Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thuradiiy Morning 3ept. 8.
Weather Koport.
( i'he following obpenallon * are taken at
same moment of tlmo at all the stations
Inches above low water mark at
Onaha , S fectOlnchm at Tankton. UUilsstppI 2
feet 1 Inches at l& Crosse , and 4 feet S Indies at
The Denver twin was two honrs Ute
in departing last night , delayed by the
-Q. "
A rfRulur meeting of Oinnhn LodRO
No. S , A. O. U.V. . , will be held Thurit-
day evening , Sept. W , nt 7 0 o'clock.
Members will plcoee nttenil.
The republican state central commit
tee will tneot at their head < iuitrtCM In the
llillard hotel at 8 o'clock tliln ovcuhiR to
arrange the prellmlnnrloa for the coining
Victor Duorod , bctterlcnown a "Vic , "
proprietor of the popular restaurant on
lower Fflrnnmntreot , has been making Rome
excellent improvcmeuts on his place , In the
way of new painting , papering , etc. Victor
has no equal at a cook In tills part of the
country Is the verdict of tlioso who for
years have gone to him whenever tlioy
wanted a good palatable , equaro meal , lie
Is n public benefactor.
The latent In regard to the trotting
horse "Maxey Cobb , " Is that lie was sold
to the 8wnn liroi. for twelve Instead of ten
thousand dollaro. It Is further stated
that in a private trial the animal showed n
nllo without a ship or u bobhlo In 9:18. :
rj-iB ] belnc ; really the llrst season for the
yountf i > ? ' rei " 'rt ' u' 'a'r ' ° Pro9Ulnci that
ho will y'at -nY ; n-Z ilj -I'u piac ! )
him Bidoby sldo with Maud S. , Snuigaler
and Kdwiu 1'orcttt.
A. Wallenr. wan arrested on complaint
of Officer Hani Timm , charged with In
toxication nnd pointing liin revolver at the
officer , Wullor'Z was nlno aceuned of
thmvtcnlns to l.urn TlraiuV house and do
alintlry other ferocious deeds for all of
which ho was up before .lurfge IJenoko yes
terday with nwholo host of wltncBsei on
either Mo.
Ono man arrested Tuoiday night for
disturbance of the peace , wai dlncharRcd
by the judge ,
Send for printed ; > nce Hit and tampJet ol
U kinds of Job work to the AIjLKN
PJUNl'JNG CO. , job printers , and pub-
llshcw "UUUAL NKBUASKA. " The
American Cattle Journal. LIVK STOCK
printing a ( peclalty. Nos. 218 and 220 , 8.
14th St. , Omaha , Neb. sopaOme-oodZw
The overland train from the west yes'
terday wai reported half an hour late.
Excavation fora basement under the
St. James Hotel In going on.
A largo number of Omaha pronto f o tc
Ht. JjouU the last of this week to eee the
Tolled prophet * .
-A little fracas on Cumin f street TUCH
Uy resulted In one of the parties bclni
iout on the wrist with a knKo.
* 'ihe nw Uarkcr bullilng on 9th am
Joiioa Is beginning to loom up. The foun
dftUnns arc tinny and the uleoponi down.
Wlllinnu. ' 'dry goods store wa
clweJ lint evening on account of the wa
i juan'a lullrage convention ,
M. B. Leavllt and Tony I'ostor1
United Specially troupe will appear u
lloyd' * 1'rlday And Saturday nlf-hU.
It is iimorod that an importsn
ehangaamoDp the hotel clorka In tills clt
will noon tale place , which will be merol
a transfer of places.
The slicot railway company ht s lice
improvlnc their line on Olh street , and tl
workisixlra good , especially the curt
and culvert oppotdto the Canfield house.
Tim mull , baggage and express cai
out on the noon train yesterday were juit u
from the shops nnd gllstenlui ; with no
gliding and varnitbing.
A pony phaeton was run fvway with an
wrecked on lUth street Tuesday and At r
Cassinan , who was tiding In the tehlc
was thrown out and badly Injured ,
The new comet with two editions i
tails is visible uvery morning just bcfo ;
sunrise , and may bo seen near the sun I
the daytime by those who can stand it'
can the heavens closely ,
The lodge of mourning to he held 1
the Egyptian League on Friday night w
b on of the most impressive ceremonl
whichever took place IniOmaha. A r
Hmlnary meeting was held Isst night.
ITrederlca , wife of 1'otcr Uatimitse
died Septenibur 7th , at 0:10 : a. iu. , m ;
y can , Funeral to-day , Hepteml
a > th , bt 3 p , in , , from late ratdence ut
Ittner's brick yard. Friend * incited ,
Two drunks were takeu In by t
police Tuesday night. One liad fallen a
cnt away the entire Icwer lid of ono eye
thfc * . It hung down over his cheek , ]
presented a horrible appearance ,
The ladles of the Firet M , K , church ? ) '
Koclabloat the residence of Her. J ,
Maxfield , 2123 Web.ter btreot onThund
evening. All are Invited end will bo m :
cordially welcome ,
A party of Omaha hunters receii
went out'to Ihe vicinity of Vulparalsc )
enjoy a little sport , A friend of out of I
number , desiroi him to send him some v
kpn at h ! home b&ck iu Indiana uid \
Ikon being tcarco he parchated a soup hi
ted tent it bick to the llooder State c
ample of Nebraska black-tall Jeer ,
On Tuesday , the llth of Septemt
the state land department ttosed SO , !
ail-100 acres of school land * , of wh
1,001 $2-100 were agricultural cell
lied * , \Vayne county ,
Slid Boldly Loads tbo Home
Guards on tlio Bulwarks
of Prejudice ,
The Second Assault Roused a
Lonoiy Defender of Mon'a
But They Fell Upon and LnBhod
Him nu Man Wan Never
Lashed Before.
And Hfa Stidtlon Retrofit Haro.y
Baved Him from Botur ; in-
tlroly "Chawed Up. "
Ttio Second Dfiy of tbo Sullrasiata.
Monilutr Session of tbo Nationals.
At 10:30 : n. m. yesterday Boyd'n
opera house was opened when the
Woman's Sutirago Association , to
gether vrith their friends mot for the
purpose of hearing reports from Neb
raska delegates nnd arranging for cam
paign work.
The meeting waa called to order by
Mrs. May Wright Bewail who appoint
ed n committee from the National to
moot _ with a committee from the
American association in the parlors of
the building for confcrenco nnd other
work. The chair appointed in that
committee Mrs. Gouger , of Indian/ . ,
as chairman , Mils Anthony of Now
York , Miss Foster of Pcnnslyvania ,
nnd Mrs. Oolby of Nebraska , with in
structions to report result of confer
ence ) at the mooting to-morrow.
The mooting proceeded then to review -
view work done la the nicotine ; yes
terday afternoon , slating that com
mittees of finance , committees on res-
olu-lonn and nominationa were madu
and that reports would bo had to
morrow. The oxcculivo session yes
terday decided tomnko "OurllerMd , "
a flul.'rago paper published at Lafn-
yotto , Ind , , by Mra. Helen M.
Gougnr , the oflicinl paper of that
society , through which members could
write mid keep each other printed ns
to the work done throughout
the United Stater .
The secretary waa directed to tnko
the names of those desiring to join
the society , whim quito a largo num
ber paid thcit initiation fee aud were
duly enrolled , ,
0 , S. Montgomery , of Oroata , ad-
dro-flcd the mooting in a short but
warm speech , relating hia experience
in investigating the subject , his objec
tions first entertained and his subao-
quont conversion , and waa duly in-
Mtallcd aa an active ninraber. Gen. E.
Kitabrook rpuko nloo , and paid hia
initiation foe. Freeh recruits wcru
received nnd enrolled from Iowa ,
Wyoming , Missouri and Nobranka.
The mooting then went into a gen
eral discussion , and delegates from
Nebraska n.ado verbal reports of tin
work in their vicinity. Mrs. MoKiiv
noy , of Iowa , reviewed the work it
her state , and said the next logiaatun ]
will submit the nu.l'ratjo question t <
the people of her state ; that the pro
hibitiou amendment in that atato ha <
done good work for the canto of wo
man , as tlio temperuncu people rccog
nized the fact that they could not on
foroa prohibition without the morn \
uupport of the ladio. , and thnt the ;
were both now working for the auf
frngo movement.
Mrs. Muul , of Fairmont , madp ;
brief statement of the progress boini
mode in her county. Mm. Miller , o
Falls Oity , said local organization
were being effected in her Hoc.ioii
Local organizations nro working i
Graf ton , Exeter nnd all the towns il
Filltnoro county. Mrs. Doyle , of Gag
county , said there was no formidabl
opposition to the movement in he
county. Iloporta from Washiugto :
were favorable. Mrs. Drury , of Hut
county , stated that they had a pee
organization at Tekamah , and at Dc
catur an organization is being ofToctoc'
said the ladies of that county had dc
cidod to challenge the mon who Oppon
it for n joint debate , -and lively tittle
are expected in Hurt county.
General Eatabrook alntcd on bcha
of Cedar county that Judge Birni
told him that the speech of Mra. Got
giir , made in that county two wool
ago , had created a revolution in tl
minds of the pcopli ; , and that tl [
movement will carry in that count ,
Mra. Wilson , of Fillmore count
mnuo gratifying reports of Yoi
county , vrlioro nho said the ladio. lit
raised $500 for ( ho campaign fun
and local nnd foreign .ipaakoru wi
being supplied for oll'octivu unrk.
Nomahn , Sov.-ivrd ivnl Johnson oou
tics all wuro reported as very catiaf.i
The hour of 12 It win. ; arrived , ti
mooting ndjournud until 2lfi ; p.
Afteruooa fioaijon.
reIn At 2 p. m , shnrri the ufiurnooi si
lion convened at IJoyd'a opuru hou ;
to where fair uudionco
a had ncaci
On taking the chair UlisH Anlho
in introduood Mra. Marietta M. l.oni
les of Dakota , n tall nnd graceful lac
with pleasing features , who epo
extemporaneously for half an he )
upon the Uwa nnd customs of c )
country. She had n good How of I.
gunge nnd apoko with much fcoli
relative to her personal experience
the cause of equity , 8ho touch
upon the fidelity of woman nnd 1
abuses ; said that , although per
nd cutud , yet she was aa true aa stcol n
never shrank from the rcsponsibil
He of duly ; said that when women h
the right of suflruge all war wet
cease and a higher state of civilizati
old come ; that woman performs UN
11 than half the manual labor done
lay this country ; that whilu tl ;
ade are mothers of oaoh gonoratii
still men legisUto nnd on
laws denying them the care of th
illy children. At loaet this was her oxj
to rlence , ps shu had lost the care cf 1
the children through class legislation
behalf of man and against worm
en- She said H was this class of woni
on. that the suffragists want to assist. .
is a they need , she said , Is the ballot I
to make them happy , Uern was a t
of woo and sorroir , far greater tl :
tint of any nogross iu the south ; i
021 waa not only robbed of her tnyn
Ich Her property , homo snd children , I
cue had been hunted down by the law 1
a criminal fleeing front justice , J ?
aho said , she liked men hotter than
women on general principle.
After homo business innttern were
diaphtchpd , Madam ClarUna Neyinan ,
nf New York , poke from manuscript ,
dealing with the question' In a
philosophical way. She is n Gorman
lady of c.Hnro and spcaka very fair
English , though the native accent is
very parc2tiblo. She is a young ,
bright-eyed , rcsy checked brunette
with very p r-asii. manner rovcaling
a thorough knowledge of good breed
ing and libcrol viowe. She haa bcrn
across the wntcra quito often of late ,
nnd now has her children in the Gor
man tichools. Her treatment of the
subject exhibited oxtonslvo learning
and copious researches. She clnolt rv.
length upon the homo , and its in
fluences ; the li.yo , affection nnd dovo-
tton of woman in her sphere of duty ,
paying n high tribute to her sex ; sntd
that u woman devoted to a principle
exhibits the noblest qualities that
Kraco the aox , Spoke foelincly of the
evil effects upon women by reading
light literature , oaid that everything
la proper which tends to our eleva
tion , and everything is proper which
tonda to human happiness. That the
broader the field for woman's useful-
noes , the greater ecopo for mental
developments , both of which is re
quired by tbo laws of our being nnd
host fits us for a life beyond the
Evening Session.
Notwithstanding the rain had rondo
the nlreata muddy and pedestrians required -
quired overcoats , rubber boots and
umbrella. , still n good nudicnco was
in attendance at the opera house to
hoar the suffratjo question further discussed -
cussed last night.
After a vocal and instrumental so-
lectien by Miss Foster and Miss Shut-
tuck , Mien Anthony introduced Mrs.
Matilda Uindman , of Pennsylvania ,
who apoko without manuscript and do-
Hverod ono of the moat logical nrgu-
mciitn on the eu.Fragoquestion thiu has
boon delivered during tlio convention.
She is n email woman not as largo aa
Alexander II. Stephens and haa n
voice similar to hia , but without the
smooth eloqucnco no characteristic of
that eminent statesman. She made
the following points :
This subject of suffrage ia not ono
of little importance. It i i not merely
a qtwation of nothiutr. Its rightful-
neaa cannot bo answered by n nimplo
yea or no. It does not coucorn a par
ticular clacs ; nor dooc it apply to R
limited number of poraona. It di
rectly ufloctB all cl-vBsuo , irrcspoolivo
of rnci- , color , condition or BOX. It iu
not a political question ; it ia a
groal , moral , oocial and political prob
lem , n problem which the wisest
statesmen and soundest think era are
interested in solving.
A now problem ? Yes , but now
problems in science , religious and
politics nro constantly forcing thorn-
st-lvea on the publis mind , end aooner
or later that mind must give answer.
"It is revolutionary , " you nay ; "It
is too u change for our civilizi-
tion. " Cbugo , change ia life , stag
nation is ficath. The law of reform
is constant ckange , From conviction
that wrongs oxnt ! comoa investigation ,
ugitation , conjliey- change and progress ,
i In tlioao conflicts vro always two par-
B tioa , tlio ono conso-vativo , the other
radical , The consonrativo ignores
chance , the radical dou-nds it. Old
forms , customs and beht'.oro Bacrei
with the conservative. Th- radical
lias no palionco with these who i , ; ,
only as the father's thought. Ic. . n
\ time the niaeoes are with the conrorva <
y tlvo. People do not give up long
established customs and much
cherished viowo without a struggle ,
They fear change , and hate innovators ,
The world is not ready say the op-
pononte , these who wish to have thii
change are neb tit for the freedom i
will bring. This , a ay a ono of oui
loading thinkers , has always been thi
answer of these iu power when a redress
dress of wrongs has been naked. No
till But woman has proven hersol
fit for many places that were closet
against her a quarter of n century ago
Kchoola aud colleges hav
bcou opouod to her uni
oho boa taken high plaeo among th
ucholars of the day. The court hou.
doora stand ajar and she is cntorin
with womanly dignity. Freedom o
speech and liberty of thojpresa nro her
and none nro injured.
.If Who would undo what has boc :
cs done ? Who place her whorooho n
csu a century ngo ? Who take fropj ho
uks thcao educational advantages ? Wh
iu place upon the ntatuto booka the dc
10 griiding and oppreosivo laws that ou
10y. higher civilization has marked oul
y.y , Who eo have ? Not ono , America
rk men will not undothogood work the
idd have dono. They can't go baok , the >
d , can't stand still , iidvanen they nuio
re and complete tlioir work by this on
grand cct , of enfranchising the womo
of the otate.
1C- Women r.a well as men nrnj th
1Che for protsction protection cf prr |
he erty , homo nnd personal rights , Ti
foundation principle ( jf goycnunoiit
protection , Who need this ono-hn
or all the people J Which stand i
I.S- greater need of this , the weak or tl
I.S0 otrong f The ou who hiui morn phy
m , ical strength or the lets I All ro
Homtbio persona will say the wci
ny need it more than the strong.
us , After this the finauco ooiuiuitti
wont through the audience for coiitt
buttons ,
tir MIHJ Anthony said she proposed
ur do a little talking for herself bofn
til hearing from Mra. Saxon , of Now 0 >
ing leans , a good democrat.
in Mrs , Saxon rose and proteiti
led against the accusation , diaolaiuii
tier that aho was a democrat and emphu
ically aseorting that aho was uotliii
and never would vote for anythii
until shu had something to veto ( or
receiving loud applause.
iild Mrs , Colby read a letter from Je
ion sio Ilutchiusou , announcing the deal
ere of her little son , She also culed '
in ro d a short crsay of a little boy , Ii'
ley years of ago , which was as folloivs :
on , "A woman cannot do ns she please
apt She has to do aa the man ears.
leir woman caunot vote. A woman c :
DO. join the church if she ploascr , Tl
tier women ought to vote to koep-tho mi
in from drinking. A woman is not
an. smart aa a man. A man can eot up cultivator and bake pancakes , hot
All and a woman cm only bake pancake
inx A woman ii prettier than ft inan-
all * raean a young woman. All ui
mn should believe iu woman's rights ; ai
boys , also. I like a woman teach
batter than a man teacher. All tni
but should try to bo a woman's rigl
i\ee \ mm ; and boys , also. "
et , Mr * . KljzaWh I * 61x011 , of Ni
Orleans , told a ludicrous cat story ,
eliciting vociferous applause , and then
cad appropriate linoa from J. G. IIol-
and , voicing the nentimenta of the
loblo heroism of reformers.
MM. Helen M. Gotiger , of Lafay-
itto , Indiana , came forward and in
ifir imraitiblo manner npoko onthuui-
astically upon the suffrage quoatton , h'jwavcr that if any contlomnu
or gentlemen were present who do-
ijrcd to present any objec
tions , eho would bo pleased
.o meet thorn whort through
with her speech. She spoke of her
tn..otin n divine of Chicago whom
aho had met on the train , and how she
walled him on his own ground , She
told how many women , had boon upon
their kncen Appealing for suffrage nt
the hands of drunken legislators , nnd
iho wanted thu privilege of making
lier own laws and ustni ; their in
dividuality. Shn said that n clattu of
mon would refuse ua privilf gcs they
accorded to the negroes ; that women
hive aright ton jury of their peers
n well as nipn. Give us juries _ of
women of the snuYago aesociation
prlnciploa and temperance women.
Wo want jurora the samp as men.
Docs not law try ua aa citizenr , yet
deny us citizenship. If I take cold
will my husband suffer for me ? In
herent rii < ht ! Who has it in preference -
once to women ? Who gave man
his inhernnt right moro than
woman ? If you want temperance
you will have to call upon women to
carry it through to a practical conclu
sion. So long ns there ia a conflict
between good nnd evil there will bo
contention about inherent rights. Thu
speaker nald she was going to run for
congress ns soon aa aho could got
enough votes to put her thero. f Loud
npplauso. ] She said n reformatory
school in Indiana had done great coed
in correcting the evils of depravity
nniong heir own BOX , They want to
iako their sistero otic cf jail and put
ihom under female supervision. We
want to take the children out of poor
lounen nnd furnish them homes and
send them to schools. Wo want the
ballot to prevent so much pauperism
and crime. Wo want it not for aelf-
nzgrandizoment , but fallen humanity.
Wo want the ballot box to correct
many abuses that were prominent in
our whole county. Wo want it ua a
right aa against foreign immigration
coming to America without a know
ledge of our lawn. Wo want our
franchise , EO we can huvo our ropre-
ncntation in the Echool boards , where
nnturu tins shown woman's peculiar
A nota from the audience asked :
"How are the law , , of Nebraska unjust
to woman ? "
"In the lint placa I will say , you
are slill under the old common law
relative to property rights ; the dowry
cuatotu U unjust tu woman nnd favors
man if the woman dies the joint
properly goo to the husband , while
iu the death of thu huhlmnd the widow
only Rots the rijjhta of dowry during
her lilo ttmu , and n guardian is ap
pointed by the courts to take charge
cf tha estaio for her children , and fro-
quuntly they nro robbed of
nil their interest through
litigation nnd insecure bondsmen.
Wo want the ballot to atop the sale
and manufacture of liquor , and pro
hibit the sale to minors. If you want
to make intelligence , morality , or
other ability the basis of suffrage , we
nro ready to meet yon. If you can
meat ns there we will stop right hero
and abandon our cause. You trust
with every thins , nave the ballot box.
lie speaker thinks men and women
u about equal iu all things. Women
° * H claim to bo perfect , nor that
iioy ai- , much bettor than mon , but
! int if m wjn improve themselves a
ittlo they \in bo about equal.
Mrs. Gougn. hero asked if any one
as any objeetiu.a to offar.
Mr. Hitchcock i-iso and iwl.ed , "Di < 3
understand you v > say that woman
> y uaturo la no better VYmn man ? "
Mr. Gouger said that mo * were not
> y nature immoral and deprvrod , bul
hat wan the point the oppwit.or
made , and thoj ; claimed it wp.s't.n '
mllot box which corrupted them
.hia nho denied , and said it waa i
ibol upon the true and good mon o
America to have it said they pollute !
ho po.itical atmosphere , ( Hero sin
ecotved loud nnd repeated npplantc ,
Mr. H. You don't answer ra
question' . Is it not n fact that i
woman was allowed to go to the poll
and mingle with the rough eloine.i
ir hot alio would bo drawn down to th
ire ovcl of the corrupt voter aud polit
ir Mrs. G. I don't believe that th
It jody of men I saw hero at the repnl
Ity Itn lean state convention last week
y incr and moro intelligent body I nov
y saw are corrupt mid bad moi
t 3ut on the contrary I , with over
tutor nnd daughter bi
10 other mother ,
10m liovo our father * , husbands and broil
ere nro moral A d upright , and neb ]
is men , and that the good men far exc
P In numbon nnd intelligence the be
ie mon in nil countries. [ Loud a ]
is plauao J . . .
Mr. _ flL As the hour la grown
it Jato end I am at n disadvantage hoi
ti now , I offer it challenge to you su
fnglstito diccuss this question at ar
time und place you may designate.
With thi. announcement Mits Ai
thony , Miss COJBOIIB , Mra. Sar.on at
eo Mrs. ( Jougor all jumped to the froi
like hungry wolves for a ki
nnd with glistening eyes , u
to lifted fucoa and burning cheek :
re accepted the challenge , whi
r tbo audience was at a high heat , ai
order was not had for aomo time. Tl
0 ( spectacle was grand , the inter ;
great , and Mrs. Colby rushed to tl
footlights and said she wan glad to s
the distinguished gentleman so zw
oualy plead his side of the case , ai
hoped that before the election day 1
would bo a penitent convert at t !
altar of this great reform. The d
a be arranged for , and
atl bate will soon i
tlto lively battle will bo .ought , wh :
along the line will bo heard the cr
v "Charge , Anthony , charge I"
The programme for to-day is exec
tive session in the parlors of the ope ;
0:30 . . at which time i
an 1.0U80 at : B. m. ,
Ii ports of delegates and staU a&soci
Iion tions will be heard.
At 2 p. m. Miss Anthony and Mi
Shattuok will addres * the raeetin
At 7:45 p. m. Madam Newman ,
Now York , and Mrs. Virginia Min
and Mill Phosbe Ooziens , of
en St. L uls , will speak , after whlol i
n reception will bo given in the park
ie of the Pflxton , to which everybody
on invited.
its Pewons'desirlng to attend the conn
tion of the Nation * ! Wom n Suffrage
ew eocUUoa t Lincoln , Frld y and Ssturi
of this week can obtain reduced r tes oa <
the B , A M. by applying to the sUtion
ajrcnls , and on the IT. I' , by applying to
Mrs. Colby at the I'niton. Delegates
wlllba entcrtalne 1 by tha Indies of Lin
There will be a grand suffrage meet
ing at Uoyd's opera hocne next Wednesday
eveningOotuber 4 , nnd l o on Friday
evening , O'toW ' 13 ; land probixlily ne
meet ! ( j every week thereafter untfl the
ilny of election.
Hoa.A.J Poppleton'a Aadreas.
I deem it no light ooim.liment that in
the face of an cxpllc t do.lariUion tlmt I
urn not in favor of woman Miffrn/o , I hue ;
been asked to iunk" , on behalf of the people
ple of Omnh-i nod the sUte , nn address of
welcome to the many distinguished men
and women whom tliU occasion hni brought
together. JJoubtlou the consideration
shown mo U a recognition of the fact tint
1 have a life long advocate of the ad-
vancem.nt of woman through the agencies
of equality in education , equality in em-
liloymeut , equality in wages , equality in
property rlslit and personal liberty , in
short , n fair , upcn , equal tie ! 1 in the f true-
gle for life. Tint I cannot go boyer d thu
nnd embrace cqtnl suffrage I. due rather
to long ndborenca to the political philoso
phy of Kdnrand J.urke than any lack of
conviction of nn nb.otuto equality of men
nnd women in natural righta. (
In the winter of 1S" > 1-V ! , when a ntudfnt
at I'onghkcep ie , N. Y , , while the spot on
which xve now stand was Indian country ,
ns yet untouched by the formative power
of national legislation , I. listened to Mi.s
Susan It. Anthony , Mrs. Kllzabeth C.vly
Stanton , Ml s Antoinette Brown nnd
others In the advocacy nf the rights
of women. It seems n ntrango for
tune that bring. now , nearly thirty years
after , one of those speakers , crowned with
n national reputation , into a utato carved
out "f that Indian country , nnd containing
600,000 people , in iidvocacy of equ l suf
frage for her sex. This r ingle fact pro
claims in thunder tontn the bravery , the
fidelity , the devotion of these pioneers of
reform , and challenges for thorn the sym
pathy , respect , o'teein and admiration of
every good man nud woman in America.
The generation commencing 1850 has
been a period prolific of momentous
changed. It is the era of' scwi&g machine ,
of the domesticftli m of' steam anil elec
tricity , tha overthrow of the groit robo'-
lon , the destruction of slavery , the consoli
dation of the Getmnu cm ) ire , the fill of
the. ccpnd Nupnleon , the birth of thn
1'rench republic , the Incorporation ui
IndU into the liiitish empire nnd the reso
lution of commerce by. tuo Pacific railways
and the Suez canal. Great chargia h-uo
likewise tai < en place in the structure nf
our own state nnd national legislation , the
most conspicuous and pronounced result
boinf tbo ceu'ralizAtion of power in the
federal government. It haa been preeminently -
eminently a pe.iod of umolioratiou , n loug
stride in the direction nf tolerance of opin
ion , belief } and creed. Hospitals ,
asylum' , schools , colleges and the manifold
ngeuclex of an advanced thri liun civilta-
tion , fc-r nllevintiug the average lot of
humanity have grown nnd multiplied be
yond the ex [ erienun nf former times , and
men like Mithow V& Ear , George Peabody
und Johns Hopkina have ha < tenod to con
centrate the abundant fruits of honorable
lives , to the exaltation and advancement of
the raco.
liut in no direction have greater changes
occurred in this country than in the condi
tion of woman in rc.poct to employment ,
wage * , personal end property rights. In
nil heathen countries at this hour ttio tnasd
of women nro tlave * orvortc , wholly de-
P'ivoil of civil rights. In most Chri.tlan
countries their status is out ) of nb-o-
lute subordination in person and property
to men. In this republio nlono linvove
utuincdnn nllitude in which t-oine Hinall
measure of ju-ticc IH meted out to women
by the laws. In 1850 a fairme-u.uto of her
rights was the grim edict of the common
law hoMiog her in guardiamhip prior tu
man iogo aud upon matting * making hei
and all bar possessions practically the pro-
petty of her husband , while n cruel , unrea
sonable and vicious public opinion exclud
ed her from all except maaial and ill-pc-id
service. One by ono and year by yaai
these barriers have given wav , until in
many states her property and personal
right- enjoy the complete shelter of the
law , Now moio than half the occupation
and employment nf this age of industrial
activity nod progiex. nrethromted with the
faithful , efficient und contented labor ol
women. Tbo law kas broken forever the
thraldom of nn ndlout and hopele.s mar
rlage by reasonable ! * for divorce toi
just cause , given her tbe custody of hei
children , vested her with tha nbaolutt
power of disposition and control over hei
property , inherited or acquired , fried 11
from the claims of her husband's creditors ,
nnd clothed her with ample lacjol renudie :
even against her husband. I'erh ips No.
braska nlone of nil the staUs by its courl
cf lattfresort , has upheld the power of tii
wife to make contracts with her hushani
nnd enforce them against him in her owi
aime by the appropriate remedies
Thii surely is progress. Beyond this then
lies but ono Held to win or fortr.i. to re
'Ihen surely the worn soldier Is thi
long oampalgu crowned with tbe garland
of vict ry jnay rest from the liattle.
P < ot maiy ye rs ago , coming from Wh
consm , I tirtnk , a girl proapnted herself ii
the Illluoig cuintfl for admission to th <
bar. After a rigid and uniparing examln
avion fllio waandmittud withpublio compli ii
uitut. She I ok an ollico iu the great cit ;
tf Chicago and Iu tbo short remnant of 01
utcerU'n life to wrought iu her profes
( ion uMo attain an average profes < iona
income , aivi win the undivided re pjct am
esteem ol lur professional associates. Am
when from a lar country , whithcrbho ha
gone in hope to etcape a fell dUeaar , he
lifileu corjue WM brought back for sepul
turc , many of t'je foremost lawyers ti )
Chicago gathereti about her bier oud bor
emphatic tcnUniony t her virtues as a wt
man and her aUalmnetta as n lawj er. T
mo no greater woil < has Wn done by an
American woman.he , Alia Ruleti t
unobtrusively silently but ludotuitablv
rresusd her way to the front of the legi a
profession , and oitabllshe-d lie elf then
she vindloited the light of her wj. to cot
tend for the highest prizes of life , &ud lei
her country wou.en . a legacy \fhlch wi
ultimstely hlazon her name
iu the h'story ' of the adrancemeat of wi
men. Kvcry Ameiican w inan , ivVr 111
her Roea to tbe front of any
occupntlou , becomes her coadjutor iu wc
and .t timer iu her reward ,
Laden with the trophies of thirty yea
of conflict , of progress , of measurunlo su
cess , tha vice president of the Nation
nt Woman Suffrage association and her ass
diP elates piesent theuuelven to Nebraska ar
P- oak a bearing upon the dual U ue 'VShs
Ps , this work bo crowned by grautiiu to w
ilo men iu this utat-i the highest privilege
the citizen suJrsge. " On behalf of tl
nd people of a state whoio legislature h
ho granted everythlpg elie to woman who
st devoti n to free tpeecb , untramineled d
ho cushion and an independent has be
conipicuous in itt constitutional and leg
lee lative history I welcome them to this cl
alnd and state and bespeak for them a patiet
nd candid , respectful and appreciative bet
ha Ing. _
lo- Uniterm ! Approbation
- By the community at lare has been glv
a to Buj ixCK BLOOD UITTKM. No Instan
ilo is known where Jusatisfactlon has be
manifested l < y thdr use , or wliere ang ;
but beuAdt folloutd their adminUtratio
Trice Sl.OO , trial jliej.0 cents.
rare Notice-
ro- The 'Hawtiorn Centennial E
ia- Paiit " Mi
- colsior Roof , was patented
24th , 1881 , ano ; otters patent nut
ra , bor 241 , 803. Any person found
ig. known to tamper with the man
ig.of factnro of said paint willbepunii
lor ed to the full ottont of law , No pen
3t. on has any anthority whatever to ac
a receipts. HAWTUOIIN & BRO. ,
ra Lancaster Pa.
A Bnort Otmooratlo booecu.
Apropos of Uu visit of the distl
guished Somtof Bayard , of Delewar
to the west , a veteran democrat
thirfy years or more , stepped into
THTS BKB counting room Tuesday evenIng -
Ing , and with a voice like the oohoea
of a railroad convention , introduced
himself :
"Tzschucfc , the next president of
these United States will be in Omaha
to-morrow Thomas Francis Bayard ,
tbo honored son of Delaware , a gen
tleman , n scholar , an HONEST man ,
with peculiar cmphafi. on the ) o t
proposition. 'Yes you g. d. republicans
cans may laugh , but by the eternal all
heaven and hades cin't prevent it. "
and the old moaibick italicized the
revised edition by cracking hia knuck
les on the counter. 'Tho republicans
have been in loner enough , " ho contin
ued ; , "they have robbed the army ,
wrecked the navy , swindled the
widows and orphans of the war , and I
beltovo thoy'd steal the coppers oil
Columbia's eyelids , it the old qirl was
bid up long enough. There never
was before such n hungry pack of
thieves gathered together together on
God's footstool. They must go , " and
the profane disciple of T. J. meand
ered out into the bright moonlight and
dissapoarcd in the government build
on Uata. "
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , Hies ,
ants , bed bugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
gophers. 15c , Druggists.
AHK > yotp druggist forllctlJins'-i
Salve. Keep It hi the house In case of ncci-
dents. fries 2Se.
TO 1 OAN-On chattel roortgaifo o-
MONEY . A. B. Tnt'on , Ko. [ 1610 IODglv3
nrrct , rontrcQin , up-rtAl . 435-tf
ONKY 70 LOAK Gill at Law Utnca ot 0.
M1 I > . Thimwi Ilaj-nfl Crotzhton DlocV.
. < i/ttl' I.OAA At t ) pur ccnllc-
UU V l" t I" onm9of 2,600 itoa
im rd > , lor B to 3 ycirj , on Crst-cln3 city f.nd
fMiu property , biuii I'.SM f rita and Lois
AOJMTT. Icth RJJ Dou/hii fits
! ! / \uun nun lictuccn tlic ago of
1 | > und yy year' , to work on a fruit and
\ugttalilu f-vrui. ( irrman , Swede or Dolicnilaa
preferred. A < ldrnw U. II. iVirleston , Ash and , .
Neb. -
XTl/ANTKD-A girl for rontral house > ork.
VV Oocd wajes wl 1 bo paid. Cbas Flack
ANTEU A sodheadcaokatMetropollt a.
VV Gocd wagoipald. 0.0-W
Oo-dclrl for Ecntral hcmowii
WAHThU | . Appl > at 1923 Far him
'A.NTKU A Bcrvantlrl fcr e.icril hou- (
work. Apply 2101 lloJ e and 23d 8tl\A3
Two or four men who unren end
dltcUnK , 10 miles out Uood Wrgce , In-
qulio Artoma M. Clarke , 2115 Harvey stroit.
A competent girl to uo fr .nt
houstwcik. Apply nt M. 1 * . Pa'iunni ; ? ,
cor. Cnii'oinla Htrecto , fij.5 2
A vampetcut girl ai took and
WANTED . Mrd. W. J.Coulull , bt. llarj's
tu enuo , opp. i. oni ent. 574-tt
> NTEH Aglrlat610north 14tha reel.
ImmwIUtily , an A No. 1 hl e
turbir. > o other ii'ed apply. VN'fjes $17
per wick nrd oonnancnt job. AUdiOiS to Louis
13ay. r , North Plotte , Neb.
i 1IU.S WANT D-For cleaning Apply at the
T Ml lard. Ml-27
WANTED Immediately , a good yhotojfia-
phcr , catiable cf taking cnirjs of n galle
ry. Apply to J. It. Moeller , Orana Diland , No
braska. Et8 23) )
'ANTED- good girl .or R.ncral house
work by Mrs. Jctcph Darker/corner of 22(1
and Tat enport streets. Good w.gta juid.
AM'KD Two good Ir 8 In jyirate family.
Apply icu lioitt cor. Wth and Callfirnia
H. 663 tf
r ANTED Two men f eood > addrc s to can
\ < u > ? "i ! u 1 Bp rliltlcs. .Steady employ-
mcnt toicu d men. call I2leouth 10th ttreet.
< D-Krartboy to ajilst at Cigar and
WANTf ' . . Coui rufJrcnc.B. required ,
Apply" ! F. " ll-e otllca " t04-tf
> A T I ) A Parbnr at Lewis Fs't .
W Kill i odgeSt Nut to gtQ. _ B70-tf
Tw-ii good clrls ore must be good
WANTUD Dining roam glil. A | > plyN ,
W. Uor ttth & D.TOiipott.
l AsTED .llrl for hrc swork , 1C80 Si.rman
V avenue. Mrs. J. MCaun.aan. 161 tt.
Hrst-ctai * ladl ' clothes Irnncr ,
WANThD laundry , N. 13'h St. 62..U
n ANTED A good gill Immediately otOsil.
U W denctl Hotel. (01 K
i- \\r Hi'e.U A girl at the Omaha nousc7
U \ 7ANTHD Van tfc nor * . In Uardon. D J.
il' VV Srallh , Shermm avenue. 419'i. (
d ANTKI > One KCfd canvftsser. Steady work
d , . work and coed pay , ( references rx.utrcd. )
d Apply at ' 'IB N. ICtU ktrctt , up Ulm , 0.
If \\f AN1KD At Ihe National Hotel at U .coin ,
f VOne No. 1 female < XKk aut i. Ileat ol
w ges will he rn'd. ' 129 tf
'ANTtU 5l"0 priv > VJOM , iilnka and coil
w pool I tu clean with gunltary Vault and
y gink Oleauer , the beet Iu use. A. Kvani It Co. ,
retlilence I M Pnrtirs utre't. Omaha.
, _ _ _ _ _
! W ph y ! uns iftVi Adilrcin Dr. 1'orl
Dseomfe. iOO-tf
By a joung lai/ ! . situation u
WANNED copvlit. Can fu/uUh gcod rdor
erc < s. AJJrojj > 'K II. " 1721 Oodgo atract.
YJJI ANTKO sltua'.lon bya young lady cl ei' '
W Mrience , > l tiouiowo.k Ite'er
ccsdt-wdl required. AdJresj 1115 8,6th St.
1C- W ANTED By ( wojonug gentlemen alari
lal . . tur-IsheJ room or lulte ol roouii Inapri
t at j family , must be icir ih > butlneaj | .ait o
10.nd city , Willpay annodpilce fcrgoodiooms. Ad
ndUl dretsL. L. W , Care Uoa OlUce. 57-27 *
ro- An ten situation by an rxperlencd ccolc
roof . .i . ? .0ial"lJu"'k " ' ' Millard. Addrei
" "
"Jteed Bte offlce. .
Ue ,
me _
is. To Rent a fum already tockc
WANTKU with linpleueut , am well qui !
Iffel lo conduct a Urge fono , Addr > r , a IV
itr Omtha Neb.
it , Cottage of .roomsby OctoJerStt
ir- WANTED Tenant II J. Offlcc. 6.S-H
ANTND-About 800 or 1,000 yards dlrl
Inquire at Krtb'i Tloigir Wcrks. Joni
en street , bet. Vth and loth. 488-tl
\H7"ANTCD HyayounitU'ly wlthgood ref i
ht \V enccm , ailtuilfou asccpyllt. Address" !
in. 1 > . " Ml 1'iercu iticet. S.-2S (
HEM New cottage six room , one bloc
FOK ct end ol ruJ car line , IIB a mouth
5..S8 A , 0. WAKtLV.
T7WH K * IT Home cf _ ro-mi. Kail lot. . S 1
or L1 snd Ch'eigo. | Jn. Stockdile. 6Q.0) )
nh RENT rurnlined olci large south fron
- room , 1001 Fainam itrett. 5llt7'
M filOR BENT-One store room and 4 looms fo
1 } d dl jr.teth and Cats street. lomilielSli
Arnbam itttst. 8AUUEL tiUUNS ,
TOK nENr-l rnlihid room at 614 south Utl
L' ktrwit , botweea lloward .ud JacXton , wtk
a de , 184-tl
> TTtORREST A hulls * ot thrw room * . Jnqulr
of . N'W. Cor. llth A jQptt ,
TJ10R RENT ncu f.J room , with kitchen ,
112 fnotry > nd closet , llil fiherman avrnae ,
n r U. P. shops. 178-tt
-A im. hou ID Nelson's tddl-
. tlon. Inquire t r-dboltni Er.cki.n's.
I OH KENT Furrlihed nnfurn'.ned rcomit
X1 at 1110 Jackion St. between lllhand 16h :
532-30 *
'OR ' KKNT Furnlthcd rooms f-r llshl henna-
F lii > fplnjr , 816 a month , 2il'JC.llfornUittect ,
* IU. . > t n iuro tu linlcomue bUck , ( >
bOn meet , LCIU DMtupjtt. Hi , A. I ) .
G&leambe. tM-MH
IPOR tKAStt-8'x huslncna lots oh 5he corner
Jijol ICtd and I ) ivtnpsr. tt wt < . Altogether or
.efts to. Al < o JJoiiiinK rs'Ulcncu. Inquire on
prmlir : . .It- * .
IJOIt * KNT furnliliod room , ground floor
1 : 'font , 712 N. 18th it ot. 103 27) )
TTlptl I-KNI llou o o ( fcl _ rooms , 1-S1 lOUi
J ? < ttiort , north c ( 1'oul < Bj27 *
T71CR HRNTLirgn offlcrB on Karnim utrrot.
i. Aj ] ! > lr to John 11 F. I/-hrj mi A Co. 473-1
OOMJ roil h.d or iinforn-
lelitd. illh toird. 672 , eaikcr 10h und
MiituloIUller 485 t.
. ) - I1KM1 A luriimhcd and unlurnlshe
1 roam , together , pltasani Tie * , corner tth
and Howard s'ro . 4SI1
HOUSES FOH KENT Small and lar | e
four ta eleven room , earn ; ono or two ntw
onto. ' BKM18 , Accnt ,
] o ! 3-tf Uth and Douiclu tto.
I71O.I RKT Furnished rooms at I'll Cu
JJ street , b L 17th and 10th. _ 5G-tf
F'-ll HK T lit nds imcly turalehod parlor.
Alsoatmaller room , bibt houso,2018Caw
at-ect. J71-t
C.OIl KENT Grocery storr , cor , 10th ttrca
JJ anitCaritol BTtnue , Apply on rrt
E02-U _ 011AB. NKBEB.
H. III. Nr Two story liwoWne 20th and CMS ,
7 roora * . now being repaired and painted
Inquire ot 0. T. Taylor Uth and Dougla.1 127-tt
rt. KKtiT An eicginty lurnMied trent
I 1 room , ono block froji U. I' , or U. and M.
Terms 315 , utrtctly In ad ranee.
Aadro' Gld. " caroot lto olti.t.
. tor lento at 3.&OU ptrunnum , each
' "rn term ot joiroi ivt "Oranra OroTt
I'lam" ail > ilnlnif Tlanscom Ptirk on the woot ,
tlvo inlnucoa wall ; ( ram 8 rt > > cnre Money ran
bo obtained ta build wltl ; , ' ty persons laisinjf
tbeoo lots t regular rat .
JAMES s1. .lor.iot ; ,
843U On premlHcii. olH..r > 1013 Farmm Street
T7IOU HKNT Brick scora. Irqulro at Druz
JL1 Etore , coiner 10th and Douglas ltd. C20-U
R U ± Nr Two novMlwoiltBM ana two other
dwellings In desirable loa.llty , by llclCoon
Mo. 1CU DouzlM strcrt _ 817-tf
FCIJ wA'-t
-PTOR 8A1.E CHEAP Tuibtlck nud frame ad-
I ? dltloia ol Milton ItOBJiv1 hoaac , N. W. corncir >
IDthandlcavcnworth airtrt . 5 ! > ( (
\OHSALK Kl'st-Ctss | reitiuiraiit Apply to
F 1',1'Minwiller , llta attest , between Karnam
and " Hyn'y _ PSa-6Ct
OR SALK Thrco rcubs , In Rood order , ai
Casej'nit.blj , on IStti , between ItonanUnd
J ck onetrtct. E69.7t
. fJcod Umlly horsoM. W. 0 r. 19th
&Doiclu8tH. C'6-U
71 ItS.ii.tA will pujtuK iHiilciusi , LuutnU-
J ] ly located. Good ch nee for the right man
caiona fcr eo'llnff satlslastcry. Adtlie 8 "Q , 7.1
eo illlcc. CU-tf
f-ALK WO lilcklt barro'e. Inquire c
Ivreb's Vinegar worKB , Jones ctioet , betweec-
n aud lOih , 4S7-4sS
TjlOitSALK Two R5cd pcnlwi , Will drive on-
* ; rtdi ) > cry gent e. Lrtulro at L. tlcLc ; ' <
appleton ftr > .ct , bet. 2dib und 2 J , near new
cir.ns-nt ccrrM 403 llr
iji SALK Uoo'l Call
Water Wrrks oilier 410 tf
J.OHSALH Good teauibo.aes , wi/on anJ har-
' ness. Will Etll terycheap , inq'.lrt Jotfk
oblns iniDougluatraet 427 21.
"CHOICE uolorado Sheep lor sio. ! LVI oa-or
JtMrtm f. O. ORAULE ,
lSO-2wlt Kr nrnoy. lleii.
Mil l-ALE flroccry aud crockery bulnees ,
1 with or Hlthout-builJing. AJdrw "Osoe-
J DAKOAIN , one largo brick bouse , t il one
M-gaframe house , T/lthfull lot oo Caes c vlfith
lift. Floe chanoo for Investment , reel-.or 370
c.-montb. Cell fo. ' full particulars , on
UC1C3 , .
609 tf /rent , 16th and DouclM rt8.
OIXJJKAUTIFOI. LOTS-Mxl&O feet cich la
llanscom Hltco on Ktreet car line. Dost lots
D whole addition. , un very easy termi uid at
rroat bargain. Esuia' aurent , 16th an J Douglas
troeta 16-tl
OTEL FOR SAOE. The Arllns > Housel
, First Clascal furnished he only hot *
In town. The dheapeat property la.the state.
Has all the traveling men. W III be B)1U cheap on
'crms to suit , Enquire ot E. Fulle , proprietor ,
.rllngton , WiclilnKton county , Keb. W3-tI
I7\Uit UALK or will excna go ( or OiraLa | uo >
Jj perty , ao Improved Dee oa of Kud adjoln-
ng B station Co U. P. H. II. K , UUxin.UI , 1111
"Vunhara St. , Oinihi. J'.i ) a-nt
T OST Siturdsy morning one jalr of eje glass-
\Ji . The flnrfer will bo rcwartodby leaving at
" 318 Farahan. street. tCO'tl
, A. Milvcniie , ol Now Yc k , hai opened
MKtf for instruction Unit fcraucht * of
'Ing ' , pa ntlng and ncc lovtorkat ) OI H Uth
tree' . Omaha. JJ-PTJ Stt
rp\VO DOLIAIIS nEWARD-to t , a unchof
I \ t . Ary cne flndlag the citrt ard leav-
ng thuu at thii office will receive the above re
ward. .10 tf
I'AKEN UP A largo black tog. Owner can
I iuru lame of O. O. Vlciroyrar ! Johnson'- ,
C.00-2 t
T OH I OuM cross with Inscription "F. 11. H.
JLJ Ekpt. 27 " Finder wl Irectlre liberal rewaid
hy leaTiiig at the HeraU oaco. 455-tf
K. JETT HouiTandCitpU CleanerTBtcva.
I'olliher. Leave orJtrs at llepubllcan.of.
&ce , 13th and D uias. ! 368-tl
w"l 1)U > ' ti furniture of the best
payloi : hcUil In Iowa. Itent
ouable. Audrtws Dolch. ilacirfgor , Bee afllce.
Ooaha , Neb. JX-U
EDWARD KDBHL1 , ' - * ' ) ;
TIONALIBT , 183 Tecto btreet , betwecbFomaiu
andUarnev. Will , with the aid ot jnwMliVi
spirits , obtain for aayon a glauce at tbo F ( D
and prerent , and on certain conditions la ho ft * ,
lure. Bcot and Show t"tde to 7 Jei. Porlei
Absolutely Pure.
Thu powder never -varios. A marve < o
pnrity , strength and wholesonenesa ,
> I ( e economical than the ordinary kinds ,
jicd cannot U bold in oomixdition with th
multitude ol low test , short weight , aUw
pr phoipbatr. powders. Bold only in rani
106 Wall St. , New Yo *