IROTIEC & JOZCsTElS Wholesale L u m b e r , No , 1408 ParnliaiD Stet , inaha , Neb , VffT'JT'S'iOi'H' TlTSff l & ? TTO ff * & TPfc fTk TWini fTX WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the BeRt Brands of mm m iwwmwm TOBACCO , { Routs to rawooi ) BAfti ma LiFua & RAM FDW'DER to. AKD HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , , , . BKA&S ' DION nrrixoa t'iPK , VAcnutRKY luarisn noar. & AA' PAdu..G , AT V'JtOLESiAt.U AMD HBTAIU HALLADAY WIMD-MILLS CHURCH'AHDSCHOOL 'BELLS Cor. Faruam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that is supplied with complete machinor } for Laundry work. Send your orders hv mail or ox Dross. GOTTHE1MEU , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Fnrnham Street. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALKrt K Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha "Web. STOVE Manufactured by They make a tpcclaltv of COOKING STOVES , nnil hnvo this : e r nlveJ in the ni tko' niof thoMOiTKCONOM.C AM ) MOST HAI1SKAUTOHY STOVKSctcr made. They mnko boU- Plain ami extension top , and guarantee all tbclr tfooilu. The aguata lor tlio company are. PIERCY a BRADFORD , DKALl'.HS IK Furnaces.Fireplac8sHeaters I * g f GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Ktc. PARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB -DEALERS iALL'S SAFE AMD LOCK CO , Fire and Burglar Pr ) > o 1020 Farnham Street , - - - 33OES3SS. W y WHOLESALE- On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , SKTEITS ADOVVN THH HUEKFANO. A NOVKL AllVI NTUKK. Wo wro camped on the Iluorfnno river , no r the site of tlio now fnmoiH I'ocahouUs silver inino , which was then an unknown trensure linuso. Our party numbered ten , all told , includinu my brother Albert , nu ex pert naturalist and geologist , us well as several other gentlemen of like nt tftinmt'iits , who wore devoting their time to tin' study of the great canyons and gmnt domes of Colorado , Alj brutiior wns a delicate-looking fellow , who loved nothing half so well us the study of rocks , while I , exult ing in ( lush mid nuncio , and consider ably joun er , looked more of a man thttn he. No unusual oxctto.ncnt had div ttub d our progress , saving _ an occa Bional bear chasu , or u spirited fi < hl Kith a mountiiin cat.Vo had been remarkably fortunate in not rnnnim ' , across hostile Indian * , nnd with lees than usiul caution , then fore , wo were on our way onst , Thi ) wmtur Mas well advanced , and the ground covered with a fall of EIIOW , on which there wan a aoliJ crust Albert und I atartid out in the the morning , he to examine a canyon sonic two or three milea up the river , while I , with my rille , proposed to shoot any kind of game which came iu my wuy. mile out nf camp we sep arated , I taking Toby Trickott , u half grown lad , with me. Toby was full of odd kind of fun , winch often ninde the way u merry one. Ho was also a confirmed tobacco chewer , the quanti ties of which he lined was something marvelous. ' Wo traveled n , long way without meeting any food for powder. "Jurico and JowBliarps1 ! exclaimed Toby , as he londqt his mouth with a stock of blackleg , "ef thia yero ain't disgUBtin. " We huin't noon nothin' to bluzo at. I heveu't hud a chaticn to drar a bead on it bumblo-buzzor. Let's "it , to c.tmp , for I any , shoot this here hantin' business. " "I don't fancy going back to camp without either fur or feather , " I re plied. "If you take back your own hair , young men , you may bo glad , " inter rupted a new voice. I turned to glance at the speaker , who advanced tocvarda us from the thicket. He was certainly the hand somest being I ever saw in the shape of scout or woodsman. Fully six feet tall , of elegant shape , an open , frank countenance , and cltuterini ; locks of a warm ricn brown , he ooemcd to bi the very incarnation of inunly beauty. Ilia driiSB , too , was noticeable from its tine material und adornments Ilia jacket was of a dark blue , buttoned closely over his breaat , with a triple ) row of silver buttons. Fringed panta loons of buckskin encased his limbs , and a sush of bright scarlet , in which wore both pistol and hunting-knife Upon his head u sombrero HUB placed , and in his hand was n rille , evidently one of the beat , "Why , what's oiii' gen ? " asked To'iy ' , 1 hem } : rather startled by the unexpected advent of the Bcout. 'Is the blar.iii' blood-drinkers scootin' 'bout these diggin'h ? ' Tlio otrunger turned upon Toby a glance of sttruness , und then said to mo. "Thore'fl a band of Sioux in thU valley. They have just captured a white man , up the canyon , and sent him back to their camp for torture. " "What was ho like ? " I eagerly aaki'd ; while Toby demanded : "Was ho sijckdolergiflt , nosoing mong rocks ? " "Yes ; he was pounding one of the rocks with bin hammer when the aavuuou stole upon him. " 'It in Albeit my brother" " I must go to his rescue at once' " "I'm gum' to make a bee-lino home , you bet ! " whimpered the fear ful Toby. "Yes , and bo captured , too , with the trail you leave " "I ain't irmhin' no trail. " The Boout pointed some tods awa > to n dark atitni on the snow , produced by one of Tub'a expectorations. "You - ' ' " aajtlieru'a Injuns about' tremulously naked Toby. Ho received u uravo , confirmatory nod from the ucout ; and Toby , kick ing oil' pare of the snow-crust where he was otandmg , discharged bin mouthful of tobacco , and then earn- fully replaced the curuat , with an ex cJumittion of satisfaction , "Where are you going1' ? anki'd the scant , au Toby started oil'at a brisk pice. pice."Jericho and jow/ihnrp11 / I ain't got no notion o' furnislnn' oinyminta for un If jun belt no I'll scoot for camp , " "Then ecoot ! " shouted the scoutun- grily , bestowing a hearty kick. ' ' .ScoOv , then , you coward ! " It was apparent that Toby waa diu poaud tu obey the admonition "to cc'jot , " no impressively emphasized , und in a few momenta wo were lelt alone. "Now , " ( mid the Brout , who it was plainly to be neon was a man of more 'hun ' ordinary intelligence , "yon and 1 are going to take your brother and olidu right out of their civmp " Accordingly we took up our march toward tin Indian camp , where he in formed me my brother had been sent by the wurnorn. "You see , " ho concluded , "thoro cannot be more than three or four In dions about , and the ) me the least ex por'oncud of the bai d. The braves are on the war path and will not re turn until evening. If we are to res cue him , it must be now , " After a long and fatiguing climb , we stood on the top of one of the minor ridges cf the mountains. Tow. tiring around us on every side wrro the till cliff. ) of the mountains , mnjestm puuka standing out clear and bold in the tilting winter atmosphere lielow us luy the dark thread of the Huurfano river , locked in the icy em brace of u Coloiado winter. Li aiding down to the brink from where wo s'ood wad a sheer deeceut , entirely unbroken by true or bowlder We wore looking upon ono of ihouu IMJH urious phenomena known as a "weird , " which nature 1ms c'onrud ' cither by fire or tornado. Tna dhoot v/as about sixty fuel wide , and , 'Kith the txciplion of u few jx ged rocks , .iffirded a clear roadway from top to b'lit'jm. ' It was now cov ered with a glistening bed of frtzen snow , utterly impaaahlo to mat ; or even the sure footed deur , It waa no time , however , tu study Una ice-elide , when uiy dearly lovud j brother was A cnptivo in the hands of rtinor.iolesa red dcmonn. We wcru within A Taw rods of the camp , and thither fro cnutiously di rected our way through a thicket of scrub oak. ' Ah , " whispered tlio scout to mo , as he pointed to nn article standing against a tree known iu a "tobogKtin , " "tho rod lii'tids hate been enjoying slcighridt * , I eee ! " Still more Mlintly wo moved to ward the camp until no caught sight of Albert standing bound to an im mense tree , just in front of us. Around the lire a considerable dis tance beyond the prisoner wore the bucks , luKily reclining on their blan kets watching several squaws prepar ing a meal , I'he scout motioned mo to remain hero I was , while ho began to creep toward Albert. This hu succeeded m doing , under the cover of the scrub oak which fringtd the whole camp. Never in my life did 1 cpotid such an interiniiiublo live minutes. My 0)0 was fixed upon the aavagis , and my ritb at full-cock , ready to fire should an alarm bo given , It Bco'.ncd to mo that the scout muit have easily tr.uorsed the dig I unco half n dozen times. So long was it , in fact , that I IK-gnu to fear some accident had befallen him. I turned my eyes to eee what was c.iBMotiing the deky. To my aimt/j- ment Albert was no longer bound. At that instant , my heart leaped into my ttiroat as 1 heard the s.ivage yell wineti announced the discovery of the loxn of their prisoner. The scout and my brother were at my side. Horror thrilled our bosoms as wo heard other shouts and louder ones , which rang and ram' agniu through the snow-clad fastneses. We turned to sou the moaning of thin increase of Bound "Merciful heavens' ' The whole bund have come buck ! " exclaimed my brother. "Wo nro lostl" shouted I , in n frenzy of excitement , a' I SAW the sav ages entering the other Dido of the vil lage , and , led by the surprised watch era , started in pursuit. It hud been possible to escipo from frjui three or four ordinary braves , but to evade n hundred or more of the best and most experienced red woods men , that was impossible I "Wo are lost ! " therefore I again said. said."Not "Not so , " responded the ncout. "Wo have one chance in a hundred. I'll tuku that chance ! " o bayinir , ho darted aside from the tiail and seized the toboggan. "To the shout ! to the shoot' ' " ho exclaimed. Meanwhile the bullets were clipping t no branches about us on either side , and the uir was cleft with bloodcurdling ling yells such yells an only isjuo from demon throats. They weie gaining rnpidly upon tin , one hideous stalwart copecially imar , while but a Bhnrt space behind were three or four others. It waa doubtful if wo could gain the shoot in time , but , straining every nerve , v > o readied it , with the tore- most Indian n < t far distant. Luckily for us , he had discharged his rill i otrly in the chusc , und must depend upon his knife or clubbed wea pon. pon.As the scout throw down the tobag gan hu shouted : ' 'Oivu that head chap a dose !'t waste your metal , else it will go hard with UB ! " He had placed his rilein ( , the hands of Albert , and was arranging the to- biggan which , I must explain , is n Hniooth board , about eight feet loin : , with the end turned up in front like the dashboard of a sleigh. This IB held in position by thong * and postH sot in the boaid , A toboggan of tliia length niirdii \ a seat for four people , Ordinarily , not ono of 113 would hare thouuht of using tlio nhoot , for fo descend that fearful declivity seem ed curtain death. No\7 , the thought of the wan not BO appullmg , with the alternative ) ef cruel torture and ignotninous death behind ue. I stood a Becund only with my riflu p'lixcd. My niUBclb grew tense with thought that 1 must kill. 1 pressed my hand on the trigger , the hammer fell. fell.But But there was no report ! The chief rushed upon mo with hi ) gloaming knife brandished above. In second more , the glittering steul dropped from his hand , and with a groan ho tell to the ground. Albert had performed lie work in which I had tailed. lint n few feet behind the gory body were two savages to take his place , "Got on ! get on ! " exclaimed the scout , us ho set the example. In second we were seated on the crufr , and it begin to move gently for ward. The two braves wore at the brink , and ono had bin hand upon my shonl- uer. uer.The quick wrench 1 gave procpitnt- ed the toboggan forward , and wo be gan to move faster. A couple of shots rung through the startled air , one of thi'in striking the rear end of the now swiftly moving sled. We d rod not to look behind , but wo heard the cries of the foiled BIIV- tgoa , aa all-breathless they gathered at the brink and hurled volleys of bulls and yells of rage after in , The speed with which wo were do- < cending the m mnUin aide was mo mentarily increasing. The toboggan , nith its fUesy ; sur face , waa flying over the icy path. The fort-at trees on either aide ap peared to be runluiiL' Madly upward , wliilu we seemed to stand ntiil. So rapid WUB our ( light that thu heavy garments wu wore were like sleeves through which rid hot needles were thrust into our cold flesh , On and on , faster and faster , like thu whirlwind , like the mountain tor nado , we upoii Jiphind the snort iim iron-horeu we had never gone BO fast. It was with difliculty wo could breathe. The circulation of our blood ceaseil , and our hearts throbbed like the pulsations of a steam engine. The pace was tbrrilio it WBS mad- doianir. When we could think wo pictured ourselves dashed agaimit thu rock , our mangled bodies tossing down upon the black depths below. About two-third * of the way down was a jugged rock , against which our frail bark waa wildily speeding. The throbbing in my heart stood still , I closed my oy < a in terror , but the horrible rible fa ciimion cf that certain death waa upon me. I did not dare to keep them closed. Just before wo reached the rock the scout struck the snowy crust with the butt of his rillo , nnd the toboggan swerved safely around the obstacle. The impetus of our motion tore the weapon out of hia grn p , and it went spinning tfonn the incline. At lost we had reached the foot of the descent , and wore gliding , at a greatly reduced speed , upon fho frozen surface of the llticrfano. Wo were safe ! Oftimes I lie nwako at night , hear ing the whistle of the winter's wind , but its shrilling blixit seems as a whisper compared with the wild shrieking which sounded in my oars as I rode down the "shoot" on the Ilucrfano rivor. Buuklm'u Arnica. Wnlvo. Tlio HERT HALVK In the irntld for Outc , Undue * , Sorcn , Ulcer * , nlt Kliomii , Fe ver Sorp , Totter , Chnptird llniuls , Chll blnln * , Conn , nml all skin cruptionis Mid positively cure * > ile < . It I * cununifcd to clvo ffltlef.ictfon or money refunded * 1'rlco , 25 coiiti per IIOT Vor unto hy kO DOCTOR WHIT TIER , 017 St. OhnrlpR St. , ST LOUIS. Bio A HKflULAU OltMU'ATi : ot t o nmllcul roll'ircr.hwbivn la get iiKgwril In tlio t < at ment ot t'UHO.MU , NhUVol'-i , SKIS AND BLOOD Hi-fast" than nix other in Mc.hti In St. LiiiUimclty p pcra rhow oiul ull old rwllcnt know O'.ii Dilation a odlct * < .r liy m ll tteo nnd linlliil. A ( rlrmty Inlk or hli opinion oo t * na.hlti ) ; . Wlirn It U Im-omuilcnt to xlstll.o i'lttor troitmcnt , tunl tints van tin eenl li } nnll or cxpr. c\otj\vlu'tr. CiiMlilo iO9oaiii\r.tiilcoJ ! ; UIUTO doubt cxlttIt la frank- y etatid Oil or t t . Norymn jirostrntlmi , Dnbllltv , Mental nnd I'hjnlcnlVcnkiH'B < , Mi'rcurinl nnd ntjieriiH'ecltiino of Tlinint , Skin uuiljiniic * , LtliiiHl Iinpuritli's nnd Itlo it ! ' liiiiiiiK. . SI-tn A Unction * . Oil"Sorf.s TniT Ulccru , liiUMiilliiiontu tu M > trriuu. KliiMinmiiMii , i'ilen HiecUl | mtuntlnii tu CIIHOII fritm ver.wnrkod brain riUlK J1OAI , CASJiS _ itltontlnn. UUcnhO < i > rl lnf ; from Iinpru Ifiice , or Kxptwureg. ngV2ditwly ! DlicMu Is an f fled , not n caunp. HH origin la within ; Ha manlfCHtAtlonssllliont Iknco , to euro the iliftoaiio the CAL'snmuat lin rcmouil , unil In nn other unvcan ft euro o cr > o rfTuotwl HO raS&SlK .rtUibllulioj on Jilit thin | ) ilncl | > lu. It ruilUiailmt 95 Per Cent. of all illsi'ftBcs arUo from ikran wl klJnoji nn l\or , nriUlt iitrlkmnt nnn < ot the root nf the IHlcully. Tlio ilvimi'itK ol uhUhlt IB coinpouwl ct illrcctlyiipon htse Ktcst nr nnn , liotn on a ODD ai tl IIPJIIUHRII , anil , liy placli ' Iliciu In a tealthy , cnnilltlcn , dilvo tluui'u anu palu from Iho nyi-tun. Kor the Inntimoralilo truuh'cn ranstd liy un healthy Hlilneji , Mvirnml Urlim ) Orirann ; ( or the dittrosalnx Uleoriltrsot Women ; lor Malaria , and physical ilcrnr/gtracnU / ( 'cnt'raliy , this ( { rcat rem-dyliai no equal , llttraro ol lmiotorii | , Im- lUtlonn anil foncoctlnnsfild tn ho jiint na iooJ. KorlUlictc , iu for-WAKNtR'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. Tor > l < i ! > > ' all ikaluru. H. II. V/AKNKU & CO. , inu Itoolicxtor N. 'X. oilv. Atiun- falling tuia for Hui.inM CR TARIitQ. tJol-Ahn ( o an LcmolHccinr/ , I ln ti tudc , Vain In the Hark , l > u > noc V i m , i'i maturoOII Ape , ami u.ihi .j''mr vj. th i load tn Ink ulty or Cui nu | li'.n u I'luuu tuiodrno. W'l'nll | urtlcnlat ยง In ojt j.nrir < lilct , whlcb ue ilixlro ( o onJ free tvmall to urtryono /aTThu UvclU | i liodlclne U oM li ) r.ll druirelnti at PI per padUKu , or lj patk ( lor (6 , or ulll ho Hunt lite by mall on rvc lj > t nt the ruonuy , by addrunlnir TIlKaKAY IKDIUINKCO. , uun io. N. y. SHOBTJ.IKE. 880 , KA1 SAB CITY , 3t Joe & Council Bluffs U IUI OBLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AMU TJIK EAST From Omaha und the Weut , & IrUuj loivt D li U. Depot , Oinubi : , otm Lttntco Oc-jl.i toaai. J-cr I , bet finu tittrtun O1IAI/A lisa . Daily PassengorTraino IIUOUIIIU tUi C/Lt'TKKN ' AMD WKHTKltN C HCft vrhh LZbl OUAT.QE3 tnd IN ADVAtOK of Ufr OT1IEH LINKS Dllie llr.o In oqulppdd wllb Dlloitu 1'ilico RiMtiiuK Ciii , 1'tlico L > y Och a , Ull cr Satotr fUtlurm aa'l Ooupl r , and the ceiobr UJ Wojtlnjfnoueo Alr-brtkt. MTUea that too ticket ludi VIA nAKHAE OITV , UT. JOSRl'II It COUNCIL ULUn-Jila road , via St. Joseph and HI. LouU. Ticket ) for uU at all coupon tUtlonclotbi Weil. J. r , IIAKtlAKU , O. DATTE3 , Oec. Burl. , 8t. Joocpb , Ue I'.Olo FAN. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joaopb , ilo , , i , { Ax&I lioiLDU , Ticket Avuit. IWfl raroham itnot. W. i \ \ . \ \ V H. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Coiuuiissifla and f liolesalo Fruits , 1111 FARNHA.M STREET. CONSIONMKNTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLIOITKU ] Agents for Peek & Baushors Lard , autl Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA , NEB REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL HANK , STKKLR JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLK MAUli fc CO. EID & OO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware 'House 1108 AND IHO HARNEY STREET. OMAHA - - - - NEB. O- DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass. ' MT Anyone contemplating tmlliilni ? Btorr.lianV. or any other ( Inn will flnJ It to their aJ vantage to corrta otnl ltli usln'toro purchaatng tnclr I'Modhtn. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA [ NEB. BOOlv-KKEPINO. UUS1NESS FORMS , BANKING , COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP. POLITICAL ECONOMY' , COMMERCIAL AlUTHMEFIO , ENGLISH LANGUAGES , Tnught by gontlcinonof luiainc.ia oxporiotico nnd bronil rcholixrahip nt the ERGIAL COLLEGE. A now institution basm ! on thu highoat Btandnrcl of oxcidloncu. Day nnd nnd evening acoaiona nro now in successful onoratiun. V circulars urvpcctnl Iiiformntloiiniiiily to orndilroRi _ A. L. WYMAN. PULLEY ! E. M. MAXWELL FREMONT NEB. . . , , . , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR. THIS STATE. Tlio following ndvnnlngoi nro rlatmeil fnr this 1'nlly : IT IH HTIIONOKII ami more ilur.iblo , iiwluic 1. To llio nbconco of nhrlnkuru ; ntrnliH. 2. To the Incioisoil iniiii- Iior of urrrn II. To tlio fact llmltlm rim tn tniioli tniiiior tlmn tli ut < t rim. IT in innicn H.M.ANPI : ! ) . IT is smell IKIIITI-II. IT HWHH i-Ki.TiMn. IT m uiiKAi'Kr. . Tlierci i < no liantji mf lirraltonu In liiiiulliiu wlicn t.hiinl | | IOOKOVhi > n nlilp.-d | Kxmo they a OKOIICI illv ( iccoplriNu tlilul-clncH frnht ! | ; initiml of tirnt-clinH , anil iix tliq welt-lit h onlv otu'-liHll of cist 1'ulloyn tlm fi 'i ht.iHtlll | further million I , Wit HU.MIANTK TIIIC.M to porfiinn iaUf ( .rtorily any wjrk ; fnnu tlio li lilOHt to the lioavluat. HIM IT l'i i tiY8 : friun 11 ! to 48 fncliis illiunulcr only. I'lilliyn of wiilei f.iro than UUii'Ji are . ) r.viiloil with two twin nrmi wilhoiit ustrn charijn. charijn.Vo Busily t.icli 1'ulloy with two cnUncrowH withinit extra charno. OUR CLAIMS. What \M > clMm for our I'ATCNT HOT rouniiu > iSiiAvnNO let Int. Tlmt it li rotiml und Htr.tlRlit , 'M. It can Im ncouraliily rollud to any 'Icalroil Knutfo. lid , 'I'liat iU Miifnoo btiinir coinniibcd of nmKiiotia nxlilA of frnn obvlatm any nn- duo tcnilcncy l.n nnt or trirnl'ili , wtiilo It at tha i.iiiio tlmo given ono of thu l wt or lienritif ; nurfncon ever dhcuvurod. Illi , That it will not wnrp or Hirlni ] ; ! p key Boatiti ) ; . Mil. That It IK niailo of the very Ijtut if rcfinoil Htock. /Wl'or ftnthcr jmrtiuiilarn , jirlvo list ami dincoimlH , ncml to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry nnd Maaliinn Shnn. Frnmorit N PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING. Is only < tttainud by umn JJtovos and Ranges. WITH GAUZE OVBR DOORS , For isalo by MILTOK ROGERS & 83MS A. M. CLARK , Painter&PaperHanger SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL W SLL PAPER ! Window Shades' ' and Curtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , ( Mis & Knislios. 107 South 114th htrcot. OMAHA , NEIJRASK'A. io BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , 7.zi7X xaacx Etra : Repairing Done in all Branches , 419 S. TIIIUTKKSTH OMAIIA , NKII. STltEET ,