Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1882, Image 1

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Have now in store the Largest Stock of
"Wo cati offer close buyers every inducement they can possibly find ii
v. .Eastern markets * and save freight , besides delay in transportfttli.11 from East
era cities , which promises this fall to be a very serious drawback , on accoun
of deliys. . .
Having largely increased our stock for Pall Trade , we can offer .Westen
Merchants Greater Advantages and Closer Prices than ever before.
We ask ihe attention" of Merchants who find it to their advauta/ga * - (
buy where they can find the Be t Stocks , at Closest Prices , getting theii
.goods quicker , buying ofcen as ther ? trade demands and not .tun the risk of
carrying over large stocks of goods.
Call and see us and convince yourselves , , if St Joseph is not your Best
.Dry Goods Market.
John B. Britctain & Go./
Corner Fourfch and Jule Streets , opposite Court House.
ill Outline of Ingorsoll's argu
ment iu tlio Star Route
Trial ! ! .
'JL'he CriminulB Surrounded
With a Halo of Glory by
the Qodleaa Orator.
.O. Stront * , Eapniistoiiotl itiitl 3ril-
llnut pjonput.iUoii of the C.xio.
A Cyc'ono ' IJlscovoretl by the Signal
uUice OaitiBso Conundrums :
Special Diqntilicat THIS DUE.
WASHINGTON , September C. R. G.
Ingersoll began his speech to the jury
in the star route trials this morning.
The court room was very crowded.
Inseraoll bonn by giyingdotails of
' the charges in tho1 indictmuht , taking
up and examining nil routes in detail ,
showing the variances which existed
between the charges in tlio indictment
and the evidonccj , especially in rela
tion to date. Making a resume of his
argument , ho said tlmt in the indict
ment there were twelve charges as to
false oath , spvon charges as to fraud
ulently signing sub-contracts. The
* evidence showed ten oaths were true ,
\ that it waa imposaiblo to fraudulently
> file r. sub-contract , and that the peti
tions were absolutely genuine nnd
honest with two exceptions. Thn
proatcution had tried to provo that in
ono petition the words "Schedule 13
hourb" had been inserted , but ho de
nied that the evidence sustained that
claim. The other petition which the
prosecution clnimud to bo fraudulent
wni the "Utah" petition , nnd this had
remained unacU'd upon by the second
assistant pjstmastor general.
Mr. Inneraoll , addressing the court ,
said ho supposed ho could with propri
ety draw an inference us to the policy
of the postollicii dopartmunt from the
papers presented in this caso.
The court replied that ho had re
fused to rccoivo evidence on that sub
ject when otibred by the defense , for
' the simple reason that ho was of the
' opinion that no second assistant posl-
master general could establish nny
' policy for iho noverninont , or for nny
branch of the government. The
policy of the government was to bo
found in the law , und the court was
unwilling to lot the second assistant
postmaster ytmoral set up his policy in
defame of his cite. Ho lud no right
to have a policy.
Mr , Ingoraoil replied ho hud never
sought to set up the policy of the eec-
, end asairitant postmaster general , or
! hud never drcnnidd of mien a thing.
I All ho had ineisted was that the gen
ii oral policy of the hcud of the depart-
i inont miuht bo followed by subnrdin-
f , ate ofliera without laying thorrm-lvus
liable to ttio charge of having been
I purchased ,
j Mr. Ingersoll then took up the
| chargta of paymout of falao claims ,
f takint' up the Koarnoy-lvent route.
This route , thu prosecution claimed ,
that a payment of $552 72 had been
madu on falao claims presented by
. Peck nnd Vuilo. There was no cvi-
( donca to show that the expedition was
fraudulent ; but conceding that it was ,
the total amount of false payments
w. was $ liOO ( , The record farther allowed
; v Pock dd ! not present this claim , The
eamo was U'uo of the other routo. In-
gertoil moutioncd Turner's name
and severely criticised the action
of the prosecution in rcgirdto that
defendant. Ho had been indicted ,
torn from hia homo uxd pursued as
though ho were a wild bpaar. The
government could not prove t mY'slo
J thing against him , and there wa only
f ono course left , to dismiss him with
, , f an insult. The prosecution alle od
y that J. W. Dcrsoy received by fraud
- $131,501. The ovidunca
W - , dhowod there
r wor snven Doraoy routes which paid
$589,904 , and in truth Dorsoy only
got 8392 not another copper. That ,
he should insist , waa a fatal variance ,
fcvery link in the chain of indictment
was a mistake or falsehood. It waa
, made by mUtako and falsehood , and
what the indictment woavod the evidence -
donco ravelled. Tlio prosecution had
to deceive the graud jury. It would
not do to toll the grand jury
that the defendants conspired
on the " 3d of May , aud in
pursuance of I hat conapir.tcy filed
uiliduvita on thu 3d of April procetl- I
inct Then they hud to deceive the
court , because it the true dates hud
bfon sot forth in the indictment thn
court would have instantly said , "Y u
can't prnvo conspiracy on the 23d of
May by showing overt nets in April
previous. " Did the prosecution ex
pect to win the case on this indict-
nifnt ? No , but they could keep it in
court JOUR enough to allow them to
uttuck and malign the charautor of the
dcfeiidiitUn' ; long enough to vent their
v nom nnd wpt'un ! on good utid honent
men and justify ia ixirt the cinmnonuu-
-nt of tnin infamous prosooulion.
During the recess the uuuibor of
spectators increased rather than dimin
ished. When Ingorsoil resumed the
atmosphere in the court room was ex
ceedingly cloao. Ho began by eayihg
that in tlio forenoon ho bad tried to
strip the green leaves of the indict
ment. Ho now proposed to attack
the main limba and trunk. What was
iho BchcniH-of it c iudlcunont1 ?
First : That the contractor defon-
dents had written , or procured to bo
written , fraudulent csmmunicationa ,
letters and applications. Was there
the slightest evidence that a fraudulent
letter was over written' ! Not the
Second : That they attached forged
names to petitions. Was tbero any
evidence of vhat except in ono case ,
and the evidence in this case was that
the order was made before the petition
was received.
Third : That they procured the
signatures of persons not living on the
routes on which the service was ex
pedited. There was no evidence of
that fact.
Fifth : That Turner faloolyendorsed
jnckot.s containing petitions. This
indictment against Turner had been
changed into n certilicato of good
moral character. When he ( Ingertoll )
know n man who hud fouynt tor the
tUg of his countiy , who had laid on
the field of Gettysburg with n con
federate bullet in his leg , ho was glad
to have evidence to show that man to
IM not only a patriot but an honcat
man with a apotloas reputation. lie
did not believe that in order to bo
u good man ono had to bo aa cold aa
nn icicle ; ho did not think _ that if
n linn wished to bo like God ( if there
was a God ) it waa necessary to bo
Sixth ; Thai Br.icly , for the bonoCt ,
gain and profit of all the defendants ,
did flornothing or other , Jlo wished
to place spociul mphasis on the word
"All , " for that included Tumor.
Seventh ; That Itrady had entered
finea ugaiust cuntwctora when they
did. not perform their eervicj. What
evidence . thoru of thutf That the
whole amount of finea iimxmod by
Brady amounted to $120,8(35 ( , r.nd
that ho remitted fines to the amount
ot $23,000 only.
Eighth : That Brady fraudulently
cut off the service , and then put it on
again. That appearing in two cases ,
ono involving 39 , und the other
something inoro.
Ninth : That defendants fraudu
lently filed sub-cuntractH. The evi
dence nhoivcd that was an impossible
This wno the schema of tba indict
ment , and ho instated that the schumo
must bo proved precisely as it had
boon laid , without the variation of a
hair , In support of this proposition
ho cited Btarkoy's "Criminal Law ,
Hoscoe's "Criminal Kvidencj , " and
other authorities. Mr. IngorKoll then
pwaod on to ( jxninina the testimony in
relation to J.V , Doraoy's connection
with the conspiracy , and fir fit ho im
pressed on the jury that suspicion wan
nothing. If there were taken out of
the case "suspicious rumors , " preju
dices , epithets and arrogant declara
tions , the amount of real evidence
,7ould bo surprisingly small. Proju-
duV would give the ho to nil the ether
aenscb.It would awoar the north star
out of flit , ( lfy of truth. It was injus
tice , and the nuu who could not rise
above prejudice Wii ? not a civilized
man , but a barbarfoa. Uo did not
wish this caao to be trioci by prejudice.
Murrick had said in his cdJfri
Ind once argued that the jury
, judges of law as well an of fact , but
, tlmt at the eamo time ho did not bo-
lioro it won n aafo nnd ( ruts doctrine.
Was ho candid then ? Wns hn candid
now/ / His cloctrino appeared to bo
this , "Wlum I nin afraid of the court
I insist that the jury nro jndgus of
luw. When I nin nfraid ot thu jury
I1 turn hvw over to the court. " Ho ,
( Ingcrsoll ) bi-HovedJ.W. Dorsey to bo
absolutely un honeot man. Mr. Mcr-
rick had called J. W. Uoraey n perjurer -
juror bocituuo ho made two tith'drmts
on the same route (38,145. ( ) No ouch
cliaro ; ; waa made in the indictment ,
but ho would imawor it.
Iniur ; ell then v.cnt on to ahow the
two nilidivt3 though fitttd nn tliosamo
day were not made within a month of
each other. The only qnottion was
whether the last affidavit was made
for the purpose of perpetrating Ircuid
upon thu i'overiiinont. The iirot af
fidavit stated .hat km men and horaca
I were required to perform
the then cbrvico , and that
i under the proposed ochodulo thirty-
OQven , would bo required. If pay had
been calculated on that * afli davit , it
would have amounted $13,433. The
second affidavit eaid the then service
required twenty men and nnimala ,
and thai"uro propojod uorvlco would
require fifty-four Under the Hccond
aQidavit which the prosecution Eaid
was as wilful and corrupt perjury , ho
only got § 8,457. Nothing had boon
shown in the case moro calculated to
put J. W. Dorsoy in n grander light
than this very affidavit. There
was no evidence to show that
ho had ever spoken with Urady or
Turner : that ho had over entered into
any agreement with them of any sort ,
character or description , at any place ,
at any time , on any subject , tor any
purpose. There was no evidence that
ho had received a solitary dollar from
the United Status , except $392. In
ether vords the testimony showed
that John W Dorsoy was an honest
man , and there was no jury never
had been , never would bo that would
find a man like that guilty on evi
dence such as had been presented ,
Now ho came to speak of his ether
client , Stephen W. Dorsy , friend of
hiu , a man who van not simply a poli
tician , but a statesman. McSwoony
in his opening uddrena had atatod that
S. W. Dorsoy had lost inonoy on his
star routes , nnd Morrick had criticized
the defense for not calling Busier to
provo the statement. Ho ( Ingorsollj
wanted to know why the proaeuution
had not put Boiler on thu aland to
provo Djrspy had lost money.
Morriok ; "Thoro was no evidence
whatever an to whether S. W. Dorsey
lout money on these routes and the
etatemont of counaul in thn opening
cannot bo uncd. I submit ai evidence
by counsel in drting. "
Thn Court : "I understand that the
remarks now nvido are in reply to the
remarks made in opening. "
Merrick : "Tho opening of their
own cmmiul , "
Tncersoll : "Mr. McSwoony said S.
W. 1) iraey had lost his money nnd
Mtmuk asked why wo had not
brought Uostor to prove that. "
Morrick : "Not as to momiy but IIB
to distribution of routes nnd loan of
money to Dewey and Dorsey's trans
fer of rouU'O to Hosier as security for
the mouoy. "
Court : "I ahnll not interfere. "
Tiigersol ) ; ' Good , "
The CxUrt : ' 'I think Iho lomark is
in reply to un observation of your own ,
Mr. Morrick.1
Mr. lugcrsoll then rent on to com *
meat at. some length upon the fact
that the government hud not called
Hosier and next turned his attention to
the overt acts charged against S , W.
Dorsey. Uo was delighted at having
nn opportunity to answer , and answer
forever nil infamous things said
against that man. Ho then wont into
a recapitulation of those charges which
ho assorted consisted of two mistakes
and ono impossible offence. Tlio mis
takes were charges of filing falao
petitions and affidavits. The impos
sible offence was filing fraudulent nub-
contract. Dortoy had boon called n
robber and a thief , but the evidence
nhoweil ho was an honest man. Mr.
Ingcrsoll then quoted from Morrick's
remarks , which , ho claimed , convoyed
it false Impression to the jury , und
with A good deal of emphasis said ;
"T'luro ' it notwioney enough in the
treasury ; there i not gold and silver
in the vein.i of this world , to
temptmom to tnUtntccvidrnco when a
mnn is on trial".for hia lifo Mid lib
erty. "
The court ndjpurnod , Mr. Ingonnll
slitting tint ho fould close his address
to-morrow foronovm. Attorney Oou
oral Brcwator follows :
by U' ° B'S" I
Is prrfflQlw , Wrrieo , the
* . -lilt" -/H.lin"lf rJ -1 -i *
oourao of n J1
Aoling Secro&ry of * 'l ' ° Treasury
French decided not to act i eon the
( ( uostion whether a certificate i * CO *
qolrod of Ohinozo traveling from ono
point to the ether in this country on
a through ticket and may atop in Canada -
ada on route , .but loaves nil such questions -
tions to the discretion of cuitom ofll-
cors to not according to law.
The World' * Crop.
EpocUl Dispatch to Tns BXK.
LONDON , September ii.
The Times publishes nn exhaustive sum
mary of Mestirunu's nnuual ret lew of the
h&rvoata of the worlJ , issued at Mnr-
lelllev As regards French wheat , the re-
cult IA already known. Malto Is good In
twcnty.firo departmrnUj and very good In
two , as ngntntt good In net-on departments
only lust year ; Rye hews n similarity
favorable contrast. . llnrley show * a slighter
Improvement. In Great Britain -111 in
quiries have been rent to { . .ruicrs , nuking
tie ! > r ° Pm'on ' oa Btowhn cropi. Iteplics ,
tafcdlj Jl TC" rnrijwnllnS average crops ,
barlor. 93 4f oi\W , 1 JJ.' ° " 1' 1U'-1S l a >
t too , 9U1 , 'tt * way b comt > srnl with
liwtyear' * fit > ett * . wllich were us folluWSf
SVAtont , OOj baiiv.x110'oaU ' ( 80root' ! . , , ' f0' '
potatoes OS. TIf A own will proba- bo lO.OOO.OOO TTIK Tt " , for cousiunp.
tlon. leaving ll,0XXu00 ( iiuajlers lor wlilcli
wo shall Iw depencknt nv.'foreign aupjily.
Sinln Ia the only cWM.try which reports
nro unfavorable. * _ , , rv
On eumniarizlnir tie te < ult Ano y < "
nixj't : "Never rtiirln. the time irtt0" ! ' 0,86
rev > orts were collected IMB theh r > * Cjt " 1
the northern hcmUpliere bpiMmo gwv1 ?
ronn < l. Wo usunllv had tft repart n . ° *
flcienoy either in TnikUh or Anioricin ,
there is b . Tin
Tills yonr f > olut-ly ncmr.
wjrlil jmt over an nvoratru lu\rv tt > o' ' "
vrilh Mich a horrent iho year ix hiculyco bo
nnof cheap abuuJanco.
Xlio AntnuiH of tbo "U. P.
SjKclal Dispatch to Tilf UIK
CUICAUO , Suptrtnbur 5. The general
oral opinion among railroad men lieru
id that the recour. mil-ported piirobasn
of * bo Eaunibp.l & ' , St. Joseph
by Gould is not really to fltre/vjlhoii
the Wabiwh oyster , but in the in tir
es t of thu Union Pacific ; that thia
courao wa * taken 'n-rotahation on the
Buniiigtou rondfor oxtondiuvit * Xnoj
to Denver in comi .ationof thu Union
Auot7i r !
bpftclil Ulspitcu to lux UHK
DBNVEIV , Sopto iber 0. Tlio Den
ver News Silv""OiilT ( Onl. ) apecbl
says : Ttio Ouati > -'mnty bunk oloacd
ita doors this -ta : > v , ing. Liabilitiea ,
$50,000 ; assets v. * y rmtjl. Thu bank
wasownod , byilft 'SB1 ' Bros. , and run
in connection > * l''j7J' ' " bank of Salidn ,
which euspou1 ; , ' yV ' jonj.l Great
xQl tnunt umf , ff.A't \ - < > r ( . in ' 'oth
t.-hq. Tffortfyt Vu'tB ot % rtV6T
Bros , , ia unknown. The causo'of the
suapoiiBion is n mystery.
Tlio Shorts In Court.
Special Dispatch to Tun IIRK.
CHICAGO , September 5. Four in
junction suits were begun to-day by
"abort" firms , ns a result of the de
cision of the board of trade committee
fixing the pricoof July wheat at S1.35.
These suits were brought to retrain
banks from paying over mnrginH to
the amount -1,000,000 in the n ; ; ro
gato. Temporary injunctions were
[ rrantod in eauh case with bondn fixed
at § 15,000. They will bo heard in
Tlio Vermont Election.
Special Ulapatcli to Tint lm. :
BOSTON , September 5. The
returns from Vermont ohow that 105
towns give Barstow , republican , for
governor , 18,905 ; Eaton , democrat ,
I.951 ! ; Martin , roonback , nnd But-
770. Baratow's majority ever > .ll ,
A Bad Fatlnro-
j September 5. The Tri-
buno'a Snlidu ( Colorado ) epooial iuy ? :
The bank of Salida closed ita doora > '
torday niorninir. The deposits amouiit
to nbuut § 50,000 , mostly made by tlm
working claaa. The capital of the
bank M aaid to b. < only 55,000. Tim
doposita uro total loaa. llart/.t.l !
Bros.- , proprietors of tliu bank , let'
the city Saturday.
OH' for Omnha. "
WAHHINOTOK , September 5 , Com
miaaionor Loriug. of the ngrioultunl
doparlincnt , leaves to morrow to ful
fill ontagementa to upeak at etato fain
nt Dea Moines , Umahn , Topokn ami
Chicago. IJo will probably bo r.bsunt
novoral wcoltH.
Yellow Jnoli. n
GALVISTO.V , Hdptembor 5. The
governor haa received a leln 'ram from a
the mayor of Brownvillo. There v
flvo hundred oanoa of yellow fovnr
there and that the daily increase ia
from Boveuty to . > hundred , Monuy
to provide f or the necessities is needed ,
The governor 1ms itsued a proclama
tion aeking the people to contribute.
Hpcclal DlnpatchM to'JliB UBK.
HA.Si : UAI.L.
Sojtcmber 5. Chicagos
10 , Troya 0.
DETUOIT , September C. Dotroita C ,
Bostons 0 ,
September 5 , BulFaloa
f , Worcostera ii ,
CI.EVKIANI > , Saptombor 5 , Clove
lands 3 , Pi'ovidonco 4 ; 1U innin B.
Tlio Yellow Ftyer.
HK | > CUI DUpttCll tO 'I'lIK liXI ,
BUOWNKVILI.K , Soptcmbor 5.--A1
10 o'clock Bovonty-auvon now CUBCB
nnd four duathuvoro roportod. llolief
haa boon furnished UU families.
Patients in the hojpital , males 8 , females ,
males 2. tTho fever is on the decrease.
MATAMOKAS , September 5. Four
deaths reported in the last twenty
four hours , lliver is very high , nut
etill rising. Weather , threatening
itorm , with northern winds ,
England and Turkey finally
o'mto to Ornsli the
Arabl Frocln'med ' a Rebel nnd
C ouiinopdud to Surrender.
The ll-atfcer Responds by Oon
etruoh11 ! * Now Defoneos on
the British Flack.
Four Thomnml Bl'oro Troop Or
dered from T.arliv | ud * ° the
A Vurloty of Gonornl l-'orolgu
! ? l l t Dispatched to Tim linn.
CONSTANTINOLK , _ Soptoinbcr l ! .
7:30 : A. M. The "irado , authorizing
the signing of Iho Anglo.Turkish
niilitnty con vent ion has boon issued.
Baker Pasha , by permission of tliu
sultnn , Ima Inpppintod Colonola Baker
nud Syngo his nido do cninps.
AlUnt DF.CLAUKti A lUMiKI. .
Co.vsTiNTiNom : , Soptonibor 5.
The oultan's proclamation to the
Egyptians hi been leaned. It de
clare * Arnbi I'aslia a rebel for dis-
obaying Iho orders of tlio khedive
and Dcrvifich 1'ashu , mid thcruby prj-
vok'n g the intervention of England
It stntea the decoration conferrer
upon Arabi Pnsltn was bestowed
the instance of Darvisch Pinhn ,
Mimtqucnco of Arabi Pnsha'a protoa
.atioiiB of fidelity. In conclusion
: ho proclamation exhorts , all Kgyp
Jans to obey the kin-dive.
LONDON , September 5. Ordure
iflVv' ' ) uo'1 ' received nt Woolwioh tt
, , , , . . . A < to Ezypt , 11,000
o Atx . "driaatxl 1.000 to lainailia.
I'OUT Sin. ' Sopti'inbor 5. The
leah water cfiiu'1' ' ' J'miilia is falling
upidly. The vr r company haa ro-
ncud itn .Miipuly m.lamailu und Port
nul. Arnbi I'.iolm K1H oatuoliohed i
I3Lttar.\in to Sali-
HO of dufi-nso from \ -
Sjptfnihurft.-Uen. Wb' '
iloy 13 inui'ing every rlfurt ; o o."tan-
9 u coinplort ! pjBti'in of nujrjilj" from
10 liolil foioo. Thn tjuik > much
ioro nsrioua rlmn tjio foroitjii elomnnf
i Kuypt ia witling to admit. ilem- :
hilo the enemy ia content tw bu
iruly on tlio defonaivo. It in ru-
orod Arabi Paaha brought ho vy
ma from Cairo to 9I ! Kobir to silencii
10 Britruh forty pounders on the
mored train.
Matters are proceeding smoothly at
iaasasaia. Food is nkiuidarit at trcs-
it , biit'tho uully consumption ib so
rout it will not bo easy to pirovido
implies for future ime.
ALKXANDUIA , Sojitombor 5. Mali-
loud Fuhmy , Arabi'a ox-chief of Btafl' ,
horn the BriUuh c\ptiireil : nnd im-
cisoucd in this oily , has written it ro-
nrt addressed to the hhcdivo , with
[ ana revealing the puaitionn and
rungth of the enemy. A trunalation
ill bo aont Wolseloy.
Mnhmoud Fohmy denies ho wna
iptnrrd by the Britinh troops. Uo
iya ho mirrondorcd , Ho accnnen
lany of those coinpnaiiru the ontoui-
, 'u of the khudivo , 'including Sliorof
'iinh-.i , prime miniator , of having
> mniunicatud willi Arabi J'aahu.
'adri Pasha haa arrived as roproBont-
tivo of the aultnu. The oubatanco of
lahmoud Fuhmy'a information haa
con tologruphml to ( lonerul Wolaoly.
t ia bnliovod the inlluonco of Mah-
loud Fohmy v/ill bo uacful .in bring-
ig over the rehoU.
PHUT SAII > , Suntvinbur Some
ubiil ( jlliceiu from Sililiiyeh , nrrived
t Inmailia to surrender BiibmiBtion.
Ivcr nil-lit thousand Araba are forti-
ying Salihiyuh , The oni'iny are om-
laikuu ; tlinir bag ago and military
tores ior Kurt Ghumiloh ,
ALK.NANIIIIIA , Soptuinbcr B. The
mill v/ho murdered the two Kngliah-
iKin , llichaidaon und Uobnon , and
the in to bo exucutud Thuraday , haa
onfiibsod Ilia guilt. Ho will bo hang'
d in the native ( | uartor , placard in
Irabic and Kngliah titaling the cnuao
f the execution will bo attached to
ho gallowu ,
AI.IXANIIIIIA : , Si'pUunlerr > . A body
if 100 nuiludti made a r.dd today
ipon tlio villagua lutwucn Alexandria
nd Moku und urroated ull perHonu
rho wi'ro nnablt ) to give a good no.
ount of llieinaolvca The aulhoriliua
ro taking utringont measures to pro-
out the iudiscriminato landing of JUT-
ons without incana or otnployinont.
) no hundred nnd fifty uueh pi-rsoim
flio landed yostcidiy : , have linun nunt
o the uraonal pending decision aa to
rhotliur or not they nhull bo coin-
itllud to return on board the vcasols
rom which they diBcmbarkod. Four
iodouinn caught looting in Kumleh
iiwo boon acntoncod to death.
IHMAILIA , September 0. The iiuni-
icr of oniMiies now on rnuto from Suez
nd I'ort Said brings un the total to
line , which will bu auflicicnt for all
ransportution purpoBoa. The Kngliah
lorsus uro holding out woll. The
vorst of the hot weather louius < o bii
ivor. Wolaoloy ia in high apirita and
iOIllidollt Of BUCCOhH ,
CoNKTAMiNUi'LK , Suntombor 5.
rho Anghi-Turkiah military convca <
ion haa bcun uignod.
IHMAILIA , Septumbor 5. It haa boor
ituortaintid that Balihi-Ooh haa boor
ibandonod by Arabi Boy. It ia not
( ipected ( hut wo ahull have cmougl
provifltona to bo toady to advnnco fet
a week.
SpeclMDhpstchf * to Til * H r.
Tin : rot1' " * rrniKK.
DrnLtx , September " Tt is ox-
pooled about 220 of thn 2M ; , demised
constables will ho rcltiMniOft , onlJ" lho ,
ringleaders being excluded. V10
police are not altogether satisfied K " 1
the reply of Krl Spencer , ns it IcJVOS
thorn In nlmou the same uncertainty
ns boforo.
PAIIIS , September 5. Victor Lea-
sops to-day presented n report to the
council of the Suez canal company on
negotiations with the English author
ities for preservation of the neutral *
itv of the canal. Ho said ( Jon.
NVolsoloy had informed him that the
English government accepted the re
sponsibility for damage and obstruc
tion to trallio of the canal.
, September 5. The de
falcations of Hunter , the absconding
--l"v > " " now known to exceed
September C. The India
oflfcco , on account of the fnlso rnporU
concerning the P'ovnlonco of Asiatic
choltrn nt Aden , Jiubliahcn n state
ment that there haa bctiu nocaso there
ainco October , 1881 , except an isolated
C.IBO aboard n ahip in July last. No
residence cholera , it addn , oxtata in
India. Dcatha from the dcsonnn dur
ing tin ) past fortnight nro losa than
the average for the past live years.
FKIUUTPUI. iiAVAnns or niouu.\ : .
MAVUIU , September B. Olllcinl report -
port from Munilla statoa that -105 na-
tivoa and flvo Kuropoana died there of
cholera in thy last two days. The
Dpidomic ia beginning to nb.ito.
COUK , September 5 The corpsr-
itio'i hao rascirud n- _ loiter from Mr.
13. UwyerOray , which it nppear.i lie
ffill not onler into rceogniz.uioca after
, ho expiration of hia Ihreo months
icntonco. Ho will consiKjuently have
oonduion further and term
> f confinement.
HIUT.K TKl)01\s.
ATJIKNN , Sjplcmler 5. Ono thou-
land troops , mostly momitiuncern or
lorthorn ( irooco , loft for Peracaa
sinulny , nnd more were to follow on
TAI.KINd TOO JXtril. )
CoKKTANTtxoi'LK , Scplombor fi. An
Lrab paper publinhod nt Buyrout , in
lyrii , haa been nnpprefned for having
uhliahod an article againat the Ohrio-
Sr. PKTKiihiiuiu ! , Soptcmbor f > .
'rcparationu for the journey of the
inporor to Moicow are being aocrotly
Eiploiivo substances have again
eon atolen from the Ktirsian imperial
opota , ohiclly from Vladikarkaa.
Tlio TnrliF Comniisalon
CINCINNATI , Soptouibnr i ! , A dopn-
, tion from tlio Grocvra' naaocintioti of
ineinniiti came befoio the tr.riif co ill
usion this morning and presented n
ipor on ihi ) question of dutica on an-
ir , molaaaou nnd rico.
Arroitoil for
oclil DlBpatcli to Tim Unit
CHIUAIIO , Si > | itombor fit Gcorgio
onallin , wife of John Connllin , n
rominont gambler ofKjiu.i.vj City ,
id Oacar Monicarran , lUso well
town in Kaunas City , and mill to bo
good family , wi'ro arrested- here on
10 charge of bigamy , the allegation
; ing that they were married in
"oxico , Mo. Mrs. Conullin ia said to
> known in musical eircl < > , nnd to
wo traveled and played with Moggio
litcholl for two yearn. They will bo
.ken to Kaunas City on n requisition ,
ho husband nnd wife nmku mutual
largoa of cruelty.
A Itauinn II a Uro ml in Trouble.
ii'clal Dlnpatuli to Tun IIin.
BOSTON , September 5. Monday
donuty Hhorill'served nn attachment
ir $250,000 on thn treasurer of the
opeka , Salina & Woatorn H , K , Co , ,
ho was on a buainesp trip to Bnatoti ,
nd also on 0 (3. Patterson , nt the
istanco of the Kansas & Extern
ons .ruction Co. , composed U gentle-
leu idnntifiod uith Union Pncilio and
.tchtson it Topokn compaiiiou It
[ ipijarH the Topuku , Snlina & Weal-
rn in 1880 made u contract with the
jnutnietiou coinpany to build its roud ,
bout 200 miloH in length , nnd in pay-
lunt therofor the countruclion coin-
any WUM to rocnivonfcufllciontatnount
f bonds and olock to ivo it it con-
oiling niterent in the now road.
Lucently the Topuka , S-ilinu & Wcs-
.Til HailroMl Co , annulled ita eon-
nd made a new one v/illi Putterson ,
ho advortiHcs ita bonds nnd stocks
nsilo. . The suit , which is in the
uluro of n bill in equity , prays for
[ luciflc performance of the original
Qiilrnct , nnd that Patterson may bo
njoincd from proceeding under his
A IVIonbtor Flciiio.
l -lai ni ) iat'-li to I'm UK * .
Nuw YOIIK , September 5. The
real labor demonstration to-day was
HUCCCSI. Ono hundred and fifty or-
am.'MtioiiB were represented und 20 ,
00 men in lino. The procession
umposod three divisions. The organ-
sitiuna proceeded to Elm park , v/horo
monclor pionio wns hold. Speeches
; ere delivered by John Swinton ,
lubert Blaissart nnd oth > 'rH ,
Boutu Cuvoliuu GreoubuoUora-
pcclal Dispatch to Tin : ll .
COLUMBIA , S. 0. , September 5.
'ho atato convention of the ujreon-
lack-labor reform party mot to-day.
) no hundred and twonty-fivo dolegaloa
i present.
Vliibla Improvcmuut.
Mr. Noah Hates , Hlmlra. N. Y. , writes :
'About four yeun * ujjo I liau uu attaok 01
illlouu fever , and never fully recovered.
My digestive orgiuu were wcakeneil , nnU 1
vould bu completely proHrateil for iluya.
\iier UBIIK | two bottle * of your HuiinocK
itixioi ) HITTKIM the improvement wan no
rUlblo tlmt 1 was uatouUhed. 1 can now ,
hotuh Ul youra of UKP , do ft fair ftuil rca
louablB day'd work , " J'rlce $1.W.
Place to gel SHOKS lor your children is
nt tlio plpular ctore of
13th and Jackson Street" .
That It costs ua notlilnp for rent In our boot
and shoo department , and it enable *
no to ell 150OTS & SHOKS
cheaper than the cheapest.
Bring in Your Little Ones ,
and start them to echool with good shoe * .
( Successors to Fred Inng. )
Our success is duo to our good gooda
and low figures. Wo always keep
: onooquoiitly our customers can pur
chase of us only fresh goods.
'i ?
$ t,50 per 100.
Ut.t.t i ; lor6 1 D. t *
s the only flour that civos general
satisfaction , and wo daily rocuiyo
proofs from our customers
thntituiakcs WHITEST
ioin # the only pure and healthy arti
cle in this market , nnd which is
recommended by the most
aololubrntod chemists. Wo
Vo kco ? CALIFORNIA 817 AR ,
which n pronounced to be the
puroat urticlo over broughi
to this market. Wo nlao
hxicptho bast brands
of KYRUPSand
Dormann ,
Wo keep but pure and healtay goods ,
roe from any adulteration. Familieui
oiiiK such gooda for medical purposed-
liould give us a call. Wo make apo-
ialliea of
iVo also keep line lota of "imported
Phoso goods you can buy of us frcah
and cheap. Wo always keep the
boat quality of
\nd all other varieties in largo quart )
is cordially invited to give us acall , aa
wo can' assure all satisfuction.
Corner 13tlydud JaoksonSlo.