THE DAILY BEE OMAHA SATUHDAY , SEPTEMBER 1C THE AGONY OVER , The Last Session of the Woman Suffragists , Qov. Hoyt and Judge King. man , of Wyoming , and Misses Clay and Hag- cart Address the Meeting. Thanks Tendered "The Bee" and Press Generally for Oourtesies Extended , The Officer * and. Plntform Re ported to the Convention. The mecUnt * Thursday was called to or ler by President Correll nnd prayer offer' ' ed by Mrs. Dr. Thomas , of Indiana , The audience was not so large ns on tbo previous night , yet It was all the church would comfortably accommodate Miss Clay , daughter of lion , Oaulus M. Clay , of Kentucky , wns the first speaker - er of the evening , and quoted nnd road ex tracts from the leading law journals of the day and other standard authorities , show < ing tbo gradual growth of a higher clzlllza1 tl6n and the liberal construction of statu tory nnd constltullonal law relative to wo < .man and very briefly traced the progressive spirit that characterizes the 19th century , At the close of Hilt address Mn. Mary ! ' . . Haggart , of Indiana was Introduced who , with her first sentence , riveted the attention of her audience. She took high ground nnd dealt with the question from n natural nnd rational stand point ; said that natural right knows no sex ; that women have souls as well as bodies ; that society has always been trying to find out thetrnu sphere of woman ; that die has n capacity for something higher than playing the doll baby lor some lord ; that flio has thrown aside that meek submissive nature which hai characterized her history of the pint nnd Is no longer n noncnlty in society ; that the time has come , and now ix , when it Is no disgrace for n woman t > look healthy ; that the free cxcrclne of all our faculties is nnd was the design of the Cio- ator. For men to imprison the mind of women Is worse than putting shackles on their hands ; that both having Botilo , the development of each should bo encouraged. Cloning the avemicJ tc mental develop ment is more destructive to the race than closing the Suez canal would bo to n peace ful solution of the eastern question , The speaker warmed up with the subject nnd grew suhltmoInrefcrrlngtothoHo inevitable laws of human progress nnd human jus- tier. She rose gradually to the nercno heights of noetic fancy and gave oxptoulon to thoughts that would hnvo done credit to the moit distinguished orators of the day. As she nssended in her thoughts she stood all the while at the solemn bar of the Moreno equity within her , and by the force of her eloquence , carried conviction to her hearers. She is a young woman , not over thirty-five , and has n strung voice , which /I / can bo easily heard In any public hull. Speaking as she does without manuscript , and relying in. Inly upon the Inspiration of the theme , predicts for her a brilliant future. After the convention had attended to some financial matters , Miss Kato I. Kelsey - soy , a d irk-eycd brunette , of New Hamp shire , and formerly of Wyoming , addressed the meeting in a snort but pointed speech. Her voice is clear and distinct und Un- guage good. She spoke without nolos and showed she know her subject well and re ceived hearty applause. Judge Kingman , of Wyoming , was then called to the sUnd and gave a brief review of woman'slnuffrago an it bad coma under his observation during bis residence In thut territory. During bis speech a largo number of questions were propounded him by the audience , whlch/hod no more effect upon bis nerves than water on n duck's back. He took the fire' llko an old soldier , nnd hflld bis ground likn a Koman senator. He said that in order for citizens to respect themselves they must have power to oxer- else their faculties ; said that there was visible Improvement in the men of Wyom ing since tbo right of suffrage had Loon extended to woman ; that women voted for men whom they knew to bo sober , honest and incormptibln regardless of political preferences , the result of which was that In Wyoming the best men on both sides were elected. They voted to preserve the Sabbath and close up ra'.oona according to law and fought the campaign agblnit the Interest of their husband nnd without causing any domestic discord. Gov. Hoyt being called for came forward and heartily endorsed all Judge Kingman bad said , as ho was aneyo witness to all and more than had been said which WAS. favorable to woman suffrage , Resolutions wore passed thanking TllF. llxr. and other papers for courtesies ex tended tbo convention , and the president for his good management of the convention us Its chairman and for his steadfast chain- Ip of the ciUBo of woman suffrage. The following officers of the American Woman Suffrage Association for tha en suing year were announced during the cvenlnc * THE omoKiis. 1'resident Mrs. Elizabeth O. Clmce. Vice Presidents nt Largo Col. T 'Wentworth lllgglnxon , Aim. Mary A LIvermore , Hon. ( Seorge K. Hoar , Alassn chusotts ; lion. Krnsmus M. Correll , Mrs Clara It. Colby , Nebraska ; Miss huura Clay , Kentucky ; Mrs MaryK. Hnguert His. 'A. G. Wallace , Indiana ; Mrs. Mar garet V. Langley , Ohio ; Mrs. J. 1' . Kullf r Missouri ; Gov. John 1' . St. John , o Kansas , Chairman KxocuUvo Committee Lucy Stone. Foreign Corresponding Secretory Mrs , JulU Ward Howe. Corresponding Secretary Henry IJ. lllnckwell. Recording Secretary Margaret W Campbell. Vice 1'resIdenU ex-olliclo Maine , Mm I ! , N. llacan > New Hampshire , Mrs Armenia B. White ; Vermont , Mrs Charles Heed ; Massachusetts , Win. I liowdltcb ; Ithode Island , Airs , Anna K Aldrlch ; Connecticut , Juoelib Sheldon New York , Ann * O. Field ; New Jt-wey Mr.K , A , Ilrownlng ; Pennsylvania , Mar ; Grew ; Delaware , Mary H , Hoald ; Uhlu Hon . Gideon T , Stewart ; Indians , Dr M ry F. Thotnu : Illinois , Mm. Anna 1) MoMnhonj Michigan , Lucluda H , Stone Kentucky , Mrs. Bylviu Goddard ; Mis uourl , Mrs. Charlotte A. Cleveland Arkansas. Mrs. Ji. T , Tyler ; Texas , Mra Jennie lleauchamp ; Wlicousiu , Mrs Kmily 0. Haucom ; Iowa , Mrs Narassa T Uemli ; Xebraska , Mm. Ada M. Bitten bendertijKansas , Hon. Charles llobiniou Colorado , Gen. Theo. 1) . Brown : Call fornla , Mrs. 'Col. Cirr ; Oregon , W. H Dunlway ; Wyoming , ilon , John W Hoyt. Kxecutlve committee cx-olllclo. Maine Mrs. J N Qulmby ; New Hampshire John Scales ; Vermont , Junes Hutcldnson Massachusetts , Mary F Kiutnmii ; ] [ hod Island , Mm S K H Doyle ; Connecticut Harah IJ Harris ; New York , lillen 'i Brock way ; New Jersey , Cornelia 0 Hun ney ; L'ei&uiylyunla , Jlhn 1C . . WiUinnt - , , . . Dels Hunger ; Texa , Mm II Buckner ; WIucou In. Mn Helen K Ulin ; low * . Mary J Coggihall ; Nebra k , Mrs J F Holmes Kansas , Amanda W Way ; Colnr do , Mary y Shield * ; California , Surah Knox Good \ ichj Oregon , Mrs A .T Dunlway , Wyom- ng , Judge J W Klngm/tn. ri.AtrOHM ANO IlRHOLfTIONS. The following platform and resolutions were adopted : The American Woman Suffrage n'socla- ion base * Its demand for equal legal nnd right * for women on ths princl- ill * of the declaration of Independence , \lz : "Government * derh r > their just powers rom the consent of th gn\erned. Wo men are governed , "Taxation without representation l .yratmy. " Women are taxed , "Political power Inheres In the people. " iVornen arc people. "All pennns horn or naturalized in the Jnited Stales are citizens thereof nnd of he states in which they reside. " Women nro citiyctic , therefore Ileaolvcd , That n government of the poole - > lo , by the people , for the people , mutt bo i government com noted equally of men nnd women ; that the equal co-operation of the eexc < U essential alike to ahappy home , ft refined tfttlety , n Christian clmiclt nnd a republican stale ; nnd , WHKIIKAS , The United States supreme court has decided that women ire citi/cns , nnd ns such may be made voters by appro- irlale tate legiitatlon ; therefore llecolvod , That societies should be form ed In every state ti > iccnrc full rights of cltir n hip for women , Kesolveil , That every legiilatura should )0 petitioned to remove nil legal restric tions now Imposed by the state upon the equal personal and property rights of wo- ncn : also to give women suffrage in muni cipal nnd town affairs , nnd In choice of [ ircnldentlnl electors ( under Art , 2 , Sec , 1 , I * . 2 of the United States constitution ) ; dso to submit n constitutional amendment , o the voters to abolish all political die- .Inctions on account of sex. Resolved , That congress should be peti- iloned to remove all legal restriclioi.iow mpoflcd by federal or territorial le islailon in Iho equal personal aud property rights if women ; alsotoglvo women suffrage in ho territories , any territorial legislation to the contrary notwithstanding ; nlso to Mib- nit a constitutional amendment abolishing all political distinctions on account of sex. Hcsahed , That we rejoice nt the recent action of thn republican ntale conventions of Indiana nnd Kansas in favor of sub- nitling woman suffrage constitutional amendments to the legal voters. Resolved , That the woman suffrage con- Illutional amendments now pending in s'cbrnskn , Oregon , Indiana and Iowa , and the school suffrage alrea-ly granted to women in twelve states nro Indications of irogrcM and recognition of the justice of Gently DOOR It. Ktigeno Cross , Swan Street , liuffalo , writes : "I ha\o used SI-JUNO liumoji for yupcpnta and indlyestlou , and have found t to act admirably na n gentle npcrientnnd ilood purifier. I consider it nneqimlcJ ; you nro nt liliorty to ute my immo na a re- crcnce. ' " 1'tiioCOcentc , trial bottles 10 ents. IET110POL1TAN HOTEL. OBIA- HA , NKIJ. Tables mippliod with the best tha inrlcot allords. Thu travoliny jniblio laim they got better accommodations itid inoro general siitiafnctton hero Imn at any other house In Omaha. late , $2 per day. Marrylnir Rich. You need not bo poor nnd depend- nt on your wedding day , for every > orson male or female can got a rood round sum of money at masriago f they hold a certificate of member- hip In THE MARRIAGE FUND MUTUAL TRUST ASSOCIATION f Cedar Rapids , Iowa. $10,000 has Iroady boon paid in benefits to its members , in the nine months of the ssociations' organiztionand there is golden opportunity for thousands nore to reap pvon larger bunofita. Tothint ; like it won over known. Do not postpone Bonding in your request for circulars giving full and complete information regarding the ilana and opporations of the aaoocia- ion. Agents can make bigger money ban in any > other , business. Iti trictly ho'norablo , pleasant and pro fitable. The Auditor of Stata holds a deposit from the association as prc- cribod by law , for the protection of heir members. The only association of the kind in existence organized nc cording to law. Write ut once for circulars. Say where you saw this notice. nug311-m A NEBRASKA. NIMUOD- An Omulm Physician Takes tbo C'ako for a Successful Hunting Trip. iV wild geese Hying southward told liuu reporter to-day that of all the hunters who had gone out from Omaha this fall none bad brought down the same kind of ! > atnotual Dr. Peabody did , The doctor went up to liancrott recently with Hon. Jizra Mlllard , both being nc- companlcd by their families. On nnfvlng at the station , they hi red n man to hau them out into the country , telling him to lake them to tha vicinity of some respecta ble farm bouse , where , In case of storm , they could Una better shelter than thai afforded by their tents. The man com plied with the request , and nt night they pitched their tents In the vicinity of n comfortable farm house , A brief Ntroll through the fields resulto' ' . in bringing lu a fine lot of chickens , and nt 11 o'clock they retired to dream of the happy hunting grounds of the great fa ther. About 'J o'clock thera was n grca outcry. The farmer Appeared nt the cnmi and called In Stentorian tones for the doctor - tor , and after some little delay ho made hi apperance on the scone , lleforo iiioriiliif the census of Nebraska bad been Incrcaeci by a nluo pouud boy baby. It Is a lilting sequel to this story to Bay that on the fol lowing day about 70 line chickens were bagged , and It wns hard to tell whether th farmer or the phlslclan was beat pleated. KALAMAZOO , Mich. , Fob. 2 , 1880. I know Hop Hitters will boar rcc nmmendation honestly. All who use thorn confer upon them the hiuhos encomiums , anil give them credit fo making euros nil the proprietor claim for them. I hnvo kept then since they were first ofl'orcit to the pub Ho. They took high rank from th first , nnd maintained it , and are mor called for than all others combined. 8 long as ( hey keep up their high rcpu tatiou ( or purity and usefulness , shall continue to recommend thorn something I have never before don > vith uny other patent medicine. I J. J. nAllOOQK , M. D. SLAYEN'S YOSEM1TE COLOON1 Mudo froir tbo wild flowers of th KAU KAMEU YOSEMITE VALLEY it is the most fraprant ot perfumes Manufactured by II. U. Slaven , Sai Francisco. For nalo in Omaha by W \Vhltoliouso and Konuaia Jiron. &Co. Notice. The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex celsior Roof Paint , " was patented May 21th , 1881 , and ottoru patent num bor 241 , 803 , Any person found o known to tamper with the inanu facluro of said paint will bo puniah od to the full extent of law , No prr eon has any authority whatever to aol receipts. Uiwruoiw & Duo. , Lancaster 1'a. A BAD PLAGE. The Alleged Disorderly Oonduct Near the Fair Grounds. The Place a Pondemonium of Revelry and Crime. A General Review ot the Criminal Situation' Thus for state fair week lifts eemeil to paw oil in n remarkably qtiiet s.nd peace ful manner. Nothing whatever JIM been Raid of any prevalence of lawlesmess or disorder , and It would naturally be in ferred that the twenty-eight police ID the city nnd forty on the fair grounds were preserving the peace to perfection. All haa not been to lovely at one might think , The fact U that , beginning with lust Sunday , there have been from sixteen to twenty arrests a day , mostly for Iritoilca- lion and disorderly conduct. While there hng been no serious outbreak nt the fair grounds , It It said that Satan runs riot there at night , aud that after dark and un til dawn the gr.ce outside the ground de serves to Hupplant Cheyenne In tlu tight to the title of IIF.I.I , ON WHEELS. PJTImtsilfiy , It I reported , n man w.u robbed of a big roll of money rvt one of the Institution * near the main entrance. A vitnegs who law n v oman take the money oiu bin | > ocket tells the ttory. He siyn mt tlio man was afterward * stopjml nnd aken back Into the bru h , or cornfield ami vft until yeatcrdap when n soldier who lassod by gave him n unit of undercloth- ug In which ho started for town. The . me Informant Bays thcru were over fifty glits Thursday nnd that the rcene was icrfcctly Indescribable. The revelry wa cept up until -I o'clock yentctday nnd 10 plnco Icing oulsldo the jurisdiction of 10 police nothing was done to itop It. THE COLOR LINK. On Tuesday evening n colored nun went nto one of the dining hall ] and paid for iia supper. As ho tut down at the table a mn wlio lint porno horaea on exhibition nt 10 fair look olfen o nt It and with the re- nntk that ho would loach the Uacle s of i b to sit . 'own nt the xatnu table with iltn , burled n teacup nt the man , striking dm on the head nnd inflicting ROIIIU crriblo wound * . iio immediately oft the booth with a companion. The col- ircd wallers n moment later i.-xued forth rorn the hall like nu avenging host , each nncd with n cnrvinu l.nife , and wore bout to annihilate the horceman when the > olico interfered utid quelled the disturb- nco liy taking the oojcct of their wrnth inder arrest. Ho was subsequently re- oaied for some Ionian. Later on come of the waiters got out onn ireo , and colng to one of tha places outdo - do where liquor \ Hold , "braced up" and len refused to pay for their liquor. The iroprietor having taken all howuulci stand n nlnno nnd insult , drew n revolver nnd rst drove the mob uut nnd then com- iclled them , AT TUB risTOL'.s Miv./r.H , o come buck into his place and pay up heir bill. Six bootblacks were arrested for stealing rait on the grounds nil i Judge Hetieki ! villhold them In custody uniu .after the air. hUlTHKNMi : > "KN-'ATIO.NS , There have been several outrageous rob- jerries duriug the wiek , the details of which have tiesu Puiirwsed | for various casuns. After da ) light yesterday HOIDO nan "went through' one of the pnncipil lotolK , and got a good huul , ono man losing SO and his gold wntch. At nnother hotel eevcril pockets were Icked and othora on the outbound trains 'burndny. roLioi : COUHT. In the police court yesterday there was a goodly company gathorcd.2 Goo , Heed , arrested nu a vagrant , was ischargcd on account of sickueen. There were two disturbers of the peace , no of whom paid and one was diichaiged. Of the Cue plain drunk * three were com mitted , one paid anil ono was discharged. O. Ii. llockbud was arrested for smash- ng in the door of the "J. 1' . payinastor'a olllce with his fiat , the charge against him leing the malicious destruction of property o the amount of § 25. Ho will be tried to- lay..Krank .Krank Novatkey was arrested for as aultlng and beating the wile of Joseph /arno , and hU trial \vnn set for 10 n. m. Monday. TUB IIOl'.ND-UP TIIUItlllAY ncluded four Slocumb * , of whom one paid , ono was committed , , and two wcro dl > - charged , Two men paid the usual fine for disturb- ngtho peaco. Two men ancited as varnntj ; were dis charged. Two men were arrested in the act of car rying away lumber from Louis Bradford's yard. Two mu w ro nrr sted for nmanlt nnd tlory , but tlio man they licked refused Lo prosecute them. A western cattle dealer was arrested for carrying concealed weapons , but ai be ex plained that bis husine&s required the car rying of largo sums of money , and that he nccdod the weapon for xclf-protcctlon , ho was discharged. Six drunks wcro landed In jail between i ) o'clock and noon , Woumn'n True 1'rlond. A friend In need Ix n friend indond. This nonu can deny , especially when assistance is rendered when one Is uorely nllllcted with- disease , more particularly tho&o com- nlnintu and weakncbfes so common to our fcninle population , livery woman rhould know that Klcotrlo liittera nro woman's true friend , ami will positively restore her to health , even when all other remedies fall. A single trial always proves our as sertion. They mo pleasant to tha taste , nud only cost fifty cents u bottle. Sold by C. 1 < \ ffondinan FlHlitlnp ; Flro witU lire. TliUma * , Iw good polio o n blniing prark1 , but It 111 not niuuer with the furorixl human < , ktfiu , Irritat- liigiiutlldiifn I'xufpcratu and Intensify all rom- pUlnUof Iliohtoimiliorthu l > o\\i'l < . NuMrUli. n drontlu cvacnant forlndlgotlou or i iiKtlutIo-i. | Administer iiuteml Tnrnuit'4 ticltter Apirliut , wlikli liut om-un Icbrlfu v , a ratlmrtk' , and an Iinlgorunt und liana sootliliii ; and hailing itlc * UIKJII the dl ordiT l t Uxm. SOLD 11V ALL a i jz IMPERISHABLE Murray & Lanman's LORIDft WATER Best for TOILET. BATH and E.ANDKERCHIEF. rarn Iffl AUD DOUfMS Deiutlliil building eltc.i on , btierman Rvcnun iltitli street ) nouth of I'ouplcton's anil J. J. Brawn's residences the tract bclongtri ; to Kann- tot I'addock for to many years being 85 foot west Iroutauo on the ovcnuc , by frjin SCO to KO feet In depth , running eastward to the Unmha ft St. Paul K. U. Will sell In strips of CO loot cr inoro frontage on the avcnuo with full depth to the railroad. Kill tell the nbovu onaboul nny terms that purchaser may desire , To par t leu u ho will ixjrco to build hoiucacottln ? SliCO and upvardj will soil with out any payment down for ono year , nnd C to 10 tqual animal piymcnta thereafter nt 7 per cent interrst. To parties wlic do not Intend Iraprov- In ' Immediately will sell for cno-slxth do n and 0 equal annual payments thereafter at 7 per cent Injcrrst. Cholco 4 ncro block Ic Smlth'fl addition at west end of Fiirnnm ttroot will ctvo any length ol time rniulredat 7 pur cent Intcreet. Alto a eplcndld 10 aero block In Smith's addi tion on same liberal ter no foregoing. No. BOS , Half lot on near SOth 700. 700.No No SOI , Lot on ISth street near Paul , 312CO. Ka 302 , Lot 20x280 feel , on 15th struct , , ucai IcliobB. No 90 , One quarter acre Eurt street , near Dutton $ EOO. Ko 297 , Two Iota on Blonde near Irene street , J2W and $300 each. No SKI , Two loti on Georgia ecu Michigan ggroct , 31200. No206 , Twelve choice residence lots on Ilamll- gjn ftrcet In Bhlnu'a addition , line and elghtly 60 to $ SOa each. Ko 294 , Beautiful half lot on St. Mary's av enue , 33x180 feet , bear 131&hop Clarkeon'a and 20th street , $1500. No 202 , Klvo cbolce lots on Park lu cnue , 60x 100 each , on street railway , $300 each. No 201,811 lots In illlUrxl & Caidwell's addition on Sherman A\euue near Topplcton's , f SCO to 3460 each No 289 , Cholco la'fian Park avcnuo nnd strcot ar line on road to Park , $450 to $1000 each. No 235 , Eleven lots ou Uecatur and Irene streets , near SaunJcra street , J376 to $ ICO each. No 282 , Lot on 10th near i'aul street , | 750. No 281 , Lot 65x140 foot near St. Mary'a avenue , and 20th street , $1600. No 270 , Lot on Uecatur near Irene street , $326. No 278 , Four Iota ou CaUwell , near Sauudcra street , 8500 each. Ko 270 , Loton Clinton street , near nhot tower , J126.No No 27f > , Four lots on McLellan street , near Blonde , human's addition , 3."i6 each. No 274 , Taroe lota near race course : malic onYni. I f Ko 208 , Beautiful corner acre lot on California street , opposite and adjoining Bacrud Heart Con- > ont grounds , $1000. No 20o , Lotonllajoii , near 15th street , $1,350. 100 ots In "Credit Fonder"and "Grand View1 additions , just south-east of U. P. and B. A M. I allroad ocpots , ranging from $150 tofloOOe&ch and ou cosy terms. Beautiful Ucaldcnco Lota at a bargain \ cry handy to shoiia tlOO to $260 eacb , 6 per cent down nd U per con i per month. Call and get plat and ull particulars. Wo 25fl , Full corner tot on Jones , rtcar 16th street. $3,000. No 263 , Two lot * on Center street , near Cura- IIR fctrcct , $900 for both orJSOO each. No 251 } , Lot ou Howard , near King street , (360.No No 219 , Hall lot on Dodge , near llth str'jao $2,100 No 217 , Four beautiful residence lots near Crelghton College ( or will separate ) $3,000. No 210 , Two lots on Center , near Cumlng etreet(00 each. No 246 ] , Lt on Idaho , near Cumin ? street , $525 $525Ao 216) ) Beautiful corner aero lot on Cumin ? , near Button street , near new Convent of Sacred , $1,600 No. 244 , Lot on Farnam , near 18th street , 4.760. No 243. Lot 06 by 1 on College street , near St. Mary's avenue , $700. No 241 , Lot ou Farnaiu , near 20th street , Jl.OOO. No 240 , Lot CO by 09 feet on South avenue , near Mason street , $060. Xo.2.'D , corner lot on Burt , ucar 22d' street $ r.SOO. Xo. 38,120x182 feet tJ Harnoy , near 24tb , street , ( will cut It uu$2lOO. No. 234 , Lot ou Douglas street , near 25th , $1.000. No. 232 , Lot on Pier trcct , imar Seward , 1100.No. No. 227Two lotuonDecatur/ncar Ircno tlroct , $200 each. o22J , Lot 113 by 411 feet on Sherman av < nuo(10th ( stieet ) . nea Qrace , $2,100 , will divide. No2A , Lot 23x6rot oa Dodge , near 13th rcct ; make > u ofler. No 217 , Lot on 23rd near ClarK , $600. No 210 , Lot on Hamilton near Klug , $600. No 2uO , Lot on 18tb street , near Nicholas ? 50U. No 207 , Two lots on 16th , near Paclflo strost , No'JOl , Beautiful rtsUcnco lot on PUTslon strrct , niar Cumlng , f JUO. No llitfj Lots ou 16th street , near PUrce , WOO.No No 193 ] , Lots on Sauudors street , near Eew ard $600. No 1911 , Two lots ou 22d , near Grace ttreet 1300. 1300.No 1021 , Two lots on 17th street , nrar white lead orki , $1,050. NulSS ) ; One lull block ten lots , near the barracls , tflOJ. No 191 , LoU on Parker , street , near Irene $300. $300.No U31 Two lot * ou Can , near 21st ttrcc ( gilt odtto ) , 3,000. No IbO , Lot on Pier near Howard , $ U50. No 17ULot on Pacific street , near llth ; make offer. No 166 , Six Iota on Farnam , near 21th street .4DO to . > ,850 iacu. Wo 183 , Kullt3ckon 25th itrreet. neat race homo , and three lots In Quiet addition , near taunJtn and Casstui streets , iJ'.OoO. No 127 , Lot on Ittb itieet , near wblo ] cad > .cr.s , $525. No 122 , 123x132 feet (2 ( lottf on 16th street near Poppleton'it , 11,600. No 119 , Thirty tilf MM lot * InM lard & Cal dwt.ll u additions on Bherinau a > cuu , Kprlng and Saratoga streets , near the oud of grien tired car track , $35 to $1.300 each , Hob9 , ot cu Chlca near 22J tiect fl.tOO NeBS , Lot on CaldweU street , near Sounder ) soo. soo.Ao 0 , Corner lot ou Charles , near Baund don street , (700 , No 75 , 6dx82f ton Taciac , Dear 8th strce No CO , Ightccu lots nn Ist S2d , 23d am flaunders streets , near 0 race and 'founders etnc brUve , $ < 500 each. No C , Oct-fourth block ( UOilJS feet ) , na th e Convert ol Poor Claire , on Hamilton strc o a ho ind of the red ctruvt car track , $1,03 BEMIS' Heal Estate Agency , 16th ana uoaigaa Streets. Hrs .T. O. Robertron , PltlTiurf ( , Pa. , writes : " ! wn sufferln ; from general debility , ant of ap- ictltc , constipation , etc. , so that flro Ma bur- len ; after lisln ; BurJock Blood Bittern I felt Iwt- cr than for ) cart. I cannot praise jourlllttcri too much. " It.Olbbn. of Buffalo , N. Y. , wrli : "Vour hirdock Bloc Hitters , In chronic diseases of the > lood , liver anj kldncyn , hi\o been ( lirnally marked with success. Ihaic uied them myself with best result * , for torpidity of thclUcr , and In ate of a friend of mine suffering from droy | , ho tOcct was marvelous. " Bruce Turner , Ilochcstcr , N. Y.wrltcs | : ' ! l < avc > ctn subject to serious dlxirdcr of the Uilncjs. nd unable to attend to bti < lnost > ; Burdock Blood litters relieved me before half a bottle won used feel confident that thov will entirely cure me , " . Aecnlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. , writer : 'I suffered with a dull pain thrsugh my fit uni ; and shoulder. Lost my uplrito , apiietlto nd color , and could with dllllciilly kern up all ay. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters as dl- ccttd , and ha > o felt no pain since first week at- er uslnir them , " Mr. Noah Bates , Klmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About our } can ago I had an attack of bilious fccr , and ever fully recovered. My digestive organs were w eakcncd , and I w ould uo completely pros- rated for days. After using t o bottles of your lurdock Blood Bitters thcl mpro\cment was so Islblo that I was astonished. I can now , though 1) cars of ago , do a fair and loosonabfo Jay's work. C. Blacket Iloblnson , proprietor of Tlio Canada 'rcsbytcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "I'or\cani suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your lurdocj < Blood Bitters with happiest csultx , and I now and rat-pelt In bettor health ban for years past. " lira. Wallow , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have isod Burdock Blood Bitters for ncncm and bll- ouih oda hcs , and can recommend It to anyone cqu | icuro for bllllousncss. ' Mrs. Ira JIulInolland , Albnny , N. Y , nrttts : 'For Bcjcral y.ira I have frcm cft.itcur- Ing bllllous hcadijhcs , dj-spcpsla , anj com- 'lalnta ' peculiar to my BOX. Slnco usln ? your Burdock Blood Bitters lorn entirely rellc\od. " Price. 01.00 net Hottle ; Tfl BottlctlOCU FOSTBR/HILBDBH / , & Co , , Props , BHrETAr,0 , W. T. Gold at wholcsilo by loh & McMnhon and C. F " ° Jmac le 27 ood-me i'Lnglish Knmody Xcrvoua Beblllty , VI. tal Exhaustion , Emls- ' lon , Seminal Wcak- 11HOOD , and all the jo\ 11 effects of youth- jful | follies and execs- . It stops pcrma- Silently all weakening. Sin voluntary losais and Idralna upon the ays- Htcm , the lam liable re- „ „ , . "suit of these evilprac- ticca , which arose destructlto to mind and body and make life miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Ncrves.Uraln , ( memoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Onrani , It restoroo ti all the organic functions their former Ujror and Utolity , ma king Ufa cheerful and enjoyable. Price , ? 3 a bottle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent by express , lecure from obsenation. to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. ucnt , exicpt on receipt of 81 as a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are th j Lest and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous cure I a the market. Bold by all drugglsta. Price CO cent * . Du MiNTii'H KiiiKpr RXMCDT , KitrniTicuH , Cureanll kind of Kidney and bladder complain to. gonorrhea , gleet and loucorrhca. For eafo Dy all daug-ots ( ! : 51 a Itottlo. ENULI8H MEDICAL INSTITUTE. VlSOlhcUt. , St. Louis , Mo. Fcr Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. Jnn2 1v To Nervous Sufferers THE OIIEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpcou'o Spaciflc Metror.v , Palni ; In Ihujfech orujdc , and " * " thatu . ' i iw.- ami * -u .u Consumption insanity an , early grave Tfao Gpeclflc Medltlno Ii being njtd with wonder ful success. P mphot ! irnt tree to all. Wilto for them ud get full par. leulars. Price , SntUHc , 81.00 per tackle , or sue pack ages for $5.CO. Addrom all orders to C. BIMHOH MEDICINE CO. No > . 101 and 108 Main tit Buffalo , N. T. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Ocodman , J. W , Bell , and .11 draiutsiioverywhoio. , s -itftw DR. CLARKE 1851'l.oon.tSt St. Louts , Is still treatIng - Ing all 1'KIVATK , K1CU- VUUS , CHUONIO and Special Diseases , Sncrma torihwa , Impotcncy ( Sex nal Incapacity ) , Female DiecAsos , Irrecularltlci ) , DllflcuUles , etc , tar Ladles , send 25 centa ( In stamps ) to p > y express charges on a 'Valuable uork" entitled "DUoiecs of Women , etc. " Work on QHlIoxio DiSKiBEH , one stamp , of Sell-abute or Private Disease , scud 2 stamps tor C'KLEBRArro WORKS on ! ) crvouf and hexiw ] Diseases. Consultation personally or by letter , KKKi : . Consu t the old Doi tor. THOUSANDS CL'IllSD. Oltlca In qultt , iirlvato , respectable place. You bee no ono uut the doctor. Dr. ilarkc Is the only phjslclan In the city who war lauts cures or no pay. Medicines lent c\cr where. Houru.B A.M. to 8 r. u. d.twl ir 7011 nrii > .iii.nij mnti of ii tl ly tlir rir"lii fll\\r .IlltllM Tc aluhturls U- ! * ltllUlV.lltllri ! U 101 p hmln in'Mo r.c Hop Bitter * . nit un , Hup D. If jua ' } i yiF li' > Gunerln ; * f rain Ali.t dwrtlon or iH' < lpa ' Hun i if jounn > n i "cuntuiri rlijfrcr rli-a "r li"Kl'i old vf "cunt- puarl'i-altlj ur Iwuitulfl. . I us ou tec * 1 i uokc , ulr < > u Hop Qttterfc. . WhocAeronan * . - 'iTiruiMlr. ' lit 1 nhtnefrr you fi-rl tiualj/1 roiu etiias tlmt your synuiu form ut Lionel urrit tul- lIUCAHi } tU&t IlllKll * IHK or tiiuviUllMir. tt tlluelr 'I'ttfOf t L - Hop Pll tO' . U TI jj > oflf ; - . , taitrlt. tluod , ( r rinotrtx ; t'on wl tl lui nnillf > oiiu i Hop nitior * \ * \ . * , Hvu 'owtHinuu NEVER Circa ! tr tt i 11 may Hitpxiniu- tavv your FAIL f'ff , CO. , lift * . It htu onynU nun OlnU ion * , Precldcnt. Vlcu Fre'i..f W. B. Drunia , Eec. andTreis. THE NEBRASKA IMUMCTUEIK CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters , Hrrrows.Fnrm Rollers Hulkv Uay lialzea , Bucnot Klevatlng Wlndmllla. &c We are prepared to do Job work and manufao url ng for other partita , Addreteil oriers NKiRiSKA MANUKAOTUr Q CO Lincoln , N * BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING , COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP , POLITIC AL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL AIUTIIMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGLS , A Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad scholarship at the TO1AH COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , A now institution based on the highest standard of oxcnllcncc. Day and nnd evening socsiona nro now in successful operation. l-'ol circulars or BticciAl information apply to or address _ . , . A. LWYMA.N. . PERFECTION IK ROASTIMG AND 'BAKING ' , is only attained by uning Stoves aud Ranges. WITH [ < ® JWIBE | GAUZE OVER DOORS , For sr.lo by MILTON ROGERS & SOHS A. M. GLARK , Painter&PaiierHanger SIBN WRITER & DECORATOR. i BB AVIIOLESALE & 11ETAIL WALL PAPER ! Winflow Similes1 and Onrtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Piiiats , Oils & Bruslics. 107 South 14tti Stroot. OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA. The Oldest Wholesale and EetaU J33WELEYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINS WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and. Farnliam Streets THE LEADING IN TnK WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Checkering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES ! A Large Stock always on Hand. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL HOTELS. AnLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , fA. a. WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa , REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , Iowa. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANO , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL' JOHN HANNAN , Btromsburg Ht HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlstr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G. MEAD , Ncllch , Neb GRAND CENTRAL t. SEYMOUR , Nebraska Clty'Nel7 MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Wecplnir.Wator.Nt COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. OTOREY. Olarlnda , IOWA ENO'8 HOTEL , E. U END , Ercmcnt , * Veb , , EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Aihland , Kcb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atkinson , Neb MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBS , Quldo Hoed , M , SUMMIT HOUSE , QWAN & BECKER , Orcaton , I * . HCU6TON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Exlrs , le. REYNOLDS HOU8K , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Q. BURGESS , ftcala , la. OITY HOTEL , DIA. LLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQQ , Car-nine , IB. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. | AVERY , Qtsnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. BOULWARE , EBurllngtonJur-rllon , Mj j COMMERCIAL HOTEL , C'-jnchard ' , l , PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Osyld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , OHA3. BAGNELL , CollegeBprlngt , It. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTOH , VlllltCK , ll. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Matvern , U , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.8TEARNB , Odebolt , U WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Otceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Otarks , Neb , BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GBEEN , Bedford U , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M. BLACK & CON , Mary.vllla Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A , T , POTTER , NorfolkJunctlonNib WIN8LOW HOUSE G. McOARTY , Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONF.B. Auroar Net. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. CROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE D. W ROCKriOLD. Avoca'la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUCK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis a WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Grliwol DEPOT HOTEL , ° L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap la. LU8K HOUSE. J A , LU8K. Locan. la. DOW CIIY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow City , la JAGCER HOUSE , JAGGRR& SON , Denlion , Ia7 HAUMON HOUSK , TAMA. OITY , IA. , Harmon & Keales , 1'rop WHOLESALE Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { * Ws26llffie I , OBERPELDER & CO.