THE DAILY BI3E SA PUKDAY SiSPPliMttER 0 O. O. OOO3QC . . . Xc OO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bluffs , Iowa , WHOLEJSALE FLOUR HOUSE , Otntril Ajcnta lor the Celebrated JIlllooi II. D. llueh & Co. . Golden ravle Hour L aven oitn Kansas , and Queen llw Mill ? . Sioux Kails , Dakota. i Rclcrcncc. Smith & CiHti'nilni.Uoiinll nin < I , li > . Da : . : E. WHOLESALE AND UKTA1L STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. T I S LE ABSTfTACi 0 F FICE. . . _ XT DC DEC aa &s 43 O. Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER it * SHOE FINDINGS. Head-fitted tipi-cn , In ctl ! ekln and kip. Oak nml Hemlock hOLK LKATUKK , i > ml al oodi opivrrnlnlni : to the shoo tr do. On d < Bold mchcApinln the KM * . That noverfcqulro crlmplnjf. at Mrs. J. J Oood'a Hair Store at pricca never delete touched l > \ any other hair dealer. Al-o n full line ol en Itches , etc. at really reduced prlis-i. AUoold | , Blher rinJ colored notgmven made from Ivlles' own hair. Do nut Iall bi uvll bcforo purth iiiB cl80 here All eoodn warranted a rciircaentcil HUB. J. J HOOD , 29 SKIn otrooi , Couiull lUnlK Iowa UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT MAIN STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but lirat-claasi Uakert employed. Bread , Cake , Pica , &o. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wanous run all day. P8 AYRES , Proprietor. NEW iEAT MARKET. No. BUG , BROADWAY , ( Palmer'a Block. Between tith and 7th streota. E. W. TICKNOR , PROPRIETOR. Our Motto : Slrlct , cleanliness , ( ho bo't quality of mwxti , and .oncsi postib'e pr cos. Mcata dc- hend to anj rartot thoclt ) . Coim a .d etc our now shop. Bethesda BATHIM HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , V'por , Electric , 1'lungo Douch , Shower , Hot acd Cold lUths Com petent u ale and fcmalo ur ca and attendants always on hand , and he hot ot rare and utten- tlon given uatrouu. Special utt ntion flu'ii to bathing children. Investigation aud patrouago solicited DR. A. n STUDLKY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studloy : Triatmeut of chronic diseases made a Pfeclalty. KhMOVED without the draniriK ol blood or ueo of knllo. Cures luinr dlouiaes , A Nil lYPHli'll t'lts , Scrofula , Liver Com- I'11"1Oropsy. . Hhcurua. -Vii mmi - T U M 0 R S tlsm > K < ncr alld Mcrcur- I W III U II U [ aisorDap Erjulpclas , Salt Rheum , Scald Heid , Citairh , weak , InlUmcd and granultitod Ej f.e , crufuloua Ulcera and Ki- mulotlij.Ebo ot all Kinds. Alw Kidney aud Yencrlal disease , llomorrboida or Plica cured money refunded. All dUcAnea treated upoi the principle of veget able reform , without the uio ol mercurial pol - ona or the knlfu. KIcctrj Vnpor or M-dlcated Baths , furnUbcd who dc&lro them. Heroin or Itupture radically cured by the mo the Ulnstlc b lt Truna and 1'laatcr , which ban tupcrlur In tha world. < 30KSUITATION FREE CALL ON OK ADDKESS Drs , E , MCB ana P , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. J. M. PALME.K , DEALhlt IN REAL ESTATE A - 5 LOAN AGENT , COOh'CII , W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Hsnieopathj , consulting Physioian anil Surgeon , Officeindr.alJenco016 Willow avenue , Coun- cl UlutfK , Ion a. SIN TON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Council Blufl's. Eitractli'ttand ' Blllng a ejxicUlty. Klrut-claaa work fruarantcol. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oifioe , No. U Tearl Htreot. Houit , U u , in. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p , in. Ilunldence , 120 Buicroft mreet. Telephonic connection with Central office , F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA , Office No. 5 , Eyorott Dlook , U road way , over A , Louiu'a Iteataurant , S. E. MAXON , A. -ac-j aa la Office over Barings bank. OOUNOlLi BLUFFS , Iowa. REAL ESTATE. TV. 0. Juncd , la conuoctiou with bis Uw and eollectlou buulnetabujt and nolll real estate. Feraona wUhlog to buy rr Mil city i'rui > ertt call t hi * office , 01 ur EuihncH's buck btorc , Pearl itret > t EDWIN J , ABBOTT , Justice oi the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broacway ! , Council Bluffs DMCI dnwn and dcuo l god HAIR GOOOS. WATER WAVES In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET RTICLES , All Goods Warranted 'as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Blufis ; - - - Iowa IRS , E , J , HARDIM , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Cloctropathlc Institution , I'hlla. delphla , I'enua. Offlco Dor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL ULUFTS , IOWA. The rc tment of nil dlecaacs and pdnful dlf- flcultltj Dfcullar to tfn'aloa a xpccl | ty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , OUlcoovcr First National Dank.Coumll Dluffe. Iowa. Will i > ractlu ) lu tha tUt and fedeial conriaJNO. . JAY FRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 DROADWAY , Counoil Bluffs , - - Iowa W. B. MAYE8 , Loans andMEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of I'ottawattaml e unty. OMIco corner of IlroadMay and Mali glroctt , Council liliilln loua. JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( DeuUcher Artt. ) Cor. WASHINGTON AVK & 7th St Council Bluffs , men and children a ipaclalty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , FllKE DWK.NSAIIY EVKUY SATL'ItDAY. Offlco In Kmett'g blocl. , Pearl trcet. deuce 623 Fourth btreet. Olllco bourn from 0 t 2 a. in , , 2 to I arid P 8 p. in. Council i luC F. G. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST Pearl gppoiilta the ; > ojtofflce. One o theolduatf rajtltlonori In Council Illufls. Batl Ulactlon imaranteed In MAUItER & ORAIQ. ARTISTIC POTTERY r.lch Out Qluau , Fine Froncli China , Silver Ware &c. , sjo n oipT i rnuKcn. Kivrra. WA The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the belt Drc J Hiker In the u t ; ai < mlctioico hind for Caku and Plc . Cread dilhciid to al. ( arti of tbe city. Cannn 1'arrnr c.MMlio Stlvation atiny is coiiijxwi'i ) of nmity Clirlitl\m > Tn t now n church l nti rxcellcnt phco for iM'tllnc HII unlutcrniptOcoa\er ( ( atlon. A St , Iioim limn av * lieM n < soon rrnd the bl'Oc m the pr-ct'oilinKi of the tniill A clir ) ii in # t\y * tint the oirctn i < the RAtowny to h del. nine one hid evident ly litcn throwing \v ihi < t In hln cjci. em't nlwnyn tell the ARC of nn oM aw liy its t rth. Sonio OAWI < hnve circn. it d fince Noah cut up hUilc.iH | noyiicht. A .St. I.nilj paper u\yi pointodh : When a Ulticacii tireneliiT want * new inrch nil hi * own , niul a l > iic ( > "iipiitl ; n , lehni hniKi'lf con\lcteii of Mutry Ki\u4 company. Si\n the uu- evr uil ( Jroreo ( . ' , Miln : " 1'lie Miltm ms tlec ariil Aradi to IIP a 'leligloui rohpl. ' 'hat licrt He. lltotlur , sh kit" " \Vhntnn iiooiinUt , i np ? ' i Wil .1 iri lit lati. "A p liiiist my m"mid 10 oUl mill , ' 'It 'iioului would find fault i th hi. ce it in lleivun , If ho uxcr K"t icro. " 'Hio Key. Mr. rr ( > n , of llnloisli , N. ( ' . . * nt prrn'iit the ' Cluunpl ui IniiiifrHor " o icuftith paiwetl HOjicr oiH tlinniAhtnu irtptlotry , fully dlppiiu "i > d blcs liiK uauh IP , in us\'iit > minute * . If Jonah liiul hail another fi l > ermin one lth him when hu wan porretary of tu Intflor thd Hi ; full tint K"bbltil lilin : ould not hav < > been mo i ureil liy any tape tin then lu cxiutcnco. Tim reporter nf a Now York inoar went iior.uimif " Unit } an < l'il > 'riiii'n The innn at the iloor relu oJ ndiiilt I'liu without uml ilio 0 ' paying , re * ) ortcr pniil : 'Ven I Mr. linuyan out huie ; ewilll t MO in. " "Arc you certain of securing the dia- elii ! ' ' naked thoinlniteriif thuilyiiii , ' ninn. Vnd hen the man > aid that ho "didn't an * to diadem I it , " the minister and the octnr flew , ami at a tiatiir 1 conceipioucD 10 IUHII ot hotter. Jeva lers" Ciicular. A llrooltljn boy wrote a loinpositioii on IB subject of tno Qiuliom , whom ho de- urib d : n .1 cect whiinc\eriUarro ) vdnn\ur ; nt into a tiwht , never cl iwmt o.ici ! other , ml nvxer jtuedbauk , The production outainrd : i | in t crlpt in tlieno words : i U'H a Qunker , Imt ma irti't. " A liOadvlllo ptcacher is visiting I'liiln- elphiu , and MIIIIO hrot'icr cloixyuieu no- cinj , ' that he did not carry a wutch , aikoil iin how he ti.auiiged to tl.i-o IdniHclf dur- ng lii-i enni > iH. "Oh , that in Kiuiplo lough , " replied the I.eailvillo apoAtlo. "I cecu right , on until the revolvers bc < in to iok , aud then I Know it in time to xtop. " { A Chicago clergyman ( -ivea a now argil- rient for being good in ai-toryahiiut an old ady in his church ho was noted f < > r hrr iennriimi < neaA as well as her piety. Whiln ilkiug with her about her hope of the lereifttr , hn asked : "Mm. S - , did y > n ver Ktop to think what will uratify you 1 nt in I "Aven ? " "Oh , yec , " hho txchdni- < : ' a will bo tttich a cheap to live ul" Uncle Bozo f nun tercel into I lioclli 'oith UK h tulf , funi-iled ever an ixcliuij-'O , 'igglod itbiiut , and linully mid : "liimn , "so g ine to chuii h to-inorruw e\y , bofB , en1 me a qu utf iV" "Wrll , unole , what. vill you do with u ? " "IVo gwino fo" to mt it in ilo iiiisi-ioii.iry b. . \ " "deo here , low , if you givu the quarter to the heathen tow are you goin l < > pay it bajk to me ? " Sunli null ! i.lai' tn il ' Lord , neber ilonti linked ' diit ah , 'iall. Say , boss , Ion1 10 it dime , den ? " An KngliHhmin sout word to a church air in thu country that ho had bought a 'borne ai.d trap ' for them , to hodixpoHul f an they thought lit , which would bo Bent OIMI by triin. A couimittce WBH appoint- id to go to the tt.vtion and teceive the inrse and veld le , with all honors. They tHCinbleil at the proper time and had a lollies horhu ami a uiouso trap to escort > uck to tbo church , "It's too bad , " muttered a Presbyterian Ider from the good city of Cincinnati , an icxatilown with Ida wifu to a piivate uncheon in a 1'arii re-tnuratit. "Whut'n on bad ? ' she asked. ' 'Why , that Brother ieiiHon should attend the liurs. ) r ces on he " "How Longchamps hst Sunday. hocUinir , " exclaimed ( bis partner ; 'DreaJful , " added the eldnr. ' 'I would ot bivo beliovid it. it I hid not xccu liim ijvelf , " and he folded his liamls meekly ud clo od hia eyes i.tep ratory to taj ing A cnrimiKlaw question ban nriiip ; H , C < MIII. Mrn. ( iraiit Stovcus , n willow f that place , h is cunll lenca iu un- wer to prayer. A little over n week into , iu conversation with it Mr. Bentiin , lie expreai-ed hcrfuith tlutHheo ulit' line uiii liy piajcr. He i Ifoicd het § 10 if nhu would biing u K ' "d rum within three iluyn 'ifc'iit ' fhnwer occurred in Wo'ne iiy yllt. Thereupon Mrn Stevonn c.illeil on eiiton , avcrriiiK tint i lie luul piuye.l for uin , that htr prayer hid bi-eii uiiHwereil , ml cl iluiing the $10 , lloileiiiurreil on tliu . 'round that th thower W'IB not up to the ontract requirement. She uow threateim uit for HIM money. A "hard HlicH" in Alabama preached n , ( rent uenwn from the text : "Now there ve o KetBix water pot" , containing two or Into fur ukiiH apiucc ! " AfUr chinch he wan iihkod "where ho pot them 'fur kincV" " ( ! t 'em ? " Hiid he , "in the Jiule : nnd if you hook-lrarued fellnwn wiiulii rend your Jiihlo moiiand other looitH lehH , you'd know mor'n you do about iireachuif. " At the nuxt lumnul convL-ntl TI thU game liunl hliell wan In istret-H nt theKeriiiou preached , and went i a brother with tlm nueatlon : 'Whatahull ' we dn , my brother , with our young minlHtera they are nil getting HO nil of book learning. I'm afraid they'll lie with the swelled head ! " T don't enow , " wan the answer "but thuie'd one , hing wo can do. If their headn Hwell too uucli , we can just bind 'two or three fur skiiiH1 nb < ut tlioin , aud I guesi tlut will , ako the dvyellii v d iwn. " Ho tubBlded. llocheater If You nro Ruiuod n health from uuy C.IUBO , oapocmlly 'ruin the use of any of thu thouauni loalrums llut prouuau HO largely , wit ) long lic'itioua ' tiiHtiinonmli ) , liavu in four Hehort to Hup liittora at uiice und in u short tiinu you will huvu thu moat robuut and blooinini ; liuulth. SINGULARITIES. A thick of huzraidt atta : kf l a large rat tleiiml.e at liraily , Tex. , und killed it. Near 81. Clalr , Mo. , L-iKter Crawfon killed u rattlesnake that Imd twei.tyon ruttles , A Mf ! li | liitl | neiirens , namol wn'ly gave birth lo foiirlul io' , 'Itrhus liand wishes bin name had been "Ilollin. ; ( one. " Mrs. Dnoch Heed of liath , Me , was at tacked by it spotted udder while at work ii her MiirinuT kitchen. U was killed , am found to be three feet lung. A large copperhead snake lay coiled ii the uat field of Thomas It , Campbell o I'erry comity , I't , He killed it and founi in its i ody twenty-four of its young. A coichwhlp snake , eight feet in lenijtl was seen croxslng a fielil near Mudlson ! , . , with its head raided anil a half.growi rabbit In ! t month. The old rahUt wa following the leptileund iiimplng at il liead to reco\cr her young , but did uutnuc teed , One of the curious developir > entnof tiad inHoutbern Calif Tula is the trath'i i tarantulas and th Ir nont1' ' is nit-ntlre ly new je me of trade , and tu Matter La Kleifhinan wenm to halou { tliu honor o dmcovirv and dovi-lopiiiint Hu began < rhort tune him o lo g ther theironri MI * am ingeniutily ' ' nrlvrdiii"i'sior rulh hunter ai d ctiriiwilv neekr , und an the trade ii created he betu the capture an i i ritt-ria ti n in a state of nature of the tarantul itself , which he tloco by injfctinj,1 Into th ftiduial arsunio in uHnldiraUe qumtitles This bus Urn ilf ctof pretetving trie tar n tula and deslr } ! ' ! > ' " " ' poU-in , aiuHi may be hundlnl with perfect impunity uf ter such treatment , lu ccitalu localltlei hfio ln cct < am quite uMncron , nml the ndustriou < huntfr will siouiotlims capture nodoznina day , aud thcv , hen prc- * red nd nicely mounted , biitt ? $ li per oen Mr. Flei hm.ui ha < ju t Idled mi rder for tno d. zen lor the llfn\rr Htpo < i. ion , now in to-'lon. HeaN > Ins orders mil Chiog , St. Ix > ui < Miid other 11 utern itie , nnd e > eral consignments he been eut direct to London. .To h Hillings si j : "There nii.'t mi iin \ alral hittrr t at hnx been et more , md lot more oft < han npplo pi , and iui nudi- 'n kan euro indl o tun and bll imno < - < haf i wt-1 n < OI'lilMi I'MWSUJI. " 1'rico "iO Flit' , trill I'oUle * lOicuU. BELIQIOUS. There arori , " ! ! 1'rcabytcrlan chinches in > \ country , The Wo ley.-n of iMiglnnd during th it twenty ) i' > rs h u a added mnru poiijde their church tlrtn JotinVloy ilid in liy yo'trs. Tha Method ! church of ( hnt'la ' i < r < u- tiering the propilety of having liMinpn rler the ininiur of their bicthren in the 'idled St.itf . T in MothoiNt ICi.i copal church 1ms pry ceii ihly giM > n up the practice of in. nding " | iiubiUoner.i" : in the Uti tic-i of H atinuxl increase. . One in every lixo ucrsont in the I'nlted tales is a mounter of BOIIIO evanm'licul , and ono in every liity-slx is a S.ib- ath school to ichiT , The I'rote4ant I3pi < copal church in lao'.ichiMctts proposen to Introdu o the ei'.pew y tem in nil their church oJlliccn iroiighoul the uta'o. The litltltiioro Now * rnnrltiitcs that icro are in tbit city 15 ,000 perxona out : a t > opulation of I ! 10 , UU who aio not lembeiN 11 uuy , The church membership in lUltiinore ig aid to bo larger in proportion to the pop- latlon tiinu any oilier city of its 7.j in iu Union ; 117tlSO of the aiO.OOO pcoplo in chuiehtM. The rli'NttlMiail find beaten pirty in the Tuil d I'riBhyti'ilan church propo < n to isfrvendiy of fasting and prayer in lew ot the nttitu 'e Ukon by th < Uil gnu * ral iweinbly t'f tlmt church favoring lu- rmiiniitnl IIIUMC , It lia been proposed to hold n national elisions uiiiurroi In Kansni ( liy , with fleg te from cvury evangelical church , 10 pursue being n joint meeting of every enunilntlon in nriter tu infuse nmv life ud vigor into the CHUSO of Gnii-tUiiity. The Methodists of Indium intend in 'ct.bcr ' next to celohrntu the Bemi.rentcii- iui of the i miference nrgnniritlon in that ominonwealth uy a Btata convention nt niii.inikpoiid. The \ptlsU of the Maritime provinces f Cannd.i recently met iu convention it t .Mm , New DruiiKwick Tno province * n r : ) I8 rhurchef , with n membership of " ,4'J.l. The niimloiinry efforts of the de- nuiiiion ) MUTO reported to be in an en- iiiriging tlnti ) . ' At a iiiupling of the 1'ittnhurg iiyiiod of 10 Lutli. run church , held livet vvtck , rcno- itioiH were mtindiued recoil nieuiltuf' the eneral ctlobr.itiou of the -100th miniver- nry i f l.uthei'x birthday , width will oc- ur on thu 10th of November , The U i formed church in llrriokvillc , N ' .will celebrate itn one hundred and ftietli auiilvereary on the 'MtInet. \ . The hurch h.ti had within the past thirty- ight yearn nine p'istorH , nil of whom nro till living , and expected to give nddrcafcct n the occasion. In the Htate of Michigan Iliero are only hirteen installed Coi rrgntiniml pantora ut of L'OH in the active ministry. Thr law BtjtisticH HIOW a decrease of li.O in the otal iiiemberehip , and nil incren onf nixty- ive in tin : ndditi'ins by confei"ionu , which lumbered ( jt ) . " ) . Of the 2 < > churclifB Kit eport not n solitary addition by confoi-ion uring the jour. The I'roteatant Kpi cnpnl dioceno of In- 'iuna presentH the following Btatixtic : 'Itrgy , 2 ! ) ; parMicn , 18 ; b.iplimn , 105 , of which were ndultKI'JO ; ciiinmuiiiciuU in 5 churchcH , ! I,8II1 ; unntribiitioiiH in III hurclieH , $57r:2 : UiuccBO ol 1'ittHburg : ler y , 30 ; parishes , fi1) ) ; roiiunimlcanti < , 010 ; ciMitirnutloiiH 1 ; .Sunday Hchool enchcrx , 4'J'i ; echolarf1,719 ; contribu- iom. § 132,41)9. ) The olllcial report of the Ifild niinnal neetitig of the Coiigrogatioiinl Uuneral an- ociation of Connecticut K\\M \ the lollnw- ng Btatinticid biiiniimrv : There uro 27 ! ' liuiclii'H of thl ileiiiiuiiiiation in OIH ntate , if which 132 have i-etUid p Hlorn , 110 me irfBidcd over by acting paxtorp , mid ff > i ive no stated Kiipply. Omi huiidrn t nnd ourtcou churrheH h ve ml JIM I uu iiiviuborH ly profe flion ol f.dth during the youinud oat 'Jlti by debth Tim church making IK * lurgfHt number of additmnn id the Co 4 , ro church of Mi-riilen , which haM ncei/ed ui additional ineiiiboithip of ( iU Tlii * church lit under the pastnr.kte of the Itev. \lfred II. Hall. Tno FuNtidloun. ? ome wonld-ho- Herons Ini-k on with disgust Vt the rhymes of K leetrio Oil "poets ; " 'Sut wo have the best article known I't ' the w > , rld , And int'-nd that all persons shall know it , t cures rougha , colds , a thmii anil catarrh , lr nuhiiis and complaints of that kind ; [ t does not cost much , though rheumatics it curec. Tis bent Uil in tbn world you can lind , OONNOBIALITIE3. Mendeli < sohn'd "Wedding March" is sel. loin heard at nuptial ceremonies now- ! iys , Ihi ! "llridal March' in "Ij ben- { riu" having uurceeded it In jio ular esteem. It is said in Hun Krancinco thtit Lord H auinont lias been refused by an hoirrrH of that city. He made the mlsUlui if asking her father in ndvanco jiut bow inuth hho was to have , buiduo s being Hans Makart , the ercentric painter of , linn married u billet girl secretly and gone t If on & wiiMing tour. His former wifu , who had black hidr , lovid him ho devotedly that wiVn she learned Unit Iui admiiednil hair the djed hers that color. Mrs , Harriet Ihirwell , u widow who died reorntly in I.i icoln III , left her en- lini estate , valued nt th'i,0K ( ) , to a poor widow of that place. .Scv. ral mairijgu engagrments have > eoi broken o | [ Iu con- BequenC'- ' . The will iws have awakened to the fact tlut they can inner , never love ugaln. .Iame < liodie was about to marry Mins Carrie M irtin , at ( Juinnesiec , Mi hi un , a few duy0 ago , when a WOIIIKII with lour children arrived , claiming to bo his wife. It was found that this woman Imd been duped liy it b LIU nntrriauti poi formed by one o ( Hod O'H chums. When there facts becaniM known l > the people they guv * liodie. thru ) minijtoi ti , d cide whether IIP would luurry the w "nun lie hail dectivtd or I'H proneciited , Thu wedding took place at oiico , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l 'ree of Coat. All persons wiidiing to test the merits ol n gruit reinidy one that will ixmitively c-iru ( Joiikumption , ( oiiglm Colds , Atth- uu , llnmchltn , or any atfection of tjiroat und lungs nro requeatml ti cull at O. K. ( joodinan'H Drug Store and get u trial bottld of Dr. Kiiu'n Now li ) co\prv for Coiibuuiplion , KKKK ur UOHT , which will bow yuii wnat n reguUi dollar-aiic boitk wid do. BOMB C01OUADO Uorrt > | ioiioeiiiu < < l IIIK lim , Ool. , Kuptombur 5. Jjr- iii ( { thu paat wcuk your Gurresponiltmt 1m ? vuitud nuineroiiH iiiiiiua on Rill and Spring ( > ulub. Tlitty uru tituatud .from utiu-bulf tu two iniKii nurtli ouul of this p'aco. ' Durchcater lode , owned by Tylur ol al. , wa3 lutu y bunded tu Ou ) , ct fil. , for S10.0CO. The bond closed and money piid September 2d. The lode slinws nix itichoa solid ore ; inilla oOO ounces. Grand Army lode , null rutis-tOOoz. silver. The coiup.iny nro now run- niiiK cross cut tu open the lode nt grcAti'r doptli. Swoctya \ and Hyo loilo. shixtl nt 'JO foot , sliunii live iuchca solid , assay" 1 , ; > 00 i v. silver. K. W. Lyoii lode , nvvned by llio la ] t Sa iunw , Mich , company , hns boon run 1125 foot , allows good ere , but scattoriiij * . Grc'ou Seal lode , owned by the s.imo company , hns been d riven 70 feu I , with u line shinv of silver , Crt'iconl City lode , owned by Now Orlo.ins c.iiiipniiy , shixfl10 foot deep , bun iood ore ; null ruiifi 500 07. . Lomotiio nnd Cliapmiin bavo lately iniulu u strilvu on thu central alopo of Fall river , nt n depth o ( lorty foot. Camp Ulill'ird , 11 little further tip , And on the B.I in u sKipo ia producing n luruo uuiuuiit of on * . nm mg itn mine's la the CMKird lode , the Van Cuuver nnd Mnplo Lenf lodes. The Sigiimw lode in York ( itilch ia producing Hue ore , nnd splendid spool- men 'if imtivo silver. The lvt < m lode ime-linlf milo north' oust of Dumoiit ) m.i shuft aeventy live foot deep , nnd n contract for forty feet more , shown three inohi'.i on the hang ing vvnli , four inch iu the niuldlo nnd lour inch on fool wall , cruvico ton feet wide aliona carhmiato of coppnr , 1'uxoock iron and GiUum. The ono has nut been tiied. Thi.s inuio is owned by thu S.tgumvr gold and silver mining company , K.V. . Ijyon , super- intendunt. The Alice Minim ; company nro plnoor iniiiing on Fall river , have uight moil employed , nnd cleared lip ufttr uno wook'a ruin with I ! , 000 in dual. Hoport siya that tills ia nil Omuhit Co. Your correspondent did not visit them diggina , but obtained inform itiou from uutaidcra. Thu Wolverine inuio has nn adit 200 fcot culling three croua lodca , n shaft ' 10 feet , ulao tvvu drifts nud croea lodea uf 10 nnd ! ( ) feet A contract has boon lot for 100 feet drift to out the fortii cross lodo. Silver Creek ouo iniln souti-weat ! of Dumont , hiva ninny excollvnt miiios. The Wide Mist lode i ) producing n Inrgo amount of ere of the boat < | tmlity. Thu Hugo lode , owned by U W. hinn ut nl , haa n almtt 70 foot deep , ith drift nt the bottom 40 feet , nil runs (10 ( 142 ounces , crevicoa four oet wike ; pay atrcnlc 2 to 10 iiiohi'p. Ilighlund lode , owned by K W. hum ot nl. , of Duiront. llun lode i parallel to the Hugo obnft , ! IO feel rift , 80 foot west und 1)0 ) luot east ; ire nulls 72 to 'lOOouncca ; cruvico live eut wide ; mineral two to eighteen icliea thick. Silver bolt lode , aamo ownora ; sliuft 5 foot deep , with four feet quartz nnd iinernl ; mills 10 ouncoa. Native American lode hna from two o four foot gnlonn mixed with gray upper ; mills 50 ounces silver per ton. Juu Reynolds lode ia nn old mine ml luia pruducod a lixrge nmuunt uf re. Your corroapondunt has vlnit * > d the illuwing celebrated minoa : The Froelnnd , " the "Gum Tree , " on L'ruil creek , uno milo southeast of Du- joiit ; nlao the "Livo Ynnktut , " Whito" nnd "DouldorNoHt , " on lied ilephiiiit Ml. , ono milo neat of hero. 1 hurt f ere more unon , L W. L. Mlxory. Mr. Win. I'oiiieroy , Han.1 or , Mo. , writes : I h ivu for a long tiniu Milfi'red from con- nual coUHtipatinii , making my life a mis- ry , and canning headache and frightful ramps. Mr , 'I'linnm-on ( who has been tely vifiting in HnlTalo ) , induced me to y the Hl'lUMl BLOSSOM It has perfect- v cii'iil me. " 1'rlto f > 0 cents ; trial bottn-s 0 cents. BAD AND WORTHLESS Vro nuvor iiintntiil or eiinntcrjeitul , [ 'Ilia is especially true of n tainily uedicmo , nud it m punitive proof that hu remedy imilnled ia of thu highest nine. An noon ns it hud been teated nd proved by the wliolu wurld that lop Bitters was thu purest , beat nnd nest vuluiiblu family mcdicinu on inrth , iilixiiy iniitatloiiB sprung up und icgnn to steal thu noticoH in which hu press and pouplu of the country md expressed thu inerilH 1if H. II. , ind in every way trying to iuducu Buf. 'ering invalids > u use their Htnlf in itend , expecting to inidiu miiney on hu credit und good name of H. I ) Mnny others slnrted nostriinm put uj in oinulur style to H. It , with vari nisly duvised nunies in whiuh thu word "Hop" or "Hops" wore used ii ii way to induce people to buliovu they went iho sumo ns Hop Hitters. Al such pretended remedies or cures , m matter what their style or iiiuno in mil ispicinlly these with thu wort ' " " " in their ii 'Hop" or "Hops" iianio or my way onniitctod with them or their mine , are imitations or counterfoils Utiwuru of them. Touch none u hum ( Jeo nothing but genuine Ho ] IHttors , with n bunch or cluatur o ureun Hopn on the wliitu label. Trus nothing elso. DrtigtMS'a and dunlem ro warned ngninnt tle.ihng lu imita tnilin or counlorfiiitH Murk TJits ! I ion the con plonrlth oin ill uml IU "trar al ! ' . , hullvir anil th juthfilip nil ph ) Icil hutlihanj cluir > cijiii i luct. If t n'ffl oiifiim arc luactivu or In a aianl iiritii'ou ' , thu to Inc , re ulailnic , noiih In , : liilluciini nl T.iNiit's r.el jot'ii | U ur nil ) MOLD IIV AM. DltrnOIHTS EUROPEAN HOTEL , Ilis inn tce-ilrall locntiU h itol In tliu Uty , U iun75'i 41 00 , il 6' ) anil jtQ > \ < rd > r'lr t C'U ItcuUunnt coinncieil Hltn the hottl .HURST. - - Prop. Cornu fourth anil l/xu t Htrc < U 3VIO. HUGHES & TOV/SLEE / , DIIAI.IJKS IN Confectionery , Fruits.Wuts Cigars and Tub 'ceo. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Bjason. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffe. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll aud Lattice Work. Wood Turn- lie ; lla-Sawing , Planing aud Matching , Sash , Doors , 31inds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hathaway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Machinery 111 IHS run oxclmlvflv for cintom work on ThursiUy nml Friday of nch week. Onrr ! * llcltcd mid * tl fAction Kimrntitce 1. ( Successors to J , W , Rodefer ) WHOLKSALK AM ) RETAIL DEALKHS IN LACEAIAffi , LEHIGH , BLOSSBDEftflil AND : ALL I CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. OIlloo No. 34 Pourl Street , Ynrda Oor. fc.i htb Rtroot and Dlovonth Avenu" , Council Blufl' I' . T. MAYNE. 0. E. A1AYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , [ CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND ? be Very Beat of Broouia Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market * Price Paid for „ _ _ _ Corn , Oats , Rye , ! fBarley OOHlsT Partioo Wiahintf to Boll Broom Oorn WiU Please Bend Sample , lion. orricKK w. n , M. ru4r OFFICER & PUSET , Council Bluffs , la , Established , 1856 Do ilc r 8 in Korrlifh ami Domctitlo Kichanice nd homo Bccurltlos. JACOBTSIMS Attorney and Dounsollor at Law , COUNCIL HLUFK.S , IOWA. - -Ilroaihvny , Imturon Main nti.l IVnrl td. VMIl pruLtlt'u In tiuto uml Kcdura STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Tills laundry has juat boon opened for Imsl- ie H , anil wouro n > w pri | > art'd lo do Iitindry vork ol .ill kinds and u'lirn'ituo natlnfmtlon A pMclalty nift'lo of llnu work , man an onllurt , iiffu , llnu lilrln , etc Wo want tvnrjboily to Klvo UK a trial LAHSON MRS. H. J. MILTON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Hroudwnv Couuoll Bluif * Rubber Hose , Iron and Load Pipe , Iron aud Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , TUB PLUMBERS. On Banorjlt or ( Fourth Streets. ) BEFORE-AND-AFTER , Electric Appllincei are tent on 3(1 ( Da > t' Trill , TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , orn uiririiiK from NmvniH DuuiUTr WHO T Virititr. I. or NKI.VK ruuci * u VIOOH. WlillKII WKilKKbSEI , ftlld ull lllfcul-l nfafKiuioMiI.NiTUiiic ri ultlni { frum Aiui > i mu . Utniu C.'iinn. Hiwcdy mint ni | iniui | < > i < i rihlu. rationolltLTilViaouandU < NiinoiiiiiAn > i < Ti CD fh9 imuidttt dlftrovvry of the Nlnclci nth C nturj ; t > matonreforlllu > trtcdl' < unphli.lri > c. AJlroiH VOLTAIC BEIT CO. . MAH8HALI. MICH. IMPERISHABLE PERFUME , Murray & Lanman's Besl for TOILET. BATH MK ! i WIJKERCHIEF. * - - - - - * * + HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADB IIV RIOHARDS'N..BOYNTON ) &CO CHICAGO , ILLS. Knilioily now 1885J hnpr ivmiiontn. Mor. irnotloiil fukiirih ; Cant lost ti Lot > p la nlur ; UroloxH funl | * m mvu muro hit ml a l r er vuliimo ol purn air th in any urnacu ina'hi BoMliyril'.HCKVillltADKOUU.Onnna.Nctf J > 2.U3m A u"u < 'u * tnu Troucboroun . hy h ho only llfn authorltnl liy hir , riiul which will lot hu a "Illnnd anil Thumlor" story , mich ai hu teen ami will ho iluhllthml , hut a trim Life by ho only p man v , ho Ii In pn'run.Iari ol the fact * Jlal mill nml dm mud ullu. Tinth U moio nturcBtni ) ; than llctlon , AKUIIIH should apply 'or ' territory ut on ? Snnd 70 ctl. for Rum ple Book. J. H.flumlior ) &Co. . niH niUMw. . . St lnuU. Mo. LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY COLLEQE Thrco cournot ; open to both iCXU4 AUADKCUnlcil anil Kinjlls Olvo * he t'O-i o ( train. nv fir tolh gn nr Inn n FICHHY Ilrtl Li .Seminary for Youni : La HIM. llniiiirKUMi | l In huin'y and heal lilul- ni'Hi nf ultnutl'i ' , niul In ivlunt cf ailvauUvirca olTunilanil Ihoronnhniai ol tm'nlliictl ' > on. On l.aku MIchiL-iin. Yiwir hfiiliiH Scplrmhrr 13 , 1882 Apnl o PJIBST. QUKQUItY. L.HUO Forgot , 111. _ ! " . COL. L. T. "FOSTER. Younifrtovkn , Ohio , May 10,188a Pit , II. J , KICMIALL eCo. . I hid a , vi ryulua - lilo llainhlctonltii cult that Ip U l very I Itfhly , hu hud a la > K h .1 u upayln n one J unt and a > imallonu on the < thtr ullu'i made hlru very liuueJhaii ; tilin ui dcr II o tlurire o'two Tftcr- Inaty miruioiin-wdloli Jalli'il toiuro him 1 va oneuay nrulliiiliu ilviMUcnn.nt ot Kendall'i Ha\ln Guru In thu Chicago K | rin I drteruilnud atonio ti try It aid cut outitaig sin I ere to lend forltaidthi-y orderedtbrowliottli * ; I took all nil I thouuht I would ylvu t a Ihuiouk'h tilil.l imixl It a Lrnllntr ti Ulrictli n and tha ourth ilaj tie lolt LU uud to hu mine andth * liinili luvud'anpiiiartd ' I I'Urd lilt ono bottle and t u ixH' Ilini ereai ( 'iMCf jnnpunda * nuioothuaai y luiito In the Mutt ) Hu nxrt'ie- ' I ) cured 'Jim euro v > i m ttmarkalile that I' * havu ktluouf inv ncUhh iiilmve th rtumla. ' ' i\y \ two totiln lie crona u-lnnlt. Vtrj rmpoUlnlly , U T. F03TKH. fcrd for Illnitiatod circular ( jlvlnr iioaltlrt I roil. 1'ilcotl All Brui'irlits liave It or am kitllforjvu. Ir. U.J KcndMI 4 Co' , I'ro- I nflnr1 , f nnabwKh Fallr , VI POLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS. MORGAN PARK MILITARY ACADEMY A f hrlntlau Family Ec'irol 'or H > l'r parri lei Collide , U.'uint.U h I nr l'u > ln r . tjuua to Oupt , ED. N KJKK i' LCOIT. fruu'lpal. Ucrrn I nk , Cook tc , 11 utuio/ui > .