THE MAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. , JFE1DAY JMOENIISTG , SEPTEMBER 8 , 18 TO CHEAPEST Place to get SHOiS : tor your children U at the popular store of HEIMROD & DORMANN'S , 13th and Jackson Street * . Thftt It cost uinothliw for rent In our boot and shoe department , and It enables m to nelt HOOTS & SlIOKS cheaper than the cheapest. Bring in Your Little Ones , and start them to school with good nho i. CHKA.P 1 CHIJAP ! 1 CHIIAF 11 ! DORMANN , ( Suooessora to Fred Lang. ) WHOLESALE & HETAIL Our BUOCCSS isdno to our good goods and low figures. Wo always keep FRESH STOGK , consequently our customers cin pur chase of ua only frcth goods. WE SELL EXTKA $ * ,50 per 100. SCIIUYLEI : io the only Hour that iivo general jatiafacfion , and wo daily receive proofs from our customers thatittnakofl WHITEST AND LIGHTES11 BREAD. BOYAl BAK9NG POWDEP. vB\smt , ' the only pure and ho&llhy' arti cle in this market , and which is recommended by the most colelebratod chemists. Wo KEEP IT. Wo keep CALIFORNIA SUGAK , which is pronounced to bo the purest article over brought to this market. Wo alao keep the best brands ol bYRUPS and FLAVORING ? Heirnrod Dor-man n WHOLESALE & RETAIL WiftE AND LIQUOR DKALERS. rfe keep but pure and hcallay goods , lea from any adulteration. Families piing auch goods for medical purposes dtould give us a call. We make spo- " 6rJUes of CLARET , 'ANGELICA , 1 PORT , SHEitRY. CALIFORNIA PURE BRANDIES. Ve alao keep fine lots of 'imporlod COGNACS-RHINE WINES. : CHEESL ' These goods you can buy of us fresh and cheap. Wo always keep the best quality of LIMBURGER GENUINE SWISS. And all other variotioj in largo quan tities. 'THEPDBLIO ' U cordially invited to give us seal ) , as we can assure all satisfaction. HEIMROD & DORMANN , Corner 13th aud JackionSta. TORN HI TWO. The Third Di.triofc Republicans Divide Long Before the1 Hour of Meeting , The Bread-and-Butter Brigade Attempt to Overthrow the Regular Ofllcora. Hon. M. K Tumor , of Platte , Nominated by the Regular - lar Convention. A StroDR Anti-Monopoly Plat form Adopted , on Which He fquare'.y Statda. Valentine's Railroad Rump Go Through the Forma of Nom inating Him. A Platform 09 Weak and Windy aslJthe Candidate , Built on Bund. TndRO Weaver PlnoUs tLo Con- Porainimou nt a City. Cnurch Uowo Laid on tlio Upper Shoir. THE UPI.IT. DispftUh tuTun Dun. HOW IT UU1K ABOUT. Nub , , September 7. Ab 'Ut ' 11 o'clock this morning the fol lowing printed notice was circulated in the atreota and at the hotcla among the delegates to the congressional con- vcntion : NOTICE. All delegates to thn republican cpngies fbunl convention of tlm Third district wil lund their credentials to the chairman ol the republic in congressional c < n > cntinn committee in order tlmt their names may he entered on ths roll foi temporaiy organ tnti.n. . , H ooiui over poctollice L. Cnoi S'XK , Chairman Congressional Central Com. M. Wiinuou'ii , So1. Cong Cent. Cum. 1'llKMONT , September 7 , 18SJ. Tins notica created great cornmo tion and excitement in tluj Valeutim camp. Valentino called in person at tin post cffiw hall demanding to know bj what authority tins action was taken Ho was informed that it ws done by anthority of the state central committee mitteo which had selected Judg Crounso choirman , and Mr. Whit meyer as accrotary f f the congrcseion al convection of the Third district- . This was in acccrd nc. * vfiih th k&tublUhod tuag uf committee that requires deloRatcs t to submit their credentials so tha these having prima facie authority _ cai ho supplied with tickets of admission About noon the following counte circular appeared on the street * : WHKKCAH , The state central commltto at its meeting fur thai purpose duly iiansti a reaolntion au hiirlziDg nnd eniponerinf the resident incmbpr of the jstnto central committee to call tliec ( convi-n- tion of tha 'ihird ciigre < tioujl district to order , aud WiiEHCAH , S. B. C Ifon , of Ircmont , Nebraska , in iid member , nn'l ' is therefore the i-rojier petHon to call such convention tu ord r , I will therefore call such to order at 2 o'clock P. 31. , of tliisdav. Dated , September 7th. 18 2. 8. If. Cpuio.v , llefiident Member of Republican Htato Central Committee. We , the DiemberHof the rep ibllcan state central couinilitoe , icrtlfj that the above action vtaken by the rppubllcau state central committre , and endono the above call. W. 1) , MATIIKWH. .rou.vA lOiiiuiAiuir , U. J WY.MAN , ( ! . \V. K DOIISKI , 1'roxv for S. 1) , CoUon , O. H. WiLi.iUP , Slembers of Republican sitnto Central Comtnittee. ( Aa a matter of fact no auch reso lution was cvor adopted by * .ho state central committee , iind aomo of the pretended aieners of this dociiment were not at Fremont. ) THIRD DISTRICT. TIIK niiOUI.Ut OONVKNTJOK. Spori l liuintch ti FIIKSIONT , September 7. At U p , in. Hon. Lorcnsso Crounso , chairman of the district congroBeional commit tee , called the convention to order. Hon. Wm. F. Goodwill , of Lincoln county , was elected temporary chair man , and lion , II , W , McOluro , of Holt county , secretary , The following committee on creden tials was appointed : P. Haggorty , of Holt ; E. C , CalKins , of liuflalo ; E. A. Fiy , of Knox ; S. P. 1'arker , of Pierce , and D. L. Uru'n , of Platte. The committee reported back the following persons as entitled to seats in the convention : Ouster County J , I ) . Iteam , Knox Will Felher , O , W. Itlce , Al. hertl'ofelka , T. J. Uuclcmutcr , Kd. A. Krv and Oliver Jackson. Platte I ander fJerard , D. L. Urenner , Robert Wilev , A Hlnerick , W. J. Wheeler and W. H. BeUon. Tincoln II. C. Colburn , W , K , Good- will. 1' , C. Patterson and O. H. Oroior , I'ierce .S. P , Parker and 1-3. P Utilities. llo't ' Patrick Haggertr , t5. M. Ilreu. ner , II. W. McClure , C , 1 ! . Herman oil U. M. Cleveland. oilk llulfalo A. 11. Connor , Joseph I Hock ; A. I ) . Randall , II. C. Andrew * , 13. C Calkin * , K. U , Hauicr. James Jenk n , \V. O. Holden , II. 11 , Gouldlng and lUci Katou. Wiuhlngton-CharlM Sellek. The committee recommended that C. D Jenkina be admitted to repre nt Madioon county , and J , W , Hiley ISocne county. The report of the committee wai : adopted , The convention then _ votoc to make the temporary organizatioi permanent. The following naraoi ; ontlomcn wcro appointed the coin- nittro on resolutiono : 0. M. Cleveland - land , J. D. Uram , Loandor Gerard nd A. H. Connor. The committee oportod the following resolutions : TUP rt.AmniM , We , the ref.utillcami of th * Thirl con- re lon l diotrlct , hereby nffirm cur loy. Ity to the cardinal principles ol the rcpub- 'can party s cnutici totl through the n oml rppubllcan convention that nninin- tett Oarfie dnnd Aitlmr ; WIIKRIAS , The republican puty has ver since iti organization been Inreniutt n ndoptlnc mei'tira * Ixjneiiclnl to the ! oring nnd produdnR cU-aen. Jtcrolml , Tlmt the question/ > f tr n < - rartntion is ono of the most impoiUnt rnlilemt now licforo the people for rolu- ion , and tlmt the republican party of Ne- rnakn oliould voice tha nentiments of the ooplo thereon in no uncertain round ; tlmt 11 trnnrportntion niutei ahould lie to con- rolled hy the ntnto nnd general Rorern- nenls as to prevent extortion , ttnjuit hnrgca nnd discrimination Iti any ioVui or nanner ; that the action of the different ilro.l l companies throiiuhoilt the Unltctl ltA < cs in cuiiBolidatlnR nnd pooling utbcr- wlso compctingllneii nnd lutuing free pMaoa o public ollicera in contrary to a eound itibllo policy , nnd should be prevented by roper legislation. Jtctolrnl , That we arein favor , nl pre.i- nt , of reduclig alltnilroadfnroi fur tmel n this fltnte to n minimum charge of thrco cnti iwr mile. Jto\\fJ \ \ , That we are in favor of nbol- hltig thettnte boird of tqualzjtlon BO hat nil the propoity of railrondu , and lorpcrations nlmll bo iifcsoil nntl taxed in he came manner as the property of ituli Mm s. Jlcsolml , Wo ara honrtily In favor of the bill recently introduced in congre < ti > compel litu grint rallroniU t't _ take out on their Ion B , to that the B.IIIIO | nay bo taxed , na Inudg owned by ludi- vulimls are taxed. JUrolicJ , That we , Ilia republicans of the Third cuunreHnionnl district of NobrRslm , are in fnvor of n careful , Inmost nnd rale cxpmditnro of puhliu montya in c iimty , t > tite and nntlnu ; that wo heattlly cndonto the uction t > f President Arthur in vetoing thu liver and harbor Appropriation illl recently pasted by congress , whereby nilhoun of ( lollitra ot the public monies were reckloi > i > ly Equal dored ; that wo con demn the i.ct-on of member * of congrein and BountotHlio voto.1 to pans ualil bill over the vetr. A. II. ( r. M. Cl.KVKt.ANM- 1 , . Wii.i , i I. 1) . llr.\M. A congrosaional diatrict CDinmittoo was appointed , constating ot twelve mombuis. Luut.der Gorrard nominated Hon. M. K. Turner , of Platte , as represen tative ; in congress. The nomination was seconded by several delegates and Mo Mb motion of Gen. Connor was made by acclamation. Mr. Turner was called for nnd ro- quobttd the platform to bo road to linn. Ho then endorsed ita principles in an earnest and forcible speech and pledged himself io live up to it Housing ppeecheo were made by Gen. Connor , lion. A. H. Hamor and others. The convention then ad journed nine tlio. VALENTINE'S RUMP. Sf cal : Dlipatch to TIIK BRE. UAILUOAJ ) HULK OH HU1N. FUBMONT , September 7. Valen tines rump convention asbcmbled at the opera house. S. B. Colson , the undo ot hia nephew ( Fred Nye ) , got into the chair an hour before the meeting , and Val had n guard stand ing , over .him. for fear that Orounse , 'tho iositimatb cbairlriati ; Vould 'cOina and take hia place At 2 o'clock h called the moot ing to order. Hon. O , A. Abbott was made temporary chairman and Charlie Lamb , railroad capper , secre tary , The meeting directed Meenrs. Clarkson , of Golfnx , Keinal , of Mer ick , and Hopewoll , of Burt , to pro- * eed to the post office hall to request , ho convention there assembled to jomo to their meeting. An adjourn- nont was had for this purpose for half in hour. In response to this invita tion the following written reply was received : A BTINOIIII. Pi ) the Gentlemen assembled at the Opera House : In response to your message , wo have to cay that the regular rci.uhlicun convention ' .r the Third congrcaxionul district of Nc- jrneka ia organized and in working order , tiavlng been called together by the chair man of the central committee Wo are HOIry that the gentlemen aauom'.leil in tie opera hoii'e h.ive robnlli d njfaiiiHt the Uw- ful ciithoilty of the chairman of tl.o con- i < reai > central committee nnd IU secre tary , anil have refused to liaiitl their cre dentials to the chairman of uald commit tee , in order that their nnmoi ir.Ijlitbe entered on the roil for temporal y organiza tion. We cannot but deprecate i hu hasty and unauthori/ed action of the body of men there PH > O uhled , who have bojn ini.i. led nil to their dutlHH an rcpnblicitii' , and have nectcit'd from the lawful control of the niithoiized I'llit ) ra nf the ptrty. I'osron'U'K II.\n. , KIIKUONT , September 7 'Hie regular lepubiican convention of tlu Third eongrefslonal district , now in m-hi.n , rf < pie8tn mo to transmit tu your bodv Ui3 fmei , inj mes aijo. ( digued ) W , GOODWILL , Chulrmun. Commitloos on credentials , resolu tions and permanent oruanizttion weae then appointed. The committee on resolutions reported the following I'LATFOHir. ly ! the republican convention of the Third congrfseionil district : r'irst We ro'jllirm the fumlamcntal prlnclileit | of the party ntid ' ; e fidelity to the orgunUxtlon which as BO long carried the t-lilp of Htato tluinigbattacka by foes within and onemlcn without. Kacoud That o pledge oursclva'J to ever protect the IntereetH of the penplo ax opposed to extortion or r.ion.ipolita of whatever chaiacter. Third , That we plotlfo oureelveu lo continue - tinue the BOH nnd financial policy which has ever characterized the management of the national financed by the republican party. Fourth , That we r.lo < Ige ourselves to use every honorable means to secure a pure ballot and a fair count in every xtatain the union. Fifth , That In the chief executive of the union wu have au Uliclal worthy of tbo confidence aud support of the republican pariy. These resolutions were adopted without disaont. It was the moved to proceed to nominate a congressman , and the delegates present were author ised to cast the full vote of abtent dole- cations. The r etui It of this -was that Yaltntino received 08 votes , Hope- well 21 Crounto 3 , Porsingor 7 , Talfo ! ) , Tabu's name was then withdrawn and the votes thrown to Valentino , who was declared duly nominated , A congressional central committee waa then appointed. During sumo of the intervals while committees were out , harangues cro delivered by a number of p t house politicians. That notorious bummer and dead best Gan. Owirgo A. Roberts made a violent , nbUMvo and indecent nfsiult on Senator Van Wyck nnd other * , A resolution was also introduced conaur- it g E. Hosowater , editor of THK HUB It was amended and finally laid under the table. Having performed its allotted task , the rump adjourned. THU SECOND DISTniCT Special ll ) | ut < .h to Tux HKK. NnunvsKA CITY , September 7 8:20 : p. in. Temporary organization wns olft'ctcd with II , D. Hathaway as chair man and J , It. lUthburn secretary. Douglas county has but ono candidate , Pat Hawos , who has six votes , the other twelve are purchased proxies and the railroad votes will ba placed whore they will do the most good. Howe is busted } Weaver promising. 10 p. m. The tlrst four ballots were Weaver 21 , Uowo 22 , Gailoy 31 , Toirt 14 , Mitchell 7 , Yost 0 , Holmes 7 , balance scattering. No change on the fifth and sixth ballot , except that Yost received three of the votes for Uowo. The Douglas delegation will round for Mitchell and got left. WKAVKH IS THE MAN. Midnight Judge Weaver is nomin ated after a very exciting contest. Church : Howe laid on the shelf. Archibald J. Weaver is a imtivo of p in his 80th year. Hin In waa n German and hia mother from Now England. Ho wan n f.mii hand : until the ago o sixteen , and at the ago of twonty-threo ho entered the law department of Harvard uni versity , graduating Jn' the spiing of ' 09. ( J In May of the same year ho local * d at Falls Oily , llichiirdson county , Nebraska , and entered upon the prao.ico of Jaw. , In tbo spring ol ' 71 ho was olectpd to the constitutional convention. Ho wa Baiu ( elected to the constitutional convention of 187fi , and in the full ue that your elected judgn of thn first jiio'inlal dwlriot of Nobrarka , which position , ho now holdfl. In the winter iif 1881 ho was ha hS prominent candidate for the United States senate. Lome nnd Ijout\o Xioavo for-tlio Went. SjiccUl Dispatch to Till ? HIM. . ' , oAdo , September 7. Tlio Mar- of Lome , the Princess ' nnd purty left on a-spiclul Ir. morning for San Franrtfcw , via Oniahn. 1 ho marquis ) < : iid tp. n HUK reporter that they"vt ro traveling r/itliout any well defined piano. Neither ho nor tho" princoasr Iiad visited British Columbia nor any 'por tion of the wuatoru coast of thp Do minion. It was their purpose to" visit that part of her majesty's' North American possessions in an easy ] pen- oral way. They wjiuld o > to San Francisco , traveling ' as suited' their pleasure , and from tboro they would anil for Victoria , -British' Colum bia , In the war Vessel Conrtis , of which CtopUln Essof * the , anceuV na < * is , comrr.dcr. . 'Hewlo'iigviwy yi roittAla Al * riot yet been determined and will not bo until they arrive at Viutoria. Tl-oy all return by way of Chicago and may make n moro extended visit in the city than now. Two years ngo the Prin cess Louise visited Chicago in com pany with Prilico Leopold. Shu was much pleased then and is glad to visit the city again , but ai aho 1ms never boon west of there oho now desires to push on and vieit the great west , of which such wonders have been told. Tbo Mormon Kingdom. Sfoclal Dispatch to TUB Hen. SALT LAKE , September 7Thu Mormon priesthood have been circula ting a aocrot circular giving iimlrno- tions to their people directly oppnBito to the law ruhngi of the commission ers. Ono of , theno circulara wab tm- earthed to-day. They have also de cided to have throe bishopi ait with the procinot 'registrars and oversee tbo regie trat ion. The Guntilcs arc muoh incensed at this interference. Bold IloVuory. HpocUl Dlfpalch to TIIK K * . PirreiiDita , September 28. A 10- markably bold robbery was oomraittt d last night or this morning at the tannery - nery of James Collery , preaidont f.f the Piltsburp it Western railroad company , on River avonur , in Alle gheny. The otlico of the tannery wus tmternd by a roar window , which wns ! pried opon. The burglars pn- cooded to blow open the safe , using BO largo a charge ef powder that Iho bin safe wa blown a distance of four feet. The safe was then "raneaoked. Fifty- nine dollars in money and about $ fiO i.LT 000 worth of mining stock and other securities wcro taken. There is no clue whatever an 'to who the crncks- men wore. _ _ _ _ , _ A Matonlo Soaiidal. gpccinl Dlapatcb to Till Unit. PiitLAiiKlPHiA , September ? . Hur. risen G. Clark , Krand tyler of the Grand Lodge of Kroo and Accepted Masons , whoso nnnio figures conspicu ously in the report that together with William Sliinn , librarian at Masonic temple , ho conspired to libel Mrs. Kdna Jordan , was suspended to-day by the Maaonic committee , the grand : i master of the lodge being present. It waa decided that Shinn was an in nocent tool of Clark. Mm. Jordan Expelled from the Bounl. Special Dupilch to Tli > HBM. NKW YOKK , Biiptembor 7. The banking house of Kennedy , Hutohin- son it Co , , dissolved partnership in consequence cf trouble arising from Duirilutchlnson's quarrel , which re sulted in Hutchinson's expulsion from the stock board , Tlio Torn * Dolngo. Special Dispatch to Tin Dei. ST. LoOia , September 7. Texas specials report that the towns on Concoo riyor recently aubrpurgod are again ovoillowed. THE ADVANCE ORDERED. A Oenenl Movement of the Bridsli Toward Kebir 'Bogan. ' A Deciuive Bnttlo Looked For on Monday or Tuesday. Dnirnrlu IltK" ted -.crlth the Qnnl- lllctl Proolniuntlon of the Porto. Tlio Ueual Variety of Forolsn Nowu. SjKH'Ul l > ! [ vUchc vUchcTO TO TIIK FIIONT. ISMAMA , September 7. Troops will push toward the front with two days rations on Monday. Wolsuloy goes forward on Saturday , AIlAlll'rt AltMV. AMANHHISeptember : 7. An Arab was caught at llamleh attempt ing to tpiko a gun , Tlio correspond ent of The News luis obtained from a most reliable source the exact strength of A rain's army. The urand total is as follows : Infantry -11,000 , cavalry 18,000 , glum MI ) , rocket tubes 18 , Itodoulns : i5,000. Titu I'OHTR'H OOMMINSION. CoKNTAitTiNorLK , September 7. TJio iniponal civil commission leaves luiro Thursday for Alexandria. Der- viech Pasha and D.iker I'aahn , with their etalid , will start on Thursday for the rendezvous in Crete. Turkish troop ? are aiaombling hero as fast as possible. TUUKlett Tnoors HTAUTINO. CoNNTANtlxoi'i.i : , September 7. Orders have bi'un sent to Suda Iky to forwaid the llret detachment of Turk ish troopi to E.ypt. ; .V lirX'lHIVn COXKI.ICT NUAlt. Soptombur 7. Thu Eu' > P'iun l" n in thu outpost niHiir yoa- ttrdjy wan heavy. This was by the moat di'tcrmincil di'iuonrttration inadu by thntinny MUCH thu luttloof IC'X'j.Mtflin ' , nttd iiuiiciitcn the near ap- pror.t < h ( f \ \ decisive eonllict. All our Ciivalry are now hurt- . Till : OOMINII IIA1TLK. IHUAIMA , Suptcmbor 8. A gen eral move to tlio front , boon or- dored. Our forcwi lit 1C leaunain locks will amount on Saturday to 15,000 mon with fifty I'linn Oily ono onr- resnonduiiL nt ( ho will hu al lowed to each niw.t | > iipor , and each tolcgMtii will lui limned : i > fiOO words. Anf.ttaok MI the i-m-my in conliJuntly expected Monduy HP at latest Tucsduy. ( IH10 1MB PJIOKT. ISMAILIA , September 7. The troops here , including Iho Highland brigade , will advance Saturday and bivouao Saturday night at Eln i > for. They will roach Malmmuh Sunday and K < 2nwin Monday. Ono Kngliah and one native regiment will bo loft to garrison lamailia. The Bedouin chief , Abou Haosnn , has called out the Boon men and joined Arabi Pasha , , * JOINING TUB porfeU "tliiil'loimi of tha" Turkish" ollicurs have joined tlio rebel forces via Damiotta. TIIK TUUK1SII KXfEllITIOX. GojfOTAJiTiNorM" , Si-ptombor 7 , Evening. Lord DunVrm still awaits inatiuctioiiB from K igland before signing - ing Iho draft of the An lo-Turkish military convention. U in believed 1 improbable that any obstacle will ' fttiso lo prevent the formal uigning of \he document. ( ) Jew have been dia- patched to Suda 15iy tu have Turkish 'prcpiro to oinbark for I' ypt. HiorriMi MUNALB. Au.XANimiA , September 7. The Uniinh have burned the houses on the left bank of Mahmoudieh canal , sig- nala having bci-n made from there to the enemy with lights. All lights uro now prohibited after 0 o'clock at night in houses buyond outpostH. TIIK KNUMY'H HAM p. KASHANSIH , Soplomber 7. Maj. ( ion. Wilkinson and Col. Butler , \vith n body of Indian o.walry and mounted infiinlry , advanced to within a mile of To'-eMCobir ' at II o'clock this morn ing and took nketchcs and made par ticular observations of the enemy's poution. The rebel troops were ap parently nslecp and none were neon by tha liruish until the luttor were rotir- ing. IIUKI'KUIW DISHATJSKIKII. September 7. It is stated that Lord Duii'orin in disaut iblled with the sultaii'it proclnmation , inasmiioh a while it stales that Arabi I'aiha deaerveii to bo declared a rebel > 1 , it dootf not oxpreasly proclaim him user such , WOHUVIXH TIIK KKKNUII , PAHIH , Kaptombor 7. The rumor that England , with the assent of Rus sia , has signed a nuerut treaty with Turkey relative to the ultimate or- { { uiization of Egypt , guins ground , l'AI.HK ON ITS fAOI ! . AI.K.VANIIHIA , September 7. It is rumored the SnlUn offered Egypt to England two months ago on the same condition in which nhi ) took Cyprus. England declined the oiler. GENEKAI < FOREIGN NEWS. HjHiclJ Dliputtlicn to TUB J ) . TIIK COMrilOMIHK HV OltKKCl ! . A'HIKKH , Septembiir 7. The Turks propose to compromise the frontier dilliculty by offering to eoUo throe of the duputed placis to Greece , if the latter will cede to Turkey the remain ing two , Greece refuses to make the concession , and will mobilize the army if negotiations fail. Wur thousand men are held in readiness to join the troops concentrated on the frontier. ClIOLKltA ItAVAUKH. MAiniin , September 7. An ollicial dispatch from Manilla Mtatea that 171 natives and ono Uuropiian died there yesterday of cholera. Tin : TUUKO-UUBBK now. ATIIKNH , September 7. Nothing has boon decided in regard to hula Turko-Grook frontier question. It U stntad M Ooiuhiriotos , Grnck min ister to Constantinople , will have a further conforoiico with Slid Pasha , Turkish initiator of foreign nll' . irs , and it is believed , if no di-ciMon is thru runchcd , hostiliticn will bo resumed. It is understood M , Uomluriotoi hn biinn instructed not to yield any of the five points in dispputo. A ( jl-AMFtKII AI'I'RAU Dnit.i.v , September 7. At a nirot- nt the mansion housu to-day resolu tions were ndopdul asking thu lord liontonnnt to commute the death sentence - tonco of Hynes , Canon nnd Popu , mid denouncing murders in Ireland. POP sons in thu ntidiutico Raid the murders were for the good of Ireland , A ( IliNKIUI , KHAKK. PANAMA , September 7.At JIIO ! : o'clock this morning there occured j | hero ono of tlio severest earthquakes ever known on the isthmus. Many buildings were damaged. No lives were ( lost. IlllITlMll IMI'OHTS. LONDON , Septombur 7. lleturns issued by the board of trade show that during thn month just pinned British' imports increased , compared with the same month of last year , by i'424,000 , while the oxporta for the month in creased 178 000 as compared with thu corresponding month of last year * TIIK PANAMA CANAL. PAUIS , September 7. Subecription for the Panama Ciimil company ol ' . ' 50,000 bonds of C.OOO francs each is considered a nueceas. 1IU11LIN I'OLU'K. DUIILIN , September 7. l'J rl Spen cer , reinitiating dismissed policemen granted j , them free pardon , but ex pressed i regret and nut-prise that they should | have bettn induced to take thu step they did. Thn Northoru Fuel lie. ll | 'atcli ' lo Till : llnr. ST. PAVL , Soptumbor 7. The gov- onimuut couniiiBaioiicra to inspect , thu of tlio Northern P.iailio from ( ilundivo to Killings , returned to St. Paul to-day. They icport. that in their ju .ginent thu roiul la conotriictud in thu most , ooiontilio niaiinur , of thu host , Thry btiliuvo it to bo a good I ! ' nuil bud , and nil ! recommend that it buuccuptcd fty tlio government. Thuyveio more ] ) ; irtioular- ) y struck on their trip tln view this road by thoj rapidity of construction ; 8,01)0 ) menu ai ro at work un the wcsturn division and 7,000 on thu norlhutn. Truck in b ing laid at the ratn of ono and u linlf mili'a a il y. \Voht of Dillings work m in progrta on the road bed thu wholu dmtaticu. The gr.iding will bo complptud this Rciiaoii , and only ti.ick luying will remain to do next , your. At tlio uitil of this tcEBon thu job will bn within 'SCO milea of coin plelion. Tlurintl from Portland to Puget Sound is bomi ; pushed rapidly , and at tin ) end of this year will bo completed to Columbia llivcr , forty- live | j miles from Portland. The road will be finished next your POOH alter the t completion of the main line , ' . . UPOUTINa.- 8 ] > oc' l Ulipatch to Til * Unit , " 1 ANOTHER HOW. NBW Yoiyt , September 7. Qoprt- row a three mile rnoo at Alexandria Bay next week for $3.000. BARK HALL. CHIIUIIO , September ? . Chicngos 7 , Treys 1. Ci.nvur-ANi ) , September 7. Provi- doiiceH 2 , Clevelands 0. DuTitoir , September ? . DotroltsJt , Ho toiio 10. BtTi'Ai.o , September 8. Bullalos 10 , Worcestors 1 , JIiNNHAi'OLiH , Septniuber 7. First race , 210 claia , Prince Arthur won , Drown Wilkoaocotrnd , Mollie B. third , Lndy Flormico fourth ; time 2:27 : ] , 2:27 : , 2:20A. : Pacing race , purse ? 5,000 ; four boats were made xvhon the race was postponed. The horses were placed na follows : Gem 5 , 2 , 1 , 1. Bull'ilo Girl 2 , 1 , 5 , 2 ; Muttio Hunter 1 , 4 , 2 , ! l ; Flora Itello U , ! ( , IJ , 4 ; Lucy 4 , B , B , B. Time , 2lli : ) , Uilfit , 2:17 : ; } , Tlie twonty-inilo race between Espi- nozi and Holly Cook , wan won by Mins Cook , who came in over two miles ahead , in 45:10. : Eapinossft way thrown from his horse and considerably bruiaud. Tlio Vermont Elootlou. to 'Jim linn. WllITK lllVKIl JUNdTJON , Vt. , Sop- tombur 7. Iluturns on the _ vote for state ollicora have buun received from 223 towns. Uarstow , republican , ro- ceivcs 35 , 150 ; K-iton , democrat , 13- , 822 ; Mptin , grounback , and scatter. inir , 1,440. Harstpw'u ' majority , 10 , . 891 The democrats have pained twenty- live tnuniburs in the house ever 1880. Harstow's mujorlty will bo about 22,000. _ A Dotootlvo Killed. HjM'ctnl UI pUch to 1MB Ilii DENVKH , Sujitiimbor 7. The Ho- : publican'a Lau Vi-gas special says ; Oimrlcn Harris , a railroad Pinkerton detective , was assassinated last night at San Antonio , a email station a few miles from Sooorro , Two mon alighted - od from the emigrant train , ap- proaahed Harris , who was standing LPon the platform , and uhot him dead. Both mon escaped , Gliolnra nt Newport. Dlepatctici to Tun H , BOSTON , September 7. A special from Newport ( It. J. ) says : A case of Asiatic cholera is reported to have oc curred in thi city , the nuvon-yoar.o'd ' child of Henry B. AuchinlojH , of Now York , having died of the , ia.nn ease. The mayor has has called an extraordinary meeting of the board of aldermen and the city physicians has been summoned , Novndu Deiuoorata. Ltd ) tO 'fllC H . KUIIKKA , Nevada , September 7. The democratic convention made the following nominations by acclama- ! lionVm. : . Burke , lieutenant gover nor ; J. W. Richards , secretary urof state ; Geo. II. Shepherd , treasurer ; Goo.V \ , Merrill , attorney general , BUYING A VERD.CT. . Dosparato Efforts of the Star Star Renters to Bribe the Jury , A Brazen and Villainous Deed. Denounced by Judge Wylie. The Attorney OooernV * doting- SpooohA Mn t Eloquent Ono , Ingorsoll'n Reference to the Cruct- llxlon Justly nnd IlobiUtod. CAPITAL MOTES. Hpcci&l Ilfltclic 11 Till mil. IIKRWITKII'H ADDIIKSS. WAMIIINOTON , September 7. Tlio attorney general resumed the argu- mout in the etnr route case nnd mndo a fotciblo arraignment of the star rout- ors. ors.Tho nttornoy ijeneral'g speech w most ablinnd had n tolling effect , rfulliciently c ( pious in his speech but not verbose , graceful in his manner , agrcoablo in his voice , nnd moderately rapid in his ntturaticu , the nttornoy general was listened to with the clos est attention. Occasionally ho illumi- imtid his addresn with n bit of humor that WAS so wrtl appreciated by the nudionco ( hat two or throe times it. was necessary to call for order in the court , mid his retorts when interro gated by tl n opposing counnol wcro quick and iffcotivo. IIo said Stephen \V. Doraoy wus the oig niter of the wholu cchemo. The conuludinc ; portion tion of his spouch was _ duvotod to a. brief reaumo of the details. KICIItlKIMI 1MOK1IKOLI. . The attorney guitral deprecated the practice of the accused man bring ing his wife into tlio court nnd com niontcd in the warmest terms seine remarks mndo recently by Judge Hutlnr , tit Pennsylvania , on the sub- ji'ct. A criminal court wns not a. place for a wife , mid man who had the sensibilities of a man would not bring lib wife there. Youtorday the court hud hoard ruturencu made to au ncc.iiiion which never ou ht to bo ro- ferud to in n court of justice tho- crncillxion of Iho S.wior , the object ofvlnch wus to UlYct the ( < yinpathy of thu jury. It appallul him to contemplate - template the introduction of that great nnd turriblo occision for the purpose for whiah it was introduced , nnd introduced by gentleman of whom ho had to nay , "What has ho got to do with the crucifixion. Did I ho believe in it ? " That ho uaod it for the purpose of influencing the jury. When a iiinn applied to an occasion for an illustration , ho should believe in what hu snid. Of what valuu wus it if nottruo ? Such things ahould never bo said in n court of jus- tico. Such appeals should never bo made. AU ho wanted was fair play. Lot thord'bo ' nothing foul iti.this court room. ' / la conclusion tbo attorney gononvl related tljo fable tho-Bvrallowffroni which all liar lledgliuga were stolen , * but who deplored not that fpct BO much nu the fiiot that they had boon ntolon from her , nest under the eaves of the court liouso , whcro she had.ox- . puolcd to Cud noourity. "No , gentlemen - mon , " concluded ho , "what I oik of yon is that when I , confidini ; Jiko the swallow , bring hero and trust with you this case , you do nothing corrupter or base , or permit it to bo dent ) through means of forma of law as ad ministered in this sacred plnco a court house. " This closed the argu ment. IIIIIDIKO nn : JOKY. After the jury hnd bean excused for the day , Judge Wyho said that mem bers of the jury had boon approa'chcd moat disgracefully in mi attomnt to influence their ncliono. Within the pant 24 hours' the moat brazen and villainous attempts had boon mndo to bribe certain jurors. IIo counseled the jury to continuo to shun all such attempt ) . Ho intimated that the matter would bo thoroughly investi gated after the trial. A TA/.K WlfJI A JIIItOK. The Post to-morrow will publish an interview with John II. McCarthy , 0110 of the jurors nn tho'fltar route trial , in which McCarthy states ho understood a number of attempts had been made during thn progress of the trial to corrupt the jury and that ho hod boon opproachud twice by persona with whom ho was unacquainted on bohnlf of the dufonso. Mr. Morrick , of counsel for the government , said to-nichfc _ that the revelation by Justice \Yylio in the court room was entirely unexpeotfd by him. IIo had boon informed some time ago that some of the jurors had boon approached with corrupt propo- eitions. , Bomo of the details of the cirouuiBtances had coino to his know- , edge , and lwns on the basis' of that information that hq mado.tho remarks lie did , charging them to bo careful in guarding their honor. Mir. Ingorsoll , of counsel for defense - fense , said ho never hud a suspicion his clients over dreamed of trying it > influence thp jury except in a logitl- mnto way by presentation of evidence and argument in court , 'and that ho iiolioved the corrupt ollere , if any had been made , came from the other side. Mr. Wflaou declinedto , talk on the subject , nnd Mr. ITonklp professed entire ignorance of anything beyond what Justice Wylio had said in the court room to-day , TJIK KEMAINS OF 1)E LONd. * Surgeon General Wnyles has been advised that metallic burial caskets , Intended for the ueo of Liutcnant Oommandor DeLong and companions , will to-morrow be placed on board the Okraxte , which sail from Now York Saturday. It is expected the remains will arrive in this country in the mid dle of December , ATTOKNKY OENKKAL JWKWSTEH left this afternoon for Philadelphia , whence ho will take his family to Ndw- pint. IIo will bo gone several week .