Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Omaha Bee
rtib'Jsh l every morning , xoept 8nnd y
9i > on-7 Mon y worning d r
e f nr . 510.00 I Three Monlhe.W.Op
| i Month * . 0.00 I Ono . . 1.W
TUB WKSKLY BKS , irablUt < ed T.
TUHM3 Ct > aT 1'ATL ) .
t . * 2.00 I TlireoMor/thn. . M
. . . 1.00 I One . . 20
nr Newn cMcni In the TTnitcd Stated.
, iiltons rslftthiK to New * nd Krlitoiinl mat-
.r nheuM bo wUrewed to the KDJ.TOR o
a-ra nd llctnlttvjcoa should bo < wJ-
Jrewei' , to THE DKI roTttiBiiiHO ( > ) -
f . ! t , OMAHA. DrHlU" , Cticckfl and 1'ort-
ffico Ordets to bo in.via pnynblo to the.
rrfcr l the Companjl
fhfl BEE PUBLlSfilWOD , , Props
tTirry eccond hand Nebraska hsoma
ro noff for sale.
TUB prospect for piving Tontl
> cVroot this year ia dimmer thun n luftt
1 J yoar'a comet.
f it WHEN the political attorneys of thi
> r ilroAdn pool their lsiuc , hones
delegates of the people are
pushed to thu wall.
How Loxn will Dougha county
republicans nubiR'.t to btint ; used ua
cat's paw to drag the railroad che&Uiut
out of the convention firo.
THKUB were moro sore fiends mad
by the Jato republican convcntioi
than can bo her.lud in ten ycnm. A
good many of thnui ate in tlto r ilrca (
cimp. _ _ _ _ _
Jens KHLI.KYV 75,000 Tammnny
rvotcs will bo cart for the doihocratic
ziominee in Noi York tfiinfitll. Th y
will make the contest decidedly doubtful -
ful ,
GUNKUAI , VAN WVOK'H ononvics wil
liavo to take a fresh hold. The fjun
cral will ba on hand in Fremont , am
the Valentine howlers arc not lila-ly
ioiforget it.
Cuuiuni Howe nays ho 1ms been
veil paid by the r.iiiroads for Inn worl
intlieir behalf. The people arc be
ginning io pay him off for his effort
their interests.
lian ordered Gen
Howard to revoke his order forbidding
fiundap-dress piradeo in the dopatt
mont of thu Plalte. Gen. Sherman
should tt-onca bo taken iu hand by
iho salvation army.
_ _ _ 1IKN ? BcrtEU is howling for pivi
flcrvioo reform. Bon's idea oa re
form in iho civil Horvico is closely con
noctcd with e. change in the Massa
ohusetta state houso.
MEAT , the last staple to feel the
drop in the provision market , has
fallen so that a beefsteak is novr a lux
ury that ordinary families can iitlbrc
at loa-st twice a week.
TIIK Pennsylvania railroad company
has began a crusade ngainst base ball
And forbidden the attendance of cm
ployccs at basa ball matches. Five
hundred U. P. and I ) . & M. clerk
rejoice that their linoa have not fallei
in Pennsylvania placos.
Chicago is making pruparatlona on
a largo scale to ship droieod moat to
the eastern markets. Shipments o
meat have up to the present'imo beoi
made on the hoof , seventeen heat
making n car load. Chicago denier
jbaru diioorored that they can mak
nio4 money by shipping dead oarcaio
Instead of Uf o auimalg , the boot being
packed in rofrgrrot"r ! oars which carry
thirty.fivo c Ulo cut up * . J ° l &
uuloUnls io little inoio tbnn for 9 ?
load of llvo aniroah. K tltli oaloUois
are hotly kioklfig against this iunova-
tion upon their banlnosu , but con-
Burners will reap the bcntlU.
k TUB tariff plank in iho railroad odi
ton' platform is unusually thin. It i
i neither flesh , fish nor fowl. It hn'
eTon a reipoctablu utruddlo. Noon
who is not personally interested in th
operation of the present tar ! IT Til
deny that , n ita stands , our system e
Uxatlon on irnporto is indofenuiblc
It is the most complex and velum !
nous system ot oxturior taxation eve
devised. The inventigation of th
tariff commission has shown that it i
not for protection or rovonu
but is an orgauizad grab. C
course American industry inmt b
protected. Th's ' w&s the basis u
whicu the tariff was created. It he
been developed on a basis of indivii
uil greed. In its present form tl
tariff is a job for special interests. ' .
taios the muny for the benefit of tl :
few. It i § maintained and enlarge
by a series cf rings nhtch bind tl
country in u galling chain. Ita opor
tlons have coddled our trat
into artificial condition ui
til our commorcj has vai
iahed from the Boas and gigant
interests which wore nourished as ii
fauU are , still crying for moro pa ;
The tariffnceda to bo eimpliQod ,
neuclH to ba made tcietifio. At pre
out there is leeisoicnco than atealiu
iu it , Fifty per cent , of the artick
now taxed ought to bo placed on tl
too list. This would bo a good bi
giuniug for tariff reform.
The ticket nominated by the rcpub-
icn state convention doia not , * *
whole , commend itself to republfoxus
who arc not owned noul and body by
corporate monopolies. I
The candidate for ( { ovornor , James
W. DAWOS , ia n rAan ot very amall cal-
bro for position of BIIC'I grave re-
White his record ns a steadfast and
alnuneh republic1 ! cannot justly be
Ktsnilcd , hi * record ai a legislator in a
meru blank. His public career has
been that I'f a trading politician who
nerer hcHitatcs to nucrifico principles
or friends for pononal preferment.
On the moat vital usurs that concern
the people Mr. DAwaahas no positive
convictions , and there is * little hope
that ho will differ in his conduct from
his immediate predecessors. Mr.
Diwoa will bo the next governor for
all that , and in many respects ho will
make n better governor than aomo of
thoao who wcro competing for the
The nominee for Lintonant Cover
nor. Mr. A. W. Ageo Ii ns yet , un
known to fame in this state , but ho
comes recommended by thu republi-
canB of Hamilton county , where he
residca , aa n promising young man.
The impression ho created by hio
speech accepting thu nomination is
very favorable.
TJJward P. lloggon , the republican
candidate for secretary of ntato , is the
most competent man that could have
been chosen for the placu. With an
experience of nearly twelve years na
deputy ncerotary of nt&tc , he has ac
quired iv thorough insight into the
duties of the office , and w have no
doubt tiu will fill thu position faith
fully and creditably
L-jrun Claik , candidate foe treas
urer , secured Ilia nomination by fraud
and trickery. Mr. W. B.Vhite , of
Hurl , thu rightful nominee of the con
vention , was counted out by iraec , lly
elmirmnn and diahoncat secretary
after he had fairly been nominated.
A moro j'dangnrous man could not
pombly bo trusted with the ct-to
funds than Loran Chirk. Bin record
an u legislator and public man is that
uf it corrupt jobber nnd unprincipled
knave. Hu hus been for years the
pliant tool of thu monopolies , and
would , as n Btatn officer , do their bid
ing at the public uxponeo on every oc
casion. No honest republican cin
givu ouch n man his support
Mr.Vlichs _ haa been renominctcd
for ftiirti'- 'ak , well-
mea < ko putty
in the hands of the railway managers ,
avd while we cannot accuse him of
downright dishonesty in ofti : e , ho has
been guilty of the moil Criminal neg
lect of duty in assessing the property
of the railroads.
Mr. Isaao Powers , Jr. , was nomi
nated for attorney general in the name
fraudulent manner as Lor/iu Clark.
The rightful nominee of the party ,
Mr. Frank Ilaiiaom , of Oloe , was
counted out by the railroad henchmen
for his benifit.
Aa a lawyer ho hao fair abilities but
aa n public man his record in thu legis
lature will not commend him lo hon
est voters of any party. Olon Ken
dall was , at : might have boon expected
from a convention controlled by job-
born and monopolists , runominatedfor
Lind Commiiaionor , Wo
confidence in the man's integrity and
cannot recommend him aa trustwoithy
to control tilt ) public lands belonging
to our state ,
The ronoininatlou of Mr , Jonfu for
otato superintendent of public instruc
tion was eminently proper , as Mr.
Jouos b thoroughly qutllfiud and has
discharged the duties of his oflicu with
This is our candid and unbiased
opinion of thu respective candidates
< f the republican ticket ,
England lias up tu the prmnt time
boon the chief uotor in Iho military
ottlemtmt ot the Egyptian question.
Surapo will from this tiuio on 'aVo a
und in the final adjustment of the
relations which the conquered terrl
ory is to hold to the continental
lowers. Actual warfare has closed
diplornatio controversy teems jus' '
ibovft to br in. When the Uritisl
ovuriitaont duinundod months ago tin
Banishment of Arabt , und sent id
troop * to Alexandria to punish the in
Btigatora o * the nmiiucro of July
repeated promises were made by Mr
Gladatouo'a govurnuient that vhoi
the authority of the khttdivo had beei
testorcd UaRhml would i uictly re
tire from the country and
K.jypt to work out her own dcatiny
It ia a curious question now vrhethe
tliueo promisoj will bo coiieidere.
binding , An overpowering publi
opinion tit homo demands that the nd
vantages ubUmed by war ahull bo ru
tafned in time of poaco. The niturj
hlj'livray to India , K/ypt in ulto ci
groit impurtauoo in maintaining tha
BUpromacy of the Mediterranean whic
thu possciuioii of Gibriltar , Mnlto an
Cyprus have given to Great Utitain
9'ho land of the Pharaohs is now i
English luuds. Shall they reliuquia
ii ? This is the question which i
puzzliug ilr. G'adttono and eve
whoso bettlemont Europe isiuterestoc
Ituaiia , Turkey , Spain , I < aly au
Franca cash have interests which wi
bo greatly all'ctod by English occt
pation , and a move in that directio
would certainly
17 the Gladstone ministry
tainly be followbd by n call for a conference -
ference of the powers.
What shall be done with Arabi IB
another vexations conundrum. Shall
ho meet the fate of ft rebel or
bo treated as n V'i'one' ot
war. Public opinion in England iis
divided on this point , the London
Timf * donlting the propriety of spar
ing his life , while the Standard de
mands that ho bo treated as a pilriot
general who has tailed in his attempt ,
and ns an honest man , who boldly op
posed himself to English control of
FSttypt , No one doubts that both thu
khuJivo and the sultan were in ejin
pathy with Arabi , and sought through
his instrumentality to throw off the
Hritieh yoke. If Arabi iti n rebel ho
ought to bo punished by the aiiltan
If ho ia to bo disciplined for oppoting
English nrmo , both the sultan and the
khedive ought to bo included , for
both were r.ccrotly in the snino boat.
On either grounds the infliction ol
capital punishment by England vrouli'
bo an outrage without justification in
modern warfare.
Alexander III , has gone toMotoow ,
and , it is rumored , has been crownoc
by stealth in the kremlin where his
ancestors for gonorationo have pub
licly assumed the honora of royally.
The date of the event hnn been car.1
fully coucaalod. The journey wai
made from Gatcchina in the most secret
cret manner. All rnilroaao nnd tola
[ > ruph 1 inert wcro in the hands of the
military , and Jioscow wan made H for
tiCed camp for the purpoio of corona
tion. And tboro , in silence , roysterj
and almost in solitude , cut off from
the subjects bo fears , nnd surroundec
by thu Boldi ra whoso weapons alone
ho trusts , filled with dark recollcc
lions and still moro gloomy forubod
ing * , in hourly fear nnd dauber o
death by the hand of the HSSESS'UI , the
czir of nil thu Ruaaiae has probabh
received the crown and precious unc
tion which will entitle him to n tomb
in the royal vault of the Romaneir. )
when nihilist dynamite shall have ac
compliohcd his translation from thin
world , BU full of trouble even for
princes. It is not even certain ye
that thn czir is to be qualified for bio
ancestral tomb before descending to
it. It is not yet certain whether the
first meuaai/u to be sent from Moscow
upon the raising of thu telegraphic
embargo will announcu the coronation
of the czir or hit a Bassination.
The cose of modern watfaro is so
great it probably dotura nations from
getting into serious troubles , and for
that reason aids in making arbitratiot
popular. Some idea of the expensive
; iieBs oj the bombardment of Aloxsn
dri in July last may bo gsthcrcd from
the cost of each round fired by the
iron-clad fleet. Every round firet
from the 80-ton guns on thoInilexibU
cost $127 CO per gun. The 25-toi
guns , of which thu Alexandria carries
two , the Monarch four , and ihi
Temorairo four , cost Sit5 per routu
per gun. The 18-toa guns , of whicl
the Alexandria carries ten , the Sultan
eight , the Superb Mitooti , and the
Tomorairo four , coat $26.25 per rounc
per tun. The 12-ton gun , of which
the Invincible carries ten , the Mon
arch two , and the Sultan four , cost
818 nor round per gun , Thu Pcnlopo
which alone carries it-ton gum , haa
eight of them , which were dischargee
at * cost of $13.75 per round par gun
I'ho Monarch and the DitU-rrt each
fired ono CA-ton gun , the coat b l > iZ
$8,75 p rt9Und per gun , The Baacoi
Mid tha Oygnol have Cl-pouudoro
oicli , the cost of discharging which wan
$150 per round per gun , The Pen-
lope carries three tO-pouude , the
Beacon -tO-pounders , and the Bit
tern two 40-poundorsf tno 004t of dis
charging wl-j n Vaa § 3 per , , ,4 pfli
H1"1' Tn addition to this them is u
Urn to be calculated for the firing ol
ho emidlor armaments of the Cygnet ,
Jomlor ed Decoy , Besides the dam-
donu to public and private builds -
s in Alexandria by the bombird <
ueiit , Egypt will have an euormoui
) ill to piy for miesih and powdnr cx <
Kiuled by the II.'ot in causing the du
China does not propose to let Japat
deal with Corea alone If these tw (
countriea should ha so unfortunati
an to go to vrar with each other i
would bo h&rd on their iiilmbitantij fo :
a time , but there can bo no doubt tlu
thu result would , ba to hasten thei
civilization nnd dr.kW them into close
communion with European nati-na.
Sunday in to bo observed in Englani
as a day of thanksgiving over the via
tories iu Egypt.
TUB Jltpvllican urges Mr. Turue
to conio iu out of the rain and rejoi ;
the republican party. The digua of
shower which will injure M. K
Turner are not yet visible. Sine
his nomination ho has nu
with no diicuuragemout and th
outcjino of thu state convention i
not likely to lessen his chances c
election in the Third district , Mi
Turner stands upon a platform whic
dow not require explications and i
backed by a record which is abav
criticism. Thcro i * stren ( > tli euoui ;
in these two fno'ors ' for waging a vor
lively campftign , as the Valentin
striker * will fr.d out by the time th
vote * wro counted in Novomber.
RopublioaniBm and Railroad
Boss-ism ,
The True Inwardness of the
Great Btnto Oon-
Bcacdalona Eoramblo for the
Money Bago ,
Regular Noinineeo Fraudu
lently Counted Out.
Balhlnznr * ntid Rowdlcn Htdo
Kouih Shod Oecr thn Konott
Yoomnnry ofthn tttuto.
The republican ttato convention hna
cotno and gone , and thoco who have
read the routine report of the pro
ceedings am still in the dark aa to
some of the exciting incidents and
deep down ( scheming that took place
during the two eventful days uf itu
These who are not veracd in the
mynterioB ol convention packing are
still Mrondccinc why the opera house
was engaged for a troupe on the night
when , the convention was to luvu
been hulclin it , but those who were in
Lincoln sir yfl.ira | jn , whan .1. 0. Cow-
in watt beaten for congress , remember a
trick or two played by the railroad
gauy , who hold the convention four
days bocautu they needed the nighta
for Ing-rolling , button-holing and fix
ing the dolegates.
On Y/udnosday night when the convention -
vontion tint , ovurjthine ; wtia clisoa ,
as THE BKB reported , uid no combi
nation or slnto WIIH vheu pnwiblii
But on Thursday niorniiij ; thti worn-
out pruiiguni , who looked , like they
lutil been pulled through knot-holuti ,
were mellowed down into a tmnafer-
nbln condition. Thn thunblo-rixgors
of the 15. & M. and U. P. had otyan-
JEod a pool and mapped out the work
tor thadifferent atrikcta and hunch-
men. To make BUCCCZI certain many
iKimiisea had to bo made that were
bound to bo broken and the candi
date who wcro to be left out had to
ho duped , up to the last moment , so
that there should bo no kick.
Before the bolls rang for the race
for governor to begin , Dorsey , Alex
ander Dtnamore and Clark , were all
confident they could hold their forces
against Diwes and wear him out after
u > few ballotp. "My intm are stayers
and don't you furnnt it ! " oiid Alex
ander. " 1 bplifvo : I can hold all my
support , " mid Djraey , ' 'but Thuratou
and the U. P. have pone back on
mo and I expect to win on uiy own
hook. "
The break came from the B , & M.
nido of the pool , whoii Copt. Phillips ,
the B. & 31. totvnnite nviu , announced
Lancaster solid for Dawes and 2,000
majority ; The other B. & M. ahucp
followed over the fence in a hurry and
the follows on the Union Pacific line
broke last and made it unanimous.
Although the roilrovl managers had
agreed to couibino us against any r.uti-
monojjoliat , there was deep down a
sohemo on foot in thu U. P. camp to
have Drives , Porsoy and Aloxauder
beat their brains out against each
othnrjtnd upring u now man who wan
a goofl.doal moro on the inside with
the U. jP. than the B. & M. Thura-
tou nud Hcecall purposely scattered
the ODquglun county vote to Chase ,
Hall and Clark , with the design of
tuskinf ; the break at the right mo
ment , But the B & M. crew were
too ouarp , and thyy were out-
thnkod. DJIWOS was tiominatod
long bi/oro Djughs county oould
change her voto. A confidante of
Hr.BixH's , who was very indignant be-
cauao Pouglai coanty was loft out on
governor , let the cat out of the bat'
about Thurston'a deep down plot to
name a governor of his own.
A aorious break in the machine
stale pcourrod in the fight over the
lieutenant governor. Thu U. P. cap
tains hid vl dHad bolh ' .C Cuuicn
Howe and Moreo. But Church llowo
ws to bo thj winning man ,
as they WflOVed that 25,000 innjority
was margin enough even for Church
luwo , But a dark horse by the name
f Ageo jumped from under the cover
and cariiod oft" thu HUta'pUakes.
Jlitirch Ilowo waa shearing mad and
iluraa was decidedly indignant over
ho troacliory of Thuretrm & Co. , who
md led him into an umbutcado to bo
The Lancaster troop scored another
brilliant victory by c.Mryiug llus-gen
through , over Vftl'n preferred candi
date , C.ipt. Butler. These little con
flicts within the railroad pool got up o
ccoas oarao on Thursday a truce was
called by the bossea and an order waa
jl ven that no more cross-tiring wai to
Uo allotted.
The convention re-assembled at
2:30 : and the bugle Bounded for the
< lit over the Btato treaaury. In this
tight all the energy of the U. P. striken
and bulUlccera was concentrated upon
Loran Clark. There wrro also on hand
the moat notorious legislative jobber *
and money sharks. They all wanted
u hand in the etato treasury and no
body could bo used well as Loran
Clark. Way in the back-grounc
were aliu the confidential
men of the great political bank thai
wants to tend Jo , Millard to the U ,
8. senate , At the outset there wen
half a dcaan competitors in this contes
but it narrowed down toward the cm
toV. . B. Whitt' , o ! Burt cjunty , an'
Loran Clark. By that time the ex
citouu'iit lira * inteneii. 1.e hoiui
had neon packed by a U. P. and Na
tioual bank lobby , who scamped thei
feet , yelled and shouted so that then
was a perfect pandemonium.
During the morninu balloting , thi
regular secretary , Michael , callei
back urery volu and the count wa
k pt pretty straight , but in tin
afternoon the con pirator , who wen
bound to foist the monopoly tool
upon the party , had Brad Slaughte
put in as teller , Brad has achieved i
good deal of reputation as a falaiGci
of roords and ballots and was fit foi
the work ho was called upon to per
form. Wl'on the chances from Tom
lln , Fisher and 0. 0. WJiite were or
dorod to W. B. White , of Burt , and
i became evident thar White had the
nomination , the Loran OUrk crowd
became perfectly furious. They stamp
ed , hooted , ytlled nnd hissed ,
Chairman OrigRS , who * as < v fi
match in trickery for Brad Slaughter ,
dccUrcd that Cl rk had recoivei 219 ,
White 20C nnd E irly 0 ( Orira from
the C.'atk ' crowd , "dcclaro the result , "
and ahouta of "thain ? , " 'fiand , "
from all patts of the hnune. ) Tlit
ch. ir was n kcd how 428 dele aten
pouU owl -JlH Vtci , S'auahter ' whis
pbr J to tli'jlAlC | and thu chair cor-
ruclud himsvlt by saying that Whitu
liad rtnly received 201 vote ; , nnd
therefore hedcclnrrd Clark duly nom
InntedAH a matter of fact , thoec
who kept a olnso tally Bay
White had received 218 votes , 3 more
than wai necepnnry totiominnte , Clark
204 and Early G. But the fraud w.u
cotisunmi.utd. In epito of protest
OUrk was declared duly nominated
No decent or honest m.m would ac
ccpt a nomination obtained through
suchshamefultrickerr. Those who w * re
present during this exciting scramble
sny it waa the most disgraceful thing
that ever took placj at any political
convention in Nebraska.
The struggle over the oflico of attor
ney general was a repetition of the
same tactics. There isn't the shadow
of n doubt in the mind of any un
biased person that FrAiik Hansom was
nominated , but Griggs without an
nouncing the vote and while the
chaugen were still going on , declarer !
Isaic Powers nominated , and the
crowd of bull-dozers whooped and
yelled , without giving a charicu oven
to uncertain the result of the ballot.
By this time it was dusk. A re
quest from Mr. Box d was rosd that
the operahouao bo vacated at once
for the evening perform tnce. A
largo number of delegates , mixioun to
got home , had alnudy Ittt their
Auiidul the general disorder of the
jamming nnd pushing crowd , the nee-
retary was aktd to read the resolu
tions , which had been concoclud by
Church Howe , C.vspor Yost , Charles
Gere and four or five other railroad
henchmen. The restlutions wcru
read in haste and voted throughunder
whip and spur.
Thu tail end of the resolutions in
cluded an endorsement ot Weaver and
Valentine , which were tacked on as a
pjrt of thu platfoun in spite of a live
ly protest from delegates whoso voices
were drowned by the jolla nnd ehoutf >
of the rowdies on the floor and in the
The fraud and the farce concluded
by throwing a eop to Unisaybyap
pointing him chairman of tlio btate
central cammittee , thus compelling
him to organise victory for the treach
erous crowd that had sold him out
This closed the so-crflied republican
Btato convention , which in reality wts
a rnob composed in great part of rail
road attorneys , and hired bulldozers
for whom proxies had been bought
from delegates who couldn't afford to
go. This was literally trub oven o {
the Djuglas county delegation where
Thurston , Yost , Charlie G e n and
aaveral others held proxies. E R.
A ( Jliinaman his jint harvested a crop
nf excellent stager on Mi-rcod riycr , CaJl-
M.icter Werner , of Atlantic , Iowa , is not
yet fuir years oU , but hevclghn 4tO
.Tu mho ii the largest clepliant in the CIT-
llleett world. The measurement ( f bis
COM wbfn outfpread IB uftecn feet , ar.d lie
cm reach upward twfntaix feet with bU
Th * epap-bntk tree of C' ' He is on trial la
San Francisco , and BO far prnnihen well.
The niiporto.l btrk IH piefo-ied to animal
snap tiy thu Mexican pDjiuhtlon anil In
woo en mlllp , on Recount of iUiupetior
baa a cannibal in tlte form
of u mulatto uuro i < lr ) , whose chief iff ligbt
U ti bury her teth in the tender flerh of
the infanta intrusted to lur care. She In *
\tieii \ nivtn a chance to gnaw the baa of
the jiil for twenty < Uyp.
A citrlom dmiblo piae trco h growing
ne ° r the line of Orei'n nud J ck ou coun
tlCH , illrtei ippl. Two < 1hilnct truck * ,
ubuut tweuty feet auart , ri'o from tbo
groun'l and unite thirty feet above , form
ing one solid trunlc , round and symmetri
Mr , Joseph Baler , of Lancaster , ! ' . ,
bai a tomato th t ue&aares 17 inches in
clrcumff rcncu , 0 Inchon in diameter , and
weighs 2 | pouaJg. Fpnr { 9mat e very
nenriy J rae s tbrjj,4 j ftrpwn on
. . Name HUlk , and tbo united weight if
lionveislOjpounds. . 1'hty are if the
. ' * tereon vhriety.
The Sutr.i Tuouel , now completed , dla-
clmrfcj oO , 000,000 gallons of hot water
daily from Comstock loiiicn. This water
i.-vs a temperature of 105 ° . and in convey
ed through n c'.ottcl pine flume to prevent
hotecapo of vapor. After a p-soaso nf
'xur milei tliroush the Grit tunnel it la-en
70 ° ofh-nt , A teoonl tunn > ) , 1 , 100 feet
out' ant tu open water-way K mile mi'l a
jalf low , con tuct the wnter to Oaiion
river Aloni , ' Ita court o are hot-water hntbn
an J laundries end a plan is on loot , to con
duct the but wattr thtxmph | ipea under
{ round , to bo miiln itvallable f > r purp i > > < <
it inflation ami lor tuppljiuK artidcial
licitt tu hol-hotuej.
Anew Netiuchadf.f'i'r U confine I In
the jail ntl ) ) > leu nnu.-lV. lie ISA 1-r/e ,
poreerful Gi-.mau trnCip. When the
turnkey tnok him a dinner of bread , iiuut
uiid8ouihethrew | it in the jlver'dfauoultb
a cuifce , and eniJ , "Taat'n tin dimie/j
biinj mo aoiiieihiiis' lit to'iat btin < mu
omo urasn , " When it wa < .i1i > overed that
ho would tnt uothiiiK the jillur thought he
nfrtded txen-le unit Jet him out into the
jail v rd.heu he ei suir.e ra j row.
log tbeie rrulUieil an exclamation of do-
liKUt , foil on Mi kcci'H and b pn 0 cat
tbo tirosi by the baiidfull. This with
tnillt foruu bis only foi. Ho caya thut
the Ljrd coinm udcd him to eat Kr.ifb ,
Ho fcujn grace before and after e/ery meal
ai.d pra > 8 fttquently in a strange ay ,
The "stinging t re" of Que-nsUud in r
luxurlonn ebru ) > , ple&tiog to the tye but
ilaugeroui lo the touch. It grown from
two or thrve inchta to tenor filtcf n ftet It
bight , and emit * a disagreeable odor ,
Sky * a traveler : ' 'Sometime * uhlle shoot
liV imVeys iu tha ecrul * . I hare entiiel )
forgotten I bo etinging-tren till I wai waned
ed of ita cloie proximity bir iU rmell , am
bate often found inyiclf la a little fureai
of them 1 wa only 01 c * ttung and thai
> cr * lightly. It * tftVcti ! re curioui > ; ii
leMfdiio mark , but the p in I < u ddtn
io ; &ud for imnt'iJ afterward the pail
when toushed ii t nder in winy ueUlur ,
or when it p-U uvt in w hl g , etc. 1
have uen a man who treU oritlna y put
lightly ri'll ' on tht > ground ia agony uftei
U-loR stuu , and I UUV3 linonua hurse M
couipltte y mad alter Rtttiu ? into n g-ovi
of th trcui that ha ru hcd oi > r.uiorilhei
at e\ery one who approached him and hat
to be hot. UOI.M. whea etuog , will rusl
about nhlningc plteouily , biling piecei
from the ufl cted p rt.
lionford't Aold J'UotpUatB
Du. 0 , O. OLMSTKAD , llilwau
kee , Wis. , says : "I use several but
tlea in my family , annually , aa 'lorn
onade1 ; I prize it highly. "
Houses ,
Bavit'.ful bullillnt ; fltcB ontSlieimnn Mount
tlDth street ) nouth of Poopluton'n und J. J
lirown's rE ldcni.t the tract hcloiij ; ! ' to Son *
tor P&ddoek lor BO mauy > cara Iwlnp
85 j feoi tvcet Itontacrc on the axcnuf ,
by fr'Ci 3W to C > CO feet In depth.
running oaetuartl lei tli-j um > ha & St. P. > ul U. H
Will neil In strips cf M ( eet ui inoro t'onU e on
tbeartnuo with lull deptn to the lailron * , 1li
ull the above uu about any term ? that purcho-ut
umydoniru. To inrtlca ho vi 111 aun-o to build
liouioscootlnfffSlSnO and up tmln will ml ulth
out t.ny pi > cnont iJcwn f or ciio j cor , and 0 to U-
qual annnil injiutnts thoitiltur tt 7 ptr cem
luUrtet. lo parttci wljcilu not Inlonil liaprav
Inc Imuioilla'ci } n 1)1 ) 5.11 for 'no jlxthdo n scd
t > equal , nnual | u-menta thoroattvr at 7 per cent
Cholco l torn block In Smith's addition at weet
end of r'urnam at ret1 tvill ulio an ) kagth ol
tlnio required at 7 l' ' r eoi > Intira t.
AU > n tiplendl I ID fu.r block In Smith's addi
tion on r ojo liberal tcr no lorcilif ] ; .
o ZK. Hill lot on near 20th
ho SOI , Ia : on 1S1U etroft near Paul , 1220.
No 0 ? , Lot.30ii > 0 fcot on ICtb urcet , mar
iNo 21)9 ) , Ono quart r acra Burt ttroet , ncai
Duttou ( )0.
No 297 , Two loti on Clondo near Irons street ,
KIO and * 300 each.
NO .W , Two lota en Georgia near U'chlgac
rcct , KliOvj.
NoM5. Tweho choice residence Iot9 on Haul- )
tS'j struct In Snlnn't ) ddlt'on ' , flno anil eighth
i.0 to g&u tach.
No 294 , Bcautilul ball lot on St. Marj'a ar-
tiiuo , SUxISO fuet , . Uhhop CUrk don's and
iOth street , flCCO
Ho .U2 , fho clolce lota ou Parlc avenue , 60i
160 each , on struct ril way , # 800 each.
Ko 9lSls loto Iu ililUrd & Cud well's addition
Avanuu bear i'oppletou'i ) , ? 3COto
No 2c , Choice lota on Pari avenue and Rtroel
ar line on nitd to Park , $150 to 9IOJO each.
f.o285 , Elcu'U lota on Ueca'ur and Irene
otructe , near Saunders ttrset , 376 to 8160 each
Na 82 , Lot on lUtll near Paul n'.rcat , 1760.
No 81. Lot C6xUU f&etncar at. ll.ry'g avenue ,
and 20th street , S1600.
No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene eUcct , J32ft.
No V78 , Kor Ion on Colawell , ns3rlunden
ctreet , 8500 each.
o 376 , tal oa CUntoa strcoi , near shot tower ,
No 27S , Four lots on McLUlan ctrcet , Dwr
Clondo , Rnjjan'a addition , t'J-5 u h ,
No 274 , Three Iot4 nour ncu caune : miki
No t68. ! OcautUul corner ct.r lot on Calif panic
s'rcet , opposite ndc4Jululn ) { Haercd Heart Con
vent grounds , $10 0.
Nestle , UotonMa-on , n ir tstherreet , J1.S50
In "Credit r'oncl ir"and " '
100 ou > < "Grand View'
addltIoiBjU8t south-east ot t. I" and I ) . A M
allroad epota , ranging from ilW toylOOOewli
and on eany U'rins.
Beautiful lte ldene Lots ut n bargain very
handy to cho | lixno tMO i'icl > , .pcr cnt dov.u
nd ,1 per con t per month , ( inland get plat und
ull | > artlcular
Mo2At ) , riulccrnar lot on Jt > ncv , Near 16tb
gtroet , $3,000.
No25J , 'j wo lots on Center atree' , near Cum
in ; etrett , ftOO lor both orKOJ each.
No 291 } , Lot on Seward , nuir Kin ; ttr l ,
soi13 ! , IlaJI lot < in Dodge , i.iur llth ttr'n >
No 217 , Four beautiful incidence lota oeai
Crrlhtoo [ ( or will t parato ) 53.000.
No 2il ) , 'ivo 1:18 on Center , near Oumlcg
it eetIOO ctr.1.
No iltJ ) , L.-'onUiho , our Cummi ; ttrett
, otl5 ! , Bc-atllul corner acrw lot onCumlnj.
near Dutt > < -trtet , ni&r now Convent o ! tic tea
Uiait , SI.60Q
No. Ut , Lot on Farnam , near 18th ttrcut ,
No 13 , Lot 61 b } 1 on Co lego it * t ,
near St. Mary V acnur , 1-700.
No 211 , Lot on IVtrujm , near iaih itrcil ,
i-CCIO , I nteebyM foot 0.1 South nenuo ,
near Mason lrt-ot , ; c.0 ,
, coriwr lloa Burt , nwr Sid itri > t
S'O.'EGS. jconiu litt 01 HHDOV , nat Jub.
treet , ( will cut It unJfVO.
ho. 23t , Lot OU UouElu ti'.utt , Lrir 25 tb ,
No. 32 , Let on 111 troet , loot FutrtliS ,
No. 2J7Two Iot cnDocitur'noar Irong tl/tet ,
'JOO ' racli.
r.o as. Lot 113 by ill ( cot on Sh ( "iu an
mn.Oflth ftieit ) , nea ( Jrnct , Si 500 , tvillillUdc.
NoJJU , Lot iaitlmt oa lA > d u , t-c r 13th
reef luako an oflir.
.VoiiiT , LotoniSrJ nctrCtarr , 1500.
No 21tt , Lot on Ilanillton nur King , ? rOO.
No i-'J , Lot on liftfj Dtroit , ucar Mcbolai
liOO ,
NoJ07 , Twolotsea 10th , mar Pacific ilnvl ,
.So vOI , Dottlrul r i' 'cnro ' lot ou
strict , no Curalnj ; , $ 00.
No 1'JJi Lota on Ittli gttK't , crar I'Urco.
WOO.No 1031 , Lota on H auden Birttt , n r Stw.
ord tuOU.
Na 1H } > Two btj uu ZM , ouar Oiuii ttrtwt ,
( SCO.
SCO.hoiy ilVo lotk on 17th mrtst , uear vrblti
IcaJorim , 81,050.
N Ibxi ; One ( ult block l u lot ) , nwvr the
bamiiu , 4100.
Nolui , Lot < oo Tarkrr , wtrwit , nctr lu-nr
WJ ,
.Vo US' Two Ut ou Caw , near V'lat ttrv l
( hit ! < .il : c ) . W.O'J ' j.
o 1M > , Lot on Plur ii"r Sewnrd , K IQ.
No j7ulx > t on ticl&e utrvet , neir 14tii ; mike
o3 r.
f < o 184 , HK iot > ou t'.srnam , Dear Vilh ttm l
ka IW , Pull lo < U en 2Mh itrrwt , uettnco
JcUiC. nitthreoloU iu UU aidltiou , uwtr
tUDiliiy and Ciikiiua ttrwU , t2OuO ,
No 127ot on loin tru t , ne&r whl4 out
ho 122 , 123il32fect ( i lotl , on 18th stietl ,
cear i'oppleton't , 81,600.
Nell ) , Thirty half aualoU Inil lard & Oil-
dwell addition * oa Itocruiau avenue , prln aud
rxTjlDj * Htrceta , near tb * cud ot giion itrtd
car track , } 3 to 41,300 each.
ot on Chlti neat Ktie t ,
No BJ , I it on Cildwe1. ! atruel , nn
Na M , Corner lj ca riiuleo , L < ar S > und
oenstrett , .00
No76 ,'jclOo , ceor gta mrxt
KotO , UhUen lot * oa ilrt KA. SSd and
daucdert ntrcxi , utr QtMe aiid'ti-uuJur * truil
bridxr , (500 each
Ho 6 , Ona fourth block ( ISOxlU feet ) , na
thoOnvaiit ol Poor Ciilio , oa lUiullloa etice
ft l.e ead of the ltd street cai Uac < . U , <
Lot ho f , en llttcy ttieol , tear 9 tb ttieit
No 3 , Lot on C-ill'ornU ltre t , nctr Kd ; make
Noi , Lot ou Cau itrtet , noarTaanty-accood ,
Real Estftlo Agency ,
16th ADO uoaigaa Streeto.
P'rom Iba Ikton OloK ]
Antrt. KtUort f
The abore l < * eooJ UkeMst of Itrs. Lyd ! * R. Mnt * .
him , ot IOTIUI , U&u. , "ho alxirc nil other Imiruui twine *
y be troth folly called the * Dear Friend of tVamMi , "
as roroe cf her corrr iixmdf nU love to call her. Bha
Ii icalou ly derotcd to her woi IT , which Ii Iho outcoml
ot A HfMtudy , and Li obliged la keep tli tad/
L tant3 , to help her antire rthe larpo coin ft * ndcne *
liicli dally pour * In uj > on her , each tearing II rpeclal
bitnUn ot luffrrlnR , or Joy nt release from It. Jtn
VoRatable Compound l a medicine tor rood and not
Til ] * irpoK * . 1 hare iwrsonally InicillfttM H and
atnuatlitled of th truth of thl * .
Oil account of In t f ' < n-rrltK. It Is rcoomm'ndod.
andi'tT ' crlb dbyi1ieb"tpliy6lclan In the country.
Ono KVSI "H worts Ilka a charm nnd M\es much
pain. It Mill euro entirely Itio wort fonn of falling
of Iho ukrus LcuoorrlicNH Im ulir and painful
llert5tiu&tlonnllOviulanTroubles , Inflammation and
Ulccrntl > n , Floodlne * , H DIsjilAccintnti nnlthoron.
[ uent fplnal wcakncw , and IJ nrwcUlly tulaptid to
tbeChiiiBOOfUfo. "
It pcrmcaU. * every portion of the iiyrtcm , and irlTct
now life and Tlcor. 11 nmoic faintncw , IHtultntr ,
ttrojfl all cmtlng for stlmulfuit , and rcl ! < * rc w < k-
ncof the ftotrmoli. It furca Blontlnfr , Headaches ,
Kcrrous Prostration , Gcn < ml Debility , blctiilf-wnflw.
Depression and Indirection. Tluit fueling of bearing
down , canting pain , weight and bacVaclie , ! alwayi
permanently cured Ity lts1iH < \ It will at all times , and
nndir all clrcumstanoos , act In harmony Kith the Uw
that Rorcrns th fenialo ryrlcm.
II cosu only $1. per bottle or nix for 3. , and Is told by
dnigultU. Any oivlco rcqulnd aa tu c | < cclil COK-F , and
thn names ot ininy who bare boon rcttornl t o perfect
health by the Lroof the V RfttfttloCoin [ ounJ , cvmb *
obtained lya.lJrcsslncMre.11. , lth tUrapfor reply ,
at her homo In Lynn , Mis * .
For Kidney Complaint of rft rncx thLt compon nd It
nn urpaao < l iu abundant tOAtbiionliilg ithonr.
"Mrs. I'lnLliamNUTcrrillJ , " raja ono writer , "ar
t * > c bett In tht tcorld for the ruro of. Con tlpaliotv
rJlUoiiKiieEJ nnd Torpidity ot the llrcr. Her Illood
ItirllcruorLji tvocden In Ita rpccial line and t/di tilr
to cqnil tl o Conir > Jnd In Ita popularity.
All must rrdpr it her as wi An cl cf Itcrcy nhcno KoU
ambition Li tu deiced to clhcri.
Are acknowledged to bo the
best by all who have put them
to a practical tost.
Piercy & Bratod ,
fli'50'R4ll fk' IS" 101 If rt
C SPECHT , - - Proprietor ,
1 12 Harney St. - Omrlia , Nob.
Tin , Iror. tiad blam Beefing ,
Speoht's i'jmutt Motalio BityligUW
Patent Aojiatod lUtohot JJ-ir
end Utf.ckbt Shulving. I p.m
the ger.unil ngcut ( or the
on' > ve Hoe of goods.
ado , Verart1i.JlCfTUe n
nsa , Window unit fjollnr
"Dyathor KB of tre uattu-I
which ip\uri tin ) opciol'n | i > | . lh-o tl-n and
nu rlilnn. anil b > n e rc'ul app'l an n ot thr
fne irop rtm ' ( nulalco > l Uicoi , IIr
K pi h.inp , iijixl mr triAKf n la" I a uJIU
dot ot ly n'ii < l l > < v iaio vhc- ay mt-i
in < ny luvv ( 'rctnr. ' tl i < It I b.v thi juilicl u <
IU9 I euih aitlclri ol diet that a o intltut'cn '
i > ) t gr dab l > HitlD tin 11 rlrJiisencuKb
to r-fU. iv r unJcicvtdUiaaa , Uui itUi
of tubllo tmlidu-iftra rt nt\ug \ r uiiU Ui ready
to utUcLhitiur tr-uro I- a ak tioli t. W
mvy fh-anc na j n l.t.l kla't lj brnplnir our-
, che-i wcl ( ortlfliil ul h ] iuiu bl od aim a prop ,
erlt nouil-hul tn < ce , ' Uhl H r Ic i.autt
Mi le riiiily : | ullb bolllnr u U r or milk. Bold
Intlniouly ( ) > aiullli ) IVtlid
Homceopiithlc CticrniMtn ,
i-tuauV'.it-wiy Jxindon , Ktuland.
Samuel D , Davis & Co , , . -
Washinpton Avo. and Fifth St.
mpoitod acdDomtatit.
Iin eat tolaotiun inTr > wu
Prloce to fc'utt Evorrbody
Troci u DoLUir Uovo io 60-
Schroter Becnt's