t * THE DAILY BEE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25 IS. EL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , OOOTOTI.BKOPi'S IOWA. _ . , _ TiTLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIOL jr.vsr. . v * . < CRcr : r st xa VSB a o. La 11 da and Lota Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. HOTAHIEB PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. HENRY BEECRQ.-T , ; nouiuts' OLD SVA.NU. IV * nil ojnMmierr.niilnir his eMv Hno totlliurt'Cl f > e < ty. All orders promptly attended to. IOW CEAKO'Ti'aUAHANTin.'iJ New ilocK CO.IB ( mil ) r cli. . _ D. M. CONNELL , Funeral EVirector and Undertaker. "No. 17 , North Main S treat. Council Binds C ll (7."inptlrtin ) crod nM.'l hours , night or d j. Xowhcaisc nml London carriages direct iroin itotac'iory ti run In connection therewith. _ _ That never rcqulrucrlmilng. at Mm. J , J. Goad's Hair Store , t prlcun no > cr bolero touched bv ny other hair dealer. Also a lull line ol gwibclic % etc. at really reduced prices. Alno cold , tilvcr and coined ncH. VT vcs mada trom 1. vital1 own hilr. Do not ( all to tall bcfora purchnelng elwmhcro. Arl goods warranted as nprcscutn ) . MRS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main ntrrai. Council liluttn , Iowa. 'UNION BAKERY , SOUT mm STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but firat-cltsa Bnkort Employed. Btoa , Cake , Pica , S.c. , dolivorocl to any part of the city. Oui " \Vagom , ran nil cky. _ P AYFES , Proprietor. \ fen * \ \ hLBS US ! No. B3G , BROADWAY , ( Pnlmer'o Block. Between Gth nnd 7th streets. TI&KN08 , Ou/Mot'o : Str'ot eleanlhicss , the bo t quality of meats , and lowest possible rrfcw. Mcata dc- Irt.rul to : in.piYlof tliecltj. Conic mil ece our new t hop. BATHIBBIOU8II At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union -Sfe. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Mo-'lcatcd , Vapor , Ekctrlc , 1'luuiro , Doucb , Sbw or , Hot and Gold C.ttha , Gun- potent nu.'rt and fcinilo nurras end nttcnilnrta always otii.iml , and thebcit nlM-tenud atlcn- lion dvcu f itrone. Special tttuntlnu given to buttling civKdrcn. Invcellgatlon'sud t > atroE3 o eollclted. eollclted.DR. . A. H. SrrjDLEY.ife Co. , 106 Upper Uroadway. Dr. Stviloy : Treatment ot chronic dlsottos made a apt laity. n & "KTn filTl n UKUOVED without . .tho 11 U. U I 11 K N driving oMloodor.U3eot : U lilt KJ JJlUU knife. Ourea lunp dl.cnice , AND OTHKT ? IlitB , Bcrotcla , Uvcr Com- ' it nr A ri rt I'lalntDrorsy , Rhouma- 'ill Rf' 11 K S thai , leaver and llcrcar- U Bfc U II U jal Breai H rslpclas | , fiilt Rheum , Scald Head , C tatrhvcak. Hi oK.-id and grancUtcd Ut , HorotuIou9 > 1.Cvara and Fo- mele Dloeiaet of all Klufu. A Mo Kidney .iJ VeLcrialHlltfnocs. litmorrhoWs or Piles cuieil inonev' refunded. All diseases treated nyon IhoptlnclpIcoLvoprt- abiu refo.-m , without thotso et icvrcurial l > ov- cnnor tto knlfu. Kloctro Vnpor or li-dlittod Catha , furnlalr > d ni.o desire thorn. Ucrnia or Kupturo radmly ! ) cured by the ate tte lUaitloboltTrcasnadriasti.- b 9 upcclor In thcws/ld. Drs , R , Rice an F.0 , Hillezt COUNOIL BLUEFS , la. .DENTISTS. . . 14 Foarl Stroat , Council Bluffs Eitrnctln a o i clilty. Flrat-clan. itoili pjarnnteed. DB. A. V , HACTCHEXT , PHYSICIAN ANS .SURCEOH. OlUco , No. It J'eorl rttreut. Hotua , 9 a. m. to J. , and 2 p. m , , I'J t | > , . Hojldt'iti ) , I'M Rincroll Brcrt , 7elej > hanl.i car.iicc .an with Central oBico , "J/M. ALMM , REAL ISTATE AND LO LN AGENT W.D.STILLMAN . . , rrutitlcner ol Il iccnpathxcoiiiultlai PliysicianandSurgGon , Office urtro8lJenco 616 Willow atomic , Cojn- cl Hlufle , LOH a. F. T. SEYBERT , m. EL , PHYSICIAN & SURGBON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA , Office No. 5 , Everett Block , JHroad- ' * ay , over A. Louio's Rcstaurnnt , > tua Jyj r y y p p y i OfCoc t-tr alnjr lank. OOC'NOLb EI/JFFS , . . . loxa. flE-AL fiSTATt" W. C. Jamta , ID citvectlon with hit law uad aollcctlea LuolacidLui-o and sell * real Citato. jf yeiwjua wishing to tuy cr etll city prop rt > call ever BuahnU's book etoro , Ftarl EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs Ptitl Jnvc find tcknowl d-od MRS , E , J , HARDING , H , I ) , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOG1ST. GrAduata of Kloctrcjittblo > Inetltutlon , 1'htla- dclptit. , I'enna. Offlca Cor , Broaiway Glonu Ave. COUNCIL JDLUFFSJ IOWA. The treatment ofU < dlflc cn and painful dlf- Ccultlca peculiar to foronlca a.specialty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney& Gonsellor , Office over First National Dank , Council BiuOs , Iowa. Will practlco In the ' i.to and federal courts. Justice of tlie Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Council Bluffg , - - Iowa. W. B. SffAYES , Loans an Eeallstate , Troprletor of abstracts of Fottawattamlo county. OHlon corner of Drcnd ay and Main otri-cu , Council IllufTs tlourn. JOHfi STEIHERHI. . D , , ( DeuUfhtr Arzt. ) Cor. WASKINGTCN AVE Jfc 7th St. ; Osunoll Llufla. women am ! children /paclalty. . P , J , MONTGOMERY , D , ' . KDAY. Office In Kverott'o b1at ! , Pearl tca . Keel ] 'iico Ci3 Fourth Urcet. Odlco houro from 0 to 1 V in. , 2 to < a rt ottp. in. Council l.luffd PEACTMAL BBKH8T. Pearl op'oofto tbo poitotficu. One of tbocldcot ) u.-tltlonero In Council llhilf. 3atla- HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALKIIS IN CpBZectionery , FrnitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Freeh Oysters and Ice Cream is Saascn. 12 MAIN ST. , Oouucil Hlutfn. STEAM LAUNDRY ; 723 "W. Broadway. LARSON & AHDBRSOM , Proprietors. 11U launJiy l.u jiut been oi'.noj fur lual- nu J , fj I we are r.our priparcJ i do U/dry work c. all knido uc < eutrantco aatlcloctlon A tpocialty luaJo of tLio work , nucii aa coLrri , lUtfj , fir.o thirU , ot. . Wo want everybody to t'he us i trial. y & ANDERSON. IH08. OtIKlR. W , II , U. I'fBSV Jr ? Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealer * la Foreign icj Pomtftlc and hotno stcuiltltj , BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. cinrso , ROCK isn\o ASH \cine. . I'flMtt. .Vtt-ntl , f\t : . .VMpin Vnclflo K\J..fllSRin : V.Mi < l Malv' ( t'W ) i in 1) . Moltiw a < ' 7.15 a 111 DCS Sloine ne-.4 40 pin t IIH (00 , 111 nl.1V ( TON iMwrt. Arrhc. . \tlintlo lXt..r.\10pin I 1'Adflc F.\.n20am ! Ma > an.l K\ II 'JO n in Mall nn.l K\ 7 ttl | > m N. \ . IX. 1.00 V in1 Nib A. Kan 1X..8.1M n in UIICUlO ASK NOR1IIWK1TFHV. IVpart. AnVo Mai anil : \ ' . . ' . ) M l ami r.V..lltR ; Jiin Amnii. ( Snt. ) 5i p in | Awoin. ( Mon. ) 1:4,1 : p in K\N \ < UTT , CT. JOB \M1 Oil NCIb BIIIM. input An'ic. Mall ami Kll.Viain I K\prc . . . : fiOpln i\pri : < letup in I Mallind r.\.0l5pm : IMHN rAcuir. IVivirt. AnUo. lUrtlniiil I \.ll : ln. 111. " - " - ' Ill Lincoln i\ : II .HI a. in. ' Dim or IX .7 IK ) p. in. ixK-il IX . . . I'clOa. m. IX. . . . 7 ' . ' " n. in. " IX..MXIn. In. KtnUrrant . . . : > 'M p. in. " IX . . . , ( ! : U3n. ni NUIIM" ! ! , CK M > m AMI rMIMC. IViart , Arrhr. Mall ami IX. . ! ) : t.inni I Mall ami IX. . 4u"Upin Cannon Halt. . 4W : p in I Cniinon llvi . llaOuin MOI\ inNII rtrinc. IVpitt. Arriir. KorSlouv CII\.7lVj , n n. 11'rin Slnuv C \ .CM p inFer For I'oitXIoliram. 1'nn I'oit Molirim , Xilr 7V : ain | Neb fa. Tor Kt. I'nul. . .7:10 : p in | From bt. 1'aul. 8 ' > 0 a In CtllCUlO , IU\AIK1 KMI 8T. IMI U Dojurt. Arihv. Mail and K\ . . .I."JO a in | Malt nil IX. . 0'v" : pin Council Blufta & Onuiba Kt.rcot n. II. I a\c Council lliulls. Ix-are OniAba. a in , II a in , 10 n in , n in , ! l n in , 10 a in , 11 HIII , 1 in , a p in , n p 11 am , 1 pin , Up in , np in , 4 p in , 5 p in , U p in. in , 4 p in , A p in , C p in. Street raw run half hourly to the t'nlon Vaelflc Depot. On Sumh\ the cnr lie-in their trip * n ( .I oclock H. in. , anil run rrini nnv ilurln ; ; thu da > at 0,11,2 4 , 5and ( io'eock , nnumii toil ! } time. IXwpt Sumlajs. 1 lixcept Siitunhj . ( Kxcvpt FASHIONS FOR MEN. Scnrfs , Handkerchiefs nnd Jowolry. In nockwcnr the pull' scurf it to t ko thu place of tilt the various Miapes of lint " . . " Thin it "birnst-plr.tu.i. an ndnp- tntion of the Kronoh atylo , nnd tlio inanufimturorn nn < vyin with ono anotliur in the cmlniivnr ( o produce ) the hsiuieomoat fillet. The Bu figurca mid pnlUa dots thnt. Imvu boon so popular in , ho piist nill bo super seded by 'fi'itiui ' ! c ilora nnd rich vel vets. All the grounds wro brillinnlly lighted nnd covcrt'd in thi ) fcriyhtcst tints , cnr iiijul ! ; old , brt'.ht blue , yen- d.tiine , fie. The dusigns nvo nioatly bold..u tvo color apota and ringa uuil f.h n\of ( iiaud i.Atiim. la 'imndkcr- C4iief iiow ( li-Hftt-n arc thown in linen with very n'.nliini ; figures nnd colors , mostly of a plain color mirrounded with a brilliant border 'of Hainan cplora aim lurgo upots. The mlk Imndliorchief is acarci'ly chor/n eiwoin thu variety known na Engliah-ailk , and plain wluto is to bo more popular among the ultra fashionable than it has twcn for eight ycara. In half hose , Jloman colors will bo ali the rage ; terr.i cotta shade is to bo , liowovor , a otrong fnvorito. Iu pure nilka , for full dress wear , black will bo gcnurally worn , but other solid colors , nnvy blue , gamut , etc. , willfmdTiurcha3ora. In collars , thorc will bo no material ulmngo , the standing cloeo fitting col- ar findinu the gruatuat nucnbar of ad- mirorB. Thcro tire no clmngcH to re port in shirts for evening -dress , and , ulthough some vqry droasy young mou will wear nn embroidered front , the plain boapm with small otuda ia the propar thing. The opoivfront is worn more than it has bcou Cor years , and as it is something of a novelty of Into yoara , it bids fair to bo nil the go. In underwear , heavy English Balbriggan suits art ) shown in all the iiMthotio tints terra alba , aage , and turra cottn , with silk stripes , though nolid colors of the Sitmo tints will all bo worn. Those suits are very hwidaoino , and will cell ut from $7 to-15 u nuit. Pure silk underwear in unchanged in everything ; it ia n trillo too expensive for manufacturers to attempt to force any dacided colors into it and in the welMnown color it cannot bo Imi tated and allows tor iUolf. Suits for winter will coat from $15 to & > 5t depending on the quality and size desired. Suaponders will bo non-olastic ailk in rich nporting do- signa , and the polka dot will bo popu lar , vnrioualy mounted with oilvor , and gilt chains and white calta'diia. The lavorito colors for glovoo will bo ma hogany and red tan ; the material will be liuo-chovrotte. It is iinpoeaiblo to thoroughly stamp out tto standard bled : , though aolf-ombroidured will bu worn. "In jewelry the unv uo French patturiiii will find u ready sale for eoarf piny , as there in an increaoing taatefor dciii ns that are not wort by ovory- body-clae , and aa the fashions In tliis article clmt 'jc so frequently , gentle- mou prefer to purchase the imported article in prefcrencii to the pure gold and jowolud piiiH shown by the jewel er. In niifjt and aluovo-buKonu ham- mured and plain Roman cold , incrusted - crusted , will.boon ri'gie. Th ( > stonca to bo voni are dinmondc , aqu mariuo , jacurth , pink , tourmaline , and uryso- lite , Mi ugh much latitude in allowed in tlii * mutter. Liver dieeasea , hoadaelu * , and con stipation , caused by bad digestion , quickly .cured by Brown's Iron Hit ters. THE CiSCRBT O A St Louie Dealer divot ) It AH Atvoy About Size nntl Fnublon. St. Louit IkdrJ. "It makes not the slightoHt difior- once what uuvijnu rivals fay of Bt. Louis Kirle" foot , " oxrlaimud i ; mer chant thin inorniiig , "No eort of opinion can nltix1 lltuir size. Stock- ingj have como to be of eo much iui- portr.nco sinca the women nhortout-t their al.irts that twice /the money u spent in hoe/3. "What quality it preferred ? " "Siik , 47hero they can uilord it. It is no tin- Otimmon tiling f r a fashionable young U ly to buy SJ5 v/orth ut aitimo. Tlio d < j iiiiud now ii fur blat.tc.Vo OMI'S /ut / tiiiKiigU of thoir. . tiumn duyd I drwd 10 see a vroiiun approach my cour.ter , f. r I know tl.oro IBI/C a black stool.ing on thu eiujlvcn , and tlk-jiokent out to Lo dyed aren't done , ' "S. ynu ri-sort to dyes to iu U the faahiouC * AVe are obliged to. " "JJo your customers nuapect it/ / . " "No. " "But whara the goods has been dyvsd it has an added BtilTncae. If the sV-cking is ela tie you may know it via woven in the color rep resented. " "What U the popular number ) " "The 8i * size. A good many buy No. 2 , but I know it ia too small for them. " "How ? " "leizo 'om up by the bint , waist , arm and hand. If I were to ijivo by nccldont n larger number than they ask for they mutter 'stupid , ' or look mimed. They are dreadfully touchy about their eizos. " "What is the length of limbs/ / " "From twonty'BOven to twenty-eight inches. You BCO , that bring it well up over her kni'C , and then n luno auspendor is htoked on , and they nn < in n trim hurncsn. " "I thought garters were utod. " "So they arc , but for ornament only. They've tnkon oft' nil that ribbon nr 1 l\co ( busines'.i use only n buckle , ranging in price according to tliuir meane. You'll novuv gtiesa hat they wear nt'.ttchcd to the under sidoof Ihp buckle. " "A rA < R-IVWDKR KAo'1 "No . ' ' * That'o ; n neant-bag. 'I'hpwl wlint you'd say if you picked up one of them after it's filled with the owner's favorite perfume. Satchel powder , you know.1' " .Do you moan to y thnt you can tell where the oaor is applied , whether on the hand kerchief or at iho knee ? " "Go "long. It's tia oaay \0iintling. . If the scout oti'ike you horizontally its auro to bo ou the handkerchief , ami comes like a brondnido of smoke.1 "Woll , aiultho- " "Tho the other. Why , that takes a person of delicate sensibilities to understand. It gives you n sort of Dlack Crook emotion. 13y degrees you bccouio nwaro ot n faint odor , which ueems to lift from the lloor , 03 if n white rotobnd had just been crushed by the lady's foot. " "Doos it materialize1 "You've struck it. I can BCD the outiro stocking supply dancing about as if filled with well , patent the forma. " "Young man , you should acquire a cold. " "You'd think it likely if you'd in- apect our shivering Hues. Seel" The salesman opened n bos nnd spread on the counter n variety of blue hoee , ranging from the gray tele graph luiu through the military , Fra Angelica and sapphire shndos. They wcro cither solid color clocked with live clocks , perfectly plain or ridged perpendicularly with Rioheheu ribs , narrow , wide or broken , "Thoy do suggest u npiritual nttnoa- phorn. " "And BCO their oppoiitea verit ably thi < lines of the dummnd. Terra cotta ! Nothing but a brick dust rofl. And hero's its deeper r.hndo , "sauce pan. ' Thatouhlil to bo intelligible to a girl who knowu anything about the kitchen. Then there's oparn rod , scarlet , crimison and cardinal. " "is KMHKoinr.uv PASSU ! " "Yes ; but these nhadoa and the now colora of bottle green , plutu and bronze havn ankle patterns woven in with old gold thread to produce the wine eH'uct. " "No moro ligntning elloctol" "Yes , indeed. Wo keep stock to suit nil logs. Hainan stripes , open work fronts and ombre ringa enough to make your head sfrim. " "What are the popular makes ? " "Tho French goods or ita German imitation , because the pointed too they imike is best suited to fit the now style of boot. " This remark directed the reporter to the shoo counter. "What is vour latest in heels dizzy Directs ? " "Juat BO , " replied St. Oriapin's knight ; ' "wo have two styles this fall , the Louis 'Quinzo heel mid tlio plain French afl'uir. They have both attached thomaolvoa to the Dieppe tie , which > n the alippor for nil society and boudoir events of any im portance. It may bo had in black kid _ > r any desired shade of satin. The too is not changed'from ' the familiar slmpo , but the heel reach en up to nnd half tray around the itnkle , where on either cido in u buttonhole ia fastened thrcQ-eighth'u of a yard of two nnd one-half inch ribbon , black or colored. Iheso are tied in ( flat loops drawn out nearly o ual with the ends. " "That's satisfactory. Do you think fhoy'll take ? " "They've taken. I toll do/.ons daily. Thu women think they ire rapturously lovoly. " "And booto ? " "Tho pointed or London too with patent leather tip iu thu daisy. It has n short vamp , nnd makes the foot look shorter than any style of shoo wo have handled. " "How uro they fastened ? " "Halt laced and hooked up the front. But tons going out with u rush. " "How high is the heel ? " "From r > no nnd a quarter to ono nnd throe- Bighths inchcH. ' .Dlris , style accentu ates the arch of the niiitop just enough to be pretty nnd comfortable. Wo have the Biuno with cork soles for mid winter. But few want them , however , because they nmLo the foot look largo. And , UH the nvorago foot is a No. 6 , this objection has some reason in it. " SILVJSK CKKKK , W. Y. , Fob. C , 1880. Or.N'irt I have been very low , and Inwii tnud ovoiything , to no advan tage. I heard yonr Hop Hitters recommended by no many , I concluded to give them a trial. I did , mid now im around , nnd constantly improving , and urn nearly aa iitrong nu ever. W. H. WKLLK It. THE MUM FAMILY. A. Pennsylvania Husband ana Wife Wlio nnvo Lived Together Forty | Yearu Without HpoaklnK to Each Othor. I'hlladcljiliu HiHOnl. A most eingular tale of domestic Infelicity - felicity , extending over a period of forty ycnis , cornea from Media , Dola- wuro county. On the Providencoroad , milo and n half from this pretty lit tle town , near the HOBO Tree hotel , lives Mrs. Isaac Yarnall , whoso hus band for forty years prior to his do- luiee , which occurred n low years ago , navor addressed a word to his wife. I'ho latter did likewise , though both lived undtr the eamo roof during all theao yearn. Old Isaac Yarnall first settled where hia wife and family are : .ow located fully a half century ago. Sirs. Yarnall , who is now 01 year * of igo , ip spoken of ns being a quiet , kind , ind clover neighbor , though extraor dinarily headstrong. This character- slic , it , is said , waa the principal fca- uro m the composition of her hun- mid , whootliortvuoboro the reputn- .ion of being ( v fair , equaro man. This same Ktubbornnoss was not ilono conflnod to the parents , for the hreo daughters nnd two sons were ieo imbued with it to it remarkable legrco. The only children living are no daughters , not ono of whom has nchanged u word with ono another or yoBM , though they too dwell to gether with the mother intho , commo dious , antiquated fnrm-houso near the lloao Tree inn. These peculiarities of the family are known to nil the farm era for miles around. What nt first appeared surprising and inexplicable has become eo commonplace that the strange doings of the Varnnlls hnto lout ; censed to bo the subject of com ment among the countiy folk of that section. Isaac Yurnallvni mi indua- tiious and thufty tiller of the soil. lie plodded ntoin ; diligently and eavcd his hard cnrncd dollars until he amnsscd si-filcii'iit to purchase n liui.- drcd-ncro farm. This ho worked until his death , ami by judicious invest ments managed to lenvo behind him the snug aum of $ 25,000 , ou which the family are now living. The trouble between himself nr.il wife was brought nbout in this way : Mw. Ynrnall was beiuoathcil ( n mmll sum of money by n relative , which her husband desired to uao in purchasing farming implements nnd otherwise improving the property. His bettor half said no. la.-uc vowed unless ho was given the money ho would never speak another word to her. _ True to his vow ho steadfastly refrained from speaking for forty long yoara. The daughters , who were nothing more than mere children when the falling out occurred , tried to got the father nnd mother to mnko up , but fulled. Reared under such surroumtinga itis not surpising thnt when the girls grew to womanhood tlioy should take sldo.i with their disagreeing p.ironts. Ono uphold the father , another the mother , wliilo the third , after vainly trying to bring nbout n harmonious fooling be tween nil hnuds , became disheartened and gave up the task. The daughters have since they quarreled , always ig nored each other s presence. At the fathor's funornl n carriage wns pro vided for the girls to convey them to the cemetery. When the funornl cortege u as leaving the house the girls found thnt they were expsolod to rida together. They at first refused , but persistent coaxing nnd the fear of uicnting n acono sulliccd to induce them to stillu their repugnant feoinga for the time luing , and tlio daughtera rode off together. A stranger visiting Iho Yornalls would fail to discover nt bo first vinitany family disturb ween. Thn old Indy nnd the three thughtcra ndtlvecH their conversation entirely to the visitors , nnd wait patiently until each question ia nnaworcd before pro pounding another. When alone they oat together , but novnr pprnk , anil move about the houc.u utterly oblivi- oui to ouch other's prefunce. Free of Ohurje. All persoun enduring from CoiiKlin , Ctilds Asthnin , Uronchitin , LOKD nf Voice ) , cirnny alt'cction ef the Tlirnut niul LUH H , nro rc- quo&tcci to call nt 0. I1' . ( .lOuJinnn'H drug Btore and got n Trial 1'oUlo of Dr. Iving' ! New Uincovery for Ciiiiuiiitioi | ] , frco til charge , which will convince them nf itH wonitorful merits nnd uhow wlmt n reK oltur-uizo hottla will tlo. Cull early. COSTLY BUILDINGS. The Tendency to Extravagance tn Now York. The tendency of the ago to centrali sation ia ahown ( aays n Now York cor respondent of The OincinnatiQuKotto' _ by the immensity of both business am : domestic architecture. What n difference once is perceptible oven within n few years ! It was Stewart's ambition to build the grandest palace in America nnd ho devoted ton years nnd § 1,000- 000 to this purpose. But how soon il wns eclipsed. Stewart'a first domestic regime was opened in an up-ntairs apt ot npartmento , while his rival lived in a Stalen island farm-house. Thu same advance io shown in business architecture. In 1850 Kowon it Mo- Namco built the finest store which Broadway lud up to that time ever contained. Tint building is still stand ing , but is now one of the least notica- able of thu whole street. Ooloasal structures fur business purposes nro now the order ( if the day , while enor mous blocks of llala Imvo taken the place of the nelf-containod houaea of former tiniea. Joeo F. Vuvarro is building n block of Hats in Seventh avenue , which will coat $1,000.000. The smallest arrangement of this kind is to pull down two houses nnd erect n now building of flats , with a well in the center for the elevator. Such etruc- tures bring ronU which nt ono time would luive been considered fabulous the first door being r.ttud nt $1,500 , while the highuNt story in $ ! )00. ) Finn- ilioti thus pay moro for u lint tliun thu formpi' rent of a self-contained house The iiiereaou in the value of lota JH of corresuonding character. Hero , for instance , ia the corner of Fifth avenue and Forty-fourtli pti'cetlfiO ( feet front by 100 feet in depth ) , for which § 500- , 000 haa been refused. Who would have dicamed of thin ten years agoi BuoincuH property sharcH thin increase , and ono of the moat remarkable in stances in found in tlio lower pr.rt ol Broadway. This was until recently conaidoruc1 an out of the way spot , but the erection of the produce exchange building has inudo u nmrvolou * im provement. Two years ago Y. K. Htovenaon bought NOH ! ! nnd 40 Broadway for $185,000 , and ho has since then been offered $700,000 , for the same property. This vicinity must soon become the center of nn immense traffic , Tlio base of BroadWay - Way is the front of the row known us Bowling Oreeii , This row consintb of fivn buildings , ono of which has just boon sold for $100,000 This sum is moro than the entire row wno worth a Itlw jears ago , Wlmt n change in n once almost draerted part of the city ! The Mills buildinu is the finest of our commercial utructurrs , nnd licnce attracts general attention , Its lofty height is sot off by the court , which forms thu Broad street entrance , and which is glazed for protection r.gainst the elements , A nuaaivo r.nd beautiful gratin ; ; i > i drupped ut ni 'lit , thuu excluding all trespassers , flio whole interior eomhinoa elegance and strpn th , and the columns are of ex- ( juisito linieh. It will bo , when com- plotcid , the most elegant commercial building in the world. Mills Ima re cently mturnod from California , whuro ho laid the b < uis of his fortune. Tina building will bo highly romuncnvlivo , iiotwithstandlng its enormous cost. The latter was estimated nt $1,000- 300 , but will exceed that figure by $250,000. The rents , ho trover , nro of a corresponding amount , When I lirst know this locality thu site of the Mills building wai occupied by an old brick storehouse , whc-fio rent would : iavo boon dear nt $1.500. Broad GEORGE F. CRAWFOi XVJJCOX.3QIS3-Sk.nC.aEI BUYEfl AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. ' ta No , 519 South Iain Street , I Pay Iho Highest Market Price and De.duct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING 00. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , llo-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sasli , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Mauuiacturors and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Punips. J , J , Hatliaway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Machinery "ill lie run exclusively for custom work on Thnnilny and FrKUyof cncli week. OnlcM nolicitcil niul tmtlsfnctlon KunrimtcoJ , ( Successors to J. W. Bodefer ) WnOLBSALB AJ < D RETAIL DEALERS IN LiOKAIAffli , LEHIGH , BLOSSBURG : AND ; ALL & # GONNELISVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Ynrds Oor. Eighth Street and Hlevouth Avenue , Council BlnilV ) . P. T. MAYNJS. 0. E. MAYNB MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , , CQRN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Bent of Brooms Conatftntlv on Hand. The Hlghont Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley EE-OO1VC OOK.3ST Parties Wiahinfj to Boll Broom Corn .Will Please Send Sample , OO : .a A. IK' . T1IM LEADING DKALEK IN 337 West Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , fowa. Blroot , liowovor , wasnt that time ouo of tliu dullest plncua in thiu city. Marrylncr Rich. I You need not bo poor mid depend ent on your wedding day , for every person inalo or female can got n Roodround auin of money at mrt&l-Iago if tlioy hold n corlilicntu of inombur- ohip in THE MA11IIIAG1 < 3 FUND M UTUAL TRUST ASSOCIATION of Oudiir RnpidH. lowu. ? 10,000 Ima iilruady boon paid in benefits to iln members , in the ninu months of tliu nsuocintioim' organizationand tlioro is n golden opportunity for thousands morn to reap even larger bonolila. Nothing like it was over known. Do not postpo.io Bunding in your roijuoat for ciroulnru giving full and complete information regarding tlio plans nnd oppomtions of the atsooiu- tion. Agonta can iimku bigger money than in any other businutsa. It iu Hlrictly lionorablo , ploanniit and pro- lltable. The Autlitjr of State holds a dopoiit from the asoocintion UQ pro- Horibrd by law , for the prowclion of tlioir moinliura. The only nsaoehMon of the kind in existence org.inixod ao- cording to law. Write tvt oneo for circulars. Say wlieni you saw this notice. iuig311 m MKS , H , J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ( . U22 Broudwav. Coimoil Bliiifr. MAURBR St OUAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , r.tcli Out Olnun , Flno Ifroncli CUlno , Bllver V/uro Ate. , 3(0 ntouiuAT . COUNCIL I1LUKKH , WA. Samuel 0 , Bavis & Co , , DRY GOODS Washington Avo. nnd Fifth St. ST. LOUIS MO. MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED -AND- SALE STABLE. All Shippers nnd Travelers will find good nccummodilior ) and reasonable charges. SOUTH STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - r lotfa , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DUALKl'.B IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also pcunti lir tlio following linn at Steamship Companies : Cunanl , Anchor , Oulon , American , t J stito Htcam lilp Uoin | uiui. 3O 3E6 Jf . 3E" TCr E3 For eUc mi the Hojal Hank of IrolanJ mj Ji nk ol Irulani ] , Uubllu. aiiono wio IntcnJ toikud tot lilciiUii tq Bnv jmrt ol Eurojio will Hud It to tUIr Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGKNTH , 343 Sroadway , Oounoil Bluffs STARR & BUNCH. HOUSE , SIGN , OKHAMENTAL PAINTERS. [ lANGINQ , RRAINIHO CornorHroadwuy end Scott St JACOB SIMS , Attorney anil Uounsellor at Law , COUNCIL ULUFl'.S , IOWA. Office-Broad By , bctwun Ualn nj Pearl StitiU. VU1 i > 'K-tlo * tu blfale aLj KcJcia. ourti