4 ftN. . THE DAILf BEE-OMAHA MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25 The Nebraska National Bank Of Omahn. Nob. Paid up Capital , - - 825O.OOO. DIRECTORS : S. R Jrfnfon.l'ron dcnt.r.f BtMle , J'hnpon.1 Co. A. K To ulln , ViciPro IJtntotU. II 4 ( J. h. R. Co , Itotton. W. V. Morse , of * . V. MorseA Co. .tohu S. IVIIins , ot O. 11 .V J 8 Col Int. J. M WoolworihCounstllor k Attarne ) at Law. L. 5) ) llccil , ol n ron Reed i Uo. II. tV. YMi * . U ( hler , Ute C lilcr of the Fir t National Hank ul Onuht. aid cennrctcd w th the act vn mira cnuntot tint IUik : Mo e Its or anlzillon In I8t < 3. < TRIIDor bu > liics * Apilt 27. 18 ? . ' , mth thi lauot icltAto > any l > nK In Kilir ka. UoLLKCTio.Nsro.'eirerpEcIil I'lcntl.iti and chir- ( foul i ihr | . abln h > ro r il c hcff. iMBRiwTa'lowidoti tlni il'patta tipm tmor- blj toiini and upon aecaiit t ut baoktncd lai.k- or * . KoR'ian KICIUNOH , Qorcnuntnt Itond" , and County and City a'curltli boiuht r.U told , Itta ptci rrdto do a ivncrnl tv\nVlnii liu ho ' In a'l ' lt9Uittll > and In tlv1 tr atmcnt o' eiiitMii- ra will puriue the most Murtl policy consilient w.th aafo banking. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , NKW YORK , September " 3 , ONIT. Money 2@8 per ccntj closingi offered at - per coat. 1'r.ino Mercantile Paper C@7 per rnnt. Sterling I2xohaus Steady ; bills , SI.S2J ; demand , $1.87 . QOVKllNliKN'TS. 6's 100 ? lOOj' 4's Coupons 1124 112i ? 4s : 120J lll ! | 1'aciGo C'a of 1893 130 , MO BTOOKB. Adams Kxpresi 138 HO Allegheny Central 31 Alton & iVrre Haute 40 } -ISJ do pfd. . . . 88 Ml American Impress IU 03 } Burl. , Cedar Kapids & North 8U } 83 * Canada Southern 65 61 ! } Col. , Cin. & Jnd. Central. . . .11U 110 Central Pauilio 9-2 92J Chesapeake ft Ohio 24\ . . . do 1st pfd. . . 384 Chicago's Alton ! . ' 'l39 110 } do pfd lf > 8 100 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 133 135 Chi. , St. U & iNew Orleans. . 70 } 80 Ola. , Html. & Cleveland 55 : . Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 82 Delaware & Hudson canal..lUg Del. Lack. & Western 44i Denver & Itio Grande fi'Ji Cli Krie 42 > , -12 ? fcdo pfd So1 } SOj Bait Tennessee 11" di preferred 117 } Tort Wayne & Chicago 135 137 llannlb.il & tit. Joseph -15 47 } Uo pfd.S(5 ( 834 Harlem 2WJ 210J ! Houston & Texi.8 Central. . . . 82 Illinois Central 1 )0 ) 141 } Ind. , Bloom. & Western 47 18) ) Kansas & iTextis 39 ] lOj Lake Erie & Western 40 Lake Shore & Michigan So..110J 1103 Louisville & Nashville 72 Loui.iv. , New Alb. & Chicago 74 . . . Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 do do 2dpfd 01 Memphis & Charleston 58J Michigan Central 103 101 Minneapolis k St. Ljuis 32 do , pfd. 72 } Missouri Pacific 107A lO'Jg Mobile * Ohio 122 .ManhiiUan Beach 26 } . . . Motiij k Ksiiix HO , Na.ihvillo \ Ciiuttauooga 79i . . . New Jersey I'entrul 57. ' . SOj Norfolk & \Veitsrn di preferred 01) ) Northern 1'acifio OOJ filg do pfd UtiJ OS Northwestern 145) ) 1472 do pfd lUl * 1COJ New JTork Ceutr.il 1334 13 i Ohio Central 17g Ohio & Missisaippi 38J 39J do ptd 105 .10 Ontario ft Western 1274 1'acilio Mail 41 } Panama 107 Puoria , Decatur & Evansv. . . 3lg 33J Pittab.irg & Cleveland 138 138 Heating 103 ? Bock Inland 130 137 St. Louis & San Fran 40 41J do pfd do 1st pfd 99 St. Paul A Milwaukee 109 } do pfd.2U St. Paul , Minu. & Manitoba.157 } St. Paul & Omaha fi24 53. do pfd llli Texa * & Pacific 494' ' ' "A Union Pacific lll ! & 11V § United S'.ates ' Kxpr BS OS Wftbash , St. L. & Pucilic. . . . 302 37ij do pfd. 07A 8i Wells , Fargo & Co. Exprer .12U Westurn Union Telegraph. . . SSs1 til ) Caribou lit Central Arizona jj l xcelt > ior. 1 . . . llomo talbU 18 . . . Little Plttsburg 1 Ontario 39 utdo v ° pfd" ! . ' . ' ! ! . ' . ' . " . ! ! ! i5J ! ! ! Robinson 1 SIlvcrCIIIF V South Pao. < lo 13 .Standard 7 Hutr. ) 1 Oilered. tKr. dividend. PRODUCE & PROVISIONS. lkjKitchei to TUB Due. CIIICAUO. CHICAGO , Septemtier 23. Wheat Fair demand , cash higher but optloua lower ; regular , 102.1 ® I Ol. for September ; 9Uo for October ; ! M & 9-Jo fur November ; 03 © yilic f r the year ; No. 2 apriug , 1 02 for cash ; re.t name ni regular ; No. 2 r'd winter , 1 02J@1 02 for cash ; 1 02i@l 023 for SeptembtT. Com Mauket unsettled und lower ; Cljc for cash niul September ; 03 J ) for Octo ) 01 ; filtjo for November ; 5IJj I'ur the year ; 49Jo for.lunuary ; 5 Jo tor May , O.tnM < rkt dull and lower ; 31o for cash : 31 Jo for. Sentcmber ; Sljc fir October and Xo\eubsr ; 31Jc tor thu year ; ! t3c for May. May.Kje Dull and lower a B.rley Uull end lower ; Flax Seed Sloadj ; goott crushing on tra < k , 1 22. Timothy Lower ; c'iod to prime , 1 70 ® 1 80 ; common to fall , 1 00@1 75. Butter Quiet ami unclmnKt-d ; creamery to choice laillo p ce1 ) , ll > @ 10.i. jggn--Flrinj : ll ! J. Pork Ao lie , turn , higher nnd Irregu lar ; 21 45J2l ' ID tor c Hh , September or Oct her ; 21 to for November ; 11) ) 17i@ ID 20 for tuii joar ; 187 i1900 lot January , liir ' JIarUet H'rong ami Usher ; 12 62j @ 125."i for c. . " ! ' t Outooei ; I't7.i@12 ; 1 1 for Novemlitr ; 11 00 lor the ye..r ; 11 47j @ 11 50 for Januuiy Bulk Mfat < t ; iletj ho tide re , 10 00 ; ibrt fila , 14 lllj ; short cleer , 1 1 3.r > , Whitky-Stea.tv ; 1 20. MW VOKK. NKW YOBK. September 23. Cotton ,12 I3.1B@1J ; 3-lis ( ; September , 12.33c October , 11 80 ; November , ll.COci le cember , ll.OOc ; January , ll.CSc ; I'ebru ary , 11.7S ; March , ll.OOc ; April , 120lc May , 12.13c ; June , 12 21. Flour Quiet ; superfine state western 350@41o ; cummon to Rood extra , 15 ® 5 00 ; good o choice , 5 lOt&S 00 ; whitt western , 0 EOC400 ; extra Ohi.j . , 4 20@)7 00 St. Louix , 4 2W8 00 ; MinnwoU paten Iiroce7 2 fe8 70. Wheit Cash lots $ c lower and option & < i2alo ( ) JKU'cr ; No 2 rpriug , noumal ; un rraded rod , .GrtiUOrj ; No. red , 1 Ui C41 CO ; uteamar No 2 reJ , 1 OI ! < 1 03j No. 2 leJ. 1 ( Wg@l 07i. Corn Market l@31c lower and n t UeJ ; ungraded , 70)i@73lc ) ; No. 2 , 73i@7le OaU Umu'tltil ' and j@2c lower ; inixe western , 31i > l2c ; white , ilyfc52c. Kga Freth western , dull and vi Pork-Firm ; new me 8 , 21 3'21 50 , Lard Higher ; prime ttntn , 1255 ® 210. Butter Quiet and unchanged ; 15@30c. HT. l.Ofl H. ST. Louis , September 23. Flour--Dull and weak. Whe t Cn h lower ; optlnn lower , but .dvdticed nd closed pretty firm : Iso. 2 .Ho for thfl ) r r ; SMa9. ( > 3 for January ; S'o. 3 red. 8Sl@S9s bid ; No J Sto bid. ! l > o for November ; 4'Jrc for the year ; I l@4t5jc for.lamwy ; 474lSofor | .May. O U Better , but flow ; 31 a,3ljj for ash ; 32if 30Jo for October ; Sole f.ir No- cmli r ; 30JS tor DecemUir ; 21'A@30a ' for lin yfnr. HiB-Dul1 : CGcbld. Barlcv 80c , Butter I'nclnnRoJ ; irsamery , 22@31c ; lairy , 205 ? 23c. Whisky Sttjid.Y. Pork Firm ; 'j2 10 for job lots. Unlit Meat * None heie. B con Scarce an.i Ktrong ; shoulder * . 125 ; Mdw , 15S5@llir,0. Lxrd Nominally higher. KAX3AR CITV. KASRAH Cuv , September 2.1 Wheat ilarkLtenkei ; No , U red , 793 for C-iali ; 8lc for October ; 78 o \o\einbcr. . Ooru Market ucakcr ; OOabld for ca h ; 3c for Ootolier ; ! l'.lj for tliu year. Oats-QilUt ; 3Uo bid for uiih ; 2'Jjc bid or October , rioniA. : PKOHIA , Seplcm'ier ' 23Corn M r i-t ull ; liidi mixed , COlG ? b7o ; mixed , COJ GJc. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 37i@3js. WhUky-118. ' Livunroot , LlV'KlU'OOtSepttmber23. Breadstutls * Uull. Uull.Wheat Wheat Winter , 8n 4d@8s 01 ; sptluif , 8a Corn COUNCIL COUNCIL Bi.Brrd , Scptembor 23. The /oiincil Blutf t ciarkeU carefully revised o date aru n lollows : Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kansas City inter wheat , 2753 25 ; Minnesota winter heat , 3 00 4 00. Wheat A o. 2 , 7oc ; No 3. GJO ; rejected , Oc. Oc.Corn Corn No. 2 , 50j. Oats No.2 , 30c. Uyo No. 2 , 45c. Barley Nono. KgR Scarce ; soiling to packers at 20c. Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow , 1 00 ; oru ch tp , 2j 00 per ton ; corn and oat' hop , 2i > 00 per ton. FUUI1VSApples , 200. Broom Corn 3J9c. Hay Loose , 7 00@9 00. Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 16f25. Butter Creamery , 30c ; In rolls , wrap. > ed , 20c ; rolls noc wrapped , 22c ; mixed olons , 10@12ic. Onions 40o per bushel. Live Chickeua 2 fiO@3 00 per dozen. Potatoes 30c per tuhhe ) . Cabbages 25@40c per doz. Turnips - 30o per bushel , Svveet Corn 7o per dozen. LIVE STOCK.Cattle -Extra , 300 ® 50 Veal Calves-5 50@ " 00. Hogs 00@7 23. Shoen-350. LIVH STCOE p cUl Dispatches to lux U > K. CHICAGO. ClIlCAQO , September 23. Thn Drovers ournal reports at follows : llogn Active and values firm ; C' > m- nun to good mixed , 740@8 lO ; heavy , 45 'J 10 ; light , 7 35@8 45 ; ukSps , 3 2iS > " 23 Cattle Shipping rattle demoralized nnd " > c lower ; little doing ; export' , 0 05 i,7 OJ ; good to choice ehippin ? , 5 50@G 40 ; omuion to fair Bbipping,4 00@5 23 ; mixed utchevV 2 70@4 00 ; stockere and teeders , C0@4 25 ; range , slow ; Texanp , 3 G0@ 2i ; balf-breeas and Aimericaus , 4 00 © CO. Sheep Active and firm on good stock ; esiand good ; inferior to fair , 3 00@3 CO ; nedlum to good , 3 75@4 23 ; choice to xtra , 4 35 4 0. 0.ST. ST. LOUIS. ST. Loum , September 2.3. Cattle- apply mostly butchorn' stock nnd only ft mall local trade ( tone ; steers , 3 50@4 00 ; OWH and heifers , 3 COM3 50. Sheeps-Steady ; 325@1 25. Ilogii Steady ; light to fair Yorkers , G0@8 10 ; butchers' pigs , 8 00@8 40 ; eavy butchers' and fancy , 8 50ff.9 ( 15. KAKHAR CITV. KAKHAS CITV , September 23. The Live itouk Indie ttor reports : l attle Offerings larga at chiefly yoa- erluy s prices ; slow aud 5@10o lower to ell. Hog * Market firm nnd n xliado higher ; ! ll8 40. Sheep - Market quiet nt 2 7o@3 25 for oed to choico. TRAFFIC. peclil DUpatcbcs to TUB Urn. KI.OUH AND on.1l.VH. CHICAGO , September 23. Kcceipts and hlpmentH of Hour nnd grain for the past 21 hours hav been nu follows : liecciptc. Ship'ta. flour bbl 10,000 13,000 Wheat-bushels 147,000 51,000 Corn " 414,000 3(1,000 ( Oats " 88,000 181,000 lye " 'J.OOO 0,000 Barley- " 30.000 2ti,000 NKYOUK , September ' ' 3 Itecelpta nnd hiptncuU of flour aud grain for the past Jl houra have been ns follows : Iteceipts. Shp'tH. Wheat-bushels 8ii,000 273,000 Corn " 183,000 00,000 Oats " 42,500 10,000 IvANflAS CITV , September 23. KecelpU mil bhlpinents of grain for the past 21 iourd liavu been : m follows : ] teo't . Shtp'tK. Wheat , bunhfilj 2.-.000 20,000 Corn " MVK HTOUK. CiiiCAfiO , September 23. Uo iit | nnd shipment * of live xtouk for the pnat 21 OUM have been u follows ; Itoc'ts. Shipm'tu. JIo ? l,4iO buttle : 2,700 Sheep 200 ST. Loi'is , September 23. Iteceipts and shipments of live fetock foi tba past 21 loura have been as follows : Kec'ts. Sblpm'U Ifogs 5.10 500 Cnttle 4,500 I.O'IO Sheep 700 l.COO KAKH\S CITV , September 23. UecclptH iuil shipments of live atocV for the pact 21 ' have been as follows ; Iteo'U Shlpm'tc. Hog * 3,000 Jutlle 40J Sheep . , OMAHA MARKETS. Wkoloinla riooi. OririoE or TUB OMAHA Brit , ) Eaturduy Evening , September 23 , | The wholesale trade of the city for th past week Li reported ai vatiafactory in most lines of biulnepd , mot being ahead o corrcspocdlug eeaaon of hat jear. The grocery trade was particularly large , n sugars advance ! from i toc and curliun olU underwent a further hdvance of aud full cream checu * moved more freely at an advance of Ic , OtherwUe the staple * in tliU line , such e.9 ctflee , tiyrups , teay lice , cauued gotdi , dried fruit und fisl sold llbpratly at former lactations. The dcmjinl for dry goods , boota nn shoe ? , miuuUstured clothing , lata am caps , millinery , etc. , etc. , coutluuo * good liberal i ales being reported from the lead' ' log housed on mail order and traveling talesmen's account , na well M n goodly number of buyers lieing present in person. Values In the e lines remain remarkably steady , no chnngo occurring worthy of note alnce our Inst review. A fair InnintM wr.i done In building mateiialu of nil kind ) . Lumber shows A ccline ( f about $1.00 ptr thouaind and ime loc per barrel. In drugs there was some Improvement in rade and prices re mnined fteady. Orcou fruits if all kind were in almn.l. nee and cheaper , Vegetables are plenty and dull , with but ttli demand , Dairy products remained unchanged , rado waa quiet and pricci hardly sus- aine.l , IxMimiH nro in goixl nnpply and ha\e cle- lined C'l.OO per box , C.intelopes me n Hlng nt 7Cc$1.00 I cr uren. Flour moved fairly , though wrnk , do- lined nbout 10j per barrel nil nround. Other mill i lulls were rather v.-rnV hough t cls were un.ill nud no ( ( notable hiuge , Cut moats i f , U klndi * nrc strong nnd riu nt qiHtAtion . The locsl grain trni'o continuui to lin- irovo nith trilling fluctuations , The only changes reported in the market o.Ony are AS fultowe : Sus r advanced J@lc. Clict'se ndviuiioJ Ic. Klour dccllni'd 10 : . LmoiH dccliuod $1 00 per box. Lumber declined $1.00 per thousand , Lime declined fie | -er Imrrcl. LUCA ! drain IJeminKi. V'HKAT. Cnnh No. 2 , SIJc ; caih No. 3 G8e : rejected , 4Sc. BAllLtY. t'a-h No. 2. 73o ; No. 3 , TtYE.-CnHh , 40- . COKN. No. ! s , , 53o. OATB. Cash. 28p. STKKBX PlilCKS-Corn , C5c [ nts , 5c. Produce and Provlalont. POTATOKS 2ora,40o per bushel. ONIONS50o ) per bushel. NKW TOMATOES 3o per II ) . BUTTER Choice country , 24@2oc. UGGS-2J@22c. HONBY Califorjla. perlb , 22J. Al'PLKS Per bnrrei , $2 00@2 2o. C \TALOPK3-Pcr dozen , 76c@l 00. OYSTBlia Select. 50o per can. WATKKMKLONS-Per 100 , § 15 00 ® 8 00. PKAltS-Californln , $2 75@3 50. PLUMS California , $2 OOM2 25. GUAI'KS OAHfornin , $1 00@2 23. LKMONa 50@5 00 p r box. BKANt Imported Geni-iu 270 per Qrocora' List. OANNEU liO01 > b Kj-Ktem , 2 lh Field's ) , jwrcase , $1 00 ; do 1 Ib ( field's ) ler case , 2 75 ; ilo 2 Hi ( Standard ) , per CIVMU , 73. l/ol ; teni , 1 HJ pnr ilo.en , 80. TomatOL-s. 280 ; do ! 1 Ib per use. 2 85 ; Corn ! , 2 ilj ( Mountain * > er case , J 10 ; iioaked corn , 101 ; do I Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cnt > e , 3 15 ; tring boaiiK , per coao , 2 10 ; Lima beans > ar case , 1 85. S'iccotash iior case. 2 CO. 'o.in , rommnii , pet cone , 2 OOipoiu * , chuice , ) ilr CR e,2 70. Blackberries , 2 It ) , per CHMI- , Z 21) ) ; btrav/l errie , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; aspberrieo , 2 fn , per case , 3 50. Dam. 2 11) , per case , 2 45. Bnrtlett > ears per case , 3 00@1 CO. Whortleberries ier cnio,275. Bgg plums , " Ib porcineii 75 : VU\WU I JJ. X CUMJI1CX * , ft iU IIVI luou , fl I V , do 3 Ib , case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per ni.o.2 50 : do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen. 3 50. 1)'LOUK ) Jobbing prices , Jack Frost t. Louis winter ) 3 f > 0 per 100 Mis. ; To. eku Patent Kanew , $3.85 : Minnehaha iinueBoln Patent , $1.00 ; Shnwneo I'nncy vinter , S3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter , $3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , SU.'JO ; Chris , iaii'd superlative , 3 85 ; bran , per ton- Si i.OO ; chopped feed , @ 28.00. FISH No 1 mackerel , half brl , 0 25 ; No. 1 mickerel , kits , 05c ; family mack erel , half brio , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 5c ; No. 1 white h'h , half brls , 0 00 ; No. 1 vhite fish , kits , 95cj family whlto fiali. half brlsJ 50 ; fnmily white tub , kiln , SOc ; medium scaled herring , 35c ; select boneless cod , 8 Jo. rUuAUSPowdered , lOJc ; Cut lonf , .0 ? ; Granulatiid , lOo ; Coutuctioncr'ii A , jj : Standard Kilrn C. 9s ; Kxtrn C , * @ ; medium yellow , 8c ; d rk yellow , SYUUP Standard Com. , 4Gc , bbls. ; > tandard do , - \ \ gallon krpH , $2. 5 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegf , $2.00. SPICKS. Popper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; Jloven , 33c ; Nutraepi , 61 00 ; Oaaaiu , 2 to ; Mace SI 00. LYK American , 3 3" ; Greenwich. 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 05 ; Lewis' ye. 400Jowclllyo : , 275. FKKD .lobbing prices , Chop feed , S1.50 per 100 Iba. ; chop roru , $1.40 ; bran , 'Oc per 100 Ibs. 8TAUC11. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glens , ! Jcj Corn Stnrcli , 8Jc ; ErcolnIorJloiia , ; Corn , 7ic. ( JOFFU t. lllo , lair , lie ; Klo. good 12c ; iitliiis to choice , 13 to 13 ; ; Old iov't lava ; 2Ciii5i5 ( , Mocha , 284c ; Arlmokle'a , AlKATIJ Ilnmc , 15jfc ; breakfast bacon , ! 5Vc ; clear nlde Incon , 15jic ; dry salt bacon , 14Jc ; shoulders , lljc ; tierce Inrd , 131. KOPK Sisal , 4 l > ch nnd . larger , lOcj Ulnch , lie. 01IKB33 Full Cream , 12Jei Par ! dklm , I i5. TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 45(5t55 ( ! ; Oholco , G0l975c ( ; Imperial , good , 40fi,4Bcs Ol"te ! , C0fe75c ; Young Hyson , good , SO ® 5Js ; choice , 05c@l 00 : Japan Nat Loaf , tic ; Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , good , 350 ! ; Oolong , cho.oe , 400 55 ; Souchong , aiod. 3.5CcMOc : choice , 850450. NKW PIOKLKS Mixllura , In harrols , (8 00 ; do in hivlf bbla , 4 10 , emallu , In hblx , 10 00 do , In half bbld , 5 50 ; ghorkina , Iti bbl * . 12 00 ; do , In half bbls , 0 5) . WOODKNVAKKTwo tiujp pall , 05 ; three hoop palle , 2 20. Tub * , No. 1 , 9 50 ; Piimtior wwihboards , 1 85 Uoublr Cr-\vii2m ! ; ' .VollbuckntH , 350 , LKAO Har , 311 > 5. VINKGAK Pure apple extra , Ifk. pnreupplc , 13c ; Pnuwinc nuio nnule , ICe , SALT. Dray loadu. per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash ton. In HOQ ke. 3 50 ; bble dairy 00 , 5s , K 50 HOMINY New , KJJ CO pur bbl. SOUA Dwicht'H To papers , 2 85 ; Uu end do , ? i 85 ; ( JhurcU'a , 8J 85 ; Keg toda " CANULUS Boies , 40 Ibs , IB oz , 8s 15obxes ; 40 Ibf. , 10 oz. , fie , ISo , KICK Carolinn , 74 < tJ8o ; Louisiana , @ 8c ; fair , fi@ i. MATOHKS-Per oaddlo , l'5e ; round , coat * . 88 10 ; eo.uarp , canes , J5 4U , SOA-l'O Kirk's Ha van Imperial , 345 ; Klrk'u catiniit , 3 1)0 ; Kirk'a atandnrJ. 3 75 , Kirk's white Ituwian. 52) ; Klrk'n Kutoca , 215 Kirk's Pralrio Quteu , (100 ( ca'.c te ) , (0 ; Kitk'u itugrioILt , 4 3 ! rOTAHIl Pcnnsylvaula can. , t doz , In cake , 3 35 ; Babbltt'a Ball , 2 doIn cane , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in coae , 1 CO , FIKLU SEED Kwl clover , choice now , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. 37 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 M alfa clover , hev.$12 50 ; uUIlco , new $1300. Timothy , good , new , ? 3 00 blue grn a , extra clean , $1 60 ; blue grass cleau , ? 1 25 ; orchard eras * ? 2 50 ; rod top choloe , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mnuour ! bOc ; millet , German , $100 to 31 25 Hungarian 80o HKDOCSKKU Uaago oraage , I to 5 buzhbla , 3O ( ; onago orange , 10 uuuliui o- over , $ -1 60 ; honey locust , per Ib. , a.'c ; per 100 Ibi. . 25 00. PEANUTS Uoiwted , choice , red Tou. uct > M , liicper Ib ; facoy white , lOlo perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , ICc ; routed , 12 c. Dry Qoodi. BHOWN OO'n'ONB Atlintlo A. ic ; Aiiphtan XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , tic ; Itoott VV , bic ; Buckeye LL , 4-1 , Jr Cftlot W , 7ic ; ObittenauKO A. Glc ; l.roat I'nlls 15 , Hoou r , tile ; HouMt Width , 8o , In. d ! n Heiwl A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A , 8Jcj Indian Orchanl d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence IjL , 7cj Mystic llivcr , 7o : Peqnot A , Rjc , Bhawmut LL , 7c ; Utlc 0 , r > icj Wachua- ctt B , 7c ; do A , 8o ; do K 48l2o ; Wai cott BB. 8&c. FINK BKOWN COTTONS Alleudale 4-4 : 7cj Alligator 3-4 , So } Argyle 4-t , 7Jc ; Atlantic LU 6cj Bodpor St to X 4-4 , 7c : Icnnington O 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , GJco Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8Jc ; I aconU O 89 , 8Jc ; Lehigh K 4-4 , 9Jcj Lonmlale 4J J , tte ! PcppcrcH N 80 , 7c : do O 32 , 7Jc ; do U V > , 7Jc ; do K 39. 8Jcj Pocassct 0 1-4 , 7jc [ ; \ Amauttn 44 13o * BLKACHE1) COTTONS Androfoog gin L 4.4UUck ! tonoAA in portal 8fc ; lo do half bleached 4-4. Po ; C l > ot 4-4 , ojj Kldolltv l.t , % ; Vrult of thejoom,10 ; do oMi.brio4. ,13cdoWnterTwlNt,101cr ; ; < wt < 'nllaQ , 10c ; Indian lleiuUhrnnk 4-1 , ICc ; /jiis-ialp. lOct do cambric 37 , lUJc : Vow York Mllln. 12jc ; Pcmiot A,10c ; Popp-fpl V G Twills , lajcj Pocahonta , ! 4-4 , i > 5oj Pocatwet 4-4 , SJc ; Utlc , lie ; Wntmutu O X X , 12o. UOCKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown , Se ; do C , > lrsb , UBJ doA. . atrliKM and > l.ildn , iJJJcj do XXX brown aivl drab , tripea nnd plaids , 12c ; Arlington fancy , .Oc ; Brunswick brown , 8Jcj Ch.niot f.\ncy , 2o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall lltvcr irown , cxtrn heavy , llc ; Indiana A ) rowii lHonuomct A brown. 16c. TlUiUiMUft rtttioshwig A U A 82 .He ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowat.tr , l c ; Clareitiout B B. 15Jc ; ( Jonestown ex ro , 17Jc : Hamilton 1) , llo Lawtitou A " 0 , Ific ; Miuneh&ha 4-4 , 2Uc : Omega super i\tra J.I. ? .So ; Pearl Ulvir 32. lOjc ; Put- nnm XX blue ntrlpo , 12c : bhotuckot S 10\c \ ; do SS 12cj Yooman'e blue 29. Do DENIMS. Atuoskonk , blua.uid broun . ( ! } cj Ando cr DI ) blue , 15cj ArllugX ) luo Scotch , llljo ! Oouuird OOO , blue iw > ruwn , 12e : do AAA , do do 13j doXXto lo do 14c ; Haymaker's blue and brown , "e ; Mystic Kher 1)1) stripe , 10c ; Pearl , \or , blue and brown , lito ; Uncanvillo , iluo and brown , 14 } r , CAMB1UCS Barnard , 5io ; IMdyntotie Initig , 24 inch double face , Sc ; Uarnor A rlazcd , 5c ; Manhattan glove finlah , 5Jcj Newport do Oc ; do glazed , 6jc | ; Pequot do > c : Ijockwood kid finish lio. CORSET .fEANH Amorv , 8p ; Audro * cog-gin Balloon , 8jc ; Clarcndca , GJcConcs ; o'lga Bnttconit , 7Jc ; Ilallowel , 8c ; Iiull } ) rolmnl 7c : NnrrAgnnBettlmprovpilc Pflpuerill nattenn 9n ; Kookport , "Jo , PIUNTS Allena , 0c : American , C5c ; Arnold , 7o ; Bonvlck. 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ; > jnostoga. 0c ; DuukirK , 4jc ; Uuunell , } @ ; Eddyntono , 7o ; Qbuccator , Co ; iannony , 5c ; Knickerbocker , Gc ; Mcr Imao D. 7o ; Myntio , 5o ; Spramica , Go ; Southbridge , Go ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marl- ) oro. 5Jc ; Oriental 6c. GINGHAMS Amokeag , 12Jc ; Amop- ceng druss 9 } ) Argyle , lu c ; Atlantic , c ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , "ic ; Tonilworth , 6Jc ; Pluu kott , 10o ; riu c , 8c COTTON AUKS Abhonillo l.lo Agate , We ; American , lie ; Artisian , SOc ; Cairo D aud T , 13o ; Clnrlon D and T , 7c ; Uoocan Co.atripea DaudT , 16o ; Key- tone , 13c ; Nantucket , PJo ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean 1) and T , 18c ; Uoyol , 16 } i Sussex , 12o ; Tloga. 12c ; Wachusott ehirt- in ; ) hock8 , 12c ; do , Nankin , 12o ; York , ilain Nankin. 12c ; do , checks , BtripOH aim aucy , 1-Ac ; do , 8 oz , 20c , SHKETINGS AndrobcoRK'in 10-4,57ic : 10 0-4 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continsntal C 12 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27 } ; Now York mills 98 , 800 ; do 78 , SOc ; do 08 , 22c ; PmnbroVe 10-4 , 25c ; Poquot 10-4 , 2840 ; do ' - ! , We ; do 49 , lOc ; Popporoll 30 , 29c ; \a 07 , 21c ; do 57 , 18cUtlcn l , Mno ; do 8 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17o Olgara and Tobcccoa. CIGAUS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Comieaticut , 25.00 ; Mixed , 535.00 ; Seed Havana , 500.00 ; CloarHavnna. 876.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden llulc , 2J Ib , COc ; Our Uope , lirot imality , G2c ; Star , pourds , 21 Ib , buttfl.GOc ; Horne Shoe , ioundu , 21 Ib , butts , 58u ; Gilt Edge , [ louude , 2-1 Ib , butta , 00 ; Anny aud Navy , ounds 05c Bullion 5'Jc Ixiri- ] ) , ; , pounds , ; - unl'a Clunax , poundu , GOo. FINE CUT In pails. Hai-d to Beat ! f5c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc , [ favorite , C5o ; Kocky Mountain , GOc : Li'aucy , 65c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Outline O. 8. , 0 Ib bnxea , per Ib ti3c ; Lori- Jbird'a Tiger , 60e ; Diamond Crown , Ooo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Grwaulatod Blaokwalls Durham , Jt oz file ; Dukca Durham , 1C oz , 4IIc ; Seal ol tforth Caroliua , 10 oz. 48 ; Seal of Nobrne- ca , Hi or. , 88c ; Lono.laak , 4 oz , linen bags per Ib , 81.35 ; Murhurgs' I'ncic 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Doc Tail 65o. Palnti Ollr * nd V rnl l > c . OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , I2c ; 100 headlight , per gtllon. LUc ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , lie linHtved , raw , porpallon , > 7 ; Unwed , boile-l , perjjallon , 60c ; l rd , winter sti'a , p < Ion , 100 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; i XXX. pi > r gallon , 11C ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; sweet , | ier gallon , 85c ; epenn , W. B. , per gallon , 1 OC ; fish , W. B.per gallon , GOc ; neatnfoot , extra , per gallon , 7&c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per ifallon , SOc ; munmiT , IRc golden machlup. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No , " SO ; aporm , Hignal , per gallon , 80oj tor pcntino , per gallon , GKc ; naptha , 74" , i > er gallon , 18c : 01 . 17c PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Ouinha P. P. . O c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ i Marseilles green , 1 to 6 Ib cann , 20o French zinc , gisen neal. 12c ; French zinc rod seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish ana 20n ; French zincc , in oil asnl , ISc ; liar and burnt umbnr , 1 Ib cana 12c ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , 8. refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black , l"c [ "ory black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; clmiiii grnen , L. M. & D , , 14c ; blind and shuttc : green , L. M. & D. , lOc ; Paris green. 18 < j Imllan rod , 15c ; vnnetian red. bo ; IUHCAI dn , , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. ft P. , Uio chrome yellow , L. , M , , O. & D ( ) . , lee yellow ochre , Oc ; golden jchro , IS ; paten dryer , 8u ; Draining colors : light onk , dark oat , walnut , chciituut and uah 15a. Dry ° lnli White lead , 0c ; French ? lnc. lOc : whlteing 2o ; whitini ; glldcrj , IJc \thitlng com' ) , lie ; lampblack lionimn town , 14c ; Irnipblock , owflnary , 30o ; Piim- ainn lilue , 55c ; ultramarine , Iku ; v.iudyl.e brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 1- ; umber , ww Icjuiennn , burn t , 4c ; uienim , raw , Ic Paria green nenuiiio , 25c ; l'ari.i Rrei n O'lin1 v0u ! ; cnrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; cl.rum I -CKII 1C , , l-'c ; ynnnillioii , I < ng , , 70c ; ter million , Air.cricn , lUr ; liuli.Di rul. lOc rooo pink , Me ; vuiietlun tc * > \ , Coikvou' ' ilo : vcnetl&n rod Am , , l 1 , J-ui lead , /Jl ! chiomo yellow , t'onuino , 21'c ' ; chrome yellow low , 1C. , 12o ; ochre , rochcllo , 8c ; ochrt French , ijc ; ochre , Amerlcfcii , 2 , Wintsr s mineral. 2Jc ; lehigli brown. 2o oiinnl.ih brown , "tc ; Prince'ti mlnbral Ilo VAUN1HIIKS Ui.rrols per h-.tllou Kumlturti , cztra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. J $1 ; coach , extra , til 10 ; each , No , 1 $1 20 ; Damar , extra , tl lu ; aiian , 70can- ; phaltum , extra , 85c ; Hhelluo 83 CO ; hnn 011 linlnh. 91 30 PAPEH Straw paper , 2Vs ; rug p&\iur \ 4c ; dry goodn paper , Oc ; uiaulla paper , lOc nowa paper. 8c , H ivy Hardw&ra Lltl Iron , r&ti-H , iD i > ) ; plow atoel , mnclal oatt , 7c ; crucible , Ho ; oix-cUl or ( rrnin,6o ; coal tvol do. m@20 wrtt'on Mpiik.oi , ftt. 2 S5@S ! 00 ; hubs , per net , 3 25 ; felloon , t.vvuJ dry. 110j tonguna , or/ch , 70jaH6c ; each , 7Co ; Kiiuitre ntiU , i > er Ib , ' , _ , wanliers. per Ib. 8@lBo ; nveU , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Cl"c ; iiiaUonblu , 80 ; Irou wedgcH , Co ; crowbars , Ib ; harrow tfuth , 4c ; K'irefR.'iiw.i , per keg , t < 00 ; tpriti ntotl , 7feHc ; Burduu'n liorseKhoe , h fiO ; Ilurd-iu'd mulcihoot , C GO. HHOT.-Shot , ? 1.B5 ; IJuck aha , ? 2.10- Oriental Powder , kegs , 60 40 ; io. . brilf ki ib. f3.4B ; do. , miartorHC -U.Hty Ulaat. Inir. kcitB. S 35i fruea , I.PI IiH ) fe.-t Mo BA"'BK1) WI'ii ' : In n.r ntv. 8 'l pci 100 ; in long ' -hnn arlit ) . b .r."i i > t UXl. NAILS Uiite . 10 t < < > > { ? , 4 fi > . Lc hoi Oak nole , Sfa to 12o ; in mlovlc < m2n , 'Ufa to 8&c ; hau.ioak kip , tiUo to I Ml' , ruHiiw , 05c to 80aj heiuI'M'k c.tf , bile ' - - 1 Ml ; h at Hlllgttor , 400 * tof 60j'o ! f fcl-1 , , Urelfcu kid , 2 U > U > i ! 7 $ ; " V kip , 1 00 ; (4tfe tiUf , 1 2ft to ) i" ; i'rewili Idj ) 110 to J U ; Fi nofa c4f , 1 ! to 't QOl TIM F tu , 6 Ml to 7 h i | i'4 > , ft 00 t M BQ & < JO to 10 W ; 1) ) . L V i Wl tO < S W , HAUNKSS-Nol tUr oak , 42c ; No 2 do , .Wo ; No. 1 Ohio o k , S8c ( No , 2 do , S5o ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 3do , "Ic. Hortot and Mulei. The market in brlak find 11 grades are felling wMl at > lliht advance In p The demand for good honea exccxxla the supply conaldcrftoly. Prices range M fol lows i Vine tingle rtrliern , ? 1M > . to 300. ) Kxlro ilraft horse * , $ 176. to IMS. } Common draft lior pn , $100. to lt > 0 , ! Kxtr farm hcruw , M10. to 125. ; Cumtuou logout farm horsoa 990. to $100. ; Kxtro plug's ft * , to 76. ) Common plugs , 20. to $10. MULKS. 10 to 15 } hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 160. ; 14 } to 10 hands , JiOO. to 140. ; It to 14 } hands , $70. to 100.1 13 } to 14 hands , 8M ) . to 75 LI uort. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2.11 per wluo 'utlon ; extra California spirit" , 187 proof , 1 30 per proof gallon ; triplet refined spirits 1S > 7 proof , 1 28per proof gallon ; lo-dlstlllcd w bhklM , 1 00al ( ) 50 ; HMO blcndrd , i M ) < g. 2 TO ; Kentucky iMiurlioim , 200(21700 ( ; Km. tuckv nud Ponnsjhnnin ryes , 2 10487 00. BllANWKS Imported , $3 00111 00 ; lomostlc 140OI 00. ( INS la.-Kirtod , 4 f > 0@r > 00i domestic , 140M300. HUMS ImiKirtcd , 4 M > f $0 00 ; Now Knijland. 2 00 4 00 ; domestic , I fiflfiM 60 PKAUH AND \PPLi : BHANDY 175(51100. ( ' OllAMPAGNKH-Imrorteit prr ciwio , 34UO@1i O'Amitlnj , CMC , 1200 ® 10 00. OLAUKTS Per eMv , 4 00@10 00 WINKS llhliio wlno , per cno , G 00@ 20 IX ) ; Catnwbu , per OAKOI , I 00@7 00 , Lumbar wnoLKHM.n. We quote lumber , lun nud nhlngle out CAM nt Omaha at the following prlrotti JOIST AND HdANTHNO ft. and under , S20 DO ; 18 ft. , $22 00. Tl.MHKKS lli ft. and under , $21 00. TIM11K11 AND JOIST -18 ft. , $22 00 ; 1C ft ' S2 ! 00 , S ft. , $27 50 : 21 ft.$27 50. 1'h'NOlNG No. 1 , 4 ncd 0 in. , 821 00 ; No. 2 , 819 00. SllKKTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common boanis ) . 318 00 ; No. 2 , ? 1 ( ! 50. STOCK BOAUUS.-12-ln. D , 2 : 00 ; IMn. C , 935 00 ; 12-in. B , 840 00. LIMK 1'or barrel. ? 110 ; bulk pornuii- 35c ; Cement , bbl , ? i 75 Iow plitatcr. bbl , 82 00. Hnlr per Im , S5o. Tarrctl elt ICO Iba. § 3 00. Strnw board , 33 CO. COAL Cumborlnuil blucksmlth , $12 ; tlorris lun Blosnhurg , SI" ; Whltobrjast ump , C5 tO ; Whltebrenst nut , $5 60 ; Iowa ump , $5 50 ; Iowa nut ? 5 50 ; Kock Spring , $8 ; Anthracite , nil sir.c $10 50. Oruri DHU BAND OHKM1CALS Acid Jnrbolio , 60o ; Acid , Tnrtnrio , GOc ; Bnlsnm } opabia , tier Ib , 70o ; Bark , Soaanfrns , per b , Me ; Calomel , per Hi , 75c ; Clnchonldin , xjr or. , $1 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100 ; Jovor'a jKiwdorB , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epsom ialts , per Ib. S4c. Glycerluc , pure , per Ib , ISc ; Lend , Acetate , per ib , 24o Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per ! , 1 15 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $100 ; Oil ; Olive , per Kill. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 , Opium , 85 00 ; Quluiuo P. It W. A U. A S. , > cr or. , P2 SO ; Potassium , Iodide , per It H 90 ; Snlacin , per or. , 40a ; Uulphatq o Lorpbiue , per or , $3 85 ; Sulpnur flour er Ib , ic ; Utrvchuino. uor oz , SI 35. Wool. Vtorlno unwni od , light , 14@lGo ; henvy.c , @ 1815o ; medium unwnahod , lisht , 18@20 raahud , choice , 82c ; fair , 39o ; tub-ding , nd w. , 28c ; burry , blaokand oottod wool © Co ICDJ Hldot Puri , Etc. HIWK8 'jireon butchcr'a hide , irud8c ; hldon , green Halt , part cured 7o idea , 74o ; dry Hint , Bound , 1314c ; dry ilf mid kip , 12@1 Ic ; dry Halt hidebound , 0llc ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 llw. . 10llc ; roen calf , wt , under 8 Itw , per akin , OOc ; wen peltn , 60$5$1 25 ; grwn lamb aklns , 1 25 150 : damaged hides , two-third rate , ut ecorod und one grub , claiwed two- Llrds rate , ) branded hideH 10 per cent , off , Ooon Bklns , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 1. JO. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , COo ; No. 2 SOc ; No. 8 , IBc ; No. 4 , 60. Kox , No.lk , Oo ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , br , ' ) c ; short Htrlpo , 40oj narrow atrlpto road utrlpo , lOo. Tnllow 7c. AIT Save money and order aalt direct from HL I u , OBhli | pro nptlj by roll at til , cat i o"iilu uwii prlce',0 ull wuatorn poluo Om-lin TVbKIl MALTCO. . Hidniw Clty.SIIcIl An Entlro SnaooBi. It has been provtd by the mont rnllablo eatimouy that THOMAS' Ki.Kcriiio On , in , n entile miccew in ouring the moit invot- ralii cii-cs of rl oumiillHin , neuralgia , liuno jack , und wtiui d ot ovcrjdBHCrlption , /krrnstof Kutlwuy Oflloluls. i-cinl Ulmiutcli to TIIK llKt. Ni\v : YOUK , September 2IJ. Wil- iain 0. Jtawhun , toli > iruii1i operator > n the llarloin IIIIH , t.l ( JH n Htroot , md Conductor Jlont itntl lirnktmian lobbinn , of tbo wrecked Kvw Haven train , linvo buun ivrrL'sttd. lUw onin ) ly 18 yunra old. } ot hi ) holds the ro- oponaiblu poBitiou of nrinaiiing ull ilia trains of tlto company that run hrouili ; the Uninul nn'.woon 8lth ( nnd inoty-oiuhth mroota , his Btati"ii joinK the tolugr.ih [ oilico ut Ninoty- eighth atruot. The Now Ilnvun coin- lauy clninm that 1C vwsoti nbonld hitvu detained th'i Harlotn train until ho received n nujiml from Ki hty-niith atruot that Port Clioatcr Jiad pisnud .hat Million. A vury heavy ruin storm 1ms prevailed - vailod huro und in the interior. It inn rained constantly for two dayn _ md coiiRidorablo loss of property ia ruporti'd. Klin l'a .od it I fiiil you my testimonial III reference ' to Hi HIM : 'HI.OSSOM. having taken it for Ivupepiia , and rwoeivlng abrupt linmi'di.tto ieli' ' f , I tu.HMtit It to my neighbor , who U lining It with H-tiue loMiltH , Priuo50 ceiitc , MM. J. W LMl-TKI/r. , N. Y. " A J5 il Brouli. DMmtili to lilt llxi , KKW YI-UK , SoptiuuborSil. Alouzn Follnt , a Wi.ll r.tr M < t hiokwr , iiulloKiid to ho eliorl on Inn Hccount.i. Ho had not , u | > to u lulu liour , visited his otHuii to-day , ilri ubaonco lilted the mrcct with runiotM of such a irtturo to on > tu n dfuidud foulink' of ahrin iniiy his cudtomora , mat. ) ' of whom c.illcd and tuliud anxiously for him. To ull iii < ioiriia : thu ruaponae unn ivrn that lilt uiriv.il was uxpootod , Hm ckirk with ) msitation said , "Un t Air. Follnt was In town. " Thu amount of Ins shortage laplacod at loss thuti $1,00(1 ( 000. \Vurniuc. Wli < 'i l' l > > l < iui ( aliii ut ilonlU ulght , Molhor Iti frljlit , Utlicr > u it pllfc'lit ; When wormy Uo Mtu , lilby muni cr/ , II focfHtts In , baVy ibiut illc , II iraupy pilns kill I.i'oi.ota , I j tiat hous r 1 1 c i c IK ' ' ' i ' ' For mDttmra Irnrn without ilrlay , ( Uiloili curcsliy uUlit aujila ) . Th' ; "U wti < iru Cuntonnikl Kx- ci' ijr H ' > Pai > t , " win pttoutod May ' "r i , 13 1 , i.nd ottorti pUiint num. - ' , bji ) Apy p-riiu'i found or ku'n to luu'pvr , vtth the nwnu- uot'jra of .itd paint will be puniah- .d tu tfaw ( ull axtunt o [ 1 w. No pi-r- < ju hud * y 4 I'liurity wlmtcvtr to ucll ucuiuti. liAvrruouN < fc Hun , , I'u. CpAL. II N w i * t'v ' tun ) to buy your u4 8 jit 0 Ji" , mi l ji'd > rd iili lt or- < JJ'i on Htii , bu. < > i JUauitl 4 bttuutv , A DISASTROUS DELUGE. That Swept the Valley of tlio Hudson in Now York and Now Jersey , Puny Streams iurned Into Mighty Torronte , Destroy ing Every thin jr. Whole Cities Bubmor ed , Pavo- inonts ftnd Sowora Uprooted aud Swept A way. Drlilun * , Rnllronil Trnoli * and Vast Uitnutlticd of Store Hoods Dnttroycd. Tlilrtoon Inches of Hum In iia Mnuy Hour * . Illi : I.ATK.ST KKI-OIIT. Serial Dl > | vil.iM to Tim Hit ! KiiKDKiiU'KMioiui , Vii. , September 4.-Four mills on the lower Ktppa- lirtiinock , near Waro'n wlmrf , Kssux county , was waihod nway by a terrible rain storm. Tlicro wna great dnmngo to cropa nny ether property. The storm uxtotutod fifty miles westward from thu coast. TitKNTox , N. < ! . , September 24. Thu freshet hero caused dumn o of nbout $200,000. Assonpock crook overflowed , forming n InUo nbout a milo long and six hundred yards in wide. Tlio torrent rushoJ to Dflivwaro river , causing havoa on tlio way , Tim rubber mills , potteries , factories ! , tdaughtur houses , ice liouoos , dwellings , barnv , stables , out houses nnd shodo were submerged. Many were carried oil' . Railroad tracks , depots nnd bridges wore washed _ away. Travel ia intcrruptrd. Small boats nailed around tlio main depots nnd oars were submerged to the windows. Win. Christopher , ugud 17 , was drowned I'tAiNKiKU ) , N. J. , Snptombor 24. French's dam , the last dam but one remaining in Onion Brook , this city , gayo way at 10 o'clock last night. The flood then carried away two frame buildings nt Uomoraet street. A largo hole washed through French's four- story carriage factory. The remain ing arches of Grove at reut bridge were awopt iiwuy , ns well na most of * ho ether bridges between the city and Oroen Brook. Three stone bridges on Cedar Urook were demolished , and two overllowcd , cutting elF communi cation with n largo part of the city. Fred , Moore , u boy , was lost elf ono bridge. Stony brook , byovcrllow , destroyed a largo flection of Somerset atroet , cut ting nlf the only thoroughfare for t.ho people to Washington valley. In Hound brook tlio water rose suddenly , ( lowing ton foul , deep through Main ntroet , lined on Inth sides with stores. The wa or rose over the show cases nnd n largo amount goods were ruined. In Ramsey hotel the \vntor rose almost to the top of the bir. Ono family was rescued from a house by a boat , Kim Park hotel was nubmorged almost to tlio roof. At Kriistain'a woolen mills thu wnlor rosu over the looms. Tim proprietor hired inon at two dollars lars pur hour to suvo prnporty. It will take a month to [ fct tlio tnilln in operation ugajn. Two hundred opura tors are thus idle. The Lahigli Valley - ley railroad bridge and a long str.jtoh of track were washed nwtiy. The Central railroad of Now Jersey wna overllowed to n depth of three feet ! The depot plalformn washed nway. The bunJfn of the Delaware and Hjritan canal gave away nnd tliti canal nnd river became ono ntroiim. Ono lock WAS dostroyod. The water overtopped the Western Union switch board and some poles woru prostrated. The Hood in the highest over known in Hound Brook. It waa nearly three feet higher than that of July 10 , 1805 , which was the greatest previously recorded More JOSH will bt ) Buirbrod by Bound Urook people from the ll.iod than by the lire which destroyed the greattir part of the two Bomo nionttm QUO. HOIIDKNTOWN , N. J. , September 24 , There wua a washout a few inilei 'rom hero , on thu Pennsylvania rail oad. An ungino was overturned will number of passenger cars. Tin wall built in 181)1 ) wont down las uiiht. | .li'.KHKV OITV , Roptemlwr 2 > . Tin munnu daningo lint ) boon done in Hud HOII county. Kntiru sections of Jersey City nnd llobokon iiro inundated , col arn and basements Hooded , und tin nhabitants inkingrofugo on the uppu ll.xirs. Jersey uvonuu wooden p.ivo limit wus liurlod into the mouths o iDtrrre , cmnplotoly choking them. Th waters backing awopt into houses , do ntrnying oaipom , otc. A section o ino of i bo main Hewerc , Iwonty-oight i > y BIX feet , wim lifted lodily out of iilnco , and thu rushing watorii daubed it into tlio nirthirty fe < ; t. Dwullora on tlio "Meadows" were rt'fcuud by boats uirJ riifis. In Wetilmwkon the jail waslloodud to nd ptli of three feet , 'J'ho mao.idamiy.sd reid WM ruined for idUiicj of a inilo and it half. The wutor mains nnd reservoir nro greatly damaged. Tim now tunnel of the New York , Oiituiro t Western rnilway wun dmiuged between $80- 000 und 8100,000. EjThu wuitorn out * let of the tunnel opens into on open cut about three ( | ii inters of u inilo , with walls 05 feet high. The banks gave way und uu immenuo amount of sand mid rock uwept into thu cut. Two lurgo steam whovols und about 180 gravel cam were buried out of sight. The eon- construction card arc covered with rock nnd sand to a depth of nix fost. After the land slidu the bluokaniith shop nnd boiler room tumbled into thu cut , A numlur of nliaftu were par tially lliodud. It will tuko two months of hard work to rrpiir thu dunrngu. A ithout of 10,000 loot is reported on thu uhort cut railway between ltuih < orford and Sjddlo Uwur. A largy forcu of luun and two construction Uuitif. woru at work all d < iy rop-iinny thu duuuju. ( A vimhoiu of twenty- live li'ut nuar liuukui.a < ck bncl o tin thu K'lu Viilrua'l ivn i j > Airi'iaud ! ' train * wctc uUMiinyro uUrly i" uiii' . Ity tuu yiviu way t f u brid u mut Burrv'n crook , u huight train piuuipi- ttitid into thu stivbto. E iwurd Wub- bcir. conductor , wan Lulud , und the unginuur nnd fireman foully injured - NKUUUKBWICK , N , J. , Bujitumloi 24. Thb lower part of the city is do * Ijgod nnd thoutnnds of dollars -worth of property destroyed. The rainfall in fifty-cijht hours was over thirteen inches. All the stores on lower Bur- net street woru damaged. The water w s up to the counters and the goods atloat. The people are in boats on the lower atroots , nnd the bridges are thronged with pcoplo gazing at the flood. flood.WATBKIIOBO WATBKIIOBO , Conn , , September 24. There was three inches of rain in three hours Saturday night. The street * were inundated and the collars lloodod. Hilt streets were impassible for teams. Nangatuck river ororflowod. Iho aupporta of the costly iron bridge in proeesa of construction were swept away and the completed portion full , causing n lost of $15,000. Passenger trains from Ftshkill "wiro detained by n bad wnshout near I'lktloraon , N. J. , last night. Trains did not got here till this afternoon. PouwiKKr.rsin , N. Y. , September 24 The Btorm was novrro nlong the Hudson , The Now York Central rail road has only n singlu track between Spuytrn Duyvol nnd Thirtieth street , New York. Thu streams are tilled with wreckngo. THE IABOR MOVEMENT. Mass Hooting of Workingmen at City Hall , ProliininnrJos For the Coming Campaign. Pursuant to call n mooting of workingmen - ingmon was hold nt the council chamber - bor Saturday ovoning. Jlr. William White was elected chairman and W. II. Muloahoy secre tary. tary.Tho The chair stated the object of the mooting to bo the election of dolo- gatofl to a county convention that would nominate delegates for the convention for the workingnien's tickot. Jilt. Edward Walsh road the fol lowing platform , which ho desired the mooting to adopt : I'llSAMlll.i : AND KIHOI.17TIONH , Bo it resolved by the worklngmen of Douglas county and the city of Omahn la mnan mooting tuisomblod , that , tlKliEAH , The democratic anil republi can ' 'purtlca , " In their platfonna recently published and in their never l conventioQH hold recently , BCCIII to Ignore the fact that there are other Interests to fosttr and cucourago bogidoH that of oflico huntiat ; and holding ; airl , WIIKIIKAS , The manipulators of the "party" machinery xeem to bo under the Impremloii that ' oilico" ia the "luhcreut riglit" of the professional claiaea lawycri" , doctora , editorn , etc. , and can discover no evlln that loglnlatlon romcdiea but railroads , land nharks aud uurvoyln * frauds , while thn lni | > ortant wantH of the working p oplo re entirely overlooked ; and , WHKHKAH , The "partica" aeem to bo to tally blind to all evils and abuaes not af fecting the "upper claMo * , " and by which the many are fuel becoming the slavea of the few , while our state leglalaturo haa re peatedly pnHicd unheeded or spurned the petitions of worklngmen , yielding In cow ardly or corrupt iHiuinlsiiou to the dlctaton of traders and jobbera , and the monny power generally ; therefore ba it Jlaioti t < / , That the workingmen of Dong- las county take auch ntcpa an will innure them n fair representation in. the nUto leiiinl.'kturo , to the end that IcRiaUtlon may I'o had for the benefit of other Interests J-r boxtdo/i bnnkti , rallroade , < iuack doctora. - prison and firliiting contractors , land ) sharking and ether steals liy which the public are defrauded ; and bo It further Jteiolrfil , That wo uupport aud vote for no oaudldatu who Ia not a working nuti or recognized friend of the lab , > r cauue. That wo are in favor of a justr and economical administration of state and national government and the punishment of olliclal thiavea with the utmost rigor of ' our law * . Wo are in favor of mich protective tariff on foreign manufactures as will encourage and develop the Industries and roaource * of. thu United States , In which wo desire hon est competition In all hranchoa with restric tion on none. We declare ouruelvea In favor , of equal taxation and reducing the legal rate ot in ternet on money by legislative lawn. Wo nro In favor of United State aenn- torn being olecttd by u direct vote of the people of the aUte , to thu end that bri bery and corruption may be discontinued lu purchasing aeata In the United States BCimte. We are In favor of giving the colored cit izen * ull the rlghtH ot lepreaentatlon and. otherwise that thu aniondnuntj to the con stitution of the United States provide for We are in favor of abolishing thu syn- teni by which convict labor it brought In competition with honest labor , being no advuutage to the criminal or 'ha state , en riching the contractor anil n detriment to tlid working classes of the United States. Wo are in favor of such liquor lawa aa protect the roipectoblllty of the trade. Im prove the mnrala ot society ; and opposed to nil prohibitory lawa In that or any other Imilncdti considering tbeui aa dangerous to the liberty of the people. We are lo favor of tstabliahlng elvht hours us u il.iy'H work , that worklngmen. and women may have inote time for self- culture aud Improvement In general Intel ligence. Wo nro In favof ot forcing the eight hour Jaw I < H p nseil by the central legislature lu ail government * national , Btutu and mu nicipal , A motion was nuvlo to adopt the [ ilatlonn as road. Mr. 12. Hoaowatur , by pnrmisiion , addressed the moating. IIo thought that the nottco to workinymoii and fitrmura had hardly been aulliciont to bring in u full representation , and un uttompt to forestall action by all thcau intureats would result in division uud final dofnut. Ilo thought that at loaot ono week's notioo should \ bo given to tnochauica und laborers , and u fuir apportionment made to the farmora , who have at loaat 1,500 votes in the county. To adopt a platform now would bo contrary to common uaago. Ilo understood that the mooting would uoluot dulogatea to the Hastings cpnvontion where the producing and industrial interests of ull purta of thu state would bo rep resented. Mr , Walsh and Mr. Quinn thought the workingmen should pUnt them- Bolvus on a platform now and inaku all who di-eirod to join thorn subscribe to ita piincipluj. After Boiiiu furlkur debate the form was adoptud iva road , Thu mooting then resolved in' i n convention to select dolpgate& to H.iatiuua. The following uamud pvri iid were olcctod : 0 I ) . Liyton , NYm. S'jxauur , John Poturuoii , John LloU'.nbock , Allen.1 R jot , 0. J. lirontmn , tJhwj. David. K- K ipcw.itcr , John Simmons , Win. U Kuef a.xvd V. ft. * Boycii , Itefuru adjouini.ig it < raa ordered that the uvrin tii > vji > 's f > r oillin { ; a 1noiaiiiutiiig conv < , imyn Ul > Ui)4 ) uu ' ° to a i