Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Two of n Kind.
ItafUlo Pommerc'al.
An nxcmi'lo-mRrry young mixu ,
GcUlnsr-dollM-a-day JOUOR roan ,
Who liaso't n t > enny
Ne\er learned to * ive nny ,
Dependlng-on-pi young man.
A dnahlng'iind-Kiiy younR girl ,
A alt-np-ftt-nlglit young girl ,
Whose ma does the work
Like the BUve of Turk ,
An enteitMnln.lier4 { > c < i young girl.
Out of Sight
When the enterprUing Aral ) w sn-looUng
Wai a-lootlng , win n-IootlnR ,
The pnlnce of the I'tnlnnlei ho robbtilj
Ihittincethe britlshrmc begun a-ao t-
'Gnn R-shooUng , 'gun n-MinoUne ,
Oat of sight the Arab thief hm 'jultklj
_ _
The Loulavlllo.Bollo'iJ Slans.
Lou'ir He Canrler-Jonroal.
Como to the bale . O maw , thU mirmtel
Here's the proccuK. , nnil paw Is In I I
Oh but lt"i mng. !
Taking the wtf.
Of ev'ry tirocesh. ! There's no wny thin III
There they gn , mawl And there Is dear
Gun I
I n't ho sweet ? O myl what ft ftmi
And there are some men.
Looking perfectly cplcn , ,
On horees why didn't they go In n 'btu ?
O I'm so gladl I wish 1 cnulJ hol.l
That would be wrong In fact I'wotild bo
Til wait nnd I'll reaJ
( intellectual feed ! )
All abouc the procesh. In the cicty col. !
The Llttlo Moldon.
New York Bun.
Her feet werolexqiilnlloly ama'l.
( How wildly my heart mo to boat ,
When I WAS n pimloiute boy ,
At the guund of her dclicatu feel ! )
Ho hand was exquisitely finall.
( And I her hllnil slave to command
Would haye died lm-1 flic only oiilered
lly a wave of her little white hind , }
Her lips were cxquls tcly fitimll ,
( Tlielrcold word * yet rankle nnd srnatt )
KxritiUltcly email wai her head ;
Hut smaller than nil WAH her heart ?
Iho PlwrmnclBtrosu.
LouUtlllo Ooilllcr .tonrja1.
3wect maiden of the Pharmacy ,
With Ill-concealed alarm I too
You mixing iltugj.
Who known but that you're fill ring now
Ijove potionf-Ali , you "din't know how ? "
And f pc&k In hrujri ?
Dot you will leirn Ihoi who'll bo &nio ?
And what If poino miniated waif
Should drift In hero
.Tint alter you had lenrnod It all ?
Oh maiden , you my thoughts appall !
I rjuako with fear !
From potions It li never far
If 1'rovidenca put up no bar
To nuptial liugt ?
And UIHF , oh tnatd of plmrmaoy.
With Ill-concealed alilrm I e
I'ou mixing drugs.
ftUlcr A. Arthur. Jr. , imdMlwMwulo
CrJwley , of New "Vlork , nro to bo married
early next month.
A Washington couple wcto married in
1837 ; divorced In February , 1882 ; - roraar.
ricd July 2 , 1832 ; rodlvoncd Uep-cuiher
22,1882. Such Is Hlc.
At Norwich Mln Msrln Ikkcr wn mar
ried to Mr. Uutcher , Th ? brMj wiisiivcn |
liwoy by bor Uttsle , Mr. ( Brewer ami the
clergyman who married them "was Mr.
Brigham Young's application fora licenae
to marry his first wife , Mary Ann Angel ,
In on file In the probate judge's ollico in
Clmrdon , Ohio. It Is looked upon there 01
Homethlng cf a curiosity.
Fashionable wedding-card ceremonies
have gone to the length of inclosing the
cards of the bride , the groom ho bride H
father , the bride's mother , the yount ; mar
ried couple at home , and clergyman per
forming the ceremony. Them are all in-
cloBo.l in one Urge envelope. Why not
include the "hired man' and the slaters
and the couilns und the aunts of the happy
pair ?
Lieutenant Frolerlck Schwatka. United
States army , of arctic fame , and MUs Ida
J. Uruckett were married at the homo of
the bride's parents m Hock Island , 111 , , on
the ( ith Inst. The brldo Is the niece of
Colonel Albert ( J. llrockett , Third cav
alry , ( Mr. Schwatkft'd regiment ) , and It
was while she was visiting her uncle In
Wyoming , In 1881 , that she laud . Lleuton-
ant Schwatka first met.
The first marriage under the new Uw of
Canada , permitting marriage with a deceased -
ceased wife's sitter , has taken place at
Cape Breton , N. S. The couple married
were Newfoundlander * who had crossed to
Canada to be united , as their marriage
would be illegal if performed in the colouy
In which they live. In Newfoundland , as
in In Kngland , a man can not marry his
wife' * sitter , however willing tbe sister
may bo.
The rustic hoodlum In Illinois will cling
to his charivari party In sjilto of many
warnings that It Is dangerous fun , A
newly married farmer In McLean county ,
the other night , opened on a crowd of
horn-blower * , bell ringers and tln-pnti
beAters with hi * revolver , while hU fnlr
bride handled a breech-loading shot-gun
wlthdiich tlTect that not ono of the mu
sical visitor * gotjawjy unhurt.
At a late hour a few nights ago a roiip'.o
appeared at the ollico of a Leaveuwonli ,
1 Kan. , juitlce to bo married , The justlcu
was not In. Thereupon the two quarreled
as to the rcspansllilllty for their tardlneas ,
and ended thn n flair by separating and departing -
parting In different directluni. The next
evening the man opiwnrcd with a new wo
man anil was married to her , and a few
minutes later the worn ui concerned In the
original engagement put in au appearance
with another man ami was mnrriedtu him.
lied silk skirts arc imported ready miiile ,
1'ink and pa'e brown mnko a pretty
Cardlnol rod velvet Imscmos nro worn
with black skirls.
White Danish kid flo\e.i of exaggerated
length are worn by krtdemunid * .
Borne of the now kid glovis have pnckoti
in the palms for ticket * , change , itc.
In brocades for winter garments the dc
signs recall the taleJ of Arabian Nights.
Traveling ilruaca are carried to groal
perfection this sHUem ill respect to details
* A pretty dress stuff for [ children's tuiti
is a crape-fmiibcd tergo In broken tJcottUl
Now diver bracelets mo made In cxac
imitation ot the handcuff * worn by crlmi
Tree , yet highly proper , manners o
American girlhood , " Is vthat u Kruiicbiuai
says.Knglith turban hats are all the ragethl
autumn , They are very handsome am
An Iniano llochester girl gets out of lire
at midnight , and gee to work bawiui
wood In the back yard.
Short drtBJOM will be worn this fall nl
inott universally. For ceremonious ucca
tious tbe train skirt is preferred ,
Sailor bats , trimmed with a wide bain
of ribbon , with vome upright loops at nm
tid . are the latent revival for young ludits
wear ,
Very many ladles tie now ailltcted wit )
tbe "Klboron limp , " which Is ( aid to bi
the newest and uioit fachlonablo walk o
the period.
There Is a new way to mark handker
chiefs. The name U marked lengthwise 01
one end of tbe hemstitched corner , with thi
letters placed one abmo the other , cnlwln
cd like the rings of a chain.
Mr . Jullft Moore , the "Sfct Singer c
Michigan"has a boy baby. Look out fo :
lyrics on the safety pin and the powdc ;
pad I
Narrow braid , in diver orfolJ , In mud
uied lor trimming doth droMW of n mono
chroma color , livers > little cf thligurn !
lure goon a great way In effect.
Dark plovos ill bo "all the rage" foi
September wenr. Urntvn , vpry clear nm.
ilch In finich , dork preen , red tan nnd Mm
nro the eha'lwi for favor In iho line * o
gloves nnd hosiery.
The popularity achieve 1 In the llltli
lioiineti ot pongee worn by wee women in >
ducetl the millincr.i to fee how larger fold
would like them. And tlisy nro promamccd
equal Mioces1 ? .
The llugllsh walklr.f ; oo U fjf htmtcr'i
grcon , mlmiral blur , mnilic , or tnnber <
colored ilotb , fastened with ollk conh and
brtndclKiurgd or frog ? , nro more tlmn ctei
the fashion this seatou ,
The Jo-inno d'Atc cornago , oocn on one
eldo nni laced with silk rordi , and corUt
laced under the Arias , alluded to oirly In
the summer , will bo much worn with
full opening dreea this and the coming eca >
Thick , soft , nil-wool icrgci In heavy
diitlnc ; twill are brought out this autumn
\n \ dnrx ntyliih cloth color * , olive and laurel
green , ruby , tcibieuee , gnruet , [ nitty color ,
rnyal blue , wood brown , and lu many
shadca of gray ,
U Is not In good taste to wear a ulipper
or very low-cut * hoa upiin the direct , but
when It ID ilono the tllpppr should always
bo worn over black stockings. In thl < ica c
the height of the H'aoa will hardly bo ob <
An English clicmlu analyzed n red
flocking and got out of It twenty-two
grnlnioftln , Wo shouldn't think ho got
enough to pay for hm trouble ; nnd yet he
couldn't expect to find a gold mine in ono
red sleeking. A pairot red stocking * ,
liowo.tcr , frequently contain sumcthmg
that a gold mlno couldn't buy.
Algiers La. , hni n woman who han no
music in her soul. Homo young men tiled
: o make her the recipient of a rercnado
jho seized n revolver , fired two shuts at hot
idmlrcrs , and in couftcqucnca wn nrrostcil
'or dltchnrging firearms within the city'rf
The greater number of mantles and
wrapn Ihin season nro shorter than those of
ast year , or clso longer In front and nhort-
cr at the back , to admit of the crinoline ,
.vhlch , dcBito | the rldluulo it meetx with ,
s really required to tupport the fuil and
ncreaslng arapcrlcs of the skirt.
The nowrst fanhlon in I'atU-thal of
wearing black underclothing lias bccoino
h furor amongnt the women of the hlxh-
CHI aristocracy. The undergarments , Ilko
.hofla . of the custom odalisque ? , nro comM -
M eil umially of silk , ( [ encially of what IB
: alleil foulard dca IiuleJ. Froai lioud to
oot the 1'arialan lady npjin.ita when til-
'eatcd of the outer riilie , un jmt cmcrgint ;
ruin nn ink bath the HtockiDgi of blaclc
Ilk , the i-llppcrn blaclcclvct. . the concts
nf black gatln , ndornod with black lace ,
and the petticoats of blaclc surah , filled
around the bottom with u ntifl mouteo of
ilack il'iuion or net.
Tlio Uaptlst churchcH hi Sweden report
20,000 membord.
In New York City there are sixty Meth-
) jli | . chtircliei.
Th Tel ? 9 Y , W , 0 A , hi" ) } i t rftl'ed.
iCCCG with wliicli lo ptiicliuton Hue bui ! < ! -
ing adapted to their work.
The Presbyterian church In CanniU in-
; ludes 7'7 ' ' pistoral chnrges , 18 profsasor-
ililp" , and U'JG ministers ,
T'.J ' wliold number of Jaws in the
Jnllcd Stairs , nccordlng tu tha rcnsus of
880 , was 230,80-1 , of whom 00,000 live in
few York.
New Yoik islKftltirgostpreBbyttry , Inv-
ng 12li minisletts ! churches , nud liD ) : < 5
Qinnuinlcantn. The ndditions to the
hurchos of this presbytery on confession
of faith were last year 8CO.
It is estimated that Ihcro ara in the df- !
ercnt 1'rotcslnnt Sunday schools in the
world thlrtten million pupils nnd a million
mil a half of tcanhcrs. Nearly one-half of
hcso are in the United Stulei.
The thirty-five l'rota < l nt l'plncoal ]
churchoj , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , hove ll.Ill'J
communlcantx , being avgiiin nttico IHSli of
Ml. jlialy Trinity has the largest com-
minion , being 'iO , and lha Church of the
hletslah comes next with 732.
A non of the Kov. George O. Darnev , the
evangelist is about to bepln a career us an
ivangelist. Ho is twenty-two years of age ,
s n college graduate , and has been care-
ully Instructed by his father In the meth
ods of ovaugellttio work.
It has been shown that during ; the period
ron , 1815 to 188' , the Protestant Kplsoo-
lal church gained 17,27fi , ngaiust a gain of
3l ! li ( of all other Proteslant denninluatlons
u Now York city , and the Now York Snn
says that "tho church has been making
significant progress both in Now York and
eluowhcro In the country. "
The two largest dioceses of the Komnu
Jalholic church are pronidcd over by two
jUhiips whose names ar * O'Connor. Ones
s the illght Hov. Michael O'Connor ,
ilsbop of Australia , the other is thn Kight
I Inv. James O'Connor , bishop of Omaha ,
These tivn clergymen met last Sunday by
accident in Salt Lake City and putscd ee\-
eral hours together.
The AVelsh I'rosbyterian denomination
lias now 1,121 hoimea cf worship , 100 or.
dallied miiiiiti > r ( : ! 75 prearhcrH , ICOO nil.
ing elders , 118.000 coniiiiuiilcantv and
Ili3,37i : Sabbath school scholnn. The late
assembly punned a resolution that the con-
Lonary of the Welsh Sabbath nchools shall
bo celebrated id 18 ; . " > .
The census of Calcutta shows that then' '
nro It ) , tOU urofes liig Clirl-tUns In thai
city. Of thl < number 11,0')5 ) nro Uomaii
Catholic ; 8r , > 7fi h loni ; to the church nl
Imgland , and l.SU'J to the Church of Scot
lamlB57 nrn itaptlatu ; 7 3 MethiHiiln ;
G')2 ' ) lnilvCtiduntr [ ) , eta. Only 21) Era
us Unltnilaus aad TheUta , and -I' *
nostici ,
_ _ _ _ _ t
liiirlhi ( loon not lilce Italian opera.
L'Hzt ' opealfK Kugltsh c a.-llautly well ,
' Mntorna lodead in ln\e with America ,
Ada lray h doln "Halt Lynnp" it :
Canada ,
Kmily U'ul ' ii about to star In "Hei
Atonement , "
Civtheilnu Lawh will not rctuin to thli
cmmtry thU tenson ,
ClirUtlno NlUfonvlll blug next eoaaoi
in New Orleans for the fir ; t time.
The Abbott opera cirnuanv will givt
'SininninuuU" nd "lllgjijtti" durlnj tin
coming bcanon ,
"I'alience" reached its live hundredtl
rcpreneutatloit t the Savoy theatre , LOL
don , on September Uth ,
An Ati-orlcan tenor , Mr. W. 8. llUIng
Jins bocn uliiglog with nucco * at the Itoyj
Comedy Thottre , Liudmi.
Accor lln. ; to Loud u opinion ? , Ollber
and Hujliviu'ii new opera will be producot
for fcoveral months yrt.
Ada Dyaf , OoorgoHollnnd , liartou Jill
and Kwlerlck 1'auldliig wM form a legltl
iiinto comedy compauy thin reason ,
The Union SquaraThoitro Comuany ha
been extremely euccrttfiiliii Sin l'ranci < o
\\hero "Tho Lights o' London" 1ms hen
| > laycd to a long succcttion of cruwdei
"Tho Komany Uye'1 h to fmcccfsful ii
New York that John Stutuou and itrook
and Dickson have concluded to put it 01
with auother company at the llottoi
John MeOullouxh will add "The Hunch
b cV" and "The Wife" to his r p rtoir
this fcsjjon , though they will only be prc
eented at matinee performances.
Mrs. Scctt-SIddons' last engagement I
London was a viry had failure , and th
Udf hai widely abandoutd tbo utoge , Ii
future f > hc will confine herself cnlirtly t ;
diaTiaticreadlngi ,
A Cincinnati psp'r p.xlriotlcally re1
marks : " \Ve don't Uke a bwk seat foi
Boston or onr other place when it comes t (
mitrlc. tmt i'hej. TriomM ought n t t (
cjine here the rame wftk us a circus. "
It Ii s lteJ ! tliAt " .Tulim Hic.a- " will 1 e
produced f the IJrumitlc Festival In Cln.
clnnatl. The nrit.Ics will consist < J 40C
poldler * on ono nirle and COO on the othr ,
with at leatt a dozen nffic n on heir bncl'l
Mr. Chnrlw H. Tlioint is rfally a mem1
her of th I'nion Ripwio ( 'ornpfiny. Thl
Is the last nullienti : ipport. At the e'd ol
the seftson ho ijnct t lun'lon with Liw
renco liarretttn play " .Tulliis Cit'inr. "
Mllo. I'Aulinc Hw.'lnl , tirlina donni , of
the Mnplocon oj ert C'linp toy , "I 1 ( horlly
cimnienco her preparatloriii fnr the fail
onern renfon. Blio nM taken ol ant apirt-
ments on I'lfthivcnuo , N' w York , nn I 'H
decorating thorn to r < present an Orieii'nl
mansion , with prercntsr cci\od ( turnsome
Chines ) J'rlnc'pg when in Vienna.
iTo'eph Jcffemnn h bfeii plviof ; his < lc-
lUhtful Impor on'\tlHli "Uob Acres" in the
Union Square Theitre , Ncjv York Ho
will soon , however , rwvive "The 1'oor ( ! a -
tlemnn , " hai not been tf en In thii
city for many yoarc. .Mr. Jrlferson hlii
eclf h n not plnyeu In it In New York fnr
more than twenty-five yen , no tlif.t the
present Renerntiaii will liavo the pleasure
of seeing him in an entirely new chainc'.er.
The now th-ntcr for Mr. Steele Mackoyo
on upper liiondwuy is to h Ijullt upon an
entirely novel plan , with lhr < ; a singes In-
ftoml of two aa at the Mndtaon Squalc
Theater. Itlito be absolutely fireproof ,
wllh lift * to tale fruesti lo the fMlfirieR ,
and Is to be decorated under the niipervi-
sionof Mr Oic r WI.ilo. The thcaUr
will be built In cotm'ctlnn with a hotel ,
and will cast over a million dollari" .
Ono of the nrtnlcit strn'ni put upon for
eign composcrHof eminenre is the necessity
of finding new complimentary plrne3 : lor
American ] nim ? dnntia. Kosiini executed
n clever turn when he throw up his hniids
and exchlinid that Mr * . Moulton'H wart the
voice that had Ming tit him In his dreamt.
Maurice StrnkoAch cot Verdi or tomcbody
t-.i euy Hank's HOJ a fliver bell itiuelc bv a
velvet haminer , and now Gounod , after
three days incu'i.Uinn ' , has ptunounced
Thursby "thu lmimc < ilnlo volco of the
tinging rout , " or ( omctlilng like Mint. Ah
coon nn this phi.tvi was cxo ntcl : Mnurlcc
and Thiiiitliy hurried over there whilu it
was hoi It Ii ii"witlnf \ i'cr\eil up in the
They doim the firf-t question a-kcd
ly 11 deacon \Uliliv Kgypt wjs : "Now
what woru thu ual factd of the i'otlphar
A deficit nftfiO 000 ln been discovered
In-tlie account * til the ex-mcru'ary of the
Point Chautat ipm Jarjti ! t r.mocUtion. It
in not known \ihethui- lovely women or
three ncui h respoiifiblu for this nad event
A man advriti til ns an "ex prifgt , " who
was crgjgcd to lecture at Sjg.naw , .Midi. ,
wai found to Imvo been im Kpi ecipjl
clcgymun nt Milwaukee , a uhliky pullrrin
Texas , and u lialr-'lyn l.awker in St.
Louis. ' 1 ho peonlu of the lecture bureau
could not utand the mixture and canceled
the engagement.
In a Deadwori 1 elm ch the nth r ( by the
laro congregation were dormi'ly knieling
In prayer , wlicu nu Irroveient joker < pdta
audibly whispered : "Hero come * anoastern
detflctiva. " In seventeen ecomiH nil of
that congregation except the chief elder
had "lid thro'igh tliu wind > w * .
The ft-v , .T. C1 HulHvAn , the oldeil ' > JIM-
tor nf a Mvllioilmt churi.- ° ' & "ni , 0 ,
wrote to the wife of 01 c ol h-a , . . - . ' uonerns
"I hunger to einbrico you , my enl > ° BCi
and prcm your poutini ? , pretty , and pel' '
Blniinon-llKo lips to mine. " Ho was "fired
by the congregation. Ho to hirb
been. Auy prcnchnr who can nut do bet
ter than compare H hdy'rt pretty pouting
llp to n yaller pertiinmon Is not the man
to follow in thu f oUteps ot Ueec'-er.
Wlie as seriicnt1) were .tho members of
that Lutheran ihurch who wanted a bell
for their hoiue ot worship hut had no
money ID pay for It. They put a llttlo
safe in c.icli of the neighboring snloon nn i
markel oichcnc , "For the Church Hell. "
An nn Inducement they offered "thrco
dozen cut glass beer gobleta with thenama
ot the saloon keeper on them who nhould
net the must iinintj ; " $108 CO was collected
and thn man who collected ? -M 12 received
the prize ,
J. B. Courtney wa trylnj to wiitna
sennou in London , when un organ grimier
began to play untlur IIH ( window. The
minister felt no | rofunity , he dec'arec ,
when ho xaid to the mu'Iclm : "You fel
lows maku this street a hell upon inrtli. "
A woman in Ihe Knmu hoiuu , however
liked the noisu and puld for iu continuance.
That led to ant'oicillun ' , and-nil were
tuken to a police court where they were
Drawing has been mate obligatory In
the third vear of the regular High school
couruo in lioston ,
Airs. Quinc-y A , Shaw , of lioston , supports -
ports thirty-three kindergartens , at un an
nual expemo of $25,000.
Colby university just opened her
doors to n frufhman elans of thirty-eight
member ; , Including two young women. ,
The Income of Cu Ifornia university for
thecurient year is cntlinatcd at $97,501.
The estimated expends for the snmo period
are muntlooed BH l.15,100.
LatiK'iit'u letsans ha\o been introduced
in the St. Louis public schools with tbo
inteiilion to cuHiv.Uo In the pupils aclen-
tlliii precision of statement.
It is euid tlmt thu manngerft ot thn p\i1illc
schojls lu the District nf Columbia have
long bc n worUir ' in the i irection of the
imbstltution of tencliin , ; for cramming ,
The Into H. ( j , Kie"ch , a wealthy hache <
lor of Oregon , lett .1 farm of many tliou-
rnnd Heron to n t-chool for young unmen in
tlmtatnte , lliu IIIIDUH ! insuiii from the
farm was moro than $10COO.
Mr Oeorco I. SCIIBV rcceutly lent Mils
RuttierfoM hi' chuuli for St.COO to educate
10 gills nt the Lucv Colih InstltutH In
Athens , ( ! ; v , and Mli J Jtiuherfor.t hae
ma'lo U Cj/er 15 icholnrshlp4 lor yutuiK
girl i froiu thit town und older pUi)4.
The aljolitlnn of rcccs * in the Albany
imhllc fcchooU and the change nf uvbool
IiotirH to BCH'ions of from U ( o naif-pant 11
In the luouilinr and from n ijuurU-r p.ut j
11 it in the afternoon liavn piovo 1
to bo ED B'icep < , ful an t-xpiiluiunt that the
bj&rd ha\o mvloUienipuniiuietit , I'hytf
cal , moral und eoclul results have nil bear
excellent ,
The LoulivllltJ rolnnl of pharmacy ii
uowop'nti WOIIHII , its fho VOUUK lartj
HtuJtnt h'tv lug i euDutly entered with tilt
intention ot talking a full cr > ure. A prac
tUed rhuinUt in Lou | \illo declares thai
after lu\ing omphocd l-nth in n and wo
men ha U prriiiaieJ tlmt tl.o latter w'H
niiku tlij belter drig oleiko.
When a 5 oniu lady hems Ii inrikrrclilef
for it rlli bachelor , the nevK t'mt ' bho ma ]
ronp. When tcu'dtof ducsm nro | > l ute.
through over iudulgenco , jiiiimu i.ioyeu
the un'.tertakor from ro | iinr the benefit bj
in UI.OBSOHI. 1'rl e , r ) ceat
dl bottles lOcsiiU ,
TboARonloa of BllltouB Oollc , the In
dtkcrlUbio lau - o'Chronl ) lndlf tioi , U > i > dc
ulllty tnd mtnUI tuipr ] rnull loir Irciu cit v
u ll | , may be icrttluly a oiilcil bv recuUtioi
thoeytdu with tbat Agreeable anl ritrr iiDi
UUndaiii I'rtpantIoal rr ut'B Bolder Apoileol
Embody now 1882 Impr > vo iini's. llor
prnotlotl fm tireCoit ; lew * I o p ID
v.tdor ; Ufcn Inin fnnl | * ' " L'10 mnro l > e t
and n larger voluino " ' pnro ulr tlun auj
furnace made
Sold byl'ir.RCKY & llH.VUKOB , Onnna , Vel
0. SPK011T , - Proprietor.
1 12 Harnoy St. Bmrlia , Seb ,
J {
Tin , Iron and Slata Koofing ,
Sppoht's t iFolalio Skylight.
Patent Adjusted llitchot Bar
ixnd J'rnoket Shclv'uif ; . I am
the mineral agent for the
nbovo line of j nodn.
CrMtlnu * . Dalutlrarfci , VcrnndnvlOmcs * tvJ
Bank Halllntr , V/Inicw r.nd Celltrj
( luurdn : l r >
' cliangod our mill to Hungarian rol
ler i > rocs , wo offer fart ot our old ma
chinery lor mo nt low price * It cumhlB of n
islrof flnjy lliiUlied and npaccd rua'n driving
, c\cl who"ls , ( Ire nnd mor hf ) c Ino I rluflfjc ? ,
htoo Inches pitch , d'lvln amain upil lit tlnft
oout 85 feet lu'cr.ud tlep , cno main mortlso
spur whcol 7 Inch face and 1J Itch plleh t onalr
> feet and 1 rnlr 8'J Inch lum , i plr.dl' s , rlnlonn
7 Intli faro ij pitch ) , bjc'ilm'i rjirl jfi , curbe ,
to , , comn'tto , ono f iur icul cheat , 17 tcct rotli ] ,
7 convojors , uno two reel u3c t , 14 feet cloth , 4
convfjorj two fJratlot wheat lica'eml-Xo.2lKu '
roUa inn utter , 1 Bnrnird ft Itet r e.hhuBepa -
ator and i.U\a , orj , th.-i.fti , wrocli , pud ya , an-
vojorn , etc. bouio of the roa.blncry r.r.a been
u ed but a title over tw * jears , a-dall Uln good
ondltton. Tor futthir Ihtcrmntlonn-ldriai
J , U. llOiPMAOlACU. ,
Council Uluffs , Iowa.
The most contrail ? locnt d hotel In the city.
teen 75'i iLOO , ) Mid fJ.ODpjrday.
Hint tUss Iveitourant connected with the
HURST. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth acd Locust Streets.
st'SP. aGiOtcrjcgj itac < r > .
a ty < il
Collars Se. Cuffs ,
Three Gents Each.
Work solicited from all over tbo country.
The cliargou and return pontage must ao
lompnny the inckago. tJpeclal rated to
urge club * or n/encier- / ; ; me WILKINS &HVAN3.
Brains Bewarded ,
OR ,
? hG Story of tta Sawing Haohino.
A htnlKOnie llttlo pktr.uhletn cd get'
uro with uunionn oujr in/ , will b
to ny MI nl I p in rallU'R : fur It , > nv biinc >
ot lub-oWcool TheBlawr ll niiltcluila Oom.
[ xvnjr , cr wlU be sect 1 > ) mall , pott pitd , Ic
any pereon llvlni ; dl > tfiic [ trmn onr aRlcti
Tiin Sln or Hanuraotwlns Oo , ,
Principal Iffico , U4 Unhiu
1409 and 1411 Uod.'o Strcat ,
awn 7-ni Otn OMAHA , NKU.
Murray & Lamnan's
Best for TOILET , BATH
--RAOR MARK The Ctre.tTHf DC
, _ frjl ' .r-'t. . *
- - * k < k4 - | ic1 * - - * - - ; i u * i *
E ( CrtETAKin9. equenc of AFTER TAKIKQ ,
3clf-Abu'o ; ( ui Lgea nlMimory , l ! I cnrtl Lass
tudo , Pain In the Back , > 'ninfn of Vltlon , fro
mature Old AKU , and laary other JJl < * je tti
Iv&d to Insanity cr Couiuuip'.loa oud 1'rcm *
tureQra > e.
partlctilan ID onr pamfljet , rrhlcl
o diulre to ind free lvm ll to uveryocv
f-iTTbe Syoclfl cUcdldno U iold by all drufr.-Ut
at II l > er i > ckaR < j , or 6 ick ici lor $ o , or ll
be neat free by nu'l on roci int'ot the money , t > ]
lo. H. T.
Reality , health , ami liniplneia | for ladlw
Mn J. a. Hotartsen , Plttfourr , P . , writes : " !
was suflerlnft from general ( IrMllty , want of np-
petite , constipation , etc. , m tliM Ire KM a bur-
Jen ; after ti'lnif Durdock ClooJ Hitters 1 felt bet.
tor than for j tars. I cannot prijjo j our Bitten
too much. "
rt.Glhb' . cf Buffalo , V. T. , writes : "Your
Durdock Ulci Uitttrs , In chronic diseases of the
blood. Hi cr Nd kldnrji1 , hao been cUnallv
marked v. Ith Biiccocs. Ihato iiawl them m ) sol )
ulth best results , for lorpldlU cf tholhcr , nndln
caioot a friend of mtno ouucrlni ; fromdro ] } ,
tbo c3cct na man clous. "
IJriico Turner , Rochcitcr , N. Y. rltesj-'l haic
been subject to serious disorder of tie ! kidneys.
nml upiblo to attend to business ; Burdock liloetl
Hitters relieved mo before half abottlo was used
feel confident thfct they will entirely cure rao. "
> Afenlth Hill , tlnhamiton , N. T. , writes :
"I suffered n Una dull pain 'through my eft
ItuiK and ihouldcr. Ixwtmy spirits , appctlto
and color , i > nd could with dllllcully keep up nil
day. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters , s di
rected , and lm\o full no pain since first week af.
tor utliiv them. "
Mr. Koah Kates , Elrnlra , N. V. . writes : "Abotil
four years of o I had an allack of blllonsfo\orani ]
netcr fully rcco\crod. Jly dljfcsthc orifam
wore weakened , mid 1 would be comnlclcly tires
troted for dnjs. After usln two bottles of joui
Burdock Blood Bitters thcl mpro\cmcnt WM tc
\ Ulble that 1 was astonished. J can now , thoufrri
01iarsof aje , do a fair and icasonaMo dav't
C. Blockct Hoblnson , proprietor of The Canada
I'resbj tcrian , loronto , Out. , writes : "For can
I suffered prcatly from oft-rccurrliiff headache. ]
used your Burdock Blood Bitters with hipplosl
rmultij , nd I now find mmll lu better hcaltt
tlmn for j cars | ost. " .
itrn. \ VallactBiiflilo , N. Y , writes : ' ! hav <
uso.1 Burdock Blood IJIUcrs for ntnctis and bll
lousi eadai-lics , and can rccomraend It to anyone
roq'j R a euro for bllllcusncss. '
llri Ir > Jtullncllaml , Albany , K. Y , writes :
"For socral y.ars I haie tuQ tcd ficio cft.Kcur.
rln ; ; billions hcaiU.'lits , dyspepsia , and com-
lUInt * peculiar to uiy sex. Sineo uahiL' joui
Burdocli Blood Bitters 1 m entirely rolleiod. "
Price , ol.CO D I Bottle ; Trti Dcf.lae 10 Ct
FOSTER ; MILBUE1U ( Jo , , 1'ropg ' ,
aUF3PAjiO , I ? . Y.
: V-,1J Rt wholoinle by Ijh & UcM&lion and C. F
iooJnian. _ | o 27 tod-roa
To Wervous Suiterero
Dr. .1. T ? . Siixipnon'u Specific
U U r , jwiltl/nrur * f . ,
jytckew ) , IrcMtiaay , and hll U jacu recollloj
torn Sclf-Abnso , rs ilna > l Anx'fty , Licit
Itraicry , Pults la liio Ui .h cr Kltlo , nail dlaexs-e *
, ' -J"Mf * nT that Itad to
in-walty .
oorlycr ; ? c
SpoclCi :
nlth wonder.
tu ! cucccsj.
_ _ - -
-m ttti a til. Writs foi lutm wd f\ tail pa
Hrlco , njfifSe , Tl.CO pc ? ncktje , or six pt * '
iw for ? 6.01. ! Addtect 11 cnlp-p to
. Nos. 101 and 109 Mala bt. Baffnte. N. Y.
Sold In Omaha by C. T. CuadniiB , J. W. W.I ,
ind all druvKuccevcrynhoro.
t . .It--
St. Txjuh. ls still treat
Ing all PRIVATE , NKU.
Special DIaeateg , Upcrma.
tonhoja , linpotcncv ( Sex.
ual Incapacity ) , Ken'alc
l'cas ' : ' . Irregularities ,
Difficulties , etc.
ii. " kcnlSSccnti
( to clamps ) t J piy express
charK "oil a 4l > aluabl <
wor " entitled "DUosBos
of Women , etc. " Work
en CiiRONio 1)1 Mora , ono Mump.
of Self-abiue 01 Private lt.caeo , eend S stamp !
for CitLr.BUATKn WoHKann Mrvou * and M-.xui :
rifioaaci. Oontultatlon twrnonally or bv letter ,
KHRK Consu t the. old Doctor. THOUSAND ! ;
CURUD. Olllea In quiet , i rl\ ate , respcctabli
place , You eee no ono but the doctor. Dr ,
t Inrke Is the only phyelclan In the city who wor
tant currn or no pay aloOlclnca tent , ever <
where. Hours. 8 A.M. lo 8 f V
! , ifth. < , Sooa
\ onfill tu
The Great Jjnglish Eomody
< Vo\cr falln ta cun
LVcnons Debility , VI
tal HxliauHtlon , Hrnlo
islon * . Seminal Wuak
SUOOD , and all th
j'jvil ' lUitts of > outb
' ( nl lollus and cxcca
l-ci. It etoi > a jicrmo
licntly all v.c.-AonIntr
Uralrs upon the sji
B'l3 * L Mlil > fcViftsin. the Illimitable re
f.ii ir5ipitSJ"-gir.
< ; fjaidUt | Oj these ovtlpno
tlcos. hiu"'a'ro BO deetruotUe to nilnd and boJ ; .
anduiai.0 llfo nilieratileoltcn teadlnir to Ineani.
ty and death , It strengthens the Ncrt MHralii
( iueuior > ( Wood , Miwclu , Dlxwtlva and llepro
ductheOr , > ns , It rt toros f ) tliu owonli
funstlers their former visor and vita ] ty , mi
nine Ufo cheerful and tnjoable. Price , 31
hottlc.fcr four tliaed the < | uanllty 610. 8cnt bj
oxpri , scciuo from etuer aUon , to any addri J
onreofhtol prlca. Ko. 0. O. I ) , etnt , cx-ep
on rei-cipt o ! SI aj a nuarautoe. letters n
oain , ' nTOcrii.- .
Dr. Minti 'H Dandeliou Pilla
nr tl bout and chMluk * dySK'i | U and billlou
euro I'l the market. Sold by all druggtbU. 1'rlc
CO ctnta.
D , MraTii'B KIUKIV UXUFDV , Nwamcpi ,
CurtwtllVlncJot Ktdnsyand bladder comnMnU
, Klc t and Inucorrl * . 1 or fcalo i > y .
_ _
Br. K. d ! W rrSi'rnd "rklu Tjuataitut-
A ppJfli ! for ! l ) torla , Dlulnue , CJonvulsloci
KerfCtuUc d che , Hi-nt l Dtjircusloa , Looac
He jjoryBwimit rrhalIicjioteccy , InvolunUr ;
BiaiMtv * , freiaatuio Old Ago , CMiwJ liy ovr
exertion , clf-abun > , or o > e.r-lndugonce ! , whld
Uadi to misery , dcca ) and dtsath. One box rt
core recent cur . Eaih box contalni out month
Uettnunt. One dollar ft box , or ilxboxeifo
flve dollan ; teat by mall propald on receipt u
price. Wo ifuaiantea llx boxes to ca e any c
With etch cider received by ui for srix boxe , c
oompanltd W.tU nt dollnra. will tend the imi
chiwr our ntltttn cuar&oWo to letura in
money If the treatment dcu oo effect cu .
a F. Goodman , iruz ! t , Bol , Wbolewle am
Kill f Ouut , Web. OiJ n by mail a
/ I
I tnriilt nf Iron , IVrwrt
I llarkand i'hoiphoruf
' palatable form , 2
fe . prrparation of it
tluitelll net Mnctirn I
I trctlito tjutrartfrifttr
\fthrr \ { rnnprrparal It"
. . " In raj nrmcuoo of mrraira in mrdieiiw , 1 | I TH imiml nothing To Tro tlio rraulu that 1
' llAnrrn's IIOTH TONIC il < x . Ineiuutinf Ncrroui 1'rnrt ration , Frm l DUnaw-s. ly r r ' . anJlmpot
l hM condition nt th blt > l. thLi prrl n-mfdj bam In mr lmml. % tnvJe MID wondf rf nl curm. Uup lh l h
baninl wim * of oar nwt omlncnt plirslclww li to flrldcd to tbU rrwit nd lnromi > at I > le rpmrdjr , I prrocr
It In tin * firenr IOMIT Iron ureMTAUon m r1n Infnrt. fnrh K rmnnrmnd M Un 11itTt n 8 laov TONIC l < a i
rwillj In mr prrtlr < > . IMi L ' ' "j'1' ' ] "V'l' 1' ' ' "J' . , ' - , " - , 'y < n'1' " '
J/Tf r folof In tTirTiTnml , ' '
natural hralthfill tone In
the illgetth-f organ * .t > i < f
nrrroti * irytm > , in akin0
It applicable to ( Jrtirral
. . , Tx > of Alipr-
1ttrl'rntratinnnf \
J'oirerx ant ItnjmtrnrrJ |
Tnuglit by gontlcincnof tiu&itMtHi. i xp"u" ue and bro.\d Bcholnrchip nt the
A i OVT iiiBtitution bn.sod on the hifilioat standard of cxcpllcuco. D.ty nud
nr.d f voniiig aoasinnn nro now in fiucsctsful oporntion ,
pecial Information apply in or address
la only Attained by using
Stoves and .Ranges.
For Halo by
N - Jull.miolr
' 'Every Tub Must Stand Upon i
Own Bottom. "
And Every "agoa Upon its Own Merits.
Wo appreciate the aboMi and make our
: ilo i.i-o.tfully , WINONA WAGON CC
PARKER A "HOW Mil Ounrral ACpnU. OniHrm. Nob.
Window Shades' ' and Curtaine ,
Paints , Oils & firnslios.
107 South II4tU Street
Y fAW4 k 3idaiSS
SJiipla Brocoli Loading Shot , Guns , from 85 to SIB ,
DoubloBreooil Loading Shot , duns. $18 from to S75 ,
Hnzzlo Loading Shot Guns , from p to 885 ,
Fishing Tackle , Ease Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Dooils ,
Full Slock of Show Cases Always nn
Imported and Key \v ent , Cigars , a largo line of Meer
schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
first-Class Cigar , ' ( 'obs-co and Notion Store.
( igars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
List and Samples.
. TOE- caa
/j /
Fine i eas , Coffees , and Spices
22 < 1 nd Cumings Street , OMAHA , NEB