Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1882, Image 1

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    - > A 1. , '
There is no HOUEO intbis oily
whl-ra you can buy good Boots
and Shoes as cheap ns you can
at the
cs for Babies ,
Shoes for Ladies ,
Shoes for.'Mon ,
' , Shoes for "Women ,
i 'Boots for Boys ,
I \ Boots for Men (
anqthere is up reason why you
Bboud suffer lor want of Boots
andShoes , ns lone as this firm
sellko Cheap ! Cheap ! ! Oneap ! !
Hii m rod
& Dormann ,
iccessors to Fred Lang. )
of the test ,
Grau Depot of the Celebrated
ES' '
ill Thjqffry'flour that gives general
eral mis'f-iotion. it makes the
* sweets j-and lightest bread.
! ' ' J'OWDER
oiii ihs only Powder highly
ro0rinnended by the most
olebrated oheraists..We
. . Keep It.
California SugarY
Y > fhich is pronounced to be the
purest aitiule over brought to
this mirhet.
Boat/ / ' ' Branches of California
> and other fruits ,
Extracts ,
Limberger and Swiss
Cheese ,
Tobacco and Cigars ,
'Crockery & Glassware ,
Winos and Liquors ,
Claret ,
Port , Sherry
Cognacs , Rhine Wines ,
all for Medical Dees.
Our Prices being always low ,
wo ivite you to call ,
\ Heimrod
II & Dormann ,
S , W > Career of 13th and Jack-
sou Streets ,
h. Scramble for Power and Fr s-
tip , Principally Plunder ,
In New York State.
The Machine Eucceae fully
Manipulates for Folder by
Means of Forgery ,
A SttUwnrb French Man Basely
Deceives the Friends
of Robertson.
i Oemocrntin Faction * Tnko n
Mttlo Tiiuo to J.ond Tliolr
Tno Distillers Uncork Their Phials ot
Wrnth ,
Now York Republicans-
( > oclr.l D'.M'itch ' to Ilia lin
SAUATOUA , September 21. The re
publican etato convention reassembled
at 10 o'clock and proceeded to nominate
natemunibcra of thu slulu central
committee. The pint for in adopted has
no now planka , excepting ono on the
prohibition question , na follows :
jRciofwtl , That while there are vary
ing opinions on the subject of liquors ,
wo aubacribo to the principln that
propositions on that subject , like nil
other propositions for a change in the
fundamental law , ought to bo submit
ted to the popular voto.
NEW YUIIK , September 21. The
Times says of the nomination at Sara
toga : "Its hardly worth while an-
nllzino ; the influences which have
contributed to the nomination of Fol-
gor , the republican candidate , for gov
ernor of this state. The fact is that
thu Gould-Conkling's combination ,
backed by all the power which federal
admit istration could exert , has ac
complished what it set out to do. The
result will bo a disappointment to a ,
majority of republicans and to a lan > o
number of voters who on other than
party grounds have appreciated the
tienifkanco of the fight made against
Governor Cornell. It n ay also turn
out to bu a disappointment to the men
who have been mainly instrumental in
bringing it about./ / '
OOULD'H TinuMrii.
The Times editorially says : "Jay
Gould has triumphed at Saratoga.
Lot the facia bo distorted ever so in
geniously , the future governors of this
etato have been warned they cannot
run counter to the schemes of Gould.
The republican candidate was too
strht a cpnstructionist of the obliga
tions which state executives ewe to
the people , lloscoe Colliding too has
had an invaluable advertisement as a
legal practitioner , for the fact has been
made manifest to all men that when
ho adda his political influence to a
liberal .retaining fee , ho thrown a
Btreriftth * which in no contemptible
niako weight. It the task not baforo
the party should provo too heavy it
will be demonstrated the fault of cer
tain persons who personally u'ro sufli-
cioutly prominent to leave no doubt
as to whcro to place the re
sponsibility for defeat. The demo
cratic capacity for blundering is for
tunately well enough assured to ren
der the prospect of carrying the state
with any republican candidate of pto-
sumed honesty by no means hopeless.
But defeated or victorious the repub
lican party of Now York has received
u blow in the liouao of its friends
which ia surely u gratuitous trilling
with its strenuth , and which will do
inoru than mij thing which has hap
pened in the last ton years to demol
ish ilu capacity for growth and tokuve
it without the sympathy or respect of
thosu who looked to it us an exponent
of political morality and the champion
of administrative reform ,
SAUATOUA , September 21. U. Piatt
Carpenter nominated for governor ;
A. Hepburn , for congressman at
NEW YOIIK , September 21. Thu
Evening Post has a < li pUcli ; Irmn
Saratoga which says : Gdii. Husted
recuirud the following dupatch from
Robertson :
WIUTK PJ.AINH'N. ' Y. SoptemberSO.
To Gen. J.V. . Husteil , oaro J W.
Vrnrmun : S'cphnii H. French bus no
an hority , and'novor h' to represent
mo ia tiio state lit ) un-
bU hoiized uppciirauoo there waa an
insult to the West Cheater dolomite *
and fraud upon ma. It ia machine
tacti' ovi r gain.
( Signed.V. ) . H. ROUKKTSON "
The ubuvu was received at Congreea
hall about jostorday , but as Husted
was at the Grand Union hotel it did
not como into his hands till 11 to-dny.
At the close of the convention French
was again eought nut and asked with
reference to tliia ( Justed dispatch. Ho
rnnowod the foimur statement that he
was authorized to act as proxy by
telegraph and added , < vith the emplm-
aU of his umbrella handle on the palm
of his hand , "The bottom facts in this
oaee are those ; Robertson has all along
declared to mound to other of Folger's
friends tha the intended to support
the administration , and on the other
hand he has persistently declared to
Al. Dapgett he was forOjrnoll. "
At the Western Union P. E. Wea-
tervolt , receiver of dispatches , says no
dupatch over wont out of the oflico
oil u Bonding blank. If ouch a dm-
pilch is alleged to have been received
by any ono it is prnna facie evidence
of fraud.
John G O.TCII , manager of the
Western Union ofliso , says if the
French dispatch is on ono of the com-
puny's "counter blinke "
, it is mani
festly fraudulent , lla never delivers
messages on such blauk.s.
SAIIATOOA , September 21 , Great
excitement was caueod by the discov
ery that the dupatch authorizing Po
lice Commissioner French , of Now
York , to act & proxy for Collector
llobcrlfon at the meeting of the stale
c 'tnmittoo was a forgery. The dis
putcli read as follows :
"New YORK , September 19. THen <
Hon , Stephen 11. French , Grand
Union hotel , Saratoga : Please act AS
my proxy at the meeting of the state
coMinittoo , and oblige
( Signed ) W , U. RormitTHON. "
[ 12 paid , Ivy. ]
Considerable indignation was ox
fressud , and n rieid invcstication will
bo made to discover the perpetrators
of the fraud. The forged messngo haa
been photographed and copies circu
lated among the delegates , with avion
of identification of the hand writing.
Noxr Yorli ProhiljttlonUti.
b'l'cdftl Jl ptttch to Tlic Urn.
HociiESTKH , N. Y. , September 21.
The state prohibition convention
made thu following nomination * :
Governor , A. A. Hopkins ; lieutenant-
uorornor , W , H , Boole ; chief judgu of
the court of appeals , 0. A. Ilnnnunnd ;
congressman at largo , L. S. Fruimiau ;
congressman , thirly-tirst dietrict , Jos.
W. Grover ; judge of supreme court.
V. F. Willard.
Kc.iv York Dfnuoorat *
SpoclM Dispatch to run Unit.
SYHACUSK , September 21. The
democratic state convention mot this
morning and after appointing various
committees adjourned till to-morrow.
Tlio niktlHors Platform-
SpocUI Dispatch to Tux DH.
CINCINNATI , Saptombcr 21. The
National Dintillorsond Liquor Dealers
association adjourned this afternoon ,
after having completed reorganization.
The following is their declaration of
principles :
'SVHEiiKAH , Wo have , by yielding
obdienco to the most oppcusivo laws
imposed upon any business interest
in the country , given abundant evi
dence of our being a law abiding com
munity of citizens ;
Itcsolrcd , That wo are in favor of
yielding equal obedience to the un
written law of the laud , which impels
sobriety , good order and respect for
llio opinions and customs of all good
Resolved , That \vo are in favor of the
sale of spirits being placed on the
HOUJO footing at other merchandise.
licfolvtd , Further , that wo favor a
judicious license system throughout
the country , which ohall equally ben
efit the government and afford ua pro
tection ; and the enforcement of laws
pertaining to the proper government
of cities and towns ; wo oppose fanatic
ism and prohibition as detrimental to
the rights or a mnjority of American
citizens , and consider it the duty of
nil mambers ot this association to op
pose such legislation at all places and
times. Wo make no political ties or
requirements ns an association , but
leave it to thu membero to act accord
ing to their own judgment and inter
The reorganization of the associa
tion gives the new orginizition ytho
name of the National Spirits and
Wine Association of the United States.
Any person , firm or corporation may
become a member who is engaged in
the manufacture Cr Bale t > f wine ,
spirits or liquors. ' Thu management
is confined to a board of twenty-live
directors. Among the duties desig
nated as pertaining to this board is
the employment of all legitimate
means to check the extreme irrational
tendencies of fanaticism and intoler
ance ; to correct public sentiment ,
when it is found to bo iinmicablo to
the business interest of thu mom-
bera of the Association. They
are also to reform all abuses
calculated to arouBo and justify
nuch feeling of hostility. When na
tional k'gmlation alL-cting the business
( if mumbora of the association is to bo
considered , a vote of all members is
to bu taken und in case two thirds
ai > rec upon uny plan then the board of
directors shall take such measures us
they deorn necessary to cccuru legisla
tion , but not more than 15 percent of
thu futidu for any ono year shall bo
expended in this way. The board of
directors organized by the election of
George I. Staig , of St. Louis , presi
dent ; \V. J. Friday , of Pittsburg , first
vice president ; Pilip Xalta , of Peoria ,
aicond vice prerident ; J. L. Pratt ,
of Chicago , secretary ; Edwin Stevens ,
of Cincinnati , treasurer.
Colorado Democrat * .
SjucUl PUpttch to Tim Hun.
DENVP.II , Col. , September 21. The
demccnitu of Coluibd'i in convention
this atlurnoon , nominated by acclama
tion , Juinnii li. Grant , of Like , for
govtr-jor ; John H , Pro WITH , of Uont ,
lieutenant governot- , mid Vincent D.
M&rkham , of Aruuahop , jndiro of the
supreme court. No other bualne.aa of
inip'irtaneii wasirausauttd. Adjourn
ed till to-murrotv at ton o'clock ,
Tlie CnmbnrlHUd Comrade * .
i poclal l > spatch tj Tim Due
MILIVAUKEK , September 21. The
reunion of the Society of the Army
of the Cumberland ole-uod to-day with
u grand Htrept parade , iu which dis
tinguished military guests participated ,
In closing the meeting ot the society
liu following cllicera were elected :
President , Gen. Phil. Sheridan ; cor
responding secretary , Henry M. Cist ;
recording secretary , John W , Steele ;
troauuror , Gen , Jas. S , Fullortou ,
Maion'fl Petition.
Special illifatcli to TUB Iltit.
JiUKFALO , September 21 , Counsel
For Sergeant Mason filed a petition
Tor habeas corpus. Argument will bu
heard on the motion for a writ at
Utica , early in October.
An Oil Corner.
bwd"J | Dl ptdi to 'I in Jim
I'IITJBUKO , Kept ember 21. The
Commercial Gazette will say tomorrow
row : "Thero is good authority for
the statement that an attempt is to be
made to corner oil on a biy scale. Op
erations have already been commenced
hero and elsewhere , and about 12 , .
000,000 barrels have already been *
bought and taken out of the market.
Heavy buyers outside of this pool hold
several million barrels , and it is said
the present break is for the purpose
of shaking out weak holders.
Merchants and Dealers Throughrut the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the { yiammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
The Brightest Lighted , Best Appointed Jobbing UOUBO \ \ \ Atnorioi , contnlnlnrj the
argest Stock of Dry Goods and Notions west of the Mississippi. So'o manufacturer ! !
of the celebrated
McBonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottoaade Paats ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visitji [
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember
E. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
England Cautiously Testing the
Powers on Her Egyptian
Policy ,
The Power of DoLeasopo Over
the Canal to be Modified.
ThoCownrdly Khoillvo Now Thinks
Himself a Bigger Man
A Variety of Foreign NoteB.
Special Dispatches to Tint BBE.
CAIUO , September " 21. Under the
direction of Sultan'iPAsha , wholesale
arrests of supjlQrtei Df-We ktloBal
pMy are uinkllgrby'.llu IThudlvu'il HOV-
ornmont. AH who signed the pro
clamation authorizing Arabi Pasha to
continue the war , have been impris
oned. Arabi Pasha asserts all his
nets wore nt the instigation of the
khedive and sultan , arid that ho was
unable to restrain the Egyptian army
from fighting. Ilia war oflico hus
been searched and important docu
ments found. Thirty fanatical
fhuiklca nro placed in the citadel.
Abdulah Pasha ia reported not hilled.
Ilo has eent word Unit ho is willing to
ALEXANDRIA , September 21. Two
nights ago a procession paiudml the
MroetB of Cairo. Alluh protect Arnbi
Pasha ; Allah destroy that Christian
Maliamond Towflk , were the cries.
Thu khedive appointed a opucial
commission to inquuo into and prosecute -
cute thu authors of the outrages of
Juno last. The commission ia com
posed of four Europeans and three
natives , and is under his presidency.
The native and foreign consulates will
bo ruprcsontatrd but will have no
votes. The khcdive also appointed u
similar commission to set at Trntah to
investigate the crimes in other parts
of Egypt during the rebellion ,
A train of immense length arrived
in Cairo bringing several thousand
iiiitivoH , who nllrged Arabi 1'iulm hud
force thum to lenvo their homes.
Ahmott Hefut IV'sha , appointed
governor of Alui.tiHlria , ia removed
iH'UHUau of the objection of Europoanti
igaumt the appointment.
LONDON , bi-ptembor 21. The
American rablo ia rei.tonul.
Htanluy , tliH Afncin explorer , Iina
errivbdat Lisbon.
LAUIUNK , September 21. Thu
joilur of the ferry steamer Hiclioheu
exploded this morning and killed the
> ilot. A farmer , the eon of the pilot ,
a missing , and is supposed to have
) eon blown overboard. Several pas-
songora were eevcroly scalded by the
steam ,
The garrison at DimiotU refuse to
HKll'l'KI ) OUT ,
POUT SAID , September 21. Fort
Ohemileh has surrendered , The garrison
risen wan found to consist of only 80
; non , the remainder of thu foroe liuv-
iUg gone to Damiettu last ovcning.
LoNDON | fieptombcr 21. The
Times , speaking on thu Suez canal ,
declares that in uu ago when the con
trol c f nations over arms of the sea
passing through or o mmanded by
their territory is being everywhere
abolished it is impossible to allow the
directora of a company to arrogate
powers ua extensive as were uvim
plairnod by Denmark over the sound.
The neutralization of the Buez canal ,
In its reasonable aonso , is understood
to mean that it shall be regarded as an
arm of tlie sea. There is not now a
question of enlargement of the canal
or construction of u new ono. The
practical-question juU now is how to
secure ourselves , iu cnso of complica
tions which may possibly arise , against
being thwarted by Do Lessops. The
subject of the canal will , wo believe ,
seriously engage the attention of the
CAiKOSoptombor21. Abont 200-
000 sterling were taken from the treas
ury by Arabi Puaha. Eighteen thou
sand was discovered at the war ollice.
Deficits are probable also in the de
partment of the interior.
POUT SAID , September 21. Nearly
nil the garrison nt Fort Ghumiloh Hod
before the surrender. The gunboats
have gene to Diunitn , which garrison
resolved to lay down its arms. Ab-
dollah Pasha and Aboulata Pasha ,
with a small escort , have gene in the
direction of Cairo.
. ROUE :
deserted tote
to two years im
missal from the sa
ALKXANDUIA , Saptombor 21. Gen.
yood and Admiral Newell will move
eimultanoouely up on Damiotta early
to-morrow ixnd demand the r.urrcndor.
Ono thousand of Abdollah I'iial'a'a '
men at Shorbinua , escaping , cannot
procaed further owing to breaks In the
railway. The khedive refuses to re
ceive the natives of Cairo compromised
by the rebellion.
CONSTANTINOPLE , September 21.
Ambassadors express cuniidonno in the
policy of England in regard to E ypt
und adviio the porto to act in accord
ance with her.
LONDON , September 21. Ata _ moot
ing convened by the democratic fudur-
ation hold hero last evening to discuss
the proposed introduction of Chincdo
labor into Great liritnin a motion call
ing upon the government to frame
measures to prevent the importation
of Chinese. Parr , of San Francisco ,
Ba'd if the Chinese came to Great
Britain English workingmen might go
and die.
OATTAIIO , September 21. The
Leader of the Albanian league at
Scutari having resolved to nmusncio
and rob the richest chriBliaim , iuelud-
ing the Kiiiflish consul , two hill tnlo )
marohud to Scutari mid provenml ) the
nmsnauro. The connula iiHk"d that
the garrison at Kc itari bo ni-inforcud.
KUNKIIAL Ol1 Dlt rt'HBV ' ,
Oxnnui. St-pU'iiibor JJl.- Gladstone
was ( ( , pill bearer at the funerAl of Dr.
1'usoy , and Cirdiiml Nownmn wullted
beoido thoc'jUiu , IliahciiiM'ck riios ,
doan ot Liddull , aiul Canon Liddull ,
ollieiatcd at the serviroa. Flugs of
thu city wuro at half mast. All digni
taries of the university were present.
DOIILIN , September 21. i'ho last
of the BuepuctH wuro releaiud from
Kilnmlnlmm jail to-day.
Au Iowa Kemlnlsounce.
Hioc' | l D iulch ( ) to Till li" .
\YAHIIINUTON , 8eptombor21. When
It P. 1/jwo , now of thin city , wasgov-
ernor of Iowa , In 1858 , ho , under in
structions from the kgislaturo , called
upon Secretary of the Interior Thomp
son to audit and state an account in
favor of the stuto and against the gov
ernment for certain monoyii alleged to
bo duo the former at five per centum
upon the value of nil public Innds dis
posed of within her boundaries by
means of military land warranto.
Lowe now c < * llii upon CommiHsionur
McFarland , of the general land oflico ,
to state thu account in question under
penalty of a writ of inandumus , for
which , Lowe asserts , ho will apply in
case of refusal. The ox-governor says
ho was in error years ago when ho
made his demand upon thu secretary ,
as it should have btwn made upon the
commissioner of the general land of
fice. The whole question was before
the forty-seventh congress and ia still
ponding. Claims amounting to s y-
oral millions of dollnro possibly will
upon the settlement of any ono test
case forming a portion of thin very in
teresting question.
I'lonvy Emlif czlomout-
Spcctal Dleintclms to Tins Hun.
NBW Youic , September 21. The
mining firm of James G , Sauda & Co. ,
announced as failed. Thu firm did u
largo business with down town busi
ness men and with society people np
town who dabbled in mining ntncku.
Sanda is reported as gone to San Fran
cisco to attend to the development of
several mining companies. It is not
known whorj his partner (0 ( , 11. Oalla-
ban ) has gono. Among the inquiring
customers to-day were two uoeiuty
ladies who contributed $1,210,000
each to a pool out of which they real
ized $00,000 all said to have been loft
in the hands of the firm for future
An up town crocko y morohnni and
"so'voral pro'mfiient laVy > " ' " ' 'tf'Btti <
have left each about $10,000 in the
vaults of thu linn before iti members
disappeared. A largo number of peo-
phi deposited from $1,000 to 85 000
with the miming brokers ns margins.
Neither of thu ( inn has buun seen
since the llth itwt. It in stated the
slicnirims neiy."d what cflucta could bu
l IHspitcli to Tim Dim.
Uiwiai , Ko. , Suptnnbcr 21. A
private loiter from Ohuyiuinu Agency ,
dated , stated that Ijb ! Puiauls , a
half-breed Auvpthou , w.ia shot find
killed by an Iiidiun about torty-fivo
miles nuuth of thu aguncy. Soouta
are now out after thn murderer. Thn
lultur nlai ) statim tint on the 18th four
Orcuk Indhum re pur ted ut the Clioy-
ennu ngoncy , und informed the
agent thut they were bt < ing
| ) iirauud by rebel Cruokn , end asked
protoution. It appoara Unit there is a
[ jarty of Creuks opponud to the ronult
if the late election in tlmt nation ,
and they have inaugurated a reign ot
terror , killing or driving out all who
sustained Governor Curtuin ,
A Ni > w Htivr ltoute >
Hpoolil DUpitch to Tint Hun ,
I'liiLADKM'iiiA , Soptombur 21. In
the star route tiiala to day the judge
oxprenscd regret that the indictment
win no voliiminouu. It wan hurd , he
said , for the jury or court to iindur-
.iul it without great I'm i f timi > ,
U. 8. District Attorney V.tU'iitir.u ex-
j lam in ) ho Imd drawn up un indict-
int uhiuh ho thought wuro suf-
uu'iit , but when cucth itinincnt conn-
tnl in vviiio mungiid iu the W shun-
lon oiseu druiv niniiUr OIIUH , ) io
ilmuglit ic bint to follow thuir ex-
unplo ,
Th Irun ratll. Start.
Uioclal | DUiutih loTiu llur ,
1'nTbiiuito , Pa. , Suptomber 21.
The difl'erencu between iimiuifacturoru
and iron workers having been sett'eu1 ,
a largo number of milln started up
with u full coinpiiinent of men to-day ,
and the b ilano j will bu in operation
by next Monday.
CINCINNATI September 21 , The coin.
mlttuti of tlio Ourfitld Monumental USBO-
cl .t tin rf | irted ivret > U from all Hourcei
$10,101 U7 in the lihtnUof ( iuueral Fuller-
t Hi. O nurul Hiuitli AtUIiiH , of Frcepott ,
III. , vrui oli'ttui i-rator for tha noxUesslonj
( ! . ) ! . It. .M. Kelly , of i.oulnvllle ,
Tliu incctli b' thin ailjournuJ.
HDHON. 1) . T , Se.lemlier | iil.-The firit
fruit uf the He.iuua vidtcit tlili nectiun U > t
liobT N , September 2l. The llearoi :
park raced weru ixistponud on account ul
C'l'llCAUO , Sei tember 21. The races ol
tlio I hi K Filr us8oclutl"u were post-
I dinxt un accuunt nt rain ,
HicilMoND , V * , September 21. The
l ly of Aunu'tun Green , . well-kn wu
ami ivealL ) v KiiuHn'imuu ' , was found iu tlio
wood * In Chextf rticlii couniy , A utarviu
dog wan Kuardlng the body. Giecn U * u ] > -
huvo wandered oil In a dvluluta ,
A United und Determined Ef
fort to Preyent a Rupture. . ,
The Hopes of War Agnln Daihed to
the Ground-
ipatch to Tin HHX.
OIIIUAOO , September 21. No formal
meeting of the managers of roads
running between Chicago and St. Paul
was hold to-day , but a number of in
formal conferences wuro held during
thu day and dispatches nont to man
agers out of the city. Thu result was
tlio drafting of a plan for a division
of the freight and passenger business ,
which will bu presented to the moot I/ /
ing to he held to-morrow. It is
thought this plan will prove acceptable
to all lines in interest , and the threat-
bu y cmonr > AHroutrs recognize this / * * VL'j ' 7"
oftIt yeryjiufjJrJ < V 3 iini * for gonornl i , . - -1 *
' '
slashitig'oT'VtttWrfiii' ' , it .yrquld cover * . ; < >
the mutt 'prurUable- 'porUb'ri"in-tli < ri ' ' *
year's traflie , and the managers are ,
therefore ) , inclined to make conces
sion * which thny would not listen to.
at another time.
Norlhnm Paolllo Offloord.
H ] > cdal ll putcli to Tint lUie.
Nuw YOIIK , Soptembor.2l. At tno
mcutiiig of the ntnckholdura of the
Northern Pacific to.dny the following
named were re u'.uctod ' dirootort :
I'roilunclc IlillniL ? , Ashbol II. Barney ,
.fohnW. Ellis , llufwnll G. Rallston ,
Robert Harris , Thee , F. Oakcs , Henry
Villard , J. L. Stackpolu , Ruiijnmin P.
Cheney , Bunion ; John C. linllit and
Henry E. Johnston ; J. Pierrepont
Morgan and August liolmont were
added to the huard. The Olliuors of
hwt yenr were ro-olcctotl ; tliuy nro
Ilunry Villurd , preaidunt ; Thomas F.
Oakus und Antnony J , Thomas , vico-
presidents , Sammil Wilkenon , sccru-
tury ; 11. LBIIOX Dolknap , treasurer ;
( ! jo , Gray , guneral counsel ; Adua
Andersen , engineer in chief ; J A.
Barker , gont'ral auditor ; Herman
iluupt , of St , Paul , general muiagor
of thu eastern division , and JV. .
Spritguo , of Now 'I'nconiii , W. T. , gen
eral manager of thu western dividiun , <
Yollnw Jack-
Uprcltl DlipaUh to Til , llxi.
I'KNHACOLA , Bupicmber 21. The
Situation JH mout eloomy. Forty-one
new ciieru and eix ileaths are reported ,
There uro tvto dtaths und tuverul now
cases on thu vcsmiU ut quaruntinu ,
Nurcing moiluirfl guin atrongth by
uiing Brown'a Iron Bittert ) . It acts
ike n charm in restoring to health
ind utrength ovurBtruined nature.
The great comedy succosa of the
day , "Rooms for Rent , " will be pro-
auiitcd at B'jjd'a tliis evt > ning for the
irst time in Omaha , by a company
direct from Now York. The play
should not confounded with imita
tions , as it is the original ono , and
ranku with "Fun on thrf Uritol , " it
living of the eamo class/
Wtttohos , llrf a , Ringa , etc , , at
all grades. P J.'d under full guarantee
1 '
Oppositu thu Alillard ,
Fresh grapes , 4o per pound ,
Choice comb honey and fresh but
ter ut Win , Gentleman's ,
FARNABl ST. Bept20-2t
Musera. Meuney and jlartman , the
drain layers , are now ready to dig
drains , luy pipe , etc. , and can do the-
work in tv satisfactory manner every
time. Give them u call. sup-l-tf
Q. A. Lindquist , the Merchant Taller
lor , 120u Faruani street , has u full and
complete line ot Imported and Domoa-
tie Suitings. Bept4-lm