THE DAILY J3BE : M NDAY SEPTEMBER 25 * . * , MAX MEYER Received the First Premiums at the Nebraska State Fair for their Elegant display of w 'J ' 5 OUR LEADING PATTERNS AJSD "i r RiTJI dimtm * & * ? lW - / a STEINWAY , Eli K * g G LOUGH & WARREN AND STEELING ORGANS. SHEET MCJiilO ND MU IC BOOIS , All at Grreatlv ? : edu : s ri Prices The Daily Bee. 06KAHA. Saturday Morning Sept. f-3. j BKhVITIBS. Alex Swan , the Choycnno stockman , has purchased the famous trotting home , "Maxlo Gobi. , " f. r 810,000. Sol Smith Kumcll to-night in "Edge- wood Folk. . " 'I ' A burglar entered the retidencn of William Segelke , on South Kloventh street , FiHy night , and etolo a silver watch and $5 in caih. KeorganijiHlon of the "J'lerwanl llouru" club and election of officer * for tlie entiling winter , at Maaonio hall , Monday I ! evening , 7'iO unlock. The presence of members 1 < desirtd. The office of the icorctary of the elate board of agricultuio has been removal I aok to I'lattsmouth , whence all of the diplo mas and tntdalt will ho forwardtd to tlioio entitled to them without the nccosidty for an apiilication. There will bo a special meeting of the fit. George Hoclety on Tnosdiy evening to celebrate the victorloaof Sir Garnet Wolfe- ley in Kg ) pt. The members of the Vic- torla tockty and of the Burns club are cordially - dially Invited to be nrciicntand participate Jntho cxercieeB. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul road will boiiln running two passenger trains dally each way between Chicago And Council Uluffi transfer about the first of next month , with sleeping und dining sars and a full and elegant equipment. A large and intelligent audience , com peted of representatives from all clauses cf citizens , greeted Mrs. Htlon Gougar , cf Indiana , at Boyd's < > | > cr.i house , Saturday evening , to hoar what she had to say upon the subject of woman's suffrage , her ad- dreis being the inauguration of the con vention to I e hold hero thia week by the national woman' * suffrage association. "Mn. Cougar it tu take un active part in the ccmlng convention , First Lieutenant. ! , J. O'Brien , Fourth Infentry , Is hereby relieved from duty nt JFort D. A. Itussell , and will proceed to 1'ort tlcKiuney , Wyo , , aud report to tlio Commanding Officer of that pout for spec * ial duty , us provided for iu letter of thle < lale to that oilicer. The pond of stagnant water which haa accumulated in the vicinity of Tenth and Jonca Btreeta , owing to the hulldlng uf thu eewer , has become au intolerable milnunce , And thould ha Immediately abated , The Improvement * which were begun by the li , & M. railroad company iu thl * city last Bprliip in order to obtain more rocrn end better iacllitlea for handling freight eio rapidly Approaching complo Uon. Jolm l/s p , who runs n candy am ! fruit btore on llJtli Uieet , had filed a corn , plaint againi > t leveral boya for stealing wateruielin ( ' ud bottled pop , Mr. ; has had the tame kind of trouble before , Theio will I e a regular meeting of tin Boclal Art club , at their rooms , on Ttien day , September 25th , at 3:30 : p , m. AI members are specially doalred to bo prrs nt , - W. W.- Coon , the Wl.ner banker , ha been ilUmlnHtil upon the charge of payio | checks thkt were unitamued , the evident : not being Dutliclent. The steamer Kiohrara in coining dowi K. from Bioux"ity to go into tlio grain trad -The Oth Infantry headquarter * will b removed 19 Fort Jp , A , Itusiell to-day , Four convict * from Kvauatou , Wyon ing , left Saturday -fur Juliet , Ilia where they will he comlgned to the "pen. They were brought in Friday by Sheri Dickey , of K vans ton , and lodged In tt Douglas county Jail over night for Hal keeping. One of them , John William received u sentence of nlue years for hori stealing. Hu committed the criuie i -KvaiiBton and flel to Bait Like , whei Sheriff Dickey caught him. William L'o ter , another member ( if the quartette , under lottenro of elyht ) ear * for burglarj while hia partner , Frank Smith , ha uevf yeam. John Armltage , a youth of on ) iourtien 3 ears of tye , couipletea the part ] lie hm tlic ytarb to ttrve for routing a ma at a hotel. In the pulico court Saturday tw plain druukii wer on themourneib' Uriel UnVM fired out of town aud the olhi dlKhHrge i. A couple of colored men wei ccmpfalneil r.galubt for fighting i.nd on arreited end mulcted $5 and cotti. V * entitle J.Ipp wai rr tt > d for stealing barrel of cement and guve bail for bit [ \ pearance Be tember 2th. Two pirtle Lave been complained agaimt for cteatin a diiturbaoce lo lOtb tie t | ) lac . HOT A MURDER. The Shooting Afiray in South Omaha Latit Night , The Shooter end Bhooteo Lodged in Juil. There vrcro numorouB rumors on the atrcot last evening of u shooting nffniy , which Bomo magnified into a murder , said to liavo been cominittod near Boyd'a packing houau. A I3it : : reporter happed to bo at the city mar- nhul'ii ( illlja when Clnrlca Finhur , who coiuiiiittud the shooting was brought in , and from him lunrncd vrliat uro probably the facts in the onto. The origin of thu dillicully , which ronuHtd in the ahootint ; uFruy ( 1 wjtnight , b.'gau 'about nthrco inonlhn ago ut u party eomowhuro in Suuth Oamha , ut which two brotlu'ru yut into a iiuur- rol und begun lighting , when Fiahur intorfurud und told thoui that It was sliiinu'ful for brothura to fiht. ( { Ilu wua taken to task for this inturferiinco by u larger mini than himself , named Fred Yuloon , aud it uppunro , althougli tlioy subacquontly tuiido friends , thurt bun been u Hart of enmity butwuun Finhur und Valoon ever ninco. Lasi evening Fishur wua up at the real denco of Yuloon'a father , above tin nail works , and the two men got int < a quarrel , and when Fisher wont homi ho was followed by Valoon , , whpilivci next door to him on the crossing o Third and Pine ntroots , both men bo ni > finglo and hoarding. According to Fiahor'a story , ho wai about to retire for the night , and lint akcn off moat of his clothes , whet Valoon came out into the yard unc jogan calling him , by very approbri oua names. IIo stood it na lout ; as hi could and finally , as he says , thinking "linisclf a better man than t < : ake tuch abuse , went to his trunl ind openinif it took out a Smith WUHSOII ; i2-calibro revolver , wit ) which lie dcecundcd into the yard aii ( old Vuloou that ho cnuld not taki any moro auch lari'uino ( ns that whereupon Vuloou told him ho dii lot want any shooting and adviser inn to go av < ay , which ho was ubuu o d > , but took the precaution ti watch thu actions of Valoon von closely. Valoon pulled out a revolve ill in a minute and flred at Fisher jut it missed iln aim , and Fishe Jierotinon tired a shot in return ind Valoon fell to tlio ground Wisher at once started toward towi and was followed by a ciuplu of moi who tackled him and took his revolve away. Ho subsequently met OHico II , P. Hitter , to whom ho aurrendoi ed himself , saying that he shot a nm and wanted to bo taken crro of , na h thought some partiea worn followin liini , Subsequently the ollicora wen to the packiti ) ; house and found Vu loon up and about and apparently nc i\t all injured , but upon ezaminntio lie waa found to have a ball in his lol thigh , which had probably struck th bono and glanced around it , as it ha not coiro out. Fisher was lodged i jail and ofliccrs sent at a Inter hour t arrest Valoon and put him in j.iil toi us ho is charged with firing the lin shot , The whole matter will coniu u before Judge lieneko this mornini ; . Col. Ira Wilson has purchased half interest in the Paoifio Ilouso , i St. Joo. The firm will now bo J. I Kitchen & Ira Wilson. Mr. Kitohe has moved to the Faxtou hotel , i Omaha , and Mr. WiUon has take charge of the Pacific , where ho wi bo pleased to moot his old friend Thu Pacific ia the loading hotel of 8 Joe and a first-class hotel in uvory r BopO-ro&otf Sal Smith UuBoelL Wo are pleased to announce that c Monday evening , 25th inst , , the fi moue comedian , Mr. Sol Smith Hu sell , will uppoar in this city. In tl line of what may bo propcily claas fitMl ai refined comedy , Sol Bmil Hussi'll has no superior lu this cam try. All ihoso who have soon hi : know tlut liis Imporeonntiona ai somowlmt marveloui. Long ago ] non his way to a deservedly hip plcco in the genuine admiration of tl Auiurican public. A moro rumark blo many-sided man khan Hpl rjinit lliKsell could hardly bo imagined. II hca moro heads than a company i actors usually number. No othtr ma can now bo recalled who has iu i complete development the faculty i of uotauiorphosu. Work of so tri ; i ring nud line a quality na liin does not pill ; it grown with ncqmintancn , nnd Mr , Itusticll hni the good forttuiu to bo longed for. Many will bo glnd to luiirn of thu coming of this truly great artist. CommlB&lonoru Proceedings. Saturday , Sontcrnbiir I > 3 , 1882. Board mot pursuant to ncljotirnmont. Present , 0 mimisaioncra Drcxel , Cor- lisis nnd Kuight. The following rooolution was ad opted : Jiesolvcd , That iho county treasurer bo , und ho in hereby , instructed to ro- du30 iho personal tax of 0. W. Mur ray , Jr , for 1881 , Sixth ward , from $750 to 310 , on account of error , nud collect tax accordingly. A. M. Ch-ulwick , county judge , waa granted a luavo of nbaenco for thirty dava. License to aoll litiaor at V.illuy oln- tiou was grunted Ivjiiry Oater for the period of thieo moiithb from Septem ber 1st , 1882. The contrnct for furnirmirij > hard coal for DouglaH county wri'i iiwiirded to B. F. Droxoll & Co. , at § 10.01 per ton. Till ! ( I1NKHAI , FUND. Nellie Thompson , care of child. . . , $ ti CO J. II. Uruck , wnrk on road 1800 ] ' . Can idy. work on ri'ad 1500 John ISauiner , cai > h expondtd 5 i ! . " V , W. CorliK. , CIIHI expended 2 nJi K. Bittfrctf , work for county 13 80 11. It. Avery , work on road VI OC VV. 1'eturn , wnrk on road 51 V li Keiliield liroa , printing 74 W St. Joseph hospital , care of Mr. Klllmoro 8 OC Ii. B Gray , witnom teen 2 if A J. Flood , witncHH foes 4 tt K. T. Duke , hardware for county. . 17 72 J. ( > . Jacobs , coronor'd feei 11 f > ( McCarthy & Burke , coffin for poor. 3 0 ( M. Tex , lumber for couuty 30 Of John Ruth , cadi expended 39 Oi W. M. Uuehman , witness fees 10 01 G. Heimroil , gtocerien for poor. . . . 33 fj ( U. I' . Railway Co. , ticket for poor. 2 Of Six person * , coroner' * jurors ( i 0 ( Three pursonn , coroner H witnesses. . 3 ( . ( J. A. Wnkutield , lumber for p'.or. . 8 8C 1 } , I * . Knight , eorvlcM .IH county commipsloner liO 0 ( S. D. Mercer , medicine fur poor. . . 1 M Henry ll'ilf , wnrk on toad 4 5 ( 1'itoM TIIK imiixiK FUND , Ii lirailforil , lumber for county. . . . 18101 J. A. Wakbliel'i , lumber for county 208 8i Huns Gunderaiin , work on road. . . . 1501 Adjourned to the 27 th iuot. JoiiNlUu.Mr.r. , County Clerk. The A. and B. Ulatorlcal Cotorio. Miss Ilardinbergh , the olocutioniat and Miss Andrew , the art teacher liuvo conceived a novel plan of form a coterie or club fur the udvancemoiv and entortiuiiiiu'.nt of their pupils. The coterie is to meet ovury twc weeks , and the uvoning is to bo divid cd into two eesttions , Miss Harden bergji opening the first hour with i five minute essay on some praotlcu point in elocution , and then will fol low the study of thu lifo of eotno om poet. Dilfdront memberu of the coterli will give their slmro of infoinmtion the poet of the evening being givei th week before , After an inturniission of five min utt'a , Miss Andrew will give n Hv minute essay on some divixion of art and then will follow the study of celebrated artist and hia master pieces by her pupils. They huvo decided to accommodat a few outsiders who may doairo t study with them , and they will b charged n nominal sum for the yoai Friday , October 0 , at 7:30 : p. in. ( hero will bo a meeting in Ma Meyer's building to organize and nt sign work for the first lesson. Tranaforrlna Titles. The following deeds weru tiled fc record in the county clerk's ollico t ( day. Reported for TUB KKB b Bell & Ames , real estate dealers : A. J. Ilantooni nnd wife to A. ( Popper , w. d. , lot 12 , block 8 , Hui scorn place $300. L , T. Ilessler to Sarah Drown , v d , , lot 1 , block 7 , Shiim'a tint udd- § 1,000. 0 , K. Perkins , trustee , to 0. I Bouton , w. d. , lot C , block 2 , Capiti add-$500. L. Richardson and wif. ) to S. i lUuein , d. d. , block 17 , West Omul -Sl.fiOO. J , OhrietopherBon and wife to I Ilnnsen , w. d. , parcel in llogora add- S350. 1) , Heed to J. A. Littln , w , d. , li in first udd to Prospect Hill ccmeter 35. 35.L L , II. Hill to Andrew Johnson , \ d. , lot 10 , block 5 , .Bogpa & Hill odd-eSOO. Hloa ana Flics , roaches , ants , bod-bugs , rat mice , gophers , chipmunks , r.learud 01 by "llouth on 1UU. " ICo. SQUARE AND COMPASS. Tlio Celebration of fcho Quarter Centennial of the Brand The Morning Parade aud Lodge" at the Pair Grounds. The principal event of Satuiday ws oalobration of the quai ur centennial nnniveraary of tha grand lodge of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Maaoiin of the jurisdiction of Kc- braoka. Preparations for the event began tnno ngi ) . but the slate fair and convontioua intwt > red greatly with the work , as tin gr.ind cilieera were all morn or loss interiM'ed in those alHiirs. All the blue lodges in the atnto wern invited , ni wi-31 fa Iho grnnd lodf-PH of .idjjc-n ; jurisakU-jn , and about 500 viaiunr worn ( -spoct d. The general assembly took plnc i sit Free Masono * hall ut 0 u. in. , r.nd the city lodged : Capital Nn 3. Covert No. 11 und St. John's No. 25 , were all well represented , while the gr&nd lodge turned out in full force. Badges of blue appropriately priutcd in gold were furnished for each of the subor dinate Bodies and for the ufficinlu of the grand ledge nnd attending mem- bora all appeared in white gloves und white aprons. At 11 o'clock the lodges wore open ed and forming in procession marched * , o the front of the hall , where they wore drawn up in double line to receive the grand ledge , for which they were to act as escort. The mar- aim ! of the day waa Hon. John C. Cowin , initiated by Hon. Alex. Atkin son. The procession being ready they proceeded to the Tenth street depot , headed by the Union Pacific band. At this point u special train was in waiting , furninhod by thu Union Pacific , m which the entire body took passage for thu fairgrounds , TUB TAItLB LQIH1E arrived at Sulphur Springs sidirg , tin train discharged it'n aproned puBeen. pnramul the proctasion took up the line of march for the Fair grounds u the following ordo. : Union I'.icifio ISand. Manuals J , 0. Cowlnand Alex Atkins'm Tiler. St. John's Ledge , No. 15 ! , Visitor * . OIllcorH of Iode , Tiler. Covert Ledge , No , 11. Otticers. Tiler. Capitol lolce. No. 8. CurrieRO containing Hev O , C. Wheeler Grand 1'reUte i.f tlio Grand Commander ; cf California ; Grand Master Van H uno Iowa ; ( ! ranl Secretary I'.trvin. of Iowa Grauit Stcretary Urown , of 1C .lisas ; t ) 1) . Oaojicr , 16 ° , Cape of Good Hope Afriot. Carriage containing the Grand Mr.xter K , G , Warren , escorted hyUr nd D auou Cain and Hmuli. Grand Lodge rf Nebraska , 1'aat Grand Ollicera of the .Grand Lo < lje As the procession arrived at 1'loni hall rankn were opened and the visit ing brethren and grand officers aa luted , Within the hall throe lines o tablus had been Hpread , which groanci with u Hubstantiitl and elepint colln tion. Graca was said by llov. O G Wlu-elor , After ample juaiica hr.i been done to the viandr , ( Joncral Cu win announced the regular toasts o the afternoon. Hon. E , F. Warren , grand mnator delivered the following opening ad dress ; llrttlircn of tlic ( IranJ lfxa \ and . In recalling you from refreshmen to labor on this auspicious occasion , i is with feelings of profound pride aiii pleasure that I tender you my earnoa nnd hearty congratulations upon th arrival of this , the twenty-fifth , anni versary of the foundation'of this Gram Lodge , Twenty-five years ago th representatives of the then constitute lodgeH of Nebraska territory , to-wil Nebraska Ledge , No 184 , of Uellevut Giddings Ledge , No. 150 , of Nobrask City ; and Capitol Lodge , No , 101 , ci Ouiaho , mot in this city for the pui pose of orgauizii't ; a grar-d ledge fo the territoiy , After duo deliberatio the same * -ai regularly organized , an we have eineo been recognized as on of the galaxy in the masonic firmi mont by every grand jurisdiction i the world , At that session , Brotbe llobart 0. Jordan was chosen gran master , aud Brother George Am strong aluco also grand master wo grand secretary , Since that datother have been , including the present it cuuitxvnt , seventeen of your nmnbe chosen to this , the uioat responsibl sod powerful position in ancient oral masonry. Ilcnr these names : Jordan , Armstrong , Wheeler , Furnas , Irish , Iauol , liill , Dunham , Wolnh , Uast- ii'fcs , Thummol , Liningor , Valentino , O-il.K'y , Tulleys and Cair ; and f all this i.timber but one1 , Brother Frank Welsh , has passed away from earth. ' And what Twenty-five yeura apo' waa our situation then ? Then , three- weak lodges , with a mumbcmhip in 1858 of 107 ; now , ix roster that embrace - brace ? ' 00 chartered lodges , with n Hicinb'trship of 4,000 ; then they met in a small tiamlet situated upon the weot bank of the muddy and trench orous Missouri , upon the cxtremo cnnfincs of civilizition , upon what was then believed to be , and so matked in our geographies and atlasen OB the "Great American Deport , " whcro tcmpe&tuoUH winds and aliif ting sands presented n scone of desolate sterility. How great the change in our etatt ! What wan then u hamlet of hotrogenious inhiibitnnts is now a. compactly built , prosperous , energetic , elegant oily of 50 COO Houtu , presenting in huv. manufactor ies , railrcadn , churches and public works tvideiicoi of a solid raid uub stamial prosperity. And that which was once the desert ii dotted with thriving villngca and citica , r ur- rounded by ibrtilo fields of yellow gruiii or Roricd ranks of corn. The HUH of prosperity shineo nut UDOII and around us ; the busy hum of in dustry fills the air ; the rail roads that span our prairies groan aa they bear the burden of our cjraals to the seashore aud that which was once so dusty as u des ert hus literally been made to bios Bom na the roso. Wo have "tickled this earth with a hoe and she has is laughed with a harvest. " Twenty-five years ! How short is their span when once they have pass ed , and how long seems their scroll as wo view them unrolling before us ! Will thio coming quarter of a cer.tury bo filled an completely with wonderful inventions in urt und science ? It norms incredable , but yet there is no reason to doubt ihut the coming yearn will witness a great advancement in all that will benefit and help mankind ; the possibilities of elecJrictty ana steam have not yet been exhausted. And in these twenty-five years Masonry has kept pace with the ad vancement Humanity has made , nay , his : added its powerful aseiatance in pushing forward thia car of progress. What u it in the fraternity that has attracted so many of our best men , and that continues to hold their feulty aud compels their devotion ? There is , there must bo something moro than the mere fact of a myftlury , a secret , for the m > story m more fanciful than real. In the dim piiat of Masonic tra dition wu are taught that bigotry , in- toler.mco und fanaticism laid their lullianly Imnda upon the breast of one of the moat eminent ot our members , and fiercely demanded * Give as the secret uf a master unison. What was the aimwrr when returned in calm tones / You all know ; and over since the muno demand in varied ( once and by different seekers has been made of us , and to-day we are atkod again ; "Givo us thu secret of u num. ter nmsini. ' Tiio ' secret" is an open one , my brothrei , ; it h lovt ; a lovt strong aa faith , enduring tin hope , broad tuui tender us charity ; a love that Mrnluhoti nut tin hand to nuvo ti falling brothel ; that utanda foot U foot , kneu to knee , breast to breast it : themoit endurn-g of tie * . Why do we lnvo the fraternity ant why art ) wo so attached to ii ! Whni iu HHI charm and why has it so power ful an innV.oiico over ui ? What it this old , old question that has beci aeked ever since creation's dawn bj husbands of whop , by wives of luia bauds , by children of parents and bj lovers everywhere ? Who can anawei it and tell wherein is the sec ot / If thou nhould't mk me how and why 1 loye , I on but utako reply ; The birds , \\ith each rtcurrinK spring , lleaume the haunts they know I.efore Stem winter drove them from our dor. Why they return on tiiulo s winy. Why with fiUd hearts they ever tinjj While jdurne > inK to a o ) lder s y ? Jiluko uuiiner , then , and tell me why. A love burn of a close companion ship and more intimate knowledge o ouch other's worth , thnt seeks will kindly sympathy to alleviate the sorrow row und distress and that cherishei and protects a brother's welfare We priza tin sweet flower ai it blow * , Tie luvc , the fraK" > ncu of the rose That Imrdeun all thu buu.uier air Aud hloouiii uud hlomonw rverywhcw , We lo e it even though i' diet , Make tutwrr tlieu , and tell me why The riven with rt istle3a force Toward * the sea their ownward course 1'uretie , according to thu plan Ordained by God siuoo time began. Why will their cold and mllen waves OVr buried ehip * , o'er counties graves Thus never to the ocean tend Till time ittelf BI all have an end , Units * tu theie thou make-t rrply , No need for me to tell thte why ? No need ta tell , itnca like the bloom Of HMIM on thi rvirnf .Tune , Thai cerisonF a lolikiiitno li toxio.i'O- e in 'low v.n" , Till h'.nt nn mir , I m < { i rxni i'n I B < ml Are i > l u'nd m fit I * v nd oontful Of anv Htnuath "f mini1 Ai th" clc ir 'I u f . h it o'-r ns fLh.e , Nn iifi'dto t > 1 ni > r rj iou RIVO Kor that for xrhlcli I bfoitheand live , 1'or l O'Y lie uHnvrt cn Hel Thf iivtrii > that lovii rny-al. Who , 'iy rlni M | M the le < Min t-mr-Jit , Hat. the ii'u ] simuvl umUloji caught , Lo > 1 : tl mi u thin : it no1 thy lire il 'I h tmtilJi' ' ith ; htK Nwi'et unicst , Tl is i li-iH'n iri.w , ( tl.ul omo pain , Tl'.i ; 'iau .1 i < l onca l il n.aii ? Of loxin ; , ' thoiums thou M > .11 cl take , And thmu own heart \vi 1 uiuuer make , Thun mine has ban the plenum ; t.i k To answer quej ions L m > cnu n > .k , Ity r"kin _ ' Hiuse tlut I > tlut .Su.'ge t the an Wrr w > \vouM find. To t 11 wlij southern Hcizej blow , Whjtltiwtis aie swc t , why rivers HJW , \Vliv 1lanl.i wheel uli. ut the MID , -Vud .I'M thjir iliily c IK IH rui' , All rhese were eaiy : Natnr ' ( .It il M rket out the piths tlmae worliU have troJ ' Ho p'ace ' i ua here thnt wo mnj f.'ol Wuat lieait on kn w Inif in ) ' lives' ' , Uid all tha' we i mi h.iy o/ know Is thii > , tbut lie uril'i lied it to. Here ends the t-v-k that I Ke.ut thou thu anawei Loyo has uuute. Bui , rjiethtiiii , it is imitlur my provii'coi'or intention to ] ireach tojou a sermon fiota n. Mttsonie tix . We have met here for a different purpose : we lire Resembled to celebrate OUUS1LVEU WE and to inti-rchunge fiioncUy greotinga , Wo have come to cultivate tha BOCIII virtues , too much neglected in oui fraternity , for nrnoug the beat in < iluencaa that Masonry t-xertaia thnt ol enabling us to become the bettci acquainted ; of enabling us to reach the hearts of our brethren. It i > tvea ui tits stronger than tlioso of blood ; n givea us friends in whom wu can ini' plicitly coiifido , whosa aympathy ir the hour of trial or Ullictiou , Btrength emi sind auat'iina , Wo ought , then , to have more frequent re-unione ; thai knowirg each other better we maj luv ( oilier moro. Among thu patri.ircha of our grant lor1 HO wu Imvo with ua to-day Paal Grand Masters Jordan and Armstronfj , who ruled nnd governed the craft dur ing ( lie aixycurs of our existence their heads are mlvercd by time , but their lu'iirts are nu fresh and young in their df-votion to the order 83 tliej weru twenty live yoarsago. Itia easj to bo virtuous when no temptation ! assail UA ; it , ia easy to be pat riotio wlu-a no danger threatens oui hiud , iu.d ic is eauy to bo Freemason ; i.i times like these , hon no pcraecu lion haraseeg , when to be suc'i ' in volven no uacrilicca , and require ! us to undergo no hardship ! but to thoBn of our nunibti who founded this grand lodge is dut the need uf earnest praieo trom on lips , and the warm allVction of on hearta , for they vero zealou when it cost time and monny , aiu position. Lat them he this day remembered momborod anil honored accordingly. When another quarter of a ceuturj shall have pasaed over our heads many of us will have buoa cillet from labor hero to refreshment bo jniif ! tlut a'aru. The hUtori.m win writt ) of the first fifty years o our grand ledge will find upon tin honored roll ot ila nlliuobearera tin fatal .laturiak , and his will be tin duty lo remind ua who may urvivi ot thiue gnuo before. May we all ai live that the Grand L > 'ga of No bratv ) < t shall have no cautu to rcgro the huiiois conferrid , or ulirink fron mal.iiii ! our history ft p rt of ita own Again , I tender you my hearly con craiulationa upon thia anri versary From tlio eminent brothrpn who un present with us from our sister juris dictions , as well aa those from thnsi of our own citcle , whoso wisdom am fidelity have made them leader among uc , wo may expect to hav words of timely counsel and instruo Hon. In the name and on behalf c the Grand Ledge of Nebraska , I ex tend to you all u welcome to thia ou quarter centennial reunion. The first regular toast was ; "Th President of the United States , a Loval OitizeriH , Masnis are Eve Heady to Da Honor to the Chic Magistrate of the Lauding Rspubli of the World. " General Charles F , Manderson u upended and delivered a very line aii dress , in thfl course of which ho eaic Mv BuoTiiuu MASONS : I coiigwtii late you must heartily , that upon thi delightful occasion the heavens smil upon ua. According to the prouiiso t Veunor and other wtiathor propheU the ( quiuoctial storm ia now due , bi even the storm anoins to ba propitiou aud smiles upon thia quarter center nial annivorEary of the organizatio of the grand lodge of Nebraski When I look about mo and see the whose heads are silvered with agi and who have worked for the advanci mont of Masonry in this city durin the last twenty-five years , it seems t me to on somewhat of nn intrusion that a Mason , no luoty M I mynelf , nhiiulrl ut tempt to bo heard i veil upon the ii.vitc.iiou of your committee. Firs' no to the president c f the U..i i.d State * ve are to consider thia leduc not in the ligl't of u personal compliment to the present lieiul uf the nation , nor to th co who huvo filled the ilutien of that , the highest ulUsc in the world in the patt. 'Were wo to do so wo might drink it most heartily and cheerutly ) , nnd in doing eo wu mi ht reoiH the purity . f Washington , the patriotism of J. HVrson , the wis dom of Aduma , the ability of Jack son , the virtues of Lincoln , the mar tyrdom nnd many rxcolleiicies of Gar- held , but it is not au I understand it in the limited idea of personal c < m- pliniuulB to the present chief ofliirrof thin republic or to thoao who have preceded him thin toast in given. IK ia to the ollico rather than tne men. and in the lentimeiit you toast not only the ollico , bui jou tonst the re public and government of the great country ot winch w are all so proud. ( Oncers ) Au I understand it , : ind ua 1 remember the lecsona taught inn iu my early days , when I va brighter in masonry than ( I am ashamed to siu ) I am to-day. On the thruaho.d of the lodgreootn there came tha injunction to every man who wan made u mason , thcro was duo from him loyalty to the government and oliedienca tu ita Liivs , and the idea struck me a few minutea ago whtm iu conversation with Brother Griggs at tublo that in no other government than thia could masonry thrive so well. It was told to me by Brother Gripge that in Germany , with its teeming population , there are but 4,000 masons , aa compared with the number belonging to the maaonio fraternity iu the United S tat en , a handful of men. And why is it. The reason for it is not only bscanso of the lova that masonry inculcates , but it ia becauao the cause that lies at the touudition of love among citizens is the idea of brother hood that can only obtain to itfi full- tat extent in a free government , in n republic. ( Cheers. ) And you toast therefuie not only thecbiuf executive , but you touit i very piinciplu that lies at the foundation i-f this uatiou'u ex istence. Why. I btlirtvu , my breth ren , that were it not for these princi ples uiab nry voiild not live the ac tive , full life that it lives in thia re public to-day , and I believe still further , were it not for the principles that lie at the root of mtsonry * .hat thin republic never would have been invented , or , if invented , it cnuld not have existed or Irive grown to ita prt)2cnt iunnenao proportions. ( Loud cheering. ) There ifi no man who liaa been a tnauou and who served in the war of tlio lobtillion but saw the ureat good that it accomplished. There ia no man whoso principles have been ouch that he could watch the elements that brought about the restoration af ter fie war , but what must recogniza the fact that to thu masons of thia fraternity , noitli and south , it is duo that nflcr the war closed vo succeeded ii : cementing these utaton again to one nation. I do not know that I ou-jlit to toke up inoioof your timo. The toitst in full in ita own language , which hirtily needs talking on , It ueomud tu mo that when the bind struck up that ( zlurious htnn , "America,11 and your voices blended in poetic tribute to our great country , thttt I could only add in closing : "L > tv may our Jatul he brirht With freedom' * holy Hunt ; 1'rotect as by Thv intent , Great ( Jed , our Kins , " The next toast drnk was : "To all Masoi > a and Masonic bodies of all rights and degrees throughout the entire world. "Heilthtothflsick , Aid to the needy , Help to the oppre ed , Honors and lauraU to the worthy , " Hon. N. K. Grigijs responded , an delivered a very eloquent and inatruc- tivo address , lie said in substance aa follows : Mr BitETiiiiKN : I suppose that it ia bccaueo of my long sojourn in Ger many that I have been called upon to reply to thia toist , as the subject pro posed scorns to have been selected with a view to calling forth remarks relative to the workings of our order abroad. In fact , you not only plainly intimate that you expect roe tu dmo you upon mental edibles which I have plucked across the ocean , bat you K y explicitly that nothing leas than "A'l ' Masona aud Masonic bodies of all rites and degrees" shall bs my theme to-day. My brethren , I think you will agree with mo when I say that the tusk which you allotted mo truly a formidable ouo , when you nsider first , that not not until yosteiday evening did I know that I would ba Fourth 1'age ]