THE JDATJLf BEE-OMAHA FRIDA5T , SKPTJiMBBIl 8 & GTOIsTOUS holesale Lumber ffn. 1408 Faraliam Street , maha , M. , J 110LSSALE 0-S00EEE AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AHD IWuTACTBIED TOBACCO. Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDER CO POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MlHUtC UAOniNEKT. BEf/TINO , H03K , DItAbS AND 1UON FITTINGS PIPE , OXZA PACKIKO. AT WHOLESALE AND flSTAIU Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that h supplied with complete machi 'JyHf for Laundry work. Send your orders by mail or oxpross. & 'P GOTTHEIMEH , GODFKEV fc CO. , fSgff 1207 Farnham Stroot. BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER ATiH K Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnbam St. Omaha K"eb. & " , ? ! ' Manufactured by < JKF > W * J , ill Iheymako a specialty ol COOKINQ STOVES . , and h\\o lhl ; car jilared In Iho inarkol fij 5 * nio ( IholIOirhCONOM f AN1 > MOST HA.lSI'Al,1oH\'S10VKSo\crmadc. Ihoy maUobotS ' i''lSf F l ln onJ' tension toj ) , and fuaranUoall th.lriood ( . The ajcnta ( or the company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , -UEALKUS IN- " * tj 3T1 X. G R A T E S , R A N G E S , STOVES , ROUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. f 1211 FAItNAM STREET. GtViAHA NEB DEALERS IN F AMR * Mi Fire and Burglar Pr33 2 * 15S.TS'3 SESOT J Efll afel > 1020 Farnham9 Street , K WHOLESALE TH * WH"Wlfflua0fc'liJr * , yrtBS * C1 n LUHBEli , COAL < & On Elver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , TWO LITTLE TKAVELERS. The Boy nncl Girl Who Crossed the Oconn 'TABBOtl" for Phil- ndolpbln. rtillidclphU Time * l.ittlo Ooor 'O and Ilnrriot Grimily , the children who wore shipped with tags upon their clothing Iroin Mi\n- Chester England , to their mother in this city , eat on n sot too in No 5 Mc Donald court , nrnr Fifteen'h mid lUco streets , jeatcrdny morning , kicking their heels together nnd tak ing tholt first breaths of thn air of their now homo. The arrival of the children had Won waited with inter est by the puoplu of the neighborhood. They received an ovation from the dwellers in the court which rendered them speechless when ( ] uestioncd na to their adventures on thu long jour ney of over 3,000 miles by land find sea The mother had expected them to arrive at Ninth and Green structs depot , but ftr ooino reason the lit'lo ones were taken to West Philadelphia , where they arrived at 1 o'clock yesterday torday morning. Liter in the day a policeman brought the nnwa to Mc Donald court , and Mrs , Orindly linn- toned to claim the children aho had not soon for three years. _ In the meantime the tidings spread through the court , and the people gathered in groupa nnd talked over the great event in all ita bearings. When the children made their ap- poarauco , which they did about noon , the court w.-.a crowded and No. 5 was in n flUte of sit'go. Mon and women ind hoys and girls were there in num- DOra and welcomed thn infant immi grants rapturously. George , who is sight years old , is n sturdy young Briton , and eyed his surroundings un concernedly , llo was attired in a lent corduroy suit , to which was at- .ached the tat ; bearing the address of 113 mother , by menus of which dircc- ioia ho and his six-year-old nintcr hna jjon shipped from jioitit to point on ho journey. Their mother oimo to Ins country tlireo yearn uga Her lusbdiid liad been killed in n coal mine two enrs before , leaving her ho burden of five children lonupport iho brought her uldent child , n girl of ifto n , with her , nnd waaftenvnrd iiitiod Ly another daughter. The hroo worked industriously , and by lint of close economy managed to ave enough monuy to send for two f the > ouminiH < { children. A few uekn ago Mr . Grlndloy aunt ? 57 to ho ngcnt of the uteamahip compui : > , ilo of which wui to piy for their ; r ii8iortatii | > u to Liverpool , and thu > uluncu to c > > to the nteamahip com- ) nuy for their pnataijo to this city , 'hey reeeived the gre.itcnt attention n board the steamship , nnd upon [ loir arrival at Caatlo Garden created o little inlunot innong the olliciub liero , who pr < mptly traiiHforrod thorn o the c.itH lor 1'liilndolphia , well nip- > liud with sweetmeats. The boy uinrued up his experiences by s&jng : 'III vrarti sick , mil , liawful [ tick , hull lie way hover. " Dubilitfttwl personi , and auifcreia rom wasting dieeasofl nuch us con- umption , ecrofulii , kutney allectionu , will bu greatly benulitted by nting 5rown's irriii Hitt < > ra. SHAttK VS. aWoUDKIBH. \ . Combat Tliat Was Witnessed by I Treasurer Spinner in Ji Jif Fjorlau. f 'let Ida Dispatch , ' Gen. Spinner , the hero who used t gn the treasury notis , sends the fol- owing descriptive letter of a tight moug sea monstorr on the coast of rionda , on south bench , below Al.iy- > ort : "Early yesterday morning , as 1 out for my uaual nurf bath , nccom- > aniod by my daughter , Mrs , JSchu- uichor , we witnceaod wli it has proba- > ly seldom been seen. The ocean was nuaually placid , but a strange com - lotion in the surf was noticed. On 3 eating thu shore it wan nton that a 'M iorco battle was raging between two I choola of 1'nhes , ono of sharks and 10 other of sawfish. It was high 3 ido , and thu water was quite ohallow , 3J 0 that the caudal and doraal fins of > oth these kinda of sea monsters wpro onatnntly neon above the water. Thu lahiught of each of the combatant ! ) , I which from sixteen to twenty were 1 view , wan fiurro and torritic. Ambled mblod HI w-full was alrnndod. I adud into him , nnd with the pdgo of picco of floor board gave him the oup do i > rnco. llo moasuiod nearly itcc.n foot and carried n sword eaw ireo and a half fi'i't long , with over [ ty tooth on itn margin. It won ound that ono of the sliarkr. Imil bit- on a piece out of his side equal to a in [ oot square , through which Inn bowels irotrnded. "At one time It looked ui if another jnir of the combatantu would bo tr.mdud , for in their H'riigglu they amo so near the ahoiu that they onoliod bottom ail the tlmn , but they Willy managed to join their compart- ons in deep vaUr , nnd after litteen i mtes all t'io belhgurciius disup- i ur ( d to the fjruit rnliof of thoao who it'ed more for f.oii bathinx thun for uin < { the ternflu flghta of sea moji- era , My daughter will carry the aw of thu captured iieh to her liomo i ; a a muiuento and trophy of the great onllict , and for an addition to her abmut ol ocean curinattlua , " A medicine of real merit , prencnbod > y leading physicians , and universally eccormnendod by those who have tsed it , as a true tonic 13 , Brown's ron Hittorn. The Irliuo-Klln Club. "Da man who uxpecka leas' of do world am do ono who has do fewest complaints , " said the old man aa the sound of rattling hoofs died away in the hall. "Do man who imagines dat friendship will berry money at do bank am doomed to disappointment. My friend may lend mo his shovel , but ho expects me to return his hoe in good condUhun. Ifn may irquar * artor my wifo'a health , but it doan' foller dat I kin turn my chickens into his garden. If I am sick I doan' ex pect do world to atop movin * right long. If my nox' doaii naybur wins. pora to my wife dat ho am willin * to oot up wid my corpeo ho am don' his full duty. If I am in want dat'a nuilin * to do people who have plenty. If I am in trouble , dat' nuilin to do people who have aunthiii' to rejoice obor. Do world owes mo only what I can aim. It owes mo room to pass to and fro , apace fur a grave , an1 sich a funeral aa do ole woman kin pay fur an1 keep do biu full o' 'tatora. Do world's friend- ship reduces him to rags as often as it clothes him in line raiment. Do world's sympathy blisters a man's buck as often aa it wnrms his heart. Do world's charity excuses the crime of luns-thuf horror-stricken a - an nm - obcr do stonlin' of a loaf of broad by an orphan. Do world promises cbory- thin' on' performs only what am con venient. "Do man who relics on do honesty of do public instead of do vyilanro of a watoh-dog will Imvo no harvest ap ples fur sale. Do man who pauses at each ntago of his career fur do world to npp'aud or condemn will bocotno a foot ball fur nil men to kick. KxpoCt no friendship to Ins' beyond thn mo ment when you wnnt help. Kxpect no sympathy to oiiduro longer dan it takes fur tears to dry. Kxpect no praise from mon in do snmo trade. \Vo will now continuiuo towards do usual programmy of business , " Briuht'n Dl rif > , Dlnbntu , 1C ) Itiry , Llror or Crlnnry Di"un iv ( . Have no fear of any of the diBiums i you u o Hop Uittcra , as they will prevent vent nnd euro the worst cases , u\oi when you have boon made worse bj some great pulled up pretended cure. ' Fooling Oonoral Suormnu. " About nix miles out of Savanah , came acrous a farmer who accepted n lug of tobacco nnd was ready to ail down on a log nnd answer nil qiies tioun. When I asked him nbuu Sherman't ) approach , ho burst into loud laugh and slapped his log , nnc WAS so tickled that ho did not calm down for two minutes. "Excuse me , Btrnngor , " ho finally said , but whenever I think of how J fooled General Sherman it tickles mo all over. " "Did you fool him ? " "Wi ll , rather reckon. " "Mow/1 / "Wall , you SPO , tlmt'n my phco up thnr * on the rioe. When the w r bruko out I wan the moat cantunkur- ous rebel you e\vr .snw , I snore I'd tight nnd font nnd fit till wo licked the Vaults , if it took n hundred ? , reckon Gmoritl Sherman heard of it. " "I'roiwblyhodid. " "And after ho took Atlanta he nude up Inn mind to gobble mo. lie know I'd sworn to die before I'd nurreudtr , nnd ho e'mio ulonp ; down from Atlanta with over 70,000 men to nurround mo. Mighty ctitu old man , that ( Jiucral Slirrnun ? " "Yoa " "W.ill , they got hi TO our about 10 o'clock. I reckon th it nigh on to I0,00l ! ) ol them Mitromnl. il my house up thai' Mid called fur mo to come out w.d Eiirrendor and end the war. " "And of course you did ? " "And of courao T didn't' ' That's wlinr' the fun cornea in. I wnnn't l.o j.o nt nil , but wau downinV.irninny with Li < o. They entered the huiiau aminrdicd ari'l Birched , and < r"tit to iho barn Mid cilled and cnni l , : i > id when the uiti uomnli fm.lly t > M mi I wiinn't homo Hioyvisa thn iii'iilesl crowd jnn i vnr nit eye ? on They hnd hoolud it. ! l the vra > fiom V'lanln ' to git tluir pnivfl on mo , nnd hud hail their lonji nureh for nothing ! I ex pect Shermun wnn ready to bust with madness , and I reckon ho won't , never quito forgive me. It tickles the old woman WIISH than it tickloa mo , ami you'd better como up tothohmtto nnd hear : her tell what them 70,000 Yan kees said when they got hear nnd found mo tinnc. " KcvituliKing the blood in absolutely necessary for the euro of general de bility , wcakniBH , banal ! tudo , ntc , The boat en richer of the blood is Brown's Iron BittoKi HEAT YOUR HOUSES } - " -"i * S ift 3"i iifft't ' w. mi i I ftF < WBt i * & it FURHACESSHTHEWOKLO. JIAUR IIV EIOHARUS 'N.BOYNTON&00 CH1CAX5O , ILLS. Kinbody ] tflVr 1882 Impr vjuuiits. Mor. nrnotioul < u * Uf . Cost los t3 ko'I' I" jracr ; Uccjis 1'uoll tt'H uu mnro htat I a larger volume ) ol pure air " i * " ) urnace nia'lu SoMlu riKKCKVft IlHADKOJID.Oni'vna.NoL' Jt'21-UilDI KORNIGE 0 SIMSCUT , . . J-roprietor. Haruoy St. - Omrlia , Neb. J. U. in COUNIOES. DOUArER WINDOWS , K1NIALS , Tin , Iron and Hlats Eoofiug , S. Sjmclit'n J'atcnt Afotuho Kkyli lit. Patent Adjnstod lUtchct lir ! and llruclu't Khulving , 1 nin thn abnt ( ; for the uliuvu line of floods. 11JON VKNO1NU. , , . Dank nalllru < , Window nd Oollar. Ouurdi , vita _ ' " lOO'.OOO" riiVIKEN-SPRINC VEHICLES NOXV IK USE . a. They turrawallothuru ( or cm ) rlilliu. ttyjo rid durability , yriicy uro for s.ilo by all Ijomhnx Car. iagu Buildoia and Dcalora throughout lie country. 3PRINGS , GEARS & BODIES Kortul b Henry Timken , > I'aUintcu ai.dIluildcr ol Kino CrrU i , -OC 3CiOXr3CJ3 , - - 3MCCP. ] l-6tu DOCTOR 017 St. Clmrlci St. , ST JLOU1S , Mo A KfOI rn OlUDfATC. or t o nm CO | ! ( ( CKI I'finlo Kir T'CMTP ! In the t out menl cf IIHOMO , NKKVoM , HMN AM 111,001) l ) ! i < t < o thui ivnv other | il > * trl n In SI I. lliimoitj | > | > H hO Mill ill Olll llntll Know ( ' . n uliMion n office . r li\ null Itr niul liultcil. A filciulu | Alk or hU oplulo ro t no hiiuWhin It In In. ommtitit t Nttlc ill } for trritniMit , incilclii-a rin 1 > ccrtt lij mnll or r\irr i nctj whore. CiirtU O < . inMiilwxl ticroiloulitt\lit < lt lift'tuk tktul t' . I or pn"lrattnn , DaliilltVt Slonl * mill l'h\iilonl U't < ukii < > 4 , Mrrctlrinl an other Htfectioii" of I'lirnat , Skill niut ISniipx liupiiritiofl niul 111. ) it 1'TlvimliiK SMntrrctlon , Oil Knrc suit Ulcers , to Aturimo Uliriminti'in I'ilra riH'cl'l | iiiU'iitlini 1 1 CAROM ( ion o\or.wnrko.l . binln ririJUH'AIi OASK rocvho pprrlnl nttcntlnn.i \ cam * nrUtii ) , fniin Iniim | Inici- , or K\i > iwureii. or ili < < lta | ot uliiclnW IT i < o > r > < ivitli ur I win , nly > . Hop - NEVER FAIL IH nil rllut , nut & t IHV Ha oilln ( I wtllilii. l > n iiiMilfnt .Urn w ' 01 t i fncc , K rarn tu cliniiM the CAI H nut n ivmril , nnn nit r wat inn a r ir n cHo t-i' ' WATRWr.W.S S ArK IUDN1JY Am > EiSVKFi CtfHBU isUbliiUoJ on Ju.t thin irlni.lj.lo. It realized lhat 95 Per Cent. jlall dlHcarrn arl/o from dcraiiRcd lildncjn an l\iraudlt Btillitsnt oiicv ut tlio roct ol Iho lilliultj. Ihdcl'ino tin ( Klilihlt ID ciini.vcil | it dlrcotly upon i hrao rrat ortr-ini , both ILA a ooii a. d iiiJironrH , nnd , lij plaili K thdiilna r.eallhy , inndltlcn , drlvu ilievato and pain /rom lie .Hjittin. 1'or thu InniiniarnMo tr mli'ta oinni-d by nn- aalthv KldiuvB , M\i > riml frniatj Urk'ntm ; for the ilntru < Blnc Idfcordinol AVninnn. ( ur llalnria , in pl.yMci ! tlcrAnKimo'iU ffiiluir.lii , thin grunt torn ilj ha-i no oiiial. ) UIM ire ol ImpiMtorf , tatloni nnd i/iniuctionai. id tn bo Just a1 I iir Walictcn , as lor % ' ARKLIt'i D7A.oica' s cnnE J or pile ) ball iliali ru. H. H. WARNER & CO. , mo _ _ Hocihenr ir tf Y TRADE MARK Thn ' > r.a'7m nK MARK ! - ' o ) } . An in f.illlni , i ire ( or Son inr ! \Voaknunti , Spurn M r rlioa , In unr1 , i M i ail follow JJ BtrtiFTA ? IN3. ' "i" < - TARIHO. Jill-AI K < , i H I uvt ol tlLinor , Ijaa l ulu I'jln Ir the II LU , 1 > . i iiva * ol Melon , I'lo imturi OH AKO , nd man ) Mlicr i Dlnoaaui that , .d i'i Ir.rsnity or tontmiuj Uou and a Trinia. tire Orsvo. it ! i ull i .itlcuiatn lu nnr punrhlct , which n di trn lo lend ( run I v null to ovrr ) ono , &in Ini 31 < ' < -H'i c.Mulh Inu u gold b > all dtu-glali fl i'ir jmliii/o , or C | iciLK k-i.ti ( or H > , or " 111 jo cunt l/i by iniJl on ru hit of tlm nioiiei , by iUnui' . : THKOIUY JhUICINKCO , , N. Y. 7nil..t o 1 TH W8TME8SES. Miij shrink Iron pii li It ) IniomiT H. b , I ut vua < i < p < rn M kd lu ndr to tlio fnl- Win ] ; jitriWiim vli i ha\o Inui n nnd wl'inw.oJ lU n-jii itrlul illtiU : I I'liiiv , Houston Co. , Oa. Wo Imio lir n "built'd c | > n.llk" lulled In Imndrbd * cifinntt nl Htina'uctH HO ! . lood 1'olnon- Ini ; , il niirlnl llliiunut'Mii , K rnfuh , Horn * , lizoun , Cut rill tie , nnd do 101 tUentlouuly Uktllj ilintlt n ct 1 II 111" inn t jn'rfict aim ultf- nal um j , clli. . eel radi al ami | nriiuiiiiit.iin > i Inuiuo io VMlhout A xlnulu \fv tjou. itnuarJ , .Vo. V/ Kill n , lului d. llroun , W. . liir'lt ! enl Vin , lliun.oii , Jidin II. Ilo.if , Jainui 1 > . > har | ' , 1,1 Wnrrui , Slooro 'ln't i , J , W. IIU lii , . W. Wlmbtllj , J. W. WooKotk , > I ) Ikice , hhirld , J. W. Mann , Co. Treat. . 0 Dnninn , T. M. Klllui , > , \ A ( lor Ion , T. II. Iliiintr , iliii'l"- \ > 'o an | i'rtjoiiall > u ( ( 'lalntul ' ultli t u u tlo * n hoi n imliir.'a jipu r to tl > u ulio\u eor > tllkatv. 'llu > urn Itl7i < > ubf oilil cjuntof the lilifhiat rci" ( > g lulillltt nnd cnaiaitoi. A. r. ( JII.I'.H. Onlmart , HuHton ( Jo Ua. 1) . II CUI.Iblicl'l < Hup , tt , Jlomton Co. ( la. "KotMni'hil' fmora'il' ropord , liillovu . Il ubpoulc ( urull hood IJIiiiaud , ( j. W. JO.Ni.S : t. CO. , lleniihiBTcnn. ] " "HH R. vhct bntUfattloii than any iliiuVMI lm u viu r hunilluJ. " JACK I .t CO. , Helena , Ark , " } ! AVC ne\ir liranl a luiuiilnlnt nl H. H H ' ' AUIJIUK I'fcTKIt A 00. , UulKHlloKy. "H. H. B. hat gUi-n rniirc butlffattlon toovery Dllf. " A. 11. ItlCllAUUd , Shuman/IuJ. "I liavn had on.ulli.iit bjlo 1 , r 9. S , 8 , . and the rcimlU lia\u U > < inott HJ l fa tor } . ' J. O. IlUllUr , ll'jwllii. Crcm , Kj . "Our Balm ( H , U t ) . lia\u been good , and Ita lUcctKi pcrloi t. " JONDi A.OAHKY , Montfonicry , Ala "A H. hhin < ; iitru ! latlslm.tlon totury mi. " K "H H S hu irl eii uuitcnil vitl- I' . Vf. I'OSVKKd & CO. , ItlUimund , Va.i , .t v > lie will flud , on anr.lyuhol 110 U. H. , one i.artlJo ol Mercury , lodl J o ( Pa turn or try illurr * ! 'ib l < . .icxj. ' ' Atlanta , Oft Pfloe'cl Small ( lid , { 1.00 Ijtr/e Uo il To. Bol.l bi all Dru.a'UU A/ouw lor Ihu Uh Tluiu ud rcuohorouM Written by hbO'wFtf { JUBSO JaiDO& bg only Iii > authorltud by Inr , and which Kill ict bo a "lilood and Thun'lor" btorj , nucli > g hu mn and will bg ilublUhed , but a true I.llo li } bo only ti ruon who U lu I'os&ti.lou ol thu ( acti aUI hfuland devoted wKu , Truth It mom ntuintinn tluo fiction. Aicunts uliould BH | > ly or territory at on . Send 75 cti , for Uanv plo Uook , J. II. CbuiuLori & Co. , uio-MJ-i- BtLouil , Mo. W.1J. MILLAJtU. U. JOIINSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Conijflissien and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTU1 I'RODUOK SOLICITED ] Agents for Peek & Baneliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour' OMAHA NEB , - - - BEEEBEJSTOE8' OJIA1IA ATIONAL HANK , STKKLK. .1O1INSON A CO. , TOOTLIC MAUL - v CO. CESID&OO , . The Only Exclusive Tiolesale Hardware EHouse xrsr 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA NEB. O. TIU" DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass. WTAnyone rontei | < latlnK rmllitlngetorcjiftnk , or any other Duo nlll find It to their d latitude to corns end with ujlicforo purchasing their I'latoGlaaa. C. F , GOODMAN ? , OMAHA . . . . NEB. O O jfV % rf'K X'S BJ * 4W OMAHA , A. M. CLARK , - PaintBP&PapBpHanger r * mn ra9'CtlL. SSS--2S.V , ' SIGNWRI1ER&DEOORAM. WHOLESALE & HETAIL W SLL PAPER ! Window Shades1 anil Gnrtains , COUNIOES OUHTATN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paintd. Oils & { { rushes. 107 South (1-1 ( th btroot. OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA. f.a BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF < 1U H. TillllTKHNTII STIIKET , Eopairing Done in .all Branclios . , OMAHA , Nhll. JOOK-KIWPINfl , IJUSlNIiSS FORMS , J5AKKINCJ , OOMMKUOIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP , POLITIC iL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , KNf.'LISH LANGUAGES , Taught liy gontlcninn of buHincnB oxfurienco niul broad eclujlnrship at the WYMAN GOfflMERGIAL COLLEGE. A now ii.ntilution basfil on Oiu liiglioat Btandaril of uxcrllciicu. Day and. nil nvimin cuoBiona niu now in Bucci.ssful onuration , I'nr < iiuilni i omiioLlal lufonnntliinapply to nraililrciu A. L. WYMA.N. OF LEABI Q WESTERN HCITF.L JIOTJUH. J. O. MclSTIRE , Lincoln , Nrti WCATHCRLY HOUSE , RA. U. WEATHCRLY , Manning , Iowa , I1CYNOI.DQ HOUSE , O. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , Iowa. BAnATOOA HOTEL , J. S. UTELLINIUU Mllford , Nab. MAI1UH HOUGC , H. MMIO , OROWNSVILLt Neil COMMtnOIAL HOTCL' JOHN HANNAN , Glromoljurii II * HALL HOUSf , A. W. HALL Loulxllln O1TY HOTEL. OHCNEY & OLARK , nialr , Nab. COMMCnCIALHOTE. , J , U , MEAD , HollBh , NcU ORAHO OCNTRAL E. SEYMOUR , Naltraika Clty'N b MI600UH1 PAOIFIO HQTCL , P. L , THORP , WoopInK WterN . COMMCIICIAL HOUUti A. O. OAAHPER , Hard , Neb. QRCCNWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Qraanwood , Neb nOMMUROIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clcrlnda , Iowa END'S HOTEU , C. L. END , Eroniont , Keto1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HAOKNEY , Aihland , Neb METHCPO1.ITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , fitD. MOHCAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUnD , Quids Recd , N . OUVMIT HOUSC , GWAN h DECKER , Crciton , IK , HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. OALPH , Exlra , la. REYNOLDS HOUGET , O.M. REYNOLDB , Atlantic. U , WALKEII HOU6E , O. H. WALKER , Auduuon , U , COMMEROIAL HOTEL , 0 , DURQE68 , Neoln , In. CITY HOTEL , DI A. LLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M , E. OUMMINQO , Cornlnj , l . NEUflAQKA HOTEL , J'L. AVCRY , Otanton , MEROrlAHTB HOTEL J , W. DOULWARF , Dutllngton Juritlon , M i COMMEROIAL HOTEL , D'anchard ' , In. 'f PARKS HOTEL , F , M. PARK , 6honandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLO , Dayld City , Neb UACNELL HOUSE , CHAS UAQNELL , Colleco Sprlngt , la. SOMMEKOIAL HOUBF , * VM. LUTTOM , Vlllltca. la. JUDKIN8HOUDE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvcrn , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrove , la b'f OOMMtriCIAL HOUSE D , F.STEARN8 , Odebolt , la woooa HOUSE , JOHN ECKEHT. Otceola , Neb. OOUQLAa HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarkt , Neb. UEDFORD HOUSE J , T , QUEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J , M , CLACKS SON , MarjivllloMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction N b V/IN8LOW HOUSE n. MCCARTY. Beward Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. 11. JONES. Auraar No . OHOZILR HOUHB O. R. OHOZ'ER , Sidney , NOD , AVOOA EATINU HOUSE O. W HOCKriOLD. Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Cant JOHN FOSTER , Lewli WHITNEY HOUSC E. HAYMAKER. Qrliwol DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , DunUp , la. LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUSK Logan , la. DOW CIIY HOUSE , W. H MORTO * . Dow City , la. JAQQER HOUSE , JAQORR& DON , DenUon. la , 1LAUMON HOUSi ; , TAilA Uii x , IA , , Harmou & Keftlw , Prop.