THE DAILY JBEE : COUNCIL JBLUJF1''S , IOWA FRIDAY. SEPTEMBi 11 The Daily Bee. COimOiL BLUFH ! Friday Morning , Sept. 8. auuscnU'TioN KATUS : . 20 ctnt per wetl Br Carrier. - - - - - B/tlMl - - - - - - 110 00 PC' Ye l OOlce : No. 7 Porvrl Street , Noa . ll.O. GUIFF1N , M n ? cr. H. W. TllTON. City Editor. M1NOK MENTION 8 , -Senman eells ulato | x > nge < . J , Mueller' * I'alnce'Munlc Hall. -More improvements are being addedlc (5lse * brewery. -Qu drlllo purly at St. Jo eph's Acad cmy hall to-night. Bhcrrwlcn mftke * photograph * . Kxcrciae hooka at Seaman' * . The now brick aldewalk ftbout the ] Joomer ! chool building In at last nesting completion , -The attendance at the public ichoola in reported M being mnch larger than In any previous year. Get jour slates at Seaman's. Call on Seaman for school boolci. Go lo Sr m n's for lend end slate pen- ell * , pom , penholders and erasers. The Citizens' bank finds Its liuslneu larger than Its most sanguine stockholders expected on the start. Those who have not paid their don tax now find n penalty of fifty per cent. addl. tlonal to the original cost. , Visit Seaman' * new nlore , whtro you will iind all kinds of school supplies at rcassnable prices. At Shull's butcher shop , south Main trcet , you can always cot the best meats at reasonable prices , If 1'uinjy Is n bloated bondholder , and Anderson a bloated bond-giver , what are the honest , true voters rolng to do ! The saloon men are dropping Into the treasury their monthly $ ' . ' " > tax , for being permitted to break the prohibitory ordin ance. They have until the 10th to pay up. Ono or two pleasant rooms nro wanted by a husband and wife , in n desirable loca tion. Addicss UKK c.llicc. Also a house of four rooms In a convmicnt location to post oil ! re it desired by a simill family without children. Knqulro at UFK ollice , No , 7 1'flnrl htreet. The Ogdeu homo bojs played a game of base ball , ynsterday afternoon , against the Six Nines , and were defeated by n 15In f\or of the Six score of 30 to 15 - * \ NInca. It will well repay the gentlemen of Council Bluff * and Western Iowa to call at the Merchant Tailoring KatablUhmcnt of Joieph Keiter , 1110 Upper Hroiulwny , and examine his latest stylus of Tull Goodi > articular1y his nobby French NiKKcr llejda. Ilia prices as h well known , cannot bo beat , and ho guarantee' ' , as lima' , ft perfect and stjllih fit. In the superior court yesterday the dilTurenco between Mrs. Allen and the Singer manufacturing company , concern ing a towing machine , occupied nearly all the time. Tl one-half the reports alloat are tine about his uncontrollable , Impulsive fond- new for the fair eox , "tho Bnllnnt major" should bo known everywhere as the "gal- aunt" major. Ono of the prisoners from Harrison county , being kept here to answer to a cliarno of attempted train-wrecking and robbing , wan taken back to that county yesterday fur trial. Ono of The Nonpareil's prominent * was loudly offering to bet yesterday tint Anderson would ha\o over 2,000 majority over 1'usoy. A taker ittoppcd to the front and buttoned up the fellow's month In a huiry by pulllnn out n roll , and offering to take 8200 worth. It was n complete back- down. Acinvam was etatted yesterday to determine Homowhat aa to thu number of subscriber * to be obtained If n ucwsy oveu- Ing paper In startoil here. A thin tlty II H no paper of thut description , the enter- prUo Is much of n experiment , the succcsu of which time culy can dctermlao. Jiutico Abbott baa been having weddings - dings at the rate of one every eight hourt for HIP p st twenty-four hours. The palw were .7. 1' . Stewart and Liura N. StevciiH ; George W. West and Mz/lo McCtine ; .Tulluu Koetlsch and Anna Molt. It Uu't very good marrying weather either. , Klmball & Champ , who recently purchaxod the abstract books of J , P. & J. A. Ciwady , intend inuklog a bpeclMty of their abstract work. They oc cupy the old ntniul. Wo bcjpeuk for tliem a large ImeiueuB , ni they aio acthe , Indus- trou * like buslr.csi ) man , ISiulnuj-x en trusted to them will receive piompt niul careful attention. It was yesterday stated that O'D.iy WM eugigid to play with the Uniim l'a < cificrf. Ho denlcH the utatcuicnt nml ay that he shall keep hi * contrail with the Bluff i to play with Ilium the rent of the BCisoii. He ttartcd with the club for K n < Bw City yesterday morning which iloci not look very much as if ho waj goin todeieil and join the U. V.'t. The greenback organ of Dr. llatlon throws down the gauntlet In hfn behalf U "tho gallant major , " Ciiculato the lieu ; that the greenback candidate for cougreti Is coming to 1'reuiont county next week tc dUcusn the Issue * that interest the pooplt and If the gallant major haa any desire tc annihilate the fiatltt and antl'iuonopolUt be will be cheerfully given the opportunity at any or all of the meetings. Here Is a chance for the mufor to do a little prac ticing , Council Bltilfd should wako up con. cernlng the coming > eteraub' reunion. From all directions are heard reports as tc what preparatloiu are being made on the part of thote w ho intend to Unit thU city at that time , It U estimated that fully 2,500 veterans w 111 be encamped hero and the number of visitor * w 111 be fully twice thut number , The residents should bo fully aroustd to the Importance of this coming event , and make such arrange- menta and ( fire such aid as will make the occasion a gtand BUCCOSK. U help ) it city to encourogeibuch enterprise * , and to allow an occasion to go by with no effort to re ska it enjoyable , Is equally sura to Uuut the fame of a city. Ii6t there tc ft showing o life nnd hotplUllty , of good cheer nni cordiality of cntcrpri e nnd Rtlr. Th ( citizens ihould with cheerfulness am alacrity lake hold of nil necennarr prell mlnary arrangement * , to that Coiinci IllufN mty take rink as having the be * nnd li.iplilcst reunion of the season , nnd Ir facl , on record , In Ibis section of the country. V/eek after next is to be devoted tc fair purposes. From every IndlciUon U i now npptrent that Council Illuffs Is to have the greatest rort of n success. The premiums are so numerous and so llbera that there will be a largo and uaried cxhl billon of Ibe producli of nil department of industry , The parses , lee , are fal ones and tlic races will be exciting ones. I'ron all poln'B of the compass are being re ceived leltcri showing lhat the country is hi wiilo awake a * the city , anil Is bound to make the fair and meeting a big one. The Nonpareil has shrieked ilsell lioarse shouting about Mr. 1'usty'o "bar'l. " If there Is anything in this world lhat will excite "the colonel" it Is u "bar'l , " wheth er it contains solHs or liquids. It has not becomeapparcnt yet howfrecly Mr. 1'usey will scatter the conlent * of his "bai'l , " jut It It probable that whtlovrr money he may spend will be hi * own , and will not be money paid for carrying the title of railway commissioner and rendering no mice * except to the railways. It will not bo for n railway "bar'l , " nor will it bo or the eslato of notno wldo nr oman. The Nonpareil evidently objects lo a man using it * own money In his own campaign , but loartlly endorsing Iho giving of a bond nd promising poslollices in order lo buy n nomination. It howls about a ' 'bar' ! " which contains a man' * own monuy , but icttttily Indorse ; a "bar'l' ' which contains tber folkb' money , railway money , army ay drawn twice , warrants for arrest for tserderly conduct , widows' note * , judg * ncnts In favor of Uncle Sam , corruption joiitlc , pifttoflicon , Urns collar * , etc. , otc. f the "bar'ls" have got to bo used In the ampalgn , The Nonpareil had not better write any comparisons. MESHES OF THE LAW- Thoao Around Whom the Not HUB Boon Thrown A Rumored MurUor. Yesterday afternoon there was an pparoutly truthful report that a inur- IT had bcun committed at the no- orinuB hoimo known ni the "Tliruo 'Jinuo ' , " it being No. 090 , JJroadvvay. Accotding to the report thu onu who id the Buppoaod bloody net , was a > nrbcr known aa " .Big John" who vurka in a ohop near the Hryant louse. Ic vra3 lo.trnod by the pulico Smt the barber had hutriodly cainu nto tlio shop , taken euino money , and tiirtcd for the Northwosteru diet | ) to itko the train. Marahixl , ) ; iclpnu limped Jii'xi ' lun biijjtjy xvi'h Olliuur jrooktt , and fairly run liie nig : to the epit , wbilo Ollicur Storliiif ; dauhod luther in another buggy , and ether Ilicura alao rallied to the runt. The train was just tuning out , hut was slopped , and the fliccic jumping aboard nucurod their nan. llo turned aa white as though 10 would fuintvhou informed of the bnrgo against him , but apoodily ox- ilmned that ho hnd boon on a little lurrah during the day with a frioud , vho was visiting him hcru , and feeling lioir oatu pretty wull , ho hud foolishly old ono or two , an a r.tilf , that ho had tilled a man. That wna nil tlioro r/as to it. In the nioantnno inquiry was uado at No , ( ) ! ) ! ) , and it was tlioro learned that the nmrdor most foul wan committed at Niuholson's aaloon , liut nothing waa known of the allhir thuro. JOIIII'H explanation being the only plauaiblo ono u to how Iho ru mor was utartod , it was accepted , nnd ho wua allowed to uo. It booms thut in police an wull an in fire circles there is occauiomilly a falao alarm , but tins ono created an nnwuial amount of ex- uitcmont , considuiing thu vacuum aa its foundation. The man lliigim , arrested for insult ing ti colored womun named Mra. Jolmaon , wan bofuro Jud o A > k-4- worth yesterday. Tlio judge decided the fine to bo 3100 , but considering the prisoner's taito lie would throw oil' § 75 and nmko it oven § 25. JIo couldn't piy even this , liowovur , nnd WI\B put bnhind tlio bars , Tlieio have buon lively times in the vicinity of tlio now school building in Hull's addition , and as a result L Volley appeared before Juatioo I'V.unoy yesterday mid mrvdo a bundle of complitintB , charging Mra , Walker with nneanlt nnd Gharlea Walker , Win , Walker and Win. Maok uith riot. It Booma to li.ivo been u iiumhborly trouble in which it in siid Vu-loy'a children were whipped , briukbata woio thrown , clutlvcu Inn's i < n. and oll'i'iisea and rutUia'.iiUi ol variuui kinds commiltvd. Old Hilly Piorsou s ys that ionic young fellows bother him au that life IB no longer 01 dnrubUi. Tiioy tnrovr otonoa at hia houau , and utluT\iti- - ci'o hia ire. IKiu printing to prusr > cute Rome of Iho otlundura bufuro JuHtico Fruinoy. Yesterday a man succeeded in f.ol- ; tint ; a $12 50 draft cisliucl at ono of the banks , on the ropruaontation that ho had monuy in an Omaha bank to meet it , which proved to boa mistake. The police WOMI onlloJ upon , but the RlHir MUD settled in some manner nnd lin&hed up , At tbo Btocn Ynrda. The receipts at the Union stock yards yectorday wore : Klurgls & Dauo . . . . . .Ki earn Blicaily ft May for ' "J " W. Studley 87 , " Total fj cars The shipments wore ; Svmut liro. , IU cars over the C. , D. , t Q. Swan & Adams , 14 cars over the 0 , , 15 &Q. Hunter , Kvana & Co. , 20 cars over the St. Louts tV Wubuh. FOR BALE. Sly residence , No. 715 Fourth street Bancroft V L. F. MUWUY. How oftrn persoiu have botu annoyed by burnclloglui ; lo their drees or vlothlug , nud how teldoui have they , when cleaning ( litin , given It a thouthl lhat llurdock Jtoot la the moat valuable blood cleanser nnd purifier known , and is void by every druggiul under the name of.Iiurdock Blood Hitter * . Trice , ei.OO. DOINGS OF THE BOARD. Dr. F. P. Bellinger IB Chosen Count ] Physician for tbo Comln Year Tbo Union Avenue Bridge. Yesterday the county board of au porvisora continued its session , and spent moat of the day in the monoto noun work of examining and nltoning bills and accounts , in which there wnt very little to interest the public , The board tticcecdcd in finishing iU busi ness , and adjourned until Ilia ncxl regular meeting , The session of four drtvn is an unusually short one. The most important act of the board yesterday waa the selection of a county physician for the ensuing year. There wcro six or seven bids , in the average being $02 a month Tlio successful ono was Dr. D. 1 * . Bellinger , whose bid waa $10 a month , exclueivo of any small pox cases , for vrln'ch extra charges nro to bo made. The matter of the bridge ncrosi the crcok at Union avenue waa talked over somewhat. Tlio _ supervisors eccm firm in their original proposition and not inclined to change. This proposal Waa to give the city $2,500 for that [ lurpoao , provided the city bear the balance of the oxpcnao of building a jridgo 120 foot wide , in accordance with the plans and specifications on llo. Some of the city fathers have thought that a narrower bridge would inswor tlio purpose , and that it could bo built inside of tlio $2,500 appro priated by the county , so that the ; ity would not have to pay the $800 lo $1,000 necessary in addition to what , ho counly pays. The board Ihus sticking to their original plan , it re mains now , aa it ban for some time list , for the council to cither pay the balance or go without the bridge. The council ought to take eomo positive action either ono way or the ether , and not lot the matter hang along for eighteen more months. Frightful Mloerjr- Mr. Wm , I'omeroy , Haninr , Me. , writes : 'I have for a long time suffered from con- innnl constipation , making my lifu-a mis ery , and causing headache and frightful ir.impH. Mr. 'I'linmtnoD ( who has been utcly Uniting in Uuffiilo ) , Induced mo to ry Iho SriilNO Himson. It ban perfect- V cifed me. " 1'rico 50 cents ; trial bottles 0 cents. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mis. S. 1' . Uarllett , of Kansas City , nro in the city. ] Ion. Jiuncj ( ! Day , of Sidney , was at huUgdun yesterday. .T. ] [ . Haynold' , of Wymore , Neb. , was n the city yesterday. 1) . CJ. M. ShillottH , of Allegheny Cityt 'cnn. , IH nt the Ogden. Mr. Vlncont , of the Nonconformist , the reen'.iH ' ; piper published nt Tabor , was n the city yesternay. C. I ) . ICusson , the well-known attorney f Coniliiir , wis in the city yesterday and mid bij compliments to TUB HIT. It ia announced that William Garner , f thu township bearing hN nnnip , and who in BO well known throughout the mmty , U not improving in health , but on lie contrary , Is tapidly failing. A Murvolouti Cure. 'or nil bodily ailment * , arising frnm ini- mnty of blood , a torpid liver , irregularity of the bowels , Indigestion , constipation , or disordered klilnnyx , Is warrant-d In a free i o of lii'jmocK lli.ooi ) liiiTKlis. 1'rico 81.00. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. The Story of tlio Planter Who Built a Now Xicmoly Meuolou iu Cunnootiout- law \ork Sun. GHOTON , August 30. Before the var Robert Stallord , a niillionairo ilanter , owned t-vo ialanda oil' the : east of Georgia which were noted for , ho ai.porior cotton they produced the famous Sua ialaiid variety. On .ho larger of the two islands Mr. SUf- 'ord lived. Lie full In love witli a urcolo girl who wau ono of hia cl ivcs , and married her. She waa educated and n lined in iniuinora. fjix children were the fruit of the nmrriago Two Lmys died in choir youth. Just before - fore the breaking out of the civil war , Stafford , who noted thu gathering elouda , came north and built a magnif icent dwelling among the pastnroa a low milea north ol this village , on the swelling bank of the Thames river. Then ho returned to the aouth , and thence oent hia wife and daughters to the northern homo. Uero they were surrounded by every luxury. The interior of the house was very fine and Iho grounds wee A triumph of the gardener's aliill. Beautiful and i.-uo plants and nhrubbery dtviTsiliod the rolling green of the hwim , fouu- tjini plnyod among marble stntue.i , and tnrough thu i/rounds broad gravel walks wound up to ttuppicions veion das , The advc.t of iho beautiful girls in Ni'w I 'ivUm and Ortton was .n event thiit ia still fresh in the inaiiuiry of Connucticiu society. The girJrt icceived a failuonnb'.o northirn education. Private tulurj tauylu them Krencli , I'aUnn , inusio , piintu g , and the ivrta of the b. 11 room. They were reared in thu most pretentious Bociuly , and miitora were not a few. Ono oiattr murncd Fieil 1'dlracr , of Now London. The union was nut a happy ono , and a separation soon fjllowed. Another fiiater was wodde 1 to Commodore Br.idy , of Now York. The honeymoon was passed in Pariti , wloro ) the bride shone as a society star for a few months. Soon after iho couple wcro divorced. The youngest stater was married to a New York gentleman , and is living happily with her huabanl , Adelaide , another sister , has lived during the pant eight jcara at Paris. A fovr months ago ehu mot Count Gybulski , who is connected with the diplomatic service of llussia , and about a month ngo she became hia wife , the nuptials being celebrated in the church ot Notre Dame. She sent wedding cards to her friends in Uro- ton and Now London , dainty pieces of pasteboard , perfumed , adorned vrith Iho regal coronet , and bearing the words in Italian : "Countess Oy- buliski , Paris. " The young wife ia described ua tall , lithe , graceful , with olive.tinted akin and lustrous oyoa. The count is little , old , withered and bent , with a whisk of yellow board , lie has taken hia wife to live in the most elegant quarter of Paris. Itobert Stafford was loyal to the union. At one time the troops of General Joe llawloy , .Iho Seventh Con necticut rogimeni , wcro quartered or his plantation. lie passed his aum mcra in tlio north from 18G7 to tlu year of hia death , 1878 lie bough property in New London and Nor vtioh , which Hi heirs still hold. Hi left a will by which $400,000 w < ii di vided equally among the daughter * , while Ihu bulk of the property , ser oral million dollars , waa divided nmonp distant relatives. The great mansion , that ho built in Groton icinains in treeless and isolated grandeur ninonn Iho bleak paaturo lands , and overj tourist that joutnoyi up tlio Thamer valley inquires : ' 'Who ia the owner ol Hint splendid place ? It is many years nincn t daughter of the creole slnvo oi the Georgian Islands has revisited the mansion. Attention Bricklayers. All member * of the Council Bluffs bricldayera1 union are hereby request ed to moot in their hall on Monday evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Business of importance. By order of the president. If Yon nro Reined ti health from any cause , especially "roin Iho URO of any of iho thousand loslrutna that promise so largely , with eng fictitious testimonials , have no 'oar. Ilosort to Hop Bitters at once , and in n nhort time yon will have the moat robust and blooming health. c FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF S CONSTIPATION. E No other tllscMO is eo prevalent In this p country as Constipation , and no remedy C has over equalled the celebrated. KIDNEY- WORT as a cure.Vhnttvcr the cause , rj however obatlnato the oiuo , this remedy * will overcome It. ® nBI pG TIUS dlfltrc ljic comp - p a k Ead plaint is very apt to be + i complicated with constipation. Kidney * R Wort strengthens the weakened parts And n quickly cures all kinds of Piles oven when O pliyBlolana and modJdn n have before till- t3tttyou have cither of thcso troubles USE MAIN STREET All Shippers and Travelers will find coed nccommod.itioii and reasonublo liargcs. SOUTH AIM STREET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - , Iowa HOLLAND & MTLLEU , Proprictora. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DE.VI.EliS IN GROCERIES , PRnVISiONS , Orookery , Glassv/are , BOOTS , SHOESETC Also agents for tbo following tinea of Steamship Companies : Mnard , Anchor , Gulon , American , and Stite Steamship Companion ) X > ZE , - & . 3 ? ? T 3 ror Bale on the Koyal Hank of Ireland nnd Gank of Ireland , Dublin. Thoao w o Intend to scnri for rlemls to any part of Kuropo will Onu It to their ntcreet to tall on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Council Blufs INFIRMARY I ( Ute Veterinary Surgeon li. B. A. ) The Only Vetoiinnry Surgeon in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPBR BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All of the lust I'll j a cUip In Council Ulufls and eurroundln < i COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUrAOTUKERS OF AND GENHR AL MACHINERY Offlco nnd Works , Mntn Street , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo g1\o apocU ) attcutlon to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MAOHINEEY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general ai- tcitmeut ot Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooel. OHAS , HENDBIE , President. _ _ STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS , PAPER HANGING , KALSOHININQ AND GEAIHINB , Shop Corner Broadway and Scott St COUNCIL BLUFFS SPEGI/ll NOTICES , NOTICK. Special crttrrtliciucnt * nut < u lost , Fennel , To Ixiixn , For Sale , To Rent , Want" , Boirdln ? , ft ? . ill be Inserted In thli column nt the lav ; rate of TEN CENTS PEh tJNK for the Crat livrflnn and FIVE GROTS PRrt USE fcr co-h tubieqncni Insirtlfin Leate KV crtlscwnlK at cur oflicft , Ho. I I'Mtl "tfcct , Wants. WANTKD tnnal.Vel . A m n to fake care ol horses. A | > i > to601 South Main utitet. WAVIKI ) Actincui t'c ' ami lnJii'trlM.8 dollcltrr 'or Ih. Mntutl ! tu < nt An la lion , ronncil Hindi , Inni \\e hito peed tcr- tl cry uniM-cuplril In l\ i , bo ra a atid Io a , hl > h ll hole" to I lie tluht ] i > r"c3 ° n Illicrii t run. Anil ) In frt on tr uuorm A. J Ucok , initiigcr , Ouutic.ll Llullt. \\T ANlF.t ) A fen more i ) > hoanUn. Table > TV flrst-tli'H. H&'csmnl'tatc. Ml . M. K 'INS , 2IW Unncroftttruit. ONK or two pleoiint room * locato'i not many natures from thn | > o tofflce , dealn-d by n. tUHlwnii and wife. Addrtos Urt office , Council I IuH . WANTED Everybody In Council Dlufli lo to Uke Tim HID , 20 cents per week , de Uerod by carriers. Offloa , No 7 Pearl Street icar Broadway. _ To buy 100 tons broom corn WANTED address Council Bluff ) Droom FactorUoui.cll DlH3n , Iowa. 668-9tf For Sale and Rent _ _ I710K U"NToryiileiMiiUncl ronvcnlent L lulilcnce of nix room * , Ihn minutes walk nouthwiat Tom Bloomer wlioal. Enquire on proa I a at 014 Setenth atcnue. > tUCK-200OCO brick /ornate by > OUKLLADAV. FlOlt HALh A mfc , nearly new and 2.COO | < oun''a. lliKt b i > ld In next ten dajs. Apply to Cia ! . M. Hit ] , otcr tJaiii t ; < bank. ITIUUMSllhUHUOUii lii J * street. 71011 t > 4tE A 10x12 Rkjlljlit. Fuftalla for I ; hot bed. Apply to K\icl > lor Gallery. _ Fen SA' K One Dcttlnrcrs' eel , nca'lvnow choipfor ctfli. II K. Jonoj , o. 131 liroij- uav , Oohncll I luIN to. 1,1 OK BALE Ucnutitul residence lots , C 0 IJ each ; nothing tlonn , and Riner < nnth only. iy EX-MAYOK VAUUHAN MlHcellanooue. LOST A la-Ro wardrob lioy I Ibtral rcoArtl to Hul r Cnqulru at Ileo olllci ; . QTlLli AIIKAD Great tuccc-s C ll and ece O new acccswrifs nnd sntlmcn | § ot pictures a en b the ro bb o gelatine brcu.ldc proccst , at the Kxccln or ( ! nller10 Jlaln street. . W. L. fATlON-I-njsUian and Oculist. DU. euro any rasn of ore cjcn. It U only a matter of time , and am cure Kincrally in rom three tc the necks It innkui no Oilier- enco how lonjr'lUeaSi'd. Will etral liteti cro'.e eyen , operau and reuio\u I'tyri riiirniite. . , and nacrt artificial cjes Special attention to re- i nvniriv tailcunrinf ) THE GRAND INAUOCitAL AND Speed Contest AT Tlin Pair Association Grounds , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Seat 18 , 10 , 20. 21 , 22 , 1882. Grand Inaugural Exposition and Spcol Contest open to tbo uorld. The best Ml'o ' Track In the United S'atos. So cf.y such noted horsemen as liudd Iob c , l-.n. Jlaca uud others. THE GREAT HURDLE RACES OI'KN TO ALL m of Rogland , v 1th Imported ha ec9haie ditcred for this r cc. PUOGKAMMF. KlRfcT DAFcptfinber 18. Ono-hill rullo il-sh , loua a d Ncbiruk * colie Kncfortll ) > acc , Inuhlch mumiif the bvbt hurscs Iu tbo coun try are expected , SFCOND l\ S ptcmbcr 19. rnrmalorcnlnijrf the Uxpo-ltlun Nttcd pcil > .rii Jiinu 0. lllali c , 1C ( I , InKCiso'l ' , .lamej F. Wlaon and others w til epltndld rate ? . THIRD 1)APepttiu' > rL'1 2.JO c'ft's , 2:33 : cb6 und > crv lluo running tacc lly this tlmu t era mil l < u an i.xlil Mon of cnulucniho Kruinul tomira3-imi > .hlii cier before shown in lova. fot'RTil Iiy September Sl.-Muio fine jacoi moru flnemttlu , n.aro lire bimta , with an ar- rav of rxhllilti In the Or n Kxposl Ion llnlld- In nct beturea'tou ptcd In the Valley of the Missouri KlrTii 1) V Scrtmbcr 22 The flnekt spct < \ lirogroinme , i ml > c'ii ' ucli ra cs an 2.'J7 naei , free tor-all , 3 Hi A itinnli'V nulu htatn , wlta J..OCO for tcusatlt n\l trcttm an 1 1 airrj. There will be over ICO lead of cktt'e ' fr m Iho line t herd ? In the von trj f > r sale ilurlrif the fortnoon of each day of the Kxpo ! tlon. Como Ouo ! Co mo All ! Have Week of Gouuiun Ploasuru. On the Fouttu faj , SuptuubLr SI , 1U occur thu HURDLE RACE ! DONT MISS IT. For Sensational Trotters or Pacers , $2,000. h'or anj dctlred Information Couiicil Ultin's , In. i. u KUUVMWW , K. t micatkT , A. u.nrumj , ' Vko-l'rcs't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Uonnoll Bluff * . Organized under the laxj of tbo SUte of lena l' ld up capital . . J 78,000 Authorized cupiial . 00,000 Interest paid on tlmi depoalU. Drafts Issued on the prluuptl cltlej of the United titatea and Kuroi > o. bptiilal attention clvou to colloctloni and c-or ri'spou Jcnco w i th prompt returns. J. D. EJiuumlMn. H I , , bbunrt. J. T. lUrt , \V. W , W.Uicc. Jf Itcxlkr , 1. A Ml l r , A. W. at t , JvTdtl HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Cpn/ectionery , PruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffs. HABKHE38 , OROUTT & GO. , VI % - SL 5 H T X * 3l173 ET53 TTF . * -J"P ' 1 * ttH ARPET HOTTER Broadway , aid Fourth Street , Council 3 , lowri nar-2-Sm tj IP 3 IM : d. MUELLER . , TJ .A. .A.O COUNCIL BLUrTS , IOWA. au El Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 UOi 3Kjir"eX' ; PS5sK373l juSFB DM iad ElU8 ! ? Hi ! Sluff snfl flnn ° 1i3 , Don > W UuP . , JKJJ , & ? JJ , . I JiJfjL' . M.a MAXtTACTUnKllS OF ALL KINDS OK ! uti < iStaZ8S > jr " KZy- SI3viai jh \\e imke tbo follow in a siieciilty : WALNUT JXTJVSTON : : TAHLKS I'OTLAI : OVFN w \ = USTANDS WALNU I1 lllli : VKKST T VULKS. ! ' ( I/x . W UPKOUK ' ' { " % USAVTABM * . ' ' v W' ' no A lais , WALJJbTVAJlDKOBi : < . l'Oi > , AU SAliS : , WALNUT Ol'JJN WAS11STANJS. 2TAIail onlers and corrcEi'ontlei ce promptly attended to. Office and Mauufactory S. E Onr. 7th Avo. anrl 12th Street , COUNPJL BLUFFS. IOWA 18" P , s a 1 -55S f e are Offering Special Bargains in ill Kinds of Summer AND I WE CARTIY THE LAKGEST STOCK OF sar s cor c c IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. T , LINDt 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MORGAN , KELLER & GO TJ Dssr 30 3E3 .c ns ns ' g..i . rtfr M 7 .siri3r . iN § Slia.W il Mffit . cari > et-lilii"s and > -'S.t" . HAGG & GO'S COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA BOTTLERS & DEALERS IN GESSE'S BEER Mndo front the Finrst Malt and llopi , with water obtained from the CFLBBBATED ARTESIAN WELL ' AT A DEl'Tn OF 800 FEET. Phis Water is known everywhere for its Purity and Wholesome Qualities. AU ° Dsss , % ? ° i ! n . HAGC & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer Iu and SOL13 AtiliNT FOll Jo9eih Schlltz lireHiou CompRny'a Celebrated No uDctl JUufls , Iowa. Orders from tlia country solicited . CHv orders dealer * c1ell\er > d free. * A. DEKBE , W. KUNVAN , W. UEEUK G. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and KeUll Dc lera la FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos , 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.