* * . . . . .rL + & THE DAILY BEE OMAHA 1IIUESDA7 , SEPTEMBER 14 The Daily Bee. i i i ii 111 ti.A. Thursday Mornint , ' 3ept. 14. \Voatbor Kopoi-t , ( i'ho following observation' are token at the FAtno moment of time at all the statlans named. ) WAH DtTAnTMimT , U , S. SIONAISKB 1 snoi , OMAHA , Sept. 13,1882 , ( Ii45p.m. ( . . . § ST1TIOHS. 'g i ! lrect.wind. lrect. wind. S Denier. . . . . S tVRht Cheyenno. . 2' 10 vrv " Fro"h \ WPl \ vv PUtlo . 9 82 \v Omaha . 2) 81 K Yinkton. . . 2) " 0 s\v Knfh DOS Uolnns. 2) 79 21 > J s\V Krmh 8t.l'a 1 . ns .s I'rMh Bt.txnis ! . 29 0) llrik Moorhrad. , , 19 f'l < r KretU Vincent . 21) M SB llrlik BUnurek. . . Dt 7U NW ' Iluforil . . . ' 0 7i Fn'h Ouster. , , 2 ! ) 84 High 21 87 Kr. > h 29 02 IV llrxk Illret G frrt 10 InthiB &hoie Inw < ratrr m rk n On h , 2 foot 0 Indira at Yunkton ; Mlmlinln' ' , B ( nt' Irchtu atA UroMo , nd 0 fotIO Inches it Djbuque. LOOAD BREVITIES. Antronomcni trll us the September moon fulls on the itfth at 20 minutes nflcr nnidnight. It * i < the beantilul harTcnt moon , iiiid POWCFJCH upccisl claims to dis tinction. For owing to the position of the ecliptic In regard to thoiquator at this season , the moon rites for several uucces- nivo nights v/ith only n coniparotlvely ainnll interval between the succcf elyo ris- ings. The short autumnal days neem thus to bo prolonged by the floods of riivery -moonlight that make the night beautiful as day. The phenomenon is on easily ci- plained as the axial rotation of the earth , lint 'In the olden time , uhrn man was nearer ton attire , the harvest moon wan considered n direct lnter | oidtlon of I'rovl- dsuco to a tiflt ) the husbandman In gather ing in the harvest. The waning moon was in conjunction with Neptune nn the SI , with Saturn on the 3 < 1 , with Jupiter ontho nth , and is with Uranus on the 12th. The new moon of the 12th ! > in coiij inction Mercury , and Mars on the 1 4th , and with "Vimm un the 10th , passing a digreo and a half north of her. The young ladles of the Christian church will givd tha first < > yi > tcr festival of the Benson at Standard hall Friday even ing. .Fine mu ic , line ( lynters , and pretty waiter * , will serv < i toward the splendid lime that I expected , Thoater-gonni will find the oyntera smoking hot for them at the conclusion of the performance , * The choir under the direction of .Mr. J. Wesley Wilkins , whowlll ttlng at the dedi cation tervices of the First Baptist Church ) moruingand ovenlnti ) on Sunday , the 17th Instant , nro ns follows : Soprano * , Misa .Fanny . Arnold and Mrs. Sain illuvvvcr ; alto * , Mrs , .I..11. Shrove nud Miss iDecio Johnson ; tonoru , Mr. Al , Morris aud Mr. J. K , Shrove ; bowcs , Mr. Will Nash , Mr. Jackson and Mr. J. Wesley Wilklu * . The muslo is a very fine selection nnd there is no doubt but that It will bo well rendered. A chicken thief was "shot on thaniul" Tuesday t. 3 o'clock by Col. Chi EC. It -appoira that for some ttmo pint two or three of his choice high bred hens i have ibecn killed each night , half eatou aad Inft where they fell , Hats were charged with ithe deed aud so were cats. At the time named Tuesday K rumpus among the her * called tbo Colonel to the rear. He ( found > ils finest cockerel in the arms of a lusty raccoon. A bullet that was left In bis re- cvolver at the siege of Vlcksburg tells the Test of the itorv. Tha papering and decorating of the ( Union Catholic Library Association rooms was completed iTcesday. The prevailing color Is a rich dark brown , pleuatvntljy ro ll * ved with enlivening colors. The rooms .present a handsome ami dignified appear ance. They were open to friends .and members of Uio assentation lost evening , .and the officers were pleased to ment and welcome those who desired to call , Among the articles rccjntly presented to tbo aisoclitlon , are o fine engraving of O'Connell , by J. T. ( Daley ; "The Fiwl 'Voyage , " a beautiful engraving by J. 1 * . .McCarthy ; a large photograph of Ulahori iQ'Conner by J..1 * . Knghbh , besides a | iui of antler * , a chronometer , and a number ol .panel pictures. .Two exhibit * at the , Fair grounds an .drawing considerable attention. One ! > the flrgantStuthford wnr.on mode by tin Winona Wagon com p icy , of Wlnonu Alum , , and cau be seen at the departmen .ofil'arkcr & Bowers , general agents fo Nebrmka. .Tho other is the Mlnnesot Chlrf Thrsshtr , one of ( ho inott perfec 'tbrcahlDg ' machine ! made. This It ii charge of Mr. J. J. BrUbln , their genera 4kg Dt for Nebraska nnd southern lowt with headquarters at Council Uluffd , Mi jUtitbln'4 dopnrttnent Is cenloilly locate nn the t rounds , and ipeclil attention ttiowo Visitors. \rbere is a ( x-neral dc Irer. the pa at citizens and builnvis men to have U < Arlouu jitorea and uiiicei cloced ot uoon t day fur the day , to f liableckrknai eiuiiloyoa to attend tie State fair oa tl big day , i'.veryoue should l i gluu i opportunity to go to tbo vxblbiUaa lei enotgh to Mie what tt U , and no bott Jrue ould bo chouen tlitn to-day. Mfrotltif belli every evening durii the " 1'alr week" at the &wedl.h "Hl ( ! church , " at8 o'clock , Buveuttenth ttrc near Dodge , Scandinavians and coauC visitors to the Valr are U9cIftllv InvlU 1'reachlng to-ntglit by JUr. Leadman , Mum. Tliu brliifie at Ike foot of < he hill le log to Ui lVo i > .ct Hill CemtiUiy hoi last been condemned and until it Is placed by a new one , prccekslonn all have drive around l > ? the IdlUlde. A fnla etli ! iutf up throunh the tuliidle of .tile . 2 : Street bridge B ! O closes that ktructure /Cb public trarrL A Union J'fteifio brA eman tJI Bhcnaban , who resides la tbU city , v kills ! near Silver Crtk statloo thU iuoi lus'lff falHnif Ustwwn the tender tf < engln * and the /root car. IIo woo a n iriau quhe road. Undertaker Ja Job * H a coffin.ovi at woon to rec l e hit r ial an-'eeling of the Woi Spwtunen'n club at 7:80 : o'clc U. take action concerning the death of their late brother member , Edward Wintlade. TDO "U. V. railway Pioneer * * met at their hall corner ot Fourteenth and Dodfie street * , Thursday , Sept. 1-1 , Instead of Wednesday , at 7:30 : p. m. T. J. Stalcy , secretary. The Jewish now year , lUshashbnna , commenced lout evening at 0 o'clock. This Is one of the few dye in the Joimh calen dar that IpMelit'B observe If they nro really good "YMioodas" they will close their placc.s of buMnesf. Friends of Maj. ] ) . II. Wheeler , sec- rcUry of the State fair , prntcntod him with nn ebony cane , geM huadcd , nnd ilchly ornamented. The in cilptlon was : "Proienlcd the UoM'fJecrctary , 1882. Charles Andrews , formerly manager with Havcrly , is now in the city nnd will bo nt the Koyd with his oantomlmo spec ialty compiny next wf ck. Ml d Larston , nn accomplished (3er- man nod French ncholar , has cectirrd u room in Ficnror1 ! ) block , nnd will tnko a class for conversational leBnons In thonbovo The ladles of Ht. 1'hlllp's Kuil-l will PVB ! n Harvest Home festival i > n ' 1'hurn- d.iy evening , Sept. 1 1 , nt Standard hall , Verbcnis nnd See Saws , the old relia ble , beat fi cent cigar in the market , at t-ihroter A llccht'n. xoptl.1It The Omaha Oleo club will hold n meeting at 7i i ) fharp this evening , nt the comity clerk' * < ifF.ce. Dr. l.niing , United States commis sioner of agriculture , delivered his addrcen at the state fair nt 1 1 o'clock jcstonlay. There nro now 12 * > pupils In the high school , Mies Clilro Itiutin hau been added to the force of teachers. FINE CLOAKS , DOLMANS Uetniled at wholosinlo priced at Hushiimii'8. Boo them , it will BUVO you money. _ llp&in-tf A BANQUET. The Omaha Board of Trails En- tortEuun Uomniissioncr Lor- ing anil the 'State Board A Very Pleaoant and Sociable Gathering at the Paxton. At the regular monthly meeting of Iho Omahi board ot trade , Monday evening , a committee consisting of 1'roiidui t Clark , Max Meyer , John Kvaun nud olhi rf , was apKntod ] ! to pay some mark of respect to Commissioner Lonug to show him K.'it. his visit to this city was appreciated. This committee djcidod to tedder him nn informal bauquot nnd at the same tini'j to compliment the State boird of agriculture hy including thorn In the name cata ory. Members of the board and repioscnUtivcu of the press were invited , together with a few prominent gentlemen from the Interior of the sUtt > . Shortly after 0 o'clock the guests assem bled in the room occuplnd by the utato board neuieWy at tb < Paxton. and , tbo meeting was called to order by Preuiilent Clark of the board of trade , who intro duced ex-Mayor Chase as the ppcuker chosen to deliver the address of welcome. Colonel Cliaro dwelt at Homo length upon the magnitude of Omaha , which ho characterized ae the Boston of the went , referring Incidentally to the growth of No- biabka and the variety of the products of her noil. Ho recited BOP"O of his bojhood ciqwrlenco on a Now England farm nnd early Impressions ot ' 'the Huh , " nnd made Mime humorous compariion * batwcen life In MaRsachuroltN anil Nebraska , Mr. Ixiring responded to the address in n twcutv minutes speech , taking up the rifraln'fnm Massachusetts and the west , and I'xprosilng hid admiration for the in- dustryenpriy ai-d pluck of the wenlcrn ni'iiple. He paid a high compliment to Omaha noople , and unlit that tbo Now ling- Und ntock hat iuiplanted on Anuricjn poll nil tbo idea of Independence and Yankee thrift , whlih transplanted through the i ooplo of the went is now ctrlkin ly usblhlted in the work of citizens of Oinului. Ho rpoke of the rapid asslmllntion of all nationalities who coma Into America , and referred especially to the career of Cari HJiurz as an illu trntlon of how men of nil nationalises can hecomo Americanized and are able to reauh the highest poiition In the gift of the America people. Ho closed with a glowing tribute to the hospitality of our wuntcru luople , aud especially of the citi zens of Omaha. An Interval followed which was Im- prated hy the free circulation of refreeh- CUbP. after which the toast was proposed n the State Hoard of Agriculture. " i ICx'Goveruor Furuns reipoiuled , givlnf a brief outline of the hlntory of the board and the development of our agricultural and horticultural roiources. He attrib uted much of the premie prosperity of th < tnte to the labors of the board in encour aging fruit culture , farming and utocl raiting , The .next toast was "Omahn and NH Iwnska , " rtupoiided to by Major T. S Clarksuu , ol Schnyler , who dwelt u leogth upon hit early experiences b Otcaha nud Nebraska , his stage travel aciOH Iowa aud the general pnverty , trial and trfliulatlous they pa eed through t : reach tlie huppy laud ol Canaan. ffiAt thla juncture ICx.tiov , Hoyt , c Wyoming came in and reniHinded to trt toa.t to that territory , in a brief ttyle. H he raid Wyouilug won a promUing tf rrltorj full ol wergotlo and enterprising peoph tend He euiresi > ed his appreciation ot the fu nd and paid his rcspecta to Dr. Loring , .he Htr the cifrart were parsed around an In the mld.t of a cloud of mn ke Hon. I't O'Haweii nrwe and delivered a glowln culogv un the coinmU'Ioner of agrlcultui ttr and tha utate lie halls from. Hon. J. Sterling Morton wau called fi but providentially disappeared. , legIon The K th rlug then quietly folded { I Ion tents and tbo featt was over , . cet THE 8V , I.OUI1 BHOWNH Uy The nrat Botui Ball Qotuo of tt Woelc. ad' A large crowd wltneiMtil the St. l.oi ad'at Utowui , of the American aitoclatlo re- play thu Union l'clfa | y terdiy aftc tock iio u. Tne lirown'a aru good fielde ( ck- hard hlttfln , and kuovf how to play b 3rd in c' aant style. The fallowing U t scow by inning * of yeiterdiy'n guine : St. Lrjtc.-1 0 1 3 2 a 2 0 0- led Unlunl'iw.,1 0 0 0 0 0 'i \ 1- llitn * Harned Union Taclnc , 2 ; i Louli , 8. irn- Two b&M JiitIJ n < lle , Trailley. the Three bk a hiU-HolUnd. 10V Firit bis on error * Bt , Loul , : Union Pacific , fi. Struck out--Kt. Loutt , 1 ; Union i * In * . tific , G. irk- 1'oued lalli-CullliaD ! ; Handle. / „ Wild pltchM-UcGinntiui , 2 ; O'D' . - ock Umpire Mr. Cuty , of Ht. ] < oul'/ / ' ten uilnutb' INDUSTRY'S REWARD. EemarkaWa Exhibits of 1'rnit ' , Oorn aufl Cereals at the State Fair. The Various Counties VioWith Bach Other For Excol- lencaof Producj. And the Hide Show * For the Mnc nltndoof Tliolr lile . ThoTblrdDixy of the Fnlr u BuccoBSfal Ono. The third dav of Nebranka'n state fair began under tha inoit nuiplcioim circum stances , the weather being everything that could bo de/dred or expected at tlitn season of the year , At nn eirly hour tlio streets leading from the depot to the fair grounds were crowded with vlfitors In vehicles aud on foot , all making thtlr way to the grand centra of uttiacllon. In addition to the thousands of * fallow , ther" wan quite a largo crond of our own cithena im.king trucks for the name goal. On thu ground * ipiltu n guy and lively ccuriu presented Itui f to tha ad miring gaza ft tht' multitude of hippy ploriMire ptelcers , AU the v.iilani exhib itors i ml jjii * their difplayi In proper tr m nnd the lively mid ro lipllii pictures which ornamented the RldjMtiwi enliveutil the ttencrrtl r.pp ° aranru of thu gnjuudu won derfully. Of course there wcin all iho greatest wondt rs on eur.li on exhiMlion and tlie showmen wore n-jo , ? their by no in-aiM woa'x lungj giving highly colored and graphic denciiplliim of the wonders to bo teen within. In tha forenoon the vlsitom pa-sod tha time In < lulling the various hallH and examining the numerous nnd Intt-rentini : exhibits , and In tdkiui ; in the riallv excel out eldc- uliowa , which woio to b found all over Mia ground * . A rmall gathering moambled In lloral hall to lUtcn to au .idarem by H H , ( IFOIIIIi : It. LOUIMl , commissioner of agriculture , of Washing ton , I ) . 0 , Them were nn the platform from which Mr. Tiorhu delivered hia ml- Atem , Kx-Govcrnor Fnrnas , Senator Van Wyolr , l ongre man Valentine , and Sena tor SaundcrH. Mr. lining' * Hpccch was mainly confined to 'agricultural matters which he enlarged upon in a very amusing wav. ro eatcdly evokin/ burnt * of laughter and applause from his somownnt small , but highly appreciative audience. Ho drew n very flittering pic ture of the agricultural resource nf Nebraska and tihowed what incredibly rapid htrules it h.i'i ' ma-lo since 187" , lit ) iil.o quoted nuiiiTOua Htutistics to prove tbo correctness uf lib assertions. IIu ex- prpmed hini'clf an ilellglito'l with bis trip ni Fremont md said bo had Been aw mder- nil lot nf thingi In hii journey which per- It-nlly fciirpii-ed him. After eulogizing f umerj iu general and thoie nf Nekranka In particular , ho closed hit address with ivory line peroration , which was grco od with cnthii- cltwtio bnreU of nppluusf. At tin conclu- Blm of thin pint of the prxgrninnic , tlu majority of tha vi8it rs Ije.-un Hooking modes of ar.tUfy 117 the crut ing > 4 ol the In ner man , Tru groiter part availed them- Hfilvca of the excellently fitted up dining halls , while a fc v picnicked on thu grans In thu Interim between the ppecch mak ing and the r.icm the reporter took n stroll around the grounds and visited the exhib its and shows. fioiiAi , UAI.'L appaaru to attract ai much iittention as any of them , and certainly the dinplay ii very magi ificcnt , Our own townsman , Ilr. K. O Krflin ? , has by nil o ids the lar- Ho.t hlblilon In the ilnrl t Hue. His pahni are ni cr than any in the t > Uto. A n'ght-blooining ' cereua it burn now In bloom nnd revcral century plants cau ha seen , and nucli a nuns of delicate fern fnojsec , wonderfully tinted plmti and many-culorod llowcru , with a thousand fragrant od rs. There In no man In Nebraska who U better linown or tn"re favorably known to purchasers of green-houso producti than Mr. W. J. lle-nor , of riattamoiith , an bin exhibit In thin hall cnniUU nf wond.-rfnl array of tropical and native IMwsra , plontB , vines andcreopcru. A'd day jeBterd y ho waa doing n rushing Iniilncsst uxcepttlnnally low prices. BrsiJes liN phut , , jir j leaser has a largo number of raspberry and gtrawbcrry planU. unn. JOHN HOIIOI.I.KR exhibits hero the bent milk pan vour re porter over saw. It in indeed a muruiii in parvo , and mu tbe ueen to 1 apnrecibiicd , All thu hoiiHowivea nro dcllg .ted with K , nud It Bella on night. It also exclude * Hies. Gutting milk from It dnoi nnt dlbttirb the cream , I ' la a bom cullender , n perfect sieve , n spleudld ateamur and will nerve ai n sin.ill rate and they ou ycost cevonty-five cents each. All the several cnuntlvH wera well rap- rcHOutei ) . Douglaa county has , perilous , as good a display nn any ot them. This county hohU its fair In conjunction with the dtate fair , under the ellicient Miiporin- tendency of ( Jsorgo N. Crawford , a tly as- slated by Mr. F. J. Cruthwlck. Ono noteworthy feature la n 17t > pound Btiuaah , which U n show in itself. Tno eu. trleii number -175 nnd 75 varieties Altogether Douglas county may wel l > e proud of Its truly magnificent exulM tlon of luilt , vcgetaiilca nnd cereals , ant lior potatoes ' 'take thu cake , " has no reason to bo anhamed of her exldh It , She looms up with some nurvtlou . .potimeiia of dlllereut vail ties of veget nblen too mmicroim to pailluttlurlze , Ke HampltH of wheat , rye , corn , millet , bar ) y oat * ami broom corn elicit high enco juij a and her grain exhibit la much ainl' in real credit Is duo not only to < " f " ' " laU torn but also tu Meisrs , A- ! Aolw U K. I' . HuWiard , nnd .Toot lr er , fu Lw the tnoto they etiucctl l pUo 'K ' ] ' " ' Lwof exhibits. On the whole M a wry cradltn ofn Ldu exhibition. n WABlll.NCilOK Iu teemi to say to the l tcr u/umleii , "Km I am ( , 'otru to paralyro you anil don t yoi ilr forgot U. ' She can boast me of tbohnea celery over wen , uud her coni. potptoes ad and timothy rue inoompfAblp Ihla Is ev | at d ntly an a-ithetlf oxhibit. 8h UK diil yii an uf-erly ffo oo umllowe ire 10 foot and Si Inches iiuiinotcr. | Mr. G W. Dulaooy is In 'cWze , ami deserve for much iirulBo f.ir the > etty way ho has ue out tbh iplendld , u4 ? * l fc 1U frult , tcgetabloj i cereals. HAfOUSTY also makes a ( ui/yhowof excellent fruit ot all klmla ; / " , < Pl > lta and gripe * or eipeclally goo/ It uuo makes au un no usually tine e/'b ' t of wheat , ryr , barley eaU , tall coitalks anil other wreala too nutuoro/ mention. Hall count ] Is to bo coi/itul'ited ' at betn one of th ult Uncut fruited vtpetiiblj jiroilu luf ; coun tied of thvtato * T1'l" exhibition in ver1 311 , eniclently n" uK ' > by MMW . K , | A or- lluruec'ftm 1 > > Inucii and 1) , It. Vul orID , Tyne. ' * " county U all riht. | { ull the descrr8 bouorablo mention for its ver1 tine "Kgregutlon of frult , veet alty uud u ( reals. A Kentlenai wj/ has seen a number o -14 6 y/arcl county'i illsplaya at vnrinus fall -uarked to n lieu reporter tlili inorrum at. iat this was certainly tha finest thev hu krer producetl. Mesar * . W , ( Jill and K. 'IKckinan ' , two very fine gentlemen hav th control of thla department. T1IK1I. JCU. tf. Ji. , have a uottagu ou the grouudi very prel tily couatructeJ. Hera can be seen som very fine ftutU , vrgetablei an orreili of every dDSTlnticm fret Klllaiore , AH in , Vronkllu , Webttei York conntlei and sever : other counties already mentioned In de tail. The U. fi M. have come to the front In a very crtditable manner and their edifice in an ornament to the fair grounds. THE u. r. also makes a very irair.t ; show with their specimens from , Among other comities I'htlp' , Webster , 1'Utto and Columbus There nre also HOILO Rplfmlid mtnplen of Hock Spring coil , Mr. .Tamos Allen h.is the HiHiugcmcnt , but on account i f nick' np'3 has deputed Mr. .lurid t < > takti hi * tilitop , which ho very bly fillMr O. O. Miller bring ndttaiu manager. The Ir. I' . hiui < dona tlie tight thing thle time. Till' OATTI.E department Is txcredlngljr well arranged and n very large stock is being exhibited , Guy C. Barton , of Dunlin , xliows dome excellent epcclmens of Uevonr , nnd Mr. Hedge , of Omaha , hax two \ery hno herd * ot Ayrshire. U. 1 . Brown , of this city , makes a Rat exhibition with his , Tei eys , and thu short horns Miown by K Datile's ' , of Gilmore , cau rank nmnngti the finest ever exhibited in Omiilm. There ore a great many more , all more or 'le s ex cellent , but wnnt of ( pace precludts the possibility nf miming them in detail. HHF.KP nf every BM ! end description are r xhtbited this year , not only from this nf t < > , hiltftl-o fioin Kentucky , Michigan , Illinois and low.i DunieU of .Ullmoip , DivMGitthrlo i.f Superior , Untiling of Virt Calhoun , ( i. W. McKiuldrn. ct Atlantic , Iowa , Tavlor Brnthvt * nf WnRiicrvllIc , III , and S. I * . Moore , t.f . Ijljelmiv. K.y. nro ill ! x- hlbltoiH of ( lomo xcrv fine varieties Mr. Kit Bai'iie * h superintendent of thi de partment. JUVl.VK nro not forgotlen and their i-haw Includes : tf > 0entrle . Among tha nmit iiofiworthy exhibitors wa obs-rved II O. Htoll , nf Beatrice , J. U. Watts , nt Waterloo. W. undJ. V. l.oiik'lilln , of Seiv Ijondon , Af- ftid'J' . Job. of Tukminh. Win. Uhe. of I'uplllion. Ira M , D.UVIMII , nf Bennrtt , Taylor Bros. , of W.iMiedVille , Ills , Brown Hrcs. . of Hyiacn-e , T. Klcu. of Lirchland , 111. , Hnglott & Brown , of Bnlnluu , Mo. ; W. U. .Susson , nf 1'ftplllloiij G. I' . Baldwin , i f Iilttlo Fork , 111. , nnd Adam Biicker , of Mainland , The swine me all np'cniid ' looking animals and attract u great deal of attention. TIII : roi'LTiir BIOW is cue well worth vinifng nnd is tent- ly well worth vlnitlng. Mr. J. II. Bracklu has thu fmiierinteuGuncy , which is no nine- cure. Nebraska bat shown that It tun inavc n very hno display of poultry when the occasion require ! ) it , aud it will compare favorably In thU ma'ler with any ether state in thu Uuiou. The following are entitled to be classed mining the most meritorious exhib itor ? : Urahatn 1\ Browne , of Omaha ; W. Butt , of Ashl.i , d ; J. H. Watts , f ttYter- lee ; W. M. Uhe , of Papllllon ; Jenmo T.it- rlctr , of Onialiu ; S. G. Allfn , of Mlllurd , aud M. W. Wright , of Omaha. MAUIUNF.HT and mech.inicilcontriv.nciis of every de- fltriutiou nro on exhibition and vastly HU- perior , both Iu nuuib".r and variety , to thoao cxhlbttuii last year. Thu visicor.s teem to take u great deal uf Inte-eBt io tl.u department anil they ciowd around the various extilhitioua nil Ji-y Ion ; , nikimr tliOKU itiLlurgdn thouraiid ques iciis as t J liow thii tiling wo kvd nud ho\v that thing was Btt iu nnti'in It nuist be H.tid in fiurncs ; ) to thusu hnv- ing tbo mancgrmcnt nf tliis dcpartni nt that they hliocd conniilerablu jutiencj and gotitlemnnly forboar.meo in repljin , ' to tha uumeroua and abni'd qu tom ; that w re put t. ) them. Ivuowltun'H two wheel fror.t cut fliutliu b.ir mower ! > at tracting a gient .leal of attention This machine combines thu cnud points ot the old machine i with m&ny im ( "rtaut im provements , which era making it the mo-t popul r m-chiuo now feforo the pntiKc. The Know ton Mdnufncluiing 0 > , nlto exhibits a chuico linn of rniper.hty > ul-e- , cultivators , eto Th Aultui.ui & , Ta < lor Co , , ia repro'ented by Mr J. C. I'lark with a beautiful nnd extea-ivo exhlbl nhowing up their fHiuniiii thresher in all its perfcctiou. Hmith wngoua und IVrkin plow company's goods uro nlao exhibited by Mr. Clark. The VVeitern Howe oocl Cattle Insur- nuco c. mpany , uHtuteinstituti-.ii , and cue that boa for its officers anil directors the best among cur capitill'tc , ia represented on the grounds by II Do > n. i-etretary , nnd a number of as.i-tant. . Tney are doini ; nl.ig business in their fltriped tent , co\- ering both horeos andaittle. In fact it U the headquartera of farmers i\nd toctmen. Thla company puyi losses promptly , n > 1 tlies western bllzz rila make the careful Btockmin _ thankful for the opportunity for protecting himself 'aganUt tbo destruction of hia capital. Their pollcv Iu ura < against any death aud theft. Ordinary Insurance companies tusuro only ag < lust IOM upon tha premUea i-f tun Dffner , but thi company protects block no mat'orwero they may be in this Ute. The belt spring wagon on thu qroundals gild to be tlmt of Mr. I . T. Lungprey. wh < ch , with a number of ether bujt'iin and wagons. la howu juat went of tlio U. P. [ iall. _ ThU wagon Is palntol on one uidc , 10 ether shows wjo.l work , Ir > n work , ' , without any tblnir , t' ) obauure its i > r- foet' . in , Mr. Lougproy is gaining n valu able reputation as n cu'eful manufac turer , 1HK l'1-IIKH iniiBt not be overlooked , for they are very well represented Hero are displayed < "ery variety , pickerel , bam. cat. p kn , sunjsb , carp , nalmon and trout. The nub commi ) oner ( Ir < jlraoa ( j _ Hoinine , has J > f the plsoitorial . undo fine , ' department , , 11d wV.n.ttl.lil Re this year and d .r ssBa.'x' ' ' ' - . . . A'-sJ . -AUK.Hon. Tiw i him measuru hU Je < { , ; Btiato that It was as bljf two men measured around client wldlrt standli'K back to bank. men weighed 200 pounds each , The Uil Sampson , tbo strongest womiin in Amer ica , is Madame Hilvinl.nn exhibition we. of lloral hull. They cxhinit benideu ixrforiuanott tlmt Is simply . . . pcrb. It I * the bout patronized show ni the gronudii The Inrceit child of his ngn over eeen Ii nny country ia Matr W.irner , four y r iif uge nud weighing 115 uonniU , Mo is ni . 'xbh'itim ' at the ucutheBt part or th grounds , nd Is in pretty aati plutnro , out aud clintty , and w. mrong tn t\ man , IIu i au I iwa product , nu-.i his lather uni mother mo with him. Barnum is ncg < timing for them to join hli thoiv. This i a t-n cent oxxhibttIon. Col , Irn Wilson haH purchased half intercut in the i'actflo Uuusa , n fit. Jon. The Grin will now bo J. U Kitchen & Ira Wilson. Mr. Kitohei has movud to thu Paxtoa liotul , a Omaha , nod Mr. Wilson has takoi charge of tlfo I'Acilio , whore ho wil bo pli'ased to moot hiu old frbndu The PaoJlio is the leading hotel of St Joe nnd a lirat-claaa hutel in ovi'ry ru poet. EOpO-m&otf FINE CLOAKS , DOLMANS Retailed at wholesale prices at Hush man's , Sco them , ' it will save yoi money. llctfcm-tf „ DIEU. * WINSLADK At hU residence , corner n Ua\eiipoit and IVe fth streets , J. K Wintlade , of rheumatism of the heart , a 11 o'clck j JtenUy. Notice of funeral hereafter. The B. & M. local freightl will b. . open to rccoivo and deliver freight un til 11 o'clock a. m , to morrow. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR CLOSING OUT UUhllMAN'tf. Skirts , Night Drosoa , Ohoinise , eti. Sea them , it will pay you. lle&m-tf THE FIRE LADDIES , Ilia Finest Annual Parade Ever Seen in this City , A Procession of Bands , Boys and Bright Machines' The Annntil Adtlrea * nt JNoon find Ball Lat Night. THK UKR reporter remembers among the paralyzing ncrlptnral tales upon which he was fed during hU tender yearn , a food whllo ago , nno to the effect that when the children of Itrftel w ro "marching to Georgia , " and lout their bearings , they kicked n good rienl because the quarter * nmater'i ! stores gave out , Upon thU the Lord sent droves of quail to them , ami they ate until the quail on toast ran out of their tiosca , Omnha reporter ere yesterday in the BBUIO fix. After n terribly dull month the POWCIH tint ba liavo conspired to tend ItciiH in Mih abundance that they are for otice oatl'ted , i\t lenst .13 In the kind Thvio weio yesterday the ntnto fair , the dental convention , the rnnveiUlon of homeopath * , the wninan'n suffrage uonvcn- tioo , John UHlon , and n Hcute u [ loci-p- Mons an t f sti iils , tu eay nothing ot mi nor ItcuiH. The great event of the ility , however , was the annual ) > ando ot the Omaha lire department , followed by the bull lait. night. At a i mrly lionr ye tordav prepara tions for till * event began , Mcu in ro hhlrto , cmVing ellvor burn. * and lingo iKxuieK wcie to bo Keen on every * titet qorner , and nt ft o'cli ck begun ncsetnblrtig nt th'ir respectlva he.vfiiuiirters , while at the City hull , tin ) city ollicinlc , councilmen - men , jvruai representatives a id o'.her in * vited guests nnatmbled to tnke the car- liagts In wnitine for thum. liur.iia of nni.-io marched through the street" , and the hldewalks along thu line of innruh were so crowded with tpectators as to near defy At 10 o'clock the procfssltm began to form nn Capitol avenue , Iht right resting on F uirteentli , and as company after company wheeled into Una with richly uniformed bands und gleunlng up- paratiif" , It waa evident the parade wouK exceed anything of the kind ever before Keen In the city. The proica-ion moved nt 10:110 : , foil wing this line of inarch : North nn Fourth street to 1) ivenport , wcit on D&veupurt to Sixteenth , smith ou Six teenth to I ) . > dge , ei't on Dodpo to Pit- teentb , routh on Fifteenth to DotigUp , east on Uouulaa to Eleventh , noutli on Kleventh to Fatnam , east 0,1 l'.irnoiu tn Ninth , counter march , west ou Karnxin to Fifteenth. JtMt before moving it wan jnir.ed by a large dcleipulon of Council lilulft lirunmn , heaJed bytll > "Bo > n B d"nnl n Htile laterby Dovd'a Huso Co , aud Ilor'a II i-o Co. , n' > out fifty Btrong each , headed by the A. O. H. Ban I , W"oae rich uniforms wo > e in keeping wiih thosa whi h marked the first public appoarnuco nf the two new li'O orginizittons. The Boyd'a wore a iery hmdiomci nuirorui of bl.ick helmets aud belts nnd dark Lluo fhiit with n broad facing ot scarlet an I tin let era "B. H. " in white ther on , Their truck PB drawn > > y a ling rope in double line , tuistud wit-i ribbooH to match the blue nn.l red of thu uniform ? . The lioao cart wu also pret'.ily deuoralpd. Ilei'a hosj cmnp/ny wore unlforniH of nc.iilet Mid white , with naval caps un' 1 ok a uiagniriccu' pet of iiie-i. Their tru.'ic was eimil.trly decorated and drawn hy ro es wrapped in Hcarlet aud white rib bons. bons.Thu Thu prorcRMOi marched in the order niready publiihed. Tc xvas hauled by Chief Kngh.ter Butler in white helmet nnd uniform , Ride by tide with Assistant Chief Dm S. Mi.chell. of the hooka , com manding tne first division and the mouth of ivlio o hilvtr speaking trumpet waa choked with a huge bouquet of rich flow era. Both the < o officers were finely mounted. The. . platoon of sixteen police headed by Maroh'il Angell and leputy MarBhal Doty , all in full uniform followed nd then the i-plendid band of the Fourth in fantry , In lull uniform of thu new regula tion style. They lo-ked fine and play superbly. In this division were the firemen from Council BlulL ) , alarge delegation in full uniform and accompanied by the Boy'a band. Following w ru the uucnts in car riagee : The Maennerchor and Turnvi-rein , with their elegant banners. The A. O. It. band with the new liOfOcomnunios describ ed , followed , and the Uarnuts with the ! apparatus , the handsome engine gljamirjj IB the Bun like molten cold. The B-cond division under command of Assistant Chan. Hunt nnd Aid Gee Ketch- mn wes the great featutu of the dUplav , ineliidiiig all the apparatus in the the department proper , upon which tha boys had expended all their in genuity to mike it attractiv < , It wab le.il by the favorite Union Pacitic bin I , .Mm O'Brien letting thodivisitm with the hook and Udder truck aud handling Ills grand team nf ( jravs iu line style. Tin nmial dettcfainentnf juvtntle Bremen occu pied places on the tiuck nnd a profusion of bouqueiaaddud to the nttractivo npppnr- ameof the outfit. Omaha No , 1 , Fire King No. 2. Nebraska No. 3 nnd No. 4 engines and huge car H followed , and they were a Bight to see. The dome of No 1 en- gins WRH Burmounted by an nrch of flowora and evergreens , in which was mimjly ensconced a llttlo fireman. The Flro King wan gorgeously deco rated , und a real live American esglo spread its wings over her glittering Home , cbrrieka No , 3 had a grand arch , nnd wan ffhtooncd and laden down nil over with U ipr.s. In the arch over the driver's rait HiH1 Keiio , " IliH cinliH fir-m , who was ; 'AT1 ? * " " 1150 jdmitted to full membership , wbo ) „ all thu terrier tribe bus noim \ ' " ' and general ponularitv i ° u - Ullcler do Ibel J , hjuwrlo hud n wtmou ; ibe tiixHenth uti'ett gincttr , jaiiUo n ( , .ij aud cmdituiilo shnwlng ; A. Itoipu lua" w on cout-iinliig boms ot hU tluest niU most vahibblu pic- i lures ou nn ebony easel ; tliu Kc'uiyler ' creamery wai represented and thu rear was brought up by A huge In > e factory on wheels. Tne latter bad cauvan walla aud i roof and was rupphed with nil the ma. chlnery and tools used in the tr.\dc , The men were at work , and n cub contalniin tivd specimens of looiploted jobs was in the rear of the wagon. This display waa made by .lame * Duvlne , and was the uiott elaborate in this division , Alt in all there tun neter been eo grand And Hiiccersful n parade liy the lire demrf | uent in this city , and thruu who managed It iteierve yroat credit. At the c.inclusioii of the march the vari ous bauds and organizations masaed In front ot the oper.i lnue , and Gen. J , 0. Cowlu dellv red au add PHI which was ehort but fi the point , uftvr which there was Boino miuij by the bands and the pro- iu . ssion was relieved from duty , At 12 ; 0 the firemen and visitors re- im em led , aud , nccjinpanied by the hourth Infantry and A. 'O. II. banda , marched tlk the Tenth street crowing where a train was iu waiting , temlere freu to the firemen by tf e Union Pacib for uItit to tha f ir grounds. Tilt IIAI.I. The tenth auuual ball of the Omaha fir 10 departuifut was held a : Standard hull las evening and wts uttended by a throng o th * "red uhlrt brignde"and their numerou lady friends. Hi ifuian'd full orchestra was iu attem once , represent ! g the Mtulc.il Union o chestra , of which they are a branch , anc rendrred soruelirct-clana music. The following was the programme o dancing : March , quadrille , w ltz , .juadrllle chottische , r ( | uet. versouvlenne , quad- illc , wnllr , hitindi's dat.ce , wnllz , quad- ille. veKiouvlenn-1 , quvlrilli" , lancers chottiscbe , Virginia reel , polka , quan- lie , wiltqu.tiMllo , > pr ouvic ne , qu d- Me , Dan TucJter. The ofllccra nnd ( omtnittcei were as ollows : Master nf Ceremonies John II , Uut'er ' , Committee of mnpemcuts - ( H d adsc ) .T. H Uutler , M ( lolil-mltri , . ! , ob Haurk , D. S. Mitchell Chai. Hunt , cromoC. I'enrel , Hury Tnggo.- , George Celchum , J. W. NlchoU , J.V. . White- ou c , Phil. Dorr. Floor Managers-Whits ( badge ) C'has. lunt , I ) . S. Mitchell , Ja-ob Haiick , Jo- ome O. I'cn/.o' ' , Gc" . Kctahum , I ihn Imno , Wm. Ityan , John Shahan , C. C. 'Irld. Ifecopllon Cnminlttco { Blue badee ) Jos. I. lioyd. John C Cuwlu , Cha > . V. Man- rmon , Tlios. Meldrum , M . ( Joldfmilh , . K. Smythe , Gu Uv Heucke , 1 * . K. cr. PINK CLOAKS , DOLMANS- .Btatltd nt wholesale prices itt Bush- man'o. Sco them , it will save you nonoy. lleAm-tf JJIOYLKsf ! Tnko notice , tlmt the Dutlor County "rtir gives a $00 , S.'H ) nnd § 10 Prn- niutn on thu lit day of their F.iir , optttnbcr I'.hli , tn thu best rider. \ddrojn J. Iloirr WILLIAMS , Am Scc'y. , David City , Neb. Persona wishing to attend the con- ontion of thu National Woman Suf- rau'o rn.incmtioti nt Uinnhn , Soptcin- > er " 0 , ! 27 nnd 28 , can obtain ft certill- ate which will r.ccutu reduced Mtcs n tlio U. P. and 15. t M. mads by [ iplyins immrditioly to Clara 15. olby , Heatrice , Nub , m5tiwlt A BLOODY TRAIL. 'ho Bscnpad Rodskina Appear Near Dundy County , Nebrtiykn. rent Ezaltenioiit iu the Sonth- lal DI-ijvit.il fn Tna llr.K. LINC ILN , Nob. , Saptmnbar 1L5. A tccial tn The Journal stairs tlmt a > ind of four or five hmitlrrd Indinna mvo appeared in Ue.uvr Creek , on 10 Kansas , line , tsouth of Dundy ounty. They are stealing lioraei nd nmlerint ; aettlorp , SujoriiitonJoiit oldregu , of the B. it M. in rospnuso on request , has Miit TU order torn argo amount of utnmutiitiun to bo ant out on the twin to-nnrrovr. Thu 'ndiana are on the same route follov- d by tha Chuyonnes whuii they scaped from Ft ! Sill como years ago. 'hero is inteneo cxcitompnc in South- eet Nebraska. BRAVES FROM ABOVE. Arrival of Ifngit eer Melville and Companions in New York. A Hearty Wolcnmo Homo. pcclil Dhpitch ti Tni ! BKI NEW YOHK , September 13. Chief ii inucr George W. Mulville and jmen William Noros , and William \"cndorniai ) , survivors of the Jcun- otto Arctic exploring expedition , and f tl'o party that discovered the srfd bprliea of Lieutenant DoLong nil his companion ? , and Lieutenant lobert M. LJerry. of the burned Arc- 10 cxpViiit" " stmmer Ttodgers , ar- ived to-day. Noting under inatruc- urna from tiio navy department , . > nimt > dnr < ) l/'i 'iur ' prepared to ro- uii'o the bmve | > .irty with all honori. ) n th ) tug , ivsides Lieut , Jaquoa , wure Alex Mu'villo ' , brother of the bo famt'in c-iigincor , Mra. Djm- cust , their si&tur , and her .wo dauc'utirs. and many naval flidr ; nlnn Oapt. J. A. Walter , adiK'-in lii\v of the lamented Lieut. 3j ij me. The uteainahip Pdrthia , ) cmnn Melville and party , wai met down the buy itnd na 1 ] u > inoer Mel- vilk-'n broad aud smiliru ; face was dia- covered by those on the tut ; , they set up the shiiut of "Thorn's Melville ; jed blosa him. " A party of the Par .hiu'a parsongors started the aong of " " "HOME AGAIN , and it was taken up all over the ship. Melville was soon on bjard the United States tug and made husto to the piloi house , where the ladies of the party were seated. Ilia slater and nieces were warmly embraced by him. Everybody in the pilrt house wept m Melvillu sobbed convulsively aud holt his mater to hid breast , IIu sat for a f. r momenta with hia relatives ant JUcdnud to their attompta to utter words of welcome. Ha pitted his stalwart brother on th back and afloc tion.\toly called him "Sindy , " Somt of the more actwn of the Prt.-thia'w pae engora climbed in the rigging anc were sliuiitini ; : " 01VK U.S MELVILIE. " Several held aloft , bottle * n champagne untl Engineer AlulvilK tuipwd [ out of the pilot luiuau und 6n " iitored Oapt. Wetted , the aged amj P > f-Btrioltfin father-ill-law nf the Into L oui. D.L.mL' . . Capt. Wotten jrasped ? tlio ofij-moor'a hand and. afte aayin something : „ , m undertone woptlikoa child. Melville steadied nimuoli . , njt the ' „ t , llM covering his facu - . , | , j " : hrawnr ' baud * aeomcd thorouclily"8. . ! with emotion. IVaw tilled the eye of nil who witnessed the ecwie , ant among the spectators were many o the Parthia'a pwaonr-oH. When they had diied their tears some on thu steamship proposed three cheers fo Melville , and the respwjaa was enthu siastio nnd emphatic. Ninderniun nnt Noroa , seaman , who wore with Mul villo , eemed anxious to escape obser vation. When Niiidemun stepped into the pilot hum * UK MBT 1IIS BETKOTJIKII for the first lime cfter a Jong and ter rablo absencs. The meoiing was verv aa < otu.g . ; they eat in tlio corner anJ as they wept they whispered to owl other. Lieut. Jsquds had requested naval oflicers and other persons not rehtivcs of either Engineer Melville and Nmderman , not to disturb the quiet ot the pilot house at this time and the lieutenant's request was most cheerfuly acceded to. Passengers ou the Partlna continued to shout. . . „ ' 'WE WANT MELVILLE. " r- ! Si i.enBlneer Wared they repeatedly cheered him. Bottles o hampaRno were opened on tha deck f the Pftrthia and his health drnnk n many bumpers. Melville and lis friends were then traneferrol to a team yaoht , on board which were many naval officers and wheie n wcl- omo luncheon was spread find the - lonpitallUes of the city tendered by / \ltlrrman McClavo. Tears trickled lown the facoof thoongintorasholi8- ; ' ' ' cncdtotlio Bltlonnftn'swordsand'BhEn 10 attempted to reply ho stamtntred and hesitated ; then ho seemed to re cover courage nnd ho naid in o bold . way , ho was a Now York boy , one who had been brought up in the jublio achools of that city ) ha felt hat ho had n right to say tlmt _ ho and lis com pinions h d done their duty. Uo hitd boon in the government ser vice twenty-two years nud had stood nany kicks and hard ktuicksthon ; | be wssed , and said with much feeling , 'and I would have a.tood by my rionda IK THEY 8TOOI ) UV ME. " lie suddenly checked himself r.t thin- > r > int , and Colonel Church , on behalf if thu citizens' committee , wolcutned lim'and hia companiono to this city , vnd invited thotn to n bnnquut in heir honor nt Dolmonicn's , Mr. lull said to Melville , "Come , let us ako a drink " Melville laughud as io _ replied , "Gontlunvn. I am souio- , hing of a miseionnry. Every limo I nku n drink of American whisky , T eel I am helping to pay the national iebt " Some ono snid to M. lvillo , 'llow ' well you lool. ! " "Yo , " ro- iliod the engineer , with n stvango emphasis in his worda , "thorn i.i noth- n the niiVter with my eyes. " Mi'billti was introduced to the ro- iiirti'ra , nud when naked whether ho lesired to communicate with ho public upon uny point of peci l interest , ho said , "JS"o , not ttthistimn. The whrlo matter of ho condition of the Juannettc , thoT rip and tha ronulta nro to bn investi- ! ftted by a tuvalcourtof | inquiry and I HIU not allowed to sty nnytniiig until xamiri''J by that court. 'Ihen LVory- hiiifj will bo made plain. " Hero a naval cflier interupte'd him with : 'You know , of course , that congress tas appointed a upecial committee to investigate the mattjr. " ' 'Yes , " HiBwered Melville , "and" a' this I loint several members nf the com- nitteo began to shout "Hero , Mel ville , como hero ; " "don't you Bay uuy- hinRj" "you've said quite onour-h , " ind ono of the commiueo netKad him iy the i-ont collar and hastily witn- Irow him from the eocioty of the ro- jmsontatives of non&papers. A naval oflicer stated Melville has TJIK JEANNETrn's LOO nd a prtv , to Io ' , Liuiuunvit Da- J nf 'a List written iiistruotitms to urn , nnd in fact is prepared at the iroper time to ropcai D Lontr'o last /orclrt to him. Aftorwurds Melville aid to the reporters that ho imd no ntuntion of baine ratio , but ho was bout to say when taken from thoi r ociety he had determined to make no atutoment conc riiins the Jcan- netto until the official investigation was made. Ho had nothing to say oncoming Lieutenant D.inunhowcror nybody else at this timo. He was atiafied ho had done h'a duty. A file of marines 8.ilutud Melville aa ho landnd on the dock and escorted ho Arctic voyagers to the hotel. A STARTLING RUMOR. ALL SAl'E SAN FUANCISCO , September 13 j\ter advices regarding the accident o tha special twin at Port Casta show that the special oj leaving the orry bo.it received a signal to go on. biforo ruachini ; the curve , a [ uarror of n inilu from thu ferry , vlulo the train wu moving about six niles per hour , a yard engine came round the uurvH with a rush. Both engines were revuraed. The ennioecra and firemen jumped. The c Ulmion was viulent , nud the npecial engine was badly dumaged. 'Tho princess , at the time nf the collision wag making her toilet. She was thrown lown , but received no injury bayond the mont trifling bruises. All occu pants of the car wore ahakcm up , crockery broken , pircala , etc. , strewn about , but no emu ii'j jred. Another engine was furnished and thu train proceeded. On arriving at the palace the party proceeded to their rooms and breakfasted. U is unuorstood that owing to the fatigue of the journey tlio day will bo passed in seclusion. The presentation of an address from British subjects was de ferred until to-morrow and no public demonstration aecjptod until after return from Victoria. The party will sail Friday on the Oomus. AK. JKl'T House anil Cirpct Ulcanur , Stove I'olMier. l.one onlt-rj at Itcnu'tican ' o- Ilic , 13 Ii anj I ) ug u. 3SB-tI wl" bu'the 'urntlure ot the best IUJIPK liot'il tn Iowa , liuut rea8 nuablo. Auilrus Dolph ilacgrtiror , Kio office , Omatia , Null. This powiler never varies. A nnrvel , , . ' " ' " 'Co- St. , N w York - " X pl3t