D THE DAILY BEE-V-01VUJ1A SATUKDA * ' , SEPTEMBER 23 POU THKI DrontninR of Thoe. Ah , fair white ( AC' * , I ted th(0 In ft drenrr Ate rntldo ; you thine out like r * , tiir Amid the stimloiviSRIIP , and dim , nni f r , The k * < tf.c t faca tot In ( ha hurnlnhc gleam Of Mut'tnuche 1 hair ) Ihojttnilo" , wiftfu ninuth , As red ni jms'ioii flowers I ) m in lh- Buiith ; Thogren , duik tyea btltn full nf fianihro llldit , Llkn the f ft 1 glory of nn wittitnn tkyj A dark MIC ! hroo HDJ ; an Ilia thotiKlit of To fouin loot ronlvhcn llfo is drifting by. 1 toe th'o in n , tranceof drentnftil hllirot ; T 'VAlk into the iriUtn tint ithade the land ) I strive to chip Dice with impassioned , And , lol abrokcn Illy in my ImaM. A ftraUmh cloth with tufted nutfncols revived. Now Mlvor bracelet * nrn tnttdj in exact Imitation of the handcuff worn by crind nils. nils.Thi Thi fnnhionidilo linen c liar in n ntand * Ing military hand with n viuo uf imhioid. cry near the edge. Shrimp pink , * trnw ! < erry rod nnd clce. trio liluo velvet 1-ows nro worn at the neck with linen cell irn. VoUotlrjo dre e < prombe lo t o nbly worn this wiuttr , ns rivala to tailor- innilc cloth costumes. I ] > lllnck nnd white wool , tnwn M dhcp hcnl'd rheck , jin.nmeslolnuoiyp jjiulnr fahrio fur I rldeJ CJHIIIII cb. fl Tlo : nowcit ptnliroidcrcd Mitixrcs | for tl.c neck luvo n nlle htvii on tin ) mli < \\ithit vine i f embroidery nho\o the hem Venerable whltohMrrd IICRIO HfrvAnln are n new "cr 7o" in New York nmniu fainlliffl who live largely on their pedigree. CimtaltnuB , mirnh-mr l ! < iw , ) oppitM , and nx'pye ( lat lt < n nro the tnott fn hini- ! rib H flower * for trimming full round hiis of dnikRtraw. The lat ot nirclty In outMdo KArrncntn h the frock coat , cttt d < mble-hr nHted In maiiullno Minpe , nnd pravldod with n neriet of useful pockelR , A largo whlto il'ivo rcrchcd on the left nMoof thehatlanfiuihlnnnhl'itrliniiiint ; foi autumn liHlR for > oung women. Smaller blrdn nro uned for tur nun. Iltndiome "Unman" nnd ' Kgyptinn" liens , daRti' , jowi led hntidn , and bno let , truilo In the Unit' d Htttef , nro n proml * ncnt feature of millinery and cloak garni- tura thin noaeon , HtuHar jncko'd of cloth , trimmed with braid or with nnrruw s mt ichp , nro the wr.pi to lo worn by younij ulrln ilmin the autumn. Shnrtcr culot Imtquen with high military colhr will bo worn ixa paita of iiotic Small caitotui of whlto or tinted tatin , coruilulcly | Uivcrvd with puft Unify whliu dttricli tlpi" , lire worn. Tln-y rtro v iy pre'tvnnil Ijcoinlng to youthful latllna For thdrolilorn t'je c.-nno ffith'on ' In hljck , bronze , brown , garnet , uud inrk ! green in much .iill'iueil , Itlhhon , In velvet , unite , or satin , la worn in r < i\t piofn iun on drt'SBOs nnd mantlei a < Hi > b r , Hut IIOWH for ( ( raping nctrfunnil tiiuiw , piiillini | howj , Boattcr- oil nv r Ilimtiioi iiinl pnflingM , and IOOPH pendant over klllingx , Hp | curing mld foldn ol lacp , o ) as ttlgei to huilice nnd tunic. Flowem nrn bnnWio 1 from inillineiy , mnd ftatOLta f f uvt-ry kind nro to bo worn Cuck'n lentl.ers will ha mtulu to hervo in orn-hiiQtul UUJH , bjth fur hat * i.nj bon * not" , whllo tropical plnmngo of coarlec , yelloiv , end bluish green uill irliove thti eomiiru browimhailm of the tyllti ) part- rldjo and pho n.mt foatlioru. The Lngllth wallting coutu of hunterV grtcu , admiral blur , mastic , or nmbtr colored cloth , foil nod with ullk oard' , uud b&rndelx > urgR or frogH , aio moro thnu ever the fashion thi * te.wun. Tlieio clilc-hidk- 1 2 coits nrtf infinitely moro bt coining to rjrrtfeful hgurcu than n ctpo , dolman , or nhoit vlcite , netting off the form to line aJ- vantage. " The greitcr number of mantles and wiap thin toaxun ere nhortor than thoeo of lakl year , or obu longer lu front niul shorter / . I'no baoV , to a < l\dt \ / / which : denprin CTiVlliUCtl u iFvuBcta with , h really roqulreii to niiip. | . > rt the fullnnii IncrcnbiDg ilraprries of tlio Hlilrt. Bitiu velvet , broche , und mnteliinie are ( julto the niott ftHhtouable mantlcj for autu un num- tlon , thcno being IrimmcJ with ftitl ruche * . qullliu8. ; catciuloi nf hlnck laoo , jetted or plalu , und ribbon'iow8of moire or entln. Thick , soft , all v/ool EerccH In heavy dii- tlntt twill uro lirnught out thh nutiinin Iti dark ( -tyllnh clotli o ilors , olive anil 1-uirel ron , ruby , nc.ihlcu ie , garnet , putty oolor , royal hltie , tro > l hruwn , nnd In many ahiwlcn of gray. An attr < c Ive material al o for the tomnn i wool futet'ii , a fine fabric , corresponding In the cotton fmtoen worn all Hummer , hut much moro durable anil nppropiiato to the cooler unnther. It answer * the same purpose ns ca.hmote , but hai moro body und n HJiooth oatin like aurfaco. PBPPHRMINT DBUP3. Seventy milliondlonn ( of whisky ni nually conburuiid In the United Stutes , which uccounta for the hlgb Cunt ol clove * and liurut coffee. "Telegraph blue" In a new color. It In the uliutle ot H man's face when he pcti a dUpttch from hit broker asking for more again. lloitoa Commercial lUillotln , Tha London World has stntUtlcn to prove that lawynru have leui tlckneia aa H ela s than phjutcionn , Imtai anollnet phy IcUna can get their modlclnoj for ube fifty per icut elf , Frei 1'rem. About the moot discouraging thine that can happen to a man i to be doing ; the haml oiiui thing in keeping ahead ot u croti bull , aud hml , on reaching the fcnct ) , tb > t It liof barlxil wire. An Iowa man wan fined If 10 for nonce * ing u tviimun'K thumb. "At that rate,1 obnervvR the Wilmington New , ' uolio 1y but a mlllloimltn uould nIT id to put un rm iround her waUt. " -Thtrn are n iw about 2,1 0 dllfercut dlv. eai.u.4 and every jer the utrnln on u elnglo putentniBHiolnii hennne lunler JIH ! lnrj erM thu uittdiuUia attii'U ' up mitufully and promUu-i to cure them all. There In , after all. KOrntthluk- a mine 'lUniil. ! * ! ! , " \VnhlnBt n Territory , U thunniHl liy immigrants , ilestrted by ut tlem aad gtncrallv d > nul odall bccaiua lU Iiulmn hone thlovex Were ouce lungec on tie u oU A p r oti with an interrogative mind auk the editor of n ipjrtlng papyri "How many card * nro thiro In a puckV Th deoenilK , we h.ive hcar.l , upon thu numb the plier h u up hit elceve. You can' always m metliilc * ijenerftlly tell how mun cardo thure ure lu a pack. NonUtjw Her. hi. It Wai the funeral of the hea > l of th family , no the utory goeu. A neighbor Ii the church > ard , while thu nervier wa going on inside , was ipcaklng of the du c a td. and took the opwrtuully to oh nerve. In n tu D of iiubilurd I'nupith ' "And he had Just got h ! < coul AM ! iiotato for tbaInter , H U a bud lose. " A Ki'f't ' nt the table of a hoarding bone on tlui Oitsllll inuuutlion , who wuauuou an we ed , In a tJU > l iron t < no ot vet o , "hu II you'll have i > little imtleuco I'll vend waiter to look ttiniugh the mouto trap um ue. Uottou "You nay that you were preiaut whc my ton wan klll J ? ' ilil on Arkoiunv ( ; oi tleuiau tu a man who had ju t urrivtd fret Oolur-ulo , "Yei , tir , 1 wa nru > ent , "How did the upht ootui ! " "WtH , vo kte , > our ton and a M ow got Into a dii puto mil thu filloir struck your BOO with . ' rjuirt l ittl of whltky , fracturing hU oka and tllifm ; him UKtautly. " "Struck hit wlthabottUuf wlilf ! : ? ! AVull , nlucu th pHir boy ) m 1 to illo , I'm K\M\ \ \ that he dlei a rntnral dwth. " Arkan w Trnvtkr. A man In lowt has Invented a new fai > . lining for her n colltirn , It is lucky that the hort ' cill ir HOM not funten to a but- tnn In tlif Wk f tiU M Irt , lucitno II it < ll 1 , ju IfilnR from ImtiBn experience , win n It llo v i.T ( ultcr lie Imd broUoti hU thumb mil trying to crowd it lute n now 1m ion liolo , ho would ] n t Hot the ntttrini' out of atlj thing hi. wai liitctied to , otcn U it ivn "A freight car. Uoflon CommtrJiil llullctin. A tiiwi Item elates Hint " * n Ohio farm er "wlio pturteil for n neighbor' * t < i bortow seine ma'chen , db nit deicntecn veam a o , ia Jiift j ; t Ii o * . " When titlRhbun live so farnptrt , U wmlil pavu lima to result t < > the primitive tnetli'i'l ' of priKluclntr fire lij rubbing a couple of plccen of u oed toget' er. .lint fancy the tliouxhti of tliat matiV wife M bo nut In tha ( lurk , night nfif r ilchl , f ruevenOeniiar * , waiting for her unbuild to ictuinl Morn than oncohhe mpttlentlv excKlmed , ' Wbatke | H .Tohn , itiyliowl He miut have gone In t lilna for hem nmlchcM ' Norilituwn Ho aid. Death nnd Ute Oh ilcntb ! hnw B I ct tha tlinuglit Tlmt thin world'n utrllo IIIIK ei ; rint all w frarttl mid all \vo nought In ono dicmle p are bleuilcl. Vo moro the an nMi of to day To wait tlio ( InrfcfTiiMirrow ; Vi more etcru c. ll lode or my , To brood o'er fin and eorrox/ . ) h , dcnthl how ile-r the Imps That thioueh the thickest xhadc , icyond the nttpp nnd niuiU HI rlope , Our ticasured fturo U luld. 'ho loved , the in' timed , thn honoro < l ddid 'I h it lon'-lv [ fitli h ae trod , Vrul tint ratlin pnth ivi > ton aiuat tiend To Lu with the ii ctul (2 id , ( ) llffil lliou nrt trio wrrt ; Thou brenTliVt tha frKr nt brctth ) f tlio ) wlimti ovtn thu hopn to niuot Can chtcr the gate of douth. Ala h llio ncone their proxcuco lighted ; Itaovrry hour uiul pluco B with dear thought of thorn united , IrridLte with tliclrgtr.ee. 'hrrn Ha tlio duttcH Hinall and great Which no fiom them Inliarit ; Mieru FpiliiK the .iluii that lead Is To tholr coloiltal splril. Ml Klorloui thlnc , or ( .ecu or KcarJ , Kor luvo or jmtlco douc , 'lioliol.ltil [ deed , thii cnnoblliii ; worJ , ly thii ) puor lifu uro wjn. 0 life ami doiithl Ilkoday and night , Youi giinrdinn tai-k combine ; 'illar ul darknvxH and of light , Lad tlirou > > h eartliV xtmm till btijht ILUVCII'M dawn nlinll tliino ! [ Ala tnlllaVd A MUftlOAL AN1J DHAMATIO. The AHco Oitcs Opera oinpiny Uhcour- og I'euuaylvitnla. Kdllh Hlnud , a popular J ugltch uctrasx , In Now Ydrk City. Julinnn S-rau < i > , with hid oichcstra , will u coucort tour of Italy. yonl's Comlo Ojiera c < mpnuy is I "Tho Merry War" nt Hall liiioro. Mine. Sculchl , thu f.unoiiH contralto , hau loen oii aoil ; ; by Uotonel Mupknoii. Strniua' uexv uticr.t.renrtiun Night ? , " dll not bo ready for production bufmo ituuary nuxt , MatiKlloId. > v IiOiilon vnmliiit nnd coruo- ! nu of tbu Krcd-tiiok AI icu .b Order , will ; ipaar in New York in October. Minnlo Hauk i < at Oobuig on iuvitatinn : tliu C ! i und Uuko Knirt , muilyiiiK' the irincip u pirt of KII 0,11 rj from ln.i pin. MUa Ucrtrii'lo ' Klllott Ii the iiainn of a tew htar wlm wilt make her debut October U , She vi ill ottaut ShaUoDpoaiuHii rolen. 'Jho datH of Jimp. Niln-oii'u farowell' oncort in Albert Hall , Ijjn-'uu , id Octtj. ir 12. Slio HuIU fur Now York end > o The tenor Mlerzwlnekt will rfecolvo 1,1 ( jO n nlKht , tha eaiuo HUUI us ' . .tli. Sol a loittt nay the French paptrn , ' which bu IUH incpliol. _ During Madmno AIodjj ku'ii srason in . . Vr < ! uu o Mr. > V4hV "JiianS , " a poetlcul nuil powerful ) > lay , which , buuevcr , fallud to "catch on" lu Iluntletta Uakor baa been rngiKe.l for alviui'rf ciimpauy. Adele ISel aide , Vir- ; InU Uiiclmnun uiid All u Uiker will play lie female rolea m BupK ) > rt of the tra v. Ian , Lawrence Uurctt received a cablo.-rnm looiiif ; tilt uontract for bin enys cintnt laxt .June nt JJiury Line theater , Ii lulnu. lo will probably take IVjtili Jiuica with ilm. ilm.Herr Herr llirnay. tha CJcrniau tragedian , In uuclor loulract to Mr Carl Hcrmiim to ppear t the Tlulla theater , Now Yoifc , arly in January , uud ut the clu a of tliut Dgein-iit | hu will mitko n prufemicuul our uf the United StatcH , Ihickingbum , who Ii aihcrtined as "the modt beuullful woman in Auicr- oa , " Is to make her London dubut , an ilnzeppa , at Abtlty'n , and try tu revive .he faded glotlej ) of Adahl4ici .Menken , ruin ii another blow at the United States. It ID beyund question that Mlia Thunbjr ucceoded admirably in Kurope , and baa irovod herself ouo of the groa'utt of con cert tlngerR , She denurvea well the com pliment that Uounod pti I her fter she ang bla " < Vyo MurU : " "VoujcUs larelna uiuiactiloo du ctiautl" After next euiiunor Vienna will Imvo tha loner of pofliuBSUH ; all but oue of tha oullug vocaliiitt who "created" the ( urta a " 1'uralful" at Ueyrouth on July 26. .frau Matertm ami HoirricaiU are tbero already , whllo Witikolumuu aud Uriah- maim luvo obtained I'oriuanent cngaRO- ueuw , Ma'leine ' Tlioo it petite , but p'unip anil rxOiditigly prcttv , and Ixovoifliiwlngwitli unlinul kplrita. II or ditnoauur U clurin- UK. Slio appeared at her litut perform. uico to bo uuiler the iutlutmce nf iiuunu I alf.reetruint , ai though fearlnr * ahu inijilit ilfclid the iiimat fiiiueptlhiutitu of tlio AnieiioiU pub ic , tst\ertheloi4 ! , her per. 'oniuncd WUN full of clilo und u huuicd nuhite. limb , tlio tcofnt lo ymng L-lui of lv varU , can not riulurn to uttund n pi ty or opera union i ho ulono conatiluUu the on * itreiudlouai , A bhort tiuie i-l , ' " ho wmi iiidulKlng thU ctraukro ti to ut the Ojurt theater. Munich , when he fell ttnloep , in the midst of the play. Hero wai a dilemma. The pUy could nut p onvlth the atidlpnco tuUep ! al d n tbmly durod ro himnordaroii the for no notor * n UK- meat leaxv their pUcen , f r four of Mt di * . pleanurr , should h chauco tu BWalsen and. tieuly. Oae iiupa'leut i.ctrc s throw u cluir acroM the xtuye with a cntah , and nu actor repeated n\orjl : lliifu nf lit purt In ati'iittirleu tuiiei. but ( till UH ki i ; slept ( Hi , Thin eterythiu ; wan ut u it nd > till Inr ueteral lunirn , iiuiil , ncxv inoinliiK' , the kln' < nwoke , mid the wearloil -torn li the ploy ju.t in time fur brcakfaat. HDUOATIONAL. 'Hie larcwit nnUe.tity in tba world la Otfnnl. InOnf.ird , llogl nd. It cous'ala ' Ut t * PDty-i ! > o oollfk ii and fiva lull * . Ox. ford waa the neat of learning In the time of UiUard the I'oufeKMir , It dniuu to hat e teen loumled by Alfieit. Kich child In the publio schools cf At- laulalilmtiu'tedut annual cost of 89. IlKtwmttt Uajhera rtceUo from 8100 tu Sl.JCOajear , nnd tie culurnl tfaehcm froml50 to M60. The c.lmel wliool * he been pUrea uudcr the exclusive charge of the luteen colon d teacher * , ami the plan work a admirably. , The Han Kr nd : o school burd in tak- iiiBuclion for HiuxUiup tlm dintlno Ion l.otneen the primary teachei'n talaiyunil thatp id to the i.rat mer teachtra. It I. beKln ji to lo icvgnlrsd e\frtwber that a bltih ilrivo of xpil ure ami n . tur&l ability a * well art ) requited from the tcM.hT wlio RVC Iho fir t Inspiration to the mind All thnrullith fin I fmcce fuT t" ) cbpri will agree in the asfrti n that the competent Instruction < > l thu rc tle B anil limited primaiy clas-tn demand * u vreattr exp'nd'turo ' nf nervous energy nnd intollectiiHl ingenuity thau i < ailled lor I ) } ' ihb hijlitr grade * . 'I' c Mmning Call or San l''rancl'cc > a < lvlie < the hoard toaboln ! nil dirtimtiorn of nlary bated Uunthe | uraJe uf cl.vrn * t light Iliat American | i rcnt < arc educating their tlnl Irtn t > bo Id en 1 the complain * of the Hilton Herald. "Nut Ion * ign , " 11 ay * , ' it uan oliown that I ha drift f iep- inntntitive ichiKils 11 lo ton and Qulucy WAS in the ( Iliootlon ( if occupUIoim whLli nro bejoii'l the ratk of the common I botcr , beyond the ihnitt nf common In. dintrien. None ot the b > y % none of the Kltl , expected loroilly wuik lorn living. Thry were to do wh t mas nice nnd gen- toe ) , but not to foil their hatuR not to wear overalls or scrub fl xiri : not , in short , to do anithiug th.it did not belong to u uperlor rice. Untl theory thing aboxe everytt Ingeli In our education n recng. ni > > u to be the training < f the character ; until hone t dealing with ft child' * intel lectual nnd mor 1 llfeU mid fundamental In unr eiiuc Hun ; un II we cm lent c ntcnt with Ihs lilting of o ildrtn for the placjin llfo for whicn OIK ! eti'lmtlv Intt-tided them , we fhall not li ve Ink' n the criminal elem nt out of our dtlumHorml system. " Superintendent Uutton , of the Now Il.ivon rohnolr , htd Ixsttc-d a "courxaof study pMiinhlot" In which le.cher * of all gradei ar urged lo recognize the import ance of mural training ai n pn ptr pirt of emulation , and to In.'o no op | > ortmiity of nlvirjff iiiHt'UGtlon tliat miy tend to Im prove ti e dlxpoiltlon nod character of niu. pita , lly the new courne of atiuly nil nil pcnwnal interest In liulividnil pupils nnd o ttending to their hnincH IK rrconmicnded. Not only uro fiultnto bi ! icprcood butdit- poiltlons am to bo curreettd. I n thin man ner tlio mind may ha fortified against vice and wrong. Clc.inlincfuoii the part of the children , an troll ai the duty of teaching than 11 properly care for their instruction bockr , etc , h rcconimeiidcil , Teae-hcrs may nUu teach chccHu'neskindncM acd polltenrM by prattlilng thoia quilitleit thcitmelvv ! ) , Il.irsh v.-or.is or threat ! are uot to bo utt-rrd. The following ure some of the topic * upon which lemons may oo- ci'ionally lu given : Conduct at homo , on the street nnd in puUlu plact * . Tlio vulun and beauty of politeness. Ueipect for aupctio/u and for the ngoil , Truthfulness Necessity of nolf-control in temper , in oath ) ' , drinking , etc. Pitulcnce In Ite me of money. I'ropriety and neatness In dru > K. I'owornf hnhlt infom in the u-o of tobc > o nnd intoxicating drinks. The great benorit3 of good coinpiny nnd good hook * . Halation of the employers to the employed , 1'ubllo spirit nnd patriotism. Mr. Tennyson 11 ttjlnjr to have tha sa- Inontt on thu Ttlo of Wight clnerd on Sun- Air. Tennyson should frcl that npt every man cm remember to luvo It filled baturduy night. In n western loan the other day a young limn was hhiit ut , but the b.tll lodged In u 'otument which was in hi * vc > t-DocVot Theru ought to bo beiutiful m'ral to thin incident , tail unfoiInnately the fact remilim that if ha had been rvivlint : the tefrtiment he would havu beep killed. Whnii down the Him in npludor smkH , The firtllien do glow ; Tlio evening hUr with bender blinks , At music frombehiw. The ru e world' * s-umls , hoard in the day Are growing fn.nt . .ind dim ; Uitt.Jiarkt whiu it that rouudelnj ? 'Tii the muermitVa livinn. Now York Commercial. A publlo Sunday performance in Limn , l.V'iu , last month consUted of a terrific h'rjiitj otwctn two bulldogs and alz large r i h chut were nhut up together In a ca e. Ttytj sport rumn oil In ouo of the publla > iU'irLv ' , und wan witnessed byalnrgo inul- { Undo , ho on joyed it , by way of variety , niHcli moro tln.n a bull fluht. Mont of the apectutots hud been to church in the morn ing. ing.There There is Rnnietbim ; Inexpressibly sad nbnut the bottUn picked up at ea with niPi-8ae ; telling of bhiiiwrcck and misery. What pictures tboy call up of lonely H lilnrs. helpless and going down to dentil in the pitiless o.oau , no ray of brine to I Ujjht tl o md cctie , only ono ln > t ritj f ut njiuir. ' Up nt Big Ueud on Lake Erie an empty beer Lottie was foand trie other day in tlio beii.-b , whl'h ' contained the follow. i.g incs < ngf : "The Warren fishing party mi just finished its lant bottle of beer ind hence bua stopped fUaiug , " Sad , sad udeod , There is a church in Michigan which Im been itnul ; by llglitnltg a dozen timcunnd now whenever luoprcachtrshmvs ei > ; tn ( > f getting lung windol and | auslng from his "neveuthly" to hl "eighthly" the i-lyly imitator the sound of approaching preaching ihtiader on the pedals. The way tlint preai bar driven into the "conclusion" and ruslus lluoiuli it and starts the doxology - elegy U a CiUti n. The congregation would not part with that organist for a million dollars The Milwaukee Sun describes an amus ing scene ut one of the churches in that city on n recent Sunday. During the vaca tion meason the neat * had been newly var nished and ucro tenilile htlcky. When you pull anything off of uticky varnlab it tracks The audleme had all got seated , when the minister got up to RVO ! out the hymn , und as tha basement ef tils trou era let loose of the vnriinh of his chair there was a noiio like the killing of a tly on the wall with a palm leaf fan. The minister looked around at the choir to see If be waa all present , and if his pauU bad escaped , and read the hymn , Iho choir rose with a sound of revelry , and after tba tenor had awnllowrd a lozenEO and the baes hud coughtd anil the alto bad beamed , and the topmuo had i-hook out her polonaise to see if the varnish hod shotted on the south side , the audit-lice biyan to riao. One or two deacons got up lint , with sounds like picket tiring In the distance on the eve of battle ; and then a few more got up , and the rattling of the unyielding vurnloh mninded as though the tht ) ; ; was becoming moro animated , und then the whole audi ence got on its feet tit once with a sound of ruttlitig n utketry. Thu chair taug "Hold ih Fort.Vlen tha orchestra hud concluded the peopla nit down gin- geily , thottrvi ca uurorhort , and all u cut li'imuprajing ' for the man who had painted thu seats. THE BAD AND WOBTHLESS Are nuvcr imitated or cvunlcrfated , This is especially truu of a family mudlcitio , and it is positlru proof that the rumody imitated is of the Iiighost valtto. As soon ns it had boon tvatod and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest , boat and moat valuable family mudicino on earth , ninny imitations sprung up and began to ateal tlio noticoj in uhlan thu prcaa and people of the country hail oxiiroasod the innrita uf II , UM and in every way trying to Induce atif. furtng invalids to use their atuh" in stead , expecting to make money on the credit and noocl name of H. B. Many othoni startui nostrums put up in timihr style to 11. B. , with van- oucly devised numca in which the word "Hop" or "Htipa" were ueed in a way tu induce peuplu to believe they nero the came as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remudiua or cures , no matter what their style or name is , and repiciully these with the word "Hop" or "Hopa" in their name or in any way coiim'ctod wiih them or their name , are imitations or counterfeits , liuwuro of them , Touch nouo of them U o nothing but genuine Hop 'Hillore ' , with a bunch or cluster of grenn Hups on the wtiito label , Trust notliiiii.tl o. Drngtisls and dealers are wariivd against dealing lu ituitv tionu or couninr/iuts. Tliat's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering h summed up in it. The singular thing about it is , that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease , liver com plaint , consumption , cold , rheumatism.dyspepsia.ovcr- work , nervous debility , &c. Whatever ihc cause , don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as BROWN'S IKON BITTHUS , and it docs this by commencing at the foundation , and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Lojansporl , Ind. Dec. > , it So. 1'cr a lone l'm ' < : I have been a sufferer front stomach and kidney dbeaie. Jly appctltewaierypoor and the very small amount Idiu eat disagreed wlthne. Inaiannojcd very much from non-rttenilon of urine. 1 tried many remcJict v itli no success , until 1 tiled Ilrown's Iron Ditltrj. blncc I used that ny stomach does not holder me tiny. Myappctttelislmplylmmense. My kidney trouble In no more , and my ceneral health Is such , that 1 feel like anew man. After the use of Brown's Iron ISitters for one month , 1 have gained twenty pounds In weight. 0. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS. It has cu/cd others suffering as you arc , and it will cure you. FlRbtlnpr Plro with Flro. This may bo good policy on a bluing prarlu , hut It 111 not matter \\lth the fcrored human sjstcm. Irritat- niiucdlclnc4 cxasjicruto and Intensity all com- ilalnt1) of the stonachor thu lioucln Nu\crtako i drastic c\acuant for Indigestion or constipation. Administer Instead Tarrant'n Seltzer Aperient , which Is at oncon febrifuge , a catlmrttu , nnd an nvlgorant and has a soothing and healing effect ipon the dUonlcrcdlcera. . SOI.l ) BY ALL DUUCaiSTS. OR , The Story of tbe Saving MaoMne , A facnilDUma little p&capb'dt , blao r.J jnlc' o mth uamcroua onnriTlnut , will ha QI W AWAY to oy malt poreaii ci'.llns rci It , ulsuv Ijianct if cao 5co of The Slncor MaDrJactutlngOora * j > ny , or will be tent b } mill , r/att p > ld , ( c tav p nfln llvln ; at dl 'i.uoa Irnoi out offloti" Tbu Slnpr HaniiteottiHiiB Co , , Prlnrfpnt lifloa , 34 UnloD LBU. * , anoua Dtiuur k'roildtml. Vlco Prcs't W. S. DllSDllH , ficc. nJTrma. THE NEBRASKA [ Uf ACTUEfflG CO Lincoln , Neb : MANUFAOTORERS OF Corn Planters , Hrrrowa.Pttrm BollorB Hullir Hay Ktikori , DUCKOC Kiovatlng WlDtltntlls , &o Wo are pm > troil to do Jab work ud nuuuiM 11 r I r , ir ( or other nartlcn. 'tft , it or inra NE3R4BKA MANUFACTU3iSO CO Lincoln N EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most cent rail * Ioc tid hotel In the city. Il"om 75o , $1.00 , St Mand 1100ptnt v. Pint CUiM Uostaurjnt connected wltn the hotel. .HURST. - - Prop. Corner Fourth and Locnet BlrceU. srr * . x.oxTX ( xtoco. ESTABLISHED Mi. SIDBSPniNO ATTACIIMEKT SOT A. J" . SIMPSON LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY U09 and lilt Dodge Btrcot , aug 7-mo Om OMAHA , NEU. THE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY makes a spechlty of Collars & Guffs , AT THE KATE Of Three Cents Each. Work solicited from all over the country , The charge * and return jwstaije must ac company the ( lacUngo. Special rates to large clubs or agencies. a2l.tl ma WILKIN3 Jt B VAN 3. W. BOEHL , Manufacturer uf the NEW IMPROUED AWNING , COU. 14TIIAND HOWARD. Alto does all kinds of maihlnlot and lock KUilth work. I 1' \ raaiaTsrff oai Dyspepsia , u IlUtlDOCnLOOD niTTEKS. If ycu are aRllcUJ with Ililioiuncsn , tuo nURDOOK IILOOU U1TTKRS I j Oil arc prnatrated with elc ! < llcndache , take 11 UK DOCK DtOOI ) IllTTEni. f jour Ilowclt are dlwrJcrid , rifiilAtu them ntth L' oi ) wrrcns f < i > nr Blood 13 mpurc , purity It nlth nunnoci ; ULOOD DITTLKS. lljouhi o Indirection , } our \ \ \ find r.n antHoto n UIIKUOCK ULOOI ) UlTTKRS f 011 are troubled nlth Spring Complalntx , cr- aJIralo them with I10HDOCK niOOI ) UlTTKRy. f jour Llverls torpH , rcstoro It to health * action with _ BIWUOCK I1LOOD DtlTUKS f your LUtr Is adrctcd , 011 will flnd a euro ro tomtlioln UUKDOUK DLOOt ) lit PfEKS. f joulmeanycpccleDofllumcr or Plmjilc , tall tot to take nUltUOCK IILOOI ) IJITTKUH f jou hi\o any symptomii uf Ulccra or Sirodilcne Seres , acurathe remedy Kill bo found In BUHDOCK BLOOD niTTKItS fat Imputing strcnRtli and vltaht > to the 3) 3 tern , nothing cm equal UUIIDOCK nrooD IUTTEIIS. "orNonounandaanirM Debility , tone up the ystcm with UUUDOCK IILOOD BITTEUS Price , 91.00 ooi nettle ; TiU Bottlei 10 Ct FOSTER , HILBUflH , ft Oo , , Props , BUFFALO , M. 3T. Sold at vholeaaln by l h & HcMa'ion and 0. P | oodruan. Jo n ood-mo To Worvous Sufferers THt GREAT tUROPtAM REMCDV. 'Or , J , T3. Biinpson'B Bpocifio I'tlcu lu the n.xk or Side , Aud diectrec * , i * ij . t t that laid tc 3 % $0 $ * inuulty rith woinl , I 'ill ci.cie - _ : ' Co ttl. Wrio tur ( torn ted il r ' Prlci , bpoi-Ifla , Cl.OO pi pc > n- . ijos tor ( T5.00. Aadroos ! I ordtrn tu It. SIM JON MKlUCtm CO Jvoij. Id aud ICO M ln Pt. BuflMo , K Y Sold In Omaha by C V , Qoodmtn , J. AT Bill , t . ! * DR. CLARKE 1351. \ , Oi /Zioouat St St. Louli , la ttlll triut- Ing nil I'taVATK , NLK- VoUS , ontlONIU auJ ? pcbl Diseases , Siortna- | toriliiDa , Inipotcntv ( Sex ual Incapacity ) , t'oaialo Di'casoK , Irregularities , Dlfllcultlcs , etc. iBcni 5cont ( In stamps ) t > p > y express charges on a "valuable work" entitled "Lileoses ot Women , etc. " Work n CHRONIC Di iuar.1 , ono stomp tfaTVIctlme nt Scll-abujo 01 1'rltata Dlscasu , tend Ssiaoip * for CRUKDnAiiiD WORKS on r ( U and 'cxual . Rjimultatlori porscnally or by letter , FREE Consul the old Doctor. THOUHANllS .T7REO. Otllca In quiet. I rlvato , rcoriectable ilacn. You see no one bu' the doctjir. Dr. larkol * the only phjeicliu Inthocli ) Uo w > r a't-i cures or no pay Medicines bent ever- where. Hours , 8 A M In B p. M , JP - KViii ' 'Oii'i t * * ' if * > ti rm rimr. ttNUii } ' * n I lira ytfrt K rfn m . iL Ufti > nnn nt n St 7ou- * if.e ? I'oii4 l4-r i 'Klit ' # rif * tc ItliiitiUi'riui.d ilfcw V ? tyr * r ! ni * rvt Hop Bittftrc. jfj ttn . > Hop O * jcimrryi-jipnliJ dlocruloil or dlifitu Tit 1 ' Btht'lP , 0M ttr I'uunV.rjlirir. . lmrt ff-Itll Of l.VlffUlU' ! . . . . .t on 11 fci'J oc-ji , ul ) cu Hop il Blttur < . Wivret yanorv. f , . Inl n jal. * f r i 11 it u. i s-lri\iMT ; nn i i * nat yi ur Byntem Jlj fern jt K ! jne > ni-n'J 1-nnsii K. ton f. chat . Hi It may /our ITo. It hut cuvocl hun- ( Jrotl > The Great hnglish fiomedy iVo\cr ( ill ) In cm e Venous Doblllty. VI. A ! Eilmustlon , Kmlv iloiifl , Seminal Woak- , BOOD , and M the nlleflccts ol jouth ul rollio and oxcen cs. It utopj pernia antly ftll MOtiii.Ing , nvoluntary Icat B am ) ralnn upon the sys oin.thf Incvltililorc ultol thnjoo iliinc tin * . whicUVroso dcbtruei vo tu mind * i.il l odj end uiaUo llfd nitBerulilc , ott u leading lo ( manl- ty andde-jth It liringtht w the Herve , lraln ! ( ui.iuorx ( IllooJ , Musc-lco , HU the and Ileiro | duttUoOrsrina , Hroitow f > all th nrsmnlc fuuctlna their loruior lj r and \ltaJit ) , ra klnir 11(3 ( chocrtul and tn ojable. Prlco , cJ bottle , or tour tlmf n tl.o qu unity 10. bent b > cxproi , secure trora oie.r\a ton , to any addrt # onrccclntol prlco. No. 0,0. 1 > ecni , e iep' on receipt of ft aj a ( ruara tee , Lcttcri H- cuontliiR aneweri muot Inclose stamp. ' Pil's Dr. Mintie'fl Dandelion are tt i boat and chcarcst djBih > | la and bllllcai cii-o In the market , bold by all dru Uta. Prws 60 cinta. P Uisni ' Krusiir KMDr , Nerwtnw , Cuumll klndol Klilmyand bladder ccmnlalnto. ( fonorrha-t , leot and Itucorrhoa. Kor i Ie uy all . , St. UiuU , Mu. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE K MARK The Orc tmi OB MARK Kji/IUhrum- i'jy AUIUI- fxlllnc CUM lor bcniln&l vVctkkncKn , Qpuriuatcr- rb , Inipot- or.cy , and all SN TASIMB. bclt-A"u cVai iioMotMainory , UnUcrul La a ] tuda , Pain In the luck , Wmncw ol Vl.lon , Pro nituroOld Agf , and uvvi > d u Dljcuas thtl hnd to Ii-uDlty cr Coaiumvttcn nd a I'iciriv turoOriMi. luiTull paitlcul > M lo our | iMnrlJ < t , wulct wo dulro to aend ireo 1 r mall to evtry one f ( bo h'nodflI Medlclng la rold by all dru M atjl iwr iack K , orOpackizca lor t'5 , cr * 11 lw sent free by rctll on rec Ipt ol the money , Dj . , , . . . . . . ' THUQKAY 4BD1CINECO. , Bcffe.10 , H. Y. A tail package of "BLACK-DRAUGHI trve nf charge. ItftxtilenfJrmi , 1'rrutrf \ Jlai ImnilJ'lwfpliomi la palatable futm , 3 \ontnprcnnratlonoflr I that trill not MacJtrn t I trrtJtffo ehnractcHtHf \fithrrtroiljfrrparatlp \ ) lntnym cuwior airnm in nmlicino , I luirn iminil nutllln * To | run the wanltfl thH 1 GKNlLhMhNi ' "I [ .mo ( two. In ei-w of .Vmoni . ITnUratlcn. . . rm ] DUrami. Vr < lt if , and Impot fhrdroSditloilof [ th blondtlilaiwilM Binodj l. .jn ra han.Kiiia. 0 ? "J"J ' \ lh , * > tlcl linve tirltlnd to Uil rn-st ml Incorniiara' > | , ' ' " * lAHtnl K > raB of onr mn < nmlnont pl ni f l.r nr2Ti t'T"1 S ffT ± ilroD > ropOTW I aimeoTortn t Tie Momf A natural liraltlifnl tone In ] thedlgrtlerorann.tnill it annHrnbl ? to Oenrrali Debility , J/om of Appr-\ \ tile , 1'rottratinn rf t'ltal \ J'onvra arM Impotence. dlANUFACTUREO BY THE DR. HAItTJEK MEDICINE CO. . 213 N. MAIN ST. , ST. LOV JOOK-KKRPINO , nUSlKKSS FORMS , UANKtNO. ' COMMERCIAL LAW , PKVUANSllll' , POL1TIOAL ECONOMY , COMMI5RCUL AIUTI1METIO , ENGLISfl LANOUAOKS , Tntiplit by goiitk'inrn of businop.s exorionce ( ; nnd brond to'tr ' > ] : irahip at tlio ' .VYIKIAS GOMMERGIAL COLLEGE , A t oi" U'sti'urion f , 'n-d en the liightet Atatid.ird of I'scollonce. D y nnd nd fvutm ( BTMo'n iir < ii > w in fiuc-o6sful npcrntioti. V'o" chciilHrn nr i eclul luforruotionHl pj ! to or ci A. TJ. WYJVIAN. WUOLBSALU. J Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LA GBtt THAN EVER. } la080Vkl2KKaeI""l ! ! an ; 201 ( mo R. & CO. PERFECTION HEATING AND BAKIKG , Is oulv atUVuit'd by usi ) j { OHARTFR 5 J1 u t ! A1U a. G 'LIs ' Stoves and Hanges. WITH 'VIBE ' GAUZE 07BB DOORS , Kor nr.lo by SOiiS Y . JuU.ro&oU The Oldest Wholesale ana THE LEAKING Retail JEWELRY HOUSE i 3Bin in Omaha. Visitors can here in TDJ : WKST i Gsueral for the find all novelties m SILVER Agents \ Finest and Beat Pianos and VER WAEfi CLOCKS. Orgazis manufactured. Rich and St5'lisli ur prices are as Low as ihe Latest , Moat Aitiftri . Eastern Manufacturer { ind Choicest Selection * , i , , " i ToTaid Organs s PRECIOUS ST01TE3 + -,1 ! fcr cash or ihstalEnents , , . o tl. , , . PJottoui Prices.rj > all aescnpuons oi } v > i , EPLEUTDID stock WATCHES at aa Lo ? ? i > rj ig t einway O h i c k e r i i ces as is compatible WIM * Knabe , "Voae & Son's , honorable dealers. Cad'aaos ' , and oher makes , and see our Elocant K'evv Alao Ciough & Warren , / Store TOWRF Sterling , bnperial , Smitb / , v. , Organs , &c. Do corner llth ajart Farnham not fail ro rjbts us before pur- Streets MAX MEYER & 8RO , : RS OF SHOW c A I large Stock always on Hand. THE Rii WAGON , Q ) - . oC 03 ' 'Every Tub Must Stand Upon its Own Bottom. " And Every 'Wagon Upon its Own Merits. Wo appreciate the above and make our wagona accordingly. IResppctfulh , WINONA WAGON CC V. PARKER > fr ROWERS General Agent * , Qmarm , Nob. X . _ _ _ " d WMtM Bi j ' ' OB BUCCL S-ASr22fAGOH ? ! ? fi/AHUACTUREB / ! | , HORSE-SHOEING GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ 313 and 315 FifteenthStroot , between Uarney and Faruam. .