Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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P 5'al DUpatchci to Tim Bun
NKW YonK , September
Money < @l ! per cent , closing at 1 JK
Prime Mrrcnntlle Pnper G per rent ,
Sterling I'xrhangr lead ) ; bankeri
bill. " , & 1.84J ; demand , ft.SSJ
"ovcrnments were sir > tig and higher.
The stock market to-day 1ms shown cor
tidernble activity ntd strength r iid M
result shows improvement on yesterday"
price * . The market opemd strorg wit ]
St. Pnul , MlnnenpolU ft Man ! ob loadin
but in early trade be amo heavy and th
general lUt fell J@1J percent. Ink * 1'ri
& Weilern , however , ndvincol 1 per cen
and St. Paul , Mimicapili-t & Mnnitob ;
( ! per cent , The market then becntn
buoyant and an ad vance iuk placet am ;
ing from 1@2J per ct tit. In the citrly par
of thu afternoon the li.4 sol 1 down Jn,2 ( , po
cent , Subsequently tlio matkct ? gain Income
como stron. ? nnd under tlio lend of lnk
ICrio i Western prices cold up J@ [ ic
cent. The market in ( be main clovi
weak but Mi we Ian Atlvanaa on tbo tiny'
business of J.'SQ per cetit , St. Paul , Min
neapolin & Mi Itulu and Alti.u & 'J' . n
Unuto preferred leading therein. Ituuti
hal&St. , T e preferred , however , wi3 in
exception and cl ised 3J per cent lower.
Yistcrdnj. la ilv
r.'s . . . 101 10 ,
4J.'s Coupon USJ ll ]
4-a l" < { 119 ,
Pacific iTi of 1895 130 130
Central Pacific firata 1144' 113
1'rie seconds * ! ' \ " ! ) d
Lehlph & Wilkesbarre 10) 10 .
Lo naiiiin iHsoln bSH
Missnuii u'n 110 110
St. .Ttweph 112
St , Paul & , Sioux City firati llltf
Tenne eo O'a 511 51
do new i 51 01
Texat & Picihc land grants. . 01 6. ) .
do K. H. div. . . . 85k bti
Union Pacihs 1st mortgage..lltii 11G
do land grants. . . 115 115
do binkiug fun 1..118 IH
Virginia G's 38\ 36
do ciinso H G'j 00 } 59
do deferred 1-i 13.
A'ltxnn Kxprean Ill Ill
Alton > V I'erro lluutu 411 II
do pfd. . . . 8rit
Ainerimn ttxpiti'U ' 'J'i
Burl. , Crdir llapula & Noitb 81 to
Canad t Southern u3f Gl.
Col. , Cin iV Ind. Ccutral. . . . 13 13
Central Pv ihu 'J % 91.
Chedupealie < S Ohio 2' 21
do 1st pfd. . . 38 38
d. 2d ptd . . 25i
Chicago A. Alton 138
do pfd HI ) 113
Chi. , Uun. & Qumcy 135 13)
Chi. , St L & \ w Orleaiia. . 77 T8
Cm. . S mi Ac ClevuUud 5rij , 5.1
Cleve , i'ol. Ac Cmnunati. . . . 80 81 !
Dela v.iru & llud-on canal. . . 115 ! Ill )
Del.Lick. & 'Vtstern llnj 147
Denver & Kio Grande 51 511
do pfd . 81 & ' .
East Tcuue toi . 110V Ill
d. profeired . 11SJ llf
Fort Wayne it Chicago . 138 J3S1
Uaunibili' tit. .Joeeph . 47 45
do pfd. . . 'JO 81
Harlem . 20i 2 /
Houston & Tu * . Central. . . . 82 8'
Him i-i Central . 13fU 13 !
\y lud. , lllinmi. 4 Western . 44 I
Kansas tz Texas . 4 I 41
L kj ine& ; Wmtern . 391 41
Lake Snoie & . .Michigan So..llji 11
Loui-tvillo & Nanhvllle . 74tf 7
LouiiV , , New AH ) & i hicago 71 7
Alar ttd , & Cmtiuuati 1st pfd 1 > 11
do do'd pfd J
Men plil A. Lharloiton . . . . fill
Mitlu .ai Ccnltul . 'Ml
Mm leauoha & Si hjiux . ! ! l > g
do pfd. 7U 7.
i PiciGo . 1 UA Ill
Mo ink KbHtiX 121b
N ihhvillo & Cliattiinoogi G.'i b ,
New .Itrasy entral . 71
NorfoU . ' < NV'i t-iru . _ .
dipitiferiel . 55 $ 51
Norlhum I'utiliu . 5 51j
do pfd . UOj j ;
Northwestern . . . . 1471 Hi
do pfd . 1G7J Hi'
New Ynrk Ce-itral . UU 13
Ohio Central . 181 11
Ohio & MisHUnippi . ll't ' 3'
do pfd. . .10i 10
Ontano & Western . 1'JTg 12 ;
Pac iio Mail . Ill 4 !
Panama . . .1 < > 7 llHi
Ptoiiit , Decatur & Kvannv . . 3 J Hi
PitWiirs at Clevelaul. . 188
Kea IIUL' . O.I
It-wl : J-'md . ISO U
St. Lou. . .t.StuKrau . 411 1d 1
. , . , pfd. . . . COl d
d , lut pfil ! > S < l
St. Paul. \ Milwnukeo . l 'i 12
ili- pfd . .lU'j II
St. Piul , Minn & 11
St. I'aill tx. Omaha . 5t' : 5
do pfd . 11S2 ? 11
Texas & t'acifio . f > U 5
Uni u I'aciho . W > ' II
United ScatiR Kxpr i-s . 74 7
Wubi-li , St. L. U l' ciuc. . . . 37f 3
do pfd. < 17i 0
Well' , Taigo & Co. UxpreJB.lHO 12
Union Telegraph. . . iOj 8
Central Arizona . 3
KxcuMor . 1
Homertaku . 18
Little 1'itUbuig . I
Ontario . 3l !
Quickudver . 10
do pfd . 451
Kobiiisun . 1
Souih Pacific. , . . , . . . . . . lit
Stimdard . 7J
Kutni .
Ulfered ,
Spec al Dl ixktcrc3 to TIIH Urr ,
CHICAGO , September 8. Flour Stea
and unchanged ,
Whrat 1 regular ; caah hiehtr ; nptii
lower ; regular. 'J3o for September ; 'J >
for Octet n 93Jo f r No\emlicr ; U3c
the year ; No. 2 r d winter , HSo for si
and September ; No. 2 Chica/o sjrii
DSa forca.h nd Septembfr O.'Jo for <
lobtriH ; ) ° fur Nu\euiler ; No .i Chic :
epruv , H i i ,
0 rn Un-ett'ed ' but generally low
701(5,70 ( 0 for cush ; 7'io for Sciitemt :
07o for Uttol o ; C28o for Novemher ; 5
foi January ; flj > o for tbo year ; G3 o
May ; reje < ted , G7Jo. ,
OatB Un-etth it but generally lower ; ;
for uwh ; SJpn 33 f ir hepte uber ; 3 (3) ( ) !
for O.tobdr ; 32a3 } _ ' j for N ivember ; 3
for the year ; aijjj for Ma\ ; rejected , 31c
Itj e Quiet uud wrak ; dOo.
lljrloj Steady and unchanged : 8'c.
ri x Sec < l-Dullandlowe. ; 1 23@l
liutter M irktt t-twady ; fair to lai
crpameiy , 2lfr OL ; gnod to choice dit
] 'J ilc ! ; p.ckiig , 13gl ( , Jc ; ladle pack
14 0,1112.
1 K > Markit einif'r ; IStalbJ .
1'orUUmeitled , but nt-ntrally lov
2105 21 10 for onsli , 21 JOfnrSiptem
unliiLt Iwr ; ll)25/ir ) No\emberj 187
18 72& for .laiiuaiy ; 18 05 for the veur ,
Ijii i K-ir dcmtnil , but at lower ra
11 fi5 fur c-"h ; IJHfglloTJ for OU.i
and NuuiuWr ; 1140 for Juouurj ; 11
forho > B r.
Hulk Meats Steady aud firm ; should
10 U ; ihort i in , 13 7 ! tbort cle r , 14 ffi SiBody ; 1 :0.
Firirilits Itateu un corn to liutfalo , I
CAU. UOAHD. Wheat -Kegular ,
Danced Jfi Jr-j No 2 red winter n win ill
fiuner ; Ao. 2 Chicago fprimj firnitr.
Aciive , tnninmihiglici ; aav nc-o
u u Kimcr , but notquotably
"Cjpt for September , whkh adncei
Pork IrroRnlftt ; JO0'S2110 ! for S- (
trnibci : 21 Ills for October ; 111 .Ti for No
vunbei ; 18 S7i for.lnnuary ; 1SD7J for th
> e r.
r.Lnnl AUivp , firm nnd higher ; 11 fij fo
September : II C''jr ll IM fr Uctot cr
11 G7J for No\cmber ; 11 50@11 fi'Jj for Uv
yoir ; 11 lrifor Jnm.rv.
> h01.K. .
NPW Vonn. Scpci.ber . Cottnn-
1'J . ) IGgl.l 3.1GSeptoiulor , 12.M :
liutolicr , 1180 ; No\cmbn , 1100 } DC
ietnbi > r. 11 ( > 0o { .iHiiunry , 11 GScj VVbru
ary , 11 "S : March , 11 09c ; April , 120lc
Mij,12.1.i ; June , 1221.
Klour S'eul ! superlni" stnte wcH'ern
3 70T 1 2"i } cunmm ti gmul .ixrra , I 1C
Co " > 20 ; go , > d ii ch lice , 5 Ka 8 2 j ; whiti
wl pit extnv 7 OOlJi ) 00 ; extra Ohio ,
4 G0@7 50 ; at. LouK t UOfffiS 'i ; Miuue
kotiii'utent unicea * , 7 2tC"U 10
Wh at 1'inn ; uiura.led rod , ( J.'c@
1 OSJ ; No 3 red , 1 OIJ@1 0 > i for coriih
cute * . I07@l i 7 * ilelucied ; tlennur No
2 red , 107il07h No 2 red 1 07J@
107 ; for ccitirijaies I IISVnl ) OJtJ ded\
end ; No I rii ( , 1 12j dtmeud ; iiuxei
winter. 1 0 * > J ; ungra MMlr ! ljcii (
1 1.1 ; No 'J while , 1 13(3U } ( l.'i ; No !
\\Mlf , 75001m. aid nt 1174 f r ler'ili
c.ite < und d irul ; No. 'i led fur So >
tei.ilier , 2 (00 bu Bold nt 107fa)10-3 ) !
clisiKBt 1 'J-2 ' ; d. f..r OLtoVr , 7 ( > 8 l
I'n. s ild a 1 SJ@1 O'.IJ , nt 1 OU ?
do fnr N noinlier , DuO. 00 Ml Bold n
i l@l ( ! li cln-ing nt 1 11 ; d f > r Dn
cemlier , 3lnl,0 0 hu. mild at 1 ll\@l l j
cuisln , : ut 1 i2 ; do for the Jftvr , 'JO i IN
bu Kill I at I 07 a 1 OSJ , Uositig at 1 OS I ,
d i f > r , Tu iur3J 001) ) tin. h ild at 1 13 } (
114J , doitiratlllt
Coin Jyj-'j 1 > wer ; ungraded , 78jj (
804c ; No. 2 , 8 ( ' < < /Slo in . . -SOtaSllc ii
oevntr , .SlJfeHlJo delirrd ; fteanie
white , 7G ; iNo - uhile fet Septem
her , 78 ; < SO.jJcliimtiK / at SOlc ; Ho fo :
Ootobet , 7a ( ' 70 , i lining at 7t > ( | ; do fo
No\ ember , 72j ( i7.x ! , tlo-in at 7.HU ! ' ' '
fur Oecember. 07j .oSc ; do for the year
tij ( aO' < c , UiiKing at USc
Uiita y Hi : lower ; mixed western , 3 !
© I3c , white Vesiciu , 3i47c )
Hty Steady , with t lair demand fo
prime t IVc. )
Hops Quiet , but ateaily.
Kgg < Demand fair and market firm
Pi rh Dull and ; now mess , 21 7i
@ 2l 87J
Beet Quiet , butsteidy
Cut M utB Qiiet , but firm ; IODR clea
uiiddlea , 14 23.
Iiud10@15c per cwt. loner , with les
d iugforexpoit iiidmar-et cloning % vM
most nt the d"cliuo lecoxerediprime tcam
12 lOu.12 1 i
liutter D 11 ; 15@30c.
liefHO Demand fair and market firm
55(3(10 ( t'c.
Sr.IiOniB , Scptniiber 8. Flour Steadj
XXX , 30ife410 ; tumilv , 130(5,561 (
iboite , 4 70foji 80 ; lancy , t ! IO@,5 Jj.
When Fairly uctive hriu ui 1 higher
No 2 rod f ill BJ lin. , up fin u ! li to ' 0Jf
-ash ; 9li@'J.g3 lor September ; ! M@'J
fir i Ltiitoi ; UU1. ) ! ! } ' f r N iv mlin
UOjj lor Juuiur > ! No. 3 re I fill , 8l > las'.l (
No 4 do , h'te ' bid ; market clu-ed ui. th
out-ide ti > ; nrea
Com Higher aud fdrly acfiyr ; I 0 j <
l > 7io for ca'th ; ( ij lSjOoJu for Ootobei
5iJ@"i Ja for i\ovember ; 62@f > 2\e \ t <
tin ji-ar ; 4fci@lSgj for januarj ; 41)fi ) (
0V foi May.
Oata Higher nnd fairly ati\e ; 32d }
jo for tasb ; 314 s for September ; 31 1
r October ; 31gc for December ; 30
1 for the year
Hje Lowi ijCSJc.
Unrley No nuiktt.
Butter Stea ty and unchanged.
llk'gs S eidy and unchanged.
Whuky Stuadj ; 1 111
I'otlc .Market dull ; 2150 asked fi
i > h ; 18 50 bid for January ; jubbini
1 5tl.
Bulk Meats llaaier , but uot cpiotab ]
lUcon Quiet ; BI uldi ra , 11 00 ; she
ib , 15 OD ; t-hort clear , 15 CO.
inl liill and minimal.
rrniNoos UOAHD. Wheat Iligh ?
for Soi tember mid O tober ; Sl'iic f
November ; dgc for December ; 9)402.93 ]
or the yrur.
Corn Higher ; 0 Jo bid for Septen
er ; Gi' 4 < j forOctorer ; 7i' < lor Nmen
er52ju ; or the > ear ; 4'J ' ( ? 49ic f or .Tuni
, ryj 50J for Mav.
Oat Better ; 31Jo for October ; 31)o ) fi
hu } car ,
COCNOII IJLUFKb , September 8. Flour-
ryatal Milln gulden Mieaf A IW ; host Kui
n br.ndB , 3 OOtaS 50 ; Graham , 3 00 ; rj
ur , 3 00
Corn Meal 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 0
urn ill p , 2j 09 per ton ; corn nnd oa
hop , 2'i 00 per ton.
Wheat No. U , 733.
Corn No. 2 , 57 J.
lljo Ne * . I7 ( ,50o.
Barley Noun
Ontx New , 30c.
FUUTIS Blackberries , 15o per bo
pples , 2'50@3 00 per bairol.
Brnoiii Corn 3Ja,9e. (
Hay Loo-io , 7 00g,0 ( 00.
Wood 5 W0 ) 00.
Wool 15@5.
Butter Creamery , 20c ; In rolls , wra
ned , ICc ; rolla not wrapped , 12&c ; mixi
: olorB , 10@l'iio.
ICggB - Ifll ! .
Onions 7oo per bushel.
Live Chickens 1 70@2 25 per dozen.
Potatoes SOc | ipr I u hel.
Cabbage" 2"i40c per doz.
TurnipH 40o utr buRhel
Siveet Corn 7o per duzen ,
L1VU STO K. Cattle -Kxtra , 3 On
350 Veal Cdves5 50@ " 00. Hogs
7 00@7 25. Shecp-3 50.
f'lTY , September 8. Wheat
Str ug and higher ; No 1 re ) , 82tc f
cadi ; No 2nd , illp ! fir caih ; 7rfi@7
for Spptcinbei ; 79fl.79io ( for Octnt ; 7
fe71lj'o for Novemutr ; No. . ) od , 75 0 I
ii t mber ,
Corn liniet and firm ; No , i ! mixed , (1 (
bid for rn h ; 41o for tlm jotr.
Oats-Quiet ; 2'l fnrcujli.
Bill i1 I'lnu ; 20o.
1'g s Steady , ISc ,
Mil , SHptember 8. I'loui
Maiktt ilu I ; lil h graded , 4 75o > 7" > .
Corn tjnitt ; TUXSB white. 'Me ; wh
went rn , 9lu ( 95c ; Texas mixed , 9ia ( <
Ortti1 Wntern \ wer ; No. 2 47fijtll
Texas dull ; prime , 47c ; choice , 52
( urn Mini Dull , vveik t > nd lower ; ji
bing 3 10
Pork Quiet , but nteadyj 2.1 00.
PKOIIIA , September -Corn Marl
du 1 und unsettled ; hivh mixed , 70feVD
mixed , OHIfeO'lj
O.itfc Du I , wuik nnd lower ; No ,
white , 3Til@3 ) Jo.
Hye Dull and unchanged ; ISo , 2 , ( < 0i
Highwlnea Finn ; 118 ,
LiKi'.roor , , September 8. Breadstuff
Dull.WheatCalifornia white. 945d@9t
Culiforuia , club , 9 Sdfelli lid ; whiter
wrnUrn , 84 SdfaUd ,
Corn Weatern nilxnl , 7 2d ,
Peas Canadian , 7nOJ.
Laid- American , ( i ! > i.
LIVE STOCK 1)1 pitch to lui Utt.
LlllUAGu ,
Ciucwo , Suptember 8 , Th Dro >
Journal rrlurU a foltow < :
HuB' Trale rather wok on 11 fxc
butcher * , of which but few were hi
being uiuoiniivinlv pn r ; mixed , 7 ( i
810 ; IIPJM , 845@9uOj ILbt , 7 Ul&S
skip * , 5 00ft 7 Ari.
Cattle Weak and elow cm nil l w i
uifdiuiu few eoiiirtD , B ma Bold ut Ci'J
7 25 ; good t'i chul e fhlpphu ; , G OOJ/G
common to fair , 4 OOfa" 50 ; butcbeiu' , i
' ' 'a@4 2. ; ftwikere and fm
er , SOOvg.l "fl ; gcnpnxl drmind for feei ;
e > < limited nn t suii | ) v large ; tango , we l
Texnns H f ( S I 5 ; half-breeils and Amci
! , 25@i * i
Sheep Strung nnd nctivo ftt firmer ra'e *
poor I o f ir , noOXift oj me'lum ' to gooc1
( J0@ i Wj chnic to extra 4 TO a 5 fx > .
NK Yoiik * eptenthe S TheDroxcr
iTourual luir..mrf | > orU : Beeves Dull am
weak for all g-adea exceutgiiod ntt\e !
which were except cmally fc rre nnd de r
p.Hir . ani fdr nitlv Mepr , 8 * . ' . * > Qr tit 00
g HH ! nnd i rime dn , 13 f > 0@U 00 ; TnK
SOOtg'I'O. wl'h - moilMrliHd * .f givx
n itihtrii'frd Ttan nt 5 7l5 75 p-r < t
llteoeiglit ; 'd western ntperi > , H6I
( all 75 ; rhlpinrnU to-d ty nnd to-mofr v
will I cbulo l,32il quitters bctf. and 17
circv e mutton.
Slieep Butter feeling nnd fair trade a
I 001.6 50 for heep , nnd 100 02) fo
Swine Quiet ; lUc hogs800g ( 80 fo
orxbnary to good lots.
HI ions
Sr Inn HK ptemb-r 8.--ratt'c ' Vinn
cr on iii i iidsl-ed ncoiptf ; common to f !
gr IPB Trx m , 3 OO'o 3 BO ; good to > cr > boil
7"iH3 ( 50 ; r atiinvclipib * tulf r P4' a
3 75 ( ! * I 50 ; bu chcrV pfeers mil ijond hi'M
> rt > , : tnOv/4iO ; BO id Irntld iiro.t32 ;
ntRtcrnlinlf brvcd , t 2'fSM 7"i : liaht hill
pingBtcoic , I 2"i/i5 ( XI ; heavy TifOffoOC
HoniH 1-tlOnound > tirx bn uuht ( i 50
Shicp- nlj : muttoiK ranged nt 32
@l 0 , thootit hie fo top- .
Hdgi Sf < adv n I in fi lr demand : pi
and lluht York-iB , 7 75' ' 8 ai ; good Vorli
rrK 3itiJ8 ( II ; but herV to bt > t htnxj
8 05(2.9 ( 25 ; culls ti 505 7 50.
k M s ( m.
KAJ.S r\t\ , September 8 The Liv
Stuck ludio.tor rpportH ;
CaUle-Stctt'lier ' ; Tcxni fleer * of 8(1 (
piunda cold nt 3 10 : nalttn cnwi > , t ! 70j
. < i ; htocken nntl Icedcru , 3 00@ H'O. '
HOUR tjow r nnd wi > nk ; ringing froi
8 OOfab 2" ) for 218 to 2 5 Ib nver > igo .
Sluep Prices nominally unchanged.
Siwcla' Dispatches to Tim Hun.
MtASOllk. .
NHW YOIIK , September 8. Police
Quto , but toiiy ; Kio cargoes ipuited n
7 itilOje ; jib lots , 8(5) ( ) 114.0
Sugir Firmer nnd ii. fulr dpmind ; fill
to goo i rcfinirur , quoted nt 7 3-lG@7)i )
Molip en Stonily , with moderate di
man l ; Pott , llko , 3"i3.
llice ( Juiet , but linn.
Petroleum I inn ; United , riOjJe per br
crude , ( ! lo ( ( ! { ' ! rclincd , 0 ( nl7o.
Tallow Q li t , but -teuly ; 89 : .
11 i-lri Quie : 1 701 S" )
Turpentiiio-F ri rr ; 43Je.
Nr.w OHUIVNS , S p'eiiibirS. Moln si
Murket dill ; common , 1 ic ; piim
quoted nt 17@18aM
M\ nil OOL.
humi'iii , September 8. Tallow-
Fi m ; Amtric-nii 4" *
Yum und K biiu.4 at MaiKliester
Pirirtlilllto , September -Petroleum- -
Ac'iie ; UmtCfl i prtitu' tC'i firm ; closed i
59 - ; leliued , ( g@fl for Philadelphia d
WOOL , .
Special UUi > itclient iTnii Ilxx.
BOSTON , September 8. Wool Steal
, nd inn , wi'h ' good demand n dfullpric
btaiutd. Sulei , 3,100C001ba.
Fun vui. PIIIA , September 8. Wool und tirni , and i > riLea unthanged ,
LONDON , September 8 At _ the wn
ale" to-day , 1" 000 biles were disposed c
hiellir New Zealand , S > duey and PC
pc-cial Diluted lolnr. IKK.
NEW YOIIK. September 8 Dry goo
up rted lo the week , § 3,0'2 OUO.
LlVKItrooi , September -KtceiptH
buitfiii t > in pant thren dijc , 3)9,0
etitils ; 33i 0 0 loutala being Ainiricnu ,
puhl Dlipntch to TIIK linn
I LOOK AM ) UllMNh ,
ClIK M.o , tvptembdr 8 KeceipU a
lilpuuulH of 11 mr and grain for the p :
1 huuru have been an f illow * :
ln.entH ! Ship'
'our-bul 1HC03 OC
Vhtat bushels 128000 12' . (
Joni " 341,000 1/1,1
1'3001 2'i8 , (
„ . . . . . 10,000 14 (
5arley- " . . 2,000 , 11 , (
YOIIK , September h Receipts a
ntHif iljur and grain for thd p ;
Imvo i een an foliowf :
Iteco pta. .Ship1
'lour bbU
Vhuat buiheU in > , roi I'fi.f
Corn- " I9COO !
Oats- " 95.000 8 < ! , (
Sr. Loll1- . September 8. KeceintH n
hipmenti of II mr and grain for the p
Jl iioiira ha\e been PB t ,11 iwc :
KsiclptH. Shili
'lour Wild 85(10 ( 17,1
Wheat-bushbld. . . U' , COO 91,1
Jorn- " 3,00 37 , '
OaU - " 15,00 J 27,1
y " 1,030 31
Jarloy- " 3,0(0 (
lviU , RAH Cm , September b. llecol
nul Hhipmei U of uniin f r the p.iit
loura huvo been an follows :
llecte , obip
Wheat , busheli. . . . 50,000 42,1
Corn " ? . . i',1
PFOIIIA , Hepteinbcr 8. HeceintH j
ihlpuuiitM of grain for the pant 21 ho
lave bum at foliona :
HPC'IH , Ship
Wheat , bunhel 1 , : X ) 1 ,
orn " 13MJ ( ) 8
, ) Us " 37 , < l 0 67.
Uyo " 8,003 1 ,
IJarley " l.uOO 1 ,
Cnit'Ai.o , Septeinbui- , lUcslpta i
uhlptiieuU of live iitock for tha past
iiourd have been HH folion :
Heo'U. tihii |
lloga 9 , 00 5.
Cattle 850 4 ,
Sheep 1,000
NI.W YOHK , September 8 IteceipU i
Bhipmentu of live nt' ck for the panl
h iurB have been as follow * :
Uto'tH Shlpir
Cattle 'AMO
rfhfep. . . . . . . . " , hOJ *
" ' ' '
Muls . . . . ! . . .
Two days ,
Sr , LOUIH , September 8. Receipts
hhipnients of live ht > rk foi the paul
hours have been aa follows ;
Keo'U. Shipn
Cattle 1,200
Sheei 1,70 1
Hri . . . . . . 703
KASHAH ClT > , Repteitilar 8. Itetc
and t'hipincnts of hvn Htntk fur thu pan
liuurd luve been as followc.
itoo't * . Shipu
Cattle 2,000
JK-H . 70J
Ottivz or TIIK OMAHA BKK ,
1'ri i.y I'v nln0SuptimUr 8.
'Iho oiily chiugea teportej in the i
Uof to-day are u > follown ;
Butter Advanced 2c ,
Kggt Ad nced 1C.
Castor Oil Advanced 5c.
Local drain Uetllngt.
WHKAT. CMI ! No. 2 , 80v" cnih Nft
3 ( ! So ; rolrcted , 50Jo.
11AUI.KY. C'ftah No. 2 , f.ifl ! ! No. S
COHN. No. 2 , fihc.
OATS.-CaMi , 28- ! .
Produce and Provlilont
POTATOKS-2.Vu.13o per bu hel.
ONIONS-fflftTiV per bufh.-l.
UUTl'lJIl-Cholcb Vountrj , .0 ( 22.
11 ) NKY Callforilft. peril' , 22l@2V ! ,
AI'PI IIS Prr liarrvi. $2 2 * > ( o 2 * U .
C \ NTALOPKS-Pcr dozen , l < Xrfl ( ) CO ,
OYS 1 1 U.S--S lect , Wo ) pir cnti
W \TKKMiLONS-Pir : lOti , 51" ) Wig
18 00.
IMIAlIS-CiilIfiirnla , $3 C0@3 TO.
li.MONS : SJ 50 ( < tli ( KI IMT box.
I'lj UK .lob "Hi ! pn o , .Tack Print
St. li mi * win , or ) St 2 * > per 100 ilia ; To
pekn I'.tti'iit Kiin-n- , ? l 00 ; Minuo'ulm
MtntiLwntn Patent $1 2Ti ! Shnwmo 1 nncj
w tiler , St2."i ; Knglo , XXXX winter
S-t 2i ; Triumph opring , best , $ < .tri ; < hris
ian'n < < np rlntive. I I ; bran , per Ib
$1 1 00 , clmppul toed , $ JS 00.
Ul'AMImportoil Ivr ! nu320 pc
FISH No 1 mackcrr.1 , holt brln , li 2Ti
No. I in okirpl. kitf. 0"s Inmlly umck
irel , half In IP , t 75 ; f mill1 nuckcicl , kits
75c ; iSo 1 white H h , half bila , II 00 ; No.
white fnh , kit < , ! ' * ic ; family white h i
hoi brlK , I 50 ; fni llyhlto II b , kit" , , 0. '
iiudluiiihcnlcd herring , 35c ; ntlect bonelei
cud , f-Jo
-it W AIM -Cut Innf. 10 ; Crunhnl
lO u ; Uranulati-d , 9jo ; Powilorcd lO c
* mo pondered , lie , rfUn.iinl Colfeo A
l\3j Now York ' 'onftctioner'o St udari
i. tgPrltle : Kitm C. 8 c.
SV KITI'S. Suguiiiiuit , un . We : hV.
bis , 57c ; l.tvn , 4 gallons , C 2 ( i ) ; choii
tublo Hyrup , I5c ; tvilt bbli , 55c ; LeKB,8'J 3 ;
SrAltUll. I'iml , 44cs SiUiir UIo t
' c ; Corn Starch , 8Jc ; Kxtolaior Slobs
7o ; Corn. 7Jc.
SPICKS. Popper , 20 ; Alb-pice , 20 <
OluxcH , I0c ; Nutmoga , 91 00 ; OUPSI : . , 25 (
Mars SI 00.
LYK Amcricnn , 3 3' ; Greenwich. 3 4 (
Woatcni , 275 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lowii
lyn. 4 ( > 0Jowolllye , 276.
FP.KD .lobbing priced , Chop fcetl
SI 50 per 100 lb < . ; chop corn , $1 10 ; brat
70j p.r . 10) Ibs.
Oil KhS Full Crontn , 12oi Pai
tkim , 10 Js.
i-Ul-lii ! Ii. Hio , lair , lie ; Klo , pm
Jn Kio , | iiiina to choice , 12c | ; Olti gov' '
w. 2 < ili i-i Mochn. 28'c ; Arbuokle'i
15cI'H AS .Gunpowder , good , 4lioir ( > , r
iticiLO , bO76c ; Imperial , goo I , tflC ; 4.i <
' K t MHg7oo ; Young Hysou , good , 3fl (
> 0c ; cnoice , d5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Lea !
C'c ; Jap ui , choice , 60 ( l75c ; Oolong , goin :
(1(6)40 ( ( ) ; Oolong , cho co , ll55 ) ; Souchonf
ind. 0e ! rhnice. 35Bi45o. (
NKW PIC1CLKS Medium , In barrel
J'IO ' ) ; do iuhiilf bbln , 5 ' 35 ; vnnlb , m bbli
llUOilo , in halfbblf , 700 ; ghuikiiis , i
hlilh , 13 00 ; du , in halt bblo , 7 01.
WOODKNWAltlS I'AO bmip piilli
t Uri ; throe hoop pailfl , 2 20. Tub" , Nt
1 , 9 50 ; Pisnotr waHhbo.irda , 1 80 Uoubl
Ur wn2 \Volllmcketn ; , 850
LKAD Unr , 81 155.
VINKGAU Pure apple extra , 1V (
pure nip1e ] , 13c ; Prunftmr oura inolo , llii
MlJAl'S llimn , 15J ; broikful bacot
ITijc ; clear hide hicnn , 15'o ; drj call lucm
lli ; fhoulderR , 11 jc ; tiercu 1 ird , 13
iiOPK SlBul , 4 inch and larger , 101
IJinch , lilt.
OANNl'U GOODS Oyuters , U ;
( Flold'H ) , per ca e , ? 4 00 ; do 1 ! h ( Field'f
per cane , 2 75 ; cto 2 H > ( Standurd ) , per c w
3 7o , LolmtorH , 1 Ih ] or doze
1 80. Timntoe , 2 30 ; do S Ib p
cane. 285 , Corn , 2 Ib ( Mouutui
per c.ifie , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; i
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per , 3 1
string beans , per ca o , 2 10 ; Ijimn boa :
per caae , 1 bo. S'lCLotosh per caae. 2 0
rein , common , per cast1 , 2 00 ; pens , choic
per coae,2 70. IJlaclcberrioa , 2 It ) , per cap
220 ; Htrawbornuo , 2 Ib , psr cnai' , 2 fi
raspberries , 2 Ib , per cue , 3 5J. Uai
sons , 2 tb , per case , 2 15 , llartle
licar per case , 3 00 ® 1 CO. Whortlobcrri
per uwe,24 ( ) . 1'gg pluinn,2 Ib , 7
Green gngOL',2 Ib per case , " 75 ; do choice
th per cofle > 50. PinuApplee , 2 Ih , porcu
t 00ta5 75. PcochoH , 2 tli ptr case , 3 1
do 3 Ib , cane , 4 50WO 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , p
uu > o.250 ; do pie , 6 tb , per ilorcn. 3 BO.
SALT. Dial loan * , per bill , 1 ( ii ; An
.on , in B io k , 3 W ; bbls dairy W , r * , 8
UOMlJi Y New , i I 1,0 ptr bhl.
.SODA Dwight'fl tliiapern. M 81 ; fond
end do , $ .J 8V ChurchV , $ S 81 ; Keg BO
21e.OANDLB8 UoitB , 40 Ibfc , Ifi ne ,
15oboxea 10 Ibs. , IGoz , , IIH , 15i
HICK Carolina , 7ibc ; LonUlcnn ,
@ 8c ; fair , fifi/CJ
MArOHKb Per c.-iddie , Sfio ; roun
cnaeu , ? 8 10 , squuro , tuHcn , 90 1 1.
SOAPS Kiik'ahaM.n Imperial , 8 !
Kirk'a aattnot , 3 (10 ( ; Kirk'n standard , 3 ' ,
Kirk's white Hui-Hian , 525 : ICnl
Kntoca , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie IJnet
lOOcaUii ) , lUK'iik'fl ; n'.nnol.-i ] , 4
POTASH Pcnni ! > Knui.t oima , i do
in ciiHf , 3 35 ; llabbitt'ti Hull , 2 doz. in CM
1 90 ; Author Uall 2 dtu ic cahe. 1 50.
FIFJjD SKKD Ucd clover , chnl
new , gl ! 00 per buiihol ; mumiiioth clov
now , $7 00 ; white clover , now , ? ! I i
si alfa clover , now , 12 TO ; aluiko , DU
31300. Timothy , goixl , new , 83 i
blue granx , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue gra
clean , $1 25 ; orchard graau $2 5'J ; led ti
choice , 1 O.i ; millut , common or Mlexuu
BOu ; millet , ( Jermiw , 81 00 lo 01 !
Hunc irian , SOc.
JIKDMKSKKD Odijo oraugo , 1 Ic
hurhcla , $5 00 ; oxage orange , 10 bushelii
aver , ? ! 50 ; honey locunt , per Ib , , &r cj ]
100 lbn. . * 25 00.
PKANUTS Iloante-i , choice , ted T
uesneo , lOoper Ib ; fauoy white , lOJo per
ra v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roast
12J.C. .
Dry Qoodi.
11HOWN OOTTONH Atlantic A. h
Applttou XX , 7c ; Atluiitn A , 80 ; ) Jo
Ft' ' LI. 4-4 7c Cnbot
, 64c ; HlP'coye , - , ;
7c ; GhittenanKo A , ( ic ) ; Ureat Falls
cj Honsitr , OJc , llonent Width , 81c.
itinii Head A , hjc ; Indian Btandard
8jc ; Indian Orchard d. < / , , 8o ; Luwrei
LL , 7c ; Mjutic lliver , 7io ; IVjuot A , K
bhuwmnt LL , 7c ; Utica O. 5io ; Wath
utt 11 , 7ic ; do A , 8Jc ; do K 48 , 12iojV
oott 1'li. HJn
4-4 : 7io ; Alligator 3-1 , 3cj Argyle , 3
Atlantic LL. OJi , ; liadger Stale X 4-4 ,
liennington 0 4-1 , ii ? < - ; HuckuyeH. 1-4,0
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJci Lauonii
39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh K M , 9ic ; Lon dule
lOc ; Pupperen N 30 , 7c ; do O 32. 7lt ; di
30 , 7jc ; do K 3'J , 8Jcj Pooagaet 0 4-1 , 1
WnmBUttn4-4 13o
gin L l'4,9icltlackatoneAA in poilalf
dudohalf bleached i-4,9o ; Cabot 4-1 ,
Fidelity 4-4 , 9Jc ; Vrult of the Loom , 10 ;
can brio 4.1,13cdoWatorTwl8t,10Jt(3i ; ; (
FidliQ , lOJc ; Indian lleiuinhnuiU ! ! , .
If iirvtalu , lOc ; do cambric 37 , liAc : IN
York MillB. llijc ; Peiiuot A,10o ; Peitpe
N (1 TwillB , 1'Jio : I'ocahontoii 4-4 , I
I'ocuMin-t 4-4 , 8tc ; Utlco , lie ; Wanui
O X X. 121o.
iiuOKH ( Colored ) Albany 15 bro
8c ; do O , ilral Iltt lo X.A. btripoa ;
plaidn , lic ; do XXX brown aud di
atrii > oh and pluldtf , i-'joj ' Arlington far
19c ; Hrumtwick brown , HJc ; Chariot far
I24c ; do extra ht-vy , 20o ; Fall Ki
brown , extru heavy , 11 Jc ; Inillanu
brown llNtinouuH A brown. 15c.
'JIUKlAun i Jblteog A 5J A
1'Joj do XX blui - ' , 18Jij Arrowui
'Jjc , ( 'lure I'i'int II L , lr'lc : Coneitoga
tru , 17io ; il&milton ) ' , flic Lot/into !
JO , 15 ( . ; Mimmnuhu 1 tDe ; O'nuga di
ultra l-t , 'iio , Peurl Mfur JJ. ] ) ) | o ; I
XX blue ritnim , Iio ;
it ; do SS Uu ; V a > irmu' blub'J ,
DKMMAuuii.4lc , bliiBaiiJI.r
H'Jc ; Atnlovtir Dl < lue , Wio ; Arlin
blue Stotch , IKic ; Couwird OU1) , hluu
brown , Wfa tin AAA , do do 13i ; du X
do do Hit ; Haymakbr'd blue und bro
aUdtfo Itiver DD tnpc , 1 % ; I1
Kivur , blue uud brown , lOu ;
blue and brown , 1 He.
OAM1J1UCS lUrnurd , SJoj Kddyj
f rolicht & Dun.
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. jvnwvWm
lining , 21 Inch double face , 8Jc ! Oarnor A
rlazed , fi c , Manhattan clme hnloh , 5Jc ;
Now { Hirt do fndo ; Rlaicil , 5ijci Pequot do
5c : Lo k\vood kid ( in ! h Co.
COltSr.T . .IIJANSAmory , 8oAn-iros :
cogijin mtteen , JcjClarmdca , CjoiCVncii
o ( ; a sattient , "Jus Hallow el , 8c ; Indl J
Jrchard " 4o !
IVpm rill Rxllwn 94c ; Kockport , !
PttlNT-1 Allen * , tijcj ; American , Gin ;
Arnold , "c ; wlck. 4i'cj Cotbeco , 7c ;
Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnoll ,
tU@7c ; Kddj stone. 7c : Ol nitonler , lie ,
Harmon } , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , 6&c & ; Mcr-
rimac D. 7t ; Mystic , i"ic ; Sprnctio * , Go ;
Roulhbridtto , Oc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; M rl
bom. 5Jc ! OriontM Rfcc.
GINlilIAMU Amnikcnv , P.'io ; Amo .
diets lJ ) Anrylo , llljc : Atlantic ,
iiij Cumberhnd , 74c ; Illgblnnit , 7Jr !
Kcnihvorth , Sisj Plun kott , lOic ; Su *
mix. Be
COTTONADK3 Abberxllloit
IGc ; Ocean 1) and T , 1 % ! Royal , l i i
SUESOX , 12c ; Tioga. I'JJe ; WachiiKett shirt
nij > bockn , 12io ; do , Nankin , ISio ; York
> laln Nankin , 12 c ; do , chock * . Btrlpoji uiu
! anoy , 12 o ; do. 8 or , 20o.
S1IKKT1NOS Androscoielnl0.tS7)o' ; )
do 0-1 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , Ucj Fruit of the lyoom 10-1 , 37ii Now
York mills 98 , ! T > o ; do 78 , 30o ; do B8 , 2JJe
I'embroVe 10-4 , 25c ; Poqunt 10-4 , 28Jc ; d (
7-4 , 10c ; do 19 , IGc ; Popperoll JG , 29c
lo 07 , 21c ; do 57 , 18c' Utlon DO , 85c ; d <
8 , 22k ; do 18 , 17o
Clear * and Tabuccoi.
OIGAKS. Seeds , S15.00 ; Connecticut
* 25.00 ; Mixed , 5.15.00 ; Seed lluvann
850.00 ; Clcarllnvanm S75.00.
TOltACCO PLUU. Golden Uulo
i Ib , COc ; Our Hope , hrat quality , G2c
Stir , pounds , 21 Ib , butUi.l'OcjUorBoRhoo
poumls , 24 Ib , butu. 5 e ; Otlt Kdgo
pounds , 21 Ib , butt * , 00 ; Army nnd Nnvy
inuiuU , 55c ; Uullion , pound" , 59c ; Loril
ird'a Olimnx , pounda , dOo.
FINK OUT In piUs. llnnl to He-it
7oc ; Golden Thrcnd , 700 ; liountihi. kk
Favorite , G5c ; llochy Mountain , Ii0r
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , fiOc. In tin toll-
Datllus O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per HI OSes Irl
illard'ri Tiger , Gie ; Dlimoml Crown , iWa
SMOKING All gradi-H Common , 251
3Jc. Granulated lllackwellu Durham , 1
oz file ; Dukou Durham , 10 or , ( Go ; Seal t
North Carolin i. 10 HZ , 4G ; Seal of Nobra'
isa , 1(5 ( or , 3Sc ; Louo.lack , J or , linen bagi
per Ib , ? 1. : ; Mnrhurtis1 I'uck 2 oz , ti
oil , G its. U > * T ail CSc.
P.ilntj Oils and Vnrnlshoi
PAINTS IN Oil * White lead , Omnh
P. P. . fi'e ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ.
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Hi cans , 2C
French zinc , gisin nenl , 12c ; French zim
rod Heal , lie ; French zinc , in vnnd h nj
Oc : French zinct , in oil n t , 15c ; 1U
und burnt umber , 1 Hi cann 12u ; raw an
burnt Sienna , 13o : vnu lyko brown , !
refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black , V
l ory , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prusniu
blue , 30e ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; elm ti
green , L. M. & IX , Me ; blind and nlmtti
.jrcen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Purie green. Ih
Indian rod , 15c ; Votiotiun red. Uc ; Tusei
drt,22c ; Amorioau Vennillod , 1. SP. , Ih
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D ( ) . , IH
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden jchre. 1'5 ' ; patei
Iryor , 8c ; Draining colora : light oak. dai
oat , walnut , chestnut nnd ash I5c
Dry ° lnti
Whitu lead , Oio ; rrenclifro. . lOc : P i
whltoing 24c ; whiting glldctn , 1J
vvhiting com'l , He ; lampbli < k Ourina
town , 14c ; IrmpbliUt , nnllukry , lOc ; I'm
oiau blue , 5'ic ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyk
brown , Ho ; umber , burnt , 4. ; umber , rai
tci-iininn , burn t , Ic ; sienna , row , I
1'ftrin green genuine , 2."u. ; 7'nris green con
. ! 0o ; chrome giecn , N. Y. ' 20i. ; chnn
'recj ) 1C. , 12c ; virmillion , Hug. , 70i ; % t
million , Amerii : > , l o ; liu'.lnu red. 1C
rene pink , tin ; vennunn muu , t'ookaoi
' Jo : voucti.ii ) red Am. , 1H' < - ; rol lead , 7j
oirimo yellow , gtnuine , . 't'L , chiuitie yi
low , K. , 12c ; ochn , rorhcllo , 3c ; oohr , 2Ic ( ; 01 lire , American , 1
Winter'n minernl. 2Jo ; lehigli brown , 2J
Hpiulah brown. 24c , Prmre'ii mineral ,1
OILS 110 * tirboti , per gnllo
Hie ; 1'50 haudli t.l , per g llo
12i ; 175' headllcht. per gallon , Hi
liiiKijed , raw , per fillon , 7 ; liriHced , belle
pircallon , Ode ; lard , winter Ht 'd , pergi
toil , 1 00 ; No. J , Me ; No. 2 , 7r ; casti
XXX. per gallon , 1 15 ; No. J , 1 Orn sun
ptriallon ; , file ; upu m , W , I ) . , per galh )
1 5'i ; fiab , W. It , per gallon , ttOi-j uenUfoi
extra , per gallon , 75t ; No , 1 , We ; tub
eating , /cro , pn gallon , ! ! 0r ; miniiner , If
noiikn niaclilno , No , 1 , per gallon , 3rc ; Iv
2 , jO ; uperni , lgual , i > or gallon , 80o ; ti
pciitfoo , per gallon , f)5c ; iiupthn , 74 , l
allen , 18c ; Gf. 17c
VAHNISHKS-JJnrrolB per galU
furultnrfa , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No.
1 ; uoach , extra , $1 40 ; ouch , No ,
1 20 ; Daumr , extra , 81 75 ; apan , 70o ; i
il.nltum , extra , 85o ; ( hollaa 93 50 ; bu
il InilHli. KI 30
1'APKll Strnw paper , 2\'c \ ; rapnp
; dry goods paper , U ? ; maiiilu paper , i1
nowu puper. Ho
honvy Hrdwnra l.lit
Iron , rat-w , if.1 K ) ; plow utiel , spic
, sl , 7c ; rrucilile , " ! c ; npm.1 ilurllertniu , !
ait tool do. lugA ) wagon spokiw , *
46(33 ( CKJ ; buds , per not , 1 ' & \ felfoos , * n\\ \
Iry. 140umgum , cub , 10 ( < flfir c ; axl
ivub , 75u ; d'juiiiii niitu , per Hi , 7 ( < 9l
woNherx. per lt > , 8 ( < thc ; nvttH , per Ib , t
toil chain , per Ib , ( ili.'c ; malltiablo ,
ron wedges , Pr ; crov/bnrH , lie ; Inrr
teeth , 4c ; lioruef hoe , per keg , 5 00 ; eprl
tflel , 7(48c ; liiirdon'H hoinMhons , 5
Suiden'n imiletfhouH , I ) 50.
SHUT. Shot , jl.hS ; Huck hot , $ i ,
) riontil Powder , Uegii , ? o.'JO , Jo , , li
kegs. * 3 48 : do. , nunrter k gii , fl.88 ; JJU
if , kcra. 8335 : Fiiso , mr 100 foot 50c.
HA HKI ) WIIIK In far lots , 8 m
100 ; In Inks tbnn car lots. 8 55 tir 100.
NAILS-Hates. 10 to COU , 1 30 ,
Lea her
Oak role , 38o to 42o ; hemlock Ho'.e , 28 <
) "ic ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; rum
' 0 to Mo ; hemlock cilf , Hie to 120 ; hi
oul : tipper , 23a < o2'ic ' ; oa ti > per. \
illigator , t 00 to TI 50 ; culf kid , , fe :
( iriiutn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , Kilo
100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 311 ; Piuidi 1
1 10 to 1 55 ; Fienrli calf , 1 25 to 2 ( KI ; i
ettd. 5 50 to 7 50 ; lluinga , U 00 to II )
' .op.ilnga , 'J < K ) to 1050 ; Ii L. Morocco ,
to 35c ; pebble O. D Morocco , 3rio ; uim
r < ) to 3 00.
HAHNKSS No ! star oak , 42o ; N
do , S'Jo ; No. 1 Ohij oak , 38c ; No. 2
3rC } No. 1 Milwaukee 37o ; No. V do , , '
Horaec and Mulet
The mnrkut u brixU unit all gra tot
Boiling well at ali.'ht .ulvanto in n i' '
1'hu utmurid for good liuriitu oittoili
supply ( iinsldoi"aoly. Piicen ruuge AH
IOWH.Tuio * mgln urhttu. W-0 , to ; 500 , ; hi
draft burnt * . $17 * ) . to Atfi. ; Comii.on d
' 100 tu 150. ; tUtr.1 farm lur
3110. to 1V& . , Uummoii iuiuodfaiMi ; i
* 1i ( ) . to 4100 , IJjtio pint : , i1.0. to
Coiiunon tilugii , JJ ) . to 4.10 ,
MUl.Kh.- u , loj hftuda ( iatr. ) , 9
tu 150. ; Hi to 15 huudu , tflUI. to 1
I ! to It * Uudu , t76 tulOO.j 13J , l <
Kead * , $ IA ) to 7 < >
LI uon.
ALlUliOl ! < 1K7 uruol. S 20 iKsr ;
KuUiiu ; xtra Cabfonda uplrilH , 187 pi
I 2i ( per proof gallon ; triple rutinod upi
187 proof , 1 21 per proof snlhni ; re * llitlllpi
wH'kio' , 1 00@l fiOj fine blended 1 50@
2 50 , Kentucky iMnirbons , 200@7 IX ) ; Ken.
tuckv and Pemisyhanla rye' , 2 00W7 ( IX )
U11.VNDIM8 Imiwrtoii , S3 OtflflOO :
doiiiQttlo -ll4 ) 00.
GINS Imported , I 60@G OOj domestic ,
1 I0(5il ( ! 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 50fcjfi 0) ; Ne
KnKland. 2 00cJ4 ( 00 ; domestic , 1 f > 0 ! 50
1753)100. )
OllAMPAGNKS Imvortort per ea o ,
cni-o , 1200@
OliAHKTS Per cnso , 4 ftOlC , 00
WINl'.S Hhiuo wtno , per cn- ( . , 0 00 ®
X ) 00 ; Catawba , per ca'o ) , I 007 00.
Wo nnnte lumtier , ath and shliiRles on :
\IH at Omaha at the following prices i
mdor , ? 21 H1 ; IS ft. , 82 ! 00 ,
TtMlJIiUS-in It. and undo ? , W2 00.
T1M11BU AND .1OIST - 1 ft , $2.1 Oil
1C ft * 2 ; OC , SS ft. , S27 f > 0 ; 21 ft. , S27 50
NK'NUING No. 1 , 4 and 0 in. , * ii 00
No. a. SJo 110.
SHKCTINU No. 1 (2nd ( ccmtnot
) oardi ) 81850 ; No. 2 , $17 ) .
STOCK I ) , 82300
2 in. 0 , $ .V > 00 ; 12-ln. 15 , 840 00.
LIMK For 1)arrcl ) , ifl ID ; bulk po on
1TO Cument , bbl , (1 75. Iowa plaster
) bl , S2 00. Hidr per bu , S5u. Tarrei
foil 100 Ibs. $8 00. Htruw board. 83 CC.
COAl-r Cumberland lunokmiilth , tflJ
Morris Hun HloiwbnrR , $12 ; WhiU-bre 0.1
ump , 80 fO ; Whltobroait nut. ftl0 ; low
ump , $ n 50 ; Iowa nut 8U 50 ; llcck Spring
(8 ; Anthracite , all nizon Sll 0.1 ,
DHU 8 AND UllKMlCAI.9 Acid
Jarbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartaric.r0o ; Huliini :
Jopabla , per Ib , 70c ; Uirk , H IDH itrnn , po
b , I4cj Calomel , per Ib , 76o ; Cinclumtdiii
> i or oz , SI 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib. I ( It
Uover'a I. powilem , nor Ib , 51 10 ; Kpsor
tails , per Ib , HJc ; Uiyttrmu , pun , peril
i'c ! ; Lead , Aontnto , per I'D , 2li
Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gal , < * 1 It
Oil , Cantor , No. 8 , per u 0 , SI DO ; Oi !
Olive , per i xl. SI 50 ; Oil , I Irlganmn , H
Opium , * 5 00 ; Quinine P. ft W. & It. S 3
ucr oz , # 2 HO ; VotaHdum , Iodide , par 1
61 ! )0 ) ; Salacin , per ? , 10o ; Sulphate
Morphine , per or , 611 fr5 ; Siilimur llou
pur Ib , tc ; Strvclinino. nor oz. 81 y > .
Won ) .
Merino uuwun oil , light , UMlCo ; lieuvy.i
( fjl U5c ; mediuiu nnwn hm ) , light , 18 n ) ! (
wnxhrd , choice , IIc ; fair , Doc ; tub-aln ,
and w. , 2So ; burry , blackitud cuttotl woi
Hldoi hurl , Etc.
1IIDK3 'jrcon butchers bide , GCa'
cured 80 ; hlden , gru-u salt , pari cured 7
hides , 7c ; dry Hint , Bound , 13@14c ; ill
cilf and kip , 12llc ; dry nail lilduB.miun
lOMllc ; green calf. wt. H to 15 llw. . 10@11
grc-nn calf , wt , under 8 lUi , per skin. 50
roon poltn , 50atsl ( ) 20 } gui u liunli Rklt :
$1 Jfifajl 50 ; damaged hides , two-third ral
cut scored and onu grub , chu < H > d tw
tLlriU rate , ) braudeil bldeH 10 per oent. )
Coon Bklim , N . 1 , Tie ; No. 2 , 80c ; No.
20. ; No. I , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , r.0c ; No.
30c ; No. 3 , 15o ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No.
OOc ; No. 2 , 2fio. Skunk , No. 1 , Mac
W > c ; ahort ntrlpo , 10n ; narrow stri | > e 2J
broad Btripo , lOn. 1'idlow 7c.
Should you bu u tiill'oror from d ;
popna , indigtiBtion , ninlnrin , or wi-n
tiffs , you cm bo ourod by JJrowi
Iron JJittors.
' ! L\O inonuy and order salt direct frc
SALT. lllwu hli | pro npllj by rail nt t
ownit poii'lilo ' oa-ili prltu o til WiH'eru | ) )
i ( > iu-lm 1V Hl r 'o ii.r.l'i'iw Citv.MIe
If Variety in the Mayor'n OH1 <
Mukou the tjpico of Life.
A Sjioblal Mnotint ; of the Cl
Council To-NJitlit.
Major liojd is uf-ain from t
city nnd Air. Herman , ua president
the city council , is nuiyor ox-ollic
In the perfurinanco of Ilia clut
Acting Mayor llerinun wua this 11101
in/ / { called to Council lilufl'd for n I
hourH , nnd in thu natural conriia
avents the city clurk , Oul. J , J. L ,
.luwutt , buoaiau acting iiuyur. Thr
mayors in the cmirno if twunty-fc
hours in doini ; pretty wull nnd prol
bly no city CIIJOJH a greater vartu
In this rcapuut our prwilcgea are uqi
to thoflu of thu cituuna of Mexico , w
i h tvo i\ now pruBidunt ovury twon
I four lioura or u rovolt.
Mayor lluruinn to day
auud u cull for a npi ! (
of the city council t
tu hear the journal for t hu 1
Six iiiuotliigi load ; "KI order DJU ( <
airout within ptvinx 'llatriol K > > II
bu piivuU , und tu order thu itinil
inateiiul thurofiir , " uud to ualibl
tlio curb line ol Buvtintounth utrt
fiuin Ht Mury'd tn Capital uvun
I'lio cill was hignud by four of
oouncilinuii liouu.o Muyor Herni
und it m iiiidnistood that the i
declined to BUD thu urguticy fo
Hpukiul mooting. Il m Dialed that
quor mi will bu prenunt , hut thu i
tjoiint ut-arina will probably do
, . Inm to tituuru one ,
u | A Murreluui Cure.
Per all bodily ailmentx , nri lng fr m
purity if blood , u torpid HVIT , irrrgulu
of the bowels , indigtttiiin , ronallimtioi :
ilia ird nd ki < nt > > , is wt.rr.uit d hi u
n-e of lit IIDDCK liiooi ) Jiurhits. P
$1.00. _ _
Qooa for Oourraanela
in tnukini ; u tour
thu luir ( 'rouiidi IIIK iU.K rupui
iibj'irvi'il u l.ugiatrujtiiri ) at thu ia
> e ot ihu nuill ui trulicu , aud on milk
' u i ) > iriL ho dibomcrud u was to
U eel dt u duilug hi-l , and t at It
burn lot tu .Mr , ( unrig" ti .luukMin
utiuiit hi.i hi on ijHiiii il thu i xil i >
t u l .ir tir u .d i li hut in
I * uj0 | irtt im.iuvcl giMiiluiiiun uiui
who iiivutubly eucueuda 111 anjtl
hu iindunukut for iho pubhu , iccunliiu
u Bjilo to pruiiU tliut the public
lute no o.iudo to conipliuu on ucou
of the tofrnshiiu'iit Hiipplied ( ir the at
tention uuou at Mr. JnckBoii's ditiitiR
Mr. Ancmtm Cirrio 1ms tbo inixn-
nt of thu interim ! nrrigctnenta
ho lins Hum working with untiring
to iinko ovcrjlhinjj run
nmuotlily. The lull itn-lt has bcurt
tilted up with ovorythuiK tlmt cm add
to the plinsiuro nuil comfort of the
Urco inimbiT of guoals who will r.t-
toiul , nnd it will nniply uccommodnto
iiM-r 150 piirdoiiB nt onu tnno. Air.
Aleck Schlogi'l "ill not an cuiliier.
A full fouling nftur ino.ils , dyspop-
Hta , hi art-burn , mul croncr.kl ill-hunth
rchuved by Brown's Iron iiittots.
A \ety p caaant urcial purty was given
1'htmday at the new drtnj i.toro and ret
Idcnio of Mr. John Dwjir , now In couno
of coiHtrULtlnu at the corner of IGth and
Hurt utreetfl , N-irth Oinnhn. The Btoro
room wan hindsomply decorate 1 with
bunting * nd 11 ign , which were \orytaatefnl-
fyanaiged. IriiimV Inud furnished the
nuuic , aud about forty coupled were pres
ent. ' 1 Iio committee * worn an follow * : lo-
oeptlon committee , T. W. 1'lcktnB , J. M.
IlttiBiuxii , J.V. . White nnd 0. 0. Field ;
Floor MiuiDKeiH , Wi J. Wliltehuuno and
\V. Itrown , A rplcndiJ supper was flcr\cil
at li o'clock , nnd thu danc nj which Lon-
kUtoil at twi-ntj-two uninbtrfl cjiitinuod
till Uon'cl ck.
" I ho Boot In tbo Marliet.
FON Do LMWis , Auu. , 1881.
H. 11. WAKNKH it Co : 8h l ro-
finrd your Bifo Ividnoy mid LivorOuro
the bust romt'dy in thuinarkot forhid-
noy nnd h\or diacaiu.
21Vc t DiviBKin Streot.
A copy of a L IH Angilca , Cal. , paper ,
nndei the heading , "An Omaha Nim-
rod , " gives an account of tlio exploit * of
Mr. M , W. Kennedy , of this city , uho h
nt pr tent taking ndxnntago of the Falub-
rioiiH climate und xport to bo enjoyed in
{ mthorn Callfornli at < nd nnd the same
time. Mart wax out hunting rabbita , und
: iu thin occ isinii ctmu ncrosxnraio upeci-
men of the black-tailed deer. lie put a
ondot No linhot in the Bide of HH h ( ad ,
and aB it turiifd lircd ngaln. After put-
ling ho loadx In the head of the animal , ho
lirought it down and took bin prira bauktu
Los Angeles , tueho milis away. Wo
liipo the Omaha Nimrol will prove a *
HUC onafnl in hcilth hunting an in the
"Bucliupalba. "
Quick , compluto euro , all annoying
Kidney , Ulnddor , and Urinary Dia-
uuaua Dru KistH. $1.
Col. Ira Wilaou ban purchased a
half uituruHt in the Paoiliu louai > , nt
St. Joo. 'I'ho linn will now bo J. U.
Kitchen > V Ir.i Wilaon. Mr. Kitchen
naa inovud to the I'.ixton hotel , nt
Oni ilia , anil Mr. Wilaon hat taken
cli.i\o ( ; of the 1'aciflu , where ho will
bo phait'ii to inout hia old friends.
Thu I'.icilb is the lending liotul of St.
Jim and u firat-olana hotul in uvcry ro >
spect. gopi ) niitetf
Kidney DiaoiiHO.
I'ain , Irritation , rutuntion , Incon
tinence , Deposit * , ( J ravel , oto. , cured
by "liuchlipiiiba , "
The "Hawthorn Contonninl Ex-
ecl inr Hoof Paint , " ws jntontod May
L'ith , 1881 , nnd ottcra patent nuiu-
bur211 , 8lit : , Any person found or
known to tainpur with the manu
facture of aaid paint will bo puniali-
ud to the full extent of lnvr. No per-
non hau any authority whntovor to soil
rocoipta. HAWUIOUN & Bito. ,
Lancaster Pa.
"IlOURll Oil RlXtB. "
Cleara out rata , mice , rouchoa , lliua ,
ants , bed bu a , Hkunka , chipmunks ,
gophers. 15o , Druggists ,
Th79adailrlngtoiniVo money on
ll nn xuAil anil n > < mm Inviwtmunti In
lla f\J \ nrnlii , protUlo H an 1 Htaok upucula-
a tin ( , o m il i B j by opiriklluK on our
it pin ) From M y 1 , 11,9 pro
it.H WIll'jAl * e"t 'ate , o i Irnoum n * of ijtu.00
.H to SI W ) , onsi prolltj luva bocii
.HO ' '
O ro 1 zo I 'unit p'll I t ) . .
frtfil UM OUI1 li'i'okeur I thiuH 11
' . ' fhhll liul mvin i
or ttinil Invo.tinaiit luiklu , ' uionoy
t orp jubi'iou demand KipUnato-
, rj e'ireiilar ) ami itiUiuioit-i uf finul
l ,
U aivnU uhiMllr iiorcoicropi and
Int oJun Ihoplin Lliorat eom-
I , UMUU lIllMlHIM \ < M
& MHlUUAM , aim-
„ mixiian Mnnlmnts , ilajjr 1)1 KI
i ; ka/o. Ill ,
< < iit
l'hn e noUbnUt 1 fitovoj fir ailo by
I'ldro/ : Uradfurd , Omah , Neb.
BUOXV.N I > B , Dual a. Naj. ) a 1 term Wtr lu
sat ir aS iiBwl.or 10 li. Tlw no * tmlldinj
| illnro dy u > rco lvd boujjru at hit dat .
' (5 ( l'.iilU | nlmnay bini Mi to ut r fie orJliary
(5ut oour uulil bo ' 'il-iil nl t ) thu umilo ivAluting
or in d nil nun < > U m o Hu ivuo Ur.m ,
it ai il at tha uu rt i * r lar iinpHi.
ill ' gun ! urtl uur , ply lo
IIL.kUf ' -
ut Ou'lt