THE DAlLf BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY SJfcPTEJOTER 2G 5 FINANCE AND MEW YORK , , relti t the iHt hour , amlf . rxtj ( oj. Ml i Ju.t 1)MOM | , to the clwe ( U IHJ.V , . , M JW acm , al(1 , ut < r > oil , equal t'j rl ) ) Cr ut. 1 er umiun' , uai paid ! u * _ few ittf'ar.cB , . T | , ? { j , , j rale for 9 * ' ! .jfttw at theatiolcexclmige WM 0 per " "cent , pltti 1-3J ot 1 i-er ctut. per day. After ne.uly nil borrowers Imd supiUed their wants , nvouoy unhlchipt > J perc.nt. jierdiem anil fnteri'st , closing at "fi per < ctiN jxjr annum ou dividend * t < icka and i per cent , ixr ; dlciu ou uwl-i'ivIdcnJ ' paying Btoclts. There was uti' ' ' "ubted'y ' some money wauled by belated bcrroucrs , but them xtremo r'ttca were looked upon aa vhtGflytlie result of upoculntivo manipu lation , were heavy nnd lower lu cl oiug on account of the deftrwn cf tllOIICV. Pi Itits Mercantile Paper Gift" per rout. Stalling Kxrihange toiuly ; banker ' bill * , il.sajjdemand , $ U"J. Governments were weak and J@ } pot cent , lower. Stock peculation opined Htrong and pric sbowid nn ndvancj of i@ } Ptr cent. fro.ii Saturday's closing figures. At mid day the market rccordoJ a ilcclino of | © ! J pit ceu' , in which St. Paul , MInnevj n & Mamie in , Oregon & Trans-Continental , IrUtiMui Pncific , Uichmond & Danville > aud Union -Pacific were inotl conspicuous. In tha early afternoon n general recovery 'of ljl psr cent , took place St. Paul , Mluuceeta A Manitoba lending therein , after which the market become \voak nnd' Hold ul ! to the clo'c , the -leclliio ranging front i'to ' 2 per cent. the la'iti-r , Missouti Pacific , to 1 07i. Delaware , Lackaivana Ac Western fell elf li1 per cent , , to 1 r J ; Kottbetn Pncilio preferred T3 per cent. , to ! )7 ) , unc.1 Denver & Rio Graado 13 percent. , to 'CO. Tlio market closed weak ohowed a decline on the day' * transactions ol . { JU per cent MifMUri 1'ncitic , i'ich- inwu t & Dau > ille , LionUvillo & JN'uEhvillo Jinn Dslriw.tre , Lick v7 ua & ' the inoit projiituetit therein. UOVUUKttEXTS. * 'e . lOOi1 lOOg .Jf Couiwna . 112 ? 112J 4u * . lltl | ll'.y WjKiihc ( i'a of 18'Ju . 130 130 Oontral 1'aciwHo u'rsta . 111 ? JErie BeoouJ-i. . , . ICO .l ehigh & Wilko > l > Mte . 103J Louisiana cuiibola . 1 > V MLBouriG'8 . 110 iSt. Joneph . lo'J St. 1'aul & Siour City first * . . Ill Teunotttee G'a . 51 ! do iiuv/ . 5:1 : Texas & 1'acltic land granU. . Gl do K. G. div. . . . 83 Union I'aciSc 1st mortgage. . il5J do Innd iranU..lli ; do Kinking fund. . 118 Virginia G'a . X > do consols 6' * . GO do deferred . 13 BTOOK3. Adams Kxpre a . 140 Allegheny Central . Alton & 1'erro Uaulo . ISf do pfd. . . . 8'J imerican Eipre a . SWi liurl. , Cedar Jiapioa & North 83 } Canada Southern . GliJ Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 110 Central I'acific . 02 | Cheaapcake & Ohio . do l t pfd . , do 2d pfd . 1 Chicago & Alton . 140J do pfd . IGO Chi. , Burl. 4 Quincy . 135 1 Chi. , St. > . & New Orleuim. . 80 7 Gin. , & Cleveland . 1 -Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati . Delaware , & Hudson canal . Del , Lack. & Western . Denver & llio Grande . Gli Kria . 42 ? do pfd . bGi K.kst Tenneased . tin preferred . -Vort Wayne & Chicago . 137 llunnib f& lit. Joseph . 47i ' lonaton & TOXM Central . 82 Illinois Central . 1414 13'JJ lud. , Uloom. & Western . 48j 47 * Kansas * . Texas . 40g 39 Lake Krie & Western . 40 Lake Shore & Michigan So.lioj 115 Louiavillo ft Na-hvillo . 7lg Louiav. , New Alb. & Chicago . . 73 Marietta & Cincinnati lat pfd . . 15 do do 2d pfd . . . Cl Memphis & Charleilon . 5U ! Michigan Central . 1045 103J Minneapolis * St. LJUIS . 33i do pfd. . . . 73 ? Missouri Pacific . WJ VftA | Mobile&Oblo . 1122 I Manhattan Ueach . 1'CJ . Morru&Kanex . 01 * NaHhTlllo & Chattanooga . 7 | t New Jereoy Central . 80 58J I Norfolk & \Veitsrn . do preferred . ( Northern 1'i.UHo . 51J 51J . do pfd . US U7 Northwchtern . 1471 14GJ du pfd . IGGi ICliJ * NewYoilc Central . 134i i334 I Ohio Cen trr.l . 171 4 Ohio & MUei sippi . 3'Jj 38 I do pfd . 50 109 I Ontario & Western . 1276 I I'acitio Mail . 4U Panama . IWJ ; , Peoria , Decatur ft. Kvansv. . . 351 35 PltUburg & Cleveland . 13S 138 Itea.iiuK . . l' ' S Islaud . 1i7 : 135i u& San Fran . 41J 41 do pfd . 02 do Ibt pfd . . . 100 St. Paul & Milwaukee . 110J do pfd. . . 1253 St. Paul , Minn & Manitoba. 15'J til. Paul ft Omaha . 53 do pfd . 111 Texa * & I'acifio . 50 Union Pacific . 112 United Statoa Kxpr # < m . Wabiih , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 37 'do pfd. GS Wells , Fargo & Co. Kxprew. . . Western Union Telegraph. . . U3 Caribou Central Aritona . Homentake JJttle Pittbburg. Ontario Quickullver do pfd. . Itobioson Silver Cliff South Pacific. . . Standard flutroOUered. OUered. PRODUCE & PKOVISIONo" flpocUl Dispatcher to Tui DUE. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , September i5. ! Flour ( Juiet nd unchanged. vWbeut Active , finn and higher ; ntm- . , 'I 03 { for September ; U4foXMJo for \ JrUctoli r ; S)3Jfe93jo for November ; 02 (0) ( ) . i f 83o for the year ; No. 2 Chicago eprinf , 1 031@1 OJJ for cash ; 1 CU ; for September ; JJ@'JIJo for October ; 'J3jcs93Jo ( for Notember ; 'J2j93c for the year ; No. 2 red winter , 1 03J for cash ; 1 03i@l ( H for September. . , and firm ; Clo for ca h ; SJ@G4c for SeiitcmW : G31G33o for October ; GU Glic for Noveinberj 54o for the year ; 49 0 for January ; 5 } c for May. Ofttn Mnrkctdull ) Sic for conhand S i > - tember ; 31 $ a for Octobsr ; 31 Jo for No em. btr ; ? 02 . , llc for the year ; 'Jtfo for May. Hye-Matkct dull , U'&o. & Hrley-Ste dy ; 8 l(3)tiGi ( ) ? . Pork Irregular : 21 Mlor ca h , SepUm- her and Oct Iwr ; 20 87i@20 ! 0 for Novem ber ; 10 2 > ® 1U * 0 for the icar ; 18 87J © IS IK ) foi January , LIT i Uu'cttled and ao.ivc ; 12 CO for C.K1 , Srpttmb r and Ortol > cr ; 12 32J@ 12 3 > fur Novcmlier ; It C5 for the ye r ; 11 0011 - ti.'i for Jau-my. Uulk .McatMarket dull ; io dl ri > , 10 CO ; h rtio * , 11 12i ; ( .hurt , U3Ti. llutter Quiet and unchnnsixlj creamery to cholco ladle p\ckel , 14 © lCi\ KKK Firinet ; S3 2c. ! Whiiky SttidS1 20. Fl Seed L w i ; good cruiliin ? , I 23 Cjil 21. CALL HOAHD. Wheat ( Jniot snd nn. d Corn Flrwcr , ndvAUCol Jaftr So ten- . lier utdMay Poik Jwcr21 ; 4 * > Cil21 47\ for < "vh and September 21 I''l October ; 20 87Uoi NoVemijei ; 111 15 for the year ; IS S7i for Jamtwy ; 18 0 for May , Lanl Lower ; 12 55 for Ootol I : 12 2' ) © 12 2A for November ; 11 GO fur the year ; 11 tnj lt > r January ; 114011 4'JJ lor Mny. I.KW route. Nr.w VOIIK. Scptfuiber 2. " ) . Cotton 12 13 It'.fol.l " 3-lCe ; September , 12. 3c ; October , 1180 ; No > ombcr , 11.GOo ; Do- ccmbor , ll.GOc ; Jautiar } ' , ll.GSc ; Febru ary , 11.78 ; March , ll.OOc ; April , 1'iOlc ; May , 12.13c } , lune , 1221. Flour Marl et dull ; nupcrfiue xtalo weslern , 3 50@110 ; common to good ex tra , 4 15@o UO ; good 10 clv > ! c < N 5 10 ® 7 "ii ; white uheat < xtra , G 50@7 75 ; extra Ohio , 4 20@7 CO ; St. Louis 4 257 75 ; Mimierota patent prcceae , 7 2S@S 50. Wheat Unsettloii ; cash lots , ic@lo lower ; No. 2 ppriug , nominal ; uiuraded red , src@1507i' ; eteamer No. 3 red , 88c ; No. 8 red , Idll'ffl Olif ; Bteamcr No. 2 red , 1 0411 03 ; No. 2 red , 1 03\@l \ 07 for certliicftto ? , 107J1 OSJ delivered ; mhcd winter , 1 Oljuugiaded white , SS © 1 11 ; ttcamer No. 1 white , 1 08 , No. 1 white , 22,000 1m. > ld at 1 12 (14113 ( for eertiHcate-s 114 delivered ; No. 2 led for September. 01,100 bu. Rold at I OG@l 0 ? , clo-iiirt at 1 On ; do forOctober.4r GtCO bu. sold at 1 OGftfH 07 , closing at 100 ; do for November , 701 000bu. sold at 1 07i@l OS } , clotitng at 1 07jf ; do for December , 314- 000 bu. sold .it L 0l@l ! 10i , closing at 1 O.i ; do for Jauuury , 210,000 bu. cold all ld > 1 10. } . Um'er , 7 ? < < ' 73i. , during at 73c ; do for Oc tober , 727 ( : < : , closing nt 72.e ; ilo fr No- \emer , CilJfa'OA , closing nt K'Jjc ; ilo for DeccmUT , ur > ( ! ( mi ; ) o , closin ; at lijjc. Oats j@lu lo ; r ; uiixo'i western , I > 3@ lOc ; wh Oo esi. rn , 3JlCc | liny Uuict , litit tirmJUviil ; ( ! . c. ly < Ri Fresh western , hijjher aud fir r ; 1'cTrk Dull ; now mecs , 21 .T21 ! 00 , Beef Dull and drooping. Cut Meats 'Quiet , but lirm ; long cl > ar middlings , M 25. Lard Market easier ; 12 GO&12 70. Butter Murket dull and weak ; ISfJrJSlc. Cheese Dull aud hiwer ; western fac tory , 9'eHOi ; western II it , oi@10 } HT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , September "I. I'lour-- About fie lo-.vcr. Who it Market ilull aud we-\k ; No. 2 red fall , DiVsJOSJo for canh ; < . )2f i.1a ) for October ; 8 ! l@'J32ecloNin93je ; tor Novum- her ; ! ) l@91ic , closing 9)ja ) for Decutnbcr ; S tJfOiOSj'c for.tbe jrnr ; ' .I43@9.r ) o , il sing at 'J5c for.lanuary ; No. 3 red fall , SS@VJc : No1 reJ fall , 81c. Corn Weak nnd lower ; Cfic for rash ; GI GUc , closincntG-li ! for October ; .r > 3jial ( r.Gjcclraingl at TiGSc for November ; U'iiy 49 0 , closing at l'Jc for the year ; ! GJ@47c for January ; -ISictor Alay. Oats Market dull ; 31i@31io for cash ; 31o for October ; 30ic for November ; 30-J3 for P-ccembcr ; 30c for the yeai- . Kjo Market dull ; fi5ic. Barley Quiet ; 70@SOo. llutter Steady ; 27@30c ; dairy , 20@25c. Ucgj Firm nt liOo. Whisky-Steady at 11 ° . . Sl'wk-Strong : jobbing , a'Mo@22 2fi. Bulk Meat. Scarce and strong ; only a email peddling trade , Bacon Active und -Erin ; hhouldqrp , 1125 ; short rib , 15 87i16 00 ; abort clear , 115 50@1G CO. Lanl Nominally higher. AtiTnn.'tooN BOATJII Wheat Firmer , butinactite ; 93Jc bid f or September ; i'Sfc for October ; 93J for November ; 9if ; fur > car. Corn- Irregular , but Wrly nctive ; G3Jc bid I .r September ; GHJc for Oo.obnr ; "iujc for Noyember ; 49 o tor the jearISc ; bid for May. 'Oats-Dull ; no tradlcg KANSAS cinr. KANHAH CITV , September 21Wheat - Market alow and weak ; No. 3 red , 7'iic bid for cash ; No 2 red 7 5c for cash ; 7Bc for October ; 7857 gc lor November ; No 1 red 64 3 old for cash Corn Market quiet ; > 61c bid for cash ; SSc bid for October ; .Sifjo did for the year and Mny. Oats-Slow ; 31c bid for CRsh ; 2JJc bid for October. Butter nnd eggs uncharged. 1-tXIKlA. TKOIIIA , September 24.-Corn Market Cteady nnd quiet ; mVh tailed , fi3i@f > ! c ; mixed , G31gG3Jc. ( O.ttj Ilasy ; iVo. 2 whit , .TSJtStfrtfo. ,11)0Markutduil ; No l , f lliiih Winen Kirm ; IIP. ' . Ilraa lHlulfi LiVKlil'ooLScptember2t.- < < ( Bull. Bull.Wheat Wheat Winter , Hi 4d@ < iCi ; njirimr , KB Com Gi lOld. COU.NU1L COUNCII , BLOIXS , Heplembpr 2i The Council Blulfii markotu carefully rovinui to date are as follows : FJour CioldonShoaf. 3 00 ; Kaua is City ivIutfT nlieat , 275@3 25Mitnojota ; white v/hcat , 3 00 © I 00. \\'hjat Jxo. 2 , 75s ; No 3 , .f 5o ; rejected 0 : . Corn No. 8 , 50.- . OaU No.2 , COc. Kyo No. . ' , 45e. Batloy None. JJfgs--Hcaroe ( ; celling to pad-era 20c Corn 1 GO for wblteylinv ; ! , a GO cum ch p , L' } 09 per ton ; coca unit outti chop , 20 00 per ton. ruurra-AppUw , 200. Broom Corn 3J ( ,9c. ilay-LooBo , 7 00@U 00. Wi.od 5 00gG ( 00. V eel 15@25. Butter Creamery , SOc ; In rollwr.ip. . oed , U8o ; rolls not wrapped , 'i'cj ' uiijud colors , 10@12Jo. Onlona lOc per bi/shel. Live Chlckcus 2 0 < & 3 CO perdv/ou. Potatoes SOc per bu > hel. Cabbaiits 23utlOc ( per doz. TuroipD - 80o per biv hel. Kweet Cjrn 7o per flo n. LIVK STOCK.CattleKxtra , . { .00 ® 3 50 Veal Culvc6 SJ © ' 00. 7 ( XKc,7 25 , Hheei-35C. LIVE TmOGK ? , | Mclll Dl.pjtl.1 , to Till IIlL can AQO. CIIICAI.O , Kptembcr 2"Th J'roviri Journal reiurtu a * follow a ; Hogs Demand brink , awl market ftrong and fuly | 5j hlghei ; saluis cmninoa tu good mixed , 7 ( JOfeS nO ; heavy , 8 45 © 'J 10 ; light , 7 G5&8 10 ; ekips , 6 lOg-7 20 Cattle Ma'ket slow and va'ue * Ueady ; expuits , G69f700 < ; good to choice ship- pin. , 5 tOttO 'M ; oummon to fair ! 00 © 5 23 ; butcheru' fiirly ao Ive , but weak at 4 00@5 CO ; eai'.ern ' dairy culvoH in ( rood demand , but none here , quotations , 7 GO © 1C 00. Sheep Moderately active and iteady ; poorito fair , 3 00@3 05 ; medium to good , 385& < IO ; choice to extra , 4 50@4 85. r.ritl.U cable advicei to the Drovers' Journal nhow nu change In priccirlliia week from Jut. Current juiced , eitluated dtiad. weight are oed to ohoi e cattle , 14 00 ® 15 fO ; ihotp , 13 00@1 ° 00. BT. Lons. ST. I/ocifl , Spteml or 2. " > . Cnttlo Supply c-l.ltlly butchnV and canning dock which sold 10tf.l5a ( lowtr ; nr.tlvo cowa i.nd hflffrj , S 00 :3 : 75 ; mixed lol aveMging KKI to IHX ) pounds Kihi at 3 12J@3 85 ; butcher * ' uteern , 3 oOfel f 0 ; shipping ttwra ncarco and not much wante 1 , Sbfcpa - Q.ilet mid unchangfd ; m i- tun * rangp , 3 25irU ( CHI , H RI Steady ; light to fair Yrrkor * . 7 rOC".8 CO ; hutchrr * ' plua , 8 00gi,8 50 : ml.xod p ckln > r , 7 OOifeS t.O ; but-hen * ' and fancy , 8 60@l 10. 10.SEW SEW OIlK. I NKwYonKSeptembor2"i. ThoDro\er " Journnl bureau rtpott : Ueevm IlrD'cr for middle grade' , in- clulin. < Texas Colorado ciltlo atul 2."i@50o higher , but tr.ulo was not acit\e and the yardi wore bnicly c.ltnrd ; o\ttemc : TPX- M-Coloradj Cattle , 8 2.e t 2-1 ; ' { rd-a f < > d ColoinJo atcck , 900lt ) 0. ; few exlra AUd fancy fteera Bold at 13 7514 00 ; cv iurti to > I < G.'iO bond anil 10 JOfB 12 00 foi ordinary to fair at < crs ; cxpor a for the week were 082 Hvo cattle , 4.1SO piarters beef , 110 lite fhsep , atid G32 C.UCM en mutton , Sheep-Betltrfccliu ? and atriflo higher , with large trade at 4 2'i ® > 75 per cwt. for shi'cp ; nudfi fiO@G 75lor l.iuibr , Hwino Steady for live hog * at 800 ® 9 00 per cnt. KANSAS CITI. KAKMAH CITY , September 25. The Lho Stock Indicator reports : Lattlo Dull and 1015c lower ; Texai slofM of 0 to 10(0 ( pouu-lM , 3 156/3 25. Hih'.Market titm nnd a aludo better ; lota averaging 153 to 253 pound * , 7 20 ® 8 25. Sheep-Market unchanged ; rood to choice muttoiif" , " 7t@3 25. MI6OBLLANBODB. Iliit. CLEA11IS03. BOSTON , Scplcmber 25. The following iu tlio lotal grosa exchanges attbc twenty- atx lending clearing houstn In the United Stati-n for the week endingSeptrmbor23J , SI,230 012,181. Tro exhibit this week Is the most fvorabltf one wo b.ivo had occi- elon to iccord for H uno time pait , particu larly a unnpatcd with the corro * | ending week Inutcar , inMicating general trade throughout the country is in a favorable cundiliiin. The movi menl of general met- chutuUno m btginn'ng to a-suiiio [ nuito largo proportion * Tna apctrg-ta ciciir- ini' for ihe week ju t closed la SI 236,042- 1S1 , ngaiiiHt S',2i7,273,881 ' ! for the pro\ioua week. As con" d with the correspond ing cek laftt j the i Uariiiga ohoiv rv pvr- ccnlage of itijievu of 17,5 pir ccntnij.uns' an im-re.ito < t 3 PIT cent lait week , nnd an iucrp.To i.l 17.2 per veni. o\cr the pre vious UK * ! : . lllliriHll ORA1K TIIADK. ICMMN , eptcmber 2i The Mark Laiiu JOxue'a \\\t \ its review f rlho grain tra-le fnr tin1 pa t wctk naye : Only the tail uf the ) i..rirht , lumaitn to ba acsurcd The condition of Bamplc. ) dooi not im- pruvt * . Vnlncn continue to drop nnd hnvo tnllinto tht ! extvutof 1 t-hil iug iu the pio- vinccH and ? bliMiugH iu London. Forti. > ; n i4 in very eiuall demand mil priccu continuo - tinuo to decline , OtI the coat trade nhowa liltlomore life as piicod decline. Tlicro have been 17 arrival" and 14 nalcc Wheat on passage and for thipmont WRB Hat , cloii- iug at n decline. The iloatiiur bulk baa decreased. FUur derlined " Fhillingii Foreign ia in smaller mpply and prices arc lower. Barley nnd oats arc the only dexciiptiona uf native produce in favor ( I hellers. Maize nnd forelcn barley and oatu arc cheaper. Sale * of Knglicb wheat the past week were 51,453 quarter * atl'2t 1 < 1 , againt.t4GGlG quarter * al 48.1 5d for the correspouain : ; \ eriod last year At the wool a ilea to-dny 8,200 bales were disposed of , " comprising Port Phillips and Sydney. Goad spirit manifested and prices firm. _ MERCHANDISE. Special Diiuatchm to Tint linn. NEW KHIK. NEV ; YOHK , September 25. ColTee Quiet ; Rio cargoes quoted at 9J@10Jc ; job lots , 8llc. Sugar In fair demand and Btrnngly held ; fuir to peed reGniag , 7 7-lC@7 0-lSj. MdluBsefl Quiet , liut steady. llice Dull und unchanged. Petroleum Firm ; United , 87ic ; crude , G2@7jic ; refined , 72@8c. Tallow Market ilull and easier ; prime citv , Sge. KoBin-Firm ; 180@190. Turpentine Firm imd higher ; 41i@l5c , rirrsnuna , PH. , September 25. Pe troleum Active ; United certifiites , Hteady ; ctraed at 88c ; refined , 7c fur Philadelphia dallvery. TRAFFIC. Spoctil DUpatcheo to TUK Ilr.i. lOOUKAM ) ) OHAINH. OHIOAOO , September 25. Receipts am nhipuieiitH of flour und grain for tJie pawl 24 hours liav been CM followa : Keceintr. Slnp'U Flour bbld . 13 000 'J COO Wheat biubeLi . 1 57.000 2.15,000 Corn " . 248,000 138,000 Oata " . G/,000 U'J.OOO Kye " . 12.000 4,400 Barley- " . 40.000 18.00C New YORK , September . 'S. llwcIpta ant i < bipuicnta of t'.our and grain for the pas ! 24 liouru have been an follows : KeceliitH. Shp'U Dourbbla . 18,505 2 , 00 Wheat bu-hdi . K'J.680 470,000 Corn " . 81,000 20,000 Oata " . 40fXW 1,400 Be. LOUIH , Keptember 22. Kecoipta and shipmcntii of flour and grain for the pus 24 liourH have bevn im lnllmve : Itt'ccliit" , Shlp'ta Flour bblH . 17,000 11,000 Wheat bndiklt . 123,000 50,000 Cons- " . 2,000 2,001 OaU- " . 50,000 7,000 Jtye- " . 5,000 1,000 Uarloy- " . 7,000 KANSAS Cm , Seiitombvr 2C. 1'eoelptn ami xhipmentx of grain for tie paat - ; koura huto been aa followa : lleo'ta. Shlp'ts. Wiieni , bunhela . 83,000 16,000 Corn " . 20.0 UTK HIOfK. CKICACO , Heptembor 2" ) . Itee lpU and uhiunenU | of live ttock for the iiait 21 houra li.'no beta iw. follows : Jteo'U Shipm'ti. HOK . 7,0i > 0 3,900 Cattle . H.OOO LfOO Sheet . 2400 1,700 XKW VOK.K , Kci mber 2."i. Itccelpta andnljl | > uienu of liv < ntock * for the pant 24 honr-i have beim ai fullowo : JUo'l . tiLip'U. Ifoc . 4,800 . . . Cattle . 4fiOO Sheep . . . . . 1G.703 . . . . Si. LOUH , rSopUwbor 25. ltecei.iU und nhipmontii if live hVoo't foi tha padt 21 houra have Ixwa IIH follown ; Jteo'to. Hh'pm'ti Ifoga . 9M ) ( 'Httle . 4,400 f/,0 Shuep . . ' ,000 KA.NI-AH CUT , BeptcinUsr ? . ' ; . Iteajlpta and hiiiuent3 ] nf live ittouk for tbo ixut 21 liourd bate been aj fullowH : Jtoc o. Hogs . 1.1WO battle . 4.601) Wholesale 1'locc. Orjrjoi : onfpt OMAHA Dir , ) Monday livening , Septciubei , / The only changes rtporte J In the market o-day are oa follow * : Wheat No. 2 advanced Uc , Wheat No. 3 advanced Ic. Barley declined { c. Jtye decllotd jc. Loon ) arnln D llrurt. W1IKAT. Cash No. 2 , 85ic ; ca h No. 8. R9c ; rejcctrd , 4'Jc. . UAlUiUY. C h No. 2 , 7Slo ; No. 3 , 52JC.KYK.C.vJi KYK.-C.vJi , 45ic. C011N. No. 2 , 65c , OATB.-1'Mh , SfV. STKKBT I'UIOUS-Core , 65c ; at We. Produce and Provlilona. rOTATOi:8 : 25@40o ivr bu hel. ONIONS 30POo i-cr btmhcl. NHW TOMATOKS-30 per lb. BUTTEK-Choico country , 2425o. ft , pe Al'PI KS-l'er barrel. ? 2 00@2 2S. CA NT AI.OPKH-l'cr dozen , 76cgl ( 00. OYSI ! UK Hlcct. f > 0o jwr can. WAlJIltMULONS-rer 100 , $1500 ® 18 ( K ) . PiAnS-Californta , $2 75@3 50. PLU.MS-Californla , ? 2 OOW2 SA. IJltAPKS-Calllnrnla , $ J 00@2 25 , LKMON'tt 50@5 00v > r box. UKANt ImportCAl Ucrm n 2 70 \ si tiushol , Qrooora' List. PANNKD OOODH-Oystf-r * , 2 lb ( Kl M's ) , perca-w , $4 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , 1. . . . . .sc , 2 75 ; rte 2 lb ( rtaudard ) , i > er crwa , 75. lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoc * . 2 80 ; do fl lt > par eaao , 2 85 ; Com , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per cixnp , S 10 ; reeked ; corn , 1 'J ) ; do i lb ( Yannouth ) , per case , 8 15 ; firing boani , per awt , 210 ; Lima bcaur per CASC , 1 85. Suoootnsh \ > vr caco. 2 00. Peas , common , per cise , 2 ( X ) ; pea * , choice , per c c,2 70. Blackbvrrior , 21b , per care , 220 ; ( trnwl > err < cii , 2 lt > , jxsr care , 2 GO ; rasjibcrrlwi , 2 To , per case , 3 59. Dam. sons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlctt poaw per case , 3 00 ® 1 C9. Whortloborriea per cnso,2"5. llgg plump,2 lb pcrcuso75i ( Sroen gago.i,2 lb per c.i o , 2 75 ; do choice , 0 lb per cftKo 1 50. Pine Apple * , 2 lb , ] x > r CUF ? , 4 005 76. 1'cnchpis 2 lb \ > er case , 2 75 : do Sib , cajt ? , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) . 8 lb , per case.250 ; do pie. G lb , per doieu , 3 50. FLOUll-.Tobhlnc price * , Jack Frost St. LnuU winter ) $3 ! K ) iwlOO Iba. ; To. pckn Patent Kansas , 83 85 : Minnchaha Minnesota Patent $1.00 ; Snawneo Fancy xv nter , $3 10 ; llaglo , XXXX winter , $3,00 ; Triumph pi ing , bast , $2.00 ; Chris , linn'n eup rlativc , 385 ; bran , per ton- § 14 00 ; chopped feed , ? 28.00. FISH No 1 muckorol , half brlG 25 ; No , 1 muckcrel. kits , 05c ; family mack- crl , half brN , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 75c ; No. 1 while fi h , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1 white fiob , kit' , 05c ; family white fisli , Inlf brls , 4 50 ; fau.lly white tub , kits , KOe ; medium ucalcd herring , 35c ; select bonclos- < cod , 1'ic. rtUU AllS -Powdered , lOSc ; Cut loaf , 10J ; Grauulatod , 10o ; t1outootionorlB A , 9tf : Slaudnnl Kilra O. 'Jc ; Kxtra C , iiSJ ! ; ; medium > cllow , 8c ; dark yellg ? , SVHUP Standard Com. , 4Bc , bbl . ; Stamhrd do , 4jallnii [ krss § 25 ; Stun * ( ttml do , 4 gallon kegs , 2 00. ; 5PIC1 . Popper , 20 ; Allnpico , SOc ; Oloven , 33c ; Nutinoi3 , $1 00 ; Couia , 2lc ; Mace 31 00. LYK nsorican , 3 3" : Greenwich. 3 10 ; Wcitein , 2 75 ; Noilh Star , 2 00 ; Leula' lyo. 4 ( K ) ; Jowcll lye , 275. ] 'U''KD ' Jobbing prices , Chop feed , SI 50 per 100 Iba. ; chop com , 81.40 ; bran , 70j per 100 Ibs. STA11UH. i'ootl , 4Jc ; Silver ( Jlono , 8)3 ) ; Corn Starch , 8 c ; KxcolaiorJloiu , To ; Corn , 7Jo. UOl'ill I. Rio , fair , lie ; lilo. Rood lie ; ] .iii u to choice , 12 to IS j ; Old gov't Mocha , 28io ; Arbucklo'e , M1CATI3 Hams , 15Jc ; breakfast bacon , 153c ; cleat nido bicon , ITiJc ; dryaalt bacon , 14jc ; shoulders , lljc ; tierce lard , 13 | . itOPK Sieul , 4 Inch and larger , lOc ; Hindi , Uc. CUKES i Full Cream , 13Jcj Part kim. 101 ? . TEAS .Gunpowder , E ° ° d , 45Si55 ( ; Oholcc , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40 © l.rc ; OH-Jce , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , SO ® 50o ; choice , G5c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , J5o ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , gotnl , J5IO ; Ooloni ; , , 40@55 ; Bouchoug , ood. ! ! 5a-40c ( : choice. H5-15c. NKW PIOKLKS Medium , In barrola , { 00 ; do in half bbla , 4 50 ; amalln , In bbla , 10 00 do , in half bbla , 5 50 ; gherkinn , in bbla. 12 00 ; do , in half bbls , G 50. WOODKNWAKK Two hoop palls , 1 05 ; three hoop pailo , 2 20. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 50 ; Pisneor waahboarda , 1 85 Double Crawn290 ; Wcllbnckotu , 350. L15AD Bar. 81 65. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc pure apple , 13c ; P rowing pure annle , IGo. SALT. Dray loadj. per bhl , 1 G5 ; Aah- ton , in one ke , 3 50 ; bbla dairy GO , 6s , 3 50 HOMINY New , 34 50 per bhl. SODA Uwlght'a Uipupore. $2 85 ; De end do , 92 85 ; ChurchV , $2 85 ; Keg loda Boxw , 40 Ibi , 10 oz , 8a 15cbi ; xea 40 Iba. , 10 oz. , Oa , 15n. HICK Carolina , 74@8o ; Loulalana , 7 @ 8c ; fair. 0@GJ. MATCHKS Per caddie. We ; round , Uirea , 8S 10 ; square , canon , $5 40. SOAPS Kirk'a Savou Imperial , 8-45 Kirk'H rctinot , 3 00 ; Kirk'a utandanl , 3'-75 Kirk'a wbito HusHlan. 52.1 ! ! Kirk's Kutoca , 2 15 Kirk'H Prairie Queen (100 ( c .l : es ) , < 0 ; Kirk'a maguolia , 4 5 POTASH Peniiaylvanlt , carw , 4 rtoz. In 35 ; Babbitt'n Ball , 2 doz. { n cuie 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 dor. In awe. 1 50. FIKLD SEED lied clover , choice new , 35 00 per bushel ; mammoth rlovor new. C7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 il alfft clover , now , 812 50 ; nlnik , new 81300. Timothy , Bood , now , 03 00 blue griMis , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grass clean , VI 25 ; orchard grow (2 59 ; tad top choioo , 1 03 ; millet , common or 80c ; millet , ( Jonnau , $100 to SI 25 Hungarian 80o HEKr.KSEKD Ooage oranKe , 1 to r bushcli , $ r > 00 ; osj > ; ; o orange , 10 buiJioU or over , (4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , S5c ; per 100 Ibs. . $2500. P11ANUTS Roantwl , choice , red Ten neiaoo10o per lb ; fancy white , lOio perlb lav * nhlte Virginia raw , lOc ; roa ted 12ic. Dry Ooodtt , BUOWN CO'rrONS-Atlantio A , HJo AppieUn XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , S : ; Bootv F > ' , 8c ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Ocbot W 7lc ; ChiltonanKo A , C.Jc ; tlroot Tulli K 8io ; Hoiwier , Gio ; Honoal Widlh , 640. In di&nlfoadA , HJc ; Indian Stamlarti A , 8Jc ; Indliui Orchard d , w , , 81c ; Lawreaci LL. , 7c ; Myalla IHver , 7Jc ; Pcquot A , HJc Stmwmut LL , 7c ; Ulica O , Ctc ; Waclmn elt B , 7ic ; do A , Sic ; do K 48 , 12lo ; Wnl cott BB. Kfa. FINK BUOWN COTTONS AUemlale 4.4 : 7Jc ; Allisotor 8-4 , 8c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jo Atlantio LL , GAc ; Badger Stutn X 4-4 , 7o Bennlngton 0 4-4 , CJc ; Buckeye B. 41 1 , Gicc Indian Ora'jard AA 0-8 , BJc ; Jjaootila O 39 , 8Jc ; LeWgh K 4-1 , aic ; Lonwlalo , lOo ; Pcppertll N 80 , 7o ; do O 82 , 7ia ; do li ! IG. rjo ; do K 39. 8Jc ; Pocatitot 0 5-1 , 7Jo , WaoiHtitU'l-1 l.lo BLKAOHED COTTONS Androaoog gin L 4-4 , 9lc ; Ulackstone AA iir.porial f > 3c ; do do half bhiubed4.4lot ! Cabot 4-4,8 ; Fidelity 4-4 , 01cVrult ; of IhoIxwm.lO ; tfo csn.lj.-ta4-4iaidoWolerTwl8tOJcGroat ; ] , lOic ; Lidlan HeadBhrunk 4 , 12cs r/3n dalo. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jo ; New York Mills. 12/c / ; Pequot Al o ; Pepperol N ( S Twills , i2Jc : f'ocolionUa 4-4 , 9Jc ; Pocawot 4.4 , Sis ; Utica , Ilo ; Wanuutta O XX , )2ic. llVUKti ( Cohred ) Albany 15 brown. PC ; do 0. drab , lie ; do X.X. atrlpts and l > Ialis , a2jc ; do JCXX brown and drab , titrijiri ! nnd plaido , 12io ; Arlington fancy , lOc ; Brunswick b vjwu , 8io ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do rxtra heavy , 20c ; Fall lUvor brown , extra hewy , 11 Jo ; Indiana A brown 13m Nuixm > 3t A brown. 15c , TlUiUiNVft rtmoBkcaff A O A 32 19o ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowanca , OJc ; ClixemoLt JJ B. 16Joj Conontoga ex tra , licj Hamilton li , 1140 Lewlbton .1 SO , 15c ; Ulunebalia 4-4 , SOc ; Omega super extra 4-4 , Ecj fearl Klier 32. ICjc ; Putnam - nam XX blue itrijio , I2c ; Hhetucket H lOic : do HS 12c ; Yoomau'ii blue 29 , Oo DKNIMU. AinoakeaLblueand bronn J/5ic ; Andovcr DI ) blue , 15 Jc ; ArliugX Lilae Scotch , ISJc ; Concord OOO , blua a w brown , lajcs da AAA , do do I3i ; do XXto do do 14 Jc ; Haymaker * blue and brown , J4c > MyEtio Kiver DD etrlpe , Wio ; Pearl Illver , blue and bruwn , lOc ; Uricaavllle , jluo mui brown , 14ir. OAMUHIOS-Baruard , 5lc ; } Mij tone lining. 21 fuch double face , 8Jc ; Gtfrwr A CJs ; ManhatUn lor finliih , Trolicht Bunker OX * ST. LOTJTS , Guarantee Manufacturers'Prices and Invite ( n spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. Kowport do Co : do clarod , r > Jo ; Pequot da : 1/ockwood kid Imlah Go , OOllSr/T JKANS Amory , Set An-.lriu cngglu cntlcon , SKcjClarondco , GcConos ; eem , 7)c ) ; ll.illowel , 8c ; Indl J 7o ; Nnrr. ganBOtllmprovpilo IVjHicrlll nattfipu S > lo ; Hockport , 7Jo. PllINTS - Aliens OJo : Ameriraii , G c ; Arnold , 7oj llotwlck. 4c ; Cochvco , < c ; ! /o 09toRa. CJc ; Dunkirk , 4c ; Dimnell , 5J7cj Irtldystonc. "cj ( ? bucciter , Gc | llannony , fijo ! KnlcltcrlHXjkor , OJo ; Mer im.v ) 1) ) . 7c ; Myftic , BJc ! Sprairuen. Ccj Soulhbrdgt ! , Go ; do. Ciinghauia , "c ; Iarl irci. fic ; Orlentnl Oio. UINUHAMS Ainniltcng. 12ie : Amon. droM Oil Argyle , lUiu : Atlantic , Onmborland , 7io ; Hlghlixml , 71c ; Ivcnllwortb , Sicj ITun kctt , lOic ; Bus ott , 8c COTTONADES AbborTllle Iflio Agate , 20c : Aincrlcnn , lie ; Artiainn , 2 > c ; Cnlro D and T , 13Jo ; Clarion 1) and T , 17icj Doccan Co.ttripe.iDnnd'r.lGcj Key- nUnio , 131c ; Nnntncket. lUc ; Nonpareil , IGo ; Ocean 1) and T , ISJc : lloynl , 1GJ ) StiJKPt , 12cj Tiogn. lUjc ; WachuHott utilrl- In ? Acckn , 12ic ; do , Nankin. 1'Jlo : York. plain Nankin. 1icdo ; , checks , utriixu and ; ancy , 12Ho ; do , 8 oz , 20o. 8HKKTlN(3S-Aiidro-iCojjiiilO-t,37. 1c ! lo 9-4 , aic ; < lo 8-1 , aJo ; Oontlncntal 0 42 , lie ; Fnilt of the Lionin 10- J , 27Ji Now York mlllnyf. ST.c ; do 78 , 30c ; do SM , 11'Jc ; Pembroke 10--I , 25oj Ponnot 10- J , 2 jc : do 7-1 , 19c ; do 4J ( , IBc ; 1'emiorvll 3l > , lil o ; lo 07 , 21c ; do f.7 , ISoUtlca 03 , iloc ; do 8 , 22icdo-IR ; , 17a Cl ari snd Tobnocot , CrOAUS. Sccib , Slfi.OO ; Uomircttcut , rT-.00 ! Mlxr.1 , 35.00 ; flood liavann , * . O.CO ; Cloarlliu-ana. ? 70.K ( ) . TOBACCO 1'I.Ua. lloldon llulc , 2 ilb , C.0c ; Our Hope , first quality , G2c ; , pound ? , 21 lb , buttnGOollorioWhoo , pound' , 2J Hi , Imtto , ( iSc ; Gilt Kdgo , lounds , 21 lb , liulta , GO ; Anny and Navy , loiuidn , 5r o ; Uullion , pounds , IJOo ; Lorll- anVa CKniax , imunds , GOc. FINK OUT In ! . . : ' . Mont to Uoiti 75o ; ( > olden Thread , 70o ; Vountain , BOo , HVoiitc , G5c ; Kockv Mountain , GOc : Tancy , 55c ; Daisy , hoc. Tn tin Ml- Catlins O. U. , C lb boxes , per lb G3o ; l.orl- Ulanl'H TlRor , COc ; Diamond Crown , Gflc. SS10KINU All prailca Common , iffito 33c. Gruimlatcd IJlnckwclla Dntlmin , 10 ozGlc ; UukcB Durham , 10 orIGo ; Seal of North Cnmlina. Ill oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebr.\a. ta , 1(1 ( oz , SSc ; Ixmo.lnck , 4 oz , linen bagq pcrlb , S1.S5 ; Marlmrpa' Puck 2 ot , tin oil , 6r c ; Do * Tail GOc. Paint * Oils and Varnltliei. OILS 110" carhon , per c"1'0" ' . 12c ; 1'W ) headlight , per gtllon. le ; ! ; 175 * hendllfrlit , per gallon , lie ; linseod. raw , per gallon , 7 ; llnncod , uolla'l , r > er gallon , tOcj Unl , winter otr'rt , per ijal- Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 6fic ; No. 2 , 7So ; ca'tor , XXX. ppr Ballon , 1 15 ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; BWLPt , per RMlon. S5c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 C5 ; fmh , W. B.pev gallon , COo ; noatnfoot , oztra , per gallon , 7f > c ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; Bummer , ir > c ; Koldcn macUnp. No. 1 , per gnllon , 3Bc ; No. 2 , SO ; , nlgnal , per gallon , BOo ; tor pcntino. per eollon , ubc ; naptha , 74' , per gallon , l&c ; Gt' . 17o PAINTS IN OIL Whllo load , Omaha P. P. . 6jc ; white load , 15 1. Loulo , pure , G o ; Maraefllcfl green , 1 to 5 lb cann , Wa FroncJi due , giicn cral. 12c ; French rluo , red ivl , lie ; Frenoh zinc , in vnnilnh anot , 20o : Froncli ziuoo. In oil anst , ICc ; Ilaw and tram t umber , 1 Tt > cans 12o ; raw and burr.t Sienna , IS : : vnndyka browu , 3. relined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ; I rry black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pruf ian blue , Wc ; uitrmnurino blue , IGo ; clirvuu grncn , Ij. M. kJ. , 14c ; blind and ehuttei t'-ocu , L. M. & D. , ICe ; Paria green , 18o indlau rod , 15 Venetian red. Do ; 1 uncut dn , 22o ; AmurJcan Vennlllod , I. ft P. , 18c chrome yelloTy , Ij , . M. , O. 4 D O. , 18o follow ochre , Uc ; golden ochre , ! < ! ; patenl dryer , 8c ; ( jrr/nlns volora : lii.-ht nalt , darl oaz , walnut. ohtr.'Jiut and ( uili Ifio. Jry Q lnt VhIto leal , GJ c ; French lrnv 10c : Part whitoing 2Jo ; whiting gUJare , IJc \ hi tine ccnil , Uc ; lainpblivck Germantown town , 14c ; If m plilack , orciuury , lOc ; 1'rai Man blue , 55c ; liltramarine , ItJc ; vandj-fcc brown , He ; um faor , burnt , 4s ; umber , raw IcjHlcnne , liu rn t , 4c ; eierein , raw , 4o Paris gresn go nulno , iKo ; Paris green mm' 20o ; chrjine rruon , N. Y. ' UOc ; clicom green 1C , 12c ; , vennilliou , JCn . , 70c ; ver million , Am erica , IKc ; Lcdiun rod. 10c rene pluk , 1'ic ; Venetian read , UooKiim'i vcnetiai i red Am. , I'jc ; TO I load , 76 Wintnr'i mijieral. "jo ; Uiliigti brown. 2Jc npnniih tire wn. 2jc ; Prlnoo'i mineral Be , VABUIHlIKS-liarrelii per ( jallou Furcituro , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 HI } coach , extrn , $140 ; each , No. 1 $1 20 ; Damar , extra , SI 70 ; niiau , 70ca.i ; phaltnm , extra , 85o ; idsMlao $3 CO ; han oil finish. 31 SO PAPKH Straw paper , 2jc ( ; r g paper Ic ; dry goodu paper , Go ; inaulla paper , lOn neva paper , 8c. Mu try Hardware Lltt Iron , nito-i , t3 40 ; plow utoel , r.pecln cwst tool do. 16 < )20 ) wagon MioLoii. not , 22o@8 OOjhulu , per ot , 1 ! ; felioaH , raivoJ dry , 1 40 } lonrjuun , cucb , 70@8jtj ! ; axles , each , 7Sc ; nutx , per lb , 7lie waflheni. per In. 8@lHc ; rivuUi , per lb , lie coil chain , per lb , C@12o ; malleable , 80 Iron wrdf'uti , lie ; ciowbum , lo ! ; hurroiv tooth , 4c ; liotueehoDs , iwr keg , 5 00 ; uprlnij lluriion'i" mulorfhuca , 0 fiO. SHOT.tihot71.85 ; Buck shot , ? 2.10- Oriental Powder , kegs , JG.JO : Jo. , ball ketfi. $ a.-t8 : do. , quarter Icgd , $1,88 ; Blast- big , keen. SI ! M : Ktido , tier 100 feet Me. BAliBKl ) WIKK In car lots,8 HO per 100 ; In lesH than car lota. 8 fir ute 100 , NAILS-UatCD. 10 to GOI | / I C5. Lea her Oak nole , SHe to 42c ; homlork ioe , 2So tu Sflcj hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , cro to 80c ; hemlock calf , 8Sc to 120 ; hum. lock upper , 23o lo 2Cc ; oak up | > ur , 2lci alligator , 4 00 to B M ) ; calf kid , M&'Mc ; Orelsen kid , 2 SO to a 76 ; oak kip , BOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French Lip 110 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rua netti. 5 00 to 7 f 0 ; linings , C 00 to 10 W ( .oppInffH , 3 00 to 10 60 ; B , L. Morocco , ItOo to itfc ; pebble O , I ) . Morocco , SGc ; nicion ; 'i fft to a 00. JIAltNIiSSVol utar oak , 42c ; No 2 do , i'Jn ; N . 1 Qt > \ < > oak , S'.oi No. i ! do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 87o ; No , 2dSlo. . Honei nd Mulct. The rnarktt ie brink and ull erados itru sellluKwell at a lli < ht udvanoo in PIICOB , 1 lie demand for Rood horueti exceeda the mipjily conslderaoly , 1'ricon rajiga AH foi. luwu ; Fine jilngle drlvcra , ? UO. to SCO , ; Kxtra draft hones. SI7& . to 225 , ; Common draft hone * , flOO. to 1W. ; Kxtra fanri larncn , $110 , tu 125 , : Cotmnou togo3d fanu hortiwj $90. to 8100. ; ICitra plugii , 800. to 76. ; ( /ominon plu D , $20 , to # 10 , MULES. 16 Uj 15J hands ( extra ) , $125. to 150. ; IU to 15 bauds , 8100. to 140. ; 14 to ULandu , t76. to 100. | ISi to 14 handu , $00. to 76. LI uort , ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 34 per wine gallon ; extra California iplrlts. 187 jirtHif , 1 'JO per txoof gallon ; triple refined spirit * 167 proof , 128 per proof iaUou ( ; re-dUtillod vfcliklc' , I OOcrfl TiO ; 'Hne blended , 1 a 50 ; Kentucky bouibons , 200@7tO ; Km tuckv and IVnnnvlvanla ryes , 21/007 IX ) UUANIM US Imported , tO 00@1000 ; ilomwtlc 1 40@4 00. OIN8 Im.Tortcd , 4 60@0 00) ) domcetlo , 1 40 ( < 00. lllIMB Imported , 4 60@G 0) ; Nou Knxlnnd. 2 00oJI { CO ; domcttie. 1 v.0f.i : 50 PUAnt AND APPLK 1JUANDY- 1 75W4 00. 011AMV.AGNKH Imported pur case , SSOOS'Jl 0)Am5ti3 ) J , cane , 1200 ® 1000 , OIuVUKTS-Per cato , 4 f.0@16 . 00 WINKS Khlno wlno , per case , 0 00@ 20 00 ; CftUwba , per case , 4 00S7 ( 00. Lumbar. W1IOLE3ALB. V.'o ( junto liunhcr , lain and thingles on : cara at Omaha at the following price" ! JOIST AND HOANTUNO-1G ft. and under , ? 20 00 ; 18 ft. , C22 00. T1MIIUUS Id ft. and under , f2l 00. TIM11KUAN1) JO18T-18 ft. , $2200 ; 1C ft . J24 CO , 22 ft. , $27 50 ; 21 ft. , 327 M > . I'hNCING No. 1 , I aud C In. , 821 00 ; No. 'A 81H 00. SHUKTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 818 03 ; No. 2 , $1050. Si'OCK 1IOA11DS , 12-ln. D , $2300 ; IMn. O , $3500) ) 12-iu. It , ? 4000. LtMK rorbntrcl , ? l 10 ; bulk pcronn- S3c ; Cement , bbl , ? l 75 Iow. % plaiter. Mil , $2 00. llalr per 1m. 3T > o. Tarred felt 100 Ibn , 83 00. Straw board , W 00. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Hun lUorjiburff , 812 ; Wliitcliroaat lump , 9" > CO ; WhltebrcaU nut. ? f > 60 ; IOWH lump , ? 5 50 : Iowa nut ? 5fiO ; Hock Spring , ? 8 ; Anthtncitr , all elitu 810 W ) . DllU HAND CHBMIOALS Acid Carbolic , 5Cc ; Acid , Tnrtnric , GOo ; Balsam Oopahlrt , per lb , 70o ; Bark , Snaiafrnt , per lb , lie ; Cnloiuol , per lb , 7fic ; Cinchoiddm , per o : , 81 Ifi ; Chloroform , per lb. 100 ; Dover's powdoif. , tier lb , 81 40 ; Kpjon. taltD , per lb. 8lo ; Olycorlnc , puro. per lb , 8Sc ; Luna , Acetate , per lb , 2lo Oil , Ciiutor , No. 1 , per ( ; al. " 1 lfj ; Oil , Castor , No. .1 , per gal , $100 ; Oil ; Ollvo , per prd. SI r,0 ; Oil , Origanum , f > 0 , Opium , W 00 ; Qu'.nino P. & W. & II. ft B. , | icr oz , 51 ! SO ; I'oturslum , lodldo , per il 81 'M ; Salami , per oz , 40o : Sulphatn o Morphine , for oz , 83 b5 ; Sulpmir ilonr per ll > , 4c ; Strychnine , nor oz , 81 35 , Wool. Msu'aomiwnn od , light , 14@lCo ; hcavy.c , @KMc ; medium unwashed , light , 18JWO washed , choice , X'c ; fair , 30o ; tub-dine , nnd w. , 28c ; hurry , blacknnd coiled woul 2@Go lets Hldei Mir . Etc. 1111)153 ' .ircon bulchor'a hide , Gtf7f curodSJc ; liiiloa , green aalt , pftrl cured 7Jc hldos , 74c ; dry lllnt , Bound , 13@14c ; dry call nnd kip , 12@14c ; < lry salt hides , iiound , 10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to IB Ibs. , lOfglloj grron calf , wt , under H Itw , i > or ekln , 60o ; ; rocu polls , l > 0@81 25 ; grceu lamb rkine , " 25@lliOi damaged hlden , two-third rate , L BCorod nnd uno urub. clMxed two. tLlrila rate , ) branded hides 10 v r oont. off , Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , SOc ; No , 1 , .JO , ; No. , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , Wo ) ; No. i HOc ; No. 8,16c ; No. 4 , Oc. Fox. , OOo ; No. ' 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , bfioj Gfio ; shotiHtrlpj , 40o ; narrow ntrlpcc broad otrlpo. lOo. Tallow 7o. { * fl I "Y * Faro money and order palt direct from uHL I u , woiihlp proinptlj1 by rail at the o rat | v ill > lo mill prlcoto Ml wonlcrn polnfs [ Cm-llil TVl.Ull 8 ALT CO. , Hik'lnaw Clty.Mlch FORTHE PERMANENTCURE OF CONSTIPATION. No other dlmtuoU BO prevalent In Uil > , country u ConUpoUou , and no rornwly O baa tvor rquallocl the celebrated KXDinTY. g WOIll * an a euro. Whatever tbo cnunc , however obbtlnato tbe CAAO , tbU remedy rill ovoroomo It. Oil RT4S TUTn dUtnialnjr com- VIIUEsOm plaint la Tory apttob-- oamplloatM with conaUpation. Kldncy- K Wort trenftUiena Uio vrcakoned partfl and a quickly cum all klncU of I'llM evonwheu b phyulclani and ln < xlcin i liAToboforamtl- tcl. ttrlfjou have eltucr orthoea troubln PRICES ! . ] USE iDruRRlotoUoll INCREASE YOOn CAPITAL , . Tlioso dfitlrlnir to make money or eriall and inoiiliini Invcetmontilr Kniln , | irorl lonii ami ttocU tjictcula tlom , cm it.i to hy oiwratlnK on cm plan V'romUay 1 , ibbl , lo the pro onk daf t , on ImiHtiiifn H cl 8IO,0 < to 81Wj , cavli | iroQt IIUTII Ixci raill/o.l auct | vill to IrHcttori gl\Ffl ainouii In totrvcr I llmmtbec.rlK CuU ' " " ' l"t""n ° ' > 1 , Ktlll Ivailn/ tin onln l luYuutiniTit u.bklHK nioncj or p.jalihi on dtuukml iij : > lanrtn ' cliciilnrsuri.l tUtnuninti ol lunii RTOfllvii * - ' ' uf / u. . . . r . . . . it * . . . . . . . * . . . . .n..uii.i. nho wllnport < incnft unil liit-odiKB the plin klwral ccm- iiiluloiw inlil. Aildnwi fllMUt.ll fi KKLIIIAU.m Illk Mircluntd , tiAjur OJO ill. PROPOSALS , For rr 'llnr ( St. Mait'u Atinur , btrcut mid Hojlol P-HIKJ 'II ' will bo nculv.-il lyllio undir- i.lfui'd | nn II iibth , lH. > a , at la o'clock , iKuii.for tli Krjdl KCl ht. > Ur > 'n tu'iiuoaml Ifouanl Ktitxt , ojunnno'iK at ihu vimt ili.o 01 ICthnlriot , thoure wunl on nt lUrj'iiaiciiuu to the tust line ollicth Htrecr , anil aUj ( cr crudlni ; Itith ntrdt , bctc'.n Karnani anil llownnl ( tneta a pi r n tint anil nprcltlolion cn Illoln theolllir ol the llnar.l ol 1'ublio W otk . i Mt tu 1 o accoui- I n n led ly Itif bl imt.iro cl jiroponjd urctlm , who , inthoovtntc , ! thocnntr rth IIIK awird l , Hill tutor line abo'd 11 thoKuninlonnthouund ikillari ( jl.bCUlu ) > the lalthlulu cntljucj iho afnrnnu tn i c nljii < to routiacf The I oinl ol I'ul Ilo n orts jwi'rics the right to itjuct any ud | | Mils. JAura cuKiaiiTON , Chitrinan Hoard I'ubllo SVorkii. Oinittia , Uipt. ID , 1W. ' . llood-'w 1'KOPObALS Hiuli l proX > ali w II bo rtvilnd by the uudrr- tlfusj at Nd. 1119 Kmnam tlrvot until 7 o'clock p. m. on the M h < I.ty cl Hcptumbrr lor thu pur- ( huocl tholruL-io hutluInK ultua'cU o1 biunJirj ttrvot nour Cunln- . ant known ua tlio "Hum cjcr' * Htri'U UUnlou " Tlio K'ound I.OHJ bail a oiprod thi trurtoimofl I tbo building lor lulolur Iho j'Ur ' | > oini ol rluHUig uji the hll lu r | the iul . 'on unU rlu i Inlo contrli-ut'.ra eaih proc.oda aiiiiiay borikllird. lild tluuld bo ondomd ' Isidi ( or rUutiilon BtioUMiKiloii. " Tfu rUht l.icK-rvud lo rijitct anyard ull I.Ma K. Ji fllKNOH , IB to Bocrvtaiy. 1'HOl'OSALS. nlirojK | > U will I o rect-luxl ti > tlio under- . . . until rii | > luubir , ler > 2 , at 1Z o'clock io < jii , for'lie ' uxro > utiun | uthurti9 < rcl cluuure ol thu cfianml ol Nortli Ooiiha irtok tlironijti hi ; i > rcKnt ) lu l.lCK'k 1'JIJ dl ) ol Dmilu m JHT < ltiif and ] jclflc tlnri on fllulu the ollljo ol tlio loard ot I'uU c wv rU. ISida to ( .cconipitilixl b\ he tu-KOtUtioiHol rrctiaswl ajrctl wtiQ In tLu ctuut ol iha awarding thccontract Hill enter lire i bond In Ihgsum oiKOOMith tlm c'ty olouiilu lor the lallljlul ciocut.oii ol t<l work ( oucnl- luif to contract. llio llourj ol public Horkn roicnoj tlio rl/ht to rtgtit t j rijtcl any aud all bld > . JAUKaOHKKIUTON. CluJrmnn Heard vt fubllc Woik . Ouuliit , tj | > lruUr H , Hucaiw PUOPOSAL I'OH PAVING. Bta'eil vropfd * ' " will bo rtc l < i ! by Iho un 'cr- tlcnc t until 12 n'clock noon , ol Turl > y , Ucto- b-rSd , lor tlu in > 'iiit ' ol DmiRltn ttrrat Inpiv- liiKilmlrlct No. tl , lu the city ol Onmti.t , brine ttiatiwlol DoiiclM 'rcitlli cbotwp n hcr.i llnool Vthetitrt aril the cn tliroot Ifllh ftu < ct wllh Hl-.cit Aiiphalt ronirrl'ii'K 18000 muaro ) * rd > , nn ro rr lrn > , M put ii'r ncatlo l > . th > nRlct ot th U-ixnl ol 1'nl Uc M r rk * . Hull to bo nccoii ptnlc.l liy ths nlgimli rciolilio propo'rtl nurctlci li' . In tha o\cnt ttth * awnrdiriK ol Mild contract , will e-i rrlntoa bond l'h Iho city cf U.n liIn tinpinuct tl 1 t ) thciMatut I'ol > r < to Inline th f Uitul ! i frffnimnoi c > t nuchr ilt.vct. IIKlf imi't bj accon ptnlctlby a rcrlltlnl chrcV In the turn ol tlio liunilrol ilol ar . pt'abloto the clvc ( Omaha , ald chtck to bo iHurncd to thchlili cr In t'.ioflcnt oltba non-icctptAnco cfbld and to Ihn nureciii'lil hcldpr upon fulfill- ncntnl the eanit.tlonihcrtliippvclllni. Other- l ciall iMcck pliiill bo forfoHo.l wid plural to thocrnlU ol tlio imlntr luntl. All btdn ta ho upon tulntfil forms lunlshoil b ; ho Hoard ol 1'ubllr Workn. JAMra CUEinilTON , 18 cod.Sw dial nun Hoard ol 1'ubllc Works. SIDKNVAhK TAX NOTICE. llv PiMTUI ordinance No. 31R , approved He | > - tomncT l l , IS * ' , n l.ito pay lor umntnutlon and npalrn of ftldrunlkn wax | P\CH | ! an folloum I'.MImrlno It. tlriu. lot C , Mock 2011. Onnhn , WT.fO. Cnrtlinrino 11. ( Jray , lot 7 , block 201 ! , Oniahi , tJT.Wl. A. It. lhtfron < > , lot 1 ? , Orlllln nnd IWUC'H nildl- tlon , ( IK IS. It. While , Jr. , lot 13 , ( Irlllln and ISIAC'H mldl. lion , $18. IS. 11' Stc'bliliu , lot 18 , ( IrllUn and IKUC'S lu Kins' , K M foot , lot 30 , llrltlln nnd KW'H addition , $13.00. Kiiil'lti-hett , H. 10 foot , lot 80 , Orlllln and In.iAo'r < addition , fJ K. . 1 , . C. Ainloreon , lot 3 : , ( Irlllln and IKUIU'H lulill- tlon , f.M 0 ! . CuiiillnuC. VanNatnpo , tot IIblock 12,1'.irkcr'ii aclilltlon , IK.2' . ( 'urollno ( ? . Vnn Xuinoo , lot 1' ' , blcHk 12 , l'.irker'Hnililltloii , $ IH.iO. I , . M. Atidorson , lot 2 , Mock ( ' , HhlnnV ndilltlun , K II. Hnrllmt \ lot II , block0Hhlnirn wldl- tlon , $ IT..i. . U P. llfwlor , lot 1 , block T , Wilnn'B mldltlon , Kiriili (1. lllalr , lot 2 , block 7 , Milnn'u nddltton 8I7.1W. llcnnin Kountio , lot 11 , Mock 7 , Hblnn'n nddl. tlon , SI".C.7. It. 11 , Moore , \V. ) lot 0 , Thorni-ir * mWlllon , Wl 00. U , 11. JlooreV. . J lot 10 , Thorndl'a aiMltton , "li , iI'lrkard , lot 7. Tlionusll'H ruMltlon , l.oriMio THbblii. N. 2. ' . CR fi'cl 'ot 4 and H. 31.32 loot lot. 3 , Ihorniirn mlilltlon , 311.00. Tlii'M-t.iM'i au > | walilototliu fit ) Trc.wtrcr , and ulll lu > conii < ilollncinoiit Oolol.or . illht , ISH' ' , o lilili ilatu n Jic'tially ol loprrccnt. will be rulilinl , toi ) tbrr w till Intrri ht nt the rntu ol 1 IH r rx'iit , tier month , iMynblu In iul\nnc < > . THU.MAN I1UCK , -fit Citj Trwwurvr. Tnited ? States 'Depository First Monal Bank , OliAUA , Oor. 13th and Parnoxn Bta. OLDEST BAMKIHa KHTAuUflllllEHT IS OIIAUA. aUOOC&SORO TO KOUHTZE Jr inUM KkUonal Uank Ancutt U , 1BC8 ? on nao ' - , AND pr.onre - ICO.OO Q cm in KoncrjK , Prcalilut.1. Auuuirrnn KniiNTZi. Vice It JT. n. DAV , ( Wihlai. A. J. Porp'.rron , JOIT A. O i DTon. 7U tin * IW ivc liepui-il * kuoun iaee tlma c rttnctn hoorlnic . Dr H ilnfln on Sun /rancUco umlprlnclr. Illunol tno unltM ' London Dublin Edinburgh Mil tha prlncltwl cUlon r. ( L'mconU ot 1' ' 'tl'lil- -n..1HII THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BAJSKLNG HOUSE IN NEHHASKA. JALDWELL HAr.1ILTON&CO Hiuluow ( raiianctod nutno thnt of nn incorpurntoil buiib. Aorounta lio-it. la oan-eao- old n ii > ottOHht ) [ cliriulr without 110- Uon. C u"ti/oute ! of tlnpovit iMoua pnr- ftljln In three , ulx anil twelve inonthii , lon.viii ) | ; Intoroit , or on ilo. cianil wlthattt Interest , Aclviiuoon inutlo to onitnmen ou ( mrovtil euuritlo at ninrlsot i uU > of lutcroiti Tlio lutnroat. ol1 onutomci-n are oloa < ily | ; ; unrdoil,4 tiOi tivory Inollity oozuuiiliblo wikli prinolulo * of anunil liiinldiiu ilnely ex < uclcd. Draw nliiht ilr lto on uuland Ereland , fJooUmie , undnll unit o Uaropoi flnll Enropnnu uiuuarjo ; tlolitti. O'Jl LEO l lONf ) PROMPT tY MADE PROPOSALS for UrudliiK Tinth Strtit llUutiu Kariiiiin uuU Douglu. Hcalcil | ire | > o a1 wl 11(0 m'cln-d b ) the iimlrr. Kiiixl until noon of Tut l y , Octobvi * 1 or the Kraillng ol Tcnlli Btrui't , Utw 11 tur nd lloiiKlui utri't-tn , to Im i. ub'l lioil m plttrm unil nwlutlouii on ll'e In the ollitu ol I ho lloircl ul I'uljiic Worku , IIIU to b luxniiinuuilwl by the nlgiiatiiiH 0 ( ) roKjt. l nuritlM , wlio , in thouunt of thuawanl iitfof thanintnu-t , i itntvr into n Uniil uilli hu I'lti of ( inwli.t in tin pi im1 turn ul * , VJolcrlhu ulthlul ii uiiiun cf Hui.i wurK uiixirillnir tumn- rait. 'JhulUinl , l I'.il.liork. . rwirvi Ihv i bt t"lxj < * t uii ) aii.l ull lil.Is. JAUM ( 'Krunnox , Cliiilrinatinllkj.ini ol I'liblloVurk cl thvUilt ol Onuiliii. 18t < oJ2tv 0 AilijJ.ptcinbcr 18 , 1882 PJIOPOSALS Konli J prapotik'a will bo rcothoJ l > j the umlti. gniHl until Ho | > t n.bui S th , 13s'.b , at IttoVlock. on.lpr the ft UI"K < .i Hut pirtofUih strtxit , n tli. ) tlty cl Omaha bitui'ta Uau ios tlru.t nU iha n r h Uno ul utroct In bald > ty , i per pi UK and hin'U"cntlo' u on ttle iu thu oilico Cf 11 I ) Ol till ! liOHlt Cl I'lltllioVotkd. . UuU to bu ace'ii ] | iiH'l by tlm pruKWcil nir- tlu , h ) . lu tlio vu1 it of tlio aorJlnt * of tbo oontr ct , will o tr In'uboudu with the c tel niahi in Iha mm ot ouu thoumuil dullan ' 1,000) ( > r tin , Ulthlul cxwutloucl the atorwaU irk ii < onllii ) { I ? contract. The UoarJ ul I'uullo Work * rinenw thu rltht o njuct any anil all WJa. JASIK3 OUE101ITOK Italiinau llo rJ ot I'utllc Woik * ol Uc Citt Ouuha. S pt. It 16W.