Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Settlement of the Pool Line Trouble
Tbo Oar PAlntore.
The trouble between the Iowa pee
lines has been the uppcrraott topic in
railroad circles for some tlmo past
but it is now believed that a fettle
ment of difficulties has teen atrivet
nt. The Chicago Tribune of Snpt. 22
says :
"Tho dark clouds which have boon
gathering for the last few dajs on the
horizon of Iho northwestern roidi and
threatening to bring on a tlorm 01
unusual severity looked leas alarming
yesterday , and hopes are now Enter
tained that they will break to-day.
After the adjournment of Wednes
day's meeting , when almost every
body felt confident that nothing could
avert n most disastrous war among
the western nnd northwestern
lines , Mr. Potter , the ccn-
oral manager of the Burlington ,
heroically t cftino to the front
and opened fresh negotiations to EC-
cure a compromise agreement on Iho
northwestern passenger trnflic , lie
labored poraonally with the oliiuials of
the various roads and urged them to
make concessions in order to prevent
a war that would necessarily inflict
heavy damage upon all the roads Ho
could not see why any of them should
refuse to meet the others halt way
when there was so much at stake. Ho
showed them that they could bolter
afford to inako some sacrifices on the
passenger business than create havoc
among freight und passenger rates ,
nnd bring on a war the result of which
might prove disastrous to most ol
them. The general passenger agents
of the various roads were finally got
ten together , and they labored long
nnd hard to compromise thuir
differences and effect an agree
ment that would bo satis
factory to all concerned. They
finally succeeded in setting the points
nt issue , and the agreement win sub
mitted to the general man.igor.i of the
various roado. It met with the ap
proval of thoao of the Northwestern ,
Hock Island , and Burlington , ant
they appended their signatures. Gen
eral Manager Merrill , of tlio Milnau-
keo A ; St. Peul'was in Milwaukee ,
I nnd could not bo personally consulted.
I The points of thn now agreement
II were telegraphed to him. An answer
I was received from him that as ho
could see from the points submitted
the agreement would bo sntisfnntory
v to him also , and that ho would bi > in
the city this morning to mcot the gdn
oral managurs of the ether roadn. "
Thoconvontion of master car pnintnra
of the United Stntts continued Ita
soation yesterday at the Palmer house
Chicago ,
The first topic discussed was ; "When
the paint on a panel ia in condition tr
blister , why does it not blister ul
over , in place of being limited to a
few ppots , which ii the usual easel'
The discussion was opened by George
Forby , of St. Louis , and Willmn
Sharp , of Adrian , Mich. , and was
participated in by Messrs. McKoon ,
Will , Honnrny , Folch , Stlnoa , am
others. The conclusion arrived at was
that dampness , heated air , foroigi
matter iu the color , was responsible
for the local blistering.
As essay oti "Surfaco Painting1
was next read by 0. E , Felch , ol
Sutton , Quebec. The oscay was criti
ciaod by Messrs. Cooley , Emerson ant
The next topic was "What Advan
tage is There if Any in Striping ,
.Lettering and ( Decorating cm Ban
Color Instead of Giving it a Coat ol
Varnish Proviousl } ? " M. W. Stino ,
J of Dayton , O. , opened with n paper ,
and the subject was thoroughly dis
cussed by Messrs. Ball , Condon. Will ,
Phillips , McKoon , Cooley , JJillingi
Davia , Lewis and others. The BOIIBO
of the mooting was that there were
decided advantages in working on bare
"What Are the Bonefita Resulting
from the Use of Ready Mixed or Prepared -
pared Ground Colors in the Railway
Paint Shops11 ? was the subject treated
hoxt , in a paper by J. II. Will , of
Morritania , Now York. The opinion
of the convention was about equally
divided on thin question ,
The report of the cotnmittro ap
pointed to comldur the advisability
of formulating n standard system of
car and locomotive painting , and of
the creating of an advisory committee ,
was heard and laid on the table for ac
tion at the next mooting.
K. A. Scratch , dniRgliit , Kutlncn , Ont. ,
writes ; "I have tlio Kroatett confidence In
your HuiiDOCK 11 i.oiin DIITKKH. In onu
case with which J am personally acquainted
tlielr biicceua was almost Incredible- . Due
lady told me that half a bottle did her
moro good than hundtvdn ( if dollarx' worth
nf medlclno thu had previously taken , ' "
I'rlcfl § 1.00.
Tlio FortUcomlnu Convention of the
Nntlonut W. 8. A.
The National Woman Suffrage As
sociation will convene in Omaha at
Boyd's opera house to-morrow eve
ning , Sept. 20 , and hold n throe cluy'a
session , This is their fourteenth annual -
nual convention , and n largo number
of prominent speakers from abroad
will bo in attendance , a majority of
whom are celebrated for their learn
ing and oratorial powers. Among
those to bo l > ere are ; Miss Phoebe W ,
Cousins , Missouri ; Mary B , Clay ,
Kentucky ; Judge Kingmuti and Gov.
Iloyt , Wyoming ; Mrs. Helen M ,
Gougar , Indiana ; Madame Clnra Ney-
man , Now York ; Mrs. Virginia
Minor , Missouri ; Matilda Hind-
man , Pennsylvania ; Elizabeth
Saxon , Louisiana ; Elizabeth
llarbert , Mrs , Julia Dunn ,
Illinois ; Harriett R. Slmttuck , Mas.
sachusotts ; Rachel G. Foster , Penn
sylvania ; May Wriuht Sowull , Indi
ana ; Mrs. Amelia Bloomer and Jane
0. McKiniiity , Iowa ; Kveleon L.
Mason , Wisconsin ; Marietta M. Bonce ,
Dakota , together with Clara B. Colby ,
Mrs. II. J. Brooks , Ada M. Bittnu-
bender , G. M. Corroll aud other Ne
braska speakers.
Mra. Colby , who has charge of all
arrangements , will have her head
quarters at the Paxton Hotel. At
the close of the sciaion Thursday even
ing a reception will be given at the
Paxton from 0:30 : p. in. , till 12 mid
night , to which Invitations will be
It Ii the aim of this association to
malco ft desperate struggle for woman
suffrage this full , and after their con
vention in Lincoln , September 29tl
and 30th , good speakers trill bo aonl
through the sttilo and remain in the
field until the day of election.
Not ft drink , not nold in bar rooms ,
but a reliable non-alcoholic lonlopodi-
cine , UBoful nt all times , and in all
ncaaoiiu , is Uroffti's Iron Bitter * .
PJenannt Evening nt the U. C. L. A.
nnd Promise of More nt the
Hnmo Placo.
Agreeably to the rtnnruncomcnt in
the daily papers , the dime aerion of
entertainments of the U , 0. L. A , for
season of ' 82-3 , waa inaugurated in
the library rooms Friday. The
occasion waa signalized by perhapa the
largest and most intelligent audience
that has yet gathered in the rooms.
In it wcro ix number uf ladies from
abroad , now eojourning hero , among
whom may bo mentioned Mies Buctcr
of Nobranka City , Miad Gavin of
Aurora , Miss Furay of Cleveland and
Mi o Oeorgio lla y of Sioux City.
The laat mentioned lady took part in
the piano duet with Miaa Katie Blur-
shy , the selection being a piece of
Donizetti's. The programme consiatcd
of eleven pieces and in merit was equal
, o many for which on previous occa
sion the admission to the entertain
ment , has boon CO contn. It gave un
equivocal satisfaction ,
The Library association is splendidly
qualified to con'.imio thcso entertain-
monta. Its rooms arc central , cheer-
'ul , cozy , pleanant to vioit , especially
when illuminated. Many of itn mom-
3oro are talented rradors , speakers
and musicians , and all them are ntudi-
ously engaged in aiding the manage-
liens in building up n social and
literary organization that , in n short
time , hhall como to bo recognized
throuchout the city. The roomn , how-
uvur , spacious oa they are , lack the
ability to accommodatu the popplo who
avail thciimclvbc of tlio ontcitaininorita.
Nuxt month there will bo no ticknts
sold buyond tlm Beating cnpicity of
Iho rooms , and this rule will bo ad
hered lo until notucthing on 11 grnndur
scale can bo perfected. It ia stated
that last even in K application * wuro
Hindu for tickets for the next oociablo ,
a month henco.
MoNiior , Mich. , Sept. 2C , 1875.
Silts I liavo been talcing Hop Hit
lers for inflammation of kidneys and
bladder. It , has donn for mo what
four doctors fulled to do. jjTho effect
of Hop liittora scomod like magiu
to mo. W. L CARTER.
St. Oluir Miuural Springs.
TIIK HKK acknowledges the receipt
of the illustrated putnphlot , issued by
the St. Clair Mineral Springs com
pany , of St. Olair , Mich. These
springs are located at St. Clair , Mich. ,
on the voat bank of the St. Clair
and at the mouth of Pine river , about
five miles northeasterly from Detroit.
In connection with the springs there
is ono of Iho best hotels in the coun
try and called
la now and first class in every respect ,
furnished with all the comforts and
conveniences of hotoln of this class.
Ilcatud by steam , lighted by gas ,
oloctrio bulls and tire alarms , hydrau
lic elevator , open grates , eta , , oto.
The * Oakland is built in the Queen
Anne style of architecture and has a
frontage of nearly DOO foot , with 1,000
rr lining foot of verandah varying in
width from 10 to 20 foot. It is oitu-
atcd on the banks of the River St.
31air , in full view of the passing
The facilities olfured for iho com-
art und pleasure of persona seeking
icalth and recreation are varied and
lUmorouR. With the line boating ,
fishing , drives , aconony , the comforts
of Thu Oakland , and tlio curative
jropcrtics of the waters of the St.
Hair Mineral Spring , it presents ono I
of the most attractive record ] On the
With Iho additional advantages
which a Gao hotel and the society of
a largo number of health and pleasure
seekers will furnish , it will readily be
conceded that no place will possess
; roator attractions.
Foil Do-urn
Mr. Allicrt Anderson. York ntreet , Iluf.
ale , fell down utiiira uiul boveroly Inulued
il kneo. A few applications of Jr ,
I'liotiAH' llLEcrmuOitentirely cured liiin.
Bu.mtoun Hocioty.
Mrs. W. II. Liwton is oni Graining
her sitter , Mrs. L. S. dates , of Vir
ginia City , Nevada.
Hon. .Jmcs II. Kynor law gene to
ho Oregon Short Line.
Our ( school comiuunocd Monday ,
vilh F. M. Uailoy na teaohur. The
ntnrior of Iho Hchoul room hai bcou
nucli improved bv the now bkok-
> oardi , and u thorough renovation
vhich tindoubtedlv will bo appreci
ated , as well ns the now Iron pump
which ha * recently been put in uppo
ration ,
Wm. .T. Tounloy has relurnixl lo
Orand Island to look after his busi-
less interests.
Mis. Jerry Kdsnn , of Fort Mndiocn ,
'owa ; Wrs. Jllackbunt , of Kooltuk ,
owa , and Mrs. Sarah Young , of
rvington , the popular tcaehor of that
place , are guests of Mrs Frank Smith.
Mr. George Flllott , of Hurlington ,
owa , is the guest of Misa Cora F.
Saratoga is wnll represented ntyour
ity schools. TJio Miaara Duery at-
end tha high school , an does also
lisa Alice Kustm. Mies Emma
urtel roprosonto Saratoga at the
listers' school on 18th street mid Mr.
'unior Purtcl at Crcighton college.
Master Willie McKonziu enters Wy-
naii'a college on Monday next. Master
ohnny ( Jrott at college at Nebraska
Misa Ada Smith was the recipient
if a very pleasant ( surprise last even-
ng by a few of her many friends.
'hu evening wan largely enjoyed by
11. Dancing formed the principal
musoment , although the musical
ulont present , of which thoru was not
little , was thoroughly utilized while
waiting for delinquent musicians ,
which , perhaps , wore all the moro ap-
reciated for their tardiness. The
p&rty were royally entertained by
Mrs. Smith , assisted by Mrs. Black
burn , Mrs , Edson and Miss Young.
Among those present were Mr. 0. W.
Tousloy and Mies Cora F. Knight ,
Mr. 11. S , Christie and Mies Mollic
Ilayvrard , Mr. J. II , Uayward and
Miss Mamie Brown. Mr. II. M. Mon
roe and Miss Georgia Shipman , of
Omaha ; Mr. Lewis Littlciicid and
Misa Mollie Monroe , Mr. George Gillett -
lott , of liurlington. la. ; Mcisrs. E. P ,
Hrowsttr , F. N. Polton , James
Drown , Calvin llaywcrd , Charles
Brown ; Misses Minnie and Alice
Avery , Emma Mirar , Freo' i Wotzol ,
Millie Mathioson , Jennie Patrick ,
Jcssio Liwton , Helena Mathlcson , of
Omaha , and others. CUCKOO.
The of Kindness
In unlvcrnnl ; it affects all tha human fain-
ly , nil antmalx , and may | jo even found In
imtcnt medicines. Borne nro drixntic , nnd
, lie patient li obliged In suffer palni worse
than the dlserxic ; but In caeos of obtttnate
constipation , dyspepsia , there Is noretredy
so KIND , so gentle In IU effect * , nnd yet K >
RixlUfactorv , os IJuiiDOCK Ui-ootJ BlTTKlrt.
L'rico $1.00.
Tlio Now Album for the Ptvxtou
Rending Room.
Wo were Saturday shown an adver
tising book , or album , for thu writing
table of the Paxlon llotcl that sur
passes any thing of the kind wo have
ever scon. Tlio nlbum waa made for
Mr. Cheater S. Clapp , well and favor
ably known us ono of our enterprising
young men , and certainly reflects
great credit upon the novel ideas of
itn originator , yet not moro BO than
the elegant workmanship of Mr. F.
0. Festner. Our npaco will not per
mit a thorough notice of it in detail ,
in fact it must bo neon by our business
men , who wo think will bo convinced
it in ono of the cheapest as well as the
eaciont way of bringing their biisino a
and locations nf aamo before alrangors
and the public generally.
Mr. Clapp hu-j been a sufl'jror from
u bad attack ot ihoumntiam , and hns
not been able to complete the work aa
intended , but 13 getting iu goud ahapo
again and will BOOH iuvito the public
to BOO the album at the Piixton read
ing rooms , ( lo hns n letter from
Messrs. Kitchen Eros. , authorizing
him to place thu name lu their hotel
to become their property and for the
exclusive UBO of their guest * , diet
aaya ho ia going to have a chain and
email dog to keep purloinera from de
facing or carrying It away. It con-
taina already cardt ) and plates of some
of our Crfct business liouncs , together
with comical pictures , photographs ,
skotchoH , etc. , show that it ia ap'pre-
ciated. Plenty of apace loft yet , and
any information in regard to prices
can bo h. d from Mr. 0. by postal to
poatoflice ,
Supreme Court of Kobrnhkn.
Diotricha vs. L. & N. W. R. R. Co.
The following motionn for rehear-
ings wcro overruled :
Jonea vs. Hnrlburt , Deck va.
Smith , aud Crotsby vs. Stoelo.
WaRonan A ; Co. va. Boll. Error
from Dodge county. Reversed.
1. A person who ia precluded by
statute from testifying against an ex-
ccr.tor , cannot by transferring his in
terest during the pendency of the ac
tion bo rendered competent to testify.
2. A trantfcr by a plaintjlf of Uini- ;
torost in thn notion to a co-plaintin"
( luring the pendency of a auit will not
justify a court in dismissing the ac
* Both Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget
able Compound and Blood Purifier
are prepared at 233 nnd 225 Western
avenue , Lynn , Maa. Price of either ,
$1. Six bottles for $5. .Sont by
nail in the form of pills , or of lozon-
gea , on receipt of price , SI per boxer
or either. Mrs. Pinkhnm freely MI-
vyors nil the Joltora of inquiry. 13n-
OCBO ! 3o. slamp. & 'oim for "Guide to
Ilcalth and Ncrvo Strain. "
FH.INKUK , Nob. , Sept. 21 , 1882 ,
To tlie IMltor of TUB UEH :
Your correspondent was requested
this morning to "tnko in" the county
fair of Franklin county , now being
hold at this plnco , \uthFabor In
liniul vo repaired to the boautifu
grounda : ul joining town on the east ,
where wo found a largo number ol
psoplo already ataomblod.
The dibplny in the various depart
inenta reflect rcut credit upon thia
section of the countiy , and especially
i this truu in the dupartuiont of the
RSriculturAl productions. Wo wcro
yory highly ploascd with the manner
in which the people of thia ncctioti vie
with oncii other in exhibiting the
frnita of ( heir labor * , among tha nov
elties wo noticed were a half djzoi
ivatcrmnlons avurnging aluut CO Ibs ,
oaoh , a bushel of "ojnollont potatoea
avornging about ono and ono half Ibj ,
each , onions weighing two HM. , corn
in almost endless varieties eomo stalks
ton to fifteen feet iu height , with largo
well filled oara , and in fact ovory-
thini ; in this display war
rants ua in saying that there
are \-ory few counties in the state that
can compare with Frankliniu her agri-
fultural nroductione. Wo remember
that Franklin county hns claimed to
bo the banner county in the state for
farm products , and wo now think shn
is entitled to a prominent plaoo in the
atato productions.
lu the afternoon Miss Suian 11 , Anthony -
thony delivered a Jecturo at the fair
grounds on the subject of woman's
aullrago , which was lutoiiod to by a
largo number jf puoplo. The "auf-
frago" movement is not very onthusi.
astically nupporlud in this county , mid
numbers only scattering few adho-
rente. Miss Anthony lectures tonight -
night in lilopmingtbii , the county
neat and principal town of the county.
If wo conclude to neo moro of the
fair to-morrow , wo will glvo you another -
other "cpistlo , " in case anything of
interest to your roadora occurs.
"Aiuu-s. "
Hortford'H Aoia
DK. 0. 0 , OLMSTEAD , Milw
Icco , Wis. , says : "I use several u
tics in my family , annually , as
onade ; ' I prize It highly. "
That'i a common expres
sion and IMS n v/orld of
meaning. I low much suf
fering is summed up in it.
The singular thing about
it is , that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many
things. May be caused by
kidney disease , liver com
plaint , consumption , cold ,
york , nervous debility , &c.
Whatever the cause , don't
neglect it. Something is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
cure such diseases as
it docs this by commencing
at the foundation , and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
t , Ind. Dec. t , lEEo.
Tor a long time 1 1m e been a
tufTcrer from stomach and kidney
dlieate. My appetltewaserypoor
end the % cry small amount 1 did eat
disagreed Mith me. I u as nnno ) ed
very much from non-retention of
urine. I tried many remedies with
no success , until I used llroun's
Iron Uittcrs. Since I used that my
stomach does not bother ne nny.
MyappetltcUsImplylmmense , My
kidney trouble Is no more , find my
general health is such , that I feel
like a new man. After the use of
Urown's Iron Hitters for one month ,
I have gained twenty pounds In
elsht. O. a SAKUBNT.
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and recom
TERS. It has cured others
suffering as you arc , and it
will cure you.
Pl httnr ( FIre with Flro. This nut ) ho
Kood policj on ix Mazing ] > nulc , hut It n 111 not
onswcr ulth the fcrorwl human B\8tun. IrrltAt-
In ; ; medicines u\n pcr.ito mid liitenslh all complaints -
plaints of thobtonadior the bonds Nu\crtuku
a ilraxtlc etiuuaiit ( or Indigestion or constipation.
Administer Instead Turront'a Seltzer Aperient ,
\\likliljntoneon , febrifuge , n cathartic , mid nn
ImlKomnt nnd lias ft oothhi | ; and hcalin ? ellxt
upon iho disordered \ Iccro.
1403 and Kit Dodtfo Strcot ,
BUI ? 7-mo Cm OMAKA , NEII.
imkes n epcclnlty of
Collars & Cuffs ,
Three Cents Each ,
Work Rolicltod fromall over the country.
The chargea ami return postage niuut nc.
company tbo package , tipecial rates to
largo clubs or agenciea.
a2l.ttma WILKIN8 & RVANT3. _
changed our mill to Hungarian rol.
HAVINO > , wo olTcr part of our old ma
chinery lor a vo ftt low jiricoa It cai hii of a
pair of finely Ili.Ulicd mul ipacvd ina'n ' Urhlne
lo\cl whonla , ( Ire mud raor.lsjnlnB laches Uc.i ,
tluco Inclica pitch , diiilujr a inMn upright thift
auout 35 foot IOI.K' J lcl1' OI1Q lnal" " > ortlio
ipur wheat 7 Inch face and IJ lnthiltci | ] twonalr
4 feet and I wlr 2 Inch burn , uplndlci , tlnlona
(7 ( Inch face 1 } pilch ) , backlash Di'rlrgs , cu > ' 05
utc , , comi'i | , one four reel chest. 17 fiut r\t \ > > n
\ or , uuo tworoul cheit , 11 feet C1' . , , , !
coin c ) DM two drutlotw heat hcitcra.l * , ° ' . " *
reiamuuttcr , 1 Uarmrd & Ico4 . .1
rater ndtlo > a rJ , hafu. wl. '
xcjorn. etc. gonie'ofthc 'uachlnor
used but ullitlo o\tt tw ,
condlUon. for funh
J , 0.
" '
i Uollorn
S Three COUHOO ; op u to boll
CUs tul and Knglla GUo
" go or bus n
5o of sltujtlou , and In exten c e ana.
> "
[ , /od and thorou hLcw of traluIusgUcu , Ol
r Vear itx-fuj'sciitcmbcr 13. JSSS. Arrl o
A Chrlttlin Family School for Bayi. P par <
llusluv-u. BCD
lorColltKV , Scicutlfla School or
to Oupt. ED , K. KI
Morrg r Park , C oUOa. ,
j on suffer tr om , uw
If jou are aflllctcJ with Ttlllourorss , use
If j ou arc prostrated n ith elck Headache , toke
f your Bow els are disordered , rtjrulatc them with
If M'ur Blood la mpure , purify It with
IfjOiiha c Indigestion , ) on will find an antidote
If i ou ro troubled with Spring Coihplalntt , er
adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.
If your Lherla torpid restore it to healthy action
If your Lhcr la affected , > ou will find a euro re.
If ) ou hat e any epcclct of Humor or Pimple , fall
If ) ou hao any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Seres , a cmnthc remedy will ho found It.
For imparting strength and \ ItAltty to the eye-
tern , nothing can equal
ForNcnomandCrncral Debility , tone up the
Price , 01.00 pet Bottle ; Trtft Dcttlci 10 Ott
, , , , reps ,
BUTTjflI.0 , K. Y.
Sold Rt wholesale by kh k McMahon nnd 0. F
To Nervous Suflerers
D ? . J. Tf. SiEapsou'a Specific
_ II is i v > oii\tlvocurn \ far Ui'f rui tcirhe , Srmli..i
with rdnjcr-
( ul b-jrcoan.
_ _ P r.ii > hlcte
t nt free to nU. Wrllo far them ind Mi full rat-
tlcu ! rB.
Trice , SpctlSe , fl.CO psr pack&fje , cr oln pick-
asjta for f J.OC. Addreaa ill orders ta
JJos. 101 and 10H llnln SL BuHalo , N. T
Sold In Omaha by C F. Goodman , J. V ' . BcU ,
und mil iliUjrcletKovcrywlicro. .
i 1 .rlt
St. Loula , Is etlll treat
ing all 1'RIVATK , NKK-
Special DlHcaacti , bperma-
torihica , Imiottncj | ( Sex-
ial Incapacltj ) , Female
D.K'aseK. Irregularities ,
DlU'cultfes , etc.
tat Ladlcs.scnd 25 cents
( In stamps ) tj p > y e prc8i
chtrcoi on a "valuabla
wor " cntltlod "DlsctBcs
of Won.en , etc. " Work
on CIIRONIO Di rABHS , ono stamp.
of Self-abuse 01 I'rUato Utecnso , ecnd Z stamps
for CEE.KBRATKD WOHKS on * < tr\iiu and frexual
Plsianes. Consultation personally or by letter ,
FRKE Consn t the old Hoctrr. THOUSANDS
CURED. Olllco In quiet , irlvato , renpcctnble
place. You ueu no one bin the doctor. Dr.
i InrKc I * thn only phjelclan In Ilio city who war
ranti fun-B or no pay .Medicines tnt over-
where. I fount. S A v. to 8 p. u. iU.wly
u ' Ho | . y *
Jrouitii" "
iir t | > ii fc1 * Ill't i . ? i u'i ii"
eli : orls-r.urn.lufirlri ' . .
i or MiKtit uuVjtt r ou h .wd . i i
.1.7 on HopWBitter/ . .
' ' " " "I'irrrV'-M '
/ ' ilarfi "
Hint j itjHtn ISLU' " " . > ' t/urit : )
uii ! c "i1lli/ | ho tblt Mini
me of i > ] Ur- ,
tft acco.c *
The Great Lnglish Remedy
Vever falls to cv.
.4ODD , Mid all the
VcnetVi of jouth
follifcs and exco
. It stops pcrma-
, . nKitly all weakening.
fllmnluntarj loasiBand
[ Jralna upon the eys-
Itcci , the mot Hablo re-
- du a c\ilprao *
a'r'o to ndn-j ai.d tody
-j . which to dcstruetl * o
Kadli'g to Inoani-
tndinaUe Ufa mlcerablo , often
tj and death. U strcnstbciu the Nunes.Braln ,
( moniorU Utead , Muscles , ll'f | tle nd Bepro-
JlncttVo Owns , Hrebtorosf ) all the orcanlc
funittma vlielr former \lu ° r and vitality , u > a-
Vine Hfu theDrlul and enjoj able I'rlce , W
ottlo , ot four times ti.o quiiillty BIO. Sent by
express , aocure from obs ri atloiu to wiy address.
on'recelptof ' price. No.O , O. O. sent , excvpt
on receipt of * 1 aa B iniarantws. I/ctura w
que thiK answers must inclose ntivup.
Dr. MintiB'a Dandwhon Pil a
are tb ? best and chuaixist dyil p8l and blllloiu
cure la the market. Sold bj tJdtugeljw. \ . lee
tO cent * .
Cures r II kind of Kidney and blad Jer comi-lMnte ,
gonorrhea , sleet and leuorxrhea. t or sale l > y all
7180U Bt. , Bt. Unls , ilo.
r ° 'Haiala °
J c6-lV
edj. An on-
fuOluir C-.IM
far Scmlul
WoaUnuis ,
rlicA , Iinnot *
me } , und oil
- - -
miUTAICIS8. ! .quouco cf AFTER
Solf-AUuae. * * ! * > * oj Mcjnry. Unlvcrnl
tudc , Pain lu tht , liaeit , Dlmnvaa of VUlon , Prc
mature OM Age , ntd uiany other Dlsiase * tn
Uai tilnwolfy or Cou uuptlen ud a Preun
fffM 'particulars in our pumohlot , whlc
KO di irc to wnd ( re * Ivniall to eury om
tTTho bpocifl c Jtedldno Ii sold by all dniKEUt
at 1 per p ckage , or 0 | * U sc foi 86 , or wt
bo sent fn. by mall 01 t a < Ipfol the money , b
Buffalo , Xi. z
' " - 'ktioii and iieartbaa
Tlio Oldest Wholesale a
in Omaha. Visitors ck\n kero 1H T-E WEST I
find all novelties in SILVER General Agoiits for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured ,
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , ( Our prices are as Low as
the Latest , Most .Artistic , any , Eastern . Manufactures
jj rt fj O O t A P
and Choicest Selections ir ( " p , n d 0 Md ;
PRECIOUS STON3ES p.nn Ifor cash 01 iiistaUmentu at
. BottomPrices.
all descriptions of riV.T ;
A SPLEHB1D utock ot
WATCHES at as Low Frl- Stoiuway
Ohickering ,
ces as is compatible with Kuabe , Vooo & Son's Pi
honorable dealera. Call anos , and otlior makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Olough & Warren ,
Store , Tower Building , Steriing , Imperial , Smith
corner Xltii and Faraham American Organs , &c , Bo
not fail to see us before pup.
A Large Stock always on Hand.
io only nttcjuud by
Stoves arid Sanges.
Tor n.ilo bv
Window Sliafles1 and Uurtains ,
Paints , Oils & lirusiies.
107 South II1th Strcot. r
OMAHA , - - -
* -
'Every Tub Must Stand Upon its
Own Bottom. "
And Every Wagon Upon its .Own Merits.
Wo appreciate thoabovo and raako our wagona accordingly.
.Respectfully , WINONA WAGON CC
TARKER it BONN EUS Qonoral Agcuto. Qmahn. Nob.
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
STOCK LABGEE THAN EVER. \ 1308oaSdA ,1EDu ° Uil"Bt' ! '
Taught by gentlemen of business experience aud broad scholarship at the
A new instituuoti i sedon tie highest standard of excellence. Day and
and evening eeosions uro now in successful operation.
toUciiculars or special iBforuuuU.n apply to oraddreas -
A * Xj < -rTTXTiur x A Ji t