THE DAILY BBE--COUNOJL JBLIIFJFS IOWA THURSDAY , SBJPTEMBEJR 2 * The Daily Bee. COli-iCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , Sept. 28. BunsciurrioN UATES : Br Curler , Mctnlipcr wMik. BjIUIl - $10.00 per Yetr. Office : Ho. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. M.O. G1UFFW , Mincer. H. W. TILTON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. - J. Mueller's I'alnco Music Hall. Bhcrradcn makes photograph * . New line of cabinet frame * just re ceived at Seaman's . Bepl2G.3t The liopo Is now that rain will not In terfere wllh the Bolillcrs' reunion. Ye terd y duo permit to marry was f\cn Louis Lonn and Lizzie Coirltz , of James , Iowa , There ate a good many dogs at large , but few give outward indication of having paid their license. All kinds of boot * and nhoc , sufficient to supply the demand of everybody , at Gco. lloxsim' new store , New goods , new store , new and rea sonable price * , at the old Boot and Shoo honsc of Qeorgo Hlaxslm , Lower Mala street , George Washington , for nipping nome surgical Instruments from a doctor's office , win yesterday sentenced to thirty days in jail. Alex Smith yesterday paid 87.00 for the privilege of gelling a tbrobbln ? head ache. He won the distinction , however , of being the only plnln drunk In court. 0 flicor Barbyto is now stationed a the Transfer , with Instructions to keep an especial cyo out for all confidence men , The widow of Louis Hennhas received $3,000 cish , the amount of her husband'n insurance In the endowment rank of the Knlgbta of Pythias. The amount was paid over promptly as Boon as the will wai probated. Joseph Until , the upper Broadway cooper , desires to purchase CO , 000 hoop polos. Ho also wants to employ ten extra coopers. Write to or Inquire at Ills cooper hop. Joseph Kcitor makes tha Finest Snita n the latest styles , at the lowest possible prices.His merchant tailoring establish ment Is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs. Bluffs.Boll Boll & Hall , of this city , are shipping on nn average a ton to n ton and a half of grapes dally , the product of vineyaids In and about Council Bluffi ) , and tliia in but one of Hoveral , The new buildings put up thin year on Main street are both substantial and ele gant , Among the finest may bo men tioned that of Qeo. Bloxnim , Ho kas fitted it up in fine style , and lately moved into it with a mew stock of Boots and .ShocH , etc. If you dcslro good goods at low figures , call on him. At an early bour yesterday morning there was a slight fire in ono of the fthodx connected with Mnyno'a broom factory. The department turned out promptly inccceded in squelching the blaza ijny very sorjous damage was done. supioiod that some wandcrl crawled into the shod t ttnj tjft | hit 'smoliiDg , 01 some other carelessness on his part , The probability IB that In building the new city jail the upper floor will be used for a superior 'court room , an well as r council chamber , until the new city hall if built. To keep the court where it Is loc.-v ted nt present , would bo quite inconvenionl in tbo handling of criminal coses and police affaire. affaire.Ono Ono of the newest , brightest , am most wide awake papers of the day U Till VAH.T UKK. It is full of n Ice , pith , news sparkling editorials and general miscel lany , and is in all respects qidto equal ti the best metropolitan dallies. Long life health , prosperity and progress to Tlil BKK. Olenwood Daily Journal. The democratlo county convontloi meets this afternoon to go through th motions of setting up candidates 'for th county oilicea. They need not bothc themselves , for the republicans hav already placed before the people good inci for those positions and men who will b elected. Had tbo republicans done a well In congressional matters as I county matters , they would ba > e had clean sweep. % It Is bad enough to thrust men into s filthy a jail ns that which the city uo > uiui , but there is no excuse in forgcttlu to feed the prisoners. Yesterday imrnln at 10 o'clock the hungry inmate * wer howling for nomethlng to fill up with , the ; having had nothing since the day before MamhalJacksou evidently don't belloy In letting tbo boys get too fat. There Is no oil being Inspected now and the elaborate blank book , prepared a a record , llei useleu. The Inspectlo : business w s overdone In several rupee ! on the start , and no one seems Inclined t actively engage in It again. A good , fall sensible system of luipectlou would be [ predated by the public , who have ha their nerves shaken up by the way th dealers howled "dangerous oil" at eac other. A twelve-year old sou of D , W , Bei nett , of Peclfio City , met with rather serious accident yesterday forenoon. II was on a load of potatoes going down Bai croft street , when a wheel of tbo wage run into a hole , and the boy was throw off. The horsei started on a run , the vragi passing over the lad. He was picked u carried into Mn. I'urion'u boarding houi and Dr. Green was called , The boy's I juries proved to be internal mainly , ai their final result could not be fully dcti mined , but it is thought he will never i cover. He was able to be taken to I borne in Pacific City by last night's tra Hazen , alias Curtis , the Omaha det live who was arrested here Tuesday , 1 arceufulytkippedand it Is said he now a hundred miles from here , The o cen gobbled up bti solid woman ou I H. charge of lewdnera , and attached BO . property contlitiug of one hone , a rl two or three revolvers , a carbine , in fac regular anenal. The woman was brou More Justice Abbott , but dlscharg ; there being little evidence to hold her , i she having a young babe , which would render Impritnnment an unusual liafdthip. She would give little imtixfaction M la where Hazen had gone , bnt peomed confi dent Unit he wait safely out of the reach of the law. A special telegram to THE HER re ceived from Kansas City , la.'t evening , gives th result of yesterday V game as fol lows : Kansas City , C ; Council Bluffs , G , At the democratic county convention to-day the rumen of I' . J. Gallighor , of Garner township , and Cd , Troutman , of this city will bo presented an candidates for clerk. Squire K , J. Abbott WM presented lat evening by n number of his friends with a beautiful inkttand and waste banket. Kx Mayor Vaughn made the presentation tpecch in hii uimal happy style , POINTS FROM THE POST , How The Editor of The Nonpareil RopurJIatod Anderson nnd Pro nounced Him Unfit for Ofllco. Keith , of the Dennison Bulletin has boon peering over the files of the Don- niaon lloviow , and has revived some interesting articloa from the pen of J. Fred Myora , its editor , who ia now known as the editor of the Nonpar- oil. The comparison of Air. Myora opinion in 187" compared with 1882 Is Interesting , bnt places him inratlipr a iuconaistant light. At that time ho withdraw from the convention because of the nomination of Andornon for district attorny , justifying his action , not only because , as ho said "a cor rupt bargain and aalo job was put up , " and also because ho doomed Anderson an unfit man , saying "thoro would bo danger indeed that honest men will bo } > ut in jail , while the rogues will Hour- nil. Mr. Anderson haa had largo ex perience in clearing criminals already , and wo do not desire to Imvo this com munity placed at his mercy. Wo still liopo that the good sonno of the repub licans everywhere will save us Irom tl'o great calamity of Mr. Anderson's election. " The lloviow at that time , with Mr. J. Fred Myora ns editor , gave n re view of the charges made against Mayor Anderson , that ho was indicted - od for adultery , that ho had abused hia wife , that ho had drew doublu pay in the army , that ho was dioui- pitted , and summed up the whole by saying , "Wo have stated no more but M hat wo verily believe tiio legal rec ord will boar out. Wo have never Docn a specific denial or refutation of thoco charges , and therefore believe thorn to bo truo. " j Now J. Prod Myors Is vigorously pushing his pen in paid write/uns , showing Hits aarno Andotnon , fe-fjotras unfit to bo district attorney worthy of noing to congrota. Njfcn must either huvo a low ideaifconKrCga Or a high idea of the oKff0 of district at torney , or what isi&oro probable , ho wrotu his honoat/Jonviottoua ; „ 1870 , nnd is now wrjjflng the 01 Nonpareil for pay , and , , , . the dictation of th'o organ , jr wford County Bulletin saysv * Air. Anderson's record , made pub- in 187C , haa not bcon purified by Time. IIo atande before the public to-day just aa ho stocd then. Even if ho sooka to reform ( which remains to bo proven ) , it ia no reason why ho Hhould bo put into the front , rank , when there are hundreds of pure , up right men in the district , far moro capable of filling the position. Wo are throwing no mud at Andorsou , but wo call the render's attention to the attitude in which ho figured in 1870 , as defined by the Donison Re view , edited by J. Fred Muyors , proa- out editor of the Nonpareil. In 187C Moyora bpoko from his personal con victions ; in 1882 ho apotka from a aalnry , nnd hia-praiso of Anderson ia a matter of dollars and conta. The rep resentative republicans of Orcoiio and Carroll counties also repudiated An derson in the strongest terms , and for reasons just as binding to-day. " Not a drink , not sold in bar rooms , but a reliable non-alcoholic tonic medi cine , useful at all times , and in all seasons , is Brown's Iron Bitters. DOll BALE. My rosidoncoNo. | 715 Fourth street BancroftL. ; . F. MUUVHY. Undo Bum't ) Court. 1 In the United States court yoster- n i day there was little douo of public in- fttorest. | Thu juries were impanelled , several motions disposed of , and the case of J. 0. MitcGinuitio , of St. Louin , vs. B. S. Pcndloton & Co. , ol Esuox , Iowa , wns put on trial , and will bo concluded to-day piobably. It ia n case growing out of a g.-iiin contract , The following urn thu juriea iinpun ellod : miT juiioiw. George Smilny V , M. Monzlii | { Geo. lMa hlfl Wm. Kllloct Jamcii Iioofbourow ,7 It Lewi * 1' . MoKinley W. H. H. IU ! Luther 0 , Nowcomb L. Hoifleld U.K. 1'ratt Auilrow Jamen Hugh hanyon ( t. W. Mount George 11. Null J. W. Aikiii Walter Schrolei .1. W. Clatterbuok Wm , At. McUrary Oeo , H. .lone * Jerimeah Foltuin V , V. llrmoe KlIuHtau Arthur W. Uelkma- John W. lUIrd K. J. Aldricb Thoman Jetfriei 11. R. r.recory William Oliver W. J. Carviu It , BovcreL-u 0. K. Stone A. J , Kridiebough Hrienc r Smith Samuel lecou K. . ' ' - te' aiiANl ) JUiioiia. u. G. W. 1'erklni , John Jeiwou , u.n Samuel Aloore , H , C. llarulibargec > n H. V. Miller , A. J. Kalr , rn W. W. llemli , V. L lilakemore , rnm N. Hruyn. Thomw Wileon , J , lM ed aul , U , A. Kentner , I1 , J. L. Ketter , K. L. 1'rior. JameiH.liftniutt , Klijali 1'eake , W. K. Dodds n- , John Dickey , nad W. A. Wood , K. 11. HlancliarJ , J. Purdy , U. K. Hpooner , er- 8. S. Uoner , re- tils Kmbroldoriea. In. A very large involco of beautifi embroideries just received at Harl DC' IICSK , Orcutt & Co.'a. sop2D-4t 10 * U Nearly a Miracle- 111 12. Aaenilh Hall , Binghamtou. N. V theme writes : "I Buffered for Beversl monl with a dull pain through lef ( lung ai me shoulders. I Icwt ray spirits , appetite ai He , color and could , with dlQiculty keep i t B all day. My mother procured some Bv R"t DOCK' BLOOD Himiuj I took them as i lected , and have felt no pain since C ed , w k after uilng them , and am now qu well , VALIENT VETERANS. They Benin Qathoring und the TentH Are Already Pitched , Tbo Preparation * JUnila far a Moat Jojronii nud Snooestlal Rennloa. To-day is the opening ono of the soldiers' reunion , Ycalorday there were n few arrivals , but to-day will bo the ono on which most will coma in , All hands are busy com pleting thu necessary preparations and doing the preliminary work. Yester day the work of pitching the touts on the fair grounda wni accomplished. A bettor site for the encampment could hardly have been secured , , there nro convenient facilities for reaching U , street earn tunning from the Ogdcn house to the very gato. There ia water on the grounds , and thp buildingR , alicdc , etc. , can all bo utilized. There is an excellent paradq ground , and the grand stand will nllbrd nn excellent chance for out siders to witness the movement of troops , the sham battle , and other doingn. _ It ia expected that all good citizens will decorate their business buildings at least in a patriotic manner , tnd will in nil ways nolp to make the oc casion n success in all respects. Chris. Vo t , ono of Council Bluffs worthy veterans , has ino lUgs of his toric interest , which ho offers for use in decorating the headquarters. Ono of them is a United titatos ihg which wna carried through the Mexican war , in which Mr. Vogt served , llo at that time was in the Fifteenth U. S. infnntry , nnd this Hag was of that regiment. The color bearer wns killed , and Mr. Vogt jumped into his place nnd aaved the flag from the duot. After that ho carried it , and retained it in his possession since the war. The other flat ; is ono captured from the Mexicans in the same war. All members of the Grand Army of the Ilopnblic arc requested to moot at the hall of Abe Lincoln post this morning nt 'J o'clock , by order of .iolln Lindt , commander. j"fj' Commandant J. II. l oatloy hna issued ordcra assigniny'Col. D. B. Daihiy to duty aa ( M0f of utall' . All informatiqvf in rcgftrd to quar ters will bo glv i by Col. W. F. Sapp , chief qunrt maotor , and all mutters ro' ' W1g-ta/aubsistonco nro entrusted ty < Quartermaster E. L. Holmes , and Organizations at whatever kind are to report to Adjutant 12. J. Abbott , and all unattached veterans are reqneatod to report at headquarters to dipt. O. L. French , chief mustering officer. The following are announced ns aidoa : Mnj. J. Lymuti , Cnpt. D. Maltby , Oapr. Seth Hnnkiiw , Dr. .lohh Green , Dr. Pinnoy , Dr. A. B. McKuno , Dr. H. W. Hart , Dr. Still- man , Dr. White , Capt. T. J. Clarke , Ed. R. Scott , Capt. D. J. O'Noil , Capt. II. H. Motcalf , Capt. J. P. Wil liams , Col , L. W. Tulloys , Oapt. Swobo , Capt. Goo. Metcalf , Capt. D. W. Bushnoll , Goo. Pholpa. The following are also announced as a special eocort mounted in order to conduct such recoptioiiH as may occur during the reunion : J.-P. McMahon , Chas. Oflicer , W. F. Sapp , Jr. , Frank Pusey , Bert Clinton , Willium Ilardin , Horace Evnna , Ernest Hart , Dr. George Brown , 0. D. Etx , Leonard Everett , William Siedentopf , A. Boroahoim , T. J. Evans , F. T. Webb , MaxMohn , J. 0. HoiTmnyr , Fred Kelley , Doug. Pattou , G. A. Holmes , S. S. Keller , George W. Ferguson , Jr. , F. 0. Newell , 0. B. Jacquemtn , Charles Stewart , Fred Davis , George A. Koo- line , Charles C. Cook , Henry Cook , 0. 11. Scott , William Troynor , Spen cer Smith , Wm. Wirt Chapman , J. S. Lange , John Bennett , Iluynl Amy , Judge E. E. Ayleaworth , P. 0. DoVol , J. N. Oassady , Fred Orcutt , Malion ! Brown , M. B. Brown , E. A. Trout- man , James McMahon , Henry Eis- man , Louis Broadbcck , Henry At kins , Dr. T. B. Lttcoy , J. T. Broad- beck , Olms. Bump , Mr. Sonnings , Jr. , Clay Plainer , This forenoon will bo spent in as < signing the detachments to quarters , and arranging for subsistence. At E o'clock this afternoon there will bo o general dress parade in camp , undoi the direction of Commandant Keatloy , The schools of the city nro tp bt closed on Friday , so that all may have a chance to see the grand parade in tin morning , and the sham battle in tin afternoon. Crouton's representatives nrrivec last night , the veteran. ! from then numbering fifty , Telegrams received state that LCI [ | will Imvo a big company hero ; tha' ' thcro will r.rrivo from Carroll thii mornini ; over tha C , & N. W. tin veteran infantry and bind , in all num bjring 5-1 , Couurg tulographs that i will send 40 , Dennison 10 ! and Hoc 0 k15. . Tnrsn in addition tc tin places reported in y su-nUy'a BEK , PK8BONAL. S. H , 1'arrull , of Iowa City , U at th Ogden. K , B , Johuitou , of Crenton , is in th city. city.John John Beno , Ks < | , , Is on a pilgrimage t St. Joseph. P , J. Gallagher , of Weaton , was In th city yesterday. H. H. Grlswold , of Atlantic , was in th city yesterday , Horace Dunton and 0. K. Townsend , c Anita , were here yesterday. Judge N , M. Hubbard , attorney for th Northwestern road , is attending the U , f court. K. A. llogerg , J. T , Porter , W. 1 Thummel , and 0 , Linderrnan , of Clarlndi were at the Ogden yesterday , Judge O. P , Shlras , of Dubuque , tl new judge of the northern district , occi plea a seat betdde Judge Love in tl United States cuurt now in soaslon here , Sheriff Guittar , who went to St. Lou aboat a week ago with bU family , for short vlilt has returned. Ills family w ! remain there with friends for a tnoni hi longer , id ad Thi > School Question. up UntoB Arrtu ( Rep.T ) bet Iowa. upH. H.dl The Nonpareil sayi Mr. Pusoy ret dl opposed to public schooli. When 1 its was in town last week we asked for i explanation of this charge , ' and 1 said that there wna at ono time A movement in Council Bluffs to have German , French , and other higher branches taught in the public schools ; at this time there were "ther schools needed in the city to do justice to all in the common branches ; that ho favor ed the diverting of thii fund that waste to bo need for teaching the higher branchts to the establishment of other schools for the benefit of the masses , and that this resolution was carried by n hrgo majority. Mr. Pu oy is an educated man who appreciates the higher nccomplishnicnta , but in this lin represented tha American idea , yes , moro , the Republican idea , that thu first duty of n republic is to give nil the pioplo a common o-lucttion. The Nonpareil nt the time lauded him for the stand ho took in the matter , and now , true to its established custom of eternal vacillation , slops over on the other sido. A PuzzlmK Question. Under the caption of "What Shall I Do with My Vote { " the Union-Ar- row , a republican paper of Tabor , la. , sayn : There nro many ropublicana in this district who have decided not to vote for the regular congressional nominee of their party. The question comes to each of them , what ahall I do wilh my vote ? Wo take it for granted their desire to vote for a republican congressman. They will not vote for Anderson. No independent republi can will bo brought out. They are tempted to scratch , and not vote at all , Is this good policy 1 Is it right ! Wo are men not only onjoyinc the advantages - vantages of liberty , but wo nro the custodians of thixt liberty. Our fore fathers have inado us responsible for the public wcnl. Shall wo shirk the responsibility ? IfJ wo had no vote wo' would organize n revolution that would.Ci < ? or- throw our Institutions. Having a vote , will wo not use it ? Aro. .Americans so foolish na to Iny dowi\ihoir livca for n principle they wiU/nftervVnrds ignore ? The republican ihnt scratches Ander son nnd tbs-republicun that votes for ma oppoQont belong to different spe cies of iho snmo gonua. Ono is pas- oiYA the other active. Their actions /ullfbr only in degroo. Whom shall I vote for ? Thn princi ple objection to a democrat in the mind of a republican is hia past asso ciations. There are two candidates besidoa Anderson in the field. Both have been lifo long democrats. They are for this reason naturally distaste ful to republicans. But somebody will represent this district in congress. Who shall it be ? Were wo to publish the unvarnished and admitted f.icta of Mr. Anderson's private life , our paper would not bo forwarded through thu mails. In the army he drew doublu pay , as a rail road commiijlonor ha anwirn at the wishes of the puoplt * , giving pisses freely where they will do him the moat good , and as a congressional aspirant ho pieces himself under bonds to secure political favors. A chronic ouiou-r.euker , he is thu candidate of the railroadn nnd nominee of the machine. Through ignorance and apathy on the part of the people , through bargains , Bales , and political promises , through unaerupuloua ambition , through untiring effort and well studied plans on hia part , with strong personal magnetism , usingcorruption as a ful crum end political patronage for n lever , a einglo individual has suc ceeded in moving the republican ma chine of the district an3 placing him self before the public as the regular nominee o.f that party. Groenbackers have an excuse for voting for Hat ton ; ropublicana have none. But the lat ter must vote for some ono. They cannot afford to summer over theii voto. The object of every true re publican is not to destroy , but tc make batter , his own party. Thl : can bp done by following thai republican resolution of our own atato convention in 1873 : "We declare it to bo the duty of every republican > publican to oppose the election of c bad or incompetent candidate upor our own or upon any other ticket. ' The leaders of the party must be taught that-if they wish a full vote they must nominate good men. Defeat feat i& the only salutary lesson. E pecially is this trua in pur own state , where republican majorities , are sc largo that the loaders are practical ! ] independent of the people. To "op poaa u bad or incompetent candidate' does not moan merely to scratch him That is neutrality , not opposition , bul it moans to vote ngainsthim , and voti where it will do the most good Therefore , in conformity with thi memorable resolution of our own par ty while In full possession of its men tal pawors , niuoty-nino counties boinj represented , wo ask every republics ) who has thu good of his party at heart not only to scratch Mrjor Andordon but to vote for that war democrat that supporter of Lincoln and Kirk wood , that educated gentleman , thu succeesful business man , that nbl financier , that nnti-monopoliat , tha advocate of oJucotion for all , that law abiding citizen , that believer in th purity of society and aacrednoss of th ninrmgo relation , who acknowledge a God in laraol and u judgment daj W. H. M. Pu oy of Council Blufls. Honorabln Mention. Of all the remedies on earth that we may claim attention , Da. THOMAS' Kci.u TRIO On. commands especial atteolioi For wondrous power t > cure dueuse ' , il fame there' * none can throttle. Its merit are not in the puff , but are Inside the bol tie. Itheumatlsm , neuralgia , sore tliroa asthma , bronchitis , diphtheria , etc. , area cured by Thomas' Klectrio Oil , DAVID G. EVANS & GO , 501 North Second Street , ST. LOUIS , MO. ,51-ilrAsk your Grocer for the Co obrated Star Coffee and Sttr Bakin Powder , MAUBBR & ORAIO , ARTISTIC POTTERY Rich Out Qlaes , Fine French Onlna , Silver Ware Sic. , SIO BSOIDWAT COUNCIL BLUFFS , W DR. G. J. CLARK T enty-four ) e t P 'rlenco In praitltti ! < l > ii eolotfj- (15 Office 106 Upper Broadway , Be Council Bluffs , - low ; COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Sptdal advertisements , snc " Lost , round , To Loan , Cor Sate , To Rent , Want * , Boarding , etc. , will ba Inserted In thlc column at the ov rate of 1KN CF..VTfl PER UHK ( or tha flrrt Insertion and FIVE CENTS FKU LINE ( or etich subsequent Insertion. Leava adr crtleemont * nt our offlce , No. 7 Pntrl Btfrrt , Wnntfl. WANTED A cond frlrl to an ueticral home- work In s ra'l ftml ) - . / pply at 819 Mxth avenue. Tl/O1 LI ) IIV-i ft tituitlon in nntoio u oalot- YV ti < tf. H" hrk-l etpcrlcncc ntl wil trctil red rcti cs. Spcsks ( Jcrinan end Knglleh , Adttrrn n. r. Cm Oil' cc , I WANTI'.K WO ImlMlnm to move. We in Miicdtltj-ol tiinU c lioi c < nnd ni AJilrwuw. 1' . Alif ottn , box 7l , Conncil 'AXTANTKO ( fowl Rlrl for ccntml lieu c- VV nork.V. . H. Vniulin , tor. I'lcrcoanJ Frank streets. TTfTANTEU Krcrybodj- Council Bluffs lo W to take TIIH itBB , SO cents cor neck , do llvcrod by carrier ! . OlDca , No 7 1'earl Street pear Ilroftdnty. To buy 100 tons broom corn WANTED addrcM Council Ulnffi Ilroora Fuciory , Council Dln0 . tows. 668-S9tf For Bale and Rent " 171011 KENT A ttoriroam oil Mala ( trnot. oj > - L pslto Ouh'jllc iburoh. Innulro of liock Cro . TTIOUSAi.KOItTllADi : A farm of ICO acres. .1. 70 acres lirnKc , ustono homo 18x'JT and half story li.ipcinent , al-o stone ntalilo for four horses anil A good well. It Is tootal In Oslxmio routjty , Kanwin , n miles from Osliorno Inquire at UBK olllcc. B UICK-200.UCO brick lorsalo,5ry ,6t > KLt ADAY. OU SAL TA 1OX12 skylight. Suitable ( or _ h tl _ * ; ' & Apply to Excolalor Gallery. Dcautilul resilience lota , tflO Jj each : nothing down , and $3permonth only , by KX-UAYOlfVAUQIIAIf. aplS-tf _ MlacollnnooUB. T OST A largo wardrob koy. Liberal ronnrd JLj to lltdtr. Hnqulro at Boo ofBctf. . A1IKAD Great SUCCCPS. Call and see STILL. icccssorlcs and cpcclmcna of plcturce taken b the reUMilo gelatine broinldo prcci * ' ) , ftt the Exeelslor G&llerv lOIMain ntrect. . W. b. fATlOA fflJNlcian aim Oculist. Dlt. cure any cr.nnof oororjco. It Is only a matter of tmo ! , and can euro generally In from thrco tc five weoka It makes no difference - once how long dlscaecd. Will ctralghtcn crocs eyes , operate and remote Ptyrrplnma , etc. , and Insert artificial oycs. SpccUl attention to ro- mo\elnc tadoworma ap5-t ( Council bluffs' Business Birectory , Art Gallery. i\cclslor : photograph ga'lery , South Main St. ItiBUuitanoous process. Drcwery. C. CHISi : , Upper Ilroadway. Dottllnu Works. II. IIAOO .t CO. , Kast IHerco St. Bakery. I' . AYK11S , 017 S. Main St. Bathing Houses. MUS. E. J. HAHDINO , M. 1) . , Broadway ami Olcnn me. IH. STUULUV , Ifcthwdi Bathliiff House , Broadway. Books and Stationery. II. E. SUAMAN , Middle Broadway. Banks. OFFICER & I'USKY , eornVr Broadway and Ctl street. CITIZENS' BANK , Cth street. Broom Factory. MAYNEk CO. , a > cnuo A , and Gth St. Cigar Manufacturers. TEMPLETON k LAMI ) , 232 Broadway. F. II. LEVIN. MS llii , Wy. L. IIOEKI10FF , 631Main St. Ocal. A. II. MAYNE & CO. , 31 Pearl St. Cooper. J. BOSS , CIS East Broadway. Dentists. SINTON i : WIST , 11 Pearl St. Dry Goods IIARKNESS , OUCUTT te CO. , Ilroadwuy an Ith street. Eggs Shipper. O. F. CltAWFOUn , CIO Main Bt. Furniture Manufactory. E. 11. STEINHILUnil , tor. 7th a u and 12th Si Furniture Store. ( A. BEKnE & CO. , 207 and 209 Broadway. Groceries and Provisions , 8UMVAN A. K1T/QKUAI.D , Qunsmlthlng , OLL1VEII & QltAIIAM , Ctli rtreet. Ooo. Bold at eaalcrn prkim mid ituarantecd. Harness and Saddlery , CHAS. WAI.TKIt A. 11HO. , Middle Broa.lw-a' ' ' CIIAS , lKKMANnt : Mldillc Iroo.lway. ! L I Hair Qoodi. MUS. n. A. lir.NF.UICT. : 7 West Broadna 3 MIW , J. J. - Livery Stable's. A. COMITON. 'ill ! llrondway. W. C. HOLLAND,7Uii South Main .St. II. BEKCIIO1T , off. 1' . O. Hotels. UX IIOUSK. UPIKT Broadway K11 : i.'S HOTEL , ail and EU7 Maliibt Meat Market. I ! . W.TICKSOU , KB llrooilwa ) . Millinery. J , J , IIIJSS , 328 Ilnxulwu ) . Coma nnd cint inu forjourn-U. MllS , J. E. METCALF , M8 Broadway. Marble and Granite Works. CONNOIl He OUAXl'.LLA , 117 Broadway. Merchant Tailors. JAH. FltANKY , 372 llrculw > . C1IAH. UICE , IMofr bulldln. % Mil and Ma street. JOS liniTKll , 310 llroailway 1 Real Estate and Abstract. 31 - KIMI1.U.L k CHAMP , opposite court houce. 1 , J. W. bljUlltE k CO. , corner Pearl andlut * \ 'a I Restaurant. t- SMITH & | UtGUEN , 4t Broadway. tt t , Stoves and Tinware. U. D. AMY A , CO. . NX ) South Main street. Shirt Factory. F. F. FOllD. corner Bluff and Willow St. Undertakers , IIOHOAN , KKLLKlt &CO. , 31CanJ317 Itroa way. 1 > . M. CQyNKLL , IT NortUMaliLSt. I , U IDHDDD80H , I. b. BllUOiUt. A , V , BTR I Pretidont. Ylce-i'reVt. Ciibler , CITIZENS BAM Of Conuoll Blnff * Org ulioJ under the liwi of the SUto of Ion FkldupcaplUl , , 76 , ( AutborUed caplul , . . , 200,1 Ialcre l paid on time dgporit * . Draft * bun on the principal cltlcji of the Uuitod 8ute4 a Europe. Bi > oclU sttcutlou jrlvca lo collectlc und coiriuttdcuco with prompt return * . CIKKCTOKI. J. D. GJmundMa , E. L. bhux&rt , J. T. Hir W.jW. WiOUw , J. W. lloJIcr , J. A. Mill A. W. Street. - MBS , fl , J , HILTON , M , D. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEOI El , 88 2 Broadwav. Do on oil Bluff * HABKNES8 , ORCUTT & CD. , Broadway , and Fonrtli Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mnr-2-3m - - Headquarters-For the Cele brated Weber Pianos , TJ Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. S Address , I o d. MUELLER , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and Mow Sreets , Council Bluffs , IlbW SW US * K * iMiW3rr < 2 B&AttiKMiltk ckllE&Qtra MANUFACTURERS OP ALL KINDS OF CUPBOARDS AND SAFES. Wo make the following a specialty : WALNUT EXTENSION TABLES , POPLAH OPEN WASHSTANDS , WALNUT 11KEAKPAST TABLES , POPLAK WAIIDHOBES , POl'LAK BHEAKPAST TABLES. TOPLAK OUl'BOAKUS , WALNUT WAKDIIOBES , I'Ol'J.AR SAPES , WALNUT OPEN WASH STANDS. and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory S. E. Cor. 7th Avo. nnd 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , TJ3SBT X > 3E2 Tbo finest quality'and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases. Calls attended to at nil hours. We defy competition In quality of goods or prices. Our Kir , Morgan baa nerved ns undertaker for forty years nnd thoroughly understands his business. WAKEROOMS , 34C AND 357 BUOADNVAY. Upholstering in all its Iminclicd promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic - graphic und mail orders filled without delay. HAGG & GO'S BOTTLING WORKS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , BOTTLERS & DEALERS SN GEiSE'S BEER Made from the F-noat Unit and Hopn , with water obtained from the CELEBRATED ARTESIAN WELL , AT A DEPTH OF 800 FEET. This Water ia known everywhere for its Purity and Wholesome Qaalitlos. Also Dealers in C. Conrad & Co , 'a Original Budweiser Beer , manufactured in St , Louie , Mo. tarOrderu in the City or Prom Abroad Promptly Filled , HACC & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AUENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing Company's Celebrated MILWAUKEE BEER , No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ioa. Order * from the sountry elicited City orders to families and dealers delivered free. A. BKKBH , W. HUNVAN , W. BEEBK C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale ud KeUll Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos , 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JAMES FRANEY , Merchant Tailor 372 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA- A ! aysko pa on hand the Bnc t uwortmont of matcrlaltor gentlemen' * wear. 6ktlitctloneuu ( nU d MRS. J. E. METCALF , Millinery , Dreasmaklns , Etc. Outtmz ana Fitting a Spodlolty. No , MS ItroiJwav , Oppotlte Ilevero Houio. Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear. Utndkerchlefi , hoae of all tludi , thread , plni , oecdloi , etc. We hope tbe lialea will call and tee our itock ol good * . Merchant Tailor. ( Late Cutter for Metcalf B . , ) Devol's New Building , Main Street. ICO XX ) Council Bluffs , la , led Sulta to order $18 and upwards. " IDI nd J. F. KIMUALL. QEO. 11. CHAMP- t , KIMBALL & CHAMP , \ I' ( Succenaon to J. I1. & i , K. C mdy. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. We hwe the only complete telolaUtract book * to all city loti tnd Undi la FotU tUml couuty. TlUei examined nod ibitracU furrlihwl OD khort notice. Money to loon on cit > tnd bra ll. propeitr. khort u > d long time , In lumt to lult the Urrowtr , lie&l eitt bought nd loii 01&i | the old tUu J opposite court bmuw-