Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1882, Image 1

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    - * - V. ,
t- A
cacs Shoes , comprising
the very latoaW feB , nnd nil of the
[ most celebrated makers.
is extended to nil to como nnd exam
ine our immense stock , as wo will make
prices lower than have over boon of
fered in thin oilv.
a complete stock of
Lidics * Shoes ,
Gents' Boots.
r Gents' Shoes.
M Boys' Boots ,
Boys' Sheen ,
Misses' Shoes ,
Babies' Shoos ,
Etory pair going out of our estab
lishment is warranted to tiuit. You
can also save
10 to 25 Per Cent
by buying of us , both in price nnd
& Dormann
( Successors to F. Ling)1 )
Leading Snpply Hosse of tlio'West
As wo receive daily freah nupplieo
Groceries St. Pro
We cm assure the public that wo
do not handle any other but
Our buainseo being very extensive ,
our sales quick , w u afford to oflur
goods at living es to all. Wo
Snowflake jFlour
Which wo always warrant to be ex
cellent , and to give satisfaction. Wo
have proofs that there is no bolter
flour in the market.
Gome and ; Order a Sack.
We constantly keep on hand n largo
stock of
. California
And all other varieties which wo sell
at bed rock prices.
California Sugar
Wo handle in largo quantities nnd
wo * 8ii recommend it all to bo the
purest sugar in the markut
Flavoring Extracts ,
Limburger Cheese ,
Swiss Cheese ,
Royal lading Powder ,
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables ,
Wo constantly keep on hand in largo
Crockery and Glassware ,
Tobaccos and
Wines & Liquors ,
A largo stock of the purest goods that
can bo obtained anywhere , which wo
sell by barrel , bottle , gallon and
quart , at the lowest market prices.
Glaret ,
Angelica ,
Port ,
Sherry ,
Brandy ,
Imported Cognacs ,
and Rhine Wines
For Medical uses.
& Dormann ,
-S. W. Corner 13th and Jackson Sts.
The Oarrant of Lifr in Egypt
Resumes its Normal
An Irish Youth Sentenced to
Dfcithon Circumstan
tial Evidence.
Ant-Jcmith Xltoti in Attttrla Snp-
SpecUl Dlaratche ) to Tun Uin.
ALKIANDKU , September 29. The
chauncl tquadron has sailed for Malts.
The naval brigade has gene to Cairo
to attend the military rovinw on Sat
OAIIIO , September 29. Thoanthor-
itioa consider the country generally so
rapidly returning to ita normal condi
tion that further display of force in
the province is unnecessary.
LosooNj Soptomber20. The Times
says it has been decided to retain for
the present 12,000 moil in Egypt , to
carry on and consolidate- work for
which the suppression of Arab ! Pasha
does little moro than clear the way.
OAIIIO , September 20. The explo-
dons at the railway station yesterday
continued at brief intervals for over
three hoars. The passenger station
was saved , but all freight sheds , con
taining ton days' provisions for the
army uud about two hundred trucks
of anununilion , were destroyed. Five
men were killed and twenty wounded.
The fire was of incendiary origin.
Subsequent to the first explosion two
Arabs worn seized in the act of tiring
trucks. A third oscapt-d. Troops
patrolled the streets last night.
OAIIIO , September 29. During thu
tire at the railway station two men
with torches were arrested wlnlo en
deavoring to fire the adjacent quarter
of the town. '
LONDON , September 29. The gov
ernment telegraphed Cairo ordering
an investigation .into the explosion
and promptly report the result. The
transport Carthage arrived tit Ports
mouth with eleven ollicors and one
hundrcd nd one men , wounded at
Tel El Kobir. Five of the wounded
died on the voyage.
| FIUE nuos.
GAiuojSeptember 29. Shortly af tor
the explosion hero yesterday , an Arab
was caught throwing a can of petroleum
into the burning wagon. Another was
discovered lighting a Cro under a train
and a third was arrested for inciting
natives to massacre.
f tun TM'M.
CAIRO , September 29. It is esti
mated that fifteen days supplies for
twenty-five thousand men wore de
stroyed in the lire caused by the ex
The court ol inquiry ordered by the
government is now nittiug.
SpocIftliDBpitchca tojrnx Dm.
LONDON , September 29. Floods in
Tyrol have reduced hundreds of the
wealthy land owners to poverty. The
laboring classes are in terrible diitress
The approach of winter greatly aggra
vates the situation.
DUBLIN , September 29. AH sus
pects in custody have boon released in
view of the expiration to-morrow of
the term of the coercive act ,
VIENNA , September 29 , Advices
Pressburg report anti-Jewish riots
there. The mob broke the windows
of many houses occupied by the Jews.
The military finally restored order ,
after making forty arrests. The riot
ers in FroBsburg declared that what
they had done was merely a prelude
to what was coming. The shops and
warehouses of the Jowa were forced
optn and plundered. The liotera
offered the military obstinate re
eiatuneo. some of them seizing the
soldiers' bayonets with their hands.
Similar excesses were committed in
the neighboring town of DIumcnthal.
Thirty pontons were arrosted. Sev
eral hundred Jowa have fled to Venna.
DUIILIN , September 29. The
brother of Walsh , who was hanged at
Oalway , wan found guilty as accessory
to the murder of Constable Kavanagh
at Letterfract , The jury recommend
Walth to mercy , i'i account of his
youth , The jury also recommended
Walsh to moroy because there was no
positive evidence , they said , that
ho actually fired the shot which
caused Constable Kavnnagh'a death ,
The prisoner is very violent , and
shouted loudly that the witnesses had
given faho evidence. Ho was sen
tenced to bo hanged October 28
Judge Liwaon said ho would for Hard
the jury's recommendation to the
proper quarter , but ho coold hold out
no hope to the prisoner that the rec
ommendation would bo favorably acted
upon. Walsh again became excited
and cried out that justice would
yet overtake his false accusera.
The Dead Allvn.
Special Dispatch to Till II" .
CHICAGO , September 29. A. 0.
Housing , who was repprtod murdered
in Arizona , has returned to Chicago.
A iliorfl.
HpccUl Dispatch to Tin Bn.
OAI-E HENKY , Va. , September 29.
An ocean steamer from Philadelphia
to Havana is ashore here. Particulars
Fatal Accident.
Speciil U'lpitth to Tui Dfi.
ERIE , Ont. , September 29.-At 5:30 :
this evening the dummy car , ueod in
convoying inerongors over the In tor
national "biidgo between hero Mill
Black Jli-V , n suburb of Buffalo , Ml
throug i t'io open draw into tlu
Nintjaru river , 25 feet. Engineer
Helm nud Edwin llershcy Heern , ol
tiurlic , Out. , were killed ; Mrs. Par-
maloc , of Ulack Hock , Capt. Hsggart ,
dummy conductor , nnd a lady , name
unkuown , were seriously injured.
It icomi that thu ste.tmor Falcon
was.coming up and the draw in
the bridge was opened for her
to pass. At the sumo time the dummy
engine mod to cross the bridge was
making the last trip for the night.
For somu cauao thu engine did not
perceive the draw open , and the
dummy plunged into thu river. Ma'- '
colm Colobauifh , bridge superinten
dent , was standing on the platform of
the car , and jump to the bridge as
the car wont down. The water is fully
forty fcot deep where the car wont
down ,
An Important IooUlon <
BpccUl Dwpntchos to Til r Dm.
CHICAGO , September 29 An opin
ion of internal and importance to rail
roads , shippers , business men , and in
deed nl 1 classes of the community ,
was rendered yesterday in thu Illinois
supreme court , in the naso involving
the question of the power of the
legislature to vegulato the rates
charred by railroads for freight
carried to points outaidoH of Illinois ,
and whether an act prohibiting un
just discrimination in such rates WAS
notiucontra [ [ volition of the constitution
of the United States. The case was
ono wherein n (10 per cent , larger rnto
was charged on n haul from Oilman
to Now York than on n haul from
Peoria to New York though
the distance from _ Peoria
was greater by eighty-six miles , nnd
it is hold by the court that the charge
was unjint , excessive , extortionate
and unlawful , and in elldct the court
upholds the authority of the railroad
warohoiwo commissioner ] to regulate
freight charges from points in Illinois
to points outside thn stato.
Tmlppondnut Hopabllonns *
Special Disukh ] to Tim DKK.
BEDFORD , Pa , September 29. The
independent republicans of the Sev
enteenth district nominated Dr.V. .
D. Ball , of Altoona , for congress.
Ho "Will Accept.
Bicclal | I > iii xUh to Tun BEH.
A Li ! AN V , N. Y. , Soptcmbor 29.
Jno. F. Smith , chairman of the now
republican state committee , raid to n
reporter of The Argus : ' 'You can
say in The Argus that I have no rea
son to/Suppose Mr. Folger will de
cline the nomination nnd every rea
son in the world to suppose he will
accept it. "
California Prohibitionists-
Special Dispatch to Tin BBH.
SAN FRANTIS.UO , September 29.
The state prohibition convention mot
hero yesterday To-day it became
evident that a majority desired to
nominate a straight ticket , and about
forty delegates opposed to that course
withdrew. The convention thin after
noon nominated for governor Dr. R.
H , McDonald , San Francisco ; lieu
tenant governor , William Sims , Yolo
Folgor Mnst Step Down.
Special Dispatch to Tun Bm.
NEW YORK , September 29. The
republican executive committee , of
Kings county , has appointed a com
mittee to confer with Judge Folgor ,
nominee for governor , and inform him
of the situation in Brooklyn. The
resolution appointing a committee was
a oubatituto for the resolution re
questing Folgor to decline the nomina
A Railroad Syndicate-
Special Dlajutcli to Tint Bun.
MONTREAL , September 29. A depu
tation from the syndicate formed to
build a now railroad from the north
west to connect witn the Grand
Trunk at Duluth , are hero conferring
with the general manager of the latf
tcr. It is proposed to make the line
a compoling ono from Manitoba to
the aea with Canadian Pacific.
The CrimoH of n Miniitor.
Special di j > atch t > TttxlUlf.
ULOOMINHTON , 111. , September 20.
At the end of eight days trial by the
Illinois conference at Lincoln , Ills , ,
Hov. II. 0 Hoffman was found guilty
ot falsehood , fornication and bastardy.
The verdict wan rendered at 11 p. m ,
to night , uftor six hours consideration
by the ministerial jury.
Lowollyu'n Indians *
BpocJil Dlnjutch to TIIK lies.
DrNVKit , Saptombor 20 The Tri-
buiio'u Santu Fd special n.v > ; Indian
Aqont Lowellyn arrived to-day from
Meecaloro agency , on route to Jtcarilla
ngenoy , to look after the Apaches
then ; , in accordance with Secretary
Toller's order. The Moscaloros were
disarmed last week by command of the
troops under Major Van Homo , and
are now submissive and quiet. Lew-
ellyn has five Indians in < * onfinomont ,
who will bo sent to the Leavonworth
military prison , four of whom uro im
plicated i'i the murder of a sheep her
der > Dined Nicko Aroita , and the
othoi , , i nub-chief , for killing Capaz ,
another Indian.
Capture of a Runuwuy Hanker.
Special DUpatrh to Tin Jin.
DENVER , September 29 , The Re
publican's Bonanzi ( Col.special ) saya ;
A. J. Adams , cashier of the Bonanza
Exchange bank , which suspended a
ftiw days ago , has boon cipturod. An
attempt was nude to lynch him ,
which was prevented by aomo law
abiding citizens.
Skinny Men.
"Wells' Health Ronower" restores
health and vigor , cures Dyspepsia ,
Impotence , Sexual Debility. $1.
Col. Ira Wilson has purchased a
half interest in the Pacific House , at
St. Joe. The firm will now bo J , B.
Kitchen & Ira Wilson. Mr. Kitchen
has moved to the Paxton hotel , ut
Omaha , and Mi. Wilson has taken
charge of the Pacific , whore ho will
bo pleased to moot his old friends ,
The Pacific is the loading hotel of St.
Joe and a first-class hotel in every ro
epect. sepO-m&otf
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishiment owned
and Occupied by
: OD
Notions and Fiu'irishing Goods ,
The Brightest Lighted , Best Appointed .lobbinu Homo in America , containing the IT
arKCst Stock of Dry Goods and Notions went of the Mississippi. Solo manufacturers ffi
of the celebrated ,
McDonald's Overalls , Buck , Denim and Gottonade. Pants ,
In all styles 'now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at
Western Merchanls can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock before - *
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember
_ jj _ K. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
Spochl IfaiiaUlics to TIIK llFit.
HAMUUHQ , la'September 211.-In
thn free for nil race , > in which Jack
Perogoy , Claud R , and Duster con-
tnstod , Perogoy took the first heat ,
Cl&udo R second , Duster tliitd , the
horacs coming under the wire neck
and neck. The necoud hank was a repetition -
petition of the lirat , with Daitor run
ning. In the third heat , Claude R ,
led to the throo-quatter polo * ut n
thirty nccond gait ; her driver pulled
up for the other * . Porogoy acted
ludly , Duster taking the heat. Fourth
heat , Poregoy withdrawn. A good
start waa had , Duster running the entire -
tire milo. After cousullin with the
driver of Claude R , the judges gave
the race to Duster. After the finish
the president of thd association offered
81,500 for Olaudo R.
JlAA" 1111.1. * * " ! ' '
CLEVELAND , Sdptotnbor 20. Clove-
lands 9 , DdtroitsO.
WOHCENTEK , September 28. Wor
cester 7 , Treys 10.
CHIC.UJO , September 2 ! ) . It is
stated on the boat authority that the
Chicago club will refuse to recognize
validity of the Agreement with the
Providence to play nine games aftnr
the claao of the season to decide the
championship , on the ground that the
agreement wna entered on the understanding -
standing that the Worccsters proposed
to drop out without completing its
achodulu. The Worcostera having
concluded , however , to play ita corici
out , the championship has bor-n decided -
cidod in the regular way in favor of
the Chicagos , and further games nru
uncalled for.
BHIOHTON JJUAOii , September 29.
First race , three-quarters of u mile ,
Modusu won ; time , l'J.'t. :
Second race , ono mile , Little DAII
won ; time , 1:50 : ,
Third r.ce , seven furlongs , Hurry
Mann won ; lime , 1:37J. :
Fourth raca , 0110 milo , Ida IJ. won ;
time , 1:48. :
Fifth race , hurdle , milo nnd u half ,
liustor won ; tinio , U:01. :
NEW YOKK , September 2l. ! The
eight two and Ihrcti year old trottora ,
belonging to Eic-Governor Stanford ,
are expected to arrive hero Tuesday
next , to tukn part in the mooting to
bo hold under the aunpiccn of the
Trotting ilorso Itreodom' nsjociation
at Flootwcod park.
ST. JoiiNH , N. II. , Septoinbir 2'J.
Wallace ROBB writcB : " 1 will row P.
II. Conly , of Halifax , either on St.
John harbor or Kennebeo river in
four weeks for $1,000 a side.
HpceUU DUjrttch to Tils DM.
WAHIIINUTO.V , September g20. AH
the relics from the Arctio regions
brought by Kngiiicor Melville , rura
unpacked thU nttornoon in the olllco
of Col , Homy , navy department , As
the article were unpacked the record
was made when and where found.
Tha gross receipts of the postofllco
department for the fiscal year ended
Juno 80 , 1882 , are $41,205,317.10 ,
against $3G,217f < ll.D5 the previous
The value of the imports of mer-
chandiao into the United States dur
ing the period of twelve months ended
August 31 , 1882 wan $741,083,917 ;
for the preceding twelve months ,
$043,218,555. Value of exports lor
the twelve months ended August 31 ,
1882 , was 8737,038,772 , preceding
twelve mouths , ? 8U1,717,551.
treaty establishing the bound
ary line between Mexico and ( iuaio-
mule , signed at the City of Mexico the
27th hist. , is substantially the same as
the preliminary treaty egrted to by
Gen. Iirrio3 and Sunnr Komoro in
Now York on the 12th of August
G x , in the treaty just con
cluded , receded entirely from her
cUim to thu territory Chiapas mid
Soconuaco , which for the pant sixty
yearn hua been in the puaicaion of
Siocill | IMnp'ktclii.'a t . 1 lin UKH.
1-hiroiutiJi , VA. , September " 9. llirly
tins mouiink' n Tire liiuko out in Tim
Main urnt ollico nt Klik'uwiky. Seventeen
of thu principal liu fn < 3 < 3 plucoi wcro
liurndl , licluillni ; both priutin ollicop. tlio
bk , nnd the llv'ln liomc. Lo't , SIM ) , .
000 ; insurance , § ; p,000. ( )
HAUPAX , September 2U. The ilniiiafjeil
portion of tlio ojirgo of wheat of tliu Rtcnm-
or AntworpU , Irom Now Orlnana fir Hull ,
which imt Into Sydney , U. 11. , In disttOHf ,
waa Bold by auction ut xixty ccnU per
NEW OULEANM , September 2'J. The Pic.
nynno'H IVnsacalu upoc-ljl rcporU fifty-two
aew casiK and eleven ileitlii
JACKHOV , Mls . , Septi-mbcr 19. ! The
ecr'lnry of the tnlobonnl of health hm
relfnbla Information that there li un } el.
low favor at Weksnn.
On < C"ll Y , I'n. , SeptciulerUO. Pctroloiira
has had another move to-day toward n dnl-
Ur a barrel , having mild ycotorday at 80o
and to-day at l)0o. )
1'illi.ADKl.l'lllA , September I'D. The
jury in the star route raaoa rflturrcd n
6-iilcii verdict tn-nUht. JudRA Jluller was
tel grapliud , nnj rcplieil _ that ho would ro-
cclvoit to-morrow murniu .
A Toiler Gael Up
Spojlal Dlapittcb to Tui linn.
PuoviDKNoiSaptimibor20.--IJonry :
J. llalllato tellerof tlio Ithodo Island
Uotpiml Trunt company , pleaded
guilty to ono of the four indictmenta
lor embezzlement , and was ncntrnccd
to five joara in tlioctnto priaon. The
umouiit embezzled wus § 21,000. Other
indictments were nolle prosaed.
Ivearn y hiw a moun eyed laundry.
Tlio Shelby church N nearly completed.
Tlio Lincoln d < u tax ban lioen roduuod
to 2.
mi'lio oldhottloM of ( iago bud a picnic on
the iilM.
I'lattutnauth lit after the aoldlura' reunion
for next year.
Wjfo 'lieiters ura becornlni , ' plenty In
Nebraska city.
The.lolinion county fair Iniit wo-ir WAS
n IreiiiondouH Hiiccenx.
Smith 1'nrker ( ; oe Into the hotel hunt ,
nes * at 1'Iercoon the 1st.
Therd aiuthlrtoenHojouruerain the *
cuter county poor luniao.
Now that the Kearney cnnal lit ttarted ,
Plum Creel : wantu ono ,
A teller Is comlni ; from New Yurie City
to K < > lutu biinlneHii ut J'lerco.
Tli r OH paHrengur coachea are bcln < built
at the H. & M. th palu I'luttHiuouth.
The poHtmaitcr At Collonwoml Sprlngi ,
Mr. Cenr , wui burneil out on the lUth ,
The Aurora ItopuWlean fiot out an excellent -
collent dully durlnic. the Hnmlltjii county
fair.The McthodUt church at Ord was dodi.
cated on the 17th and n debt uf over S ° 00
wiped nut.
There will bo uraily 15,000 nercu of
pasture fenced by Hitchcock county ntock
ineii thin fall ,
Llucoln'H animal crop of lieKRan In larger
thanti\er. Ho vine will lo her biennial
troji next winter ,
J. Vf. Merrill , of Holt county , raised a
reJ garden dwarf radUh which weighed 4
poumla and C cuneen.
The atfendanco ou ( ho Kearney publlo
uchidl , Monday of laut week , wai four
handro'l und live pupl'n. '
] ) r. J , J. Hivllle , formerly publinherof
the Kearney Kra , will noon move lo Umalw
and again practice medicine.
George Woodward , of I'ulbertwou , wan
injured by hU horre fulllu ; ; en hiui un the
llat ! , and it N doubt'ul If he recovers.
W. K. I'eamon , cf Holt county , raised a
01 pound watermelon la t year , but
couldn't come to that figure tblo veasoa.
Oeorj-o Lawreniw. rmlillng nbout thieo
milmi uurtheatt of Ulchland lu Colfax
county , jeointly loit hU entire crop of
umiil ( 'raln , amounting tu about 91,10. * , by
pralrlo fire ,
Joseph Mackle , cleric of Lincoln county ,
died mi'ldenly ' on the 'ilth , of JiemorrhaKe
( if the luiu'n. To nay bin death la unlvera-
ully mourned la Inadcquite ho wai oua of
the meu whom everjbody liked ,
l-'raok Sheldon , cf Lincoln , had delight
ful trip to , and visit In Kurofe. He went
ver tlio usual tour , through
I'riniro , ( icruinny , Swltrcrlnud and Itiily ,
nud vi ittd nil the pkcca of note.
Improvements , etc. . inulo the Once
county Hocioty como out SHOO
nliort after the late county fair , nnd ach
of the twenty.tlvo inriuHcri bore his lo a
with povcrlty. The nocioty U uotv iiumro.
.T. W. Harris , propi'iftir of a Kroiuont
biic'iyaid , drew S300 on S tturday to pay
clt liis men and put the mouuv lu ha ! bnt ,
no that ha would knmvvhcro It wn .
When ho K 't to the hrlclcy.aid the money
wan guio.
An Alm.i younjj lady , recently married ,
R ° nt n friend hero ono of her clocking *
fillud with wedding cixVe. Thn i-tockina
waa omn'Icd , nnd itu cnntcnts tilled n ni\-
pillion churn , atul cu mull WJH left for tht *
girln of the fnmt'y to play "keep hbuto"
for n week.Crlcaim Boutiucl Ijiar.
CIuU Mcdift , the niMi wliD pounded
Dublin Jack , rncaped Irom the clliccra the
other daj' , and wnn ro-arrested , was placed
in a cull tu nerve _ his tv.-unty-livo days Ho
got. bold ut innil HOIIIU whore , and in at
tempting to pick the lock , BO that the lat
ter cann t bu opened without drilling.
The chitf told him ho would not open U at
prciient , and now Chrlu la lockid up euro.
end h afraid the building will burn up am !
roint him. Lincoln Democrat.
No. S10.a inoi'.sUr mt'cnl cuilno , , wai
brought over Saturday from the 0. , 13 , &
Q. road for the of runntiij ; freight
tralni over tlio ho vy gr dea lietwoen this
city and l' . > clfic Junction , Ycntoidixy It
wan coupled on to forty-eircarj loaded with
grain nnd without the leant dlllicutty or
hard work It ptnrtcil up the heavy itrado to
the bililo ; ; nnd noon land d the forty-nix
loads on tlio other hide. Half tlmt number
U a hie load for Jio ordlnaty IS , & M. cu-
KlncH , Tlio moKul ban eight drlvoheela
nnd IH cnpab'o of haullm ; ahnont nnythlni ;
that IH movabln , nnd it will bo rnta1n < d for
Iho bridge run freight onglns. It ! han
dled by ICnglncer Hay. I'lattumouth
Juurnaf ,
About midnight Thursday nl ht on
old man appeared at Saxo'H drui ; store and
with an agitated air requested lo know the
component parts of a proscription which
had been filled there. It turned out to be
an eye water in which atropo WUH ono ol
the Iii2rcilloiit , nnd instead of putting
a drop In hli eye hu had taken uevcral
drupq lu Mil Ktoimch , Atrcpo hna the ef
fect uf dilating the pupil of thn eye and
acting upon thu nerved. H ! oyet at the
time we're like those of a cat , the pupils
an Mg ah n trade dollar nnd gleaming like
oriental niblcu In the dark. The clctk
eciit th recklctn mrdlclnu taker lo a plij > I-
clan , and ho noon came back with n pro *
Bcrlptlon for an nntldote , which WKJI given
him , and ho turned up yrxterday nil rir.lit.
A Doaurvoci Promotion.
Tliu Chici ; ; { . > Tribune uiinoiinccs
that Mr. Oiuio ; ; L , Carman , coininls-
sioiicrof thu North ivestorn Trafllu nud
Centra ! Iowa uRsoomtum , has r.ppoint-
od Mi. 12. F. hock chief clerk. Mr.
Lock has | had long experience in
freight affairs , and durhi/j / live years
has filled an important position on
thu liurliiifjtnn & Miesouri Itiyer rail.
road , lid Lack hu3 many frionda in
Onuilm , whore ho was stationed for a
number of years , first under Mr.
Lowell , and aftorw.trdu as assistant
paymuitor of the 1 ! , & hi. road , His
abilities have won him u deserved pro
motion to a rospousiblu and important
position , which in directly in the line
of further advancement. On this ac
count the novra will bo received with
great salitfaction in Omaha among H
largo number of friends nnd ac
quaintances , who will wish him all
in hit now position.
Ladies nnd cickly Girls requiring a
non alcoholic , gontU ) .Ktimulent , will
find lirotrn'tt Iron Dittors beneficial.
roa ,
. _ _ en
Ai U U for all the imlnful dlsciur * of the
It clean.1 * the lyitcia ol the acrid pclnou
that oiiuo the druodful iulfcrtnir which
only the vlcUm * cf rhoumatlum can rell > .
THOUSANDS \ * ryr * <
of tlio wont form * ofthli tcrrlbl
Uavo teoa quickly tcllovcJ , lla hort
rnin : 11.1 iijt m u-iiur , bout tUUICCISTU. . a
The Stnpondoua Power Wielded
by Corporate Kings ,
The Vnluoa of the Necessaries
cf Liife Regulated by
ilieir Wbime.
Old Political Parties Managed
In the Interest of the
Ami tlio Pnoplo'i Only Hopa af Ro-
llaf JUioi la the Ballot.
.Address of Cupt. J. H. Stlcklo Before
the Anti-Monopoly Conven
tion at HaatlnffH , 8opt. 37 , >
Mr. I'rtuMcnt mil gentlemen of the 0nvinllon :
If nny mnii or friend who has called
mo out to-day oxpoota anything very
eloquent , or vury witty , or very pro
found , ho is deemed to disappoint
ment. I suppose I am not unlike the
majority of those composing this con
vention -u much bettor listener than
tulkcr , and the whole business of
spucch making la entirely out of my
line. I bsJonj ; to that clots of orators
not inappropriitnly described by the
nowepapora and others na bucolio.
But whether bucolic or metropolitan
Bouio of us hare the faculty of saying
what wo think und meaning just pre
cisely wlia * . wo say. If I can bo cou-
nldercd to hayo a mission standing
hero to-day it is to try to demonstrate
to you that thurn is no political ittma
subsisting between the great political
pnrtlca and that anti monopoly should
bo the shibboleth eoundod by every
son of Adam in this broad land who
earns his broad by honest ( oil. In
the campaign down in Tliayur county
last fall ) these gentlemen who
were most urgent in support of the
republican ticket , threw out a fearful
indictment against these republicans
who came out nnd voted the antimonopoly
nopoly ticket. There were three
charges : First , that wo are renegades
and coro-hoadi ; second , consortorn
with democrats ; third , declared co-
oonepiratoru with grcenbuckors , Well ,
to all of these huliclmontc , severally
and collectively ,
It wan true that wo had thrown off all
allegiance to the republican party and
our headn were lamentably sore.
[ Laughter. ]
As to consorting with democrats or
conspiracy with groonbackers , wo are
( jlad to welcome all men of whatever
previous party initiations who enter
tain feelings of indignation at the ex
tortionate demands of the great or
porato monopolies.
Mr. President , speaking from a re
publican standpointAI yield to no
nmn In my admiratioi of the splendid
achievements of the republican party.
Bo great , BO grand , so immoaaurablo
and so numerous are they that I should
weary you with their recit
al. For a quarter of a , cen
tury that party's history has
played an important part in the his
tory of our country. Dnrlng these
years it has made truer , broader and
deeper lines than any other political
parly that ever rose to meet thn exi
gencies of mankind. Had she achieved
nothing greater or grander than the
suppression of
siuco Lucifer revolted from high
heavun and the freedom of four millions -
lions of bondsman , aho would have
merited uud received the plaudits of
mankind. Wo are told that for more
than two conturio.i DA Viuci's grand
painting of "Tho Last Supper ex
ited the wonder of all beholders , and
delighted the eyes of all. Jiut not
ao now. Time's mutations have dealt
BO unkindly v > ith It. and it hasbo. _ _
[ Vvntinwd un Fourth 1'wje ]