Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    * I.
. J ' /
NEW YORK , September 2.
Monty-2J@ ? per cent. ; o'os d at 2J pei
Prlmo Mercantile Paper oJ@Cl fti
Sterling ExohanRe Bankers' \i\Kr \ ,
.8oJ ; demand , ! . & ) .
Government * irregular ; lock * opened a
traction lower than at clofe yestmlaj' . In
atlj trade the market , Although dull , WAI
utronc , and prices recorded nn advance o
p r cent , do-ing dull but generally
fit J@3J per cent , higher.
YeiImltr. To d y
101 ir
Coupons 112 1183
I'acific'C'i ol im. ISO" 130
Y Adatnft Expreiw 141 in
I Altoii & Terre Haute 40 40
V' do pfd. . . . 80 KO
American Express. . ! ' * >
Burl. . Cedar lU [ > lds & , North hi 811
Cnoadrt Southern 63 C39
Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central..113 ]
Central Patifiu 93
Chesapeake It Ohio S3j
do 1st pfd. . . 37
di 2d pld. . . 25
Chicago & Alton 138 138
do pfd 110 im
Chi. , Hurl. A ; Quincy 13G i :
Chi. , St. UNew Orleans. . 76 CG
Clu. . Smd , & Cleveland 53
Clere. , Cot. & Cmcluuiiti. . . . 0
Delaware & Hudson canal , . . . ' 15
Del. , Lack. & WeHtern 8
Denrer & Klo Urando. I 58
Brio 39j 39J
do pfd 81 SO
Port Wayne & Chicago 13U 138
Hnnnlbil & St. Joeeph 81 85
do pfd. . . 93\ \ 07
Harlem 2J5 205
IU iton&Tux a Central , . . . 82
Ihiu-ln Crmral 13'4
Ind. , Ulnntii. & Western -tSj
Kama' ) fi Ttxis KS ?
l akd Erie k Wfter
Iako Shore & Michigan So. . .112i
lxulavrlle k Nashville . 72
liOuKv. , New Alb. & Chicago 71
aiaiiett i & Cinciuuati Ixt pfd 15
do 2d jifd CJ
i & , Charleston . 55
n Ontral . 08J
rl P..ciic ( . 108S Tt'J
& Ohi . 2l'J
> lorrU& E sex . 20 j
Is'.uli 'lli ! ix Ctiattanooga . ( i'J
J ew .ler i y Central . 7 i 79J
Norfoln ic v\'ettrn . f > Ti '
Northern Pacific . 60g 5'j
do pfd . 19L'i
Northwestern . 147i
do pfd . I'0 ' 170
New York Central . 131 131
Ohio Centr-d . 17J
Ohio & Mississippi . 884
do pfd . 10. )
Ontario & Western . 12 ( ! |
PrtCilic Mall . 4 > i
Panama . 107
Peoiiu , Decatur& Evansv. . . 35J
Plttabnrg & Cleveland . 138 13'J
Keating . G1J
aitxsk Island . 13G
St. Louis & San Fran . 39 | 39J
do pfd. . . . ( > Si
do 1st pfd 97
.St. .Paul & Milwaukee . 1211
do pfd. . . 1H9J lily
St. ( Paul. Minn. A Manitoba. 14G
St. Paul & Omaha . 5IS
do pfd . 11B4
Texan * Pacific . 5H
Union Pacitic . 11 Gi 111 !
United States Expr ea . 71
Wubash , St. Ij. & Pucific. . . . 371 378
do pfd. G7 07
Well' , Fargo & Co. Express. 1301
Wostnrn Union Telegraph. . . DOJ 03
Kisl Tcnneaseo . 11
do pfd . 18\ \
CariboH . . . : . lj
Central Arizona . §
Excelsior . 1
llomestnke . 1S1
J.ittlo PiUBburg . 1
Ontario . 3i ;
Quicksilver . 10
do pfd . -15) )
SilvorCliff. . . ' }
iStandard . 7J
Sutro . .1
Kobiuaon . 1
South d'acific . 11
Minneapolis & Si. Louis . : HJ ;
ilo pTd. G7V
0/TereJ. /
Haturd v Evening , Seplsmberf. f
No ohacgc reported in the-aiajkotlK-lay
Local Grain Ocnllnui.
\7TIEAT.-Caflh No. J.TIB ; cai h No ,
. 72'.c : rejected , 57ic.
-MLEY. Cash No. 2 , ,77c ; Kir. 3
. . (
- V'E. Cash , 53 = .
' ' -HN. No. 2 , Cos.
VIS. Cash , 30.- .
STKrflJ'J PP.IUKS-Coru , ( ! 5gj70 ( > fc
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOiS-40,1iriOj ; , per bin-hel.
ONIONS 50 ( 750 per bue-'iel.
NEW TOr.lATOKS-3c per Ib.
UUTTEU Chnioo country , 12 1,0.
KUS lCCa17c. !
HONBY Califorjin , pri Ib. 22e. }
APPLEt5--Per barrel , § 2 50 > 275
C > 1V IKOPES Per dcj-on. tOc@l rO
OYSI KIJS-S loct , ( Wo p. r can
WATEK.\1L'LONS-P 100,815005
IIS 00 ,
PEAKS-Calif ornli , $3 00@3Ji.
PLUMS-California , 2 35 ( 2 50.
iGUAI'KS California. S2 25ni ) 50.
LEMONS - 5 50@G 00 per bor.
Grocers' List.
u1 LOUIJ .Tcbnint' price" , .Tuck l'"r. .
St. L-IUIH ) SI 21 per 100 Ibs. ; To-
ip ki Patent l aasa , SI 00 ; Mianehaha
Minnesota Putout § 1.25 } Sliuwnoe l''ancj '
"wnter , S3.3. " . ; iHBBlc , XXXX winter ,
S3.2Q ; 'liiumph Fprlnj ; , ba > t , * J.-'o ; Chrts-
tiurl'ii tuprlativ < } , . < lu.
" > JJ.\.AS imptned German 220 per
HUG Alia-Cnt loaf. ] 0Crunhod ; ,
JOie ; Granulated , 'Jfc ; PoiviternrJ , lOi'c
Kiue i wderod , lie ; Standard Co'Jivj A.
° . > ° ! . "ew Yorfc Cuafcctioricr a ritaadarc
A , Kg : ; Prairie Ilrtra C , Sfe.
S v ItfTPH. Sutjar Bouse , on F. C5c ; ha ! .
ola , 57q ; kegH , 4 rjnns. 2 GO ; choice
tibia ayrap15c ; half bbls , f ; kegi,52 30.
BJc ; Com Starch , 8c ; Ev oBlorGfiobfl ) ,
7o } Corp. 7ic.
Cloves , 40c' } Nutmeg , 8/00 ; Ciwdu2 ' 50 !
Aince 61 00.
, To ; family 10 Ib kite , 10A'o , 1 white
nsh'J01btf bbls , G 23 ; No. 1 white fish ,
lulOlbWto , J5o ; Now Holland he.trini ; ,
per keg , 1 35 ; Uusslan eardinoa , 75c ; Co-
mi"bia ' river Milmon , p r 100 lb , 8 CO ;
Gcorgo'a Bank codfiah , Gc ; Gen. bon * ,
l6s codfiehfe ; bonolehs fi b , 6Jc. 4
FlIICU-.Tobbios price * , Chop feed ,
SI. TO perlOOlba. ; chop coru , Sl.'W ; bran ,
70k- per 10) Ib-i.
O11EKS3 Full Cieaui , 12s ; i'urt
Sklui , U'i ' : .
CUFA-'Ji E. llioAir / , He ; Hlo , dod
Ja Itio , pili , e to cboicu , 12 Ju ; Old gov't
va ; Will J , . I Mocha , USic ; Arbuckle' ,
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45 65 ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 4045c ;
t , t0fe75c ! ; Young Hy < on , good , 3C@
COo ; choice , 05c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
S5c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c | Oolong , goi-d ,
B5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 4055 ( Souchong ,
ood. 35&10c : choice , 35 < 345c.
NEW J'ICKLEB-Medium , in barrel ,
$9 CO ; do ' .a bt \ bbla , 6 2.1 ; smalli , In bbla ,
11 00 do , iit half blila. 7 00 ; gherkins , In
bsb. 13 Of . do , In half obi * . J 00.
> VMTJENWAUK Two boon psllf ,
1 O.'n ' .hive hoop pallu , 3 20. Tubs No.
; 1'i'tper wuhbonrds , 1 85
i 2 aO : Wollbuckets , S CO.
tiKAll Uar , $1 65.
VINKGAK Pnro Apple" extra , 16oi
fare Apple , 18c ; Pni * inor uure ftuula , IGc ,
MEATS Hams 15Jbrrt1cf ; < t bacon ,
15'cjclfnr flilo bicnn , loje ; dryMlt bacon ,
14 [ ; chou'dorc , HJc ; tierce lard , 1S { .
jlOPK Sisal , i inch and larger ,
IJinch , HJc.
( Field's ) , per CMC , 84 00 ; do 1 It > ( Field's ) ,
per care , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 75. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
180. TnmatotKs 2 SO ; do 3 Ib pel
cftse. 2 85 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain !
per uu-e , 310 ; nosked corn , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 315 ;
string l > eanj , per cao , 2 10 ; Lima Iioims
per case , 1 85 , Sliccutfth per case. 2 00 ,
Pea * , common , per case , 2 00 ; pca. % choice ,
per caat',2 ,70. Blackberries , U Ib , per case ,
22J ; strawbnrrioB , 2 Ib , pr ca o , 2 GC ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per CMC , 3 50 , D.nn.
sons , 2 Ib , per cas-e , 2 45 , Uartlctt
pom a per case , 3 00 © I TO. Whortleberries
| Mjr case , 240. Egg pltun3,2 Ib perd-an1 75 ;
Grocn cage" , " Ib per case , 2 75 ; do choice , "
Ib | ior case 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , | > er case ,
I OOfeSo 75. Peaches , 2 Hi per caw , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 4 50@5 00 ; ao , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
oaho.2f > 0 ; do pic , 0 Ib , per down , 3 M ) .
SALT. Uray loaitj. per bbl , 1 to ; Ah-
ion. In B.V ! ks , 3 50 ; bbln dalrr W ) . 5 , 3 CO
HOMIMY-Ncw , * 4 50 per bbl.
SODA DwlRht's Ibpnpere , 0285 ; Ie
end do , ti So ; Church's , 3.1 85 ; Keg eoda ,
CANDLES Boios , 40 Ib , 1C oz , Ce
15cboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , Og , 15r ,
KICE Carolina , 7i@Sc ; Louisiana , 7
@ 8c ; fair , 6@GJ.
MATCHES-Per caddie , 05 ; ; round ,
CAICB , ( S 10 ; simarr , canes , $541) ) .
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 4"i ;
Kirk's satimtt , 3 GO ; Kirk'a utaudani. 3 75 ;
ICIrk'H white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's
Eutoca , 2 IB Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
,100 cakes ) , 10 ; Kiili's magnolia , 4 3ft
POTASH Pennsylvania , 4 doz , ,
in cn c , 3 So ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case ,
I 90 ; Anchor Bill 2 doz in cwc. 160.
FIELD SEED Hcd clover , choice
now , $5 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. 87 00 ; white clover , now , $14 00 ;
11 alts clot er , now , $12 50 ; nlmko , nmv ,
C4300. Timothy , good , now , 3 00 ,
blue gTRDfl , extra clean , ? 1 50 ; blue grassi ,
clean , Cl 25 ; orchard grass 82 50 ; red tup ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mi'wourl ,
SOc ; millet , German , 3100 lo 8125 ;
Hungarian , SOc.
HEDUKSEED OERRO or.vwe , 1 to . ' ,
biiEhels , ? "i CO ; oaago orange , 10 mi ch or
over , ? ! 50 ; houoy locust , per IK , S.'ic ; per
MACKEREL Unit bbls mcaBtnnckerol ,
lOOlba , ? 1250 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shorn do ,
100 lbn , 0 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibi , 0 00 ; mobs mackerel , 12 Ib Kits , Z 25 ;
No. 1 ex eboro , 12 Ib do , 150 ; No. 1 ohoro ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 7oc.
PEANUTS ItoaHtod , choice , red Ten-
newec , 1'icper ' Ib ; fancy white , lOic per'bj '
raw white Virsinia row , lOc ;
Dry Qoodi.
BHOWN COTTONS Atlr.ctie A. 8Jcj
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , 8Jc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
74c ; ChittcnanRo A. GJc ; lirmt Falls E ,
Sic ; Hoohier , GJc ; Honest Width , 8Jc. In
dian Head A , 8ic ; Indian Standard A ,
BJc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8 c ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jc ; Pequot A , BJc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 54c ; Wachus-
ett B , 7ic ; do A , SJc ; do E 48 , 12Jc ; Wai-
cott 1JB. 8Jc.
4-4 ; 7Jc ; Mllgator 3-4 , Sc ; A rgylo 4-4 , 72c ;
Atlantic LU GJc ; Badper State X 4-1 , 7c ;
Bcnnington 0 4-4 , GJc ; BuekcyoS. 4.4 , fijcc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconia O
39 , 8Kc ; Lchich E 4-4 , UJc ; Lonndale 4-4 ,
lOc ; I'eppercll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do li
36. 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8ic ; Pocaaset O 4-1 , 72c ;
Wamsutta4-4 13o
cin L 4-4,9JcBlackstoneAA ; irrperial 8c |
do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,85 ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9icFruit ; of thoLoom , 10 ; do
can.bric4.4,13cdoWaterTwJ8t,101cGroat ;
FalbiQ.lOic ; Indian Head shrunk 4-J , 12o :
Lonsdale , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; Now
York Milk , 12ic ; PenuotVWc } Pcpperel
N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontaa 1-4 , OJc ;
Pooasset 4-1 , 81c ; Utico , lie ; Waimratta
O X X. 12Jc.
UoCKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown ,
He ; do C , drab. Us : do X- > - stripes and
plaids , I'-Jc ; do XXX bro-.yn and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Brunswick brown , SJe ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Kivei
brown , extra heavy , ll c ; Indiana A
brown i : < < " Neooneet A brown. 15c.
TiCKijNlia Amosliear ; A v ) A 32
Iflc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowacca ,
9Jc- ; Claremont B B. 15Jc ; Couestoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , llio Lewiston .1
80 , Ifc ; Minnehaha 4-4. 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl Hiver 32 , IGic ; Put-
imm XX blue ntrij > c , 12o ; Shetuckot S
lOJc : do SS 12c ; Yeomnn'a blue 29 , 9o
DliNIMS. Amnal-eak , blue and bro nn
IGic ; Andnvcr DD blue , 15Jc ; Arllng X
blue ficotch , ISJc ; Concord 000 , blue aw
browj > , i2Jc ; do AAA , do do 1SJ ; do XXto
do do 1-Uc ; Hayinaker'o blue and brown ,
H4c ; irystio Klver Dl ) stripe , IGic ; I'eail
Hiver , blue and brown , IGo ; Uucaavillo ,
blue and brown , 14c.
CA11BIUCS Barnard , 5ic ; Eddystone
lining , 24 inch double , 8Jo ; Garner A
glazed , 5 > c ; Manhattan glove finisb , 5Jc ;
Newpftdo Gc ; doglaajd , Tijc ; Pequot do
5c ; Ij < iulwood kid finiah lie.
COUSET JEANS Amorv , Sc : Andros
coggin catteen , fcjc ; f'larcndcu , t'JcCone ; ?
o ga Er.Ucenp , 7lc ; Ilallawel , 8c ; Indl i
Orchard 7Jc ; Narrjausettinprovcdc ;
PfipjieriU Hattwn 94n ; llockport , 7i&
i'HIIlTS Aliens , 6jc | ; American , CJc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , -It'c ; Cocheco , 7c ;
ihto i. GJc ; Duultirlc , 44'c ; Dunnoll ,
64@7c ; Kddyutone. 7c : OlouceitUr , Co ,
Harmoay , fijc ; JCnickerbcclicr , Giu ; Bier-
rlmac 1) , 7c ; Myutiu , fijc ; , Gc ;
SouthlirKliro , Co ; d < > . Giu/bamB , 7c ; Marl-
boro. Me ; Urientnl Gio.
GINGKABia Am-mUsari 12io ; Amoi.
kca ? drees ! J' ArifylQi 30V : : Atlantic ,
Itc ; Ciunb-'iland , 7ic ; .Highland , 7 e ;
Kenllworth , Sic ; Plun Uelt , lOJc ; tins
AhbarvHla 13io
Agate , -iOc ; Aiiieric&n. 11" ! Aithlan , 20o ;
Cairo 1) ul T , 13Jc ; Oliirion r > i .d T ,
17ic ; Deocun < * . atrica | DandT , 1C ; ; Ke
etoac , IHJi. ; < imtui.ket , ISo ; Nunparei
IGo ; Ocean I ) Mid T , 13jc ; Uoyal , > 3i
Susac-x , 12c ; TJ-ca. 12Jc ; Wnohusett
in ? Jbockn. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , ISJc ; York.
plain Nnnkin , lajc ; do , chetku , atripes and
fwicy. 12 o : do. 6o20o. .
HJ ili TI NGS AndroBCOMtln UM,27ici
do 9-4 , 2e ! ; do 8-J , 22c ; OintlaonUl C
lie ; Fruit of tte I/win 10-4 , 74 ; Now
s ; do 78 , SOc ; do .M , 22c ;
Pembroke 10-4 , "
y. | , I'Jc ; do < ,
do C7.21c ; do , . , ,
, 22Jo ; do 48,17c
Olctr * und Tobacco * .
CIGARS. ( eed , * 15.00 ; Connoellcut ,
fSOLfiO ; Clearli vana , $7fi.OO.
TOHACCO PLUG. Goldcu Rale ,
21 Ib , b'Oc ; Our Jiopo , first quality , 62c ;
Sonr , i-oundfl , 2J Ib , buttJ.b'Cc ; ilurwi fchix- ,
panvA24 Ib , Itt * , GOO'Jt VAfe. '
PI I- . , 21 IN Inifji , uO ; Ar' < y . . 1 > u ,
) Kuni ) , 65o ; Bcaiioa.jjpoundj , OUc ; Lorit.
lard'e Cliioax , pounds , GOs.
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat !
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; rountaln , 0c ,
Favorite , fJrx ! ; Ilocty Mountnm , Wo :
Fancy , Me ; Daisy , DOc. In tin foil
Cntllnn O. B. , 5 Ib bux < w , per Ib G3c ; Lori-
lllwd'n UVer , GJc ; Diunond Cnjwn , Gic. (
SMOKING Allu'K lfc Coramon , 25to
BSc. Gninvlatod lilackwelli Dutbun , 16
oz&lc ; Dukes Durham , 16 v4Gc ; Seal of !
North Carolina , 16 oz. 46 ; y .il of J biiw-
k , 10 oz , 38c ; Ixme Jack , 4 ez , lintu bftga
per Ib , (51.35 ; Marburga' Puck 2 01 , to
oil , J 5t ; Do < T ull Gap.
Palntt Oll > * nd VvrnUliet.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Owaha
P. P. . GlcjwhltoJcad , St. Ixrais , pure , ? < ;
Rfariellled green , 1 to 6 Ib cane , 'Ma
Fiench rinc , gi ? mecal. 12c ; French zinc ,
re/I seal , Ho ; French zinc , in varnish a * r ,
00 French zincc , In oil asal , 15c ; Haw
aod irarnt umber , 1 Ib uns 12c ; raw nnd
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 3
refined InintihluiV. 12c ; cosch bl ck , l'c ! ;
kory MM. * , IGo ; ilrop b ! : k , JGc ; Pnuslan
blur , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; ch le
gn > en , K M. & D. , 14c ; blind nnct ihutter
irreen , L. M. & D. , ICcj Paris Rrecn , ISc
Indian red , IGc ; Venetian red. 9c ; Tuicnn
drt , 22cj American Vermlllod , I. A P. , 18c }
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. A ; D 0. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c } golden ochre , 11 } patent
dryer , Sc ; Draining colon ; light oak , dark
o ct , walnut , chestuut and Mb luo.
Dry "nlntt
Vhlte lead , 6Jc ; Krcnch rlne , 10c : Pftria
whltclng 2cj whiting rihtcr" , IJc :
v > hlting com'I , lie ; lampblack ( ? crman-
town , 14c ; liinpblnck , ordinary , 10o ; Pnifl-
slan blue , 55c ; ultr.\nir.lnc , U'c ; vr.ndykc ,
brown , 8c ; tmilicr , b irnl , Ic ; umber , raw ,
tc ; ! enna , burn t , 4c ; sitnns , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , B.V ; P ris Rictn com'I
20cj chroma Rrecn , N. V. ' 20r ; clurm-
green K. , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , Amcrira , 18c ; Indinn red. lOo ,
n o pink , 14c ; vonetlcn road , Cootfon's
ttc ! vcnetlMi rod Am. , We ; re I lead , Tie :
chroma yellow , genuine , IWo : chrome yel
low , K , , 15c ; ochre , rocholls , Po ; ochre ,
I'Vench. 2fc ; othro , American , 2c ;
Winter 8 mineral. 2Jc ; lelikvl brnvrn. 2)C ) !
Spanish brown , 24c ; Prince s tsinetnl ic' )
OILS 110 * carbon , p" gallon ,
llic ; 1'fiO headlight , per ( /illon.
12c ; 17fi * headlight , per fjallon , IRc ;
linseed , raw , | > or gallon , S7 ; Un'ool , bnllo-l ,
per gallon , OOc ; Ian ) , wintei ist ' 0 , per teal-
Inn , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 8."ic : No. 2 , 7Kc ; castor ,
XXX , p < r gallon , 1 10 ; No. 8 , 1 0 < l ; s\veet ,
per gallon , S5c ; spoim , W , U. , per gallon ,
1 fhi ; fish , W. IJ. , i > rr gallon , t > 0c ; neatsfmit ,
extra , per gallon , 7oc ; Nn. 1 , Oos ; lubri
cating , rero , per pallon , 30c : mmnier , 15c ;
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3. > c ; No.
2 , SO ; ejierni , Rlgoal , per gallon , SOc ; tor-
pentlno , per gallon , f > 5c ; nnptha , 74' , per
gallon , 16c ; Ct , 17c
VAHNI31IES "tlarrels per ( rallon.
Furniture , uxtrn , 81 10 ; fmniUirc , No , 1 ,
? 1 ; conch , nxtra , $1 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 31 75 ; atian , TOc ; as-
phaltum , extra , STic ; ebcllsc * J 50 ; hard
oil finish. SI 80
PAPER Straw paper , 2jfc ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , G : ; manila pafitr , lOcj
news paper. 8c ,
Haa > Y Hardware Lilt.
Iron , ratCB , ! ? ; { 40 ; plnv stocl , tpcrlal
ca t , 7c ; crucible , fc ; npeclalurUcrmanCc ;
cast tool do. lo'JO wuron npokos , set.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 23 : felloes , sawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , eai.Ii , 70fiflc ; nxleo ,
each , 70c ; wimire nuti ) , per Hi , 7llc ;
washerr. per Ib. E@18c ; rlvot.s , per Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , G@l''c ; tnallpablc , He ;
Iron wedpes , Cc ; crowbars , (5a ( ; barrow
teeth , 4c ; horaeshocii , per kerf , ! > CO ; iipilng
stocl. 7&.Sc ; liurdeu's horaoihoca , 5 TiU ;
Burden's mulc hocs , li 50.
SHOT. Knot , ? l.b5 ; Uuofc nhnt , ? 2.1C-
OrientiJ Powdrr , kofrs.JOs do. , half
kcga. 33.48 ; do. , miarterkot ; * , 81.8S ; Ulaat-
bs. lioes. $3 85 : Fune. uj-r 100 fcot Wo.
UAi.BEU WIIJIJ In car lot',8 3'J per
100 ; in le a Mian car lots. 8 B5 per 103.
NAlLS-Ilatca. 10 to Coy , 4 3J ,
Lex her
Onk Hole , HSc to12c ; hemlock r.u'.o , t8c ! to
3ic ! ; hoiiMock kip. SOc to 100 ; rnunsr ,
bT > o lo SOc ; hsmlock c.df , BCo to 120 ; hum-
lock upper , 23c tn 23c ; oa u > per , 2-lc ;
alliKstnr 00 to u 50 ; cnlf bid , 32 < Lsi. : " > c ;
Groisen kid , 250 to 2 75 } oat kip , SOc to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 J.i ; French liip
110 to 1 fiS ; Ficnch calf , 1 2S to 2 CO ; rua
BOtts , 5 fiO * AI 7 50 ; linings , C 00 to 10 50
topi'ings , 0 00 to 10 GO ; ] 1 L. Murocoo , SOc
to SM ; pebble O , D. Morocco , S.'ic ; einicn ;
2r-OtoiOO. :
1IAHNESS Nol etar oalt-12c ; No 2
do , yc ; No. 1 Ohio oalr , 3Sc ; No. 2 do ,
33c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , Sic.
Horse * and Mulca.
Tlio market is brisk and nil grades are
aelllnz well at slight advuuco lu p > ico3.
The demand for peed horsc-a exceeds the
etipply coueidoramy. 1'rlcea range aa fcl
lows :
Fine single drivers. ? lf 0. to .TOO. ; Extra
draft horses , 8175. to 225. ; ' Common drait
hornaa , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm hcricu ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horues
8UO. to 8100. ; Extra plugii , OCO. to 75. ;
Common pluga , 520. to 8-10.
MULES. 15 to 15 * haudn ( extra ) , 8125.
to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , S1CO. to 140. ;
14 to 14 $ hands , 075. to 100. ; ISi to 14
hands , 300. to 75.
LI uora.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 226 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 20 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits.
167 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; ro-dihtillcd
wtiakies , 1 00@1 50 ; Hue blended , 1 50@
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200700 ; IC-n-
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryw , 2 L0(3 ( < 7 00
BftAinMliiS Inifjorted , C'ii OOglO 00 }
dctneatlc 1 < 04 00.
GINS Imported , 4 5C i6 00 ; doiuostic ,
1 iOO3 CO.
RUMS Imported , 4 fXtftlfl 00 ; Now
Enfflnnd. 200K4 00 ; dnm--fic. 1 603 50
175 © SCO.
CHAMPAGNES Imrottotl per ca e ,
2SOO31 OjAmstb a. case , 1200i5 (
1C 00 ,
CLAEETS Per case , 4 EO@1B 00
WINES llhice wlno , per cace , G 00 ®
20 00 ; Cattwlm , jior case , 4 00@7 00.
Wo ( jnoto lumticr , ntn and uhlnglos on :
are at Omaha nt the following priceo ;
umler , S21 00 ; IS ft. , S22'GO.
T1M15I1U.S 10 ft. nnd under. S22 00.
TIMliEKAND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 Of ;
1C ft. 524 CC , 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 21 ft.27 fit ) !
KKNOINC , No. 1 , 4 acd G in. , 82i ! 00 ;
No. 2 , S20 HO.
SHEKT-ING No. 1 (2nd ( ccmmrei
boards ) 16 f,0 ; No. 2 , 817 00.
STOCK ISOAlinS , 12-In. D , 523 CO ;
2-w. C , 8.S5 00 ; 12-in. B , iJ-10 00.
LIME I'erbairel , 5115 ; bulk po
S."io CoJiiont , bbl , § 1 7o. Inwn jtl ,
bbl , 32 fiO. Hair per Lu , 5o. Tarrwl
felt 100 Ibs. 83 00. Straw board. S3 CC.
( XliUr OumberlanU hlacliHjiiitii , 12 ;
Monii Kun Ulnhsbiirg , 812 ; Whitobrcnbt
lump , 50 f 0 ; Whitebrcaut uut , 5-6 50 ; IOITB
i , SG50Iov/a ; uut ? 15oO ; UockSprlnc ,
J3thracite. nil ni7cSil OCI ,
OnrbuUc , 60 ; Aold , TarUrk , OOc ; , per Ib , i'Oc ; liarl : , SaHiialraH , per
Ib , 14a ; Calomel , per Ib , 7ic ; Cinchonidni ,
per net 611C ; Chloroform , par Ib. 1 CO ;
Dover' * Jkiwrtorfc , per Ib , Cl 40 ; jipicn
ssltn , p-rlb , Jo ; Olycttiino , pmc , per Hi ,
38c ; Lend , Acdtato , [ Kir Ib , 2-lc
Oil , Cittor , No. 1 , per -ral , " 1 Hi ;
Oil , CWtor , Vo.i : , per SAlSlOO ; Oil ;
Morphine , per or , 3. ) Ms Xr.lpnur dour
per Ib , 4o ; blrvcLiIno. not oz , 81 3(5 ( ,
Wool ,
Merino uutraa ed , lii/br , Mi' ( So ; henvy.c ,
© ISJBt ; medium unw.v.hoJ'lfjut , IH'Sj'JO
wafhod , choice , B2a ; fulr , Bte ; tnb-dinfr ,' ' w , , 2as ; hurry , blaokiud cotlol wool
Hldei fur * , Etc.
HIDK.S-.roon butcher's bide , CO7o
cured 80 ; hidea , gro } salt , part cured 7fo
hidefl , 74c } dry ( lint , sound. ISs&llc ; djy
calf and k/p , 12@14c ; dry nalt hWis.Houml ,
lO illc ; grooa calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibu. . lOftlllc ;
gtuon call , wt , under llw , pet akin , & 0r >
; reeu i > elt3 , fXl ) 25 ; green lamb okins ,
.l 25 ( Sl 60 ; damaged lildes , two-third raU- ,
nit scored and ona yrub. clamo-I t vl
tUrdn r.ito , ) bruiJeil hiduB 10 per osot. off.
C.oii Hkiiifl , Wo. 1 , 4Sc ; Jfo. 2 , : tOc ; I 'o. 3 ,
, ' , ; ? ' . . . IOc. Mi'ik , KM 1 , -Jo ; Wo. / ,
dt ? , fiu , ii , ICci ilu.i , ( " ; ; , i''o _ , K ' . 1 ,
CCo ; No. 2 , 2oc. Skunk , No. J , Lto = k ,
> ' : c } hortstrli , iQr ; nar/ow stripe 2ftc ;
Lircoi tr/iM > , Kh. Tallow 7c ,
tit , jTodriou. *
ST. Louis , September 2.
WhesA l/jwer but IiiwN ; . 2 roil , 07J ®
d-i o fur cauh ; 'J7tAJ7l < : lor SeiHembei ;
l < J c fr I ctobuij : 8jo fur November ;
j'lo f > ' Wcceinburi ' . „ i tot the jo.ii ;
No 3 Ulf" J21c ; No. 4 , b7iu fcSjo
Corn D cliiit-il rharply luader fine
weather and ( 'uocl crngi | iroiuctd [ ; G5o fur
cash ; CO ) fnr October ; .V-jji for November ;
rwfurthyair ; i2j for Mayj bciui ; a '
dropuf i-ii'Jo |
Ofctn J/iwcrj 3lc for c-adh and Septem
ber ; 31go for OUober } 31c fur the year.
live l/jwer ; 02k bid.
Whl ky l 1'J
P rk Quiet ; jobbing. 22 30g/22 / 4D.
JJau n Strjugj ihuutiier. < , 1105 ; Met.
14 M&lft 40.
I21VJ ,
CittCAno .Sptftnbfr2.
lt ceipts for the ecli Flour , 10,000
b'-ls. ; wheat , I2.'i700) bu. ; corn. l.-'O.- . )
OlO bit. ; nMf , l/iAI.OOi ) Im : ryp. 80,000 bu ;
barley , 22 WO bn Coinptrrd with la t
ft'ir tbe e tect-lpts wcro alx'til half for
llur , a uufirtcr of a million tn < ro for
whtmt , lls tln > > - hhH fnr coin , ftlul four
times greater fnr o.\ti. Tlio rhipmei'ts fall
bslon- thrccelnts un e ery B tide , > n thil
the slocke hero incren-eil ibout n million
and a quarlf r. On Um 31 t of Angint
t'n're Mere boio 140 0 0 barteU of | m k
an I 101,000 ticrcni uf laixl , be njf i ' 'mit the
simp ai t'il ' t me l ttnr , t'Ut ab 'it 2. "
per cent l < f Ih h A month Ago.
Wheat l'n p'lli"1 and Keuerally 1 i rr ;
uUr , IW i. ' ON ; for September ; ! ' ( ' . ) ' ( ?
jc for 0 > , to i ; .Irtjc Inr Novembfi ; H-Jo
f..i the year ; No. 2 rd winter , 1 ill for
c.inh amt September ; No. 2 sirmtrl / > ilc for
cath ; tl'Jilir Ketpinber | : ; Wt ti fnr Octo
ber ; No. II fprintr , lU > c.
0 .rn . Actne , Lut lower ; 7IJ(372i ( fnr
cash ; 7U'o fnr Sapteuber ; 70jc fnr Octo-
1 'IT ; ( M | ut"ii f ir No > cmi > < * i $ li.ljd lur the
jeir ; 5oJofnrMay ; leaded , 71c.
Onts Fair demand nt lower ratrn 3IJ
HIV > fnr ca h ; I ! I Jo fnr Septp bcr ; 3,4c
tor October mid Nn\cmber ; D.'io lor tno
year ; Jtt'ijifor Ma < .
Kye l > nl and lnfr ; IMC.
lluley - Ea lcr ; SSS'-iOj.
Timothy Seed uub ; common to prime ,
2 00@2 17.
Butter Ev-Icr ; creamery ,
.l.ilry , good lo hnieo , l'Jft24e.
PorK Fair dcnmnil at lower rates 21 7 >
@ 2tSO for cash ; 21 l"i@2l 70 for Septcm-
ber ; 21 80 f v Oct ber ; 21 80 fnr Novem
ber ; I'.l t" > bid fnr the } ear ; PJ 70 for Jan-
Lar I Good demand nt lower ratfs ;
12 05(312 ( 10 forc- l , ; 12 I2S@12 15 for Oe-
Ubcr ; 12 10C < .2 12J fnr November ; 11 97i
@ 11 ! ( .0 fnr llio yo rand January.
Bulk Meats Sternly mill unc nngrd ;
10 2 > ; xbort liu , 13 Ml ; ihort clou , 11 50.
Whisky Ste.idy und unrhxiigeil ; 1 iO
Heo'ts. Shlpm'tii
Flour 2,000 li , < 00
Wheat 2.15 , OvO 20i < ,000
Corn 211)000 ) 2U.OUO
Oats 188,000 2U1.0 0
Hyo 12001 5,0 0
lUrlov G.OOO 4.000
Cuiunrfo Hvo atooli.
CHICAIIO , H pti-inbor 2
Th Drovers' Journal reports its fol-
, 5,500 head ; thu Miarkcl
dull nnii 5@IOo 1wor 1 Attbuclma ;
cotnm in to io-id mixed , 7 7f > @ 8 "i ; lm vt ,
8 lQC < i"J 25 ; lisbt , 7 C08 00 ; skips , j"V)0 ) ©
7 Go.
Go.Cittle ltaoeiptH,2IOOIieacl ; the market
RCiuia Iy unclianKid i > iid ] iiIciH good and
i-tronj ; c 'iminni t ) 'ixl expoii , 7 00 < 0
7 GO ; good to choice Miuniing , fi tUlf ( ll ! 'i ' ) ;
cnlnm.itrtn fair.1 20@li 00 ; bulchniH' lnv
and weak ; inf. line ti f Ir , 2 TOW ! 50 ;
[ roixi to cholci' , 3 'Jfl W4 50 ; Rtuck-rs and
It'cilen * . 3 0-a-l ( 50 ; Texan tnv s und Htttjrn ,
3 CK(6 ) ( I Ci ) ; balt-biccJH and Ameilc.ini ,
1 20rt ( 5 50
Shi'cp HocelptK , 400 head ; fairly active
ur.d Bt : idi ; inforinr to f.dr , 300(01360 ( ;
mi-ilium to Kdod , 3 73 © J 2 > * i } choicu to ex
tra , 4 lu@ I 75.
Council Blnil'n Mm tot.
COUNCIL BLtiyru , Sept. 2
Flnur Crj' " ' ! * ! Mills golden sbe.if. II I > 0 ;
best'aa ur imlB , 3 00@3 { .0 ; Graham ,
3 00 ; rye 11 mr , 3 OU
Corn 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO ;
cornch p , 2JOO per ton ; com and oato
chop , 2 } 00 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 75c.
Corn No , 2 , 570.
Hje Now. 47S50J. (
Barley None.
Outs Now , 30c.
FRUITS - Mlackbetrles , 16c j cr box ;
apples , 2 603 00 JUT bairel.
Bruom Corn HiCgOc.
Hay Loose , 7 OOO'J 00 ; bale I ,
Wood 5 00@G 00.
Wool 15@'Ji.
Butter Creamery , 20c ; In rolls , wrap <
ned , IGc ; rolls nor wrapped , 12 c ; mixed
colors , 10@12Jc. .
EgK 1 : .
Ouions 7.c per bushel.
Live Chickens 1 75@2 25 per doziu.
Potatoes SOc per I Uihcl.
C.ibbiiges 2@lOo per doz.
TurnipH10j uor buHiicl.
Sweet Corn 7o per di-zeu.
LIVE SCO K. Cattle Extra , 300 ®
350 Veal CMves-5 50 © " 00. Hofs
7 007 25. Sbcep-3 50.
Hoiv Yoi-k ProdnoB-
NKW YOIIK. Septoiulicr2.
Wheat -iteidyaud linn ; lucciptH , 405 ,
000 Im ; export * , 33l,000 ! liu ; nnxruili-i
rei ) , y c@l 12 ; Hteamcr Nn. 3 red , I < ) U
No 3 red , 10'Jjeil ' ! ; No 2 ml , 1 llg ( )
1 13 ; {
Corn fash scarce and firm ; options do-
dined H@2f , closing linn ; traction o :
\ & > ' c ; ivcuiptii , S .OiO bn ; uiport , T SO Im
uiig'rudo' ' , 8133c ; N 2 wliite , 87c ;
Manner white , 8IILNo. ; . 2 nominal at
o'.it2@lo lower ; receipK .V
Im ; mixed western , 3liJglJu ; whitu10 ®
50c.Egjs Quiet and firm ; 22ic
Pork Dull ; new ine , 2J 06b,22 ( ! 25.
L-ird toilet and steady ut I * ! 774.
Butter- ( fillet au.l . firm ( it U @ 37o.
ICua a City Live Stock.
m. , , Ii4N A UiT ) , Scutombur - ,
llw Commercial IiiuicatuiireporUim fol'
lowe :
Calllu-ltccciptp , 1,000 ; weak , nlnw nnn
J wei ; IradH chiefly local ; Texm , 3 f,0M (
370jcow 2
. Horfii llcceip'H. 550uteady ; ; prictHranc.
tna from 7 GO@S 7i ) , bulk nf taloj uiti 20 ®
Sheep HfceiptB , KOIjimlct at 2 7r (3il W
for K'iuil to clinictf.
Olty Proilnno.
L' NHAH Cin. Scpt ( mbo' 2.
. - Ar , * tectll't | * , Ib.OWl : lilpmciitH ,
ii.UJO ; nl.iw ; X o. 2 red , 2io fjr CMlt
J-nOW-iB fnr Oct , ber ,
U..DI lU-ccipt , none ; fchlpinunti , 3,000
( jiiiit ; No. auiixcd , OGJu bid Inr cash ; fi'J ,
-ktd fur Ottober.
OuU-lyjwir ; 30j bid fnr caah ,
JJt. Zioulh Live Ktnnlc.
Sr. l.dUln , Krptembrr 2.
Cittlli ! liocnlptv , 3,0 ; hipmpnt , GOO
" ' ' nCW KrftlltH 'J'
Shtep Ilecclf.'lH , 160 ; ( MpmcritH , 400
iet und nnchiinged ; stock , 2 5U@3 00
uiutton , r
- - Diniuiind Dyes for family
UJD huvo HO L-fitials. All popular
colors " easily dyed , fiut and buautiful.
"on cunta a packugu ,
Qfll T 1'a < "noi yn' ' ioriltri.iUillrictfroio
Un/U / I 'lu.uoiihlp ' promptly liy rail at th
Mililuawri jirluito all wuiit-rn polira
1 Yl.K HAL'rc . .Kajiiiiw Oity.lllch
Diotu dwlrlii/ maliu muncy on
muni ui.J in , luui Int itmtuli In
20 :
ifraln , jiroiUion an 1 stock ifMiculit-
tlo t , , c , n d > < , ij liy oparatliif ; cu "ill
r , , . , . , , „ ' ' ' " . ' , ' ' " " "City J , leHl.ioitiupru
WHEAT Ml"t ' "to , on Invuitin n tt jlU.OO
to * t 00 > , canii iiraOU tutu l.uui
ro leal and pit , to I m-d-ir.
tiiouu iiiKiutvtvr I llmu t '
S50 liul iiiit * nii-n , mill liutuu Hie
orcl/i I Invj tiii'iut . .uLln ; luoniy
orp jab i-on ilumml htpUuato-
STOCICB ft c WJ'aMlind ' .UUimuntf Ct I'llid '
WH . .tiroHo v\.nt ie piiulblv
u < cnU wtiawllr nore u-i > -p < nd
qJI/if / ) lut o-luu IliujiUn l.bcrol com-
'JJlUV inl ien < jld. A'Jilnwi
Fl-KHM'.Ml & HiulllAU ; , ( Inn-
inUalon .IL.I . Ue/iliatit it , * * llalor * Block. i
, Ul.
W ANTED- tliotimku of uteuily tiiUtt
wli'jr.k'i ill iiii r l urX. mwiy ] ami
iVorir the > nr roquil at tlu licit
| f > liif. .Addreit J , f , rVAtiIJluni -
Trolicht & Bunker
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection.
Tlio Rgrnts ( if thn EnglMi Rovernmrnt
ia\e complete I thn purcna o of 500 mule'
'n St. l.ouij [ or nhlpii'eut to Alcvandtli ,
( if n. Hl\onu \ n dcnlrn hr will letlro be.
f ao iha Inw rpilrn : , but ho will re
llt'ipiUh cnmniBtidof the urmy If tlio lire-
dull Mil no nr > < er , tn ni to give ( idi.
Sheridan IK banco to tnako rrcommcnda *
, Ion < tn congro n next December.
Secretary Tulijrr has approve , ! the
rncommcnilatlon f the couiini ion that
h pmprttv t the corner of Broadway
ntid Sixth stroatl-e purchasnd m thn site
'or n liubllo bulldiiiK at Council lUuir * , la , ,
Edwin Smith , of the United States coa t
iurvey , chief of ihe o > parly for iibsctv-
me the tr.inolt nf Vi'ini" , It ft Washington
Saturday f > r New Xcnland. tin will ho
olnfd at Omaha by PrnffMor Prlt hftt ,
it | uinciptl ftnnlttant Ho will a so vinlt
Inpiin and miiko peiuliiluin obiorratloiin ,
Some drtnils ot the lecrnt tlood In
northern and deatructlnu of prnn.
rty art ) at hand , Thn r , < in f.ill wm fully
me lirh innto than the UVIT/IKU for that
ootion Inr an entire year. The km of lifu
exceeds 150.
An as-cxunciit circular his been imued
lytlie campaign committee of
he Tliiril c ui ni'ftloiiRl dlntrict of I < nulH-
nnn , cillliiK for a ctmtillmll > n of 5 per
cent nt thi'li calaricn from employes < f thu
( apartment at A\rH'liin ton cicdltcd to
Ixiulsiana ,
Mr. HUelouSerpeiut Mnson's counsel ,
itpndn MI noon apply fur a writ of bn' ca <
tii | M in the I'nitid States Diilrirt cnuit
'or thrt Niiitberii dlstrlrt nf Nexv York , if
il c ie .t Uuif. rf'naied ' upon .Tnil o Ad
vncilu ( ioncnil Swaim'i opinion , recently
Mih'iiittnl to the oecretary nf war.
Jenotal Swalm , in this opinion , hold * In
nricf that , thu ciurt m < ti till hnd no juris
diction to Irv MiiHiin , and tint tb ro is no
oviik'ii' ' o in thu C.IM ) tn sh m' that Muton
nmtttid Iha t > lTeuo charged nK'itiKt '
him. ( ) nii < f tbo ) 'iulK in .Mr. BlRvlowV
| ieti ion fcr a writ will bo that the rrcet-
tnry nf wnr nns nn Ju licinl authority tn
overrule the opinion ot the jiuV.o advocate
goner d.
Crop rcpoitn to the Milwaukee chamber
commerce nlio-v thu weather
last week wnx very un ° ctthd thu ruinfall
l > eiikr con-iiliT.i'i ' o mid widely i-xtended
ovi r thu inirtliwonturu htutp.i. On y I n-
hited 1 iculitUscotiipliin nf damaRu The
tcmpcraturn b.n I'fcn < < odl and iilitx in sav
ing Krai" , though htnckiiiK aud threshing U
impedi'd.dicr ncrru that the ipulity
is Kood and the yield better thiin for
years K.uly fiKiirus ai to winter
nro conliimtd , ixcept tb ro IH a de
cline of " 0 tn ! ! , ) per cent in Michigan.
Spiint ; wheat i uncertidn jet , tint
the increaxcd yield balanced the de-
crensed ncreaije. It is believed that
prices will go lower yet , but not slay
there loii .
f The chief Ki-inal olliccr of the army hai
isnucil thu follnwitij ; important notice : A
KVtcm nf warnings for fronts which
thro tPii the tobacco Krowliig rcctiotm rf
the United Stat H , will Iii-gln September
Int and cuiithuip until November Int. or
until .1 UOini ; fni-t IKII occurred.Vbii
fruht ix nnticipatuti in any district , nntltlcu-
tion nf thu fact will bo telfKraphed from
thin oflice , and , if possl Ic , forty hnmx in
udvance. Thu tol'rnm wi 1 dctino an
practicable th U'xlnn where fru-t in an *
ticlpotcd , ami ttato thu limu it may bo ox-
pecit'il tn oocnr. A telegram will I'f pent
tn thu < lillcrent centres nccnnihiK tn
and thu in ji 'aUoin r nm mill iidilrea.iL'il at
c'entres wheru tlirie aru Ktationt nf thu
n ! < ; iiil : Hcryicu ti thu ob.-ervor In chaise
and oilier crntr H tn tin inanugor of the
\Vcnlern Union tt'tecruph cnmpiiny. The
list of stations will bo modified at n ca-
hinii rt'inlcTH it nejcrniiiry. Olliccrd wkli
fpcculilutli'H will take the nteciwi y ac.
Di'oano , BinliotN , Ktilnoy ,
JLivor or llrinnry DiBoaicB.
Ilnvono four of any of the diseases if f
you UBO Hop Hitters , nn they will pre
vent ; iud euro the worst caaua , uvon
whoa you huvo boon miidu worse by
Eoino jrciit pulTod up ] > rutoudud euro.
UnsroK , .SoptomlicrU. A cable din-
pitob ; from I'ana to the Ilorald uays :
UiiLus opH , who lias jnnt urr/vud lioro ,
in an inturviovv on Kgyptii'.na nll'.iirs ,
xiiid that the first fact Unit should bo
known lognrdiut , ' thu Kgyplun ninttor
is thai tlin inovoinont is u national uiu > .
ITu it convinced Unit Arabi I ma llm
wholu nation nt liio Irick. Ills forcu
lit prnaunt io b t\vcuii " 5,000 and I/O-
000 Ar.xbf. Il'j IIIIH urma f/r ' . ' 00,000 ,
anil when lie rii'i'dn inun lie uin got
tlioin. l'Lf. ; i'M | 1 1 : x a every roiiuon to
ho niitiMird with tun niniiiiLT in n-hicli
Ar.vbi hnlutvuil taivardn the caiiul , Tlio
Kii' lish liavu nn ucnJ for tliu canal fur
iliuir oporiiMohH. The Ar.iba huvo not
placed u iirica on Jiifl Jic. l. On thu
contrary , nf.ur tliu Knulieh liud lundtid
ill SUL , ho rocuivcil n luttur from
Ar.ibi. liu ruyn I in know it wan not
lii'i fault , and ivna Jnninoticu tliu
Swwit Water oinal would bo out.
KnglMli r.iili/r.i Iiuvo Ijuliiwud very
badly , iiriiiK ri ht and loft in tlio
utreuta and killnij ; ninny Arab women ,
uhtldron tuiil ono of DeLusaepu own
plo t's , Thu lOu 'libli urmy wan
vury well or > 'aiii/.ol ( , Ho thinlia tlio
mid its final rusult cannot yut bo fore-
castud , No uerioun ojiosntionn could
uiulurtakon until the hot wonthor
and the overflow of the Nile were at
an end in Outobor. It wr.a not true
that Ai'ubi had niutilutod the Uiifjliuh
ihud mid woundod. JIo Imd Imard
ilil'it ' , ' f.l rhi' f oin til" . .lli.r.r.l in
Kgjpt. Kuglund had buon lent , ' in
tending to got her linger into Egypt
on one protuxt or anothor. Thn wliolo
trouble l.iul bnun cuciacd by tlio intri-
guc'b ot Malot and for tlio jiurpoao of
giving Liu'and ; ' tlji'j oppjttiinity. Ho
bad autumn any of the uctuul fight-
tnj , ' , but thctu had buun many morn
lallud nnd wounded among tliu Kn-
glibli tliun roporteil. There wore ulcn
iimny C.ISLS of aunslroko and eomu
cholera , tooVliijn \ Im had boon in
Kgyjit before the trouble * beyan lie
had found nome opposition to Ar.ibi
among tliu lludouincliiofa , but now ho
bt-lioved they wuro all tor Arabi.
Thu tltMu frum cholera at Manilla
average 3'jl ) daily. At HtuIU ( . .VHl pufBons
died frniu the iiuuio dineUda duiibi ; the bit
fortnight ,
Tiiti purto ha been Informed that 30,000
horppinon fnim the Interior of Ttl | > oH arn
liroci'cdlm ; til Egypt , find has ordered
TurkWi authorities lo Intercept the men
on their paMAgc.
It In announced that In con cqueuco of
thu diplomatic rnimiinidcatlon bctwtcn
Cons'autin < pto and Athon , tbo tntni qno
nnte lu < been r"-c tnbl'i < licil { .mil all limiil *
litlcn nf the Turku ( Jreck frt nller h.vo
ccaupd. The portc atlirrn that the ( Jreoks
were dofiutcd In all eiicomitcri that liavo
ta eu place rlnco Hnnday. The disputed
| wnt ! will bo settled by an agreement be
tween S ld Pallia , Turkish minister of for-
rlgn nlfjirn and M. Condrolto , ( Ircuk
inltiMer to TurAcy.
PAIIH , Soptutnbor I ) . BF. Diolmrd ,
uditor of tlui 1'otit Corporal , nnd M.
UumnisoB , editor of the Combat , fought
n duel to-day with Btrorda. DemnaecR
was killed.
Thn nnnivuraary of the oupttulntion
nf Sedan WPS colobr.iti'd throtiphout
Qormany with unlv > ranl onthuaiaam.
A medicine of ronl merit , proacribed
by loading jiliVBici na , and univcraa\ly \
reccommunded by tboao who hnvo
lined it , as n true Ionia in , lirown'a
Iron ISiltore ,
Cholorn ,
Special niipnt h to Tim UKK
Ilii.LsiiAi.K , Alicli. , September 2.
Richiml Martin tliod of Konuinu Asin-
ttc. No ether cnso in the vicinity.
Trouble Suwotl.
It is n rouiarkublo f.ict that THOMAS'
KCI.IXIHIO OIL In IIH unml for Interniil n
uxti ? mil u o , 1'or dl-cmo nf the IIII.K < and , and fur rliunnuitlsm. nouriilKln ,
i tick in tin ) lucif , woiin li iiiul snron , it la
tlio bi'rt known rriuedy , nnd much trou
ble is saved by having It nl\vayn on blind ,
TlioTrupiu Pln | > uo.
Hpcclal Dlnpalch toTiu HitK.
PniLAiinu'iiiA , September : t. Tlio
Diiinuh baik Murcdo urrivnl nt ( juar-
antino yosturdny , infoctud * with yellow -
low fever. Thu vessel slopped lit St.
ftlary'a , and two days latur live of
the crow ami the wife of the captain
nroro taken with yellow fovor. An
other of the crow was prootrntud and
died on arrival.
OALVKSTON , September 'f. Tlio
NUWD' JMntamorns upicial saya : The
The epidoinio is Blowly on llio decrease -
crease to-day , the weather boini ; cool
und cloudy , which liulpa to duorcuao
the fover. A small number of now
ciiBCia reported during the diy , ending
at 'J a. m. Only three doathn in the
city. The fever is reported very had
nt San Fernando. Tlio ollicinl re
port at B'ownavillo ahowa 103 now
ciiBca and live dootha It in roportud
there tire thirty cuaus of fever at , Point
Ixabol nnd live or nix deaths So far
nioyt of the cases nro lijht. ; Two or
three oascn yesterday. Americana are
generally improvim ; . Dr. Melon ia
out HIIIII ) , convalcncont.
WAHIIINOTON , September 'I The
Hlljial report of thu Murinu hoapital
on yellow fever at Lrowimvillo , for
the week eiidint ; September 1 ! J , showu
182 c.iti.'n , 2i ( doiitha ; herotot'oro reported -
ported , litl ; cases , -10 dealhii. Sur
geon Murray , of the Maiino hospital
aorvici * , arrived nt DruwiiBVillo , Aug
ust 27ili , with 11 asaiatanb , nursea
and Hiipplien. Ho immediately or-
triuiizud n Imnpitul for ( JO pationta. of tlio aaaiatanlH WIIH detailed lo
[ jo to 1'oinl Isabel. The outer
cordon extending from Laredo to
Corpus Christi hua been ntrengthoncd
during thu weuk. No known caeen
of foyer oxiat north of Arro/.a , Col , ,
at Ihiu date , nor have any refugees
escaped ( ( Uarantino nt tlio outer cor
don. A tow ciinua of yellow fever h fi
Hrowimvillu for the north before the
cordon waa formed , but wcro atoppod
by tlio giiarda , They Buhaoquontly
died Bouth of the cordon. There ia
great destitution in Jirownsvillu , mid
the muyor is uhout to iiiauu another
for md. The population of
at thu beginning of the
opidomio wan 5,000 ,
ItuowNHViM : , Tex. , Sojitombur J3 -
Thu lovi-r contmucu to Increase in thi'i
city. For -'I hourjondin ill 0 o'clock
thn inorniiiu there \vuro 70 new cneia
and four ( Uiithii reported , Sinua then
Henry Holloek , a prominent merohiint ,
died. The weather ia cold nnd damp ,
ivith HIIIIIU raina at intervals. The
outlook in not favorable.
Thn Encliiih RHloTonm.
Bpcol&l DinpaUli tuTiiu linn ,
Nv Voiti : , September it. The
Iliinah tuum of nllcmm arrived to
night on the nteamer Alaska. They
were mot by Ooneral JMoloneaux and
nearly nil the momboro of the Ameri
can Uiflo aoaocintion. They will go
into jiraoticuatonco. Charles Itoivol ) ,
podoatiian , wua n paBaongur on the
Alaika , in company with 1'oter Dur-
yea , hm backer.
N. Hhelton left for the eabl lust evening.
D. W. Houclf , of St. Joe , is In thin
A. A. Clu-k , of Kmvlllf , h nt thi > .Mi1. .
G. W. Neivcll , of Liilville ( , U at the
Canfield ,
Twiner ha < jono to Ht. J < uuu
linn. S.mcoii . Hlooiii his retuined from
till' ont. ;
huonard Kill ) , of Montana , in at the
Ctvighlou ,
It. O. CdlliiH , of Knosvillu , Iowa , U at
tbo Mlllard.
J. ii. Van Pelt , of Ce.lar Itaplds , is at
ihuCtinliold ,
Moruton Trewer , of Pou Jru river , In at
Eiotor and W. ] ( , Itecd , of Lincoln , are
ut the MIHurd.
Henry lUiwit/jOf the well knixvn opera
Iwtno firm of 15aswlt A Welli , left for
the easl yciterd iy.
( CD. Cnnficld Icaten tliii morning for
Cnmp C.inlicM.
Martin lycr , of Colorado SpiinRd , Is
at tbo Ciinliolil.
.T. Potter , of SI. Joe , registered at the
Canfield joiterday.
Win. 11 , 1'ry , of Indlanapollr , U rcjjl .
tercd at thn Mi Ian ) ,
y. E , Clary , of Sidney , tn In town , ac
companied by bU family.
Hon. John A. Creighton was an c.vt
bound passenger yesterday.
Patrick Gibbons of Orleans , Neb. , U
nplnlemt at the Crclgbton.
Charles K Mann , a leading Milw ukc
furniture man , U at the M > l'&r )
William 1) . Coylc , liosiiital ntennru at
Fort Kobln on , left on tbo noon train Jtt -
tcrday for bis po t.
A. P. Maun , of Kearney ; A. K. Maitth ,
of Sutton , and Hobert Walsh , ol Fort Col.
Itif , ai-o at the CanliclJ.
Annie ( ilacomlui leave * this afternoon
for thu Notra Datno of Murylanil , where
ho uiil puruuo her studioj.
Maj. Mcliougblin , EilUon'i n cnt on
the Pacific coast , went wiet joitenlay , ac-
companivil by hU wife aud daughter.
Mies Allen M. Willl.imr , principal of
the Can Hired tcliuol , has rttutned from
Cilur.ulu whcro the spent hur vacation.
Wm. McKcnley and wife , of Counc !
Dhlir4. and Mist Margaret A. Clark , nf
the same city , were Ktioitii of the Crclghtou
uciuH Wakiily , who now occupia-j n ro
poii ! bo ! jHisitiuii with the Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncy railro.iJ at Chicagti , U in
the ti'.y on u visit ,
Mr. Fr.itl Wirth hai returned from the
( i rand 1 timid icunlnn , uhich ho pm-
nnunccH nno of the Kramluat affair ) be ban
ever BCUII in Amvilca.
Frank Coodrich wa unitoil In marriugo
jrsltrday afternoon In Miss Muggio Parr ,
and left ( in the Denver train last evening
fur Cnlumbiip , en nmto to iJenrdr.
H. U. Irey , C. 1) Marvin and J. W.
Kcliocluly , left nn the east bound train
yeBtvr Jay on n Hying visit tn their rcrpcc-
tivu homos on the Schuylkill riyt'r.
Col. OJodficy , of the Utah commisuon ,
p.iHsccl thrun b Om.iha Saturday after
noon en routu homo to Dej Mnines with
hi son , who taken ill In Salt L ike ,
Mrs. V M. Mackey , baa returned _ ln
hnr homo at St. LotiH , after spcadlng tbo
summer uitli her parent , Mr. and Mrs. '
Alf. D. Jimi's , and fiiends. Her oojourn t'Jt
will MmiQ-A'hat rhortvncd in ord rtnplacn- JtA
MiVs 1'llii' aud Eiriu in school.
( Jon Mmciiy , rutircd inspector general ;
en. Whlpplc , a julant of Gen. Shcri-
lan'rt ttaff , and Prof. Dr.iner , the astrono. * iq
ncr , i f Hobb't ) Ferry , N. V , , were west *
mnnd pnbsengcrB yesterday. They go to
t'jck Crock and thencu north on their
ntinuiil hunt ,
M lion baby IIHH | ulm ot dctd cf nltlit , ,
Uolliortn u Irljlit , luthcrln a pUJif
Whin worn K do liltc , l liy limit cry ,
II tm.THr.t3 In , baliy
H crjuppilin kill Lcoocr.i ,
In t'.mt ) IU\HO tlicruls no Ci.lotU ,
Kor inothurs Irani v.l houtdi-la ) ,
lantoili ! currxliy nl/lit and da ; .
I for all Ulconooo of the KlUnoya and
II lioa epoclflo action an tills moat Important
) cvrian , oimbUnn It to throw o.T torpklity and
lunotlon , Gtlmulatlni ; tbo liealUiy nooroUoii
. oftliu IIU < , and by kocpine tbo bowclu In tno
t roudltlon , olTocUni ; ilu regular dijcjuinie.
; nro Mlloui , clyipcptla , or constipated. Kid- '
[ noy-Wort wUlourolyroJIovo&ciulcklyouro. ' ,
I In Uilu icaaon to cloanno thoByetoni , uvcry I
una tliouul Uko a thorough conno orit. ( l )
! "V1
Mnrlc Thts ! I.-nn tin oin'I Unrf the
onmii ' nl ltd uear cl Iw , liu liver aul tlio
owtlJ , dip nd phy leal IioiMiand cluiri < CMCt
InUlutL il tuu u nigiiin aru luutim crini
ktaioof lirltiilon.thii to Inreiilalliif ( ( , winb.
INK Influent v of T.rrjn/4 otl.zor A | rvii h cr-
I'lucnt i' < * inoiiti'
J > l F.'KH Cm , \
7 . Ai'iv Mil . . .
Iff Ouuiuu-r u'o tii w si'.vx to\ej for oalo
Piurcy S BMdfurJ , Ouwlm , Nob.
0 1m
" ° ' . . . . . . . *
R" - - - - ' if HH ii 11 JOt ( i OU (2
JJ LADHH , ( iu la , Neb. Ku 1 Urm torim
butuna > , Sjiitdii litr 10 K Tl > now lulldini :
will 10 iccthu boaulcm fit Imt date
1 ujilli Hliaiiiay lieuii lil to niter tlio ordinary
tour.uwlll bonduilftd to tbo lull lo iialiitlui
or m d rnhnituiea ilutis o thu lamu turn. ,
I'll ' at tlio taivv rates rcsnlar tiuiill * .
l-orctulogoeami rartlcn urs i ulv to
Oxi t Nib