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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1882)
" N I TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , SKPCBMBER 5 , G7 \ { \ BEGINS SCHOOL NEXT THE MONDAY AND CHEAPEST n co to get SHOKS lor your children l at the popular store nf * " * ; HEIMROD & DORMANN'S , 13th and Jncknon Street * . That it coots us nuthiiift for rent hi onr boot and xhoe deimitmpiit , an < l it i-inMes tin to ? ll HOOTS & HHOK3 cheaper thnn the chenpeat , Bring in Tour Little mnd Btart them to hchnnl with good CllK.VP I CHI * . VI' I ! CHKAl' ! ' ' V- ( Sucoensors to Fred Lang- ) Vl ? l WHOLESALE , t RETAIL Our success in duo to our good goods and low figures. Wo always keep FRESH STOCK , consequently our customers can pur chase of us only freeh goods. WE SELL EXTRA $1,50 per 100. SCUUYLEPv s ) IB the only flour that , nivoj gomirul * / satisfaction , an 1 wo daily icceivo f / proofs from our customers x that it makes WHITES P AND L'OH TEST BREAD. ROYAL BAKING POWDEP. ) Being the only pure and healthy arti- V clo in thia market , and which is rccoininondod by the most ft \ colelebrat d chemiste. We V V KEEP IT. SUGARS. Wo keep CALIFORNIA SUGAR , which is pronounced to bo the purest article over brought to this maikot. Wo also keep thn bent brands of bYRUPS and * KINi ! ! EXTEACTS. Heimrod & Dormann , WHOLESALE & RETAIL WiNE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Wo keep but pure and healtay goods , free from any adulteration. Families uiing such goods for medical purposes ' Btiould give us a call. Wo make spe cialties of CLAREl1 , ANGELICA. PORT , ' SHERRY. CALIFORNIA PURE BRANDIES. We also keep fine Jots nf 'imported COGNACS RHINE WINES. : CH ESL Thoao goods you can buy of us fresh and cheap. We always keep the best quality of AND GENUINE SWISS. r ' r/ And all other varieties in largo quan ' titles , THE PUBLIC Is cordially invited to give us acall , as wo can assure all satisfaction. HEIMROD & DORMANN , Corner 13th and JacksonSte , THE LAST DITCH Conskloieil tlio Strongest a (1 ( Most Important Yet Con structed. Tje Rebel Cmp ? , Both North and fcotitb , Effectually Protoctt-d , Whi'o Bnndu of Prowiiutf Be douins Scour tbe fcurround- ing Country. a Military Convention With 'turkey Finally and Signed. The Dublin Mob BUporuf. * . nud 'Tk Cnstlo" BivathcH Enaier. frightful ioea of Ufo by the Wreck of nn Excursion Ti am. Spoc'al IHspate'iU to Tins Dun. 1IAUI ) AT WUltK. KASSASSIN , September 4.A second recjnnoiaBunce , inndo to-day on thu HOilllimid leftbulik of Sweotwater showed thiit thu ctioniy were hard at work strengthening their position. Col. Hart narrowly escaped being captured. WKLL POUTiriKI ) . ALKI INIMIIA , Septembur4 Recent observations show they uro aoven dis- titict liiii-a of defense between Arubi'a front and Damanhour. Alum's ro.smoN. KASSASIN , September 5 The enemy - my keeps a close watch nil about our c.unp. .Numerouu Bedouin horseniun .ire prowling in iho vicinity , rendering - ing it unsafe to venture fir out. L.ut ni ht one of thu Life Guirds was killi'd. His body was rrc > vored and found muilated. : Arab ! P.iaha has an excellent position hire. Ho la in di rect comniiinication by rail with Xu- ? pzig and Sdlihich , nud water for his forces is brought up by rail and Ilia nctivo uiv , lry I'ucci'iid In masking lua movementu and keeping them secret. A TOUOII .JOIl IN I'llOSl'KCr. KAWUSSIN , SepV-inhor 4. Arabi P.uij.i IMU i.g.iined confidence , and it will bi'iiccL'Baary to propiroforaociisn- tiliu und uiatlmciical advmico , and to attack him in force. Tin- fire of the English infantry in the last eng g- iiiont appears to have inflicted vury alight damage upon the enemy , and iho Murtim Henri riilfH ucod by iho ButiHh troop : } mo apt to bn rondorud unserviceable by hard uagn. hTKBlOTIIFMNO WOLSELUY. LOKDO.V , September 5. Tlio Times paja ; . Though Wolseley doea not re quire the thud diviiion the govern ment dotorrnined t otronnthon hia handn by-sending three battalions ol infantry The division of Gen. Wood muy bo net free without leaving the garruon less than 5,000 uion at Alex andria. The rcservo depot of ICO .nen for each regiment , which are at the front with GUI. Woholoy , will be formed at Alexandria , and a largo depot of a thousand n-scrvo men will bo formed to replace these at they are drafted to the front to supply c-isult its. The gem-risl result of thtao moasurei will bu that Wolueloy will have 22,000 men on the in.n i line of operation * , besides the uurriuon at Alcxuiidiiu , and tlui Indian conlingont. MU'l'LIKS I'OU J'OYIT. ST PKTUHKIIUW ; , September 4. Ei'nliah agenrn have arrived lit Odessa 10 piiiehuBu 28,000 hond of aheep and ciittlo for the troopH in IS-typt. Two hundred and twenty head died on route last week fiom the liuat. I'KTUOMIUM KMllAlinOEK. ALKXANIIHIA , September B. The khedive has issued a decree forbidding tlm transportation of petroleum into Egypt.A A rOWIKAOV llli iOVEUED. : ALKXANIIHIA , September 4. Grcol uiiotisiiu'ss la lelt in consequence o ! the arrest of a native spy carrying a Jotter addroaaed to Anton 1'aiilo , the Greek consular ngent at Siout , who ia staying huro. Paulo has been arrested It ia rumored tin ) police have discov ered the ramifications of a conspiracy , in which Greeks are implicate ] , the object being to massacre the Eu rope < ns in Alexandria in event of the British troops being seriously engaged af Rzmloh. KUILLIN < ! OUT. AJ.I.XAMWU , September 4 Tno Monitour ia tiholling the rebel linen , btcauBt ) of the threatening dcmoiutra- tiona made by the enemy from Ma- dara. M.'AItUI ) IIT 1HK NATIVES. ALEXANDIIIA , September 4 Un- raaintaa among the Europeans con- tinuea unabited. Sensational rumors ( if every kind are circulating to-night , Theru W&D a report that the Frorch consul general had linked lor trans ports to remove French ubjocta , but it proved to bo groundleuii. The British military authorities have map ped the town into districts , which are connected by tele phone , and they feel satisfied thia will enable to quell any unfore seen outbreak. At fi o'clock thia evening the Ungliah heavy guna near ho C-.iro railway bpg n shelling Arabi I'asha's camp. The enemy replied , their nhclla'falling within ten yards of ho F ominu depot in the Jtumleh ines Two nioro liritlsh guns joined 11 the fire , wlieroupon a lively canon- ado onauud. Tlio enemy continued to naku excellent practice all the even , ing. hCOCMMi TIIK COUNT1U. KASSASSIN , September ! The In- [ Han civalry and n detachment of tlio royal Irish dragoon guards has scoured ; ho country between the camp at thia point and Maxama and returned with , jut seeing any marauding Jiodouins. t'UEJl'HIC'INO TIIK NATIVES. Poitr SAID , September 4. Ab- dullnh Hey F.inzi , aide do cniup of the khedive , hna proceeded on n mission to ports on thu lied Son to stir up among the natives n loynl fooling to ward Iho khedive and to encourage operations sgtlnsi Arabi Pasha from that quarter. AVKAIRS AT T11R FRONT. LONDON , Soptombcr 4Volsoloy logMphft froui Isnnlift to-day. "All quiet at the front. The Highland brigade gado nil ! remain afloat for the present to furnish woikint ; parties huro. 1 am cleaning out hospitals and sending away wounded and tenons cases of aicknusi in troops. AFFA1IIH AT PAII10. ALV.XANOKIA , September 4. A Greek nho recently arrived from Cairo ( lives n gloomy ace tint of the hituation thu1 re. Ho fours when Arabi I'ntha is doloati'd ho will destroy the city. IKi vinnuUs thatlhcro nro in Cairo 1 filK ) tr n pi who will join in pillaging tlio city at the lir t oppor tuinty. Ho i > .ta Caucagsians are mil- treated if seoii on the streets in Cairo. THE TURKISH HiPEDlTION. CoN T NTiNi'Pi.K , September 4. L ird DuH'orln yont rday intiirmed the Biihali that ho hai buun authorized to atj nt to the landing of two or three thou > and Turkish troops at Port Slid It is understood Uorvish Pashi will oiimnmnd the expedition , and Hiker Pasha bo hia chief of stall" . A IHNNEIl TO WAU.ACU. CONKT NTINOPLK , Soptembur 4 \Yitlhicti , United States minister , will dinu with the Hiiltan this uvening. A L'LO.Si : HALL. ST. PETEIIBIIUKQ , Septombcr 4 At thu c-Jiiciusion of the army uiaiieuvorA at Ishura , the bridge constructed by thii military across the ravinu full directly after the emperor nnd em press had passed over it. Tno minis ter of war was alightty injured. THE FRENCH CltOIM. PARIS , Stiptmnber 4. The Bulletin des liillos catimates the wheat harvest at slightly over the average. A total yield of 112,400,000 hi'cUlitrea ' is cx- pt-ctud , but un osentual reduction in the percontigH of values in probable , owing to infmiur quality. AFPAIII.S IN IIURLIN. DUIIUN , Sitomber | 4 The ollioial cnmmuiet ) iipimmted to cuiuidcr thu claims of tlii ) poicu ! met for the first time to-day. IVo upicial cointahlea have been acntunced , ono to BIX months , and thoothui' to three months imprisonment , for .isaaultinu the null urj. It 13 stated thai thu opecials nro very unpopular both with tno soldiers and pclicu , and that thu dmniKcied c instablua have incited iho moba to attack them. At a meeting i f the corporation , L ml Mayor Davraon naid the upeciHl coiiBtahleu wBroannpl > targets und the eauao of thf diaMirbance SPANISH JIYNAMIl'i : riENKS. MAIIKID , Suptembor 5 S nor Co- maclia , miniati.of ) iiimncu. received a largo packet Sunday tromlt rcelona. On prouuuding to open it peraonully his BUepiciona wt-ro urouaed regarding its contents. The packet wae subsu- quontU cautiously ixamined ani tound to contain dynamito. RENEWED RIOTINd. DUIILIN , Sjylembur 4. Among thoou attacked by the mob last night vrero Mr. Moll'at , of the oincrguncy coiiiinutec ; Mr. Goddurd , of the Property Defonao association , and Colonel King Harmon. The mob wrecked thu premiaea alongside ol the Iluniii'r's olliio , belonging to the National bii'il ; , on SulFulk otrout. Ell EKOUM S1KNAUE1) . CoNhTANUKui'LE , September 4 Erzcroum ia Bunousiy meanced by Uhudallah. Many Kurd villageit havouccepicd his rule. Two battalions ot troops have been dispatched in thai direction probably with the intention ol occupying thu van and preventing a coup do mum. noaru.niKH UKASED. CoNST\M'i.Noi'iK , September 4 'I . ' 10 ctiaaution of hostilities on the Grecco-Turkiah frontier on Satuniiij night ia confirmed. The loss on both aides to date ia between four hundrcti and five hundred killer and wounded , THE MOHEL WRECK. PEN/.ANOE , Eug. , September 4. The bows of thu Mosul have broken at the foremuat. Thu middle of thu hull ia upright with f unnola atandiiiL' . Thu atom separated from the middle BL-ction yosturday , and thu cargo and a ijuantity of the wrockagu are wash ing out , THAT KATAI IltJEL. PARiH.Soptembor 4 L. Dechurd , editor of The Caporal , who killed M. Do Massca , editor of thu Coin bat , in a duel , wan hiniBulf dangerously wounded in the head and armpit and received lluoucuta on Un hand , M. JJeachard will bo prose cuted but certainly acquitted. A JKWKBS CONVEK1EI ) , Archbiuhop Gilbert administers Drat communion to M'jlo Oj Hoiha child Mondai. No memboiH of tht fimily prcaont. KKKIIITKUL RAILROAll ACC'IDENT. OAHI.SIUJIIK , beptombur-1. - A train of oara running between Freiburg and Column left thu raila near llogstutten , Fifty persona were killed and many injured , HKRUX , September 4. The train wrecked near Hogstottun was the special Sunday excursion train. Some of thu aurvivoin were taken to the uni versity building at Frioburg where they were carefully attended. Kjmo of the dead were mutilated beyond recognition , It appoarx that the train was overtaken by a heavy storm of wind and rain , Ono account aucrihc.i the disaster to the washing away of part of the embankment by an oyor Bwollun brook , PARIS , September 4Tho train which waa wrecked near IlouBtetten was an excursion train , and made up of twenty-four cars. Nineteen coaches were smashed topiecos and shot down tlio embankment in thu swamp , where there weight ciuaod them to dink. The number of puraona smothered in ; he deep mud swamp ia not yet as certained , PAIIIH , September 4. A telegram Tom Mulboueo status that 100 persona were killed and 300 others injured in u railroad accident xoar Hogstotton. THE REBEL YELL This Time Direotod at the Mor mon Missionaries in the Southeast. The Destroyers of Religion and Morals Ordered to Leave by the People. Tromondoai Ezoltomnnt in the Coniitien Invnilod by the Smith A. Warning to Mormon nrlov- SpoclM IMf patch to Tim U . ' HALIIKIII , N. C. September 4. About eighteen months ago Mormon missionaries made their nppearaucn in western countici of North Carolina , with their principal headquarters in Cleveland county , and nt once began the work of making converts among the mountaineers. Their progress waa slow and their means insidious Tire of the missionaries were taken out of the hpuso by the itidigi nut people and whipped. Thii drove them away for aoino months , but they re turned despite ( ho warnings of a worst ) fate in store. . Last winter they re sumed work in Cleveland and Duplin counties , their efforts mooting with some success. In Cleveland they inndo a number of converts , mostly women and almost broku up the Baptist church nuar Kuiu'a Mountain. The people grow more indignant , r fuw dnya ago an indignati m mass mooting waa held near Sholby. Notices had boon widely circulated calling on thu people to ido agninat the destroyers of religion and happiness. This Was but the cul mination of n long muttering storm At an early hour of the day specified the people gathered in great numbers , all armed and determined to drive out thu hated intruders The was intense. The citizens thus aasum bled held n meeting , at which the entire operations of the Mormons were exposed. Tholr plan was shown to bu to go from house to IIOUHO , impressing the women with thu delighta of lifu in Utah and odor- ing them all kinds < .f inducements to gn thoro. The inentitii/ decided finally not to march against the intruders with fire and sword , but to warn them of the worst consequences if they re mained in the Btate. Such excite ment watt never known in that sec tion. A proclamation has been issued warning tlio Mormons if they do not leave now they may expect to moot , their fato. The 'people of York county , South Carolina , where Uhn unsHioimriog are also opura ting , Join in the movemsnt. , of n Miner c > " > Special Dlnmtch to TUB lln . VALECILIO , Mexico , August 4. Frank Mollolland , general superin tendent of the Buena Vista and other nurrounding mines , owned by Now York capitalists , committed suicide. Cause unknown. McEIolland was well known through Colorado and New Mexico. The President. ficlal | Dsintdi to TIIK DHK. NEWPORT , September ! . The United States sloamor Dispatch , wit ) thu president on board , in anchoret in East rivor. Ho did not continue ) east after leaving huro Saturday night The American liiilo Tciizn. Sfo lal Htpattli to'llin IK ) . Ni'.w YORK , S.'j'cmljer 4. Colono Hotline to-day tulectod thu following team to compote ngainnt the liritisl nflu team : MepBiB. IX.lan , Smith llenman , Oijdoii , Hindn , I'aulding Howard , Shakeaphoaro , McNovi'i am Alder. The other two will bo chosoi this woek. The Douvnr Kzposltion. Rpec'al DUjmtLli to Tim Hun. DUN vi'.it , September 4. The miniti ) , uxpoBition continues to bo a great sue cuas , viaitcd daily by lurtjo numbers o ; people , many troin the cant. Now upecimena und exhibits are added con stantly , A now featuru , that of coun ty and Htato daya haa been iimgurated , 'I'liis is Gmu.iaon county day , a largo crowd arrived in excursion trtina from Gminis m. A Duel Th t Did Nut Co mo OIT. [ iiclal Il | > atcli to Tun HKK. MKMi'iiiH , September The An- poul'a Holly Spring ) ! upccial sayo : In reference to Iho rumored dud between Chambers and Manning , that there WHS a correspondence between the two , but the difficulty hit been amica bly Bottled on terms alike honorable to both , United States Senator J. / . Goorcro and -Colonel L P. Cooper , a prominent attorney of Memphis , were the referees. Chambers and Manning speak at Canaan to-morrow. ThoStrlhliiK Iron Worker * SpccUI Dispatch to Tint Urn. PiTTHiiumi , Soptumbor ! . Thodis- trial meeting of the Amalgamated an- sociatlon , which had been looked for ward to with intense interest by all classes in thu hopes that some action would be taken winch would result in a settlement of the troubles , was hold to-day , and after a protracted sovsion adjourned this evening , leaving the situation the mine an when thu utriko was first inaugurated on June J Fifty. eight lodges out of uixty-thrJu were leprosonted by 110 delegates. When the meeting opened , a vote on the question of returning to work on the old scale was taken , und it resulted in four forcompromiau and 112 for a con tinuance of the strike. A long dis cussion then ensued which finally ended by the association voting unan imously against any compromise and In favor of standing out for thu de mand as originally made. It ia now expected that the mill owners will try the non-union experiment. HUBBELL'S ' HIRED MAN. The Cheekiest Political Bulldozer Collecting the Two Per Oont , Ho Raids the Treasury Depart- Against the Orders of the Secretary , Admiral Clltr' Report on the Coronn Onibronk nud Mas- ftncro. CAPITAL NOTES. tMnlclicst | > Tili linn. COLL M.T I Ml T1IR AKSKHStlKNT. WAMIII.SOTO.V , September 4. J. F , Molleru recently resigned n clerkship in the nixth auditors ollicu of thu treasury , in order to aid the national republic tn congressional committnu in collecting the 'J pur cent , political as- scsimonts upon employes of thu exec- Litivo departments. Mollero was to bo allowed a percentage of the collec- lions made by him ixa his componna- tlon. Ho applied to Secretary Folger For pormtssion to canvass the treasury department , but waa informed by thu Gpcrotary that ho did not sanction such proceedings , lie made similar ipplication to the chief of division of the treasury , and was ntain refused ; ho desired permission. He was not ii.shcartencd , however , and success- 'ully wontthrough _ thu building on his mission without the countenance of the secretary. COL. i. E. TOURT1LP.OTT , Gen. Sherman's chief of stall' , left to- lay for Chicago , whore ho will join the governor gouoral of Canada and iiuty nmlaccompany _ them on their /lait to British Columbia. THE coinAN ROW. Hear Admiral Clitz , commanding .lie Asiatic station , has made a report to the navy department on o.vstorn ill'airs. Under d.Uo of Yokohama , August 19 , ho states that on the first of August news was received at Yokohama hama of an outbreak on the ai'ti-for- uigu party in Coroa , and that several Japanese hud been murdered , and that a numborof Japanese had utlccted their escape. Grout excitement pre vailed at Yokohama , and it was thought Japan would declare war , but later nonn , while confirming the outrage on the Japanese minister , showed that the movement was not national , as the queen and many [ imminent member * of the progroj- jtvo party were killed during an at tack on the palace , which- occurred about the same time ( about July 23) ) Admiral Clitz says Jio Japanese gov ernment has bctn prompt in making preparations for guarding thointorosta of its pcoplo , several men of war hav ing boon sent to Fusau with troops mid policemen on board. Ho learned through the American minister that there is no intention of declaring w.u ; but aimp'.y to ro-oatcbluh the minister with proper dignity , and to guard the legation and to all'ord a place of refuge for their subjects in of fuuther trouble. The Japa nese do not regard the outrage as a national ono. On August lal Admiral Clil/ re ceived a telegram from Minuter Young , informing him of this outbreak - break and suggoating that ho uund | .i veesul to Corcu to inaist that the Co- riMim respect the rights of foreignern and to protect American interests. Heforu acting on thia dispatch , Ad miral Clil/ received u department tel- igr.unnguat ( 'J > i > 'intorming him that the treaty with Coiuahad nolbuei ratified , directing him to send a ven ue ! to Ciireu and aluo dirucling him ti communicatu with Minister Young , Thia waa accordingly done August 'Id , liliining the Monucaoy at Minwtor Young'H diupoaal. Aitgunt 8th Ad- niiJul Glitz received u telegram from Mr. Young , aa followa : "In obedience to the prnsidont'B order , will send the Monacucy t < Coroa. ( Signed ) YOUKII " Admiral Clil/ says he learns through the preen that China haa taken action in regard to the trouble in Corea , und that 15,000 troops crossed thofrontieraml entered Corean territory , also that a like number was approaching the frontier , und that ten gunboats and corvettes was to r n- dezvoua off the southeast coast. He Hays it ia impossible ror him lo suy what bearing this may have on thu In- ture action of Japan , Ho reports cholera still < xti ; < in Yokohama and vicinity , bin IH do- cruasiim , and not no f.Ual initu < lli'ctn , and that the health of thu pqttadion coutinuoi excellent. The Knrroil Hporinl Dl pat < h to Tim KKK no , September 4 The wheat liarvoit in Minnesota and Dakota II-IH lioftn liniHlied in good shape and stack. lit ; and threBhinir more than half ; onilotod | There is much more stack- domi thiH year than formerly , und { rain will bu saved in a fine condition , ivhilo the yield is fully equal to the : > right anticipations of harvest timo. In NebrnHka thu wheat , la threshing mt eighteen to twenty-five bushels to ho acre , and corn 11 an asaurod crop , ifty to fifty-five bushels to the acre icing the estimated average , Corn in other local i lies haa inprovcd and iromises well Snnlul Holnuoo- purlal Dliu'tli | la Tin lirii SARATOOA , Reptrinbor i The flo- : ial Sciuiire association biH n ita SVH- ion thi Joviininr } , Francis Wayliuid , if Yale college , president of tlm aseo- ciation , ave the opening addreea lu spoke of tlm condition of this inuntry an favorable in comparison with Great Hritain , which ia convulned its cnntro by the throes of civil ttrifo , of which the most Ilii/rant lymptom are undotuctud assasaination , unpunished outrage , and unfinished ogUlation , while we are enjoying the ii'ist wnlromo respite from every va riety of domestic dissontion. Thia is an auspicious time for the work of the association , B as many engrota ing toptcn , legacies of the late irnr for the union , have boon satisfactorily solved , or no longer occupy places in the foreground. An allusion was made to Herbert Spen cer , whoso proscnco hero is welcomed in the discutiions of the ntiocla- tion. Ho has come to nee for himself , to study the broad empire of dcmoc racy , of which ho has heard to much ; to test by ocular demonstration the truth of what Kugland has boon say ing about America and what America tins boasted of itnulf. Wo welcome him to these far-stretching lands. POL.FTIOAL NOTES. for Cronuio. BprcUl DliivVch to lint HKR , BLUR , Neb. , September 4. ington county gees largely for Crouuso. The Ho * * nf Cnllfornla. lnpttch to 1 ni Dim. OiiiiiAoo , September 4 The Times editor.nlly sajs : Thi > boss of Califor nia is Pnge , chairman of the commit' tee which managed the river and liar- lx > r bill , and the man who attempted to boss the president while the latter liad that job under consideration. Page , it is said , controls the patronage of the San Francisco cuntoin house , mid other important cilices , doling nit a few small places to Senator Miler - er to keep peace in thu republican 'amlly. I Ho has recently strengthened us hold on the magazine by an ap propriation of $200,000 secured fur uiprovomont at thu Oakland harbor which is in his district. This is the entering wedge for greater outlajB , and a rihg has boon formed to work , ho job tor all it Is worth. A corres- KJiutont nt San Francisco says : "Tho president's duty now is to direct the secretary of war to invest- ! ; atu thu right of the United States to o the bed of the estuary and training walls of the Oakland harbor before a lollar of the lecent appropriation is j xpcndod. If this duly is omitted I'.igu and the rini ; will got a foothold dilticult to remove. Secretary Lin coln c.ui't bo too careful in this respect - spoct , for ho will bo held responsible if the jobbery should succeed. " Page'a duplicity in congress and his mo motives aru well understood in California , and his insolence to the president has disgusted respectable ropublic.ina all over the state. A re volt is threatened and P.igo may tinn- nlo into an abyss , which at present fawns for political bosses of iiovoral ether states in the union. MUconrl RopiiliHoaun. Special Dispatch to In J linn. KANSAS CITY , Soptombcr 4. The Journal will to-morrow publish a card signed by six members of the republi can state central committee , uniting in a call for a republican state conven tion at Joflbraon City on the 20th in at. The card states that the signers do not acquictca in the decision of the ma jority of the committee that a conven tion shall not bo hold , for the reason that thpy are aatisfiod an overwhelm ing mnjority "demand that nujh o volition bo held. Soldier * Reunion. Hpcclal Ulnpatcli to TIIK lliti. SKIIALIA , Mo. , September 4. Col. Jasper P. Moss , vice president of the uoluiera and sailors atsociatioi in the west , and vice presi dent of the committee having charge of arrangements for the reunions o federal Boldiom and sailors to bo huh at Topeka , Kuimns , during the fair from September llth to Iti'.h , him BOH to Gen. Jas. Mainmduko , presidon of thu ox confederate association o Missouri , H very cordial and patriotic invitation to ex-confederate men o Missouri , Texan and Arkansas to at tend thu reunion , atuuring him tlm he and his comrades will he wannl ; welcomed and bo araignedu fullahuroii thu exercin < 'a un thu occasion , Gen Murmadnko hup , in response lo urn in acknowledgment of thu invitation lEeiioil a circular to all ox-confederates of the states named , returning thank in their behalf and urging all win possibly can to attend the mooting it that npirit of good soldier fellowahi ] and true patnotiHin which prompte < the invitation. Knilranil Tnzoi. KpttlU llliatili | to Tim lllt PORTLANII , Me , , September 4. Luxal proceedings were communuut to day by Atlornoy-Gunoia ! Cleaves ugaiiiat the Grand Trunk railway com piny of Canada , lo compel payment o : tux en due thu atutu from that corpora tion , Damages laid at $ . ' 10,000 , Ml-noiirl republicans hnvii derided not ti linlil a iiini t'litinii , hut nnpjiiiit the hide. pumlunt tlclfut , TdB DADAHDWiHTHLESS ( _ _ Are novur imitated or counterfeited Thia is eapeciully truu of n family medicine , and it iu positive proof that thu remedy imitated ia of the highoat vuluu. As aoon no it hud been tested mid proved by thu whole world that Hop Hitters wns thu purest , beat and most valuable family medicine on jarth , many imitations uprung up und liegnn to Btt'ul the noticeu in which the pruas and people of the country : iad expressed the merits of H , 15 , , ind in every way trying to induce suf. fcring invalids io use their stuli' in stead , expecting to make money on the credit und good namu of H. 1) ) , Many others started noBlrums put up in similar style lo H. H , with van- oualy devued namis in which thu word "Hop" ov ' 'Hops" wore used in i way to induce puuplu to believe they were the eamu us Hop liittera , All such pretended remediea or curea , no matter wliut their atylo or iiumu is , mil enpidally these with thu word "Hop" or "Hops" in their naino or in any way connictud with them or their name , uro imitations or counterfeits Ituwaro of them. Touch none of .horn. Uee nothing but genuine Hop Jiittora , with u Bunch or cluster of jreon Hops on the white label. Trust nothing elau. Druguists and dealers ire warned against dealing hi iuiita- tious or counterfeiU. A WABASH FEEDER , The Gould Syndicate Captures the Hannibal at 42 , A Trifla Over 'hree Millions Paid for the "Old Reliable. " The Barllnnton People Indifferent Abont the Fnrohiuo. The Snlo of tko Hnanibnl. il Ilmpttcli to lint llm NKW YORK , September 4. The Graphic says : "Ninety thousand iharo.s of Hannibal common , bought jy the Gould syndicate , wore pur chased at 42. The Burlington road md made a previous oll'or of 40 for : ho stock , which was refused by the brokers , who were carrying Mr. Dull" , and this resulted in negotiations bu- ween Connor and Dluoduood. It is believed that for the $3,780,000 in volved in the purcliAsu , the interest will bo turned over to the Wabash company , in return for bonds to that amount bearing live per cent interest. At thin figure the purchase is unques tionably a good one for the Wabiisli company , us the road is receiving in untals for the use of the tracks from .ho Rock Island company and Bur- ington it Quincy an amount exceed- ng the interest on the purchase nouoy. " Porter's Pointi. Spochl Dispatch lo Tim Hill OIIIUAUO , September ! . At the general offices of the Chicago , Bur lington it Quincy hero no news baa been received of the purchase of the Hannibnl it Si. Joe railroad. The officials stated to your reporter late this afternoon that if the report was true it , will in no way nllVct Hurling- ton's business. The 0. B. it Q In tends building a now line from Brown ing on the B. & S. W. to IvHiiuas City , a distance of 105 miles. Tnis will give them the choitiat line between here ai'd Kaunas City , nuiking the total distance 47 i mtlus. Thu distances now from Cluc.iijO to Kansna City by the different cnmpotjni. ' roado inv ns follows : Via 0. It. it Q. . and H. it St. . .Too18 , ! ) mile * ; via 0. R. I iV P. . 522 milt * ; via W. St. L. it P , 013 milw ; via hicago it Alton , -18 ! ) miles ; via C. 15. it Q , and K. O. Si. J. it 0 B.,502 .mien. The dintances frnm Chicago ; o Atchison are : Via 0 B it Q , and K. 0. St. J. & 0. B , 525 ; via 0. R. it P , 520 ; via Chicago it Alton , 337 ; via \Vabsh , COG. D stances between tweon here and St. Joseph , via 0. B. it Q , and II. it St. J. . 401) ) ; via 0. B. & Q , and K 0. , 500 ; via W tRsh , V14 : via 0. it A. , and 1C 0. , 557 ; via R. I. , G02. Tiolfut Boalpori- Hptclal PUpatch lu Til * 11 . ST. Louis , September 4. Several Kansas City railroad officials ore hero votttr.tii-R"tlnjr [ ( C3iit t. uu t > f bog 1 ' tickets by youittf Ross of that city. They claim to have evidence thatnomo of the scalpers hero know of Ross * transactions and were in with him , but no definite information can bo obtained yet regarding the matter. It in likely that one or more arrests will bo mudu hero Until that i * done no otatement of the cane cm be got. Catarrh of the Oladdor Stinging irritation , ii.lUtninaHorr , all Kidney and Urinary complainlB , uriMl by "Binhuoiibi , " . § 1 Murk Thin ! I' nn tin em i hrirf the nluiiiiili mill UK nenr r.I lo" , ho llvor u il tlm l.owils , (1 | > inlihy lul lu lilian > l iluir vmot Inti In ( t. K triune niifiiiH aru Imctivu ur In a ulatnof liritj-toii.tlii ) to Inir , ro iilatlntr , no ith. liiKlnlliieiuui.l Tjrr.nnulizui AHT | O'H In ur- Ktnlly ruiulrul. IriOM ) I1Y AI.Ii mjltflO'STS BIIOWN I.LIIAM.HKMl.VAUVKO. YOUNO I.AIlIiH , ( lintlm , cll mil term \ < rgiui hutiir'tt ' ) , H ptumhor III h. Tlm now l.ulldin will lie ro dy to reccltii Iiouiilera at hat itutu. I'lijillj who may lmiiu > lij | to enter tno onll > ary cour owlll | ju iilmlful to tlio mil In palntlnjr or m d rnlitiituii , " ! lUti-n n Ilio aiuo ttnn , at il at Iho at > it > ritoi > regular | iunl | , I'oi cualo < Ui ami i arttcti urn a ) ply lo uiv. : uoiiKiiT iioiiKurv , It OIIT > - Id b VVIM KJS' C SPEOHT , - - Propriotnr. . 12 Harnoy n. - Omrlia , Nob. UANUFACnUKKUS > > ! ' Iron , CO UNICES , DORMER \V1NDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , fred and iSlatEoofiug , u'oht'a Patent Mot.kliu Si.yhgiit. Patent Adjusted lUtuhet Bar * and Bracket Shelving. 1 am tlm genurul agent tor the ' above line of goods. Ualuttradgi , Vor , ida , iOmco and Dink II lllnj ; , Window and Of Her , Quardi ; ilia UKNliKAl , AUKNT Ti'jutuhcironi wtuton by hf , ° 'UffE ) ! Jeb'so Janios u only Hid .uitliotlicd .j her , Anil whlcL Mill .ot bo a "UlooJ ami ter" utory , Jth ad hag mill lll o tl imiihoil , but a true Ufa by the only p ruoiitlio In In paxnot.laa of the facta - * 111 lilul ami du\otcil wife. Tnitli U inorj ttintitiui ; than Uctton , A onts eltoulU apply lor territory at otuu 8jnd 75 ct , for Bam- pie Book. J.H.Ohamborb&Co. . " ' " on--- " St Ioaln. ' / . . PIPER HEIDSIEGK CIGARS. OHAMPAUNE FLAVOR , The bunt lu the country ; ( or ttiu money. M. A. McNamara , 8OX.B AGENT ! Nj. 21-1 8. Fourteenth Btroot Omaha