THE DAILY BBE-THUESDAT SEPTEMBER 28 , IE. s WHOLESALE AND KETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , OOTOOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. * JT. TTOvj > Cfc XT 3C 3333 &a C3 O Lands and Lota Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA. HENRY BEEOROf-T , an < ? ana * u".r'KvnTri > | ap' e n nrs1 c il * < r\'Vi5 ? 'i n v MAIN STREbT LIVbKY SUABLE , ' 'f ' ' HEN KOUKUS' OLD STAND. II1 < < ll con'lnuo running Ma city line to alt put * rt tie c.ty. All order * promptly Attended lo. lmv UIIAUO'S OUAHANTLhD New stuck co IB antly rcceUoJ. _ D. M. CON NELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker. No. 17 , North Main S treat. . . . . . Council Bluffs C ll promptly nnuwcrcJ nt all hour ) , night or dty. No-v hearse rind London currlaftcs direct tram the factory ati run In connection therewith , That never rcqulto crimping. at Mr . J. J. Good's Hair Storo. t prices never befcro touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a lull line ot switches , etc. at jroatly reduced prices. Also ROW , ullvcr r.nJ colored nets. Waves made trom ivllcs' owu hair. Do not ( all to call bctoro purchulng elsewhere. All Roods wairantcd u represented. MRS. J. J. GOOU , 29 Main Btrrei , Council Hindu , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT MAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but first-class Baton employed. Bread , Cake , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. On Wagons run all day. P. AYREG , Proprietor. No. 5UO , BROADWAY , ( Palmer's Block. Between Gth and 7th nlreeta. Our Motto : Strict cleanliness , the best quality of nuata , and lowest possible prices. Meat a do- Imeil to any part ol the city. Come and see our new ( hop. BATHIM HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Plain , Medicated , V.por , Electric , Plunge , Douch , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths. Com. petent mala and Icmalo nurres and attendants always on hand , and the best ol rare and atten tion Riven patrons. Special attention civ en to bathing children. Investigation and patronage loUcitod. loUcitod.DR. . A. H. STDDLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Trcatmcut ot chronic diseases made a specialty. REMOVED without the GAICERS drawing ot blood or use of knlte. Cures lunpr diseases , rvPCTwn Fits , Scrofula , LUer Com- . . . . . , i fi i. u'alnt , Dropsy , Rhcuma- T II M n R S tlsm , Fever and Hcrocr- U III II U 1 U lal B0rea > Erysipelas , Silt Rheum , Scakl Ileid , Citirrli , weak , Inftuaed and granulated Eyca , Scrofulous Ulcurs and Female - male Disease * ol all kinds. Alto Kidney and Venerlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or Plica cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon the principles * veget able reform , without the use of mercurial pols- ona or the Jcnlfo. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished who desire them. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by the uo the Elastic belt Trues and Plaster , wfclcb had uperlor In the world. CONSULTATION TREE- CALL ON OR ADDRESS Dre. B , Rico and F , G , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Oeunoil Bluffs. Eztractlugand filling a specialty. Flret-claes wotk guaranteed. DR. A. P. IIANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. IIouis. 0 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. in. , to G p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft utreet. Tilvpbonlo connection with Central office. _ " "T. M. PALMER , DEALKll IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW [ / * W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner ol Htmeopathy , consulting ysicianandSurgeon , Office and residence 015 Willow nYonue , Coun- cl BluSn , Iowa. F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SUHGKON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA Office No. 5 , Kyp" > clock , Broad- P CI A. Louie's Restaurant. S. E. MAXON , KC , O DB& : 3C 'JCl 3E3 CO Office over saTlngs bank , OOUNOlt , BLUFFS , Iowa. HEAL ESTATE. W. 0. JimM , In connection with hi ) law aid lollectlonbuslucMbuyi and aelli real enUU. gtnoot vlihlng to buy or tell city property call t tit office , orer Buahnell'i book itore , Pearl Itiset _ EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 4IBBroadway , CouncilBluffs. mdnortiijii drtwo [ and ickoowl dgod MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Elcctropathto Institution , Phila delphia , 1'enui. Offlco Our , Broaftway & Glenn AVQ. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment ot oil diseases and p lnful dlf- flcultles peculiar to teroalca specialty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Offlco over First National Bank , Council Bluffs. Ion a. Will practice In the state and federal courts. courts.mO.JAYFRAINSY , Justice of the Peace , 814 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of abetraeta ot PottawatUmle county. Offlco corner ol Broadway and Koln etreet * . Council Bluffs Iowa. JOHN STEiHER , M. D. , ( Deutacher Arit. ) Cor. WASHINGTON AVE & 7th St. Council BIulTa. i/l ea80g ol women and children a ipacliJty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , , FREE DIBPENBAI'.V KVEBYSATDBDAY. Office In Everett'a hlock , Pearl treet. Reel ] dence 623 fourth strict. Office hours from 9 to 8 a. in. , 2 to 4 and .e 8 p. m. Council Illufla F. G. GLARK , PEACTIOAI. DENTIST. Pearl gppoalti the poatoffice. One ol the oldest petitioners In Council Ulufla. Bills- Islactlon iniaranteod In HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fruits.Nuts Cigars and Tobacco , Fresh Oysters an < * ice Cream in 12 MAIN ST. , Council BlntZa STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , 7hli laundry hw Juit been opened lor buel. Dean , and e are n-jv prepared to do laindry work ot all klndi and Kutrantce eatlgfaotlon A epcelaltymadu ot flue work , tach u collars , iufl < , fine thlrta , etc. W want ererybudy to gho ui a trial. LA11SON & ANDERSON. THOH. orricia. w , ir. u. rtsir. OFIIOEE & PUSEY Council Bluffs , la , Established , - 1866 Dealeri la Foreign and Domeitlc Exchingt and home Kcurltlti , COUNCLL BLUFFS 11AILROAD TIME TABLE. nnr < oo , ROCK IUAND A n rAftnc. 1 > cpirt. Arrltc. Atlantic Kx A 0 p m I raclOe K\l . .0IS : m Ki ami Mall fl jr , a in Kx anil Mali * 6.V : p m U. Molnra ft < 7 15 a m | tHa Molnnac'-IMO p m CHICAGO , KIKUXOTOS AND JI'INCT. IV-tiart Arrive. Atlantic KI. I. . K .TO p m I Pncinc K\l..P.1.Xlam Mallitiil r.x' . P-JO Kin Mill ami KxV 7-liOplii N. \ . Kx 4 "Up in I Xeiii Ua < Kx-.S-W a In IVjxirt. Arrive. At nntlr Kxt 5 IS p 11 Kxl . . .Pl : ft m Mai am ) K\ ° Mnl and KxV O.ISpln Acvoin ( SAt. ) Acvom. ( Mon. ) . 1:15pin : imcitv , ST. JOE Axn cirt-.x-cti. W.VIM. IVpirt Anhe. Mail ami Kx. . DA'iain I K\jire . C.rflpiii : * * Ulupm : I Mail and Kx. . U : 15 pin IXION I'ACIIIO. iKiurt. Arrive. Overland l.x.lUfcin. in. O > irlniitlKx.4Ot < . in. Lincoln F.11.10 ft. m. DcinirKx . Mi ) 11.111 , Hum IT K\ .5 "Up. in. Uvil IX r.Ma. in. liOl Kx. . . . 7 'J.1 it. in. " VA 'JUTa. in. Kmlffnuit .VSOji. in. " . in. \tmmt , SK. tOlH AMI IHmrt. Arrive. Mall ami Kx. . 0:45ft : m I Jlnlt nnd UK. . lMpm : Cannon Hall. . 4 : . ' > 0ptn [ Cannon lltll..llU5nin ii'riiv * M > \rnic. . Dcptrt. Arrlv p. Kor Sioux l.ty.7.V ! : > a m I I'tin Sioux C' } .KM p in 1'or I'ort Nlohrnra. Knn Tort Nlohrnra , Xcli' T.M a in Neb M-SO P niTer Tor St. Piuil , . .7IU : p in | Vroin St. l'uil..8:3e : n ' / CIIICMO , MIU ahf.K AMI NT. I'AI L. ' IVjurt. Arrive. Mall mul Kx.:20 ! ) : n in | Mall nnd T.v. . . CM : Jim Council Ulufts & O mil tin Btroot II. R. lyoav e Council ll'tifK ' Ix av p Onnhn. 8 n in , n ft in , 10 n m , 18 a in , II a in , 10 a m , lift in , t ln,2 p tn,3 p 11 am , I pin , Up in , 3p in , 4 p in , 5 p m , 0 ) > in. | in , I p in , C p in , 0 p m. Strcit Kirn run hall hourly lo the Union Pacific l > ei > ot. On Suiidav the rarn begin tlii'lr trn ! | nt ! > oiUnk a. in. , nnd run Teg\i andiirlnt ; the ilny nt I ) , II , 1 ! 4,5 and 0 o'clock , and run to cit ) tlnip. i\ccptSundaje. : ( Kxccpt SatunlAji. ( Kvccpt \Ionda\s. BEAU-HUNTING IN CALIFORNIA. Halr-Broadth Eeonpo of.a Boy A Hunteru. llnbort Lyon , of Cliff Glen , Von- Lurn county , 111. , cotnniunicntea < ho Following to The Ventura Sigtutl : The timber clad hills nt the hcnd of the 'itilijii- Boom to bo liicuiiiii , ' with drovoa of grizzly bearn. Ltat wool : n'no were ooen in ono dny noi\r the much of Rafael Iluiz , uomo of them monsters in ' & ! : : ( ; ntid on Tluiraduy , August 2-1. Seuor Ramon Ortega shot three irixlta. ; : : Ortogn nnd his twclvo-ycar old boy wcro riding in the hills ahovo the Matilija looking for cattle , when ono Jargo grizzly and two that weru considerably smaller came uut of the bruoh and halted not moro than iitty feut in front of thorn. Otto- pu ; juinpod from his horse to got a good shot , when hio horse got frightened at the aight of ao many bears , and started , and ran away about ono hun dred yards , when ho stopped on his bridle and stopped. Ortega took a good aim at the big boar , and dropped it duad at the first shot , Ho then drew on ono of the smaller bears , and it too tumbled in its tracks , never rising again. The other boar then took to the brush followed by a sav- Hgo dog. After wsuring himself that the two boars wcro dead , Mr. Ortega sent hia boy on foot to brine back his horso. The boy started , but before h'o got to the horse , his Jog , closely pursued by a s vago and nngry boar , overtook him. As soon an the bear saw the boy ho rushed at him , paying no moro attention to the dog , and the boy was too frightened to do anything but stand still and call to Us father to save him. 'Ortcgu seixcd his rifle and fired just r.s the bear had raised on his haunches to strike thu boy ; the bullet knocked the bear dovru , but ho raised and again rushed at the boy , the blood streaming from a bullet hole in his side , and this time ho rushed at the fear-paralyzed boy with bloodshot eyca and foaming , open mouth. With a last ory "Ho's got mo , father ! " the frightened boy sack to the ground , and the desperate father sent a second bullet from his faithful repeating rifit crashing into the boar's body , and with an almost human cry of agony the savage brute foil 'backward ' and rolled down the hill. Ortega runhed to ihc boy , * nd found him uninjured. And then iho great hunter , who had killed moro grizzly bor.ra than any man i" Southern California , thanked God ( or the uiiraoulousproservation of histoy's life , and for seine time ho was too weak from tho-shockof hia boy's great peril t even lift his rifle. Qo did not hunt for the 'wounded bear , fcr the brush was very dense at the bottom uf the ravine , and ho thought ho hod tad cdvontures sufliciont for ono day. The largest of the two boars xonld weigh over 'Cftoon hundred Bounds. It was all two strong horsw could dote to drag it to a tree no r by. Tim other , which was quit ? poor , A'onld weigh seven hundred poundn. 'Ortega took off their poltu , and the largest ono measured eight foot ' length and seven and a half /eot in breadth lie has the skins at his cabin , and they are bothbeoulifnlAira. Sonor-Ortega certainly de erircs great credit for hia nerve und courage in thut terribly trying t uo- Qpo winter , on the Sespo rancho , Orectt captured fifty-four bears with the lassp. Morrylnc Rich. You need not bo poor and depend ent on your wedding day , for every pcrnon male or female can get a teed ; round eum of money at manriago if they hold it certificate of member ship in THK MAUKIAOB FUND MUTUAL TRUST ASSOCIATION of Oedar R pida , Iowa. ? JO,000 has already been paid in tauuUts to its mumbure , in the nine months of the aeeopiutiona' * organizitipnanu there is a golden opportunity for tiiouiands moro to reap oven larger bonotita. Nothing liku it win ever known. Do not postpone so'iding in your request for circulars jiving full and complete information regarding the pUne and oppcrations of thf associa tion. Agenta can inako bigger money than in any other buainoaj. It r strictly lionorablo , plciaant and pro fitable. The Auditor of State holds a deposit from the association as pro scribed by law , for the protection of their members. The ( nly association of the kind in czUtenc ) organized no- cording to Jaw. Wri at ouco for circulars. Say where you saw thia notice. aug311-m OUEEK , N , V. , Fob. C , 1880. GENTS I have been fery lotv , and Lave tried everything to no advan tage , I hoard you Hop Bitters recommended by omity , I concluded to giro them s trial. I did , and now am around , and constancy improving , and am Dearly a * httory as over. W. if WELLEB. A PATAlj MI8TAKB How n Dlunclorlng JndBmont Mny bo Responsible for tuo Most Sort- oua Itoaultfl. Mr. Edwin Booth naid recently that ho Btippoiod his lungs wi-ro slleotod , having a portiatont cough until ho saw Dr. Slackenzio , of London , wlm found that thia symptom arose from \ \ disturbance of the liver. N. Y. Her ald. ald.Tho nboro item , which 1m been going the rounds of the preso , is of no apccial Pigpiucanco other than to the porconnl Inciula of Mr. Booth , oxiupt that it britign to light a truth of ( ho greatest importance to the wotM. Fo\r people pass through lifo without the nllliotion of a cough at eumo iimnt in their uAtoor. lu most cason this in considered the result of u cold t < r the beginning of consumption , and tlunt- sinda have become torritied at vlna rr - tntiou mid have sought by n ctungo of nir and the use of cungh medicines to avert Uio impondiiiK dis a&tor. It may safely bo said that moro than half the coughs which are nlllicting tlio world to-day do not hnvo thuir origin in the lungs , but nro the result of moro corious troubles in other organs of the body. "Liver coughs" arc exceedingly .common and yet are almost wholly misunderstood. Arising from a disordered state of the liver they show their rcaulta by con- posting the lungs. In fact , the efforts of the livur to throw oil' the disener , produce coughing own when the lungs themselves nro in a healthy stato. But it in a mistake to ouppoao that such delicate tissues as the lungs can long remain in a healthy condition whnn they uro being constantly agi tated by coughing. Suoh a theory would bo absurd. Consumption , which was feared at first , ia certain lo take pines unless something is donuto chock the cause. Thia munt bo plain to every thoughtful mind. It stands to toaaou , therefore , that the only way in which "livor cougha" can bo removed is by restoring the liver to health. In this connection another fact of great importance becomes known , which cau beat be explained by the relation of an actual event. Mr. W , a wealthy cattle du.iler of Colorado , bccamo greatly reduced in health und ctuno oaot to Chicago for the purpose of being cured , lie con sulted Ur. J , ono of the leading physicians of the country on pulmonic subjects and began ttcatment for the euro of his luugo. But his cough in creased while his Etrongth decreased. Finally ho determined to consult an other physician and applied to Dr. B , After a careful examination ho was informed that hia lungs wcro perfectly sound , while his kidney swore in a most terrible condition , lie had all the apparent symptoms of consump tion but ho was suflcriug from thu terrible Bright'a disease. The symp toms of consumption are of ton the sure Indications of Blight's disease. The above truths regarding coughs have boon known by the leading phy sicians for several years , but the pub lic kavo never boon informed of them. They are serious tacts , however , and should bo understood by all , so that dangers which might otherwise provo fatal mar bo avoided. They clearly provo ono great truth which is , that the kidneys and liver are such vital organs that their health ehould bo constantly guarded. The distressing , hacking cough , which > often dreaded aa the forerunno1" ° * consumption and the wasting ut R"1 which accompanies it , in al' proba bility may arise from wi-KOIlotl or diseased kidneys or liver to f1,0" which would cauau ret ng health. How this mo deaira"0 or'd may bo attained h s long b'O" problem , but few people of intelligence nt the present - ont day liava J ugor uny floubta that the popular remedy known as War- nor'ir Sofu Kiduoy and Lircr Cure has done moro tocorrect , relieve and je- ptoro these organs than any other reparations over before known. 1'hera are hundreds of inttcnoes which Jiavu occurred within the past throe months where individuals have be lieved themselves the victims of con sumption , wiion , in reality , it waa de ranged kidneys and liver , which this remarkable medicine has completely cured , as witness the following state ment : Burr-Ato , N. Y. , Jujy C , 1682. I believe it to bo a fact that thousandh of cases of no-called consumption can bo successfully treated by simply using Wamor'a Rafo Kidney and Liver Ouro aa directed , I was ono of the "given , up to die" rmreons had every symp tom of the last atugo of consumption bad cough of lour years standing , night sweats , chills , etc. , etc. A uoa- non south did no good , and the fact was ( ho c&fto looked discouraging. I took Warner's Safe Ktdaoy and Liver Oure , and in three mnntlib I regained over twenty pounds , und my health was fully restored. W. 0. BKM.-H , Foreman Buffalo Rubber Type Foun dry. There are thousand * of people In America to-day who buliero they are the victims of consumption and den- tinpd to an early grave and who uro trying to sayo themselves by the ueo of consumption euros but are growing woroo each hour , Lot all such porcons Htop , and calmly consider whether they are not seeking to check a disease in the lung * when it ia located in thu kid > noyn and livor. Lot thorn then treat the disoasQ in ( to original stronghold and by the remedy which has been proven to bo the most effective and then look for the return of health itnd Imppinens which such treatment h sure to bring. MONIIOK , Mich. , Sept. 25 , 1875. SIKH I have boon taking lion Hit ler a for infltimmation of kidnoya and bladder , It has donn for rue what four doctors failed to do The rlfect of JIop Bitters deemed like ma"ic ta me. W. L GARTER. HKLO 1JOWN 1O DIE. An Appallng Incident that Calls to Mind the Htory or Tantuluu. Bui Francltco Chronicle. On the track between South San Loandro and the High street station , Alameda { half a railo on the San Leadro aide , is a long trestle bridge over an estuary of the bay. Forever i mile the trestle rt. over marsh land , tbo tide rising on Jaoh aide of the embankment. Kver since ( he railroad has been/ / built there has boon trouble keeping the railroad bed from sinking. A feW weeks ago the track nt this point flunk for IflO foot and trftfllc wan ( impended for n * hort time. Lnt evening , i the through froifiht train from Alt- medft , drawn by engine No. 10 , n largo nnd heavy machine , nnd six cars , arrived nt this particular point , the track sunk , apparently more on ono tide than the other. The cnaiiio wns overturn'il nnd the caw piled on lop. The firamnn , l ) u Dtiscoll , died n horrible death. Whrn the engine turned ever ho vras held to the ground by nn iron bar ncrots hia breast nnd ono foo. was caught by another , lie was fully conscious nt the time of his dc.V.k. Ho wai hold fo. t and the tide wan rising inptdly. It wns evident he would bo drowned in n abort time. SIT men wcro on hand itnd Inborrd to save him. Tnoy wrapped nht'ots about hia body and oxortect their combined strength to pull him from his nppnll- ing position. Hu cried pitoonnly thut they were killing him. They tried again nnd ngixin , but with the HAIUO result. A levee WAS built nbnut hia head to keep down the risiuu lido. Buckets were brought , and by the faithful bailing it waa attempted to keep the water from reaching his head , Ho wan lying under the cab and a liolo was cut through the cab through which ho could put his head. Tliuy raised his head nbovo the water us much aa possible. Ho remained thus two hours , but at last the levee broke , nnd the men who were balling out the w.tter found that they could do no more. 1'hoy hoi j his head above the water , which rose slowly about hia body. The men found they must make 11 linal oll'ort. Then his head wo ? lowered nnd they nil caught hold mid pulloddesperAtuly , It was in vain. They oould not move him. They raised his hoiid again. The water rose slowly but surely. Jt reached hia chin. A friend held his hand over the doonud nmu'a month. The water rose to hia Mosttils. Nothing could be done , and hu vra dromied. x Liver diecasan , llv.dachc , and con stipation , eaiiaod by bad digestion , quickly cured by Brown'o Iron Bit ters. A SORROWFUL ROMANCE. A Girl In Love Witbjtho Mo : > WHO An BOSS Inatocl Lincoln. PIltabutK Telegraph. A merchant of Allegheny hns in hiu possession the following note : April 12. It will not bo possible for mo to Uocp the appointment for the oftorniion. 1 regret it much , but business interferes. J. W. B. The note was written by John Wilkes Booth in 1805 , two days be fore Lincoln was assassinated. In April , 185 ( ! , the Allegheny mtnohuiit went to Baltimore to endeavor to find some traces of hio mother , who had gene from 1'ittsburg as n soldier in the early part of the war. "Tho second day pf tor my ar rival in Baltimore , " said the merchant , "I called at the house of Mrs. M . The family consisted pf Mra. , her daughter , Estollo apd Robert , n boy about 12 years old Miss Estollo wnn between 18 and years old , nnd was rather pretty. She was tall nnd blon der , and talJ d with great spirit. She waa voryf''flcoful ' "ud quick-witted , and Bn'6 woll. When I had told Mra. what my errand wns In Baltimore pie expressed a great deal of sympa thy for the mother , nnd insisted upon my occupying the room which balong- od to her sou , who waa in the army. Mrs. told mo that her daugh ter had formed a fancy for a man who did not care for her , and who was an actor. She said that nothing had over coma out of thu matter , and Mio did not think there wan anything to fear , but alio did not like the man'a pro fession , although fiho took paiim to assure me that ho wan a. goiitloman ; had always uctecl in the moat honor able way and norur Boomed to notice that Estollo cand for him , but talked to her about mufiic mid the stage , nnd took an interest en musical studies. Ono morning Miss Estollo and were at the breakfasttablo , Mrs. having excused herself , us she had some household duties to attend to. The young lady's attention was evi dently preocaupicd about something , for oho talked at rumdom and seouiod to be thinking. At last she said , with u rather odd expression of face : "I expect a friand to call on mo thin afternoon , I think you will like him. He is very fond of music. " "I asked who he was and nho looked rather disturbed * tmy question , but replied : " 'He is my best friend. Ho in nn actor , und ia coming over from Wash ington. ' " "I remembered what her mother had told me , mid I changed the topic of conversation. In the afternoon , about 4 o'clock , I was sitting in the pirlor v/ith Estello , when her brother Hob came in with a letter for her. Slip blushed when she saw the hand writing on the envelope , and tore it open huitily. Then her expression chungt'd , and nhe allowed that0)19 ) was disappointed. Shu read tlu letter two or three timea nnd then exclaimed : "It'a too bad , lie ian't coming , I think he might have written more th n that , don't you ? " "fiho tossed thu letter to mo. and turning around to the piano , began playing I absently folded and refolded - folded hi.r.iioto until I had it in a crumpled little roll , und when nhe started to go up stairs to dross fur sup per the note could not bo found. She was b little vexed at my carolossnoes at first , but soon recovered her tem per und did not allude to it again , Three days after thut I was to jju home , I got up early to make ar- rangixnonta nnd went out on thu street , where I hosrd of the nsanasina- tion oi Lincoln. Whim I returned Mr * . nr.d Edtollo were awaiting my uppaar.mco to nit down to break fast , I was greatly excited , und ex cltumeo as 1 entered : " 1'rojidont Lincoln was murdered in Washington last night ! " Both ladies screamed and looked frightened , und litre. cried out ; "Oh , they will kill all of us who ure friends uf thu south ! Who did it ? " " 'A scoundrelly actor named Booth John Wilkes Booth. ' " ' "Tho words were scarcely out of my mouth before Estello gave a scream and fell forward upon the table and from there to thu lloor , dragging the breakfast things about her with a crash. Thu mother seemed to bo almost as much affected aa her d ughtir , but she loosened E - ftelle'd dress and lifted her up , while I GEORGE F. CRAWFORD BUY ! A&SD & SH1PPFJ EGGS. No , 519 South Main Street , IOWA. I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , llo-Sawiug , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hatliaway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Machinery ill lie run exclusively for custom work on Thursday nnd Friday of pitch week. Order * solicited ntul satisfaction -3EBC. ( Successors to J. W. Rodofer ) WHOLESALE AfcD IlETAIL DEALERS IN LACXAWAffli , LEHIGH , BLOSSBM& AND "ALL I E fBi.rX.13O COKNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Ottlco No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street f\nd Hlovonth Avenue , Oounoil Bluffg. P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , ICORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Boat of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM ; Parties Wishing to Boll Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample , OCX i tV' ' I ' 2 MRS. 0. A. BENEOSOT , THE LMADINO DKALKIl IN 0- 337 West Broadway. OounoU Bluffs , Iowa , her huad with water. I wai terribly confused , but I Bugguutod that I should go for a doctor. Mra. ul thu moru Biiggcation almost acruaniud. ' "No ! no ! No ono muat know it ! " ' "Know what ? " I naked. ' "Why , don't you know ? Don't you know that John Booth waa the man I told you about , thu man nho ia in love with ? " . "Thou I remembered the note and the fact that it waa m'gnud 'J. W. B. ' Kutollo had not mentioned the nunio , and that waa why I did not under stand it. Mrs. waa wild with terror , and feared that htr daiightor might bo sufipuctod of sonio commo tion with the plot of Booth mid hia companioua. Katollu AVAS ill und did not ieavo her room , imd J nox-ur anif her after that awful morning. "On my way homo I found liooth'a note in my pocket , where I muat hiivo put it without knowing it , after I had rolled it up into u ball , I kept it then nn u memento. Tim biuinens Booth refers to was evidently that of the plot. "I don't ' know whether Kitollo is living or not. Kho wu when I waa in Baltimore two yearn a o. Her mother waa dead , and Kstollo wis : living with nome rolutivea near Howl- iiiR Ort'i-n , Va. , and not tar from ( Jar- rott farm , whore the man aho loved wua ohot in u burn twelve daya after hu had murdered the president of the United States. " Do Not Bo Deculveil In tliosa 1111111.1 ( it ( juack luedicina uilver- llrtoiucnts every wJicrc , It In truly gratify , pi ) ; to fiuil one rtimmly that la wortliy of praise , anil wliloh really iloea ai rccum- luended. JCIIctnu JHtterH wo can vouch for u lielng a trim anil relliiblo remedy , end ono thiit will do an n coniineudud , They Invariulily euro Stomach ami Liver ( 'oiiiil.'ilntM ) , Duunuud uf tliu Kkluoyn and tJrlnury < ! lllicutlii ! ) . Wo know wliuieof wu vpoak , nnJ can readily Bay , give thorn a triul. Hold at fifty ctntn n bottla liy 0. y rSuulrii ii GUATEFUr.-COMron.TIKO. nilEAKPAST. ' 'Bia thoryuulikuo lodiiiof tl.u naiurtl lawi whlili vaivrn thu ojicrallon of clo lion and iiiilrltl > rj , ami by a cucful nppllratiru of the flno i-roj rtie o | uull-s lee td Oocoa , JJr hiu ; | lian pxivided our 1 reakf t tauUivlth uilicatuy lU'ptud li v > taLr wliluh n-ay wtvo nuriy heavy onctor.'bliU It li by the Judlti us usuof such arU-lw of diet that n miutltutlou may lie Kr du lj | built up unlit iitreni ; iiDouch to rtslit enry tuidenev ta dl io e. Ilua rid * of tubtlo iiialulluiaro Hotlii2 arnund ui read ) to attack Mhcrvvir there I awtak point. We may escape mauya Ul ( halt by our- feltca Ttcll fortlllid with pure blood and a proii. erly nourislifj frame.-Oh II 8 < rvlceOai tie Uado Dimply ultli boiling uatur or lullk. SolJ In tins enl ) ( J-lb and Ib ) , lalnkd JAMBS BPPS is CO. . Uomoioputblo OuemiBta. a-tuwitat-wiy London , Enulau d. STREET LIVERY , FEED -AND SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find liood accommodation and roaoonablo charges. SOUTH STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - , Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DUALEU8 IN CROCEBISS , PROVISIONS , Orookory , . Glasswnro , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also nxcnU lor the fonowlnir lint * of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and SUU MtuiniBhlji ( Joni ] > anli f. 3C 3EC. Ji . 3E" "ap fit Tor italo on tha P.ojal Dank of Ireland and Dank of Ireland , Dublin. Those vyi o Intend to Bond foi frltnd * to any part ot Europe will Cud It to thelf ntcrrnt to tall uu Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Council Blu3s - J STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AMU RNAMENTAL P/iiNTCHS , PAPJ5K HANGING , KALSOMIHINO AND GR4INIHB , Shop Corner Broadway and Soott 8t JACOB SIMS , AttornoyamlOounsolloratLaw , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , OBlce-Broadway , between Main and Pe Btrect ourU * . 'AUlJi-mtlco In State and Kedera . s ' ( | .