' \ - - isa . I ; t THE DAILY BEECOtlKCJlL' BLIPS'IOWA MONDAY , S JPvi1EMBEE 25 The Daily Bee. BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Sept. 26. HU1I3CRI1TIOX RATES : mil' ' " ' ' > ionoo Ycat'- By - - - - - - - Omoo : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Browlwny. U. 0. ( .RIFKIV , W n ? OT. 11. W. T1LTON. City Editor. * } MINOR MENTIOWB. -.T. Mueller's I'alaccSMuslcjHall. Sherradcn ruakcs jihotogrnplw. Tlicro ro now twenty-four prisoners In the county Jill nil male * . Now w h the platoi ami make ready for the nolillciV reunion , which opens en Thutwlay. P rmlt to wed has been clvcn t" I'eter C. .Tcnicn and Mary Kuemtcn Untrlngtou , of Webster. llcv. Father McMcnomy IIM joined In happy wedlock William Hunt and Jose phlno Cannon. A full attcndancB 5s requested at Council Hluffs lodge No. 40 , KnlghU ol Pythias , this evening. Smoke the Utterly Utter , and the Key West Perfection clgarir , Bold nt wholesale - sale only by Lutz& Lange. Ball's saloon , near the llcvoro house , was entered Saturday night , and n revolver ver and watch stolen , Some sneak broke open the street ice box at L&IneVi restaurant .Saturday night , and helped himself to icvcral cans of oy stcrs. Joseph llosn , the upper liroadwny cooper , desires to purchase fifty thcuiand hoop-polos. Write to or enquire at his cooper shop , T.t. B. Leavllt and Tony Pastor' * * united combination Is to bo at Dohany's , Monday evening of next week. The lltlio graphs will bo hung to-day , and they are beauties , Joseph HOM , the tipper Broadway coopcri deilres to purchase 50,009 hoop poles. Ho also wants to employ ton extra coopers. Write to or Inquire at his cooper shop , The ladles and gentlemen boarding at Mrs.Hoblnson'son Klrat avenue speak very highly of the table and attendance. It is a very popular , first class boarding place Joseph Itcitcr makes the 1'incat Sulla n the latest styles , at the lowest possibli prices. Ills merchant tailoring establish ment Is at 310 Upper Broidway , Couuci Bluffs. Bluffs.The The Walters rape case hag again had B continuance , and it looks as If It woo fol lowing the usual course of cases which an continued time and again until dropped ou of sight , J , T. Barko is happy , having taken first premium on photographic work , an ,1 , claims that ho would bavo hod first on' th best single picture , had ho not by au erro : failed to enter ono thusho having been thus 'Informed by the committee , . The United Stale * court is to meet bora to-day. There are but four prisoners In the jail to bo disposed of for offenses agalnit the revenue law , and none of them ara very sensational casec. if The alleged pickpocket arrested last week and confined in jail here , had n ter rible fit Saturday , in which bo not only 'tore oil hU clothing but bit himself badly in several places. On being brought to ho said he was subject to them , Plans and specifications for a now city jail are now to bo seen at Bowman , Ilohrcr b Co.'j office , and bids are to bo received until Wednesday , September 27tb. The jail Is to bo two stories and consist of seven or eight cells , The location decided upcn is that recently purchased by the city on i Bryant street opposite Uohany's hall. F. C. Newell is to take his display of MoCormlck machine * to the Hamburg fair , where he Is to erect a building of hU own and has secured for power the farm engine which Mr. Hendrle furnished to drive the Champion machinery hero , The Hamburg folks will find the McCormick display a fine one , ' The case of Mrs. Allen vs. the Singer Sewing Machine company came up again before Judge AyUaworth Saturday , it be \ ,1 ing on a motion fora new trUI , the plain tiff not being satisfied with the verdict of the jury , it being fur the second tlniu In favor of the defendant. The motion w.ij overruled. FINE UPHOLSTERING , E , P. Btoccort& ) Co. , Oapturo a Num berofUluo lUbboua. At the fair just cloned the \vul known linn of I ! . F. Stockert & Co. on Broadway , had a fine display Of thulr skill as upholsterers , and it np pvats that they did not ahow thtii goods in vain. Aaldo from the praiai won from the admiring crowds , thoj uccoodod in winning the approval o the judges , and n number of blue ribbons bens were tied upon their display > They took1 first premium on a windov chair , first on two parlpr seta , first 01 parlor star.il , and first on upholster work. Stoekert'a name has bccom' pretty firmly linked In the public min .wth line Upholstery , and so the judjj tnont upon this display will not bo ' surprise. The goods were certain ] elegant , and the workmanship ind taste shown are evidences that Htocl ort & Go. are fully prepared to mo < all rocjuireraenta in that lino. Man have already learned by oxpjrlonc that Stockert it Co , are as uno up ] holatorera as can bo found anywhcn and others are fast finding it ml Many from a distance were surprise at the fair to BOO such evidences Council lilull'i akill in this line , and will bo atrango indeed if Stockert Co. do not find orders coming in fro some who have not patronized lien before. They have all the taciliii [ needed to supply any and all deuunt They hnvo stall , taste and an * tab Hulled reputation for good work , , that their trade cannot fail to grow , QoodGooda at Qood'o. At Mra. J. J. Good's , Main atri \ hslr store , can be Been the largi took of hair goods west of Ohicj ! ; and in pricea within the roach of ! i A FAIR FINISH. A Last Look at the Succoeoful Fftir and a Word of Its Management. Some of the Fun Which W w Mixed With Bnsinom. Saturday the fair grounds looked like a plucked cliickon , the iino feathers and points of beauty beiny taken oIFono by ono and the grounds not yet being restored to their ueual noitncBS and order. Exhibitors hast * onod during the forenoon to got their goods carted back to the cHy , shipped off homo or started for other fairs. It was a general break-up , but still a rather busy uccno resulted , as teams were coming and going , raising big clouds of dust , men were hurry ing hither and thither and all was in commotion. The sound of the side show's bass drum and the voice of woman in tights were silent , and the everlasting "lot'or roll , lot 'or roll , " was hujhcd. Some of the tented shows and catchpenny affairs wcro unable - able to square up their accounts with the association , and attachments were served , holding some of the property. The fair , as a whole , hao boon a great success , and was pronounced by many equal to the moro pretentious ones bearing the narao of state fairs , and much bettor than some of them. The attendance was not so largo aa the must of the different displays thus combined merited , but the managers have the satisfaction of knowing that they have laid a sure foundation for great success in the future , and hayn established n reputation which wil- make it moro easy another year to so euro exhibits and draw crowds. The cilicora of the association this year are : L , 0. Baldwin , president ; J. W. Porogoy , vice president ; Dr. A. 1) . MclMino , secretary ; lionry Eiacnmn , treasurer. All of these and others were kept very busy , both in the work of preparation and carrying out the plans arranged. Mr. L. 0. Baldwin merits some special mention for the interest ho took in the stock department , and it was duo largely to him that there was no good a showing in that lino. Pow realize the cost of this part of a fair , except thoco who exhibit. Many of these who visit a fair will pat a by the slock show as of little intercut , and will gaze with rapture - turo on some big pumpkin , or pay ex tra to BOB BO mo deformity in a side show , and hardly give a moment's at tention to a feature of the fair which takes moro capital and Incurs moro expense than almost anything oho on the grounds. Ono exhibitor who had only nine head of cattle , and who baa shown them at throe fairs in this atato this year , figured up his expenses you- torday , and found they would bo fully 82,000 before ho reached homo. It is estimated that it cost fully § 200 a day for the cattle shown at the fair hero. There interest is on the gain , however , and moro attention is being paid yearly to raising good stock , ao that it is an important feature turo of any fair. , Much credit is duo also to J. W , Porcgoy. IIo was superintendent o | tickets and amphitheatre , and worked like a beaver wherever ho could find work to do , and ho scorned to bo eve : r in demand. Uo kept his usual good 1 nature coupled with his activity , and many exhibitors and visitors are undo : r "Special obligations to him. The position of superintendent o : grounds is cno of the most trying and most busy ones , but it was well tillct' by J. T. Hart , who seemed onuii present , first hero , then there , mooting demands on every hand , listening to complaints , settling tling disputes , assigning places ant with all the hurry and ibrry , not only courteous to all , but finding oven time , and having the UiouRhtftilia'B to ask pxhibitors whether they had al' the facilities and conveniences the ; wanted. Henry Eisoman , who handled th cash and looked nftor the litmucea hid a moro quiet position , but ono of the moat responsible of all , and ho caw that everything was conducted in u buslnoss-liko , careful manner. Dr. McKuno occupied the position of secretary , and found his hundi full and his time all occupied. N. M. i'ueoy looked especially after the art display , which proved so successful. Col. D. U. Dailuy as chief marshal proved ffUciont , and had able assist ants , BO that this branch of the ser vice did its full duties. There was occasionally a joke ; < cracked oven in the busiest rush. Onu of the ollicers had the laugh turn ed on him by n country friend who nuked the ollicer "Well what uart of the show do you furnish ? " The olli- \ , cor jokingly replied , "Well , I furnish the brains. " The country fiiand - looked around fur a minntu , and with out a miilo remarked , "Well , I must aay , it is the darnduat , slimmest show in tlmt line I ever sa\r. \ " The laugh which the byatamlots gave was soon of lost in tobacco smoke. A comical blunder was undo in - ying ribbons to agricultural ma- . nines , A commlttcu was appointed ind gravely marched into machinery on tall , looked ever various machines ' , nd began tying on the bits of rib. > on indicating lirst and second pro < ntutns , Coming along to ono oxhib tor's machines , they tied on a bed a ibbon , The exhibitor wanted tc know what that waa for. Ono of tin ck. committeemen replied : "Why , that'i ho second premium on reapers. W oet give the first to that reaper up yon lor. " The exhibitor waited till thoj nco lad the ribbon tied firmly to tin machine , and then ho icmurkod "Well , now , gentlemen of the committee ! iked mittee , that may bo all right to ivoM mo second on reapers , but that ma < chine isn't a reaper at all , but a mow dit r , " The oommittoemon scratchoi ' each othur'u heads , and , after consul ) ini ( , remarked that they had made mlitaVe , and put the ribbon on the tie * wrong machine. They unfastened i and tied it on another , The mi chino man waited until the knot wi s firm and then said ; "To hades rith your second premium on reaper You've got it tied now on a droppo [ You just take that ribbon now and 1 t treet it around some bigger fools , if yoi rgoit can find them , " IIo had got warnn 20 , up by this time. The committee lot 1 all. in disgust , and before morning vor informed that there wcro no premiums at all to ba given on farm iiifechinury. They accordingly wont u roun In again and took off all the ribbon ; , WELJO WHITEWASHED Tuo Union Pnciflca Kecoivo Nothing Hut QOOPO Egcf , Whllo the Council Hlutls Oot Ono Tftlly. By all odds the beet and moat ox- citin , ! Rfttno of b eo ball jot played here was that on Saturday afternoon between the Union i'flcifics , cf Oma ha , and the Council Bluffs ninct. The crowd was largo and enthusiastic , and the victory gained by the Council Bluffs nine was conceded to bo justly and fairly won. The Council Bluffs nine played an almost perfect game , while their oppouento did creditable work , The following is the score in full : COUNCIL Bum-.s , A.II. nlu , T.H. P.O. A K. Uoach.s.fl Kuehno , 2b Mack , p Merrill , 3b 3 000040 O'Day , l.f ! t 0 1 1 1 2 0 Feathcrstonoc , f. . . . 3 0 0 0 I 0 0 Haxan , Ib 3 0 0 0 13 1 0 Strock , c 3000710 Smith , r.f 3000200 Totals 30 1 I 4 27 1'J 1 UNION 1'ACIKlt'H. AII. II 111. T.ll I'.O.A.K. Funhhouser , L.lb. . . 4 0 0 0 13 1 0 Trallley. c Whitney , p 4000080 Dwyer,3db 4000120 Funkhouser , M.S.B. . 4 000222 Holland , 2d b 3011240 Lyon , r. f 3000002 Mirston , 1. f 3000001 Kirtz , c. f 3011100 Totah 32 0 3 3121 17 5 Innings. I 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 to. Co\mcil Blulfi 00000100- Union 1'aclfici 0 00000000 0 Struck out Council Uluff i , Cj Union Pacifies , 7. 1'aised bolls Traflloy , 1 ; Strock , 0. Called balls Mack. 64 ; Whitney , (5. ( Uascs on ca'lcd ' balls Council liluffn , 0 ; Union t'nclfics , 1. Wild pltchoi-O. Total etrikes Union Pacifies , 29 ; Council - cil Bluffs , 13. Loft on bases Union Pacifies , 4 ; Coun cil Bluffs , C. Fliea caught Council Bluffs , 7 ; Union Pacifies , G. Two base hits 0. Three base hits -0. Umpire Mr. Corey , of St. J OUH. Among the especially line playnwas the long running catch of O'Day , Smith nmdo a hplondid running catch , junuiing and catching the fly with his left hand , Mack's pitching wan as us ual simply immense , while Strock , as catcher could not have clone bettor , Ilagan and Kuohno did seine fine work , in fact all the boys wcro at tiioir beat ; Funkhousor , of thoU. IVs merits special mention also , and made a fine catch , Whitney , of the U. 1' . , proved effectvo ! as a pitcher , and the Council Bluffs boys found him hard to bat. In fact the Union Paiilica showed up strong , but the Council Bluff * nine showed themselves n little stronger , enough stronger to down the visitors handsomely. Embroideries. A very largo invoice of beautiful embroideries just received at Hnrk ncs ? , Orcutt & Co.'s. Bop2o-4t ACCOUNT OF STOCK 1 ho Doings at the Union Stock Yards The following were the receipts a' ' t the Union Stock yards Saturday : 20 care , D. II. & J. W. Snyder. 20 can , Evnua & Mead. The shipments of thosamoday were 7 curs of sheep , W. D. Currier to J. M Robinson & Co , , Chicago. 1) ) cam of cattle , A. L. Camp to Wooc 13run. , Chicago. 5 cam. Hosier & 1'easley to Patterson & Co. , Chicago. I car , Weathorby Bros , to Keenan Hancock , Chicago. 4 can , B. J. Johnson to Keeuan & Han cock , Chicago. H earn , Bruih & H.tn Horlne Bros , , Ch CiRO. 3 cars , J. L. Bruih to Horine Broa. Chicago. 3 catB. W. Adams to Gco. Adamu fi Burke , Chicaeo. 1 car , J. W. Snyder to Ueorge Adami A Burke , Chicago. All but the firnt lot named went east over the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , THE COMING REUNION. The Preparations Bolntr Mndo to Welcome uncl Care for the Votoruna. Next Thursday is the opening day of the Boldiurs' reunion to bo huld hero , and is to bo continued Friday and Saturday. Friday will bo the great day. Arr.ingomonts havn boon inudo to hold the reunion on the fair groundo , where there are niai'y no- commodationa not to bo had o'.iio- where. The tents have arrived , and othur preliminaries are being arranged. This gathering will bo an important nntl intorcwtitiK ono , and there should ; bo every possible exertion put forth on the part of the citizens to make it ftiisosftol ( , The topuUtion of Cuun- cil Blnll'a for hospitality iant Make , and - it behooves every resident of this city nnd county to ecu that itlosp nothing ' by the toet to which it will bo put. jj ia confidently expected that 3,000 - votoraua will bo here , nnd they should * bo cared for generously. Bhcnnndoah - took euro of 1,500 to 1,800 , and did not lot the boys epond a cont. Red Oak nmdo a like record , This city , the qucun of the valley , should not ba behind. The railways have arranged for extra coaches and trains , so that there will bo ample facilities for reaching - y ing the city , and it is expected that besides the veterans there will be ; thousands of visitors. Let all join inn - practical way in showing that Ooun il It lulls can and will provide foj - hose whom it has thus invited to visi - lere. OivrpotB. a lluy carpets at Ilarkncsa , Crcutt t Oo.'s. sop25-4t A bunday Scorch. * Ycstordoy forenoon the alarm c 'iro was turned in , caused by the dli . covery of smoke issuing from the roc or. of Mr. II. II. Oberholster's old Ofli tie dcnce , in the Third ward , and locate ( ou Worth street. The alarm came i very nicely from box 10 , and ale from Kcil's hotel , showing that th ! electric alarm tratom is practical and trustworthy. ' 1'ho department turned out promptly , bnt there was n bother In securing a handy water supply , this nocessitaiiug n long line of hose , nnd provcnting M r ( Tcctivo work as is generally done. The dwelling hoitso waa a two-ntory frame , and the fire , which anpirontly caught from n de tective Ililo , had been burning between the ceiling r.ntl roof for aotno time before fore it burst through and the alarm was tjivnti , so that it had acquired { rood headway , The houio waa occu pied by ( i family named Stimaon , and ono of the male members wai oick in bed at the time. IIo was safely removed - moved , and moat < > f the fiirnitnro wan saved , but the building itself was u complete wreck. It was owned by Gun. Dodge , Bo Not Bo Deceived In llieso times nl quask medicine mlver- ? l enients everywhere , It Is truly grntify' Jny to find ono remedy that in worthy of praise , and which really does M recom mended. Kllctrio Hitters wo can vouch for fti being a true nud reliable remedy , end one that will do as D-commendcd. They Invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaint ) ! , Unc.ises of the KIdnoya and Urinary dlllicultleWo / ! know whereof wo upeak , nne ) can readily ay , clve thorn a trial. Sold at fifty cents a boltlo by C. K fJnrolm n Attention , Druids. Every Druid in Council Bluffa is requested to bo present at PottnwaU tamio grove No. 23 Wednesday even ing promptly at 7:30 : o'clock. Busi ness of importance. By order of Nobla Arch. SALTS. My rosidoncoNo. | 715 Fourth atroot Bancroft' ) L. F. MunruY. For Salo. An 8 year-old horso. Enquire at C15 Sixth atroot. COLLARED BY COPS. Some of These Who Have Felt the Orlm Grip of the Law. Daniel Sollock , who lives a little out of the city , was complained of by a neighbor , L. P. Brown , who charged him with stealing twenty oars of com from hia hold , the value of the same being fifty cents. Brown claims that ho has missed many little things from his place , and tint when Scllcck was aw.ty from home the pilfering ccasod , but when ho returned it began again. Saturday morning ho caught him stealing the corn , and though it amounted to little ih gave him n chance to get it little oven. Sollcck pleaded guilty to taking the corn , and Judge Aylestfoith lined him $50 and costa. Charlcn Wells , a plain drunk , was fined the usual $7 CO Saturday. William Brosman v/ns arreatod on complaint of hu wife , who claimed that ho was guilty of bestowing too much n ( lection on Hattie King , one of Belle Clover's soiled doves. Brog- rrtan lies in jail awaiting an oxamina tion. His frail companion was also arrested on the charge of being an inmate of a house of ill-tamo , and her fine and coats footed up $21.00. OUicrtr Edgar guided John Henry to the cooler , for being drunk Satur day night. A man named Show , from Mills connty , who is a frequent visitor , was again registered Saturday night by Ofliccr Morse , for being drunk. Oflicer Horse also arrested George 0. Brown and Charles Olvons , who were found hanging about vineyards and orchards in a suspicious manner and living off of plucked fruit. They were booked for vagrancy. The chief run In Michael Ryan for being too bibulous. PERSONAL , . Fred. S. Thompson , with Forbes Bros. & Co. , of St. LouU , is In the city. S. B. McConnell , of St. Paul , formerly connected with the construction of the St. Paul road here , is In the city. Justice J. J. Kralney has gone to Chicago cage for a few days stay , braiding pleasure and business together In the trip. Win. Morrow , of Momlamln , called at THK BKB ofllce Saturday. Mr , Morrow U a prominent farmer of that section. Mr. and Mrs. Harding , of the well known elcctropntbio Institute on Broiul- way , have Htarted eastward for a two weeks' tiip , W. L. Seeger , of New Vork , a nephew of Judge Aylesworth , U In the city , and thinks of becoming a reiMent. He is ac * compaufed by hU cousin , Ji , O , Yager , also a young man from New Vork , who will make a brief visit hern. Thomaa Began , a prominent merchant of Mondauiln , Iowa , called lit THK Bii : otlica Saturday. Mr. Began has matte ar- rangcmentH with Deere k Co , , of this city , to handle their goods , and will now be nbla to supply all the Implements needed In thit section. Mr ) mid Mrs. Dr. Harding , rf the popu- lai Broadway electropathto medical insti tute , left last evening via the 0 , , II. I. & P. on a buiincss and pleasure seeking trip east. They intend visiting Chicago , New York , Philadelphia and return by way ol St. Louis. Th y expect to be absent three weeks. O , S. Bnttey , of the Chicago Horeeinan has been In attendance throughout the fair , and the managers hate witoly utilized < him by keeping him much of the time In the judgu' stand. He is thoroughly posted In all matters pertaining to the turf , anil besides being one of the most pleasant sort of fellows socially , Is a spicy writer , ant - his correspondence and special artlclei ntler the non de plume of "Columbus,1 orm some of the most readable portion f the valuable journal which be repre rery - eut * , and should be in the hinds of ever ; ; loreemau. Buoklm'B Arnica Halve. The BBST SAIVK In the world for Outi llrulscj , Borea , Ulcerr , bait Rheum. Ki ver Sores , Totter , Chtpped Hands , Cbl Mains , Corns , and all Uu eruptions , an podltiveJy curoa piles. It is guaranteed I t dv8 natUfactfon r m aey reunde < I'rlce , 25 centa per tx. * or sale 10 V. DAVID G. EVANS & GO 001 North Second Sticet , ted ST. LOUIS , MO. in AA-Aak your Grocer for the Del obrated Star Coffee and Stir Baku : Powder. \ COUNCIL \ BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. Special Adtrrtltccicnta , sut ta IxJst , Found , To Loan , 1'or fi&lc , To Rent , IVants , lc&'dnr ! ; , etc , rlll lo Insetted In thte column .t lh ow rate rf TKN CKNT3 PER MNH for the first Ins.rtlcn and F1VK CKNTS . 'F.R MNB lot ciih subsequent In.iertlnn. oavc , lv ert ! < "mrnti at our odlce , No. 7 ' , mt8trcaf \ , ficir til Wnnt-H. WANU'D A fWO'l Rlnto Jo general uorit In 8J n'l liml y. , pjjly at SlO nicr.nc. ' lli Ilk * n Mtiiitlon In a store n WU' I\rty. IIv In I experience nr.l will the tociliudren ci. Hpo.iV.i Ucrnuu end Adi rrR H. I' . IIKR Olflce , llltlll . WANTKi : r , OtmlMlim * ti inoic. Wo make a HH.I i 1t ' > of in'\l houpti nnd pifu t \iMrr < i < i W. I * . A > lc < ortii , box KTH , Coniull ilnfti , In. "XlTANTKIl A KOfxl Klrl ( or pcnrral lioti'c- VV work W. 11. Vaughn , vat. 1'lercoaml Frank trcctn , * WAN'1 KIl A few mere day boatiterf. Tuble HMotmcd rate. MIIS..M. K VVHSONM. 200 Bancroft ftro8l. _ \irANTKD-KTcryhody lu Council BluOs to VV to toke Tim U B , 20 cents per week , dc Ivcrcd by carilcra. Office , Ko 7 Pcftrl Street near lrc" ! > dm > y. "ITITANTUD To buy 100 tone broom corn W Tor pirllculnni address Council DIuffi iroom Facton" , Conncll Dlxllii. lowx For Sale and Kent Foil KENT A storcrosui on Main ttrnct , 0 ] > - pjsao OithJIc dmroh. Inquire of lle.k I OUSAIKOItTltAIIi : Afann of ICO cre , L TJ acres broke , aetono house I8\'J7 and half lory basement , nlso stone stable for four horses ind a good \u > l ] , u Is locntcd In O.-boriii ; county , vnnirn , n miles from Usborno railroad. Kmiutro at HKK olliie. > 11ICK-200OCO brick for silo by ) OUKLLADAY. T71UUMS11EUUOO11S hnnu.ro at 70B iljnbtcr J } Urcet. IOIl SALVV-A 10x12 skylight. Suitable for hot bed. Apply to LxccUlor gallery. TT'OK SAf.E Hca'i'tllul resldencp lots , foO 1 } each ; nothlaztlov/n , and 83pern < cnth only , by KX-MAYOUVAUOUAK. nplS-tf MlBcollnnoout ) . T OST Alaigo wardrobikoy. Liberal rcn.xrd JUlonndr. Enquire at Dee offlctf. OT1LL AHEAD Great succe < , fl. Call and see _ new accessories nnd specimens of pictures Alrcn be the reliable Kelatlno bromide process , at the Excelsior Gallerv lonililn street. | -Vll. W. li. 1'ATTON Pflyslumn and Oculist. JL/ Can euro any cano of sere eye . It Is only a matter of t'mo , and can euro generally in rom three tc live weeks It : n kcu no differ ence how long diseased. Will straighten crocs eyes , operate and remove I'tyrcclnnig , etc. , and nscrt artificial eyes. Special attention to re- movelnK tadcwornis ap5-tf Council [ fluffs' Business Directory , Art Gallery. r.xcelslor photograph pi'Icrj , South .Main St. Inatantnncotis proiuss. Brewery. C. OiiSK : , Upper llroadway. Bottling Works. II. 11 ARC. .t CO. , Uist I'lerro St. Bakery , P. AYiilS : , 017 S. Slain St. Bathing Houses. MUS. K. J. IIAUDINU , JI. I ) . , llionluaj arid Glenn n\c. un. STUDMY : , i > cthc ia Ilroaduay. Books nnd Stationery II. K. SKASIAX , Middle Banks. OKFICCIl & . 1'USEY , corner llroadway and OtJ : street. UITIZRNS' HANK , Bthfctrect. Broom Factory. MAYNP.itCO. , mcnuo A , nnd Cth St. Cigar Manufacturers. TEMl'MrrON & LAMII , H Broaduay. F. H. LKV1X , 308 Hroadua } . U IIOKKIIOFF , 1131 Main > t. Ccal. A. II. MAYXi : & CO. , 31 Pearl St. Cooper. J. HOSS , 015 lXut llroailway. Dentltts. MXTO.V k WliST , 11 1'c-arl St. Dry Goods IIAKKNKS.S , OUCUTT.t CO. , Hroadw J an Ith 1-trL'i.t. Eggs Shipper. G. F. CIlAWrOllI ) , P19 Main St. Furniture Manufactory , K. It. STiiNIIlMliil : : , ior. 7th ave and lith St Furniture Store. C. A. lliiili : : : i CO. , 'Ml and lOT Ilroadttaj. Groceries and Provisions. St'MVA.V & riTCOKHAM ) , 313 llnwhroy. Gunsnilthlnc. OI.MViil : , t fillAIIASI. fith Ktreit. nee , Bold nt t'.uttrn pi lets nnd jjnarinteeil. Harness and Saddlery. CIIAS. WAI < Tiil& : IIUO. , Middle Ilroidwaj CHAS. IHKMANI.II : : MUMIU Hair Goods. MRS. l > . A. IIi.VKIirT. rcrr W .t llnmlwaj , JlltS. J. J. fiOOIl , L"J5thbtmt. Livery Stables. A. COMITOS , 'J.10 llmulun ) . \V. ( ! . 11(11. LAND , 7ul ) South Main St. ii. iuKouorr : , opp. i' . o. : Hotels. OOIIK.N IIOIISK. L'pinr llroa.l a > . KIKI.'S IIHTKI. . Ml and Ml Main tii-it Meat Market , i : . W. TICKN01I , fi. l llrowl a > . - Millinery. J. .1. BUSS , ; U8 Iliuad it ) . Come and i-xuin- Ino forjoiirn.ll. MHSJ. ; i : MKTCAi.r. ' Marble and Granite Works. CO.VXOIt .t ( IL'ANKI.I.A , 117 llroad .y. Merchant Tailors. JAS. ntAXKY. U71 ! liroadwaj. CIIAS. llICi : , DcfOl'x bulldln. , Mil and Main * ' , : iTKII. 310 Ilroa.lttv Deal Estate and Abstract. l KIMI1AI.I. .V CIIAM1' , opjiojlte uonrtliou o. J. W. blJUIHK & CO. , iwm-r I'vurl ami l l a > c. Restaurant , SMITH & 15UCUKX , lOl llroaduay. ' Stoves and Tinware. II. I ) . AMY ii CO. , BOO South Main btrcit. Shirt Factory , K. P. KOHD , f rncr llhitl and Willow St. ! - Undertakers. M01U1AN , KKM.Klt Is CO. , UIO and 317 IlroaU u D. SI. COXXKI.IJ , 17 North Jlaln St. D EPMONP40S. I. LSIIUOAUT. A. W. BTBEH I'rwldent. Vlco-l're 't. Cshlei. CITIZENS BANK tO Of Connell Bluff * . . OrganUod under tba lavti ol the SUte of Iowa Paid np capUl ! , * " eco ! Authorized capital „ 00,00 iDteroat paid on time deposits. Drafts Usao , on the iirluauil cltlet of the United Bute * au Europe. BpccUl attention ei\eu to collectloc and coiroapaadenco lth prompt returns. DIRECTOU. J.D.KJmunclWD , E.L.bhu it , J. T.nirl , , \V.\V. Wallace , J. W. Holler , I. A. Mlftt A. W. Street. JfTdtf HABKNESS , 8HGUTT & GO. , f\ * $ Broadv/ay , and Fonrfli Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-2-fJrn - - ra Headquarters For the Cele brated 'Ml Weber Pianos , ITS Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. S Address , I O J. MUELLER , ! L BLUFFS , aa , Jci C Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff aid fillow Sreets , OonncU Bluffs. MANUrAOTUllKUS OF ALL KINDS OF CUPB < > ARDS AND SAFES. Wo make the following a specialty : WALNUT EXTENSION TABLES , POPLAR OPEN WAP1ISTANDS , WALNUT HUBAKFAST TABLES , POI'LAK W RDUOBKS. POPLAll JJIiEAKFAST TABLES , POPLAR CUPBOARDS , WALNUT WARDROBES , POPLAR SAFES , WALNUT OPEN WASH STANDS. orders and correspondence promptly attended to. OfBcc and Manufactory S. E. Oor. 7th Ave. nnd 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MORGAN " , KELLERj&JDO. , The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden nnd metalio cases. Cnlln attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of gooda or prices. Our Mr. Morgan has served ns undertaker for forty years nnd thoroughly understands hii business. WAREROOMS , 310 AND 357 BROADWAY. Uptolsterin In nil its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying nnd lambrequins. Telegraphic - graphic nnd mail orders filled uithout delay. HAGG & GO'S COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - BOTTLERS & DEALERS IN CEISE'S BEER Made from Iho Finest Malt and Hopa , with water obtained from the OliLEBUATED AETBSIAN WELL , AT A DEPTH OF 800 FEET. This Water ia known everywhere for its Purity and Wholesome Qualities. Also DealcrH in C. Cour.id & CO.'K Oririn..l Budwciscr Beer , manufactured in St. Louis , Mo. fiTOrdera in the City or From Abroad Promptly Filled. HAGG & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer iu and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company'ii Celebrated No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited City ordern to famllie * and denlern delivered free. A. BEKBE , W. r.UNYAU , W. G. A. BEEBE CO. , Wholesale anJ Uetall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JAMES FRANEY , 72 BROABWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I A- Alu a ) s keepa on band the Uncut asaortment ot mattrlal tor gcntlemen'a year. Satisfaction ( tuarintaed MRS. J. E. METCALF , Millinery , DroBsmnkiug- . Cutting and Pitting a Bpedlalty. Xo , (18 lltoaduay , Oppotlta KOTCIO House , Laces , fiinbroiderics , and Ladies Undenvear. lundkerchlcls , ho ol all kinds , thread , pinr , noMles , etc. Wo hope the ladloa wil ] ull nd tee our Block ol goodf. - Merchant Tailor. , ( Late Cutter for MetcaU B . , ) Devol's New Building , Main Street. Council Bluffs , la , Suita to order 818 and upwanU. J , F. KIMBALL. GEO. li. OHAB1P- KIMBALL & OH4MP , ( Succeasoti to J , P. .V J. K. Qusady. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. \ Vehe the only complete net ol bstr cl books to alt city lot * and Uudi la FotUwittunl county. Tltlei esuulned tnd abttricw turrl h d on short notice. Honey to loiu cu dty nd term property , hortnd long time , In um to lull the borrower. KcaUiU boujht and lolJ. 031c at u old tUai pppcnlte court boiiiu *