Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1882, Image 1

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rnr * >
Th ro is no HoTiitf&p ( this oity
where .you can buy k Boots
and Shoes us cheap atf ffip can
at the
Shoes for Pabies ,
Shoes for Lrtdioa ,
klnes for Men ,
Shoes for Women ,
Boots for Boys ,
Bjots for Men ,
and there is no roi&on why you
Blionld suffer lo w.iut o1 B > ots
ana Sl'oe , , ns'on ' as this finr
soib so Cheap ! Cheap 1 ! Gneap ! i
& . Dormann , [
( Successors to Fred lang. )
Grocers -of tie lest ,
Grand Depot of the Celebrated
Vilufqnly fljur tint gives gon-
enlsi'isf.iotion. It makes the
sweetest and lightest bread.
Being Ilia only Powder Irghly
recommended by the most
celebrated chainisis-tWe
Keep It.
California Sugar
Which is pronounced to bo the
purest urtiolo over brought to
this market ,
Best Branches of California
and other fruits ,
lavoring Extracts ,
Limberger and Swiss
Cheese ,
Crockery & Glassware
Tobacco and Cigars ,
Wines and Liquors ,
Claret , Angelica ,
Port , Sheiry.
Cognacs , Ehino Wines ,
all for Medical Uses.
Our Prices beiue always low ,
we ivite you to call.
& Dormann ,
6 , W. Corner of 13th and Jack
son Streets ,
Fifteen Chapters on the Pa&t
and FresDit Policy of
, the Party.
The Bepnb'irans Denounced
UB ilinbndyinff All That
is Devilibb.
The Tesuoo of the * Hour Boldly
Met nod Oquaroly Do-
Mayor Clevoln * d , of Buffalo ,
Nominated With a Roof-
Raiting Hurrah.
The Hilarity of the Half-Shod
Suddenly Ended by
a Fight.
Po.ltlcal Matters at Other Points.
New York Democrats-
Special DlapUch to III * lien.
SYUUCUSK , N. Y. , September 22.
Loslor B.'FuulL , i-r was nelfotcd for
permanent chairman of the dcinn-
cr.itio state convention. The com
mittee on resolutions voted , 18 to 9 ,
to favor frcu o nils. : The committo'- '
on contented cents heard nrgumenta
by representatives of varnma organist-
tions of the city of New York , and ad-
j mrncd to allow the disagreeing
bodies to ai range a bnis fur the sot
tlcment of their difforonccs.
The committee on contested Boats
has just finished Ha Inbbrs. It de
cided to ronort to ho convention to
admit the Now York contesting dole
g.ition on the following basin
County dbmucr.icy 30 , Tauiinnny 24
Irving hall 10.
President Galloway , of the Man
hattan E evaled railroad , js in town ,
and is credited of being in1 the inter-
eat of Congressman Flower for gov
SYUACUHK , September 22. Follow
ing is the platform :
The democracy of Now York in con
vention assembled declare :
Firat : That whereas , the country is
again subjected , by republican malad
ministration , to the nvils and abuses
which t > fllicted it in 1874 ; wo ro aflirm
tho'principles of our pluifurm of that
' year , under which the republican party
wag driven from power and the gov
ernment of the state brought b tck for
a time to the practice of economy and
Sdcond : Wo arraign the republi
can majority in congress for ito
culpable failure in congress to reduce
the amount of jtaxutiou to a sum ouf-
Gcient only for'the legitimate riquiro-
raenta of the government under an
honest and frugal administration ; and
we 'avor auch tariff and fhcal reforms
as shall relieve au overtaxed people
from nil unnecessary burdens and pro"-
vent the accumulation of a fund to
lid luviaheiu p Hiyuto .t lchdsu
and in nuppoit of n horde ot useless
and idle place men. In paiticular wo
proclaim our condemnation of the river
and harbor bill , in which , by multipli
cation and mutual support of obnox
ious provisions , an inttmious measure
purchased ita piasago through con
gress , in disgregard of the limitations
of the constitution and of public
Third ; In ( ho nomination of the
secretary of the treasury for governor
of New York , by which in i ( Let the
candidate for the chief magistracy of
the state was uppointud by thu presi
dent , wo BOO n Ircsh and imprtoaivo
pioof of the dangerous power of pub
ho patronage , and urged by the alarm
ing spectacle wo protest against federal -
oral int rvention in state conventions ,
and repeat our demand of 1831 for
reform and purification of civil norvice ;
and wo are further admonished by
recent experience of republican cor
ruption , of forbidding by punal onuot-
meat the levying of bluctuinil from
dependent ollicoholdcra to promote
the interests of party , which finds no
support in the intelligent and inde
pendent convictions ot the people.
Fourth. NVo hold the present re
publican administration responsible
h r the unrctl'Lsml outrages on our
foreign born fellow citizens ; and wo
demand tor them , when abroad , the
protection to which they arc entitled
in returnfor thiir voluntary allegiance
and which the honor of tin * American
government nq.ires shall be ex
tended to them.
Fifth : Wo charge that in this state
the ropublicati parly has lowered the
Btandiud of publ c eervico by ita local
administration and by the representa
tives it has sent to the two houses of
congress ; that it has undo the state
legislature the limtrument of the
lobby to rob the public and enrich
corporations , Hi.d has refused to ltd
governor runomination which was
due him by custom , because ho dared
to use his vote power to thwart such
purposes , and in disregard of thoio
who sought to control him by the in
fluence of political and moneyed
Sixth : Wo demand the restoration
of the Now York State National
guard to the efficiency of which it hau
been deprived , and which made it
representative of the soldiery spirit
of thu people.
Seventh ; In order to restore our
merchant marine to ita former pros
pertly , wo demand the immediate re
vision and amendment of the laws ro
latlng to dhipplug and carriage of
ocean frclghte.
E'ghth : We favor the adoption by
the next legislature of the resolution
of 1882 , providing an amendment to
the onietitu.1 ion for local eolf govern
mcnt of cities ,
Ninth ; IVinrny elections openly
and honestly conducted , affjrd the
eurett means of securing the most suit
able candidates for public office , thus
best preserving a democratic form of
government ; wo therefore favor the
speedy pamgo of general luwfl pro
viding against fraud and intimidation
at fcuoti elections
Tenth : The public welfare dem&tida
v rlou.i nil wtioiisn luting to chattered
monopiluB nnd nitthodaif tmnspor
tation should bo nut nnd docidtd , RM !
wo are in laver of the adoption ol
iiii-iisutostou'airict thusrowing j.owtr
of such monopolies. Tniy shuuld bo
Rubjvcted to ntuct aupjtvuion of the
comniiBaion now provided by law ; all
unjiut difcrimliiDuotia in tninspoitit *
tion of ( wsamtra nnd moiclundijo
should bi > piohibitvd ; clutges of corp -
p rations which hnvo t.iktu the prop
urty of private citizens for public use
should bo limited to the cost of seivicu ,
with reasonable profit instead of the
mercenary exaction of "all thu trntlio
will boat1 ; the lawa should bo so ro-
vited that taxation may b reduced so us potsiblo and puruoiml and corpo
ra o prnptriy may bo eovcr.tlly com
pelled to pay thuir fair proportion ot
tdl > 8
Kloventh : Wo ppprovo the subinis-
a on to a voio ot tiiu people ijf H con *
stiuuioual amendment in laver of free
canal. ' , and Wb have full _ conlid < nco
that they will diapogo of it in suou a
manner ns to promote all the great
interests of the atato agricultural ,
manufacturing and corniuuicml.
TiVbiftn : NVo ic-nflirm thu policy
always maintuined by the doiuooratic
paity , that it is of tirot imuottance
that labor ohould bo mudu free' ,
healthful , and stcuru just lemuuotk *
tion ; that connct labor uhould ; not
corno into competition \vitk _ "the iu-
duitry of law abiding citizbnt ; that
iho labor of clnldriii ahould bo eur-
roumltd with such Bafugnarda as their
deal h thtir rmlit of uJucaiioii , and
thuir future as Uiefiil muuibers com
muiiity demand ; that woikihops ,
whether largo or umal ) , should bo under -
der such sanitary control UB will in
sure the health and comfort of em
ployed and will protect all against uii-
wholiitomo labor and urroundit > gH ;
thiit labor shall hnvo the same rigli sue
uo capital to c.iiiibiim foritsownprotec
tion , and that nil legislation which
crnniDa industry or which omtbliM the
uotvorful to uppreea the weak nhmild
l repealed ; and to protect the in
terests uf labor wo recommend t o
collection if statistic * and iuform.i-
tion reapiotinr ; impro\omuntt > , neoi B
and abuse ) of the various branches ot
Thirtopnth : Whereas , the founders
of the democratic ) party inciilatod
fnquunt rocurrouco to fundamental
prmeiplea ; the democracy of New
Vork ngaui avovr thmr fidulity ( o
thooo teiieta of tconomy , Bimulicity ,
respect for the liberty of individuals
whioh uharacterized the administrntiou
of the governmunt in the primitive
duja of the republic
Ooii. Pryor , of the committee on
resolutions , reported ho waa inutruct-
od to report the following additional
plank in the platform ind moved its
incorporation therein :
' \Vo also arraign the republican
party lor its wholesale gift of public
lands to railroad jobbers , thus robbing
the mass of tlio puoplo of their right-
lul inheriUnc ? , and wo demand that
so far us possible these Ian da ehull bo
reclaimed and Joservod for occupation
by actual Battlers , and we ri quest dem
ocratic rHoreaentativo from the st.ito
< f New York to ueo their posror to
evcuri ) this great blossfng. "
The convention toi k two ballots for
uovornor. Slocum rf ctivol the high
est numbrr of votes , 08 ; neoassary to
choice , 193. Perry Delmont received
12.On the third ballot there was a
etumuedo fur Grover Cleveland , led
by John Kelly and the entire Tarn
many delegation , and ho secured a
sufficient number of votes to bo nonii
natod. Several delegations changed
their votes , however , und amid great
excitement a motion for a now roll
call waa adopted. On the next ballot ,
however , Cleveland was nominated.
He is mayor of UnfTilo.
Fourth ballot Clovtland 211 , Slo
cum ICG Flower 15 ; total vote 382.
f ho chair announced , amid the great
est onthusiaem , the nominee i < f the
convention for covornor was Grovur
Cleveland. Tlio band played nnd thu
delegates cheered to thu tcho , and the
nomination was inude unanimous.
The grand opera houf.o bring en
gaged for the uvrniiw , thu c inven
tion adjourned to ShukiHpeard hall.
The ticket comp otcd IB in follows ;
Lit utenant uovurnor , Divid B. Hill ,
mayor of Elmtra ; congresamin-at-
large , Gdn. llonryV. . Slocum ; judge
of thu court of appeals , Willium 0.
During the BCKsion to-night a dis-
putt ) an-an bjtnoun Anthony Birrotc ,
of Brooklyn , and Gunornl Pryor ,
which culminated m Pryor'a olriking
BUFFALO , September 22. The dom-
omcratio cluba repaired after parading
the cify , 1o the hoad.iurlora | , where
Mayor (3 uvuland , in answer to loud
calls , Bpil | < ( ) as follows :
"My FUIKNDH ; I am euro there will
bo nothinir for ma to do in this cum-
piign ic'a wo have just entered
upoi. , 'ch will so appeal to my feel
mgj u\U about which I will have to
take so much care as in nildrcesinc
you this evening , and I must bo care
ful of what I say ,
I can't but remember to-night the
time when I canto into your midst ,
friundlcai , unknown and poor. I can.
not but romeinbar how , step by stop.
by the encouragement of my good
follow citizens , I have gone on to ro-
csivo moro of their appreciation than
ia my iluj , until I have been honored
with nuro d stinction perhaps than I
deserve. The position of mayor of
this creat and proud oity ouvltt to b )
enough to natiafy the inofltainb lious
iThe poflitlcn cf nnyor , backed and
supported aa it is by every good citi
zen , I am sure should ratisfy any mui ,
and [ t would teun ulmos , , grasping
to with for higher honor. The
promise of the future that ii
bdfore mo , if fully realized , is some
what saddened and dimmed by the re
flection that , if carried out , I shall
have to leave my good friends of Buf
falo to enter upon another sphere of
action , Bear in mind , gentlemen ,
that whatever may como iu the f utuco ,
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the E ntire West are Invited
to yisit the Mammoth Establish ent owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
ST. crossIFIH : ,
The Hriqhlest Lighted , Best Appointed Jobbing House iu Amoriet , containing the
arijest Stock of Dry Uoods and Notions west of the Mississippi. Solo inimufiwturor *
of the celebrated
McDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and CoUonada Paats ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely 1 he best Goods in the-Marf et and at
[ j _ 35&J ° fij. .
&J > r 13
Western Merchant can more than save their expensps a visit to this Mammoth stoiok be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , vis
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for""Samples. The most careful at'ention given to orders , and satisfac-
x tion guaranteed , Remember
B. L. MCDONALD & COM st. Joseph , MO ,
the pnoplo of I\uirilo sn.1 all tlnjii
kindnt'fa to mo w' ) ! hnvo n > place hi
my grateful heart. T > o event of UK
diiy , goutlemeii , ia an event whioh np
punla to the h cal pride of UH r.ll , and 1
should bo too vain if I d'd not fully
appreciate the fact that this splci.'Hd
ovation ia not altogether on account'i : '
pcmonal pruferunco. ' * *
You are hero to support the cause ,
t'w great cauno , and while yon may
fully appreciate that a fellow citizen cf
yours is to bear alofc thu standard of
dtnnocwcy in thiti campaign , you arc
to remember tint ho in atandurd
bearer in a ciuso that is d : r to the
people and 111 which all their intcrotita
arc involvf d ; you are to support him
because you struggle for principle
holy principle A principle the ascen
dency of which will bruit ; huppineen ,
peace and pn.aperi'y to th * peoplo.
The Dufftlo Express , unti stalwart ,
supports the nomination warmly.
National GrombuchXabo/ors.
Sprclnl LiHmtch | to Tlio lieu.
Nfcw YOKK , Septombt-r 22. The
county committee of the naiionftl
greenback labor parly selected Jiihn
\V. Franldin , jirtflidont of the briclo
laera * union , for mayor.
P0nnhylvnutfi JuLUpondonlj * sl
Spociil Disjulcli to Tin UKK.
OiLCiTV , Sopttmibur 22. Tlio cam
paign of the independent republicans
waa opened here to-night. Our largo
opera houco waa crowded with ti re
Bpootablo and an unusually intelligent
Special Ulai ulcbtb to Tils UEK.
ALKXANDIUA , September 22. Ab-
derahman Jtouchdi Hey , a Maltese
renegade and minister ot finance in
Arabi'a last mimutry , has been ap
pointed by the khcdivo president of
the commission to prosecute instia- ( ;
tors of the outregcs hero in June.
POUT SAID , September 22. The
English hiivo abandoned the earih-
works they urectcd und the marines
have ro-ombarked.
LONDON , September 22. The exhi
bition building at Sydney , at New
South Walcnhao been totally destroyed
by lire with all its contents.
OAIUO , Suptcmbur 22. Arab ! Pasha
and hm uccomplices , military and civil ,
will be tried by court martial , Thu
oflicials and troops of Soudan and up-
p r Egypt will prufTer 'ojality to the
Kliedivo. Thirty prisoners iif war es
caped from the Citadel by a rope ,
Abdollah Pusha'a nuijotiationa rela
tive to the surrender of Damiottii are
regarded , as intondrd , only to gain
time , lie is reported to be ntrougth.
oiling the fortification. It ia said
a uin that Abdollah is willing to aur-
ronUer , but the black troops refuse.
It is believed that the Egyptians are
iitiHii MANUPAirruiiEe.
DUBLIN , September 22. E. Dwyer
Qrey has written Major Diweon ro-
gardint ; the development of Irish
manufactures. Uo advisen an exhibi
tion in 1883 , and the formation of an
association to push the salua of Irish
manufacturer. Ho also advocates
Irish exhibitions iu the United States
and suggests the United States should
modify the taiiflfin favor of Irish pro
ST , PfcTEKSBUita , September 22.
The speech of tno governor of KitfT
against the Jews is taken as a signal
by the peasants and minor ofliciala in
the provinces for renewal of hottilites
against the Israelites.
vr.bTuuurivi : riue.
LONDON , Soptembur 22. The lots
by the dtatruc.ion of the Sydney ex
hibition building is $500,000.
ALEXANUIIU , Sapt. 22 , Princes
Ibrohmn , llamid and , who
signed the petition prepared by Arabi
Piiuha , ] st May , for the deposition of
the khedive , arrived to-day to pay ro-
si ) ots to him. Thu khrdive declined
to receive tiii'in. They wnro ordered
to quit tliu pklaco directly.
AIlUfhTKI * Y. < \ \ I'OlUIKlir.
Br.Ldu.viO ! , Sapti'in or 22 , The
president uf the l.'at Skupticcl'inn was
nrrestcd on the c'largo ' bcin im
plicated in forgeries of ttquieitionn in
the last war.
No Imraedli > to Danffor of u Rupture
of tLo fjtoul UIUH- .
BlXMloJ Il3t tch to Tlik IIIR. S
Uniuioo , September 2J Uupro-
sontutuuj tl the Uhicio ( ; * < t Nurih-
woatern , Ohioi o , Mtlwuukoo A St.
Paul , Chicago , llurlii gtou & 'Q'lincy ' '
nrt Ulncigo , Hook Island , t ficitio
railruadn met Hgain to-day anil signed
the ugreemcnl made jcntcrria ) , , thua
averting the threatened war to iiortli-
western points. The aurt-omonis , pn
imsscngor trnflio is to maintain ratpi
Tne Rock IJund road ta allowed A p
issue to Bhip'pora only , a special tia,1 ,
at a rate iqualizing it with th ' $20 !
tliouBand-niile tickotp , < if thuNonht , < est-
iurn alid St. Paul roads. Thuagruemunt
I , ' { ocs into < tlVot October 7 , to b&j one
tyCtr. The Mi'- ; > ti n ; . . [ ' / P Paul'
I fond waa admitied to the lovnipool oil
equal terms with the other four. A
freight traflld URreeinont f or in Union-
unco of rates was nlao signed by the
oompaiiicn. The minor details of the
Bohcdulea will not bo completed for
srmio days. Froluht agouts of the
agreeing roadu will meet in MilwAU-
koi > , Mondiy , for the put pare of tak
ing the mutter up. These .wroomonls
cover not only trufllo to St. I'.iul and
Minneapolis , but to all northwostcrn
Aiiollinr * Wrook.
Sptc'il ' tu Tun Him
HONDKAN , Oit. , September 22.
The S'utmt'r Pialon of the Quintu
Bay Nnviuaiiun'a omnpanj'H linu , co-
ini ; up light fromToronto , wontaohnro
ut Hondeun IViint , Wudnoidiiy , and is
iv iotul wreck. She Im.i been mnninu
bdtweun I'ort Dilhouaio and Toronto ,
but goini ! "l > run bottveen Uwen Bound
and S < tult StiMariuon ) the line where
the Asia was wrecked. She hud no
| MSBonu < < r and was valued at $ .20,000 ;
insured $10,000.
A Bf of C rrylu [ ; Compauy-
Snclil | DiHi4tch | to Tim llm.
OniUAdo , tSuptumbur 22. A com
pany to bu known us the Texas Con
tinental Transportation company , to
ung4uo in carrying drt'osed butf in
refrigerator curs from the bodf raieing
country of the routhwust , wan formed
here to-day. Im operations will be
confined to the IluntliiKton system of
raiUaH , with Cheeapt-ako and Ohio a
its eastern outlet , mid the Southern
IVciliu as the western. The said
company hua the backing of the cattle
raisers and ahippor of the southwest.
On the 20th inst , , at the nmdenco
of thy brido'a parents , by Hev. El-
drod , pastor of the Episcopal Congre
gation at Norfolk , Mr. 8. P. Puikor
to Miss Kitio lloyhr , both of Piotoo ,
Neb.After a bountiful supper , enjoyed
by the assembled guests , the undo
and groom departed for Norfolk to
start on a short tour ,
Mr. Parker , recently from New
Yoik etate , is at protent a traveling
representative of TUB UKK , The
bride la the daughter of the proprietor
of the Valley house at that place. All
with the contracting parties u happy
and protperous vnyugu through life ,
- & Tlio wonders of modern chem
istry are apparent in the beautiful
Dmmond Dyes. All kinds and coloro
of Ink can bo made from them.
Buokhn'a Arnica Bulve.
The ] tuHT BALVK In the world fcr CuU ,
lirulbuHorrn , Ulccrr , bait Hlieuui , Fe
ver Kotei , Tetter , Chtjnicd Handx , Cbll
blamn , Curna , ami all uklu enintluiiB , and
pjnitUely cure * > llti. It U guar.mieod to
K\\U \ natibfactfuu k i in. aey r lundtxl.
Price , 25 coutv per ci. rfor tUe bykO. [
V. Uoodiuau
Feveral Lives Suddoiily Eiidoil
lj ) Railway and PiBtol.
Dealnictivo OollJHionof Trame
in n Tjnnol on the N. Y.
& N. H. Roud.
Tha Hot Sprinija Horni-t De
prived of Irn Stiii ; . ; by
Whllo Another ArcciTi r\xr Sorilio
i * 'Xhoroii Uly Puuohtd by n
5r uohor.
Ttio Minor Grades of Crimo.
Arlrannan AiTraytr *
1 Dtapkich to lint UK ,
.LITTLE ROCK , September 22. In
Hot' ' Springs this morning Cbns.
Mattho < vs , editpfof-.The Hornet , WM
hVt fout 'nitt ' 'rti4'killed } hvan'tfiVar
with Ool.'Wi8 > v fATin siUUafcflf ,
the St. Liuia end Texio narrow itauRo
ruilwny , and Col. Uticf * ouu of thu pro-
| irietnrs of the Arlington hotel , It-it
not known ivhuther Fordyco nr Kufrg
fired thu fatal shot. Thu trouble grow
out of a bitter newspaper controversy
over licit niriirn.
The Hut Springs npecial to the
O.izutto gives the following pirticiilarn
of this moriiinu'B tragedy ; "At 11 : . ' ! ( )
this forenoon the trouble which has
buon brewing between Ohiirlos Mat
thews , editor of the ILrnut , and the
proprietor of the A lington llouso ,
oiilminatod inn bloody tragedyrunul'-
ing in the death outright of Mitthows ,
and Bi'rioiiB wounding of D C Ilium.
About the hour mentioned , Coloin 1 S.
W. Forflyco and Huge were goiim up
the street und met Matthowu ut thu
news Btiind opposite the I'.ihicu b.ith
hoiiso Fordycu nccottod M.xtthowa .
nnd naked why , in addition to pursuing
him for yuurr , ho n fleeted on
his family during his abiovce ,
having rnffrmico to an nrticlo in
which Matthbvvtt spoke of the Arling
ton gang having gone to Mammoth
oivo to batch como nohome , the per-
tons going being Mrs , Fordyco , Col
onel and blr/i , Itugg and families. To
this inquiry of Fordyce , no reply was
made t > y Mutthows , except by draw
ing a pistol and nhooting at him with-
i-ut uliVct , Fordyco then struck Mat-
thewd several I lines with n etck.
The laltor retroutod firing hi
pibtnl , the ball of which struck
Riigg , who wan just behind
Ford ) oo , taking effect in hit )
thigh and putting up iiito'.thuncr i a n.
Kugi ; then drew his pistol and com
menced firing at Mutthowa , who
retreated into the btreet , receiving the
bitll in the left temple , one through
the heart and another in the left
wrist , lit * fell dead in the mud of thu
struct , bleeding profusely , Oreatcon.
Rternatinii und excitement prevails in |
the entire city.
The GnKotto special eays : There is
great excitement at Searcy , Ark , , this
ufturnoon , caused by a personal en
counter bitween Capt. McCauley ,
nditor of the llosord , und Hov. J , 11 ,
Dye , presiding older nf the diutriot.
\n article in to-day'n Uooord angered
Dfo , and meeting McOauloy he
knockc d him down und was pulled off
bbystanders. . The origin of the
trouble was prohibition , Dye Ining u
loader in the movement , McOauloy
bitterly opposed.
.Accident Ju aTannel.
8 | HUl ll ( iauti to 'J III lid.
N.w YoitK , September 22. Two
trains telescoped iu a tunnel _ ut
Eighty-sixh ) etrcot this morning.
Five persona art ) reported killed. Sev
eral are reported ntill under the
NEW YORK , September 22. The
i oporto J accident provoj true , The
Nnw Haven train from Alt. Voruonf _
while standing on the oouth bound'
truck in the Fourth avenue tuniiol ,
was run into by the Harlem tra'D.
Two roar cars were demolished and
with the unyino of the Harlem trafic.
lit n in the tunnel. An no > r aa cut ; bo
ascertained ut prcco'it four persona
were kilted and anmo twenty badly
injnri d. The acoidmitvrts aiuood by
iiron'i niinnmnaj ; < nient. It in reported
Hnveral of the injured have rinco died.
Among ihe killid nto four w men tweet
ot them school 'oacheruof Mt.Vornon
und ono of this city. 0
The great nmjoriiy of tbo paepeng-
urs were echool girlit on thein way to
Nnrmitl college , nnd it was comttimo
before nil anxiety concerning them ,
was relieved. They were sent back to
their homos. A largo force of labor *
em and a wrecking train were soon on
the spot , and some hours' work
tucctoded in drawing the wrecked
locomotive from the imuhrd and
broken car. Then , with the firemen
and police they marched the ruins.
The body of Muditmo Aubort was
taken to the 83th street police station ,
where it now in. When the fitomoii
pullud awuy tjioj di
' "
man suppo'dca to1" ;
won" found with
verpeoxl BAyn : Two riiucnmenand ; a
nninbur uf cowboys were driving a
largo bunch < f or.1 Hinnd having aotno
dipputo iiurcud to Hjttlo
ihu matter by u luttlo batwouu six
picked men of each party. Five uiou
were killed.
Stnr noiitnti Convicted.
S | 'cl l DlipU h to Inn linn.
Pinr.ADKLriiiA , September 22.
Tliomuu A. MuDdvitt and Christ inn
1'rico wore convicted of the charge of
conspiracy to defraud thu government
by inotiimof bogus stiir route contrnota
entered into July , 1670 Lieut. Lo-
unido , ensign , indictid with thomwaa
uciiuitted. McDnvitt was admitted to
bail , pending motion for n now trial.
Special li'ipatctrn ' to Tun Unit.
CLRVKHN" , September 22. Clove-
landu 1C , Ohicagoa C.
HIIFKALO , September 22. BnfTalos
4 , Jjtrois ( 1.
Uo8TON , Soptoinbor 22. Bostons 3 ,
Tro > a7.
\VoitCK8THit , September 22. No
gumo account of rain.
Cnic.uio , September 22 Fifth day
of thu Ohioigo fuir ntsociation , day
bright and ciyl ; attendance largo ,
track fair. Free for all stallions
MOUBO Cliicf 1 , Black Cloud 2 , J. U.
Thomas 3 ; time , 2:20 : , 22U ; , 2:22 : ,
Class 2:33 : Olcora 1 , Brown Wilkei
2 , Lidy Luuin II , Adeluido 4 ; time.
2:21 : j , 2:211. : 2-.18J. Oleora has been
mild to a New York gentleman for
PiiiLADFU'iiiA , September 22. The
executive oaninutteo of the National
louguo accepted the resignation of the
Worcutter and Troy clubs. Applica
tion for admission to membership
from the Metropolitan and Philadel
phia cluba will bt ) acted on iu Decem
uud Flood
Spocinl l > l l > lcU to Till UM .
QALvtsroN , September 22. A
Uruwnvillo special says there is utrict
( ) uiruntino againbt Matamoraa , The
Uio Orande is rtill rising , und muuy
houses are inundated. Eighteen now
cases of yellow fever , ono death ; live
deaths ia Alutao.oras.
Made froir the wild floweru of th
it is thu most fragrant oi perfumes.
Manufactured by II. I ) . Slavou , Baa
Frauciaco , For Bile in Omaha by W.
J. WlutehouiQ and Konuaio Urea , ,
& 0o.