Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
erjr morning , except 8ond y
Vh otuy Monday morning dalljri
One Vs r . 810.00 I Thre MonUn.$3.00
Bli Months o.OO | One . . LOO
OoeYcsr . ttOO I Thrf Monthf. . 60
A atcAsN'ewfCoxrA.NT3ole ! | | Agents
or N wMe l rs In the Tnited SUle .
litlon * reUtiru ! to News nd EdltorUl mat-
en ehoul'i be addreeced to the EDITOB or
nUaiVE83 LETTEBS-A1J Business
letter * and Remittance * should be kd *
rAirr , OXAHA , Draft * , Checks nd Ptwt-
fEce Orders to b mde payable to the
rder of Uie Company
Ei UOSEWATER. Eilltor.
CENTUAL CITY , August 14.
The State Anli-SIonopoly league
will moot at Hastings , September 2" ,
1882 , in connection with the State
Farmers' nllinnco , for the purpose of
putting before the voters of the sUto
of NebraiVn an independent state
anti-monnpoly ticket. All antimonopoly
nopoly loaguce are requested to call
pccitt meetings to _ elect dolcgatoa to
attend thn convention.
By order of ttio executive com
mittee. II. C. OsTP.IllIOUT ,
Pea. SUto Anti-Monopoly League.
VAL will find that a snap nomina
tion isn't always equivalent to an elec
TucnsTON i > et up the Mitchell boom ,
but it failed | to stand. Riding two
horses at once noUom pays.
TJIK contrast between the platform
adopted by the regular republican
convention that nominated M. K
Turner and the platform upon which
K , K. Valentino was nominated by his
rump , is decidedly marked.
Tuts franchise h < n been given by
the ( 'ovornmont to a company to
erect and maintain hotnls in the Na
tional P.trk. It will ba the duly of
the interior department to strictly
aupcrviso all tables of rates and char
I ges so thai tourirU shall not bo
dwindled in the name of the govern-
The balance of trade has turned
against the United States in favor ot
foreign countries. Tins is clearly
nhown by the statement of tno bureau
of statistics just published. The
fiscal year ending Juno liOth , 1882
WM our great export your. In 1881
wo exported § 259,712,718 worth ol
merchandise moro than wo imported ,
and wo received 891,108,650 in goli
and oilvcr from abroad in part pay
moi.a : ' of the balance in ou
favor. For the fiacil year 188 !
' ( nr exports cxcoudod our importn bj
only $25,002,083 ; up to the 1st o
Fobruiry the exports were 873 ,
i 304,010 , but from that time on th
, importi exceeded the exports.V the year by receiving gold fron
abroad , and at Now Ycara had ri !
o lived 823,901 3J1 moro than wo lu
aont awny. But the ti'lo thoti turrm
aud in o.ioh onu of the II rut six m Jiitl
of 1882 wo paid to foruig
oountries moro uold than thu
paid to us , no that i
ioUl footings for the [ year our aloe
of gold was drawn upon to thu ( unoui
of $0,045,089 to pay foreign indub
odnoss. Thus the balance of trail
for several years heavily in our fuvi
7 has at last turned against us. Woai
buying from foreign countries moi
than wo uru selling to them , nnd v
must pay the balance in turd
in rcilway Blocks or other uvidenci
of indebtodnosa.
For 1881 , the experts of merclmi
diio were value ! at $ l)02 ) , : > 77a4i
the largest over knovn. Fi
1882 the imports were $724,9)0D7-1- : )
the largest uvor known , The impor
for 1881 were $012,004,028 , or ovi
$80,000,000 loss than for 1882 ; bi
for the latter year the jiportn woi
f760.542.257 , or over gl50,000Q (
loss than in 189i. Thuso are the t\i
most notublo years in the history >
the foreign trade of this country ,
ia a notable fact that thu fallii
otf of experts in 1882 was alt
gother on law food product
Of these $7,000,000 wius on 11
horned cittlu , $12,000,000 on cor
155,000,000 on wheat ; 9,000,0001
flour ; $47,000,000 on cotton ; near
$3,000,000 on apples ; $11,000,000 (
bacon ; $3,000,000 on liamn ; S'J.OOC
000 on fresh beef ; $3,500,000 on bt
tor ; $2,000,000 on cheese ; 80,000,01
on lard ; $1,000,000 on whisky , and
on. There was a paitial offset by
gam of $10,000,000 on potroloui
$3,500,000 on manufacturers of in
and steel ; $1,000,000 on tobaoc
$3.000,000 , on clover and timotl
eed ; $1,000,000 on manufactures
wood , and a small but encouragii
increase ou agricultural implomuii t
boor , cotton cloth , iron casting , stoa
enKiueimithematioil instruments an
matches It is a good sign for our ii
dattrlos to sell the exportation i
manufactured goods inoreuring ,
Still with our insguiGcent harvps
thord i * good reason to believe tin
this yeir we slnll aeo more than v
buy aud tint the balance of trade wi
gain turn in our favor , Our export
/ surplus last year was not large
year H will be immense.
i i
The republicans of the First con
gressional district are to ba congratu
lated on the nomination of Judzo
Weaver. He is by all odds the ablest
and most popular candidate that was
before the convention. His record is
unueailable , and his paraonal integrity
unimpeachable. In the prime of life ,
with an active temperament and an
ambition to excel , fax ia deatinod to
achieve a national reputation in the
halls cf congress.
With forensic ability of a high order ,
quick perception and knowledge of
law , he will take rank with the fore
most debaters In the national legisla
ture. Nebraska has been represented
in congress by basswood men for many
years. It is gratifying that her repre
sentatives in congress will soon com
pare favorably with tho.vj of other
Tiir.UK teems to bo little doubt that
Secretary Folgor will receive the
nomination for governor of Now
York. Wadsworth was evidently put
up to show the extent to which the
ground had given way beneath Cor
nell , but there was no real political
rongth behind it. Folger's candi-
acy on the other hand is full of
loaning. He hai been the candidate
f Arthur nnd Colliding from the bo-
inning , and has been judiciously
ithhold until the proper time for
ringing him into the field.
AH. XACII CJIANDLEK | would say that
omination of Valentino wasn't HO
. n unanimous after all.
Preparations are being rapidly made
'or a general advance of the British
brcos in Egyptand Monday is the day
ct on which Arabi's army in Tel-El-
Kobir will bo engaged. Sir Garnet
Voltoloy'a forces are stated at 15,000
men , with fifty guns , and rations have
cen issued for a two day's battle.
Ul the force a from Ismailia have been
rdorod to the front , and everything
ndlcatcs an impending decisive con-
ict. Against this array of trainee
roopn Arabi will muster nearly 80-
00 men. Of thcso 35,000 are
iodouins , and cannot bo do-
ended upon to stand in the
orccst fctrugglo of a L'onaral engage
ment. It is plainly Sir Garnet's plan
o end the campaign if possible by one
old atroko. In securing Tel El Kobir ,
jlenoral Woleoloy would gain thu key
o upper Ejjypt und C iro. Arabi'a
islodgomont from this important po-
ition would force upon the rebel
hioftain a retreat to lower Egypt ,
rhero hu would bu compelled to do-
and upon Bedouin assistance fur sup.
ilies for hin forces.
The first conclusive demonstralioi
if the completion of an amicable nn
derstanding between Turkey and Eng
and rolalivo to the Egyptian nituatioi
a found in the sultan'0 proclamation
list issued in pursuance of the mill
ary convention negotiated by Lori
DittlVrin nnd Said Piuha. Ar.\hi Be ;
9 proclaimed as deccrving to be pro
lounced u rebel ngainat the lugn
authority in Hjypt , nnd all Egyptian
aru exhorted to support the government
mont of thy khcilivo , who is cngagei
In the work of restoring pence n
good orlur in K/ypt. It hits takvi
tlirco months of diplomacy to
from the Porto this document , th
wording of which is now objected t
by Lord Duiforin , because it fails 01
plioitly to pronounce Arab ! a rob *
while declaring that ho dcservou to b
BO proclaimed. Turkish troops are t
bo landed at Aboukir , and not r
Alexandria , to cooperate with th
English forcer , and 3,000 have alread
embarked from Sudii Buy.
It is , perhaps , fortunate for Greet
that her frontier war with Turke
came to an abrupt conclusion. How
over'disaatiificd aho may bo with th
boundaries defined by thu coinmissio
provided for in the Berlin treaty , nil
is hardly in u condition to rip it u
and inuko an aggressive war for tli
enlargement of hur territory. With
population of leva than 2,000,000 , ii
eluding the 293,000 added by the ai
( ( uisition of territory , and that popi
lation , for the most part poor , a del
of over fourteen millions of pound
sterling becomes a heavy burden , an
a standing army of thirty-fivo tliou
and men is a great tax upon the pm
pie. Still , the Greeks are highly pi
triotio , and would cheerfully eubin
to sacrifices , if thereby they could ai
quire thu remainder of Epirus and i
much of Thosialy as ia populated b
Greeks ,
A country with a very limited con
murco , the principal export being GUI
rants , without roads in the interioi
with agriculture backward und con
parativoly utircmunerativo , and wit
but few cities in a thriving or proi
peroua condition , the Greeks had bd
tor ahcath ( ho sword , take up th
plow , and eo what can ba done fo
the betterment of the territory the
already possess.
After a session ot seven months ( h
French congress adjourned a forl
night ufo. The period uinco Januar
11 has been eventful in the history v
the couutry , In this brief time u
It'sa than three administrations huv
had existence ; two have begun am
two have come tu on end. last win
tur M. Gainbotta was prime minister
Ho was followed by M. do Fruycinet
who oujoyud u briut roigu of puwu :
and then gave place to M Duclerc ,
who , in turn , ia likely to go down
daring the next session. The proro
gation carat ) rather unexpectedly , but
lot to the regret of the deputies and
senators , who were as glad to get out
of their chambers as the now govern
ment was to get rid of them for a time.
No great space is likely to elapse be
fore a new meeting.
Ever since the last war Franco has
been held up to view as a country with
a marvelous financial system and with
marvelous debt paying powers. Of
late it is moro just to point to it as a
laud of remarkable extravagance ,
where the tax gatherer calls often ,
and where the burdonx which ho im-
psea become doily harder to bear.
The people protest , but in vain. The
expenses of the government for the
comine year will amount to $1,100-
000,000 , or two and one half times as
much as the expenses of our govern
ment , with a larger population here ,
and an almost infinitely vaster ex
panse of country. The French taxes
amount to about $30 per head of the
population , or , aay $150 for the average -
ago family. The debt of Franco has
rtoadily increased under the republic ,
and now amounts to $4,000,000,000 ,
or double ours , and the interest is
3150,000,000 a year.
The power of a common religious
bond to overmaster all political , eth-
nologicil , and even doctrinal differ
ences h strikingly shown in the force
with which the shock of the Egyptian
crisis has pulsed through every fibei
of the Maliammodan world. In Brit
ish India the Moslem Ulomnns have
called to account the Turkish consul
at Bombay for his master's conduct in
sending troops to aid the unbeliovci
against the Mussulman. In Syria the
Moslem population is said to be tc
highly excited that "a trifling inci
dent would Buflico to sot thu whole
province ablazo. " Even in the depths
of Central Africa forces are bung
muntored to Cght against the
cnomtea of the truefaith. . There can
bo very little doubt that , should the
British army in the delta suffer any
chock , or even bo supposed to have
suffered one , the effect on the sur
rounding Mohammedan nations will
bo such as to throw the outbreak ol
the sepoy mutiny itself into the
hade. But whatever temporary im-
lortanco the Sultan may durive froir
lii assumption of the dignity ol
'pacificator of E ypt , " there can bi
ittl\ \ ) doubt that his conduct in dis
patching his soldiers to assist the En
; lish "infidel" against the Moslorr
Arab will remove him further that
over from his coveted objuot of becoming
coming the recognized head of thi
Mohammedan world.
Jblcnjo Tribune.
Dr.DliH U Rlill proving his ? 25COi )
clulin Dr. Bliuo' hill U evidently worn
than hit bitn.
The exposition open * next nook , and n
until , nt youny man xhould ho without i
tlnni nud mile cc-crouin ticket.
lien. Unford tlio converted Kcntuck ;
horn-man , i mid to IIHVO I'lickoll.tilen . , I
ii not nfr-ii tlrnt u thoroughbred geta dlt
taucud the ( ir t hoat.
"I K'ti Unit bumttor Mahono lion nmrpHe
the ulorlcs for whom he piocurud Mttm
tluns uiuliT the overnmnt 0 par cent ci
their Kalurlex fur civnpiifn purp > MM. Mr
Mull iimi-honhl remember lime it ia alwuv
( mil policy to ratio the ante ut an anil
BU > .o nl tha Kama. " Ilnbl ) . II ,
"Do I holievo lu fairy btorlenj"
Darling , of uourxe I do ,
llll | { UltH M > t.lll
And Titania Hinnll ,
I heliuvt- thum ull ,
Don't you ?
"Was there ever any Jted Hiding Hooi
Oh , yet ; without a tlouit.
Thrra nr. ) wnlvea to-day
To lead you mtruy ;
When they comeiu your way ,
Look outl .
' And wan there really a Cinderella ,
With h iUKhly tUi T < , ? " Whj y&i ,
1'vimet with hur 'luce ;
And , though proud 01104 may wlnci
Sbu'll nmrry the pnuce ,
1 guest ) .
-Whltelaw Held.
"Why are you gad , UerylT"
Thu Kid turned tier huid slightly a
thee word ) were t | > oken , and an her ll >
no mo rlKorn with Iti rounded curvnd an
lifailtlfwl llu-h tlutifctood blmriily outlintii
clvnr und perfect as a cameo , in the mom
houins thut woie fullhiK in u oilvvr upm
Ilirough the hr nohos ot tlie lloiieii tree
thB iilit ; HHJ iinlred n pretty one , ( it-orx
W , KniipKon l.mlio I at her < mrm tly a inn
nit'iir , anj uuw Unit te.irs weio welling \ \
in illttuiky brown eye- , unit H.ilis thu
cuiihl not ho ruatruiutd loiivolnlujj th
h Irtish form.
1 Why bhould I not ho BadV Mio salt !
"The ewe-ft HUIIIII tir U clyuisThera ur
holloMH lu hur fuirchcekfju ptthetiadroo
ahout the ripe led lips , ilurk ih.ulona he
iit-nth tlio lovely eyiw And already acre
lite ha y hllU Autumn | eeic , Imrry.btaln
on her lirown , ulim imgori- , purple vlnt
trulllnt ; uhout her , tcirlet lnuU uruoIdcii (
red fur thu coronal , and n Inolu'n letd fo
her sceptre. AlioA'ly the hills are ririm
mod with nmhtr haza uud tha hilltop
crowned with hlua unoke I lie mm look
lauut ( ; tly through ilream-clund-j a vrllov
lent fftlla h ie mul , und miina pru
I'uut hi dn lly rou hward ere yrt the rlrs
/rout initkeH the f uiu rudrly and rlpeu
tha hurcliiuiM In tha hdgei > , e o yet th
nuinac catchtu B ma Mumlro | from th
heart-wound ot fHiot'UK Buminf r , ui ( I th
aster look * with blue and wlutful eytafion
the woolland path "
"It in indeed a time fraught with RUR
go-lions that are mournful , " said Utorgi'
"but rurely there is oue gleatn i f In pe
onu 1'ttlw ' ray of golden un hlne amid al
the mUU and cluiula" and , bend'in ; ovr
the girl In a loving fashion , lie uhioperet
a word In her ear.
A uudla ch.istd away the rie pnuden
look , aud teaiy tha < dimmed fctairy e > e
vtru ( juli-kly dished a oy. I'uttln he
uruu arouud ( i > > or u'd neck , I eryl mur
munxl mffy und with n l ok of | M fee
trii t ! "Viui ure rijjht , nwtttheart ; I tui
the ' " Kroui "Niu
forKottfu uts'ert ( aui
Tucl. , " by Murut HuUteud.
Viilblti ItuwroVBiuout.
Mr. Koati UaU , Kluilra , N , Y. , u rites
"AUnit foiir yearn aijo I ha < l uu attiok o
bilious fever , umt never fully reco\eied
My iiiK-O'tive orKani were weakened , unl ]
woulil Iw couiplelely prottruted for da )
After tuli'tMoholtltu of your Bl'llDOCt
DLOOD lilTTfKti thu itrnrovouiint wan m
tu tl > ut 1 wfti aBtoui-lusl. I tun now ,
isb d junnj of see , da a fair aud rev
be dBj'nwork , " 1'riceSl.lO.
The Fight to Blockade the Rock
ies to the & . , B. & Q
I he True inwardness of the
Hannibil & St. Joe Fur *
Gould' * Conn d'etat tint Llnblo to
Dalldczo the Barliaeton *
The fight between Iho Union Pa
cific and 0. B. it Q. , actively begun
in the opening of the B. it M. exten-
ion to Denver , is at ill naged with all
! io bitterness of waifaro in the iron
world. It will bo remembered that
ho U. 1 * . refused to nign the articles
f the Colorado pool unless the Bur *
in ton would agree not to extend its
ines west of Denver. This it would
lot do , the fact being , in all proba-
ility that they alro.idy virtually con-
rol the Denver & llio Owndo Wrst-
rn , on which tie completion of 300
milus of road will give them a through
ino between Chicago and Salt Luke
" } ity. The importttncu of B curing a
hare of the rich traJu of Utah and
uthor vitatern territories is not Rein ?
to bo thrown away , and fur all the al-
[ pgcd amiability existing between the
J. P. and 0. P. roads , the fact re-
nainfl that the former road has taken
caru to Eocuro two outkts to the Pa
cific coast , 0110 by way of the Orniron
Short linu and the other by the Utah
& Nevada road , via Eureka. In con-
loction with this struggle for
the control of the trans
continental tn.flb and travel , the Chicago
cage Tribune says of the recent pur
chase of the Hannibil & St. Joe by
, hu Uould syndicate :
"Thtro Ilia been it general imprcs
sion hero and elsowhnre that the pur
chase of the Hannibal .t St. Joe by
.ho Gould Byndicdto was madu in the
ntcrtat of the Wabash. It was taken
'or granted that as thu Wuhanh make *
connection with thu Hannibal and St.
Jou terminus at Hannibal the latter
must necessarily bt-comn the western
mtlut of thuVabash from Hannibal.
Thu Tribunu ia creditably informed
; hat the purclmao of the Duff atock in
, hu Hannibal & St. .Too by the Gould
syndicate was not made in the inter
est of the \Vabash , but in the interest
of the Union Tactile. This state
ment gains affirmation from the
act that Dillon , Ames and other
Union Pacific magnates belong to
the syndicate which purchased the
control of the Hannibal & St. Joe ,
ivhilo beaidrs Gould there nro noVix -
t > aeh magnates in the syndicate. It
looked queer from the first that Gould
should purchase the Hannibal it St.
Joe for the Wabash , as this road has
no earthly uao for it , having a much
better western outlet now via the
Missouri , Kansas & Texas to Moborly ,
and thoacu via its line to Kansas City ,
which makes a much shorter route to
Kansas City than it would have in
connection with the Hannibal & St.
Joo. The Union Pacific , by securing
control of the Hannibal & St. Joe ,
acquires a club by which it expects to
punish the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy for building a computing line
to Denver and for refusing to sign an
agreement not to build any now lines
in Colorado and west of Denver. "
"As is generally known , a short
time I K ( ) a" agreement for the forma
tion of a pool on business between the
Missouri river and the Rocky moun
tains was perfected in this city by the
Union Pacilic , Chicago , Burlington it
Quincy , and Atohison , Topeka &
tiimU Fo. The Union Pacilio man-
agora , however , refused to sign tin
agreement unloBes the Burlington
would promise not to build any now
lines west of Danvor. The Burling ,
ton people of course refused to ncaude
to this demand. Thu Union Pacific
paaplo have over since been lookniL
tor an opportunity to punish the Bur
liiif.ton for this refusal to keep out o
what they consider their territory ,
and threats hnvo been frequently
made uittcu that the Union P.icitic , in
caao the Burlington continues to push
westward , would build or establish c
linn of its own from thu Missouri rivi i
to Chicago , to run parallel with the
Burlington. Thokacquisition of thu
Hannibal it St Joe is the first atop
towards carrying out that throat.
The it St. Joe will bruit
the Union Pacific from the Misaour
river to the Mississippi river over thu
very line which the Burlington has
boon using an its direct outlet to Kan
sas City. From the Mississippi to
Chicai'o n line was chartered and stir
voycd some tinio ago , known as the
Httnnibal , St. Joe it Chicago railroad ,
which was almost punUktl with thu
Burlington , and the Union Pacific no
doubt muana to build this line as soon
as possible , if no compromise ran bo
btiWtcd with the Burlington Gould
and the Union 1'acilio people do not
so much care to Jwvo a direct line
from the Missouri river to Chicago aa
they do to havn the Burlington coasu
buildinc extuntioiiB west of Denver ,
and it ia therefore quitp likitly that
thuy will oll'.ir the Burlington to let
it luvo the Hannibal & St , Jeo , and
Mao uivo up the attempt to txtond the
road to Chio o , if it will ifivo pledges
not to build any m > ro liuoi west of
Djnver. It is very doubtful however ,
that the Burlington will recede tm
iota from the petition it has hereto
fore taken. The Burlington managers
are not the kind of people who aru
easily bulldozed , and they have in all
contests with dnuld thus far proven
to be garno. Wliilu they will hardly
ba pleased with the idea of having the
Unirn Pacific as a competitor at all
the Mirsoun river points and all the
way to Chicago , yet they can better
atlord to submit to this than to tie
their hands with an agreement not to
build any extensions in Colorado and
west of Donver. By doing this the
Burlington would always be depend
ent upon the U < ion Pacific for a Paci
fic coast outlet , und it would nnver
recaivu the benefit from ita now Den
ver liuu which it expects from it. The
Union Pacific by building a dirt'ct
liiiu to Chicago will not only strike
the Builiugton , but also all
the other lines leading from
Chicago to f Missouri river points.
This would only help to
cement the friendship between thu
Burlington and the other Mlsiouii
river loads from this city , and the
Union Pacific would bo the grcatott
sufferer by having to compete against
nearly all the roads from which it now
gets ita traffic. Gjuld , by this coup
i'ctat , evidently means to bring the
iiurlington to ti-rma aud .force it to
teep out of the Pacific country , which
IB considers ns his sole property If
le succeeds in this he will no doubt
turn the Hannibal , fc St. Joe over to
he Burlington agim , and all will be
je.ico atid harmoi y. If ho does no
succeed in thu ho will no doubt se <
cure a Chicago oxta .sion to Chicago
via the Hannibal & St. Joe , and there
will bewar _ and strife until it has bet n
letermined whdther anybody but
lould and his syndicate has any richt
o build roads west of the eastern 1L
of the Rocky Mountains ,
A bu ine < n conrse h to ba established in
the Detroit high tchwl.
Childien in Au tria will hereafter be
obliged to attend ichool for eight jeers.
Injunction In field nn < l garden work i <
to bayhen In the rural tchoola of Kii'fu.
Women greatly preponderate In the last
etniiiinati n lists of the "OamlirMge Uiii-
vr ity Higher Local Kamntlon ! Lists. "
This i partly attributable to the fact that
he Fch'ilitrchin ai d p izes offered In con
nection with the rxatnltmilonii are confined
to women. The syndicate gi\e Kr tuttls
rf 325 each to the rive women highest In
tha litt wh > t arc preparing for the pro'ee-
slim of tut'ion. '
The KtulUli education department hai
iet published a cir.-ular In which it lny
down 'he principle In Injunction in Kn-
Hsh that at a general rule , hut especially
in the liwer staudano , the examiner
HhoulJ J.e c.inful rather to aak for the
meaning of chort sentences and phra e
than to rt quire ex linatiotw if sinitle
won.sby . demition8 ! or sjnoiiymB. Tee
circular mentions "It-jblnson UrutoV'ai
one of the reading book * fur Bihools au
thorized by the department ,
Tne number of colored schools in Dela
ware h s increased oue-ihlid , und the en-
rollh > ent.i ar one thousand crea'er than a
\ear gn. There are G 000 colored children
in the state , nnd the enrolment of pupils
ia 3.1B1. The legislative approuri .tion
made this the first bestowed
je r - mont-y ever
stowed by Delaware upon her colored
schools lun pr vided for each pupil nbont
77 ccntn The colored people of Dela
ware have never naked for mi ted schools
only for Home littlu i.s-Ht < inc in maintain-
irg their own Even this the democrats
have Ion- , hesitated to accord.
The white school population of the
southern flutes and the Dixtrict of oluoi-
bu in saU to ba 3,8BJ,9 1 ; the coloied
school population is lSOJ,2Vi. The enrol.
ent in all thp-e BUtfs i < 781,700. In
Delawaio and Kentucky th school tax
cillec'.ed from the colored peopla is the
only appropriation for the colored schools.
In .Murylni.d there 'n a , biennial appmprla
tion hy the leui.lature. In the District of
Columbia < no-third of the schoul ni'iney i.J
eet aifiue for the c > lored tuhmili ) : nn I in
the other southern ( tales 'heschool moncye
< re divided in proi' | > itiou to population
without regard to c Inr.
Smwll Comfurt.
Whenyou are conilrm .lly couEhinsniRht
and diy , nnnnyini ; everjbidy around you ,
ui.d hoping it wil go awav of IU own ac
cord , you Hre running a ilingrmiM riok-
bett-r use Dr. THOMAS' Oir. , an
nnfailim ; renip'lv in U nrh 'justu.
Entries for the State Fulr--The B. &
AT. Special Rates.
The outlook for the state fair is
more promising every day. Between
400 and 500 entries were booked yes
terday at the secretary's office. The
display of machinery will be double
that of last year , and in every class
will be greatly improved. There are
already forty entries in the speed
class , and many of thosu horses : uo
already on the grounds. By tomorrow
row night the now buildings will be
completed and the grounds all in fine
The special rates offered by the U.
P. to excursionists were published
yesterday. The B. it M. railway wil !
run excursion tr.iins to the state fair
as follows : On Wednesday from To-
cumach ; on Thursday from York ; on
Friday from Wymoro , each excur
sion coyariiiK the intermediate points.
Excursion trains will bu run on the
regular morning time from Lircoh
daily. All-tho-week rates are the fol
lowing :
Auburn 5 00 U lynse . . . . $2 51) )
lirownville. . . . 5 00 Sta.ilehunt. .250
Neinalu 500 Sevard 2 ftO
Peru 500 Milford. . . 250
Johnson . . 5 CO Pleasant Dale. . 2 50
1'awiiee CityI 00 I'ulmjra. . . .250
Uoerty , . . .400 licnnett 200
Hurchard 400 Cheney . . . . 250
Bellwoo.1 . .20 Duriliar . .300
David City. . . . 250 Syracu o 30
Garrison 250 Columbus 27f
Dorchester . . . . 300 Hardy 50i
Kxeler . . . , < ( CX ) Hastings 500
Kairmount. . 3 00 Highland . 5 00
Friendville. . . . 3 00 I. . a Point. . . . fi 0 ,
Ilrod'huw' . . . .350 .lunhta 50
Kile Creek 350 Kearney 600
Grafton 3 f 0 Kern saw 5(0 (
Hampton 350 L < iwell , 503
Sutton 3 AO Newark 500
Aurora 100 I'loctoa 5 Ot
DawMii' .400 Ked Cloud. . . . 500
Dlller 40D Itulo Y . , . 500
Knlcott . 1 00 Super ! r . . . . 5 00
H'.mboldt 1 0 Tiny Junction. 5HO
Murquett . 4 OH Whit * lnud. . r. 50
Nfhruaka City. ' TO ItloomlnKton 5 50
Udell . . . .100 Franklin. . . . 550
T < lilo Uock. . 11)0 ) AtchUon. . . . 550
< "he > ter . , , 4 f.O Nupouee , . SIX
lliihb-11 150 It.verun 550
Inland I Si ) Hrenucr ( iOO
Kejii'.lda I W ) lUpu llcan. . COO
rUltm 4 50 Orleans . .010
Ayr . . . 500 Aim * 000
llfiio Hill. , , . . . 500 Ar.i.ihoe , . .550
Cole * 5 IK ) Cambri'KB 050
FulUCity 503 Indlanola lif
KmnlPK 501 Oxfurd 050
Guide Kock , .500 O-ntral City . 4 'K
Harbine 5 f0 CulberUm . . . 700
KALAMA7.00 , Mich , Feb. 2 , 1880.
I ktiuw Hop BittiTa will bear rec
ommendation honestly. All who usu
.them confer upon them the hiuhost
encomiums , and give- them credit for
making cures all thu proprietors
claim for them. I have kept them
since they wore first offered to the pub
lic. They took high rank from the
first , and maintained it , and are more
called for than all others combined. So
long as ( bey keep up their high repu
tation for purity and usefulness , I
shall continue to recommend them
something I hava never before done
with any other patent medicine.
Cionoral Undertakers ,
Metulic , Wood and Cloth Covered
constantly on liancl. Orders fr m the coun
try solicited , and i > r iui > tly utUndeU to.
Houses ,
fflflBBHTHAHD DGUDLiS 818 , ,
Kciutltul building files on Sherman avenue
letb street ) south of Foopleton'a and J. J.
Brown's feldcncet tbe tract belong ! ' K to Sena-
Mr Paddock for BO many years being
3M feet nest ( rontaee nn the vcnu ,
by fr m 363 to 6CO feet In depth ,
running eastward to tha Omaha & St. Paul K. K
Will sell In strips of 60 feet or more frontage on
the avenue with full deptn to the rallroal , will
11 the above on about any term * Ihat purchaser
may desire. To parties who will oreu to build
houses eo-tlnif 81ioo ; and upvardi Kill scl1 with-
ml an > pament doun for one jt r , and 6 to 10
qiul annuiil paymcntu Ihirealttr 7 per cent
Intrrtet. To parties ficdo not Intend Improv
ing Immcdla.ciy wllls.U lor no oixthdoin ana
S equal annual piyracDta tbcrcalt r nt T per cent
Uhl'-e 4 aero bl ck In Smith's addition at vcot
end of F.unara Ftrcct will k.\o | any length of
time required ot 7 | > cr cent Interest.
Also a splcndl'l 10 acre block In Smith's addi
tion on Kauio liberal Ur no fore ) : .Ing.
No. 305 , Half lot on near 20th
No 304 , Lot on 18tb street near Paul , $1200.
No 302 , Lot 80x2sO feet on 16th street , near
No 299 , Ono quarter acre Hurt street , near
Button ? 60U.
No 297 , Two lots on Glondo near Irene street ,
fif-O and $300 each.
No 296 , Two lota on Georgia near JHchUan
Street , 21200.
No295. Twelve choice residence lote on Ilamll-
ggn street In Shlnn's addition , fine and eighth
60 to 8500 each.
No 294 , Beautiful hall lot on 8U Uary'a av-
euue , SOxlSO feet , near Blahop Clarkson'a and
20th street , fl&OO.
No 292 , Five choice lots on Park avenue , 60x
160 each , on Btrcet railway , $300 each.
No 291.SU lota In Mlllard & Ca d well's addition
on Sherman Avenue near Foppletou'a , S3CO to
$160 each
No 2i9 , Choice lota on Park avenue and street
ar line on road to Park , $460 to 1000 each.
> o 2S5 , Eleven lot * on Deeatur and Irene
etrcoto , near Saundera street , $376 to $160 each.
No iW2 , Lot on 19th near Paul street. $760.
No 281 , Lot 66x140 feet near St. HaiVs avenue ,
and 2oth street , 160a
No 279 , Lot on Deeatur near Irene street , $326.
No 27s , Four lota on CaUwell , near Saunderj
street , J50U each.
o 27B , Lot on Clinton street , near shot tower ,
No 7fi , Four lota on McLellan street , near
Blonde , Hapui'u addition , tllb each.
No 274 , Three lota near race course : make
No CG3 , Beautiful corner acre lot on California
street , opposite jndadJolLlng BicieJ Heart Con-
\eut Kroundu , SlOvU
No00 , i.ot oiiMason , near 16th atreet , $1,360.
100 ots In "Credit Foncior"and "OranlVlew'
additions , Just south-east of U. P and Ii. 4 M.
allroad t | > ot , ranging from J160 to HW each
aiiuonc-auy tc-ruia.
Beautiful Kesidenco Lotd nt a bargain ver
handy to shops 100 to * 2t.O tacb , 6 per cent down
ml > per con t per month. Call and Rtt plat and
ull particulars.
No 256 , Full corner lot on Joncii , Near Uth
htrect , * 3,00o.
No'Jii , 1 wo loU on Center street , near Cum-
iiiL' Htreut , $1(00 for both or&oOeach.
No 261) ) , Lot ci iiowaru , near King street ,
No i49 , Halt lot on Dodge , near llih ttr'3
No 217 , Four beautiful rcaldenco Iota near
Cu-lKhton College ( or will squrato ) $8,000.
No 248 , 'Iv.-o lots on Center , near Cumin ?
tt.ect , WOOencll.
No 2iti ) , I.U on Idaho , near Cumin ? street ,
$ .25
No 246 , Beautiful corner acre lot onCumlnir ,
ntar U .tt"ii street , near new Content cf bacred
Uurt , $1,600
No. 214 , Lot on Farnam , near ISth etroet ,
No 213 , Lot 06 by 1 on Co lego street ,
neartit. Mary's avenue , $700 ,
Nit 241 , Lot ou Fumam , near 26th street ,
No 240 , Lot 66 hy 99 feet on Houth avenue ,
near Mason street , $660.
No.'J,9 , coriisr lot on Burt , near 22J street
t .SOU.
No. 23S , 120x182 fret 1. 1 name } , near 21th ,
street , ( will cut It up$2 ) , < 00.
No. 114 , Lot on IJouglas street , near 2itb ,
t\o. 232 , Lot on Pier treet , near Btmard ,
No. 227 , T o lotaonDocatur , near Irene ilreel ,
$200 each.
KO < 2J , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman au
nut > , ( iuth nt.ect ) . nea Grace , $2 400 , will divide ,
No 24) . Lot 2J Crtt ou Dodge , near 13th
rect : make an otter.
No2i7 , Lot on 23rd near CUm , 4(00.
No 21U , Lot on Han Iliou uiar Kin ; , 8 < W.
No 200 , Lot uu Ibtii btreU , near Nicholas
No 207 , Two lots on 16th near Pacific etrnt ,
No 201 , Btmutlful rerflJcnio lot on Division
itrwt , near Cuming , 8-00
No ItfJ ) UU on 16th street , neai Fierce ,
No 1 ( 1 , Lots on Bauuders street , near Sew
ard $6uO.
No 191) ) , Two lots on 22d , near Grace ttrcet ,
No 1&21 , Two lota on 17th utreet , near white
lead orks , $1,050.
N Ib8) ) ; One full block ten lota , near the
barracks , < 100.
No 191 , Loti on Parker , itrctt , near Irene
No IBS' Tno lots on Can. near 21st street
( Kilt edge ) . W.OOj.
.No IhO , Lot on 1'ler near Beward , | M.
* "N'o 170Lofon Pacific street '
, , near 14th'tnak ;
Kolb3,1-ull block on 25th itrreet , nem race
louw , ai.d three lots In Cl.e addition , tear
eaund is and Caamus utreeta , fc,000. !
No 127. i ot on Ibtn otreet , near hlje ead
"HOT 0) 9525 >
No 12. , 123x132 leet (2 ( lots , on 16th street ,
near 1'oupUtonV J1.600.
NonO.Tl.lrlyhill . acre lots in M lard & Cai.
dwell additions on Sherman aveuue , "prin/ and
saMtiga streak , near the end of men tre t
car track , tf to 11,800 each
NubO , ot on Chlrag near t'd tieot
Jl.bOO '
Ko83 , LotonCaldweUstrtet , near Saunderj ,
I on
( wit ou 1'idtic , near bth s'riwt
NOW ) , Ightten lots nn 21 at tM , 231 and utrcots , near Grace aud 'Stundtrj str * t
bridnv , , V > n , h
No , One fourth block ( ItsOxlSS fo ) , nt
theOouniLt of foor CUire , ou lUoitltoi '
u i he tnd of the red elrttt car track ,
lotu ana ijoujjiau Streeta.
Are aokiiowlfidgcd lo be the
best by all who have put them
to a practical test.
Piercy & Bradford ,
. M. ,
ISnooonsor to D. T. Mnnnt * )
ilanuJicturor find Dealer In
Saddles , Harness , Whips ,
Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods
The Best in The World. "
Order ) collclled. OMAHA. JfEB
mo ly
& U * & $ JL U
makes a specialty of
Collars & Cuffs ,
Three Cents Each.
Work solicited from all over the country.
The charges and return postage must ac
company the pickle. Special rates to
large clubs or ogencien.
24-tfmB WILKINS fc EVAN3.
Every Corset \varrantcdBatla- -
lactorr to Ita wearer In every way ,
or the money will be refunded by
the person from whom it was bought.
The only Conrt pronounced by our leaillnsr phyilctans
not Injurious to the wearer , andrndorMxlbv Ifcdlen a *
the "mostcomfortable and perfect fitting Comet ever
PniCES , by Mall , I > o taco PB ! < ! I
Ilealth Pn.trtlne , * | , CO. Hrlf-AdJuttlne , 1.BO
Abdonilnul ( extrnhruty ) $8.00. Nurilnn , tl.CO
llrullh 1'rcirrvliiB ( flue roulll ) $2.00. 1'arucoa
Bklrt.Hupparllnc , l.5 ( ) .
For ale l < y Irudlnn llfUll llmleri cnr :
cuio.vao coitbKX co. , c-hicut-o ,
nl2c d&coy
1109 and 1111 Podge Streat ,
aug7-meCin OMAHA' , NEB.
'By a thor uJi kno lo B8 cf ue na'ur , I lt s
Khlch ioi rii the operativs of Ue ti , n and
ru rltion. a-d b > rt'ul \
c spull an „ ot tha
One .rrp rus of el loc"d O to. , Mr
Jni In. p m ded . ur trei f ta 1 s " | th
del c t I ) II .t m h ie a.-o li.c . .
in.n/bMtv 'octor.'uiU ' It I b > ih JuMil ui
aw f w.h attic a of diet Uut a e .iwt . tuion
maj ba gr d u b ih ua uu'll Mnu
to r sl r r t.ndw.cvt . UUaw
atmo O
iouuon ,