THE OMAHA BEE TWELFTH YEAR , OMAHA NEB. WBDN SDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 5 7 IBS' * 80 THE TOILING THOUSANDS A Representative Gathering o Farmers at Hastings , 'Tho Old Officers of the Alii nnoo Receive n Secoid Term. The and Ro- ® oaventiono inblo To-Day. cV RopttWtcnii Cfintrnl CorajuU- too of Now York 1'rottst Proxies , Severn ! Strons Polntrt on Prohi bition. l Bitpatch to Tin nil I. EASTINGS , Nob. , September 20. The nnnual convention of Nebraska atato Farmer's alliance was hold to day. Delegates wcro present from thirty-six counMca. Thu ollicora elect ed for next year are : President , 11 Jl Reynolds of Hamilton ciunty ; vice president ! | \V. A. Towno , of Thayer county , J. Graves , of Oteo county , 0. D. Liyton , of Douglas county , J. Scadda , of IMatto county , Thos. II. I Mills , of Kearney county , John Patty , of Wheeler county ; treasurer , 0. 11 Gale , of Gagu county. J. Burrows was ro-elected secretary by acclama tion. Executive committee , H.C. Bigo- low , of Thnyer county , Thoa. of Otoo county , J. L. Arnold , of Fillmore - more county , and A. II. Vancp , of So/vnrd county. Housing Anti-monopoly resolutions were adopted. The btatj orgAni ing committee was reorganized , with J. Burrows clnirmau. The next annual convention will ba held at Grand Inland. The state AntiMonopoly convention meets here to-morrow. A largo number of delegates uro on hand to-uight to attend the republi can o > ngruenioiiil convention ot the second district. It looks now a.i if would have \valk-awjy Proxies a ail Prohibition. l Uupatch to lull ! ) > . NEW YoitK , September 2 < ! The followins ; resolution will bu considered nt thu next meeting of thu republican state central committee : Ittsolnd , That in future meetings of this committee no person , oxcjpt mum- bora duly olectud at the state conven tion , bo authorized to vote , and that no poroono shall bo ponii'Uod to ap pear by proxy. General Sharpe offered the follow ing , which was adopted : 'Retolvcd , That the state committee ' lu * ustt iou < the Attempt 'bjkpiijimw& * t * * * * > tempt made &t Sara'oga to intluonco the decision of the late committee by the use of a forged telegram and its detestation of all methods and pur poses which such n wretched fraud and trickery implied , nnd tilts com mittee tenders its cordial co-operation to any authority or persons investi gating the crime , to the end that its authors mi\y bu speedily ascertained \ and held up to the ecorn of the people. The managers of the National tem perance society resolved : "Wo hear with great satisfaction of the wide spread and rapidly increasing popular sympathy with constitutional prohi bition of the manufacture nnd oalu of all alcoholic baveragcs , as already tri umphantly adopted by Kansas and Iowa , " nnd "call earnestly upon the electors of the Stale of New York to select and volp for such candidates only , irrespective of party , aa will favor nnd vote for the submission of a prohibitory constitutional 'miondmcnt to the dooplo of this state. " Skinnor's Reward. Sped&l Dispatch to liu BSE. WATEKTOW.V , N. Y. , September 2li. Congressman Skinner WM renym- inated. _ _ _ _ _ YhoRuih tu Rnglhtor. Specbl Lhbi'itch to Tun Us . Ntw YOHK , September 20. This was the Oral d.iy of registration m Brooklyn for the fall election. The number of citizens enrolled waa 2rt- 28G , against 18,087 last year , and 43- C84 in 1880 , the pruaiduntial yeir. Stroiiu Points ou Prohibition. SfKcUl DI | Kitch to Tin U i. MILWAOKKE , September 20. The National German Roman Catholic Central fiociety , in to-day' * session , disposed of a large amount of routine ) business of an important character , which took up the largest part of thu tiinn. A resolution referring to pro hibition will be reported upon tomorrow row as follows ; "Whereas , the agitation for prohibi tion haa reached nearly every section of the union , therefore we , delegates of the German Catholic benevolent societies of America resolve that wo believe in being tomperatu in all thingti , drinking included , and practice and recommend the same course ; that we consider cr- roneons and unwisu the con demnation and prohibit ! < n of gifti which Providence has bestowed , such as winu and other beverages secured from traits and grain ; that wo consider the present p < A ibition agitation us a mental epiii. > o lucking logical , moral and cducntu..ul ( .r.nciploc ; that wu es estally protest against the prohibit ory dcchirution that the pour houses and jaiU throughout the country are fillud through the etrcctsof thu liconsa ystein. Maine is a prohibition state and has no fewer bcggnrs , insant nnd criminals than any other etatu. The real cause of a good deal of these troubles in due to the fact that thu great poitluu of the American joutl is ruarcd without proper moral in fluonccs ; Hist we refer the America pcoplo with pride to our Uerma Citholic elementary rcnoola in whic not only reading , writing , and arith niolic are Uuvht , but the main prin cip'os ' of honest notions , sci that th children become nware of the object of life , nnd to bo obedient to the rot sonablo government of their parents that wo are of the opinion that the a'tackd of prohibitionists upon per sonal liberty endanger the stability of our American institutions ; whoever wislio\to support the latter should op- pu prohibition. Ditring the Hireling word was re ceived from the Pope thanking the society for the donation sent him , nnc lonforring papal blessings upon thu laborers of the central society. Forced Prnxloii tpcUI Dlupuktw to Till 111. Nnw YOIIK , September 20. It has icon discovered that another forced irozto waa used nt the Saratoga convention vontion by the stalwarts. .Agntntt < t Monopoly. nUh to Tun linn. CHICAGO , September 20 Speaking of the San Frnnciecn Chronicle's op- msition to P.uil Newman , the Chicago cage Times says : "As the Pacific oads nnd Sprocklua have combined in uch n manner na to compel the poo- lei of the Pacific slope to pay ad- litiounl two or three conto for every lonnd of sugar they consume , Thu ) hronlcles opposition to the candidate lominatod in the interest of these nonopolies will certainly bo warmly mcked by the voters who are no't iwiicd by his coa bination. " THEENQLIHH XM EQYP1' . | < rclol 1 > fpatcho to Tun Hun. THK KHKDIVE'S nrusrnoN. CAIUO , September 20. A grand ro- : eplion was hold at the palace to-duy > y the khedivc. Nearly a thousand uproeentativea of ditfuront village.- ) vore present. The khedive refused o receive many implicated pashas \ud beyif , who camu to prolcsi their ovalty , and warned the ulemas nnd other high pareonngt-sthat they would > u saverely punished if thuy rulnpaed nto'dialojalty. The principal lirit- ah ollicorH and their utnil'j were pros- nt. Wolsoloy , liowover , was indis- > oscd and unablu to attund. The loremony of vtho prosontntion to the eneral of thaSecoration by the kho- ivo did not take place. VJIIE K1IEDIVK AT CAI1IO. O.uud , September 20. The khedive eat 01 day evening drove for un hour lirnugh the illuit.iuatod streets , and wus well received. The khcdivu will ) p tow upon WolBOii'y the graud cor- ou of the Order ot OrjianH. BJLKKH I'ASIIA'S I'LAN. CoKSTANTiNoi'LE , Septonibur 20 taker Pusha , who is cntruitud with : io task of reorganizing the Egyptian rmy , intends propoamt ; to thu khu- ivu that ho employ all Eiigli h olli- era nerving in the Turkish gen 'arnica. CAIRO CKUMBB. CAIRO , September. 12. By a col- isiou on the railway between Neihcho nd Alahsameh to-day ton natirea were killed. Gon' > r .l Wolaoloy is nuffdrlng from old and iliurrhoa. OBliMAHY AXI ) KNOLAND. BEHLIN , Saptember 20. It is cor- nin the action of Germany will beery ery favorable to England in the ottlement of the Egyptian question. QENERAI , FOREIGK NEWS poclal Dispatches to Tnr. lir.x. SALVATION NOT FREi : . CALCUTTA , September 20. Three niombera of the Salvation nrmy who econtly arrived here have been nr- ested in order to prevent a riot which was imminent. TUKABUllY HPEOIK ABUOAD. EEHLIN , September 20. The stato- nont of the Imperial bink of Germany hews an incrooso in specie of 7,520- 100 marks. THE NBWMAHKKT HACKS , LONDON , September 20. The fourth ; roat foal stakoa at Norrmarkot was von by Dutch Oven. Shrowebury nud ollio ran n dead heat for the fecond ilaco. There were seven starters in- iluding Gerald. GETKWAYO AT IIOMK. CAPRTOWN , September 20 , Goto- wayo arrived. 8MU.L VOX KI'IUKHIO , ( JAi'KrovtK , September 20 Small > oi are raging worse than over ; 2,000 iaees thus far , mostly natives , GOO of them fatal , The disease has reached the military , Capetown is declared infected , und all vessels tail- ng thence for other ports in the colony will boiiuaraiitiiail. The greatest ox- citcmunt prevails In the diamond iulds. Illegal meauurca have been uken to uxcludo persons arriving hero sucpectod of having infection , The streets of Oipotown have n do- ortjd appearance .ind business is nuf- oring greatly. A MEXICAN AMII.NDUKNT , CITY OK MEXICO , Suptember 20 , Die constitutional amendment juit adopted decides that in event of the death or removal of the president , hit. successor shall bo the senator who ) resided over the senate during the nonth preceding the vacancy. When .ho senate is not in session , the presi dent of the permanent committee- - .ornately senator or deputy , is to BUO coed Elections shall bo held imme diately , Hitherto the chief justice ios beau ex-uflicio vice president , A rifllir WITH JIHIOANDB. TCNH , September 20. Near Kiir- wan a band of marauders _ attacked party of horsemen belonging to the French topographical expedition. The French commander was killed and uuveii of his men diiablod , The brigands lost thirty killed and fifty wounded. _ _ _ _ _ The President. Spoclal DUp&tcb to Till II ii NEW YOKK , September 20. Presi dent Arthur expect * to go fishing to morrow. Gdnoral Grant , Paul Biro- bach of Alabama , Secretary Folgor , and Clayton McMichael of Pennsylva nia were among the callers to-day. JAY-HAVKIBB JOURNALISM. An Explnuntiou of Jay Gould't Dtjnllugn wi h New York Papers. The "World" olofn r OrimTi with Juy nt the Crank. 8pf l l Dmwtch to Tim Ilia. NKW YORK , September 27. 1'roin ; o-dny'a WorldBy tray of ntcor- : nining what basis , if any , tlioro nmy ) o for certain tales whisH have bren sot forth of Into with tremendous rub- a dub iu two or tliroo local newspapers , reporter of The World yesterday bund Mr. flould in his ofttco , nnd in- orviowed him on the object of his nllogrd attempts to buy up thu Asso ciated Press. "Mr. Gould , " said the reporter , "it s atntcd in Bundry quarters that you invo boon trying to purchase The ! few York Journal of Commerce. Javo you any objection to say whether this ia so or not ? " "It is ridiculous" said Oould ; "tho nly grain of truth in the story is hat a gentleman cloaoly connected fith The Journitl of Conuncrco , in act ono of the ociitoro , sought an in- reduction to nui nt n private hoiioo , where wo both happened to bo , nnd tatcd Hint liu was thinking of nuking p n syndicate to purclmsu The Jour- lal of Ct.nitnorco , nnd wanted to mow if I would go into the opora- ion. " "How did you receive thu proposi- ion ? ' "I naturally nkod the nditor 1o let 10 have a copy of the trial balnncu of 10 con corn that 1 might sco what its rmucial position was. The bal- nco was never nont to 1110. Thin IB 10 whole story of my nttumpt to pur- 11130 The Journxl of Conimerco and lia ia as near aa I over came , or am kely to come , of being owner ot thut nut Journal , " "Is there any more truth , Mr. roiild , in thu story which seems to bo ving about in a lively manner , that tuu c ilk don Mr. Jouca , of ThoTimes , nd offered him in vain a million and half dollars for fifty-one shares ? " "There is , if possible , rather loss roth in tliut legend. I have had no niuicial dealing of uny kind with Mr. ones 'if The Times. " ilnilrnntl XVroolc. Hjclal Dlnpatih to Inn linn. Nsw YOIIK , September 20 , A way rain on thu Pennsylvania railttmt , whinh loft Newark for Jersey City at l-15 : last night , waa run into nt the utvo just below Ksst NoVrarlcetntion > y a Lohigh valiuy tr&in duo at the amo time. The way tram . a com- iletely wrecked , and the passe , "ors uid great difficulty in getting out 'of ho cars. Sumo of them arc seriously ijured. The Luhigh valley train as also wrecked , but none of its pas- angora injured , David DnvU' Iiuon. pedal Dhpalch to Till Dim. HASEIUK , N 0. , September 2ti. L special announces positively that Xivid D.ivio is to bo married to Miss Liinio Barr on Noven.bor 5th. Miss ) atr ic a charming and ctlltivnt foman of thirty years and nn heiress n her own right. CHICAGO , September 20. Hon. DA- id Davis , vice president of thu Jnited States , was givun a private re- option to-night at thu residence of F. L. Chandler , in this city. About UOO ooiuty people were present. Flood null Favor. ( icclal dispatch to THK UKK : BuoWMhviLLK , Tex. , Saptombor 20. Wutor is disappearing from the treots. Five now cases of yellow ever to-day ; ono death , NEW OHLKA.NS , Soptomber2G. The 'icayuno'a Pensacola special reports ixty now caeo.i and two deaths. The ncreaae of sick is so great and the moans of affording relief so inadequate hat the board of health called a moot- ng for to-morrow of physicians , with view of systematizing methods for iabursing means nnd affording relief o nil thu needy. GALVKSTON , Soptombjr 20. The Iowa C ! ilvos ton special reports a uroat , eal of yellow fever at Mier and Hey loaa. One hundred cases and two or hroo deaths ] n day at Heynosa ; nt Mier four to ton daily. Fniluro pccUl DIp tch to 1 in lias. ATCIIISO.V , September 20 , The Vestern Hardware Co , 'a establish- mcnt olosod tliisinorninu' . The linbil- ties are oatiraated at $250,000. Thu iSBotn consist of thu largo stock of lordwaro nn hand , but thu value cwi- ot bo told at present. A Bar neil Town. . pccltl Dispatch CO Till Hi * . PATTONRiiUKa , Mo. , September 2G Most of the business portion of this own was burned to-night between :30 : nnd 12 o'clock. Loss not yet cnown. An exploding lamp U sup- losod * n ' > ( the CBUIO , in n Dark Room. pocial c . , , aUh toTui llti. DALLAH , Tex. . Soptetnbnr 20. Fif een years ago G.iorgo Ilollunbock nnd Villiam Strntton quarrelled In Pal- nijrn , N. Y. Yesterday they met lear Oarrizo I'ass , went into a dark- nod room and fought a duel. Strat- on fired four times. Hollenbock ired killing Stratton instantly. A Htnga Roblicr Caged. IUR n . ST Ijouis , September 20 , Cant. J. W. Lues , chief detective of Han Fran cuco , and Oliarlt-s Aulla , detective of Wells Fargo 01 press , arrived hero to irocuro John C. Patterson , alias rCohoo , now in jail for burglary , who s charged with robbing a st&gu coach letwuon Morris Flat and Nevada City , September let , 1870 , and being ac cessory to the murder of William J. DCb , > k banker of the former place.Th _ y Th Q irilolcl Monument Fair. SpMltl lip tcb ta Tui Ui . WiTiusoTow , September 28. The board of direction of the OnrOeld Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are lnv ted to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned and Occupied' by 9 AVHOLESALE Notions and Furnishing Goods , - AT- ST. CTOSIEJIPIB : , 7lio Brightest Lighted , Host Appnintod .Irtbbin ? House ill Attcrica , contnlninir th nrcest Stock of Dry ( } uods nnd Notions wuat P the Misaisaippl , Solo mamifncturort of the celebrated ' . CYCLONE ULSTERS , LIKED SUITS AND CHEW SHIRTS , In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in * he Market and at an * jjrj Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be fore .buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any .merchant any where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write for samples. The most careful attention given * to orders , and satisfac tion guaranteed , Remember R. L. McDONALP & CO. , St. Joseph , Mo , . iiiouuuiontul fair ordorsapplicAtioiiH fern n > ! oo either for lomc'l ur diu. tocl ox- Itibits must , bo marlo ou or bcfnro the fust of November , ntid all cAluhitH must , bo placed in the hands of the board on or before Nnvombor llth. r.vo dollaru will bo charged for entry : > f all oshibita made for advantage or profit of cxiiibitors. There will bo 110 3hurgo for npaco for donated exhibits , tmt in all ciscs counter ? , otii r munt bu [ ) til up at tUoexpenni'of the exlulnlnr.n. iMl pickiigoi ehould bo addresard , "Garfiold Monuinent Cnmmittoo , SVnahin ton , D O."nud billsuf Uding mailed. Transportation und iimurAnco upon xll art exhibits Irmnc.l for the occasion md transportation upon all articles dnnatud will bo ut thu coat of the boai.3' ofUrdcgtrt Transportation uponVu otliarox biiM' * nadd for the profit of ! NS'"hm > ri4 wit. bo ut their ooat uud I'll V. Vtahifian bO ! rd of commiliiie < . n Jisplcuinnd with the < > harj ? tw ' sowo of the buildings in ! whfei thf of direction propose 4o dintrttal cx- hibitH , and unammoutly dccidgd 'o dcclino to pfoc od ftirthor in carrying out the obiijclsV' ( ho enterprise until tuoy rcLaifo fift. / , V < ! try-aeiiianeo ni to the charapterof tlio buildingn to flocured , nnd the amount of space to bo allotted exhibitor * from Michigan They alee irivito otlior ntnto boards to moot with them at an cirly diuo and take such notion HP may bu deemed ad visable , _ SPURTJNU- KAHG DAJ.L. HjxicUl dUpitrli to TUH Hun. BOSTON , September 21 ! . Bostons 0 , Treys 1. BUFFALO , September 26. Buffalos 7 , Ohicagos 8. LOIJISVILLK KAUKfl. LODIIIVIU.I : , September 20. Fhst i-aco , ono and oiio-oighth miles , Ful- lowplay won , Monte second , Alborao third ; time , l:5ij. : ( Second race , Bt. Leger stakoa , two miles , Apollo won , Boatman soaund , Monarch third ; time , SV : ! > J. Third race , tuilo hcats , < Meditator non , Iluth suojiid , Force Hard ; time 1:4.11 : , 1:45. : Fourth race , ono and ono-half imleH , Frocland won , Katie Orool nocond , Anglia third ; tmio , 2:12. III1IOIITON ItKACII RAUKS. BUIOIITON Buiuir , September 20 , First raeo , m.lo , Loroa won ; timt , 1:50J : , 1:502. Secniul race , mile , Vrnkofiold won ; time , Ii5. ; : Third race , mile liuats , Ballant won two straight hoatn : time , 1-I81 ; , ID'J Fourth rcco , or.o and ono-oight milo , .loo Murray yon ; time , 2:01 : Hurdle race , milo nnd a qimrter , Jim McUowau won ; time 2:27. : ' T1'ONKI ) . A KOW I'O > PoiiTJ.AND , Maine , September 20. Hanlan , Courtney nnd Kennedy mot hero to-day and ftftor u lengthy dis cussion denidcil to postpone the race until Juno 1883 , The atako money will bo put up thrt-o weeks In advance of the races. The date of the niws ia to bo nuruuil oix weeks prior to the event and the date will bo mutually agreed upon. Tlir < > o wotiks must In tervene butwcen tlio race of Haitian and Boss , and llanlan und Kennedy. A Murder Caio. ( jpodAl DltpaUh to Tin Un , LITIM : KOOK , September 20v The Gizetto's Hot Springs cpeeial sayw : The jury inquest in the casu of Charles Matthews , editor of The Hornet net , killed last Friday , thin afternoon returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death by three or more blows by n hickory club In the hands of S. W. Furdyco , and by throe pistol revolver ; shots from thu hands of Sir W. Foidyco , D. 0. llwtt nud Frank Flytin , and that tlio killing of Charles Matthews was unjuitifmblu. Arnica Halve , Ilia liBST HALVK ia the world for Catr , Bruldoti , Horcn , Ulccrr , bftlt Itbeum , Ke ver riottia , Tetter , Clipped UaniU , f.'hil blalna , Curni , and all nkln v/uptlona , ant ponitlwly cure < piles , It U xoaranWl tc kivo e&t'ufaotfoa i n/ soy rcttuulcxl , 1'rloa , 25 oenU ( Mir ci , if at u V , Goa-luWJ COUNCIL CLATTER. 1 Shaking up of Dry Bones witb Little to Ealivon thu Mooting. The City Prmtirfr Settled nt Last. A Short mill JJrjNnmiiait x lth Few DoLnlln. At the regular mooting of the pity council last evening the entire iiioni- botship was present with the excep tion of Mr. Stnll. Presidout pro torn Katilmann occu- pind the chair. The journal of the preceding moot ing < vaa road und approved. letter * of Q acrl.fllp.ria5or | Clark aui.Ks.otor T lfiphriHiu Ociu/dou pt thotJ. P. . rq ( guesting that tliroo our tour hydrants bo placed in the nhop yards ; nlso let ter of city attorney regarding the sumo and recommending that the water works company bo itistruotnd to place hydrants as requested. P.ufcricd. From the mayor approving uuvoral ordinancon. Filed. From thu mayor vetoing the ordi- nnnco oslabliahing now curbing on Thirteenth between Fftrnnm nnd Douglas. Huforrod. Quit claim deed of iho city to Fred- rrick Idttotolf of lot 18 , block 7 , in ICountxi and Kuth'u addition. Clerk instructed to deliver From Olson and Uoiaon , offering to furnish 500 yarda ( if earth nt . ( ones ntrrut intersect ! in at ten cents par jard. Aocaptod. From Clurk S. Morris , claiming $2,000 ilnmiigoa for injurion received by falling elF omb.tnkmont on Sovon- tiuuitli and Fnrnam street. Hoforrod. From property owners on South Suvontcenth , rui'ioiting ' extension of water mains , liuforred. From cltizuna , ruiuesting that clean- iig of vaults mid cejnpools by daytime n thu city bo prohibited by ordinance. iloforred. From Dr. Poalxidy and others ro- l\ie ting nx'onnion of fire limits to u.nbnioo Thirteenth atruut from alloy lulwoon . ( onus nnd Jackson , and bo- v , ecu Thtrleunlh and Fourteenth ) oing the whole of block 17l. ! Uo- urrcd. From Lu\l and llornstuin , complain- ng of the bluikauing of Thirteenth street by MrJining and Hens , ut iOiwonworlli atruot. Referred , From K. U\ Cooper , civil engineer and BUrvoyoj , culling attention to do- wait of dirt by grading of ITanum street ut Twonly-oighth , and rKiuinst- ng that culvert bo built nt unca. Uo- 'erred. ' ] luiort ) oJ npprftlBers on ojening of Phil Shoridau ntreot. Filed , From J. 11. iloniiun , asking repair of walk , on Elovouth and Harnoy streotH , Hoforrod. Frunt thu city engineer , submitting monthly report on sewer and othur work for September , I uforrud , Tlu opinion of the city attorney ad- vurso to It-guilty of change of curb lines on Thirteenth between Fnrnum J Douglas. Matter referred to city gincrr will' instructions. From D. MoKllh [ > and othois , re- ( juesting city to lay ft walk on lots 4 and 5. block 4'2 , between Hickory and IClm. Hoferrud. ° Rovoral resolutions ordering iido. walks xero roferxou. From property owners on Tenth ttroot , miunslmg that 'that tliorou h- faro bo puveil with Huiostonu IJookii , nt not to exceed f IJ par tquaro yard. Hi' for rod. From 1) . A. Way and others : lloo- oinnu'iidmg the csUblishmcnt of twc or tliruo hydrants in the vicinity o ! Fifteenth and Dorcas and Center streets and the creation of H hoec house in the same locality lUforruil A number of bills were und referred to nppropriato oi.mmit- tocn. Mayor IJoydrc'B } > ! nti'd inrititioRii- for the aity council to attend tl > r \ > oman niill'fH o couvon'ioii , and nuc- gcsted tlio mattur cf ohoiTing the vio- itors and - lole nto n.Hiio courtvsiox Mr. Hohm B.ud h ? trtd an extra acnb in his cart which cno of thu dalegatuc * might occupy , and ha would promise them n livi-ly nhakin ; < up. Mr. O'lveofoanicJ thu city linsincoa were too much depleted for Hiich un txponso ; the money hart bettor bo nnod in tilling up holvi in the etreot The whole mattur wont over without action. By Ivauficnnn , To make curtain sur veys in Kuuiitso r.nil 4-iutli'a addition. Adopted. By TliMnoj To repair culvert on Jnirliold stirot , boctrut-n Ninth and Tenth. AdepM. ] Jy Loodoi * , To remove gis : lamp on C.IBH , between and Nino- ttenth slronts , about 100 yards from present ntta Adopted. By O'lO'ofc , Itmtiftctinfj the mar- cfeul to euforco the oydinnuco preTont- , " removal oi dirt' frpm-jBtr U o/j ilfoys Vii v i permieeJoni 'Alno ( / } kivp the coi > ! ir\i > Wyi ? nM > Jl y i'J' vi > V' ahn sewer from putting dirt oh private property. Adopted. By Dunhr.m , That a cas lamp bo Jacod in front oH'.m Chriatian church m Farnnm nud Twentiut'i ' atrootis. Adopted. DP Dnnlmii , i'lir-trucliiig street coniinicuionor to > longthun culvert across Ilarncy atrcnt uoar Twenty- lecoml , and reinovo dirt to repair snid trout from top of lull. Htroot force , o bo employed not to exceed throe ; ays. Adopted. By Buhm , 1'luit the nuyor ba M. neated to nppfiini three appraisers to ppraiso all property now occupiuJ' > y citiKoim nndi belonging to thu city , md that paitios bo reijuoated to vacate within nixty or leaco the property rd a air consideration. Itcforrod. By Dollouo , Iiuitructvin ; the oim- nittoo on public ptopprty und : m- irovumunta to causu pipes in cibturn n the park to bo made mm accessible o frost and to place the green liouso n proper condition. Adopted. By Halt or , Instructing the board of lublia worliH to advurlino for bills for laving Tenth street with granite , indor the ordiniiiico ordering on Tontti ctreet. Adopted. By Bohm , To till holes 3t , Mnry'a uvunuo in paBBailu ! eon- lilion. Adopted. Uy McHuokin , To orifoico rapair > f idowalkn on went hide of Tontlistrout , > utwoon DougLvi and Dod < jo , within on days. Adopted. By Lcodor , To repair brdgs > on twelfth uid Quo. Adopted * Ity liulim , To build crcer walk on it. Mary's nvunuo und.Foioot ivvuuuo. Adopted. By Corby , That no. member of the council bo permittoi ) to offer more han two resolution * at rciy ono moot- ng. Adopted , UKK > IITH or COUMJJXKHH. On judiciary , Uucomniomlitig passage - sago of ordinance volatiiig to areas and stairway . Also , that judgement be oonfosaed on thu sewer claim o ! the Omaha NuV lounl lUnk , in uccotdunce with city attorney's opirdon. Adopted. On claims , Favor bill of 0. 0. luu'ifcr foe $10. Adopted , OncUinm , Alluwinf John L. Mc < Caguu'a bill for abstracts of prof rty , Adopted. On claims , Allowing Schuylei Wakefiold balance of salary an rogla- trar. Adopted. On finance , Favor oponliii ) Picrot street between nlnotoonth uul twea tieth. Adopted , On streota and grades , dvorso t ( paiEsago of ordinances for gradiui Ninth , Klovonth , and Twelfth steels , Adopted. Qu mum1 , rocommouding filiiig o ; politlon of F. W. B ll rdin roRard t ( intersection of Thirteenth and Will lams streets. Adopted , On s.tuio , to file communication ol 0. P. Birkett , relative to grading o Tenth nnd Pierce stroots. Adopted. OiiB uic , ndvorao to ordhianco for grading Joui'H ntrnut. Adopted. On oacao , approving city cnginoer'a acceptance uf grading on Sistoenth street , and allowing $1,580 81 there- on. Adapted. On sniun , Granting porraiwion tr > M'oShniui iV. Schroder to lay traok in alloy in block 200 undar certain ro- strictiont > . Adopted. On mini > \ rociimmoniling passage of onlinnnci ) to fill lo 8 , blocks. Adept- ed. X.'SHOLtTTlON , pot m sion Mr. Baker intro duced u n fulution tendering the NH- iioiial worpu" autlragp convention the oourto ie of tlio city and inviting them to a t ur of the city at n time to bo fixed by the council. Adopted. . On pg'ico , Allowing cortntin bille. idopte' Ou / ! ice , Itacommonding passage of or' " ' nc < > oit.tblishtng hay and ; } rnir mo , rkok on Twonty.fnat atroot b t eon ( JnnuDg nnd ] ! urt. Adopted. /it pub lie property , etc. , That the o'y ' tto rm.7 oxnrniuo into the title jf the cit y'a real estate. Adopted , . Ou i nit , Allowing bill of 0,25 iuo 0. .1 . harltoab. Adopted. " ' S tytfJZfylwfi s- ; " . , ; iorth o ( s iajyofl& piRi , 'trt ae piir.saWo. at tir .niT'Vo'wlbld. ' by atrcet - ' " rOn force.- Vdopted. On sid .ftwulks and bridircs , allowing- 'bill of O . A. Hubbaid , SKli , for building - ing Sam idon street bridge. Adopted. The t nl of Samuel lleos , for print ing , KM i nil lived. t Tlio I id ottu ) Boo Publishing com pany t ( i do Iho CK/ printing for the year 01 iding July lur. , 1883 , was ac cepted , The city engineer was Instructed to abate the nuisance on Tenth and Jouot by making newer connoctioim with t ho rend forthwith. OIK i or two otlioo reports of no 3m- portal ice were received , and on mo tion the council ndjournod , to moot ut7'IOp. : m. Friday. THIS GXEEN-ETED MONSl'Ba. AV/oiai\uTrloa to-Kll ! Horsoir ou Ac count ol Joivloimy. Vestc/day afternoon about 2 o'clock , worn 311 of the town named ; Ada Gregory , but better known ns "Bull the Woods , " residing in a eaanty on the south oido of Dodge etraet be tween Ninth and Tenth strcotn , at- tomptad to kill herself. It euoms tliat sliu became jt-iious of lior husband whoao name is- Duke Gregory , and who tends bar at thu naloon on Twelfth atreot between Dodge and Capitol avenue , by the reason of lib paying too mr.jh atten tion to other soiled doves living in tlm noighborhosL She started the rounds of the drug atorca , and nt the Millard hotel pharmacy pur- ohascd ton souls' worth of morphine. Blio uftectivarda cent a boy down. Tenth struat , end ho alsa purchased some for her ; and she l\rvd\y started out and bought more , un'.i ! she thought she hud a aufildunt quantity to end hoc life. She took the full quantity she had , a bo at ten grains , , and Uid herself down to dio. Hoc- moans attracted the attention of the other inmates of the liouso , who at. once repaired to her room and foupd her in n dying condition. Ono of thorn ut once started for a doctor , who appeared ou the scene and gave bor the proper antidotes , but it lir-iun nearly two It our a from the tiuio of her taking it and bofoio the doctor nppeiiToJ , thu emoUo pjovod almost frtiitlusa , and thu doctor at once re sorted to more heroic trroatmont. After fuur hours of vork and treat. inenl hu prouomired her out of dan ger , und nt Wt accounts eho was all right. _ Horcior.-d'u Acid Flioipltute Iiom- Du.0. 0. OLMSTiUD , Milwaa- keuVi . , aya : "I use several boU tl is In my family , annually , oj * lcra % oiwitf1 ; I prize tt highly , "