P THEJDAILY BEE THURSDAY , SEPTEMBEK 7 AN ACTOR IN THE SADDLE John McCullough Tells of His 442 Mile Trip Through the Yellowstone Park with Sheridan. EnthuEloBtio Encomiums of the See nejyund the Ploaaurcs of the Journey New Route Taken. St. Paul Tlonttr Tr < M. Genial John McCullough , brons-d , bearded and with a few musing inches of cuticle where the sun had kissed htm too ardently , sit in his cssy chair in room 0 at the Metropolitan yester day afternoon enjoying the pleasant ir and resting from the fatigues of a first rshoarsal , held that morninj- } maybe , for the greatest actors cotiftss such things possible rccallirg gomo of the 'cxt of Virginius , in which Jio is to appear this evening. Hearty nd pleasant as is his want was the greeting ho extended to his visitor , and after a few very few-remarks nent his health , strength and thor ough recuperation , plunged at enceinte into a slowing description of the trip through Yellowstone park , wherein , as the guest of Oen. Bhcridan , he has apent the past four weeks. The grcn tragedian spoke earnestly , and ovi dcntly meant it to the full when h I said : "It was the pleaiantcst five week of my life this la t vacation. I de bated whether I should go with Sheri dan or to Europa , as has been mycui torn. I urn exceedingly tA 1 etayei in America. " Question and answer as to the tri ] then followo'J in quick succt-uion , am : the rrtiduum of the canvurs.ttiun mny thus bo summed up : [ "JT IS THK CIIUMIRiT COt'NTOV it.ua spectacularly Oed Almighty has mide. ua Shakspeara's dictum'Nature is greater than art'is hero venl'ud ogam anc ncuin. I confess that I wait skeptical. 1 had read the moat exaggerated as I t thru thought accounts of the part and its wonders , r.nd was as iiUutica ni could bo. The half was * not told. on Thu hall ? Not the thousandth pirt , bli nor can it be. IVtgoti of descriptt m are all too faint , though the strongest null auperlativca in the language are used int unstintedly. Why , to sit on the edge of of lloll'a half ncro arid watch the Sher up idan geyicris to have a lifetime mem it ory. It is twice an big as tlm hotel and the steam and water ascend tea a height of100 feet. It is indescribably Tin ? scribably grand to watch it first send a , ing up a cloud of steam , then water der higher and higher until the atupon she duous magnitude of a full eruption is the reached. Then the Bco Hive , the " Fan , Old Faithful , the Giant and Tin Giantess , the Paint I'oU I laughed stn ( for an hour at those queer mud bub- blings and all the rest. J'ahaw , I { can't tell the tithe. The grand canyon is a marvel of the world and the falls ! oth why , what is Niagara to them ? When un I tell you that a vast body of water ow leaps down a precipice 3X ! ) feet high you can gather a faint idea of what U is. I crawled around the jutting an lie gle in the canyon from which Aloran atid took his view and saw it all from top WCB to bottom , in its nal Icf EHTIUELY Or1 ( lUANDKUlt , > o and the remoinbranco will.linger as me. long aa Hfo doei. The mammoth > : ! spring at the entrance of the park , : all the Yflllowalono lake nnd to ) | Jninurcds > of israallorcms { hould b& rceoun'tcd , ha but telio aii prcly describe them ? itc I forgot to toll yoj , io give you aomo n i idea of the volume of wutor thrown mul up by the Sheridan goyncr , that when dril it runs into the Fire Jlolu river , diw- no tancosnver.il hundred foot , it changes f tha temperature from that of icy cold hai ness to actual heat. You'vo ' heard part that atory about cooking your trout int i whcro you catch "urn. It'o true. I was did it. I caught fish in an ice cold mot atrcam , and walking not farther than p.irl across this room , plunged it in n wail spring , in which in an unconceivable didi short time it was billed through and had through. But 1 could go on forhourn mis telling of the wonders. Ono of your acre newspaper men ( mould go to the park noli and spend a month there. I Imvu pan never soon n really well written de acd scription of ito wonders. A book u wouldn't bo road , but nerica of short whc articles would take wonderfully. I wag mustn't forgot to speak \Mtidulicm thu which abound. Hullo huntuts have I hoi chipped otrhugo pieces ot the cr.iturn Hill and huvo thrown stumps and loga into thu the cauldronn , which when ejected out toro hugu picnes from thuHyminttric.il myi sides. There's no hurm in throwing rou small urticleu of coutae. I dapoHitudii Can ' pair of pant j in ono crater. They were cigl thoroughly washed when they ctmo : mil out , I can toll you , " the Mr. McOulloui'h then wo it on to olet tell of the trip itaulf moro in ilutnil ; plci "Wo loft Green rivur on the Union BlUI Pacific moro than live wetkn ugu , and I1IOI there found iimbulnncca waiting to thu take us to Fort Washnkio. At that the post is the moat wonderful spring in let the world , und I boliuvo it in duatmod buena to bo the great healing rnsurt of the na country. The sprint ; covora Beveral OUfj acres in extent ; thu water is limpid aa crystal and the most careful analysis has failed to find thu slightest taint of hurtful mineral mutter. The temperature Arc Thi aturo in from 1)8 ) to 102 degrees Fah renheit , and after n bath in the wu nii'i ters the skin fuels as crisp ami thu the vali whole body aa invigorated as if ono nut1 had taken u dip in the fabled lifo-giv- lie ing watcra of old. At Wuahakio our outfit awaited us and wo mounted our mo saddles for our ridu of11 ! ) miles , I car stood it flrst-raio. Wo made about beg the twenty-five miles u day on the average had , age , though B 'inetitnes ' the fallen tree ml trunks and other difllcultiea it were so fcri great that wooro lioun in going half etn a mile , the AX UNTHOI1IIBN ItOUTI. , Ma Sheridan IB the most indomitnblo iue man I over know , nnd ho hua the 0118 faculty of convincing men thut to tol- rortt low him is the beet thing to do , Ho a w concluded ho would cross tno Wind war Jtiror mountains by a pass Jiitherto unh untrodden by , in an or ( lomcstiu mil- nml mal , and ho did. We had IndUn arid Dick and Campbell , the famaua "U United Btatca ucout , for guidon , but uny they have noyer been ovur the ptwa nine Sheridan called it Lincoln pasa after llov ho had crossed it and their v.iluu thoi uroao only from their knowledge of Hill woodcraft and the plains and divides grot generally. Gen. Stager is over sixty , neil rather short , and inclined to stomachic are prominence , and the first day'a ride I tion noticed ho would move about uneasily ia hi saddle now And then , but Sheri dan would call him and say something complimentary or encouraging , and die old gentleman would pick up and ridr along like o cavalryman. They had Riven mo the best horse I ever knew. I got to love the fellow as if he was human. Going down the Teton mountain ; where wo saw these grand three To ton peaks , the most wo inspiring sight ever granted to mortal tyes we often had to crawl tih to crawl backward , mind you , on hands and kncta with our bridles over our necks. Sly horse would watch 01ai as if was a child , and would poise his foot carefully for fear ho would tread on mo. Every now and then , when I would rise and catch the branch of a tree to aid in my deecant , it would lay his velvety muzzle on my neck < as if to say , "ALL r.ioiiT OLD FELLOW , I'll look after you. " It was in the Wind Htvor mountains wo saw our ire game. Bears were scarce , but an- , elope , ( Jeer , elk and mountain sheep ivcre plenty , while grouse , sage hens and ducks were present in such myri > ads that when they Hew they darkened ho air. I'll not forgot our first elk in al hurry. Gen. Strong , Capt. Clark B most royal fellow , by the way , plotidid shot and thorough soldier , laiidsomo as can bo and totally dcsti- lau of vanity- and I were curving ound a jutting triangle of trees on oih > hidden side of which a monster buck had been sleeping it waa about J in the morning.Vc came upon him suddenly and as hoturned to run , we all fired and every bullet struck him , lie fell , but reseat once and ran arms diatanco. Wo fired twice me each , every shot taking ellect , an at last ho fell for keeps. When I jot up and looked at his sad eyes I Felt actually ashamed , but when his hroat was cut I cot very anxious to carry away his horns immense fel- owatheyw.ro , too and insisted on it. Wo only had one pack mule with , being away from the rest of the raiu , and oo wo put the bliudora on him and cut off tbo saddles , which wo called first. Tha monster waa so fat iti took three of us to lift the meat nto position. Then J cut cfi' the lorna with an ax and wo loaded them the mule. When they took off the Iindera : tha run began. When the nuloBaw thoeo horns he turned him- elf Ioo30 and in a few momenta my ntcnded nouvcnirn were in a sad state preservation. I had to give that , but 1 got Bomo of his hidethcro is i ; in the window " "How waa the lulling' " "So good that it became iirenomo. ho gentlemen of the party made up PUMO of $20 to bo given to the or- lerly , driver | or other outsider who M hould catch the largest trout , and hero was ono Indian lad I wanted to ave win , but an orderly beat him. little follow would wade into the ream with his branch of & tree , com- ion line and hook baited with a raa&hoppor , nnd neemod to BCD the rout , for ho caught more thnn any ther ono man , though ho wasn't for- dose jnato enough to get the biggnst fol- so \v of the trip. ref WHAT I.MI'IIESIKI ) HIM. pic "I can't begin to toll you of the tru ; leaHurcs. I wont for a good time ud had it , and uvery ono in the party nn so thoroughly congenial na to KOI mko it all the moro enjoyable. I At lept BO soundly that the orderly had shako mo every morning to waken An . Wo rose at < " > , breakfasted at Hi I0 ! ( in the big dinner tent , as wo Hr. illcd it , and were always on route at It The way the packers got tat ! big train in motion ex- ted my wonderment every day , but n loss degree to that caused by the mloa themselves , who were as well rilled na soldiers. I am convince uny of thorn could have climbed a true necessary. They were never moro lan ten or fifteen ininutca behind our irty nnd the lunch mule wai always the front rank and on time when ho wantod. When wo got to Mam loth Sprint's , at our exit from the uk , ( ! iti. Shoridnn hadanambulance ailing for mo from Fort Ellis. Ho idn't know hoiv far weat the railroad reached , and ho feared I might lias : my engagement. Wo had come roes ox-CungrutBmnn Fort , of Illi- , in the park , and ho and a com- union had strayed from their outfit lost it. I was nblo to give thorn Hit iu the nm * 'unco to a place hoio thuy hcara if their nucaipg agon. I went to Fort Kills , whom ollicora treated MIU royally , and ion hud u h rril > lo ntugo ride to lillings. At the Windsor hutol there landlord recognized mo , turned liia family and gavu mo a room to lysolf , but I was mighty glad to bo maud up early in the morning by 'nmpboll , the ecout , who Imd ridden ighty milcB to toll mo the party would u.ioh Billinga in time for mo to join Item and fill my engagement. Tim lcgiiit : palace car seomcd exceedingly leatnnt nftur the dust why , the dirt luck out of earn and noao in regular loundu and the frontier hotel and roat of ttio trip was tia ploamnt as former part. I wasn't nick when Rturtod on the jouniuy never have t'on riwlly nick- but I'm an well now ever I wan in my hfo , and thor- utjlily in iihupo for the noason's work. THE BAD"ANFWURTHLESS never imituttil or cotiiitfrfmttd , 'Ilia ia uupicially true of u family U'dicino , mid it IK positive proof thut rumody imitatal is of the liigliost aluo. As soon as it had bo en tested proved by the vvholo world that lop Uittera waa the purest , beat and iioat valuable family mcdicino on arth , many imitations sprung up and ifgun to steal the notices in which press and people of the country iixpresBed the morilu of II , II. , in every way trying to indiico suf- erlnjj invalids io uao their stud'in tend , expecting to makti moiioy on credit nnd good nnimi of H. I ) , fany others started nostrums put up similar BtyJo to II. B , with vari- iisly devised names in which the : "Hop" or "Hops" worn used in way to induce ptioplo to believe they orn the uamo on Hop Hitters. All ! pretended remedies or cures , no nttUr what their style ur IKIIIIO ii , cspicially tboso with the word Hop" or "Jlops" in thuir uamo or in way connected with thorn or their , nro imitations or countorfoita. iowaro of them. Touch none of loin. Use nothing but genuine Hop ittere , with bunch or cluster of Hopa on the wliito label. Trust Ti olhiiif ; uleu. Druggista and dealers For warned against dealing In imitu- tun gent or counterfoils. Aijei 'THE aEPTEMBER BOOM. influx of Distinguished Visitors to Omaha Next Week. A Cbnnco to Show Them Whnt Omnhn Honpltalitr ! * The citizens of Omaha during the nit week will have an opportunity of adrcrtiting , cither favorably or unfa vorsbly , the great atats of JTqbraska , and especially the enterprising city of Omaha , in a manner such aa they never had before , and may never have again , It therefore behooves every man , woman and child in our magic metropolis to see that our guc te , whilst among us , are treated in a princely and hospitable manner. There is nothing which so favorably im presses visitors aa genuine and princely treatment , and a failure ; to do so leaves an impression'that is hard to efUco. In addition to the state and county fairs to bo hold in Omaha nest week , thu state anti-prohibition party mcota in convention for thu purpose of or * gamzing to resist the uncroashmunla of prohibition , while th * American Woman's Sullrago association con venes hero in a three d.tjs' cession , both of the latter conventions being natianal in their cbsrater. All thcao gatherings will bo the means of bringing together from every state : in the union representative men and women , aomo of whom are emi nently distinguished for their learning and achievements , whose good opin ions it ( should bo the aim of every citizan cf Omaha to merit , whuthur endorsing their views or not. enmi To properly entertain and accom mi modate thu great inllux of people will re thn -operation of all citizens. It is a nutter in which all should feel interested , rc ardletis of party or fac tional prejudices , for when the city A and state uro altercated and the united interest ! ! of ull citizens r.ro at stake , party feclinga should bo lost si ht ofW at least iti entertaining our gueats. Wo should not only bo proud to ex hibit the natural products of the utato and the 'munuf.isturud articles of ch Omaha , but al o the gallantry of her men and the charming gracea of her women. Wp will have among our distin- guiahed gucato Sucan H. Anthony , of Rochester < ; Prof. II. B. Black-well and Lucy Stone itlacktvell , of Boston ; Mrj. Matilda Joslyn Gage , of Syra cuse , Mr4 , Margaret Campbell , Mas sachusetts ; Mrs. Saxon. Now Orleans ; eaiM : . Uaggert , Indianapolir ; Mn. Haxziril and MisH 1'hooba Cozzena , St Louis ; Mr * . Harbert , of The Ister- Ocean , Cnicavo , and thu Misses Mul- ler , of England , together with a largo number of celebrities from nil parts of thiI union. Therefore I lei ua liopu that the people TO pic of Onmha will throw open tnair Joora nnd looicn their purao acringa : that the visitors u.H dup.irt with rcgrotn , and recall the event with ' leasing delight. This ia nothing but It rue hospitality. run , Too Fnstldlont. inine woulJ-be livrnin lock nn with diniruHt : . ' ll ' CU the rhyrnca of'jj lectric Oil "p eti < ; " the : Jut we hnv ; the bent article knoun to the tnd world , O Vnd Intend that all persons shall know it. ' cures coughs , coldc , nutluna and catarrh , DronchtiU . anil complainta of that kind ; docii ) not coot much , though rheumatic * the It cure * . TI best Oil in the world you cm find. V : h. net : bee the That Buo\v.\'s IKON HITTEKS IuY will the worst ' or euro case 'prB 'p , of dyspepsia. Will insure a. hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility , and They gives a new lease of life , Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. to : or Restores an exhausted nursing - > oy ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Pr Strengthens the muscles and ncrves.enrichcs the blood. Overcomes weakness , walcc- S. fttlncss , and lack ofenergy iu \ Keeps off all chills , fevers , hun and other malarial poison. ng tent Will infuse with new life "u. the weakest invalid. lohn Wit Jan jjr Wallctr St. , lUlilmert , JVc. iJti , Moc For > lx yean I Ime been a creat I.V. lutfcrer from lUood DISCAIC , II ) * A. ) . to debilitated th.tt I could not rrum Un nn > thlni on tny fctcmach , in f.ut , \ life luif utmost become . > buiccn. HIM Finally , vhrii hopa hidahnoit left title me , my luubaiul cccini ; llku\\N'i IHON llmitH * advcrtiteil in the , induced me l gl\c it A trial , I Iupcr am now uUiic the third buttle And ha\e not felt so veil in ix > car a I dual t.c ! preiemtimr , o i , V. CKIK-IN. u' I. HROWN'S IKON' " will have a better tonic hint effect upon any one who " needs " bracing up , " than " "I any medicine made. onr. "I FAST TIMKI , . "S. KCUt."I Ic gwtif rixu ulo | b "S. jMcago& . a. iluu Tialni lcat OicaKa 3:10 : p , m. and 7:40 : a. m. full Information ( ullou 11.1' . UEUKLTicltt , llth and Kuriani tit. . J. BULL. U. I' , allway Depot , oral JAUK3T. CLAKK , Utiieral KCUt. FOB SALE-MILL MAOH1NERY , TTAVHfO changed onr.mill to Hunir rlan rol- 1J. Icrfrtyfi , we offer part of oorold ma. chit-eryfor re at low r > ricpt It fn M f a pil > of finely Bni-hed and fpatal nw n dr.t.n i tvel hc l , ( Ire < and mar u. ) me I uu face , three InchM pitch , dilrini main up'ljht ihitt * t > out35fect ta'irand fttp. one mala merti tput wtu i "Inch ffeand lj Irhp'i ! t oralr t feet and 1 p ir 32 Inch turn , tfitiINd , f Icionf (7lni.hlve 1 } pitch ) , baula fjn v > , larli etc. , cocnp ( te , on > fiar rctl th < t , IT lit' rloth , 7 canretorx.une Iwo rtttlwt \ , II feet doth , 4 imeycr tuo Gntbt wheat hct'er ' , l No fr.Eu reiatmiittrr , 1 BirnudA lcc r < Mn ip- r tor awl detain , shifn , ftl < pull J4 , on- eyoretc. . sone of tie tn hinsry h txen a ol but ailitlooiertw'yeari , a > dall Ii In good eonillthn. for furttur Information 'di i J. C. 110tTlIA RAt:0. . D ufff. Iix - FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA PALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Poluts Cait TllKUNKCOMHltltiKS JTeirly 4,000 inllcg Solid Smosth atei-l Tnvcki II ccDucctlons are nude In UNION DtPOTS hu a N tloual KcpnUtion n I/tins the real Through Car Line , Brut l < i unlrerull ; onreded to bathe FINEST EQUIPPED Hall- roitd In tbo world for all clnwn of traril. Try It and you Mil flnd trutlln ? a Ituurj Initud of a 'HscomJort. Throuch Tlcleets vlt rhls Celebrated Line lot till at all ifflco In the Went. All information about llatei o rare , Elecji'.nf Cu Acocmuiolatlon < , Time TablM , ic. , will t < cheerfully gl Ten bv applfnlnf \ to T. j. HOTTER. Zd Vi < M-Pre * t & Oeu. Itaiiaifer.Chlcacc , PCRCIVAU LOWELL , Gen. PasscMer Act. Chlcaeo , - IV. J. HAVE-Vt'OUT , lien A ent , Conncll Bluffi. II. K OUKLL , Ticket Act. m morn-r.1 lv UHy & sioox errs EOUTD Rani Hclld Tri'.o Ihroagh ficrr Council Dlufia to 8t. Payl Without Chansa Time. Only 17 Hcun IT a Mir.Ka riir. SUORTM UOPTB COfJNOII ) CT. PAOi , KlKSBAFOi.l-i DDLUTS OS BW u1 ill pclctt In Northern /own , Uiua : * . ; av Thl line In ulittppt'l with lha ! mpnd . Autoi.atlc A.'r-br , ii uil UUIc 'if-Uorin Uouv1 ; onJ iu.ter : : ncd lor nfKKlt , tfAXET ? A1ID COHFOKT anturucd. . I'-.IIo&n r < i ! o Kl ! plKV Cu IhrouchflTHOlIT CIIAIfOE boiwcfn K D nCtlyind tit f'r.til , il Osaccll Bai'ue ! loin City. TntDBlct\Dl.nlcD Ctclfic Trno ler M Cent Uafi ! , e.t 7 : ! 0 p. tr. < Ully on irtlvr.l cl Xnn i I 'Uy. ; St JcHSp.i ar.J Oouacll illnUa t' 'n fie ho tkuth. Arrlrtr.7 t RIoui O.ty U 40 r. * - ndt the Ktv Union Depot it St. ru. .t i 1 J5 Ma. I'iW nODE ; ' IK APVANCb , < } / AKT liTHEh If DOUTK. l kln ; thf Slnor. Clt ? lbnl Thiouxb ll Jn. 'D.K BhDrtiil L i e If o and a Coronrt li' n ! j * In 111 irennv , Lii/rH AND irr. PAOI/ . t lht your Ttjd lt tr.e "tl Clly fid ! > . V R llrr ) J.ti. WA1TJ.ES , J R. BOOHANAK Ifv [ SuporlnUad : . dtn * i'u. < .Ag ni "IsjOurl V ! lcv I . W. E. PAVIM , P rathv etcrr etcrrril tlurs. Ia Ify n " .M-cnts lor tfco Life 'lluiti , ud Wanted" Truocbcrons ' ! f adli Written by . . . . . , only life authorized by brr , and which will boa "Bleed anil Thunder" Jtorj'.sueh ca hut "r jccn nnd will he itublUhcd , but atruoLllo bj only p item lie la In rw-cro lon of tbo fact * k til htul and dttotou wife. Tiutb Is more f utertttln ? tha > i fiction. Aconti should apply BtCI territory at onso. ( lend 75 cti. tor banv ilBlIook. J , H. OUnmbor * & Co. , Ify not Ify Ser Genius "or OB , fho Story of tne Sowing MMlne , For haudiorno little pamphlet , bins and with numureui engraving * , will be GIVEN AWAY FO ? ny uuuls ptnna calling fur It , t.t anr branct ( i ub-oirco of The Sicker Manufactnilii'Ojni uny , cr will bo cent ! > ) mill , poit paid , It person Ihlotf at a di taao from our otfttti Ons 1'ho ' Siugor Haunfantnrinp : Co , , Principal * ) fflco , 34 Union Bqnaio KKW YORK HEAR THEWITHESSES. om jm llclty In connictlonwlth H , tl , , but uoa'o | ieriiltUul to rclcr to tbo lol- oulnj ; ( itrnonmha la u known and ultntiucd Wbiimfut tlliiU ; t mitv , Houston Co. , Oi. We \ hm lit n "Sullf * Ie .lflc" li-reil In mnJrnlj oftno t obttlnatucM HO [ nlond I'oUon- , ilircurl.i1 Kin mi atmm , Scrofjh , Hcru , uru a , Cnt rtli tic , unl Jo cai kclciitlously lew cttlfy thttlt nii't 1 h tin moat perfect rtuils \ - urvcxM , ilTix. ' oil ruillcnl unJ iKTiinnc'iitcurn y i'tu > > r m Hltbutita > liulo cxooitlon , lutih I , Uennard , Uuo. VV Kill n , 0. Hraun , flco. W , 8Ii ( 'letoa , , DruiiMiii , John II , I low , moi U. I harp , i : 1 U'nrrcn. ilooro Tittt u , JV. . Itch iu , \V. 1 Wliuticrb , J.V. . U'oollock , ' n I ) . Mcrre , tlierld , J. W. Mftnn , Co , Trca . u 0. Duncan , T. M. KllU-n , JiA ( iordon , T , 11. liutncr , , hi > * IO. Wo are pcmocBlly acquainted wllli the ge tl - who o iiiiiurfiiiii- | | to U.o kboie ccr- ra Illt-ato. lit : ) are Itlzoi b of fcald county , of tbo ure ilKht'kt rr | Hi Ubllltv and cbRiacUT. 0 A. f. O1I.E8 , Urdlnaiv , Hciuton Co.Oa. ) . II CULLKK.cl'k Sup , ft. lloutton Co. Oa. r I f orable reportj. Ilellove It nvpcelOc for all ll'ood ' Dlnowii. inUcrtfal tfathfactlon " UV. . JOMS : & CO. . HsmphU.lVnn. "H.JH. S. eliei Iwtter ButUfacllon thin any ; H0ba\oenr handled , " JACKS & CO. , IKIena , Ark. "Have neur hoard a complaint of H. 8. 3. " AlirilUK I'UKIt & OO. , LoulitilleKy. "H. K. S. tia < glirn cnt'ro utltfnetlon to cury . " A. II , UlClIAKDi , bcrinanl\x. Dr hare had esc llciit ale fr R. S. 3. and the J. O Ul'llUfc' , Uowllii/Ortcn , Kj. 4 , S. S. h > o bern rood , and Iti perfect ' JO.NKJ ACAUEY , Moutsouury , Ala. . S , H'hw Ivca cutlre tatlifactlon to every " U JlKUJi , 1'ailt , TiXii. ' . 8. 8. hu ulren Unn r I Mitlifaclloa. ' U.V. . fOWhilS & CO. , Uuhinond . j A nO Slcwnrrt ! " b P ld to K-nl who will flu J , on kualji'.iof 100 Ucu S. , ono partldf of Mercury , Iodide cl Po Pi or lay Ulntnl ; cs awirr SPECIFIC co. Fieri. AtUnU , Oa. Prlotjcf Snull llw , 01.00. .sold ) ili II.7o. and Sold by til DrufuUt * . hKOM COL. L. T. 'FOSTER. ' , Ohio , M y 10 , 1SSO Dn , R J KK5D4LL * Co. I hij a , rttj viiuv t > le lUmh'ttoi.iin ca'.t th t Ip-U l tery I Ichly hch d aUrpe b tc fpitln in ono Jiint and a tmallor * on the tthtr vHc1 ! raido him \ cry lame I hal him tinder tl c charce O'two rc'cr- Inary ( nr eoni nblch filled to cure him. I v&j cue day reading the drttll ement of Kendill't Sr 'ln Cur ln the Chlcieo ExprtM IdctcnrlneJ atoccetotry it aid rtt ourcntrg'its tore tend nd f'rlttrdthty trdered tTesS-ttlw ; I to-k til td I trouetit I wotiU n\v t * thoicu b t IU , I ud It a cjrdlnir tl dlrcctlrnt acd the ourtb day t o colt ce eed to be lame end the lorn * , hue dNtppeartd. I u * d hu one bottle and tV colt's limbo areas free of lumpiandai mooth as T'j- hone la the itate He Is rr tiro- 1 } cared. The cure wt > 93 remarkable that I have lettooof my nelchbar * h ethe ; remain- ng t o bottles who arenoit U'lnglt. Ver ) rwpectfullv , L. "I. FOSTER. Send for Ulaitrated circular dvlng positive proof. Price tl. All Drnjrtfjt ! ° are It or can get It for you. Dr. D. J. Kendall k Co. , Pro prietor * . Enoabnrffh Falla , Vt. SOLt > BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j fci r ard K"e , and Its i-oozener. blllioun miilttciitb ; ! licsufTe < Morjsof th-Kt nuch , Iherand the lowrN both eradlia- led and t > rctet > t.d by lheu s rf Ili'tcttrr'- i nr. ch Ilitt-'ip , a purely \cijit blo ! < Kir , Indorsed by phjsldans and morj exlm-luh u cd s a remedy for theatxnc ill * * of disorncn , a > veil for many others , than an } mcclclno of the For sale by all Drujrilsts and Dcalcrj generally. jcti fuller from Dj pep ta , use BURDOUix 3 ou are afflicted with Hilloiwr.cn , use BUltUOCK IILOOU IIITTEIIS )0\j are pro.traUdith lck Huvdache , take UUHDOCK I1LOOD niTTERS your Ucm els are illscrdcrcd , repjhtu tlitm 1th 11UHDOCK HLOOI ) BITTEKS. vur Ulood u tnpure , purify It with JIUUDOCK ULOOD DITTEnS. fyoitha o Indigestion , you lll Uod an nntldote 11URDOUK 1H.OOU HITTERS. you are troHllol with Bprlnir Complalntc , er- idlcatc them with HUl'.DOCK ULOOD IJITTElta. your Lt'iris totpH , restore It to healthy action lth U'jr.DOCK I1LOOI ) nilTKKS your J Lhcr U atlrctud , ion will dnd a sure ro- itcratneln IIL'RDOCK BLOOD lilTl'IMtS. you hat e any > ] iud < of Humor or I'iir.ple , fall to take DLUDOCK BI.OOU BITTEIta. you hat o any syiuptouu of Ulccrii or .Scrofulous iorca , a curatlte remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS ' Imparting etrcn th and tltality to the 8)9- , nothing can uiual IWIIDQCK BLOOD BITTERS. Ncn oui and General Debility , tone up the jstera with UURDOCK BLOOD BIT1T.RS. Vlco. ol.OO DOI Bottle ; Tjln OottlniiOCtt OSTBfiMILBUEH&OoIJPOpH , , , , , BUFTAI.O , K. V- gold at wbclteale by lah ii IlcUahon &nd C. K. loadnian. _ J 27 oo.l-me The Great Lngiish Eomody Kcter falU ta atte Nervous Ueblllt ) , Vi tal Kxbaustlon , Km la slona , hemlnil HOOD , and all the \llrOecti ot jouth- ful follteJ and etccs- tea. It to.i pcruu ncntly all tvtakcnlnir , iiu oluntary loesi and Jralns upon the tys- tern , the Inot liable re. [ . ; ' " "milt of tlieao evil nrac- , which are BO deatrueiUo to mind and bed } mlinaVo life mlHrrable , oltcn leading to Incani- and death U utrcnk'thcns the NtrveUr.un , mcmor > ( Ulood , Miuclci ) , HlKWtlio and Itcpro- JA luctlvo Orifatu , It restores to all the organic unctli-m their former vigor and Utility , lin life cheerful and cnjojablo. Price , f3 a Kittle , or four times the quantity 410 , bent by sprewi. vccuro from olutiriatlcn. to any add real , sc receipt of price , No. C. O. 1) . kcnt , except scfi receipt ol 51 aa i guarautce. I tttra rj- fi uenttng answers mutt Inclose 6tatnp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandehou Pills C lit best and cheapest djspcpsm and bllliouj I'l tbo market , nold by all < ltU' g\tli. \ I'rlco Li cento * la Mi.sriK'fl KIUHIT UiivsDr , Nurnrricru , lurestll kind of Kldneyand bladder cotnplilnta. ouorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. > 'or tale by all UL'Klstt : flalwttle. KMGL1HII MEDICAL IN8TITUTK. 718OlheSt , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0 , F. GOODMAN. Nervous Sutl'erers 7MC CHEAT tUHtTpJJAN REMEDY. \ , J , T ) . Simpson'n Sp&clflo , . a ! ' ti UrnUI Anxiety , Lo3 , and ( ! lct > II , ttat Ifctd to jConvumptloD S ± 5 ? = l" rnrhlot frf e to all , VT/lto (07 ttu-i ud gil ra'J pit. culara. Prtw , SptclBc , M.03 p r | > ckae , Cl ill pack. for Qj.OO. AddrcJJ ill ciders ta B. KltlSON HEDIC1NK CO. Not. 104 and 100 M ln OL lluflilo , N , V. In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , 1. W. Eell , all ( JiajflitMTcjJwhrit. , I idJIw tnritlf of Iron , .Trrvtrv Hark a nd 1'hnfphortu a palatable form , 9 mill/preparation tiftn tha't v-Ulnot blackm t ttrth , o eliaractrrUtif _ _ _ _ _ _ \ntlttriron prri > nratUt > , i hT 9 ion mi nnthinc to pirn the nwnlu that I > r raMrhvOnWb n < i ! > , in < l < > ni "omirrinleiir i. Caw * th ht , an < BATj1rld < Ml ta th J rc t Mid lm-orop nt > > r m 1r I pw r ma. In frt. "nch a fr > mt nnd a Dn. llAnrru's IRON Tovt l < a s ) HKRT SAMt , KlSIM Wiuh A < - . St. I/m'v Mn . N"T. S > th. 1 * ' JtijlrfiTrnKr 7n natural hraWiful tonr In \ ttrrroif t mjttem , inaj ; Iny V\i it applicable to f/rnrraf tltrl'rnitratnn nffilal ] Jtnrrrs at : < t Impotrnrr. ' UNUFACTUREO BY THE DR. HAKTER MKDICUfB CO. . 213 N. MAIN ST. . ST , IOUI I PULLEYS. E. M. MAXWELL FREMONT NEB. . . , , . , EXCLUSIVE AGENT I'OU THIS STATE. The following advantage * are claimed for thin 1'ully : IT Ts RTROXOEU and moro durable , owing : 1. To the ab cncc of shrinkage strains. 2. To the increi eil num ber of arrrs 3. To the fnct that the ritn is much Ptronzer than the c.i < t rim. IT is BETTER BALANCED. Il IS MUCH UGHTKIl. IT SAVKS 1'EI.TIMO. IT IS CHKAl'En. There it no danger of breakage In handling when sliiiiped looao. When ehipped loose they ate gcncrallv accepted third-clari frright inttend of tiral-class , and an the weight io only one-halt that of ca > t 1'iilley * the fruUht Untill further reduced. WK , GL'AUANTE . THEM to perform catipfartotily nny wgrk from the Jiijhtcst to the heaviest , SPLIT I'L'LLEVt from 12 to 48 inchm diameter only. Pulleys of wider face than 18-inch are provided with t-vn Beta .irim without extra Wa supply each Pulley with Urn Mt-pcrcw * without extra charge. ALSU- OUR OIi A. I MS. AVliat we claim for our I'ATEXT HOT POLISHEI. SllAKnMi is : lit. That It is round nnd straight. 2d. It can bo accurately rolled to nnyleaned since. Sd. That its suifoce bein ? cotnpo'ei &f maunotfc nxide of iron ohpiate < any un due tendency to rust or ttrnUh , wnilc it at the * aiie time gies one of the belt journal or bearing urf ccs ever discovered. 4th. That it will not wnrp or cpring in key seating. fith. That It ia made of the very "jfiit of rrlin.id Block , C * For further particular ; , price list and disco-mU , eend to E. I\I. \ MAXWELLS _ Knnndry and Machine Shop. Fremont If PERFECTION ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by fitovcs and Eanges. WITH WIBE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For nale by MILTON ROGERS & SOUS - > TVBA TCTT / Jull-raiolv Aiin UKTAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , , DOGHS , BLINDS , OLDIfJGS , LI/iEs GEBSEM TSTATE AGEKi FOU MILWAUKEE CEMKST Near Union Pacific Dnnot. 0 1 A FA „ . „ „ . . Breenh Loading Sliofc Guns , from § 5 to 818 , Double Broo oil Loading Shot Guns , 818 from to 8 75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Trans , from SO to 825 , Fishing Taokle , Base Balls and , all Kinds of Fancy Goons , Full Stock of Show Oases Always nn " - " i gJT " * 3t .Tf"Kg * . < Jg * 'J > T g. ' * * 11" * " % * * I\U'F U > > * .jifVitmi * wKW TTTO 4 M " Fif A ! u 4a 14 al Imported and " Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and "Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class : Cigar , Tobacco aad Notion Store. igars : from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHAD S 'EASTER ' PRICES DUPLICATED , HIS FARMAM ST. - - OMAHA W110LKSALB V LI- Zephyrs , Gerrnantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { 1308oaLUA,1 ' : SOU8lM8t' ' aU8MUmc I , OBERFELDER & CO.