Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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p-vc'dl Dlfpatrhcs to Tin BK.
NEW YonK , 8'rt uher 7.
Maney 1J@5per cenh
I'tinie Mcnuntlle Pftvat G per rent.
Sterling lixnhMigVe V ;
( i.nertnnents were Btrutig and briber ,
v Share ( peculation opened Irregular , the
chances tram > estcnl i\'s clotbis tigmei
bring only fractional except for -t. Pniil ,
Minneapolis & Manitoba , wlf" , li was 2 p"r
cent idglicr. 'During early trade the mar *
Vol was very dull , but nn idvanco of 2 per
cent took place in. St. Paul , Minneapolis *
Manitoba , 1 pc cc-Al la Miime.ipilli fc
St. Louis and f rftctlor. in the rein inder
of the list. SubsHiueuily A dec'lne follow
ed ransliiK fntn A to 2 per cent -St. I * ul ,
Minneapolis & . MunlJob * and New York ,
'Chicago ' &St. Lmf ! being the most con-
* 7kiou . The murltel closed strong , ihuw-
ing nn advance on the day1 * tn nnctiona
of.i@4 V-r cent the latter St. 1'otil , Mill-
acapolli & Manitoba. HAtinibal k St
Joe prsfericd , however , is 2 per cent
UCKltNMKNT < ) .
Ye tctib ) . To Jny
6'a . 1"'J ' 1 L
.U-a Coupons . IIJW 113
4fa . - . ll'J-f ! ' "
Pacific li'a of MOS . 130 ISO
Central Pacific firsts . 115 M14J
Erie pccondti . S > 8J 'IISJ
.Lehifih \VilkeKbario . 10) 10)
Loiiaimn iiimioU . G < J < J8ji
MlsnomHiU . HOI 11"
St. Jonepb . lllj 112
St. Paul A Sioux City firsts. . Ill llh
TeunoifceC'ii . SI * > U
do new . * f > j
Texan vVPucilio land grants. . G4 t > 4
do U. G.div. . . . 85 , ' , MS
Untmi Pacific 1st mortgage. . liG lltij
do land grants. . . 115 lift
iJo KinkhiK fund..llt 118
Virginia OS . - ' i 38S
do conloluGV . all I'D )
do deferred . 1-S 1-J
A'Tami Express . 141 111
Altaii ft L'ctro Uuuto . -10 -\lt
do pfd. . . . t > . > h.V
Aincriuiu Express . I'H ' ' ' "
Burl. . C lur Jlapida & North Ml SI
CcnadSouthern . GlU 03
Col. , Ciu. i : Ind. Central. . . . 12i' 1.1
Central I'.i ilio . 93J U3j !
Chc upeau & Ohio . " 4 ! " 4
,1 , , Intpfd. . . 7i 8S
it. 2d i > td. . . & > > , 2.V
'Chicago J < Alton . ISS 138
do pfd . M5 U5
Chi. , Hurl. & Quinoy . 13\1 ! . '
Chi. , St. L. it Aew Orleans. . . 'iGjf 77
Cm. . Smd & Cleveland . Mi ! > r. .
Cleve. , Col. It Cincinnati. . . . T1. ) SO
Delaware & lludi > un canal. . . . 115 } 11" > !
Del , luck. & W cstern . 1 lug 1 lo ,
Denver & lliotiiaudc . fib * iV.l . 'Mi 3l ! ,
do pfd . 80 81 U'enno eee . 110J 110
il preferred . IIS 118
Fort Wuynu & Chicago . IS8 1H8
Iluunibidfit tit. Jobeph . 4" 17
do pfd. . . ! )2 .10
Harlem . 205 20'i
Houitonfc Texas Central. . . . 81 82
Illinih Central . 13 , ' 13ti
Ind. . Uluiim.Vcatern . H4 14
Kansas & T xaa . 3'JJ 40
Lake Erie i SVthtern . IIS ? 159
Laka Shore & Michigan So. , .lllj 11 -
Louiaville ti Nashville . 7 g 71
Iiouiw. , New Alb. & Chicago 71 74
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 15
do do 2dpfd 04 i >
Memphis & Charleston . HO 5G
Mtchijjan Central . - . ill )
Minueapolis & Sc. L juis . Its ? : ! U
do pfd. 7U 74
Mtpsourl 1'acific . ll)2 ) ! ) H < J
Mobile & Ohio . t2i 2.1
Mo.iU & Ku.iex . l- > 12)
N.u-hville & Chattanooga . ( > U OJ
Now .leraey Central . 781 7'J
NurfollVp t n .
d i preferred . 55 55
Northern I'actfic . 511 52
do pfd . JI > < ) Q
NorthweHtorn . MOi H7
do pfd . UVi * 107
NewY.irk Central . 3I1J 13J
Ohio Central . 18i 18
< Ohio & Mississippi . 381 3J
do pfd . 105 ID" )
< Ontario & Western . 12(53 ( 127
1'acific Mail . Hi II
I'anama . 107 Ili7
1'toriu , Decaturft KVJIIHV. . . 86 iH
Pittalxire & Cleveland . .13 ! ) 138
iKealing . Gtf lii :
llock lnluml . 13i ( IKti
t > t. Louin & San Fran . 3 ! ) | - lido
do pfd. . . . 51) CO
d l t pfd 08 ! ) S
St. 1'aul & M ilwaukoe . 1244 12' '
do pfd. .1414 I'- '
Rt. l'.iul , Minn , ft Manitoba. 118 151
M , 1'uul & Omaha . 5IU .Vl
do pfd . 112" 112
UX.IH & I'acifio . fiOi lil
\ iii.m 1'acirio . 117jJ 117
l-nilel StateH lxpr-hh. . . .71 71
Wubun , St. L. & i'uciHc. . . . 87i 87
do pfd. 1574 07
\VeUaFurgo& Co. KxprosH.180 130
Woatern Uniou TrlenTHiih. . . CO } (0 (
Cuibo-i . 14 1
Central Arizona . ft
KrcuUlor . 1 1
HumoMtake . IK } IS
l.itile rittaburg . 1 1
Ouwrfo . rill 3l !
Qiilckslher . 10 10
do pfd . 15J 15
ItdUitiHon . , . , 1 l
SilvorClilf . 1
South 1'aclGc . dl 13
StaryJurd . . . " 1
Sutn . ) , |
( Mfeud.
patcb < a to Tin l
, September " , Flour Steadj
Wheat Fair demand , but at lowc
Mies ; nytahr , 07Ju for Heptumber ! D3J
for Octolicr : ! )3/o ) I > r Naveaihi-r ; l)3o ) f .
tliu year ; No. 2 r. l wiuter , Wife for oaat
ani tJepwinber ; No. 2 Cliioi n Hnrin
U7 a for ccJi ami September ; USJa for Oc
tober ; Nn 3 Chicuxo npriu0' , 81 j.
Corn Active , but lower : 70 o for c.uh
f 7 o for Uctol w : O.'So for Nuvein > N > r ; 52i (
for January ; BOJo lor the year ; 54jo foi
M ayj rejected , OSf.
Oats J > ull , wtftk and lower ; 88a foi
cmb ; 33J f r tSenteniber ; S2io for Oeto
ber ; 8J 32to for N iveuiber ; 32io foi
tbo year ; a J gS\\o \ \ for May ; rejected , 31c
i. Hye Dull aoJdroopni- ( .
lijrley-.Stcudy , with a fair i/eia.iud ; h2i
for ranh
Flux fiwlUuil and 1 ne1 ; UJ.
Uutter Market eteady ; fair to fgncj
creamery , 2Ci 'Oc ; coed to choce ! dairy
ld'i.2lc ; iiicltiuK , 13@l ic , ; ladle
j'ork-Active , but lower ; 21 UX&.21 20
for cabhj 21 2J for Ke ] > teniber and Oc.
t.borj W CO NovemLor ; 1'J tf VJ M
for Iho jcaraud January.
Jivri A live , hut lower ; II ( if ) for c-Aj
llliO ® IG2J fur October aud Noveiubjr ;
1150 tor iliejo r und January.
Hulk Meat * Fair demand , but at lower
rates , thuuld r , JO 2 < ; short > ib.i , I J T j
jbnrt clt r. 1 1 2j.
Whieiy- Steady ; 1 0.
CALL liOAltll ,
Wheat frregular ; regular. USJc for Sti-
tetubcr ; U32e for the yttar ; other months
Cora Irregular ; 70-o ( for Se ( Umhe j
C7jjo for Oct.ler ; C24o for Novrinbei ]
56 < c ' for the year ; t2Jo for January ; KM
fur M'ay.
3j@3tjcfor ;
er ; S2so fo
@ : tJl5tortho vear ; S4@3Uc forM y.
I'.irk U p , l i ; 21 22i for October ;
9 45 for Nov'tmber ; ISM for the year ;
8 67 for .Tanmry.
I , ani Aetht * , ( inn and higher ; 11 G7J
or November ; U 65 for the yer ; 11 52J
or .Innuary.
SKWOIilv. .
Vfvv VOHK. Sepfcnbcr T. fJoUon
2 3.10 ( 1.5 S-lGo : Septoulxr , U..We )
ictobei , 11 81) ; Novmbtr , 11 G < , - ; Do-
ember , ll.OO.January ; , ll.GScj IVlint.
ry , 1I7S ! Mireh , tl.OJc ; April , 1201c ;
Mny , 12.13. ; .hinis J22I.
Flour S evli ; nupertine stV j wcn'ern ,
70uU ( 2" ) } cnnmm t ) ROR ! xtn4 4 ?
(7w ( 20 ; peed o chke , 5 25f-8 2' ; white
wliet xtYA , 7 OiJCtfOitia OM'i ,
G0@7 50 ; at. hauic , 4 OO iS io ; Mlone-
oU pivteut prncev , 7 2J < a t M.
\ \ heatIft2j ( { lower ; tin jrdeJ red ,
01 OSJ ; KtwiniT No. 3 wd , 1 01 :
N.I U rot , 10 U < * tO'i.4 KtenniT No. 2
* J , I OG.J&K.7 ; No 2 rei , 1 07 1 0 < for
cetttlia\ie- I CSfiitl 0delUeiecJ ; mixed
ui-iter , 1 ttijC'ii OOj ; uncrrt'livl ' white
87ASH4 ; No. 2 while. 1 13 ; ttentncr
Nn. 1 white , 1 121 13 : No. I white ,
5000 bu.old at I Ifc'Gj , ! 174 ; N . . ' - red for
Se..teiul > er , 392,000 mi. ol i at 1 7J/rfU OS { ,
clwlni ; Rt 1 ' 8 ; il for October , 73' . 00 bu.
h ild nt t 1 8 < ( fel 10 , clojlng at I O'Ji ' : do for
Nn\embci. 418 'CO bu told I 10 } ® ! I1J ,
cloiing ai 1 10 . ' do f'T December , 21S , .
0U0 bu. Bold t 1 llgl VJ , cloning at
112 ; do to- the year , 80iCO bn. sold at
107@IOS | , closing at I & * .
Corn lJu.l and lower ; ungraded , bl ©
SOc ; No. 2 , 84o delivered ; No 2 white ,
Sl@5c ; No. 2 white for September ,
8nSU' ! , closiiiK at 81JC ! do for Octo-
boi , 7Bi'o8JccliPBing ' tKgc : do for No-
vembei , 720'- % tlo-lng t 72J do for
Ueccmber , U76uhjc , closinR * t ? Jc ; do
jrtho year. WiJtsO'.lc , cloMnR at 07
OatB Liwer ; ndxfll woitern , li
white weitcin , 43iji7c. ( )
Jltx- Quiet , but steady : GOc.
Kggi-U. det , but firm ; 231'21c. '
I'.irfe Dull and unsettled ; now nicw ,
lieef Quiet , but cteady.
Cut M iits ScAtce and firm ; lor.K clear
uiddles , 112. ) .
Lird-rit ongcr ; prime utcam , 12 10 ©
12 11.
Butter- Quiet , butjteidy ; 15@30a.
Uheeee I'inu ami in coed dumund ; 5J
© 10./0.
1'Koiil v , Septemticr 7.Corn Market
du 1 ; i.ii'h mixed , 7'4@73c ; mix l24c.
Oats -Dull , Kloei ; No. 2 white , ; k@
37'- .
Higbwincs-Firm ; 1 18.
KANHXS Cnv , September 7. Wheat
MitiKetiiem lalUvd nud hlow ; No. 1 roJ ,
83c tor c-a-h , Scjitember and October : .No
2 fd , i7Jc bid f jr cii"h ; illj for October ;
783 ! for November ; 7c for the 3 ear.
Oorn AI ti\e , but weak un i lower ; No.
2mixtdOl2 bid for September ; 41Jc for
tliu Iirot Ini f o ! Decemiier ; 4Uj > jD41)c tor
the > ejr ; I0i3 for Muy.
Oati Slow ; 2SJ tor September.
Bntt-r Sttajj ; choice , 20c.
ICgrts Steady ; 18c.
hT. LOt'tiJ.
ST. LODIH , Sept > tuber 7. Flour Low
er ; XXX , 3 0tti4 10 ; family , ! 30@3 50 ,
( .hoicc , 1 70'o ) i 8U ; laucy , I 0@5 20.
\ \ heat Op ned lower and decliurd , but
rallied sointwhat mid clusod linncr with u
pattial reoery ; No. 2 red full , Ojfig'J Jc
tor ca h ; 1)31 ) j f ° r September ; UIJj for
( ictoboi ; 9"ijo Noveuibei ; l ) . " io foi
December ; U ijc lorJauuirv ; ! M j lor the
joar ; halenraiixed : UlifePti fir S-ptem-
betj'.IKiS'Jjl ; for 0 it .ber ; MJ&I ) < fet
N'ovembsr ; ! li)3cfor ) Decem er ; l ) . @
9IJc for the year ; No 3 led fall b ! ) ( , DOc
.Ni > . 4 red fall , none Herod.
Coin Un ttled and liiwor , but closed
firmer ; 07u for caab ; ( ! 5jc ? for Octobei
55Jc for November ; 5jj for December
-Ibo for I'mmary : 52.\c \ for tha year ; th <
lnwrst sales weio at C l o bid for October
51jc [ for the yt'ar.
Oats L ) wer ; 3132Jc for cash ; 31(3 (
31c for Septen.ber ; 3li31c for Octo
ber ; 30Jc for Novttobei ; . ' .IjQSOla fo
ilia year.
and Blow ; Doc for September ; OlJ'j for O
tober ; Dlcfnr Nuvembert1J tor Dtccm
ber ; ! ) ic * lor January ; ! ) * c tor the year
Corn OOj for -eptfiiiber ; C3o fo
October ; I f'3 ' ) lor November ; 52J lor De
ccmboi ; 52 ( < jjo2lc lor the year ; -198 j fo
Oat' Q liet ; Sfijo bid for September
SSgjfor October ; 30 [ for the year.
LiVKiiroor , Seritember 7. - Breadntuffs-
le .ro-tfid und dull.
Wheat Wiuter , 83 10d@U ! 3J ; npriiiK
81 I dfe'Jj 8 1.
f'oru 7 < f 3Jd ,
COCNOIL BLtJFKb , September 7. Flour-
Cryhtal Mills golden nhe.if 3 30 ; beat ICun
pas brindfl , 3 00o 50 ; Uraliaui. 3 00 ; ry
11 .ur , 3 01) )
Corn Meal 1 70 for uhKo ; yellow , 1 CO
cornch p. 2JOU per ton ; corn and oat
chop , 20 00 per ton.
Wheat ffu. 2. 7flo.
Corn No. 2 , 5"J.
Kye New , 47(3&Cc.
Jiarley None.
Ojt New , SOc.
FUUITS-ltlackbarrieH , 15c per box
apiilcx , 2 TX3 ) 00 per bairol.
Hn'om Corn 3Jn ( Oc.
Hay Loose , 7 l o@9 00.
Wood 5 OOfeC 00.
Wool 15@25.
Uutter Creamery , 20o ; In rolln. wrap.
nel , lc ( ! ; rollu not wrapped , 12ic ; mUec
co.ore . , 10@12Jo.
K'gi | I'm.
OiiioUH 7"o per burhel.
Liv CliicUi'im 1 yrn2 2 per dou. .
Potatoes 0c | ior hu hel.
Oabliai-es 2.felOc per doz.
TurnliI0c | nor huxhcl.
Sweet Corn 7c per dozen.
LIVK STO 1C , CattlH-Kxlra. S00@
.150 Veal Culvus-SfiO ® " 00. Hogt-
7 00@7 25. Sheep 3 50.
fpeclal DUpitch to Tun Ilitr.
( lllcv.uo ,
CIIICAOO , Siptembi-r 7 Th Dmveni' '
Joiiniid ri turn * us follows :
Hoyn- Demand weik anil < | imlity ex
ceedingly po > t ; prime hog * lOo lower , and
lower Kiitdes in proportion ; mixed , 7 GO ®
810 ; luuvv. h I5@U2U ; lixht , 7 55fe8 6U ;
ei\l \ > a , 5 1C ( ,7 5U ; o o = ed be.ivy , with many
Ulltiulll ,
Cattle Good na'IveB generally htrorger ,
with fair demand fora few choice , which
Hold ntli 00(57 ( 30 ; medium t { joud native * ,
51A&X0 ) ( ( iO ; coiimi'in to fair dull ut I 00 ©
51X2 ; mixed butcburH * , 10o lower , 2 ICKJ/i
4 110 ; Ktockcrs and feiV.Brs wKtk , with a
largo number Bi'lllni ; at 3 093 ( 75 ; ranj-e ,
blnw ; canuer' , 5 ( ' 10 < 3 Irmer ; Texuiia , : ) GO
( fSji \ balf.breudi ) nnd Ameilcand , 1 40fi < j
hliecp ( Jeneral demand good , and choice
_ .ruiiK ( falea : inferior to fair , 2 40fijH 60 ;
medium to jrnod , 3 50@1 00 ; choice to ex
tra , 4 2. .4 75. 0llh
'oiiK. r > ei > Pii'her ? . The Dnnpr '
Join. 1 hi i uur < > | "iU : lict-v - \otiiii'
iloiuu' in b tf cattli ; clrea-'O'l beef dull -tt
5i@84o f r Trxa bides ; hfeao for bilf-
bretd i > to < & ; ilu,12c ( for nutivo do ;
meat" , CM riuartcri beef. 175 c n
Sheep Market extienipiy dull and
.owcr ; Iambi , 4 60 u'lj 0 ; thccp. 3 C0ij:5 : 10 ;
irotfit I mutton , dull , 7J@8ic ; die eil
imbf , weak , S@tOi ; .
Swiue SU.V7 for live hoiju ; 7 hOs 80
ur CJJiimou to good.
ST. 1,01 is ,
rir. Lwi , SJptember7.--H' 3 Actl.e ,
Ir'ii and iJ lier ; pit,1 * and Jixbt Y < irkr > .
Ji5 ! ; l > 4t Yorker8 30@8 r,0 ;
- ' to biHt heavy , 8 GtlfeU 25 ; ciilli ,
* A ) .
, | Uti > U to Till Din
iio , S"ptember 7 Ifocslptu and
un-uta of Hour and grain for the pait
ibuura \ lift so been an fullowe :
l-'lonr-bbliv JI003 11000
Wheat btfAheln. 123.000 CG.OOO
Corn- " 1GO.OOO 2.)7,000
O t < " 13000J 111,00
Rye- " 12.000 4700
Barley- " 10,000 1,300
NEW YORK , September ? . - Kecciptsand
ihiptucnls of flour and Rrain for the past
24 htmr < ) me been as follows :
Klour bbU : . . . . . .
Wheat bu heN IGO.roo 8.MK )
Com- " MI.COO 12,000
tUts " 133.000
KASHA * CITY , September -Ueceipls
mid "hlpiiH'i.ts f strain f r tbo p.i t 21
hours hat o been as follons :
llec'ti. . Shi n't
Wheat , bu beli . . 57,000 li',000
Corn " 1,0ft )
fliii-Ano , Septemlior 7. li'celpti ami
shipment ! ot Iho Mock for the part 21
hours ha\e been AH folio * s :
Itoc'K iMdp'ts.
Cattle 8,0.0 2 , < > 00
Hogs 12.000
Sheep { " .OUO . . .
NK\V YOIIK , September 7. KeoeipU and
sblpuipiits of Iho slick for Iho past 21
hnurs liiuo been as follow ;
Hcc'ls. Shlpm'K
Hogs 3,000
Sheep 7,200
ST. Lori * , September 7. Receipts and
i-hipnieuU i'f live Ktock tut the pant 21
loura Imvo been ni follows :
Itco'ts. Shlpin'ts
Hogs 1,1)00 )
Sheep . ' . . .
Si ecUl IlsiatchM to Tim Tinn.
YOIIK , September 7. ColTcee
! ) n I and unnettled ; Itio cargoes iiuotcd al
73-nlOJc ; j ) b lols , 8@llic.
Sugar htoiily ; filr to good refining ,
quoted al 7 3 1G7 o-lli u
MolasKCB Quiet hut eteady ; Porla Itlco ,
Pelnileimi Irm ; Unllcd , 68ic per brl ;
crude , Ujffflijc. ; rotiued , ( ! ( ii.7c.
Trtllow iNiurket dull uud weak ; 8
Itiinin- Quiet but * tendv : 1 70@1 8.r .
Turpentine K.r'uer ; 4itjc. : ! :
I'lTTSBUlto , September 7. Petroleum
Aotivc ; United rtTtitieates firmj cbwcd nt
> lc ; iclincd , ligfe.CiJc for riilladelphlt dc-
i\ery ,
LONDON , Peptfinber 7. At the wool
i > ale < to-ilay , 1 > ,9ji ) bales wi < re dinpoed of ,
> rincipally Sydney aud 1'nrt 1'nillip.
I'll re "in a good demand , au J rate 4 were
vtry firm.
"Wliolcsnlo Prloon
Orrioc or TUB OMAHA Ueif , J
Thnraidr.v Uvcning , September 7. I
Tbo only changeH ieortelin the mar
ket to-day arc tm folloWH :
Wheat No. 2 declined le ; Xo. it declined
2jc ; rejected declined 2Jc.
Kyo declined Ic.
Corndecliuod 2s.
Local Grain Dealing * .
WItKAT.-Canh No. 2. FO ; ; caeh No
3 08c ; rejected , BOJc.
BAULKY. Casii No. 2. O'.lc : No. H
4H- .
ilYB. Cash , I7c.
C011N. No. 2 , 58c.
OATS. Cash , 28.- . .
STRKBT 1'UICKS-Corn , C5g75j ( oatf
Produce and Provisions.
POTATO-US 2ri ( 35a per bushel.
ONIONS Wfe75o iwr buehol.
NEW TOMATOKS-ito per Ib.
llUTTKlt Choice country , 15@20c.
Kaas-is @ 20c.
li'NEV California , perlb. 22i@25c
AL'l'LL'S I'er barrel. 82 22 fiO
C \ NTAljOl'KS Per ( Io7.en , l > 0c@l 00
OYS I KII&-S loot , ( iOo per ctn
WATEUMELONS-Pcr 100 , § 15 OOJ
18 00.
PEAKS -California , S3 C0@3 HO.
PLUMS California , 2 3V < * 2 50.
GUAl'KS-Callfnrnia , S22.i@i fiO.
LEMONS -65 50feO 00 per box.
FlVUlt Job'iimr pricoi , Jack Froal
St. L mis u-intnr ) ? ! 2 p rlOO Ihs. ; To
polt.i P.ttunt Kanoa81 DO ; Minuehahn
Minnesota -Patent § 1.2n : Shnwnto l''anc
w liter , S3.2.-j ; iaBle , XXXX wlntei
S-'i/J.1 } ; rl'i iuniph spring , beai , § .15 ; Cbria
liun'n Hup rlutivc.I 1 ; liran , per Ib
&H OOjchopiiod feed. 3J8 00.
JJKANfc. Imported Uorumn 3 20 po
nl/GAllS-Cut loaf , 10ft Crunhwi
IQfa ; Granulalnd , ! > cj Ponuoreti , lO c
rmupowdoicd , lie ; dtnudard Coifeo A
9J-s ; Now York Confectioner's Standan
A. . Ogj ; Prairie Extra O. 8jo.
S V ItUPrt. huifar douse , uii B. 55c ; bal
bis , f > 7c ; keg * , 4f gallonD , l 2 ( ! f ) ; choici
tublo Hyrup , 450 ; half bbl , 55c ; keraS2 S'J
UTAKUU. I'eorl , 440 : Silver ( Jlo-
82cj Corn Starch , 82c ; EicolBlorulosa
7o ; Corn. 7ic.
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 ; Alli-plce , 20o
JlovcB , 40c ; Kutmoiss , CJ 00 ; Ca aiu , 2 , r > 0
M.ICB 8100.
LYE American , 3 3" ; Greenwich , 3 40
Wentcm , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lowia
lye. I CO ; Jewell lye , 27f > .
KJHll Poinlly wjiite lich , 90 Ib h bblc
75 : family 10 Ib kllH , tO ; ; No , 1 whit.
( Uh , 'JO Ib hf bbli0 25 ; No. 1 white fmh
| aw n < > ( lficli , fa ; boceleHO fiub , fijc.
KEED Jolibini ; prices , Chop feed ,
SI 60 per 100 Ills. ; chop com , : J1 40 ; bran ,
70j per JO I Ibd.
CUEKHS 1'itll Croara , 12cj Parl
ilia , ii J i ,
oUFl < i < . IMo , fair , lie ; Ulo , good
Ja Itlo , | < ih ie lo choice , 12ic ; Old BIIV'I
vft ! 20i ( . ti Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbuckle'o ,
TKAS .Gunpowder , K ° ° d , 45(5155 ( ;
hcico , ( )075c ) ; Imperial , good , 40Mfie ;
: : i.e , G05s75c ; Young Hyson. i'ood , 80 ®
50c ; choicef.5c@ l 00 ; Jajion Nat Leaf ,
MEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
5900 ; do in half bbl * . B 25 ; mnalLi. In bbla.
11 00 do , in half bbla. 7 00 ; gherkins , In
b'jla. 13 00 ; do , In half bbln , 7 00 ,
WOODENWAKK Two hoop paiU.
ilKi ; three hoop pails , 2 20. Tub" , No.
1,1) ) 0 ; Piiuoer wt8hboard.i , 1 85 Uouble
Urewn2yOVellbucUeta ; , SCO ,
LEAD War , 81 05.
1- ; ! > < ulduri > f life ; ticrcu lard ,
/ < il'li Si i.1 , * .flcb an1 ! !
Umt'i. I jt.
CANNED GOODS-Oy m , i : Ib
ield'a ) . I r case , 81 00 ; do I Ib ( Field1- ) ,
ier case , 2 75 ; ao 2 tb ( .Standard ) , j > cr can ) ,
t 75. LobbUTH , 1 Ib tier dozen
180 , TomatocH , 230 ; do 3 Ib pcr
caxe , 28' , ; Con ) , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per caie , a 10 ; hoalcd corn , 210 ; do
2 Ih ( Yarmouth ) , j jr cawo , 15 ;
string boaiw , per c.iio , 2 10 ; Lima beani
or cuao , 1 85. { JiiccjiMh pcr cane. 2 00.
Tu , ir c sc , 2 45. IJartlett
pearn per case , 3 W&t'J. . Vj
her catt,240. ) Egu' pluius,2 tb 75 ;
do 3lu , ca e , 4 605 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
cao.250 ; do pic , C Ib , | > cr donn. S 60 ,
HALT. iJruy loa/ln. pcr ubl , 1 ; Aah-
on. In eac k , 3X / > ; bbld dairy GO , fid , 3 U )
HOMINY New , M M pei bbl.
SODA UwiBht1 * Ib papers , $2 85 ; De
end do , 92 S. ; Church' * , ? J 85 ; Ktg nod *
CANDLES Hoxe * , 40 It * , 1R or , 8
IBejboxes 40 tb . , 1C or. , 0s , 15o.
UIOE (7i\Mlin ,74@Sc { Louisiana , 7
@ 8c ; fair , (5@GJ. (
MATCHES Per caddie. P..o ; round ,
cases , JS 10 ; * inarc , cases , $5 40.
SOAPS Klrk'd Savon ImporUl , 841 ;
Kirk's catlnet , 3 GO ; Kirk's olaiidartt. 3 75 ,
Kirk's white Uiwlan. B 2fti Kirk's
Kuloca , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen.
( ICO cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 ; i5
POTASH Pennsylvania onn * . 4 dor. ,
In OAK > , 3 35 ; liabhltt's Itall , 2 doz. iu r.vio ,
1 00 ; Anchor Hall 2 doz ic case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Kcd clover , choice
now , 8(11X1 ( per bushel ; mammoth closer
new , $7 00 ; white clover , now , (14 00 ;
vl aun clover , new , $12f > 0 ; nlsikp , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ,
blue grow , extra clean , 91 CO ; blue crnen ,
clean , ? 1 25 ; orchard grow $ ! 50 ; red lop ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Micsouri ,
HOc ; millel , German , 8100 to 9123 ;
Hiincr.riaii. SOc.
HKDOKSEED Osage orange , 1 lo 5
bushel * , ? . " ) 00 ; cwago orange , 10 bushel * or
over , $1 BO ; honey locust , per Ib , , ! ,5c ; per
IW lr825 00.
} : . . KEUEL Halfbb5 mossmftckcret ,
100 Ibs , 812 CO ; hfbbl No. 1 ox shore do ,
100 Ibs , 8 60 ; bf bbls , fat family do , 100
Us , I ) 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib Ula , 2 2ii ;
No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 BO ; No , 1 shore ,
12 II. do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANUTS Koostoct , chotw , rod Ten-
ucssee , lOepcr Ib ; fancy white , lOJo porlb ;
rnn ? whllo Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
12 c.
Dry Qoodi ,
BUOWN COTTONS Atlanllc A. 8io ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , PC ; lloott
FF , Sic ; Uuckcyo LL , 47c ; Cabol W ,
7lc ; ChlttcnaiiKO A , GJc ; Ureat Falls E ,
8c ; Hoosicr , OJc ; Honest Width , 8.Jo. In-
( linn Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8jc ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 8jc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic Kiver , 7Joi Pequot A , 8Jo ;
Sliawinut LL , 7c ; Utica C , Bic ; Wuchus-
ett I ) , 7Jc ; do A , SJcj do E 48 , 12Jc ; Wai-
cott HI ! . 8fo. ,
4-4 ; 7io ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jcj
Atlantic LI , . Oic ; Badpcr State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bonuington O 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , liico
Indian Orchard AA 0-8. 8Jc ; l ncoiiia O
39 , Sic ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , Oic ; Ixmsdalo 4-4.
lOc ; Pcppereil N 80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do H
SO , 7Jc ; do E 39. 8Jc ; Pocaaact 0 1-1 , 7Jc [
\Vnni6Uttft-I-l 18o
gin L 4-4 , flic ; BlackstonoAA in parlnl 8i'c ;
do do half blenched 4-4 , Oc ; Cabot 4-1,8 $ ;
Fidelity 4-4 , 9lcVruit ; of IheLoom.lO : do
caii.brio4.,13cdoWatcrTwlst,105cGrcat | ; :
Falls Q , lOJc : Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12ct
Umadulo , lOc ; do cambrlo 87 , 12Jc ; New
York Mills. 12Jc ; Pemiot A , Me ; Pcpporel
N G Twill12ic ; Pocabontas I-1 , 9'c ;
Pocassel 4-1 , 81c ; Ullca , He ; Wamsutta
X X , 12Jc.
UuUKS ( Colored ) Albany 15 brown ,
He ; do C , > iraV , lie : do.V Btripes and
[ ilaida , I2jc ; do XXX bro\rn unit drab ,
< triiMs and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
lUc ; Urunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy ,
I2ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Full River
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Iiullaua A
brown \ruonsptA brown. ICc.
.nrmwteaK A U A 32
lo ! ) ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; ,
'Jie ; Claremont O U , lfijc ; Conestoia OL
tra , 174c ; Hamilton I ) , llio Lewmtnn A
iU ) , 15c ; Minnchahu 4-4 , 2Uc ; Oinuga super
extra 4-1 , 23c ; Pearl River 82 , lGc ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Sholuckot S
lOJo ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman's blue 21) ) , Do
DKNIJiy , Amoukcak , blue und bro nn
IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; Arling X
blue Scotch , ISJc ; Concord 000 , blue a w
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto
do do i-Uc : llaymakor'B blue and brown ,
! lc ; Mystic Ilivor DD stripe , lic ; Peail
Uher , blue and brown , ltc ! ; Uncaavillo ,
bluu nnd brown , 1 tc.
OAMH1UCS Barnard , 5 c ; Eddyntono
lining , 21 Inch double face , BJc ; Garner A
glazed , HJc ; Manhattan glove iiiiish , Bjc ;
Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 6Jc ; Pequot du
Be : Ijockwoixl kid linlsb Gc.
COUSET JEANS Amoty , 8c : Andros
coggin Batleen , 8j'jClari'iidcn ; , GjjctConea
o ga aatteens , 71c ; Hnllowel , 8c ; Indi J
Orchard 7Jc ; Norrigttnnett mprovpdjO
Ptipperill sattoen Die ; Hockporl , 7a
PllINTS Aliens , GJo ; American , GJc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4ic ( ; Cocbeco , 7c ;
Conentoqa. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4jc ; Dunncll ,
GJ@7c ; EddyBlono. 7o : Gloucentor , Go ,
Uarinnny , 5Jo ; ICnickcrbocker , OJo ; Mer-
rhnao 1) , 7c ; Mystic , 6Jc ; Spra'/uos , 03j
Soutbbridgo , Gc ; do. Gingbams , 7c ; Marl
boro. 53c ; Oriental G4o.
GINGHAMS Am-dkoag , 12ic ; Amos-
ke § dress ! ) Ji Argyle , lOJo : Atlanllc ,
'Jc ; Cumberland , ? io ; Highlaiirl , 7ic ;
ICenilworlb , 8ic ; Plun kelt , lOJc ; Sun
oex , 8c.
COTTON ADES Abborvlllo 13Jc
Agate , * ? 0c ; American , He ; Artblnn , 20c |
Cairo D and T , 13ic ; Clarion D and T ,
I7ic ; Deccau Co.striixia DandT , IGc ; Koj.
stone , lIHe ; Nantuckot. lUc ; Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Ocean D end T , 13Jc ; lloyal , IGil
SiUiiex , 12c ; Tioga , 12jic ; WachiiHott fihirt
In ( ; jbccko , 12ic ; do , Nankin , I24c ; York ,
plain Nankin , 12 c ; do , checks , Btripes ant
fancy. 12Ac ; do. 8 oz , 2 < to.
SHEETINGS Androscog8lnlO-1.274c
do 0-1 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; CTmtineiital t
12 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10.4. 274 ; Nnv ,
York millHUS , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22je :
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pcouot JO-4 , 28c ; dc
7-1 , JOc ; do 49 , Kic ; Popperell 30 , J8Uc :
do G7 , 21c ; do fi7 , 18c' Utioa 80 , IKa ; dc
8 , 22ic ; do 4 8 , 17o
Cli ra rnd Tobaccoi.
CIGAUS. Seeds , $16,00 ; Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana ,
t 0.00 ; Clcarllivvaiin , $75.00 ,
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Kulo ,
21 Ib , GOc ; Our llopr , first quality , G2c |
Star , ixiupdn , 21 Ib , hutto.GOo ; Homo Shoo ,
pound * , 2-1 Ib , butts , 680 ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , 2-1 Ib , butts , ( < 0 ; Army itnd Isuvj1 ,
poundii , { I'M ; Bullion , pounds , 6Uc ;
lard'a Climax , pouudx , COo.
1'INIS OUT In palla. Hard to Boat !
7f > of ( joldcn Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80c ,
l'norito , GT/c ; Hooky Mountain , GOc :
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 6Uc. In tin foil
Catlm * O. S. , 5 Hi boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori.
Ulard'n 'i'iior , G5c ; Ditmond Crown , GGo.
Sll OIC1Ni All grade * Common , Wi te
S3c. Gnirmlatdd UlackwollB Diiihr.m , It
oz ( ilc ; Dukcn Durham , 10 oz , 4Uc ; Sfal n |
North Carolina. Id o40 ; Heal of Nebnv- ;
ka , IU or , 3So ; JjonuJack , 4 cz , linen l a
per Ib , I'l.IlT ) ; PilarbuniB1 Pack 2 or. , tiu
oil , 5oo ; Uo Tall ' ! 5c.
f'olnH Olla nnd Varnlihci.
PAINTS IN Olli-Whito le.-ui , Omabi !
, P. . ( ic ; white leid , St. Loulu , pure , fij-i ;
Mnrnailen ] ( ; ree , 1 to 6 Ib ca > J , /Oc
French zinc , tnvin seal , 12c ; French tine ,
red Heal , lie ; zinc , in v&ndnli oust ,
"Oc : French zlncc. In oil nsut , 16c ; Itixw
end burnt iimbar , 1 Ib caim 12c ; raw and
burnt Slonna , lite : vuudyko brown , 3 ,
ictined Iftmpblbck , 12c ; coach black , l"c )
! "ory black , Ific ; drop bliick , ICc ; Pnualjn
> > lue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chniuo
green , L. M. & D. , 1 Ic ; blind and shutter
j'reun , L. M , & P. , IGc ; Parts green. 18u
Imllan red , I5c ; Venetian red. Uc ; Tuscan
In , , 22c ; American Vermlllod , I , & P , . 18c |
chrnine yellow , L. , M , , O. & D O. , IBc :
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
drver , 8e ; ( 'ruining colomj light oak , dark
oa c , wubmt , chcetuut and uib 15c.
Pry "alnti
lead , 6Jc ; French Ino. lOc : Parlii
21c ; whiting pildarK , IJc ;
, . com'l , ! } ' < ! lampblack Gcnuan.
. ! ! , Ho , Ir r .j 1' ' j u , ordinary , lOcj Pni-
n M iilui , J'K ; iJtr in-riliv. , If'c ; vauiyki ,
brown , 8s ; umlicr , burnt , 4s ; umber , ravi ,
lojulenna , burn t , Ic ; bientia , raw , 4n
I'uris green gonulno , 25c ; Pari/i irecn coin'l
J0 ; chroma green , N. Y. ( 20c ; chrom-
green JC. , 12c ; voni.illion , Eng. , 70c ; ver-
nillion , Americ.1 , 18o ; Indian red , 10r ,
< ) tu pink , 14c ; Venetian rea < l , Cookron'n
! ? c : Venetian red Am. , lici [ rel Juad , 7ic ;
chron.eyellow , genuine , 20cs cbromo yil.
" . . , 12c ; ochre , rcxihollw , 3cj ochre ,
i , 2 c ; ohrn ( , Ainoricau , 2t ;
Winter a wfnor.0. 2io ; _ lchiiU ! brcv/ii. ' 'ic-
li brown , 2i ; Prince mineral ilw'
. . . .
f A4JLJ A4W V. ' " ' , lU OtollUU ,
[ He ; 150 headli l.t , pcr yillun.
12 c ; UK" litwllitflit , rer gallon , Iiirj
iced , raw , per gallon , > 7 ; linuwd , bollo'l ,
irallon , Cdo ; lard , winter at M , per al
. . . . . 1 00 ; No. 1 , 8rC ! No. 2 , 7 c ; castor ,
XXX. per L'allou , 1 10 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; wcet ,
ler gallon. 85c ; tporiii , W , B. , pcr gillon ,
65 ; Iwb , W. U. . pur iallon , i > 0c ; ntjuUfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 7'ic. ; No. 1 , Q5c ; lubri *
eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; Hummer , ICc ;
golden inaohlno , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No ,
2 , SO ; aperin , iiignid , | < r gulloa , 80c ; ter-
penline , pcr gallon , 65c ; nttptha , 74" , i > er
gallon , 18c ; G-l' , 17c
VAKX1SHKS Dnrrali p r R lon.
Funiiluns exlrn , 51 10 ; furnitures No. 1 ,
fl ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
$120 ; DMiiar , extra , $1 7Bi npan , 70c ; s-
pbtlluui , extra , 85c ; sbollno F8 60 ; hard
oil finish. 61 BO
PAPER Slraw patior , 2c ; rag paper ,
lo ; dry goods paper , Go ; maniU paper , lOcj
jowa paper. PC.
Heavy Hardwire Lift
Iron , rates , W 40 ; plow steel , special
cast , 7c ; crucihlo. c' spocnl ( rGermanGc ;
cail tool dp. 15& . I'O wngon spokes , set.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per not , 1 25j folloos , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; Uiu iio , each , 70@85c ; nxln ,
Men , 7Bc ; pquam nuts , per tb , 7llc ;
washers , per Ib , 8@18c : rivets , per Hi , lie ;
coil chain , pcr Ib , 6@l2c ; malleable , 8c ;
Iron wedges , Gr > ; crowbars , He ; harrow
troth , 4c ; liiiinrshorR , per key , B Oil ; spring
uteri , 7@8c ; Burden s horscuhoc" , B M ) ;
Burden's tmilwhors , G 50.
SHOT.-Shot , 91.85 ; Buck shot , W.10-
Orleulal Powder , kegs , $6.40 : lo. . half
kpg . 53.48 ; do , , quarter knes , $1.88 ; Blast-
Inif. kees. WSSt Fiuo. ner 100 feet BOc.
BAtaiKD WII5E In car lotsR 8'J ' pot
100 ; In Ins * than carlols. 8 55 ! < 100.
NAILS-Uatcs. 10 lo OOf , 4 SO ,
Lea hei
Onk sole , SSc to 42c ; hemlock sole , 2c lo
35o ; hem. lock kip. eOo to 100 ; runner ,
G5o to SOc ; hemlock cnlf , 85c to ISO ; hem-
loci : upper , 23o lo 2Gc ; oak ni'por , 2le ;
alligator. 4 00 to C 60 ; calf kid , 32@3.- ;
Grelsi'ii kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 3D ; French kip
1 10 to 1 B5 ; Fioncb calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ru
Kelts , C BO < > 7 50 ; linings. G 00 to 10 60
toppings , 11 ( < 0 to 10 " > 0 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o
toSGc ; pebbloO. D. Morocco , 35c ; nmon ;
8.Ml lo300.
HAHNESS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2
do , S'.io ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 8Sc ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 34o.
Hortet and Mulct.
The market is brisk and all grades nre
sailing well nt f llght advance In p Ices.
Tbo demand for good horses exceeds tbo
supply considerably , Prices raugo as fol
lows ;
Finn single drivers. SU/0. to 300. ; Extrn
draft horses. 5171) . Io225 , ; Couimou drnil
hones , $100. to 150. ; Ultra farm bonus ,
8110. to 125. ; Cotilinon u > good farm horse *
$90. to S100.J Extrn plug's SCO. lo 75j
Common plugs , $20. to $ 10.
MULES. IB to lf > J bauds ( extra ) , 3125.
to 160. ; 14J to IB h-vnds , ? 100. to 140. ;
14 to M4 bauds , $75. to ICO. ; llli lo 11
bends CGO. lo 75.LI
LI uora ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 220 per wino
gnllon ; oxlrn California Kiirils | , 187 proof ,
t 26 pcr proof gallon ; Irlplo relinoilspiril * .
187 pnwif , 121 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstillod
wtinkioi , 1 001 BU ; line hlondod , 160 ®
J . ' )0 ; CBntncky bourbons , 200 700 ; Kn -
luckv and PciniBylvauIn ryw , 2 U(47 ) 00
1JKAND1KS Imporlod , SO 0010IX' ) ;
doinestio 1 40GA1 00 ,
GINS In..xrtod , 1 B0@6 00 ; domestic ,
1 40Ji ( : 00.
HUMS Ininortod , 4 BOOJO ( M ) ; New
England. 2 00644 00 ; douirstic , 1 ' < ir > 1 60
CHAMPAGNES Importer ! par
mr " 1A | CM '
10 oo ,
OLAUETS Per cawo , 4 60MIO 00
WINES Uhino wine , per CHHO , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Catawba , per case. 4 00@7 00.
Wo quolo lumtior , atn and Bhini'lea on !
uta at Oiiudm nl Iho follou ing prco ! :
under. S21 (10 ( ; 18 ft. , $22 00.
TIMUI'.HS 1C ft. and under , $22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , $23 OH ;
1C ft 524 00 , 22 ft. , $27 50 ; 21 ft. , $27 50.
KliNCING No. 1 , 4 acd G In. , 822 00 ;
No. 2. $20 HO.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
bo rdx ) 818 60 ; No. 2 , $17 00.
STOCK BOAHDS , 12-in. D , 82300 ;
2-iu. C , S35 00 ; 12-in. B , $10 00.
LIME 1'or barrel , 81 IB ; bulk po nils
35c Cement , bbl , $1 75. Iowa plnatcr.
bbl , P2 00. Hair per bu , 85c. Tarred
foil 10011)3 , 83 00. Straw board , C. ) CO.
COAL Cumberland lilackumith , # 12 ;
Morris Hun BloHsburg , $12 ; Wbilobraaat
lump , 80 60 ; Whilobroaut mil. $ G 60 ; lown
lump , 80 60 ; lown nut KU60 ; Ilock Spring ,
88 ; Anthrocito , all nizcn Sll OJ.
Carbolic , 60o ; Acid , Tiirtar' x We ; Balsair
Copabla , par Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , pui
Ib , lie ; Calomel , pcr Ib , 7Cc ; Ciuchonitim
par oz , 81 15 ; Chlorofonn , i > or Ib , 100
Dover's powderh , per Ib , $1 JO ; Epson
alls , per Ib. 3jc ; Glycerine , pure , par Ib ,
38c ; Loud , Acetate , per > b , 21o
Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gal , 01 IB ;
Oil , Caator , No. 3 , per gal , $100 ; Oil ;
Olive , per pil. 1 BO ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ,
Opium , ( tt (10 ( ; Quinlno P. ti W. U U. It S. ,
per 07 , 92 30 ; Potassium , lodldu , per II
3190 ; Snlac-m , pcr or. , lOc ; Sulpbulo i
Moipbliip , JUT i$3 85 ; Sulpnur iloui
per Ib , 4c ; blrvchulnc. or oz. SI S3.
Moiinounwaa < id , 'ight ' , HlCo ; beuvy.c ,
© 13l5c ; uicdium iiiiwaBhcd , light , 18'a ) 0
ivnsbod , choiu > , Si'e ; fnir , SOc ; tub-ding ,
und w. , " 8c ; hurry , lilackand cottod wool
2io ( lew
Hide * ur , Eta.
HIDES 'jruui butcbcr'B hide ,
cured BJ : hldei , green salt , part cured 7J <
hldc.i , 7iu ; dry Hint , wniud , 13lllcdn ;
calf and kiji , 12@1 Ic ; dry ualt bidou.Houna ,
10@lc ] ; green otilf. wt. 8 Iol5 llw.
grt > cu calf , wt , imdur 8 l\m \ , per
grcon pulti , 6061 25 ; grocn lumb sklnn ,
$1 25tfl50 ( ! ; damaged hldcH , two-third rate ,
cut ncored mid 0110 irub , claniiod two'
tUrds rate , ) branded hlduH 10 pcr cent , all ,
Coon Hkimi , No. 1 , 15c ; No , 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
U3. ; No. 4 , lUa. Mink , No. 1 , BOo ; No. 2 ,
Me ; No , 3 , 16c ; No. 4 , Bo. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
GJicj short nil Ipe , 40o ; narrow itlrlpo 25c ,
broad ulripe , lOa. Tallow 7c.
OAI T" o "I0'll'y ami order ultJIrrct from
\r\lu I u , wu lili | | iroiipll > by rail at th
ovtuHt iKMulhlocuili iirlco o ill wo * uru iijin <
lOni-lm TVIJ5U SALfOO. . Sxliit * Ultv.Ulch
to tlio Biiltiiuoi-a Orlolo.
rhodutuilu of Jialtinioit'ii culubra
tiuii nro almost pDrfoctud , und fur
unougli udvancud to givu n ( ; onuru !
nutlinu of the ( irnivraiiimu , Monilny ,
Tuusilny , Wrduuaday , Tliurnday nnd
Friday , hhptornbjr 11 th to ITith inclusive
clusiveImvo luuu gut apart an thu
days , and the bpicial nltractions foi
cmch trill bu about an follower Oil thu
11 th royal troop-i und all vibitliij ; coin-
murciul bodiua from the aoutliorn and
wcoU'rn citiua will Imvo B { ( rntid ro <
cuption , On Tuesday the royal
troops will uttund thu unvoiliiii ; of the
inomunoat to AriniHluad on Kulaw
plucu. In the aftumooa thuro will bu
compotltivo drilla of thu variouo niili-
tiiry compuiiioi at Druid IIill purl. ,
OnS'udiHB ! < l' y , Huptumbur ID'li ,
grand decnnitioii'j and gouunil bi bt-
i'i' ; . On the 11'-h v/ill bo ( ho
mjui pigcui.t , < ti wluih it in prmnisod
will puruciputo the various Mardi
Oraa KociutH'3 , incltulinu thti Knights
of Momae , Infant J\lyatic. < , S. I S. ,
"ilytbn , C'wbollini3 , Alomphii oi
Mi/inhip [ ) , Vmled J'ropliutB ot St
L.uia , U x , Kinj ; of the Oarnivul ,
Tifuinua and 1'retoua , of Now
atic , ftc.
r llio bum Ht of nil the e > ( k iriii { {
to witi'iui Jial'imnru'u Oblubraiiun ,
the Furl \Vttynu & 1'oiiiifylviUiiu r ulo
haa arraiiynl if ai.Il tioluila to Haiti-
moro and roiurn at hall faro from all
principal jiutntu reached l > y iU IIIICH.
TickuUg'od noing Btptoinbur lltb ;
yood to return until Huptutnbur ITuli.
'J'bo Dtiuil Aiianlu.
HprUal Dlsj'i th toTiiK Her ,
I'liiLAiiKLi'iUA , Bcptiimbur 7.--Tho
oport of Drx , J. W. B. Arnold , of
.Now V'ork , K. 0. Shakespeare , of
Philftdolphi * , nnil J. W. McConnell ,
> f the army medical tnuscum , Wash-
npton , niicroscopic exports splbctcd
to tnako a microscopical nxainitiMion
of nuitonn'ii brain , will be publi hcd
n The 1'hiladolphla Medical Nowu ,
laturdny In r 'frronco to that report ,
The Medical News rill say editorially :
There is in the microscopic revola-
inns no rcatoit for clmniiin ; the
opinion which wo originally expressed
that Outleau v\as an abnormal char
acter , ntid that ho justly sullerod the
iot < nlty i f the law tor the hi h crime
10 had committed.
Cnptnro oT 11 Dank Robber.
Ul Dninlch to Tim llrr.
Ntw ; YOIIK , September 7. In l ti
inry last 820,000 in United Slates
: > ends nnd SM 000 in railway stocks
worn Btdlon from the vaults of the
Safe Deposit , company in linstnn. The
lolicu ot thin city wern nottlied , and
Itscovnrcd that I ) Q , Seymour , a
liroki-r , hnd hypotliecated a number of
Lite railway bonds which wuro miming
with bankers and brokers of this city ,
ji'ymour was not arrested until Sop-
i'labor i ! , when ho n-ns sent to lloston
tnd placed under $30,000 bonds pond-
ng trial , It has stnco boon learned
: lmt a man annwunntr Seymour's description -
scription had disposed of $20,000 of
thu bonds in Philadelphia.
Fnbuloun Wonlth iunMino-
Sp-clnl li ) ) iMch to Tun UKK.
OALVKSTON , Tex. , September ? . A
special from l'l ) L'aso snya : Threuyounc
men have discovered a K ° 'd ' mine GO
miles north of this place , in Oorya
mounUinn. The nuxra of this discov
ery is fully confirmed , A piece of ore
weighing two pounds contained $150
of precious metal. A shaft has bi < on
sunk nuven feet to the vein , which is
three feet wide. A ton of such ere
would bo worth $100,000. Everyone
is wild with excitement.
The President-
Special Difintihm to Tn R linn
NASTUOKHT , Jt-tss. , September 7.
The U. S. Btcamor Uispatch with
President Arthur , arrived to-day from
\Vou < : KsrKKMJ\Hi.Soptoinb3r7 At
the New Kiilaud ( ; it was of-
liDMlly aiiiKiunccd from 1'rcaidmit Ar
thur th l the pri'iaiiro upon his tunu
and precarioui condition of liis health
rendered it impossible for him to visit
run : IN
QUKIIKU , Sjplembor 7. A lire in
Slrochua suburb , doatroyud a vatimbtu
block bounded by St. Loaoph's church ,
Utifossen and Annonm streets , Thu
loaa will exceed $100,000
Viniblo liunruvomout.
Mr. Noah llaten , Klnilra , N. V. , writer
"Alidiit. four yearn 1140 I had un attack ol
biliouit fever , unit ne\cr fully ri'Ciiveiml ,
My ( ligo-tlvo or iiin were weakened , an 11
would bo completely pnntrated for < biyn.
Alter immt ! two bottled of your Huinioeit
Kl.ooi ) UITTMIS the iinprovoiiiunt wa > < HO
Visiljlo that 1 ivdi astonished. 1 uui noiv ,
though Gi ju ir of iipe , do a fair and rot-
Non.tb oday'tfwork. l'ricul.lO.
Tuo lYutU Polntodiy Told About Brvn
U. W. Moore In the Niw York World.
Somebody bin poked fun at San
Francieco by culling it "the Venice u
the West , " and then qualifying the
compltment by explaining that tin
only rcHUinbhinoo between thu twc
cities is in the volume and variety o
the disn reeablo smells that prevail it
them. Uut the San Frunciacana tukt
no notice of this explanation. Thoj
accept the compdrison in thu broiidenl
siniao and positively expect you to set
a reaemblancu between their wonder
ful but very new and very ragged citj
and Venice ! Indeed tliero is no limit
to the San Franciscan's expectations
from a stranger. No oirjna of ad
miration uver becomes ( lattery. Thoj
* ill coolly accept every word you naj
and oven then will iwauro you thu
you liavo not risen to the whole trntl
about "tho Uolden City , " "tho Queei
of the I'ucilic , " etc. , and perhaps g <
away after nil with a lotty sort o
commisurntion for your rustic inca
paoily to f > raep all once the inelropoli
tun aplomlora of Sun Francifico ,
Now , I was Blttint ; in the hotel nn
day and overheard a party of Sai
Fr.tnciscunu bragging in an oil' ham
way to a poor wretch who hud bovi
brought up in Now Mexico or aome
when ) like it , and calmly assuring Inn
thut tluro was nu plucu "in thu world'
of greater beauty than Kin Franciact
imlof mor- delicious fruit * . ( The ;
aid a great deal mure about fine build
tngt , iiiBtilutioiiH , oto , , etu. , v/liicl ahcor noimonao , but let all tluU
paen. I venture to attack them only
at their strongeit points ) llt'itriiij.
Ihu conversation , nnd being inwardly
rxanperated at the unpoBition that wai
being put upuu the iilmplo-uiimlui
barb.irrn , I pretended to full into
the H.unu eauy cn.thility myself and
drew them on to miiKing nnch mon-
atroup aasertinnH ai that San FrancUcu
wai a rovulation of beauty to every
tourist and the perfection of ita fnnl
a iiuver-ueohing delight to him
Having thoao groaaly ignoran
men thoroughly coinmitted ti
wliat they had said , I vonturei
to iiiiuiru wlmt titundard of compr
ieon they had for their oelf-laudation
what other countriea they had viaitci
and what fruits they considered Cnli
foinia produced in Buoh perfection
Now , it is a fact that these thrco im
poitora had never been out "of Ainer
ica ; in fuel , thut except for shor
vinils on buBineaato thu eastern atateu
they hnd never been out of California
and Nevadal I then proceeded tc
enlighten them told them thut tt
thcflo who had travok-d to the cog
nufounti , f-'iiu Fr.v circo dorn nut rp
I. ar u * . till buauufu ; i.nt on the cnu
trary , it in a greut disappointment
that in America itsylf thuru are iiiui.j .
places far moro beautiful , while in tin.
"old woild" Ihero are scores of a , a-
ports of winch Sun Franuiccu
eati no moro \onturu to compare -
pare ituulf tliiui a mud pie
with _ a meringue. As for
ita fiuita , thuru was not in its inuiko :
nor in ttu best ehopa and the heiuht
of the fruit siiabun , ton a ain lo thing
thut deaerved to bo called fust- class
From ihu naterychorriea to the wooll )
apricots , every fruit was an lUvorloab
in it well could be , and aa a whole
they were so second rate that they
could uot find a mlu in the bt'tt shop :
of either Patio or Londo . , The beat
'aiit among them all was a very to )
jrulo ) ! mango , imported from Mexico.
Ita iUvor was equal to that of thu
langru of thu Benares district , or thu
; reon mango of IJurmah , and if the
Maidnh wore grafted on the Mexican
lock the reiult vo.ild probably
> p a fruit that would bo M
highly prized in Now York
and in England as it is all over
Vsia. Hut very few pcoplo in San
< Vanci co over buy mangoes. They
nro content with taatloss melons and
nsipid peaches , pears stuffed with
walcr and strawberries in efligy.
'No , sir , " I said at last to the Uar
iitian who had b.on imposed upon }
'Don't you bollovu any one whn tells
on Urn. San Francisco is a lovely
pit or that ita fruits are extra *
ordinery. Ita natural site is a striking
mo , bat without beauty , and ita vego
able proditctj , though prodigious in
imutity , are inferior in quality. S n
I'rnnc'uco is a wonderful city ; it Is tht-
; rcatest in the west , litlt you must
nit beliovu all that San Franotecins
ell you about it. "
This was very rude , I know , but 1
oiind to my surpriao that every
raveler In Ihu room hid boon just aa
ixaspernted aa mjsclf by the local
labit of exaggeration , and several of
them corroborated me. It is a
ilty that S.m FrAticieoo should have
his weakness. They liavo plenty to
10 proud of , for their city is a marvel ,
tut it has all the disadvantaqos of
lewncss , and In a greater degree , too ,
him oilier new pluccc , for instance
Chicago or _ Denver. Its population ,
noreovor is moro disagreeably un *
leitlcd than in any other town I
enow of except , perhaps , those
of thu Levant. All the mud
and dirt are still in Hiispcnsion ,
and a very undesirable mixture they
nako , too , those half-breed and
loudlum elements. I have no doubt ,
) f course , that improvement is mak-
ng immoliDo and rapid a'ridcs , but to
thu visitor the act of transition is of
coutao invitiblu and ho only sees the
place at a period of repose between thu
last place of advance and the next.
Ho can imaqino anything ho plonscn.
Hut this is not wlmt ho actually aces.
For myself , then , I found Sin Fran
cisco , as so many other travelers hare
described it , disorderly , breathless
with haste , unkempt. Hero and there
nhoro trees Imvo been planted and
the of Iluwers and creeping
plants , thu streets look as if rational
people might really live in _ them ,
lint for thu vunt majority of
the buildings , they scorn merely
places to lodge in dak-bungalowa or
rcut houses , pcrclii'N for pa-sing swal
lows anything you liku except houses
to pass one's life in. They are not
merely wooden , but thry are shorn ,
lee , with their imposing "fronts"
nailed on to the roof to muku them
look line , just as vulgar women pin
curly "bangs" on the tops of their
heads , and their inexcusably dearth of
ornament. I nay iiifxuuu.tble , because
San Francisco might bu a porficl par-
adiBO of llnveis and trees. Ecn the
"weeds" growing nn the sand dunes
outside thu city tire flowers that are
pmad in European garduim.
Buulclm's Arnica Walvo.
Thn UKST KAI.VI : In the * orld for Cult ,
Undnep , SoroH , UlcorH , ball Kheimi , Fe
ver Sorci : , Tetter , Chapped HamU , Cbll
blalnx , Corim , und all Man eruptions , and
poxitivnly curvn . ) ilei. It In cuar.iuteud t0
uivo satii faclfan or money rolundod.
1'rico , 25 ccntii per bet Fur K 'n byijO ,
V ru.'lnmti
TllTJo dn-lrln ti m-Vo miner on
araa'l ' and miiiinn InnitmantiIn
20 k'niln , | .ro > l lom ttnJ .tic. "prqull-
tlou , cm il i J l.y oinra'.lMOLi | our
| ) | 411 I'rom M.y 1 , IsSl , to tl > o pro.
WHEAT mnt ilato , on liiMHtm us of JIU.03
to jl.OOJ , ram jiroflti IUMI boon
roliol and pill ta I ivmtim
aiiiouii liitf'onnyr ' I llrao * tioorlK-
$50 liul linus'munt , still luavhir tin
or 11" 'I ' Iiiva-tmont uakla money
or p j uli n on dumaml Kiplanato-
STOCKS ry clrcul irj ami 'titomonti of fund
\V . t fro iV'o w nt re jmulblo
ai'nti whi Vi\l \ rt'itorfi oicr pi And
Int olucj I In pi in Mwr-il coni-
$100 niUHlniH udil , A'ldruH ,
riiKMMiSO ft Ml ! IKIA.M , Oliii.
ml-ulin MurcliaatM , Jalir IIbt
rW '
- \
f'lid'tii r.-mu < nlHf
r Summer u" 11100 Siuv * ii.i'.Ujirmt
Them rtlobrilln 1 sloTci fir sale by
Plorny & Bradford , Omaha , Neb ,
Elephant Gorrall
( cjtlufV ) mliB Coal Y rJ. )
Hlnik A'Jitlon , Rn o anil Com Til Von. Baled
lluy. Utc. I uiini ) 'd tumiH in ulivate ,
tA i ; A , IIAMilONU , I'rqirlctori. .
Thu Hill ding CO'iimltUo ' ol Tr.nltLUtbo.lral
will rieihu | irnpom'u for tie | ) ! atrrlii | , ' c ( the
Vatlltdul , arconlu.K tililan mi I Ip.cllloiUons.
nhkh liny bg H ui at UiuUMci ol A , r , Lwgv ,
Aru'il eel. hobl IK will lie o ) oneil rn HitiirJay ,
IliuBlli of Srtoiiih.ritt | 3 p m , The conmiltuxi
ro-uvii Ilia right to rtl ctuiiy oral )
au 0-3t
llinulactiirrrs und Healers In
llruihod O\g \ HiJillos , etc. , Ili-ht nJ near
i un lund. or m&ilo to orJer. l > 'bt Hu
fj'Ai Oil < im.ri-iNel > .
General Undertakers ,
Motalio , Wood d Cloth Covered
conntiintlv on band. Ordvra fr > m tht * conn ,
try guliclttid iidpreii'iiilv ' tu'intcd to.
Junior 9th laud Furunm Stroota ,
Huniiln , ' M&tor cxnorleiicvJ teach t cooleg
( ilaco In ho cUy-nlru of ti ln , 86 S5 J | tb o
atcr , Qfwtinj 3) ) tec ; . I'rlov * .soajaa ticket
i.OO : U e Latin , ifl.OJ ! tingle bathi6 wnt * .
'iw ) tOHO B , batliUi. tr'iiik ' * anj dr > eaiiy rooiui.