Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.T
Thursday Morning. Sapt 21.
sunscitinioM HATES :
, . . . . - Mccnta ftr week.
OtUua : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Near
M. O. OUIFFIV , Manager.
H. W. TJ LTON , City Editor.
llllss' for Trench millinery.
J. Mueller's rlnce MuMcHall.
Shcrnulen malcon photograph * .
Terra Coltft Kid OloveH 81.75 nt MM.
, Tulfio.l ) y , of the atiprtmo court , ar
rived yesterday inornliiR nnd tool : hl sent.
'ihcro Is now n full bench.
1 has a full lln of hid Rliivcs nnd
fttlk mitts ,
Moro thnn 2,001 rchool chtlilren nt-
Icniled tliOKre.t cxpoitt'nn ' on Tuesday.
The nnsoclatton ndmlttcd them tree.
IJllfH has nn elegant lot of Term Cottn
Kid Gloves at 81.75 per pair.
Hits' , 228 Hroadwny , IIM just received
from Now York n full line of styllth
fichncn anil cnllnra ,
The Imnlts will nllclofo to-day nt noon
in order that their employes may attend
the fair.
To-day Is citizens' day nt Iho fair.
Most of the bnalnciu lioutej will bo cloned
nnd the citizens will turn out In full force.
Smoke the Utterly Utter , and the
Key West 1'orfectloii cigars , weld nl whole
sale only by LnU & Lineo.
John Dunn h rnnnlng 1'x-Mayor
Vaughn's celebntted lierJIo coiclics to and
from the fair Htouuiln. Of cournc , they
are crowded.
Joseph lions , Iho upper Uroadway
cooper , destroi to purclmso fifty thnniand
hoop-poles. Write to or enquire at his
cooper shop ,
Joseph Keltor makes the Finest Suits
n the latest Htylec , nt the lowest pomlblo
prices. Ills merchnnt tailoring ontnbllsh-
ment Is at 310 Upper Urimdvray , Council
' . I'orty of the Bistorn ! children rode In
ono Ilerdlc ycRtorday. The Htnllca are
easy vehicles to ride In , and carry patsen-
gers cheaper than any other con\oynnce.
Try them.
fidelity Council No. 1BO , Uoyal Area-
num , is to meat this owning In their hall
In linrnham & Tiilloy's block , and nil
vltiting members nro especially Invitul to
bo present , ns a right royal time hns been
arranged fnr.
The ball Riven by the St. lUtriok's
Benevolent society nt their hall In St.
, Ti seph'rt Academy , last night , wan n grand
fiffnlr nnd was largely attended. Kvcry-
body present seemed to enjoy themselves
and the anticipated good time wns fully
realized ,
Wm , Newman , wlio was fined § 50 for
natsultlng an old man nntmid UnlTman
TCAtorday paid his fine and wns released
from jail. Ho waa Immediately rear-
rented on a charge of carrying concealed
weapons nnd was F fined $5 nnd costs nnd
bin revolver oonGeoHcd , The fine wan
The negro who went through ( some
trunks in a hotel lu Oinslia nnd escaped tn
this side In n boat , wai arrested after n
long chase by Special Olllcer Hd , liatcH
and placed In jail hero for nnfj keeping.
A requisition hns been applied for , nnd na
coon as it can bo procured ho will bo taken
back to Omaha.
The ! Kurat ft Bradley Manufacturing
company of Chicago , have concluded t'
lo-nto their western headquurtera in Conn
cil Biulfi1 , nnd will immediately commence
the erection of n building on uouth Main
ntrcet , TCxlCO feet , four ntorlcn high vx-
clntivo of basement. This adds nnothcr
great industry tu our city ,
There will bo n mntch gnmo of base
ball thi 'Horning bolweon the Alerts ol
Council lluir ! and the NcoU 8tnri > , on thr
assoclttlon uroimila. Tlili will bo n return
game of tlio ODD played la ? t week In Ncuhv.
It will bo u good gumo nnd tlio boys would
like to bee u lurgo nttrndanco.
A HIMI immeil Holden went up to c
jewelry nicrclnnt in thin city nnd on the
representation that hUco-omployfiulesIrei
to make present tn tliclr employer lu
procured two line gold watches to net
which they wnntcd. Alter walling f
rentonablo time for his return ccarcli wai
made. It wa < found that lie had p.iwnct
ono watch for $33. It is said ho was drinili
at the time. _
Tlio Ilordlcu.
John Dunn hus urrftngocl to run tin
llordica during thu fair , nmlnll "JJor
die tiokots" outstuudiiiK will bo taken
by Dull" nt five oontB nch Look oul
for the Ilordics and "all toke n rido. '
Now and lluncljomo.
The Dress Good * , ilk , Velvols
Satins , Rhadiiwca , 1'Jufh Cloiiko , DJ !
mans , Oerputs , JUw Silks , Curluiin
and B thousand other thinca whicl
you will find at
' ' lUllKNKBH , OliUUTT it OO.'N.
My rosidoncoNo. | 715 Fourth stroo
Bancroft- ) L , F.
Good Goods at Qood'a.
At.Mrfl. J. J. Good's , Jlnin etrcc
hair etoro , can be noen the largos
stock of tinir goods west of OhicaRo
and t pricea within thu roach of all .
Pools , Pools , Pools.
Pat. Lacy hsu scoured the service
of Ool. 0. W. Dickey , the colebratci
pool seller , to soil piols morning nin
ovoninp , at his old aland , fci-nt by Kd
Shtrlock , on all races during the fai
fair week , commencing Monday morn
ing at 10 o'clock , and will be rfsnon
aiblo ior all pools rold at hiu
Don't Mlsa It.
It will pay the itrnngen visitin
the city to call at eomo of our loading
bwinojs houses and see for tbomsel
ves what claiiiiH Council JJlulfs has fo
their pitronage , and wo would ospoc
lally mvito you to call at the Pake
Music Hall on Main street , which 10
lover of music afford 10o
can to miis see
ing. TWs is the finest eatabliehrnon
of ita kind in the
west , and > ou wil
ne made heartily welcome ,
It Still Drawa Crowds and Ex
cites Much Interest ,
Some Pine Sport on the Track ,
and Good Speed.
A Oilmen nt Some of tlio Dinplayn In
nnd Ont of thn Bntttllnu * .
The Dotnlls of the Third Day of tuo
Fair ,
Everybody was given a cool reception
tion at the fnir yeatordny.
The dust was out on the fly again ,
The attendance was light in the
forenoon , but thickened up well after
dinner ,
The Btrcol cars , Jiordics * express
wagons , hacks , etc. , were kept on the
go , and facilities for getting to and
from the groundn seem ample.
The machinery hall draws its full
share of the crowds , nnd there is
hardly any ono thing there exhibited
which is watched with more interest
nnd by larger numbers than the mill
grinding out corn , it being ono of the
many premiums given away yearly to
subscribers of TIIK BKK.
In ono corner ol machinery hall is a
mowing machine in a glaes case. It
is n beauty , and glitters with silver
nnd gold plate. Tliu coat of this sam
ple mowur i.s said to bn § 1,000.
At one end of maohinory hall the
telephone exchange , with J , W. Hod-
ofor as high priest has pitched its
The potto of pork nro worth visiting ,
S. M. Shortndgo , of Pleasant Grove ,
has some fine porcincs. llnjj-.lott &
Brown , of liolchow , Mo. , have some
Poland Chinas , on which ribbons are
11)ing. J. Ii. Hue , of this city has
Bomo fine Uorkuhires. II. 0 , Stroll ,
of Beatrice. Nob. , has a very largo
and fine showing of Yorkshires , Po
land China , and some of the Jersey
lleda , of which so much has been said
of late. Among his is ono Poland
China weighing ! )00 ) pounds ,
There is every possible chance given
on the ground for those vho want to
drop their money into holes without
- any bottom. A few lucky ones wit
occasionally , but they are not over
numorouH. There is the wheel of for
tune , a brilliant one , too , and
it is said its managers pay $1,000 for
the permit to run it there. It is to
bo expected , of course , that they wil'
not only get thu $1,000 back from tin
. "chumps" who drop their money into
the schenio , but enough to pay them
- wull for their time. The generous
, hearted fellow who puts greenbacks
into little pasteboard hoard boxes nnd
then uives the di'iir public a chance tote
to draw n big money prize , is also on
, hand , and working on thu sly , Thoi
there are the rag babies nnd a score o'
other chances tu invest spare chungo ,
- Tlio nidoahowa acorn to thrive , thougl :
ycstorday wna rather a chilly ono fo
the female Sampson , and aho had ti
trim her lights with fur. The "Chi
ea o Comedy oompany , " with its
bright galaxy of stars , ulao present an
excellent chance for thojdruinatio critic
of the Nonpiriol to oxpnnd BOIIIO of
, the gush which haa made htm famous.
There are alwnya ititorcatlni ; items
to bo gleaned in the main exposition
building , and there are many uttrno-
tiona there which merit epeciul atten
tion ,
> Strnncr , of Omalm , hnn nonm niiiui-
turo on ines running with full head
of steam , minuturo wind-will tender ,
and othur mechunicnl ouroaitiua ,
One of the moat attractive dinpl.-xva
in thi ) innin exposition building is that
of ,1. J. lilies , wiioio iinnio appuura in
llonil letters ubuvo u biiliiunt duphiy
of the latcut und moat artistically ar
rayed millinery goods.
A llurut bell , cumpoaod of about
. 5,000 ibwtfro , is one ot the unique nnd
bonntiful features of Hilda' ainpluy.
Ono fihowcaau ia tilled with beautiful
hand painted cushion tidies , toilet
ei'to , etc. , pnd n variety of fancy
! articles. One ean lind much to
interest , both in the unlliiioty and
fancy goodx diaolavod by Bliss.
malco n very nttrnotivo allowing , there
being about 250 specimens of the worl ;
ot thtf Excelsior Riillory. All of these
are taken by the instantaneous cola-
tint ) bromide process , which Mr.
llixrlco was the first to introduce hum
nud by which ho produces some work
aa flue aa can bo found anywhere in
the country. There is u marked dif
ference to be noticed between the new
nnd the old style photographa. Mr ,
lUrku linn some unique plioto plaqui > s ,
also diiplayod another novelty just
introduced hero by him. Hia display
shows tlut hit is up with the latest and
best nnd in the photographic art there
is seldom seen as good u Knowing as
hts. tlo intends before the fair is
over to take interior views of the
building. Ho has special instruments
for taking such interior views and is
gaining quite a reputation for his skill
ot in that time also ,
Mrs , 0 , M. Drown has on exhibi
ot tion BOIIIO fine painting * , ono of them ,
ot that representing a ruined abbey , being -
ing especially fine.
: Mrj.K. W. Merrill exhibits some
fine silk work on satin ,
A charmingly decorated tea sot
08 bonra the name of Mrs. F. T , Webb
id Miss Lucy Loutzigor , who is only
id about fourteen years of ago , lus
idd. seine specimens of handiwork in art
nnd with the noodle , showing unusual
nptnoia and natural talent. Bho has
a very handsome ottoman worked in
ohenillo , nnd n chercoal sketch made
by her ia worthy of un older nnd more
widely known nrtiBt.
, Some bits of embroidery by Miss
Gueener nlso merit attention.
. A crayon portrait by Miss M.V. .
il.or Merrill khows much merit.
or Mra. D , A. Benedict has n fine dis.
piny of hair good * , and souio fine
specimens of hand painting. A unique
nud very nicely decorated umbrella
- holder , proves on Investigation to bo
nothing but n piece of largo iron pipe ,
thus beautified. .
Min Delia Dohany has on exhibi-
tion a very beautiful chcmlloctnbroid-
orcd tnblo ncarf.
There is n fine collection of old
coins exhibited by Win. Miden'opf.
The collection numbers 735 , some very
rare nnd old.
run ADimr.tH.
Prof. S. A. Knapp , of thn lown ng-
ricuUural college , delivered his address -
dross yesterday in the exposition
building. The audience was not tn
largo as the address merited , end the
arrangements worn very poor , the
time being that when tlio crowd was
gathering tn the amphitheatres to BOO
the races , and other attractions draw
ing away also. Mr Knnpp is a man
of prcctical thought and plontivg ad
dress , and his effort was worthy of a
bettor tirao and place and larger
of carriages and buggies surprises
some of the strangers visiting the
grounds , but IB no Mirpriso to tboso
who know him and his work. llo has
ircctcd a temporary building just op-
losito the mam exposition , where ho
us ns fine a display in his liiio na ono
an expect to find at any exhibition in
io land. His carriagcn are fin-
ihcd very nicely , and they will fland
ho cloocst of Inspections , for they are
nado on honor , as all know Mr. Hat-
jnbnuer hao buuti long established in
10 business hero , and ! ws established
is enviable reputation by making
nst such durable and Well furnished
iarriages and bnggua as are hero ex-
ilbitod , The eastern muko Imvo
.ained quite a natno , but east or went
hero can bo found none of better ma-
orinl , of more thorough workmanship ,
r of finer finish than those of U.tttcti- .
iaucr. Tlio display is certainly a
ircdit to Council 151 till * us well as to
he nmnutacturor hiniielf.
onoitnn w. M'COY ,
f this city , has a display which nt-
rncta the attention of many fanners
and others. II o has the Halladay
itandard windmill running no that all
nay see its workings , and has also n
mowing of both wood and iron force
pumps. Ho also has the I. X , L.
feed grinder in practical operation ,
and it works admirably. Alto the
Viumph steam generator. Ho has
a variety of hydraulic rams also. His
pace fairly hums with industry , and
a crowd stand about from morning
ill night watchinir the workings of
carious machines , and discussing
heir merits , It seems as if ho was
> ound to got hold of the best of every
hing in his line , and he certainly has
luccoodod in doing BO in a number of
macs. Every farmer , and many who
are not farmer ? , will And much to in-
ercst as well as to profit them by in
crviowiug McCoy and his machinery.
Ono of the finest finished ngricul-
ural machines on tlio groundn is a
lilver-plated sulky plow in Deere &
Oo'e. display.
William Snyder , of Omaha , has
itand near the main exposition build-
ng , where ho exhibits a very tine
allowing of carriages , buglcs , ami
wood wagons. His dinplay is a dupli
cate made by him at the etuto fair nl
Omaha , and on which ho rcceiveii
first premium. Hi work certainly
shows up well , and the reputation h
has is assurance that his work stands
the test of time- and uso. His work is
very finely finished , and it teems im
possible to pick u Haw , an oversight ,
or a weakness. The display ia ono
which always has an admiring crawi
standing about it , and it certainly
tainly merits the attention of all
Mr , Snydcr's work has to stand the
teat of comparison with some oxcolleu
specimen ! ! , but it is fully nblo to dose
so , and ouoh a manufacturer lias iu
need to fear competition or comp.iri
son. Some of his buggies are partic
ularly neat and trim , nnd if ono want
to see models after which any intinu
factuntrs might well copy , ho shouh
call at Snydur'fl head quarter * and lool
at thoao of his display.
Thorn WAS u very good eizod crowi
who gathered to witness thu riiucH it
the nftcrnoon , despite the chilline *
rnndcring it rather uncomfortable ti
nit in thu open air unless well wrap
ped.Tho '
The 2MO racn was the first. It'wvw
fnr n purse of § 000 , the starters boini ,
Flora 1' , , owned by 11. Porter of Dav
onportf Milo 0 , , owned by .1. W
1'iigo , of Uhnyenno , and NVt'storn
owned by J R King , of Das Moines
The first was won by Western
who was the fuvorito in the pools
Time , ' < 3tiOJ. : The heat was u pretty
ono , the utixrt boinu n good 01111Vost
crn loading off , with Milo G , keopiu
clone nftor him , nnd Flora u little bu
hind. TJioy kept pretty well bunched
but on thu homo stretch Milo G
broke and dropped back to thin
place , giving Floia second ,
The second heat was an excitin
ono. On the start Western took Hi
lead , Flora 1" , and Milo O , dropping a
little behind. On the tirat quarto
Milo G , made HOIIIH inoro of her bic
breaks , and dropped far behind , bu
getting down to business ngain , epaod
uJ atom ; swiftly , closing up the pa
gradually , until on the homo strbtc
alio crowded into second pluco , am
the three came down the truck in
bunch , Western winning nnd the hea
dead between Milo G , and Flora P
The epeed shown by Milo G , in mak
ing up lost ground caused much en
thusiasm ,
In the third heat Western load of ]
with Flora oloso onto him , nnd Flor
P. in the rear They kept these po
sitions pretty nvonly , doing som
square trotting , until the last quarter
tor , when , Western being well in th
lend , there was a lively struggle between
tweon Milo U. and Flora P. for sea
end place. The former made a bid
break on the homo stretch , and by
run came in second , but was BO
bick , the judges giving second place
to Flora P. , Western winning th
heat and race ; time 2:32 : , There wa
some lively kicking on the part o
Milo G's driver because he was no
given second place , while thu drive
of Western kicked about the time an
nounced as 212 : ! , ho claiming ik wa
2'MThese ; kicks sorred 10 warn
up the chilly ones , and several go
quite comfortably hot over it
TUB 2:23 : HACK.
The best of the afternoon's spor
was the 2:23 : trot. Purse $000 , th
starters being Clara Cleveland ownec
by Win. UeLaney , of Quinoy , III
Kuroka , owned by A , J. Alderman , o
Freeport , and Little Sioux , owned b
0. B. Wilson , of Missouri Valley , O
the start off on the first boat Eurok
pot a nlight If.icJ. but wns quickly
passed by Little Sioux , followed by
Clara , who krpt closes upon him ,
while Kiiw-k.i breaking badly lost
ground , but nt InKt nettled dnwn nnd
rrmdo A fine nhoiving of spend closing
up much of fho gap , Little Sioux won
c.iDily in " . . ' ! 2 , Clara Cleveland occotid ,
and Eurekt : third.
In the second heat LUtlo Sioux
totk Mid kept iho lend , doing w > mo
very prot.y work , nud winning the
hat c&iily in 2:20. : Clara Cluvulnnd
lost by n break on the first quarter ,
but soon cpefded alone nud came in
second , with Eureka third.
Thn third ho/it / wna won BO easily
by Little Sioux i hat ho just josgcd
under the wire. Time , 2'M ; , Gl.tra
Cleveland being nccond , ntid Eureka
ngnin third.
The novolly race proved very inter
esting , but , thn strut wan so delayed
that many of the autiicnco left , hav
ing tired of netting nnd shivering
while tedious jockeying WPS going on.
'lio race , * ai uu exciting 0110 when it
id como. It was for n puma of § 500 ,
100 for the DUO ( lent reaching the
alf-mla : , § 150 for the ono making
10 mile , and § 250 h i the iinith of n
nile mid it ImU. There were five
.nrtura , Brown U ck , ownrdby _ S C.
ui s , of U'JBobeny : Mr. Eli , owned
y 11. .T. Carpenter , of Haatini " , ,
Feb. ; Ljvod Ono , owned by S E.
lutclior. of Gimircho , In J Mary P. ,
wncd by Daorons & Co. , Charles
"ily , In ; Wild Mooru , owned by Dan
11 Mnneey. Wild Moore won the
ace cisily.
There wan n sidii race yesterday
lorninc between Little Jim r.nd Mny
'lower , it being a hnlt-milo dash for
50 , Litilo Jim won.
lUilloblo Do.ilers.
Parties visiting the city for the firat
ime should not'tnil to call nt the ox-
endive jewelry stoto of 0. B. Jnequo-
nin & Co. , on Alain street , nearly op-
osito Hi'1 poatolllce They have re-
ontly refitted their c&tabliahmunt and
low have ono of the fincnt utorcs in
ho weet. They nro courteous gentleman -
man nnd will bo pleased to have you
all nud inspect , their clock , and you
ill bo well paid by doing BO. The
rm is ono ot the oldest and most fa
ornbly known in the city nnd by giv
np them your patronage you nro sure
f being fnirly dealt with. Is gives
us great pleasure to command thorn
ojtho public generally us reliable busi
ness men , carrying the heaviest ana
'nest stock of goods in the wont.
Tbo day has arrived whtm good
> oota and chocs nro considered the
cheapest. 011 and nee our now fall
itock. V T. LiNosnr & Co.
412 Brniidf-ny , Couneil Bluffs.
Paluco Music Boll.
Mucllrr'a exwnaivo musical instru
ment entabliihmunt , on Main street ,
a kno\vn far nnd near by the above
inmo , and justly BO. It is certainly
nil intnrcdtini ; place to visit , being one
of the laraeat eatublialimonta in the
west. Ho carrioa a camploto nnd
varied muuical stock , and handles
only the of everything in his
lino. Hia stook of toys also is ono
if the largest west of Chicago nnd is
'nil of novelties , and nil the goods are
A Dazzling Display.
Ono of the most briliiant showings
ings in any line is that at 0. B , Jnqus-
min & Co.'d/on Main street about op
posite the poatollice. It is a eight
worth scding. On every side sparkle
gems , bits of artistic woik in gold and
silver , novel and unique designs , and
many articles to please the eye , and
all nro wclcomo to inspect the stock.
TheBO yontltmion arc practical men ,
nnd it in about the only plnco in the
tvt'ftt where chains and other articles
of jewelry nro manufactured as well ns
cold , on that n customer got any
desired nrticlo made to order.
Sheriff Dan Fnrroll , of Glcnwood , was
In the city yesterday.
Colon' ; ! llicon , of MagDolb , wai in at
tendance upon tlio fair yesterday.
Hon. John A , Churchill and wife ic-
turned after nn extended trip ca'et.
Cbarlea Caaaaday , the hotel man nt Don-
uuoii , wax tu thu city yesterday.
W. A. Spencer , ot The Macedonia Tri
bune , called at Tm : BIB : office yesterday ,
Frank Durroufihi1 , of Atlantic , n well-
known bustuets man of that city , U In the
George Wetwood , nn attorney of Atlan
tic , H in the city , and pronounces the fair
a good one.
Hums , president of the latu clem-
oougrrBilcnal contention , was in
the city yesterday.
Uv-Shorllf Chila , Waddell , of Sao City ,
h in thu tlty , and tikiiif ; a peep nt ttio
fulr , of course ,
A. 1'ulanil , of The Mills County JiAir-
nul , Ulcuwood , wivi n wdluome c.iller ut
TIIK UKK oilier yesterday.
J , 0 , Adam , of the Avocn Deltn , was
nniont ; those who ehlvered In the repuitciB1
aUml at the races yetterday.
Judge Harrl * , of Mlasourl Valley , took
a ( quint at the ra-ea yetterdiy , but got
froze out , and left for home.
State Senator A. W. Ford , of the bank.
IIIR firm of Haney & Find , of Logan , and
Mr , Knudorf , also of Logan , were taking
In the fair yesterday.
0. M. Mill' , who baa been the efficient
foreman cf the fire department for several
yean , and F. L. Davis , the wide awaka
general Inaurance agent of Missouri Val.
ley , were among the many callers at THE
DEE office.
Mn. John S. Drift's , of Omaha , Ii at
tending the fair , and called at TIIK DEE
office , Mr. Urlgea ii an old newspaper
nun and U widely known throughout the
Police Pickings.
Five plain drunks , John Brown ,
Perry Stout , D. J. Murphy , 11. Jos
eph , uud 0. Henderson , wcro arraign *
ed before Judge Aylesworth yesterday
and assessed the ubual fine.
Oeo.V. . Evans , E. L. Simpson ,
Geo. Douglas , John Hoyers , and J. D.
White were brought before his honor
for gambling and were promptly fined.
Pat Ulley was required to cash up
for uting profane and obsceuo Ian-
. .
John Banoy was required to answer
for running nn express wngon with
out llconso and rcttlcd up the costs.
Dvirt Smith wa brought up for in-
ocfi' txpi'Ruro of peiBon und \\t\s
iitd S-o 00 nnd costs.
NOl'iCh.Fpecutl advertisement * , uc M
< nt , F' iniJ , To tx ) n , For H ! c , To Rent ,
'sr.t'i , IMsrtJiiE , * : . , ill ho Intertcd In thi !
ilnron at Ilio OK ruto ct TE.V CUiTS PEH
IN1J lor the first Ititcrtton nd FIVK CE.VTS
'ER LINK for wb suh-equcnt intertlnn
e fit orllstmfntl at our oflke , No. 7
' "ttrrt. f.rtr . Hrjvl i > y.
'AN'TI'.i ; . * n liulldintN to mote. Wo nnl.c
n ptil Hj of mor ! IIOIKCH an < l ' .ifcf
tilrfM W. 1' . A > lc9 orlt' , box ? ! l , Conncil
lnlT , In.
,1/ANTi , ; ' Situation M miller , clclit JCSM
/V e\ierlom | , K < x > d reference. C. J. M , ixd-
'CM Ilco oll'iv. _
ITAXllJI ) A ire l Klrl for ircn'm1 lion o-
V orV.V. . R. ViiUKhn , for. riciccninl I'mnk
IT AN I Ul ) A lav ntora dfy lieatiltr * .
. I'.nieimul rate. MtW.JI. K
[ TTANTSD-Evtrybodv In Council llluda It
I V to t e Tux lien , 20 cento per wrck , lie
vcicd by riuttor ; . OIRto , I'o 7 TccrlStreot
car Bnu < twnv.
.TJrAMtD To huy 101 tcnj hroom corn
\V far p.utlrakrj itddrcM Council Illufft
' .n V itnnnonncll ItNttrt. Iowa
For Snlo and Bent
I.IOUSAI.lIOItTUAni : ot IfiO ncrcs ,
JL 7 ncrcs 1no ) > c , astono liousu 18VJ7 nnd halt
tory basutiicnt , til > BtcTio ttnblc for four liorsci
nd n trocxlMll. . It U locatnl In Osborno county ,
( atisiH , ( i milis from Oaborno r.illroail. Inquire
t IlKK Olllcc ,
liICK SOO.OfO Iritk Jiirsalo by
TlUKHlSllliDUUOJlS tnqu roat 70bMunter
JLA ftti-ct.
TllOtl S\ 10x12 nVjllgM. Snft&ble for
J ; hot bed. Apply to Kxcclilor flallcry. _
9.VLK Dcn-itifuTrciilitcncf lota , 860
; c t ; uothlngdown , ftnd3i riTontlionly ,
03T A Ivgn wardrob key. liberal regard
1 toflril r Enquire at Hce olPce.
CJTlLLiAHEAU-Orcat8ucce 8. Call ami sec
j new accessories nnd ppeclmens of pictures
ai < en b Iho re'lab'e ' gelatine bromide procesi ,
t the Kxcela'or Gallery 10'Malnotrret.
. W. U PATTON I'hytlclim and Oculist.
DH. . cure any casn of fcoro cye . It Is only
i matter of ttnio , and can euro generally In
rom three tc flro u celts-H makes no differ-
inco how long diseased. Will straighten cro = f.
syei , operate and remove VlyrcKlnmn , etc. , and
p.iicrt artiadal eyes Special attention to re
nnvninir tidpvvorma ap5'tf
Council fluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Kxcclslor photograph ga lory , South Main St.
nstintnncoua pNcc3 .
C. ( IKISII , Upper llroailwny.
Bottling Works.
II. It.UiO Jt CO. , liwt I'icrce St.
1' . AYKnS , 517 S. Main St.
Batlilng Houses.
MIIS. H. J. HAltUINO , M. 1) . , Droidttaj am
1)11. hTUIUV , ISethcsda Bathlns Houve
Books nnd Stationery.
H. Ii SKAMAN , Jllddlc Hroadtta } .
OKKICKH & 1'USKY , corner Ilroailuny and Btl
UITIZKNS' BANK' , Mil street.
Broom Factory.
JIAY.Vi&CO. , atenueA , nnd Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TIMPUTON : : & LA.MII , 23 iiro. i ay ,
F. II. I.KVI.V , 308 llioadway.
I. . UUnitHOrF , fi31 ilaln St.
A. 11. MAYKi : & CO. , 31 Pearl St.
J. HOSS , CIS Kast llroailuay.
SIXTO.V , t W11ST , 11 Pearl St.
Dry Goods
HAUKXIiS , OHCL'TT.t CO. , llro.idwn > am
1th hlrett.
Cggs Sliiier. | |
G. 1' . CIlAWroitl ) , tilll Main M.
rurnlturo Manufactory.
Ii II. bTr.l.Nllll.IIUIl , cor. 7th a\e and I''th S
Furniture btorc.
C. A. HKKIIi : & CO. , L'07 and i.0l ) llroadnay.
Groceries and Provisions.
SITMVAN * rrrX.liKltAI.D , 311 llroadnay.
OII.IVii : : , > t ( IKAI1AM , Mil street. Uood
boltl u cMstcrn pitLL3 and
Harness and Saddlery ,
CIIAS. WAI.TI'.H A , IlllO. , Middle Droadna\
CHAH. : ; .Middle Jlroad a > .
Hair Goods ,
MIIS. 1) ) . A. IIKNUDICT. Xf ! W , t llriud a )
MHS. J. .1. UOOI ) , Jtintliktrevt.
Livery Stables.
A. roSIPTO.V. ' . ' 'KJ llnn.Ua . > .
\V. O. HOLLAND , 7nl.South Main ht.
11. IIKU'ICOIT. op p. P. ( > ,
OOllKX llorsr. . t' ! * > .
KIUIVN llOTin. , Mil and auT il. > ln tiect. _
Meat Market.
K \V. TICKXDH , Wrt llroidwaj.
J. .1. IILKS , K-- > llruidtta } . Come an. . ) IA.III
In. ' lurvoui.cU.
MUS. j. i : a > .
Marble and Granite Works.
OO.VXOI1 & ( il'A.ST.I.LA. ' 117 av.
Merchant Tailors ,
JAS. FJIANKY , 371 ! llro.wl a } ,
CIIAS. HICK , I > e\or biiildlnt' , Mil und Mai
JOH Itr.lTKIl , 310 llroailvi J ) _
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIM1IAI.L A. CHAMP , opio | lte ciiirt house.
J.V. . BQUIIti : A. CO. , corner 1'u.irl and Ut ic
Restaurant ,
SMITH & 'MiCL'KX , 401 llroa.Ua ) .
Stoves and Tinware.
U. 1 > . AMY it CO. , SOO South Main street.
Shirt Factory.
K. F. FOltl ) , comer IllutI and Wlllou St.
MOUQAN , KKU.KU & CO. , 310 and 017 Uroad-
ft. M. CO.NNELI , , 17 NortliMalnSt.
_ _
I D EDUUMKWX , . L.mlUlUKT , A. , * IB T ,
l'r * Went. Vlct'rest. . Cashier.
Of Council Bluffs.
Ort-anlted under the l w ol tha SUU of Iowa
IVldupcaiilUl. ,
Interest paid on time depoalU. DnUi l ue >
on the prlncipil cM * * ot tb United bu c n
Europe. Special t fntloa glveu to colle.tlon
and corrvupjodence with prompt rcturc * .
J.P.EJmnnd on , E-Uthuzart , J.T.nirl ,
W. W. WalUce , J. W. Roller , I. A. Ulilj
A.W.SU t ,
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Headquarters For the Cele
IM :
Weber Pianos ,
Toys Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and , ffilliw Sreets , Council Bluffs.
\Va make tbo following a Bpecialty :
and correcpondence promptly attended to. Oflicc and Mannfuctory
S. E. Cor. 7th Ave. and 12tli Street , COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA
The finest quality and largest stock weft of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases.
Oall nt'ended to nt all hours. We defy conipetition in quality of ponds or prices.
Onr Mr , Morgan bus served aa undertaker for forty years nnd thorouchlv underatandd
las business. WAKEROOMS , 340 AND 357 BltOAD\VAY. Upholstering in
all its brnnche * promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic -
graphic and mail orders filled without delay.
Made from the Finest -ilnlt and Hops , with water obtained
from thu
This Water is known everywhere for ita Purity and Wholesome Qualities ,
Also Dealers in C. Conrad ft CO.'D Origin U Budweiser Beer , manufactured in St.
Loufo , Mo , jGTOrders in the City or From Abroad Promptly Filled.
Wholesale Dealer in ami SOLE AOENT FO/t / Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 liroadway , C 'Jincil HlulFa , Iowa. Orders from the sountry oticlted
, iirderH to fumiliei und de.ilcrx dcli\cred free.
A. llKKllli , W. I1KKUK
O. A. BEEBE & CO. , 9
Wholoialo nncl Hotal DfMcrn In
Noa. 2(7 ( & 20S ) Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Al * y kecp > onhaiidthefincitmi.ortpieiitotmat'rl UorgeutleineD'awe r.
Mllltuory , Droasmalclntr , Etc Cutting and Fitting a Bpedlatty.
Ho 618 UronUav , Oppoilte Uovere House.
i/.u-es , Einhruitkries , and Ladies Underwear.
lundkerchlsh , bee ot all Kludi , threat , plnr , needles , etc. We bope tbo Uaiea will till
and tee our itnclt ol eocdi.
iR-iaiE ,
Merchant Tailor.
( Lste Cutter for Metcalf H . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
SulU to orJer $18 and upvvardi. _
" "
( Succoaon to J , T. & J. N. CvuaJy. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
We b ve the only complete Mt of abstract books to all city lot lnd Uodi In PotUvittUmi
county. Titles ciamlacd and abttraclf furi'Uhodon short notice , llooer to lotn ou dty and farm
propertr , thort nd long time , in sums . to lult the borro tr. Kealeitk bought and sold. One *
at the old sUni opposite court bniiM.