Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1882, Image 1

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Sis-no House in tbis city
EJre you can buy good Boots
and Shoes as cheap as you can
at the
Shoes for Babies ,
Shoos for Ladies ,
[ ihoes for Men ,
{ hoes for Women ,
Boots for Boys ,
Boots for Men.
and there is np reison why you
should suffer for want of Boots
ana Shoe , as 'ons ' : as this firm
soils so Cheap ! Cheap ! ! Oueap ! !
& Dormanri ,
{ Successors to Fred Lang. )
Grocer af the lest ,
Grand Depot of the Celebrated
The only flour that gives gen
eral satisfaction. It makes the
sweetest and lightest bread.
Being the only Powder highly
recommended , by the most
celebrated ohemists-iWo
Keep It.
California Sugar
Which is pronounced to be the
purest article ever brought to
this market ,
Best Branches of California
and other fruit a ,
flavoring Extracts ,
Limberger and Swiss
Cheese ,
Crockery & Glassware
Tobacco and Cigars ,
Wines and Liquors ,
Claret , Angelica ,
Port , Sherry.
Pn * Ttl TTT-
U0nac8 , Ehine Wmes ,
all for. Medical UEOS.
XJ ; / ' Ourl'ricifta being always low ,
- Q / we mte you to call ,
it Heimrc d
! wormann ,
B , W. Corner ojf ] 3tb and Jaok-
BOD Sheets.
The "Milk-Sop $ onarctt Moes on
Oalrof Surrounded by the
British ,
Considerable Hathuoiasni Man
ifested ntd Aired on the
The ImprUonod- Chief ixml His
Followers Sifii for TrAii -
l > ort tiou.
Important Gathoriugn of Irish
Nutionalieta-to Consider
the Main Question.
Twenty Thousand Englltm Minors
Demand nn Advunco of
Wa oo.
Spccltl Dlipfttches to Tun Bun.
OAIUO , September 25. Arabt
L'nsha said iho boat thing the English
could do for Egypt would bo to Bond
ill uotnblcs and other leading men
connected with the rebellion out of
the country. If they do not do BO
rcngcanco will auroly bo wreaked up-
en them after their departure. IIo
asuerts ho never thought the English
would send a lurgo army to assist the
khedive and BO was led 1 ito the war.
flo denies ho had any communication
with the Sultan during the war.
and the Egyptian miuiator , accom
panied by Sir Edward Mnlot , arrived
this afternoon. The streeta through
which they passed were densely
crowded and lined by almost all the
English nnd Indian troops now hero.
The natives gathered along the route ,
numbering many thousands , and gave
them a friendly welcome. All the
Olemaa , as well as the sheikh of the
Elazhur Moaquo and the Kudi wcro nt
the depot.
September 25.
The khedivu , with the approval of
England , ottered Baker i'naha the
reorganization of the Egyptian army.
Ho I'.cccpta the task.
ALEXANDRIA , September 25. Flags
were displayed yebtorday in Itaiilin ,
Tautab , and Damanhour in celebration -
tion of the khedive'a return to Cairo.
Fifteen thouxand porflons witnesied
the khodivo's entry. DeLessops house
was without decorations.
OAIBO , Sept. 25. Gen. Wood has
nrrra-l : Ib'ta utttiU the jlheiilvo will
shortly iasuo a decree granting gen
eral amnesty to the rebels , except
about six , who will bo tried tor their
livoo , being implicated in the masaa-
cres and conflagrations ,
CAIRO , September 25. Among
Arabi Pasha's papers are written offers
of eorvico from French , Gorman and
Rutaian officers , which wcro all de
ALKXANDHIA , September 25. The
Khedive and consul general have de
parted for Cairo
LONDON , September 25. Mr. Glad
stone replying to a correspondent
roitates the declaration that ho is un
able to interfere with the operations
of the Mormons in England , as ho
presumes their converts go with them
DUBLIN , September 25. Dillon will
retire from parliament on account of
ill health.
The military and police of county
Mayo evicted fifty families in the last
few daya in the barony of Erros , and
the people have baen ordered not to
shelter them.
England , September
25. Delegates , representing 20,000
inincrn , at a conference to-day , de
cided to demand an advance of 15 per
cent in wages.
TJ1K MOrllllll UllUUCIl.
KOMI : , September 25. At a con-
siatory to-day Moneigncr Cziki , papal
nuncio at Paris , and Monsignor
Uianchi , nuncio at Madrid , were
creatad cardinal ? . The pope also pro-
coniscd ono English and several
French bishops , and appointed a num
ber of pro'atia ' to soea in America and
Oceauica ,
DUIILIN , Keptomner 25 , A confer
ence of Irish nationalists will occur
October 7th. The session will bo pri
vate. Towards the end of the year
there in to bo a great Irish national
convention to review the position and
condition of the country. Delegates
to the convention will bo elected by
the people.
TUB liAoujS , September 25. Uaron
Von Lyndon , minister of finance , an
nounced in The States General to-day
that he estimated there would bo a
deficiency in the budget of 20,000OOC
QUEBEC , September 25. The now
prefect apostolic named by the pops
over the vast district on the north
shore of the St. Lawrence , from IJlano
Sablan to Hudson bay , makes an
urgent appeal to public charity in behalf -
half of the ecattered settler * and fishermen -
ermon of the Libordor coast , threat
ened with starvq.ion through the utter
failure ot crops . .nd of seal and cod
DUBLIN , Soptemtor 25. Six more
men , mostly re eased suspects , have
been arrested in connection with the
murder of Haodys at Lough Mask.
The police claim to liavo distinct ovi-
dcnco nf-ninat three of them , In consu-
qucnco of iiitprnmtion elicited dvrini ;
the examination of Kerrigan , hold for
the Bftuio crime.
CASH EL , Soptcmbor 25 A move
ment hna boon started to indiico Dil
lon to reconsider hia determination
to retire from the pirHnmont.
DAVirr'n Bciir.MKs.
DUBLIN , September 25. The
E client on propounded by D.uitt for the
formntiou of n qiganliu organization ,
whose lending objects will bo hnprove
mont of the social nnd political con
dition of the frinh , nnd prevention of
omic-ration by nbtninint ; profitable em-
ployiuont for Inborois nnd evicted
tenants will bo diecuteoJ nt
the convention c.f Irish
nUioiialists. 1'a-ndl refused to
annction the project on the ground that
the formation of such onr.inizitjcn
would bo impossible under the exist
ing coo. cion net. Kgai ) . Dillon ,
Drennan nud Kettle dcsiro n discusaion
of the oubjoct ,
A Few of the Items of Damage -
ago OauBud by the Re
cent Flood.
Tim Victual Lnsi Boyouil Compu
Spodftl Uispttchca to Tun IJcx
PLAI.VKIELD , N , J. , September 25.
Kiii.i . ia tailing heavily to-day CHUB-
nj * additional damage to property.
1'ivo hundred thousand dollars will
not repair Iho dnniigo : done the coun-
.ici ) of Union , Somerset and MiihUo-
cex , to cay notliing of the losses of
railroad nnd canal companies , which
are enormous.
PATKUKO.V , N. J. September 25
Rain is falling again but thu river
a rccoeding rapidly. The loss iu this
v.umity is oa yet beyond calculation.
LOSS or LIKE ANI > I'ltOl'El'.TV.
UAHWAY , N. J. September 25.
Thu llood was peculiarly severe in this
city and Union county. Of thirty-
two bridges crossing the Railway river
nnd its branchon within thu city limitn ,
it will coat over § 100,000 to rebuild
and repair them. At Monroe street ,
a atunu bridge while a crowd waa on
it , ono of the arches gave nwny nud
John Wilson , a prominent citixjn wna
carried under the arch. His remains
were taken out this morning.
Tlio Opening or the Pltteburg Kxpo-
eitlon Anytblnpr but Favorable.
6v < | l Dlip tch iJ Till Ilk
PiTTUuuuo , Pa. , September 25.
Shortly after 0 o'clock to-night the
west gallery of the exposition building
cave way and a number of persons ,
together with n piano und two organs ,
were precipitated to thu floor beneath ,
a dletanco of thirty feet. Several per
sons wcro injured , but none of
them fatally. About the EJHIO
hour another accident occur' '
rod outside the building , by
which two persona waa seriously hurt.
A largo crowd had gathered to BOO the
display of flro works , and about thirty
people wcro standing on a temporary
shod erected for stock , when it
fell and the crowd waa thrown to the
ground. Lira. Crawford , of Councils
ville , Penn , , was seriously hurt. IIor
head waa cut-her back sprained , and
she wna otherwise injured. 11 IT hus
band was alao injured about thu head
and face.
DARK HALL. diijmtcli to Tim DM.
BUFFALO , September 25. Uulfalos
7 , Detroita 4.
CLEVELAND , September 25. Ohi
cagns 2 , Clevelanda 1. , September 25. Provi-
dunci ) 8 , Worceeters G
BOSTON , September 25 Bostons 8 ,
Troya 0.
WORUEHTEH , September 25 Second -
end game , \Vorcosters > 1 , Providence 3.
The SoovllloM
SpocUl Dispatch to Tun DBB.
OIIICMCIO , September 25 , George
Scovillp to-day filed nn answer and
cross bill to the petition of hia wife ,
Frances M. Scovilio , for divorce , Ho
charge- her with unch.tnto and un
wifbliko conduct , particularly in that
filiu foil doNpcratoly in love with one
Gcorgo E , Karlicn , and thatsho vinitud
him so constantly ha was obliged to
change his boarding house , and finally
Jio had to forbid her coming to his
ofllce ; that the two 1-opt up constant
correspondence ; that she told her hus.
band tlmt the waa as much E.trlio's
wife as if aha liad been married to
him ICO years ; that she has been
largely led into queer notion ) by
Georfro Trincls Train. She was also
vorv M.uato . with Dr. Mary Walker ,
N. 0. ihton and I ewls lluncliott.
l Di | utclin to Tun 118.
LANOABTKU , Pa , , September 35--PrJ.
vate mlvicei any that IrVicker ham ,
minister to Denmark , hai retlgoeil ,
llLTfil.o , Heuteuilier 23. rhree man
were ( Ifawned by the upacttlnir of a sail-
tmat leu iiiilen oil tlii ) part. The Hole sur
vivor paddled the boat ashore in twelve
hours against very Btrurig heal wluda ,
Nuw YOIIK , September 25. Two men
were killei and several woua'leci ' at Gov
ernor's Inland this morninj ; .
Nipped by Froit-
Sjlddll PIlpAtCll to 1U ! ) !
PEORIA , September 25. Advices
from various localities in the Illinois
river valley Mid other portions of the
great corn bolt in this state report
heavy frosts during the latter part of
the week and snrlous damages to corn
in low land regions. That on the
high and dry ground is too far matured
to bo inj urod by frost. It la estimated
recent frotta have cut off at least 10
per cent of the corn , which a week
ago promised a good crop.
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and furnishing Goods ,
The Briijlitcot Lighted , Best Appointed Jobbing House in America , containing the
nrcosl Stock of Dry Goods nnd Notions west of the Miesissippi. Solo manufacturers
of the celebrated
McDonald's Overalls , Buck , Denim and ( Dottoaade Pants ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth sjock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember
ii. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
An Aged Account Finally Closed
uy the Treasury Depart
A Reminiscence of tba Wreck
of the Piret National B ink
of Now Orleanu.
Tlio Rooords of the 1'ii.trU Jouil-
nctto Exposition. Bendy Tor
Ordered to Quarantine.
Special Dispatch to Tim llsi.
WAHIIINOTOIC , Sept. 25. At the
tlmu of the failure of the First Ka-
tionul bank in 1807 the proaont coinp-
trollor of currency waa in oharqo of
the ollico. The nunintant troaauror in
Now OrJciuia , having discovered a do-
lalcalion of over § 1,110,000 iu that
ollicj the dofuulting assistant trois-
uror gave to him his personal check
upon the First Nationtil bank of Now
Orloaiia for § 315,77 ! ! , upon which
$94,000 in cash , being the total
rimount of money then in the bank ,
was tnkun by the complrollor und np-
plied upon tliia check. It wan aubao-
quontly found by the rucoivor of the
bank that the bank hold Jo-
gal od'jotta against the chock
of the assistant treasurer and that
there waa really nothing due upon the
largo check hold by Iho government.
But in the meantime the § 94,000 col
lected from the bank had been cov-
orted into the treasury , Subsequent
ly the government by Hubrogatinn bo.
cuino a creditor of the bank for a lar o
amount and the coniptrollur lias ainco
187-1 persistently declined under the
best legal advlcu to pay to the govern
ment the subsequent dividends
amounting to about $05,000 , upon
this claim , unless the ? 'J 1,000 erron
eously paid the government bo allow
ed in iu settlement. This allowance
haa been poreiatuntly refused , and has
boon the subject of controversy in the
department tor inoro than six yearn ,
thus delaying the linul settlement
of the ulfairw of the Tlui
proHont sccrotary , after careful review
of the papers in the case , reversed
the previous dociaiona nnd decided in
frtvor of the comptrolbr , and upon hia
rccoinmondatlon an appropriation waa
maJu by the lant congress of $28,173
a < i the balance duo from the govern ,
nient to the bank. The whole amount
of the claims oi creditors aggregate
$700,400 , and is to bo distributed
among about 500 difl'oront creditors ,
and ia payable at the treasury depart
ment by tbo comptroller to holdera of
receivers' certificates upon their pre
sentation , if properly assigned ,
called upon Acting Secretary Walker
at the navy department this afternoon.
When Bssrotury Chandler returns the
records and articles found with Do.
Long's party , now in the custody of
Kngmeor Melville , will bo examined
in the presence of Mra DoLong , who
has lisen notified to attend ,
The Bpjnish steamer Itita arrived
at the wharf of Nowpo.-t News with
out inspection by cjuarantino oflicers
The acting secretary of the treasury
telegraphed the city authorities they
should order the vessel t < \ quarantine ,
and if she refused a war vessel can
compel her to ,
Sugar and Smoke-
Special Dlnpatcb to Till Bsi.
PjiitiOEiniiA , September 20 ,
The Franklin sugar rolinory of Harrison
risen , Havomoyor & Co. , an imuienie
brick utructuro on Front and Almond
etreots , was partially destroyed by
fire this morning. The fire is not yet
under control. The Ions will be half
a million ,
A. Qircm Truln DoinollihoJ-
Spoclal Dispatch to Tnu Iliti
LtNCASTKi : , Ky. , S plcmbar 25.
Aa the special train convoyim * Sells
Uros.'n show reached n iiointlSOO yards
from Point , the fourth car from
the ongiui ) jumped < ho track nnd
rolled down nn embankment , followed
by tiio lulunco of tlm lr\in in the
rear , The train coi moled of fifteen
cars , loaded principally wi'.h the bag-
ungo of the c impniiy , tnblciuix wagonK ,
the eloctiic light nitiehino and n carriage -
riago onntaining a tik'oi. The destruc
tion was fcartul. Thrco men were
killed , thrco probably fatally wounded
and seven or eight olightly wounded ,
The cauo containing the tiger waa
* > ur. t opcu ur.d tuanod out.
At daylight the door vrun opened and
the tiior ; crept back into hi prison.
The electric light and tableaux wo mm
vcro completely destroyed. The
ciuso nf the accident ia unknown ,
UolHory Accident.
fljicclal Mt.itci ] ) tu Till Unit
CujtiitiiLAND , 3Id. , September 25 ,
A heavy ( .ill of coal occurred this morning -
ing in Iho King-tland inino of the
Maryland coal company at Lanncoiiing.
Four miners are under the coal.
" for CoiiroER-
Speclil Ulxiatih ] talunllRK.
OHICAOO , September 25. The
Third district congnsaional oonvon-
tion thin morning nominated O.irtor
Harrison Harrison in mayor of Chi
cago. in ooino doubt ns to
whether ho nill accept ,
Aronml thnWoria With Jay Gould
bptLiil Diupattli to Tim 1 ! K.
Nr.w Yoiih , Soptnmbor 25. The
Sun'n Wall street gossip say a ; Hero
is nomothing that in not gossip but
atom fact , and it fuel known aa yet to
but very fow. Uould i going to
leave Now York for u two years' voyage -
ago aruund the world. Ho in making
all necessary preparation for it. He
lui been studying lohn Itusaell
Vounu'n book , "Around the World
With Oonoral ( Jrant. " Ho ia building -
ing or going to build the fastest steam
yacht itll'jat , and hoff.i to bo ready
tor his trip by the fourth of July next ,
Whether umlor Mich circuinstancna ho
H moro likuly to nccumulato Blocks
tlnn to dioposo of these ho has got ,
is fur the great minds of Wall street
to docidu.
Tlio Gorman Catholic Oouvoutlou.
Hpvclal DUiukli to Tim JI K.
MILVVAUKKK , Soptombur 20. The
national Oermaii Roman Catholic Cen
tral nocioty held its first busineau meet
ing to-day , and I'renidont Spaunhortit
stated in his annual address that the
society now numbers 'tlO branches ,
with 30,000 members , In twonty-throo
B tut cm of the Union , Ho recommended
incorporation under the title of "Tho
CJorinin Roman Catholic Central Society -
cioty of Njrtli America , " and favors a
conference for the purpose of aastini-
lution of all Catholic benevolent so
cieties ot every nationality , called
for in a letter trom the Kmorald
benevolent society , of 1'itt-burg. Hi )
also introduced a soriea of resolutions
to the oll'ect that the Central society
declare against prohibition ns con
trary to the interests and principles
of the Catholic church , at the eamo
time counseling moderation in the use
of liquorfl. The report of thu sccro-
tary shows $ U50,000 cash on hand ;
85U,000 paid durim the year in sick
cases , und ? 10,000 paid on deaths.
Twenty thousand now members were
received durinu the year. A banqi'ot
waa hold thin evening.
Proo of Charge.
nijNulIcrluL'from Cnui1iiiC ; < oldi
Authmu , UroncliltlH , Jj < wi of Voice , oruny
alloctlun u ( tlie 'I'llrout nnd Lung * , uro rv-
qucftod to call at 0 , K. ( joolinnu' diu
store anil fet a Trial llottlu uf Dr. King'-
Now IHncuvery for Coanumptidii , free of
ctuuyv , xrhlcb will convince them of IU
woivlotful morlU and Hbovr what u rexular
n tiutUo will do. Cull early.
An Invention that Fills a Vacancy
in tiio Uomain of Reportorial - '
torial Industry ,
By Wbicb a Lmminjr , Oroaa-
Eyed Iloosier Loaruo to
Love a Lonely Maid ,
Moni-iio tlta Suildnii Riijituro
of tiio Ktrliig * oi Heart
A Divmaoll In Flno Hulmout.
A few days ago the reporter mot , u
man in Omaha whoso story is worthy
of 'writing nnd cannot fail to interest
the roadurx , bucaiuo ho tried to marry
a youny girl fifty years hia junior , and
whose holplexa condition nmdo him
doniroua of limiting her eurrondor her
yonng lifo upon thu altar of hin de
caying frame withered affections.
110 in from Indinna , deato in patent
rightn , talks puliticn , nnd ntudion
theology with nil the glib of a Kansas
preacher. Ho in nixty yearn old ,
weighs ono hundred end fifteen
pounds , is lame in the left leg , and
has a blind eye with a largo whi to ball ,
which together with a nharp nose ,
frozen car nnd n limping walk , makes
mukcB him anything but nn object of
Vet thin old codger believes ho is
the embodiment of porfcciion nnd n
successful mm OL u U'jmeo , Ho
111 way n buy.i second hand clothing
inntoad of ] the ttorci nnd
tailor tthopa , blacks hia own boots
rather than tipiiiuder a nickel on thu
little bootblnck , and ia ono of those
gnnuiuo types of clooo-fiitedlndiaiians
wu occaaionally aeo and often read
about. Ho bellovns himself handaomo
und that all Dip widowa , young girls ,
and even married women who sou him
are crazy about him , and that it takes
much .loauph-liko nerve to rosiat thuir
claima for
It was only nbout u month ago ho
came to Omaha from the tmnpunincu
state of ICnnsiu , wliuro ho had been
selling a patent right , und preaching
whenever ho could find a teed ; old
orthodox liiptist community , nnd on
reaching thi'j ma io city ho immedi
ately wont in search of n boarding
houso. lieinj ; directed to ono not
very far from the Presbyterian
church , on Seventeenth street , hu soon
made up hia mind that the lady keep
ing tlmt place waa too old for himand
that ho could not make a very favora
ble impression upon her , so ho wont
After traveling over Howard and
Hartley stroota , invariably inquiring
if they wuro married women or
widows , ho finally located with a
young widow near Farnham and
Twelfth streets. In this honto wcro
several other roomers and boarders ,
and a young girl who was hired to
wait on the table and assist in the
house. Bho was ono of those little
plump , rosey-cheokod , bright eyed
gazelles that wo occasionally BCO iu
the west who was trying to support
an enfeebled widowed mother by
hiring out , The old fellow nt once
ceased hii attention : ! on the widow ,
nud , llko a careful general , ooiicua-
trated all his forces and magnetic
qualities upon this young , innocent
Ho know that hia oucceea could
only ba among the young and unso
phisticated , and tliOBO who were anx
ious fur a home , no matter how hum
ble. Ho began liku all other roostero
of his ago viho waul to nuirry a young
g'rl , by buying her candy , giving her
picture books , taking her out for a
walk and treating her to ice cream.
Ai their walks grew moro regular ,
hia presents consisting of the Police
( i.izotto , the Daya Doings nnd ombro-
dered hnndketchiefa , striped hose ,
neat fa , ribboim and a rooster's feather ,
becaino moro frequent. As time run
on nnd the presents enlarged , ho bo-
gnu to toll her of
( can.iisting of n vnlisu full of patent
circnlurs , hownvor ) his hinds nnd herds
nnd hia western home , where ho
needed somebody like hcrcelf to man-
nge. With thia glowirg description
( for nil pitunt poddloM luva ( ilonty of
wind ) hu charmed thu girl , nnd she
.itnilod like n republican candidate
running for ; ; cverncir , nnd partially
promised to bo Ins "ducky darling. "
She told him thnt she thought him
not only the handsomest man ia the
world , but in the language of
kosavii. WILIIK ,
ho was "too too. " These little atton-
tiona from hia coveted pnV.o were too
much for hia shattered nerves to
stand , and ho grow eloquently grand ,
and then wanted to make her still
Creator preuonta. She told him her
mother would oppose the marriage ,
mid suggested tlmt they go to the
Djnver exposition and on their ar
rival there have the ceremony per
formed. l > ut lit that moment aho
said she could not marry him , becuuao
aho had no handsome dresses nnd out
fit uuitablo for n min of his character
and Btanding , Ilo dioabuned her mind
of all such fours by suggesting that
they go down on Farnham nnd got
lot was over the old follow
took his cam ) ind with his "Daisy"
went in search of a millinery estab
lishment , wharo h < t bought Lor not
only n line Hill : droj * nnd Saratoga
, trunk , but n full traveling outfit , nnd
came back to the house with n hidden
smile of content mnnt that made the
guosta feel like they had boon listen-
1111 ; to the sweet qtrains of mniio beneath -
neath seine congenial grovo. The fol
lowing dny ho wont around to ono of
Omaha's best jownlern nnd bought
her u handsome gold watch and
chain , which completed thu arrnngo-
roil V11KIK Till ! ' TO IlKMVKlt ,
She suggested that as the exposition
ollered inducumonts to travelers at
this season ot the year , it would bo
boat to buy return tickets , which ho
did , und she put tlu-m in her pocket
book for fear ho miuht lese them.
( ioing down to the depot in all the
style of n southern planter , taking a
glass-front hack of thu latest otylo , ho
nlaccd her in thu ladies' coach , and
bought her u half dozen oranges , . .ho
morninic papera , nnd procured for
himself n half pint of brandy , in case
of accidents. When they had got
everything ready , nnd the train waa
nbout to go , oho suddenly discovered
aha had
and sent the old follow out to find the
baggageman while hunting the rail
road man the train pulled out , and aa
hu stepped out of the buggago-rootn
hu eaw the train turning the curve ,
his girl on the rear platform moving
hur handkerchief and a young B. &
M. .clerk holding the tickets in his
hand giving him a friendly gocd-byo.
The gentleman from Indiana stood
still ns u statue until the train was out
of wight , and then ho started for a
saloon where hu got drunk and bought
u ticket to Council Blntls , swearing ho
would commit suicido.
Moral Never too late to learn.
Gould nuil Hi * Eugtiieorc.
toclul | Ihtiutch to Tu i Ii ,
Sr. Louis , September 25. The dif
ferences between the locomotive en
gineers on thu Gould railroads and
the officials of that system have boon
amicably settled and a strike prevented -
vented ,
Who nro daily using FBKNCU'S GOLD
MKIUI , CorrEB pronounce it delicious.
Its aromatic flavor makes it a univer
sal favorite at the breakfast tablo.
Sold by J. B. French & Co. ,
Purveyors to the People.