\l \ THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TltOfcSDAY , SEPTEMBER 26 oo ao OMAHA , NEB. * * * * fiW fV kTVrvl * JT * 1t1 ATPJlff REFSE WV Mh 4i Jfclll k& iCUiAMJ A D RKTA1L DKALKB IS Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DGDftS , BLiHDS , OUUHQS8 LIME , 44T8TATB AQKHI TOR MILWAUKKF. CE11EKT COUl'AKl \ Near Union Pacific Benot HEHRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ai ! Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of ME MiHUTAOTDUlD TOBACCO , Agents for BEHWOOD SAILS Alifl LAFL1H & BAUD POWDER 60. POV7PDB AND HAND IfXS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , / M1N1NU KAOOINSUT , CELTIKa , HOSE , BHAS3 AND inOS" rjITUlOS PIPE , . SS.- > * PAC'UINU , AT V71IOLESALE AND RBPAa HAILADAY WIHD- Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Liu miry in Nebraska that is supplied wltli complete machinery for Laundry work. Soud your orders by mail or express. GOTTHEIMER , GODTREY & CO. , 1207 Farnhnm Street. -DEALERS Fire and Burglar Pro3 KS ! ? 3 1020 Far n ham Street , W.B. MILLARU. tr IS. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1421 & J423 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PIIODUOE BOLIOITED1 Agents for Pock & Bathers Larfl , and lilbor Mills Flonr OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES' ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. STEELE. JOHNSON A CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. o. : B\ DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass/ /3TAnj one contemplatlnr building store , bank , or any other fine will Ond It to tholr ad vantage to coma oud with us before purcbulng their Plate OlaM , O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA ' - - - NEB. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF GARBAGES , BUGGIES , Bgpairing Done In all Braiiclios . THIRTEENTH OMAHA NK1) ) STREET. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb. A COUNCIL OF WAR. A Meeting the Various West ern Railway Managers October 5th , The Betmij of the U , P. and B. & M. Ficht on its Result. Ohjootlonn'to tholElcctlou of E. P Vli.lnj ; an Arbltrntor A incoting of goner.il ninnn cra nnd general freight ngcnt < a of thu Alton , Burlint ton , Milwaukee & St. Paul , Northwestern , Hock laland , Hanni bal & St. Joe , Kunens City , St. Joe it Council liluffc , Missouri Pacific , St. Louis it San Francisco , nnd Wnbash will be hold at Chicnio October 5 , immediately - modiatoly after which the Colorado Trntlio association will conroito in the aamo place. The Chicago Tribune of September 2i ( says : ' 'A the of the regards meeting com- intttoo on arbitration , it mny bo said that its report , providing rules for ar bitration , ia ready nnd in the hnnda of the commissioner. It had been virtually agreed upon to appoint Mr. E. P. Vining , Rcnoral freight agent of the Union Pacific , arbitrator But owinr to the difllcultiea between the Burlington nnd the Union Pa cific railroads regarding the di vision of business west * of the Missouri river , it is not quite no certain now that Mr. Vining will bo elected to the position , na. the Bur lington may object to him on the uround that ho ia prejudiced agninat it. Still thuro is u probability that the Burlington-Union Pacific troubles will bo settled before the nbovo men tioned moating convenes. Mr. Potter is now in the west , and it Is quito likely that ho will moot Mr. S. U. 11. Clark , general manager of the Union Pacitio , nnd 0. 0. Wheeler , general manager of the Atchtaon , Topeka it Snuta Fc , and that they will make another * -ilort to secure an understanding. As in generally known , the diflicully between the Burlington and Union Pacuic arises from the demand ol the latter thr.t the former should not during the term of the pooling arrangement already agreed upon between the throu roada west of the Missouri river build any now liuca into the territory of the Union Pacific west of Denver , and the Burlington rcfusca to accept such condition. Excepting n tihort line now in the course of construction from Denver west to Central City , the Burlington hao no immediate inlun- tion to extend its system west of Den ver. The line now butng constructed by the Burlington wcit of Denver is claimed to bo for the purpose of EO- cnrlng coal. But as a coal road only the now line \fould not pay the Bur lington , and of course it insists on carrying other business. Besides it will not bind itself to build any more extensions , because there is no tolling what might turn and make the build ing of additional lines in Colorado necessary. Aa there ia not the least probability that the Burlington will build a line nest from Denver to Ogden or Salt Like , because such a line would not pay , with the Onion Pacific on ono side and ( .the Denver it Rio Grande on the other , it ia not likely that the Union Pacific penpta will continue to hold to their present position and force a war on rates be tween the Missouri river and Denver , and the likelihood is that it will eventually consent to a compromise arrangement. It is claimed that the demand of the Union Pacific that the Burlington should build no now lines into the territory of thu Union Pacific is simply for the purpose of bringing about a ro-arrangomont of the per centages agreed upon in this city about two months ago. It is stated that the Union Pacific is disaatislie- with the arrangement about the divis ion of the Pueblo business. It thinks the 50 per cent , of the Pueblo busi ness allotted to the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo is moro than it ought to liave. If it can secure a rearrange"- inent of thoao percentages it will probably not insist upon the condition that the Burlington should build no moro lines in Colorado. It would have no good reason fordoing so. The Burlington has no need to buiJd anymore moro now linoa west of Denver , as it has all the outlets it neoda via the Denver it Rio Grande , and if neces sary to secure nn independent line to Denver to a connection with the Cen tral Pacific it can readily do so by making an arrangement with the Den ver it Rio Grande for the laying of a third rail ever its new Utah exten sion and thus bo enabled to run through trains to the Pacific coast in dependent of the Union Pacific. The relations between thu Burlington and the Denver and Rio Grande are of a most harmonious nature , and it is the general opinion that the Burlington lias n largo Interest in the road. It would nut create much ol a turpriso if the announcement should bo made that the Burlington has acquired con trol of the Denver it Rio Grande railway. The Burlington is certainly in as good condition to stand a war on Colorado business OB the Union Paci fic. Pit. neither of the two companies wanu any fight now when the pros pect for a largo and profitable business are BO flattering. Both roads will no doubt agree to such concessions as will make the maintenance of rates , duting the winter at least possible. The Colorado traffic association , which alio meets In this city Oct. 5 , will not be able to make any definite arrangement for the division of the Colorado business east of the Missouri river as long as the troubles between the roads west of the Missouri river are not settled. The Southwestern and Iowa pools will also find consider able ombarrasununt as long as the roads west of the Missouri river are in an unsettled condition , It is for the interest of all these combinations that the Colorado roads should settle their troubles , and they are using tholr best efforts to bring about an amicable ar rangement between those roads before the meetings which are to bo held'in this city Oct. 5. "The Commodore. " Jo * . TJ , Foote , the Commodore , Elgin , 111. , gaya THOMAS' Kcuormu OIL cured him of sciatica with one application , thor- onghly applied. U l o cured him of n severe cold nud COUKII , Ho thinks it very % ltnblo remedy , nml will imvbt be without it. _ Suoromo Court ot Nebrnekn. Krugor vo. Adams nnd F. liar Co Lotro to fi'o ' motion for reheating granted. Dcitrick D. L. it K. W. 11. R. Co. Motion stig. dim. record and to strike bill of exceptions submitted , Millard 8. Burley. Error from Douglas county. Aflltmed. Opinion by Maxwell , J. In the contest between the trustee of a luortgngo and certain creditors of n rnilrond company. Hold , the prop erty levied upon was not included in the mortgage , Ma h vs. Burloy. Error from DouRlns county. A Dinned. Opinion by Mnxwoll , J. 1. Under the provisions of section 11 , chnptor UU , compiled atstulcd , n chattel mortgngo though filed for recordi ts prima fnclo fraudulent as to creditors nnd bona fide purchasers , if the mortgagor retains possession of mortgaged property , nnd the person claiming under such mortgage must make it appear that the name was made in good faith in order to recover Pylo vs. Warren , 2 Nob. , 252 , ad- tiered to 2 Certain property levied upon , bold nlit to bo included in a sale under a decree of foreclosure. Like Ch. J. dissenting. O'Donohuo vs. Hondrix. Krror from Sarpy. Reversed. Opinion. Under our revenue law ft snlo of land can bo lawfully made only by in cluding nil taxes , interest and costs duo thereon to the timo. A sale for n portion only is not binding on the ; mnor. Sowing n When a younp lady hems for it rich bachelor , uo sews that slio may reap. When eceih of dheiwo nro i > lanteii ihrough ever incliilKonco , 4jou c-m inctent llio undertaker from reaping thobcnclit by usiiu Sl'ltlNO DIOS&OM. 1'rico 50 cents , triixl bottles bottlesBEMEMBBR BEMEMBBR THIS. If you are sick Uop B'ttera ' will auroly id Nature in unking you well uhon nil else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic , or are suQ'iirinR ( rom i\ny of thu numer ous diseases of the stomach orb iwols , it is your own fuult if you rumain ill , For Hop Bitterd nro a Rovurciqii remedy in all such complaints. If you nro wasting nway with any Form of Kidney disease , otop tempting Donth this moment , nnd turn for a cnro to Hop Bittura. If you are n sick with that terrible nicknoaa Nervousness , you will find n "Balm in Uilend" in the uao cf Uop Bitters. If you nro a frequenter or n reai- dent of a miasmatic district , barricade your oyHtem against the scourge of all countries malarial , epidemic , bilious , nnd intermittent foveia by the use of Hop BittuiB. It you have rough , pimple , or sal low t > km , bad breath , pains and nchns , and feel miserable ) generally , Hop Bitters will give you fair akin , rich blood , and sweetest breath , health and comfort. In nhort they euro all diseases of the Btomaah. Bowuls , Blood , Liver , Nerves , Kidneys , Briujit'n Disease. Five Hundred dollars will bo paid for a case they will not euro or help. That poor , bedridden , invalid wife , sister , mother or daughter- can bo made the picture of health , by a few bottles of Hop Bitters , costing but a trifle. Will you lot thorn nullor ? Samuel C , Davis & Co , , DRY GOODS Washington Avo. and Fifth St. ST. LOUIS MO. T D DflfFBQ Jr ? Pf ! d , L iiuliMb < B uu , F'L. . Sommers & Go's CKJLEEUUI'Kft BISOUITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AND NOVELTIES , Wholesale Manufacturing ONS DEALERS IN Fruits. Nuts and Cigars , III S. 14th St. OMAHA NEB , 100,000 TIMKEH-SPRIHC VEHICLES NOW TN USE. They urpaM all other I ( or c r rldlnjr. itr nd durability , " , They are for sale by all Loading Car- _ iage Jluildcra and Dealers throuj-hont ho country. SPRINGS , GEARS & BODIES Portal b Henry Timken , Patentee od Builder ol fine Carriage > , -ac1 x.oxrxt3 , - - auco. ll-tm Business Directory Abttrnct na lit * tt tt. JOHN L. L'cOAOUE , ipjwille Po t Off.ee. W. R. HARTr.r.TT Mr twuth 13lh 9trN . Arclilltctt. t > MTMIKIS OH' .snuiuv ) Room II. CrtlchtO'i lilack. A. T I/HOP. Jr. . U-KJRJ 3. Ctrithtcn Boon and nrios JAMBS DtVlNR \ CO , fine llfott " 1 HkOM. AirooJ KY Scmo trork on hMi' , corner Isth > nil lUnif ? tnOB. KIUCKSON , S. II cor. 1Mb Dil t > ou ; ! i JOHN TORTUNA'an , (0110ti ( rltcft , n-nid'Ac'.uros to orjir gcotl roik .Utlr l-ilixvi. Rcolilni-i'cie. Lied L\RntVir fUnufirlnn-i. Uooki , New anct tltnionory. J. t. TRUEltAUr 1015 Fatnham Btrrct Butter And ECH . KctnAMR A ! tCHROKPF.R , the oltlul n. and E. 1 > : UM In > obm-.k rcAbll > ho.l I'i74 Oiuihv Uarrlxgci and Road W Roni. 'TU nX7DS.ltlilhuaO lUrntvSl-roto. Olothlnc I KAltUlS will pay hlKhc tC hprlc ( or ( rcond Asit cloth'.nr , Corner 10th ind rarnbam. rue * . I'alnt * ana Ulli. KU11N A CO. f.iutnaclt ! * , Tim IVao UooJn , Oat. Itm tnd Dotuui tlroeU. V. J. nillTKHOUfK , WholcttOo * RtUll , 16th H 0. 7IKLU , SOii horlb BUe CumluK Street. PAUH , Dnnrdkt. 10th and Ilowinl OtrocM. Uentlitt. U3. I'AUL. Wlllam * Ulock Cor. 1Mb & Dodgo. Civil Englneeri and Otirvryon. AKUIimV 110311WATKR , CrclRhtoa Ulock , Town 8imeB , Orado and Scwemc" Utcrci flprcltJty. Ury Uoodi notion * , ttc. JOUH II. P. LKMMANN & CO. , in Tnik Drj OioloHuirr , IBID ind tail r ld- llll lltt'Cl i. C. Rncitn'it ulto l < ort und nhoc * / Firtfto ( " .N wnAUXltKHOKh cnr UthftJi Juwo or * . JOHN BAUUUR 131i Faruhim Ktr UnclertAXcri. P11AS WIKWTC loin Puninim htl lath ft Hid iiounr , i' u. Guy , BIB a unT * ' , is , r. jjntburn Uoitl C'u. llf.nul CKXTRAL v.r.s v i > 3 co n < i ll'.hnnd r > iilsv. Po-it llctrd tor l' ' > " itoncy. u < nil ! Un tA. tis i(3 ' > iho l ) , W. ! : or Month Cowl l'i rm lor Oiwb. rnnl"twl Hrnnit Cucpllol. furumne , > V Ol.CVJ , It on at.J .lo.'jni ! lUnd rnrnlrnre irt FIloriM , 1111 Dcuioi Klsbojt CMih price \ld ( or tccond 1-iMl eooiir. 1R01) ) Dnncln rl. > itie Kcnfis fcc Tcrco Wcikr. OMAUA TEIiC ) ' CO. . ' CO 1218IJ iucy : > i. , llC-rcvi id Ics U.-JN. Ircr i S W i/l Kei.wi , OMi titan. Ctnli * Plnu and Wi'.sut. loth lit. , hrl tit. cuttnld't f'ctent. Ml I In ) > > Oijrnrs ina Tosxcoo. WCA.T A mTUCm.lt. niAimhcturcri ol CIK&II , uid WhalcHulo Dialora In 'Zrbiccos , 1505 DoutU8. V V JXKFN'ZIfV inanul nnror 1J10 KwDhnro' Crockery. tM * r < l. d od HP Junk. U. niCUTllOLU , lUv-a and Moti.1. Lumber Lime anJ Oomont. b QlttY corner tllh and Dcngltg Lminpi nnd Qlatiwaro. I. HONNP.K 130U DonvlM Ht Qoad Vtrlety Mnrchnnt Taltori. O. A. LINDQUJCT , Opn ol our moit popular Mf.rclnct Tatlon ll re giving the Iat Pt deulirns ( or iiprlaK and Summer ( loodn ( or tentlemen > near , Stjllnh , durable inJ nilcue low rJf orcr 1200 Ftrnain itrot. Millinery. Uan , 0. A. U1KOKR , VVbolnule And Krtatl , Tan y Qiio&i la gnat vailoty , Z pli > re , CtHo \ rd9 ) ? clrry , Olc ca , Cortcta , &c. Choapcot IIou In Ibo O'Mt. rurchioero uvo BO per cant. Order V Mill , llf I'Ktoonth Stioei Hour nd Pood. O AHAOlir llUm , Rib aoil irarnhm OM. 'cluVkut Iroo. , proprlctom. rccera. ( . blEVKKS , 1U1 betwuua Coming and l f r A. McSHANK Corn S3d and O.imln ? Striott Hardwaie , Iron and Utoel. OLA1T A LAJJOWOItxnYVbolofale , HI ani * 113 Htb btrect A. UOLHKS corno ICth and OnlitornU. Hernetf , Baddlot , &o. WE18I 0 13th 1U. hot faaturner. . Clothing and Furnlshlna OKO. II. n KHSOH. Also IUt9. Cpa , fihaot Kotlcus Qd Cutlcrv 601 U. jOthetrrel. Oornlco V/orks , 1Vnt'.cn CornluYorkn , ManuUctureii Iron Cornice , 11n , Iron iJ ) I' -to Hoofllo ; , Order from uy ] ocallt > promptly eiocutcd lu the be ictnner , Jfactory and On'ce 1218 Ilorney f\ . (1. ( HI'XCIIT , vroprlotor. Qilviilioil [ rou Cornlccn , Window Capu , etc. , rcannfactunrj an 1 put lip In any ] wrt o ( the rmintrv. T. niNUOU ) 116 Ttilrtoouth itrtct Uomnilatlon Merchants , JOIIX ( I.VIL LIB,1111 DtxUoUtreot , 0 11 , nmiKU. Kor ileUlU ice lirgu adrtrilee. aunt ID Itallv indVc kl/ , Bhow Oa o Manufactory , 0. J , WILDE , lUnaticlorer and Ueilor In all klodi OMM , UprlKht Cie < , . , 1317 Cui 81. FRANK L. GIIIUIAHI ) , proprietor Owaim Show Cieo ruanufivctory , B13 Mouth Iflthetrott , bdtttecn Luvcnwarth wid llircy. All warranted Brot-clvw. ovev rna inwar * . A. BURUUWER , PuloilnBtOYMandTlnvikre , and Uun ( ctu ot Tin Rood and all ktcdi ol BulldlDj Wort OJd fellow * ' Ulock. . liONNKR 1BOJ Loa U.i 61 00,1 and Cheap o ice i HAUFMANH , In tne new bttck block on UouKlii Strttl , bil | a t OIWDHJ u most elegant lleeJ Ilall , Ilot Luach from 10 to II very diy. I HI ALUONKH 6IS letb Btreet. J. K VAN8 , Wholoeale and Iletall Seed D trd OoHlratori Odd Felo ! o Ilall Photogr pner * . QRO , I1F.YN , I'ltOF. Orand Central Oillory , 12 Sixteenth Etieel , near kttionlc Hill , flrit-cliun Work and frompl oeee guartnteep Plumblnc , Ofli and Gleam Pit ting. f. W. TAIIFY A CO. , ! 1012 UL , bet aud Uoujli * . Work prorap yattcnded to. D. riTZPATKIGU , L ouxlaa Street. Phyclclana and Surgooni. W. 8. Gllina , II. D , Room No I , Ortlxktoo Ulock , IBtb Btruot. P. R. r.KIsraiUh'O , M , 0. Maunlo Block. 0. L. IIAKT , U U. , By and lUr MORGAN PAKK MILITARY ACADEMY A Christina Family School for Iloj-n. Prepare lorColkKo , b-ieutlflc School or IlunlmiM. Bend to Oopt. KD , N. KIKK TALCOIT. Principal. Vlorrgip Full , Cook Co. , Ill , FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON , And all Pnluti En t andOouth-Eait. TIIKLINKUOMI'KISKH ! < early 4,000 mllcJ Solid Smooth fitcol Tracki All connections are inadu In UNION OhPOTS bus a National Iknutatlon M beltu the rent Through Car Line , and In universally encoded to bo the FINC3T EQUIPPED Ilnlf. road In the world ( or nil clasnoa u ( travel. Tryltandjou will Cnd traveling a Inxury Inutoad o ( r > dltcomfort. Throucli Tlckotu vl. % rlili Celebrated Line ( or Dale at ail oRko lu the Weat. All Inlormfttlon about Kates o Fnre , PlooiilnR Car Accommodations , Time Tablet , he. , wUI lie cheerfully flvdn by applylnlm ; to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlcc-1'ren't A Gen. lIanaKcrChlcaa , PERCIVAL LOWELL , don. I'iuisciuir Act. CblciM , W. J. DAVENPORT , Ucn Au'tnt , Council llluOi. n. p. DUEI.L , Ticket Act. om hi mnio od 1)1 Sioux City K facile THH sioux GITS BOUTB Rum a Solid Train llirough frou- Council Dlulla to Bt. Paul Without Ohmigo Time , Only 17 Mourn dLCSOl MILttH "TUZ iuOUTEB ROCTt r o COUNCIL TO KT. PAUr , . HINHRAI'OMB DULUTI1 uidall pclnt * In Kcrllmrn Iowr7 tIluntxK.t i4 DukoU. Thli line ll cxinlfipfld with Ibo Improvnj WoutliigbocM Autouiulc Air bia'do r-ol Ullli riilfonn Cauplrr anil Ilntfer : r.uJ tor 3FKKD , UAKETY AND OOSIFOKX la anmiri ued. Piillirin Palace tllevnlne Oat ruulhrorgb WITHOUT OHANOKbot ecu Uan oilCltyoncl HI. faril , via Council Blaflt and Sloiu City. Tralnt leave Union Pacific Trousler Bt Couri ell BluUe , at 7:10 : p. m. drJIy ou arrlr&l of Kanjai City , Ht Jorcpli aud Counc.ll lllufla train Irotu tliafloiith. ArrHInt ; r.t liloui Oily 1140 p.m. , nJ at the Hrw Ujlcu Vifat at Hi. Paul at 11:66 : DOOU 1EH HOtlllS IN AnVASOK OF AST OTHXH 110CTIC. JVIUmfcUbor In taUIni ; the Slonxnty lloul you got a Tlirnuifb Train. Vbu HhorUat Lll fbo QuIcliMfllmu and a CorcforUblo I'Jdf lu Ih TbroiiKh UIM between COUHC1L HI.UKffl AHD HT. PAUL. KTSso Hint jour TlckelJ rcAil via the "Hloni City and I'aclflo lUllroa 1 ' / D. IVATltEa , J K. BOCUANAN miperlntoodonl. Orn' P&m.Atrnt Ulswjurl Valley Ia. W. E. DAVIH , CODlhwittoni I'aixciiKcr AKtnt. Oonrcll llluOa 8IIB SI'IUNO ATTAUHHENT-NOT PATENT A. J. SIMPSON LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1100 and 1411 Dodge Utrcot , aug 7-ino Cm OJIAUA , NKII. loua BTJHH.IH , aaOM ooniur Pronldenl. Vice Pre ' . W. a. I ) IUUIB , 8 e.r > nd Treat. THE MMUFACTURIM CO Lincoln , Neh tMANUFAOTDIlEIlS OP Corn Pluntoru , Hrrro-wfl.FHrm Boilers Bulky liny rtnlcot ) , Bucnot. Klovatlng Wlnamllla , &o Wo are ( irgpared t * do Job work and mannlan urlni ; lor other iutllu > , 00 , Llacoln , Mo DOCTOR St. Ghorloa St. , ST. LOUIS , Mo. A HKOUtiAK OHADUATE o ( twn medical cill sc .ihvbfonloUEcr onirazod In the treat ment ol UIIKUMU , NIMIVOUS. HKIS AND IU.OOU Dl'cnno * than an > other phielclan lu at. IjonU m city pijicr * nhon and all old resident * know. CintultntlAn fttolnca or liy mull , trco and Imltwl. A frlondly tnlk or Ills opinion LoaU nothlnir. When It U Inconvenient to xU'ttlio clt ) ( or treatment , mcillclns can bo sent by mill or cxprcm eorywhere. . Curable toacasmrantocd ; whcro doubt exist i It U Ironk- y tinted. C ll or write. Nervous prontrntlnn , DoWlltv , JtentiU ixniT 1'hviloalVenkneBi' , Mercurlnf and otTiur nll utiniiH of Throat , Skin nnd lilood linuriHoH | niuT l > ln J 1'i.i Hkln Alfcction , OM Sort's run ! Ulcers InipoiliinuntH to Mnrrmue , lUicuinati m , Piles ypocTul nituntion to cnsen from nvor-workoil brftln SlJJilOTOArj CASKS roceivu nccinl | ultcntloii. Ui < pai'C < nrl lng from linnm lencn , MXCPHHCH , Inihilgence * r ] Cxonuroi. | ak'--Mitwly f KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE COL. L. T. "FOSTER. YounK'stown , Ohio , May 10,1SSO. DR. I ) . J. KKVDAII , 4 Co. I had a viryalua - bio ilamblctonUn colt that Iptlind very highly , hohadn larpe bouo pa\ln tn one Joint and a xmallonu on the other vlikh made him very lame ; I had him under the charge ol tuo veter inary Biiruconstilch ( allod to euro him. I nas onoday rradln | > tliu < lvnrtlsemont ot Keudall'i Spatlu Cure In thClilciyn IlxpressI determined atoncototry It arid 1:1.t ourcruirglstJ hereto n-'nd ( orIt , and they ordirvdUroubottloi ; 1 took all and I thought I would tlvo It a thorough trial , I mod It a'cording tq directions and the fourth ilay the co'.t coined to be lama and the lumps limu illnappearcd. I used nut one bottla and the colt'a llniht ) ore a ( rre ot lurnpt and a smooth an any hnrio In the Btato Hull entire ly cured. Tlij euro wa BO remarkable tha II have lot two ot my nolRhbora Jmvo .the rbmalo- lit lag two bottles HIIO aroDou u ltiKlt. Very renpecKully , L.T. FOSTER. Send ( or llluilrated circular rfvlni : poeltira proof. 1'rlcotl. AH Druirclst ) have It or Qin Ktitltlor you. Dr. II. J. Ktmdall k Co ? , Pro prietor ) , Enouliurfh Falli , Vt. BOLb BY ALL DRUGGISTS d.wly SCROFULA. The seat of nil diseases nf this na ture ) is in the blood , ns any ono inani- featly knows ; theroforu , if you purify tlio blood , the disease , in any form or stage , dieapponrs. llend what thoao say who hayu tested the mcrlta of the great vegetable blood purifier , 8. S. 6. It clonuses Llio blood of nil scrofulous taint so thoroughly that the disease , never returns. I had scrofula for BOVOII months , the ulcer covoriiiR the otttiro surfaoo of both logs , After having tried the usual remedies with no relief. I re- Bortod to 8 , S. 6 , , and am f < lad to say that six bottles has ofFootually cured mo. A. S. LKNFKUTY , Atlanta , Ga. I suffered from scrofula 17 yean. My shin bones wore covered with ul cers and ono mass of rotten floih , and the odor was almost unbearable , All remedies and treatments failed until I began taking 8. ti , S , Previous to taking It I at times could ecaroely walk , Now I can walk all day , and I have to thank 8 , 8. 8 , and it only for my cure. Tues , MCFAIIUHD , Atlanta , Ga. Soinu thirty years ago there lived in Montgomery , Ala. , a young man who waa terribly alllicted with Scrof ula , After being treated for a long time by the medical profession of this town with no benefit , ho commenced takjng 8 , 8 , 8. After poroistcntly taking it two months ho wan cured. Being acquainted with him for 20 years thereafter , I can testify that the disease never returned. J. W. Bisiior , J. P. , Hot Springs , A k , IIOOP Xluvritrd "HI be pMd to any chemUt who will fled , on analyaUot 109 cottlotol 0. H. 8. , one particle o ( llircury , Iodide ot fa llam or toy Mineral tubstancn. sw/rr sPKoino co. rrori. Atlanta , Ot. Ftloc'ol Small lite , ll.WI. Largo | U | 1.J6. Bold by all DrutEltU