Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1882, Image 6

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    J 7-
The Daily Bee. 1
"Wednesday Morninp , Sept 20.
87 Carrltf , - - - - - ro etit p r Keek ,
B7 Mill 110 00 prr YfAl ,
OlUce : No. 7 Poiirl Btroot , Kenr
U. O. GRIFFIN , lltnxcr.
H. W. TII.TON , City Editor.
Uliss' for French millinery.
.1. Mueller' * 1'alica Music.Hrill.
Slierrnden ir.ftkcJ t'liolograpliH.
-Tiss litU kWglove * 51.75 fit Uliss' .
Two plnin drunkK , ono colored , were
l by Jndac Aylciworth yesterday ,
line a full line nf kid Cloven and
killc mlttn.
& The BUprcme court opened yesterday
mornlnt ; with nil the jiiilgeH on the bench
ciccj.t ono ,
lilis , 226 lirnidwny , has just received
from New York n full line of Rtyllth
flchnci and collar * .
Smoke the Utterly Utter , nnd the
Key Went 1'crfcctlon clgart , Hold nt whole-
wile only by lMlr.k Lange.
St. 1'fttrick'n IScncvolcnt tocicty give
their annual hall Wednesday evening nt
their hall in St. Joseph' * ( iciwlcmy on J-'ltth
John Dunn it running Kx-Mnyor
Vaughn's celebrated horJIo conchen to and
from the fair ground * . Of courae , they
ore crowded.
Joseph llosn , tbo upper Broadway
cooper , dcslrei to [ inrchn-o fifty thonisnd
lioop-polcn. Write to or enquire nt hi
cooper ( hop.
Joseph Keller makes the Finest Suits
n Iho latest ntylbn , at the lowcnt pnsslblo
price * . Hi ) merchant tailoring oitnbllah-
mcnt IB nt 310 Upper Broadway , Council
Bluff * .
Sheriff Jainca Walker , nf Monroe
county , on Monday evening took two
prisoners from the jail hero hack toOnawa
for trial. They nro charged with being
A bold robbery took pinco nhout 'i
o'clock yceterday afternoon at the real estate
ollico of J. I ) . Kdmondion on Main street ,
\VhIlo Jilt. Kilinondeon's back waa turned
Home one slippsd In nnd took $20 from the
open safe nnd made good hia cecape.
It may bo well for visitors In our city
ui well as our citizens generally tolremem
ber that Iho St. Pntrick'n Benevolent So
ciety glvo their annual ball this evening
nt their bountiful hall In St. Joseph ncnd
cmy , 5th avenue. Munii by 1'rof , Olcat'ii
Tbo UordlCB.
John Dunn has nrrangod to run the
llordics during tlio fair , and nil "Ilor-
dic tickets" outstanding will bo tnkon
by Dun" at five cents each Look out
for the Uordics and "all take n ridu. '
Now and Handsome.
The Dross Goods , Silks , Velvets ,
Satina , llhadawos , Plush Oloaks , Dol-
mnna , Oarpots , ilntr Silks , Ourtnins
and a thousand other thinga which
you will find at
. My rosidouco.lNo. 715 Fourth street
Bancroft' ) L. F. Muui-jiy.
Tlio Council BluQa Doya Win An Easy
Ono { torn the Quinoy'fl.
Yesterday forenoon the Oounoil
Bluffs nine and the Quincy , 111 , club
had n one-aided contest on tlib fortnur'n
grounds hero , rcauHitig in nil onsy
victory for the homo nine by 13 to 2.
The following is the sooro :
1C. BLUM-H. A.II , uln. T.II.
Three Bane Hits Kuelme , 1.
Wild Pltchen-Wnrrell , 1.
Passed Balls Blulfd , 1 ; OiiinoyiJ 3.
Struck Out-lMuffi , 7 ; Mulneyi. 7.
Umpire Mr. Carey , of Ht L-iuis.
1 line Two liuurn , mid twenty minutes.
Good Qooda ut Qood'a.
At Mrs. J. J. Good's , Main street
hair atoro , can Im noen thu largest
Block of hair goods west of Chicago ,
and at pricea.within the roach of all.
HnlppiuK Htock.
The following were the shipments
of slock from the Union yards ut the
Iranafor yesterday ;
iiucnm ,
17 , c r , 1) . Sheody.
15 car , Wyoming CV.tlo Co.
U c r , .Street & SI.
Oc , R , 8. Van Tassel.
8 earn , Swan & Frank Cattle Co ,
Total receipts , D'J cars.
10 caw , Cory , comlgnnl to Geo. Adams
&Burt , Chicago , via O. M. & Ht. P.
7 car. , 8. Smitli , to .T. ] [ , Wood & Co. ,
Ohc ! K" , via C , M. & St. P.
0 cam , H-trenv & H. , to Msrtln Bros. ,
Chlcato ; , via 0. B , & Q.
23 caw , Oroi hton & Uo. . toltoat Bron. ,
Chicago , yl O. M. & St. J' .
17 caw , D. Shwdy to himself , Chicago.
vU 0. M. & St. 1' .
JI earn. Swan , Frank t Anthony Cattle
! ° ' ) ' 1I&M &
I ] &
Total , r _
Pools , Poole , Pools.
Pa * Lacy IIRS scoured the services
of Col. Q. W. Dickey , the celebrated
pool seller , to sell psols morning and
evening , at his old stand , kent by Ed.
Shirlock , on all races durin the fair
fair week , commencing Monday morn
ing at 10 o'clock , and will bo rf upon-
jtfiblo for all pool * sold at his place ,
How ThBy Bnsietl Themselves
on tlie Second Day.
Notes Gathered lu and About
the Buiidioga.
KRncnn intvhioli Dutch
Girl nnil Xiouo Junlt Win.
The Attractions Promised lor To-day
Ycstordny was cooler than on the
opening day of thn fair. The clout
wna still very fly , nnd proved the text
or many brief irreligious sort of BUT-
nous on nil siJen. The crowd wa
argo , numbering between four mid five
.hnusatid , which if ] pretty fair for the
second day Thcro were about 1,800
school children on the grounds , and
were it not fur the aidufthowa and Min
ify gamblini ! ( , 'amuR , onu might fancy
t a ( Sunday school picnic.
There are many attractive displayH
n thu main exposition buildings , too
nany to oiuunurato. Miiuy of thu
ending morchanta have arranged very
Seating allowing of their wares ,
taiunari , the buok man , is thvro , and
nakca his corner very attractive ,
iiarknoaa , Orcutt A Co. give n display
of carpoto , dry goods nnd finerier ,
which ia constantly surrounded by ad
miring ladicH. Davol , the hardware
nan , and Cooper fc McGee in thu
BUIIIO line , give good showings. C.
5. Jacquumin it Co. , the well known
owolure , have a display of several
hougaml dollars worth of precious
limits , jewelry , gold and silver in all
'orms. Their triangular nhow caon is
i curiosity in optic ? , mid is n puzzle
x > o many , nnd thu query is often rnndo
nnd as often unanswered , how is it
nnd why is it ? These who have not
neon it will it an interesting test of
: ho knowledge of the laws of reflec
Mueller , the music man , occupies a
prominent petition in the cotitro of
thn hall , nnd draws a crowd , while
Motcalf 15ros. luivu also an nttractivu
booth in the contro.
One of the most , attractive features
of the hall ia the space devoted to
the display of florals with a beautiful
waterfall and fountain , while rocks ,
ferns , etc. , combine in making n bower
of boauty.
Tlioro is a very interesting showing
of art. Durko and Sherradon havu
good displays of photographic gooda ,
and many private oxhibita are worthy
of attention. Miss Maggie Dohaney
has a good sized space well filled with
specimens of her skill with the brush ,
the pointings being varied in deaiun ,
but all showing thu aamo skill. Sumo
of the paintings nru unusually good.
Mrs. M , L , Stevonn has n , largo
number of very fine specimens of art ,
not only in painting but in crayoning.
Her picluros _ nttrac : much attention
and call fortli'miich praisu.
Miss Maggie Schontz , the daughter
of Jailer Schontz , has some excellent
hand painting on velvet.
Miss Lizzie Tyson has shown much
of real natural genius in thn speci
mens of her skill in art. She is bat
eleven yearn of ago , and has taken but
ono lesson , and yet one can hardly bo'
Hove that ono having had so little in
struction and ono of so few yours
could have produced paintings of BO
much merit. She certainly gives as
surance of native talent , mid the
promise of rare peed work in the
Among the curious exhibits are
some braided brid'u.s ' , made of leather
and not having n stitch in them.
They are the handiwork of "Ooyoto
Hill , " ono of the prisoners at the jail.
They are beauties and show great in
Some leather brnckoLn and leather
frames for photograhs are worth irnz
ing at. They are the handiwork of
Mrs. J. II. Jackson.
Oiui very interesting exhibit is the
cabinet of South Sea Inland curiosities
by F. 0. Newell , of this city , who has
traveled uxtonsivoly , and not in vain.
Ho ha hero exhibited curiosities from
Australia and Now Xoaland. Amnng
them ts a bird known as the Now Zea
land kiwi , which has neither tail nor
wings. Fortunately it has a hoad. It
is n atrango bird , and there is but onu
other specimen of it , that being in the
British museum. Mr. Nnwell has
also in his cabinet another utrango
bird from Now Zealand , it being a
kicknpor , n regular mutton devourer ,
which so pounces upon the sheep as tc
bo pronounced a common enemy , am
is hunted and
slaughtered with HI
much zest that it will noon bo extinct.
Mnurur & Craig have n line display
of pottery , glassware , china , atom-
nnd among other novelties aomo of the
glass shingles of which so much has
been said of late.
Conspicuous among the exhibits a
the fair is n nice show casa near the
secretary's olllco in the hull , full o
beautiful mineral specimens from the
mines ot the Union Consolidated com
pany , located In thu extreme north
east corner of Utah. This is a homo
company , composed of some of the
best business men of Council Ululla
nnd this exhibit shows they mint owi
some first class property , The sped
mons of copper ore nro especially line
Carbonates , galena , gold quartz , mica
hro clay , acid , &o. , arc nil there.Vo
are informed that the company are
pushing development and thu scheme
rfaontly started to raise $ 'JO,000 to
pay for the work is mooting with the
success It should and a recent ship
ment of machinery will facilitate the
work to they can got in shape to work
all winter. Don't fail to see this case
of ere and take ono of the papers you
find laying near it , which will toll you
moro than wo hayo space to toll.
Therotsa very pretty showing o
California mosses , uniquely arranged
by MrH , Minnie Pfoillor ,
A placquo upon which appear hand
pamtingof ( lowers is tlio work of Mies
L. A. Brown ,
ai'Ter ! ° ? , rr ° allowt 8a of wax llowor
by MM.'m. . Koelino , Mrs. K. Uoso
crans , Mrs. M. Duquette nnd ethers
Some very line CMOS of stule ! (
birds attract much attraction , they
being these of Mrs. A. 0. Tirol/am. /
Ono little novelty of Mrs. A. T , El
well's is pleasing. It is a miniature
bale of cotton with two little darkle
seated on top. She has other bits o
skillful handiwork ,
Among the vegetables and cereal
here fire many things of interest. Ev
erybody ndmircR the fi 'tren pou , d
qutshand the 17Gx | > und vumpMn of
j , A. Casper. The potatom mko n
) il show of themselves , they being
unusually largo and unusually fine.
Of farm machinery tliero ocoms no
'iul. Machinery hall is full , nnd thu
'round between that nnd the
ition huildiiiK is covered nl o
F. 0. Nnwall , McCormick'a
lombinod the ornamf-ntnl with the
.iraatical by decorating the rocl of his
wiper with ribbons of the imtioiml
colors , BO that as H whirhd about it
ireaentcd n moro attractive nppoaranco
han a wheel of fortuno.
TUB Itr.K has established itself at
nachinory hull , whom it has on ex- ,
nbition aomo of t.o farm machinery
vhich it gives ttway yearly aa promt-
nm to aubactihcra. Ono of those is
ho American grinding mill , driven by
portable wigiiie , miult by the Mur-
ny iron wurlts of Burlington. THE
IKK is hero grinding corn utnliviily
ate , while in front of the building
lands the tent , whore snbicriburannd
fiends of TUB BKI : are over wolcomu.
Mr. AtchiaoL , of The Chicago Jour-
al of Commuico , hft pitched his tout
car the Episcopal lunch booth , so use
o bo near the bwoof aupplica.
Capt. George , of The Uaiciigu Uor-
Id , lua a lent near the pool box , no
liat Iio can ho liandy to the races , of
Inch In ; ia taking pointers.
The Nonpareil has placed a proas
n exhibition in the machinery hull.
Wo were attracted by the neat op-
icartxnco , as well as the patriotic dis-
lay of "Stars and ntripos , " gracefully
hating over the two touts occupied
iy tlio committee of Iho Episcopal
adioc. AH wo oulorod the next tent ,
n which are sold lomonndo and cigars ,
vo | saw at a glance that success wai
ssurcd from the fact that two _ ladies
a courteous , nmiablo and aotivo as
.Ira. . Goo. Merrill and MM. 0. M.
Jrovm were in charge. Wo knowingly
ortify that the lemonade was do-
icioiiH , and a fiiend tells us the cigars
\ro excellent.
In the "restaurant" tout , of the
members of the committee wo nolico
tlrs. J. B. Atkins , Mra. Alex. Webb ,
tfra. Doming , , Mra. G. L. Brown ,
ilra. D. C. Bloouior and Mra Jno.
Johany. Wo noticed these excellent
adioa very busy attending to the him-
try wants of their many friends ,
riicy desire lo express their especial
liAiiks to John A. Miller , Esq. , of
toward , N. J , for the generous gift
of a now range stove , and to Mr.
iVhoolor for a steam heating appara
tus. The ladies are thus enabled to
totify their numerous f rionda visiting
ho fair that they can servo them with
"lot meal a , nnd at moat reasonable
prices. By all moans before leaving
ho fair grounds , viait the headquar
ters of thu Episcopal ladies.
The races yesterday afternoon drew
well , there being moro in the umphi-
.hoaters than at any previous meeting
ut the park. Ono amphitheatre wr.a
devoted to the school children , tench-
ora.'otc. , and was well tilled. The firet
event of the afternoon was the frco
or all pace. Parse $500 , dividrfl in
to $250 , $125 , $75 , and $50. There
were three s artors , Cyclone , owned by
0. A. Thompson , "of Wintersot , Ia. ;
Ijono Juok , owned by B. J. Johnson ,
L/roaton , li ; and Sleepy Tom , owned
by Joe Udol , of Chicago.
There was n good deal of tlmo waited
in scoring , until Dr. MoKuno lost
patience and pave the drivers fair
warning that the next time it would
be a 150 , whether or not. After an
other attempt a good start was had ,
Cyclone at the polo , then Lone Jack
and Sleepy Tom.
Lone Jack took thn lead followed
closely by Steeply Tom. Cyclone
made a break on the first qiuuor ,
dropped behind , and these relative
poaitiona wcto kept until the Lonu
Jack passed under the wire , winning
the heat in 2:27.1 : , Sleepy Tom only
a length behind , und Cyclone third.
The second heat was about a rupoti
turn of the first. A ready otart was
had , Lone Jack leading and keeping
thn lead with Sleepy Tom cloao on U
him and Cyclone in the back ( 'round ,
Lone Jack taking the hcr.t in 2:231. :
The third hnat was the moat excit
ing nnd cloaest contest. Alter scoring
two or three tuiicH n atari wai made ,
and on the first quarter Lone Jacl
Hot tha lead and niadu a gup of aev
ural lengths bolwoen him aud Sleepy
Tom , but the latter Soon closed up
much of this , leaving Cyclone further
and turther and further behind ;
They kepi these relative position un
til the homo Hiretch , when Sleepy
Tom was put to the strain ; and for an
Instant ho gave the promise of com
ing to the trent , but it was in vain
that the whip waa used , The horses
came down the homo stretch very
prettily , but Lone Jack pressed undoi
the \viru about n length ahead aia
won tha race , the time of the heal
being 'J:2U : ! , Cyclone saving hia din
lance , but nothing great to spare.
TUB 2:30 : TKOT.
Another event of the afternoon was
the 2tt : : ( trot for a purse of $500 , di
vided into $250 , $175 , S7C and $50.
The atartvra were Dutch Girl ,
owned by L. O , Turner , of Racine
Duster , owned by Porter & Slmllor ,
of York , Nub. , and Jack P rogoy ,
owned by A. llnrtnoy , nf thin city.
In the lirnt heat Dutch Girl took
and kept the loud from the start
Jack Pcrogoy a good second , and Dun
ter pretty well in the roar. The hca
was won by Dutch Girl in 2:3-1 : j.
The second heat had a very * pretty
atari , Dutch Girl taking tlio l > ad aiii
keeping it , though cloao pressed by
Jock IVropoy , and Duster doing bet
tor work than in the first heat , but
still a forlorn hope. Dutch Girl pass.
ud under the wire with Jack Poregoy
lapping her , she winning the heat ii
The third lient and race waa won bj
Dutch Girl , Peregoy eocond , ami
Duster third , the horses coining in
pretty close together. Time , 2:32J. :
Prof. S. A. Knnpp , of the Iowa
agricultural college , will this uftor ,
imon deliver and address tothopoopli ,
at the fairground. Ho will , without
doubt , give an addrosa worthy of i
largo audience , as ho ia full of prac
tical thoughts arttl has a good com
mand of language with which to present
sent thorn.
The followini ; are the races to-day ,
Trotting , 2:40 : clasa. $000 8300 ,
8150 , 1)0 , $00. M. 0. Ott , Wilton
Junction , la. , blk , m. Lucy It ; J. 0
Dunn , LifAyctte , Ind. , br. m. Donna
Mercedes ; John 11. King , Dos Moinci ,
Ia. , a. g. Wcston ; J. W. [ 'ago , Chey
enne , ch. m. Milo G ; Robert Porte ,
la. , ch. in. Flora P.
Trotting race , 2:23 : olarfi , SOOO
$ . ' ? 00 , S1BII. $ ! 0 , 00. 0. B. Wilson ,
Missouri Valley , la. , b. p Iitlh <
JJioux ; A. Alderra n , Frreporf , Ills. ,
lilk. K. EoreKB ; Win. D Lonif , Qamcy ,
111. , ch. m. Clara Cleveland.
Run , IJ miles , novelty , S.VX ) - $100
to one-half , $150 to mile , 8' " 0 to fin
ish. S. 0. lUM , Hisonburt' , Mo. ,
br. g. Brown Dick ; Daevoua fc Co. ,
Jharles City , In. , ch m. MnryP ; Dan
LiMainty , Dourer , Col. , ! > . in. Ballu
f the U'e. " , br. ( / . Wi'd Moon ; S. K
IJutchor , Cannuche , I-v , l > . m. Lived
3no ( formerly Ella Kowlctt ) ; 11. J.
Carpenter , llnttinga , Neb. , b. g. E'i.
To morrow ia the great hurdle raca ,
IJ tni'lua ever aix hurdles , for a purse
) f f 000. There are four entries , and
the race promUcs to bo ono of the
moit exciting events of the whnlo fir.
.Thooo who desire to attend the fair
nnd rocurn homo the same evtining
cti do DO easily , there bcinct cpocinl
Hiinn out on each of the loads i'n the
nfpninif , The following being the
caving trains :
GVfcK. 1 7:50 : p. ID.
( J. 15. & Q 7s 0 p. m
A ttX.v' 7:40 : p. in.
[ hmx City 7:10 : p. in
' -It shall bo borne in mind that rail-
< > y time is a half hour faster than
city time.
The Day.
day has arrived when good
Hoots and shots nro considered the
ofieapeat. Call p.nd see our noiv fall
' . Z. T. LIKIISEY & Co.
412 Broadway , Council BlulTs.
Patuco Music Hell.
Muollor'a cxtonsivu musical inalru-
nont uMtublishinont , on Main street ,
B known far and near by the above
name , nnd justly so. It is certainly
an interesting place to visit , being ono
> f the largest establishments in the
west. lie carries a complete and
varied musical stock , and handles
only the boat of everything in hia
line. His stock of toys also is one
) f the largest west of Chicago and is
"ull of novelties , nnd nil the goods nro
; iow.
A. Dazzling : Display.
Ono of the most brilliant showings
ngs in any line is that at 0. B. Jaquc-
min & Co.'d , on Main street about op
posite the postofiico. It is a sight
worth neein . On every aide sparkle
: emu , bit * of artistic woik in gold and
ulvor , novel und unique designs , and
many articles to please the eye , nnd
ill nro welcome to inspect thp stock.
These gentlemen are practical men ,
nnd it ia about the only place in the
west where chain * and oth > r articles
of jewelry are manufdcturod an well us
sold , so that a customer can get uiiy
desired article made to order.
1) . M. Wylnnd. of Harlan , Ja in tbe city.
W. H. Dudley favqrcd THE BKE with a
call yreterday.
G. A. Tryon , ot Avocs , called at THE
BEK office yesterday.
D. A. Williams , of Harlnn , ye jolly host
of the City hotel , h in the city.
George Paul and J. M. T. Schneider , of
Avoc i , are in the city and taking In the
George Harris , of Ilnncock , book keeper
for T. II. Hancock , grain dealer , in taking
In the fair.
N. M. Warrell , Jr. , of Quincy , III. , was
among the cal era at Tut : 13ic otlico yes
George Robinson and family , of Avoc' ,
are in tlio city visiting friccda and attend
ing the fair.
Thos. Galleon , a prominent busings
mnn man of Onklanil , was married in this
city last Sunday to n youui ; lady fram the
enst end of the county.
John A. Miller , of Newark , K. .T. , will
Mm. , T , B. Atklup , wro nmong tlio many
callers at Tut : UEB headquarter * at tbo
fair ground < to-day.
Allicrt Schroder , late of Wagner & Mey.
era' 1'henix billiard hall , nnd a moat ob
liging nuil popular youug man , has bought
the Turner's hall ealoon and opened cm
there in fine Htjle
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I. Alycrly , of Ilarlau
arrived In the city Monday evening , Mr
Mycrly left yesterday for Nebraska on
business , and his wife will remuin here for
B few duya with her tister , Jlra. J , I !
Wooster Binltli , now etopplag tvmpora
rlly at Uochtel'a hotel , in rather a remark
able man In some respects. He is one o
tbe oldest newtparar men in the rankn am
still wields a rather lively pen. lie has
been connected with some if the nios
promloent joiirnsh in the country , and Im
kturted several pujiers , the last being Tbo
Newburyport D.lly Sun , now live
four . year * old. Ho started tbo earn
without an "ad , " or a mWHber , and i
now has a circulation of ,1,1)00. ) Mr. Kmltl
Is ixlao a veteran In the military ranks am
claims rank as the oldest living number o
the Ancient and Honorable Artillery nsto
elation , organized In 177-1.
Churlon M , Iloea , who in known wel
ami esteemed highly here , having Ilve (
hero many yean , and who has been of lat
in Kaunas City , utarted for Sioux Clt )
yenteniay In company with II. G , Algeo
Tlieea young men intend to make Urn
place their borne and are to engage in tb
abstract buahiesa , it tclug their purpoeo to
make a complete and perfect set of Look
of the latest approved and self-checking
plan , They will aim engage In real estate
and insurance. Mr , Algeo is from In
illanapolis , nnd lias bad considerable ex
perlouce in business , in making loans , etc.
and i an export in making abstracts , Mr
Uoss U alto a youmnmu thoroughly ex
perieuced In the business , and the two rvi
make a Btrotif tea ,
Woman' * True I'rloud.
A friend In need is a friend indeed. Thl
none can deny , especially when assistance !
renilered when one is oorely aillicted with
diseaae , more particularly those com
plaints and weaknesses so common to on
female i > opul tion. Every woman should
know that Electric Bitters are woman a
true friend , and will positively restore he
to health , even when H other reuiedle
uertion.A single trial always proves our as
uertion. They are pleasant to the taste
ud only coat fifty cents a bottle. Sold by
3. F. UaoJa > * n.
KOT1CI ; . tjpecfel tlmtl cmcnt < , MIC M
iOtt , Found , To Iioan , For Silo , To Ken' ,
ftnt * . Uttirdlntr , etc. , lll ho Insetted In th !
Wlnmi ftt the ow rftto cf TEN CENT9 PKK
.1XK for the flrtt Infcrtlon ixnJ FJVK CENTh
'EH LINK for each cuWqucnt Insertion ,
.care o-lt ertlaemontn tt our oOice , Ko. 7
'n ' > * l Strict , nff.r
.ITANTCK r , OtiiilM'ntstoinatc. ' Wo make
V nf | 'cl Itj of niMl K lioii'm ami " fi .
riW. . 1' . A.\lcsworu , box 871 , ronncll
Tii , Ia.
.T7ASTI : Sltimtlon an miller , clslit
VcxjicriMU'e. . ( 'ood reference. C. J. M , ail-
llco oilitt1.
,5 , AXTit : ) 11 } a young German , n cltuitlon
n n Imkir. t'nn fl > u alitft tor } nfcruniti
'ii'liilrunt TUB | ! M { Mile .
ANIKt ) A isonl ultl for ( rcniral lion r
work. W. I' ' . Vaughn , tor. ricnvnlut Kr
ATAN'M ) A few mnr.iOn ) li-aidcrs. li\lil <
\V fir -di" . ll.itcimrcl into. 1IIW.M. K
A"8"VL'OO Itanciofift'ce' .
\NK or iwo i > 1ci ant roiint l.icito" not rn-inj
J equates Iho po'totflco , dci rrd l > y
ti hatiilaiil wile. Addrcos IIKS oirco , Council
luff * .
t.\rANTKn-Evcr.vhody In Comic ! ) IlluBs le
f V to Uke Tun linn , EO cents per wrck , da
vcreil by cirrlora. OlHce , No 7 I'oatl Street
car Hro.v ] ty.
\r ANTKn To buy 100 tons broom corn
W for particulars addirso Council Blunt
Kwtorv. Council niwlju. low
Kor Sale anil Rent
71(111 HAM : Oil TIlADi : A farm of ICO IHTCS ,
. ; 7 nercH lir ) ie , nstonu lioii'e lsx'7 nnd half
: ory liascnicnt , alho stone stable for four liorf c
ud n good uvll. It (9 ( located III Oslwuc county ,
'ntisao , li miles from Usbornu railroad. Kwiuirc
t IlkKollleo.
3HICK 200.0CO tirlck forealoby
) U li Ft.t. A DAY.
[ TIUn.NlSllKDtlUOMij LU < iuront TOO Mjmter
J street.
TT10II SALE-A 10x12 nkjllghl. KlKtat for
J hotbed. Apply to Kiiccl.lor Gallery.
7\OIi \ BALK Jlcn-itKul residence lota , 860
J each ; nothlnff down , and Sipcrmonth only ,
OST A laign wardrob koy. I Iberal rew
J to IIml r Enquire at Hro office.
Cmt.bAHEAD-Griatsucco.e. C II and see
J new Kcccssorics and Sxclmcns ) of pictures
a enb Iho reliable pclatlno bromldo process ,
t the Enccln'or Q llerv 10 JKInstrcct.
DR. W. L. PATTON I'tiyslcl&n and Oculist.
Can euro any caoo of nero cyc . It Is only
matter of time , and can euro generally In
rom three tc five weeks It makes no differ-
nca how long diseased. Will straighten cro8
yc , operate and remove t'lyrrglntna , etc. , ar.d
nscrt urtlflclal eyes Special attention to remove -
move ) np tAtleunrms ap5tf
Council bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
K\cclalor photograph gn lery , South ilaln St.
MHtantaneoiis pr eess.
C. RKISK , Upper liroadway.
Bottling Works. '
IS. IIAfin .t CO. , liist Pierce St.
I1. AYiilSM7S. : MnlnSt.
Bathing Houses.
XI11S. K. J. IIAHDINO , JI. J ) . , liroadway and
Ilenn arc.
1)K. STUDI.KV , llcthcsda liathiliR House ,
Books and Stationery.
H. IL SKAMAX , Middle Brondtt-ay.
OFFICER & PUSiy ; , corner Broadway and 5tl
CITIZENS' HANK , fith street.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE&CO.i ciiiioAan < l Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TKMPLETON & LAill ) , 232 Broadway.
V. II. LEVIN , 308 llioailn-ay.
L. BOEKHOKK , r > 31Main St.
A. II. MAYNB & CO , , 31 Pearl St.
.1. IIOSS , am Eist llrondnny.
8IXTON . .VVI T , 11 Pearl St.
Dry Goods
SS , OUCUTT A.CO , , Ilroadnny am
1th street.
Eggs Shipper.
C. . K. CUAWKOItl ) , SI ! ) Muin St.
Furniture Manufactory.
K , It. STEI.N'IIIUllCK , cor. Tthaveand 12th St
Furniture Store.
C. A. BEiili : : iCO. . , LW nml 20U Bro.-ulH.iy.
Groceries and Provisions.
St'I.lVAX t riT/.fiiiAIl : ! ) , .11:1 : llroailuay.
Gunsmlthlng ,
OM.IVKU , t CUAllAM , Mil ( .trect. Gooil
void nt i-Aitern prk-ea and Kiiaraiit < t l ,
Harness and Saddlery.
CIIAS. WAl.TI'.lt & II1IO. , Middle Broadwnj
CIIAS. lliKMA.\.Tl : ! Middle llroaduny ,
Hair Goods.
MRS. I ) . A. IliXiiICT. : : ) 3.-I7 West Bro-idwaj
MHS , J. .1. ( iOUl ) , 'MMilbtrett.
Livery Stables.
A , COMITON , i'10 llroad u\ .
W. U. IIOI.I.AN'II , TIN ) South .Main St.
II. IIKIX'ltOrT , opp. P. I ) .
Hotels ,
OODI'.N IIOCSi : . I'pper Broadway.
: ! . , nul und Ml il.iln i-tre t. _
Meat Market.
i : . \V.Tiri\\01l , KM Ilrtuilun > .
J. J. lil.ISS , : ! . ' llroailwaj. ( 'onio and e\an
Inu forjiur.-i-lf.
illlH. J. I ! MirrtUI.F , r > l8 Broadway.
Marble and Granite Works.
CONXllII .1 ( U'AXKI.I.A. 117 llroi > ili > ay. _
Merchant Tailors ,
.IAS. rilA.VEV , flT2 llroa < luii > .
CIIAH. ItlCE , Duvol'K bulldlni ; , Mh und Mai
JOH KKITKU. 310 Broadway "
Real Estate and Abstract ,
KIMBAI.I , A CHAMP , opposite emirt lioilsc.
J.V. . Sijl'Illi : & CO. , corner IV.irl and lot * u
Restaurant , '
SMITH fc'MiCUKX llroa-lway.
Stoves and Tinware ,
II , IMY I i. CO. , 500 South M In
Shirt Factory ,
I' . I' . KOIID , comer Illutf and Willow St.
Undertakers ,
MOltOA.S" , Kl'.I.I.Klt & CO. , 310 and 3IT Broad
1) , JI. CONNKI.I. , 17 North Main St.
I'rMident. Ylco-iWt. Cashier ,
Of ( Jonnoil BlnU's.
Cfganlicd uuder tbe lawa ol tha State of low *
Paid up capital 9 76.0C
Autborlicdcapiial SOU.Wfl
Interest paid on time deposits. Dralts Issuei
on the principal cities of the'United Butuoand
Europe. Special attention iclren to collettloo
Mid correspoudenc ith prompt retuius.
J. P.Edmundson , HL.bhur rt , J. T.llitt ,
W , W. W OUc , J. W. Raaier , I. A. MlHtr
A.W. BUoet.
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
- -
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianoss
X. Toys and Fancy Goods
. Wholesale and Retail ,
X.o Address , S
o d. MUELLER ,
B I I \s It U
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Mow Sreets , Council Bluffs ,
ET . "
Wo make the following a specialty :
il crdcia and correspondence promptly attended to. Office nnd Manufactory
S. E. Cor. 7th Avo. and 12th Street , COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA
The finest quality nnd largest stock wctt of Chicago of wooden and inetalic casee.
Call * attended to nt all hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan has served as undertaker for forty years nnd thoroughly understand *
his business. WAHBROOMS , 340 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering in
nil its brunches promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying nnd lambrequins. Tele-
praph'c ' and mall orders filled without delay.
f IFF fT % TF
Made from the Finest Malt and Hops , with water obtained
from tlio
This Water ia known everywhere for its Purity and Wholesome Qualities.
Also Dealers in G. Conrad CO.'B Oriftinal Budweiser Beer , manufactured ia St.
Louie , Mo. jtiTOrders in the City or From Abroad Promptly Filled.
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AOENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No , 711 liinadwoy , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the sountry elicited
City urilent to families and dealers delivered free.
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
WbolDS&lu ami lletall Dialers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Al ays keeps on hanil the flntiat assortment ol mat ) rial for Kcntlcincu'a wear. Batlafictlon guaranteed
Millinery , Dressmaking , Eto Cutting- and Fitting a Spodlalty.
No 618 llroadwav , Hjipotltu Hereto House.
Luces , Hmhroideries , and Ladies Underwear.
lUndkerchlofa , hose ol all Kluda , thread , pint , needles , etc. We hope the laalea U1 ull
and aee our utock ol voodc.
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Gutter for Mutcalf B . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street ,
Council Bluffs , la ,
SulU to on'er 818 end upward * .
I * . & J , N. Cauajy. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
We bare the only complete wtolaletracibooLi to Ml city lot ) and laodt In Pottavrattauil
county. Titles examined and abstract ! furuLihtd on thort cotlcc. Uon j to loan rn dty and latiu
tiropcrty. thoit and long time , In IUITI . to tult tbo bgrrowtr , Itcal eitk bouzhl an < eoU. Otfico
at tue old Unl opposite court bniu <