Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    > '
The Nebraska National Bank
OP Omnliu. Neb ,
Paid up Capital , - - $260,000.
fl. It JihiKin , l'rft < ilontef 8 celc.J hn on.\0o.
A K TUMlm , Vici 1'ro A.IJ . . . K
Co , II ton.
W. V. Mor < r , of . V MOHC& Co.
Jihfi H Ortllns , of O. 11 & J 8 Col lri > .
J M oolor h , OouinlK't A , / ttorno-al ! .
I.M lrf il , of II ran Rctd i. Co.
II. tt. Yitfi. HI , lt * o 1'ltr ' of t o VIM'
Mtlontl Itank el 0-inln a 0 e-n id d will
t e & ( Tii invn vm n cl tli 11) ) nk si o , t
or/ nil linn In 33. .
< mtt > t bi 1101 Apjll 47 18:2 , tth lh >
Urso t > M'lo Hnybtn * In \ kr V .
Cou.rciio.vsri > e.\a | i ( It ) Micnttui nnd ebir
pr l wi ii' | nb n re r ilj < t.ho' .
Innvrnlow dim ( lain tUp 'l ' up'ii f vrr-
ftlil ; U'lUwnnU ujon , i C'U ( sot b < tjk utd lint ! *
r .
I'ou'lo * FICIIAVUOn i-nmtnt nnnfo , and
Oauiilyuni Uilj s cilrlll nbcuxhtrt'u' in'd.
Ills oiffttnd to iljo yiiieial buuktnu bii'Ins'C
I alltfeiMill i'i in ti.o trt'iktu.uiit 11 cu t in
en vtlilpur uaihjtuo < tlitijral | < lli ) ion isw t iulo I nciUnc.
Sji.clV IVKutUl tn I III I ) ! * .
S'j.xv Voim. SeptcuiVr 22. flcnura. !
buMtieJi fhi ) AM improx ctii3ht in mnet
branches aud there a-ecigtuof still g-oUer
activity , ihe rii'h of ImjeM from Ihe couu-
Iry ttill continuing. The jobbing dry
Booods Irado Is very active and it ii mnny
years Mrice so many buyers were bore. All
brafdien aeotu ab uttqiully active. P/icrs
are firm and litllo cuttiuv is noticed. The
deuiniid for teascnable domestic go d-t is
rxe lent , while toreign dry goods , fancy
gondi > , ilothing aud notions are all active.
Iu the grain market
prices of wheat ate
\oiymuuhlowerthan at the west. The
supply hete is geol und the demand mod
erate. The market shows mnro lirmnes * .
Corn closes about 4 cent loacr cii nctive
b'jeincsH , OAU ate a little higher nud
clo < c firm with moderate dealing.
'lha market for poik products 1 < t > tlll
Irregular and unsettled. Prlcoj have flue-
tutted o mdderably nud the markut closes
some wliaS more strong. The promi'o of a
good western urup had its influoaoa on the
The attempted corner in August cotton
is broken down and it ii thought both
awes W.TD lors. September is still aome
.r > to 10 point- ) above later month * but
pricfnro comicg closer.
In polroli'Uiii towards the end of Iho
week th * has been n firmer lone nnd
cWlni , ' pries'- show a chan o of 1 cent in
fairer of holders' , which is surprising. A
reaction usi expected afler Iholurgjun :
loading nnd Iremendnoiu buelnpcs lately
The freight maiket U quiet with elack
demand , the supply of tunuu o i * light ,
which gives the market ii * best support.
Grain ro mi by st3anier ia in good demand
but ratfH ara cany.
The boot and shoe tr.tdo h steady nnd
active. Manufacturer ) are in receipt of
plenty of crdert i nd tbo demand for the
finer cUss of goods ia well sustained.
The leather trade has been goxl and
piices aio firm with an upward tendency.
v/ Tr.itifuctionfl iu Amoricae pig iron weio
light. Prk-ei are stejdy and Blocks not
large. It is expected higher crices will bo
realizad lalcr in Ihe season , the protracted
strike having reduced slocks so ranch.
There has been a fair demand fur Scotch
pig and prices are a liltla higher , owing to
the pdvancR in freight r.itos. In other
. branches of tbo iron trade u very fair busi
ness-Is being done ,
There is more activity in lumber and
Crmsr prices and Ihe oulljok for n good
fall Irade ii favorable , especially in the
building lino. Furniture U not so active
bnt prices ure well sustained.
Butler receipts hnvonot been large , Tbo
homi ) domnnd ia steady but buyers are
MMtitioui. Inquiry lor export Is light and
shipper are louUiag for lower prices ,
though in some ci-iea an advance has been
paid for good summer made dock ,
Ileceipti of cheeio have been lirne , but
the condition of trade h oncertain and not
very satinfaUory. t'oncv stock U steady.
The demand for state factory is Mow at
unchanged P'icerf.
In Kio cotfeo price i are firm but the de
mand ii not large , pending nuuliou Rales.
Holder * ure not pressin ; to xell , but are
inclined to hold lor higher prices on bet
ter advances from -Kio. Mild coffees nro
about at previou * prices but buyers
purchasing only for tha supply ot imne- :
dialo wanta.
K'IW sugara are a litllo stronger. Tha
liwil dumand is better aud out of town
order * are being received more freely at
higher rates. Refined sugars are In good
demand nud quiok xaltH are made.
Tea id steady , with good opportunity for
selection , bith IH lo qunUly and m-orl-
inent. Pdo i ura fairly well maintained.
YOBK , September 22 ,
Mono ? 8@10 per cent ; closing at S@8 >
per coat.
Prima Mernintlli ) 1' per fi@7 per nnnt ,
Slerlin ? Ktohnntfo aeaiiy ; banker * '
bill * . ? 4.B2ideraund } , ? J 87J.
Ury Boirtla ImporU for Ibu v/oe'u , ? 2,0.11-
,03 , ,
CJorernmentiwere J per cent hihor for .
4\'a \ taglftt rel uii'l1'H coupoiH , ami un
changed furxtended.5'r , 4i' coupons and
< ' to iu'.eri'd.
Shire Bpociilfttlon oj > ? ned about elo idy
except forGantral I > w.t , which wis li per
higher than It cloisd yoiterdoy. Imme
diately wftor oiwniug the general li < t uold
up ami roichetl I@l per cent. After this "
the market bcitna ttrong and aboul ii'ld-
dey losordsd an adv ne of 4@14 p. r cent.
Iu tha early afternwn there w i n doclina
of JS3 per cenl Union PaciSo leading , 1
followed by a general leooviiry of J&J jie' '
cent , after which the m&rkot again brcime
Ueivy and in late trade fell elf i@13 pir
cent. In finil deald the nmket rocoveraJ
iQU par cent , closin , ' btropg but whh
Irrt'gular changes from yesterday' * ol king
price- Omaha common be'n < { 1 J preferred '
H and St. 1'aul J pir cent higher.
ViaUrdij. ToUny
r , ' , ' . 100 ? I0 (
1'acilio G'a of 1893 . 1 > > 0 Pacific firsU . U
JJrie teoondi . 1W
I high it SVilU-Hliarre . 103 *
Donne ! * .
Bt. Joseph . * l 0
Bl , Paul Sioux City Crsla. .112
do new . o
Texai & Pdcifio land grauU. . C
do K. O. dlv. . . . 82
Uulou PAcifis 1st mortgage. .115
do land ( iranti..lH
do riuking fuad..U8J
Virginia G' S.J 35
do conjoin 6's 59 COde
do iA > Iff red 13 13
\rlmm KxurcM 133 139
Allegheny Central 81
Alton iV Terra llaute 4I > {
do pfd 88
American Kxpres * . . .83 9.1
. tiiiil. . Cedar . _ lUpids ti North 8' 8 J
.9 t ! * e t *
. .Southern fl'J IB
> 'ol. Oin & InJ. Uentrrtl..llli 111
Central Pacific 92 9 3
_ & 0hlo -1J
do 1st pfd. . . 48
dj 2d I'td ' , . X 4
Ohiiago ft Alioii , . . . . 13J 13'J '
do pfd. . . . . . . . IOO IM
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy KMj 133
hi , , .St 1 * k .MW l ikaii * . . 71'i ' i'J '
Clu. , S nd. & Cleveland f > 5 I'M
Clot c. , Col. & Citiclnnatl. . . . S > 3 h'2
Delaware & Ihuljon canal. . , .11'J lllfi
Uel , Lack. & Western 454 11
Denver & Kio Uraude VJ ti'j ]
Erie -llj 4/i
do pfd bll } bOj
Ujat 'lcnnp < i lllij 11 t
d't preferred IIS 117)
Fort Wn ) no & Chicago 13 > ISO
do t > U.87i * SiJ
Hnthm , iIO ! 21 I
Houston & Tex Ctnlr.\l. , . . 82 t > 2
ImVjlloom.'Woltern ! ! ! ! ! 47 47
Kansna & , Tcxis Ml 3'JJ
UkuKtie& Wtbtern 40 10
Uku Shore & Michigan So. . .llf'J lloj
LnuUvilli ) It Nathvlllo 714 71 !
Louisv. , Now Alb. & Chicago 7i ! 74
UarU lu & . Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 16
do " do id ! pfd fij 01
" iinplils k Charleiton f7 f > 8'
Michigan Control 10. < 3 NMJ
Minneapolis t St. 1 , mis 31J flvi
do pfd. 7U 71
Missouri Paolfie lOiijl 1074
Mobile's ihio. . . . . . 12. ! j 12.T
Mniiluttau J
Nashville & Chullanoo i 71'i ' COx 7' * .
New J ersey L'enlral 68 C7 ;
Norfolk \Vohtrn t > 0t
d. ) preferred Ut' '
Northern Pacific fiOJ 50g
do pfd 97 'JfiS
Northwestern 115 14.r t
do pW 101 Kiln
Now York Central i 3 ia 3
Ohio Central 17 Htf
Ohio & AlUsiasippl SSJ 3 4
do pfd 10J 10 : >
Ontario & Western lay J 117 ! }
Pact tic Mall 41 } 44j
Pimma lUr" 107
I'eoria , Uocatur& KvaiihV. . . 35 H g
I'itlnlwrB & Cleveland Ut8 13S
Keauinij H > : iS H'-M '
Kock Inland 1K5J Kfli
St. Iiouio & Sin Kraii -U 4ii
do pfd. . . . OOJj . . . .
do 1st pfd Ulh 'J'J '
St. Paul & Milwaukee 1(83 lU'Ji
do pfd..l'J4 liU !
St. Paul , Minn. S Manitoba. 157j > 1574
St. Paul M Omaha 50j o-'i
do pfd llo UU
I'ctns & Pacific 4UJ -Jl
Union Pacific Ill 11" " . '
United States 71 US
' " ' ' , St. It. il Pacific. . . . S ( > \ W ( > 3
do pfd. 074 c'4 '
\Velb , F.irgo & Co. Kxpre 8.iyJ 12U _
Ventern Union Telegraph. . . b'Jj bbif
CariboH li lj
Central Arizona U H
' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' '
llomestake' . ! . . . . . . . . . . . ! ! ! 18 18
Little Pittsburg t 1
Ontario S'J 39
Quicksilver 9 8J
do pfd 45 15
Robinson 1 1
SlIverCHif J S
South Pacific 13 13
Standard 7 7
Sulro J i
* Offered. fKr. dividend.
8pec'-al Ulcpatchej to Tim Bu.
CmoAno , September 2J. lClour Quiet
aud unchanged.
Wheat Fair demand , but t lawcr
rates ; regular. 10JJ for September ; 91o
for Ootoher ; 934fe jjo for November ;
for the year ; jJo. 2 Chicago spring , 1 02
for cash ; 1 02i for September ; 91 Jo lor
O. tober ; 9.Jj i,93o for November ; 93o
for Iho year ; No. 2 r d wiuler , 1 OL'i for
cjsh and September.
Corn Active , but lower : 64Jc for cash ;
GUs018o ( f > r September ; OJWu for Octolie' ' ;
G.JJJ for November ; 54a for ihe yuar ; 404o
for January ; 5 Jo for May.
Oats At.irket dull ; Hljc for caah31go ;
for September and October ; Slgc f jr No-
veuiber ; HI Jc for the year.
Kyo FirmjOOc.
B irlov Dull nd lower ; 80s.
Flax Seed Lower ; teed crushiug ; 1 22@
1 23.
Pork Lower ; 21 23@21 35 for cash ,
21 'itfQ\ ) for September aud Oct her ;
2 1 85 for November ; 1905 for the jcar ;
18 m < , l8 75 foi January.
har > i Lo.ver and irreguUr ; 12 2J@
1222J for ca h , September and October ;
1'2 02\\2 \ \ 05 for November ; 12 50@lV ! 62J ,
for ihe yoi - ; 11 15 for January.
Bulk Mtat < Market dull ; shoulders ,
1000 ; hhrit.-iba , 1425 ; short cleur , 1435 ,
Butter Quiet and unchanged.
V\fbUky-HteVil" \ ; i 20.
Freights lUtes uu com to Buffalo , 2Jc.
CAM , BoAltU. Wheut IrrCKiilar ; icgu-
hr , Ole Jor October ; 93Ji ( lor Novt-m er ;
9Jc for the year ; No 2 roil winter , 1 021 < kt
for September : U c for October ; 'J'tfo ' lor
jSovembe ; S'liio ' for Ihe year.
Corn IiJWtrjO-Jo for September ; C3g5
for October ; Olfc/lii io for November ; 58H < s
iorttio year ; fill ; < j lor M y.
O U-3l3g3.'cforcjsh. (
Pork lire ular ; 2t 2 > J for October ;
20 87jrn20 9J for Novemoe ; 10 00 fur
IJecein * r ; 181)0 ) furttiu year ; 18 7J@18 nr4
for March.
LanJ Irrrgular ; 12 30 for October ;
12 OU for Novo nber ; 11 lOJgllB2i for tha
oar ; 11 40 lor May.
, , „ YOBK. Scpluuber 22 , Collon
12 ISI-in l.l 3-lOj : Septoiuber , l' ! ;
Uiilolwr , 1180 ; November , HCOj ; Do-
tembt-r. 11.00 > , ; January , ll.OHa ; K'bru-
ary , 11.78 ; March , ll.OJc ; April , 12 ijlc ;
.May , 12,13. . ; June. l 2 21.
Flour-QJCI ! ; supeiline slate western ,
3f)04 lr'i cuuiiU'iu ' t > good extra , 4 15(3 (
500 ; giKid n choice , 5 10@ Of. white
weiteru , 0 CO ® 00 ; extra Oliio , 4 20@7 J0\ ;
iit. Louiii , 4 25t ) 00 ; AHnne oU patent
proce * , 7 2E&8 70 , _
Wheat Cuoh lots , @ ; lower ; options
i"a(2Mo ( lowrr ; No 2 'priiij ; , nomiiul ; uii-
"od"1 l"O ? ! ® ! ? ? f r ceititiao < f' 1 08fl
KOdelive.ed , 109 frei on' > earl ; mixed .
wiuUr , 1 Oi } ( tioB-adtd wi.ile , ticfel 10i ;
No. 1 whl e , 18,000 bu.old at 1 12 $ " ) l 14. , ;
No. 'Jiud for btp ember. f8 , ( < 00 bu no d ut
07J al t'7 ' ? , clM ins' at 10 , J ; do f or Ocro-
'er 108.DJO bu. > id at 1072' Sl04 ,
clo.lni ; at 1078 ; do for November , 43'A-
000 hii. roldt , 1 03J@l 10J , cloning ut
lOith du for December , 114,000 bu. sold !
at I llft&lin , closing at 1 10J ; d > lor
Juuuaij9JOijO bu. told * .t 1 ISfel a ,
closing fct 1 12.
Corn l@/o / loner , rmi tiled nd lie- '
pre -nd ; ungi.vled , 7' > * , f'7H" N' ! ' 72Jc ,
No. 2. 7'ieft/Tl.i tncieva or , 74J " 75 | i fa .
hvered ; JN'oT 2 Mlnte , 71GAJCo ; i7r
while for , S-pt .u .ui . , 7iw" " j , c uiiii at
73J ; do for Ucto'.er , 73J/74J ( / , rllog at
73J ; ; do for Nnvem er , 7oii571j. clo * *
in , ' a5 70 0 ; do for IJecumbur , Wifj Cro ,
( Jatti Uure'lled and i@Jo lowttr ; mixed
vti leni , 31vMt42cwhite we in , ili i&2c.
H y Ueuiana fair an.t murktrt mm ; 'co
* ,
E.-gs-Fresh wi-stero , ; .
Pork -Firm ; new me'I S * 2l 5U.
Beef Market dull and w ik.
Cut Me < t Source aud firm ; long clear
middles 14 25.
Imd IteltUd and lower ; prune
gt94iii , 12 30fu 12 5J.
Butter 8 eady for choice ; l. gSOi.
t'h ejo Quiet , but linn ; western factory ,
0@101 ; western iltt , 54@105 } ,
BT. l.OL'IH.
, Septmber22. 1'Jour SUady ;
family , 4 10@4 20 choice , 4 G > @ 1 75
fancy , 4 ! > 0@5 M.
' \Vlie.t-Uulland 1 wer ; No.
fold don from OG@9ia fur tnili ;
s for Ootobcrj JiJ@9381 for N'uvotiiber
for Dtt-emi-vr ; 'JlJC'i 93jo for the
f)59- ) fur .Uinnuyj Nn. 3 red full ,
. No 4 red fall , Slo bid.
t. Corn ActUe but Inwrr nn I , ) ld down
, . . .
© I 7o for May.
O < U-Dull and lower ; SSffiStte for
rash ; 30J o , lc for Octob.-i [ S' ' OSUtfj for
N. for
N."l * or i ie yexr ,
"lI > e-l > uli5 ; Jo.
Bulej Stfad ) ; 7K3SOo (
Itutter Steady und
KgK Steady ami unrh.tugeil.
\ \ hiBkyStiMdj ; I IU.
Pork Qai t ; j .b lug , V200.
Bulk .Mtat No .oMulotHoirercd.
BiconScmcj mil fim ; thnuldcip ,
111 12J ; thnrlrib , 1575 ® 1C 8J ; ehort o'cur ' ,
10 IVJ1G50.
Ijinl Nou Inally lower.
AriEMNooN CILU BoAiiii Wheat l ow.
pi ; U44clor Sopttinber'Ja ; \ \ for October ;
itt lor Novciiiln ) : OIJc lor Dcoembci ;
0 for Ihe JCHI ) 0 1 jJfflWu for January.
Corn l ) cr ; ( iOo for Septomb.-i ( GJo
f or O tob r ; fiOj for Noemlw10J i fur
thn jen ; 1.4J.U lor Jamiiry ; 4TSJ f"r Al-iy ,
OftU Lone ; ! 0ic lor OoiuLcr ; 30go lor
November 21 > 4'o forth * } ear.
PKORII , 8eptfiunr 23 - Corn-Quiet ;
mixed , lGJ57c ; mixed , lGC ! t,0 140 ,
O. ts Stead ] ; i\o. 2 * hlto ,
11 o Sto.dy ; No , 2 , lilfeGlJo.
lligliw iuea i' ' ii m ; 1 18
KANttAs C'lIY.
ICANsAH ClTY , September 22. Wheat-
Weaker : No. Hred , 75o bid for cixli ; No2
red , 80c bid lor easli ; 7Uio for October and
Corn Quiet ; Coo asked for ca'h ; GOc
, for October ; -)0j ) lor the year.
Oats Siow ; 32ousked for tanli ; 33c for
Bu tir Unchanced.
ICgga Uucliangi'd ; lOc.
IjiVBUFOOL,3citember | 22. Breadstuff fl
\V luiil \ \ inter , S * 4J@8a 5d ; epriiitf , 8j
Cotn-Gj lOJd
COUNOII _ , Bbuf i , b pteuibpr 20. The
Council BlulTi maiKoU carefully rovisid
to dateare UH follotth :
Flour GolJen Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kiuiaim City
winter wliiMit , 2 75@32oMunuiotu winter . , 300@1 00.
Wheat iNo. 2 , 7"u ; No 3. Gje ; rejected ,
Corn No. 2 , .r)0.- .
Oats No.2 , . ! yo.
Uje No 1. , Ix. .
Barley N'Hio. '
KsxHS.tticHo'llng ; ' to paokora at 21o
Coin \l > - . l 1 GJ tur ( .hltu ; yellow , 1 GO ;
coru 0:1 p , : ' , > OJ per ton ; com mill oila
. iu < | / , J00 in r ton.
KKU11S Apiii.-s , 2 00.
lii-oom Com 3i ( < { ! > < : .
Hay JVVHS , 7 imte'J 00.
Wood 8 Wtt'iG liO.
Wool 10Ji. ( .
Butter Crci.mtry , 30ciu ; ro'lx , wrap-
iw I , 20o ; rolls uot. wrnpi > cU , 2 j ; inuod
co urn , I04 H24o.
Onions 40o per bushel.
I jive ChickiMis 2 50 3 00 pur dozen.
Potatoes ! -Oc per i u-hcl.
Cabbage * 2 > ( t < ) lOc per doz.
Turui | 4 30o pur buittiel
Sweet Coin 7o per dozen.
LtVK SCO K. CuttleExtra , 300 ®
350 Vffll Ciilvou5 ftO1 * ( X ) , Hojni
7 00@7 25. She i > 3SO. _
Special DUpitclii-s to Tun Hue.
CIHOAQO , Sipt ember 22. Th Drovers
Journal reiwrts an follow * :
Hogs Go id , market firm ; common to
good mixed , 7 40 < g8 . " 5 ; heavy , 8 40'J 15 ;
light , 745:4845 ; fckips 5 I5fo7 15
Cattle IVade badly demoralised : 10 ®
2i'o lower on hhlpplm ; gradet , and H5d' fiQo
lower than on Monday last ; expo'tiG ' 70
( a J 20 ; good to chi'iiw ' shiopin.- 40uG ( 40 ;
cjliiinuu to fair 4 00@5 2 > ; mixed biucliurn
fulrly uctive and firm ; a > iiimou to fiiir
2 40 360 ; good to choice , 3 70@4 20 ;
atockors and leedorp , 31rj@4 30 ; ratine 10
69153 low.r ; Texas cowiit C0@3 GO ;
Americans and hulf-nr o < l , 4 OD5 LO.
Sheep GHUO nl clo-uaml Lirau. n.arket
firm ; ualcs of mferir to luir at 3 10,5,3 GO ;
meniuui to good , 3 7jsH ( 30 ; [ chuicu to
extra , 440&1W. . u
ST. LOUIH , September 2i. Cattle
8hjping BteerB dull ; 1,000 to 1,400 averages -
ages ranging at 4 OOfefi 60 ; butchers in fair
demand at tf 50G ? 4 25 ; inixid butchers lot i
2 . . 5J@3 75 ; wecter.i half breed ? , 3 SO ® I 25 ;
tiuckers , 2 75@3 fiO , feeders 3 50 ® 1 0.
Shet-ps Stead ) ; medium to choice uiut-
IOUK , 3 lOgl lO ; f ncy 4i \ ; Texani 2 10
g3 75 ; Ht utcrs 2 22 ( 75.
l ng < Stuady and bcarco with fair de
mand ; shipping ( jigs uii'l ' liubt Yorkorr ,
7 5U@7 h5jon ; < l YorUer,78'705 ; butcher
piii , IC04t8 35 * ; heavy butclierii und fancy
H 40@ < J 10 ; skipi an I cullo , G uO@7 25.
KAKHAH CITY , September 22. The Live
Stock Indicator reports :
Cattle Market weak and 5@10o lower
for nutivtM aud Colonuhf , while Texans
sold about na yesterday.
Hogs -Weak , nnd loner ; ( lols
195 loVMO pitunds bold at 7 001 '
Sheep Steady aud unciiaujjed.
VKW roiiK ,
NKwVoitK,3cptomher22. The Drover * '
Jourunl burt-au reports :
Boovus Dull und weak at a further re
duction of oeirly Je per pound ; full clear -
auuu could not Im nude ; reported tulea
were ut 8 75 ( 11 75 fir cummou to extra
native ntceri. ; 800 .875 forToxann ; trnM
@ 050for hulMireeil Colorado ntuo s ; ex-
portriN ptirchisrd 3D ) mtxliiiin to good
native stems at H ) OJSI'J ( 00.
Klioop - N.i adva'uu iu prlcefl but Letter
feeling lit fort ) thu cloce ; bheoii 4 tOJiJ.'i U2
lamb5 OO&C 50.
Swiiie .Slow for live heat 8 COg'J 00.
Spcciil Dl > | < atcl us to Tim tint.
ClllCAiiO , Ht-pteuiber 2J HecoIpU and
bhlpii.eutH of Hour iind grain for tie ! p-ibt
24 buurs hu/ been w follows :
Ktifiit" . Ship'ts ,
Flour-bbl * 000 10 COO
Wlifut-miHitlB. , , 18I.O ( J t'0U)0 )
Corn " 179,000 300(10 (
O.Un " 01,000 llH.OOO
Uyc " 1100) ) 7.0UO
Barley- " 23,000 lu.OOO
NK YOIIK , Seploaibur .i lUo ipt and
vhipuiuutu uf iljur f.nil gr la tjf the past
21 Uou Imva i.tenM fuliowr ;
Jltce'ptK. rihp'ti. . .
Klonr-hbU I7.0W 8,100
Whcut buahtls 143,000 151 000
Corn- " 122,000 C40IO
OaU " 42,500 1,000
ST. LOUIH , Hfpternbcr -Hecelpts and
slilp'iiintt of II JUT and grain for the punt
21 hourt ) huve I't'Cn CH lull iwc ;
. 'tH
Cttou baled
Flour bW. K.OMJ IG)6 )
i7rVl.e . -bn.licU . . . noy
Com- 4'di ,
n.oj ) a coo
Ity-- " " 20.W-0 y.COO
IjJrley- : . .
' f
PEOIIU , September 22. lUooipt * uml
thipintuti of grain for thd put 21 huur
bbvo tiefi ) u fi > llov.ti ;
ICuc'ts. Shlp'U.
Wheat , bunhels . . . . .
c'orn " . 000 G.OO'J
O-itH " . 3HdOO 27,100 ,
Kyo ' " . 2.60J 15,000 ,
Bar'ey . . . . .
KANDAB Crrr , September 23. JU-coipU
uirl nliipiuo'.t of uruiii fir tha pan 21
follows :
lUc'ti. Shio'te.
Wheat , btuhel " * . . . . 21,000 41,000 ,
Corn . ! . „
CUICACO , Sq.texnter2A JUocipti at. J
; ohlpmcntt of live flock for the part 21
bourn tme been i > folio * * :
8hlpm't .
10.KO 4,500
; Cattle . 0.000 5.tOO
Sheep . . . . . . 1,400 . . .
NKW YORK , Htplember 12 Kccclpt *
and Hhiimenla | uf Ihe stock for the pal
24 liuun have been M fullow :
Ueo'H. Shlp'tn.
2,100 3I4
Sheep . 15.00J 25
H t'f quirlcr" . * 3 full
Mutton rarcufwt R . . . . . 'oS. )
Uiich.dA to-morrow.
ST. LOCH , Reptinbrr22. lleceiptunid
tli pmtititi rf live sUivk foi the past 21
hours ha\o liccu as follows :
Keo'tn. Shipm'iA
llngn . 1,000 ICO
Tattle . 2.VOO 1 | "
Sheep . 1'JJO SCO
KAN.SAH CITY , SeptcmbciSJ. Itrcelp'
and nhipmeut'i of Itvo stock for thopivt " 4
hours have been an folloMit
Roo'tn. Shlpm'ts.
Hogs . l.GOO
Cattln . . . 4.WM
Six- ) . GO . . . .
3wUI | DUpatchM to Tim nun.
NI\T YOKK , September 22. Coffee -
Uull ; Itlo ojrgoei ijuoled Hi y10ic ; Job
lot * , 8@lllc. .
Sugur bin tRcr and in fair dcuniul ;
fair to good rofiulm ; , 7l@ii |
MoUsseoStr nger.
Kico tcadv , with n fair demand.
Potroloiim Qil t ; United , 734 * ! crude ,
GJ@74c ; refined. 7j@So.
T.illow Market null and weak ; prime
citv , $ jo. ?
UoBin-Qulor , but steady ; lt'0@l 0.
Turponluo-Qiitet ; 434QSI3Jc.
Pimuuoo , Pa. . September 22. Pe-
tiolfum Steoily ; Unit ii cerllfmtnt ail-
vaiicint : ; 01. ed t 8llo bid ; rorino.1 , 73S7Jc
fur J Philadelphia delivery.
BOSTON , September 22. Ths demand
for is good. Market quiet and linn ,
with a dtcido.i upward tendency In prices.
S. les of thu week , 2,500,100.
Wholesale Prloen.
Kriduy Evoiiinp , September 2'2. I
The only changes report * * ) 1 In the market
to-'lny ' aions follow * :
Wheit No. 2 declined ic.
W Win at No. Sdcclimd lo. rejected declined lo.
Hyo advanced io.
Local uraln Uccllrr. ' . ,
WHEAT. Cnnh No. 2 , 84Ja ; caah N . .
3 C8o : rejected , 48o.
BAULEY.-Ca.ih No. 2. 73c ; No. 3 ,
53) .
KYE. Cash , 40e.
C'UHN. No. 'A 65c. !
( UTS. Caah , 28r.
ST1U1BT PiaOES-Corn , 65o ; -
35 j.
Produce and Provlilont.
POTATOr.S 2ia40o ptr buxhel.
ONIONS 30Sr ( > Oa per bushel.
BUTTEK Choice couulry , l'4@25o.
K(5US-2J@22o. (
HONEY-CHliforjIa. perlb. 22t.
APIT. K3 Per barrel , 62 OC@2 25
C \ MVJAlPES-Per dozen , 200g2 ( 25.
lYS" ) " EHS-8 lect , 50o iwroan.
WATl'.KMELONS-Per 100 , $15 00 ®
18 Oft.
PKARS-Callfornia , ? 2 7.'i@3 50.
PLUMS-Ortlifornia , 32 OOW < 2 25.
GKAI'ES-Californla. 3iOO@2 25.
LEMONS-85 50@G 00 p r box.
BEANS Imported German 2 70 per
Qrocora' List.
CANNPD GOODS oyston , e
per c.uio.2 7R ; Uo 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per carte ,
3 75 , Lobslors , 1 lb per dozen ,
180. Tomalooa , 2 30 ; do II lb per
cnno. 285 ; Com , 2 lb ( Mounlain )
per ease , 310 ; soaked corn , 19J ; do
2 lb ( Yoruioulh ) , per case , 315 ;
utriug beans , per caao , 2 10 ; Lima beans
per caee , 1 85 , S'lcuotaeli per case , 2 00.
Pees , common , per catje , 2 ( Hpeas ) , choice ,
percaJO,2 70. Blackberries , 2 K > , percasp ,
2 20 ; Dtrawbetriod , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 60 ;
raspberries , 2 lb , per oiwe , fl BO. Damsons -
sons , 2 ID , per cane , 2 45. Bartlett
poara per case , 3 00@4 C3. Whortleberries
per case,275. Egg plumn,2 M > twrcuo.V 75 . < ;
Urneu gngci,2 lb per caHo , 75 ; do choice , .
tb per cosn 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cane ,
1 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 IU pur case , 2 75 :
do 3 lb , couo , 4 60@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 lb , per
j'jn > .250 : do pie , 6 Ib , per rtoron. 3 50.
KJ/iUH Joblilnif price * , Jack Frost
St. Louis winlnOSl lOperlOOIbs. ; To-
peku Patent KanntK , S3 85 ; Mlnnehaha
Mlnnciola Patent $1.10 ; Shawnee Kancy
wntor , 83.10 ; Kogli' , XXXX wlnlor ,
83.10 ; Triumph spring , bo t , $3.00 ; Chris ,
ilaii'n Hupirlutive. 3 8ri ; brau , per ton-
4 00 ; chopped feed , $28.00.
FISH No 1 muckerol , half brh , G 25 ;
No. 1 in ckoru ) . kitp , 95c ; family mack.
erel , half brlc , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
75c ; No 1 white fich , half bill , G 00 ; No. 1
whlto full , kit * , 95c ; family whlto fi h.
half brM , 4 50 ; family white fi.h , kiU , 80s ;
medium scaled herring , 30c ; Belect bontlon
cod , HAa.
rtUUAKS-Powderwl , lOJc ; Cut loaf ,
10J ; Oranulatfd , OJcj Cnntoctloner'ii A ,
H4o : Rtandard Extn C. 8 c ( Extra O ,
'f&Si ' ; modiiim yellow , 8c ; dark yellow ,
' '
SYUUP Standard Com. , 4flo , bbl * . ;
SUndaid do , 44 gallon I < PPB. 2.25 ; 8t. n
dard do , 1 gallon lnyn , $2.00.
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 ; All/pice , 20c ;
Jloveb , 33c ; Nutraoe , J 00 ; Oristi. , 21c ;
Mncn 81 00 ,
LYE American , 3 S'j Gresnvrtch , 3 40 ;
Western , 275 ; North Star , i ! Oij Lo-.via' (
lyo. 4 CO : Jtw.-ll lye , 27b.
FKEO-JobblriK prlccc , Chop feed ,
Sl.60 ( < er 100 Ibj. ; chop coru , 81.40 ; bran ,
70u pur 10J llu.
a'i'AUUll , Pearl , 44c ; Silver Glois ,
8\o \ ; Corn Stureh , BJsf Kxoalalor jjosn ,
7o ; Coru. 74c.
UJK U H. lUo , litlr , lie ; Rio. good
12c ; | ii.ia to choice , 12 to 13 ; ; Old Roy't
JnI. ; MiJ-Jl"v',2 ( Moclib , 2S4o ; Ailmc < le'H ,
i lEAT3 Hami , J6c ;
Ifi'/ojuleni / Mo bicon , 151oj ilryruk bacon ,
HOPK SUal , 4 iuch and , larger ,
l ull Crfiam , 124o ; Pnri
"nlIklm. . .
TIIAH .Gunpowder , food , 4f.S'lE5 ( ;
Oholce , 60$75c ( ; ImpeiUir Rood , 40sr45o ( ;
< y--\u \ SOS37Coj } Young Hjfon , I'ood , " ' " . c
Me ; choice , (55c09dl ( 00 ; Japan In&t I Kf.A .
J5o ; Japan , choice , G0@75cj Oolocg , KOIK A ! ,
V > ® Vi Oolong , cho.00. 40@55 } Bouchong ,
< aod. 35(3 ( lOc : cholc , MOlSo.
NEW riOKIiKU-Mmllum , In barrel * ,
t800 ; do inhtlf bbl * . 4 fO.umalUi , In bbla. 1
10 00 do , iu half bbl. , , 550 ; gherkin * , In
bbla. 12 00 ; do , ( n h&lf bbb , G 57 ,
V/OCmMNWAUK Two op 1' ,
1 in ; three hoop pailu , 2 20. Tub * . No.
1 , 9 0 ; I'hne * r wj.ihboaidB , 1 M Uoutilc
CVuwrt2'JO ; Wolbuck ! t , 350 ,
I/KAJJ Bar , tl C5.
\INJJQAIi-Puro apple extra , 18i
tiita tipple , liic ; l'ruiint' uuru nuule , lUo ,
HAJ/J1. Cwy loa-Ui. par bbl , 1 G5 ; A i-
ton. In B..O k . , 3 50 ; bbl dairy 00. 5 , 8 CODe
flOMIN V Ne-v , 1 & 0 per bbl.
SOUA l > wkht' Ibpapem. * 2 85 ; Uu
end do , $ j ! 8. ) ; Churoh'a , $ S 85 ; Keg sod *
V\c. \
OANDLEH Bo , 40 Iba , 111 or , En
15olx xej 40 lb . , IU oz. , to , Km.
HICK Cnrolins. 74-aSc ! Louhknft , 7
@ 8c ; fair. Ca6J. (
MATUHfcH Per caddie , 860 ; round ( ,
catcii , H 10 , < quaie , CUKM , ( lb 40.
SOAPS-Kirk's havou Imperial , 84- ;
KM:1 * wtiuet , 3 GO ; IC'j'L'n kUudttixl , 3 75 ,
'flru'a ' wWto PC- . , . ' 25 ; Kirk'o
Kutoea , 2 lo Kiri. ' 1'nlrie Quicn ,
100 < > k > , ' 0 ; Kirk'n inaxnuHu , 4 <
POTASH P uufylvauia unu- , Aot.t
OX *
Guarantee Manufacturers1 Prices and Invite In
snection to their Unsurpassable Selection.
In cate , 3 85 } Habbltt'u Hall , 2 dor. In case ,
11)0 ) ; Anchor Hull 2 dot In CMC , 1 50.
FIKhl ) 8KK1) Uod clover , choice
new , 56 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. $7 ( XI ; nhito clover , uow. 91100 ;
nl ftlf cUner , new , $1250 } alolkv , new ,
01300. Timothy , Rood , new , ? 3 00 ,
blue graro , extra clean , ? 1 50 : blue vraca ,
clean , $1 2.5 ; orchard grass ? 2 50 : ml ttii ] ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mlnuouri ,
80c ; millet , German , 8100 to $135 ;
Hungarian. 80o.
HKUOKSKKU Onago or.injrc , I to 6
Ehelo , 85 00 ; oitagc orange , 10 buohpln or
over , $4 50 ; houoy locust , per lb. , 3.ric ; per
100 lb . . 825 00.
PKANUTS Hooslcd , choice , roil Ten
nessee , lOoper lb ; fanoy while , lOJo peril ) }
ra < v white Vln-Inla rnw , lOc ; roantod ,
- , Sic ; Buckeye LT , . 4-i , 7c ; Cabot W ,
; ; Chittcnanffo A , tijc ; tlroal Fall * K ,
8Je ; Hoosler , OJc ; Honest Width , RJc. In
dian Head A , SJc ; Indian Standanl A ,
'IJc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8jc ; Lawrence
lL , 7c ; Mystic Kivor , 74c ; Pequol A , 8Jc ;
jhawmulLL . , 7etTtica ! . . 1. C\o . . , \ ; . Waohus- . .
lit B. 74c ; do A , 8jc ; do E 18 , 12io } Wai-
colt BH.
4-ls 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4 I , 7Jc ;
Atlantic IiU tile ; UmUjor State X t-l , 7c ;
i 0 1-4 , GJc ; Buckcya 8. 4GJco (
Indl'tn Orchard AA 9-8 , 81c : Laconla O
SjJ , 8c ; Lohluh K 4-1 , ! Hc ; Lonsdalo 4-4 ,
° ; PeppcroU N 30 , 7c : do O 32. 71c ; do 11
"pocnaoot'6'l-i , 7i'cj
WRmsiitta-l-l IHo
1H.KAC1IK1) ( . 'OTTONS-AiidroKOor ' ;
cm L 4-l,9lcBlackHlonoAA ; lu portal 8c ;
do do half bleached 4-4c ) ; Cabot 4-4 , RJ ;
b'idclity4-i , 91cVrult ; of UiBUiom.lO ; do
cnn.brio4.1113cdoWaterTwst,10ictJrcat ; ! ;
FalhQ , 10jo ; Indian Hrad shrunk I-1 , 12c :
Loui'lnlo ' , lOc ; do cambric 37 , IS'ic : New
York Millo , lUc ; Pcquot A.IOc ; Pcpporel
N a TwillH , iyjc ; P. " 0i. > ut e 1-1 , OJc ;
PrtcMwt 4-4 , 8Ac ; Utiou , llcj Wamaulla
o x x , lajc.
liuOKS ( Colored ) Albnny K brown.
Oc ; do O , ilrnb , lift ! do VA. * lripen and
plaids , 120 ; do XXX brown and drab.
ulripOT and plaids , IJJJc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Bniiuwtck brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fanoy ,
12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Hive-
brown , oitia heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown \ouoiisetA brown. lOc.
A U A 32
19o ; do XX blue 82 , 184c ; Arrowar.rn ,
9 > c ; Claremont B B. 15io : Conosloga ox
Ins 17ic : Hamilton D , HJo Lowntou .v
. 50 , I5o ; Minnohalia , 20c ; Omej-a uuper
extra 4-1. l c : Pearl lllver 82 , lGc ; Putnam -
nam XX blue strije , 12c ; Sheluckut
104c ; do S3 I2o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Oo
DKNIM8. Amoukeak , lilnoundbronn
lOJo ; AndovorDD blue , Ifijo ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , IBJc ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 124c ; do AAA , do do I3i ; do XXto
do do 14ic ; llayrnaker'a blue and brown ,
91o ; Mystic Kiver Dl > stripe , lOJc ; Pearl
Hlvor , blue and brown , IGc ; Uncaovillo ,
blut ) aud brown , 1 > & ( .
OAMBKICS Barnard , 5Jo ; Kddyslono
lining , 24 Inch double face , 84c ; Garner A
gla7od , 54c ; Manhattan glove tolub , 6Jfl ;
Newport do Co ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Poquot do
5o ; Lockwocnl kid finish Co.
COHSKT JEANS Amory , 80 : Andrea
coggln aatteen , 8JoClarcndru ; , OicjCouos
o ga uutleens , 7c ; Hallnwcl i , 8c ; Indl 4
Orchard 74c ; Namgansett.improVP'l.o
Pnpporlll vatlKfln 94n : Uockport , 7JO.
PIIINTS Aliens , Glo : Aim-norm , 04c |
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Vc ; Coclieoo , 7 !
Conealoija. 4c ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Duunoll ,
Gj@7c ; Eddystonc. 7o ; Gbucjster , Go ,
ilannony , 54c ; Knickerbocker , GJo ; Mor
rhnoo U. 7c ; Mynlio , 54o ; Spramit's. Go ;
Southbrldgo , Co ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Mnrl-
boro. 5Jc ; Orienlal Cio.
. OINiiHAMS Ainnskottg. 12ic ; Amos-
ke , tf dren ! IJ Argyle , 104c : Atlantic ,
DC ; Cumberland , 74c ; HighlaiKt , 74o ;
Kenilworth , tilt ; Plun kott , lOtc ; Kus
bl X. He
OOTTONAUES Abhervlllo Icijo
\J\J J J. \ / * 1 < * 1 J J * fcMHV .V * -y
Afatit , ' Wo ; Anmrii-au , llo ; Artini n , 2 ( > c ;
Cairo 1) nnd T , 134c ; Clarion I ) and T ,
I7c ; Doocun Co.Btripim DaudT , l o ; Key-
stouo , IStici Nanltickct , ll'o ; Nonparml ,
ICc ; Ocean 1) ami T , 13jo ; Itoyul , 10J1
Sussex , 12c ; Tiota ; , ISjc ; Wacluwctt shirt-
in < { ihecks , 12 > c ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York ,
plain Nonkin. 124c ; do , chockn , stripe-i and
fancy , 124c ; do , H oz , SOc ,
SHKF/riNGS Androsoogcln 10-4.27o !
do 9-1 , 24c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; ConUnuntnl 0
42 , llo ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27i ; New
York mills 98 , 3rjc ; do 78 , SOc ; do 53 , 22Jc ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 2fo ; IViiiol 10-1 , 2HJo ; do
7-4 , Iflc ; do 49 , KJcj Pcjiperoll 3' ! . 20 (
do 07. 21oj do 57 , 18c' Uticft 00 , SJ5c ; do
8 , 2'2lc ; ( to 48 , 17c
Clicer * and Tobnocoi.
OIUARH. Kosds , 815.00 ; Counuctlcut ,
S25.00 ; Mizol , SIW.OO ; Hood Havana ,
? I > 0.lHi ) Clear ! lavann , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUO. tioldon Unle ,
24 lb , OOc ; Our Jlojo , first oualily , 02c ;
Slnr , poundij , 21 lb , bnlU.OOc ; If oreo Shoo ,
pounifj , 'ii Ib , buttn , 58o ; ( ] { lt l'dge ' ,
poundu , 2 lb , hullo , CO ; Army nnd Navy ,
poimda. Cfic ; Bulllim , imuniij , 69c ; Jjodl-
.rd's Cllnrnx , i > oiuidi , , OOc ,
FINIJOUT InMn. \ \ . - Hard t'J Bsut'
75c ; ( Joldca 'I hr d , 70c ; KountMn , BO ? ,
Favoritu , Ofio ; Horlry Mountain , COc :
Fancy , 55c ; Uaiuy , We , In tin foil
Cfttlina O. K. , fi lb hoica , per lb f58c ; l ri-
illnrd'd 'Viper. fOe ; Diamond Crov.-n , ( We.
BMOICINU All i-rades Common , > tn
880. ( Iramtlftlod BlttckweUK Durbftm , IU
Oi61o ; DuUcK ljurhuw , 18 07 , 4llc ; Heal of
Noith Carolina , JO or , 48 ; Seal of Nobras-
k , 10 or , 3bo ; l o'iu Jack , 4 oz , llcen hf.B (
perlb , fl.35 ; Marburee1 Puck 2 01 , Ua
oil , 1 Be ; Oo Tall C&e.
Paint * VrrnUhet.
OIL3 110' carDon , i > sr ctllon ,
12jj 1'5 < ) headlight , p r g llou ,
13c ; 175 * headliHln , per i/nllin , 1 "
il. raw , per twllou , > 7 ; Hunted ,
per gallon , mo ; lard , winter st' 'd ,
tun , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No , 2 , 7ro ; castor ,
XXX , pr Kallon , 1 15 ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; swert ,
per gallon. fcSo : tperm , W , It. , per galluu ,
I 55 ; ( lull , W. B. per Kallnn , OOo ; DeaUfoot ,
extra , per gullon , 75e ; No , J , GDo ; lub
eating , rwro , per ui'llon ' , S0c | summer , 15c ;
golden maLhlcp. No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; NP.
2 , 30 ; literal , signal , l er gallon , 80oj tor
pcntlao per ijallou , br l > cj ; ntptha , 74 , per j >
gallon. 18cs fit1 , 17c
Wliltoleail , Omahu
P , P. , Rc ; whlto lca < l , St , I.oul , pure , huU
MawUlei - 1 to .
* ff.-fl J , ,
if,4i eijti tf.v - * - ' " " - - " " -
Fnrch * ! a' , , > * w srul. t"c-j rrenrh rlno ,
rod ucal , lie ; Frem.h zinc , iu varnii.h ixnt ,
Kc ; Fnnch inct , in oil a st , IGcj Uaw
and burnt umb r , 1 lb cam 12o : raw mil
burnt BIouiu , lao : vnudyke brown , S
refined UmpblaoV. 12e ; coach black , lcc ;
l ory black , lOc ; drop black , ICtj Pnianiw
blue , 30o ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrvino
zrixm , 1 . M. k D. , lie ; blind and cihuttw
grcoii , L. M. 11) . , ICe ; Parla reon. ISo
Indian led , 15c : vonollan rod. 9c ; luisKit'
Urt. . i2c ! ; Amerlcsu Vennillod , I , ft P. , 18cj
throuie yellow , L. , M. , O. & 1) 0. , 18c ;
yellow oohre , 9o ; goldsn ochre , l < 3j paleut
dryer , Scj tn-lning colomi Hftht oak , J--1
ciu , walnut , chattnut oaJ a 'j 15c.
Ory "alnts
White lend , 040 ; French lno. lOc : r-rij
whltuing 24e ; whitiug i-lldem , 1J- ;
vhlt'ng ' com'l , lie ; lumpMiu-k f/eraan-
to n , 14c ; bmpliki. * , ordiuiry , lOc Puw
elan blue , 55c ; uUriuiwriutf , Itiit ; vaudyUv ,
brown , 8cj umber , burnt , 4j ; umber , raw ,
lc ; ! jnni , burn t , 4cR'cnna : , raw , 4o
Paris grocu Retiulno , Ufa ; Paris green com'l
20o ; chrome K " "ii M. Y,1 20c ; chrom-
green 1C. , 12c ; vornillllon , Hng. , 70c ( vermillion -
million , Americit , 18e ; Indian red. IOo ,
rosn pink , 1 lc ; Venetian read , Cooksou'g
"Jo : vctictinn red Am , , 18o ; rol lead , 74c ;
chnniiu yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yel
low , K , , 12o ; oohre , rochelle , 3c ( ochre ,
1'roncli , "Jc ; ouhro , American , 2c ;
Winter' * iiilnoiM. EJc ; lehlgh brown. 24c :
Spanish brown , 24c ; Priui-o's nilnoral So ,
VA11N1SHKS Barrclfl per gallon.
Furniture , ostrn , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
fl ; conch , oxlrn , $1 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
$1 CO ; Danutr , extra , $1 75 ; aimu. 70ca ; -
phaltum , extra , Poc ; shollao 3 50 ; hard
oil finish. 81 30
PAPKlv Straw paper , 2o ; rag paprr ,
lo ; dry goods tiapor , Go ; manlla paper , lOc ;
nowu pnpcr. 80.
Heavy Hardware Lltt.
Iron I , ratoi , $3 40 ; plow Htotl ,
mat , 7c { crucible , 80 ; pocialorlerman1Ga ;
cast tool do. 15@'JO wngi > n Birckoa , et.
2 25@3 ( XI ; hubs , per net , 1 'J5 ; folloea , unwed
dry , 1 40 ; tonipics , each , 7085c ; axles ,
oaoh , 75o ; square nulv , i > or lb , 7@llc ;
waMioiv. i > cr lb. 8@lPc ; rhctc , nor lb , llo ;
cell clmin , per lb , G@12c ; mnlle ble , 80 ;
Iron w lic ) , Oc ; cmwbnni , Go ; harrow
teeth , 4p ; hon onhooR , per keg , 5 00 ; ipilng
etoul , 7 < J' : Burden a lior onliocr , 5 50 ;
Burden'n uiuleshocs , C 50.
SHUT. i Shi.t . , fl.K > ; Hm.k shot , - f2.10V
Oriental Powder , kegc. e < ? .40 : Jo. , half
kos'J ; ' , 53.48 ; do. , iiusrturkngs , * 1,88 ; Blait-
luff , JMOT. P3 Sfti F'uno , Mr 100 feet 50o ,
BAi ] BUD \VIUK-In car lols.8S' ) per
10 ( ) ; in lew car loin. 8 55 itnc 100.
NAILS Untcs. 10 lo CO4 ) / 00 ,
Lc.t htt
Oak to ] ? , 080 lo 42o ; hemlock m > ! o , 28o to
fific ; hoiulcck kip. l0o ! to 100 ; runner ,
Olio to 80o ; hemlock cdf : , 85o to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 2Uoto2ic ; oak ui per. 2lc ;
alligator. 4 00 to 0 f > 0 ; c.ilf kid , 32@35c ;
Grclacn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , KOo to
1 00 ; oalc culf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kin
1 It ) to 1 55 ; I-'iotich calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rm
ictta , 5 50 , o 7 50 ; linings , C 00 lo 10 50
opptUKH , 9 00 lo 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , 'Mo
lo 3."c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco. SWo ; slmon ;
0 to 3 00.
HAHNKSS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2
do , 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 34e.
Horoot nnd Mulsi.
The niarkot is bri ik and all grades are
aelling well i.t aliuht ailvnnca In p iccx.
The demand for need horses exceeds the
nupply coi idoraoly. Prices range ni fol
lows :
Fine alnglo ilrhera , C150. to 300. ; Kxtra
draft hunioa. $175. to 225. ; Common dra.'t
hones , C100 , lo ICO. ; Extra farm honiw ,
6110. to 125. ; Common io gold fann hoino <
f'JO. to $100. ; ICxtni plugfi , VOO. to 75. ;
Common | ) lugn , 820. to $10.
MUIiKS. 15 to IfiJ handa ( exera ) , 0125.
Iol50. ; 114 to 15 hr.nds , S100. to 140. ;
14 to 144 hands , 876. to 100. { 13J to 14
hands , 800. to 75 :
LI uor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 S4 per wine
gallon ; extra California splrlls , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof. 1 28 per proof irnllon ; ro-diblilled
wtinkies , 1 00@1 50 ; line bloniloil , 1 50 ©
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Krn-
tuokv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 tO@7 00
UftANWKS Imported , SO 00@10KI ( ;
domentlc 1 10(514 ( 00.
GINS Ircporlod , 4 60@fl 00 ; domeiitlo ,
1 40ffl3 00.
Imporloil , 4 BOfcSO 00 ; Now
Kngland. 2 00fa0(1 ( ; domestic. 1 60S3 ( ! 50
175 © 100.
O1IAMPAONK8 Imporleil pnr cnHe.
2HOO@3I OjArcsrj | 3 , case , 1200 ®
1000 , . . .
CLAHET3 Ptir cnso , 4 tO@10 00 _
WINKS llhliio wine , per case , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Calawba , per cnso , 4 007 00.
Wo quota lumber , ntn and nhlnglni on :
&ni nl Omaha at tlio following priceo :
under' 821 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00.
TIMBUHS-10 ft. nnd under , ? 22 00.
TIMBKUAND JOIST-18 ft , , $2300 ;
1C ft $2-5 CO , 2 ft. , 827 50 ; 21 ft. , ( ? 27 50.
KKNC1NG No. 1 , 4 acd 0 In. , 822 00 ;
No. 2. 820 UO.
8HKKTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . S1H 50 ; No. 2 , $17 00.
STOCK BOAHDH.-12-ln. D , 82300 ;
2-in , O , 935 00 ; 12-ln. B , * 10 00.
IiIMK I'cr Imrrnl. 91 15 ; bulk po OUR
35o Ccmont , bbl , ? 1 75 , Iowa platter ,
bbl , 82 00. Hair per bu , 35o. Tarred :
felt 100 ll/o. $3 00. Blraw board , 83 CO.
COAIs-Cuuiborlaml blackamllh , 41 2 ;
Morris Hun Blounbwv , 812 ; Wbltebroatit
lump , $ " > \Vhltebitanl ; nut. ! 5 50 ; Iowa <
lump , $5 50 ; Iowa nut ffif/0 ; Kock Urii ] ! C | ,
tj ! Aiithr&Uto , all nl/fc = CIO 5X
Onrt ) llo , fiOs ; Acid , -LnrfcUdVi GOc ; linliani
( /opabla , pet lb , 70c ; Bark , Ba-M.iri.H , per
lb , Me ; Calomel , pur lb , 75o ; C'inchonldia ,
' ler oz , tlibi t'blrroform , per lb , 100 ;
'Jovur's j > owdfr8 , per Ib , 91 40 ; Hp in-- - <
laltx , par lb. 3iu ; Olycerlue , pure , l IT lb ,
38c ; Load , Acetate , pur lo , 24c !
Oil , ' 'aster , Wo. 1 , per ( , PI IB ;
Oil , Cantor , No. 8 , jwr gal , 100 ; Oil ;
Olive , per pnl. Si 50 ; Oil , Oiiganum. EO ,
Opium , 85 tXj ) ( Julnino P. h W. ff U. A. S. ,
par oz , if" ,10 ; Pola-mluui , Iodide , per It
fl ! K ) ; tiatacm , pur < " , 40c ; ilulplmle 11mr
.Murphlnt ; , per ut , $385 ; Sulpnur Hour
ispur Ib , lc ; Btrvthninu , uor cr , UI 35 ,
Mi'rlnounwaa fd , light , 14@lCc ; hcavy.c ,
IHlOc ; inodluiu unwuuhod , light , 18@0
4hhod , choice , SU'c ; fair , BOc ; tnb-dliiff ,
and vSfe ; burry , blackand oattud wool
Hldo > fat * , Cte.
HIDKH-Orecn Imtchtr's hide ,
cured 84c ; hldbu , Krecn eult , part cure
lildcii , 7k ; dry ( lint , sound. ISfcl Icj dry
cr.lf und kip , 12@14c ; dry suit hlileu.Kound ,
; tit > eu call. wt. 8 to 15 Ihs. . lOC : lc ;
ll , wt , undei 8 llu , per nkiii ,
KiejKi , 50 ( < 5C1 25 ; green lambskins , ,
$1 25@lf > 0 : damaged hides , two-third
cut Acored and ouo giub , clu ifd two .
tl.lnlu rate , ) branded hides 10 per ount. oil ,
Coon sldne , No , 1. 45e ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. .1
20 , ; No. 4 , IOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 2
nOc ; No. 3. IBc ; No. 4 , 5c , Fox , No.l
CCr ; No , 2 , 2Ic. Bkuulr , No , 1 , b..l
U ! > o ; uhurt Ktriuo , lOri imnot' slripto
WUM ! n ; < ipu , IOo ' 1/Ulnw / 7o ,
CJfil " 1 * Pave mono ) nuilorj.r iia'tiilrect ' from
Orii- u , wvihliiruupl | | : > by r il at Ui
itiiu-liu fi'Lriil S\UTiiU. . vwliiiMT Olty.iliuh , i
Aii Knlti-o liuccuss.
II has been provul liy thu moi-t r < liable
testimony thut TIIUMAU' KLLUTIIIU OIL in i
au tutlro tucces * in curl R the moit luvct-
rratu CA'frt of r cimutii-m , ntiirilylk , litu.u
bud : , and wntu d ot cmjdetciiptiou
liho I'asbul it
I rend you nu tu'tlinouijl lu tcff rent
lii.OBWil , li.ivliiu Inkou It for
dy pepaiu , andrt-coi Inialiu st ImmedlHe
roll f. I | ut.'ol It to my in Uhtior , who | is
u inK it with HHIIICI lefculls , Piice50 iuut ,
trlul bottle 10 coDtn.
"Kliuira , N , Y
Gonld'n Engineer *
Social Dlfpitch to I'm Il
ST. Louis , September 22. The on *
ginccrn on thn Gould railwnyn west of
Iho _ Alisaimippi river , who wcro in
session licru a few dnys ago , hnvo
nailed tipuu thu general iimnogcr of
IratiBporUhon with n petition okiiifr
roJroaflof oovcral grievances. One of
thoio domniids ia they should bu
p.iicl ( in a pur dietn basis , inntend of
nocording to the miles run , us horulo-
fore. Mr. T.ihnago promised a reply
iix writing. The committco of un-
giticcra nro holding a secret mealing
tii-dny and it ia utulcMlood thnt
Arthur , hund of tlio lirothorhood of
locomotive Kimitiucrs , lm boon telegraphed -
graphed to como hero. The men say
thnt if tho'r ( lumnnds nro ijot coin-
pltud with they will strike , in which
c.isu they a's rt that nil ongiuuara
n oil of the Miissiasippi river , except
ing tliiiso on the Wnbnsh road and
enough to run iniul trains on other
will go out.
Skinny Won.
"Wolls1 Ileultli J4)iiowor" { relitorco
V honlth and vigor , cures Dyspepsia ,
Impotonoc , Soinnl Debility. $1.
You need not bo poor and dependent -
ont on your \vudding dny , for every
person mnlo or fumslo onn get a
gondrouud sum of money at masringe
if lliey hold n certil'ic.Uo of membership -
of OL'dnr Unpids , Iowa. 510,000 haa
already boeu pniil in bonelita to its
membttra , in the nine monthn of the
ftsDuointiona' orgrtiiizittonand there ia
u golden opportunity for thousnndo
mom to ro p even larger bonolita.
Nothini : like it waa uvor known.
DJ not ponlpono Bonding in your
rorjuoit for niroulacs giving full and
J oompl'ti ) information regarding the
I pinna , and opuuratioiiH of the associa
tion. Agents can innku bigger niDniiy
than in utiy other biiHinuta. Il is
strictly honDrablo , pleoMnnt nnd pro-
litublo. The Auditor of Stuto holds
a deposit from the association as pro
scribed by law , for the promotion _ of
their mumbora. The only association
of the kind in exlstonoo organized no-
cording t law. Wrtto at onoo for
otreulara. ' Say where you aaw this
notlco. _ aug311-m
The Law of KmdueM
J universal ; it udxcts all the human fam
ily , nil uiitmnls , and nuy bo even found in
patent mudlclmH. Hiino nro drastic , and
th'upaliont : u oblfh-ed to sulfir palm wurso
than ! the dUuAM ) ; but In CMOS of obstlna'e
coii'tlpatlon , ay | opsla , tliero Is n remedy
cS cR KIND , HJ ijentlu In iti rlfdcts , and yet so
satliinotorr , as BDIIDOCK Bi.yoi ) BITTKIIH ,
Pjico § 1.00.
_ _
Mliiuosot' , Corn.
HjivclU Dlnpatcli to Tun llm
Br. PAUL , September 22. Reports
from all the railroad lines leading out
of the city report moro or less host
for the past two nights. Corn gener
ally ia reported uninjured , except in
low jt j , BWutnpy ground , and even then
the jI damage ia but slight. Thu weather
remains threateningly cold along the
1i' lines 1 , but the crop is so far advanced
AS ' lo bo beyond danyur. The estima
i'i i't ted t yield is very high , bding pluood ut
from i 40 to CO bushola per ucro , sonio
oven going ao far aa to predict an
average of 80 bushels in the lower
iI portion I of thu blato.
V"lt la a great art to do the riht | {
thing ut tlio right timo. " The portion
eubjoct to duraii'0iii"iilof tlio kidnoya
or livur IIUH a protuctivo duty to oer-
form in purchasing a paclmgu of Kid
ney-Wort. It invigorates thceo organs
end by lUcathartioanddiurotic el'i'ct ,
oloiinsus the vrholo system of all * bud
Ilnby'w Warning.
VV'licn bal ) ) lion | ialim ut ilo J cl night ,
Uolliurin ( , lithcrln aplljht ;
Wliinwonnsdoblto , baby mait cry ,
lljcvtr Jt In , lut > muxtUlu.
If crjiiivpiliwklll | Leonora ,
11 taut IIOIH v II in ii ic I MI
Kc > r inotliers Uarn wltliont delay ,
k rurcHliy nix lit anj ill } ' .
for nil dloonsoe of the Kldnoya und
| orcan , oiiALlliiK It to throw oil torpidity and |
Inaction , cUinulatlcc the healthy Bocrollan
of Uiu Jllle.aml by kooplni'tlio bowels In free
condlUon , offooUnic it recular dluchJirire , '
nflviltvlo Ifyouorocull'criuirfrom
Lul cl I d li a iiuUarla , huvo the chllLi , I
'aroWUouJ. dyipcptlo , or connUratcd.Kld. ;
[ lioy-Wort wtllBunlyro'levo < : QttloWyoure. ,
) I u Uii voaaou to clcanuo the 6 jstciu , every I
0110 Bhould take a tbcroucU courvo oflt , ( tl )
Thofu doalrinj ; to make uictry on
nn n-wn'1 ' ami uu uum Intitinunti lu
Vt | trrtl.1 , | irul'.loi < nn I stock D xiiU-
tlo it , c n it j i y op ru'.li tr on out
pU i Kcjiii > l.y J , t-sl.tu il.o pre.
W III' ' ' AT ' " " ' " " " on ln j < l n aunt 313,00
ty 11,00 , M | iCJllU Iuv0 linen
rulzol aud p.xli tj | 'i3torn
ff\rn uii.ouii Jn lococt I Minot t lecrlg-
uiltj ' " * ' 'lni"1' ' ' " , 'till Iv vln ; tin
orvlnil iiiru-tmeut u klu < money
or p jttbiH on ilominj C.xphn.ito-
ty c rcii'arj ami - titt-inciti tl Iun4
; tut v ,
$100 Int oduoj Iho pi Hi Lboralcow-
KLK.Ult'Ml & ME , KIAU.iuBlk
mUibn MeruiuaU , utjir ojj
Tb bust lu tbo vouotrj ; ( or the money.
M. A , JVIcNamara.
No. ai4 8 , Fourtooacb atr-JBt