THE DAILY BEE OMAHA THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. DAKOTA. Grand Forks h s a lady carriage , painter. _ _ P.imo . vftluable doga havc.been poisoned The new depot nt Hope , Grlfgs county , n about finished. MayvllUvhas newj photograph gallery ruid a jewelry itore. The Jatneitonn brewery ] produce * 4 gallons of beer per day. A Grand Forks brlskyard burneil over n million bricks this few > n. Forgo tcho , ls ha\o four hundred and twority-four names enrolled. II. F. Miller , of Fargo , .has leeigned I'm _ .i ai ilty attorney , .lamwtown Is Ukjng ulcpi toward the establishment of a itfeo reading roitn. IVof. Fowler , the celebrated phrerolo rrfsr , In giving lectures through iiorthern Dakota. A lar e nntnbcr of neat residence ) arc Koine up hi Blimarck , to co.t f inui.81,009 w$3OOJ. A prominent hotel keeper "f 2 ow Votk trill establish n fust clam hostlery in Man din next season. At Galena ( HUcTeHll ! ) on the 10th , - Frank Da ey nliot atid instantly killed ] ' ' < Joruian in telf-dcfense. " " " "Threshing was cotnplotcd in Grand Forks couhly about the iiTitli. Throd d l- lais per day was p&ld tor help during threshing.1 Iver Helling , of Mayvillp.Tralll county , who w thrown from mi wagon whllo dmnk recently , struck ( on his head nnd UloJ loitantly. - A children's Jnblleo society was organ trftd In Furgo Recently , with 1'rol , Church at thelr'head and to bo their Instructor fpr the coming ye r. Th work of 'driving piles for tile new Casi county couit huum is half doao. The cost toi tiie ceiiuly is 333.000 per loot for the ctitlro fquudatlon. Kist Grand Torki in luvlng n { boom ol it ) own , Ihtjpoopln. who are tin enter- pricing i-ct , have ordered material fur n weekly iiotvsiinper and luvo other projects on foul to nla tlio town. Mr. .T. J. Hill , president of the . . tobu railroad , but n few ynars ago working on the dock at St. I'anl. nt check clerk , on a B lur ? of thirty-five dullArD per month , lln aaveii his earning" * ntid In vented In Dakota landl. 11 In wculth to day Is estimated at $0 003,000. While preparing fur nn explosion in honor of r.frt wlfc'n birthday , on the 17th , lit Lone Tree , in the BUck Hllhi.j * giant pow.'er ' cartriilgo Adit off In A. C. 0'iick- er'n hand , dAtnugiiii ; It suhailly that ainpu. latlon wan nccuiuary. \Vtn. MnlyrrB , who wts killed in a drunken low ikt Wnhiielon on thu 13th , wan klrurtc on tlio head with n ncclc-yoki- , about miiiniglit , whlcli Ullrd him to the ground , wluro ho lay until found nbout 8 o'clock thu iioxt inuriiing. He rcinnlneil unconecloui until ho diud , thrcu houia after. The ptrcpt car barn in Firjo tvns totally dcttroyed by tire on the l-'ltli. X. h. Slmt- tuck , who was Hloeplng li ) the rear part of the bullillng , tvan utvaktned by the unoko and jumped from the window , receiving Kevere injuries Tfto ho o were all Hived but the can were dcutrny ed. Thn builillng waa Insurpil fur 2,500 ; the JOSH Is estimated from SS.OOO to ? 10,000. WYOMIHQ. On anil after October l t , 15111 Nye offices "I1. M. " Tne torrllotial borso doctor aspires to the delcgate' sent in cougrom. The democratic convention mccU at Green river ( in October Tith. Mrs. Huoli Martin , of Kvauttori , wn thrown from ft buggy ou thu lilst and her breast bene was broken , Ohtw , W. Beck , city editor of the Ohoy enn/i Sun , waa married on the 10th to Mis Anna Clancy , of the pitP"o city. The Boomerang roporta the death of /Jlllly Clnrk , who In well known along the Union racilic. IIo waa burled on tbe'I ' at L iratnle. The Aln n monument In completed , with the exception of one of the medallions , which U atill in the hands of the Hoatoti Hculutor' . NorcroHi Jirothcrn. the con , tractoru , write that the madalllon will be vent i noon ns poiiible. Three Holdlors of the troops recently scot from Omaha to UUh tried to desert t Choyenuo. They managed to get Into citlzcua * clothoi and hid under thu depot platform , but were discovered and pushed out with long poles. Taylor , Coffo/ & Gill have just pur chased the range bolonglngto Lorn Smith on Big Box Elder , with about iOuO head nf American cattle. The bill nf ntle wni tiled at tbo county clerk'a ollico yostotdny. Thq consideration .was iiot given. Uhoy. nne Sun. A conespondentof Cboycimo Sun writ ing from Buffalo , JoluiHon county nay the dead body of a man was found In the builies on Clear creek , near the town. In- rotlgatlon teemed to recall the fact that ho had been murdered in his nloep. About fifteen feet from where a woolen comfort , covered with blood , a pair of stockings one pur , a knife , and where his head must have laid , wan found a 48-callliro bullet , flattened on tbe pointed end ; the ground was alto much discolored with blood. There U no ciuo to the murder , except about two weeks ago three men were en camped on th spot whore the body was found and that two of them euhiomicutly went north. The murdered man was of about the ordinary liclnht. with dark auburn hair and waa drcwed In a gray ( hlrt and common working panti. QOLOIIADO. A boat club has been organized at Den . ver. ver..Boulder .Boulder talks about having the electric light.There There la talk of a new paper at Central City to light the UrgUter-Call , i U v n majority ( SI , Weil LM Animus decided to Incorporate on tbe ttltd. A heavy mow alarm prevailed lu the UuuuUonurlKhborhoidoii the I'Jth. Ten oartyada nf Gllplu county peopli vleltod the Denver exposition un the lUili , The Grand Armv iolki are beginning preparation ! for the national reunion at Denver ne'xt year. Emma Abbott opened the season nt Denver's bh/ opera liouso last \ruuk , She had a grand reception. \ l'u blo contemplated the erectlor of it $100,100 ojiera house. It will be erectnd next to the new Grand hotel , . Judge Bradley , of the Seventh Colorado judicial dUlrict , In n brother of Judgu f Bradley , of tbe supreme court , , Kuiuia Campbell , wife of a saloonkeeper of 1'ueblo , Bulcliltjd tin the 22d by mtfaiu of chloroform , bhe wa > n hard dtinkcr , Tlio body of II. N. Scailf , ulio dlkap. eared about a year go , wa found In u 'respect hola nrur L nd llle on tbe llitb. Foul ulay Is suspected. Win. Ingle , an f employe at Orook'd Iron beds nt the north forks of Henson creek , near Capita ) I Ity , was Invtautly killed by an explu iou cf giant powder , The dUhtvasher of the ViclorU hotel at I'ueblo gathered the dining roomtllvi-i vrare Into bis trunk on the night cf the 20th a-d prepoied to depart at noun next day. But the tlierilT Investigated the trunk aud the artist is la JalL A b'ockade of mails on tbe 21th threw unto the Denver poitoilice that evening at U o'clock seventy-live Backs of papers and 20,000 Ittteis , which the force there dis tributed before 10 o'clock of the tame even ing. Big work. Johnl" . Bennett , n fanner fn in Ne braska , WM arrested lut lilgbt , charxed with stealing ore from tbe Union 1'acltio exhibit at tbe Exposition , valued at f 25. Is lie felt hi * disgrace keenly , aud offered tbe oiiiccn $100 cub to be let loose. World. a Tbe town of Jted Cliff , In summit county , waj.almost entirely destroyed by fire on the ISth. The fire nrlglnhtcd in thn Stran.l h < itbl , and a/hgh ! wind was blowlnr , and llxire bciog no means atjhand to fight the flsmcf , the people crwd do but little toward euppre lngtlio conflagration. LK- , SIS.'BOO ? 1'at Conner , a boarder at the Cjaeon city hou e In Wet Ucnrcr on the Iflth , committed a raje upon the the person of Alary Kel , a chnmbfrmnl > l In the honre , The irfrl Is only 15 yearn oil and cannot speak Kn lUh. Conner disappeared Im. mediately nftcrwanl.i and has not been caught. ( tcrvernor Tabor on the Kth , received a telegram from his New Mexico necnl that "Harriot , manager , ] tnt in from the tnlr.e * , nnd reports thtui a fecond Cnmttoak , only richer. " Thn mfnex referred to nra the Solulre anil t. Clsir , nnd lay ftbrmt thirty mll s from Nutt , NovMexico. . Tlio g"V- erunr lull through a trap nn the ttngu of his Ltadt illo opera houee on th * Cth nnd butt. UTAH. Woman suffrage and regiitratbu arc knawlng the vitald of the territorial politi. clun. clun.Two Two young Hilt Lake hopefuls , Willie Slmrn find Idn Warcntki , playo < l with tjy [ list' ' la and were burled ou the ISth , The Ogdcn papers speak of several ewes of smidlpox a short distuned out of town , on roada leading to tlis tity which are ex * tCBBlv ly traveled , The pr > erH arn appro- huiulvo of the disease sprendlniun1cs piu- per step' are taken to quarantine the in' Uotcd Jocalltlcs , IDAHO. Halley has at last received a Method ! * ! minister and feels joyful. .Tho democratic convention nominated HOD , George Alnsllo for delegate. Five hundred men are employed In the railroad tie Imtlncssln various wayo , about and above Kctchutn , A Bcllovito wife-lit alor was recently ( lucked In Wood river by nn Indignant pally of observers of the casilgatlon. Hugh McFarI y , n saloon keeper , better known as "Ited,1 w killed at his ptacaon thn Oregon Short Line , ulght inllot from Kllzabetli , on Ltltlo Wood river , on Fri day of lust wectt , the cause of the same 1)01 UK' thn accidental discharge ] of a re1 The Oregon Short Line I Ioxpoctetl to bn connected botwpon C3oin Springs nnd 1'oca.tullu about tin * l t nf October , when the train dispatchers oil I CD will bo moved from Login to tlio latter place , thu dis patcher of the Utah it Northern bavin ; ; charge of the Orcjou Short Line. Thn through xUio ; wan ntoiped | and fired Into Tin xdiy evening nt lust wenk n f > :4fi : p. in. , between Sawtooth and Vienna , hut immediately returning the compliment to thu would-be pillagers , wai permitted to PUSH nnumnnlontcd. About 92,00.wro ( ) ! In the trciMUiu box.Ketchuui Keystone. , AflONTANA. A rellglriiM ] war secma to provnil in Boacnmn. Mlsjoula Ii to hnvo a now bridge over the rivtr. llies City want ? a vilit from 1'resMcnt Arthur. It I ) undcrslo' ) ; ! Unt'n rihtcr'ri hospital Is to bo cr tabllshod In Bo7cmau , The ansensmunt rail In Silver Bowcounty ulroitdy foots up over § .1,380,000. Another attempt was m.ida on the 15th to burn Cbirintown in Helena. A woman said to bo fifty-eight ycm old gave blith ton child at Benton lout week , Seven or eight huudiod tourhti are salil to bo In the National park at the prcHcut time. Type , pros : os and material are on the way Irom Oregon to htart another news paper lu MlBoouh. A saloon keeper of Mlsjuula wanted the small-pox committee to pay him $25 per day for closing his whisky mill. Gen , Brlbln hai purchased from [ Major Pooeo a ranch of 1,100 acres on the upper Yellowstone , about xovcn miles from Ben- UOII'H Lauding , for $7,000. At O'Fallon Creek. Ouster county , re cently , u man attacked Another with a kuifo and disembowelled him. The mur derer wai arrested and lodged in jail nt Miles City. The enterprise 'of erecting a large hotel In Dillon U being favorably considered bye o gentleman of meauc , who it figuring on the invKitmentof money in a brick build- liiX for hotel purposes. The Hloatner 1'eulnah was > toloii away from Bismarck last week by bur owners. She wan confiscated last year on thu grounds thnt liar oIllcerH were udHnjr llcjuor to Indians , ami has been tied up ever kinco. Gen. Billings having intimated hU in- t6ntlon of donating tflO.OOO for n school bulldlug In Billlugi' , tbo town-lto com- Kany had the pl.inn of a very handsome ulldlug prepared aud forwarded. them to him for itpuroval , The Tongue river ditch will bo sixteen miles lu length , uud fur n distance of two miles the water will bo conveyed In largo Iron pipes , A ruservlor to coutoln ilOOO- OCO gallous with 45 feet head will bn con structed. Miles City will be supplied witli water , and 80,000 acres of good Uud irri gated. The entire work will cost about 910,000. WASHINGTON. The republicans have nominated ] Hon. Thomm 11. Brents for delegate , Orders have been received at Vancouver pout for the abandonment for Fort Col- vllle , The Infantry comp inles will goto Camp Spoken and the cuvalry to Cm ir d'Alene. OKEQON. New discoveries are topnrted In the Kaglocrctk mountains of copper ledges of rent iIckiHHj. Thu ledger uro Hild to be JO feet wide , and the ore CO nor cent , pure copper , containing nearly lt > 0 to the ton In gold aud silver. lu hla luaugural mcisagn , which Is n icodel of coucl'ences , Governor Moody HIP- ommends that the nulnrics of rnunty olll- cera be made commensurate with the ser vice * rendered ) the entire rcmodnlllnj nf nsresimoiit laws ; creating a permanent Fund for thn deaf and dumb uud blind nay- liimi , aud favora thunawe protection to the railroads and manufacturing luUriwU lu are given to private propeity , Harry Cummlnn , alias " 1'oker Jack , " who brukn jail in Arizona , where he vu con fined for robbing a stage couch , was tracked through Utah , Idaho and Oregon to Portland , tbeuco up tlio Welt Side tall- roud , ueurMuMInnvllle. A detect Ivu sud denly r.awu upon him u few dayH uio ; foot sore uud weary In the roud. He won mak > Im ; bit way to tuo coiut Jnllroad. Upon being cipturud he nurrendured > vithout re- Utunce , and got Into a buggv with the dt- tecthe. After riding a nhort dUtancu Cummins juniHid ] rut. got into the thicket bifjreasUot cnuld ba fired , nud iltsap- pcarej down the cauyou , OAtlFORNIA. Oo/ernor 1'orkinj hai mipolntod x- Governor Leland Stanford Undent of the State University * B , B. Iteddlnf , de- ceoced , Aiiouymoui letleranrj being wut to I5 d Blulf citlr.eiu warnhij ; thtmi that unleus they OliclarK'tf thu Chlac < e their pioperty will be burned , The Jute factoiy lu the Oueiitin prl oii in now tu ning out 8,000 yurds of biulau per diem with SOJ men. The net iccelpts of the facto.y for the last mouth were C,000. lllchard J. Guthrle , a saloon-keeper and fatmer of Guadalupe , while under the in- Iluenoe of linuor a few days ago , belabored his tuulu with aboard. The uuimtl retal iated by kicking his master In the abdo men , canning Instant death , The vicinity of the patent brick yard , located about Cvo miles from Sin lUfael , considerably excited over the finding of treasure by a O'llnaican while digging'in clay bftuk. The amount it v rlou ly en- Jmated M between nix hundred aud thouiand diUur ( ) but M the Celestial has' 111 out for iwilurei new , n < l thow who were working with lilm nt the ! ! -ne nra re. tlcent , it Is Impo-fible to get at ha ixact amount. It ismpposed thAt the ff > oney wai bmiod by n Portuguese nallor vhowvi living in that Reality about twelve yeata ngo , Frank Johnson , n convict In the Folcom State prison. umlenolni { ft fentenco of forty years the murder of John Noycr , nt Quaker Hill , in July , 1881 , died on the loth. He wan a native of Maine , iwjea 21 year" , and leate * ft wife aii'l child in Nevada City. The Uh'oo Keford y : Up near Artin , Modiio county , thfl other iliy , Oregon Jack of the Ulff Viillcy tribe of Indiani came to an untimely end by being lain cd and drag' K8tl to death by Tom lienton and I.lltla Tien , tw > rednkiriH belonging to the Kail Ittvcr tribe. It nppparn tnat .Tick wag a "I'ledioiiieman ' , " anJ Lii tifttient dlo.i , whicq mrfltis death to the iloct .r. 3'orty- two well-aimed Indium Indiana left for Kail tlvcr with the Intention of hatilnK | Tom and Uon , union they can ralio and deliver to the injured parlies 20Un coin anil ei ht homed. The murder of .To cph Scott , n polke * man , iti 1878 , in Sacramento , 1ms foraloutf time been ehroud'.d In niynlcry. It wan Btitcd tome tlmo nye that three prisonem In San ( Jncntln wore suspected of Iho crime. Tuoman Hamilton made n full con- fosnion > in the 18th , Myliu ! that he , Ander son , O'lirion and hddie ] Mward3 came to Hncramentn the day of the murder. They ca i > e from l.l&oln on n freight train and doternlinud to rob * omo ouo. They ( aw a man on Seventeenth ntrcet , and two of them went to hang him up while the other two ntood by to render ar.ital&nco , If need * ed. Th < man w.u Police UHiceScott. . Ho f'sisted nnd tried to draw a pistol , when Kdwardn shot him. Knwanln la not yet In cut tody. NEVADA. 111 little Mciuntaln Is the bct watered town In Nevada. Thoio are ever thirty artesian welli In thu town all affording n continuous Ibw of water. The Mason Vsllcy Kuterprieo nays : The other day n mosquito caused a man here almost to cut his throat , lie wis whit tling it stick when the tnoMjuito inserted hli hill , and furRetful of the open knife in liiihand , tlio runcbpr made n ] ms * tobruih away the Itiecct. The result WRJ an slain in the right ceck. ARP.ONA. Wr.tcr Ihroii h the mains of thn now water wntku wai introduwd into Tucson on tlio 15h , Til re In an abundant supply , and thlii gives Urn city its roitoet lined. The stagM which left Camp Thomas , Wednesday tuoiiilng , for Wilcox , wai rob- bid of nil mall mattor'by twomasked men. The registered matter contained $3,030 in currency , There Is no clue to ttio robbers. KCW MEXICO. A number of CHllfornia trnvelrrs etop * pin/at oni of the hotels at Alhmmoiiiuo left the hotel nuddcnly becau < o Chinamen were cmrjloj'cd thcro us wjltera. On the 23J. a ttrrllda trnxody cocurred at Sun Mnrcial. An old , Inolleneivo man named W. Wiggen WUB tiiken from bin bed by n mob of Mexican and Imnged from a bc\iu from his own door In the PICHCIICB of hU wife nnd children , , No clue to the diicov- ery of the perjiotratorn hai been found , but n Fuppoxilliui cxUta that a certain mull In old San Marclal h the Instigator , Governor Sheldon ha * Issued n proclama tion olfcriui : a reward of S"iOO for the cap ture of Ufrge litican , who killed a minor named David Crlspi'ii nt ( lolileii , forty mllcH from KAtitii 1'c , on the 18th instant , by rhooting him. Jjucas IK only 15 years of ago , and in suppi ) cd to be hid ing In the mountains near Buoklm'3 Armcst cSr.lve , Tlio BERT SALVE In the wprld for Cut , Bruises , Sores , Ulccrr , talt Khouin , Fe- vcr Sores , Tetter , Chnpped Ilnnibi , Chll blairs , Corns , and nil skin eruptions , and pMiti * cy cures pllcu. It is gii&rantcwl to give e.itlufnctfou i u.aey rutuuded , I'rloe , 25 cents i r ex. ifnr halo by.,0. ( lenms Bewarfled , on , IliB Story of tlio Sawing Mnohine. A liindtcmo Ittllr pamphlet , Mus and toll ) cove with uuaieroiu on raTtnirt , i.ill bj GIVEN AWAY ( o ny kualt pereati nv'.llnfor ; It , ul any briucb or sau-orCm of Thi > Olni'vr puny , or will ba Boat b ) uiatl , pcit paid , It inv person living at t. illstiuco Irom our nfaee * , , Principal ffloo , 34 Union Bquate , YOftlf. WESTERN 0. SPEOUT , - - Proprietor. 1212 Harnoy St. - Omrlia , M , llANUrACTUKKIlS OK Galvanized Iron , COUNIOES. DORMER WINDOWS , F1N1ALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Eoofing , Spccht's Patent Motnlio Skylight. Patent Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Drtickot Shelving. I am thn qanornl agent for thu nbovo line of goods. I UON 1'KNUINO. , ( UluitrAitoa , Verandos. fTIc * * nt link R | | | IIKS , WMOW : ; unit Oollarj ; nlto , MJV.fV'P D. M. WELTY , ( SnouoNsor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Duller lu Saddles , Harness. Whips. FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Holjec , Dusters and Turf Quods cf ALL UKSCKIPTIONS. u r rjsrjjf Aguittor Jis. , JIH | ft Co. ' , G0io'n ; ] [ ; HARNESS "Tho Best in The World. " OtJAHA.NED EUROPEAN HOTEL , The meet central ! ? located hotel ID the city. Iloouis 7So , I.OO , 11. W ail J ItOO per day. lint Clau KudUuraut conuecteil itltb the hotel. .HURST. . . Prop. Cornel Fourth and LocuiJ EtreeU. T. X.OT7X0 naco. That's .1 common expres sion and has a u-orld of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing nbout it is , that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease , liver com plaint , consumption , cold , rhcumatismdyspcpsiaovcr- worlc , nervous debility , c. Whatever the cause , don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has .yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as - BROWN'S IRON BITTERS , and it docs this by commencing at the foundation , and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Los-import , Ind. Dec. J , > ESo. For a long time I liave liecn a tuflcrer from tlomach and kidney disease. My ppetllewa very poor , and the very small amount I a ijl eat disagreed wiih inc. Ivrasrnnoycd \cry from non-rctenlloti of urine. I tricJ many remedies vlth no JUCCCM , until I used Ilrown's Iron Hitters , Since I used that ray stomach does nut bother me any. Myappctucissimplylmmensc. My kidney trouble It no more , ami my [ " health Ii such , that I feel like a new man. After the me of Ilrown'i Iron Ilittcra for one month , ' 1 have coined twenty pnundt in weight. U. Ii. SAXI.I > NT. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS. It has cured others suffering as you arc , and it will cure you. The Apronloa of Bllllouu Colic , the In- iU : rlt > Ailo ran i"'Chrjrih in-llrfestloi , ll'uile- li'lltyainl iiitmul'lupor r Hilling fronn c"tt vj haljl | , may Lu ucrulnly atu.ileil by re iiUtinj ; the y teiu with that -rotalilo and rcfre'hinir Stindanl I'npanitloo/iurrant'tSolticr Apcilent' I'ltOOtlllAllLK AT ALLUIlURHIbT.S. LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Three coureca ; open to bo'.b SOXC9. AUADE Cla-slcal and Kn lla Olrc ) the beit of for coleo ! ; or liui n FEBKY HALL-Seminary for Youn ? LndUa. UnsurjVvsscd In boinly and heal hful. ness nt tltu.itlnn , and in extent of adtnntttgei odurcil and thorcngbneiu of trilaln fhcn. On I.ftko Mlchinm Year beKlnii Soptomhor 13 , 1S82. Aim ! n PREST. GREGORY , tate Forest , lit HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADE IIY BIOHARDSOW.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS. Embody noiv 18S2.lmPr < roraerits. Jtor , praotlonl tea urm ; Cost losn to keep In urtler ; UM > IOII I funll wl1' ' l-llu inoro tie\i and a larger volume ol pure nlr thin any furnace made. Bold by I'lEllCKY * nilAUFOUD.Omsna , Neb OIIAY'8 SPECIFIC MJU3ICINK TRADB MABKwT1l11e ° rcatT < DU tflARX B.IV. Anun < lalllni ; cura for nominal WaaUnes , Hpornntor- rhea , Impot. nicy , anda'.l TAIIHQ , Solf-Abtwe ; aa / , olJJomory , Unhorsnl Lae < l tude , I'nln In the Hack , DlmiuiH of Vlnlon , I're mature Old Agt , and many otiici DUcisiid that leaj to | uwr.lty or Cououiuptlon and a i'rema- turedra > e , MTKull pirtlculaH la our pAonhlot , which we duilra to ouJ ( fi > o t \ mall to cvtry one. C TThe Bpcclfl cMcdlclua h fold by all dnilMlaU at (1 | i < r ruickiiRr , or 6 park von fur ? 3 , 01 will be sent frni ) < y null on reript cf the moooy. by aIJie.jluB TUUOitAY i&UiUlMICO. , . V , ( Murray & Lanman's Best for TOILET , BATH AWMERCHIEF. PAST TIME ) ( n jolo ; Kur Uko lb > J ! Train * lt * > e OiasUa 8:40 : 1' . m. and TIO , m , for lull Information call on A. I' . DEUEL , Tlcke Afent , Hth aud foroam it * . , J. HELL , U. 1' lUllway IX-pot , oral JA1IE3T. CLARK , Gener Ak-cnt. 1 BLACK-DRAyGHT" cures dj 2 ' " " 'nttiou i/ud lira J. P. Rol ) rt oi , rittsimw , Pa. , writes : " ! WM suffcrin ) ? from feoncml dcDllitv , want of np. polite , constif tlon , etc. , so that Rfo nagft bur den ; after uMnf Jlunl ; k Blood Hitters I felt bet tor than for ymri. I cnnnot praloo J our Dlttnri too much , " ll.Olbbi. cf nuflalo , N. T. , writes ! "rotir Burdock nc Mttera , In chronic dltevon of tbo blood , liter a.ii llJncj , ha o been signally marked with Biicreoo. Ihiivo iisrd them myself with boftremHi , for torplililv ofUicllicr , Mid In cftscof n friend of inlno suDerlng from dropsy , tlio effect was mancloui. " L'ruco Turner , RocfiPTter , N. Y.rtrtes ! ! : 'I tnvc been subject to serious disorder of the kldncyfl. and nnablo to attend to lurtncsd ; Ilurdock Ulooo Ilittcrj relict od mo licforu hall a botllo was uticd feel confident that they will entirely cure mo. " Aounlth Hall , Cliiifhtnipton , N. Y. , wrltor : "I sulfcrc'-l with a dull piln throiiRh my oft lunfj nnd nhouldcr. Tx t my tplilta , a | > potitc and color , and could with illtiiciiHy keep up all day.Took your HunloCU lllonJ Hitters na dl- retttil , and hate felt no tain elnco first Hcek af < ter twin ? them , " Mr. Noah IUfM , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four } cars ago I had nn attack of bilious rot ur , and never fully recotered. My dljrostlvo orRans were weakened , and I would bo complctily pros trated lor days. After using two bottles of your Ilurdock niood Hitters thci inprovenicnt was so t hlblc tli. t I w &s nutonlilicj. I cull notv. though 01 years of ago , do r > fair and aa on blo day's work. C. DKcket Iloblnaon , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , tint. , writes : "Foruars 1 suffered greatly frota oft-recurring headache. 1 need your Ilurdock niood Hitters with happiest results , and I now llnd mvpclf In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , * rites : ' ! have used Riinlock Wood lllttcn ) for ncncui and bll- loutSc ada hts , mid can recomraern. It ta anyone ro < i'j j i euro for blllloiienesa. ' llrs. Ira Mullnollati'l , Albiny , N. Y , writes : "For ( mural y.urs I hate luBeicd frcm cft-iccur. rlna hllllous hoaduhcs , dyepcptla , and com plaints peculiar to my ecx. Since uiinR your IJurdock EioodlJlltcralaniontlri'ly ' relieved. " Price , r l.oo DCI Dottle ; Trio Dottle * to Oti FOSTSIi/MILBUWI / , & Co , , toops , BTI2TAX.O , SI. Raid 1 hy Tab A. ItcMihon asd C. F Goo-tnmi. ) c 27 cod-me To Nervous Sutterers THE OHCAT EUtiOPEAN Dr. J. 13. BtmpRou'fl QpeciHc It Is poaj'.lvocure for . putTiatuiii.t , Efrr.U. Weoktioai , } , rrm all dh ua < a ro uUtcj from Malf'Arwr. i Ujitil Auxlcly , J.iai Mtmor.r , IVrn In the JiicV cir HldJ , tud dlscaeee / " Tir < T . ' .ri' " .th&t Iciil to Consumption poclfc Uo&cino It uu-.d with winder- & ® M i ] fill < m ! rte < ta f II , Writ" Uiv inrt cot full j * File-j , OreclSo , KJ.OO psr puck'cc , or six pact fcjes for fi.OO. A Idru > 9 - B. blUSOK MKUICIKK CO. Noa. 104 and 106MMn M. Duflilo , N. r. Sold In Omaha by C. I' . Oioi'mos , J. W. Bell , acd nil drngicisttoirrywhcro. DR. CLARKE St. Louie , is still treat ing all rUIVATE , Klilt VoUb , CHHON'IO and Special Dlonfis , Epernia- tor.luca , Impotency ( Stx- pueascrli Irregularities , i , etc. Ecu J 25 cents . . . . Jp y express charged OH a "taliublo worX" entitled ol 'A'omcn , etc. " Wort : on CiiRO.vie Ol KASXH , ono stamp. OTVIctlms nl SoK-alnwe 01 Prlrato Liscike , Bend ? stamps for ' acin Ninmii nnd r-cxiul Ooncultatloii persoimlly or l > v letter , FREE Consu t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS CURED. Otllca In quiet , i rlvate , respectable place. You teu no one hut the doctor. Dr. ilarlre U the only phjelclin Inthacltj who wir raiti euro * nr no [ iiy JlcdkiiiM uent evrr- where , llnnri. 6 A.M. to 8 . H. il&wlyy &y 174V ir * yj fia. . y riu'in - w"i Jl MM * ' ' ' " tff inttl . . . ! 'ti' ut'rtvr'Vi"i' - > Xcr > tiittcio A.H tf't Hop U. ' .hut . ; ) un * ctr ai ' j . - - . ) r ( li { lA | tiuii if ? ou nn 'a i ice or i > li > rU old i > r | HwrAlth ) nrlKiiKulnh ! , > , iiIT vi Hop Ultterfc * ( Vhueni yonori- , v > lHify < r you Ifil n\iul ! > iron > f4 inat jour form ' ! K ) o n fc j * ilirttMj ibat uitKh * hk ? crtltiiiii - * . ' ! , hiT bfupr vvut i without IntoTlsn'fi : ' m Tliufity * , i < i i oUr. H ° ' ? HcpSIttmi I. O U r.u . 'iiclj ( . . , uid l tvurli. lionil. bl eure fjorn < nf r dnnkeinc nt of Vol. will I'D tnt/ftcaot c * UltJlf ) Ulllt orcctlu. Hop Elttrr * holJiinJp.1' IlIT t TlktB. bvUt ( , Circular HUt' ( Urriw. rair . your ' ( f * . It hn Kt'O 10 , JHtnil hilll- xbuif R T & T3IC3VO , OH. The Great Lnglish Ilomody . iNovcr ( alia ta cnio Nervous Debility. VI. tal Kxhaustlon , Linb- , Seminal Weak- HOOD , and all the inilvffeita o { youth ful tolliis and exec- ee. I ) eto ) < 8 pcrma noutlyall viakcnlnir , tin clunUry lout s and ilialiu upon the eja- JJtcmi , the Inevitable ro * * ta „ , , , - tlcud , hlch t.resa doutruetho to mind am ) l.ody and taako life mUenble , often l"'Jliif to Insani ty and dentil. It utrenetliciis thu Nerves. llraln , memorU Ulood , MuecK' , Dlircctlvo and Itepro- iluctUo Orur > ns , H rottorcs t'j all tlu orsuulc tunctlma thcli former \l-or r.nd vitality , ma- Vine Ufa cheerful and eno > u > > le. Price , Wa Hoi tie , cr lour ttmei the quantity (10. Sent by eipreiw. tocuro ( rcm obacrx ttlon , to auy rJJruij , on receipt ol price. Ko. C. 0 , D. oont , except on receipt cl O M a Kturautu ) , IjttUn r > . rue Unt ; anm.rsinist Inclose ittT.p. Dr. Mintle's Dandelion Pills arc tb beet and clioaiust dye [ > cr l and bllllom cure In the mirkci. Gold ty all dru rgUta , Trice to cenU. ' Ds. Mnms's UiuKir HHMIST , Nrjr.rnrarv , Cures I II kind of Kidney and blaridrr comrJalntc. KO urrlips , tloct n-.d l < ujrhc | : , tor talc by all aautglit$1 a buttle. UXOLWK MEDieAU JKSUTUTE. tJSOllm ? ' , it. Louie , Mo. For Silolu CuU'uby d 1 . OOOUMAH. NERVOUS OEBILITY , A Oiirfi Gnxrr.ii toet1 . Bl , K. 0 : Uui : i rvemi Lmm Treitxoct- opcoiilo ( or iiyttttit , I-itiUic. , Cdnvulsloiu , < er\ou < Ilt-kdn I * , l < r.tal luproeulcn , Lome ! lli-acry , Sp. ninkii rha- , Imp tcnfy , laoluatai ) - > Kmlwlous , Prticatiifd 014 Aye , caused b ; ortr- utrtior , alt-tLJSu , or ovor-ludulceces. wUch ( ! to tilwry , deoiy and dtrtb. One box will cute recent cwv * . K 0i box coutilnjouemoath'e Irutment. On dollar a box , or nil boies tcr Bra dollars ; sol bjr mall prcp ! i ! on receipt of tirloVa ( turintaia tlx Loxu to cure any cut. With each order received by n ( or six boxes , ac companied with Ova dollar * , will send tbe pur. cbuer our written tuaiinUs to itituin tbe i moner It tba Inaticent do < r act effect & curt. C. f , Goodman , Druvvlit , Bolo. Wholesale and ( ol ceOrciha , M o , Oia * ( * bj null * ! mil tl dwlr 1 tnridf of Iron , JVrwri i a palatable form. 2 only preparation aftr that \cUlnot llarktn t trrthio thttrattrrlitir ' / . : In raj prwtloo of Brnui In raixliclne , I 6 ro fonml mithlrwlfo KTroTEo mnfu thai i GICNTI.KMKM lne .vof NHTOIM l'rtrtraUnn , Fnnal * IM M.W. IrrPi- Irnpn i tird eondiUon of the blnml , tbl rrrlww rrmwlj hu , In m ; hands , ro d oome wonderful rnron. yanc ; mat n , batllnl some of our most Mnlnont tihrnelans hire ricldnd to this emit Mid hl r mMr. I pr er it In prtifpn-ne * In oj IronivcDaraikm tniuli In fwt. frifh a compound M lln , llAnTKn'n Iium TO'dO l a r ttfvlj In lay ptaeUea. Un. UOIlKltT HAMIMIIJ. lor > Vimh ACT SI'Jf ' JfSilJiiZ'mtmimmi - Jtfjtrrncfilor taTJir Monr/A / i natural healthful tone to \ the ittgestlee organ * Jindl nerrotm t\intem , ma king I it applicable to General / , Lou of , tf > r > e- tltrl > rittratti > n of Vital I'otrcr.i niulJmjtolrncc , , _ _ . _ _ MANUFACTURED BY THE DB.HAUTEK 2IUBICIN11 CO. . 213 N. MAIN ST. , ST , LO'U ' vi I frfi m m Rigw M WRH- 3 i M $ Breooli Loafliug Shot Buns , from go to 518 , Double Brae oh Loading Shot ( to. $18 from to S75 , tale Loading Shot unns , from M to 825 , Hulling Taokle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always nn Imported and Key "West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco aud Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. PERFECTION HEATING1 AND BAKHiG , Li only attninod by usinp ; Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIEE GAUZE OVER BOOHS , Kor unlo bv iVHLT02IQOfiERS& SOHS Jull-mAcly " 'Every Tub Must Stand Upon its Own Bottom. " And Every Wagon Upon its Own Merits. Wo appreciate the nbovo and innko our wagons accordingly , : Respectfully , WINONA WAGON CC PARKER & BO WKIIS Oonisral Ar-cntii. Omnlia , Nob. I WHOLESALM Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { 13080fti U"EC " ' I OBERPELDER & 00 BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING , COMMEHOIAI/ , PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES , Taught by gentlemen of business exp erienco and broad scholarahip at the COLLEGE. A now institution baped on tlio highest Btnndard "of excnllonce. Day and and nveninif seanionH are now in successful oporation. UFo ; > urculIr or i-iwcial iuf orumtltw ai'i'ly to or address - , , _ , A. L. WYMAN , SALE---MILL lAOHiNBUY , EAVIXa changed our mill to Hungarian rol ler fionti' , wu offer part of our old u-a- hlnery for 'e at low vrlcei It cinaltti ol a ul of flntly HoUhcd and tjactU lai'n driving c\el Mhcitli , ( ire , ftcd mor ii ) i inifl'dinficn , bie liiche * pitch , diltlng amain iijiiljht iluft oout Si feet lai ( - and Hep , one nulu mortUo pur wheel 7 Inch ( ice and 1J luih iiltcht opalr fi t and 1 rulr Si Inch burn. rj > ludlc > , [ Inlom riijch/aco 1 } pitch ) , OaciUsh rirl < Ki > curbs , tc. , complete , oua four leel chest , 17 ftet clotti , con\ejor , ouo tuo reel chant , 11 ( e t cloth.4 oove > o two Ontl t hiat he4cr , l No. | Lu ek&smutter , 1 Itorntrd 4 Lcc r ctlriiu' tcpi- ator and etuvaioni , ahafta , wfeeh , pu 1 y , cjn- eyon , etc. Some d t'-e machinery toJi Ucn ed but a ill tie o\er twJjeari , ai.dall u In good onditloo. For further Information addrc4 Council lllufl * . Iowa. THE CITY STEAM T A TTWIYR V JLt > tfL U uL U'JCb ' X makea a Epecialty of Collars & Cuffs , ! AT TUB KATV . , Three _ _ . , . eight oil Work solicited fromyer , wil Tbe charges aud returroi ancl company the package , 1 Mr large clubs or agencies , . - 2Mfm WILK/fti |