The Omaha Be < Published every morning , excti t Stinc < h' only Monday morning dally , TBUMS BY MAIL - One Teur.810.00 I Three Month.S3 Olz Monthi. o.OO I Ono . , 1 JCIIK WEEKLY BEK , pnblUhed ry Wednesday , TURKS roar PAIDS- On * Year $2.00 I ThroeMootht. , U AVcV..u. . . . 1.001 On v . . AMBBIOANJNEWB'Co rANY'Sole ' Ago : or Ncwsdeftleffl In tlio "tilled States. OIUKE8l'ONLKNCB-AJl Oommn ttllonfl iclntlnij to Nowund Editorialm otn ho M be uddrnvpd to the EuiTOB C j' r. HUPIVCSS LKTTKIia-All Brain 'iV.fifi and Remittances should bo i dt'Msd to Tint HER 1'um.tBUino 0 < 11KT , OMAHA. Drafts , Check * and PC fl'on Orders to bo Inado payivblo to 1 rdcr ot the Company ! IhB BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Proi El RO3EWATER. K.1 > tor. THB AMI-MONOPOLY IjtSAGt OENTKAL CIIY , August 14. The State AnU'Monopoly leaf- will tnci't at Hastings , Stntembor i 1882 , in connoctirm with tlio Stu F.umorn1 nllianco , for the purpoao putting hcforo the votora of the tita of Nouraaka ntt independent stn Anti-monopoly ticket. All nnti-rn nopoly leagues nro rufjURsted to c moetinga to elect delegates attend thn convontinn. IJy order of tlio oxuculivo cot rattleo. II. 0. OSTKIUIOUT , Proo. State Anti-Monopoly Lunatic THE FIRST GUN. The campaign in the Third congrc oional district will open nt Froino on Thursday noit , Sept. 21st , by a i publican ratification meoting. IIo O. H. Von Wyck , U. S. senator , Go A.'II. Oonnor nnd other able nnd d Unguinhod speakers will address t people of Dodge cnunty in support the republican ticket , nnd especial of Hon. M. K. Tu/ner , the republic candidate ) for congress. A vigorous canvass will bo made 1 Stwator Via. Wyck in the Third d : triot on bahulf of Mr. Tinner durii the nuxt tix wocks. Tlio first incotii after the ratiGcation nt Fremont w bu liold at Bl.iir. Wo shall aiitioun the day in thcso columns juot ns BO < .oa arrangements nro completed. 'SiKATdii VAN WVCK alfo rcfuu-H i < aid in th < ) on. ji inn to conro. ; H uf DOtoruMio tool of the Uniuii Cecil railroad Senator. Vmi Wyck ougl at oncu to bo kicked out of ell'icw , i company with Collector Oroiinno. II haa committud the unpardonable aii Nor H i NO succeeds like success nn nothing fails muru thoroughly tha failure. The atiiltviirt jaurna'.a ' wliic uphold Ilubboll while uungrossrnan i his political assessment echcmo ni now rejoicing that anothur rcpreson attvo will Till his t > uat during thn noj noceion. "Kick him again , hu'j gc no triundti , " iu the motto of thu gun of political jaokuln uho nro alwuj ready to yelp with the winning sidi Tim monopoly organs hnvo lo.irno nt lint that Air. Turner uillaticli No ono who know him personally o was ncq'.minted with Inachuruoiur ovc doubted that ho would. Ho 1ms cr tored the fight to stay until the out ! and will mnko n roueitig campaign i the district which bo.uU that h carries in his pookot. Mr. Turnt fools that ho has been put forward u the ruprosontntivo of n great princ pk' . That principle ia the right c thopuoplo of Nebraska to oelf-ioveri ; inont M against the power of the nil tiopolioa to control our parties , t ninko nnd unmake our lawo in the ; own intorosta and to pack the house ot coiifjrraa with their creatures. Tli is the iusuo involved in the presoi contest in the Tliird district , WHAT is the teat of republican ! * ! ! and who h to decide whether the anj porters of MrTurner nro not na good i those whcsoValontlno's lionchmon.wli are nttempting to whip men into lir for the monopoly c.indidule ? ( low Ion hixs it been since tlio paid tools of co ponvto monopolies wcro mude U : guardians ol the principal of tho'n publican party , nnd the inlerprotura i its traditions ? Isn't it a fact that i Nebraska na in every other stuto < the rnilroiid empire parties have bee mod by the monopolies i oaUpnwa to drag their plum or chestnuts from the fir Who doubts that when Jay ( luuld d himself a republican in ropul lican diatriots and a democrat I democratic districts , but a railroi man every whore , ho took the positic occupied by every railroad minngi throughout the country ( And whc either Jay Gould or his ngonU ai found calling into question the fide Ity to party of any candidate for offii the public may bo certain that wha over the political sentiments of tli person referred to , ho is not a wil tny tool nnd oipper for men c Qould'e atripo. The people care lei nowadays for tests of allegiance to tl ; party machine than for evidence ! c honesty and efficiency. As long BR a * 1873 the Iowa republican couvor tlon deoUrud that the true test of r < pubHqauhw WM character and capj bUUy gaiphuttcally atHcmod that n noigmFoTBiifiiu ! ? to tlie party could b considered Fuel a republican because h candidates wh V * - . 'l$4L ? 1 \ ( bneed their clnims for support 'col on their political uflilUlions , irrcrp tivo of their personal character a record , Theao are the tests wh republican * ! in Nebraska are asked apply to cindidatcs in the presi campaign. They MO the only tc which will aland fire. THE .BRITISH VICTORY. Sir Garnet Wolesloy haa captui TolEt Kebir , driven Arab's army fr behind the strong entrenchments t holda the key to Cairo and the dells the Kilo. Full dctaila of the bnl nro found in our telegraphic col am The advance inado in the early mo ing was carefully planned , njulc nticilly carried out. The cnumy B pritcd by the Buddonneas of the tack auccumbcd to the bayonet cha of Iho llighlanders , and luavini ; th thotmnd drad nndvcundod on 1 liold ( lud toward the southrrcst. The victory scorns to have b < complete in every detail , Sir Gan Wolauloy'a apparent inactivity KiieBOfiun was occupied in cecuri tranaportd , supplying the cominiosi departments nnd in thoroughly cqu ping hin command. Defeat wet tmvo been ruiuoun. Sir Garnet v well aware that the confidence Aritbi'a men would bo seriously slink by the rout of hia nrmy , while , on tether t other hnnd , that n victory for t rebel lender would have resulted in immediate strengthening of hia iu ! once among the natives and n rcnu ing increase in the forces under 1 control. . The situation nt the sent of v hoe boon greatly changed by yest day's action. The British now IK the country north and cast of t railroad running from Tel 1 Kel to the canal and control all cnmmu cations with Cairo. The rebel load ia n fugitive with the remnants of I ni my. The forced in front of Dam,1 hour , however , remain , nnd wi thoBO who escaped from Tel Ei Kul will , if Arab ! aucccedn in rally ! them , tnako nn army atrong oiiiiu to olfor continued roniatanco i some time to cmnc. General Woli loy'o victory doou not finish the csi paign , but It takes n long stop towiir toriniimting hostilities. What t Eiigluh people will most rcjoico in the fact that the battle took pin before thooultnn'rt troopa arrived > th 11 Id ti simro the fruits of the vi tory. NATIONAL WASTE Thu old adage that "A penny ( Wi ia n nonny earned" finds leas favor the United States tlwn in any oth country on the globo. Our rich u prodigal , and our poor , na n class , ii provident. Wo nro equally waitoi in our labor and in the products our labor. Ono reason for the proc fnlity ; nnd extravagance of the poof of the United Srates , ns coinpnr with other nittiona , la doubtlres tn found in the greater ubundunso cf t ! iftt. of uaturo with which \ Imvo been endowed. Our neil remarkably tich nnd fortily. Lu is ohoap. Immonua or. > pi ai'o nvcurt with n minimum of With 3onatant demand for labor nnd i [ iroducta , it h oasiar to obtain u ba living in America than olsowhcro , ai the prenont abundance givoa little c : aeion for thoughts re-girding futn leci'ssitiea , Wo nro especially xviat : ; ul und thriftless in our methods agriculture. Our crops nro not on lialf r/lmt u reasonably good syatc would bring forth. In the nor af n recant writer , "tho p kentinlity of n single nc jf land is still almost an u known quantity , " But ao far th matter aeoiqa to bo the potentiality ilmo3t every other wealth oirning ol inont , ns will bo aeon from the folio * ing line illustration of univora waato extracted from a speech of M Atkinson at the late industrial rxhil tion in Boa ton : "Marvelous a * the machinery this great building may bo , eoiou has work to do vastly gri'Htcr tin anything yet accomplished. A'mn ' the only tools yet purfcoti'd nro tl \vatur-wheel und tlio dynamo ulvct imchino. Lu-jlc at that oteming perfect uteum ungino nnd boiler ; wastes nino-tcnthti of the fiu > l wi which it 11 supplied , Eiamino th costly nnd clmnsy locomotive m heavy train of care ; only emi pout in a hundred of the fuel uiod is u tiully applied to the movement of tl load Observe that almost solf-opor ting carding-ing engine , apiniiii frumo und loom ; are they porfoc Four-fifths of the pjwer ia waited i operating thorn ; mid , when you hai nut your cotton tiber into cloth , yc have lost threw.fourths of its origin atrunsth by ynur rouyh treatment. "Vour builders cut up your timbi sn i to lose or wusto ono-haU i Htrongth ; most of your archiceo'.s pla your buildings so as to nssuru tli most perfect combustion , You mal a clumsy effort to distribute your fii 1 ) ss of nearly a hundred millions year through insurance companies , ! ! ! ) you waste forty per cent , of your pn miums iu the moro expense of makii the attempt. You ointiot oven start h irso car without wasting the knei of your horaea by the oxcuaiivo atraii "I mijhtgo on in this etruin inttol n'tlcly , but tha greatest waato of all the waste of food nnd fuel. ' 'The grain , root , nnd hay cropi i ( hia oouutiy weigh over ono hundrc and fifty million tons , three hundrt tho'iand ' million food pounds to 1 lurvi eted , torted , distribute3 , cai verted intn meat , butter cla-eso , broa and tlia lik > , in order that ouclnuioi n nuy luve our daily ration of abet ihriw pounds , a p wnd t-aoh for 01 ijivakfdst , dinner und cuppur , "Hovtitity mill ion tona of coal u ; mined nnd converted. Are wo i all aware thru half our food ia wasti nnd pcrbapi moro than half our fu especially in cooking ? " The prospects ok the French nati springs largely from the thrifty n aivings of its peasantry. Wo bier or the immense production of i country , but are ailcnt over a c sumption which wastes nearly o third of the wealth gathered from i soil or forged and * pun in onr m nnd factories. National advtncemi has been BO rapid , and prosperity general that the necessity for hat of saving and the need for invent whioli will reduce the expenditure force required to produce wealth In been overlooked. But "good lira cannot last always , and an urn IB proiul.i'.ig when the saving of Inl muBt go hind in hnnd with a savin ; the the products of labor if wo hi to retain our supremacy among i producing nntioim and the prosper ! people of the globe. TIICY never know nuj thing i political employes of the railroi when called upon to testify bef committees of investigation regard : the i ll'iirs of their masters. Sena Sjnoll , of Now Jersey , ia the lat itiaUnco in point. A legislative cc mission has beun sitting during t ouminor , with the object of maki inquiry into the condition of the n < oral railway corporations doi business in that atato. Sowell i poarod before the committee n few di sgo for the purpose of tcsti ing in regard to the alia of the Pennsylvania railroad of whi company ho is an employe. Ainc other things ho insisted that t Pennsylvania railroad company was businuac , and not a political concci that it know nothing about polit and never took part in thorn , and t ) it had no political ngontn. AH Sow himself was elcctod to the Unit Stntea senate through the For sylvnnia company nnd holds the aai relation to that road that Turnton di to the Union 1'acifio in Ncbraal hia testimony must bo consider ns decidedly rich. The senator mi ) ! refrddh hia memory if ho wiahod to ao , nnd tell how it was that Frederi A. Potts , the republican candidate i governor in that ntato was defeated cauplo of years ago. Up to witli tlirco da > n of the election the succi of Mr. Potta wau assur/ed. Suddcr Uol. Burkalow and ouvoral other j litiual agents of the railroad und Mr. Suwolla direction we aunt out by the Pennsylvai railroad company to instru iti ) cmployoa to vote for Ludlt the demoeratio candidate. Gra\ trains with voters ran from station station on the road and Mr. Potta w defeated. In the face of the well knov fact that Sawell U a notorioun poli tool of the railroads in the eenai and that in Now Jersey ho won never hnvo risen above a presidon of an ituuranci ) eornpniiy , had it t : been for his influence with the corr. raliouu and hiu work in their intoroi his information on railroad politii mothoda id [ irobubly much moro c tonsivo than ho wi-ihca it to apponr. HON. B. K. VALSNTINK. OMAHA , September 12 , 1882. To tbo I'dit r of Ois Fco. Tno nrtilicial ciiizan cf Jlasancl ; fiuttscillod the Union Pacific co piny , through its organ , The Onia Iteptililleaii , advertises tc the woi tlmt-it in highly elated over the p tial ronomination of its prc-acnt rep Bontntive in congreai , the Hon. E , . ' Valentine , and that I am not. Both of us are placed in H very n attitude. The Union Pacific 1 tested ita servant nnd found him fail ful to ita every wiah , I have test him , and found him guilty of gross i gratitude. The Hon. John M. Thayer kn-jv and will BO at.tto if questioned , tl : the firat political position E. K. V entino over held that of land ollic at West Point was obtained throu my solicitation. It was t first and only political favor I nak < fur while ( Junural Thayer wia Unit Statea aonutor. Ho ohtninod the u pointment for Valentino within t liit duyu of his term , when "V&ile tmo was nn unknown joung man p litiually , nt my earncat request. Tt ; gave htm a atart , In return , when I waa nnminati for United SUtca wanhal , Valontii bolted and oppoaod my confirnutio beoauso the Union Pacitio demandt it , to the rxlent of hia nbility. Valentine , in this and many oth matters , haa demonstrated hia wil ingnusa to bo the subservient inatri mnnt of this corporation , even at tl sacrifice of honor und the interests i all the rest of his omstituouta. Hem tha company is very naturally elatt emuhu partial rcnomination , and tun juit tta naturally nut ovnr xlatei ST. A. D. BALCOMHB. Now Hampshire Greenbackor * . 3M.-cIal | Dupitlcli to Tin Ills. MANOHKHTEU , N , H. , Soptembi 13. The groobback stnto conventic to-day paasiul ruaolutioua and nom natod John F Woodbury for goye nor , BpoclM Plijutth to Tin BH. NEW YOUK , September 13. M tl riuartorly meeting of the Westoi Union Telegraph company to-day , D Korviu Green announced hia intcntio u ! retiring front the presidency of tl company at the expiration of hUtcm Htutolutions of respect for thomemoi at Goiii-ral E S Sanford were pixstet Thu quarterly dividend of ono and half per cent was declared , panblo c and ufier October 10. THE FtMALE FUSILEER The Second Daj'a ' Proceedin of the Suffragists Show the Work Doing 'Bravely On.8 When a Womun Sayo She "W Sba Will , nnd You Muy Depend On'fc. AndTVhDnShoSnytSbs "Won't S "Wnu't. nud 1'hat'g the Ou't. S-nd . Prcslclont Ciirrolt Fires R BlR OUm of Pivior Wa la nt the Convention. At 10:30 : yesterday the nih"GO ! c vetitlim bexn.n iti > CMnd Fa-plon , ' . luioting wm oi'CM'd by Dr. II. li , Ub well , ot lc's'in ! , who Introduced as orator of the inotnicg lion , K. M , Corr of Ncbrjtko , who , an pretlrfcnt of American woman tuffri'gout ociAtion , v tlio ( lelogftU'i and friend- . . ' rnoNntum on the noble ntn'n < f Nebrn lit on her rchooln , ht-r churchc" , her atat her piD resa o'tt ' ( if tha clann n K | rare i tinctliins In BnlfroRv , until unw even was to be ttrlckcn nut , was fairly eloqm He then rcvlawud the jirrgress uf llljc from tlio dark nk'ea of bnriinrlsm , throi nil the Intervening centuries of Rtiugj nf tearit uf bluxd ; chewed how , little little , the temple uf freedom lias rcn her uoblo Hlructuro , until ut la t Ncbra Is to place the i rownlnrf at me upon ructnrocquaU'y ' to its women. I Correll in imleed n fine npenkcr , and li the Attention of tha audience IIR by n ftp We will in future clxo hU entire epe 0.1 it is worthy uf Rpaee. Mrs. HebeccnN. Ilnznrd.of St. Lei ft Llulrman of the committee ! on cied tlalf , then rhowcd that trcio are delegn from th * follnwm ? htiti-n : Pennsylvat Masi-Mhutetta , Miine , Ohli > , Indfatm , lluola , MUscmrl , Kentucky , low.t , Mic Ki\n , Wyoming territory , twelve in nil , A committee of twelve nn bupiti'Efl fairs was then appointed by President C roll as loll'iw * : H. li UUcc ! ell , Mn Mrs. M , W. Campbell , Maine ; ALatl Hunhn n. 1'a. ; Kuto I. Kelsey , Ohio ; ' MaryT. Thom , IncL ; MM H. Af. C ler , II. ; Mrs. It. N. Hazard , Mo. ; M Laura Clay , Kv. ; Mrs. M. > T. Coggsh Inwa ; Mw. A. M. Bltt ° nbemlcr , Neb. ; M.Vno9tcr , Mich ; Hun. J. W. Ki umn , Wyoming. Lucy Stone na the chairman of the ox utive committee then read the rep of the annual meatinc which wn ? held I October 23th nud 2tHh , in Louisville , I Tlio convention was grnml nice * Kvf ry Benalon wna well attended nnd ILD uf the moxt prominent uien nnd won of Kentucky sat nn the platform. U Louisville Courier Journal , the most wii \f \ circulated nnd influential paper in I southwest , gnva nine or ten cnluintiR of precious t pace to full reports of ita me ln , Hcnty W < terst-n , in a lea'iinp ' ; e turiftl , exrre sfd his moxt cordial frienc ue-s to the movement. The Commeri gave much Bnace to ful | reporU. The American ass cintion is compot cf auxllll.iry Btnto nocleties , whose repo nra s-nt to this meeting , Uuring th pi year the jwoaatioii hnii cent upwards three thousand Dctitiona fur muuici | nnd pre idontial "UlTinxe in circulation twenty ititua. It tent to com-rcss fif four potitionH for a nixteenth amendmei with four thousand names from elev HlatoH. It Hsnt one agent , Mra. Mnrga : II. Campbell , to giv < > three and a h monthi' lectures i" Nebraska. It his a donated -10,000 BUlFrage IcafUts tothecai in thU srate. At no tnno it ) the hUtory of the worn milloye moveu ent has there been so uiu to encourage its friends as nt thin mome The republicans of and Kinaax ctnto conveut'ou ' have adopted reHolutit iu favor uf woman Hiiffrasc. Iowa , In nn'i , Oregon and Nebrnnlta have amer menls to their state conatituti ma peudl to cive woninn unfirase. The work bu in Kuropannd Auieri.-a is | > rorossln rj idly , nuil the day U nut far distant wli surge's ia nnro. Lett rr ) were road by Dr lilackwellfn George William Curfic , of New York , e tor of Ilarper'a Weekly ; Julia Wn Howe , Gov. St. .fulm. and by Mrs. 1 : rard one from Mrs. Mary A. Livurmoi C.torge William Curtia taya : ' 'I ncknoi edge with jileasiiro the invitation to atte Hid meeting of the American M man Sulfrige u R > ici'ttion ' in Omal on September 12 h. " It ia impoatil for me to accept , but It U always po'sll for me to rxpre-a my sympathy with tin uc'ivu frieniU of the cause whose pitior no delay can exhaiiit , nnd whoee cluratl 110 disaiipjintment can daunt. They well every year if they do no more tli KIO\V the es ertial jus ice of tha nbjecta Its eu Ire com rmity itb the i\merlc principle of vo taxation without renrcsi tatlon. Practical politico are not fo ic Mo'iiurCH must bo hliown to be expedli ao well as reasonable , nnd your imineJi : 'luty is tu chow that the enlarged butfrj for which you c n.tend U an ) x > lllic M it equitable. Up n this point I amcc \inund thn eloquence uf your meeting v throw new light. | The other letter * exprearod hearty c : grntulntlon uu the work. MM. Margaret W , Campbell then re a report of the w rk in Maine , wiitten Mm. C. A , QuInaSy. ono of the ropresi titivo women of that state , showing tl the w < rk there [ H grnwlntr , and the hope success becomes brighter e\cry year , A a report from the Portland asxoulatl through ita pioUdent , Mrs. liicnn Hepnrti were read by Dr. Bla"kw from Minnesota and , whl pro\ed that woman gulfrago id yiiiul ground in both nf those ttutcH , Ir , M ry V. ThumnR , j.eiImps the o ! est lady wno Inn battled In this nol rauiie then reported fiom Indiana , ] l ( ptecli wna cntlmxiaaUcally received. I dlaiu Unlnicwt tolld fur woman tutfrai Mr , Atkinson , of Indiana , wan invited speak , but preferred to Wilt till nnotli time. time.Mr . Tracey Cutler , of Illinois , then i ported for that eUto. MrJ. Cutler is coble looking woman nnd 1 < a spirit meaUcr. Her report was glowing n : thows that IllinoU ii not far behind ri braska. Mi < Laura Clay , a daughter of IIo Oas ius M. Clay , of Kentucky , whc namowlil bring np abolition uicinurli M > eke of her state. Shu thought that Kubratka won.Kvctucky would take fie hope. hope.Mm. . Ulttenbeudfr retorted for r < br. kn , showing lh t the hopes of u cew wtre bright , aud eaiuc t work wou make it nun ) Gea. Hitabrook reviewed the work Omaha.- After Bimdry bueliKua ape ohea h : beea made , the meeting atljourned t 2:80 p. in. THE EVENING SESSION- The American's Wouuu'd Sullrage asa I'iatiou uiut Ok'ala last evening at the Fii UaptUt churchj whfra one of the mo fashionable audience ] had ctsembled th Omaha ever turned out. i'lower * we tastefully arrange j on the ttiudbere tl iniwt i rouiineut mi-mbsrs of the kutfra ; jfBociiUon wcro scited , among whom tl Familiar faces of Mro. Lucy Stone Ulac ! well , the venerable featu ea of Profefi lleury 11. BUoVwell of U uton , Goveru- - llojt cf Wyomlnj , MM. Mary K. IU. f rt | cf Indians , and MrDr , Dlnsmc if Umuhiure reci'guized. Tnechglr , consl.t'.ug of Ouiihii'ii uvori volcte. were on the otanO , ujd rtudon felft-t pltcsi dutlhgtho evening. The ineo'ln ' ? wm called to order by M Cnrrrll , tha president , after wh Kev W. ll. Copeinnd offered a sh p aver. Mr * . Dr. Dlnsmore n < 5drcRed the ms IOK In nu hour's apt-ccb , lilcn was nine the ablest ndrlre ses delivered nt thn i sion , reviewitg nt Jfnqlb the gf"\ \ growth of ititdlrctual development cUi ing that woman lias the Rama i ) b"ri right that man linlh alwnjfl cUimed man ; discountenanced the hurbsrum ic that governments ( n tliii agnuromKlnta ed uiKiii brute fu cc , but rather uf Iho tolled ; gaveHfciutitllic tren > iso upon I relfttlvo phveical'tincture And their ndi tatlon , going into the minute iin-iljsin tin ) human ittriictuic , reaching exteui. rpoirchea in this * choil uf PC ence ; clot ! with the taautilul thought that wl God had created everything a mite und inanimate bin co > ing workmanslitp was th beau e tus fo lit wuiiikn , mutchle.'a for her ruces n InlmiUhle for her Ktipeiiar rdSiiotm ; Shesail , quoting from tte BIO cd Hib "Letusmakn mau in < ur ov.-n IiiinR When forth from the dint in n m-ne , w 0 nitb step nnd f ce toward heivor , t u wbtingKt > i1e the oartb but ho , nf the Treated things , win wi.hout bis ca Diet ent Then ( .aiia that most man Ions creation ; fioni the in * at durable ma rlnl nf tin ln\t "lid iii'Wt pr > of ( jod'n croatlnti 1I inaAn wiimi If man is Uitig , woman U _ iie Mrs. Dinsinnre tbn wo it into treatise upon tbeitnieminent , claiuiln i r the time when givprmm hhall me'ili not phycU ! ntrength i power , but wisdom nn 1 the loxioof silu'.o juatici between mm utid man , tiou and nation. KutiuKing the grov of civilizitlon hhc traced in glowing col t he gradual growl | ofJuitul'ectu > ' H > crt ) : freedom , and tnlJiB civill/ation ndvu man becomes more liberal nnd us ho enuica broader in his view * the higher hia nppro iatlon nf woman. We re ( ; that our mace frrlii IB us from print her tcltntific nd ticts iu full. At the c'oec ' ut her address the nudie applauded her enthuainiitlcall/ eh then sang a iclectiim that wj very npj : printo nud without comparison for neatiio'n , after which ttic I nident ca forward aud intitidured Hon. John Hoyt , governor of Wjomlm : , who ci forward in a dignified rummer aud nt 01 gand ! tha attention nf hh heart lie ia n favorabl" epe > ker , Htuooth > lluant in language , and exhibits qu tim requisite to make nn orator and eloquent advoctta. He is a } ouu < nun the diitlnguifbed position ho bun r * , be uot over forty-two with prominent fe nrcs leaving traces of the midnit liuip. Ho W.IR tastefully drcHsud in black iiiinnterial suit , with wh cravnt , nnd standing co Inr , presenting dinifidil itppearance. His language v treed , st.tU plo < ging , and argument logic Ho spoke without miinu'ciipt , vivin ; brief sketch nf the movement , nnd by i copiousuess of his rcm.irks onvinced I audience that h ? was imsfcr < > f thn ci j'cr. _ lt is uTidsnt that he h s stud : some jof the ancients upon the sul j Jiid fiund mnoogj the , writing Plato some of his bent authority. ' . claims t that while there may be nntu 1 .rqualit ts of ment-xl , tihysio land mo u institution , yet they are sticli ns in t nature uf things ara ineapabln of being i fined Ly Uw , and the right e ery pcra n is einial to tl < f every i ther pemon. iu governing t nt.ite. Thestnts is ti bo the expression the lieliHemtu choice of thn wholn peep counting their votes bead for head , exec for pereoon dl-quaJitieii by nature. He argued hid east * up m the theory tl theie M notbiug in the nature of worn that uutitsher for nshuro in tbo Rovei nient ; that die , bciag equally eudoa mentally , and superior to man iu moral ! ttndiqmtv , nnd required by the law of h being to discharge un equal , it uot a gre. er , Miaro uf labor in HIP , that she has right equal to man in legislative cum uieiitselTectlns her and her liousehold. thei e anything in the nature of worn which will make it either worse for her the htate , rtiat her will iu regard the adtnioiitration of tbn povcrnme of the state chall find itn expression the ballot box ? All nature teaches the ia inequalities in all Rpxes , both men ) and phyrical , buc that doe not prove th an intelligent woman , who haa accumulit property by her economy and devotion 1. business , which property is taxed to HI : port thegiivernment , is to be taxed by in a p mil do and ignorant men ngalnst her cc sent. If the principles of nur governmc mean equity before the law ; that its tr spirit I'cei not exclude woman If n pi sm'B labor ns4sts in dtfiayiujtlieexpeiu of the government , tr.u law does n < it i tend a ' .o.irJ nf txnminerg to include n and exclude the other from the privilcc growtm ; out of xaid tixitlun ; th taxatiun carriis with it , by t laws of reason , icpr < - entation. 1 thought the true republic curiied wi it the theary of perfect eriualitv before t law , that mtura nly inaken the lUstru tion of male and female nnd that of lieu en good tu d evil ; that there is no delegat authority tn IUHII whereby he ehuutd un gain to himso'.f iuhcrent lights not ile ( , ated to wo'iinu In order for mm lo do Kite authority or reituiin liberty to 1 fellow ureaturex hu hboul t thow whure < i from whom be ie < : ci ed bin authority. T awumcdauthority which mm cltims o\ woman in the outgrowth of a dailc age a barbar'Hi ciis'.oin , wh ch u 11 , in t course uf time , be aj'ep , away like t Ixvery question , Kpuco will not pern r vorbttiin report of thugovernor's soeo At tha close of hit addieja tlio chbir sa " /.Ion Wait , for Thy S.m Coireth. " 1'rof. lilnckwell th"ii camn forward a aslicd the governor if In all hu rxpsrler in Wjoming he eyer know unr dome * ditcorl growing out of the cnfranchi nient of women. He replied hu had net known a eve of domestic wraiglo tu tl account. To-dty clones the woman suffrage si sion. ' 1'ho ' celebrated Hcitchiuson famll from Matm-JniBfttrf , areoxpeoted tu arrl thU morning and futnUh the nuuia for t action. The following HpctkeiB will address t convention : Mm. .Mary K Ilapg&rt , t beht Kpeaker In the am be , will speak t night , followed by others DA.WiON COU.VIY. Tlio Prolrle Klrea lutorfo'o u Ore Daul Wltn Ha Exhibit. ? ifB. L. D. Ilatnmond , of D.IWGI onuaty of which I'lum Creek is tl county seat , waa unfoitunato ago thia year in. her Bupariutendmico the DawBon county oxhiblt. La year aho firat mot with a disadvantaj on account of limited space , and boil finally assigned to spice in a lar tent , the tent containing her oxhib blew flown. Her ooda for this year's disph wor to huvo bten shipped to Omul on Monday evening Ironi Plum Oreel but the west bound U , P. train Ni 3 net fire to the pra rio grata in sove al places along the line und the resu waa a prairie tire of enormous propo tioiiB , extending from Kearney t North PJntto and calling out all tli men in the county to put it out. Mrs. Hammond ia hero now an haa inado her entries for the oxhib tion , but the accident alluded to IK tn a considerable extent spoiled th exhibit , and eho labors under a ire : disadvantage , MM. Hammond is plucky woiuin , however , and aho wi display the products ol Diwson count for all they ara worth. Tha vlaitorj to the ttato fair continue to psurln last night. The UurhnRtou MUiouiI train , two hour * late , brought I tea car loaiU. A car load oirao In on tl Om li J St. Paul load from West Poin auJ all the trnlui were crowded , HERE'S ' TO YOU , GEORCi ffo Feel For You , in Yo Louely Straggle For Po litical Honors , Dodge County'a Darling Klc ed Overboard by Valen tino's Tools. An Nye-Opcnor at n Iiato Honi Correspondence of Tun HER. FBEMONT , Nob. , September 12. Politics nnd politicunij of 1'Vemc ' are unduroiu ( ; : ; a oaugo ttho preai writing. Liit-miug to the biwlaof thn V online biuiimera nnd railroad hoiu men after tha coiivoiuiotis on Thu , lay lait , ono would c'mio to the ct clunion tluit Valentino waa n littlog < nnd thnt the eulnmon herd were 01 too gliul of au opportunity to bi down nnd worship him. But what 1 i tlo tnno hai olapji-d since ttint mo : I c table day IIQI boun amply sullicient I llow aomi of these /.iulots w c'xcoroJ the blaokgiurd speech llrij. Olarkaon tiino lo cool oil' , n they are now pretty well convinc that nftor all Valentino was not t jjrcut attricion ut Fremont on Se tumbor 7th , J2 pocially is thia true nf DJC ! county. Had it not becn'for Geo. E Djraey , Valentine and hia toi could not have carried u single p : cinct in D id a county , nor a BUH ward in Fremont. And now tl Daracy can bo of no further uao them they have traitor like sold h out to got the help of aomo other 0,1 didato who hko > 7ito ! in their turns be betrayed to further the avuricio and dishonpr.\blo achomca of thia cc rupt combination Mr. Dorsoy w duly warned that thu cjinbmation Valentine , Nye , Colaon t Co. , w only uditig him as a tool , and wou Uivo him Mm cold shoulder at noon they could dispense with his service This ia not the firat time that tl and gracious firm of Nye , Gahi iV Co , tuvo been iMiitly of nccli di ractful proceedmga. In fiet tl ID.V cuiiliing aeoiiis ro bu their elii oh.irjcteiiatio A gro-it mAiiy puoj : now aympathiza with Mr. Doraey M- ] huretntoro htivu b en oppoiod to hit Wo all fi'ol > lut hn has boon sold o by men who nro not fit to unloose t ! latchea of hia ahoes. The ubijv. ) numt.d combination a aomovvhnt noted for thu manner which they attempt to "bulldozj" i dividuala into doing what they wix thorn to. An instance of this kind has c currod hero during the last few daj It would fieom that the editors of TJ Fremont Tribmn.- , like the great m jority of voters of Djdpe county , ha' grown very tired of being represent ! in congress by the Weat Point pot fogger , and have used every honorab moans to secure the nomination Judge Crounso for that poaitio Fulling in thia , they concluded to su port the regular nominee , Mr. Tu ner. Of course the cappera of Vale tiuo wanted them to support him , ai threatened to withdraw their patro ago from The Tribune , and , worst all , to start another paper hero < their own hook and "after their ov heart" should they refuse to do they bid thorn. Now , when you tal into consideration , Mr. Editor , th this firm once owned The Tnban bought it when in a moat flourish ! : condition , and finally run it into t ! tlround , then started Thu Semi-Week Press , which Hkoniso collapsed in very short time , thuir thrimti oppo fir moro of ; i burlesque than dn the English re-port ot the E yptii war. war.After nil , t'io "hoys" have ti much of the ulom-'iir 01 manhojd ba buUdczod by "Il-jEty" and h brother conspirators , und propo rather to stick to right principles th to bo the toola and tail end of t firm kin' . The p-tpa of Freddy would like a ful well to atop into the ulio. a nf iJu .itor liurnfi. But he wul couiu ; n oarer getting the votns of Dod county tlinn did the devil in iooln Christ whfii ho took linn up into t mountain and nude Him such grai otFora , though the means imut to x comphsh hia purpose will ba vo much lika that of the devil. Oh no ! Theron , your politicil gen haa long since boon cooked in Djd county. For political honors you w have to g'J to aomo country where y are not known , Mr advice tn y would ba to Eettlo down in your IKIII spmo homo and devote your prccio time to mining "ahort horns" and ho : Yours -vith duo regards , JACK STUMP. PISltbONAU DaiM Anderson , of ColumbiH , with 1 wife and dtujhtur , iiat'cndiojf | our ntu fair. ( Jen , J , C , McUriil , uf Lincoln , is the city. Dr , Amelia llurroghs , of Council Hlufl was at the sullrui < 3 uouventton lait nigh Wm. Steufer , fx-o ) tiuty clerk of Om ing'c iunty , ia in the city. Fred Sonne.iicluin , of West Point , hero to see theiitite fair. H..I ) , 0. A. HuUlwiu , returned fromfl uolii la > t nUUt , having beun iu .itten lane at thu supreme court. General C. K. Mundeieon has returm from Lincoln. Mayor Limb , of Stanton , li In the cit ; 0. 0. McNtsh , the Wlmer banker , Is i tjwn. Chan S. Deuianv , of We t Point , can in jf erday to attend tha state fair. AI. Ueiiner. therilT of Curulug Co , U 1 .he city , Hon. J. W. PolbcV , the West Pelt jauUtr , It in atteuUuce at tha fair , Mr * . H gsilora Jiaj last evening at j'clock , Shu was the mother of Mr. WH IIag doiu , MM J. T. PauUen , Mra. U. J ICirbick an < t M . Frank Klo'ner. 1L 'uncral will be anmnmca I hereafter. -Mr. John Quirk , w'.i'i Tom Callat preionted tha police force yesterday wit tweoty botmeU to wear at tha firemoa [ > arado. B.YDIA E. PINKHAM'8 1 VEGETABLE OOMPOimD. iKnPonlUvcPnro For nil thone I'nlnfuK'omptnlntunnJ AVcnVneitci oo common to our brut female Imputation. A DItillrlnoforWnmnn. Inrfntcillij-n Woman. I'rcparrit by a Womtm. TVf < lr lMl SlfJIdl ninotfrf S n" lk l ) n f lllllorj , tSTll nrirti th drooplPB rplrlts lntluoratc < nml hArmnnlm tlio onranla functions , rftre * claittrlty am ) flrmnc' to tliDttoprcstoroillioniluratlii ( ni to tin CJ-Pamiiibntsontliopnlochwlcofwoimn tbo ro ca ot llfo'a ppiinr ? anil early sutm.icr time. t TThjislclins Usn It and Prcsctbo It It rcmoTcs rfttntnc i , flatulrncy , ticatroys ollcrATlnq for FtlmulintnnlrclloTe ( < wuitnitof ! } the ttnnmch That feeling otbc.irlns < town , ra-ulnci > aln , wclglil Knd baokoclio , la nlwayt iicmnticntly curvil liy lt < ni\ For the i uro of KI Jnoj- Complaint vnrrlthcr * ri thU Comr-ounJ U UHnurpa cJ. I.VWIA r piNKHAM's nuion rnuinin : will crailicttto r\rry % p-tlTo ( or liumorn from tlif Bloodnnil K\\t tunn puil Mrntrti ! ti the vjfitcinf d > n.aa woman or ckllil. Insist i > n hiilutf U. Both the Compound and llltx * ! PiiriSer ftro prcimrwJ nt233timl23J % V tcn > Avi'nni' , Lynn , Mx . 1'rlcool clthc Jt. BUliottksforfA Scntliyin-Ullnthe torn ot jilll' , or uflozciuou , cm ivcvlpt of price , $ liTljoj forclttwr. Mr .riiiKliaiifrc > ly nTTTCiHnHlftt Inquiry. EncloJuactitaiip. binilfurpamplikt. Vo fumtlr kliouM tin wuliout LTMA E. I'lVKHAM'S IJTOU 1'lius. Thc.T cinpcoiivtl | > atl ( > n , litllous-nt-sM and toqildlty of tlio Ih cr. > ct nt in-r IHIV. nlll > rnss's * < "GW O Are acknowledged to bo the best by all vdio have put them to a practic .l test. ADAPTED TO HifS & SOFT COAL , COKE OR WOOD. MANUFACTUUKD BY BUCK'S STOVE CO. , , SAINT LOUIS. Piercy & Bradford , SOLE AGENTS FOR OMAHA. Every Corset ia warranted Balls- factory to its wearer in every way , cr tbo money will bo refunded by the person ( rout whom it waa bought. The only Corset pronounced by our Iwidinur physician * not Injurious to the wean r , and endorsed by ladle * ai the " moit oomforiabla and ptrfcct fitting CorMt erer h.ade. ' ' 1' Mall , 1'o.tnsel'oldl Health Pn-M-rtlne , # 1.DO. Htlf.AJJu.tlne , I.BO Abilomluul ( citruhcuty ) fB.OO , Nuralnn , * 1.CO llcallh l'r ertlnit ( Dno coulll ) * U.OO. 1'arxon HLIrt-Hupportlnit , * 1.5U. For ialo by leading llelull Dialer * oerywbere * CU10AGU COKSUT CO. , Clllcutfo , IU. D. WELTY , to D.T. Mrnut. ) Manutjtliircr and Dealer tu Saddlesi HarnosSf Whips , FANCY HOUSE CLOTHING Robes , Ousters aud Turf Goods of ALL UUSJllIITIONU. wtr " m M vm Y -r * * J tf * jni\ \ \ so BONCOfiD HARNESS 'The ' Best iu The World , " Oi < lt sollcltwl. OMAHA , NEB ma ly 'AVIME , , Q.FCAKDUi _ ; UISKM r-ni 1 * ka and char oiun .iiiiTrr T r. . .