THE DALLf BEE-OMAHA THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER T 18d2 t o > E.OTH : & Wholesale Lumber , Wo. 1408 Farnliam Street , laha , Neb. STEELE , JJHNSGN E AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CI&ARS ML MAMiCTUEED TOBACCO. Agents for BEHWOOD KAILS AND LAFLIH & EANI POWDER CO. ISXXKTGHUEI J3WOVX3XTO- POWER AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACHINERY , BELTING , HOSK. BRASS AND IRON FTniNCa PIPE , STBA PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GHURGH'AHD.SGHOOLISELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that ia supplied with complete nmchinory for Laundry work. Send your orders by mail or oxprcsa. GOTTIIEIMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Fnrnhnm Street. S. WHOLESALE - - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND UKALKK N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Oinaba Neb. THE MOLINE T * X ! * ' , Manafactnrod by They make n specialty of COOKING STOVES , vnd have this ; c r plarcd In the mnrkft nicl thoMOaTKCONOJUO AND MObT 8AII8rAUTOKYhTOVK8e trin de. They niuco hoth PUIn tnd extension top , aud ( ruantntce all their Roods. 'Iho amenta for thu company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , DEALKUS IN 3SUT W 'JO X. SS. GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar PPJD 3 . 1020 Farnham Street , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , Pike's Ponk or Hustl" "Busted ! " Corre t > onclcncc of TIIK UFE. This stern resolution so oft ropcatct in the past came to us Will and my self ixs we started ono morning wit ! canes in hand from JlaniUu. The distance was 12 miles , of which ovci ono mile and a half was up in the air. The journey contemplated for thodaj was 24 miles. Wo oxptctrd promptly to march up hill and then march back again in tiino for supper. , x Others had done as much , and why not wo ? True , I weigh over 200 and am crossing the half century line , nnd Will has been sick all the "apt ing and summer , but then the job muit bo dono. Forty- three persona went up the day buforo on horseback , nnd wo propose to make it n foot. Wo are oil'nt (1 o'clock. Header , you who have lirud nil your days on level ground , you think it isn't muoh to walk 24 miles in a day ; well , you can do it if you don't hare to stop to climb a ladder n milo and n half high , and then climb back again Well , that was just the rub all but the ladder. About a milo out wo pass the famous Ute Iron Spring , and take n drink of its powerful waters and then pass on. Our path begins to o up , up , up ! Will it never ntop ? Yea , on the auuimit of the peak and not before.Vo follow u roaring mountain torrent and the view is grand. Sometimes the walls close in like canons , nnd you go through a deep gorge. Hero mnssivo rocks have tumbled into the stream nnd the waters tear around and under them. The mountain sides nro covered with evergreens. The crust of gog nnd magog lift their rranito helnnta high the air , but under the exhilaration of the mountain air wo pass on into now wonders , lloro are sheltered falls. A mighty rock has fallen from the mountnin'a brow into the stream and the water dashes over it foaming with rage. Above there is one cascade after another nnd by the furious fall of water you have some idea of your atccp ueccnt. Now you follow the narrow path winding up around the mountain side nnd again wo follow the stream. At 8 o'clock wo reach n log house called the "half-nay house. ' Wo inquire how far it is to the top of the peak ? "Eight miles , " and how far to town ? "Four miles , " but we thought this was half way house. " .No. only n third of the wo } ; " that begun to make us look solemn. Wo hud put in our best time , and had been two hours in com ing lour miles. Just then two inun with a drove of donkeys fell into the trail , and they told us to strap our baggage on them. Wo did so nnd lielpud drive them , but it was a help , and with two canes e.ich wo plodded nn in good lima. Theau men had iv sontr.iot for supplying the signal hti turn with wood ut $20 per cord. It'uull right ! TJioy may luivo a dollar n stick , for all I care. The piuiunt little don- loy , how hu toils on. An iron wood- ruck is fastened to his pack saddle , and he takes nearly un eighth ot a cord to a load , and I found oven then hu was more of a success on a climb than wo wore. After going a couple of miles \\o resume our baggage and plod on. Now the path is moro and more abrupt , doubling back and forth on the mountain nide. Hero wo are in the burnt district thousand of acres n tangled and wild desolation. Nnw wo pans immetiHu fields of clean granite. We are Hearing timber line , where the trees close their struggle with the eternal frosts. But the air is certainly lighter and as you go on aven ab u moderate pare , your heart humps like a sledge hammer agauiat pour nide poor thing it wants to got jut of that and go back you can't alamo it. Now your breath comes Toublud and labored , you fairly pout. L'Jieru is not breath enough to go ound , and to add to your discomfort foil are getting tired never so tired joforo. Keep your feet turned up to in nnglo of15 dogrecn and it is too nuch. I found I could sit down easi er than ever before , my feet nnd legs low they ached , and my poor calvua low I pitied them. Now Will is a poung man ( , f a good deal of decision , ind when ho maken nu his mind you : au't budge him , "He said this in : ) layed , I don't go Miy further , " nnd really the boy had my sympathy. Wo ite now at the head of the stream , ono A the highest there is , wo are over 11,000 feet above sea level , nearly two inks high. A mountain iuido ; up- [ tears leading a company on horseback. SVo nsk him how much further it in , "threo miles , " well how much higher , " 3,000 feet. " Wo take our lunch by the spring , how cold the water is , iv o cannot drink enough to quench : > ur mghig thirst. Now wo uro joined ly two mcntoturning. Thny wont up the day before ami were caught in u thunder-storm ri lit heru wo wore. I'hoy described it art aw fully f. rand , I'hey wore in the midst of the artillery jf the sky and grcut Vullaof tire rolled from cloud to cloud and u dead tree not far off was shivered. Just then rnapcivo uluuds tolled down upon us From ubr.vo and the rain began to fall , and the men in alarm hastened lownwiad , One of them had been , -try sick all night. Ilo foolishly took > iis whisky bottle with him and took ilia pay for it. Up in tlieeo high alti tudes the air is intoxicating enough. Wo now held a council of war. Will ; ould go no further , lie hud a blind ing headache. 1 wanted to go on mil started , but my feet and legs "struck" then and tlu-ro , where they ireru must needed. Never was un iron manufactory treated worse , It HUH the most downright rebellion I jvur saw. It was a case of obstinate rofuial to go another rod of up-hill jriido. Then there came that molan- : holy thought whioh"overwholmod BO many men twenty years ago , "IJUhTKIil" It was a melancholy fact , I could not . ut around it or above It. Further I tiould not go. My rebellious ankles were becoming rigid with weariness , nnd though I argued and reasoned and thought of what others had done , and I ought to do , it was all of no use. Just then a wintry chill invaded our hones. It was like un Arctie blast. \Vo shivered and our teeth chattered. Again I tried to go forward , 'but my Feet were as obstinate as oier. 1 never saw a woreo rebellion ; I was disgusted. Denouncing ono foot as Jet ? Davis , and the other as Arab ! Italia , I started back. I had not L'one far when I found it easy to rest , jvon on the do < vn grade. Presently the clouds parted and n glorious occar of sunlight Hooded mountain anc plain. I looked as far east nurd as the vision could go , nnd saw afar of ] the smoke of railroad trains on the dixlnnt plains , nnd far , far away I could see our own pratrio state robed in green , and flooded with the light. Well , euch n vision was worth the effort. The mountain Inko clear nnd cold , the bald peak * , the pitting crags , the roar of torrents , the stately spruce , tiio mall nnd roar of CAtnracts , nnd that cold , cold spring , issuing from the very mountains brow , all go to form n picture not to bo for gotten , It was hard to give up , but wo consoled ourselves with the thought that wo would have been drenched with rain nnd fleet , for it snows often every day on the summit. Wo could not have endured the pierc ing cold , and once there wo could hnvo soon nothing on account of the clouds. Tired as wo were , wo found it much easier going down than up. Wo reached Mnnitou _ nt fi o'clock , having accomplished eighteen miles of nbout nsdillicult travel as this earth aflords , but two such tired mortals it would be hard to find 0 8. HAIIUISON. SOUTH PUEIII.O , Colo. , Aug. 110. Worthy ol Pralni AB a rule wo no not recommen Medicines , but when wo know of ono thi\t orally Is n public benefactor , ami docs positively ] euro , then wo consider It our duty to impart that Information tit all. KU'Ctrio IhUcrH nrotruly a most \nlunblo medicine , nnd will surely euro lilllnu Foter nnd Ague , Stomach , I.hcr Kidney Complaint B , oven were nil other remedies fall. We know wereof wcujwik , nnd can freely recommend them to nil. Kxch. Sold at fifty cents a bottle , by O. V. Goodmnn. Alex. H. Stephens and His Roller Obntr Atlinta ( On ) Constitution. At 8 o'clock Mr. Stephens arrived with his friends of the executive com mittee and other gentlemen. They entered the house by the rear en trance of the stage , and unobserved by the audience. Wlnlp Mr. Steph ens was in one of the wings preparing to make his appearance , a portion of the audioncn caught sight of the roller chair and began cheering. The audi ence quickly guessed what the chcer- i'jg was occasioned by nnd at once took it up. The house rang with cheers , llnvintr been adjusted and settled down in his roller chair , Mr. Stephens \vho3lod around and rolled himself out upon the stage .unid the most uproaroiiR applause and cnthusi ( Htn. lie was followed by the mem- bern of the executive committou and otl'or lending democrats , who took cluiir.-i that had been placed for them on the atiijro. Mr. Stephens coi tinned to roll his chair out until he had passed across a little moro than half the atago when ho wheeled around , and facing the nudienco went a step or two forward ard ccntchod the wheels of hiu roller c'inir against j. lu-a y two-inch plank had been pl.tccd across the el-no near the footlights to keep the chair in position , us the ntr.go Hour slants toward thu audience. Qiveu Away. We cannot help noticing the liberal offer made to nil invulids and HUfFurcra by Dr. Kimj'H New Discovery for oiimimption. Von are requested to call at ( ' . V ( ! ood- mun'a Drug Store , and p t n Trial Mottle free of coat , if you are BulToiliK ? with Con- Hiimptioti , Sovcro Coughx , Cold * , Asthma Droncliitifl , JTay Fever , LOMI of Vole u Ho ii > encBS , or any nlftr'ticm of thn Thro or Lillian It will imRltiulr dim vim. SHORTjLINE. l tTlli CHZ.T Direct Liiia to ST. LOOTS Aj ; THK EAST Prom Omaha and the Wear. A trains li a\o U 4 U. nciOt , Omaha : Neb , Ilo chnof a nt t " IJtwcon Cr .On nni ! n > . unit bo * nje 1 utwren CUAUA td 1IK\V YOl'.K. Daily PassengerTraina Ain OHAKOft P'J IK A'JVASOK 111 f li OTJIKR LLMKR Use It equlpl'tiil v/iih P Uc Elctplng t'tTK , P Ucu InyO3\chs8 , a t Safety Plitlcrin and Coupler , -wid kho cuol ntw Wenluiijucii * ' Alr-'jiiVe. that SOU t'.chrl nwlj VIA nil1 i crnr , * T. jofisr-n i. COUNCIL uuinv < H invd , vU Ut , .Joo-fii r.nd Si. lionlit Tloiclj for tilt 11 ill t > tlorj > i I ffost , J. P. H'llO'AHD , a DAVFj ? , Otui. Bupl. , .1' . ioavflt , Jn i" Oco fM4. iinil tci > i A t. , 'It. Jcuoim , U' , /\nor Bni i , "flcVrt Aaii. 1020 IV nliAm Btrf 1 \V. J ) > * v i imr i > > Acoct , . > AI 2 HEAT YOUR"HOUSES n FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADI : itv EIOHARDS IN .BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS. Embody > imv 1882 Impr vomontii. llor. prnotioal < " ur . ; Cost loss to ko p In urdur ; Uiulnv * i'uol ) will uuc iiinro hvat and a larttur volumo" ' pure iilr tun ! any furnacl inado Soldh ) riKHOKY & llllAIFOUIOiii na.Nel , ' WKSTJiKW CORNICE WORKS ! 0. SI'KOUT , - - Proprietor. Omrlia HBJ ! Harnoy St. - , , UANUKACTLIIKItaOK BalyanizBillrofl , COUNIOKS , DOHMEIl WINDOWS , F1NIALS , Tin , Iron aud Slate Koofing , Spucht's Patent Alutalio Skylight. Patent Adjusted lUtcliut liar und lirackot Hhelviiif , ' . I am thn guuorul ugent for the ubuvu line of gooda , IKON KKNUIN ( } . Ore tlng , U lu trode , Ver ndMIOmo9 arm Unk Ralllagi , Window mnd Oellarj Quardi : lie OBNKltAL AUENT I tf DOCTOR WHIT TIER , G17 St. Chnrlpi St. , ST LOUIS , Mo A UKOI fAR OIlAWATi : of twn rmillnO rollcRo , , ! ' " ' " rn Inugcr t ciweil In th t mt inrnt of < II HO Me , NMlVul ) , SM s AM ) I1I.OOU Dl'ci p tlmi nnt cthrrpn nkliii In SI I. Ml * mi It ; | i JITS ( how " .ml ill old li'l.lrnt know Con.iiltntlon a olllop r by ui.ll free And Intltrd. A friend ! ) tnlk or'hk opinion nvita noihiiuhcn It N litrimtmtni to tfottlc clti for treatment , iiirdrflnra be sent by mull or rtproi. cvcijwlifrr. Cur tle MM.umntreil. ncro iloubt fMl t < It Is frank- y it all d. O'l or nrt < > . Xorvon ) in tr tlnii , l ) htlltVi Monlnl nml rii > i lenlVenktiM , Mrrcnriril nin ! othiT nlfectiiiiK of riirtmt , Skin nml H < incn , itldixl ImpuritlM mii lilo. it PoNiniliiK , Stln AITecltoin , OM Serf fiiiiT'Ufcom , ItntxxlltncntM to Mnrrmuo , llieuiuatli ! > iii , 1'ilpii HpecliT munition in cinew from ovcr.workc < l brntn rit KUIOAIj CASKS receive n ) > ocii l nUontioii , Ul8fn o < nri > Ironi lininifiieo | ] , Kxcon.pi , IniHilucncon or i\i : > o iirc < . nsi&wly If ynn nrA fltTOJ.Mr. nf fm lnr t tnmi nr Iri Hi onr ll > Tll cKrul onr iltitlri nt nlirlit nrk tu re * % l1ttni1mittft-id u tor * lirMii ncrri * nuc Hop Bitter * . RWI u.i Hop D , 1. 5 MI WT > younir nil Pilflrrlni ; from M. ' l Hncicllon in ill M | ' Hull i It 31111 nrt n % k rlrit or ulnisln , nlj or IHiurbmllli or iM'Kiitili . . . . ' oil A t d . * 1 l iifr-o , iilr ou Ho p | Bittern. Whitir yoai wlionurr jou I tnialijr fro "i < Miilt tlrRt your njH 1 r mi of if ! j n e i in-Kin clcntulnu. ton- ' , ' th t InlKli' IHIT or tlmuimlnir , ' wnliont < 'ili ' . 'al I bj i'linnl ) 'ni > r t kn Hop HcpBUti-r * 0,1. O rrut'narvrnm- U n h cli- plaint , ih - fc Nucrl. . 12 u oil ! HOP litfrotnmMl o' ortu" * You wlil H U. l/KCCl- i-iin'dlfjnuuie nu'cotl-r. Hop DUtor ln < r nlr'trnnlr nnd ztClrculur NEVER Clrculur lowfi'lrUul.trj _ . it i It mny 1101-HIITKJ- /nvv/our FAIL life. . It hni III , onved him- IUtkt.1.- T . AT'milo , nStacgrinnimn aira > iciHE rRADC ( V1AHX Ti'a Gi H9ARIC ody. Aniin- i uro ytMN.JPr' rhea , linpot 4Mb s : _ KFt ! ETAP.irta.i. nu-no , , of AFTER 5elI-Ahn o : n U < SH of llcniorj , Unlnmnl L 89l udo , P ln In the Uai K , IUir , wrs of Vl lon , I'to uaturit Old Aio , nd ia ny nihtr I > hei > that old to Inmnll ) or Coniiuuii tlun und t 1'rcnu uro Ora\o. /jTFull particulars In our pamrhlrt , nhlch rn declro to ( < end free Iv mall to o\ cry ono. 5irrin < In unld bv Ml ilrUk'Bl t ia sent frtoby nxnll on n < - ipt ol tli money , by Jrtirw luj' ( TIIKQUAY ICUU'INBCO. , Tntrtln , N. Y. Dlionao In an cftctt , not a causo. ltd origin IK TItliIn ; Ha iimifo4Utlonn ! vlthout Hiiiro , to euro thu dmonHO tliu o.U'sr. mu t lie ii'mo\od , and In no other uai cnn n euro i-vir 'o rlld , ti'd. WAUNEU'S 8AFEK1BNDY AND LI VJKR CURE l uituiiiuiuMi on Ju.t lulu [ ) rlnclilu. | It rmliii'i ) ihut 95 Per Cent. olnll illscancB arlzo from dcraiiKid kl'lnojn an her , anil It utiikmnt oncu t tliu root of the HllciiHj Thoclimu taof nhlchlt IKiauiiouod | ct dlrottlv upon ilitHo k'rcnt orKixni , Imth an a nouai d lirNTiinKii , and , l > ) | > 'atll'K ' Ilicui In a r.tallhy , condltlcn , drlvu dlsuuo aim | aln from i ho Bjntim. For the Inniiuicralilo trouli'iiH caimod by un- licalthy MdnojH. I.HIT and I'rlnary Ori-'nii i for llio dutru-Klnir lilrorilcrinf Women ; for Malarm. ini pliyoloal ilcrniiKiniintH Kcnorall ) , Ilimxriat rom d ) lu no ciiul. | llmaro of linixidtorn , lin- tritionu and coiiioitlonaHild In hu Ju t iw iooil. ; rorUIaUtii. an for WARNtU'S SAFE DIAOETEiJ CURE I or flali ! i > > till ill uloit * . II. M. WARNER & CO. , nio KocUostor U. If- DR. CLARKE . } 81\ 1BM.T St St. , l ttlll treat- liiL' all 1'IIIVATK , NKIt. VuUH , CIIHONIO tnd . Il eaieii , Upvrma. tnr.lidin Impotincy ( Hex- mi lnuijjaclty ) , remain ll.roHu. , IrrcKUltrltlea , DlllllUlUOH , DtC. til l.illcHhcnj 25 n nt * ( In tmnut | | i yi-xjircHii un a ' 'tahuMu wurk" rliutk'd "I'lni of Won in , etc. " Work un I MIIIINIC HiHKiHiH , nno Hlmii ] ! 44f' | nf aliiKO or I'malu | ) | ut u , unU 2maniw | for LrLKUiiAirii WOIIKH < II irvnn uml mini I Lin me J. Coiimillation perxr'iullv nr hy Ictiur , r'.tl.i ; L'oimu t thuold lloctir. IHOUHANDH C.'Ulliil Olllun 111 iinct. | I rl tu , rmpittahlo pU < .i . Vim iu no nno fun the doctur. I'r. Ijrlie lithe rid > phjuliian In tliu rll > uho w r- inntH iunit or no | ia > Vt'Mdiiiu tint tur ) whcro. lloiirn , b A. v. to b r. u. PEREBfflEi Hun-ay &'s f ir TOILET , BATH i ANDKERCHIEF. THE KEHDALL PLArffld MAOHIK ' OOMPAHIflR , It phlta rooi l-.3ol a u Inch to width In the coarvwt fcl'9 or flnont Hi kl It dou ll kind * and Btylcu ol I Ultlu ; In Die. Ko My th > dooi heroMu diosa u. klui : cti ir'ord to do without one unlco pUlung h onrcr out ot fuhlon , If Bvon U * vll Itwlf. Foi " ' ' , Clrculiri oi Ationt'i terms uddrMi OONOAIl & 00. , ' " AdimuBt. W.H. A K H.JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fraifa 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CON8IONMKNT3 COUNTRY 1'UODUCK SOLICITED ] Agents for Peek & Bawhors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr OMAHA , - - - NEB REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL DANK , STKKLM. .JOHNSON ife CO. , TOOTLK MAUL ACO. . CEID & OCX The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware 'House XZVT MM3CX3 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA - - - - - KEB. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OP CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , Repairing Done in all Eranchoa , 410 S.T1IIIITKKNTII OMAHA , NKII. 3TIIEET. . O- 1213 Farnhem St . Om ha. O . r Worth nioro than gold to the young innn or woman bocnuso it will not inko wings and llv away. away.COLLEGE , ODE" OOVtuTU-jQI & . , Olfen the most nupertor nilvnntnRcn for becoming { irolicicnt in Moil.I ; IIIKJ ! /Viiiii'iii ii/i , ( \ > inmcrthtl Jittii ; Jliiitnr.ui I'oiitiral l'fi > iK ini , ( 'tiHimfiviiil Antlimetie , A'ug/is/i / / HilHiii'i.i l < 'aiHi , Ciril d'oivniiiiOH ? , > SVnirt II rilnn ] mnl ( iVniiiiu. I'ir ciiculntnoricciil ] : Infoiiimtiiinnpply to nrnddremi A. Li. WYMA.N. > CT. G O OMAHA , NEB. C. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass. nTAnyono contemplating tiiilliilnit etorojiank. or any other flne wilt flnil It to their vl antBKii to Lorns onil with us licloco iiurchamni ; tnulr I'latudlaJn. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA j - NEB. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL UOTKLS. PJIOPJIIJSTORS TOWKf ARLINGTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb WEATHERLY HOUSC. PA. U. WEATHERLY , Manning ; , Iowa. REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapldi , Iowa. OARATOGA HOTEL , J. 0. 8TELLINIUO MM ford , Neb. MARSH HCU8E , CMAN8 , DROWN8VILLE Nab COMMEnCIAL HOTEL" JOHN HANNAH , Otromaburic N < i HALL HOUOC , A. W. HALL Loulivlllo OITY HOTEL , CHENCY & CLARK , UUIr , Nrb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. n. MEAD , , Neb GRAND CENTRAL F. 8EYMOUR. kA Olty.'Heb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. U THORP , Wi > eplnfWaterNii COMMERCIAL HOUBE A. O , OAARPEft , Hardy , Nab. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFICLD , Qreonwaod , Neb OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. BTORCY. Olnrlnda , | ow END'S HOTEL , E. U ENO , Fremont , Ntb1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , fveb METROPOLITAN HOTUt , FRANK LOVELL. Atklnton , Fvcb , MORGAN HOUSE , C. L. GRUUU , Qulilu Recd , H , OUMMIT HOUBE , r.V/AN & DECKER , Orrctcni U , HOUSTON HOUSE , QUO. OALPH , Cxlrn , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audiibon , ' In , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 6. OURGE83 , Neola , la. OITY HOTEL , DI A. LLIAMB , Hnrlan , la , PARK HOUSE , f/IIS. M. E. OUMMINQO , Corning , U. NEDRA8KA HOTEL , J.'L. AVERY , Elanlon , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. BOULWARfc- , Durllncton Jurntlon , U COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , ! , PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ohenanrtoali , In , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , D yld City , Neb DAGNELL HOUBE , CHAQ. UAGNELL , Collegia Sprlngi , Ic. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , VIIII C4 , U. JUDKIN8HOU8F , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , It , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Idn Grove , In COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F.BTEARNS , Odebolt , l WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKCRT , Otceolo , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM. Olarki , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN , Bedford la , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , MarjivIlleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , NorfolkJunctlcnKi * WIN8LOW HOUBE O. McOARTV , Seward Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. U. JONE8. Auroar Neo. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. CRO7'ER , Sidney , Neu , ' AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. nOCKHOLD. Avoca'la CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Hod Oak FOSTER HOUSE Capt JOHf FOSTER , Lowl a WHITNEY HOUSE C , HAYMAK1R , Orliwol DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , OjnUp , la. LU8K HOUSE J A. LU8K Logan , la. DOW Cl Y HOUSC , W. H. MORTON , Dow City , in. JAQGtR HOUSE. JAGGRR& BON , Denlion , hi , HAHMON 1IOUHK. TAMA OITV. IA. . Haimmi it Kcnltn. 1'roin NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Onrn Onn.rptoei } . DT , E. 0. WuiF NBH nu llram Tiontmtnt A iftclflo Icr Hyatirla , Ulolnou , Ccovulnloni. Ncrvom IURd i.ho , Utn l Dqircsalui , Low ol UemoryHiioriuitoirliaa.Iiu | > otuncy , luvoluutsiy L-jilwiionii , I'fcmature Old Ale , CiUfcoJ by oyur- esi lion , imll-abuBD , ai ovtr-lnJulfcnce. which load a mlwry , ilucnj tnii * ttoath. Out box will ' euro i. out came , Ei'U troatmu 't ' , Ouo dollar a bos , or till lx > ei lor Ove doluit , lout by mill jiufalil < m rooolplol Mice WL guuc. .ti ; its ton J lo cum my cua. With e cli . rj i iiC ) l\cJ by in lot lx bonw. i- coiaiutuliid fi\u Jollmi.wlll touil the | < ur < churi oar vx. ton KiuruiUo to icturo tbo ujonoy 11 the troi'.inoiik dot upl eflict fccurc. C. F. Oooduiau , t > ru < l , Solo. Wholw Ie f.nj mgul Oimi , N C , OrilMl by nuiiUt JOUB r * Ll KOMI BSUilir Pro , ld n . Vts * Piet't. A W. 8. Du > u . Bee. ud T > M1. THE NEBRASKA IMUfiCTUEM CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Uorn I'lnntorH , Urrrows.Fftrm Bollera Buiuv Uay HaUos * . Bucket Elevating 'r o do Jab work nd m nuUev urlrglor othtr i ttlo . CO