Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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N cv Yonic , September G ,
at a per
Prime Mvrcantilo Paper G per rrnt.
Ster'iin Exchange Steady ; bankora'
bill' . M.S lJ ; deiuand , $1.89.
iiovcniineuU Market generally \veak
Anil lower.
The Flock market at thn opening wnn
ttlrong , and thowed an ndvancaof i li !
er cent from the cVwInc of jestcnlay ,
the latter in Miuueaprlls .t St , Louis pit *
ferred , In early trcdo iho market was
dull , and after tuny inreguUtity , vric
declined 1SJ ( per coot , AHey thii the
tone brcaino bnoytr. ' , , and nu ndvnnce of
J@2 i er cent was recorded -St P AI ! pro
foirrf , Northern Tacific preferred , Louie-
Tilfe & Nashville , and Oregon Truis-Con-
xlnciital beintr mn t concpicuoU ! ! . At noon
there was a cieral frsxtioiml teaction ,
* ftor which thc'iiarket bccatnu ptruiig and
Teconled an alrcost unlnterrupt-ed advance
till the close , Tanginc from I to 2 } pc ,
isent , Minneapolis Sc St. Louis preferred
and common , Northern IVcitic prefcereJ ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & ilanltoba and
Oregon Nnviration beiug th most promi
nent. In final deals there wa a general
decline of | ® 1 per cent , the latter in St ,
Paul , Miuecapolts & Manitoba , and the ,
market clo A weak , showing , .hswever , an
advanaj ur.'the day.
4J' ! ! . . " ! " ! . . . . . . 112 :
, | a H'l11' ' '
" ' ' " ' ' ' '
Pacific cVaC IfsbV..i'.I'M ! ! ! ISO'
Ciintral Pacific firsts 14 115
Krie hoc-x'icti ! I"A 'Da
Lebfali & Wilkesbarre 10.5 iOi
XouihiaiiA uuu oN GG I G
MifcMlllli ii'd Ill illllj
St. Joseph lltf 111/ /
St , Paul & Sioux. City Grata..Ill 111
TCDBP'-CS < 5'a 51 51
ID new ii fit
TOA.SH AC'acifio land grants. . 01 01
Uo K. U. div. . . . 851 b.i
Unt n. Pacific Ht niorta.iie..lli ( 110
do laud KianU. . . Hi lift
Uo sinking futiil..H8 1H
Viruinlo O'B 381 IIS
un consols G'd 6 ! ) 5 ! )
do deferred 12i 12J
Adama Express 140 141
Alton t 1'erre Haute 40 40
_ do pfd. . . . bl b5
American Kxpresa 1)0Jj ) ! )
Hurl. , Cedar llapida & Nortn 811 tO
Canad.t Southeru O'J OHj
Col. , Cin. ! * : Ind. Central..11.-J 112 ,
Central P-iJlio UI ! UJtl
Chesapeake A : Ohio 21 21 ]
do 1st pfd. . . 374 ! 175
do 2d pld. . . 2oi 2T > 4
Chicago & Alton 138 138
do pfd 110 113
Chi. , Burl. & Quiucy 135 135 !
Chi. , St. L. & . > ew ( JrleanH. . 70 70' '
Gin. . S.nd. & Clevolund 53 fi4 ]
Clevo. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 80 7l !
lelawaru & lludaon canal. . , .lliiJ 115j
Dei , Lick. & Wchtern llllj 14u :
Denver & Rio G rande C8i fib-
Erie 3IJ ! 3l ! ,
do pld 80 80
.Kast Teniieitce 110 , ' 110- -
do preferred 118A H
Fort Wayne & Chicago 138 138
Ilaunibil & St. Joeeph 47 47
do pfd. . . 931 ' ' -
Harlem 205 2U5
IfbnUon & Texas Central. . . . 83 81
Illlujis Central 138 13 '
lud. , Ulomn. < fc Western 44 44
Kansas & Texas 3 ! ) K'J
Laku Krie & Wtuteru 3SJ 3b
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . Ill J 111
Louiavillo Ic Nashville 7-'i 7 <
Loui-iV. , Nexv Alb. & Uhicago 7- 74
Marietta & Cinciuuati 1st pfd Ifi 10
do do 2d pfd IJJ tji
Memphis A : Charleiton . " ( ! CO
Michigan Central ! 'S '
\ Minneapolis tt Sc. Ljula 3 > ) ( 35 : .
do pfd. L ! ) 7U
Misaouri Pacific U 81 10'J
Mobile & Ohio Jjli ! ' - J
Nashille & Ohattanoota 02 01 :
New Jersey Central 78 7b ,
Norfolk Ac NVebt'jni _ . . .
do preferred 'il'/ / ' '
Northern Pacific SI 51 i
do pfd l)4j ) 'JO ' ?
Northwestern 1 Itt
do pfd 1081
New York Coutral 133 < >
Ohio Central 18J IB/ /
Ohio & Missiaaippi , ' 88j
do pfd 10 : > 105
Ontario & Western 11M liili
1'icitic Mail j4 4' '
I'anuuia 17 ( 107
IViuia , Decatur& Uvanav. . . 3iJ .10
1'ktbb.irK i. Cleveland l ! ] ! lj ! | '
Roc ! : felami. . . ' . ' ! l "ii , I'M
St. liouis ti Sun Kran S'J J M.
do pfd. . . . fih,1 .VJ
do Ibt pfd ! )7 ) 08
St. Paul it Milwaukee l'2AI 181 j
dn pld..l3'JJ 1HJ
St. Paul , Minn & Manitoba. 117 W
bt. Paul & Omaha 5IU Di
dn pfd ll\t \ 11B
TBXBH & I'ncific fit-i { ' 0
Uulon Pacitii : 11711 Hi
United SiattH IvxprrtH 4 H
Wubwh , St. L. tt Pacific. . . . 37ii J 7
do pfd. fi"i oil
Welts , Furgo ti , Co. ixpreat.l30 : I'M
Wo-tern Union Telegraph. . . 10 } 'M
Caribou ' ) ' ' 't
Central Aruoua H r
Uxcelsior 1 J.
Humeatako 1" J"J
Little PitUburu 1 , .1.
Oatario S'.l :
Quicksilver 10 < >
do pW 451 .W ;
Koblnbon 1 ' .
HlUerCllIf 'I T
South Pacific 15 42
St Jidard ( 'J 7
" 1-
Sutro 1"4 -
Oian.naVbolokulo tlarliot-
WedneidiV Kvenlng , Septcmbir ( i. I
The ouly changOH reportoJ IK the nur-
ket to-day are aa follows :
Wheat No. 3 declined 2c.
Barley No , 2 declined 8c ; No ,
KSB * wlvanccd 2i.
Apple < declined 2-/c per bbl.
Local drain Outline. .
WHEAT. Cft li No. 2 , 81c ; cath No.
3 , 7CJc ; rejected , 52Jc.
UiUiLHy. Cwh No. 2 , ti9c ; No. 3 ,
483.RYK. . Cash , I8e.
CORN. No. 2 , l.0c.
OATH.-Caah , 2So.
STHKBT PRlCKS-Corn , 0576 ;
40 < a/15c.
Produce and Provltlons.
POTATOES 23fir35o per bushel.
ONIONS W&75u per bushel.
BU'ri'ER Choice country ,
HONKV Califnrat * , I' 1K 2
APIT KS-Per barrel , 32 23fe2 56
C \ T/ LOPES Per dozen , C0e@l 00.
OYSTKlta-S Isct. COc per can.
WATERMELONS-Per 100 , $15 00 ®
18 00. f ,
PEARS -California , 83 C0@3 60.
PLUMS-Callfomia , 2 352 50.
( JRAPES-Callfornia , f2 25@2 60 ,
LEMONS-5 60@0 00 t > er bor.
M/'Ull ' Jobintu ? price * , Jack Front
St. Li uU winter ) 9135 p < r 100 Ibs. ; To-
pfka Patent KamaSt 00 ; Minnolmha
Miiinctntft Patent $4.25 ; Shawnec Fancy
wntfr , $3. IS ; Eagle , XXXX winter ,
$3.25 ; Triumph spring , lost , $3.15 ; Chris-
mnV Htipnlallve. 4 I'1 ' ; bran , per lb. ,
$14 < JO ; chopped fee J , $2800.
UKANi. Imported German 820 per
liu.bal ,
{ < VGA11SCut leif , 10 , ' ; Onuhod ,
--h'e ; Grannlatrd , life' Powdered , lO c ;
Flue jvwdei-cd , lie , .Standard Cotlec A.
9jc ; New York ( . 'CKI.'CC ! loner's Standard
' .S g : ; PrMtloKU.vaC.87c.
SYHtms. * K rhoue , oh . PMC ; haJf
bis , 57e ; kegi > , U callonn , ? 2 CO ; choice
Ublo } mp , 45o ; half bbls , 55c ; kcge.iJS 33.
8TAKU11. Pearl , 4Jc : Sllvnr UUwc ,
8Jc ; Corn SUtch , fjc ; Ktcelelor Jk-ws
7c ; Corn. 7Jc ,
dl'ICKS. IVpper , 20 ; Allcpics , 20c ;
Jloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , 8 ? 00 : Casein , 2 50 ;
Mnco 81 00.
XjYE American , 3 3" ; Greenwich. S 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; Noilh Star , 2 60 ; Lewi- , '
lye. 4 COowell ; lye , 275.
VISH-FninHy waitt null , DO lb h bM ,
7oj family 10 lb kits. tOs ; A'o , 1 white
fiflh , 00 lb hf bhl , 0 2j ; No. 1 white fish ,
in 10 lb kits , I5c ; New Holland herring ,
per L-cg , 1 55 ; Uusjian eardinos , 75c ; Co-
lufbia river halinou , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ;
Georpo'n Hank codfish , Gc ; Gen. bone-
le " endfifh , c't boneless fieh , 5ic.
FFKD-Jobbing prices , Chop feed ,
Sl.fiO per 100 Ibi. ; chop com , SI 40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibs.
C1IKKS3 Full Cream , 12a ; Part
dklm , luj : .
tjUFFi ! K. Illo , lair , lie ; Ulo , good
Ja Ulo , jnltiiD to choice , ISJo ; Old gov't
v ; 2tUf ! \ , 2 Mocha , 28Jc ; Atbucklc's ,
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Ihclce , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@4flc ;
C'--5(0 ( , 50@75c ; Young Hyson , coad , 3G@
SOc ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nnt Leaf ,
35e ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , goi-d ,
J5@40 ; Ooloug , , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
zood. 9540o : choice. STiffiHSc.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
$000 ; do in half bbls , li 25 ; smalls , In bbl ,
U 00 do , In lialfbbU , 700 ; gherkins , lu
bbb , 13 CO ; do , in half bbln , 7 00.
WOOUENWAltlJ i'wo hoop pall * ,
i 35 ; three hoop palls , a 20. Tlib . No.
1 , 9 50 ; Piinoor washboards , 1 85 Uouble
Urawn2UOVcllbuckctu ; , 3 50.
LKA1 > Bar. 81 65.
VINEGAH I'uro apple extr.k , ICk : :
pure apple , 13r ; I'niFwitie oure nuulo , 16c.
MEATS HHIIIS , l.Tfr ; hroakfaat bacon ,
l.c ; clear Mo lucnn , 15Jc ; drynalt bacon ,
1 Uc ; shoulilers , life ; tierce lard , 13 } .
IlOPE Sisal , S inch and larger , 10c ;
1 | inch. lljc.
CANNKU GOOUS-Oyhtcru , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per Cftsc , SI 00 ; do 1 Vi ( Field'e ) ,
per cape , 2 75 ; QJ 2 It * ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 7' ' . Lobatcrs , 1 Ih per dorcu ,
180. Tomatnea , 2 80 ; do 3 lb per
luiso. 28.'t ; Ccrn , 2 ib ( Mountaiu )
per COBII , 310 ; natkcd corn , 210 ; do
i. lb ( Yarmouth ) , i/cr ca'e , 315 ;
string beans , ptr cane , a 10 ; Limn beaim
per case , 1 85. Succotash per 0.110. 200. _
PoiH : , common , pel oaae , 2 00peod ; , choice ,
per c.-v < c,2 ,70. Bluckborries , 2 lb , ] > er C.IBC ,
220 ; utrawborrietj , a tl > , psr OASO , " 60 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 5J. Dam
sons , 2 Ib , per race , a15. . Bartlelt
pears per case , S ) 00@1 l"J. Whortleberries
Ibpcr caiw i \ ) . 1'ineAppl . . .
4 OOfeS 73. Peachco , 2 lii per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Hi , cose , 4 G0@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
cai > e,2&0 ; do pis , G lb , per dozen. I ! 50.
SALT. Dray lomtB. per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-
Ion , in sac kp , 3 BO ; bbls dairy RO , 5a , 3 TO
lloailWY How , l 50 per bbl.
SODA'B Ib papers , * 2 85 ; De
end do , $2 B5 ; Church's , 0 85 ; Keg soda
CANDLES Boxoe , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8s
15cl > ext > 3 40 Ibc. , 1G oz. , Ca , 15r .
KICK Carolina , 74@6c ; Louljiana , 5
@ 8c ; fair , G@Si.
itATClIKS Per oaddle , SSo ; round
caeea , $ S 10 ; nr\imro \ , cases , $5 40.
SOAl'S Kiik'B SavonImperial , 3 45
Kirk'u satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75
Kirk'a white Huaslan , 523 : Kirk's
EutocA , 2'15 ' Klrk'a iPjairio Queen
(100 ( cak ea ) , 10.Kirk's ; magnolia , 4 35
POTASH Pannsylvinln , caun , 4 doz.
in cane , 3 35 ; JJfibbitt'a Ball , 2 doz. In case
1 00 ; Anchor -Ball 2 doz in case. 1 50.
FIELD SEED Hod clover , choice
new , gC 00 per busbol ; mammoth clover
now , $7 00 ; white clover , now , $14 00
il nlfa olovcr , now , $12 0 ; nlmke , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00
blue groan , extra clean , 61 0 ; blue Blnsni
clean , Ql 25 ; orchard grasj f2 ? i9 ; rod top ,
chuioa , 1 03 ; millet , common or Miiwouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , ? 1 GO to $125
lium-orian , SOc.
IlKDriESKED Oeago craugo , 1 to f
buehejs. . 85 00 ; oeago orange , 10 bushels or
over , (4 50 ; hoajy locust , par lb. , 85o ; pec
100 Ibs. . 625 00.
MAOKEUKIr-Half bbui meas mackerel
100 11 , ? 12 50 ; if bbl No. 1 ox shore do.
100 Ibo , B GO ; hf bbla , fat ftmlly do , 10.
lbn , 6 00 ; meas pr > ckercl , 12 'lb kits , 2 23 , .
No. 1 re chore , 12 lb do , 150No. . 1 shore ,
12 Ibdo. 1 00 : fat family , 10' b do 75c.
PEAKOT.S tV > anted , cboiso , rod Ten.
nosso ? , lOaper lb ; fancy white , lOio peril )
raw v/hito Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
n-y Qoodi.
1JKOV/N COTU.-ONS Atlt ntlo A , SJc ,
AppletonJCX , 7c- Atlanta A , Sc ; IJoott
Ft' , SicjlUuckoyo'LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
7icClilttjnaaso ; , ( > ic ; Urcrt Falls K ,
Sic ; Hooaier , ole ; Jloneat WIJ'Ji , 81o. In-
dfaa Head A , 8Je ; Indian ftaudard A ,
Bjc ; ImHun ( ) rch td d. w , , 8c ; Lawrence
L j , 7c ; fiaj-wtic ! U"er , 7ic ; I'tijaot A , 8Jc ;
Shuwuiut LL , 7cr ? ticu O , 5&Wachun -
ott U. 7ts ; do A , ' io ; do E 4812ic ; Wat
cott HE. BU.
FINE lil'.OWN COTTON'S Allondalo
Atlantic LU'o > , c ; liadi-er Stivt/j X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-1 , G r ; IJuckoj'o f. 4.1 , OJco
Indian Orchnrit AiA 0-8. bjc : l.iconia O
3'J , 8te Lch&h Kit'JkejuuAao ; 4-4 ,
lOc ; PeppcreU N 80 , ir. do O WXic ; do H
Sil , 7ifc ; do F Sy. Sic ; Poctascl O 4-1 , 7Jc ;
BLKA < ' 1IJ1J ! COrTONa Aadroecog
tin L l4.S4cI51aok6tneAA ; Iifjcrial fi/c / ;
da do half bleached 4-1 , Oc ; 4-l,8j ;
S"ldeity4-J ! , ! tlfrnit ; of UioTxkJin. 10 ; do
ran brio l. , iidoV/ticr'IVit,10i.Ureat : ; !
I'alNQ , 10J.ludiau : Head ubnink 4 , 12c :
lonsiile. 10do ; c.imbrii , 37 , ISJc ; New
York Alitld. 1C4 l'cuV,10c | ; 1'cvperel
H CJ Twillij lajo ; 1'os.ihontmi 41 , 9c ;
Pt'caBsct 4-J , We ; UUoj , He ; Wwasutta
0 X X , 124c.
I/uOKS ( Uolnrcd ) A' Kuovn \ ,
By ; do G , > lral > , lie : do A utrijxir and
[ Jatl12c ; i > r ± X If own and drab ,
Btripsa and jilaWa , J21c ; Arlington fciioy ,
lUc ; Onmuwick brown , Bin ? Chariot fjacy ,
12ts ; < ld extra bo&vy , VtV : ; Fall lilver
browr , uxtra heavj' , Ui ; IndlntJi A
brown I1 ! * " Vnnonoet A Uown. 15c.
TlUXliNua rt-mmkeac A U A 82
lOc ; do XX blue S2 , 18JCArrownu = a ,
KJoj Cltremont U U , U > ic ; Conoitoy
. . .
i | * C1UU R > * ln'f W | VKHWHWW rt
. , . . ; : do S J 12c ; Yeocian' blue 29 , ts
LMNDW. Ajnoatcsi- , blue and bronn
1 < HC5 Andovcr DD bluB , ISic ; ArllugX
Wmi Rcotcb , 180 ; Conoor < l OOO , blue a w
12 e : io AAA , d/i do 1BJ ; do XXto
blua and brown , 11 Jo.
OAilBHICS-JJarnard , 5c ; Hddystone
linin ? . 24 inch dovJilp face , 8Jc ; Oarner A
yhued , 5ie ; ifanlitttau plove fold ) , CJc ;
Newport do Cc ; do glazed , fiicj IX""t doGe
Go : Loikwood kid ( alah Gc.
COP.HET .TEANB Ainory , 8c : Andrea
cousin sattetn , CJcjCJr.itndi u,6jc06n < ; s
o ga satteeue , 7jc ; HUIovyeU 8o > In < llf4
Orchard 7Jc ; Narr su ei'tlmprov ) 4o ,
Pflpuerill cation 84nj Ilocfcport. 7c , f"
WHNTS Allen * , file : American , Woj
Arnold , Jo : Ucrwlck. 41 < j ; Cocheeo ,
ConMt-'ja. Cic' ; Dunklrl ? * I ° S
GA@7c | Eddystone. Jot tffsuceBtcr , 6c ;
Iltruiony , 6Jc : Knlckerbocka.r ,
, 7c ; Mystlo , 6Jc ; Bpraruw , 6c ;
Bouthbrldye , 6c ; do1. Qlnuftaur 7or larl.
boro. C ; OrienUU 6o.-
GNUHPAM3-rAa * w ? , ISJc ; Auiofc.
keag drew. OJi' .Afgyle , lOic ; At.'antle ,
Uc ; OuinUtland , Tic ; Hlghlaiut , 7ic ;
Kunllwortb , * Bit ; Pltui kott , lOJc ; Bus
Agate , TOc ; American , He ; Arttatan , 20c }
Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Clarion D nd T ,
l"ic ; Dcccan Oo. tripe DandT. 16c ; Keystone -
stone , ISJc ; Nantucket , 19c : Nonpareil ,
16c ; Ocean D and T , ISJc ; Royal , 1GJ l
Snsjei , 12c ; Tioga. 12c ; Wachusett shirt-
In ? ihccks. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York.
plain Nankin. 12ic ; do , checks , stripra and
fancy , 12fic : do. S 01 , 20c.
SHEETINGS Androscorsln 10-4.27 Jc !
do SM , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
42 , He ; Fruit of the Ixxim 10-4. 27J ; New
York mills 98 , 85c ; do 78 , SOc ; do fi8 , 22Jc ;
Pembroke 10-4 , 2ftc ; Peouot 1028Jc : do
7-4 , l c ; ilo 49 , llic ; Perpcrcll ? G , 2 c ;
do 67 , 21c ; do 57 , low Utlca OS , : C > o : do
8 , 22jc ; dn4S , 17o
Ca ! r nd Tobaccot.
CIGA118. Sccd. . , S15.1X ) ; Connecticut ,
jaS.OO ; Mixed , tJS.OO : Seed Havana ,
$50.00ClearHavana , $75.00.
TOIIACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 lb , GOc ; Our Hope , first qur.Ilty , G2o ;
Star , pounds , 21 lb , butts , GOc ; Horto Shoe ,
pounds , 24 lb , butt > , 68c ; Gilt Edge ,
ixmnds , 21 lb , butt * , dO ; Anny and Navy ,
pounds , C5c ; Bullion , pounds , 50c ; Loril.
ianl'n Climax , pound : , liOc ,
FINE CUT In paK ! Hani to Beat !
7Bc ; Golden Threiwf , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ,
Favorite , GCc ; Kocky Mountain , GOc :
Fancy , 53c ; Dai < y , 60c. In tin foil
Catllus O. S. , fi lb boxen , per lb 63e ;
IllnnlV Tiecr , 65e ; Diimoud Crown , GGo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Graunlatod Black wells Durham , 1C
oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 ot , IGc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Ncbras.
lea , 16 oz , 38c ; Ixino Jack , 4 cr , linen bag *
per lb , $1.35 ; Marbures' Puck 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; Do ? Tall G5e.
Palntt Olli and V rnt hei.
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha
P. P. . 6e ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJn ;
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Hi cane , 20o
French rine , gtson peal , 12c ; French tine ,
red seal , He ; French zinc. In varnish asat ,
20c : French zincc , In oil nsat , 15c ; Kaw
and but nt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , fl-
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lcc ;
i ory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ;
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrvine
grrcu , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
.Teen , L. M. & D. , IGo ; Paris green. 18o
Indian rod , 15c : Venetian red. 9c ; Tuscan
ittt , , 22c ; American Vormiliod , I. & P. , lt > c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , lie ; golden ochro. IG ; patent
ilryor , 80 ; Draining colora : light oak , d. rk
en c , walnut , cbcr-tnut and nib 15o ,
Dry ° alnti
White lerxl , GJc ; French 7 uc. lOc : Paris
whitaing 2jc ; whiting plldern , lc ;
\\hitinit com'l , 14c ; lampblack Germantown -
town , lie ; If uipmack , ordinary. lOcj 1'nw-
sian blue , S5a ; ultrainariiie , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , lj ; umlwr , raw ,
lujeionna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
Paris green Rennina , 2."c ; Paris green oem 1
20c ; chronio green , N. Y. ' 20s ; chrom-
gruou 1C , 12c ; vermilllon , Eug. , 70c ; ver
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc ,
nmo pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Covikpon'H
2 0 : veuutiau rod Am. , lic { ; roi lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuinu , 20c ; chronw yel
low , K. , 13c ; ochre , rochellc , EC ; ocfiri ! ,
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , 2o
Winter's mineral. 2ic ; lehtgn brown , 2 o
spaninli brown , 24c ; Trince's mineral 3c
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon ,
lUc ; 1'50 headlight , per g\\\mi. \ \
12c ; 175' headlight . , iior gaUcn , lOc ;
" ' - -
, boilo-i ,
. . . . , , , > ,
tier ( jallon. 85c ; epcrui , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 55fish ; , W. B. . per gallon , OOc ; noatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , GJC ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; muumcr , 15c
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , SHc ; No ,
2 , 0 : sperm , signal , pur gallon , 80cj ler-
pontiao , per gallon , 05c ; nnptha , 74 , per
gallon , 18c ; 61 * . 17c
VA11NISHES Barrels per pullon
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1
$1 ; couch , extra , ? 1 40 ; each , No. 1
$1 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; apun , 70cas ;
pbaltum , extra , 85c ; abellao % . ' \ 50 ; hare
oil finish. $1 30
PAPER Straw paper , - | c ; rag paper
4c ; dry goods paper , 60 ; manila paper , lOo
news paper. 8c.
Heavy Hardwire Lilt ,
Iron , rates , $3 40 ; plow steel , Hpecia
cast , 7c ; crucible,80 ; npociilurGernunGc
uct tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , est
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloco , sawoi
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85oj axles ,
each , 75c ; nquaro uutf , per lb , 7@llc
woshsra. per lb , 8@I8c ; rivota , per lb , He
coil chain , i > er lb , G@12c ; malleable , Sc
iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Goj harrow
leoth , 4c ; hnracuboea , jier keg , 5 00 ; upriu
nteel , 7@8c ; Burdcn'u lioruothoon , 5 5X1
Burden's mulcflhoop , G TiG.
SHOT. Shot , ; Buck shot , 32.10-
Oriental Powiler , kegn. $ G.-10 : do. . h.\l
kega , 83.-I8 ; do. , quarter UPKB , JJ1.R8 ; Bhwt
in , kegs. S3 35 : Fuse , nor 100 fcot 50a.
UAUBED WIRE IB car lots.,8 3'J i > c
100 ; in leas than car lotc. 8 55 nnr 10U.
IvAILS Hates. 10 to Wtf , I 30.
Lea her
On ! : hole , 38c to 42c ; henlock so'.c , 2Sc to
85o ; hemlock kip , UOc to 100 ; runner
G5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oak uiiper , 24c ,
nllia tor , 4 00 to 0 50 ; calf kid , 32 ®
Graiurakid , 25010275 ; oak kip , ilUo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip
110 to 1 55 ; Fiench calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rin
sotts. B 50 V ) 7 50 ; lining , G 00 to 10 50
lupi > inp , 9 00 to 1050 ; U , L. Morocco , KOo
to SSc ; iiebbio 0. D. Morocco , 35c : aimon
2 ro to f 00.
HAl ESS No 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2
do , 3i-c ; No. 1 Ohb o&lt , 38c ; No. 2 tl < i
ItGc ; Iiu. 1 Milwaukee .T.-o ; No. 2 do , 3lc
Horto * and Mrloi.
The luurket U brisk atvi nil graden MO
holim\ ! > .iil ut si flight nd.'imca in p icon.
( L'ho dcoumd for good fcoruea oxcooda Uio
rupply ckuaidcrnaly. L'ric a range r. fol
lows :
Fine birgle drivers 61CO. to 300. ; Ettro
draft horj in , ( il"i > . to Kfi. ; Common drai
borxia , 8100 , to 150 , ; Kxiri farm hcrwn
110. tl5 ! , ; Common ixiftidfarm boruni
MO. to 4100 , ; Extra pluyi , 500. to 75.
( Jc.'njH.m i lugu , i"0. to t-lC.
mtLW. 15 ! / l&J haiv'.9 ( cxlia ) . C)25
toir.O. ; WJ to 1 hsnds , 3100. to 140.
14 to 141 hands , S76. to 100. ; 13J to J. '
haudi , ffrj. to 7.1)
LI uora.
1 7 jiroof , 1 5'4 per proof ifullnn ; ro-distillec
\ ) tinkifls , 1 & 1@1 G'j ; fina bltnJod , 1 50ro
2r /Ccntnty ; ) ; bonrbonz , 200&700 ; Kn >
cVy And 1'f nusvlvaula ryes , U 10(3 ( > 7 00
BRANPIHS iTrniwrUd , fl ) 00@lGOi (
donrrfic 1 40(34 00.
OKifH Irc.iovted , 4 COSG 00 : domoitlo
1 4X'o ( , (0.
UtTliiB Imnortod , 4 MtyC ( X ) ; New
En Liad. 2 OOOM 00 ; domeetio , 1 A0@3 CO
3tOO@31 OjAicjri > j , case , VJ. 00 ®
OLAK31TH Ecr case , 4 60@1G 01
WINKW-Uhiuo wine , per case , 0 00 ©
20 00 ; C&tcvwbo , i r cane , 4 00@7 CO ,
Lumber ,
Wo quote dumi > er , atn and rJiinglei un :
aru atOraaiia nt the followlnir tiriuo1) ) ;
under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00 ,
TIMISEKK 10 ft. and under. S2'J 0 .
TJAn.Iiir A1TO OOIOT18 ! ! . 3W ' ' ;
J it t. & U . X. ' . . , I * ,7 fiO ; 2) ) fC. , . / f ) .
kKWilKlt lio. 1 , 4 acd 0 in $22 OOj
No. 2 , 820 00.
BHKKTINtf No. 1 (2nd ( wrnmwj
boardn ) 81860 ; .Vo. 2 , . ? 17 00.
K'WGK 1JOA.UDS , 12-ln. I ) , 62300 ;
2-Sn" 0 , $35 00 ; 12-lu. U , ? 40 00.
LIME Per banal , VI 15 ; bulk pa otu
! 5e Cement , bbl , till. Ion a pUutcr ,
jbi , 2 00. Hair per ba , 85o. Tart ( l
elt 700 ltj , $3 00. Hut/ board , $3 0 ? .
UOAJrUaiitbcrUud bUckimltb , 12j
ilorria Uuu BloutAir ; , ' , $12 ; V/bltubreAnt
uinp , $ tl 10 ; WhltcbrtsJu-t nut , 50 60 ; Iowa
ump , > W 50 ; low.i nut 31 60 ; Itock Biirlnj.
88 ; Anthracite , all alzto 211 03 ,
. Uruvt
Jarbollc , 50o ; Acid , 'J'urtiwfc , GOc ; BaUam
v'opabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Baujafrae , iiur
Ij , 14c ; Calomel , pvr Ib , 7&c ; C'lnUiomuia ,
> r oz , 91 15 ; Chloroform , per lb. 1 00 ;
Jorer'a powdera , ner lb , 91 40 ; Kptaic
alto , per lb , Bio ; Glyueriuc , J'urc , per lb ,
&c ; Jxiad , Acetate , per Ib , 24o
Oil , Gautor , No. 1 , per & 1 , fl 15 }
Oil , CMtor , No. S , per g l , $100 ; Oil ;
Olive , per pal. < 1 60 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ,
Oplhm , W 00 ; Ouln'no P. A W. * It. A S. ,
> er or , $2 30 ; Potassium , Iodide , jxit 11
1 00 ; Salacin , per ot , 40c : Sulphate o
ilnrphlne , > > er oz , (3 b5 ; Snlitinr | ( lout
icr lb , 4c ; Strrchnlne. oer oz. $135.
Merinonnwai wl , light , 14@lGc ; hea y.c ,
© Kiltie ; mtdium tinwafhwl , lRht,1820 !
vashod , choice , .ICc ; fair , SOc ; tub-din ? ,
and w , , ISc ; butry , btnkand cottod wool
2gGo ( Ices
Hldei urt , Etc.
HIDES "jrccn butchor'f hide , G 7.
cnte < l Sc ; hides , green salt , part cured 7 jo
hides , 7ic ; drvtlint , i mn.L ir.11cdry ;
calf and kli | , lU@l-ie ) ; diy salt lililo , oound ,
Ofdlllc ; Kn 'ii ciilf. wt. 8 tol5U . . lOffiillc ;
green call , wt , tin < icr 8 tin , pet skin , 60cj
: nyn pclU , MySl 25 ; grc n l.Mnb * klu ,
SI 23@160 : tlamagod hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one giub. cla Cl tv/o-
Lirda rnto , ) brnndod hiiles 10 per cent , off.
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No , 3 ,
JO. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
3Cc ; No. 8,15c : No. 4 , 60. Fox , No. I ,
GOc ; No. 2,2T c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
> 5c ; short strliie , 40o : narrow strips " 5c )
jroMl atripo. lOc. Tallow 7c.
CoanoUBlnfTi Mnrkot.
Flour Cryslal Mills golden shcnf , 3 30 ;
'o t Kansas brands , 3 00@3 f > 0 ; Graham ,
J 00 ; rye " ur , 3 00.
Corn Meal 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO ;
cornch p , 2300 per ton ; corn and oata
chop , 20 00 per ton.
Wheat-No. 2. 75 .
Corn No. 2,67&
Rye Now , 47 (
Barley None.
Oats Now , 30c.
FRUITS-Blackberries , 15c jwr box ;
apiilc-H , 2 50@3 00 per batrcl.
Broom Corn 3J@9c.
Hay Loose , 7 W9 00 ; baled ,
\Vood-5 00@0 00.
Wool 15@26.
Butter Creamery , 20c ; In rolls , wrap-
nod , IGc ; rolls not wrapped , 1'JJc ; mixed
colors , 10@12Jo.
Onions 7uc per bushel.
Live Chickens 1 762 23 per dozen.
Potatoes SOc per hnnucl.
Cabbages 23@IOo per dor.
Turni | > s lOo per bushel ,
Sweet Coin 7c per dozen.
LIVE STOCK. Cattln-Ktlra , 300 ®
,50 Veal Ci l\i8-560@1' 00. Hogs
- 60.
Ghlor.uo 1'rodno * .
CllU'AO , September li.
Flour Steady ami unchanged. Spring opened stum , ; and high
er. and cloned at innldu pi ic ; nvular , .18 ; .
fellSJo for Septombur ; l > . " > lu for October
ud iN'oveuitier ; for < lie year ; No. 2
n d whiter , iKIJk ( ! < llKI , < a for c.vth and Septcm-
lier ; No. a Cliic.txo Hjrlu ( ; . l)8Jc ) : for cnali ;
[ biJ USJc ftr Soptcmbcr ; y.'ijc for Octo-
but ; No. It Chicago lriuj | , 8ic.
Coru Unepttltd atd active , but weak
and lowe ; 71c for cash and Septci.iber ;
" " ratiti c for October ; t(2ls fur NuxomUcr ;
[ aldii u for ilnnuary ; df'Jo fur tliu year ;
file for May ; rejected , 7Qc.
Oats Opened strong and higher , and
cloned nt iunidd prices ; 3Ic for caih and
September ; 33c lor October ; 3L'Ja for No
vember ; 'I2jc for the year ; H. > ( ; ijjc for
Alav ; rejected , 3Ll@31ic.
Hyo Steady ; U3c.
Barley Mai ket canicr ; 80J@Klc.
Flax Heed Quiet und uucbuiiQud ; 1 25ii' ( _
liuttcr Market e.iEier ; fair to fancy
creamery , 2iftoOc ; good to choice dairy ,
I'Ja/Jlc ; packing , 13iSlSjc ( ; ladlu - - - - -
Steady ; 18@10o.
Pork Ucaettied , liut geuerally lower ;
2l40g2l ( 00 for cash ; 21-10 for Sip-
tembor ; SI 12J@2l 15 f ir Oct her ; 20 2'l '
for November ; 19 lOfor the 3 ear nml Janu
Laril rair demand but nt lower ratf > ;
11 90 for ca h ; 11 92J fur October mill N'o-
vcmlier ; 11 80 for iheyo.r und January.
Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulder , 10 2. ;
short ilbs , 13 80 ; fahorl clear , 14 25.
Whihky Steady ; 1 10.
Frtibtta Kutca on cum to Bulfulo , 2c.
CALL no.VJU ) .
Wheat Unsettled and lower ; regular ;
OSgc fie Suiitemlior ; 9lfo for October ; ! ) IJu
lor Nofciuncr ; iU ctor the jvur ; ! HJu lur
January ; No. 2Cuicii' ' ; spring , ,
Corn Active , hut lower amt weak ; 70Jc |
for Sei tenibcr ; G7Jo foi1 Oct.lier ; Gl' e lur
Novvciber ; 57ic for the yojr ; tjOn { fur
Jauiu.ry ; 63 tur May.
Oats Dull , wo ik and lower ; 3.J5@'Hc
for September ; SL'Jc for October nml No.
vem .r ; 3.'tl' } or the year ; 311 Jo for
I'urk Active , but weak and lower ;
21IW for HHptoml > eril ; ) 32J fur October ;
2J 0 ! ! } furNovtmbei ; > 1900 fur the year ;
190"Ji fur Jatiiniry.
Lurd Active , but lower : 11 I'D for Oc
tober and November ; 11 774 )11 ) 80 for the
yoarll ; 72J for .Jmu..ry.
lloo'te. Shlpm'U
Hour 10,000 ! , l'l )
\Vhoa 247.0UO 28.1XX )
Corn I'JliOOO .Mi OoO
OatH 2U1.SOO 3i ( ,0 0
llyo 23,001 Cr.iJ ,
Barley 13,000 5,100
( it , i.oun ± Toluoe.
ST. LOUIH , September < i.
Flour Market enler ; commuii tochoioe
pring , 3 9 , " > ® li 15 ; uuiiiuion to faliuv Min-
nmotiuI ' , ' 3 1 ! 70 ; pattntu , I ! 70 ( < 47 45 ;
fair to vhiiico old wiutrr whuit. 5 'J'xa l > 4.r > , -
Jimv , 4 5fe5 15 ; low giades , 295fel 45.
Wheat Op nod hit tier , but clotted lower
and flow ; No. 2 red fall sol'l down from
Mo to 1I7-/0 / for cash ; from ! 7i to 'M\ for
Heptoniber ; frimi ! lie to itnjj tnr October ;
from 97 1 to ! ' 5QyJj ( for November ; from
! * Jotu'J74o } for Decamliur ; fioiri 'J8Jc tel
l $ o for Jaunury ; from 97Jto lliij/J / foi tlm
year ; No 3 red full Hold down irnin 'JOic
to 90Jc ; No , 4 icu fall told down from t"c
to H. ' > ic.
C"inActive und firm ; Boldhigher early ,
but broku am ! clii'cil lower thuuyeMti'rday ;
Ci&C8a fur uash ; ( ' 8Ja for rujitembei ;
( Xj ! for October : 00 Jo for November ;
6IJu bid for Deceinlior ; 50u fur < aimary ;
fi'i o for the year : 61c fir May ; t" sulon
wore made at Vo lor October ; 6B i for
Novcin icr ; 5tf ! Sr > the vnr ; ! i'\ \ for May.
Oati-Highui ; : i4fet31a : lor C.SMU ; Il.'fe
3iJn ! for SpnteiLlier ; 324 < g32i for Octu-
IMT ; 31 Ifaj'Alis fur the year.
jttyu L'iwer ; ( JOo.
Barley Unchain'od.
Butter Stuiilyaud unchanged ; cream
ery , Ji.feHOo ; dairy , 2 ( § 2.r > o.
KuKf Stwiidy and unchanged ; 15i@lCc.
WhUky-Sleaily ; I 19.
Pork- Market iliill ; 21 CO bid for carli ;
jobbliii ; , 22 00 ,
.Hull ; Meats Dull ud unchanged ,
Baoon Higher ; uhuuldcrs , 11 12
11 23 ; Bliort rih , 15 GOCgLS 25 ; ebort clmr ,
Ifi 15 ( ,15 2J.
Lard Lower ; 1190.
Tha boars ttlll hammered pricea all along
the line , and the decline wan continuous
Wheat Closed at ' .ifio for September ;
a fet O tober ; 'Ma fur Nuvembcr ; li/c /
lor Iec < m' ' "r ; 93Jo fur the year.
C..n lb ; ; foi tpt mb < r ; < ik Ml f *
Octol/ur : Oj o lor Niivumlicr1'Jo ; fur.lau-
uary ; 62c or the j tar ; SOj for May ,
Oat' . 3 1 jo for September ; Bljo fur Oc
tober ; 110 jc ; nuked fir Nuvunbtr ; 31 J 3 fur
Deceuibur ; 301 - ' ( > r thu your ,
Flour . I2C09 ( i 000
Whe t . 101,000 21,000
Corn . . 3,000 Jtl.OOO
ts . 13HX ) 1 ,000
Ifyu . 2,000 2,000
} i rl y . 2,000 .
Iia\v Yorlc Iilvo Ktooll-
New Your , S ptcmber G ,
'I'ha J > fovpM Journal bureau rtp'irta :
Beevin JtsMiptM for two days , 5,3'0 ' ;
joud nilivo uud fit Texaim old fairly , thu
runner at A small advance from Monday ;
ami the I alter at u mnall roeuctiou ; inferior
nativenund comuinn UVxa > und half breed
itetih ruled extruiui'Jy dull at a decline of
[ o per lb ; a ilt-arauce wai not pomlblo ttt
inlet i extrcmcH : y OOC 11 00 for
nativw ; S 00o 9 7o for Tex ni > ! 9 00 10 00
for holt tirifil Colorado utrp'ts : Rpnor l
oaieOOW@13 00 for milves ; 8 iMi SI M
for T X.HI ; 9 COS9 fit ) for Colorado stuct ;
exporters meil JKX ) native tcert at 11 CKXn
11 75.
Sheep lifoclpts for two d y , 16,1000) )
market extremely dull at low figure' , with
liberal sales at I 75 ( 5 73 for minim , and
3 fiO@5 "O for slieop : a few selected OK-
p.irt oilccp olii At 5 75.
! n luo Kcrcipts fur two dayi. fi ! 'iX ' ) ;
marke t ady nt 7 f > 0n'8 83 i < et c t. , fur
( KKirest to bc < t alive.
Now York Produce-
NKW VOIIK. Septo ber ll.
Oiltonulef , but Ktenly ; 12 13 Ifi ®
l'io ; ' ! fiiturcH steady ; Srptcuil < cr , I' .Mis
Ottobcr , 1180 ; November , It GOo : Do-
cembpr , ll.UOv ; January , 11.We ( ; Febru
ary , 11 7 S : March , ll.OOc ; April , 120lc ;
May , 12.13r ; June , 1221.
Hour Weak ; Kiiperfme stale wentcni ,
3 70 ® t 23 ; CDUiiiuin t.i gotnl extra , t Ui
® 520j RiKxlui clu.lro , f > 2."K i8 2r ; white
wheat extra , 7 lK'rf ' > 00 ; extra Ohio ,
4 Xff7 ) ( 60 ; St. Iioulu , 4 G08 afij Mitmo.
tola patent pnicoKs , 7 2 ( 9 10.
Wiieat Uii'pttlcdftiul 4@lio lower ; un
graded red , S'S ' © ! 11J ; steamer No. 3 red ,
1 01 ; N't 3 rat , I 07 ? ( < ? U 09 ] ; drainer No. 2
roil , 1 OS1 J9 ( : o 2rcJ. 1 09@1 101 for
tombcr , 403,000 bit. sold at 1 083@1 10J ,
cloRln ? at 119 ; do for October , 81(1 ( , . 00 bu.
sold at 11U1 llf , cloilng at 1 10J : do for
November , ( W1.UH3 Ml mild 1 ll @l HtJ ,
cloitltigal 1 11J ; do fnr December , 2JI-
000 bn. sold at 1 ISjMl Ifi. closhitr at ]
1133 ; ilo for the year , 1KG.IOO bu soli ! at'
OSiirfll 101 , closing nt 109
Corn Ixincr ; ungraded , 82 890 $ No , 'J ,
B9o in elevator,83@90o dcllverfd ; utoiincr ,
B4c ; yellow , 89 c : uiiKnidtd wlilti * , 75c ;
No. 2 nhtto , fc6c ; No 2 whllo for Scptciu-
lier , 8 'li/8l ( closing at 83 Ic ; do for Octo
ber , 79lC 811c , cluiliiL' at'lijc ; tin for No-
vombcr , 731o7tilc ( ! , ilodiii ; t 78 2 ; ilo for
the year , CuJteTljo , clo-iiiK at ( ijgc.
Oats Opeiud higher , bia cloi't'J hcA > y ;
me < lium wcntein , 35gi3e ; ; white uextcin ,
40Si)18o. )
Hty Quiet , but uttntly ; GOo.
Ho B ( Juict , but tlrm ; eastern , II © ISc ;
New York state , I2@CO.
CclfudMar ) ut ilull.
Sugnr Eiwior ; fair to good lofinlni ; ,
quoted at 7 3-lG@7 5-1G > .
Molassox Firm ; Portj llicn , 113s ,
Kico ( Jnlct and imchHiigrd ,
Tallow - Quiet , but * tuml > ; PJ ' . 'c. '
Rosin--ljuiot and unchanged : 1701 85
ICgrfK lliumm ! fair und ninrkut firm ;
witi k } ' Firm mid fairly active.
leather Hemlock a li , Buenos Ayrei
an I Uio Cr.iudu light , middle und heavy ,
2Jif2Gc. (
\\oul Firm ; dotncstio llc.'cc , ! t2Si47c ! ;
pulled , 18@l2-unwii3lu.'d ; , 12jU'Uc ( ; TCMIB.
14Q1IKIC. Morlict .lull : now HUMS 2200
@ 22 25 , rlusiiif ; at 2J CO.
Itpcf ( Jiiiot , but nil I/ .
L-nd-l'nsUtled ; prllnu hti'aui , 12 I3i |
12 ' ( ) .
Butter- Scarcely ro lirm ; 15@3lc.
< hi-cio Ciouilitvuiand nt full prices ; "J
© lO 'c.
Mimufncliirvd Cupjior Dull and un
changed ; lti | , " > t Liki > , 18j18c.
Pig Inui-Jut"t ( , bu tirm ; Scotch , 23 ©
2i\c ( ; Ainrrlcin , 22C"2Gu.
Iron ICustin Khvuiini ; , lli@l-c.
Null : Cut , 3 t5 ! ; clinch , & H5G 2 > .
lluc'tu. Shipm'ln ,
Flour 12,000 5.COO
Wheat 21ilO ( ( ) 111 1,000
Guru 32,0(10 (
Oata 19.000 11,1)00 )
Llvo MtooU.
CIIIOARO , Swptembcr li.
Tim DroveiT)1 Journal rufurta as fill.
lows :
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 head ; ship
mcntH , 4,200 head ; weak and lower , oxcepl
thu chuicest ; general demand light ; com
mon to good mixoil , 7 70@815 ; heavy , 8 50
@ 9 3'J ' ; kl | > Ht 5 10@7 50. A largo mini
\ > UT uf inferior loiigu and graw liuga left.
C ittle HcceiiitH , 7,010 * ; sblpmontK
2GOO ; qeneial tluw and weak ; one car u
1,500 pound * cxp irt c < ttlo Hold at 7 50
good to choice miijip'ng , ( i 0 ' © ( i 75 ; com
mon to fair. 1 OUfeGOl ) ; mixvil butchurn' ,
blow and lOo limvr ; 2 IO& I 50 ; KtouKurx
and fetderj , very dull , 3 OJ ( < ij4 00 ; raiige
nlow and wea ; Texiini ; scarce ; ciumerH
3 75 ® I 00 ; hbipperx , 1 5 4 50 ; half-biuoilu
and Amcricani- TiO ri yi ) .
Shceti Receipt * , 700 bond ; Hhlimionts
' 13D ; Htiungiidil au ivu at lOiWlTiu advance
fommuii to f ifr , 3 00r i I 5(1 ( ; iiiRiHuin ti
goo. . ) , 3 7' > @ 1 - ; cli'ico. ' 4 ( ) @ H7J
itinlity | pour and local ImlchurH tliu clnu
the chief liujcrd
St. LoiilH JJ1 vo Stock-
ST. I.OUIH , September G.
Catttlo Ieoeit ! | ,4.000huadHhipment ;
100 huail ; cupply liberal but allugolher o
< oininnn lo iiiitilluin gni s imthc" , 'IVxaiiH
Imlians mid miutbcrn liutchur nliiir , willed
Hold to ImUliTt Jiiil caiiin rH at ! ! 9" @S 50
gouil to hi' t 'JV-xiu and Indian sU < T wuuli
lirlngI 00fii ! > , nml fair nativu ntt'i-r
from 1,0't'l ' to 1,200 pound' , xrn naleitblo a
1 ' > 1sr > 23 ; good to cliuico heavy , 5
o r.o
Sheep Itecuintp , 1,500 hoiul ; ( h
200 ; actlvo und f > > lr y fi'iiimuttuiiM ; ,
3 556(1 50 ; bUiokerj , 2 500B3 CO.
lli'SH ' Hciucu anil ( | tiilty puor , ( lily
hutcliprii liuylnt ; ; pgn ! nml lltfb' Yurkrrii ,
7 75rt8 ( 23 ; butcliern , 8 2XiflH ' . ) ; Iwmt
liciwy wuiild brill' , ' 9 ( )0 ) ( 9 50 ; uiilli > , li W ) &
750 ; reccli tH , 1'MO liuail ; hhiiiiiitintM , 10
iieuil ,
ICuumm City Proilnco.
KANH'.H Cnv. MiNtnnber 0.
Wheat lluculiitx , 71,00(1 ( : lilpiiirnlH
51,000 ; aistivfj No. 1 led , r.o fur ca/h
No , 2reilhlo f'jr cash ; " ! Jo fur Oct .lier ;
b2o lild for Novembir ; Slllo fur Uccein
ber ; No , 3 ted , 7 0 fur cnuli ; 7 < i/o / lur
thu year.
Cum l.'erciptn , MO ; clilpmcnl" , 500
liniHr ; N'o. " mixi-.l , Ii'j ridi7u f'TSup' m-
1 cr ; Ha lur tlm Hut hull uf I'uciuubcr ;
43 ( ollf | for tin * year.
OitH-Slii :2)2j ! ) bid ,
Butter Finn ; chuiue , 20c ,
Kjign-Stcudy ; 18) .
Kiiunim City Z/ivn Utuok.
KANHAH Cm , ( Jeptciiiber (1 (
The U\o Stuck In Jlcator repurtj an foj.
lows :
Outtlu-ItcwIntH , 1,000 ; v/cak and a
oliaili ) lower. No ttt > I nstlVJ Btcor * of
fered ; nativii uiiws Hiilil nt 2 55 ( i3 30
htuckcru aud , 'I fiO ( i I K ) ; No Texud
U ru Bull ) .
Htv Itocclp'H ' , 2,3 0 ; ntoidy. ranging
from 7 f Oy,8 55 , with thu bull ; uf the Hales
at H 20@8 43.
Hhoep UecelptH , 3CO ; ntoidy at 275 ®
'J 90 f < < r good to chuicoimtiveH ,
Potrolonm Mnrbnt-
Nw YOIIK , Suptember ( ! .
Petroleum- Quiet , but lirm ; United ,
lc ; crude , 01@0jc ; reflncil , G ( ! )7c. )
1'mnuuuo , PA , , Soplcmlier G ,
Petroleum Actlf ; Unltwl
i.i. cl.i-ePit Kifjt ) 'lefitioJ ,
fur i'lilludelrihin dti ivery.
I'oorin Produoo-
1'E'iiiiA ' ,
Corn Activn , firm aud higher ;
mixed , 7ai 73/c / ; mixed , ; S < u,73ic.
Oati At tlvn , tirm uud higher ; No , 2
white , 37i&3dc.
Itye I'ull and lower ; lilic ,
Hit-hwiuea Finn ; I 18.
Tiirpoiitliio &XarU t *
\VILMINUKI.V , iN. O. , Supteinber ii ,
TuriwiiUne Steailv ; lOJo.
NLW YOKK. September G ,
Turpcntino-Steady ; 12ifeJ c.
OAI T fcvo money ami order salt Jlrcit from
OH1. ! ui , i > Hliliproaii | > tl ) by rail at Hi
tfilliluoajli iiriuuto ull nuUcrn noluu
; 'y/INE / Or CAROUI
L UM ami dtiur
County Convention.
Corre'i'onuf nee ol Tim 1UR.
WAJIOO , Ntb. , September B. The
republican county convention met in
the court house yesterday and organ
ized by elected II. K. Johnson , of
VnlpArniso , chairmnn. An Mr. John
son is n brother-in-law of lion. 0. 0.
NVhito , who is n candidate for stuto
treasurer , it wan evident _ from the
stnrl that the Djrscy-Whito faction
Imd cApture the convention root niul
branch. The other faction led by L.
\V. ( Jilohrist , J. N. Djvis mid llenty
Anderson , made a strong light for A
portion of the congressional mid stnto
delegations , but were lar.dcd oil on
i'very corner. It in whispered thnt
Doraoy'o dclegntioii in this county ) iis ;
cost him anr \ > n nmount of money.
The < iucalion nmv seems to be , should
ho succeed in buying his nomination ,
cm ho buy his election ) After thn
delegations wcro elected the war set
tled down mid the nominations for sen
ator , rcprpsontntivo nud commissioner
passed ofl'moro ( juiolly nntl rvrultud
in the following ticket : Senator , T ,
M. Wilton , of Aililand ; repronentn-
tix'cs , 0. S. Johnson , of NVahoo ; J , 0
Humor , of Bohemia prcc'nct ' and J.
S. Collins , ot Pohoco precinct. For
county commissioner , John Peters , of
Clear Creek. Some of these nro good
men , and will poll the full vote if the
> arty niul seine of them vill run very
nuclt behind thuir ticket not bcimj
considered by many as reprceontativo
neil of the county. T. 0. F.
Special Dlppntchcs to Tun Utit ,
LONDON , Scptimbor 0.Foxhall ,
Ltookinakur , Ilcmeo and Wallonstoin
iavu been nccoptod for the Cznrowitcli
taltcB , onpctobor 10 , nt New Jlarltet ,
and IroquoJB , Norold , Sachem , Arnnzt ,
I'Vxhull , Fulano , Bookmaker ,
und Wallonsteiiiiiccepti'dforlho Cam-
tiridjcahitu ( ntnkua on October " 1 ,
AIiNNKAi'oi.iH , Minn. , September t !
The day's rncing cluninl with the
tnonty tin In race for a puree ( if ? ! 1OOC ,
between Jjittlo Cricket , of Arkansas ,
nnd Bertie Ponk , of Michigan , It
was wen by Littlii Cricket , who canio
in nearly olio milo ahead. Cricket i
but K ! years of n o and Bortio 15.
The time was the fullest on record , -10
minutea and -ID seconds.
itiiiniiTOM niAt'ii : UAC.T.S.
KI.W York , September ( i Fira
race , Buven-ciglitlm of a mile ; Little
Phil won , time 1 : .V2.
Second nice , mile and one eighth
Gloria won , time 1:57. :
Third race , livo-eighthn of a mile
Little Phil won , time 1KU. : (
Fourth race , livo-ci htliiT of a milo
London won , time 1:0 ! ! ? .
Fifth race , steeple chime , ( over shor
couroe ) , Smoothwntor won , time " : > tl !
U. H. Clarke , of Dollovuo , IH in the city
Hon. John 11 , lUnicc , of 1'onc.i , 18 1
the illy.
II. ,1. rngerxoll , of Niobrarn , ta at Ih
Crt Igliton ,
] ' . Kosowatcr , of THE ! ! KK , left for Fie
mont last night.
C , K. Whitney niul wife , of Denver , ar
nt the Metropolitan ,
J. MuNally and > T. Cavanaugli , of Tc
cuuiHch , arc at the Orciliton. | ;
V. W. Unoy and W. T. 1'lillllin , (
Lincoln , are at the Crejlitcm. !
1) ) . W. Wooil , of 1'onca , and IMwnn
Cranp , of Howard , nro at the Crtllitin. (
Tini Cailwallador , a live Cliigng
travolliif ; innii , IH In the city , at tl
Captain John II , Pierce , "Ringer , "
In frna his Dixou county ranch to nltcm
Iho RUte 1'alr.
Hcmtcir ViiiiWyckilolIvcroil the uildrtc
liofor thu Lancunter county fair at I/i
culn yuHtuiday.
T. li. Oault and Col. lletli , roproRcntln
the St. IjiiuU liarbwini fencu manufactory
are at the Millard.
luaao I'oworfi , Jr. , 11. liuiril , Suninel j
Ciiinlis unil Jolin T. Sjiuncvr , of Dalcut
City , aru at the Millar. ) .
Win , W. ItloHt , , lr , iiianaIiiB ( editor o
The St. , loHoih | ( J.izetty , In at the Millart
Ho leaven fur Denver tn-day on a plcixur
J. Al. mid family , York ; II
llostwlcb , ] la tiny ; 0. If. Willan ) , Itn
coin ; 1' ' . li. llurlce , Itcatrlco and D , llnl
inuii , of UlyHKcp , are at tliu
J.tcoh Don nl , cf lcitrlct ! ; .fulin llur
moW , of Wnhoii ; I'.ittlck , o
I'lutlHiiioulh ; K. 1. Holt , of Howard ; .loh
IMferdon , of Wcoping Water ; H I1 , liiitlv
and MlriHca Viiicti iinil Dlackinati , of lilalr
were KUC61H at tlio .Mctronilitnn ] last ulht | ;
J , ( i , Heapu , nn oM npu.lal cmrcfpun
dent of tliu Chicago Dniverit Joiirna
called yoaterday at Tim llti. olllce. J\lr
IIoiji han liuen u frcijuniitibitorlo Ouia
1m anil han taken nccuHlon it number o
tlino * to iipi-ak u Kooil work In | IH ! letter
niotroiinlls ,
Vinibln Jmnrovoruont.
Mr , Noah Hattf , IClmtra , N. Y , , writes
"Aliout four yeara BKO 1 hail nn attack o
billoiiH fevi-r , and ne\ur fully recovennl
My tlle.tive ) organn wcro weakened , nii'l '
would bo coniilatoly | prontratett for day
Alter UHini } two linltlos of your liumioc
111 ooii ] JirrEiM tliu lii.proveim-iit wan H
yiaililo that 1 wai antoni.hBil. I ran now
though Ol yeaw of ni-e , clu n fair and rea
e day'u work. " 1'rlco Sl.l 0.
Thi n dti < lrln to miVo
money on
HIJ u 1 i.i , , , i , , mm , , , ttUlt 1
crai.i , jiiu > i > iu it an I aw,1,4 | i tOiit
tloiin , u 111 a i to l.y oneratlntf on cu
_ . I' ' ' ' * " I'roinMiy l , hutto the pro
W1IKAT " t ( 'ate.onliiveitm , insof jlw.oo
to il.ooii , ( tan prollts Into l ! u
roj'iuil ' and juU lo luiestor
( Jjrr/ | , iiiouii Iniflofever I Iliuoi t juorltf
vJOU i"1" " l'i\e ' men , tllll kavliif | l"u
orxlutl ln e tmont u ftklu money
or p.jBtMr ca tiemsud xiilanuto
STOOKB Is ; c''BUl ' Man ' ft4t muit < it fund
WitKtfrea > V v.iit roipon.lblu
ajtenti. who wll r i-'it ' in crops utitl
1" cluc thu pUn l hural ( oai-
tnUloiK luid. Ac'0f.j
mUnlou MrrcIiaaU , italor
Cldcauo. III.
Tlm bust lu the country ; lur the money ,
M. A , McNamara ,
No. 214 S. Kounounth Strout Omabu
arms ,
n < i ittul ! bulKUni ; eltti 01 Sherman mnuio
ICth street ) eouth ot 1'oppkton'a and J. J.
Ironn'e rmldoncca the tract belonging toHci-
or Paddock for so many years holng
H ( cot wmt IronUto on the nvomio ,
> V Ir 111 300 to f.t.O fcot In drpth ,
mining cantnrard to the Uraiha &St. Ptul c. . U ,
VIII neil tu Btrlps ol f > 0 Icot or nioru ( rontaira nn
he fuumuUtli full depth to the raltroal , will
ell tlio aim eon about any tenon that purchnior
may dotilro. To partloawho will ague to bullil
lOuscicoHliiir 71200 nml upvard Hill noli with-
mt nil ) I'ljinent don ii lor ouojear , and & to 10
uiial anneal | i ) nitntn thcrcalter at 7 per crii *
ntirmt. To parties lie do not Intend Iroprov-
UK ImmcdUiciy will ncll ( or cue sixth down and
> uitial | annual pajmcntBthcroaltcr at 7 ICT cvnt
Choke 4 aero block In Snilth'aaddition at nrat
cndol Puriinm etrcot III nlvo an > length ol
.Una required at 7 per cant Intercut.
Aim n niilomll 110 aero lilock In Smith's o-ldl-
: lon on KIUIIO Illicral tcr no ( omeuuiK.
No. 805 , Hall lot on near 0lh
No 304 , Lot on ISth street near Paul , Siroo.
No 302 , LoS SHxSbO Jcct on 16th Birpct , luai
No aw' , Otic ipiartor uro Hurt Htrett , ni-af
Uuttoii 500.
NoJ7 , T.vo lnU on Ulonilo nonr licnc i tn < ui ,
821.0 ami C'MO inch.
No20n. Two loti on Ocor.'U near UlUilKnn
iri'it , iisoci.
NoVMS , Twctvo choice re dcncu lot * on llumll-
Kt'ii utreet In yhlun'u nildtttoii , line ami nl ht ) }
DO to SD'X ' ) each.
No S04 lluuitlful hall lot on BU Hary'e v-
oniui , 30x100 Iict , near llluhop Clarknou'ii and
UOtli itruot , glWX )
No 'art , t'lvo cholca lots on Part avcnno , NJr
1W cacti , on utreet railway , * WO each.
No'J'Jl.BU lota in Mlllard & Caldwcll'a addition
on bin riuan Aouua near I'oppleton'n , IMICO to
SIM each.
No ! te9 , Cholco lots on Park avenue and utru - tar
ar llnu on mad to 1'atk , t4&0 to 11000 each.
Nu2hi , iijun ; lota on Dceatur and Irrnn
etnetn , mar Httiudora htreot , ( J7& to * 4SO each.
No Vlhi. , Lot on lUtli near 1'aul street , $760.
No 2HI , Lot 6'nHU feet near Ht. Jlary'u avcnoo ,
anil 20th Mroet , 81600.
No'2iD , Lot on Uocaturncar Ircoattrcct , S32t.
No lt7H , Ft'iir lots ou Caldwcll , near OauuilrrJ
ctroit , f tOJ each.
ho 270 , Loton Clinton street , near shot towel.
No 27R , Four lota on JlcLcllan street , Deux , llurau'd , J J26 oich.
No 274 , Turco lots mar race counc : tuakt
No 208 , ncautllul corner aero lot on Callfornlu
alriet , oppohlla .inJadjoining Uacred Heart Cou <
vent Kroundi ) , J10CO.
No-/Co , Lot on Mason , near ICtb street , $1,310.
lOOJolJilii "Credit Foiicler"and "OraaS Vlavi'
a < IilltEns ) , jut routh-uut of U. I' am ) D. A M.
I allrtjad i riiota , raiiKlntf'roui ' 1W totlUOOeacb
and on tony lerniH.
licautlful Itciildenco LoU at a bargain very
handy to uliopn 1IXI to i'"M each , 6 l > or cent down
ml Upir ceil t per month. Call and gctjilitand
ull partlculam.
No 2M , Finl rorncr lot on Jonea , Niir 16th
ktrcit , W.ljeu.
No2li3 , I woIoUon Center etrcct , ntr Ci'-ti-
Ini ; Htrect , i'fOO lor lioth orSWK ) inch.
.N'o261J , Lot ou Uewmd , near Kiug
No 213 , Hall lot on Dodge , near Hth ttr'oa
No 217 , Tour beautiful residence Intn neui
Crol-liton ( , Colleo ( ( or will ncparato ) W.WKJ.
No24tl , Iwo lots on Center , near C'umlni ;
ytreet , * 4UO.uch.
Nojillij , L3t nn Jdnhn. near Cummv ntieet ,
> oVIB , IlciinUn ) .ori'ii 'icre lot on Ciimlnir ,
near liuttun btrcet , mar new Cou > cm oi Bacrntl
Iliurt , l,00 ( ) .
No. 214 , Lot on Farnam , near lEtfj rtn f ,
No 243 , Lot GO hy 1 on Caliche nt/cvt ,
ncartn. .Murj'x nicriuo , r700.
No 241 , lal oo Faiuaui , noir Mtb
.so : 10 , latMbym fm-t on Houtb aitnut ,
near Jhuoii street , ffl.'iO.
.No. il ) , coriur lot on Hurt , near 22d' ' ftrcel
? .300.
No , 23 . 120x11)2 feet 61 Harnoy , ntar 21th ,
trurt , ( Kill cut it uii)92,400 ) ,
o. Uj4 , Lot on LioUKl etrctt , ntxr
q ] ,
Ao. 232 , Lot on I'lcr truet , n ar
No. 227 , Two IcUonUecaturneorlrtnuii'uvt ,
$200 ,
No ; 2J , IxJt 143 by 441 fcot on * Sherman avt <
iiiii-lCth uttoet ) . laa Urace , $2,400 , will divide.
No2ZU. Lot liSMlnt ou OoJue , tiear IStU
roct ; inakoan oiler.
No2i7 , I/toni3rd ! neirClarl'.lJCOO.
No 21V , Lot on Hamilton near King , & > 00.
No 2vU , Lot on Idtli utrtut , near iiUbolau
No 207 , Two lots on 10th , near Patlflc utttut ,
WoVOI , liDiiitllul roeMcnco lot on Uirislou
btruet , near Cuuiliig , ? JUO.
No 1'JJj LcU on nth street , ecu Pierce ,
bj , Lots on Bvjudcrs street , new Bow
Tuo lota on 22J , near Grace utrtx > 0 ,
No1D2jTwo lots on 17th street , nir whllu
lead orkn.fl , OSO.
N IN ] ; Oou ( ull block ten lota , uuu tha
harricks , < IOO.
No 1U1 , Lotij ou Parker , street , notu Irene
No IBS' Two lota on Oita , near 2I t utreet
( Kilt wlK ) , OO.OOg.
No IbO , Lot ou 1'ler near Sew ard , JUKI.
BS'o 170. Lot on I'aciUc street , near JJUifinakt ; )
oiler. *
No'100 , Six lota cu rarnnni , near 2Kb itreet
i,4COtoi2bfiOcacb ,
.Vo Ida , Full block on 25th strrcet , nta- race
nsj. n d three lots In Ulion aidltiou , near
ui.d.ij on J Cuwitis strceU , i/OuU ,
No 127 , Lot on Ibtn it/ett , while iiacj
! J ( oil Ci lsi. < > , on laVt itrutit ,
near l'0.jiUton's | , { 1,000.
NolU , Thirty hill iscro lota In M lard & Cu.
duoll u ad'Jltlonj on bliorman aveuuo , pjliu and
Sarat Jgu Etriotd , the uud of gttua otrixit
car track , fM.r > to jl.dOj uvh.
JluKj , ot on CliUnj ' , near 22J tieut ,
NoKS , Jjot on Cftlduell street , near foiuidera ,
$ J > 0 ,
No 60 , Corner lot on Charlen , ntur Uaund-
iimtriiut , 17'JO.
No 78 , lWxb2eot on P clflc , near Eta flrtut
Nol'O , Ifbtcen lota nn Slat iSd , 23d and /
daundtr * itrceta , noir and 'Htuudcit iititet
jrU 't500 o ili
No U , Ouo-Iouith block (160x135 ( fuel ) . aLe \
Lo Con vent ol 1'uor CUIrc , on Hamilton dtruo
B a he rod of the red meet car track , tfl/jt >
16h ana uoagtaa