Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morninf , ' 3opt. 8) )
Weather Kcport.
( JLTie folloulnp observation * are taken a
the fiAtiie moment of time at all the tUUoi
oamod. )
vrcu , OMAHA , Sept. 0,18S2. ( l:43ii.m. :
a §
l > cnver. . . . . . 29 93 VK Llfiht Irnr
Cheyenne. . . 30 111 lr ! lt Cleir
' 31C tUnJj
Pl tt . . . 3007 31CW
OniAhn. . . . . . ZO 01 W Cloudy
YMiUon. . . 1) ( < 2 v M ht Clear
Oca ilolnM 3007. SW l'r ; h Cloudy
l > rtnK > rt. . . 30 10 SiV Frith rnlr
Ht. Paul M W K Ujrlt
HI , LouU . . 30 14 iK 11 MI y
Mocrhtad , . , 1002 Ught a car
Vincent , . . . . ! 0 02 Freeh CKivr
Hlcmirck. . . . 29 63 nriik llsrj
Duford. . . . . . tt fcS r' ' k Kar
duller t ) 81 iK ; iiar
Blver 6 fctl 1 Inches above low water mark a
Omtbx , 3 feet 3 Inches at Yankton ; Mlsilsntppt ,
feet S Inches at I.a Crosst , and 6 foot 3 Inches a
Diliuquo ,
The Quicksteps defeated the scconi
U. P. nine ytslerdny Afternoon ,
The annual pnrndo of the Omaha fire
dcpntnicnt will take place on next Wed
The St. l/ouln lirownH will wear their
new nblto iiniforina In tbo Omaha pameo
next week.
The Union 1'Acificn have ccurcc
O'Day , the plttlicr of the Spauldlng club.
He will pitch In the Columbus game to
day , and in the tournament with tbo St ,
Louis lirowna next week.
There will ba four Ramon of bn > e Imll
next wtck. On Wednesday Thurndny
ixud Friday the Union Pacific base ball
club will play the St. I/ouIn Drown Stock-
iu ( ! and on Satuiday ( hey will play the
Knnsar City club ,
Jacob Thitu , who obtained diamonds
nnd money nmountiiiB to (3\0 \ from S.
Jontaon , the jeweler , wan held to bill by
Judge IkucUo In the mini of Sl.fiOO , for
forcery Bnd obtaiulnj ; jjoodi ) imicr fn ! < o
preteuEen. Jfo ucntto jail.
There will lie a dramatis cnterrAin-
jrentetcry euziIiiR text uetknt Itoyil'a
oiiera bnnse. The { list thrco r.i'xhtH thu
piny vlba \ \ "Tliu HUvc'u Attonu-y , " ivitli
John Uill n In th , iL-admi ; roll. The
JckioLlugard ! iruipo ulll play thu Inat
tlireo nights of the week and SalimUy
The roulo of Iho Union Pacific While
StocklDj ; base ball excursion h rn follown :
Choy nno , Dcincr , Lu.vUlllo , Ooorf-e-
ttmn , Jtiucllon Ci y , lCni9.-ji Oily , Liiw-
rence , hsavcnworth , St. .Toteph und
Onaaha. Ki htecn ( iftinoail \ \o \ played
in all.
Michael I'uiitcr and John O'Connor ,
brought Iu from David City cm the cli.irne
of eellmif liquor with nllccnae , were taken
before Judge Anilernon , United Statts
comniiHsioucr , and , upon being required to
gh0$2M ) bonds for their nppcaranco l > c-
fore the next United SlMc ? grand jury ,
they gave ball and were released ,
The Crelghton house IH undergoing ex-
U'ii , lvo improvomcnts under the cuper-
vlfion of the propiiotor , Sir. Donovan.
The eiterlor of thu building ia Imndnomoly
painted and the Interior painted and ojilso-
mined. Tbo liOHpitaUty of the Crelshton
ill uever neeiU any improvement.
A party of pruiu'nout cltboni have
jout htartedo papur which will bo iaiued
uxprosuly for the fair and wlilch will bo
ilktributod gratuttouidy. The men nt the
buck of the concern are good solid mtn of
bualncm , and the promoters of tha echcmo
are journalist ) ) of well knonru ability to
that the paper promlxea to be an undoubt
ed KUCCetB.
The second Union Pacific base ball
ntjc , which play * tbo club i\t ViOloy Ptn-
tlon to-morrow afiernojn , will bo com-
poeud of the following play < > r : Millctt ,
catcher ; Wilson , pitcher ; Mnrhton , first
tvue ; Hojinour , BCCOIK ! lioio ; Naah , third
lose ; Carc y , tlort ( .top ; Wlthnell , kit
fluid ; Mills , right field ; Well ? , center
deW. The bccoud nine arc good , player * ,
c.ud the Valley Station club hatu\cij
HOCil reputation.
i At the Land nnnnu meeting last
evedui ; at Kuonoy'a hall the committee
reported the receipt from The lilub Wurld
for the JHL > for the ParncUfundforwurdtd
from Omaha fdcndu uf the cr.uko. A
meeting of the , conitnltttc.H to porfctt
urr.uiKcmentH fir the and literary
tnleitalnmcnt ut Maioulo hall un the 13th
und 14 tb , for the benefit of thu lo RUP ,
will bo held ct the N , U. L. A , rnouia at 4
] } . in , BundHy.
At a mtetlug of Nebraska engiiio
company No. A bold , Intt oxcnlug , tbauloc-
uf otliccin ruiiiltul as follvnt ; Javob
IToiiik , prtulilcut ; , f. ] < ' , Griffiths , BOtcro-
Uiy ; Win. V. I'ljim , trcuiuitr ; ( ! iorto
Hum's , foreman ; Win. I'.vcrctt , fir t us
tiktjnt ; John Simpson , noccnJ iwoUttut
Clmiloi Godfrey , Ceorgu KcUhum and
Clmrlej Sxiter , bo&rd of trnntcea. An
( iih r meeting , Iu rcferenco to the llro
depitrtmeut paradp.wlll bo liclil i.t
hall on Sunday next ut 1 ! p m. , nt uhltli
ull memhurs uf tbc company nro reijutsted
"The Dotlfo county fair vpuicd joitei
Omaha 1 boom with the ulato Jatr
and coiuoutlouH licit week.
-The second U. P. bate ball nluo v-lU
< jo to Volley , Ncb.i KiWay ,
The Micnnerchor society uill parLIcl.
jiato in tbo firwjiou'u ] ) ar/ulo and uelubra-
tlon September 13th.
At a meeting of the board of direc
tor * , bold ycuterday. Mrrn.H. . Me ; ; .
( juter was appolutcd nuistaul catbitr uf
the First National bank , to take elfect at
The lodio of Bt , Phllip'd ( Julld will
< (
.givit a harvest home froth ul on ; rriiui-sdnj
'WcnlogSepteuibir 14th , at Htaudanl Imll
ou fifteenth street , bitwcen Fnrnaui ami
In the jjollco court yesterday tvvu
liUturbera of the peace paid SJ and oM > it
each. One plain drunk waa dlicharged ,
Kobert Huuell won fined ? o and coat * fcr
aeeault and battery , Henry liauuier leinii
tlelctlm. . Ituniua llaimuu n and Pat
(200 bonds each to appeal
on the 2d prox. and answer to the charged !
keeping InelrMlooniopentn Sunday. Marj
Svlskn , aecupod r > f rwaulUng Mnry Ka-
lora , wan honorably discharged and at enc (
filfd a compl int cgaintt the latter ti i
c tiling her Lad names. Tlie caw ) of J ,
Thien , the won who cot Jonascu'j dla. .
tnoml.i , wat stt for the afternoon ,
The will ten donalion parly at th <
pnr-rmago < > t I'.l/htcenth afreet M. 1'
church , to-day evening , to wtlch lli (
friemls of the pastor , llev. , T. W. Shank ,
and of the church are cnrtHiliy Invited ,
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway will place rcKular tratna en its liot
hitween Council Uh.lN nnd Chicago aboul
the UOth Inst. , with new sleeping , dining
and other coaches tn f > rm cleg nt train * .
Two trains d ily will tun each way.
Lost-On Jacknon street , hettvccr
Tenth and Twelfth , Toevlay afternoon , r
( crop hook , belonging to Ida Llx ingatone ,
containing presn notices , etc. 1'indor nil !
he nuilaUy rewarded by leaving it at Mrr ,
fanhkrV , 017 South Twelfth stteet.
The lot on Kleventh and Lsjavcnwortli
street owned liy .Tames Callahan , wai
nold ytfilerdiyf' r 811,000 to the Union Pa
cific r.llway company. This I * of couret
a fnnry price for the property , hut wn. '
probahly needed for uoino particular pnr-
The delivery wagon of J. WiomerB1
grocery etoro wa * accidentally oxer turned
at the corner of Ltavcnworth and South
axeuue TucBday , and potatoes , butter
and cg B took a tumhlo. Tliii is the rcc-
end flmllar accident at the same Bpot in
the lant few days ,
Dr. Kd. Uicdrich Blarti to-morrow for
N'ew York City to attend the reunion of
III * hrothert , which taken place on tha loth
} f ( hit month , tu arrange family mnttcra
clatiiiu to a certain cttato. Wo lie ( o the
lector will have a pleasant time , and ro-
' .urn shortly to hia friend * iu Omaha
7rently improved in health.
There Is conslJurahlo talk among the
longregallons of the First M , ] j. ntul the
Eighteenth street churches of n consolida-
.Inn at the rail of the present confcrcnco
, 'ear. In the event uf thii change coining
khnntitii iirnhah'o both church edifices
ivill ho BoM anil the proceeds ho applied
, ouard erecting n now nnd commodious
IOU90 capahla of accomuioJating the united
A very pleaHint gath'riiig of the
HcndsufH. S. ( / < x to k place Tuok-
ty at his now rcfiidencj un Pierce an I
I'ucntj-fifth nluelH. It uns a ngulnr otd-
inUom.d ! luiiHO unrnilti ] ; . Muiidare -
\i \ and rcfrcnluno lUai the urdtr until
illy morn. Among thcuo pro'rnt were
ho followlns : Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Slmll.
J.A. Imvroucp , T. V. Tuttle , C. H. Hs-
eltc , T. Fltz < or.Vd. W. If. Whltwn , .T.
tettmn , .1. K . McClt.rc. J. Mos , W. ] J.
.luxsmlur , the Mitscn Krug , Murrir ,
\uokec , Hams y , llawitz-r mid Pratt ,
nd tbo Mcmic. Mnndell , HifbcodVJn -
er , Inghram nnd otl'ti , wl > cnjnjcd
tern elves to the full c\tnt.
A charming jouiiff lady , who rcriiles
n Kuinim street , wan nicely fnoluJ the
tber ovening. It appeara her jimngman
an been in the habit of culling In foe her ,
ud would eminently take a nwiug in the
amniock at the ba k of tbo house. Home
vil disposed person fixed up a very good
uumiy aud laid It in tha Inmmock. It
oing dark the young lady thought it wa >
er own faithful fiwain , aud for BOIIIO time
an convcralng with the diinnny until ro-
ehing no reply , aho thought Bomctbini ;
mat bo wrong , ail 1 un invi-'MgatinR dis
ovcro < l ahehid been holding nwcct con-
erne with au imiiilmato object. She be-
j > m furious ami \ own \ougeaiica on tha
mul perpetrutor uf the j'iko.
At thu rtsldcoce tif M r. C Grows on
Ixtcenth Blrcet , Tucd y wni Heeu ono
tht ) j > llic t Inwu pirtlet of the Heanon.
ho yards were brilliant y Illuminated by
hinojo lanterns nnd head lights. Thu
ueU i were happily received by Mrs. C.
rows , assisted by Mrs. li. K. Wilbur und
int. Kelltiratroii. A niiiiptuous lepait
UK cr\cd Iu the yard und the tabl H wetc
ecurated with llmvcrH nnd overhung by
vcrgrocns , T o w > et ntraluj of inmic
10 tripping of the IUht fantustia and
A Suing In hammocl s w * kept tu a tea-
suable boar. Among those prrheut were :
lr * . llotw , ImrLo , 1'artry , Hell , Umnrj ,
peara ; Misnen Wilbur , Kullerbtra" , Leicli ,
) alton , lluusie , Uuike , Torpy , Dimund ,
ud Hubb , Hay , O'llearne , 15u -
sy , Wiiugh , O'lterlin , t-ossluim , liiah-
imu , Atwood , Moody. Khlntbart , Temp-
ntt , John A. Tuttle. _
Ron ! Ettiito Trunafora.
The following dcKila were filed for
eortid in the count } ' clerk's oflico yce-
Drdivy. Ilfiportud for TUB BEE by
loll & Atiioa , real rstato dealers :
\Vni. lla'.h to Andrew Swivel , w.
. , lot-15 , Uartmim'a ntldition ; SI.50.
.1. nnd K. Crtll.han to U. J . U U.
Jo. , vi. d. . lot 8 , bl. ck 103 ; 810,0K > .
A. Twival anil uihi to Murunnc &
less , w. il. , lot -15 , Hnrtnun'i. ui i-
ion ; S)0 : ! ,
W. K Millu ti ! JlK.a * Jlili , n.
. , B u. J B'c. JIO , t. 1C. n. r , 11 ;
11 700.
KariMillivul mul A. 0 Millar ! iu
UI.H Valion , w < l , lol 21 , bkc't 2 ,
lillurd plnc ° ; § 709.
Cliiirk'8 0. a , .1 .M J. Uurjfl to
luinphrvy i cni.oy , \ > . d. , lot 5 , block
, 1'arker's ndd.-i . n ; § 290.
A. J. llanjci ni rnul wife to Sarah
! Hjilt , w ti. , hit 4 , blocl ; 1SJ , limis
uin i ! acfj § ir ) .
Mutho\Hat Conturonco ,
The North Ktibraaliu confciencu of
i : . churdi , hith holds Oaiftha
judisdisttoii , will moet in
u wttk from today.
) i8)iuij5crrUlono ) of the ablest men of
Methodist Kplecopscy , will prcaidp.
lo is nt prCBont iirceidiuj ; over the
ebrauka Misiinn oonforenco , which
nuludoa the u astern part of Nebraska ,
nd of which llov , T , It Lemon , wi'll
mown in this city , ia Buporintcndent.
\flor the adjournment of the Mission
pnferenco the liiahop ROVB to Has-
inga , where Iho old Nebraska confer-
nco aits n week , commencing to-
i y , Thence ho goes to Fremont.
Jiahop BU-rrill will probably preach
i como of the Methodist pulpits of
) malm before ho quits the atato.
Tables supplied with the best the
inrkot altords. The traveling public
tvini they got bettor accommodation
11'1 inoro general sutiofactioti here
un at any other house in Omaha.
Ute , ? 2 per day. augSltfmo
General Crook's Eecommflnfla-
tiona to the War Depart
ment ,
The New Adjutant General ol
tbo Department of the
Military MnUoreof General Interest
In tbo WOBT ,
General Crook , proxioua to leaving
the Department of the 1'latto fur Ari' '
ZOIIB , made a report covering the past
year which is of sotno interest on ac
count of thu recommendations il con <
tains. It ia in part as folloxra : The
sraallnesa of the iorco left hero and
thu expense attending the nminten-
arico of garrisons scattered over a vast
area inauco mu to recommend a con
centration of troops nt eligible poluffi
upon the line of the railroad at which
they can bo supplied at tx minimum oi
coat and from which in momenta of
threatened danger they can bo moved
to exposedlocalititm xvitligrcatcalcolcr-
ity and effect. Thu positions deemed
base suited at this time for largo
varrisonn are Omnha nnd Sidney ,
Nub. , Chojcnno , Wy. T. , and Fort
Douglas Utah. Allthnt we can expect
to do with.ourprcsonttmcagro military
cntablishment is to lonvo at oxtrcino
frontier posta garrisons largo enough
to guard supplira nnd to hold their
own until reinforcement > can bo has
tened forward from the reserve posts.
If any other plan bo n Joptod wo can
not hope to keep the Indians in sub
jection or to afford proper protuctipn
lo Iho numberless small communities
ppiinging up in every direction each
feeling itself entitled to the assiotanco
Lif a fort or cantonment. . . .
The xvondorful , " improvement in
mnrkmnnnhip made by the troops of
this department tiinco my last annual
luport 13 u gratifying proof of the in
terest t.ikou in this important sub
jeat by iflicura and men , and of the
seal and ability of the instructor ,
Lieutenant XV. L. Carpenter , 9th In-
rantry , who haa labon'd untiringly in
the ptrfonnancu of the duties duxolv-
Jpon him. Thothreo companies ahoxv-
ng highibt proficiency are thono com
iirtiidud by Cnprrmi Lee , Huy and
Mm SKI , nil of 1) ) li Infantry , and un-
: il recently atuMonod at Fort Omaha.
Meniboraoftho Rtuirin military head-
imrlora appe.irpd yesterday in un-
ireso iniiluim in the place of the
: iviluu'c dress , xxhich Ima been the
ulu during Genuml Crook's incum
bency of the command. It la under-
itoi d that the changij , which ia to bo
i permanent one , IB made in accord-
ititu xvith the 11. quest of General
Howard. The r.fitilic.itioti xva so
lUddui thut Hovenxl of thu ollicurs
vcru taken by surprise. Colonel
jUinli.mi ransacked roven closeta ,
md tinally succeeded in hunting up au
ild blouse , which gavu him the ap-
) ouratice of a , retired ofliccr in the
Salvation r.rmy. Colonel Stanton
ooked chcetful arid resigned in a coat
tf tlio latest regulation , udorncd with
) rand now shoulder utr.ips. Captain
I'honms "ahaBsayod" up and down the
lorndors in cavulry punta and a blue
iloth blouse of thu nux7cst pattern ,
ind wrota out orders for transporta-
ion with ( .increased vigor. Dr. Bar-
lutt wore a look of aottled inolau-
iholy aa ho shook hands xvithLmuten-
.ut Kingmau andexchangedcongratu-
ations over the now frills. Later in
ho day Major Furay put in an ap-
loaranco iu lull uniform , aud w.\u the
entur of a group of admiring friends.
Pho first impression of ex'ery visitor
i'oo that thu headquarter. * ! were aboul
o bo photographed iu group , but ull
groe that auveral of the uniforms are
; reatly Improved by the pereonal ap-
teuranco of their wearera.
Gouoral Howard iu assigning ollicos
or hia stair , removes the command-
ng gonoral'fl oflico from the Tenth
treut corner to the room formerly oc-
upicd by Captains Dourkp and
tuL-tits. The c.flieps occupied by
I'lmurul Crook and thu inspactor qeii-
ral will bo used by thu tudou , Lieu
uimnts Sladoa , Wood and Howard ,
lut las Urn of whom nro in the city.
Mijor Joseph H. Taylor , assistant
djulunt general , who takes Colonel
lUrtin's place nt military hoadquar-
< in , arrived in Omaha Tuoiday , and
vatordiiy vi\i assigned to duly aa ua-
istiuit adjntuit cnti i ut the d p rt-
iicnt of ihu 1'latto. Colunul Taylor
u iino of thu most di tinguishod nnd
lopulur I'fiitfera hi the ndjutiuit gen
in-i'is dcp nmcnt. IIo is a native of
t'jiitucliy , and iieplic ot Prrsidunt
ujhari-ih T.tjlcir. Ho ursduituil thu mili'avy ccadumy ut West
i'uiat iu 1830 , and wiia aeftigiicd to
iu'y ut tvcotid lifuiviinnt of the First
) \v. hy 0'iniofr'.Hit Mijor Tojlor
van tttuiiouail nt LxoiiTvorth , uud iu
lfG7 ncio npaulcd Quncral Sulney
J ihiiRon iu his Utah cnmpixJgii. At-
; ho ouibreik of the war Major Taj lor
A an made a c.ijitum of the Sixth cav-
iliy. Ho wai brovetcd n major on
Juno 1,1802 , forgallant and luuiitori-
SUB services in the battloof Fair Oike ,
liuuUiiant colonel in the following
September for gallant 'xnd incritoriour.
iorvioca nt Iho bc.ttlo of Antictani ,
xnd nosixcil Iho brevet of colonel nt
the close of the rebellion for
faithful and meritorious tcrvicea
luring the ar , Biucu 18(51) ( ) Col. Tay.
lor Imi boon -jrdciod to five changes of-
italion , hia lust f crvico being nt Now >
jort HarrnckH , Ky , On leaving Now-
lorh ho xviu undo the recipient of t
inndaonio complimentary order from
: lto commander of the department.
Jol , Taylor married a daughter of
aartormaater Clonural Moig , U. S.
\ . . , xvho xvith hia fRinily h now in
kVushiugcoii. They will remove to
Dnuiha as BOOH as the coloucl can uuc-
sued in Bt'curing a euitablo residence
The folio wine general order was ie-
iuod yeattrJay from department head
luurtonj ,
OMAUI , Nebraska ,
September 5 , 1882.
7oneral Orders No. 21.
Major Joseph II. Taylor , Assistant
\djutant General , U. S. A. , having
vportod iu ttocordauco with pira
[ nijih a , special ordcw No. 176 , cur-
out soric'a , adjutant general's ollice ,
ia assigned to duty fts assistant adjut
ant general of the department.
Uy order of Urovot Major-Genera
Assistant Adjutant General ,
Colonel Siinlon has eurrcndcrec
his incumbency of the adjutant gen
cr lsliip , in which he proved hiaisc )
an cllicicnt as ho is in his o n depart
Lieutenant Carpenter ntarls for Ft
Leavonworth to superintendent hii
rifle teem.
Lieutenant Morrii C. Footc , Nint
Infantry , arrived yesterday fror
Ft. , and will remain a wee
or more in the city.
Licntenant C. B. Wood , aide d
camp , has arrived from the coat.
HfEi'iiL onnriifl.
Privrtto William Shelley , unaa
signed Fourth Infantry , is detailed a
moseer.ger nt these hoadquartoro , t
date from September 5 , 18a2 , undo
provisions of paragraph 'J , genera
orders No. 51 , nerica of 1881 , adju
tant general's ofl'KO.
A bpard of survey , to consist o
Catjlatn Wells Willard , commiasary o
nu\isNtonco \ , U. 3. A. ; CaptainCharlo
J. Von Hermann , Fourth Infantry
and First Lieutenant John J. O'Brien
Font Hi lutantry , will convene a
Choyenro depot , W. T. . at 10 o'clock
a. m. , Sopttinbor 12 , 1832 , or aa aoot
thereafter as practicable , to examine
into and report upon and iix the ro
pmiaibility for the alleged damngcc
condition of a lot of quartermaster's
stores and clothing , camp and garri
son cquipige , turned * into the quar
termaster's depot , Cheyenne , by First
Lieutenant Charles W. Mason , Fourth
Infantry , late A. A. Q. M. Fort Fot-
torman , XV. T.
The board will assent ) the price at
which any of tha said damaged cloth
ing may bo issued " 'rnopa.
Private William Stibljey , unaasigncd
Fourth infantry , hiving performed
the journey from West Point , N. Y. ,
to Omaha , Ni b , in compliance with
paragraph 5 , special orders No. 189 ,
: urront series , hnadquartora of the
irmy , furnishing his own subsistence ,
the subsistence department will roim-
.Mirao him'at the rate of 01 CO per
lay tor four (4) ( ) days , it havinu been
m practicable for him to carry cooked
The leave ot abscnco granted First
[ lieutenant Morris C. Footc , adjutant
tfinth infantry , in ordorn No. 122 ,
Airt Niobrara , Nob. , is extended ten
Paragraph 5 , special erdera No. 02 ,
: urrcHt serins , from these he-tdquar-
era , is amended to lend as follows :
[ n compliance with paragraph C , ape-
ital orders No. 202 , current series ,
leadquartcra of the army , adjutant
; cncral'fl oflico , the commanding
ifticor , Fort Bndjjer , Wyoming , will
; rant n furlough for six months , to
akn ( fleet on or ub tut November 10 ,
832 , to Hospital Sto\VL.ul Win. H.
U. S. army.
? iio MnrrlDgo of Mlsa Mnry Sautter to
Mr. Thomas Rlnjin South
Tuesday right in the heart'of ono
if the most picturesque nooks of
South Omaha waa consummated an
ct which will provo of lifo-long im-
lortanco to the partica most con-
Miss Mary Sautter , of this city ,
pas joined in the holy bonds of mat-
iraony to Mr. Themes Ring , Rev.
Bather Glarber tying the nuptial
In the evening the newly married
iair entertained a somewhat numor-
us gathering at the residence of the
irido'a brother , Mr. George Sautter.
? ho bride wore a wine-colored silk
TCBJ , adorned with the usual para-
iliernatia , and altogether aha looked
cry charming indetd The proeonts
veto both useful and ornamental , and
omprised among others the following :
ilr. and lira. 0. F. Goodman , china
co , service and n iinndsom-j bouquet ;
lr and Mrs. Huscall , a bud spread ;
lira. Mclntosh , a glass fruit dish ;
lira. Melhkcr , a beautiful pocket-
took ; Mr. and Mrs , Sautter , a castor
pd silver table Bet ; Mrs. Oonlon , a
inger and cage ; MIBS Mnry Roaicky ,
ot of mats ; Mi s M ry Fallen , Span-
; h lace fichu ; Miss Emilia Mathitnen ,
iblo cloth and napkins ; Miss Ken-
icdy , majolica tote sot ; Miss Carrie
locator , clock ; Mioa Mary Arunous ,
idy and pin cuuhion ; Mias Dora Gar-
in , pair of vasca ; Miss Mary Min-
licoa , toilet set ; Missoa L. M. and J.
voeatcr , hand painted pin cuehion ;
tlaeea Jetta aud Minnie Spraktis , ice
loolcr and tct of pitchers ; Mesarj. Will
Spauldmg , silver tea spoons and but-
ur knifu , aud Frank Sautter , silver
lake ba.-kct.
Moat of the donors were present and
n addition there were the following
nutort ji'iuals ; Misies Jennie and
'Jora ' Smith , Miss Katin Doran , Mrs
Jodweli , M ifa Umma Slmker , Misa
SuUivan , Mi'a Katie Durr , and
Uc ra. Walter Dell , William mid
JnfLrd Udneld , William Baxter , A.
i1. and Chalks Wiberg , Fred T.-vkie ,
Mexander ilock , Lewis Stair and BI.V-
: rnl others ,
A very elegant spread was provided
'oi' the uuehta who did it ample jua-
: ico. The ovcuiiig waa very delight-
rully spent ia tcrpdichorern oxcrciaea ,
which were Kept up till early this
norning , when the guests separated ,
3very one being exceedingly pleased
with the real good time they had had.
riiu bride und biidcgroom alsoaeomed
; o enjoy themselves in a very hearty
. \ay , und the celebration of thia ini-
wrtaut opieodo jn their lives will
loubtlus bo recalled with n great deal
) f picasuro.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
: elsior Roof Paint , " was patented May
Jith , 1881 , and otters patent num-
) er 211 , 803. Any peraou found or
mown to tamper with the manu-
'aclure of eaid paint will bo puniah-
id to the full extent of law , No per-
lou has any authority whatever to sell
eccipts. HAWTUOUN & Uuo. ,
Lancaster Pa.
A trusty delivery man. Good refer
moo required. Apply to W. K Bon-
intt & Co. , 2ia and -15 North
'ifteouth atrcot m&o
New Assignment of OOlcora on thi
Missouri Poclflc ,
The following circular issued yea
terday consummates changes in thi
Gould line which havobcen predio'ei
for seine time pist :
Mia&oun , Kaneos and Texas railway
Intel national and Groit Northnrt
railroad ; Central Itriiich , Union Pa
ciBc raihoad ; St. Louis , Iron Moun
tain aud Southern railway ; Tex n ant
Pacific railway. Kxii'vnvu Ofpjrn
ST. LoriB , September 1 , 1882 Oi
and Hitcr September 11 the ollice ol
general manager of tln/to lines will be
U. M. Hoxie is elected third vice
president , and will assume charge ol
the traffic and land department and
matters pertaining thereto. Honda ol
the land und freight and passenger de <
pnrtmciita will report U > him and be
governed accordingly.
A. A. Talmage is appointed gen
eral transportation manager , and will
assume c'.iargo of stations , the move
ment of trains , the mnintonanco ol
property and anch matters as may
pertain thcrtain thereto , Superin
tendents , resident cnghiefirn , mnstci
mechanics and car builders will ro-
] jcrb to him and bo governed accord
ingly. R. S. llAYKS.
Approved : First Vice Proa.
JAV GOULD , President.
What It Will Coat to Como m to the
Stnto Fair.
'Iho Union Pacific will make the
Following very low rates during the
iveok to Omaha and icturn , including
idmissionto the grounds :
"Mtnore . .8100 North I1 end. . $ L'75
[ apillion L1T > Sohuyler. . . .
\tillard 1.BO JJ-nton . . . . V.75
Clkhoru . 150 Columbus. . . . 2.70
IfiO Uralnnrd. . 250
\alley . . . 1 50 Kim Crcsk. . . 5.SO
' 're nunt 1 50 Chcitc.i. C Sit
Jlenr Crejk. . 1.5) ) 1'luui Creek. . 0.70
Mead U.O Cixvl 75
iVahoo 1 50 Willow Id-inil. V.70
tVtHton 2.110 Maxwell ! > 07
Valparaiso , . 2 01 North Flntte. . U.7f
tnyuiotid 1 ! 03 Opnllala la.SO
Lincoln li.OO SiJccy 17.33
Tickets urn noid at ubovo nhitioua
September 11 , 12 , 1 < ) , 11 ai.d 15 ; coed
j return on orbtforuSjptumberlS'Ji.
'imu of sptcul trains will bo an
louncnd bi'rcaftcr. Ask the ticket
gent for tickets.
V Glnnco Into the Olllco of Ono of
Omulm'd uccosBlul Architects
Omaha architects always have a
msy timn of itfimd ib ia fortunate
hat the growing Gate City ia ao well
uppiiod , and that all the guntlcmcu
f this rncrftssion nra nuah aa to bo a
redit to any metropolis.
A BKE repartoi- mot Mr. Henry
foES , who stands in the lead team
ud is ono of the busiest of the
) maha architects , yesterday and
n a casual talk learned that ho waa
lot confining hia work to thia city
lone. Ho has charge of the work of
dding two storiea to the brewery
wnedby Mr. Henry Gelae , in Council
Muffs , and alao of a new stable with a
apacity fur accommodating thirty
iad of horses.
Mr. Vosa is also the architect of a
cautiful and costly now building for
lisa Josie Wood , cf the same city.
At Pluttsmouth the Fitzgerald
) pora house ia being enlarged and re-
nodeled to make it the finest place of
tie kind in that city , and the Colum-
ma Opera houao ia undergoing the
amu impoitaut process , both the
hangcs having been left to the good
udgimmt and tanta of Mr. Vosa.
In Omaha the aaino architect ia
milding the handaomo new brick
lock for Peter Gees , on Douglas
trcet west of 15th , and a couple of
no residences for Mr. W. J. Halm ,
n J ickaon atrcot.
1 hone are but a few of the many
nportatit job's which are occupying
10 time ot Mr. Yo and his luaist-
nta , anil to which urn added now onea
rom day to day from both homo aud
'ho Delegates Elected to the Convon-
tlon on Saturday Next ,
At the democratic primaries hold
rom to 7 p. in. yesterday. The fol-
owing delegates wore elected.
Alox. McOavock , Ohaa. Kaufmann ,
'at D mend , Chas. Brandos , B. F.
liidson. There nas ouly ono ticket
ml 21 > ) votes were cast.
8CCONI ) WAltl ) .
M. A MeNamara , Julius Troitaahke ,
' . J. Fitzmorrh , P. W. Lynch , U.
3. Clark.
THIRD \NAlll ) .
Aup. Wri 3. Barney Shannon , J. J.
) 'Cjiuor , Gnatav Uentke , Alex Me-
rouiini WARK.
Ohatlca R. Redick , Peter Gooa , Je
omo Poutzjl , Willmm Bennett , John
C. A Hall , Daniel Angoll , Divid
Jumi' , John D. Croightoti , S. A.
lerman ,
You need not be poor and depeiid-
nit on your wedding day , for every
> urson male or fcnulo can get a
; oed round sum of money at masriage
f they hold a certificate of member-
.f Otdur Rapida , Iowa. $10,000 has
il ready been paid in benifita to its
nombers , in the nine months of the
leseciationa' oryiuiizUioaiul there is
, golden opportunity for thousands
nero to reap even larger benefits.
s'othim : like it was over known.
) o not postpone Bending in your
cquoat for circulars giving full end
omplcto information regarding the
'lans ' und oppcrations of the associa-
ion. Agents can make bigger money
liati in any other business. It is
trictly honorable , pleasant and pro-
table. The Auditor of State holds
a deposit from the association AS pn
scribed by law , for the protection t
their members , The only nssocia'.io
of the kind in existence ) organized ac
cording to law. Write at once fn
circulars. Sy where you saw thi
notice. aug311-m
Mode froir thi wild flowers of th
il ii the most fragrant ot perfumes
Manufactured by H. B. Glnven , Sal
Francizco. For 8 lo in Omalia by W
J. Whitehouse and Kounato Bros.
NOTICE Admtlfement Yo Lo n , Tor , 8 1
cut. Pound , Want9 Doirdlnsf , kc. , will be It
cttrj In the39 columns cno for TEN CENT
per linn ; cwh eubsoquont Insertion , HVRCENT
p'f line , llie first Inwrtton crvet lew th
MONHY TO lO/lN / Oo cbattwl mortize n
cutlty. A. It Tutton office ot Orcd i
Motitgomcry , mnt Om < h > Katlonil bink. f3 I
1O LO AN Uatl 4t l , w UEice of I
Ii. Thfunm RnjinS frulyhton HOi- ) > - .
> UAft A U per centlr
OlMJUU tcint In tumu.ol fS.tOO ie
iJj , for S to R years , on Unrt-clM * city an
f rm pratvrt ) . Suing llGUi Fjina tnrl !
ABIHCT. 18th and Of'irlM sta
A CO dglilforrc-uril housenorl
WANTED of tno. C II Ihls t\cnlncat/ (
C oMock tt 210 north 2JrJ it 312 T'
l ocrpcrlcninl rllcl orntotrav
WANTCD . Ni.tir > nl.n. Call atnonii 0 , < L'
Everett Block , Council Blrffi ) I na No tellers on
swertd ! i)3-l ( !
AM r.Dotil boy t nillrcHeV.
One rant' mnl 'no ust tnll.c
WANTKII rhcycuno Imu'.cJhtclv. Inqu'ii '
at M. Hellirnn & Co. 3 < : i 8
A CeiBwn girl , HI or 17 jcarn n :
WANTED uin tncau Lnylnli , fry Hwlil
housework. Ihi | < nroMr9. ( io . It lltp ; ; , -l l
WANIKU uitigptli1 ) oun mm aa ccl-
lector. Otis who ic lcc ! < Iu HIP city pro
Icrrol Silar$13 pir nc k. Must iurnlsh
securit } . } V COLUKH ,
C7 nuki-r Illock ,
310 ( I r .iithnp < t c-r , 16tli uml Karnrci
ANTfcl ) Aillnlrg rocuiKlrl at Crcljjhlon
W llousi. 3.JB
\\A TPI5 > U onrj. App'j II. Matin-
> V tttl Icr , 11th utrcot , near rnrntm. 3tJ 7t
XE AM'FU TnnfoHBuln'mni faihrj * H
T per ick : inl coaimi"i n on rxtn saleM - " .
M HKO J cpll-c'or. tP COI.MUI.
D7 liarkcrll cfr , XX'.i i. 1 itli and I'-iriuni.
2110 *
\WANTr.U-A ? n-il airl for actu > ' li tie
YV nrnl , at IT.'OCasan-.iict. LOl-f
? THD Tuotfooit vil i o ; pcrs Tlrj
\Y1 lilp , J41H uriii.wns rtof. 81C : )
„ . .I'nno.r'tti'eirif ) rrrd )
for 'oneri louitw rk Ho il n'nni\o ,
iorth rfct I'irii r llamlUin < nd ti cu flmlH ,
Ihlnn's a-IJItloii riu 104-tf
r-ANTED-A goad girl. Ircjure nt10lC _ _
-ii U
' " 11KI. WAMIUi for general hou-tnoil. IJJ
Of l > onporti-trctt i.7 >
ITkTAN > tl ) T o nnprinttcfs to Uauniribs-
> > mibld . Cil at orcn 1411 Pnl o utrcer.
M9 D 3IKd. UK ' . \ \ . Kl'.NDAI.L.
WAM rTi A jjlrl for j5uiral h u-cmmk.
'io d wirfiii tv n * cirtm < * t inrnir
lamllton and Pier etrtcta , ahina'a aJdlt.ou.
191 tf
r\7"AKTBD Oirl ; must bo oed cook , w.vhcr ,
VV and Ironcr Apply to 17U Daicnpo t ht
Uferorcc * tuiulred. jfO tf
I ITANTED Asoodirirl forcorersl lnu < t crk
Apply 1 ! " A. Mnrrliy , 1110 Jacksoj S5.
H ) I Ul
[ TTANl 1) A girl lo * cw am wor < In afur-
VV nlturo ttorij. Apply Cnaj. &hlvcrli.k , 1200
203 and 1210 Fdrnh in > trcct. 2 6-B
I'clUboKfr ! to do 801 d work
WANTfcD In rar o' tblldrcn Appl ) " .t
'bnndlu lountcr. ' .Mvr ? : ' 0rLocdiutoiL. .
IXrvM * ! ) r onimf K til ad nulticjm
VV > * " Al < n lalj CHI'VI r. btiuiyim *
'evinrii. . iiiiupij. Call 4''l douth lOtli btrcet ,
2S * 71
r\rAST iiA , < l i.\\\ \ \ \ . Apply at brlik
V > i 01.90 , ccrnir 'd n.d Uaie iiort streets
2s Ct
[ Ti A1 tl ) Thrw K' tllurliers. Inquire'.X.
* > Ollth Iblllatucl
i-0-i I J. H. D1CKSON.
rt/'A 'bl' > * i. fxl ftrinancopk middle n/ed
Ii IIL , nta .d , do ni v , man 111.01 ppj
ioo.l v u. , s h. McCoO.iu t Hmm , near noj\
i\ernncii' conill 115 tt
rruri' WAMTU Wanted Im-cdla ly a
L 1 hung lo iuglrl of lApctlincoat l l'j Cap-
iTll'J.IU. SIS-tt
IRTANTKD Sropnvy au.tu , slnifl And ccea
\ V poolM to clean with riinlury Vjult mil
" it ClUfor , tliu Iwot Iu UM. A. Kvana i Co ,
ex'i'cni-H I20ri HoiV'e street. Omal'n.
l\rAN1ii ; ) Two or irret rocms u taljlofn
' ' '
\ia \ rlflco. MJ-tt
tl/'AI.rEI ) Ml lation 1 > > ft Stto'lsliKl'l l an
VAoitrlinn fuuiih , Xvofn mt i n ivn ni
iio'j i CUM ui Imr i tlio I'tcUli Iir uace. In
uliu at Mrs I.iniliiui- . , I'A u v strut , i -t.
iHtancl'JJJ. 3 > | .ht
fTfAKTRH-JO 114" acres hnd not o > ert o
\ > nii'l3.cni ' paUJll'n. . AiUiai "A. 11. ( J '
ioo olllie. 216 U
kX/'ANTCIl A uord. cntlciafn \ ) liorae Dr.
\t U = iu , cor la Ii an I | ! OUM JI8hl
l\7"AN'IV.H Itooui and loard for puitlemin
> > and IK 11 pritatufami' ' ) ucnvinltnt t Uc-
'Ot. ' Ktf r n-tb L-l\-n . 'ttMtita "il. " llranf
cc. 230 t
STTANTLD To luv. lou > oa'd 1 tnltiiinonu
VV h > ir mile of po.t Illit Mill pi , l-JUito
1WO Ad itiat M , i. " lice o Iliu. 'Ml 0
r-ou nun riouijtu < \ n
inn HUNT ll use ot elx roman 17th &
luunpart bin. k 000 pirni'iitli
niUU Hi.NT A lurtUhed 'tout mini m
L' for trj icntlunien at 1010 Tarnim hi. UlVtf
7o ( KC\T A ono s ory bouw wl'h fi rooms ,
[ ' ( .l.t.'in n < will , on 18JI nndchttcr , tno
lodm nni stieit .aie. Hint S.'S Inquire Oil
oulli < 1 liktnet , J17 t
fTlOU IlKfT Cotta n hou a o'cli * roomt,2id
P and Utllforuli ttrctti , In i. < au > lt > t rciair
301 er inoutli. , XVAKBLhY.
'UFKT Two ntw houus , 2d and 4
IT10H itftU. 207-111
KENT Tfto mory hcine , b rooim , and
POU room , doxl wel ( .lite u and c-11 r
'o fct > l u sHn aSiut Ottobir Ut , Hu'trfai
n.ble. Ibi4U1 ( tcr elrea. Jj IU
rr\OU HhNT Orouery itorf , cor , 10th itrect
J and Capitol t > cuuc. Apply on i > n UIHCI.
02 U , C1IAS. NtiEI : ) !
futnlthel rooan lor ( cntUuiin with
Addrois "M , ( ' " laru lieu olliou
7IOH t-ENT Kurcithidanlunfurciihcdio ins
1 llctlda ie Ulh.tieet , wt Us. Ui t bou .
orth of Ch 14,0. 2St0)
71011 UtST IlMrdirj hou'K > ini nloon llx-
< tun- * ; all furultlud. huijulto LiUl . ! > OUK u
rcct , corner ISth. 2sl ll
T10U UK T Uindoiril ) lurol.heJ [ urlor.
< AhoatnulUr tooui , llilek hou c.20l8L i
rwt Zll-tl
I,10R 1F.ST rurni h d for
J' llpht hou-ektfplng , 1418 Mlftt. bet.
I4th bdlt > th > trcta. S70-tB
.10n HENT Two hwi'cd. EnqtiJrc of IL
1 lAlng , cor. 12th and XK on Rtrctt * . 2JJ tf
rpo URNT rwo story H liMcncnt brick
I ho DC , wlthf jrniwe. bith ro m , p'e. W Ur
nOrt-dcinnectcd Apply to J , J. K.ckcy or N ,
f hclton r-0 t :
I70R HFNT KarnW cd rcom In prixite f mllj
U lj gcntlei-nn wit'r roltrcncci 1J12 txxlit *
8 ret t , Vet ISth and 14'lj. ISO tf t
IbthinJ l,9i'tnwrtli , $ ' 0 ,
II Una 3r' and laplt 1 aic. Sit.
MHO 23rd ii'l tloi as tlr t , tSI
Tvo hou n , 2 thaml Chicago , $ 0.
House , U&ftrles ucar Simile- SIR
OHMM" ' * I'm'-
, V furnl-hcd r ouii CDJ d.or nrrth ( f
til. 2Jt-7t
ItKN -Nlca I d cl liuo - ' 't n'rmt btl.
Fllll and I a IforLla 1 qulri-ttll 1'ejir
207 auth l.lttutrcet _ r4t .
Mcelvfiiin * oiriuni nj t enth
Kth i tied , two blrcka from p toill.c.
231 tf
nEI.T-Prfldtnce N W , rr Kth and
1 California 6trcc' . Appty a , W. corner 19th
undXVobst r. 'IS-eoJU
T7.0 : UhNT Two storj dwo line 20th and CMS ,
C Troctu1 , r > o being repaired and painted
Ipquireof C. T. Tijlor 14thand Dougta * . 127-11
[ 71 UK I lit II room f-r rout at 1l > 17 Chicago
et-cct. 110-tf
| TUlt IH'.N1 Nwft caltago ol flvo rooms.
L' Enquire K , K col. 16th inJ i hlcnro St . U
/\i\Luln lur : c 8o at t26uii ptiiutuiuni , < ch
] Uu for a turn of jolts , -'Oranee Groio
1'lalii" adjMnlnK llanscom P rk on the no t ,
Uvonilnut'9 nAlli froms net cars Mercy ran
booblalnc.1 to Imlld with , by persons leasing
these lots at rcgnlar rate * .
813K On premises , odlee 1615 t' n m Street
1011 KENT Brick atoro. Irqulro at Dnnj
JL ? Btoro , coiner 10th and Douglas sts. C20-tf
AJ IMJ llUUalJi I OIllihNT amill n < l lirgo'
Jl tua to tueho teen fl each ; ono or to now
onra with ftll mcdor-i contcntcncos. Ono cf 12
rooms , scltab'o tor lioardlnc and room routine ,
I'lli and Uou Iu sis. 11EM13 , Aicont ,
] t2.t-tf 15th and DoUklaaHtn.
( Jit rt A I fno u w dvulllniu nnu two utricr
rtncllliiRs Indrtlraliloloctllty , By McKoonl
No. 1614 loiiila clrret H17-tf
TfOll SAIrT MH oittlc , fitctrs and h'lf-rs ,
r jcir'itu' , twoj-aroc'i , threes nd r urn.
/il oe.u3 uiul ] nni . II it. t.ilmcs , Og hia
Aibrnskn. 0912
SAbfe. On d rtntau'ant ililiiL-go il Imal-
I7IOU * . Gooil tcnvntorn-ill" ! ; . O i l chanro
( or n goul p ftt J. I. Klclicls' ICO
south Ifiihstrcit
300 7J J. r. NJCHOLS.
TTiOR h\r.E A clffir , stationer ) ' tnl confee-
I tlonct } sfcrf , ctcnp. tl f'tt ry lei * ns
glfcn. Incjuro nt : o. 217 N. inth Ht i9--ll |
S M.1 : T .o iirali tc\m l li HJ OIH and
POH " . CtllfttUt } Uuicr Wcr > .9 ttlico.
fT > OU HM.K MintmarVft- bitill location
r In ( .inulu. Ii.quiroa' HO south llthst.
) .SMI' on fre hcowatid ULOfaim ws on
at 114J 1 hti t , 27J-7 *
TTIOI' SAI.1 U abtrjfaln , o"o lot OOxNOdlh
L 'RO IftKii , uill , tittern , maulo In Her-
I ) chM nloition , tin likens Ire 11 tlio U P. shop .
Iniiiirr.ti.07 | * nth 13 nttrcctorA. Canrau-
tlod , 1210 si
FOIt SAl.E 120 crolfo orK rnulrs , rnint
t'ttri'a Ko ndgooclnurs Applv to rani oj
L < rt , Olarin n , Hajec untjIo u WC *
f lll'lIUb ' lOlorauo otifep itr H o I n 1 on Or
V R'l'ir ' BJ r. 0 OltAllt.l- ,
lck-2\\lt KriiriioNeb. .
jj'OK - lii Or-eery nod .1 rockirj liual e s ,
I1 with or without buil.un . AUdrcm ' OPCL-
nl' > . " .N'li . v-19.
Ml'JANDin I-VOJ'KKTV roil KALl' At a
O Bfca isono Iftr.o brick hou'i , Biid ono
larjro Irano liorao , uith full lot o i I..M near IBth
trott. I-ip-j ( luiicti for investment , rent fur 70
per lurjntli. O.11 t > , r full p&rtlculara , on
609 tf _ Agent. 16th arj Doujl'm tn.
171 > K t > ALi' Ilruso ! i rooita rnd corner lot 182
L fict Bquaro. fisOO. McCoKUt- , opposite fo t
iilice. l)77-lf )
FOR SAtK Vcarly new S fuard CooUni ir
rsngf , r.lht.cljBb ccnilltlo i , cheap. A < * dr ( s
O W-'JUe olliff. _ 182-tf '
LilX BbAUTIFUL LOISirrlBO fceFTTch' ' !
O Ilan'coai I'laco on Urcd cir line Best lots
n u halo addition on very ea < F Urmfl nnd nt ft
. real bargain. BCMIS' a cnl , : SU. Dou bi
ilrtcts. 15. tf
_ _
' I11VO story bultdln ; for ctiln it a birgt-ln. Lo-
JL ( a toil &t north-imt corner of 17th f trout ,
iiui Capitol ave , Mntlc u.jicl on or before
lujjust 7th proximo. fil-A'Is'
770-tf ARcnt , 15th and
il U lAbrv ino Arllll.ruM House
Kiret elms , all turnl'liwl 'Jli.- only hotil
n town. The chcviPi : proi-erty In Mm hUtc.
las all the traveling in-n. Xvlll bo H.JI.I . i tnup on
ones to suit , hnrjtilro of Ii Fullc , proprietor ,
Vrl'ngton. XVcgrtintt.iniout 15. Mih i < tt
MuK HALb Uoti'o aud o rui-r lot , nt ? il6ol
i ? lurga'n McCAum. opioilU | ) 1' . O. b44tf
iTSOR SALE fr ) will oich u ffr Omsha pio.
t- p < try , hn Iniyi-'rfTut n-c cn 'Lud atijoln-
nx" f BUt'on on U I * . H.I1. . M. DUNHAM , 1411
> t Ji.ftta St. , Omlhx 7fi 'Jnjl
"OS-M ft
M the B0\ fiHOilE. . This houeo Ia co--
wll > locaturt.iiaa ( .u h mid t.ut front , and la
urroui-r'cd w th fine hh&do trees ; cont-Jmthlny
inpliK rooms bM lea howo. lamdiy , sample
ooui , cc Hist HOrldwido reputation and a
icttor patrurojfo tl-.u many hoiiiii ol IwlcJ Its
npaulty. t'rlio 5,000 t'rr i articular * ad.
IrooE , A. A. SAWDhY , Ued Claud , 3ob.
_ _
i IT AYI D-A torr.,1 mitt penn with small
j wh to strip hi f .cc , white hind o.t i nd poor
ii c > dit 01. Knl r j-lciso rolurn to Htnir
loiiiiui' * lln" Ht.blo 2W-0
A uuuiu > bruuili. n.i with pearls Kind"-
J cf wil I UK nt tb j rcutrdid tpj ietcunin < the
Ima In t U oltl.o. -jjj tt
" ' " lnl ) the fUfnlturo cf the belt
iul"i : Ii t I In Kwa. llcnt rcas-
mablti. Audrwca Do'pli MacirriKOr. Ceo olllee.
) maha , ' h tb. _ _ _ _
ov rvuuin.Ri AHP
T , 458 T ntb htrrtj , hit .cua KPJ-II-II
iudil in.v. Will , ltfi thi iio ul n rr.wn
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are. Ixote laJSh&nrt mile rontrt. . 1'tnttt
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Thin powder never varies. A marvel o
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r iihoaphate loudera. BuM only in luu i.
Ali lAkIhi ) 1'0\MIKH Co.
IOC Well St. , New York