' * N * - > t THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , SATURDAY > SEPTEMBER 9 , 1882 The Daily Bee , Saturdny 3ept. 0. \Veath - KnporU ( i'lio follow im ; tikr ervtitton nro taJtrn Ihf Kama moment of time i t all tlio Btatio U rARTMKNT , IT 8. S VICE , OMAHA , Sept. 8 , 18S2. ( It5p.m. niter C fort 0 Inr-hri alxirenw \ natrr mark Omthk , B foci I Incliifl > l VMikton ; llhwlfwlpjil , tfcct 0 Ii ctiuH ul la OroiM ! , Mid U foot tl ( nclicn i Ujbuqur. LOCAL BUhlViTIJ33. Hmnko "Stxb'rt HcHt. " Uia Itavon filled fie Clgu. There wtr" two stock trains In yet 'lerdny on tliu tl. I' , I'Vcnli Watorniolonn , NuUriej ; Melonn an abundance , at Wicini'rV. Tlio Kurt \ \ nyne , Ind , , lub piny th ilJ. V. M.'ri here oirlv m October. Dwycr'n luiiUllntr on Sixteenth nni ' 'Hurt ' ftri'otit la nearly coini > Ietod , To-day the I ) . & M , club go t < \7nlioo to ] ) lny with thn local club , win 'inntitirato ( ; thelrnew ( ir uniln. A match In Hits city between the It & M. and Council lllnlTj .ciub , { 4 on tin 1 tapis for nsxt Sutunfny , Mr K. C. Killing will Imvo r * nlfhl 'MonmlnK CCIIUH In the full bloom during the Biota fiiir , Mr. Mnrlln" clpatit liriok hulldlng or .Sixteenth and Wcbntur will bo tliu pride ol that ptrcct. Andrews' now lirlck bullillng on Six teenth Btreot will cliortly bo cmnpletnl , It will lie a fmobtciro. Tlie now ; store im Hlecnth Htroet , which i being huilt for Ji'ueiiLy K Connolly nelly , will bo eltKnnt. Tlilu IK a u'ood lioom for Sixteenth ctrcot. The tiiiOKtlon h , how N Sixteenth treot g'.lug to luok during the fair wo-k ! Some niorch..iitit a > veiy iudinnuut , while their builno-a is fniling. bidding will begin nisxt Jloiiflny for the i-avlng < if Tenth ntrcet from PmigloH tothodeput , ( / ntrucUiM fiiini difTurunt cltita cant und Houth will Ijo ht-ru. The nionil em of the Snuial Alt club are dctiioi toKond iiUurtlcl'Hto lie lniwri at the exhibit nt tlie Ktnto fair , on Sa'ur- day , ut 10 o'clock , to Mrs. O linn , North Kinolernth Btrtot. Mra. Vun NuBtraod , Iiroeldoiit. There will bo n special mectliiK of the Nebraska Bute Iliiuia-untlilo Mudlcalsif ciety at Dr. C. L. lluri'rt nfllcu , Oiintlm , al 2 o'clock j > . m. Widnt-hifay , HcpMnber 13. . Chns , M. Diunnoor , M. U. , prenldent. The new bridge across Nirth Oinnhn > creek , on Snundtm direct , fs uehrly coin- pleted , and A ! net earn will lo ninuitu U ) the noi th turn-tablo fiomo time in ttio firxt * r port of next \vcok. I Mayor lioyd left Thurrdsy for Clil- c go nil Papa Herman U ugulti ut the bend of municipal ufiitird. In tie language of the iwut "lie fuel * it oi.d don't you for- Bet it. " Sluco the eng.iKcinnut of tlu 11 warlnu band Mr. Jullim Thltle Inn paU thoin | 8i3. Tliiitia rxulurivn of various Mini * which our lllivritl-lienrtul and iminlunl neighhor luw hpuiit in pruvI.tiiig.muHlo fur ' the city. The UK-mhon of the ( 'lirlxtliiu church of Fu U City havu lieon making cou ! itrr- .ableilTott of Into to Iniluce Itov , Mr. In- Krnin , of thin dty , to Inmtn with them. Jfu will prouubly rtnmin In Umiha. C'uit. | Marth wan uualilo to obtain thi > rlglitul way thriiugh to the fulr ground this Bimmiur , 0111 } lirtue the public in dc- privcd uf the uililillniial lucilitleH for I ri'Dchlug ( ho DriUng paik , which would dUierwIte ho\o bonn enjoyed. Knglne company No. ' 2 held a.tneutlng Thuruilay In tlio uluxnou of l'iu ldent llktilon , the chair wan ubly tilled hy Col. Trhnn , foiemau ot the cnicipany. Tlia mutter if ll.o fonr'eun h miiiU'ointtry cilc- liraliun wan portpitneil fur ono mouth , on .account uf tlm Htatu fair , - * < jradlng'SlxU'entli Mri-et wi 1 be com- ploUdt.1 tli tr.dKt. thin ww-U , and lurli- liifiuul KiiUtrln uill bo tinMied nn fur north im I'hivugo > t ct liy that time , DougUiifctitot'f grilling , curl > Iii | { nnd guttering - tering between .Sixu.-enth anil Muttcei.th Thii evfiiinu , at llidB house , there will lti a ( ll/pLy of entitled -"A Day Iu 1'uiiK , " by clng. Thu \ I w uro ull proiluutioiid ami null to bo correct tu the ininiiitwt iletull. A lad ) paiuuiiger on the w t.bound U , 1' , tr lu Nn , 7 1 weuie criuy and wan 'Uleu ell ul Jvuarnty until lie could Ixj jwuiewlut ( > ouoveicil nr ieturno'1 to licr fil.ndii , Siw.crtuttit u gruat numatiou on itle car * . The norUi muer will noon bn coin. jilelixi if tbe | iru fiit f.iycrul.le we thur cuntlnnca. TIM wuth i-uwer will coin- pit-ted in two wtiek * , utnl Mel * for thu building of the Jutrral ttowett in three ilibtilitvill l.o Ut < ji Mi uiluy ni.\t. Tl fifth flixir nf th Mlllnnl lioU-1 WUM coinplitfi.l ThurMlny nnd fifteen of tlie j-wiiun thrown nn tu tlm put lie. The remainder , nuking tl.iity-the in ull , will 1)eary | for < > iu.umucf | to-ni ht. Not- \ wlthttuuding t ) : mwuum of room tlio Jllllaid t'iri.ci ' away a uuuiUr if The Aimriusn Womuu Bulfrnga UBSO- tiatiou ui 1 luld Iu iinuual cniueiitlon on th 12th , IS.haaif H'h ' of tUU month in the audfeiire r < x > iu of 'the Jlijitl-t church , earner uf Kifleei.th nnd DdveuKiit | KtreeU. A. Urge uuuiUr of < itli / uUU'l > pcaker from ( lifNuot iwtttij the Uiilvn ivjll beI I A PALATIAL STRUCTURE The Opening of tlie Finest Hoti in tlie 'rans-Mississippi Uounfcry. Tbo Superb Appointments < " The PHXtcm" and ito Able Management. The Men "Who Hnvo Contributed < it * Orntidonr nnd forfootlon. A Kevlow of the Work and Thoa Who Mndo nnd Will Mnko It. ' Tli3 new one l tlio most beautiful i all ; h Is no } oii'iK nnd pretty. " And tl olil flWAiH Ixiwcil tliclr head * hefoio him.- Jlnntnilrrtun \ , Win ) in there to whom the ritury t the Uly | { duckling in unfamiliar ? It anltod and duridud in its youth , drive to the marsh and the lake , to suflc cold and hunger , the poor ulrannei the outcast of the barnyard , is n langth hailed ns the "most heautifii of nil. " Tliu poor bird who had hidden don liia head undur hia wini ? , who hm boon persecuted nud despised for hi ngliiiuas , nt length saw ovuii thu oldur trco bund ita biiwa into the water bu fore him , whilu the sun nhono wnrn and bright. Thua hu rustlct hia feather : * , curved hia slender tied : and cried joyfully , from thu depths o hia breast ; "I iiuvor drunmcd of aucl happiness as this , whilu I was an uglj duckling. " TUB I'KKKUMK AND T1IH 1'I.OWKlt. Four yuars u o on thu fifth of thii month tliuro Waa n ecenc of liorror ut thu corner of 14 hand Farnam struu thut ia yut fresh in tlio tniiida of thosi who wurti iv.sidimla of Uinaha at thai tinio. Tlio Grand Contra ) wont down umid lito and smoke , nnd bravo muu Bucrilicud their liven in trying to save thu magnificent building thut was tin pride of thu city Lint night the Bamu spot waa biilliantly illunii natod and thu opening of n house that cxci'.udB uny hurutoforu seen in Oamha , win celebrated in the prcucncd uf an iidminnj ; throng of ladies and ijentloiiiun , who , from dunk till mid night thrunuud thu corridors of thu now hotel und miidu its walla echo with the iiiuaio of their voices. Ii wua the cutihumniution of t-ll'orln thai IIHVO been i-xorted for yearti'pasl and tlio luliinni'iou boatovvud upon it was not Kins aniueru and hearty than tint upon a lurr 11 > wur whuao cultivation us occupli'tl yu.ira of time , and whose Iliwor nud poifumu surprise and delight - light thoHo ului HCU it. TIIKUGIYV 1IUCKMNU. Work on 'ho I'axtun hotel was bu- ; < un on the 112th uf August , 1881 , and s n > w practically completed , u liitlu jvor oim year I nun ttiu tiuiu of begui ling. Considering thu muny obstacles .hat . worn met witn owing to n very miiy und olhorwiHu unt.ivor.iblu fall , hu work haa buen quickly donu , but it tin ) naiiiu timrt vi.ry carefully uxu- 'utid. The mild weather during the vintur favored the pushing forward of hu uiiturpriso und the enclosing of hu structure. It has been thu deter- mimtioii of thi ) Messrs. JCnchun to lonalruct a substantial Crat-class hotel , ooiid to mme in thu w.iat , and it i ( ID onor < il opinion of those who have mtcliucl the erection of this inuinmuth ) uildini { that they huvo succi eiltd I'lm bntldiiiK in 132 feettquure , cov- iritif ; the site of the old Grand Cen- ral hotel , ut the southwest corner of Airnain and Fourteenth streets , and lotisiittu of tivo stories and a baso- iH-nt. It is constructed of briok , tone nud iron , in the most bolid und vorknmnliku manner ' 1 hreo nnlliona ind a halt of brick and twenty tjna of ron Inwu buen used in thu construe ion. Thu walla of thu houao have 11:011 blnlt with u viuvrot' sub uiutiuli- y rn'hor than oriiHiiiuntution , und uro > f thu moat nmaiivu character , buini ; ! 0 inoluh ut thu bitu , und gradually tuatnn > X to 18 inchea at the tup I'htiy ri'bt on u heavy otuiiu foinulii- ion two foot deep , suven feet wide , i nil grouted in commit. IVobibly nit ono building in ono hundr.'d uro iiibjuutud to thu criticism thu 1'axton ma met with and certainly t di1 luok homely onuugh it first. Hut thu addition if tint porches und balconies , the rich Minting und dccorativo work , and a .hoiiAand other attractive features Imo lomonatratud thut thu architect know > hit : hu wua aouut , and hia oncu linpisud dossil is now lauded to the > kiua Ky ull wlio beheld it. Ichasiin- luigonu if complete transforination , tnd i-i now rooognixjd us thu mo.it leuutiful building of the kind to bo Found in the wi > st unywheru. IKl.NOK TO WHOM HONOR IH DDK. Thu Bnporintiiiidontof construction Dm I ho luuinningwaa Kidney Smith , lakilllul Kiulish architect , who came i fro /r in Milwuukoo and has loo.itod UTO. Ho it u gradu tu of the arohi- ecturul r olioul of thu school of uugl- ii'iiring uf EuKland. Ho was fiom 18JI ( ) to 1872 alork of works or public imldinga in thu English war dooart- nont , and ho has boon in this country lovon joirs , during which time lie ivud in Milwaukee , in which city hu > ut up n great many buildings. THK IIUILIIEIW The architects of thu I' xtou were Sokol & Mann , of Rr. Joe , Missouri , 'olk & Collins , uf U.ck Talaiid , did .hu brick wurk and onolused thu itruoturo. Thu finishine carpenter vork w n dona by U. K. Allen , of St roo. Withnull Urothers , of Umaha , lid thu plastering and decorations , U. 10. Herbert , of St. Joe , furnished ind put in thu steam beating and gis ittiiig and plumbing. TUB INVKfTMKNT ii the entorpruu is somuvvhat larger han was ut flrat intt'iidcd , aim thu tsult is that thu I'jiXton is a much ; rundor house in every rrsprot thai. iiyDndy in Omaha hud uny idea of , 'Jio builrlintf coat $200,000 , thu ; ruund 830,000 , and the furniture 50,000 , making a total investment of ' 260,000. THK flltANO Ol'KNINU. The formal opttning of the now ouio will recur to-day , and prelim * ury to thi * the house was last own- it ; brilliantly illuminated nnd the ispectton and criticism of the public ivttod. From 7 o'clock until mid- nicht ( i throne filled oTory > .Vftilab gp&co in the grand building , ntid neil ing but expressions ofadmitaic m in to bu huhid on all rides. Lidi ind gentle'.non visited the now ho . Iry by hundrrdd. and madu thou solves at homo in its ample halls ar .icril ) turiiinliud rooms , and wander * t will from baaemunt to g.irrot , if i , lo3i ] the bcri'itifiil unpor story can 1 ao designated. There tire three ci i'.iiiuus to ttiu hott.1 thu main ci tninco on Farnnm Btr ct nud tt l.idieA * and u < nilr-tnon's ontranccs c Fouttconth atrtot. All lead to a con "inn oliji-ct , aa all roads lurid 1 Komo , vi/ . ; TIIK omen. This may truly ba aid lo b tl' crowning beauty of the building , tl ono feature which obovo nil othr'i will bo rnncmberud and ndmired b all visitors. The oflicuia 132 fcut Ion ; by 40 feet in width. Atotimg abov it ia u rotunda of glass roofing , nt height of nearly forty fcot , throng which ( i soft und ple.iiiaiit light M a : milted by duy and nhich sliowa up nasa a-sa beautifully by night , Thn root i f Hartley r lli'd ylana , thro o' htil of an inch thick , with another tlna ground and colored beneath it , a spic ot four inches being left between th two for condensation. THI : CI.IUK'H : DESK m built nt the uasl end of the room near thu elevutur , aim u ( it piuu , iluan rated in wlutu and gold , thu iniorio completely furnteiiud v/itli ile k * drawdro , chtilvtu nnd Bnfo , ntiuv v\'Inth is located an ulcctric uiiiiuiioia tor. This deal : in built facing Hi grand Btnirway and commands aio \ of nil thu oiitv.ivcca nnd upproiichc.1 including those to thu dining tooiu I'hu entire first floor of thu hotel , in dueling thu olliuo , ia laid with marbli tiling , thuro being over G,000tquan ftot in all , A balcony , or proinenudo four feet wide runu mound the cntiri ollicu on n Invel with thu parlor llooi und from the center ol thu rotundu ii suspended u iniignilicont chnndelici : twenty-four jots , which will ultimate ! ] bo lighted by eltctricity. T11K M AbhIVK 1'lLLAltfl , olcgnn * desk cumpurtniunt , luxnriou ; autteea , grand stairwiiy , grand promo- undo and elaborate decorations of ov ury charactur tnako thu olllco ot tht Puxlon strikingly beautiful. The grand stairway , winch is marble-tiled , is guarded at tbo landing by a hugt black boar , which situ in front of tlio mirror and attires down upon tht throng of gueata. A brace ot eagles , with winutt outspread nnd bodies par tially shadowed by thu stars and HnpCH , occupy podeatala nbuvo the balcony ut the west end of thu office , nud bi.twcon them a huge mountain liun ia aeon in the act of throttling u Jog. Tiit-uo specimens wuru presented ui the hotel by Charles W. Kitchen , proprietor of ( ho railway hotels atLir- tune , Green llivor nnd Kvtiuaton. THI : jiH.vpiMj UOOM. On thu oust of the Furnum street intninco ia located the reading room , > vhich has n hundsomo tlio lloor , and t is furnishud with ulaborutu duaku ind easy chairs , und lighted with chan- luliers. Ii uro is a inagiiibcent ploco if furiuUtro in the ohupo of an adver- ising desk , -furnished by n St. JOB inn , and containing the curds of all if Omaha's prominent business men. L'liuru ia aluo u well equipped cigar tund in this room. TUG HAH. On the west , snto of the Farnam trout oiitrunco 1.1 the bar-room , rhich has A marble floor , and n beauti- ul muntul , with nporting designs. L'ho bar is fitted up in the inont ulab- irate style , and will ealipso anything if thu kind in the woat. Thu billiard oem adjoins the bar-room. Both are inishod in heavy black walnut , with lapur to match , ulogantchandilieraand U the et cotonia. The bar ia fitted ip with the finest glasawnro , of the itost designs , und is n murvol of leanty und ulpguncu. IUMNO itcoM AND KirciiKK. The dining room is situated in the outheast corner , nnd ia a beautiful ooin , elrguntly finished with piaster rnamentutiun , with elaborately Cirv- d casinga nnd trimmings to thu win- ows , 'J'ho windows arc of stained lass , representing diflorunt eubjuctu , ucii us gamu , fruit , etc. Thu BI/.O of hu room IB 03 by10 fcut. Adjoining i thu ladies' ordinary , 2U by 30 feet , i-parated by nn nrch hung with heavy elvet dtupory. The dining room wilt out 120 portions , nnd the ordinary will ccumodalu persona , making thu Dtal seating capacity nt meals 100. ioth rooma liiivti inarblo floors. The rincipiil urnamuntuttnns in the ordi- ury ia beautifully onumoled glass. In ho rear of the ordinary is the kitchen , uparuted by n wide pnsiago with hreo pairs of folding doors. The itchou m auppliod with nil the latest onvoniaoci's nnd appliance1 , THK OKANI ) HTAIIIWAY. At the wi'St etui of the olliaa is the ; rnnd stairway , facing eastward. The wo newel posts are uf ohurry , und ery elegantly carved , and uucli sur- nounti'd by broiiKu stutuarj' with a ; lobo gas lamp. The hand mils of this tnirway , together with the poats und ails of nil the stairs nro o cherry. I'lio main stairway ia of iron , nnd is illed in with beautiful enciustic iling. Under this stairway 13 the on- rnnco to thn Invutorms , tvator clotots , nd uublio baths , thu fixture * being of narblu , and immediately undur the tuira is the bootblacks' titnnd. THK TAIlLOll rtOOK ir second utory contains tWcnly-four iioiiis Tlio parlor is urrungcd in a ery novel and attractive manner. It a located in the east part of the build- ng , and is 132 fin-t long mul has nn .vurago width of 30 foot. Handsomu ron and plaster columns iiupport the filing , and the finish ia of the eiuno ttructivo niylo of Uio dining room , ) pen erohus cnnnoct tlu parlors with ho balcony , which circles around the otunda , from which u splendid view if the oilicu below ia obtained. Thu larlor and the rotunda provide a moat lolighlful promenade. Corridors nine not wide extend from thu parlor on iuth sides to the grand staircase. Six rivato parlors open into the public arlor , and they can all bo thrown ute ono or used separately. The ladies' bath rooms , lavatories , ressing rooms , etc , are ut the west nd of this lljor , directly over the imilar apartments of the first Hour ) r gentlemen , There is a stairoa o from the parlor irectly to the ladies' ordinary. The passenger elevator landing is in n alcove in the main parlor , which ia Iso used aa a hall of passage way to 10 balcony outside. Ilia TlllltU I'LOOK approached by two stairways , which nro branches of the main stftirwn ; le.iding to the north nnd south , nti these two stairways continue to tl top story. Thii floor has thitty-thn rooms , nnd among them are fet suites , uich auito including n parlor , bed room , a dressing room nnd n bat room , intended for thoiuo of familici Thcra are ten emnplo rooms Ice vtc on the Konth cido. On the norvii sid are enveral parlor ; , to ba need en suit < > v noparatp. The aicjr. tin of thi (1 ( jor IB in parti colon * . Water closn'i ' bath roomn , etc. , are found on thi lloor , as well ns upjn every flwr I the houso. The fourth nnd fift floors are of the tame nrtangoment t the third. THK lUSe.MENT is Icti fret high nnd contuinn the bai bur uhop , bitli rrioins , oamplo tounn porturV room , baggage store rooiiu laundry , drying room , boiler nn heating nppr.xtuo and pener.il watc supply. The baacincnt floor ia cor TOTAL U Thuro nro 200 roomi in the home and of this miiubor 130 tiru nleupiti ; rooms. Tlio building is h'-Ated b * iivun direct nnd indirect rndiation- and thuro are open firu pbres , marbl m.-iiitloa nnd gratoi in ninety of th rooma. The curridnrd on each II m together with the high c.-iling , rttlort perfect ventilation fur nil thu roonn The Imsentunt is ten foot hi h , th lirnfc floor eighteen , tliu sicotid tour tccn , the third , foutlh nnd fifth tn-tilva each. The height of the build in from the fidowalk with c < rnicu ii 8t foot high , and from the bmtmcn 02 fcot. A Htaudpipo has boon rut from basement to nttlo with hosn con , ncctioim on each floor. Connectior with hu outside balconies ts nbtainoc by wide entrances on both Farnair nnd Fourteenth a reutB , nnd inc.iso ol fire these balconies will prove excel lent lire escapes , TUB m.KVATOll. The olovatnr is built hy M. K. Hah t Oo. , of Chicago. It is an hydraulic uWator , and ia ono of the bt > st inado The paasongor car is very handsonielj fitted. Attached to thu cab is a bag , gigo elevator , which can bo used ut pleasure. Thu elevator landing on each floor in to bo open and sur rounded with network , ar it is claimed that an enclosed shaft makes a vorj dangerous draft in case of firo. GAS. The gao fixtures throughout the main rooms and corridora nro of the most beautiful designs. The chan delier iu the parlor , which is a present froni Hon. W. A. Paston , cost ยง 200. THE OUTSIDE OV THE 1IUILDINO. No protontionn hnvo been mndo at plnborate architecture , the muni ob ject having been to erect a heavy , nua- 3ivo and substantial bui'ding ' Tlio architi'cturo diflors materially from that of nny other public building , nnd on this account it looked rather odd at first to many of our citizonu , who , liowover , have now become used to it ind lind much in it to admire. It [ ins been tuck pointed with white joints , nnd the green decoration of the .run work forms a very pleasant ccn- : rust , TUB IIIOX BALCONIES > n Farnnm und Fourteenth atrooia are line foot wide and forty foot loug on mch lUor , for three ntorioa. The wlcouioa are supported by thrco tiers if ton iron columns , and enclosed with inndsonio railings. Gas lamps nro ilacod on each balcony , nnd in cuio of > political mooting no bettor speaker's land can bo obtained anywhere. THE yuiiKiaiiiNo. The house ia furnished on the same ilaborafp and tasteful scale on rhich it lioa been constructed ? ho entire responsibility in this lupartinent was left to the /nil known firm of Dd oy & Jtono , nnd well have they performed heir vork. The elegant carpets , fur- lituro and chandeliers all came from huir hands , and the proprietors nro roll Biitiofied with the promptnesa and lespatch with which they tulQllud heir duty , and the thoroughly first- lass style in which nil was dona. If hero ia ono lesson taught in thn com- iletion of this now house , it ii that vith such lirma aa'pcwoy & Stone , , necessity no longer exists for going , way from homo or Bonding to o storu ipuaos our ordure , when thi'y can fur- liah everything that ia in good tnnto , ho bust of material and of 11 luxurious , nd elaborate character that would iu with the Tuilorios in its tmoxcop- ionnble character. .SOFT AS EIDEIl DOWN , ro the beautiful Wilton carpets which nulllj one's footsteps in thu corridors , nd parlors and in many of the rooms : ' The brusscls in the rumuinder of the oums nro of latest dimgns nnd ono xcollont feature is th.it no two put- cms are alike. IN THE 1-AItLoi : ho easy chairs aru gutton np of Iho ineet material , mahogany and crim- on plush. Here the carpet iiloiuix a , uagiuficcnt Wilton , coating $1,000. L'ho circular sofa is u nuvolt ) uud ho grand piano , occupying un .loovo , was proven by fair hands olmvu un exquisite tone. Thu Towning fentnru of thin p > > r ion of the house ut thu magniti- tvnt mirror , nine by fourteen feet in r/-i , upon the basu of which is in- cribod , "A present from W. A , IVx on , " Thu framuis of the ricliest nu- erial and workmanship , and the wholu rna gotten up umlor thu direction and irders of Ddwey A' Stone. Ttiu fur- lituru of the private parlors , uf satin lamask and obuiiy , with luuibrcquina 0 uorri'spuiid , atul an ulogunt mirror , vould suit the boudoir of a ijuctiii. A Ulta of rooms udjoining , furnishea fith mahogany and light olive nnd riiiiaon pint ! ) , with lambriquins of Turkish valours , is equally regal in tylo. It may bo suid in ; enoral that the rooma nro urniahed in real nnd Amoricin iiahogany , aid in Wilton und body irusaula , iu all of which it would bo mpoasiblu for the most exacting to lick a ( law. No expense haa been pared to equip tlio 1'axton in n style 1 grandeur thut equals any hotel iu ho east , nud it ia Pimply Parisian in its tylo , and for the complete succuss of his laudable deairo thu praise 13 duo o Dowry & Stone , who were given arto blanche iu thu matter. T11K MAKAUCMU > 'T. It Is almost superfluous to say that ho Paxton hotel is owned and eon- rolled by the Kitchen liros. , rhoso reputation in the west as been firmly oatabhshod by tie successful control of a dozen first- IMS house * , from the Pacific , at St. Joe , to the hotel nt EvAnston , n the sand miles away. The Kitchen Ilrot tr , Richard , .1. H. nnd Ohurh-s , n known nil over the went , and tht immo alone is a sudkioot pros'ij upon which to found n first cln * ? hous Experienced , successful , popular at liburnl , fully conversant with ull tl details of their bu inc s , they tin aseume charge of a hnueo which It no peer in the territory irom which draws its pitronapo , nnd they di-nen a rich harvest for the immense invea mont they have made , Mr .1. B. Kitchen , who has cm ducted t o Pncifio house nt St. , Ii for three jenrs- but who has dippost of a hnlf interest in it to Col. Ii Wilson , for icrly of the Metropolis of this city has come to Omaha wit Im fnnnly and will hf-rcaftcr mail tint crry hia home. Ho ia n gentli man of refined taste , ns has b'c demonstrated hy hit idoai in th cot struction nnd finishing of the I'axto hotel. The clerical fnroo of the Piston wi concistot Mr. F B. Uoskin , finnorl > f thu Grand Pacific , Chicago , nn Mr. Fred. AIc6worth and Mr. IJeai mont , wr.o will hnvo charge of th books nnd accounts. The bar is in charao of Mr. Eugon ICcllor , formerly with Oliapm & Oort of _ Clncdco , Mith Charley Littln un Williain Thompson , ni first and Rec end iitaistaiita. Mr. Keller is n thai ougli nrtht , n gent'uman ' , nndvi' do crudit to Mm elegant quarterB eve hu Tfcaidi.s. ) Mr. LitUo naa been ii Omaha fnr ninny jeurBand is ns popu as nny man in his profo'sion. The barber shop nnd bxth roomoar in charge of Messrs. A. D. Morn. ! nnd II. lieavor. 'I'hia departuicn wna furnished by thu aamo firm whio ! so enriched the uppoarancu of thu rta ef the house , and is equally convti iiicnt nnd oluqant in ita appointment : HON. WILLIASt A. I'A.VTO.V , after whom the hotul is chriatoncd , i ono of Omaha's subatanti.il citizen ur.d mnat popular muu. Ho has hell a prominent poaition BO long that i is not necessary to elaborate upon hi character und name. Ho haa buoi tno&t liberal in aiding thia mn nilioeti enterprise , nnd certainly will neve have cauao to regret that hi haa loaned to it the most priceleas o all hia possessions , his good namo. WANTED. A good Bocond-ham bicycle. Address box X , Centra City , Neb KJ-St METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best th market affords. The traveling publi ulaim they got better accommodation ind morn general Ratitfivction h r ( than at any other house In Omaha Rate , $3 per day. nui < 21tfmo The Union Pncifio tenm arrived a niclnight Tliuisday from Columhm nnd ; ho IM.itto county fairwhere they defeutei .ho Columbus nine 1 hursday by a bcoro o 1C to 2. SLAVEN'S YOSBJIICE COLOGNI3 Mode froir tb j wild flowers of th FAR FAMED YOSEMITE VALLE\ , t id th most fragrant of perfuinm. \Tanufactured \ by H. B. Slav n , Sit bVanciaco. For sale in Omaha by W. ] . Whitehouso and Kennato Uroa. , fcCo. _ _ Army Orders. Captain George F. Piieo. Fifth Cav- ilry , having reported at theao head- [ uarters , will proceed to Fort Sidney , tfeb. , and report to the commanding illioor of hia regiment. A general court martial is appointed o meet nt Fort Bridunr , on the 13ih lay of September , 1882 , or ns soon hereafter as practicabl , for the trial if Private William Kent , Company Fourth Infantry , uud auch other risonora i < s may bo brought before it Detail tor the court : Captains Wil. iain II. BUbeo , Fourth Infant r\ ; lonry McEldorry , assistant surgeoii. J. S A. , and Gerhtrd L Luhn , i'ourth Infantry ; First Lieutenants lobort H , Young , Fourth Infantry , nd Henry E 11 tinman , Fourth In- iintry : S cond Lieuteimnt Silaa E. Volf , Fourth Infantry Second Li u- onant Edward H. Browne , Fourth nfantry , judge advocate. When liahy ha jialns it ilcaJ i ( nigh * , JUolhoriu a 'ri.lit , ( atlier n a p'lghl ; When M or IDS do Lite , bahy nus. cry , It lu\crHjtu In , liiliyinUMCdlo. K crMipvpilnn kill Lroc.ori , Iu tiat homo ilurulH no Culorln , Kor mothora Irarn nlthnut delay , OuloiUciircilby nhht andtUjr , Murrylntf Ulcu. You need not bo poor and depend- nl on your wedding day , for every lorson male or ftnulo can got a end tumid sum of money nt miuringo F they hold a cortific-iM of member- bin In THE MAR1UAGK FUND U DTI' XL TRUST ASSOCIATION f CriUr Rtipidx , Iowa. i)00 ] ( ) , ( ) has Ireudy l > eu paid in benefit * to its nember , in thu ninu month * of tht sBociatiojih' organic ttion , unit thuro u golden opportunity for thou undn norri to ruip even larger bm.olitH. \vthini ! llko it wm uver known. ) o nut postpone ) Bendini ; in your oiino4t for ciroulnra giving full ami oiuplttu iuformgtion regarding the lana and opporationa of the associa- ion. Agenu can make bigger money han in any other hunniQag , It IB trictly honorable , pleasant and pro- table. The Auditor of Statu holds deposit from thu nsaociuMun ns pro- Bribed by law , for the protection of heir members , The only atsocu'.ion f the kind in oxistiince organized MC- ording to law. Writn ut once for irculara. Siy where > ou paw thin otico , _ _ aug311-m DUBO Ball. Thu bully boys in blue from Load- illu played the B. & M. nine ytster- ay and got away with them in excel- mt shape 1 1 to 2 Only suven in- inss weie played probably to kut-p lie score down to within r > u < go of or- inury decency. The uttoudjuco was air. Honford'it Aoiil rQK THK ILL EFPKCTH Uf TOBACCO. DK. 0. A. FEUNALD , Boston iys ; "I have used it in cases of im- uired nerve function with beneficial 3sulU , especially in cases where the ystem is afflicted ty the tuxio action f tobacco. " _ _ Choice butter and ogya , froah IT cry ay , at NelsQii'a , 20lh and Burl. sept8-2t DEATH AND DEVILTR' The Report of the Police Judj and Oity Pnyuicitm for Sta i.tios of Grin Mortulitjnnd Couinnftlntter * . Among the reports filed with tl city council on Thursday evening we those ot Ilia Honor , thu police judj nnd of the city phyeician. A rtcaj. tutution uf the report of Judj Beneko will give a good idea of tl number of arrests made during tl month of Attzuat , which was prcbab ! on an average with o'lu-r month The following ilema tire taken fro the report , yivini : tlm number i arrests nnd chatactcr uf the olfmiso i each cno : Intoxication j Dl-turh tico of the pence Vnirui'tH ] lVt.lt laireny ] Asxi ; lt find liUtery ] iWault with ii.tent to commit murder. 1'nMtitutl n It.iinhliiiK | ( lOnilnUtliuj nuliAiiro ( ) 'j ' t noting sticet . ' . ' . ' ! ! ! ! ! KppitiK ( ihordt'ily houte ltuck tniltig Without license lisclinrginj ) ; p.irrjitij , ' LMinonlet ( we.ipouu JWiiluliij , ' gooili uuder falsu prcteticci < Itapii. . . . Mnliciuiisly deatrylng property U ikiiiK threat H Keeping vfcioni do Keeping uiieu H 1mm > u riumlny . . . Vlol.itiun uf vnhiclo oriliiinncp AUGUST MOUI ILJTY. The city physicians report of birth and deaths for the month ot Augua shows the following figures : Total deaths from 'all caudt-s : Fini vard 7 , Second wurd 15 , Tliird wan 0 , Fourth ward , 8 , Fifth wnrd CI Sixth wir I . , Hoapitila ! . Total 51 ! Ages : Undi'rono jc r , 22 ; over on year und under five joars , 10 ; bctweoi five nnd twenty-fix o years , 10 ; botwoei twotity- five nud fifty years , 10 ; eve fifty year * , 1. Sox : Male 29 , females 2-1 , coore ! < 2 , married C , single -17. Causes : Suicide 1 , measela 2 , fever 12 , diarrhenl diseases 18 , cancer 1 pulmonary diseases C , huirr dieuitaa 1 convulsions 5 , congestion ct the br.ui 1 , dropsy 1 , utc. Placea of Internifnt : Prospnc Hill 20 , HolySepulclur 3 , St. M.ry'i 4 County 11 , Liuiei liil.lG , rmai Catholic 1 , removed c-ittv 3 , i ot ui\ej. 1 Annual death nitoiieroue th'"Js.ini ( 1 8 10. Uirtlia ; 80 , white 80 , male -11 , fc male 39. PRINCESS LOUISE. fho Queens Daughter aiifl Hei fioyal Spouse. Glimpse or Royalty in the U. P. Depot. IV Quiet Reception to thn Vion- Furty. A cmoliing and dusty looking engine ay pjlitnij , ' in the U. P. depot yes- ordny from 10 o'clock till noon. U itu buck wai * < U. P bicgigu car , lie I'lilliiiitn hm.liug car liutik Wul- on , the ulovnnt tpeci < il car "ICvway- Im" of the Gorrrnmont Hiil.vnjH of huada , urid thu aplondid "InUr- olniiiiit" cir Ko. " 34. " a jialucrt on ih > els , ' a little U P. way rar nought u | > the roar. 1'huitu thu ram bt.innij thu vice rt ! ( al p.irty , vhus cumini ; haa beun aiiuouncotl by olouuuu and oth.rmso foi noinl' liijs past , and it W.IH iiwaitirg ho pleaauiu of "hia oxcullcncy , " the governor ( ; UIIUM ! tf Canudu , to jiull mt fur a trip across thu pluiiid and iKiuntains of the gru.u wnat , toward hu moro remote part of tin * dominion iver which the Maiqms of Lornu , aa Jin en Victoiia'o woii-in-liiw , ruleH. The pirty arrived nt the iranif r at l40 ; yesiorday by speuml train ivor the Hock Island , having mndo lut untibtnp on the way , at Diven- lort. They left Chicago at noun mriday und prrcued directly tu San ' \anuifCi ) . Tiieru they will fin- inrk nn HIM Cuimis , a l3ril- ih WHr voJBt * ! c iiim > iudid by 'd i , Eit't , of "ilio < | ueon'rt navec , " ur Uii'ii-li Coluinbi.i , a portion of her , > miiiiotn which hi > r royal hii > hm > Bs , < D 4'rn ceba Luiiisn l.n IIOVIT vuitod. 'I'lli-p iny uunsistid of th > ) follow- ill ! ( lluliiiyitlohod piip'i- ; Tlio inor HUH r.il i > f CAII.UU , ihu juiise , Alias AIcNuul , MIHH jiiait. Oil , 1) iWw ( in , Ur. , Inn. Oiit. ) Uj u. , Mr. I. ] i i ot , una ) ul , , ) . E Tom cellitte , ol Gon. Siiur- mn'd biair , wh tanio on from Wash- iigtnii t i ruprcisinit the i > < > vorninont. At thn truiufiT thu guvuruor gen- ral Hiid Inn ro > al spouse w rt mot hy J.djorul O. 0. Howard , cdinnuudi-r of ho dt'p.irimuit ' of the Piattb ; Ln uls , Juy 0. Howard and Chus. K S. Vuud , iiHli-.de-c.iiup : chief ( ) ii.iitor iiHiliT , Col. JI , I Luiiingtcii , aud ; , iit | , E , 1 > , Thoiaui' , uhsutmit ; Hun. ? hoH. L Knnh.ill , couurdl mdiivijrr ( if hu Union Pacific ; Hon. J. U Oowin , UKK reporter , und oth r distinguish d and military and civil persoiiHUfs ifturashort delay ut Spoon Like , hu train was pullud over thu hie nuddy and landed in the U ' , depot. At this ei , o mbulaucuaweru in waiting to coi-voy uch of tliu visitors au dibiroa to Fan ) .iiulm and other points uf interest in hu C ! itH City. It wus not deemtd ecesuary to have a military escort , as ( ujaha has no kirn ; killew , and the , ttlo party which drove through the treuts aud out to the barracks iMrcoly aftractcd pastina notice. The raiceaa is not an early riser , and was ot yut uut of her berth when the rain reached Omaha , so she did nut laku one ot the party on ( iu drivu. Those interested in Being Omaha and accepting tie invitation to vUit the fort were : Us excellency , the > governor general , 'aot. ' Uagot and Dr. Burnotte , with Mits Ucrveyto represent the princoas. The visitors and their escort returned from the fort about 11:30. : The presence of the aislinguiehetl party did not draw "a corporal's Kittrd" to the dopot. There wcru a few ladies of advanced ngo nnd a low patriotic sons of Britain on thu plat form , and thu usual nttenddnco of travelers , but nothing mute. During the absence of tl.o j aity at the furt the princtta made her np- pearnnco on the rear platform - form of her oar , to watch the antics of her little terrier , in chnrgo of thu porter , She was accom pamud by ono of htr ladies and only remained n moment , and we venture not ono of the crowd took her for the daughter ot her mother. Khe was attired in the moat modest manner imaginable. Her drtss was of unrk lawn , and the spray of violets on her bosom , n plain bracelet nnd n cuuple uf plain gold ringa wen1 the only orua- nieniH she wore. Shu is n well-f united , hale-looknm woman of thirly-tivu ur thr.roibuuts , nnd is l.iirt to have thu feutuios of her mother , nnd , HKO her husband , a modest yet frnnk demeanor. Her face is brikhi und intelligent mid lights upvoiypiiutunt- ly when she amiles , oho epoaku null a very charming Scotch accent. The mnrquia ia u well-made , broad- shouldered , good Letting man , mure English thrm Scotch in hi ) loukn. lie is about Do years of ugn , und hns the Campbell font urea , not cixct-ptiiig the rod hair. Ho wan arrayi d in u suit of drnb Scotch yoodn , nnd nltoguthcr ' fooTr.c ; ! like n very tmiailJo , hearty gentleman. He is modittt in manner , : iud has -fentlo voice with a drcided- ly Sculch Uruguo. Ho were thu white helmet of thu British army und gold mounted eye glasses. For the information of the general reader thu following is quoted ftom "Burko's Peerage : " Thu Marquis of Lurnc. who roj > ics in thu numu of John Guoi-go I'Jdward Henry Djuglao SuthcrUiiii Uampbell , HUB burn Au. gnat G , 1815 , ia thu eldest son of Sir GeurgH D iiiglas Campbell , the preaiut Dukti of Arg > ll , nnd is the member of ( urliaiiiunt for Argyllshire. Princess L nice C'arulino Alberta , fourth dRUf4htcr of Q leon Victoria , nnd Diichusfl uf Suxony , was born March 18 , 18-J8 She was married to the Marquis of L irnu at Windsor cas tle , March 21,1871. From Mr. Campbell , the steno grapher ta las txculiency , TUB BKB reporter louruod that while in Chicago cage thn party visited the tuwn of Pullman , and were drivi n about its beautiful streets und shown tiirough ituwonderful shops. The marquis was greatly intert-ated iu all lie saw , bu , iii uuti.iug so much us the prod.es of manufictiaing puptr ear wheels. At 11SO : tUo sptcial train WAS ready to pull one of tlio U. J' . tleput , of wh.isu beauty the pnucc B ( Xpiuased tliu waimtat udiniiutiun. S iu cuuld iiardlyconceivoiiiourcliiti.ee to have bueii n human buin . There waa u kick on the part of the rojal couple at having thn p'tur little vray car tackled on behind thorn. Thu smeil of oil nnd waste wns lih-naivo nnd the view waa cut elf in nit direc- tiniia uxcipt through the dingy little caboose. AccorUm ly the uraur wa.s ( 'ivcii ud the train pullid out to cut off the way car ut Valloy. The train soon swept around thu curve * ; ind na No. 3 pulled in everybody for- not that there had been a queen's cluighter and the descendant of M.icullum Slouro under the big ura- brollu tivo minutes boforo. The party will remain in British 'Jolumbirt ubout nix. weuka , and then oturn tiirough Dm iha , taking in seme if thu western siglna and mountain icoiiery tin routn. The Kirrt Nutiounl banlc of Wahoo ms been oenecl | with an authorised capi- al of i > lO < j,000 and n paid U'i capital of Sy.OjO. T o i.lllL-orH lire Jlenry Auder- on , president ; 1'et r An urton , cashier ; iVilliuin Wullnn , Julm liteimakir , Joel . ) . ( ook , Joseph M. Chapman , aud lenry AinleiBim , directorH. Aiuoiirf the tuukhu dt-re are J. H. Mi'lard , William iVulluce , und J. W. Gam.ett , of Omaha. AH the regular train which In maJo up n tlm U. ] ' . yards in this i Hy each < luy to ; o Wont at noon , w s backiug down the uaiu tr c'c yesterday on ita way to the raii'-fer , it backed into a switch engine to fhich was utta''hfd several freight can. he fharp curve prevoniid the ninn lH be- HX teen and tlio accident wan one wholly inavnidable. The rl.iimse wast illingand he tralu waa not delayed over fi\e tnin- lies Absolutely Pure. This powder nevir varies. A marvel < urity , Gtrrnglh and wliolefoineneia lore economical than the ordinary kindi , ml cannot ba wld in competition with the lUltuwio of low te-t , short weiclit , alum phosphate p iwders. S M only In rani. L BAKING 1'owiiKnCo. IOCVall St. , NB York OsT liet A cm I' a'oUlce and U Ii itnct a J lunch of k > * . finder will heictv rdcdby 5 fi Hlil 1 > U ) tlm luriiliurv U .Hie Utl pajUKii til In K a. Hen i ruu \a Do'j ' > ti JUcfrifor , Uic office , 106-tt 3DWAHD KUEHL Will , with ot n ilrlU. oljtaln toraajcDe gUnc u { ho cut id prewnt. nd on cciUln condUloai la it rn" '