I * : THE DAILY BEE--OMAHA WEDJNTSDA7 , SEPTEMBER 27 STATE JOTTINGS. riftlUmtrath had n frost on the 20th. The Alma Herald is enlarged to ft 7 co' ' 4 to. Land vcekcrs wo numerous nt O'Nel City. Th re MO 100 scholar * enrolled In Donn college. The HM1 county fair bcglni on Die It of next month. The ln tiliitc for the bllutl Imvc twentj fire pupils. Unrglim erivc FremoU , n lively fthakltv up on the 20th. The Huffaln Cownty Hefuon i ft IIBI * just fctirled at tilbbon. Work h iimercsilnB rajiiJly on Ihc 51 K. Church ftt Hebron. The MtthfidM church ftt Giblon \ il * eon be ready to occupy. Ml s ] ) nn Senior , of North 1'htto , ha Keno on n Knropwn trip. The CopgregnUonal church at SprloR field viai dedicated Ifist Sunday. II. Sehtllhof and wife , of I'lntUimmtli celebrated ttoclr Mvtt wedding on the iilit A min near Omeron , Hall county killed foiirtccu rftttletnaktR ono ilay 1m week , Tlis Samtrni hniue at Krlcndylllo wft ( Um RoJ by lira on the i3d ! to the itrnoun of (300. W. / . Kaylor'n hotel nt Otil'icrtusn ' wa by lira ou the lllth l < o r , "Bill" Cngney , ono of the railroad boyi nl North J'latto , has returned from n tri ] to Knglnnd. Mlm Nelllo Nance , the gmornnr'i littl ( daughter , ijavo ntcccptlon to her playmate : on the 23d. Hon. I * 11. Flficld left Fairmont on ihc 18th for Baltimore , where ho will npemi the winter , J , C. Hush , nn experienced Kansas nil. tor , hM bought the HIJncy I'lrfliidoftkr- Telegraph. The Shollon Clipper I MU-d ft ihlly rill. lion during tha ljUlUo county fair , nnd It wan a good one , Jo'cnh HonlxaU' , of I'arJfiol' , wnsklcked in the Wast by n luulu on tl > o Itiih nnd ncvortly hijtirnJ. The Tckamali fchnols opened with 218 pupllc , tlianuiiilwr belli. ; Increiieil t ll ! clmlnj ; tbo .wcai. The rctuin of Uev. H. T. PaA to He * . trice K'VCI ' mil faction to Alethuilhtt mil the dlh'.cin K i < urully. It Is reported tlirit ( irond line bnll tnunumeut ulll bu livid in Wccplnj ; Watci in Oct 'ber ' , loatlnjf thieu itiya. 0. Newman , for clx JOIM rnnncctrd with the North I'httnNolmwfci n uuiiuii- nntr , IIIIH julnul tlio St. I'.tul plionu rai h Bang. ( corgi ! McOrmn"lr , n South lleiid h'acktiiiitli , has invented 1111 Itnprovoujcni to ( .tejtm enKined that will doublu tlair working p wcr. Hon. , 1) . If. Whftelerimd uifobnvo ouc > > tnt itnil will vklt Now Yoil < , Baltimore. \Ytitlilnglon and othir c Urn ilt.ie . and nn their lutmn will \ltlt rckitlvor. in Mich' Igan. Igan.An An Oalidii'o phyttdntm nairud Camp. I oil , twcoHln ; : In thu Valley papers , ntoln ahorMOnnd left t'.io conntiJlo } U nai < l to be n lirHt-cUnn iloclur bin. n pour upici- men oi mat hood. i H. ( J. ItusiBcll linn rccoljcd woiil from Iowa thot the uld crmy Imi'O itdden by him in thu verilcr. IIM bcfii Milppid fo > Schuyler. Mr. Kusicll will tnko euro ol hln old ( vnnrnHbthn balaaciof tlioanliiml' . dayn. Sclmylor Ttun. i ThN IH how FrenoiitKot ) there , accord- iDtollio ( Herald of Jio 15th : "lt' n boy ftti : . KUHI'H. Ditto O.lu-r Wardjll'H Ultui nt Chnrllo Pllabivyk Also n uirl 1 , . 1) . KicbixadR' . Also { , ) „ at Mnrjlnll Wheeler' * just west of Wn. T'ds ' will tlo for ono diy. " The Sioux City & rncifilaB , only itbout five mllciof traclt to lay ti icaclr Vakn tine on the north nldo ol vu NIohrnra , whcro the track will rtnt thror , ) , the win ter. "Tho "blR cut" HO oftci\menltowil comprise * part of thcce few niy , , nmj | t will I o well n'on" ' In October wliyti ittt -ail in pll.cd. Fremont Herald. > I'artlon from Otno county , Notv ) mvo just taken 'J.OJO ncrcn of land in tlii'ontl ) . em pnrt of Holt county. In town ' -.Vngo II and 12. They Imvo cotnnie'uecd b u. lag on , nnd linpravlud their claims. Are than forty famillea ho located In t t h i i vjclnlty witliin pUAnteJxjKceHrjiiuuni- rigtoFirr > ottirfronii > edilo ; living on C cho creek , jianncr , OnUfl D. Philllpn , of Hobccca creek , I'mnklln county , cama to his death on thu IGtli in a HluKular manner. About to utnrt n flro before bicnkKat , ho found there were no matched In the homo and ho tried to do it with powder and cotton , HIa wife WUH outside nnd hoard n loud report , On enter ing the found her liiwband weltoilngln blood fr.m n wound in the neck , which Hovered the jugular vein. I'hlllips bled to death. It Is supposed bin Hank uxploded and a piece of It m&do the death wound , PERSONALITIES , Tha prince of Walei la tald to owe $ $ , OCO.OOO. Frcsident Arthur will be fifty yearn old Oct. Mb. Gen. Toombn ii nald In be ripldly fail < Ing from old ne. Kx-Senator IJorwy linn leased ft AVash- Ington house for ouu year. avid DftvU is ld to bomoro "widely' known than any other congrcniman. Woleeley in n ono eyed nun , and wni left for dead In the treuchci at Kalmntopol , Mrs. Miriam OKROOI ! , of Waincr. N. II , celebrated her lOIIil birthday last londay , Sin ) . John Jacob .Antor la cald to K'VC ' away moro money than any woman In the United States. Mr , 1'ortor , of tha tariff commUhlon , ap. licara to have gene out inowluc nud liar vested hiuue'.f ' , Kx.Qupen Inabclla owes $11,000,000 , nnd Bho can chirk a debt with nil the check ol mn American nhyutcr. JulU Ward Howe tavR women do no ! fall Inkneany more. I'trhiju Julm hai keen nlvint ; thu glrU a few polntora. Queen Klltabetb , of llounuuia , hti written a dramu , wliich la lobe pcrlonned after revision , at n Berlin theater. 1'nul Boy ton ays ho haa laved He\enty two pfreonB from ilromnlae , nd tre larir > t reward ever olfsred him won n 9 : watch. Moien Willlimp. who died In Boston i /ewdaya BUO , leavluK foitunu of $0,000 , 000 , began life peddling ndlk in thn ttrcet of , tlnjt city , Mr. Solnmou , of i'otmsylvimla , ha nerved three termi In prU'iti , A I'fiiu lylvunla penitentiary muit bo a kind u Bolomon'n tornple , Senator Wadft Hampton U br gliiK o the bit' litu.a he cauubt in the .lame * rlvc the other day- the largest ever cuught Ii Botetourt wutcre. Mr. Blalne chargea Carl Schurz will "a loose expectoration of epithets , " Mr Blainals evidenti ) * not pleaaed toaeoMr Hchurz In bli cougiiin' . The ereateat cornet plavrr. Levy , inent nrea flfty.blx Inches around the chest , run latatd to have tha Inrgeit lunge of an ; musician iu the world. Tiser Tail , the Hemlnole chief. la dead Mr , Ttll'tj uatenU , in nclcctiug Ida imint ututt h vo 1 eked all through the wood leore ( they made their choice. General Butler'd ( { istory woa Illuttrntoi In nine pyrotechnic ( Il play in Worcester jMaai. , on Saturday eierilug , Tim perao ; who auouteJ , ' 'Give up a unoou ! " wan the with a rocket. The King cf Holland nets wnthr nt b ! cook and walk ) Into the kitchen and chovf him bow to fry iiotatoes and roast meat It would be better for the people if th King would ttay in the kitchen. Wlnnemucca , the 1'lute i > rinr n , aay that "the white IBID ute&U and Hca rnor tiaa the Indian dots , " Winneuiuca rhould remember that Mthongh her piopl ara IinproTlnr ; they cmnot oippct to pof eeas all the attributen of a St.ir Uoute con trcctororcs. Maj , rhlpjw , the I'hiladelphia nlmr house Huperintendent who ctole prctt much everything umnectul with the inntl tutlon over which ho pr < ! ded , Includin thn copper ro if , ha been nrrfl'tefli If any thlnqcan bo rca IreJnntheoIIioai who tnrtd tti OApturo ho will probably ba mliaing It a Cow liaMt. How it Works Ita Way Into the Bed ; nnd How to Oountorftct It. Ono of the great Ecourgea of thi prcsout year in all pirta of Americi hag been malaria. Tina is n troubli nu lr ( xchorous in it nature and ei diinqeroufl in its tconllii an to junll ] cause apprclionsion whcrovr it hni nppoarcd. Hut there are mi tnati ; erroneous idoin upon the imhjoct tlm n fuw unrJn ate In ordur at a timi when people nro tubji'ct to maliirm itifluoncen. iMrtloria , wJtlch mracn Rimp1y bni t\Ir , is the common nnmo of n cl.vn o diaoaocs which nnso from eporcnof do cayiny regulable mutter , thrown ol from stagnant pooln or piles of vcgota lion nndiirgoins ; docotnpoailion. Thuat npnrrs whun itihalod with thu bruatt or Inknn into the sjntcm with wntm noon enter the blood and gcrininntinij llicro find n , foothold , wlicroby thi whole flvc.tuii ) in poioonud and thu vari' oiia ftinctiono disordered. When the germ theory of disuoao wan drat nd' viinced it was supposed llifit thcoc oporto werp of nuitnnl nature , nnd like the bacteria in diphtheria wcro pro > pagntccl in thublootl , buv tlioy nrotioiv coiieeivctl to bo of vegetable origin , like the fungi found on decaying wood or in cellara. The courco ot this atntu of the air is gonurally swnmpa or stag- limit pools , which , partially ( kind by the hot aim , send forth \v.pum loaded with this malarial piiaon. Thoriu vaporj descend to the earth in the ni ht , cooled by the loan of tem perature , and brrathurl by nleopora nnd lentltly iuhnled , lionco persons living near ntufinanl pools or marshes uro lir.b'o ' to bo ulllictcd witli ehilla and fovcr , nnd nuchluc Hticjaro never laialthy , though tli y nro rnoro ao when thu Htroama llnviiif , ' into them ire pure , nnd also ulion the vnter ifl hii'li. Again the drniimqu of houseri , slaughter IIOUIKF , biriri , etc , nro a fiiftilo euuscu of niiilnrir , . Ono will often notice in aouilng into Uu neighborhood - borhood of onu of thuco cluiigiah atruauia thai pits tlirou ; h iilmoatovury village a most villainouii cmoll cnuccd by Uio olfunsivo rnfuau vduch com- mtii.icntc.'i itu bad odor to the ntmonphtrc , especially on hot tlnyn. This nbsorbe'l into the sjatcm by the lungs or tnltun in thron.h water , which also nbsorbn it from thu air , poicona the blood nnd duianie3 thu whole pyotum. This poison i * alw ) do- vulopid in force in wclle nud oprings r/hcn they become low , mid thu reault of drinkint ! thcso ii the nnmo ns breathing tlio poieonoun nir. In a thuo i'f ' drouth the [ ; irnt , qnantity of vegetation tlut dries up in the mend- own , otubblu fieldq nnd pnntun'u , the corn fields nnd forest loiven : pordwccs the same cllluvm. Un the prairies when largo tracta of prniriu ground are turned oycr , the deonyiug vogotn- tion is a widuiproad caxi'ju of malixrin. Tlio ovila wliicli follow malarial poisoning nro almcct it finito. Diu- eaeu of n malignant nnddau crous nt - turo , accompanied by cymptuna thu moat diatrceting nro certain to nmni- feut tlieinsclvon , and lifu in it burden EO long aa this poiaon remains in the syijtuui. Thu indication ! of malarial poiaonini ; are loss oi itppotite , abort- IICBB of breath , pains about thu iK.urt , waating ot health nnd > tri.iitr1"daa- ( ; riifpilniic ' , iiurvr'9 > lCMi eliilly nulisa- lioiie , iinaccountablo luaaitudo , dull pnina in various parlo of the body , [ icad ache , dizzincea , A coated tongue nnd dry mouth , night BwoaUi , mutcu- lar debility , pufling under the eyes , an utiUBUftl color , odor or nodimont about thu lluido pasaod from thu syfiiem , utc. Any ono of the above ajinptoiiiH nmj bu nn indication of nulttriA ] poiooii in the body which ucccr.sitntca iiuiuediate utul c roful attention. But if malarial poison could not find n lodgement in the human body , it would bo juat ns harmless ns thu oxygen of the uir. The great diUiculty is that , after being absorbed into the syatom , it produces obstructions in the stomach nnd lun s , clogs thu circula tion of the blood , affects the kidnuya , liver nnd other orgnnn , and bringa on diseases of n most dixngoroua charnc tor. Tlioro is only one known v.uy by which these disooaco may bo avoided or cured nftur they have oncu made their i.ppourunco , nud that is by keep ing thu grcut purifying organs of the body in porfeuc health. Thaa orgaiu nrn thu Icidnuyn nud liver. No one whoso Itidnrya or liver nro in n per foul condition was over allltoted by mn luri.tl poison. And when thrao or puns nro disordered , they not only permit , but tnvllo , Uii'ot disrates to make their inroads intc thu body. It is now tulmiUed by physioinna , sclontiots nnd thu nmjorkj of the general publio that ono modi cluu , nnd only onu whoto power ha ! boon tested and proven , ban ubsjlutc control of , nnd keep * thu kidneys and liver in constant lioallh , nnd ( tenet prevents malarial eiuknosn. Thit remedy is Warner's Bafu Kidney and Liver Cure , the moat popular medi < cine before the American people , nnd sold by every drug ntt iu the land , It fully counteracts thu civil ell'ect ol malarial poison in the tyateiii , and nol only baniehbs it , but reatorod tin members which that poiaon has V\ oak ened. How well it does this can be learned from thu following KANHAH CITT , Mo , , Juno 20 , 1882 Moving from the aUto of NowYorl to the wuatern country 1 was attacked with malaria and general debility , 1 had lost all appetite nnd was Imrdlj abiu to move about. I had tried i grout many remedies , but nuthim ; bet tured my condition until I bogai luting Warner's Safe Kidney and Livei Guru , which auanied to help mo rlgh nnny , nnd I feel tat well as I over havi in my life. It is A blcssiug to poopli in this malarious country , 0. F. WILUAUS , of Williams & Co. , hardware , 1411) ) Grand Avenue This great remedy lias proven it ; power in innumerable coses , and is ted d y moro extensively mod in malaria districts , whether in cities or in tin country , than any or all other rcmo dies for the euro of the name clasa o dleuaso. No ono can afford to trltli with the first symptoms of malaria but instant care should bo taken t < check U ou tha start before its evil it iluencos overshadow the life. P1HE RIDGE. A Strong Petition for the Ee- tontion of Agent Mo- Oillycnddy , The SUCCCBI of Hia Mantign- ment of Affaire ! at That Pin co. Impoctor Pollock Jnvrfillntinr | n IHKa liana. As already sluted in Tin : UEK , nn alleged Indian Inspector , I'ollock , ii investigating nlTalrs nt 1'ino Ridge agency , principally with the view ot gotlini ; hia own nnmo nnd viowa be fore the world. His dispatches from that plnco consist in the announce ment tint ho is tlioro himself , nnd that the gro.itc'.st intcresta ot modern times are in hia hands , . Menntimc , all the head men and chiefn of the Sioux , except Ked Cloud , h\vo petit ioned the interior department for the retention of Agent Mcfiillicuddy. Ami now corno the cattlu men of Norlhorn Nebraska , representing many millioim of money , and cct forth their views in rpgnrd to the cflieiency of'Agent ' McGdlicuddy in plain words. The condition of nlFiiir.5 nt 1'inu Ilidgo in best cut forth in thn petition itsfjlf , which la hoiewilh given in full , to gether with tbo numco of the ulgnore , wlio nro known to everybody in thir , part of thu country im thu lendint ; and aubatnntul tiiuiiitn' ) men of this pirc of tlm countrx. O.\\ir CLALKB , Neb , September 10 , 1882. Wo , the oi uora hereto , ctoekinnri anil cattle < > v > turn in Kobr.iGka , adja cent to the Uioiix ruicrvAtioti and in thu vicinity i-f Hie Pinu Rtdgu agency , ilesiro to rvpru cnt to yuur aopart- ment i nr viuwn mid apprcdatioii of the mam or in which thu nllairs imvu Loun conduc ed nnd Indiana nunnged ut the ngenoy during thu par.i ; four yu.irti , under hu a'hniuisfration nnd direct miuiugi mcnt of the prtauit ngcnt.V. T. AlcOillycuddy. Prior to four jears ngo , depreda tions by small pirry of ladinua from thit and the o'.licr Jj.oiix r.geroica were conatnnMy bom ; ; made on our stoclc , our men had frtquou ly btcn driven into their rnnchca nnd nn occasional ono killed who durtd to reaont the intrucion on our rangni by Indiana , nnd at Urn o tltu clunker to lifo nnd property seemed great. The orgamv.ttion of u good and ell'ective force < if Indian police by Aj'.ent McCiillycuddy on hia us < > umiiin' chnrgi * , nnd the crtrneftncta with which ho followed up all dt prcdiiti jm > , bringing the offenders to puniahmcnt , Mid : i return of the stolen trtouk to tbo rightful ouncis , lu'.n put u compkto stop tu auch n course , and rendered it tolera ble and aafo to live even in thu irnmi- di.ito vicinity of tnu reservation , and \vn can now safely say that during his adminiatrntion , of the thouaandb of heads of our cattle nnd horaea cu the ranges of Nebraska nnd frequent strays upon the iSioux reseivo n tone ono bend han bjon killed or proft-n Uy Indiana under hia churJ. . On the contrary , hia ji ilioo being eonntnntly on the a'ert for Htr..y stocic among thu Indiana , many homo r.utl mulra tmvo been picked up or tiikv.i from Indiana in whoso possession they have been found , and delivered to the agent foi delivery to their ov/ntrj. \Vo ceo no roonou to bulicvo that Indians nru not Mil Indians , with the AUUIU lawless natuies , and fear the ro- null of n cliango in ugonta , and per- Imps n dill'uruit policy or iunbility to manage alTaiiTi ( an is too frequent ! ? the case ) at thu nbova named ngenc } . In view of the fncts atutedvt > pray your ollicu nnd through you to the honornblo secretary of the interior ) that no change be made , lima insuring to us u manage ment of thu Indiana in this vicinity guaranteeing safety to lifo and prop erty. I ) . Sheedy , W. M.CVter , [ tcr , < F , Kuovctf , Ilunter2\aiN<uu- ) J. A , Ilar'min ' , K , H , I\ewmau , T , S. Dammou , It U. Hunter , T. II Htuart , Dick T. IJooth , W. V. ColllnH , W. JI. UnrlKau , U. F.Lhunuict , W. 11. Collier , P , U , Conley. W. U. Dunkcn , Uli\er Ameahrry , W. .1. Kelly , ( ! eo. Tr.diimH , Jarneiitl. Kelly , A. S. Carahroe , .laiueu MoKalr , Chnrle K. hunt' , HUradfi.n' ' . 1 , . h Stultz , M.M.C'oad.i.trH.lJ , , I ) ICeefc , .lohn Herlrmul , . ' .Miller , William Kent , Itufvii Holland , C. A. Moore , Suth Mntirey , W , 11 Ualior , Ulmrlei ) llrmtou , A 1 of L'ainp Clarke , Nebraska , Livpr diseaaca , headucho , nnd con stipation , caused by b.id digestion , ( luichly ciired by llro\vu'o Iron lilt- tcra. TrnnHforrln Tltloa. The following deeds were filed for record in the county clerk'n ollico to day. I\6portod fur TUB HUB by Dell & Ameu , real vstatu deal era : John Campbell nnd Ii. llaod and wifu to J. lA. . Ulattorloin , w. d , lot 7 , block S , Shinn'a eocond addi tion ; SHOO. Kzrn Millard nnd wifu to D. Hue. hanan , w. d. , lot Hi , block 1 , Millard plwe ; 8800. Ezra Millard and wifu to J. Uiau- mont , w. d. , lot 17 , block 1 , Millard place ; $800. W. W. llarllott und vvifo to A. Robicr , w. d , , lota 1 , 2 , 3 , 20 , block 141 , und lota 2 , 4 , 'J , 11 , 13 , 17 , 10 , block 110 , iu Floionce ; $100. 0. Ii. Kvana and wife to ,1 , 0. Jiron- nan , w. d. , parcel section 3. 14 , 13 : . 0 It , Kelsey nnd wife to Nancy Houok , u , d. , south half lot 15 , Millard - lard ctOaldwoirBuddili.n ; $2. M. Olson to Frant Dumko nnd wife , lot 12 , block C , Hoggs & Ilill'i , addition ; $1,200. Free of Charge. All perse niBuirerius : frxuu CnuRhitC'oldi Astbuia , Bronchitis , IAHW of Voice , oruny alfection of the Throat and Lung * , are re- ( ( ue ted to call at 0. K. Qoodmau' * drug afore and get ft Trial Bottle of Dr. King1 * New Discovery for Consumption , free of charge , which will convince them of IU [ wonderful merits and Dhow what a regular olUr.alia botUn wiU do. Call ewly. That's a common expres sion and has .1vorld of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is , that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. Slay be caused by kidney disease , liver com plaint , consumption , cold , rhcumatismdy5pcpsiaovcr- work , nervous debility , &c. Whatever the cause , don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases PS BROWN'S Ir.o : ; BITTIIKS , and it docs this by commencing at the foundation , and mak ing the blood pure and lich. rt , IrJ. Dec. t , itCo. 1'or a Ions l"'c ' ' 'a ' > c I'C'n a. luffircr from itomacli anil kidney di ea c. ? .lyrppetite vas vcrynoor rnd \ef'Mnn1t aincunt ) did crt disagreed \vilh inc. 1 w. i inoycd very much fi < m ronri.vil.cn of urine. 1 tried in.iny rti i-ut3M : kline no success , until J ussd ll.nwn's Iron Hitters. Si'ice I iistil tlut my tomnch claes net botlicr me any. My oi'pelitoiislririly immense. My Iciuncy troiills ii na mare , an 1 rny cneral health U such , thit 1 fret like anew man. After thfi i < e of llrown's Iron Iitenforo"c ! ! month , twenty pninJ In O. 11. S.\iu.u.r. Leading physiciair and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IKON Brr- TKRS. It has cured others suffering as you arc , and it will cure you. _ . The AironlGH or DIlllous Uo 1C , the In- lis rlbtli o ftn/dii Chr-.ili n lt'uitlo i , ili.t ! ( 1 1 t ) and IIRIIIUI < tuor | r Mitm ! ( rent i i-t \c ubl ) , inny I i icrtalaly a\uiKil by r 'KuUtirir' liuHy tttn Hlth thAt agro > alih itni nfr hnu' iUndanl I'rr | arr.tlou , mrrai t's M. I 1'UO'ot ItAllbK AT ALI.LUI THE CITIr STEAflT . ' ' 'y' * * ? * "W * * "y" La. U l'-i ? jfl& njaV'w J ( .esUUy of Ooliars & Cuffs , AT THE 1UTB Of Ihree Gents Each. \Vi > U. noMi'llc'tlryiull o\er the country. Clio cliutoi | and ro'luu p > 'htaeu ninut ac. .ompany the packing. ' Siojial [ ratcB to nrge clnbn or itgcncled. jJUf mo WirjKtNS .t H _ POBSALB-MIILlilCfllHERY , ! cliangt.l ottr mill to Hungarian rol ler i > rout' , wa offer part ot curoM inv : lilutrylor nt o ut b'.v | > rlcou U O'libUln ot a r.i , pt llncly 11 hhd and Mnccd. jaf.'n Urti'Inc o\tl whcih , ( Ire i null mor In)1'0 ' 1 ilitaMc" . .luce Inches pilch , dil.lru a intin ui'Igtti > lnt .nont 35 loot lo > inn < l > t'I > . onu nmln ranrtloo i ) < ur uhem 7 Inch ( acunnd I ] Inch \il'rli \ twoiialr I Ucl and 1 j lr Z- Inch Lurra , ii'lnilltB , ) tnlona 71nchf&co 1 } plK.li ) , liadlttn' ) eprl' if , ctirlm , ; tc. , romp tin , one ( cur ircl chest , 17 Ictt i loth , r convcjont , uuo two nol chest , 14 ( cut cloth , 4 ratnejoro t o flratUtHhoat hu tenl No.VKu ] : oha uaiuttor , 1 ltrn > rd fc LCM r c-h lnKncpi - ralor and ilm.iloni , dhult" , nhoela , pullcyo , can- rvjon , etc. borne of the machinery baa boon iwd Imt Allltlo over I * lyoAra , tnlull Ii In Kocd : uudltlon. For ( urthtr Information addrcm J,0. UOFKMAVKACO. , Council DlutTn , Iowa. vat IB-vrtl _ LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Ihrco courses ; 0ioi to both AUADK CUralctl and KnKlU OUw .bo l > o < t ol train. nc lie fullrKo or bun n l''I5UHY IlALiL-heuilnary lor Young Ladlm. Urimirian.i | > d In bointy and lual htul ICM ol Bltiutlon , end In extent of ndianta ce irtcrnl nnd thoronghnoyi o ( trn'DllifhUun. On Liku Mlcliuin. Ycir bcilue Scntcrahcr 13. lbF2 Appl o PKE8T. OBaaoUY , IjBlro Foreat , 111 jl'J.i < r.'m HEAT YOUll HOUSES H FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADE 1IY RIOHABDSON.BOYNTON & 00 CIIICA'GO , : Embody now1882 lraprnemcnt . Mor. prnotlonl ( urut ; Cost loks ' ° ' " 'I1 ln iiniur ; Udolonn fuolt " ' K > tu moro l""t and a largtr volume ol l pure air t"in turn&ca midu. Rolil lj riUIlCKV t EllADFOnr > , Omim , Ke tt > . Anuu- liillnir euro ( or Seminal We knce , c" JfTEB TAIIRO , S lt-Almi < i. iu Laat ol Mo-ory , LVivi rril Luf i tude , I' ! T In the B b , Uliiinrin of V' ' ' n , ftt mature Old Age , nil ntny othoi D'-XMM th l lead to Inun'.ty or Cooiuupllon and a Pr a- ture Oratr. * 3"Full partlcnlar * In cur ramohltt , which v doitro to isnd ( rco Ivinitl to fivuryone , fLTIhe 8p ctO cilodlloo U tcld by all dnvgtit" at $1 fvt i cka ; e , or 6 pickvyia ( or Cfi , or will U Mni Irui bj wall on rco-lpfol tha money , D ] IUK01UY lEP'OINEOO. . Bo3 b , N. T. Kim * ted Jin J. O. Itol.crton , Pltlt.wrp. Pa. , write- " KM fuHerinz from general dibllltv , nt or r pttltc , conni | > tlin , tic. , o that IKo sn bui den ; dftor uelnff Tlnrdock UlooJ Kilters I fell * tcr thvi ( nr jcAit. I cAnngt pralso jour IJIttor tooranrh , " It.OUiM. ol BuMo , N. Y. , wrltw : "Vou Burdock ! ! ! < * Ilitttm , In chronic di Meso ! th blood , lit IT M'J kidney , h.-nn been elgnall marknd with diirVwi. HIP i < l them tnjn-si with liwtresulte , for torrid. M i Ithelhcr , nnd Ii cnAoof nfrlcnd nl tnliio nutTirlng fromdrottj the i Sect n&s rair\clouo " I'ruco Turner , nochostcr , N. Y.inltfs : 'I h'xv been piibjcct to serious disorder ol ( So kl.lnc.i5 nnd un ililo to attend to luslncfl ; llurdoik liloci Illttcn ! nllosol mo In fern hilf a boltloaa UICL feel lonndcnt thit thov will entirely cure me. " jcnlth I1V.1 , Blnghdrnpton , N. Y. , write- "I iiifltrsd nlth a dull pain thrsiivh my if lain and shoulder. Ix > tt tny pplrltn , Appctiti anctculor , and could nlth illtllcnlty Keep up al dav. look jour Burdock lllf oj ItittcrH ni JI rccttd , nntl ha\o ( olt no piln fitro hrtt week ftt " Mr. Noah Batofi , Klrolrn , N. Y. , writes : "Abcu four yciux rgo I hid r.nntlAck of l/illous ( ovcrni t\a\ti \ fulljrecovered. . Jly illic < ti\o criraii : Morn wfuktriLt ! , and I would liccoinplcUly j.rcs ( rated f ( r ilxye. After mini ; t" ° bottle * ) of you : BtirJotk ninotl Dltt ni the ! inprnicnicnt waa w \l.lhnthnr . ] \\iwa9tonUhed. . I can now , thoui ; ! Gl yoire nf 3 0 , do fair and tttiiinabla day'i uovk , C. niukel IHiltiMii , proprlf tor of Tlio C-uiadi PrcsbjterlAn , 'loronto , Ont. , wiittn : "Foritin I suf'trol I/really from oft-rrcurrlnjr headnclic. . ' used J our llutiloclt Illooil lilttcra with Inpplcv riMultn , and I no-v f.inl tuifclf In better lualtl than lor j ( lira patt. " lira. Walbte , UiiiTalo , N. Y , wrlt : ' ! hn\ ( nieJ llurdock Uloo I Hitters for ncr\t.ui and bll lo.ui cA-l-vJue , and cin recotrncr.d It tDtnyor.i rcrfj | tcuro far bllllousnc" ' . ' Jhu. Ira Iillnolivi'Ibny , N . Y , writes "Fonmcral y..iri I hate r.ileml trcin rft itcjr rlni ; l/illloui hi'idjthes , dyspepsia , ant com ulalntB peculiar to nij BOX. Since urhirf yotu llurdork bleed Bitters I n > entirely rcllcxco. " Price. 01.00 not Bottls ; Trla Dsitlaj 10 CU . xr. "jc- S .J ut HhclO'-Mo by Ir-'i , > c MuMal'&n and C. P iSO'w'iiiML Io57ind.fl' , _ To Nervous f HU { .XC-AT timOPL'AM RE OtJ. . V , Simreon'i3 8pcsciiic V/wtrtuu , iiiit.iOUt-.r.i , ti d ti' ' moyfcOi dttn b'eil'Ahn , M UcntinxUtr ! , " - - ' Ut.wItacVcrDMr , t.ti . . . * eti' > ri itaat land t : i < < tb [ Casroropilor . . - > , > / rx1 , " . /6.S f ? & 'Uu' ' 'I ' i7"ff" > So til. vw.s frt7.va ssil rjci fall"r' PltBl > jtM.V , yi er pjt rcVie ; , cr six pick- IJ.-M lc > ! r'.ux A iiluv sit otdi-rj to i : . siM.-ov uKiuciNi' co. Sll. 101 and 105 WKJO ni. rjofl.i'0. X. IT. 3oM In Omaha J.y 0. IT. Oa3.tnu.ji , J. V. Bell , mil at ! tlr -aryRlicio. . I .dfei. DR. CLARKE 811 : Bt St. Louis , in lll ! treat Injf ftll IMtlVATK. KIM- vutw. aiiuoKia mil ll cIal DIseMcu , Spcrniv trrihiD' * . Imiottiii.v ( Sm. unl IncA ; < ttlt ) ) , Kcnmlc D.n-.iBn , IrrriuHrltlfB , Dltfkultlo , etc. t V Lcillu.eenJ 25 cent' ( In Blimps ) 11 p'ycxprtn- cliarco ] on aalu Mt \.ork" entitled " 01 * ot Wou'cti , etc. " in RiiP.nMO Di KABKS , ono lf.nii. | t3T\ > f SUf-ilmno ni Privnto DUtasc , Bond 2 ulnmpr or CKUar.Arru tVoKKKon trvoui ) nnil t-oxui ] " l-v-ascs. Oonniltntloii ] criK > iially or bv letter , "HKB Consu t the oH Doctor. THOUSANDIi : LHKL ) . OHlce In igulct. irhato , regpictnblc iLicH. Yon fee no one fill * , the doctor. Dr. l.irlie 14 the only phjolobn In tlio city who wit itnti car" ' ! or no puy JUcdlcliiLS tent e\cr- thrrn. Ilonri. 8 A M. to K rl. . ilAwlyv , . , I I I t'lr H.uill .11 W/ t'I ' W. ! . - T"1 nm11 ' ' . tu r-a . i > ii-iti i " ' VY intiUiti a it > lkv VJ ' . ' " ' " "t < * ' Hop Bitttro if - Ht'P 0. FJUl' ' . ' .V JrwU.i' > 3tiui , If * inw : k i f. 1 1 t\'if ) > 3.-UUI.I.- . . rti. - - . . 't T O'l .o-r " * O'ler icv ixly r er * . r. . l nlnuivcr j on ret trjiUly f r o iu * * inat ji ur rjtUm form up If i u i . .i isil 'i > n'ii" < .tou- dlct&9 * rhat n , Mr nr tlniuintln : , without tnttaitattlij siiUti Hop > r frvt t rvt nn ci n mint , iliM-siu of t.t" ronar/i , luirfi Hood , liicrurn/iix ? ' you * lil Co iin t hop UltWt Jf/ou/'eijlm I u w * ak unit ' , . il.tr/ .M It in a y f t v your pitIt nn invO' < hun- a i ml r. , ytx The Qror.t Lnglish Eemody Kover falls t < cuio .finouiUeblllty , Vi tal Kshaurtlon , tja\s- \ ilot.8 , ( lemlnul Wcik- iVfiob'Srand "aifTrw l vllcllocta ol youd- Jjlul lollies and vxics- [ iic , It etopa porma nnently Ml ucakenln , vim oluntnry losaiB and ijJraliiB upon thn cje- thf InovlUlile re- * < rlt yt > i j MTLVjStcm , . , r , llln > ralT . | BUJ Oj Jk060 eyre. . .Icesshich are BO destructive to m'ud ' aud ixxiy : ml inakg IIlo ml'eriblc , often U'.JIr.i ; to lucanl- : y aud death It trcnithonii ; thj mcn.Urulu , ; ir.emor > ( HUo.1 , tlutclrs , Dliroithc MidUupro- luctho Or-priD , It restored to nil the crxjiilc lunctli-no tfaolr former > Uor nd vitality , uiv tiny lllo cheerful nr.J cnjojnble. I'rlce.fSa 'Kitilo ' , or tour tlrucn the qu .ulty f 10 , Sent by axprcea. liocure froai ol > crir.tlon. to any addresa. en receipt of price. No. 0. O. U , tent , encpl on recelf't ol # 1 aa a Lniar&utto. Letters rt- ; uujtlr g anav , cr J luuet inclosa etauip , Dr. Miutie's Dondohou Pills tre U > bent and cheapoit Jjsi'tT'U aud bltlloiu rare In thonuifcrt. SoU by nil dtufsl t , l'rl S3 cuutn , Da Uiims'n KiiiHir Kuior , NUBRIOUH , Cures 11 kind of KUnej nJ blndJcr comiilatuto , ROuorrl , sleet and KucorrUca. For u ie v ! u B , > p its : f f. bpttla KNut.ibll ilWJJt'Al INSTITUTE , 71S011mtt , lit LouU , X For E&la > u Oujta b ) ( J. F. GOODMAN _ _ NERVOUS DEBILITY , Ouora JiirT. . _ . . V\ Care / Er f. 0. W" . laS ; n .nJ Uiitiu i . ' . tp - i If lor iJjbtcrb , DU/luevi , Coum1slci.i ti'noud IlciJ. r , Mcaul Ucprc&lo'j , Iyjj.it. Merer jiporu ai , ( thixclbiuoteny , InvoluuUr ; ciu e , I'rciwtiirx Old Axe , caujod by otcr ' uxrrtloo , tull ui.w , or oicr-baul ' < 'ncs. wL Isids to misery , Uecy aod death. One > xix wil " euro rocool crjcfl. Each tot conUltuoaemo'th" tmtnicnt. One dolhxr * box , or ilibciutti five ( .oilart ; Kill by to&ll prepaid on receipt o erica. We ( rturuitoe fix boici to euro any can with Mdi order recelred by ni far elx boxct , a : coo-iutnled with die dolUn , will mud tha pur ciuacr otur vrltUo eauantM to return U taotu J U th tteatmenl dceo cot eScct a cnrv. 0 , f. Ooodman , Dnurlit , Bolt , > Yholettli m irol ceOmaha , K D. Ora > rt by nitU a nail tl dfcwlr Xlio Oldest Tfho'esalo ; u' detail JBV7ELSY JJOUSXJ in Onici-ha , Visitors can here find aJl iioTolti3s in. SIL VER V/AEW. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylis.u .i'ovAs.'rj ' , Oho Latest , Most. Artistic , and Choicest SslocUoua Pi'JBOIOUS STONES HU' , all descriptions of i'&W. WATCHES at as Low Prices - ! ces as is compatible "with hoaorablo dealwn. Cr.lJ a.nd see our JiicjanfciTew ! Store , Terror B.vlldmg , corner lltli and Farahaao Streetn THE HI fin US . HUU IJtli'R TTK37I i Genei'al Agents ior the 'Finest ' and Best. Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are aa Low au any Eastern Manufacturer ane'i Dealer. Pianos and Organs aojd foi cash or inytailmonta at . A OPLF.KBIB ntock of Bteinway Ghickering , Knabc"ofto & Son's 2'i anoa , and oilier makes. Also Olough & Warren , Sterling , imperial , Smifcli American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO , MANUFAGTUBER8 OF SHOW OASESS A Largo Stock always on Hand. T * < liyMisb - , PERFEOTIOM HEAKHe AND ij fyzA is oi'ly \ nttained by n3tnp SJiL . Pill A BITR flftfc sr * s ? s y1ftKaCli SMI l ' 'Every Tub Must Stand Upon its Own Bottom. " And Every Wagon Upon its Own Merits. Wo appreciate thu above nnd mnko our wagonu accordingly. ; np8poctfullr , WJNONA WAGON CO PA11KEH& BOWERS rionrri' Ac-nta Om r1 , Nob. Zephyrs , Germanlown , Etc , STOCK L ItaSIi TflLANEVZJS. { ' * st & CO. BOOK-KE15PING. T.UriiNKSS FOIOIS , BANKING , COMMRROIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP. POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMA1EUOIAL AUIl'flMETIO , ENGLISH LANGUAGES , Taught by guutlemouof buatnesa experience and broad Bcholarahip at the WYMAI . . otaudard of oxoollotico. nnd A ow inaUtutiuu b.-.sod na the highest Day aiid pruning sciaioua ure nuw in BUccuoHful operation , r Kpocii ! tuformultun apply to or ad drew A. L. WYMAN. A. M. OLARK , Painter&PaperHaiiger SIGN WRITER &DEOOEATOB. WHOLESALE & RETAIL PAPER ! Window Shades' ' and Ourtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brasses. 107 South | 14th Street OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA , I