLE , with Mr. Belim in the chnir , to dls- M O of the complaints laid before the council when sitting as a board cf equalization. THE UKDICAl , CuLLEOE. The complaint of Richard 0 Moore on behalf of the Omaha medical college - logo , claiming exemption from tnxa- lion on the ground thbt it was an in stitution devoted wholly to education al purposes and came under Sao. 2 , Art. 9 , Coach of Nobraakn , and Sec. 2 , chap. 77 , p. 400 , Statutes of No- braaka , was on motion not considered. HUNDKY COMPLAINTS. In the matter of the complaint of Doxtrr L. Thomaa , that lots 8 and 0 , block 2 , in subdivision niadu by Per kins , are aflBctsod too high. Filed. In the matter of the complaint ot Joseph Barker , the assessment of w. \ lot 1 , block l.TJ , wua reduced from § 1,500 to $1,000. The complaint of diaries M. Lord , in the matter of the assessment ot the personal property of Margaret A. Lord , wna referred back to the coun cil for further notion. The complaint of Ferdinand Streitz , that lota 1 , 2 , 3 , 22 and 2tt , llnrtraan'o addition , assessed § 75 each for the first four , and § 50 for the fifth , are valued too high , was filed. So also waa tbo complaint of S. lleichcnborg in regard to middle J lot 2 , block 121 , raised from § 1,000 to SI,850 , and ona in regard to several lota in Nelson's addition. On motion the committee rose and reported their action to the city coun cil. A UECKSS. A rcccsE of five uiinutua was taVon , during which Me. Corby was called upon ior a woman uutTrMgo speech. The report of the committee of the whole wrj then : ulupu.d , UESOLOriO > H. By McGuolciu : 'Irawn the pay of the deputy city marshal to $70 per month , aamo an the police force. The city attorney was directed to drayup ouch and ordinance By Ivsnfaiann : Instructing the city marshal to request the county com missioners to grade all the approaches to .tho streets and alleys along Thir teenth street. Adopted. By Herman : Instructing the chief of fire department to take down bcx G and placa it on corner of Thirteenth and Pacific. Adopted. By Oorby : To make all crosswalks on Sixteenth street running north and south five feat wide. Referred to committee on streets and grades. By Oorby : That II. Knowlos bo permitted to place earth on Dodge street between Eighteenth and Twen tieth ; not to exceed 200 yards to boeo placed. By Thrano : To purchase 17,000 yards of earth at not to exceed ten cents per yard , payable from the sewer fund , to protect the South Omaha Sewer ; provided , that the ordinance to grade Ninth , Eleventh and Twelfth Btronta bo passed. Quito a discussion arose over the adoption of this resolution , in which the old question of the equal division of favors between north and South Omaha figured pretty largely , one member declaring that Dodge street was the MARON AND IUXON's LINK of Omaha , and others asserting that they know no such division. The resolution was amended , limit ing the matter to 20,000 ynrdsjind placing the amount in the hnnda ol the board of public works. OKDINANCKH. An ordinance setting aside $4,000 from the sewer bond fund , series one , for the protection and repair of thu sowcra , was read twice and referred. An ordinance extending the tire limits BO ES to include the north hall of block 173 , Omaha , v/aa read and ro- ferrod. This runs to the alloy be tween Jackson and .Tone : , Thirtccntl and Fourteenth streets. An ordinance requiring lot 8 , block 8 , to bo filled was pained. An ordinance ru-eztnblishing the curb line on Eighteenth atroot be tween Himioy street and Capita avcnuo was passed. An ordinance re-establishing the curb lines on Seventeenth between St , Mary's and Capitol avenue was passed , Mr. Bohra not voting , am Messrs. O'Koefu and Thruno voting in the negative. Au ordinance regulating the con struction , widening and repair of side walks , and providing for the levy o taxes therefor , was read and referred An01 dinanco authorising the North western Electric Light company to erect and maintain wires and poloa along the public highways of Omaha on certain conditions , WAS passed , An ordinance establishing a grain hay and produce market on Twenty first street , between Burt and Oum ing streets , was passed , An ordinance amending tha prdin anco regulating the construction o areas and stairways was defeated by n votu of C to 4. Adjourned. linby'i Warning. When baby has lhu at dud ol night , Uotberln ( rifbt , fatherIn.a plight ; When worin do bite , baby rauil cry , II fern sell In , bibymuit die. II croupjr pitni kill Leonora , In taat homo the till no C ltorl , For inothcra learn without delay , G aitorla cures by Bljht and day. Notice. The "Hawthorn Centennial Excelsior colsior Hoof Faint , " was patented Ma ; 24th , 1881 , and otters patent num > cr 241 , 803. Any person found or cnown to tamper with the manu- actnro of said paint will bo punish- d to the full extent of law. Ko per- on has any authority whatever to sell cceipta. HAWTHORN & Buo. , Lancaster Pa , JDDQE JAMES NEVILLE. That QonUotunn will Hucceocl Judge Snvngo In the Third District. It has been known for tome timn hat lion. James W. Savage content- > latcd resigning hin neat upon the > ench cf the Third district. Wo carnfd authoritatively last evening hat his icnignation had been tendered and accepted by tiov. Nance , to take effect Oct. 10. The governor authorizes Iho an- miomioeinont that lion , James Ne ville , of Omaha , will bo hin oucces- or. That gentleman ii widely cnown and highly qualified for the petition , and the appointment will ; ivo universal satisfaction. Owing to , ho innufliciont time there will be no election ordered to fill the vacancy at ho coming election , nnd the ap- lointco will hold until a uuccreaor 3 elected next year. State Jour nal. KF.IIDI.VOH , Ktt > sn Snlro lias proved its flictency by n teal of 75 jcars' ounntant u e. Try It. SPECIAL 1C ) LOAN MOMtY . TO I CAN Uu chattel inortKuvo 'o- MU.NKY . A. U. Tuttun , No. 11516 U.iOKUi Irect , Iront rcom , Ui-tUlr. | . 435'tt OJJE7 TO LOAM Ctllot LanUfflcoof D. M1 L. Ttiotniui Ho3"n R TO JUUAA At H per oauMl. _ _ _ . _ ) tfereet In snro9tc ( 12,200 Mn upwards , for S to C youra , on firtt-clrttti city nt form property. HIKM ( liii , Kcr/.ra nnd I. nit AHjnroT. Uth nd Dfiuvlan Htf. HELP WANTEU. " \TrANTKD A colored citl for irenoial h us YV w ik. In a email family luqulni at 1611 Joins strout , bet em Fifteenth and H x o nth Mr ets. tlWf l A flrsjc'ais lurli > r BtKearnoj , W Htbra k . ID , QAINKS. _ AftTt.1 ! A lad 12 cr Ib j Cirs uU U | ; ilv lu W Dr. Dcnlro Ko 1114 h'irnatu Ht. U8-2Jt Athiroughly coa.p totitgln'or WANTIIJ waihlng > n'lf nli ff. fUf rencu cqulred 1310 L'avenpirt 8 : . bet Ibth and 14tx 6ID-.f ANTED Comiittent girl In f.unlly cf Ihrto vANTED \ . lOihVtbjter. . tici : 0 | ' . ) Young man between the ago of WANTl'.I 'JO Ji-vf' , toork on a fruit and egctable farm , Oonnan , Huule or liobcmiau > ri > ferrcd. Addreu C. H , Kggluton , Ash and , ieb. M7-30' Hf ANTED A girl for central hou39crl ; . YV Oaod wa c3 Hi I be paid. Ctiai. TUck Eage ! llousu. fC7-29t Oo dirlrl 'nrcenrril hr.mcwuk WAKIrU rifciCLCj rum red. Apuli at 1923 Fur ham JreO. _ BU-29 ANTKUA R'Tvan' f Irl for n ncr l hou > e- W uoik. A | > nly 101 LloJ c aud 2.-J > ANTKO Tno or lour won wno u.i'N rj And W dltcalng , 10 miles out. QooJ V\agct , lu rplio ArlcuiaiM. Clarke , 2113 Ilar.ey tilrci t. DtO-St A competent lrl an cook and WANTED laundroes. lira. W. J.L'onncll , tit. Mary's aycnuo , opp. ( .onvcnt. ' D74-II ANTKD-A girl at DIS north 14th s'.ract. W3-EI ImmBdlitelj' , an A Mo. 1 uhl o WANTED rtocinwr nccdapr'y.VaxcaJ17 ' Ecrweok and pornian.-nt Jjb. Aildio.s to Louis ayir , North 1'lottj , hao. 676-Mf WAKTED Imini.lutfly , a jrcoJ pnctORia- plicr , carable 11 fating charge of a galle ry. llocllfr , Grind Iiland , No branka. US 'JQt Two men f .iood nddrcts to cm WANTED iid null sp ciUtica. Htoady employ mcnt to gold men. call 121 south lOtb ttruu ; . tC5-S9t - boy lo as'Ut t Cigar and WANrttD-Strart Ooul rcferenc.H rtqulred. Apply "r. F. " Ilia otDco " ICl-tf / A n'l fcL - nrrl fFrh' . W bvcnuo. ilrs. J. HCounsjan. 661 tf PANIL'D 1 good girl ImmcdlaUly at Occl- W dc : cil Hotel. Wl-lf W M gin utthe Omaha tnuse. WANfliD. W ANNED By a yonrg lady , sitintlon as clerk or lopyibt. Can lurulsh giod refer- ci C-H. Addrops "K. H. " 1721 Uod o btroct , BS7-20I Ono good minaxjcr. Steady work WANTIID good pay , ( rcfurcnuu * rt | uirud. ) Applv at 218 N. ICtli btrct't , up-etairs , room G. \-\rANTED-AtlhB Nationalist * ] at LI coin , W One No. 1 finulo co.k wouto" . Btst of wgc will be laid. 129-tf ) ti'/Jjirivj ibu.tii , cinl.s ind cttt , WAMKL lo clutn vitli baxltii ) Vault r.rd Slni CU'anur , the beat In aw. A. LVMII L. Co. , iinnui IVOcI Dcd 'K " 'root , Onuhu. . 1WU i I mlir t Ifclilur WAMI.U .It.i Addrttv IT Port HMU olHce. t 9-tf WANTKO Sltua'lon byyounjf Udycf rx- I criciicu todog rer > l l.ouic oik. Ilu'er- enccs tlvtnil nnutr l , Ad rcm lilfi a.itli Ut. \ITANTED Situation by an nperlensd crok. VI ornnily coji ut the Jl.lUrd.ddrnxa "Hccil , " Htf otiku. Ui-tl Hoomn aui . oird. If prhnte WANTED lo takoone or two boarder * , will s nU thiir ailcrce : to the \Vyman ConiurcUl College , student tu.kln < lioirJ cr rocms will i < offered for them A J WYJIAN. (110tl _ "IITANCKU-U ) rd a'd roomn for tf peraorv , YV self , wile and ralld. Aildnt. lrli ttr.ti ( I J Hn > nttlcj _ Olrt-'lO' ANiHi-U.rUt 1U13 llovtard > live. , mutt bu a L'joJ cook , naihemtid Ironc-r. 017-80 * . ' ) Tj work lor board. A ) ouu < WA.M'hl YI h excellent re ercnctu attundlui ; liool In ihocity..dditws W , U A , beoOffice. flll-lf. 'XTT'AI.TKO TJ Kent a firoiklreiuy Mockel Vnd provided with Imuleweut , am well quil. IflcJ to conduct a largo form , Addr en T. R , W. Omi-ha Ntb. 683-21) ) ' \TrANTKU-Cottace nl 4 rooms by OctolcrSlh AddrtM Tenant II je OUlce. _ A'-.out KO rr 1,000 jards dirt. WAJJTND at Krtb' Vlurgir Wcrki , Joned It reel , bet , llth and loth. _ 4Sa-t' FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. "OOK HUNT A h'u e llh n ti roaon ne ly J } ptlctedandi-apvrod. b.V. . corn r cf 13UI hud Chlcno trcit. C. AXFOtlD , fcOMf T70K UKNT Cottage with5 room * an 1 cellar , _ L Amp'eerouudi , ktable , f crn FarthamSt. corccrViJ. tea rxUnJod. Apfly t } Uei. vy , Uoane. C05-2 _ T7AOU 11KNT FuroMed n'co larje ; south ( rout 1 } rcoia , I6 < H F rnam street. D11-2U * UFNT A nicely furnlihed aouth room FOR rrtvlige ( f bathroom and board , at 1911 ParnamSt. 601 601 T7OB KENT t'urnUheJ rcom * at 014 cuth JJ litb ilrett , bct e n llo rd knajaclaou tit tide , wltbla 8 blocks south cf * araaui St. C.:4t ( I OR KENT New cottage six rooTione block 1' weitcf end of rod car line , fin a mouth. OM-fB A , C. WAKtLT. T71OR RKNT Nlcly furnlihcd roonn ejnven- JL1 lent lo bnslnem , 1020 rarnliam &l. 07 ( f K * FT House of 4 roirns. Kail lot , ? 5 h JTICin Ch'upo tJtt. Stotkdtle. M3-301 TjlOU IIF.ST Furnlnhid room at 614 south 14th J ? ttrett , betn ejn Uonrard and Jackeon , t t ilt. W4-tf 17Or Kt.S'T A hon > of ( Lr < M ti'OmJ. Inquire J1 N\VOor. _ 14thJoiiM _ _ _ _ 83-tf RKNT Hful 3 rocinl with kitchen , ITIOtl 1 rwntty an ! closet. 1131 Sherman nrrnue , nmr U P. shops. f.73 21 TJ10K KKNT-A tm llhame In Melsop'i tddl- JJ tlon. Inquire it EdhoImA , F.ricki n's. 17011 Iir.NT FmnUbMl ft Bnlurn'dnod rcrnn JJ at 1110 J ckion at. between Hthitnd IV.h 032-SO' O HOT A stcro tn Dilcoralo block , nn H inth ttreet , near Datcr.pjrt. ft . D HOO-2UI rpoa WU 8F Hlx buslntss Icta oh the corner J. ol lOtli nml I ) > vtnpott kt ccts , altoscfier or to ) orate. Also aljo.ulty tc.IJtnco. Inquire on pr.inlir ; . 411-9) lAtga nfllcci on Fartiam strrot J. Applr ta John II K. Ixhnmnn A Co. 472-1 TIOOM3 FOU RENTKntnlshcd or unljrn. JLIditd. . wllh baud , a072 , ojjuir lUih olid California HIR MaitnlelUller 485 U rnEI UOtMbS KOll RKNTmall anil larjH JL. lour to cloven rooma each ; one or two tuw cntx. DUMIS , Atent , Ie83-tl _ Uthand Douglaum J7 OR RKhT Furnished rooms ol 1717 IAU JJ ttciet , bet. 17th and ISth. 4GG-tl I.1OH Ilf.M 1 urocery store , cur , lUth .ttee JJ and Capitol at cnue. Apply on ( .remise * . SOa-U _ CHAS. NhUKK. 1701 IIBNT An ulrginty lurnUhed front [ < room , one block fro u U. P. or U. and 11 , headqcarrera. lerms ? 16 , etilctly In advance , Audre'S "Old. " cireof UL"1 for ICUO ( Ht * 5-W peraunum , inch fnratermof joirs. at 'Oraui.-e Oro\c a > l ] ( nine : Uanscom Purk ou the went , llvtt mlnuto * wallr from a reel earn , Money ran 1'ouhtnuib.l to build with , by persona loiwlcp tbffte lotu at ! ( L'nUr rttn * . JAMVaF. MOUTOK , tH3tf " 'i uraivKx. nfllct 1515 Far nam Street Y7IOK UKNT linen Moro. Irqulra at Drug J. 8'cre , C.THCI loth Hin 8to. ' (20-tl IOll H Nl Iw.i h.w . wo other F K < i In iloulrable looillty , by McKoon No. 1/111 / liinii'li < Min t tlALt. tiAitLY 5tV II iittburnnr parlor itov tnr N < T w.l ixehinifo lor bujrey. V. E. T. e'tllco. ' OH r > ) . rtv'.l ' < n aituont now Invincible Nn. 4 VOD.I t ii and wood ttixe. Inquire at 1823 rfiionrti- ' . Ol5-t ( LrUi.Nl It'll * . UnHAl > h Atnuy ; uiust 1 050 U lu o oo. Fa lly breaking up IIOLSO- kcepiiu. Dnunelu and Ingrain cupels , na nut clnii Iior furniture bidding , coctor tables 8 h nitric s'oves , dlnl g nud Kit b n furniture , 2013 0 aj btrcci. House f jr ruut ; 8 rcom * . _ _ _ _ J12-M ITlOll RALK A horau ; i.ew lu : y ur.d 511 ir JJ ncs . Ir.cilllrj.-xt " 22'J FaniMiiSt. LOMt SALE CHEAI' Iho brick aud 'ria-o ad FOIl ditiini ol Milton liOKurs' houc , W. W. enrrtr aviiiiworch rectj. 5 9-tl T OHSALK ri-st-ciiiu itaurant Apply to L I' , llamiwtller , lltu street , bi fAreu Kurnaai rtud Ilara'V. Difl-60 1 _ _ _ _ _ 171 ' 11HALK A well pnIn huiliicdi. ceatrnl * Ij ly located , Good cb ncu tat the right man Reasons lor soiling satlilacxry , Adduce "Q. V. ' Deacfllce. 511'tf ; tALb SCO nlclilJ liarros. Inquire at HUM KrcbV Vinegar worts , Jones btiett , between _ F OK HALK ( lood bulijln ; br.cX. Call at \ \ \VVrk8offlce. . 440-tf /"llllllCK co'.ciHao ' nheep for kie. fa 1 on or \J addr se r. C OUAULK , Wr-'i wit Krnrne.Neb. . . j . ' -ALK Orct-try and crockery , j1 with or without bulloinAddr Bi''Oiicc- oa."Ntb.box49. ! 46tf PBOl'EUTV KOP. HALH At a SPLENDID , cno Ur < u brick houw , r.nJ one large frame hotiso , with full lot ou Casi near 1Mb street. Via ? chince for Invrntmcnt , rent for $70 per month. Call f jv full particulars , on CEUIS. and Doutrlaa tin. IX BEAUTIFUL LOrS-MJilW feet each In § Ilamcom f.'ace on street car linn. Dent loti whole addition on very oo. f terms and at a grent bargain. Dim in' a 'cnt , 16th tnd Doujlti streets 16-tl FOK SALK. Tha Arlington HOUM' nOTKL First c'ruu ; all furnished he only hole In ton n. The cheapest property In the state. Has all tha rrM cling \Yttlbescldincapon terms to hult. Knqulre of K. Fulle , proprlttor , ArUniftcn , WeanliiRton county , Neb. Cb3 tt ITIun I.MJIV Or will exum rfo tor uuuua ( , < JL' pnrtr , an Imprivrd tea 03 of laud tdlolu Due a Htation on U. P. U. I : . U. DUNHAM , HU It. . Ornahi. 7SJ3c < KICK FOIl IMTAUKOOK A WB IOHT On S indlas' , a white bull pup , ten J months u d ; naawers ti name cf "ru'ior. t. nee er will lo'nra iliotamo to ilarrlu & Flihcr will ba rul'abl ) M-w\iUd OlS tti LOST Ou T.icsJvr . a hd(4 natch the finder will b reuariloi byliailnj/ ) sung nt 1017 Nt. COO-tf T OST Saturday morning cno pair of ojofflastt- Lj en , The finder will be rewarded by leavlnR at lsl3F rnnaa street. ' ! ! A Mdiunzle , of New York , hai MS studio for Instruction In all branches ot drawing , pa iit'.n < aud nee le orkatl07S Mth btrcct , Omaha. _ nil-mitt rp\VO DOLLARS IlKWAHD loit , k ucch of I ke > s. Ary Clio llndlii ; ; the uin.e ntd leav- Inc them at thli otnco will rtucive the above ru ward. 610 tl > AKEN Uf-Ahrtrohiwk OL' . Owner can I IIIVB tame of u , U. Vlwkronear Johnaou'u br'ck > itd. 600-2 t . Jb'l'liiiiusu ami < Jirpc.t oi uiiurtjtote 1'olliher. I/onu crduri at Hepublicoii of- nco , 13h and D urta . will bif ) ' the turnllura cf the best p yl"ir hufjl In Ibwo. Ilont reM onablti. Auilr > , ui l > oh > b Mugrrgor , Bee oltlcr , Omaha , Nub. IQfl-tl EDWAEO KUBHL UAUISTEK 01' l-ALUVSTEHV COHBl TIONALIfiT , iM Tcr.lli Street , between 'ftMf. uudlluioev. TVI11 , wltl. the kid of cuardlai tpit'.tE. cbuln for ay we glt.nct a ) the pu' and yrrrsut , pd 03 ccitr.ln conditions ID ths fn. tui . Ik-cto ocd ( Iliof p > de lu udor , terieit " e'oo rii rtn " ' Absolutely Pure. ITils powder never varies. A marve. o purity , strength and wholesonunesa More economical then the ordinary kinds , and cannot be bold in competition with the multitude of low Ust , short weight , a.lam or phosphate powders. Sold only in ca i UOTAL BAKINO POWDKU Co. 106 Wall St. , New York COLUMN , Offices 15th and Douglas Streets. No. 307. Routltul residence lot on B'lcrmui street , near hfad of St. Mary's avenue , $2.700. No. 3U. fullltoii IBlhitrcet , uoar Fopnlo- lon's , tKQ. No. 3IB. Full acre en Hurt street , neir Convent of FacrodIIeariSl.200. No. 317. Full lot on Callfom's , near 21st street , 31 , COO. Iso. SIS. Two lots rn SewarJ , coir Sauadcn Etteet , 31,310. No. 310. Two lota on Chirks , near Saundcrj street. 8I.5CO. f.o. S0. Ha f cere on Cumloj ; street , near Dut- tonl7B. No. 321. Hlx hcsutlul rttldenco lots , One tiiw , on Mt. ilccmnt aviiiuo , near llmecom IVrn , 4.r,00. No. 32' . One-halt acre on California strwt.nixir C clghton Co lego $ IC > 10. No. 323. Twu lots on llarcy street , near ISth street , $ .r , C01 , No. 323. Tolots on Dcdge , near Orovostreet , Snilth'it addttl n. * o. 315. four aero bio k In West Omaha , * -J OCO. Choice 4 acre block In Smith's addition nt vca\ end of Farnatn street will ( 'lvo any length cf ttun required at 7 per cent Interest. Also & eplcndH 10 acre hloek In Smith's addi tion on natno liberal tetun 3,1 toe lorcRolni. . No. 80 % Half lot on Hud n J SGth ctioct , ( TOO TOOKo Ml , Lov ou 18lh street ncnr I'.iul , S12CO. No 02 , T it SOilSO feet on l&ch street , near NlchoUs JtCO. X No 09 , Oud quarter aero ou Hurt 6t/C Ct , > W Dutton f 000. \ No 297 , Two lotu'on Elondo near Irene fcircet , > ' , $260 and 300 each. " No 290 , Two lain on Georgia near Mldjlgan street , 91200. No 96 , Twcho choice residence lota on Hamil ton street In Sblnn'a addition , flno and eljhtl } . * W to 8500 each. No 294. Beautiful half lot on St Mary's r.v- cnuc , 30x180 fuel , near Dlahop Clarkson'a wid 10th street , SltOO. No 292 , Two choice lots on Park avenue , 60s 1EO each , on Htrcct railway , 8SOO each. No MlSIlets In MilUrd & Caldwell's addlUon on bhermau Avenue near Poppleton'a , tSOOto Slileacn No K:5 , Four lots on Dooa'ur and Irtno Etrects , near b'aunders street , 37S to f(5 each. No 282 , Lot on 10th near Paul etreot , $760. No 231 , Lot 56xl 0 feet near St. Mary's avenno , and 20th street , $1500. No 273 , Lot on Occatur near Irene street , ( S2& . No 278 , Fuur lots on Calawell , near Sauryfjni' etrett , JiOO eacli. Ho Z',0. Lotoa Clinton street , near shot towt * 4126. 4126.No 27B , Four lots on McLellau street , fax ttlondo , Hawu's Addition , ? 2 5 each , No 274 , i'hieo lots uoar race courw : make offer ] . No Z68 , Bevjtlfal corner acre lot on California street , oppoxlta and adjoining Sacred Heart Con vent ground * , jlOOO. No Mo , Lot onMaaon , near 15th street , ? 1S60. 100 lota In "Credit Foncler"and "Grand VW additiouB.lust south-east of U. V and B. A M. hBllroaducpots.ranelnsfroin 8160 to 100Se h and on easy terms. Beautiful Hcsldcnco Lots at ft barsaln very handy to shops J1U5 to 260 twh , C per cent down ndi6 per cent per month. Call and getplalanil full particulars No 25 , Full corner lot on Jonce , Near 16th r.trect , 83,000. No 253 , T wo lots on Center street , near Cum- Iner etreet , $300 for both or If WX > each. KoiElJ , Lot en Howard , near King street , 350. 350.No 210 , Half lot on Dodge , near llth Btract. No 217 , Four beautiful residence lots near Crd hton College ( or will separaU ) tS.OOa No 216 , THO Inti on Center , near Cumin ; street , 625 and $100 each. No 2 OJ , L3t on Idaho , near Cumins street ? 22i > 22iNo 216 , Boautlftil corner aero lot ODCumlnir. near Uutton street , near new Convent of hacred llnart , $ ltOO No. 241 , Lot on Farnam , near 13th ttrtet , No-jn , Lo on Farnam , near 26th street , tl.OOO. No.UiO , corner Itt on Burl , near S2d ttreet ' ' 'NO , 23 $ . 120x132 foct a Harnoy , ncsr S4th , street , ( will cut It up ) $ ; , < ! 00. No. iJI , Lot on UouKlas street , mar 6th , ? 1CW. No. 227 , Tvt o lots on D catcr , near Irene cjj * 200 each. V r > o fit. Lot 1 < 3 by 441 fe t on Sherman ati. BUo(16th ( ftiuct ) . nca ( Jraut , 84,000 , wllldlvldo. No 2 ) , Lot 23xOO.fect on Uodgo , near 18th street ; nnku un cffer. No 217 , Lot on 23rd near CUrK , $500. No 21tt , Lot on Hamilton Dear King , ( SCO. No 209 , Lot bn ISth street , near NicholM IW ) . No 207 , Two lots on 16th , near Padflo itrtmt , No'JOl , nitautlful reaUcnco lot on Dlviiloo street , near Cuiulng , $900. No IDDJ Lot ou 16th street , oeai Pierce , * WX ) . No 198J , Lots on Sauudon street , near B w. ard ? MW. No llWl , Two lot > on 17th street , near whit * lead warts , $1,050. N. . > 188i ; One full block ten lota , cou th barracks , (400. No 191 , Lot on Parker , street , near Iron * WOO No IBS' Two lots on Cn , near 21st . No IbO , Lot on I'ler near 8c ard , tb 0. No 170Lot on Pacific etreet , near 14th ; mike offer , No 106 , Six loU on Farnam , near 2itb street .o , eac , No 103 , Full block on 25th ilrreet , ntat race couire , td three lots In alien addition , ne j tfaunden and Cassius streets , $2,000. No 126 , Lot on Ibth ktreet , near white tiA No 12J , 182x132 feet (2 ( lots , on 18th ttrert , near Pourkton's , ? 1,600. , No 119 , Thirty lull acre lots In Millard 4 CaJ- dwell s additions ou Sherman acnue , "prU ia haratoga streets , near the end of grtea utrt-et car tratk , 8800 to Jl.bOO each. . NoB3 , Lot ou Chicago near 22d ltiei , No SO. Lot on CaldweU treet , new e uwl rt , tSOO ff . No 75 , C6xB2 fett on Pacific , near 8tf * 4 f ? ob , Elghtten lota nn Sbl Kd 2d Sauodf rn streets , near Grace aadBia > u w bridge , iSOO each. Real Estate Agency , 15th ana uouieafl Btreeto ,