THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , The Omaha Bee Fnb'Johod every morning , otoept'.Snndajr the only MonJay laornlng dally , TBKMB BY MAIL One Vsftr KO.OO I Tr res Months.$3.00 Blx Months , n.OO I Oue , . 1.00 I1IE WT.KKtY DEE , pnblUlcd e ? . TERMS POST I'AID. OnnTear P2.00 I Three Monlht. , Ir Months. . . . 1.00 | Ono . . AutBioAS NEWS COMPANY , Sola Ant ( * ot Newsdealers tn the Tutted State : . E OORRE3PONDENOE All Corntnmij' i.tlonn relating to New * imd Editorial mV- rs should bo wtdreimod to the horroB or ff nit Bur. BTTB1VKSS LETTERS-'All Btulncm tetters MU ! ItcmltUmcf * shotUd be d rese l to TUB Urn rtnawiUMO Oo AWT , OziAltA. Draft * , Check * nnd Port- ffloe Order * to be ra de payable to the rder of the Uompanyl The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props EiROSEWATER. Editor. No candidate who Is not pledged to anti-monopoly should fiud a Boat in the state legislature this winter. TKNTH street property holders are mtili for stone bloclc pavements. The beat Is always the cheapest in the long run. THK tariff commission haven't been heard o. * for aeveral dnya. The rumor that ita members have been driven to commit suicide by press criticism is unconfirmed , , , DoitflKY has engaged Bon IJuttcr to dotend him in liis next trial. lien will bo remembered aa the lawyer who naved a client by helping him out of the window of a consultation room. the Buffering sintcrn nro howling over woman's rights on the stump and on the platform , the cradle nnd the homo might toll another story of family wrongs ; MAKAOKI ; TAUTAHR hns como to an understanding with the engineers on the Gould roads by conceding three and a half cunts n irilo to pasieiigcr four [ cents a mile to freight cngi neors , 100 miles to constitute a day'a work. Eovrr , with a population of 0,000 , 000 , with 5,000,000 ncrea of tillable land , with a tax revenue of10,000 , 000 , half of which goes to pay interest on the public debt , line had to expend $400,000 per annum for many yearn on foreign oflicialn. ONE of our contemporaries throws anew now light on the prayer teat question. Announcing the illno&a of its editor it adds "All sub- piously : good paying - acribora are requested to mention him in their prayora. The others need not , na the prayers of the wicked avail nothing. " \ The Cincinnati Commercial thinks . Blaine i ' a nomowhat'prom- J t public man. , Ho has had in tire republican conventions a ma- thoeo who'roprcBontod republican - lican atatoB , That may happen again , the stalwarts are doing nil they can for him. AT the -rate at which machine ringaters are reading all republicans out of the party who dare oppose ring mothodn , vro shall soon have a cor > iruptod party organization on ono sldo and nothing within the party ranks on the other. Two can .piny at the Rime of reading out of party , TUB advocates of woman suffrage who are clumping tho'.country for their favorite "loin" announce thorn Ksolves as unusually happy in their iomo relations. The husbanaa and children who are loft behind are yet to bo hoard from on the other side of 'the ' story. SWCET HILL MAHONH , of "Virginia " , iis alarmed at Blaino'a vigorous denun ciation of his rcadjuator party and ia after the sstilp of every political sym pathizer of the plumed knight who holds oflico in Virginia. Mr. Muhono has had his day. Lika hundreds of other congressmen who have oon- foundoJ patriotism with plunder ho has loot public sympathy , iiopujia- tion and oflleo brokerage are not planks which ought to find u plaoo in republican platforms and recognition of ropudlators and oflico brokers by republicans is equally aa objootion- .ablo. THK odtlpr of Tuc UEE ha been re quested by Miss Susin 15. Anthony to meet her in Joint debate on tbo sub ject of woman suDTr io at ar. early day in Omtho ; , Tl e ohallougo boon accepted and Hopday named as the duto conditional upon ecurini ; ntaifiilo place in which it an bo hold. If It difli Anthony's destro ihnt all Omata work- ingmou who eau bo present , will attend , as a large portion of her argument vlll bo directed to them os pecially. The .question of granting the right of EunVago to women iu No Inska is to 1)0 determined at' the coming election , nud the pro's and con's of the subject ought to ba caru fully considered , The opinions of thU paper on the expediency of giving women the ballot are too well known to render nooeaiary any elate merit of the position which ita editor will maintain in tbo coming die MR.TURNER'S CANDIDACY. If lion. Mi K. Tumor represents nothing in his candidacy for congress in Iho Third district ho has no claim upon republican voters. This Is con ceded. If Charles Wolfe , in PennaylvnniA , had roproeontod no principle ho could not have roaeonably ospcclcd the vctes of the 50,000 republicans which ho received for atato treaaurer. What docs Mr. Turner's candidacy represent ? What are the grounds upon which ho aels the support of the republicans uf the Third district 1 This is a question which every voter has n right to ask , and upon its nn iswar must depend the support which Mr. Turner will receive. And fnul , lion. M. II , Turner rep resents thousands of staunch republi cans in Nebraska whodesiro to remain within the party ranks , if Iho warty can bo purged of the corporation in Iluencce which are now weakening its strength throughout our atato. As n republican who has voted the ropubllcan ticket since ho obtained the right to vote , nnd who fought for re publicnn principle.1 ! in the war of the rebellion , Mr. Turner refuses to bo read out of the republican party because - cause his views upon the relations of corporations to political organizations do not meet with the approval of Ne braska monopoly managers. Ho represents a large and n grow ing class of our citizens who have pro tested against the barefaced control of the party in Nebraska by the rail * roads , nnd who are disgusted with monopoly domination , but who prefer an appeal to the honesty nnd good BOIIHO cf republicans to remedy the evil haforo going ouUido of the party lines to seek n cure for the disease. Mr. Turner's candidacy isbasod on the belief that n majority of republicans in the Third district have been mis represented by u railroad minority through the nomination of E , K. Vnl untiuo. The irregular proceedings of the railroad convention at Fremont , the outrageous methods used to nom iimto n notorious monopoly tool , and the dliciont moans put into operation to itrlllo nil expression on the popular oontimciit of the anti-monopoly itsuo combined to mtiko Mr. Turners nomination a parly ncccuesity in order to prevent party defeat. Sir. Turner's candidacy voices platform which pledges him to work and vote for republican principles ante ; o labor on the side of the people against the aggressions of the mo nopolies. It pledges him on bohall of the producers of this state to efforts against thu evasion of taxes by the monopolies through the reten tion of thousands nf ncrcs of uupat- ontcd lands. Through its doMara- tionn he binds himself , on behalf ol Nebraska and the voters of the Third district to use all efforts to secure the regulation and rostriotio n by law ol corporate monopolies. The demands of the platform upon which Mr. Turner ntaads are themselves suftlo ont reason for his candidacy. The monopoly republican candidate does not and cannot voice them. Finally Mr. Turner's candicacy fmdn ita justification in Iho encouragement and itupport which it is receiving. That encouragement and support is based on a fooling that the people ant the party must find representation outside of the representatives of the railroads. The revolt which is re sponsible for Mr. Turner's position is a revolt for the individual liberty of republicans against the arrogant dic tation of the monopolies. And a * such it ought to , and will receive , the support which it deserves. THKHH are two ways to reform a party. Ono ia to purify it by ousting the ringaters nnd corrupt men who ruti the party machinery. The other to defeat ring candidates by a party vote given to Independent or opposi tion candidates. The last method in now being attempted in Pennsylvania and Now York. In the first state , in dependent candidates have been nom inated by republicans who are oppcsoc to the Cameron dyntisty. In Now York thouoandit of republicans wil vote for the democratic nominees , to cxproHS their disgust ut tlio methods which secured Fulgor'a nomination for governor. Til ere n ro tiroes when the only wa ; to purify a party machinery ia tlirougl the defeat of its oindidnte. Whet designing and corrupt politicians capture the p&rty organization mu entrench themselves in its puaoctcioi by the power of , plunder and otlicu brokerage the obligation' hones voters to support the pariy nomlua UOIIH ceases. As is well said by the Bullalo JiVMj , "Tfco voluntary obli ( jation which holds .political parties together ia ono of mutual honor ant confidence. When thtt confidence is botraycd und thu known wishes of the members of thu party overborne by weans ( ho moot foul und die- honorable , what becomes of the obligations ? Men go into parties an into other partnurnhipa to forward their mutual desires and in terest * . But if a mau catches his partner beating him byalee balances or forged telegrams , docs ho any longer recognize an obligation to trust that partner and co-operate with him for their rautual advantage ? The unwritten code of party obli. gallon binds each member of a party , If ho Iu tend * to continue hU party re- ations , to acquiesce in the will of the majority when fairly expressed. But hero is no code , written or unwritten , expressed or implied , which binds the majority to bend to the will of the minority , because the minority has ty fraud obtained control of the party machine , "Fraud vibrates everything. Con there be any obligation to accept a verdict obtained by frand J The pco- [ > 1o nt largo who are not professional oHice-hnntors join a pi'ty because they hope by doing 10 to aid in for warding poliltttil purposes and princi pics in which they believe. But if they find th t by fraud the party is made to rvpmrul purvKwea nnd priii' ciplrs which they do not only dlsap prove but det t , lc * any fair obliga > tion rftt ojvin the hcnctt party man to lend hii roicff and vote to make that vile fraud cuVctivot Docs not , on the contrary , every obligation of honor and truth aud good faith urga liim to the work of rebuking that fraud nnd robbing it of the effect which its perpetrators intended 7" MILITARY hTAR GAZING- After the roaring farce of the Tay lor court martial , Iho colonel was jravcly reprimanded for presuming to enlist political influence in behalf of Ins retention of station at Newport Barracks. If Generals Drum and Sherman are in earncnt , every brigadier dior general in the army ought at once to bo placed under arroit for violation elation of general orders , and eight colonels should bo called to the front to keep them company. The trouble IB nil nbout a vacant major general ship which will ho filled after Oc tober 14 Ih by the promotion of n brigadier general. On thai date Oon , WcDjnell is retired en account of ngo under the provisions of the now retirement bill. Generals Pope , Howard , Terry , Augur , Crook and Miles are nil eager applicants for the position , and the political wires are being pulled with a vigor which can only bo aroused by the proapocl of a 92,000 a your increase in salary and n soft service station nt some division hondquarterj. If precedence on the list is to ba strictly observed Gen. Pope will take the prizo. Bui as the rule of sonority has not always been observed in appointments above the colonelcy all of the other candidates entertain hopes that their military records and the active influ ence of political friend ) will push them through. For nil this , General Pope will secure the commission. Ho has the political backing , nnd ia no ! afraid of a court martial in using it. When seniority and General Grant combine to pull an officer through the war department competitors may as well hantt their harps on the weeping willows , and wait for another chance at the politicians. The promotion of a brigadier genera will leave a vacancy in the ranks o the brigadiers , ana a still livelier scramble than that for the double stai of the major general is now in progresi among the ranking colonels , The ap plicanta are Cols. H , J. Hunt , nnc Goo. W. Getty , artillery ; U. S. Mo- Kenzio , Edw. Hatch , Benjamin H. Grioraon and Wesley Merritt , cavalry , nud Davids Stanley and John Gibbon , infantry. It is known that McKenzie - zio , Getty , Stanley and Grierson are particularly favorites of Gen. Sher man , aud it ia thought that ono of those four will bo selected for promo tion , although many think that tbo splendid record of Col. Wesley Mor- ritt will give the desired position to him. The promotion which will fol low will bo tnado iu regular order from thu branch of the service to which tbo promoted colonel belongs , either cavalry , infantry or artillery. Still wo hear no news of coming court tnartiala or official reprimands. Gen eral Sherman and Adjutant General Drum complacently look upon thu button-holing uf politicians and the efl'jrta of congressional delegations to pull through their military favorites. A court-martialed brigadier would bo a curiosity-nowadays. IN response to a newspaper attack on the railway system in California , ux-Govcrnor Leland Stanford' , presi. dent of thu Southern Pacific , has nritttm a letter discussing > in detail the charges made , That the railway facilities of thu state can bo called a monopoly ho domes , because ho says thu great volume of California ruil- nay business ia subject to competition by water. Si , Lorn * Jlepnllictm. Lelnnd Stanford is a scoundrelly hypocrite. Ilia special contract sys tem , which advances the prices by rail to all merchants who dare use the water route to the east , has stifled competition by water to San Francisco and whipped the business men Into patronage of the monopolies , 1 ia somewhat odd that from Wash ington , the ioat of that government which is based upon the principle that all men are created free and equal , should come news of indignation among the parents of the scholars of a certain public school to which two colored children have been admitted. The circumstance ia the more note worthy because the colored children are eminently respectable , ono of them being the ion of no lpes a per sonage than a profwior in the How. ard university. SUMUEK ia gradually slipping o.uthe lap of , autumn , , WOMAN AND WAGES. There are eomo grounds for the complaint that women's wages are often lower proporticnately than men's. When women perform the same quality nnd quantity of work as men they deserve the same wages. Many of the women clerks in the gov ernment employ are underpaid , because - cause they receive loss than men who do no more and no better work than they do , So , too , in our schools there is no doubt that quite frequently women are paid less than the amount for which men of the same qualifications would fill the position Still , as n rule , in the classes of employment open to women , their wagon are regulated by exactly the same laws which govern the wages of men. Ono of theeo is the laffof supply and demand. An other is the law of physical utrength. A false pride in women has contracted the field of employment which they might otherwise occupy. For instance there ia n constant demand for domes tic servants , The wages paid to ncr vnnt girls in Atncrici are higher than those of six-tenths of the average workitigmon. They nro greater than those which could bo commanded in Europe by experienced housekeepers. But the mans of American girls prefer a pittance in a store or factory to a homo and hundred and fifty dollars a year as a domestic servant. In con- scquonco an overwhelming majority of our servants are foreign born and the woman's labor market is gutted by the great numbers who seek em ployment in other occupations. This ia largely thocauno of the low wngeo. Employers have a habit of securing help as cheaply as they can , nnd where Jive vroraon nro applicanto for ono place the price of labor is certain tain to bo lower than whnro five posi tions nro bidding for ono woman. Contraction of the number of occu pations in which they can earn wages is nho duo to the physical con stitution of women. All trades which require severe nud continuous phyai cal exertion arj cloacd becauoo the great majority of women cannot com pete with men for the wages which they offer. It is not because men are prejudiced against women thatjwo fine our foundries , our blacksmith and machine shops , and every other branch of trade which requires brawny arms : tnd broad backs , closed to women. It ia simply bocauau Women have not the broad bickn or the brawny arms required to fill these positionsthatthoy fail to find employment in them. The same cause acts in barring women from a number of the professions requiring quiring sustained mental effort jolnoc to a strong physical constitution There is no reason now why women should not enter the law and modi cine. But the number of femali lawyers and physicians will always bo small because , except in isolate * instances , women will prove physic ally incapacitated for the arduou duties of thrso professions. Thosi are the causes which operate to contract what the , clatnorers after woman suffrage eat "the sphere o woman , " and the contraction ot thai aphoro by natural causes , not by "man's tyranny , " glutting the female labor market , reduces nt the same time the wages which women cat earn. earn.Lot Lot us suggest that the first ate ] towards enlarging "woman's sphere' is the development of a more robue typo of American womanhood. Thi palo faces and lymphatic temperaments monts of the girls of the United State have created a distinctively American typo of woman. The "ephero" of t clear complexion , of ruddy cheeks , of glowing health , is too much neglected , and the result is a state nf health which as sista in rendering women unfi for many ot the occupatians und profession fossion in which they , nt present , can fiud employment. Prejudice nannoi win the day against energy. A physi cal and a mental torco which can bo transformed into wealth production will always command employment. It is a marketable commodity , whicl whether possessed by man or womat can bo turned into dollars and ceuta No amount of argument can cxpluit away the great fact that in the struggle for existence , which is only another name for life , the weakest muat go to the wall when they enter into com petition with the strong. If this Is "tyranny" it is the tyranny of ( natural law. Toomvw Coming Out. rhlUdfUhlt 1'rfM. . Itobort Toombi , of Georgia , Is nbou to join the church. Is this merely tin way of announcing that ho has left tin democratic party ? < ( And It Will Keep Htm on toe Alert FhlluUlphU Times. It will now bo well enougS for A Cheater A. Arthur to keep hia eye ou Mr. James G. Blaine forthu next two yoara. Volcoa From Antiquity , fcit , LouU Ulobc- Democrat , The democrats have cot Bon Butler back again in their party. Ho has been absent without leave for twenty- two yoara. When last heurd from in that organization lip was casting hit fifty-seventh voto-for Jeff Davis BB the presidential nominee of the Charleston convention. Hla Family Succeea. H | The Boston Transcript says the nomination of Oliver Ames for lieu tenant governor by the Massachusetts epublicans "deservedly recognizes a nmily whoso own succees in business lave carried prosperity and comfort o hundreds of other households. " Phis , doubtless , refers to the historic > rnctico of the family in putting its money "where it will do the most ; ood. " Or perhaps it relates to the araily "success" in counterfeiting ita rival's trade marks. Stand up , Cutter Leader. From now until the election in No- vcmbor wo may luok for a surfeit of 'alscmo adulation of the Great Valen- , ino from the Omaha Republican nnd ta echoes in the Third district. "Statesmanship" will bo their stand ing head for the next forty days , when referring in any manner to the great West Pointer. And worst ol all , Val must suffer it all in silence. As the elegant and flowery llazlott would nay : "Stand up , E. K. , and take your 'hog wash.1 M. K. Turner for Congress. Ciutcr Leader. The Leader believes it is voicing the sentiments of a largo majority of the voters of Ouster county , as it most em phatically does that of its editor , when it places at the head of its colums , as its preferred candidate for congress , the name of M. K. Turner , ot Platte county. Ot the gentleman himself wo know bat little. But ho is nominated upon a platform which the republicans of this district can indorse as voicing their views with no uncertain eonnd. For years the young state of Ne braska has been working for home rule , for n "government of the people , by the people nnd for the people , and for years she has worked nnd watched in vain. Reformation , when it does como , as come it will , must como through the republican party. No third party can over gain the con- Dddonco of the people and hope to succeed. The grand old party of pro- gresn has not yet fulfilled its mission iu this land ot ours , and although it may become the prey of factions and plundororo for n time , wo believe the honest masses of it voters will event ually bring it back to its duty advo cacy ot the most advanced ideas of the American people. Conventions , like legislatures , do not always voice the sentiments of the people they nro presumed to repre sent , nnd judging from the character of many of the delegates to the con vention that nominated E. It. Valentino tine , wo know they did not represent the of their constituents. The men who nominated him touched on 110 vital issue that is agitating the state io-day. They did not , because they dare not. The dictum had gone forth that they ohould not agitate these sub jects , and they dare not disobey their bosses. They may consider that they represented the republican party of Nebraska , but to-day that party is al- moot n unit on the anti-monopoly question , were the people gtv'en a fair dunce , inside the party organization , to oxprops their views. Mr. Turner ia nominated on the only true republican platform. Re sistance to tyranny and oppression of whatever kind and in whatever shape is the very essence of its principles. Not blind submission , the many to the few , but resistance to and removal of every obstacle to the advancement of the best interests of all. Wo know very well what this break from the dictation of the railroad ring will call forth. The brain of every Valentine editor , in the district and out of it , will be ransacked for expletives of scorn , comtempt and ridicule to hurl at those v/ho dare as sert that they think morn of republi can principles than they do of' the so- called oarty organization as it existo in this state at the present time. But what they say matters little , as abuse from such sources is generally proof positive of the honesty of the recip iont. Every effort will be made to defeat Mr. Turner. Money will bo poured out like wato' , lies concocted , Valentino tine represented as the Messiah of Nebraska republicans nnd Turner as their Judas Iscarlot. But in'tho ' face of all this wo believe the latter gen tleman represents the sentiments of a majority of the voters of this district , and shall work and fight and pray for his success. * Wo are persuaded that the ancient Hermes with all the subtle art and natural resources of the Alchemist ; was a very poor doctor compared with "Mra. " Lydla B inkham , of Lynn , Mass. Hermes may have boon after nil only a clover practitioner of the Black Art ; but wo know there is no humbug in Iho pharmaceutical chom- is'try of Mra Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Fatal Riot in a Church. Special Dispatch to The liee. WYTHEHvn.LKVa.Soptembor27. During the session of the Baptist as. sociation at Hampton cross-roads yes terday , two young men under the influence - fluenco of liquor began n pistol com bat iu the church , causing a panic umong the worshippers. Levi Bryson wus fatally shot by Jerry Cox , but ho nucceeded in fatally shooting Cox. Both died in church. Household Jnme Pearson , 28 Sixth street , Butf Jo , fays : "I hti\8 Uted your Sriu.vo BLOSSOM fur myself and family , and think it luval untile na n household remedy , for reyulnt log the bowel , liver nnd kidneys , 1 dhall never be without it. " Price 60 wnts , trial bottle * 10 ceute. DNEY-WOR'r HAS BEEN PROVED I Thr SUREST CURB for KfBNEYt DISEASES. Dee 1 1 lanio bock or o disorder * ! urine Indicate .hat you ere a victim ? THEN DO B NOTJtEHlTATEi use KIPKznr-WOBTat ? OACO ( JruiclstJ rejoiumrtuUt ) anil Hwill * j jpecdlly overoomo the dUnutt and restore alUiy action to aU Uioor aa , I'or Complaints p cull j toyourfex.tuchupaln oad wukncuM , KIDNEY. WORT U traiur- paued.aaitwill act promptly and ufoljr. K lUtacr Sox. Incontinence , retention ol * urine , brick duat or ropr depociu , anddull " drtselaffpalnj.oUipecdUy yield tolt cur- atlvo power , il ! > B" > Price u GALVANIZED IRON Gornioasi &o , Mnnnfaotnred BY T. SINHOLD 13th St. , 4 Omh , ftNeb- ' Propr itfo j BEMIS COLUMN , Offices 15th and Douglas Streets. No. 3)1. Itotnttful roiMoncc lot on SSrrmin street , nun htad ot St. Miry'n aventio , $2 7CO. No. 314. fulllton 19lh itrtet , near Popplo- lon's. JfCO. No. 316 , Full aero r n Hurt street , near Convent of gacred HenrSI,20il. No. 317. Kulliot on C.Mirorn'ancarSlatslrcot , $1,900. o. 818. Two lota ru Co arJ , Dour Sanndtra Itieet , 81CCO- No. 319. Two lots on Ctiulsa , near Saundcri strwt , ? lttO. No. 320. Ha f acre ou Cumbg street , near l > Jt > ton , f47r . No. 321. Six heiutlul rosldcuco loll , Une ve\r ! , on Mt. I'lcasint avinuo , near H.viscom I' r , i.00. No. 32 ? . Unv-haltacreoa California6rc8tnear C canton Co lece. 11CCO. No. 323. Twu lots on ilarcy street , near 13th street , SB.C01 , No. 32J. Tuolotson Dcdijcnear OroroBtrect , SinltliV addition. . o. 325. Four aero Uo.k In West Omaha , $ JOC , . Choice 4 aero block In Smith's addition at west end of Kirnam ttreot will plvo any length ol time required at 7 per cent Interest. Also a splcndU 10 ncro block In Smith's addi tion on name liberal tcimi ai too foregulnir. No. SOS , Half lot onlurd near Clh sttost , nee No S04 , Lot on 18th rtrest near Paul , 12CO. No 302 , Lot.COi230 feet on 15th ttreot , near Nicholas ( SOO. No 299 , Ono quarter Acre on Bart street , neat Dutton $600. No 297 , Two lots on Btondo near Irene street , f250 and $300 each. No 298 , Two lota on Qeorzla near Michigan ntroet. 81200. No205 , Twelve choice residence lota on Hamil ton street In Shlnn'a addition , fine and eight ] ) . $3 > 0 to 3500 each. No 291 , Beautiful half lot on St. Marr' avenue - enuo , SOxlSO feet , Lear BUhcp Clarkgon'i end 20th street , 81MX ) . No 202 , Two choice lot ! on Pirk nvenaa , 60i 1DO each , on street railway , 3300 each. No291Slz lota In Mlllard & Caldwoli'a addition on Sherman Aroiiao near I'opplctou's , t3COto $161cacn No 285 , Four lot * on Uoca'ur and Irene streeU , near Saundera atn.ut , $375 to $460 each. No 282 , Lot on 19th uocr Paul etrcct. $760. No 281 , Lot 65x180 feet near at. Mury'a aveuuo , and 20th street , 91600. No 279 , Lot on Uecatur near Irene street , f72l No 278 , Four lots on Caljwull , near lUundert street , $600 each. No 276 , Lotou Clinton street , near shot tower , $126. $126.No No 276 , Four lot ) on JJcLellun street , near Blonde , Kagan's addition , JJ23 fioh. No 274 , Three loU near race courx : make ofjera. No 263 , Beautiful corner acre lot on California street , opposite And ad joining tUtrtid Heart Con vent Rrounds , $1000. No20o , Lotou Mason , near 16th street , $1,850. 100 lots In "Credit Fonder"and "Grand View1 additions , Juat south-cast of U. 1' and B. & M. hallroad uepotaranglniffrom $160 to$1000cacb and on cary terms. Beautiful llcaldcnro I > ota at a bargain very handy to shops 12 i to 60 eh , B per cent down aniH&juraent per month. Call and get plat and lull particulars. No 260 , Full corner lot on Jonw , Near 16U > street , $3,000. No 263 , Two lots on Center street , near Cum' Ing street , $300 for both or $600 each. NoJSlJ , Lot on tievrard , near King- street , $360. $360.No No 149 , Half let on Dodge , near llth street , $2,100 No 217 , Four beautiful renldenc lot * ueai Crelgbton College ( or will separate ) $8,000. No 246 , Two lots on Center , near Cumlng street , $625 and J100 each. No 216 } , l.t ou Idaho , near Cumin ? street $626Nol46 Nol46 ! , ISoautlful corner acr lot on Cumin ? , near luttnn street , utar new Convent of Sacred Heart , $1,600. No. 244 , Lot orryarnam , near 18th street , $1.760. No 211 , Lot on Farnam , nor SOth street , $1.000. No. 229 , corner lot on Burt , uvar 22J ttrcet S/,300. No. 233. 120x132 Icct J Harney , near Slth , street , ( Mill cut It up$2,400. No. 234 , Lot on IMuglaa strtet , near 26'tb , $1,000. No. 227 , Two lots on Decatur.'near Irene tlrcet , $200 each. t\o Z2J , Lot 14 * by 441 feet on Sherman t > e nueieth iticet ) . nea Oroco , $1,000 , wllldlfldo. No 220 , Lot 23s68. < cit on Uodge , near 13tb ttrect ; nnko an cflir. No 217 , Lot on 23rd near Clarlf. $500. No 210 , Lot on Hamilton near King , HOC. No 303 , Lot on Uth street , near Nicholas ? SOO.No No 207 , Two lots on 16th , near Paclflo street , SI .600 , No SOI , Bcautlfill rcillcnca lot on DUialon street , near Cuinlnu , C'lOU. No 194 } Lot on 16th street , near Pierce , eeoo.No No 198 ] , LoU on Sauuderi street , near Sow. atdSiOO. No 1U2J , Two lots on 17th ktrcet , near whltt lead works , $1,050. N ISSi ; One full block ten lob , Bear the barracks , $100. No 191 , Lot on Parker , itrtet , near Irene $3CO.No No 183' Two lots en Case , Dear 21st street ( Kilt ixJgD ) , tu.OOo. No IbO , Lot on Pier near Sevmd , $ t 0. No 170Lo6 on Paclllc street , uo r llth ; make offer , No 1D6 , Six loU ou Farcim , near Slth street $2.400 to 12,650 each. No 163 , Full block on 25th itrrcet , nea ) race CMuro , and three lots In UUes addition , near baundeis and Cassius strettn , $2,000 , No 126 , Lot on Ittth street , near white ead works , $525. No 122 , 1321132 feet (2 ( lotl , on 16th ctreel. near Popplctcn'a , $1,600. Noll'J , Thirty half acre lota In Mlllard & Cal. dwell e additions ou Sherman avenue , Xprln and fcaratjga strueUi , near the eud of grtea btrcet car track , (900 to $ lbOO oach. Mo 89 , Lst on Chic-rca near ! J s'.iect , Jl.eOO NebS , Lot on Vtildwell street , near Saundert , IcOO.No No 76 , 8Cj83feet on PaclEc , near 8tta street kotO , UKhtren lots nn SIst ! 2d , 23J and daunden utreeu , near Grace andtiaunders ttre bridge. $500 ca-.h . No , Ono-fourth block (160x135 ( feet ) , cetr tie Convent of Poor Clatrc , ou Hainlltoa tr t mar Ibo end of th * rod itrcxit rar trac . * $1,0(0 Nol , Lotonllarmy , ccarlSthrj,500. LoU In Uarbach's 1st anil 2d additionn. swso loU In Parker's , Sh'un'n , Nelson' * , ItcJick'ti , UlM's , Lake's , and all the sther additions at any pil.eaand terms. terms.BEMIS' Real Estate Agency , 16th ana uotugaa Streets , .VDIA E. PiMKHAM'S VESETABL3 COMPOUND. A Gnro Cnro for nil rr.3IAI.Il WJSAK- NKSSKy Including I.cuconhcrn , Ir regular nnil Painful Jlcnatnmtlon , Inflammation nnd IJIcernUon of the Womb , Flooding. P O- I.Al'HtiB UTERI , &c. Cfl-npawinttothotarte , efflcadous and ImmedlaU In lt < effect. Ithfterrathtlpln preenancy , and n- UoTci pain during labor and nt repilar porluO. rinsirmstMMT jMii'itifir.m IT rntiir. ryFon iuWEA5Z r3 nf the Bunorallrn organt o * cither mi , It Ijwcondtono remedythr.t has over been before the public 1 and for (01 illsrafel of the KIDKTTS It Is the Ortatut Ktmcily < n the n'or.'rf. CSTKIDNEY CO.HrrAINTSofitUcr [ Rex rind Circnt Itcllrf in Itn t' e. ' ITDIA K. PINKIIASVB IlLOOn PCKIVIKU will cnullcate i-ry vcstlKo of Ilumora troni th Itlood , at the Kinia tlmo will dro tone rind ft-tiiBth to tlicBjitcm. AsimirTeUonalni ulton tUoConii und. nrBoth the Comp-rand end Blood Furincr ere pre pared at I and JK Western ATCn e , Lynn , Xaw. Prlcoot cither , $1. Dlx bottles for $5. Tlio CotniioLni In pent by mall In Iho form of plllo , or \mniyte , on receipt of price , 81 pvr l x for rltbcr. Mr.i. rhihhara freely amwern Ml IctUr * of Inquiry. En l wScen itatnp. Bend for piunplilit. Kentlon tht l\ipr. Tl.Ti > u n. lIsintAii's I rrtn PI B euro Ccnstlpa- tlon. HUlouincM and Torpidity of tUo Llrcr. 25 conU. /S".Sold by oil UrncKlfita.tra O > Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have put them to n practical test , ADAPTED TO HiED & SOFT COIL , COKE OR WOOD. MANUFACTURED BY DIIOE/'O QTfllfC f > fl DiJUKb OlUVb llU. , SAINT LOUIS. Piercy & Bradford , SOLE AGENTS FOH OMAHA. $500 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any i > crso who will produce a Taint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for prenmlng , Tin and Orarel llooh. Warranted to 1 * Klru und Wa'cr Proof. All ordure promptly attended to. Cheaper nnd bit ter than any other lulnt now In use. 8TEWVUT& STKPHENS'IN. Pole Proprietors , Oinilii House , Omaha , K b. nKPERKNOES. Officer & Pusoy , lir lllce , lir. 1'inney , Kullor. Coundl IliifTK. loira. llm offlV , Omaha , Neb. PTPER HEIDS1EGK CIGARS. OHAHPARNE FLAVOR , The beet ID the country ; for the monty. M. A. McNamara , SOLE AGENT No. 314 e. Fourteenth Her' t MCCARTHY & BURKE , General Undertakers , 218 14TH ST. , BET. FARNA3I AND DOUGLAS. Sletalio , Wood and Cloth Covered CASKET8COFFIfc3SRaBE8 , , SHROUDS , CRAPE. ETC. , ' constantly on baml. Orders ttende conn trvBoHclted. nc > prempthfrnm thH to. MRS. MATILDA BOEIIfVIE , - . ? * ? hwlt"fj0- ? lbllo | * " n , t , between iii 1 12thflrntdorwnt : of Woeternew p per tjnl ° " JNO.CANE. JOHN HAMMOND. Elephant Oorrall 13th AND LEAVENNYOUTH ST. ( 'oithcf Wyemtui ; Coal Yurd. ) FEEDAND BOARDING STABLE llv ° Cp/UCi10n' 8. * ? and CommlMlon. Bil H y , Lta. rarmer'n termi raodarate. CA 4JIAMVqND.JProprIo rn ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420 DOUGLAS STREET Hoadparfcers of Jlio Litoratl , Ilia CheaposJ , Urgent ncd choicest cell tloo NB\V AXD SKCOND-KAND fiOOKS tin the Wi-yl , SCHOOL BOOKS A SPEOIALT'r Cash paid for Bocoud-Hand Booker or exchanged for new. H. SGEOKP33LD , 22-lv PKOPRIETOH SEGER & TONER Manufacturer ! and Dealer ! to HARNESS AHD SADDLERY , WHIPS , OUR11Y.COMBS , 84ddlt , tc > , JUh tad he T aro. no. U w nDod < e aad C