I < V THE DAILY BJSJU : TUESDAY 2G The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Tueaduy Moruin ; ; Sept. SO , Wenthnr Ueport. ( The following observation * re Ultra t the satco moiner' of time at nil the stations Rlrcr 5 feet 2 tnchca above low water mark t O uihs , t IcetSlnchoi at TanVton , Mlsjlsilpjil S ftotS bjchwatlvkCrowo , and 4 feet 4 Inchci at Djbuqun , LOOAL BREVITIES. Hon. A. J. I'epploton will deliver the welcome address to tbo KntlonalV'omnti' SulTmgo convention nt Dayd'a opera lioiuo to-night , nud Jlov. A. K , Sberrill will oiler the prayer. The dlrootor.11 car of tbo Utab Central - tral railway arrived In this city Humhy afternoon , wlthUlahop Sbarp and party ou Imard. The car wni left over at the trans fer to receive nome disttngntiboil pnnnen- gem from Die east. The special cir uf tbo Houtbcru I'aclGo alto came lu on tbo nnmo train. Last evening the members of the Sail- bath school of the Congregational church commenced a wool : of prayer In tboparlon of that cbtirob. The oxcrclsofl were very Interesting nnd much good work U antici pated. Tlioro will bo an executive meeting of the officer ) of the National Woman Suf frage association to-day , Sotileinhcr 20th , at 2 p. m. , In tbo parlors of lioyd'n opera borne , to whlcb oilicorH of tins ninocUtloii only will bo admitted. May Wright Sew- all , chairman of tbo executive committee. A complaint w. n filed In police court yesterday ngalnpt n well known dry good * firm of UiU city for sweeping paper out into tbo klreet. Thoio ore a great many who do not realize tbo damage caused by thin pracllcw. A ploco of flylug paper H liable at any lima to ntart A ecrlons runaway and cause great damaga if notions of life. An ordinance ban been panned Against tbo practice and baa iu a few instance ! ) been enforced , nnd nil merchants and btislncHH men nro urged to nboy its initructloni. Tbe South Omaha church org nU. - tt in ban rained tbo sum of Sl.liOO and pro- poeo to proceed nt once with the orectlo j of anlcexburch edifice 21 by CO feet lu ilr.o. The contract ID In tbo ban IB of County Troauuror Hush to whom all bids for work may be handed up to Wednesday , who/.i the contract will bo let. The IIOUBO will be built on laud already purcbatod by the organlratlon , nnd will for n time bo lined as a ucbool hoiuo an well us for roll * ptirpoeos. Horace H. MclUUIe , aged 22 yearn , dlod on Sittmlay , Beptembcr UM , of typboiil fever. The tlocoased ban been In Omaha for noino time , nt iirnt In the em ploy of J. A , filcSliano nnd subnequcntly of Mr. Jamea Stepboneon. Hia mother arrived from Frlciulvlllc , Nob. , Sunday , nj the remains were yesterday forwarded to Alodo , 111. A postal card received from Secretary HowNcr , of tbo Y. M. 0. A. , informs UK that he is having n nlco time nt tbo "foot htlU" twelve miles from Denver , where bo Is vialtluR bU uncle. Ho will leave tliia week for tbe mounUlnfl , to bunt , full nod "prospect" for n week. The bridge nt the foot of tbo bill load iiifto 1'roiipeot Hill Cemetery U again iu I ? ilnngcroUB condition. Sotno n penon re- I1 laid the old planks HO that many crom upon it and a teilom accident In llablo to O3ciir nt any tltuo , which the expenditure of n few ilollnia would obviate , An excursion train of sixteen can , from Sioux Git- } , came down to Councl Illulfi ) Sunday , and a largo number n tbo eicurnIonUts caiuo over to Onmlii and J enjoyed tbe h nplttlity of tie Paxton anil Mlllard. JOU PHINTINQ. Send for pnnttil } > nee litl nnd tunipfa of Ukiml of Job work to tbe AlJjKN 1'UINTINO CO , , job prlntern , anil pub. llibcrs "HUKAL NKIJUASKA , " Tbo American Cattle Journal. 1AVK STOi'lC , , prinllnsf a , iprclally. Non. tilR aud 520 , B. Uth St. , Quuba , Nib. nop20ine-eodiw Th I ) , S L > d ploy tbs Council mutts ' | C'liumplonii" Ibis afternoon nt 3 o'clock on tb C. 15. Krouudu , TliU will be tbo tut t'aui the IJ. * M.'a will piny m tills vicinity i > r eome time , M they btarl for Lertihilluaml tbe weit Tbursiluy luprulti ) ; , . , 1 Apnrobatlnu Hy the cutn : uuty ! at lare ( bai been Blvon to l > utiiXCKi } .ooi > JlinEitH. No Instance Ia ktiuwn wbei dtwMUfuctlon baa boon raanlfeltedl-y tV it , u e. , r wicro , arKh but bam-tit follctvii-a their , . , * ' ncni | 'trtttl"n- | Price 1.00 , trltl'tUelOcenta. Notion- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ki ceUiur Roof Paint , " was patented Ma ] 24th , 1681 , and otters patent num bcr 211 , 803. Any percon found o known to tamper with the nmnu facluro of Bald paint will bo punished od to the full extent of law , No pes eon hoa any authority whatever to BU ) rocolpU. HAWTHOKN & 15no. , Lancaator Pa. Whitney's Shoe Store ia on Dougla street , near the corner o ( 15th , Whitney Bella liurt'a Shoes. Ladies' line Shoos at Whitney's. < Whituoy'a for Gcnta * lioota an Shoes. Children's Shoes at Whitney's. Whitney keeps ill the boat make in Boots and Shoiu , and makca th , lowoht pricea. Go to Whitney's. 22-31 NEW YOKE DEY GOODS Sroui H , SILKB , VELVETS. Kj.'iiB , 20c per donu ; creamery bu tor , iiOc per pound , at Win , flontli man's. \l SIGHING FOR CHANGE , Two Hundred Nortliorn Ohey- ennos Leave Pine Eidgo , Their Destination Boitnj Fort Koogb , Montana. Military News run ! Department A dispatch wan received at Ft. Uob- inson on Saturday from Dr. McGilli- cuddy , Indian ngonl nt Pine Hidgo , ntyitig that two hundred Indians , Northern Cheyennea , were leaving the agency under the leadership of Black Wolf. The departing Ohojonnco loft word that they wont with the moat poaooa bio intentions , that they had good hearts and intended to commit no dc prcdatlona , but that they were sighing for a change. They nro going to Ft. Koofth , via Pumpkin Buttea and that old Indian trail , the distance bolng about 300 miles , and thuy nro by this time outside the department of the Platto. The Commander at Ft. Hob' inson at once telegraphed the news to the hoadquartora in Omaha and the Interior department was notified. Agent McGillicuddy was instructed that the interior department refused to interfere , and to use no force in detaining the Indians who wcro tak ing French leavo. The oflicors hero do not anticipate any trouble from the band which thus unceremoniously loaves for Fort Keogh , although ono gentleman con nected with headquarters says that it will bo ctrango if they got through without committing any depredations. Gen. Howard was telegraphed tbo facts yesterday at Fort Bridgor. TEltHONALS. Colonel Ludington , chief quarter master department of the Platte , has gone to Kookuk , Iowa , to inspect the national cemetery at that place. Lieut. E. D. Thomas , Eighth Cav alry , has gene to Fort Futtormun to superintend thooalo of the government buildings nt that post. & Major Furoy is acting chief quarter master in the absence of Colonel Luil- ington. General Howard was to leave Fort Thornburg yosterdny for Omaha , and expected to reach hero Thuraday after noon. Lieut. Col. T. M. Anderson , Ninth Infantry , has gene to Fort McKmuoy , Wyoming , to turn ever the command of that post to Captain Kolloeg , Fifth Cavalry. Colonel A. then returns to Fort D. A. Russell and assumes com mand of his regiment nnd that post. Mrs. Stembul , wife of Lieutenant Stombol , Ninth Infantry , Inft Fort Omaha yesterday for Fort McKinnpy , \Vyoming , whore her husband ia E > ta- tionod. Company B. Fourth infantry out on the road between Bridgor and Fort Thotnburgh , is ordered to coma to Fort Omaha at onco. Ono company of the Fourth , under Liout. Bailey , remains thoto to complete work on the military road between those two postu. A Email batch of recruits for the Fovrth and Ninth infantry , arrived hero yesterday from the recruiting rendezvous. Capt. W. A. Elderkin , 0. .8. , has gene on four months sick leave from Cheyenne depot. Oapt. Goo. P. Price , Fifth cavalry , has been detailed on recruiting service , and goes to Now York , where ho is superintending the publishing of his history of that regiment. Bl'KCIAL ARMY OKDEltfl. The following special army orders have been issued from the headquar ters of the department of the Platte , Fort Omaha , Nob. , dated September 23 , 1882 : Captain Joseph Koofo , Fourth in fantry , Is relieved from duty aa a member of the general court martial convened at Fort D. A. Ilussoll , Wy oming , by paragraph 1 , apodal orders No. 80 , current scries , from thcso headquarters , and will proceed to join his company. First Lieutenant John A. Balwin , Ninth infantry , having compiled with ordora No. ICO , Fort Omaha , Nob. , of this date will proceed to Fort Douglas , Utah , nnd report to his com pany commander for duty. Necessities of the public service require quire this tr.vvel. Itecruit George M. Waggoner , enlisted - listed nt Fort Omaha , Nob. , is as signed to company B , Fourth infantry. CHANGE BLOhSOmS- A | Pleoannt Weddine Puny In North Omnlui. A happy wedding party ntgcmbled at noon Sunday &t the ictidunm of Dims , S , Smith , in North Unmlu , to witness the marriage of Dr. 15. K. Womsloy , of Washington , D. 0. , nnd Miss llolou C , Pockhum , of Sarpy county. The ceremony , which was simple but very beautiful and impres sive , wap performed by the Ilov. J. W. Harris , of the Baptist churoli , in the presence of a fyw intimate friends and relatives , Air. Frank Wilcot acvv-i M groomsman and Miss Kutio Meyers t * . bridosmoid. After thoyouugcouplohad received the congratulations of ihoee/present tnd the beautiful and costly , presents had been inspected , a bountiful lunch WM sot before the party. After this an hour was devoted to discuiaing cold tongio , fruits , wedding cake and a bowiljering array of other good things , when \ho \ happy couple wore driven to the 3:1) : train and imtncdialnly took their departure for Washington , their future ho.no. id POLICE PICKINGS Tfco Modnj MornlnffDocket In JudKo Bunoke'a Court. There vua a goodly liat of guests at the Hotodo AngoH'a yeaterday and a fine tkray marched up to the judge's oihcto tettlo. There wo u aeten caaea of plain drunk , of whni three paid , and four wore sout up b jail. , Throe men voro In tot ' the peace , ono paid , ono VT.MI sent to jail , and the hearing in thu third caa wni continued. The two men ftrrcntel for shooting nt rach other tieur lioyd'a { Kicking hnuto wcro both in jail anniling a hearing yeatordny. Frank Newntna , who wai com plnincd ti ninst some liino ago for assaulting a woman , had his hearing so' for 2 o'clock. A complaint was filed against S. K. Hrciinan , vho la charged with being in thu habit of rmuntcring forth on Sunday morning and shooting chlckoiiB nnd pigeonn innido the city limita. Joliti JIcMahon , nlinn "Kansan City Kid , " who WAD arrested during the otato fair for robbing n farmer from Oroto of § 38 nnd five railroad tickets , was reloieod yesterday on $500 bail , which was furnished by Mr. Joe Hodman. No startling burglaries or other son nnlions were reported aa occurring over Sunday. Col. Ira Wilson 1ms purchased a half interest in the 1'aoifla IIouso , at St. Joo. The firm will now bo J. B. Kitchen & Ira Wilson. Mr. Kitchen has moved to the Paxton hotel , at Omaha , and Mr. Wilson has taken charge of the Pacific , where ho will ho pirated to moot hia old friends , The Pacific ia the loading hotal of St , Joe nud a first-class hotel in every ro upoct. BopO-m&otf NEBRAsKASUFFRRAQE ASHO- CIAT1ON. Mooting of the Ezeoutlvo Oommlttoo With the Offlcorsof the National ABBOcIatlon. The members of the executive com mittco of the Nebraska Woman Suf frage Association nro rnqucatod to meet at the parlors of Buyd's opera house to-day ( Tuesday ) at 2 p. m , , for conference ! in executive seasion with the oflicora of the National Suffrage - frago Association. llAltRIET S. BllOOKS , Chairman Ex. Com Neb. W. S. A. OMAHA , Sept. 25,1882. THE BOSH BRIDE A Very Romarkublo tfarrlago WblcQ Took Plnco m Omaha Last Wook. The other day a young lady having spent all the money given her by her grandfuthor , nnd having no accom plishments with which to earn her living , proposed to got married , and nccuro a homo. During a brief resi dence in the city nho had formed the acquaintance of n young aewing girl to whom flho told her story , and related her immediatewants. . The young Bowing woman then suggested intro ducing to her a young man with whom oho was acquainted , und who was de sirous of getting married. They wcro introduced on Wednesday morning at which tiuio ho proposed and aho a.i quickly accepted. They sot the tnno Iqrthat afternoon at live o'clock. This hurried arrangement , while it was what the bride wanted , still left her in a dilemma about ouitable clothes for the occasion , as all her wearing apparel was in the pawnshop , but aho , with nil the ingenuity characteristic of her BOX , decided to disrobe herself of the unmentionables , and lay in bed while n kind washerwoman , who was let into the scheme , proceeded to wash and iron thorn for her , and at 5 o'clock that afternoon the bride and groom , with two witnesses , went up to .Justice Wright's court and were duly married , receiving the congratu lations of the justice and her attend ants. ants.Wan Wan woman ever under euch adverse - verso clroumstancca married ? RAILWAY COLLISION. An Accident m the Union Pacific Yard m thlu City. Tlioro was n lively econo about D 'clock last evening at the Eleventh itreot crossing U. P. main track 'liuu a train coining from the Ilepub- ican Valley of the U. P. ran into a ouple of emigrant earn , which had list como in from the West and were till loaded with their passengers. The migrant train had been switched back upon a aiding , but it Booms had not boon lelt go aa to clour the main track nd the engine struck the vcar car knocking it off the track nnd lonv "ng it lying nt right anglos - glos with the track , A car oaded with ntono next ( .truck it and whirled it around again , The truck was considerably torn up and the pas aengers ineido the coach were shaker up und much tit moralized , Fortu * mtoly , howovnr , everybody was un injured. In an hour's time the tracL wan cleared up und no truce left o the accident. SLAVKN'S YOSEM1TK COLOGN1 Jliido froir the wild flowers of th II r-AMKi ) YOSBMITE VALLEY it is the most fragrant ot perfumes Manufactured by 11 , B , Slatcn , Siu Franciaco. For salu in Omuha by W J. Whltehouso and Keunaia liroa , Co. OHEEIC. How a Cuooky Man Getu His Milk One of the choekieat things occurroi in Omaha last Saturday that we have hoard of since Church llowo attempei to olnct himself lieutenant governor o Nebraska. On Chicago , between 2 Hi and 25th streets last Saturday nigh about midnight , a man was scon crawling along on his knees with jug under his arm. The reporter happen lug ulong at the time , and oluorviug the novel proceeding , sat down ou th pavement to watch results. In a moment mont or two the man crawled up alotif ; side ol a milch cow when ho immediately atoly pulled out his jug and proceede < to milk her , and thun went up th alley with hit stolen material. Oa inquiry In the neighborhood i was ascertained that ono of the fatal lies have boon much troubled for aom time to know why their milch cow did not give moro milk , and the nbov facts reveal the cause. They hav lorded their ehot gun and propose t shoot the thief the next time ho turua up. THE NATIONAL WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION. They Convene nt BoydVi Opera Homo To-NJuht Everybody Iiivitrd. A UEK reporter called in at the Pax < on ho.cl yeatcrday , and found BCV oral of the ladies tf the National Woman's SufFr.igo nssociation busily engaged in making arrangomcnto for ho coming eession this week. Mias Susan U. Anthony , who is HO well known throughout the entire country for her labortf in bahalf of woman nnd the sacrifices ftho has made in the cause , was very busy with the details of the convention. Mitn Ujchel Foster , ft very courtc oila ahd aflablo young lady , is the cor- csponding aecroUry , and cornea from . 'hilnaelphift , where she is well known or her Itarningand atanding hi eocio ly , Mrs. May Wright Sownll , of In. diana , n bright-eyed brunelto with cultured features , is chnirmnti of the executive committee nnd is the right voman in thu right place. She has icon speaking the past week In No- iraaka nt Falls City , Brownville , Sulom , Aahland and Plattsmouth , rhuro she was heartily received and lospltably entertained. During thu week she spoke ninoor ten times , and wna tendered and did occupy churches of five different denominations The latlics have secured rooms at ho Paxtcui , where they will have their icudquartera. Among thoao who will peak ut the convention , in addition o thpso already mentioned , are Mrs. larriott II. Shaltuck , Boatou ; Miss 3. Pearl Adams , and Mrs. Welch , 'oorift , III , ; Miss Phooba Couzina , St. juuis ; Mrs. Evalino L. Mason , Mil waukee ; Mrs. Gen. 11 'horts , Orleans , fob. ; Mrs. Elizibcth Lisle Saxon , io\v Orleans , and Mrs. ilolon M. 3ougcr , Indiana. Mrs. Clara 13. Colby , of Beatrice , ioa charge of all nrrangomonta , with icadquartors at the Paxton. She ia nooting arrivals at the trains and onducting them to their respective laces which have boon secured for hem while hero. They propose to do away with the cgular orchestral band which is gen- irally used , and in lieu thereof the adioa will furnish both vocal nud in- tiumental muaic for the occasion. To-day at 2:30 : p. in. the off ers of the association will have an xecutivo no33ion in the parlors of the pcra houao. At 7:80 : p. m. the convention will leoc at the oam < < place , when the ddreos of welcome will bo delivered > y ono of the prominent citizens of 'malia. ' On occounl of the absence f the president , Mrn. El'zjboth Cdy tan ton , Mi a Suaan B. Anthony , rat view president , will pn'sido. To the addiesa of wc'como ' Misj Anthony will rpspond'in a ahortspeech , fcor which Mrs. Evuino Mason , of Wisconsin , and Mias May Wrighr owall , of Indiana , will address the icctiug. The lending workers so far a wo have been able to judge , are romcn of moro than ordinary ability nd exhibit qualities of refinement nd culture that reflects favorably pen the cause. They are from their wn homes and have the sup > ort and sympathy of their msbanda. In conversation with lira. Sewall , the reporter learned that wherever she has addressed the poo- lie upon the subject she las boon enthusiastically ro- seivod. In taking n vote nt ler various appointments she barely mot with a dissenting voice. She said liat in her own state Indiana the woman suffrage amendment is the mtin issue before the people ; that the imondmont has already passed the egialaturo once , and will como up again before the legislature thia fali , .nd the question bo submitted to the icoplo next May , at which time a pccial election will bo called. The opublican party of Indiana , she says , ins taken it up as their issue. CHEAP CHEEK. An Es-Kmploye Sues the Dee Publish- in ? Company for $1OOOO Damages. A follow who worked for TIJE B B some time before the holidays and who won a very unoviable reputation while in their employ hoa brought ouil 'or ton thousand dollars damages for alleged libel , in the district court , fern n certain article which appeared concerning corning him iu Juno last. Mr. Welsh was a notoriont deadbeat , and if ho hat 113 just dues bo woulc liavo been in the penitentiary lonf ago. While iu TJIB BEE employ ho made such improper advances to jadiua with whom ho came in contact as to have on one ocniion been slapped in the face iu THE Bun counting room nnd at a well known merchant's 01 Farnlmm street ho made himself BO obnoxious that they refused to have anything more to do with him. A the time of lib connection with tin otlico the publication of hia doings wa suppressed on account of a respectable relation whom ho had in the city , bu ho even wont so far as to have hi coat oeued in payment of a wash bll which he owed the name John China man on Tenth street , and had a row ever it in front of TUB BEK ofllco soon after which ho wan sumtnarll ; bounced. Mr. Welsh is welcome to whatevc ho can get for damages to his allege * character. PERSONAL. 1' . J. Vow , ol Crete , U at the Mlllard Frank Shaffer , of Altnn , Nebraska , in ! tbe city , Jai. Wore , of Ogallala , WM In the clt Sutulay J. W. Haas , of Sidney , WM in tow SuuJay , ltr . S. L. Got , of Nebraska City , In n tbe 1'aztou , W. Wllheltny , of Nebraska City , i o tbe MllUrd. Y. B. HccV tetter , of Nebraska City , at tbe Tax ton. Mls Georgie Ilagy left for her home , I Sioux City , yeitreday. P. S. KuatU.general Uoket agent of tb B , A M. H. K. , h\ ' been sick for dayi t > a t , but Uno > " the way to recov ery. ery.T. , T. H. B. Otto , of tVmcmt , registered at Uio Pfcxton Sunday. Mr. Se'slonc , of UIB IJ. tf M. , returned rom J'lattsmouth Sunday. Krnuk Job oo , of Lincoln , .registered nt he Metropolitan SunJ t ) Byrnn W. Orr , advance agent /or Toy Templeton , in in tbo city. Mr * . M. J. DM it , of N'otr jMrtven , Ccun. , U at the I'axton , MM. L , TJ. Pope , of C'levohml , 0. , xcai n the city SamUy en route east. Prof. A It. Tooc.sr , tbo old-time lender f tbo Union Pacific b.iml , lui returned ftf t-r a four weeks' vhit to the mountains , ookinshalo and heaity. He ij warmly welcomed home. J. T. Shnvnc , of the famous hat mnnu- actory ot Price , Shcrinhn A. Co. , In in tbo ily. H' h n fine representative ) of tbo 'Quaker City , " AM J a uplomlid fellow in very reaped. Susan IJ. Atilbimy , of Kochcster , M , Y. , In a guest of the Pnxton. "Perfect rjutlity of rights fnr women , civil and lolillcal , " was tbe legend wiltten opposite icr muio. Mr , Gco. J. SternmlotlT , the well-known iroorty mini of tbr IJ , fc M. Base Ball lub , returned Sunday from an extended oar oant , taking ia theBuburba of ( blcago ud St , Tjoula , It Is reported that Mr. S , im arranged for ome line games this fall > eo. i ) looming up in fine stylo. Judge Crounne ia at the 1'niton. Hun. A. H. Swan , of Cheycnno , la at je Paxton , J , Wolff , of Keeper , is n guest of tbo Ictropolilau. C. M. Feerl , of North Bend , is nt the Metropolitan. Otto Kutz , of Pouca , ia In tbo city , at is Metropolitan. G. H. Scburcr , of Wayne , Neb. , is at i o Metcopolitau. W. Sbiedley , tbo Kansas City stock man , U nt tbe Paxton , ( Jeo. lie-ncre , ngent for A. N. Schuster Co. , of St. Joe , ia at the Millard. Win. Jennings anil Miss Matilda Hind- man , of Salt Lake City , are nt the Mil- Mil. Mil.Miss Miss Annie D. Young and Mtsa Emetine J. Well ? , of Salt Like City , are at tbo 'axton. Br. John ChryBostom , C. S. C. , agent or tbe "Ave Maria , " Notia Dime , Incl. , iu the city. Br. A , Deaecheco , of San Francisco , ho ban jtut returned from n visit to the andwich Islands , ia at tbe Metropolitan. Mies Matilda Hmdm.in , of Philadelphia , nd Mia ) Marietta V. Bonea , of Dakota , ro at the 1'axton , to attend thn woman's nffrage contention. M. Wilhelmy , Nebraska City ; W. H. ibUy. Lincoln ; Geo. W. Post , York ; ame ] L. Caldwell , Lincoln ; H. JUm on nd wife , Lowe 1 , un-.l Misj Carlson , Fair- jauk , are at the MilLird. William Marsh , a deaf mute aged jout 11 years , baa wandered off from the nstituto and all ellorts to discover him mve proved unavailing. He has red m-.by hair nnd tbe authorities , who have umted diligently for him are anxious to earn of his whereabouts. W. A. Lavell on-1 family , of North Matte ; J. N. lleyin H , of Nance county ; . L. Bowling , of Ko.irney ; Sam Chap man and family of Plattsmouth ; F. M. Volcott , of Weeping Water ; O , Ii. Gil- ert , of Arlington ; G S , Kellogg nnd ife , of Stanton , and Mi i M. J. Porter , [ Lincoln , are among tbo prominent Nc- jraskans nt tbe Paxton. AMUSE&IENIS. Sol Smith Ruesoll In "Bdgowood Folks" Last EvonlDff at Boyd's Opera Houuo. Mr. J. E. Brown's rural conception loscriptivo of ' 'Edgowood Folia" was ; ivon to an Omaha audience for the irst time last night by Sol Smith Ilus- ell and hia excellent pastoral comedy lompany. It ia n rest and moat pleas- int diversion to attend the theatre when the performance makes you lose all identity with yourself and aur < roundlnga ; but it ia hard work to find yourself loat that way to-day. It .akoa careful handling to make an actor'u part seem anything but weak or overdrawn , and yet if his portrayals do not abound with mingled rage or : bo moat comic sayingn ho scarcely aucceoda in effecting an elevation. Mr. Rueaell works for himself , and yet is as sincere 0.1 nny character actor on the Btngo to-day. Alwuyb droll and at times moat ridiculous , he never seems to be woikingfornpplauso from iho "upper tiera" or for anything in the least melodramatic. His play ia ono of those that pleaaca the inaasei and is never criticised. Like most o ! the starring pieces of to-day , it was written to suit tbo peculiarities of Mr. Ruuoll ; indescribably funny , simple and wholesome. The support was good , house larg < > , and audience pro portiouately enthusiastic. 11KH1NI ) THIS SCF.NKS , "Kdtewood ; Folks" in Lincoln to night , Manager Nugent of the Academ ; is quite ill. Ham Gardner U the oldest theatri cal stager among us. Private theatricals will bo the rage among the local sociotioa this winter Col. Teniplo of "Union Spy" no toriety will remain in town only a few days longer , ho ia making every prep aratlon for hia drama m Boouo , Leavitt'a and Tony Pastor's com binutlon Friday and Saturday , an matinee , is the most drawing card n Boyd'n. The Stadt theatre will open October bor 1st with now acenory and inter tor somewhat changed. Mr. Brand Intends to make it the loading Get man theatre in the west. Something peed may be oxpectei from our musical societies thia winter Already one of them haa indicate something of the work they propose to bring out , and every indication now points to good execution , attraotiv muaic and new features. As the curtain was going up ou th second act of "Kdgewood Folks" las evening , our reporter was talking with Manager Boyd about the rise and de cline of the drama. Their oon."cm' tion was interrupted by the oJtr i..co of a small delegation from onotff our railroad headquarters. I'TickoU ? ' asked Mr. Boyd. Oh , no ; admit ua plcaao on acctfttn.11 of the profession , "and the gentlemen Boated themtclvos 'way down in front. "Do you think the nro actors ? ' asked Mr. B. of the critic. "Hardly-- more lilo brake rafn. " "That's what they do ; they may bo members of nome amateur troupe in Council Bluff * ; I'll sco nbout their "profession , " nnd the manager woule have bton among the Rang the next moment had not the acribo deemed it boat to. explain , "Mr. Boyd , they are the briirh * unioinrieYi cf our locnl diamond field ; hey btlonft- the - 11. II. bite ball traai ! " "Aro yon evirc' " "Quite nuro. " ' Then I'll lefc them nit them in per- ccthappiiiwa. Sweet mortak ; their ifo ia ono continual round of plca&nro nnd fontivitica. I cannot bounce Vein ! " Such is the reward of cheek , Rnnmxc's llusafo Sslve. beat" slve in tbo world , and excellent tto. 2. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , JNKB. Tnbles aupplied with the beat the market affords. The traveling public laim they get bettor nccommodationa md moro general satisfaction hero han at any other houao in Omahn. late , 82 per day. augSltfmo Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation , inflammation , 11 KiUnoy and Urinary complaints , ured by "Buolmpviba , " . SI. JPEB8A8. { 2QTIGE8. ID I 'JAM V.OHtY \ TO.NEY TO LU4N Oo ihttel morta o > c- Vi rurltv. A IJ Tut' , n , No. 1616 U-ii she net , .rent ri o. . . , np-italr- . 43tf ! -.I O rr. > TO LOMT Cill at LavyOrnceof D. VB I. V..I.B Io3tn3 OelKhtonBlock. LU tOAh A & per contlo- lcret la tuauiof (2,000 tea .or 8 to 5 years , on Crot-cUkCD city and firm property. RIMIS Ken , KITATI tad Loin AoBNcr. 1 Bih AQd n urlk Kfcn HELP V.'AHTCD. . TANTED- Immediately , n rjood phctogra- T V pher , carablo i f taking cnirgc of a gailc- 3. AnplytoJ.lt. Mocllcr , Graim lalaivl , No raekv 068 M\ \ TTANl ED A ( 'Ood r/ir" for ucncral IV work byMrs. Jorrph Rarkcr , vornerof 2d nd DatcniKirt streets. Gcod ' ; , ' paid. E60-2S " .STANTfD . T ogood Rir inpri\ate Umlly. r V Api > ly ton hei.t cor. i.0th and California reeU 6C3 tf Two men f coed "ddresnto c-in- WANTED rid Bell sp cl iltli.8. S to idy f mpl ij nent to ? d men. Call -121 eouth lOtli ttnct. -y to as'lat at Ciprar and rV Ncwa stand. GOLC ! rcfvrcnc s required. pply " 1 F. " n u oiIlCB " t64-tf hTANTrD T o yoinf iccn o Ifarn fhoto- I \ graph ni ; at Currleri , the Icauli g 1'hotogra- her in. 11112 rarnaui St. 501-ij' ( A Karber at Lew.s Fas't- . 1111 Dodije 8t ext to P. O. S7C-tf ; trASTfD A iJrl for general house work ( YY good ajci will be paid. Cliaa. Flack KuRli ) louse. Mf-iOt TTANTDD Two good clrls one must bo good YY Cook > nd onu i > lnlaf rojinglil. A.ply ( N. V. Cor llth & Uivanpoft. Ms-27t TTANTED A eo'd clrlatonco In auraallfam- r V Hy. Inqnlio Dodge street , 2d house wett - > A gouJ Kill at COj south 18th St. IAnl'LU Good ( flrl at 1418 DoJge street , between l ti ! and 16tb. B22 tf „ . ! lrlf"rl.Mi ei\orlr , 1C80 S'jfrman avenue Mid. J. J ! Couninaii , 51 tf ANFLD Hrat-tlallidl ' clothes Ironcr , at Io ! tou laundry , N. 13 h fit. 62S-U \T7"ANTiD A coo.1 girl Immcdlattly at Occ V V de e ! Hotil. 'Ol-.f W" 573-M T.iK . BRAUSTUKKT CO. - ( lood Oerm Rlrl for ( .moral WANNTUIK- ply at Idle Wild Plwa or store , 1114 IodjO street. UN. John 0.Villla. . 47Qtf \17ANTED A good Klrl for generil house- Vork Mrs \ill. Uuaiman , 21thand Har- oy BtOtet 61S-H ! El > Good lain at LlttleBcld's Siratetr * WAN . 4H tt' ANTED Ono chambcrmild and oce dining W mom Rlil ati-Unttr'd house , curnet lod'e rl at tlio Omaha ilouie. AN'IED A Kood Klrl for general hou c W work , at 1720 Oasj strict. 417-tf ANTFD Van to ork lu Garden. D J. W tfmllh , Shcrnun avenue. 4 < 3-29t' O-oli ard rlniiik- room Rlrl at the WANTED Ilonde , 013 Fainam ttreet , ipp Dee offlcc. S-tf _ One peed cantaucr. Steady work WAKTKI nnd tcood juj , ( rifcrcncud n iulr d. ) Apply at 218 X. IGtli utrett , up ttulrs , room 0. UO-tf _ _ _ > TKlhlrt Ironvrs at the Omaha ste-tai WA laundry , U07 Faruikiu utrect Goodwai ; < andeteady cmplojuiecl. K.0-if A \r ANTED At the NatLnal lintel at tl coin , VV Ono No. 1 fimalo co k anteI ! et o WIRCS ill be raid 128-tl \17"ANTKli 61H ) privy v u.M , Binlc * and cosa VY l ols to clean with twultarj Vanll and Blnk Cleaner , tbo bo&t In UM. A. Kvans k Co. , residence 120t ) Dodce street , Ociaha. T o cr three rooms suitable f WANTED ctl'.ce. lAddniM 1'r. I'trt lleuotnco. 811 UATIUHa WANTED. ! ! > UojoiirR guntlemen alar e WASIKD I room cr fulte ot roomi In a pr. \atafau > lly.mu t be tut ibi business pait o city. Wlilpay atinodptlce ftrgoodrooms. Ad dresL. L.V. . Caru UenOOlcr. Uf-27 * \ \rANTED EltUitlon by an uporlencd ccok > Y formerly cook at the Mlllard. Addret "jc d , " Ute otllce l-tf _ _ A furnlicd room lu a private fam WANTED V7m. Young ilh A. D Morse 14th and Farnham street. fil7-25l AN'TtD Two urfurnUned rooms near th W U V. dcjot Addiesi"Z" Its office - -out 600 cr 1,000 yards dirt WANTND-A ' Vlnrff r Wcrks , Joci strtet , bq. Uth and 10th. 483-tt TTTAUT II Immtd'atoly , a farn ehed roomY \Y centrally located , by two ) ounir gentle wen. HUto Urnu , dttcnptlon , etc. AdJre t"K this offict. 491-25 \TITANTKD Byajounjlady with good rcltr \ \ encea , ailiuillou is copjlit. Addrew "L. D. " Ml Fierce Ktievt. FOR RENT HOU8E8 AND LAND. l ORKENI Furuithtd & uuturoliaed rcom ijatlllO Jacktou St. bctvtcen Ulhaud 15'.h 5K-SO' [ 7 OK RENT FurnUbed rooms tor light house J } keeping , 115 a mouth , WUCUlilorulaiuett , eiasa T7 OR BKh'T Too lir e unfurnished rooms o C fir.t floor. Kckldtnce Ibth ttie t , e < t tide Qnt hooN cor.h ol Chlcijo. S-t t LEASE S't bnilne s lots ohlheoornet ot IBtnand Dtrtnport ( tmU , Altogether r . AUo avoiding raMcnee. Inquire tm pr ral'C 1U-2S3 HJtNT X store in Balcoml block , An POR itrect , ctor DivtcjiJtt. St A. D. Il 'c3into. 600-2311 U OK KENT nrrilencd r Icj Urga south front . room , 1901 Fainim Htcet. 611t" ; . H RENT FurnlfhcJ room , ground flier , . onl,712 N. ISth tf < it. t08 27 "urn i hail or unturn- K " ' ' ' " , 465 i" tfOtt HK.ST-A lurti hld"v _ uiituinltho . l\ room , toKoth'r. pUtmit \ " ° J"'li u" 451 and llownr.1 me * .1 lour to iljioa roovw oaor ; OIK > . < \ ont . Jo M-M Uth iiiiil DovVfilx 'Lll _ llK Ttlrnllhc'l roouis at H.\T \ ' " etrtei. bit ITihknd ISth. ' K F' Also u bmillcr room. Jiflcj Iiouxe , 20ISCa > 9 < strccf. FOKtKNT < ) rt > ccry mw , cor , 10th ltt ft" } < l Caplcol lixcuo , At > p)7on ) prcmiHcd K02-t > _ UtIAB. MIIUEH. J trtO'i Itf N i Two ( tory dwiti'Jojr Doth mid 0 s , 1 7 room-i , no * betiijt r > > | nVrcil anil I nlnted nqulro of O T. Taylor 1 Ulinixl IVmartn. _ ICT-tt PO t rtllNT An oicjjjnt y Tnni htd trent room , ono lilocli fto u U P or K sml II. Miu1quariiT § . 'Itrma f6 ! , etrlctt ? In adronce , Aiklte s"Gkl " cue ol Uc ofll c. \LOT3 for loiu at H'iti.w puMnuuva , < acb _ / for a term of jolts , at ' 'Osmneo Oi-ore lain" Bcljolnln' ; Ilanscom Park on tto vnt , Ivo minutes vtiOk from a root cars. Monty \ran > o ohtnlneJ to build with , by pcnoii3 ItiuinK lieu lotM at rciruUr rtitfK. JAURS F. MORTON , S43tf On proml ce , o'Jlca 1515 Famsia 3f f < t I71OH KBltT Prtcl. vtr.re. Irquiii ki L' Htorc , coinnr 10th und Douirl'js eta. It' NT Ivo ne > 7 -clliin-a na t < > o othio EOB hide'lrablojoo.lltx , u ) > 'o. 1B14 < JK SALE Tlirr * n uo < . In trooil irdcr , aX Uoscy'tiiS.hlti , oa lltta , lietncun IIo > inlnnd. > ckion ftrtct. ' I70H S ALE ( iood fim'ly ' horasN. W. C r. 19th > L1 SDoURlasStf. DCtf [ TIOR H ALi : | Horse , hiunem nnil buggy. llcr c- Lj la five yoati u dperf ? < t y aninJ. a line road- tcr nnd nny ladv can d Ivo h in Uuid , ' } ' 'J ' tar- j-new tl'lo bar , Icithcr tipjhirno'anov.iil ell tofatate or together ul-ibir iln. 10 ? 0 Far- amt treat. IQi-'f rj'USAIiK A well JiijliiK butlucsi. central L ; ly locattd , Carnl ch nco for the r'ght tnna eavonfl fcreclltaj eatlslnct > ry. Adilic ' Q.'Ti' " D.4 . tf I71OK I Altf SMO plclib harro 3. Inquire at- I ; Kr b'j Vinegar WoriiB , Jones tticet , betwcctt' tu and 10 b. 487-tJtJi CTOltSAljE Tw > ipod p-nirs , Will drl\a or [ ? ildo > ery Rtnt c. Itqulra at L. JIcCoj'u- 'opjiloton ttr rt , bet. 20.b und 22J , ucar now o\crninont iTrral. 49137 I.Jni'ou , . p.in hoiscxand ha n FOKSALt 1) . L. Thomas , Crolghton Blucic. no K aAIlv ( iood bulldlne , br.clt. Call at t ? Water VYcrkuofflet. 4(9-tf [ 710KSALE Good tenmhcme , WJROT and har L' \Mllntllveryoheftii , luq Ire Jack- t. itaa 1111 Dou lm street 4'27St : Colorado Sheep for mie. C& 1 on or 011OIUK K. C. QHAtlLF , 188-2 wit Kfurnev , Neb. I.1OK ALL Orowry and erucKcry buslncRa , r with or without building. Addrttw "Otcc- \ ala , " Neb.box 43. 45-tt PBOPznxy FOP. SALD-AI a. SPLENDID , ono Uree brick houc , and ODO iargo frame hoiiBO , irith full lot on CiW near 1Mb trout. Kino ch\ni for Invertraent , rent for fit' par month. Call foi1 mil particulini , on BEMIB , 609-tf Agent , 16th a-d Douglta eta. CJIXEEAUTIFUI , LOra-MrUO feet oachla O Uanaccri Place on street car Una. Deet lota in whole addition ou Tory may ttrmi and nt Rroat bargain. DEIIIB' agent , 16tb and Douglai rtrecta 16-tf FOU SALE. The Arlington Houwl HOTEL cloeii ; all f.irnlshcd ho only hoto In town. The chcayjet property In thu state. llaf all the traveling men. W 111 bo Bold cheap ou tones to suit. Enquire of K. Tulle , proprietor , Arlington , Wtumlntrtan county , Neb. W3 tt I.AUH bALK Or win VH.OA fin lur Oua.ii. piu- 1 } perty , an Improved oe pa of Ian 1 idloln- inp a Bt&tlon on U. P. R. B. U. DCNHAU. Itll ETurnham St. , OiiohJ. . 7iO Bmt FOB EAL Bnioi ttSTABHOO'-i i4 0 > ' / MiagEl.IiAriEPS. Situnl y mornlas cnopil't rOST I The finder will be rewurjed by lca\lnp at 1313 fjrnhan. etro t. ( Ctl-tl I Tl'fl. A. M < lUn'.le , of Nevr York , hat orencd VI anudlo forlnetri'c'lon In all branches of rawing , p * ntln and uc lawoikat lOFS Kth. . treet. Omaha. _ ai3-tTJ2tt nMVO DOLLMIS nEWAHD-Io t. a unch cf J keve , Ary cne Suck tno nine aid luav- nc them at thli otGce will ncelvu thu above reward - ward , BIO tf i AKEN UC Ai large blick > eg. Owner c&n I ha'u tame of U , O. Vkkroy.ncar Jotinsou'n. ir'ckyi-d. .00-2 . t LCST On IDihj utreet , between Ci If or n la and ( Vs 8 reels , In > Iclnlty of H nxli.h church , Jondayllth Inot. , one in jicoran turn i ooic con * ilnln/ one railroad ticket , coiuunrclal mllean * w iknnd in tefor. < JDO , The tli.dir will bo suit ably reuardol by returning auue t3 J , A Lewla , . rcigbt auditor u Ldepirtrnunt , U , P , railway , city. _ f.C62& LOSr-Ooldcioajwltb Inecrlp'lon "rIt. . M. Sept sr" Finder ullreci fro liberal reward by IqaYiiig at th iUr ld otllce. _ 455-tf K. JKTI Houio and Carpet Cleaner , Stove 1'olhhur. LuneorJtr * at Uepul/llcan of- ku , 13lh and 1 > ug ai. _ Si8-tf C > ( A A will buy the furniture of the besta ) ? , vUljaylrighotil In Iowa. Kent ruas enable. Adjjvto Dolph Mouregor , lioo oUlce. Omaha , Neb. IQfl-U BD WARD MifllSTKR OF PALUYBTEKY AMD CONDI TIOKALIH T , 4V8 Tenth Street , between Fcraaat undllsin-jv. Will , nttli the aid of guirlUii splf'-tf. obtain for any ouo gance at the ] nM > and pre ut , aud on certain ccudltlou In the In * tura. I ! ( > ei and Boor * fide ta jrder. Porl Absolutely Pure. Th ) * powder no\er v riep A marvei o purity , strength and wholeoaitneM More economical than the ordinary klntU , and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of lew teU , abort weight , slum or phopb&t powder * . Sold only in ca L A L BAKIKQ I'OWDKI Co , 106 Wall St. , New York \