Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Malting Love In the Choir.
She sat on the steps of the organ loft
Just after the occond hymn ;
And through nave and choir to the cool
gray fplre
The pound rose faint and dim.
An they fettled thempches in the church
Kor the oermon that followed next ,
And I seated myrelf at the alto's side
As the parson took his text ,
t marked the lender flush of her check ,
And the gleam of her colden hair ,
The ebnwy ketchlef 'round her neck ,
And her throit nit white nnd bate ;
A throat PO white that indeed It might
An anchorite entice.
And 1 faintly heard the parsDnV word
Ac ho preached of Paradise ,
My arm stole gently around her waist
Until our fingers met ;
At d n fitting hlu h ma 'o the tender flush
Of her cheek grow deeper yet.
ttnowy and fair the hand beneath ,
And brown the palm above ,
And the brown eloped softly over the while
AB the parson spoke of love.
Ah , who is wire , when deep blue eyes
Meet his and look coyly down !
Who would but drink , nor care to think
Of cnvyV jealous frown *
TWM but to bend till 1 felt her breath
Grow warm on my check , nnd then
My lips just softly touched her own
As the parson said Amen.
T&O Lntoat from the Bout of Wnr.
I am dytnir , Kgypt , dying , or at least 1
ought to lie ;
I wish our biggest pyramid would settle
down on me ;
I'm nil broken up , indeed I am ; this busi
ness doesn't pay.
And now I'm off ; I'm going West.
Yours ,
AllAUI , cx-15cy.
Fall Is iloro.
When langorous ( manner Is upon Iho laud ,
I ornament the corner Hand ;
A thing of beauty , yet n brief lived joy ,
I gather in the Ifttlo boy.
The Qroon Poach.
Boon the straw hat nnd the duslor ,
And the low rboe nnd white vest ,
And Ihe fundl'li eircus jester ,
Will bo laid away to rent ;
ijodn the m bby youth will skirmish
For a warmer Milt of clothrtn
Ho will have to bluff and blandish
On account of what he ones.
Tlio School Boy.
Wo bought him n box for Ills books and
toys ,
And a cricket bag for hi * bat ;
And he looked thn brightest Mid best of
Under his now straw hat.
Wo handed him Into thu railway train
With n troop of Ills young compeers
And wo made as though It were dust and
Were filling our eyes with tears ,
Wo looked in his innocent face to see
The sign of n sorrowful heart ;
lint ho only shouldered his bat with glee
And wondorcd when they would start ,
'Twnn not that ho loved not as heretofore ,
For tlio hey wan tender and kind ;
dut ! his wns n world that wns nil before ,
And ours waa n world behind.
'Twita rot bin fluttering heart was cold ,
For the child was loyal and trim ;
And the parents love the love that is old ,
And the children thu love that is new.
And wo came to know that Inva Is u flower
Which only growcth down ;
And wo hcnrcely tpoko for tha space of an
AB wo drove bae-k through the town.
Learn to Wallc Alono.
This world'n a riddle hard to nolvo ,
A puzzle hard to read ;
And they who find Lite's path all bright
Are precious few indeed.
Vet don't despair though Fortune frowr ,
Nor murmur t your fatn ,
Your im in life by earnest toil *
You'll Hiiro win noon or lute ,
lint walk upon } our own ft ft , friend.
Nor trust to o hem' rtrruitli
To carry or to pull you up
Life's hill of vMary length ,
If o'er you liopo to "mako your nutk , "
Or hit your worth 1 ti known ,
Take all the prnpx from under you ,
And learn to vrullc idona.
Mm ! who depend on borroxud gold
Tit brighten up ynur name ,
And plead you muni maku Mich display
Your future wealth to gain ,
liflwaie ! " 1'ay us y u go is best.
Debt Is uti lutly foe.
You cannot tell what n ur the hand
Will utrlko fat I blow.
HOIIH ! ntand without your father * ' aid ;
Upon ynunelvea rely.
Kldi fruitage iu the future Her ;
You'll win it if you try.
Know that the "solid man" Is ho
( In high or humblu home )
Vho has no props to liun upon ,
Itut walks along alone.
Ifllif JJ. Akcrttraiii.
Embroidery of ehenlllo and Kensington
ullka U on the new fa t hati ,
Old green with brown or with red forms
a fashion iblo contract of colom.
White Danish kid gloves of exaggerated
length uru woiu by bridcmuldd.
. Old green , old Sevres blue , and old rouge
are among the new shaded for autunm
Singular that a nlrl who v cam handsome
hoiio cun never yet ouUif a hainiiiockwith
out H tumble.
India cashmere and camel'j hairjwlll re
main in favnr notwithstanding the revival
of the rcfiped woolen ( foods.
Women ar neveV BO culor-bllud that
they cuu't tee the make-up of u nt-vv bon
net pan ln uloii | { IKty feet uvray.
( lathered mull mm botntta with buna of
ribbon on the down are worn iu the cuiin-
try by luilioi uml uliiulren alike ,
1'olmuhei are rev vixl fur early autumn
\ \ wrar , an > i art nm < ' 8 with punier * or with ,
out us the vvearei'ii figure may rtiiuite.
A white Bca-uull U n atylinh ornaineiit
for tiiinmim ; tlio taiga now felt haU that
have brims of the most I'luiit't'nvttd ulze.
Sadlo We t , of Iowa , ban recovered $150
dainjvoi ) ( uiiuii who paid ten ceuU to
kl In rut u churih fjir uud vciatched her
Amazon u'ntli ' und Ifennett * cloth that
ii heavily Iwillulnre the two woollen ttutfii
thlit will be mon uicd for next
liuckles of old illver are biiing used to
trlmoverdroiw8 und ulippeu , Ttiev are
plaued In tha vtrap * of bows uf satin or
The Urt > e detached flowers uted on sum
mer vatiiiH are repealed ou the durk calicoen
and low pilcc-d wool good * for everyday
winter drsaro * .
lluch of what is called ficelle lace la
ineicly white Boanlth l.ce colored in the
lUxKrayaud tciu nlmilei that are called
ficelle colors.
Durk all wool cheviots iii tine heather
mlxtuien , bright but viry fine iucombint-
Uui > , ure mllliif in Iur6o cuauUlle | for
fatiyud cuitiinie * .
Feather turban * cud strivw haU , with
velvet crowju , norti with clmint or cash-
inert ) bull * , ura kdmlrably adapted for the
cool dayu of fall
Btotkinfiiet rr wool vveblliiL- , for tnak-
tag Jeirey j tket , It iiupjittd In dark old
Krecn , ruby and vtruwberry itdt , uml in
blue uud eal bruwu.
Chiteta velvet * , with ficure * Iu b ld
relief , tu made lulo drtsi ukirU to wear
with velvet polotiaiie * . Simuishlace , pas
' 'e , md theuille friuso trim the
ii.a ii
.a .
ivetdrcffl , ImtUionklrt is rich enouRii to
dlnit use with ; * , nnd even Die
narrow biil ytu > e lifilih v. Ill lie unneces
sary.A \Vet Kn 1 tnan ( Wft hN wife 8' | for ft
hca'th ' | ) | iiftnco. ! Khe Imuglit n plume tor
btr hat. Ho thinks the "leather cure"
otikht to be ndiertised.
Silk mlttn for autumn iiro "aolld , " that
i > , tlicy linvo no hco figures ai bordcra on
the lund And nrm. They are niott stylUh
in black nnd l rk red sl.k.
Wnllcati overd CMC * nro in ( treat favor
with jnuni ? ladies. Thi * large fold at the
Imk , which i the princi.iKl failure of the
ilroM , is caught up below the waist to form
At ttrcrcnt the prcfcrcnco h for plain
Koudi for new druue ; , but there Hill be
ninny conMna'lnn ' dreinei that will bo
partly in ado of striped goods or of large
figured faVirlcd ,
Tha New York Graphic nays that it Ii
the prrsent alir of fiiMiionahlo women to
make tliclr Rhouldf rn m high r < nd tqnaro
M po-tililo. ( Jullnc style. Turrets on
each whiff.
Short round bnrqnei nro becoming fn-h-
{ unable , initvad of the long cuira.ifcca that
turn up ut the i < lgf n win n the wearer it
slttins. Tlieso ar in Kiuatc battlerm-ntR ,
or in leaf polntn or f lender curves , and the
cduts are lioavily cnrxlcil ,
Military fttjlcn aio in voffiio. imcli as
brnldint ; in crniuiwny rows on jackets , ntid
there nro military collaru of white linen
worn Muli around the nock , nnd fastened
by n riw' nnd ball that ii jiained through
the button holea on each fiuoot the front
II ytm ha-o n fight with it follow about a
girl make It a point to get walloped nnd
badly hint. ( jlrls nro djinpatlirtiu crcn-
ttutii arid ( lie n bound to pity you nud
think the other fclluw n horrid brute.
Homer villo Journal ,
In Kugl.inU tlicro has been formed n BO-
ciety ut jounf * men whose object is the
proven ion ot disfigurement , of the female
form by utayo and fashionable uttlre.
Thnio follows had better i > < > slow. They
may goi themselves in tro'ililo if they try
to taku the curectn off n girl.
A brown toilette cream hns been In
vented to put on fate * . It glvei a run *
bun.t elfect , and makcg joung men think
the nwiiirn have been to the seaside. T o
urtlntH have not yet achieved artificial
freckles on the HOBO , Now Orleans 1'ica-
A city belle at Newport won a wager
that din could milk n cow the flntt time
trying. Perhaps the cow was too conslil-
erato to dinappoiut n lady. If a man had
tried it , he'd have got a belt in the ] w
from her hard old tail that would Imvo
loosened four tooth tor him.
She said fhe wanted a ticket to Wyandotte -
dotto and return , and the pale , gentlemanly
apent , with the iiluclc moustache , a k < d as
ho took up the pasU-hoards , "Hitigli1
"It ain't any of jour hu'ina B as I know , "
HIO n i ponded tartly. "I might have been
married n dozen of times if I'd a felt like
prnvldm'for HOIIIO po , r , uliiftlcm wrick
of n.ntil" JIo doesn't ask ladies if they
want "single" tickets any more. He's
afraid to.
A young farmer who had 1 een reading a
bonk vhioli stated that "woaiau la the
Sunday of man , " thought he would coin-
tillinerit and ploaao his wife by shouting to
her ono morning : "Daisy , you are my
Sunday ! Daisy glared ut him us though
cho Imagined lin was daft , nnd then quietly
said : "Uan , I may lo your Sunilav , but
I'm not going to give v u any rest until
you buy mo a Ixiinet that's fit to wear to
church " Dan now keeps his quotations f o
himself , but lie was compelled to vet the
hcad-giar ,
A lease for ! D9 yoirs nowadays is re-
dardttt JH equivalent to n fide , but mcli a
lease haw junt expiiod in Kugland , and the
prupoity has icvcrtcd t llio original
owner the Church of Knglaiid. It Is
tlmn legally decided that the Church of
Kngl nut bus had a corporate entity since
the time of Alfred the Great , and Unit it
did not , n < has been Mippoxed liy many ,
originate in tliotlmo _ of lleiirr VIII.
There number * of women who wou'd
would ho qulto comfortable if limy had not
email quairels with tliuir husbjuds. The
siunoth anil even tenor of every day exirt
cine In broken into a pictunu-qiio variety
liythmo | mn ao . Jlmhiml * ( especially
when now to tin ir happim-8 > ) are often
nuzzled to kniiw wlitt makes ihn niikel
cm * * , or to put it cxprebMy , "cantanker-
ou-i " Thay nsk the came , hut they nro
fenced off iin'til u chance rcuurs for tread-
hi ) ; on tin Ir eutiu , and tlion the tlilmly bo-
giim in real curnist.
A lady of this tllglnful complexion is
completely happy If she cun uind up with
i giwd pry. Tlia dear creature ditsolves
into teniH , und thu man fecU him elf at
DIKO iv bruin 'I'liN Is her rampage. There
in nothiiiK now for the 1 n-l and hut ab o-
Into kiiiianf clou and n full ncknuwle IK-
mint i f his t ting in the wrong A wom
an has lout her ground foruvei If a pocket-
haudken.hef ! appliid to her uooa faiU ,
Ini ! a Montaguo'd right nnmo It Liura
b. Keyror.
Annie I'lxlny' * now play by 1'rcd Man ) .
den in called Xara ,
The theatrlcul season has opened in Hos-
tou rather tamely.
It will cost ifl to hoar 1'att ! in Now
Yolk City next loaann.
Itlonditi , In cplto of hin 58 years of agoi
recently gave a tl ht-ropo performauco In
Mmu. Celstlnger will return to the stage
in Now V'ork at thu Germania theater
October 2.
Ilooth'a theater will bo reopened on Sat
urday evening. September 1C , with "Tlio
Koiimny Jy . "
Arthur Walhick iseoon to ha made a
purtmr with hi * fatlior in the manau'e-
nient ofV ullaok's theattr.
Itooth will hoijiii hla Oonnan tour
thU fall. > Ir. Uooth will 8iok | in Kn-
Kllih , and the company in German ,
MinsCl.un Man is will appear at the
Grand oj.tna III.IIHU on Nlondiiy ovoniiiL' ,
Sepu-mltr II , nnd will perfoim in " .Min ,
AIiUlinii"iii ) live nl hta imd ou Saturday
ultuinoon ,
Miie. Thpo , the new opera lioulfa from
IVrla , } i thu wife of 'I huiphilu Vaihier ,
thu wiilMinuwn I'uri.iuii tailor. She has
two child , on at kchool In J'Vju ' e , und in ZU
j ear J oil.
Salvi i is oxpectoil to urilve in Now
\orH nhoiit Ootuher IS and will l-cain
actinifln the Kifth avenua theutorou thu
! Xth ) of the tame month.
Thu Worcester fe t ! > ul tlilt year will lx.
Kin on Monday , the L'jtli lime. , und ion-
tiniiii thrush thu week Kor ! ! 5earn
lhe o mmloil gutherlugd h.ibroiiKht to-
Kuther the best choral soci tliu of Now
hnglHud ,
Kiitiny la rnport will begin nn ensage-
mnitutloolt , the.ter , Ii'.ndou ' . , Sfpt m-
I'lT V , In new May adapted from tlio
* ; rtiuch by .Iamt Jlojllnitr , Ute wlitor Of
the huiiiliii 1 it'
Mine. Mat rna wants only 550,000 de.
pnjlled H leeunty in Vleuua t.efore i > hu
nil coma to thli country. Of court * , ho
w not be allowed
to stay away for 10
trilling a lum ui that.
There will be 170 combinations ou there
ro d thUieuon. That U tha number that
will Mart , but it id a dilllcult'matter to tell
how many will return hefoio the fceason U
one-quarter o > tr.
Sign , r Dtl I'ncnte will sail for thU
nmntrv on the kteamor City of U.rliu ,
tfptiuher30 to unguge with Mme. Nile-
tou in tha concert to lie glv u under the
mamtycmeut of Mr , Abl > oy
Anmuu the Lett orjanlzxtlotu for con.
cerU iluiing t m coming ra on i * that of
which Ml , * Henrlttta IJeeba and Mn.e
CUttorton Uohrer nr the principals.
Them rt > ts will ) > ea 9l > U < by Atr Junta-
"nn , ci ) r ; Air , IVauko , Mr , Joiwi , ami
Jlr. t'hur ! - U. 1'ratt ,
LiutV nremtd rrpuUtlon U ss npIanUt ;
but hu ko ini , nccording to tl o following
frumn ( fit Ixu letter to tha I'hlludelphla
Jlulktlii , to have oomi ( erab'c ' Uleut at
kirfcor mid Uin-o aUo : hl.rt it alwiiMi
lunoundvil by women who cluti ; to him In
a manner that luggeat * the love-nick m Id-
ens. He thn manners of a very
vnung man Wwaid these devoted women ,
though in one reared ho enjovs the privi
lege of old age. Ho kl f > c < both hands and
rhe k whcnfter he takes the fancy.
Nearly fvery woman who R reels hlmhends
low over his hand and kl < > e it. There ISA
oeal more kt-nlng done hero tl an ono tees
In an America drawing loom , nearly nil
the German ladies klmlng th hands of
Wftxiier hnd Ijl ? t at greeting. ' '
The list of novelties announced for the
Iifil rip opera 1'OU e this i < > a > rin im lilies
Dirliiiz'a "lionvttmto Ccllnl , " IlelnthalprV
"Katluhen vrn Ilellbronn. " GllnkaV
"Kusflan uml I.ndmllla , " Scholz's "Vor-
iiohmo Wlrthe , " and Ituhlnstelu's "Mac-
cahtci. "
M , Vladmlr do I'achmann , whi e piano
playin has had r < > great an effect upon
Kngli ifh mitrlcal taste , Is tliirty-fo'ir ' yearn
old. Ills blrthpl ce is Odle ( s . lllsedu-
citloiiwas gslned In Vl i na Ho is an
exquisite interpreter i < f Chi , pin. Ills face
bears strong resemblance to the curly
portraits of liccclier.
Oft la the winter of our lives
Wo m tun tha spring's departed hours ,
And think what joy twould hu if ago
An well ns youth could find her flowers ;
lint much I doubt wein spring to give
Some of her blo'souis to Deceml er ,
That they would poem ni lair and sweet
As these wo lovingly remember ,
For violets blue and dairies unite
In frost anil c > 'd ' would MI rely ehtvcr ,
And purple ins fligi soon droop
If waving o'er nlrozon river ;
Ai d so 'tis better ns it is
For young heart ; ) only ro spring's pleas
ures ;
Wo old one * , faith , must bo content
To know that ouce we shared her treasure
ure- ,
Harper t
Vho pop-corn ball slays its victims ts
wnll as the musket ball ,
When an Arli enters n houvo he removei
his shoes. I'robablv he thinks thay will bo
a good deal tnfer ont-ido.
A young man in Go'hen ha * been entirely
cured of nervous proatrat.on by playing ou
n fiddle. The dleea o passed to the family
n xtdoor. .
It in n.iid tliata foup plenty seed enough
for n church festival cun bo tnailo from
watounelon seeds and aff jrdoJ for 10 cents
a dixli.
A Baltimore belle has married a police ,
man His bt at was In front of her home
for over yetr , and she noticed that ho
never snored.
An inveterate dice thrower in th's city
him had an attauk of malaria. This is the
fimt time ho has had to shako for some-
tiling ho dliln't want.
rio long as the north lies r.bout fish nnd
the south ab nit snakes the western man
whu lies about blforarda and cyclones must
bo the tall of the kito.
The man who b night the crock of butter
which took the prlzn at thu county fair lout
year U thu one vvuo is most anxious this
( all to buy of. the grocer.
A huckinan recently went into the i-urf
at Long Branch und encountered n huge
rharlc. Their eyes met fir an im > taut ,
when the shark bltuhett and swain out.
Mr. , Te s .Times' grave i < not coyored
uith gr.i-H or llowern. but it only a monad
of led cluy. Hut Mr. Jumes never was
art ! 1 to banks of vMots or green grabs.
He duvotcd himeelf to another kind alto
Th ro Is a lady at CuiiRreis Hall , Sara
toga , who ID daid tohavo 110 superb toilotn ,
but the papo giving this iuforuiation does
n .t Htatc iu what asylum her huaband is
"lla o you , " asked the judge of a re
cently convicted HMH , "anything to offer
t * o court before thu sentence is passed ! "
'No , your honor , " repllad the prisoner ,
"my lawyer took my Imtteut. "
Slid the Texas fiheriff , as ho was about
to spilug the trap : ' KICK and iqulrm as
iiiucli H n jon can , Iliere'n about four
thou-and puoplo prerenr , und wo want 'oin
to IIHVU alt thu fun poestiilo. "
"Yea nir , " Hiid tlio I/juisvillo man , "I
nrgned with Ingersoll tot four hours nnd
mailo him admnt that man could be in
hell. " Anil lliu LouldVtlle man didn't un
derstand why the listener' laughed ,
A fiei-h ailicla on "Card Ktiq .otte , " de-
scnbiiig nuw styles ami forma , doesn't In-
vuigh ngaintit bllpplng both bowers and the
rtco up the coat tileeve , r discovering n
mlsiitcal when > our opponout has a lone
ban i. It must h ivo been nn overnight.
IndtttiiupollH hat acquitted a mnn who
voted three tlmoii on ilfction day in the
ground of iiuiinity. Few sane men cure
to vote moro than ouce , as matteru etand
In thin country.
A Missouri book agent piled tics ncropa
thu rallroa I track , ran ahead and "ravou"
a passenger train , and tool 120 orders from
the grateful paimengors without u change
of countenance. .
No ono need feel no had about the Amer
ican r.mml dame. The mort p iiuar ! dain'e
iti Hungury U oiiu iu which mery man
lings two women at once , and Hungary is
uetting along right smart an n country
" 1 put a secret klst under the ( Kistngc.
stamp for my darling , " wrote a Cincinnati
man to hla girl. She rbftly removed the
htamp by eteitm , hut f und no kins , only
some remnants of pi "if tohucco and a
utroiiir odor of boer. They are not mar-
tied yet , and not lllely to he.
The Anieiicaii courul to Japan Bays
tint u Jap can Ilvo und gr > w fat on one-
sixth of tha provisions thought necessary
for an Amurlotn. Thid countiy will never
bo great until ltd corn ctibt und potato
pet ling * nro utilized outside of its boarding
llOUDO' .
Some one describe * a "patent spring bed
for married men " Uule'd it springsiloo n
btnlni when a m irrio I man co ex homo at
n Mniuhf , nolneli'iia'y ' opens thu trout door ,
mid returns with thu nun n itluut awaken
ing hid wile , It will not fill n long felt
WMit. NorrMnwu Herald ,
i'olo l guiie plnyod tiy thln-lepged
young men who piiioko iin' rtttea. Tney
tlda nuved-.II her od and try to knoc' iv
wooden ball airom u lot IKnj unln Franklin -
lin , George Wushlngt'n , auduevrritl
men whosa mtmoiius uie held in esteem ,
never plajed not , .
Fortunes or fur-mem anil Mo-
Thousands of dollura can be saved by
using proper Judgment in taking care of
thohuulth of youibelf ami family. If you
aio bl'ious ' , havu tallow C"iuplexioi > , iioor
appetite , low nnd depro ced spirits , nud
giiierally dehllitutod , do not delay A mo
ment , 1'iit go ut ouee ; and procure a bottle
tle of these wonderful IClectrlo Bitters ,
wlileli nevtr full to cure , and that for the
trilling nun of lllty rents. ( Tribune ,
Sold hvD I'1 Givulmiin
0 , 8PHOUT , - - Proprietor.
llarnoy n. - Omrlia , Neb ,
Tiu , Iron and Sla * . Beefing ,
SpcoHt'fl J'utwit Motulto Skylight.
1'rttout Adjusted lUtohct liar
ami Bracket ShtlviiiK. I am
thn ui-nernl iv ont fur thu
ubovu line of
Orcttlnits , Dalu tr di ! ,
B nk ( UllUgs , Window KIU ! Collar ,
Ouardi ; alto
to vigorously push a business ,
strength to study a profession ,
strength to regulate a household ,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. All this repre
sents what is wanted , In the often
heard expression , " Oh ! I wish i
had the strength ! " If you are
broken down , have not energy , or
feel as if life was hardly worth liv
ing , you can be relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S ' IRON BIT
TERS , which Is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases.
501 N. Fremont Si. , Baltimore
During the war I was in
jured in the stomach by apiece
of a shell , and have suffered
from it ever since. Aboutfour
ycarsnpoitbrouclitpn paraly-
sifliich kept me in bed six
months , and the best doctors
in the city said I could not
live. I suffered fearfully from
indigestion , and for over two
> cars could not cat solid food
and fora large portion of the
time was unable to retain even
liquid nourishment. I tried
Brown's Iron Hitters and now
after taking tvv o bottles I am
able to get up and go around
and am rapidly improving.
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Malaria ,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true , reliable , non-alcoholic
tonic , It enriches the blood , give's
new life to the muscles and tone
to the nerves ,
They surua-o all other a for c sy rldlntr. style
nd durability.
.They are for sale by all Loading Car-
iugo Builders and Dealers throughout
ho country.
Kore&l b
Henry Timken ,
Patentee ondBulIilcr of Fine Carrlairia ,
sa-at ? x.oiTrx 3 , - - avio.
changed our mill to Hungarian rot-
ler proce.f ! , wo ofTtr part of our old ma
chinery lor HI'O ' at Inw iiricot It consisiB of a
julrof flmly flulshid and epactd inn n drlilng
loci whonls , ( iroi acil morilif ) olno I ichisfacu ,
Ihicaliichcn pitch , driving amain iip/l ht .Inft
loiK nrt [ top , one main inortliu
spur Hliua 7 Inch ( ace and vj Inch pluh twomlr
I fret nil 1 piir S2 Inch \\im , tjiindKH , tlnlons
(7 ( Inch ( ace 1 ] pitch ) , Uncklash epri' 'x , mrbn ,
etc. , comp ttu , one ( our reel chest , 17 fiut loth ,
7 ioiuooreune two rcul cant , 11 fo > t cloth , 4
COIIM > O two Ontlatwhiat hoVora , ! No ? | Ku
roka Biiiutter , 1 I'.armrd 4 ; Lcca r CulUn B < pi-
rater andilota > , hli\fti , wbciN , pull ja , im-
\ejora , etc. s'ouio of the machinery Ima been
used hut ullltlo our two year J , ar-ilall Id In RooJ
cuudltlon. For further Information ai'drcsi
J , 0. HOfFMAVUAtO. ,
Council Dlufld , I on a.
Many shrink from pu IMty ID conn cthnwllh
8 S. b , but wo a'O prrmlttod to refer t > t > o ( ol-
loulng pernona vthnnavo known and ui'.ntsu'J
IU wuu icrful t Quits :
I'ERRV , Houston Co , G .
We hiue fcniwn "Swllt's t-pocllic" loa'td ' In
hundreds of matt ototlnato ci a of lood 1'oison-
IIR , Mcrcurla1 Hhi iiniatltni , ScrofiU , Sore-i ,
Kzmia , Cat rrh etc , ard do cjieclentloiuly
U tlfj that It met wl h th most perfect nn < l e\g \
n l ucccsa , eHec'ed radkal and pcrunnent curia
Inctoi ) c BO without a elnulo cxooi tlon.
Hugh t , Denuard , Ueo. VV Kill n ,
John U. Brown , ( loo. W. HIngKton ,
Win. Ilrunion , John II. HOBO ,
JamcA D. I harp , K1 W.rrtii ,
UooroAiTu'te , J , W llclvln ,
J. \\lmtierly , J. W WooKuck , '
W. D. I Icrce , h he rid , J. W. llaun. Co. Treat.
0. 0. Duncan , T. M. Killcn ,
D.y & ( iordon , T. M. I'uti cr , ( lie'lff.
we are personally acquainted with t'au go tin
mm ho o B Kimturfsapixjur to t'e ' Above cur-
tlHiat'Jhcy aro'Itlttn s of salj cnmtj.of the
hlgheatnuiHi tablllty und cnaluctct.
A. M. GI1.KH , Ordinary , llcustou
D. H UULLEH.Ul'k Sup. U. llou ton Co. ( la.
"Notlilrc l > u * favorable report * . Ildlero
8. U anpnluo for all Hood Dlicasts.
uulvtrul sitUfaalon "
0 W. JO hKS& CO. . Memphis , Tcnn.
"S. S. H. riven bitter satMactlon linn any
tluir Kohavocver handle I. "
JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark.
"liivanevrr beard a eoruplalnt cf h. M 3 "
Altl'llUlt I'bTEIt ft OU. , Louavillv.Ky.
"S. B. S baagltrn entire utlifictlon to every
one. " A li. UimiAKU-,8heruianTux.
"I luvo hod excellent tale f.r . , S , 8 , and the
reuulcu have born mo-ii iu Islaitory , '
J , 0. BUIt'ir ' , Hrmlun ; Grun , K ) .
"Ourule * ft a. B B. have been irood , and It *
IUCIUIM p rfett. "
JOM A. CAIU'.Y , Uoatgom ry , Ala.
"S B. S , hat glveu rnt'ru tl t ct on to every
" K UKUdd I'aiU T .
on , , xj.
"S S S. his Liven universal natUtactlon. '
H. W. t'OVVhltb . CD. , likhuionJ , Va. .
31.H)0 Bovrnrd ' 111 D P'd ' ' °
chemist who will flnJ , on anlyniol 100
8.8. 8. , one particle of Ueicury Iodide ol Po
ilum or any iubntaoc .
BWUTSPK01JC CO. t'ropi
AtUMa , 0
Frlca'ol Smill Ait. 81.03
' ' " To.
i'U br all UruwUU.
/ona 8 > LiB , t o :
freuldtnt Vloj ! * i < Ml Q
W. H l > 4isu < u. ne.undTjiui
Lincoln , Hob
Corn PlnnteiB , Hrrrowa.Furm Ilollorri
Hulty Uny Hutorf , BucKul bJiovivtlua
W aid prepared to dj Jab * ort Mid uuuufai-
urivjf for vthcr ] aitlMA
* * ! r .s > i.9 ! . . .
Uacolu. N
That 'crrllilc re IIMO lc\'t n il KDP , and Itn
) i ] cncr. MlIloiH runl'tent ; b M iMtfTti 'loinol
ih Ft until Ihcr&nd thobowiN. bothcradha-
'olMidtire tnt 0 by tin nil , (11 -to't-r'sSt
nuch Illtt if , n purely \ ( ( { . t bloulv r. Ind'rtcil
by plijilelnni and morj cx'imluh ti cd tun
rcnudy for thcaho > e ilvia r ( disurcicrH , mwcll
as ( or many others , than Any incolclnu of the
j.For Kilo by all Pnuuhls anil Dca'crs
yon Buffer from D } cpcpsla , use
If } ou are nmicteJ Ith nillouaneos , use
If J ou are prostrated with sick Headache , take
f your Bonds are disordered , regulate them with
Ifvnur Blood la mpure , purify It with
If you 1m 'o Indigestion , joulll hnd an antidote
If lou are troubled with Sprlnjj Complaints , er
adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.
If your U > crb torpid , restore It to healthy action
If your Liver la atlccted , you will find a dura ro-
If jouhavoanyspeclesofUumor or Pimple , fall
If j ou h o any BJmptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
S C8 , a curative remedy will bo found In
For Imrartlnff etrenprth and \ltality tothoBjs-
tem , notlilusr can equal
For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the
Price. 01.00 oer Battle ; Trln Qottloi 10 Cti
, , , , Props ,
Bold at wholeule by Ish A Mcllahon and 0. F.
uoodmnn. J0 27 cod-mo
'I'he ' ' Great Jjngiish liomedy
iHe\er fails to cuie
Nervous Debility , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Eml -
along , Seminal Weak-
HOOD , and all the
< vll edccts of youth
ful follies and cxces-
' 4cs. It stopn perma
nently all weakening ,
imoUmtrvrj losstsand
| dralrt > upon the sja-
item , theluovltablo re-
. . „ , 'null ' of these evilprac-
.lcc , which are BO destructive to mind and body
and make life miserable , oftcu leading to Intanl-
y and death It atrcnxthciis the Ner\eiBrain ,
memorjC Blood , Muscles , Dlxcntho and Rcpro-
luctlvo Ori : ins , It restores to all the organic
unctlnis their former vigor anil vitality , rna
xlnp life cheerful and cnjojr.llo. I'rico , $3a
'lOttlc , or four times the quantity $10. Sent bj
exprens. secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. C. O. D , sent , except
on receipt ol { 1 as a guarantiee. Letters rj-
qucetliii' answers must lucloio etamp.
Dr. Mimie's Dandelion Pilla
are tbibest and cheapest djajicpsla and billions
euro 11 the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
W cents
Da MINTIE'R KibMfr HitMUDr , NrrRRncim ,
Cures til lilridof Kidney and bladder complalnte.
gonorrhea , gleet and loucorrhca. For nalo ny all
imui'ifiSU : $1 a bottlu.
TIBOllvoSt , St. Louis , Mo.
For 8alo ID Omnba by
To Wervous Sufferers
Dr. J , B , Simpson's Specific
U II * po < | lttecure for Bpcrmiton
Weakutu ) , lmpi < Unry , and all dlso *
'ron ficll-Aliuno , ai Mental Auiletj , Lees
Jeuiory , F\lns In the Back or Side , and dUcu
f" " Ti' TrrVT that lead 13
Inunlty an
) * 1 trtrr r
being usoii
i/lth vvandcr
. * * ? & * . b sa&te'i- , * In ]
rot frto la ell IViUo for kVriu ind fet full pir-
I MiUre
Price , Enurias , 11.03 poi f cktje , or ! pck-
* % ts for Sf.OO AJdriu * rl ) ndare to
Not. 101 an I U > lUIti at. DuCalo , S. V
olJ in Omul n by 0. F. Uoodn.c.0 , J , W. J'o'l ,
ui | all
St. Loult , Is btlll treat-
In ? all I'HIVATK. NHK-
VliUS , CHl'.ONIO rnd
ptclil I > ' oA 3 , t > i erma-
torihaa Imvolnicy ( Sex
nal Incttioclt ) ) , Keip
I ) ease ; . Irregularities ,
Kill cultlos , i to.
tan 25 cent *
( In taini > s ) t p yexprca *
chaiiroa ou a "valu bli
Ivvori" entitled "l > Ue. e
o ( Women , etc. " Work
on CiiROsito Pisituts , one itamp TVIctlm
of Sell-abuse or I'rivate Disease , send 2 tarnpa
( or CKLKBKAIKD WonKson hirvoua and
I UHUBCS HonialUtlon | wr8onally or by letler ,
FKKE Consul the old Potter. TIIOUSANU3
CUHKO. OHlce In quiet. | rlvatc , reiipectahlo
lilac * . You neo no one but the doctor , Ur.
Urkali theoolj j.hjslcUnlDlhocIl ) ho sr
ia'U cures or no lay ile-llcinui rent evir-
whore IlnutH. 8 Mto _ * p u di Uy
VuffNtrv aoTuri.Tiealnenl-
Ur K. of . -
A rvc'flc ' lot Ily tfrla , l l lmi . Conv\il lon .
Nervous HcA.Iche , Mental D.presslou. lartct
ileuior > ,8permtoriha , lan > ° u"1 f > n > ° " "ltaO
uean . , 1'jcmaturo Old Avc , cu * d bj our-
. _ . . , , . .
> > .u. * „ „ MB OTH-lndulgonce which
Bxertlot ) . s lf-i > bute , 01 - ,
c 1o to tnLwo , deoay and death Oi.e bo will
ta ructut cue * . E h box conU.ln OEO mouth
jt tru ut. Ono dollar a box , or six boita for
Uo dollun , xnt bj nail pn > > U on receipt ef
jilce. We gUMantuo six boif to cure any cisc.
Vltb e h order received b ) us fci ! ; box s , c-
joip ned ! with fl dolliH , will .end th pai.
to return tha
ab&Mf oui witttcn guarantee
mousy K the trw-tirf ut do * not sS ct a cure.
C I Ooodmm , iruir" ' < J , ol . W bolc ! o and
ifgul . Ocuihs , K S. Ord'is by ouUftt
A rnmlitnntion of r-
tnr { < lroftrnnl'fruvi >
a tinlataliteortn. . 3
tmla prrna rat Ian o fir
that lelll nnt blacken t
tretli , cltar < tctrHtr ,
nthrrimn > irr/mrn ( " '
$ S3iS ?
li m < yl imm cf . oar nvM cniinin . . ich ft roinponnu M in iiA" r . .
It In mr ( i .tna IronjOTpar.
C0 lty In m > ftltl fr. _ _
Jt fflrr * enlorTn iTic Wooff
natural hrnlttiful tnnr tn
_ . , iMnff
it afjiHtaMe to ( Jrnrrnl
Jrbllttv , 7/oM oAlirf -
1'otrrrs tlte , 1'roftrnHnn awl Imnutener.f of t'ltal t , . . . _ . . . n. i..r..i. - , - , . , , . , , , , „ . . .
. .
Jj.tod.UD-il < r
Sin/ilo / Brooch loading Shot trims , from SO to 818 ,
Double Breo oh Loading Shot Guns , SIB from to S 75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , from ' $ B to 825 ,
Fishing Taokle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Qooitfi ,
Full Stock of Show Cases Always nn Hand ,
Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
first-Class C'gar ' , Tobacco ard Notion Store.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
List and Samples.
, i
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pawfic OSJA FA tf
'SJ '
< 1
"Every Tub Must Stand Upon its
Own Bottom. "
And EverVagon Upon its Own Merits.
Wo appreciate the above nod wake our wagons accordingly.
Eospcotfull/ , WINONA WAGON 00 ,
PARKER & BOWERS General A enla. Ofi.r.b . ; . , Nob.
IB1. O.
\ "ST'S A "V " 1
WWf\f &Ais oi
J2I3 Fa rnt-vr
\\IIOLKS\L ! .
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
STOCK THANEVStt. { i o8adi UJlAIl |
au"'Mt'mc I OBEE ;